Statistical Investigation Process Sip Poster

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Collect data

Design and implement a plan to

collect or obtain appropriate data.
How will I plan?
What type of data will I collect?
What method will I use?

Analyse data
Select and apply appropriate
graphical or numerical techniques
to analyse data- sort, describe,
summarise and compare data;
identify relationships in the data
and construct data displays.
Has there been a sampling error?
What is the distribution?
Are there patterns in the data?

THE Problem
Clarify the problem and
formulate one or more questions

STATISTICAL that can be answered with data.

Can I define the problem?
How do I pose questions?

INVESTIGATION How will my data be used to

answer questions?

The full statistical investigation process really does Interpret & Communicate
matter at all year levels. It is fundamental to why statistics Interpret the results of this analysis
and relate the interpretation to the
is important. original question; communicate
findings in a systematic and
concise manner.
Use the descriptions and key questions for each stage of Are the findings significant?
Source: Content adapted
from the Australian

the process to help guide your investigations. Who is my audience?

What was unexpected?
Curriculum (General
Mathematics Glossary),
Australian Curriculum,
Assessment and Reporting
Authority (ACARA), 2012.

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