Atlas of Endoscopy With NBI

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Atlas of Endoscopy

with Narrow
Band Imaging

Manabu Muto
Kenshi Yao
Yasushi Sano

Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow
Band Imaging
Manabu Muto Kenshi Yao Yasushi Sano

Atlas of Endoscopy with

Narrow Band Imaging
Manabu Muto Yasushi Sano
Department of Therapeutic Oncology Gastrointestinal Center, Sano Hospital
Kyoto University Graduate School Kobe
of Medicine Japan

Kenshi Yao
Department of Endoscopy
Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital

This English translation is based on the Japanese original, M.Muto, K.Yao, Y.Sano
The Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging
Published by Nankodo Co.,Ltd.
2011 Manabu Muto, Kenshi Yao, Yasushi Sano

ISBN 978-4-431-54242-1 ISBN 978-4-431-54243-8 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015940409

Springer Tokyo Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

Springer Japan 2015
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It is my recollection that I dreamed of quantitative color analysis in the mid-1980s.

At that time, we saw a rapid increase in flat nonulcerated early gastric cancers
(gastritis-like early gastric cancers), and it became increasingly important to detect
small changes in color or elevation. Our only available response was to biopsy any
suspicious lesions to confirm. In 1989, we received research funding for the First
Comprehensive 10-year Strategy for Cancer Control and attempted to develop a
colorimetry-capable dot sequential electronic endoscope at the National Cancer
Center Hospital, in collaboration with Toshiba Medical Systems Corp. and the
Oyama Research Department of the Tokyo Institute of Technology. This resulted in
1993 in a prototype capable of displaying the color of the target area as a coordinate
on a color map using an algorithm. It was unable to identify cancer-specific colors,
however, and we had to conclude that it had no clinical usefulness.
The reason for this was thought to be an insufficient quantity of information.
Accordingly, as part of the Second Comprehensive 10-year Strategy for Cancer
Control commencing in 1994, at the National Cancer Center Hospital East, in col-
laboration with Olympus Medical Systems Corp. and the Oyama Research
Department of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, we first developed a spectrometer
capable of endoscopic colorimetry, then collated spectrometric data concerning
early cancers and noncancerous regions in the upper and lower gastrointestinal
tract. Analysis of a large volume of textbook data from over 2,000 cases enabled
differentiation between cancerous and noncancerous regions as groups, but it could
not be applied at all to individual lesions, and this study reached an impasse after
less than 5 years. It was Mr. Kazuhiro Gono, involved in this project on the Olympus
side, who thought at that time, based on the fact that although the spectrometric pat-
tern was different in each patient, the difference between the cancerous and noncan-
cerous regions occurs within a narrow spectral range and that cancer screening
might be possible using a narrow band filter. He photographed his own oral mucosa
using a narrow band filter, finding that the surface microstructure was brought into
particularly sharp relief when viewed through a short wavelength (blue light) filter.
This was in December of 1999, as the end of the year drew close.
With patient consent, we promptly commenced clinical photography. At that
time, however, we had no choice but to use monochromatic imaging, so at first
we had no idea what we were seeing. Subsequently, we made rapid progress
through basic studies and improvements in equipment (introduction of frame

vi Foreword

sequential pseudocolor imaging). Drs. Manabu Muto and Yasushi Sano, two of
the editors of this atlas, worked on the clinical application of this method in
examining pharyngeal and esophageal lesions, and colorectal lesions, respec-
tively. They made steady progress in elucidating the mechanisms of observed
phenomena and confirmed the usefulness of NBI through a number of clinical
trials. Furthermore, for gastric lesions, where at first it was difficult to understand
the NBI findings or discern any clinical benefits, the revolutionary approach by
Dr. Kenshi Yao and his magnifying endoscopic methods made it possible to
establish the diagnostic power of NBI.
In this way, with the publication of this atlas, edited by three pioneers involved
in the development of NBI since the beginning, we can see that the contents are
full of both a deep affection for this method and an understanding of its limita-
tion. Reading this atlas, with its emphasis on actual cases, we are at first drawn
to the beautiful images, but the structure is also practical, with thorough but
concise explanations. This is an essential text for the endoscopist, of great inter-
est to both the beginner just commencing NBI and to the experienced specialist.
NBI can also be referred to as microangiography, as seen from the mucosal sur-
face. Capillaries are found in every part of living organisms, so we anticipate
clinical applications for NBI in many areas apart from gastroenterology, includ-
ing examinations of the bronchi, bladder, uterine cervix, and also the retina.
Accordingly, studies of the use of NBI in diagnosing disorders of the gastrointes-
tinal tract have the potential to pave the way for a variety of future clinical appli-
cations, not confined to cancer detection alone. In anticipation of further
deepening of these studies, it is my heartfelt wish that, with continual revisions,
this atlas should become the eternal textbook in this field.
On a personal note, the resurrection of the experimental apparatus developed for
the First Comprehensive 10-year Strategy for Cancer Control, as the Fuji Intelligent
Chromo Endoscopy system in association with the discovery of NBI, was a great
relief for me as one involved in the early stages. On reflection, it is somewhat ironic
that our research, commenced with a vision of colorimetry (quantification of color
tone), should abandon natural light and end up with endoscopic evaluation depen-
dent on specific wavelengths. Nevertheless, reading this atlas will leave you in no
doubt as to the great potential of examination using specific wavelengths.
I wish the authors all the best as they make further progress in their research in
their respective areas, and I am pleased to recommend this atlas to anyone interested
in the field of endoscopy with narrow band imaging.

Aomori, Japan Shigeaki Yoshida, MD

Foreword vii

a d

b e

c f

Prototype NBI photos (esophageal cancer: type 0-IIc): (a) standard filter, (b) green light filter, (c)
blue light filter, (d) NBI filter, (e) green light filter, and (f) blue light filter

I believe that narrow band imaging (NBI) will soon become an essential modality of
endoscopic examinations. During the planning discussions for this atlas, my fellow
editors Dr. Kenshi Yao and Dr. Yasushi Sano and I were in agreement on the follow-
ing three points: The photos should be clear and easy to understand, Diagnoses
should be simple and reproducible, and Explanations should be concise and easy
to understand. You can also see from the layout design that this atlas was produced
with these three principles in mind. Considering the size of this book, we aimed for
something compact that could easily be taken into the endoscopy room. It is my
recollection that it took less than 30 min to decide on these concepts.
In terms of content, we planned to present characteristic images of individual
lesion types, based on the principles of NBI. The three authors are Dr. Sano, who
has been involved in the development of NBI from the beginning and has studied
the diagnosis of early colorectal cancer using magnifying endoscopy with narrow
band imaging (M-NBI); Dr. Yao, who early on identified vascular abnormalities in
early gastric cancers and has advanced the diagnosis of early gastric cancer using
M-NBI; and I, working with Dr. Sano from the beginning in the development of
NBI, and also studying risk factors for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and
neck and esophagus, working towards methods of early detection.
NBI works best in combination with magnifying endoscopy, high-vision endos-
copy, and high-vision monitors. Accordingly, wherever possible we have included
photographs taken under these optimum conditions. We anticipate that the informa-
tion in this volume, although it demonstrates that NBI is an advanced diagnostic
modality, will be readily accessible to all new endoscopists, and not only to special-
ist gastroenterologists.
NBI can be said to have revolutionized the field of diagnostic endoscopy. One
reason is that it enables a more objective assessment of a lesion. Along with
improvements in the diagnostic ability of endoscopic examinations and training in
endoscopic diagnosis, this provides considerable benefits for patients undergoing
endoscopy. On the other hand, at the present time we still hear some endoscopists
complain that they do not know how to use NBI or assess lesions. We have been
very particular in presenting simple and easy-to-understand diagnoses with the aim
of answering these complaints.
We cannot discuss the development of NBI without mentioning Dr. Shigeaki
Yoshida (Medical Director Emeritus, National Cancer Center Hospital East, and

x Preface

Aomori Prefectural Hospital Business Manager), Professor Hisao Tajiri (Jikei

University School of Medicine), and Mr. Kazuhiro Gono (Olympus Medical
Systems). NBI is unmistakably the successful product of industryuniversity joint
research, from basic research to clinical application, with clear clinical significance.
Following the development of NBI, we can expect more early gastric cancers to be
detected. It can be considered a revolutionary technique that will save many people
from suffering associated with cancer. The usefulness of NBI is now under wide
scrutiny, not just in the field of gastroenterology, but also for the head and neck and
bronchi, and in gynecology and urology. We anticipate that NBI will also prove use-
ful in other fields in the future.

Kyoto, Japan Manabu Muto


Part I Basics of NBI

1 Principles and History of NBI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Kazuhiro Gono
2 Tips for Obtaining Optimum Viewing Conditions Using NBI . . . . . . . 11
Manabu Muto, Kenshi Yao, and Yasushi Sano

Part II Atlas of NBI: Pharynx to Esophagus

3 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Manabu Muto, Tomomasa Hayashi, Kenichi Goda, Hisao Tajiri,
Haruhiro Inoue, Miwako Arima, Hideaki Arima, and Masahiro Tada
4 Atlas of Normal Appearance: Normal Squamous Epithelium . . . . . . . 49
Manabu Muto
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Yasumasa Ezoe, Manabu Muto, Kenichi Goda, Masahiro Ikegami,
and Hisao Tajiri
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Manabu Muto, Haruhiro Inoue, Shuko Morita, Kuniko Monma,
Tomonori Yano, Chikatoshi Katada, Kenichi Goda, Hisao Tajiri,
and Junko Fujiwara

Part III Atlas of NBI: Stomach and Duodenum

7 Diagnostic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

Kenshi Yao
8 Atlas of Normal Appearance in the Stomach
and the Duodenum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Kenshi Yao

xii Contents

9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Kenshi Yao, Noriya Uedo, Hisashi Doyama, and Hirohisa Machida
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Kenshi Yao, Hisashi Doyama, Noriya Uedo, Takashi Nagahama,
and Shoko Ono
11 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Duodenum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Kenshi Yao
12 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Duodenum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Hisashi Doyama and Kenshi Yao

Part IV Atlas of NBI: Colon to Rectum

13 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Yasushi Sano and Shinji Tanaka
14 Atlas of Normal Appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Hirohisha Machida and Yasushi Sano
15 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Hirohisa Machida, Kougi Fu, Nobuo Aoyama,
Takashi Narabayashi, and Yasushi Sano
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Reiji Higashi, Toshio Uraoka, Taku Sakamoto, Takahisa Matsuda,
Takahiro Fujii, Takahiro Horimatsu, Yutaka Saito, Takaya Aoki,
Yoshiki Wada, Shinei Kudo, Wataru Sano, Masahito Kotaka,
Mineo Iwatate, Atsushi Katagiri, Hiroaki Ikematsu,
Yasuhiro Ono, Kenji Watanabe, Masakazu Nishishita, Hirokazu Yamagami,
Santa Hattori, Takahiro Fujimori, Hirohisa Machida, Yoshinobu Yamamoto,
Hogara Nishisaki, and Yasushi Sano

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341

Takaya Aoki (Chaps. 16.6, 16.7), Department of Gastrointestinal Medicine,

Makino Memorial Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan
Nobuo Aoyama (Chap. 15.4), GI Endoscopy and IBD Center, Aoyama Clinic,
Kobe, Japan
Hideaki Arima (Chap. 3.5), Arima Surgical-Gastrointestinal Clinic,
Chiba, Japan
Miwako Arima (Chap. 3.5), Department of Gastroenterology,
Saitama Cancer Center, Saitama, Japan
Hisashi Doyama (Chaps. 9.7, 10.3, 10.9, 10.14, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3), Department of
Gastroenterology, Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital, Kanazawa, Japan
Yasumasa Ezoe (Chaps. 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4), Department of Multidisciplinary
Cancer Treatment, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
Kougi Fu (Chap. 15.3), Kamma Memorial Hospital, Nasushiobara, Japan
Takahiro Fujii (Chap. 16.3), Department of Gastroenterology, Takahiro Fujii
Clinic, Tokyo, Japan
Takahiro Fujimori (Chap. 16.15), Department of Pathology, Shinko Hospital,
Kobe, Japan
Junko Fujiwara (Chap. 6.24), Department of Endoscopy, Tokyo Metropolitan
Komagome Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Kenichi Goda (Chaps. 3.3, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 6.21, 6.22, 6.23), Department of
Endoscopy, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Santa Hattori (Chap. 16.15), Gastrointestinal Center, Sano Hospital,
Kobe, Japan
Kazuhiro Gono (Chap. 1). R&D Planning Division, Olympus Medical Systems
Corporation, Hachioji, Japan
Tomomasa Hayashi (Chap. 3.2), Department of Therapeutic Oncology, Kyoto
University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan

xiv Contributors

Reiji Higashi (Chap. 16.1), Department of Internal Medicine, Hiroshima City

Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan
Takahiro Horimatsu (Chaps. 16.4, 16.5), Department of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
Masahiro Ikegami (Chaps. 5.9, 5.10), Department of Pathology, The Jikei
University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Hiroaki Ikematsu (Chaps. 16.12, 16.16, 16.19), Division of Digestive
Endoscopy and Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East,
Kashiwa, Japan
Haruhiro Inoue (Chaps. 3.4, 6.2, 6.3), Digestive Disease Center,
Showa University Koto Toyosu Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Mineo Iwatate (Chap. 16.10), Gastrointestinal Center, Sano Hospital, Kobe,
Chikatoshi Katada (Chaps. 16.3, 16.14), Department of Gastroenterology,
Kitasato University School of Medicine, Sagamihara, Japan
Atsushi Katagiri (Chap. 16.11), Department of Gastroenterology, Showa
University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Masahito Kotaka (Chap. 16.9), Gastrointestinal Center, Sano Hospital, Kobe,
Shinei Kudo (Chap. 16.8), Digestive Disease Center, Showa University Northern
Yokohama Hospital, Yokohama, Japan
Hirohisa Machida (Chaps. 9.10, 14.1, 14.2, 15.1, 15.2, 16.17), Machida
Gastroenterical Hospital, Osaka, Japan
Takahisa Matsuda (Chap. 16.2), Endoscopy Division, National Cancer Center
Central Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Kumiko Monma (Chaps. 6.7, 6.8, 6.11, 6.18, 6.24), Department of Endoscopy,
Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Shuko Morita (Chaps. 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.10, 6.17), Department of Gastrointestinal
Medicine, Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital, Kobe, Japan
Manabu Muto (Chaps. 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 6.1, 6.9, 6.19, 6.20),
Department of Therapeutic Oncology, Kyoto University Graduate School of
Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
Takashi Nagahama (Chaps. 10.16, 10.17), Department of Gastroenterology,
Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital, Chikushino, Japan
Takashi Narabayashi (Chap. 15.5), Department of Gastroenterology,
Narabayashi Hospital, Kobe, Japan
Contributors xv

Hogara Nishisaki (Chap. 16.18), Department of Gastroenterology, Hyogo

Prefectural Kaibara Hospital, Hyogo, Japan
Masakazu Nishishita (Chap. 16.13), Department of Gastroenterology,
Nishishita Gastrointestinal Hospital, Osaka, Japan
Shoko Ono (Chap. 10.18), Division of Endoscopy, Hokkaido University
Hospital, Sapporo, Japan
Yasuhiro Ono (Chaps. 16.12, 16.16, 16.19), Division of Digestive Endoscopy
and Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa,
Yutaka Saito (Chaps. 16.6, 16.7), Endoscopy Division, National Cancer Center
Central Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Taku Sakamoto (Chap. 16.2), Endoscopy Division, National Cancer Center
Central Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Yasushi Sano (Chaps. 2.5, 2.6, 13.1, 13.2, 14.3), Gastrointestinal Center, Sano
Hospital, Kobe, Japan
Wataru Sano (Chap. 16.9), Gastrointestinal Center, Sano Hospital, Kobe, Japan
Masahiro Tada (Chap. 3.5), Cancer Treatment Center, Sainokuni Higashiomiya
Medical Center, Saitama, Japan
Hisao Tajiri (Chaps. 3, 5.11, 6.21, 6.22, 6.23), Department of Gastroenterology
and Hepatology, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Shinji Tanaka (Chaps. 3.5, 13.2), Department of Endoscopy, Hiroshima
University Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan
Noriya Uedo (Chaps. 9.2, 9.6, 10.8, 10.13), Department of Gastrointestinal
Oncology, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases, Osaka,
Toshio Uraoka (Chap. 16.1), Department of Gastrointestinal Medicine, Tokyo
Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan
Yoshiki Wada (Chap. 16.8), Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
The Tokyo Medical and Dental University School of Medicine,
Tokyo, Japan
Kenji Watanabe (Chaps. 16.13, 16.14), Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka
City University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan
Hirokazu Yamagami (Chap. 16.14), Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka
City University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan
Yoshinobu Yamamoto (Chap. 16.18), Department of Gastrointestinal and
Hepato Biliary Oncology, Hyogo Cancer Center, Akashi, Japan
xvi Contributors

Tomonori Yano (Chaps. 6.12, 6.15, 6.16), Division of Digestive Endoscopy and
Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, Japan
Kenshi Yao (Chaps. 2.3, 2.4, 7, 8, 9.1, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.8, 9.9, 10.1, 10.2, 10.4,
10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.10, 11, 12.4), Department of Endoscopy, Fukuoka University
Chikushi Hospital, Chikushino, Japan
Shigeaki Yoshida (Foreword), Aomori Prefectural Central Hospital, Aomori,
Part I
Basics of NBI
Principles and History of NBI
Kazuhiro Gono

1.1 Introduction

Narrow band imaging (NBI) is a method of image enhancement [1, 2]. Although it
is classified as an optical digital method, it enhances images using optical technol-
ogy, processing them in a different way to previous optical digital methods [3]. An
understanding of the optical properties of living tissue was deeply involved in the
development of NBI.
In this section, I will present the operating principles of NBI. To aid your under-
standing, I will also cover absorption and scattering and the interactions between
living tissues and light. In addition, I will touch upon the two different imaging
methods used with NBI, the simultaneous and frame sequential methods.

1.2 History of the Development of NBI

The development of NBI began with that of the endoscopic spectroscopy system
(ESS). From the second half of the 1990s, as part of the Comprehensive 10-year
Strategy for Cancer Control, the National Cancer Center Hospital East, and the
Oyama Research Department of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, in collaboration
with Olympus Medical Systems Corp., we worked on quantitative colorimetry
(spectrometry) of the gastrointestinal mucosa, with the aim of diagnostic applica-
tion. As part of that study, we passed an optical fiber probe down an endoscope
instrument channel, collected objective color data (spectral reflectance rates) from
the stomach and colon, and developed an algorithm for their diagnostic application.
Although we were able to show objective differences between tumor and nontumor

K. Gono
R&D Planning Division, Olympus Medical Systems Corporation,
2951 Ishikawa-machi, Hachioji 192-8507, Japan

Springer Japan 2015

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging, 3
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_1
4 K. Gono

mucosa, there were a number of technical problems including a lack of functional

stability, and our efforts failed to result in a diagnostic system.
Subsequently, further consideration of how we can observe the result of interac-
tions between spectral reflectance rates and the living tissue led to the concept of
NBI. In May 1999, we conducted an experiment to confirm the NBI concept using a
multispectrum camera capable of taking spectroscopic images and a high radiant flux
light source. This showed that the use of a narrow band of light with a central wave-
length of 415 nm improved the contrast of images of capillaries difficult to discern
using white light imaging (WLI), marking the start of the development of an NBI
endoscopic system. In December 1999, Dr Yasushi Sano, then of the National Cancer
Center Hospital East (now of Sano Hospital), started trials with an NBI prototype.
The results were promising in both colonoscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy
(EGD) areas. Subsequently, intensive effort by endoscopists not only in Japan, but
also overseas, confirmed the clinical usefulness of NBI. In May 2006, Olympus
announced the next generation NBI system, the EVIS LUCERA SPECTRUM.

1.3 Principles

1.3.1 Basic Knowledge Required to Understand the Principles

of NBI (Optics and Bio-optics)

When white light is projected onto an apple, pigments in the skin of the apple absorb the
green and blue wavelengths between 400 and 550 nm. The absorbed light is converted
into heat. In other words, the wavelengths from blue to green from the white light are
converted into heat. The wavelengths not absorbed, between 550 and 700 nm, are
reflected. The reflected light reaches the eye, and the apple is perceived as red in color.
When light reaches the surface of a transparent material such as glass, part of the
light energy is reflected and part is refracted to reach the interior of the material. In
the case of milk, which contains fat globules 1100 m in diameter, light is dis-
persed randomly and three-dimensionally by the globules. This is scattering. When
particles are present in large numbers, dispersed light encounters another particle to
be dispersed again, causing multiple scattering. Accordingly, even if a narrow
straight beam of light, such as a laser, is propagated, it is diffused by scattering in
this way, becoming unrecognizable as a beam of light.
Based on this understanding of absorption and scattering, I have summarized the
interactions between light and living tissue in Fig. 1.1. Light incident upon living
tissue is in part reflected at the surface. Part of the light enters the tissue and impacts
on small particles such as cell nuclei, intranuclear organelles, and nucleoli, causing
multiple scattering. The degree of scattering and propagation depends on the wave-
length of the incident light. Red light with a longer wavelength is propagated widely
and deeply, whereas blue light with a shorter wavelength is propagated more nar-
rowly and shallowly than red light. Part of the scattered light is absorbed by blood
vessels. To be precise, blue (peak absorption at 415 nm) and green (peak absorption
at 540 nm) wavelengths are absorbed by hemoglobin.
1 Principles and History of NBI 5

Scattered light Reflected light

Scattered light Cell

Cell nucleus


Absorption light energy becomes heat

Blood vessel

Fig. 1.1 Interaction between light and living tissue

1.3.2 Principles of NBI

Figure 1.2a shows the behavior of narrow band light with a central wavelength of
415 nm (light a) and narrow band light with a central wavelength of 540 nm (light
b) projected onto a capillary in the superficial layer of the mucosa. The absorption
peak of hemoglobin is in the vicinity of 415 nm, so light a is absorbed less by the
blood vessel because it contains wavelengths longer than 415 nm, and it is also scat-
tered less by the tissue and penetrates deeply. Light b is strongly absorbed by the
blood vessel and returns from other areas through backward scattering. This results
in strong contrast according to whether a blood vessel is present or not. On the other
hand, with light b, part of the light energy is absorbed by the blood vessel, but some
penetrates the blood vessel and is observed through backward scattering.
Accordingly, even the position of the blood vessel does not become completely
dark, showing it in low contrast.
Figure 1.2b shows the behavior of light projected onto a large blood vessel in the
deep layer of the mucosa. Light with a central wavelength of 415 nm does not pen-
etrate as far as the blood vessel due to strong scattering by the mucosa. On the other
hand, light with a central wavelength of 540 nm is more weakly scattered by the
mucosa than the 415 nm wavelength light and penetrates to the level of the blood
vessel. Although less strongly absorbed than the shorter wavelength, the vessel
itself is larger than a capillary, so the lower absorption is balanced by the greater
size, and there is considerable light absorption by this deep vessel.
To summarize the above principles, NBI is a technique for observing living tis-
sue taking the narrow band wavelengths that are strongly absorbed by blood and are
not dispersed widely and deeply from conventional wide band white light. Images
6 K. Gono

Strong contrast Weak contrast

Light a Light b

Strongly absorbed Weakly absorbed Unabsorbed light returns

through backwards scattering


No contrast Strong contrast

415 nm 540 nm

Light does not reach


Deep layer vessel

Fig. 1.2 Principles of NBI

taken with light with a central wavelength of 415 nm show capillaries in the super-
ficial layers of the mucosa with high contrast, and images taken with light with a
central wavelength of 540 nm show blood vessels in the deep layers with high

1.4 Two Imaging Methods

Electronic endoscopy systems use two different imaging systems. These are (1)
frame sequential imaging, with sequential projection from a black and white charge-
coupled device (CCD) and red-green-blue (RGB) light source and output color
1 Principles and History of NBI 7

Color control

Monitor Mucosa

NBI filter


Xenon lamp

filter wheel
During non-magnifying examinations,
Light source conventional RGB light is projected,
and an RGB image is produced by the videoprocessor

Fig. 1.3 NBI system diagram (EVIS LUCERA SPECTRUM)

images, and (2) simultaneous imaging projecting color CCD and white light.
Olympus has product lines using both of these systems, respectively, the EVIS

1.4.1 EVIS LUCERA NBI Using the LUCERA System

Figure 1.3 shows the Spectrum NBI system setup. An NBI optical filter is placed in
front of the xenon lamp. This filter is two band specific to 415 and 540 nm (glass
filter that only passes through light of the two narrowed bandwidths). During NBI
examinations, the filter is inserted into the light path, and during conventional exam-
inations, it is retracted from the light path. During NBI examinations, light with a
central wavelength of 415 and 540 nm is projected onto the mucosa, yielding images
with the two narrow bandwidths.
Variations are possible in the final color image according to which narrow band-
width image from each wavelength is allocated to which color channel. However,
from the viewpoint of making blood vessels highly visible, the image should be an
enhanced reproduction with (1) a light and shade pattern showing the capillaries in
the superficial layer of the mucosa and (2) a different coloration pattern to the capil-
laries for the blood vessels with a relatively large diameter in the deep layer of the
mucosa. It is a characteristic of the visual sense in humans that fine patterns are
easier to recognize when reproduced with a light and shade pattern rather than with
a coloration pattern. On the other hand, thicker patterns can be clearly recognized
when expressed with coloration. With these characteristics in mind, allocation of
the 415 nm input to the B and G channels reproduces superficial vessels in a
8 K. Gono

Fig. 1.4 White light image

of the mucosa of the
underside of the tongue

brownish pattern close to light and shade. Allocation of the 540 nm input to the R
channel reproduces deep layer vessels as a cyan-colored pattern.
Figure 1.4 shows a white light image and Fig. 1.5 an NBI image of the mucosa
of the underside of the tongue. As described above, in Fig. 1.5 the capillaries of the
superficial layer of the mucosa appear brown and the deep layer vessels cyan, both
reproduced in high contrast. NBI Using the EXERA II System

NBI using the simultaneous output EXERA II system projects the same NBI light
as the Spectrum and allocates the outputs to the same color channels, so it can be
considered the same NBI as the Spectrum system. However, the endoscopes that
can be used with the EXERA II and Spectrum systems are different, and they also
yield different resolutions, magnifying ratios and brightnesses. Accordingly, when
we compare NBI images obtained using the two systems, at the very least we should
compare images taken with the same resolution and magnifying ratio.
1 Principles and History of NBI 9

Fig. 1.5 NBI image

of the mucosa of the
underside of the tongue

Furthermore, the EXERA II and Spectrum systems do not give identical color
reproduction even with white light. It follows that NBI color reproduction is also
influenced by their basic configurations. However, this applies only to color
reproduction, and the two systems provide similar results in the essential area of
NBI, improving the contrast of images in comparison to those taken with white
Figure 1.6 shows a Spectrum NBI image and Fig. 1.7 an EXERA II NBI
image of the mucosa of the underside of the tongue. The endoscopes used were
the GIF-H260Z (Spectrum) and the GIF-H180 (EXERA II). We can see that,
although there are differences in overall coloration and resolution, the basic NBI
effect is the same. When comparing EXERA II and Spectrum NBI images, we
should consider differences in endoscope characteristics and base color
10 K. Gono

Fig. 1.6 Spectrum NBI




1. Gono K, et al: J Biomed Opt 9:568577, 2004
2. Gono K, et al: Optical Review 10 (4):211215, 2003
3. Niwa H, et al: Clinical Gastroenterology 23:137141, 2008
Tips for Obtaining Optimum Viewing
Conditions Using NBI 2
Manabu Muto, Kenshi Yao, and Yasushi Sano

2.1 Pharynx

2.1.1 Prior Explanation

Before examining the pharynx and larynx, the procedure should be explained thor-
oughly to the patient. In particular, insertion of the endoscope into the pharynx trig-
gers the gag reflex, so it is important to relieve the patients anxiety to prevent or
minimize the gag reflex.

2.1.2 Pretreatment

Secretions such as saliva often adhere to the mucosa of the oral cavity, pharynx, and
larynx, interfering with examination. In these cases, before administering the pha-
ryngeal anesthesia, we ask the patient to drink a glass of water, which may clear
away some saliva. Lignocaine spray is used for the pharyngeal anesthesia. An anti-
spasmodic agent such as butylscopolamine (Buscopan) may also be administered
to reduce salivary secretion.

M. Muto (*)
Department of Therapeutic Oncology, Kyoto University Graduate
School of Medicine, 54 Kawahara-cho, Syogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan
K. Yao
Department of Endoscopy, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital, Chikushino, Japan
Y. Sano
Gastrointestinal Center, Sano Hospital, Kobe, Japan

Springer Japan 2015

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging, 11
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_2
12 M. Muto et al.

2.1.3 Premedication

Sedation may be administered to inhibit the gag reflex, but conversely the examina-
tion becomes more difficult if the patient goes to sleep after taking a hypnotic, so it
is important to administer the appropriate sedation according to the situation.
At our endoscopy clinic, we use the following regimen:

A. Pethidine hydrochloride (Opystan) 50 mg/1 mL + normal saline 4 mL to make

up to 5 mL, 23 mL (2030 mg) intravenously (IV)
B. Midazolam (Dormicum) 10 mg/2 mL + normal saline 8 mL to make up to
10 mL, 23 mL (23 mg) intravenously (IV)

We almost always use A, as the examination is easier to perform if the patient is

awake and can speak and alter their breathing for us. We use B if the patient is very
nervous or has a strong gag reflex. Sometimes premedication is not needed for
patients with a weak gag reflex.

2.1.4 Timing of NBI Examination

When we examine the pharyngeal and laryngeal regions, the best time to make our
observations is during insertion of the endoscope, when the pharyngeal anesthesia
is working well and there is little saliva collected. The pharynx can be examined
following EGD, but an adequate examination is often difficult during withdrawal of
the endoscope due to the patients psychological state (feeling that the examination
has been completed) and accumulation of saliva.
There may be a question of whether it is better to make an examination using
NBI first or to use WLI. At present, considering the facts that there is little of clini-
cal significance in the laryngopharyngeal region apart from detecting cancer and
NBI is significantly better than WLI in terms of cancer detection rate [1], then
examination using NBI should be the first choice. As melanosis cannot be diag-
nosed with NBI alone, the switch should be made to WLI.

2.1.5 Examination Sequence

When examining the pharynx and larynx, we should take great care in avoiding
contact between the endoscope and the mucosa, in particular that of the pharynx.
Care should also be taken to avoid contact between the tip of the endoscope and the
base of the tongue, as this can induce the vomiting reflex.
If saliva or mucous is present in large quantities, it can be cleared by carefully plac-
ing the endoscope tip against the mucosa, pressing the water feed button to slightly
irrigate the area with a small amount of water, then suctioning up the saliva/mucous
with the water. A pointer for this situation is to continue the suction for a longish time.
2 Tips for Obtaining Optimum Viewing Conditions Using NBI 13

Fig. 2.1 NBI image of hard

palate and soft palate

Fig. 2.2 NBI image of soft

palate and tongue Oral Cavity to Oropharynx (Fig. 2.1)

First, we examine the hard and soft palate. The retromolar areas on each side should
also be examined in patients with a history of head and neck cancer, drinkers, and
smokers. We examine the right anterior pillar of the fauces, tonsil, posterior pillar,
and uvula, followed by the left anterior pillar of the fauces, tonsil, and posterior pil-
lar. We then insert the endoscope into the oropharynx.
When the proximity of the soft palate to the tongue makes examination of the
tonsillar region difficult (Fig. 2.2), ask the patient to say Ah, thereby elevating the
uvula and clearing the visual field (Fig. 2.3).
14 M. Muto et al.

Fig. 2.3 NBI image of uvula

when patient says Ah

Fig. 2.4 NBI image of

posterior wall of oropharynx Oropharynx (Fig. 2.4)

In the oropharynx, we examine the posterior wall and then the right wall. Examination
as far as the lower pole of the tonsil eliminates a blind spot. We then slowly advance
the endoscope along the lateral wall, examining the epiglottic vallecula from right
to left. We examine the left wall while slowly withdrawing the endoscope, up to the
lower pole of left side of the tonsil.
We then advance the endoscope as far as the right piriform sinus. We can observe
the larynx from a distance at this point. If the epiglottis interferes with advancing the
endoscope, forcing the scope past may bring it into contact with the epiglottis, inducing
the gag reflex. Instead, we ask the patient to breathe in, moving the epiglottis anteriorly
to allow the intake of air and making space for the endoscope to pass distally.
2 Tips for Obtaining Optimum Viewing Conditions Using NBI 15

Fig. 2.5 NBI image of close

position of posterior wall of
hypopharynx and larynx

Fig. 2.6 NBI image of wider

lumen between posterior wall
of oropharynx and larynx
when patient breaths out Hypopharynx
After examining the left wall of the oropharynx, we advance the endoscope diago-
nally to examine the posterior wall of the oropharynx and hypopharynx, then the
right piriform sinus. In general, the piriform sinus is a narrow recess and difficult to
examine (Fig. 2.5). We first advance the endoscope as far as the apex of the right
piriform sinus and ask the patient to breathe out or say Air, as we withdraw the
endoscope, thereby providing a view of the entire recess (Fig. 2.6).
At this time, we examine the arytenoid area, posterior wall, and left piriform
sinus. As for the right side, we advance the endoscope as far as the apex of the left
piriform sinus, get the patient to breathe out or say Air, and withdraw the endo-
scope to obtain a view of the entire recess.
16 M. Muto et al.

2.1.6 Magnifying Examination

When performing magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging (M-NBI), to

avoid contact bleeding, it is best to always examine a lesion from the oral side. In the
pharyngeal region, anatomical proliferation of abnormal blood vessels is common
within lesions, so we must take care not to cause hemorrhage by rupturing any
microvessels. Attaching a soft hood (MB 162 for the Q240Z, MB 46 for the H260Z,
Olympus Medical Systems) to the endoscope tip helps maintain a clear field of view,
but caution is required because it can cause unnecessary contact and bleeding.

2.1.7 Biopsy

Biopsies should be targeted and as few in number as possible (one per lesion). Small
biopsy forceps f are sufficient for all lesions in the pharynx and larynx. Biopsies are
often difficult to perform during withdrawal of the endoscope, due to the patients
psychological state and accumulation of saliva. Biopsy specimens should therefore
be taken as the scope is inserted, when a lesion is first detected.
The patient should be informed when a biopsy is taken, as sometimes blood will
come out of their mouth. No patients complain of pain from biopsies distal to the
soft palate, as there is little feeling.

2.2 Esophagus

2.2.1 Pretreatment

Copious amounts of secretions such as saliva also interfere with endoscopic exami-
nations of the esophagus, so we ask the patient to drink a glass of water before the
procedure, clearing our field of vision. Lignocaine spray is used for the pharyngeal
anesthesia. An antispasmodic agent such as Buscopan may also be administered to
reduce salivary secretion.

2.2.2 Premedication

Sedation may be administered to inhibit the vomiting reflex, and we may perform
iodine staining, so at our endoscopy clinic, we use the following regimen:

A. When iodine staining is planned: pethidine hydrochloride (Opystan)

50 mg/1 mL + normal saline 4 mL to make up to 5 mL, 23 mL (2030 mg) IV
B. When we anticipate a difficult examination due a strong gag reflex: midazolam
(Dormicum) 10 mg/2 mL + normal saline 8 mL to make up to 10 mL, 23 mL
(23 mg) intravenously (IV)
2 Tips for Obtaining Optimum Viewing Conditions Using NBI 17

Fig. 2.7 WLI image of

middle esophagus

2.2.3 Timing and Sequence of NBI Examination

Immediately after NBI examination of the pharyngeal and laryngeal regions, we

insert the endoscope into the esophagus, so we can see that continued use of NBI
allows for a smoother procedure. During scope insertion, examination for the
cervical esophagus (approximately 1618 cm from the incisors) is difficult, so
this region must be examined at the time of scope withdrawal. Accordingly, dur-
ing scope insertion, examination commences approximately 18 cm from the inci-
sors in the upper esophagus. The examination proceeds with the esophageal
lumen as widely dilated as possible, with irrigation and suction of saliva and
other secretions as needed (Figs. 2.7 and 2.8). The esophagogastric junction is
examined using both NBI and WLI (Fig. 2.9), to ascertain whether reflux esopha-
gitis or Barretts epithelium is present. We look for dysplasia within the Barretts
epithelium using M-NBI.
Since WLI examination is the standard method for the stomach at this
moment due to limitations with lighting intensity, so examination of the esopha-
gus during scope withdrawal is performed using WLI as for the stomach,
enabling examination of inflammatory changes and other features difficult to
identify using NBI during scope insertion. At 1820 cm from the incisors, we
switch over from WLI to NBI and examine the upper esophagus and cervical
esophagus, not examined during insertion, as we withdraw the scope (Fig. 2.10).
If the lumen cannot be maintained, we can either examine when peristaltic
waves open the lumen or ask the patient to breathe out, thereby opening the
cervical esophageal lumen. As we continue to withdraw the scope, we examine
the esophageal introitus, completing the examination (Fig. 2.10).
18 M. Muto et al.

Fig. 2.8 NBI image of the

same area as in Fig. 2.1

Fig. 2.9 NBI image of lower


2.2.4 Magnifying Examination

When performing M-NBI, to avoid contact bleeding, it is best to always examine a

lesion from the oral side. In the pharyngeal region, anatomical proliferation of abnor-
mal blood vessels is common within lesions, so we must take care not to cause hemor-
rhage by rupturing any microvessels. Attaching a soft hood (MB 162 for the Q240Z,
MB 46 for the H260Z) to the endoscope tip helps maintain a clear field of view, but
caution is required because it can cause unnecessary contact and bleeding.
2 Tips for Obtaining Optimum Viewing Conditions Using NBI 19

Fig. 2.10 NBI image of

esophageal introitus
(during scope withdrawal)

2.2.5 Iodine Staining

During an NBI examination, if features suggestive of cancer (brownish area with

clear margins, proliferation of atypical blood vessels) are seen, we perform iodine
staining as a next step. Since esophageal cancers are often multifocal, we recom-
mend iodine staining the entire esophagus. However, if the possibility of iodine
staining was not explained in advance or it is a screening endoscopy, then it is rea-
sonable to only stain the area surrounding the suspect lesion and perform a detailed
examination at a later date if necessary.

2.3 Stomach

2.3.1 Principles

The basis of a scientific approach to diagnostic imaging is analysis, using a

reliable technique, of images obtained with a conventional observation method
at the same resolution. Concerning clinical application of NBI in examinations
of the gastric mucosa, the gastric lumen is considerably larger than those of the
esophagus or colon, and images obtained by non-magnifying endoscopy with
NBI are dark, noisy, and of no practical use. In this section, I will describe how
to obtain the optimum conditions for M-NBI examination of the stomach [2].
20 M. Muto et al.

2.3.2 Pretreatment and Irrigation (Removal of Mucous and Bile

on the Mucosal Surface)

At my endoscopy clinic, we ask patients to fast from 9 p.m. the day before the pro-
cedure but allow them to drink water. On the day of the endoscopy, we prepare a
solution of Pronase 20,000 U, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) 1 g, and Baros
(dimethicone) antifoaming agent 10 mL in 100 mL of water and ask the patient to
drink this solution 30 min before their procedure [3].
For detailed examinations, we administer a suppressor of gastric acid secretion
(H2 blocker or proton pump inhibitor) for 1 week prior to the procedure to reduce
nonspecific inflammation of the non-lesion background mucosa.
During the procedure, the presence of mucous overlying the lesion, or yellow
bile visualized as red using NBI, interferes with the examination. In such cases, we
vigorously rinse the mucosal surface with Gascon (dimethicone) solution using a
20 mL syringe through the instrument port.

2.3.3 Video Processor Settings

The settings for the standard functions incorporated in the electronic endoscopy sys-
tem video processor and switching between these functions during an examination are
both important. Since this Atlas is aimed at NBI users, I will describe the structure
enhancement function of the Olympus video system center CV 260LS and CV 180.
Pressing the user settings button on the keyboard brings up the Settings screen on
the system monitor. On this screen, we adjust the various settings. The structure
enhancement function has two modalities, an A mode and a B mode, for each of
which there are 8 levels, from which 3 can be selected. Independent mode and level
settings for the structure enhancement function can also be made for WLI and NBI.
Because blood vessel diameters increase as the level is raised with the A mode, I use
the B mode. I preset levels 4, 6, and 8, and for non-magnifying examinations, I use
B mode level 4 or 6, and for magnified examinations, I use B mode level 8.
The NBI color mode is adjusted separately. After switching over to NBI, press
the color button on the front of the video system center, not the keyboard, selecting
one of mode 1, 2, or 3. Mode 1 is recommended for NBI examinations of the upper
gastrointestinal tract.

2.3.4 Use of a Soft Black Hood for Magnifying Examinations Fundamentals of Magnifying Examinations

Here I will present a standard technique for magnifying examinations that provides
consistent images at the maximal magnifying ratio.
The stomach has the widest lumen in the gastrointestinal tract, making it difficult to
draw close to the mucosa. Respiration and vascular pulsations made it difficult to focus
the image at the maximal magnifying ratio during magnifying examinations. To resolve
2 Tips for Obtaining Optimum Viewing Conditions Using NBI 21

Fig. 2.11 Relationship

between endoscope tip, Hood Scope
hood for magnifying
endoscopy, and gastric
mucosa. The hood is
attached to the tip of the
endoscope, and the hood
placed closely against the
mucosa, maintaining a
constant distance between
the endoscope tip and the
mucosa, consistently
providing images at
maximum magnification and
in focus

Gastric mucosa

these technical problems, I developed a simple but highly precise method of magnify-
ing endoscopic examination of the stomach using a soft black hood [4]. In other words,
we attach a soft hood to the tip of the magnifying endoscope. The depth of the hood is
the same as the focal distance for the magnifying endoscope at its maximum optical
magnifying ratio, so placing the hood right up against the mucosal surface enables us
to consistently maintain a distance between the mucosal surface and the endoscope tip
the same as the focal distance at the maximal magnifying ratio (Fig. 2.11).
For magnifying examinations down to the level of capillaries with a minimum
diameter of approximately 8 m, a hood must be attached. I attach a hood before
commencing all examinations, whether routine or detailed examinations (the diam-
eter of the endoscope tip varies with the upper gastrointestinal magnifying endo-
scope used, the MAJ-1989 for use with the GIF-Q240Z and GIF-H290Z, the
MAJ-1990 with the GIF-H260Z; both soft black hoods, Olympus). Approach to Flat Lesions

Approaching the lesion, we place the tip of the hood lightly against the non-lesion
mucosa and look for the lesion demarcation line (DL) under low magnification
(Fig. 2.12). Once the DL has been identified, we increase the magnification, and
with the tip of the hood in contact with the non-lesion mucosa, aspirate intragastric
air to draw the mucosa up into close contact with the hood (Fig. 2.13). This is the
best tip for obtaining images in focus at the maximal magnifying ratio.
When the mucosa is drawn in too close (Fig. 2.14a), we should move it away
through insufflation of a small amount of air, and if the mucosa is too far away
(Fig. 2.14b), we aspirate a small amount of air to bring the mucosa closer. An impor-
tant point to grasp when examining flat lesions is that we do not press the scope tip
onto the mucosa, closely applying the tip of the hood perpendicularly to the muco-
sal surface, but rather apply the hood tip to the mucosa through repeated insufflation
and suction, adjusting the intragastric air volume to achieve close approximation of
hood tip to mucosa.
22 M. Muto et al.

Fig. 2.12 Approaching the

lesion, the tip of the hood Gastric wall
is lightly placed against the
non-lesion mucosa

2.3.5 Water Immersion Technique

Fig. 2.13 Suction to aspirate
intragastric air. From the
situation shown in Fig. 2.12,
we do not push the scope
down but rather aspirate
intragastric air to draw the
mucosa up to the hood

Filling the narrow space bounded by the mucosa, hood lumen, and scope tip with
water during magnifying examinations is known as the water immersion technique.
This method has the following merits:

1. Elimination of halation (diffuse light reflection from the mucosal surface).

2. The depth of field increases, making it easier to focus even at the maximal mag-
nifying ratio.
3. The resolution increases.
4. The hood slides more easily across the mucosal surface, reducing mucosal bleed-
ing or mucous hypersecretion.
5. The problem of mucus obscuring the lens is reduced.
6. Gastric peristalsis is reduced if the stomach is filled with water.

Possible demerits include the following:

2 Tips for Obtaining Optimum Viewing Conditions Using NBI 23

a b

Fig. 2.14 Fine adjustments of the distance between mucosa and endoscope. (a) Adjustment by
insufflation. When the mucosa is drawn in too close, insufflate a small amount of air, thereby mov-
ing the mucosa away from the scope tip to the position where it is in focus at the maximal magnify-
ing ratio. (b) Adjustment by suction. If the mucosa is slightly far away and out of focus, aspirate a
small amount of air to bring it into focus

a b

Fig. 2.15 Water immersion technique. (a) Water-filling method; (b) irrigation method

1. Perspective is somewhat distorted.

2. When the water is clouded, non-magnifying examination becomes difficult.

Although there are some demerits, use of the water immersion technique pro-
vides images in focus at the maximal magnifying ratio, enabling rapid image evalu-
ation, tending to reduce procedure durations.
There are two variations of this technique: (1) the water-filling method, in which
the gastric lumen is filled with water, as for endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) (Fig. 2.15a,
b), and (2) the irrigation method, in which water is instilled through the instrument
channel (Fig. 2.15b). Irrigation can be performed using a syringe (50 mL) or an
EUS water supply pump unit (UWS-1, Olympus). With the GIF-H260Z and GIF-
H290Z, we use the endoscope water jet function.
24 M. Muto et al.

2.4 Duodenum

2.4.1 Principles

Although the duodenum has a narrow lumen, at present the usefulness of NBI in
combination with non-magnifying endoscopy is uncertain. Accordingly, NBI is
mainly used in combination with magnifying endoscopy following non-magnifying
examination with WLI.

2.4.2 Preparation and Irrigation

Preparation is similar to examinations of the stomach. Large pools of bile in the

duodenum, visualized as bright red using NBI, interfere with the examination, so
we rinse the mucosa with Gascon (dimethicone) solution before the examination.

2.4.3 Video Processor Settings

These are the same as for examinations of the stomach.

2.4.4 Use of a Soft Black Hood for Magnifying Examinations

As for the stomach, use of a soft black hood for magnifying examinations of the
duodenum allows us to readily and consistently obtain magnified images in focus at
the maximal magnifying ratio.

2.4.5 Water Immersion Technique

The merits of the water immersion technique in the duodenum are that, in addition
to the merits of this technique in examinations of the stomach, we can examine the
duodenum as we rinse bile mucosal surface, and irrigation with water allows us to
see the normal duodenal villi swaying in the moving water, as well as the detailed
structure of the mobile villi. Loss of villous motility is used as a diagnostic marker
of conditions such as celiac disease [5].

2.5 Colon and Rectum

2.5.1 Non-magnifying NBI Examination

Clinical application of NBI in examinations of the colorectal mucosa requires a

specific technique, as non-magnifying NBI images taken from the center of the
lumen tend to be rather dark and noisy due to the large lumen in the colorectum.
2 Tips for Obtaining Optimum Viewing Conditions Using NBI 25

Fig. 2.16 Diagram of the

withdrawal path for NBI

To counter this, we maneuver the scope around the colorectal lumen as if drawing a
spiral (Fig. 2.16).

2.5.2 Pretreatment and Irrigation (Removal of Fecal Fluid

and Bile)

Fecal matter and fecal fluid adherent to the colorectal mucosa is shown as red using
NBI, resembling a polyp or blood, interfering with the recognition of lesions
(Fig. 2.17a, b). Adequate preparation is extremely important to avoid such interfer-
ence with the identification of important pathology such as superficial flat lesions.
As preparation, the authors prescribe picosulfate sodium hydrate 7.5 g
(Laxodate, 1 bottle) the night before the procedure, then mosapride citrate 5 mg
(Gasmotin) the next day 34 hours before the procedure. The examination is com-
menced after bowel lavage with polyethylene glycol 2 L.

2.5.3 Video Processor Settings

The settings for the standard functions incorporated in the electronic endoscopy
system video processor and switching between these functions during an examina-
tion are both important. Since this Atlas is aimed at NBI users, I will describe the
structure enhancement function of the Olympus video system center CV 260LS and
CV 180. I use the A mode. I preset the 3 levels, 4, 6, and 8, and I use A mode level
4 or 6 for non-magnifying examinations and level 8 for magnifying examinations.
The NBI color mode is adjusted separately. After switching over to NBI, press
the color button on the front of the video system center, not the keyboard, selecting
26 M. Muto et al.

a b

Fig. 2.17 Residual fecal matter (a) and fecal fluid (b)

one of modes 1, 2, or 3. Mode 3 is recommended for NBI examinations of the lower

gastrointestinal tract [6].

2.5.4 How to Use the Optical Zoom Function

with a Nontraumatic Catheter

In comparison with the esophagus and stomach, colonoscopy is characterized by (1)

difficulty of insertion, (2) difficulty in maintaining the position of the scope tip in
some regions, and (3) changes due to fecal fluid, peristalsis, and respiration.
Magnifying colonoscopy therefore requires the acquisition of certain skills and
techniques. Magnified examination of the pit pattern in the colorectal mucosa has
been performed since the 1990s, and we now have available magnifying optical
zoom colonoscopes. I usually use an Olympus H2607 ZI scope. In addition to mov-
ing the left knob on the control section, magnification can also be adjusted using a
foot switch.
The following points are important in performing M-NBI examinations of the
colorectal region:

1. Examine the lesion in its entirety, and determine from surface irregularities, red-
ness, etc., which areas will be diagnostically important.
2. Through contact M-NBI examination of the mucosa, determine whether meshed
capillaries are present. Determine the capillary pattern and conduct a qualitative
analysis at low magnification. Increasing the magnification, look for areas suspi-
cious for malignancy, e.g., CP type III (NICE type 2/3) (Fig. 2.18a, b).
3. For an irregular vascular network in a defined area, using the nontraumatic cath-
eter, we adjust the focus to zoom in on the area of interest in the center of the
field of view (Fig. 2.19a, b). In this situation, we must never use the maximal
magnifying ratio (increasing the magnification too far makes comparison with
the surrounding vascular structure difficult and accurate diagnosis impossible).
2 Tips for Obtaining Optimum Viewing Conditions Using NBI 27

a b

Fig. 2.18 Optical Zoom (a) Non magnifying NBI showed irregular vessels in the right side of the
lesion (arrow). (b) When using optical magnification, adjusting focus as the area showing irregular ves-
sels displayed in the full scale of screen. Irregular vessel was classified as CP type III A (NICE type 3)

a b

Fig. 2.19 How to use a nontraumatic catheter (Olympus 6233064). (a) Nontraumatic catheter.
The diameter of the tip is 2.8 mm, and it is rounded to prevent mucosal surface damage and bleed-
ing. (b) Even for lesions that cannot be directly visualized, using the nontraumatic catheter to
adjust the amount of air makes direct visualization possible. It is also useful in quelling respiration-
associated movement, such as in the transverse colon

4. Diagnose CP type III A (NICE type 2) and III B (NICE type 3) lesions, and
determine the depth of invasion. At present, it is desirable to also determine the
pit pattern using crystal violet staining.

I use a nontraumatic catheter when I perform magnified colorectal examinations.

The rounded tip prevents damage to, and bleeding from, the mucosal surface.
Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 2.19, even for lesions not amenable to direct exami-
nation, through adjustment of the amount of air within the lumen using the nontrau-
matic catheter, it is possible to examine the lesion directly. The nontraumatic
catheter is also useful in quelling respiration-related movements, e.g., for lesions of
28 M. Muto et al.

Fig. 2.20 IIa + IIc lesion and

the nontraumatic catheter.
The nontraumatic catheter
has made direct visualiza-
tion possible. We can
clearly see irregular CP
type III A blood vessels
within the depressed area

the transverse colon. It also functions as a spray catheter and is useful for the elimi-
nation of mucous from the mucosal surface during NBI examinations and for dye
spraying following NBI examination [7].

2.6 Lower Rectum and Anal Canal

2.6.1 Anatomy of the Anal Canal

The dentate line is the boundary between the ectodermal proctodeum (primitive
anus) and endodermal hindgut (primitive rectum), above which the anal papillae
and anal crypts extend as far as the anorectal ring (where these disappear is also
called Herrmanns line). The oral side of the dentate line is covered in simple colum-
nar epithelium and the anal side in stratified squamous epithelium (see Chapter 14.3
for anatomical diagram).
During defecation, cerebral suppression of defecation ceases and the internal and
external anal sphincters relax, opening the anal canal.

2.6.2 Order of Examination

Endoscopic examination of the anal canal is mainly retroflexed. During the proce-
dure, the patient is often tense and trying not to pass flatus, so the anal canal is more
tightly closed than usual. Examination of the anal canal is impossible in this state.
Telling the patient, Its all right if you pass gas, please breathe out slowly and relax
your bottom, we get the patient to slowly breathe in and out several times, after
which the anal sphincters relax and examination is possible (Figs. 2.20, 2.21, 2.22,
and 2.23). It is my belief that examination of the anal canal is not possible without
2 Tips for Obtaining Optimum Viewing Conditions Using NBI 29

Fig. 2.21 Retroflexed view

of the lower rectum (Rb),
preoperative endoscopic
examination of Rb rectal
cancer. We can see a type 2
advanced cancer of the lower
rectum (Rb), 3 cm in size.
From this image, it is unclear
whether it touches the anal
canal (dentate line) or not

a b

c d

Fig. 2.22 (ad) Examining the anal canal from the lower rectum. Asking the patient to slowly breathe
in and out several times and relax, the oral portion of the anal canal can be clearly delineated
30 M. Muto et al.

a b

Fig. 2.23 (a, b) NBI findings of the same region shown in Fig. 2.22. NBI examination clearly
shows the transitional zones of the simple columnar epithelium as brown and of the
stratified squamous epithelium as greenish-white (a, b). This lower rectal lesion invades approxi-
mately 5 mm beyond the pectinate line at the 2 oclock position

speaking to the patient in this way. It is important to develop a reliable system of

examining this region, as accurate preoperative information, in terms of the distance
from the anal verge (AV) and Hermanns ring is required before anorectal surgery.
From the anal verge, attachment of a hood to the endoscope tip is useful in per-
forming detailed examinations of the anal canal.

1. Muto M, et al: J Clin Oncol 28:15661572, 2010
2. Yao, K (ed.) Zoom gastroscopy, Japan Medical Center, pp1525, 2009
3. Yao K, et al: Endoscopy 41:462467, 2009
4. Yao, K, et al: Gastroenterol Endosc 50:11451153, 2008
5. Badreldin R, et al: Endoscopy 37:994998, 2005
6. Uraoka T, et al: GUT 58:604605, 2009
7. Sano Y, et al: Dig Endosc 17: 105116, 2005
Part II
Atlas of NBI: Pharynx to Esophagus
Manabu Muto, Tomomasa Hayashi, Kenichi Goda,
Hisao Tajiri, Haruhiro Inoue, Miwako Arima, Hideaki Arima,
and Masahiro Tada

3.1 Diagnostic System

During endoscopic examinations of the laryngopharyngeal region, insertion of the

scope induces the gag reflex, and examinations have tended to be inadequate because
of the desire to minimize patient discomfort. The laryngopharyngeal region is of
course under the aegis of the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialty, but even in the
ENT field, early detection of cancers in this region has been considered extremely
difficult. Detection of superficial esophageal cancers is also far from easy, requiring
considerable experience.

M. Muto (*)
Department of Therapeutic Oncology,
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine,
54 Kawahara-cho, Syogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan
T. Hayashi
Department of Therapeutic Oncology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine,
Kyoto, Japan
K. Goda
Department of Endoscopy, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
H. Tajiri
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, The Jikei University School of Medicine,
Tokyo, Japan
H. Inoue
Digestive Disease Center, Showa University Koto Toyosu Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
M. Arima
Department of Gastroenterology, Saitama Cancer Center, Saitama, Japan
H. Arima
Arima Surgical-Gastrointestinal Clinic, Chiba, Japan
M. Tada
Cancer Treatment Center, Sainokuni Higashiomiya Medical Center, Saitama, Japan

Springer Japan 2015

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging, 33
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_3
34 M. Muto et al.

3.1.1 Basics of Detection

The majority of laryngopharyngeal cancers are squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs),

and in Japan 90 % of esophageal cancers are SCCs, making it essential in this area
to master the diagnostic system for SCCs of the larynx, pharynx, and esophagus.
Although iodine staining is useful for the early detection of SCCs, it is also highly
irritating, causing pain and discomfort. Allergic reactions to iodine can sometimes
cause hypotension or drug eruptions, making iodine staining difficult to perform as
part of endoscopies at the health check or clinic level. In this respect, the addition of
NBI enables detection of SCCs with a high degree of accuracy but no invasiveness
and can be expected to contribute to the early detection of cancers in this region.
A diagnostic flowchart using NBI is shown in Fig. 3.1.

3.1.2 High-Risk Group

For efficient early detection of cancers of the larynx, pharynx, and esophagus, we
need to target the high-risk group. The high-risk groups comprise patients with a
history of alcohol consumption and smoking, in particular those with decreased
aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) enzyme activity, associated with difficulty
metabolizing acetaldehyde, the first metabolite of ethanol. Individuals with ALDH2
deficiency can be identified with about 90 % accuracy according to whether they
experience facial flushing after ingestion of small amounts of alcohol.

3.1.3 Non-magnifying NBI Examination

For suspected SCCs, a useful marker for differentiating between cancer and non-cancer
is whether a well-demarcated brownish area is present or not. Even if the brownish area
cannot be delineated over its entire circumference, if the lesion is cancerous some-
where on its margin, a distinct demarcation line will be discernible. Lesions with a
strong tendency to keratinization appear as low flat whitish protuberances.

3.1.4 Magnifying NBI Examination

For lesions presenting as a well-demarcated brownish area or a low flat whitish

protuberance, identification of abnormal blood vessels (Inoues classification type
III or Arimas classification type 2; see the relevant sections) using M-NBI allows
us to diagnose malignancy with an accuracy exceeding 90 %.
On the other hand, when magnified examination reveals no abnormal blood ves-
sels within a well-demarcated brownish area, melanosis is likely, and switching
over to WLI will make it easy to make the differential diagnosis. When a brownish
area with unclear margins is detected, with no abnormal blood vessels within (only
a ground glass appearance), this likely represents inflammatory changes.
Low flat whitish protuberances with a papillary surface structure are often

Brownish area

Present Absent

Clear margin (different Unclear margin (same Whitish flat

color within lesion and in color within lesion and elevation

Fig. 3.1 NBI diagnostic flowchart

surrounding mucosa) in surrounding mucosa)
Yes No

Granular surface structure Papillary surface structure

Irregular microvessels Irregular microvessels

Irregular microvessels Irregular microvessels

elongated, Neoplastic
variable lesion
Yes Yes Dilated, Neoplastic
Neoplastic Inflammatory elongated, lesion Elongated only Papilloma
lesion changes variable

No No No
No Normal
Melanosis Melanosis Papilloma/ Hyperplasia mucosa
Elongated only hyperplasia
36 M. Muto et al.

3.2 Anatomy of the Pharynx (1)

3.2.1 Correlation Between Endoscopic Images and Anatomical


In recent years with the development of NBI and improvements in endoscopes, we

can now detect small and superficial lesions such as superficial cancers. This has
been particularly beneficial in the laryngopharyngeal region, with important func-
tions including swallowing and speech, as the patients can preserve these functions.
This region is also dealt with by ENT and faciomaxillary surgeons, so careful con-
sideration should be given to the anatomical subsite.
The General Rules for Clinical Studies on Head and Neck Cancer [1] discuss
the anatomy of the laryngopharyngeal region but do not mention the endoscopic
anatomy. In particular the larynx is located anterior to the hypopharynx, and defini-
tion of the boundaries of the hypopharyngeal subsites is complicated. The hypopha-
ryngeal subsites are defined by their spatial relationship to the adjacent cartilages,
making them difficult to identify during an endoscopic examination.
In this section, we will examine the correlation between endoscopic images and
anatomical subsites, with the emphasis on the hypopharynx.

3.2.2 Regional Classification of the Pharynx

The pharynx is divided into the epipharynx (nasopharynx), mesopharynx (orophar-

ynx), and hypopharynx (laryngopharynx), as shown in Fig. 3.2.

Nasal cavity Hard palate


Platine tonsil Soft palate

Circumvallate papilla Tongue
Hyoid bone

Vocal fold
Thyroid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage


Fig. 3.2 Parts of the Trachea

3 Overview 37

There are also boundaries between the oropharynx and the oral cavity and
between the hypopharynx and the larynx and cervical esophagus, making identifica-
tion of the respective regions difficult (Fig. 3.3). The hypopharyngeal subsites are
particularly complicated and difficult to understand.
Figure 3.4 shows the subsites of the hypopharynx, with the boundaries as deter-
mined by the positions of the cartilages drawn on the mucosal surface of a resected
specimen of the laryngopharynx and cervical esophagus. The borders as seen at
endoscopic examination are shown in Fig. 3.5.

3.2.3 Pointers for Endoscopic Identification of Boundaries

Between Hypopharyngeal Subsites

The hypopharyngeal region is divided into: (1) the piriform sinus (PS), (2) the post-
cricoid area (PC), and (3) the posterior wall (PW). Comparison of the

Posterior wall (PW)

Piriform sinus (PS)

Postcricoid area (PC)

Fig. 3.3 Subsites of the

38 M. Muto et al.

Fig. 3.4 Resected specimen

of the laryngopharynx and
cervical esophagus



Lt pyriform sinus

postcricoid area
Rt pyriform sinus (PS)

posterior wall (PW)

Fig. 3.5 Endoscopic

boundaries between
hypopharyngeal subsites
3 Overview 39

abovementioned spatial relationship to the cartilages and the endoscopic findings

yields the following boundaries:

Boundary between PS and PW = line along the fold between posterior and lateral
Boundary between PS and PC = line from inferior tip of the arytenoid apex
extended anally, at rest
Boundary between hypopharynx and mesopharynx = line joining the left and
right edges of the epiglottic valleculae

The boundaries between the PC and PW, and the boundaries between the hypo-
pharynx (PC and PW) and cervical esophagus, are difficult to delineate endoscopi-
cally and will not be covered in this section.

3.3 Anatomy of the Pharynx (2): Anatomical Location

of Subsites

The pharynx is a hollow organ located between the nasal cavity, oral cavity, and
esophagus, and it is surrounded by muscle and connective tissue. The pharynx is
vertically divided into the epipharynx (nasopharynx), mesopharynx (oropharynx),
and hypopharynx (laryngopharynx) (Fig. 3.2). The oropharynx and oral cavity are
separated by the circumvallate papillae of the tongue, the oropharyngeal isthmus,
and the posterior margin of the hard palate. The boundary between the hypopharynx
and the esophagus is the lower margin of the cricoid cartilage.

3.3.1 Oropharynx

According to the General Rules for Clinical Studies on Head and Neck Cancer
[1], the oropharynx extends from the transition zone between the hard and soft pal-
ates to the level of the upper margin of the hyoid bone (or the base of the epiglottic
valleculae) and is divided into the following subsites (Fig. 3.6):

1. Anterior wall (glossoepiglottic region): base of tongue (tongue posterior to the

circumvallate papillae or posterior 1/3 of the tongue)
2. Lateral wall: palatine tonsil, tonsillar fossa, fauces, and glossotonsillar
3. Posterior wall
4. Superior wall: inferior surface of soft palate and uvula
40 M. Muto et al.

Circumvallate papilla

Tongue Base of tongue

Platine tonsil

Posterior wall Anterior pillar

Posterior pillar

Soft palate
Faucial pillars

Hard palate
Epiglottis Epiglottic vallecula

Anterior wall Lateral wall

Posterior wall Superior wall

Fig. 3.6 Diagram of oropharyngeal subsites (revised UICC TNM classification)

Fig. 3.7 Diagram of Base of tongue Epiglottic vallecula

hypopharynx as visualized Epiglottis
from the oropharynx (revised
UICC TNM classification) Vocal fold

Pyriform sinus

Aryepiglottic fold
Arytenoid region

Posterior wall

3.3.2 Hypopharynx Subsites
The hypopharynx extends from the upper margin of the hyoid bone (or the base of
the epiglottic valleculae) to the level of the lower margin of the cricoid cartilage and
is divided into the following subsites (Figs. 3.7 and 3.8):

1. Pharyngoesophageal junction (postcricoid area (PC)): from the level of the ary-
tenoid cartilage and interarytenoid region to the lower margin of the cricoid car-
tilage (forms the anterior wall of the hypopharynx)
2. Piriform sinus (PS): from the pharyngoepiglottic fold to the upper margin of
the esophagus (lateral boundary is the thyroid cartilage, medial border the
3 Overview 41

Fig. 3.8 Diagram of Uvula

oropharynx and hypopharynx
opened up left and right from Circumvallate papilla
the middle of the posterior
wall Tongue Platine tonsil


Hyoid bone

Posterior edge of thyroid cartilage

Arytenoid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage

Pyriform sinus : PS
Esophagus Postcricoid are : PC
Posterior wall : PW

hypopharyngeal face of the aryepiglottic fold, and the arytenoid and cricoid
3. Posterior pharyngeal wall (PW): from the level of the upper margin of the hyoid
bone (base of the epiglottic valleculae) to the lower margin of the cricoid carti-
lage and from the apex of one PS to the apex of the other Boundaries of Subsites

The boundaries of the subsites are defined as follows:

1. Boundary between PW and PC: lateral margin of the cricoid cartilage below the
apex of the PS
2. Boundary between PW and PS: lateral margin of the thyroid cartilage
3. Boundary between PS and PC: lateral margin of the cricoid cartilage
4. Boundary between larynx and PS: ridge of the aryepiglottic fold (however, the
arytenoid area, including the posterior aspect, is part of the larynx)

3.3.3 Difficulty Delineating the Pharyngeal Subsites

It is no easy matter for a gastrointestinal endoscopist to understand the anatomical

positions of the subsites of the pharynx. This is because, unlike ENT surgeons,
they only examine the mucosal surface and are unable to grasp the anatomical
relationships between the cartilages and bones, used so often in defining the bound-
aries between subsites (particularly in the hypopharynx). The best course is to
make contact with our ENT colleagues to assist us in improving our
42 M. Muto et al.

3.4 Images of the Vasculature of the Esophageal Squamous

Epithelium (1): IPCL Classification Using Magnifying

3.4.1 Magnifying Image of Normal Esophageal Mucosa

A schematic drawing of the superficial vascular network of the normal esophageal

mucosa and submucosa is shown in Fig. 3.9 [1]. With a non-magnifying endoscope,
as we draw close to the normal mucosa, we can discern the branching vascular net-
work. Most of this network is located immediately above the muscularis mucosae.
The intraepithelial papillary capillary loops (IPCLs), rising perpendicularly from
the branching vascular network, are rarely discernible during non-magnifying
examinations. Using a scope such as the H 260Z, with magnification up to 70 times,
we can discern the ICPLs in the normal mucosa as red dots. The recent advent of
NBI has enabled us to distinguish ICPLs even more clearly as brownish dots. With
M-NBI, the esophageal superficial vascular network appears green and the ICPLs as
brownish looping lines.
Intraepithelial papillary capillary loops (IPCLs) can be seen within the epithelial

3.4.2 Use of the IPCL Pattern Classification in Evaluation of the

Endoscopic Degree of Atypia

In regions with squamous epithelium, such as the pharynx and esophagus, with mag-
nifying endoscopy, we can evaluate the endoscopic degree of atypia of a lesion through
observation of changes in the IPCL pattern (Fig. 3.10 red box). IPCLs are blood ves-
sels situated adjacent to the basal layers of the epithelium and are considered to exhibit
characteristic changes that correlate with structural atypia of the parabasal and basal

Branching vessel
Obliquely running vessel

Submucosal vein

Fig. 3.9 Schematic drawing of the superficial vascular network of the normal esophageal mucosa
3 Overview 43

IPCL type I

IPCL type II


IPCL type IV

IPCL type V-1

Formation Localized therapy
(dilatation, meandering, M1
of such as EMR/ESD
variable diameters,
nonuniform morphology)
area (plaque)
Absolute indication:
IPCL type V-2 V-1, V-2
(elongated IPCL type V-1) Relative indication:
IPCL type V-3
(marked destructive M3,
changes in IPCLs) SM1
IPCL type VN treatment
(appearance of SM2 including surgery
new tumor vessels)

Fig. 3.10 IPCL pattern classification. The morphology of IPCLs located within epithelial papillae
reflects changes in the epithelial papillary structure. IPCL pattern types I to V-1 are characteristic
of flat lesions (red box), whereas IPCL pattern types V-1 to VN reflect the depth of invasion by a
superficial cancer (blue box) (Modified from Inoue et al. [4])

layers. We accordingly anticipate the IPCL pattern classification will be useful in the
evaluation of the endoscopic degree of atypia of squamous epithelium.
Within the areas of intraepithelial cancers that do not stain with iodine, four ele-
ments of IPCL changes are often seen: (1) dilatation, (2) meandering, (3) variable
diameters, and (4) nonuniform morphology [2]. These IPCL changes correlate with
the degree of atypia of the lesion. In evaluating of the endoscopic degree of atypia, we
first delineate the lesion as an area not staining with iodine, or a brownish area using
NBI, and then perform a qualitative analysis using the IPCL pattern. The classification
extends from type I (normal mucosa) to type V (intraepithelial cancer). Types II and
III often correspond to inflammatory or reactive changes, type III to inflammatory
changes or low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (LGIN), types IV and V to high-grade
intraepithelial neoplasia (HGIN), and type V-1 to M1 cancer. We can infer that mor-
phological changes in IPCLs reflect the histological degree of structural atypia.
44 M. Muto et al.

In this way, we can evaluate the endoscopic degree of atypia to a certain extent
using the IPCL pattern classification. Importantly, we can be confident that watchful
expectation is indicated for type III lesions, whereas treatment such as endoscopic
mucosal resection (EMR) or endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is indicated
for IPCL type IV or V lesions.

3.4.3 Evaluation of Depth of Invasion by Superficial Cancers

Based on the IPCL Pattern Classification

The main diagnostic markers for the evaluation of the depth of invasion using non-
magnifying endoscopy are the degree of concavity or protuberance, color changes,
and changes in shape with insufflation. Magnifying endoscopy provides additional
diagnostic markers, the IPCL pattern and the appearance of tumor vessels [3]. M1
(epithelium, EP) lesions show changes including all four characteristic features,
but as a lesion invades to M2 (lamina propria mucosae, LPM) and M3 (muscularis
mucosae, MM), we see increased destruction of the IPCLs seen in the M1 lesions,
and the IPCLs also become elongated in the direction of the deeper layers. Type
V-3 IPCLs (irregular vessels) run horizontally, completely different to the perpen-
dicularly oriented normal IPCLs. This is a common finding in M3 cancers (and in
the deeper parts of some M2 lesions) and can be seen near the surface layers on
magnifying endoscopic examination. On the other hand, type VN (new tumor ves-
sels) is characteristic of cancers invading the deep submucosal (SM) layers, with
the new vessels larger in caliber than type V-3 vessels, and located in the deeper
parts of the lesion.
In this way, the IPCL pattern indirectly reflects the changes in the epithelial pap-
illary structure and is useful in qualitative histological evaluation and evaluation of
the depth of invasion of superficial cancers.

3.5 Images of the Vasculature of the Esophageal

Squamous Epithelium (2): Microvascular Classification
of Superficial Esophageal Lesions Using Magnifying

The advent of magnifying endoscopy has enabled endoscopic histopathological

imaging, differentiation between benign and malignant superficial esophageal
lesions, and accurate evaluation of the depth of invasion of superficial esopha-
geal cancers. Combination with NBI or flexible spectral imaging color enhance-
ment (FICE) increases the diagnostic accuracy, as well as increasing the
reliability of diagnoses of EP and LPM cancers. This makes it possible to pro-
ceed to the next treatment step without the need for biopsies. I will now explain
the microvascular classification of superficial esophageal lesions using magni-
fying endoscopy.
3 Overview 45

3.5.1 Microvascular Pattern Classification of Superficial

Esophageal Lesions Visualized Using Magnifying Endoscopy

Magnified examination of the normal esophageal mucosa reveals intraepithelial papil-

lary capillaries branching from the subepithelial vascular network. The intraepithelial
papillary capillaries are capillaries located within the subepithelial papillae, with a
vessel diameter of 1015 m. The spaces between papillae are approximately 100 m.
The microvascular pattern (MVP) classification (updated version) as visualized
using magnifying endoscopy is shown in Fig. 3.11. Microvascular patterns are
broadly divided into four types, each closely reflecting a histopathological type.
With type 3 and type 4 vascular pattern as diagnostic markers for cancer, the accu-
racy for distinguishing between benign and malignant lesions is 95 %. The corre-
sponding endoscopic findings are shown in 3.11.

3.5.2 Characteristics of Each Type Type 1
Narrow straight intrapapillary vessels, similar to the normal mucosa, can be seen,
so this is histologically esophageal epithelium with no atypia in almost its entirety.

Type 1

Type 2

a b c d
Type 3 EP LPM

S <
= 0.5 mm SSIV LPM
= 3 mm ard 3 MM SM1

Type 4
IB L >3 mm ard 4 SM2 SM3

Non-AVA LPM~SM (porlNFc)


Fig. 3.11 Schematic diagram of a microvascular pattern classification of superficial esophageal

lesions visualized using magnifying endoscopy (Arima classification). LGIN low-grade intraepi-
thelial neoplasia, HGIN high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, ML multilayered, IB irregularly
branching, R reticular, AVA avascular area (Arima et al. [7], revised in part)
46 M. Muto et al.

However, there is a small likelihood that it may include an area of low-grade

intraepithelial neoplasia (LGIN). Type 2
Despite findings of elongated vessels, dilated vessels, branching or spiral-shaped
swellings, and increased vascular density, the vascular structure is preserved with a
relatively regular arrangement. Although this vascular pattern is typical of inflam-
matory changes without atypia, type 2 also includes small numbers of lesions dif-
ficult to distinguish from LGIN or EP cancers. Areas repeatedly subjected to chronic
inflammation can be difficult to distinguish from cancers. Type 3
This vascular pattern is characteristic for EP and LPM cancers, with destruction of
the intrapapillary vascular structure and irregularly arranged vessels with nonuni-
form diameters. It is further divided into the following four subtypes: 3a: vessels
resembling broken threads; 3b: vessels resembling crushed red spots; 3c: 3b vessels
that are elongated or anastomosing with each other; 3d: salmon roe appearance,
with aggregations of fine spiral vessels within the papillary prominences. Type 4
The basic morphologies of vessels appearing in areas of LPM to SM invasion are
multilayered (MV, Fig. 3.12a), irregularly branching (IB, Fig. 3.12b), and reticular
(R, Fig. 3.12c).
The invasive part of the cancer appears as an avascular area (AVA), an area lack-
ing in hypertrophic vessels, surrounded by stretched type 4 vessels. The size of the
AVA correlates closely with the depth of tumor invasion, so even in LPM cancers
type 4 vessels can be seen surrounding a 200300 m decolored AVA. Based on the
size of the AVA, this type is divided into three subtypes: 4S, <0.5 mm (Fig. 3.12d);
4M, <3 mm (Fig. 3.12e); and 4L, 3 mm. 4S lesions correspond to LPM cancer, 4M
to MM or SM1 cancers, and 4L to SM2 and SM3 cancers.
Saucer-shaped lesions with raised edges form a surrounding area with stretched
irregular vessels (SSIVs). The depth of invasion can be evaluated using the vessels
enclosed by the SSIV; if they are type 3, it is type 4 around type 3 (ard 3), and if they
are type 4, it is type 4 around type 4 (ard 4, Fig. 3.12f).
On the other hand, non-AVA type 4R lesions that do not form an AVA are often
poorly differentiated cancers that do not form a distinct tumor mass, lesions that
exhibit infiltrative growth pattern c (INFc), or cancers of a specific histological type
with fine honeycomb pattern of invasion. They tend to have a gently sloping thick-
ened surface or an SMT-like morphology but sometimes appear as part of a IIc
3 Overview 47

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 3.12 Magnifying endoscopy with FICE images. (a) Multilayered vessels (MV), (b) irregu-
larly branching vessels, (c) reticular vessels (R), (d) 4S, (e) 4M, (f) ard 4
48 M. Muto et al.

1. Japan Society for Head and Neck Cancer (eds). General Rules for Clinical Studies on Head and
Neck Cancer (4th edition), Kanehara Shuppan, 2005.
2. Inoue H, et al: Dig Endosc 8: 134138, 1996
3. Inoue H, et al: Dig Endosc 9: 1618, 1997
4. Inoue H, et al: Stomach and Intestine 41:19205, 2006
5. Arima H, et al: Gastroenterol Endosc 39:15571565, 1997
6. Arima M, et al: Esophagus 4: 191197, 2005
7. Arima M, et al: Stomach and Intestine 44: 16751687, 2009
Atlas of Normal Appearance:
Normal Squamous Epithelium 4
Manabu Muto

The mucosal surface of the pharynx and esophagus comprises stratified squamous
epithelium, and NBI examination is extremely useful in this region.

M. Muto
Department of Therapeutic Oncology,
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine,
54 Kawahara-cho, Syogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan

Springer Japan 2015

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging, 49
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_4
50 M. Muto

4.1 Explanation

The squamous epithelial surface of the pharynx and esophagus is visualized using
WLI as a smooth light pinkish surface, and blood vessels appear red (Fig. 4.1a, c).
With NBI, the mucosa itself is seen as greenish white, with blood vessels in the
more superficial layers appearing rather brownish and vessels in deeper layers rather
greenish (Fig. 4.1b, d). The smooth surface can sometimes appear quite glossy.
Blood vessels in the subepithelial layers branch like the veins in a leaf, whereas
microvessels that cannot be discerned with WLI can be visualized using NBI.
Furthermore, M-NBI examination reveals intraepithelial papillary capillary loops
(IPCLs) more clearly than with M-WLI (Fig. 4.1c, d).

4.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Optical principles dictate that the light intensity of NBI is less than that of WLI, so
the images obtained with the former tend to appear darker than with the latter.
However, for SCCs of the pharynx and esophagus, the detection power and diagnos-
tic power are considerably superior for NBI than WLI.
NBI uses an optical filter matched to the absorptive properties of hemoglobin, so
tumors rich with vascular proliferation are readily seen as brownish areas. Lesions
lacking vascular proliferation or lesions with a strong tendency to keratinization are
difficult to recognize. The same applies to WLI examinations; so for these lesions,
previously developed WLI diagnostic systems are extremely important.
4 Atlas of Normal Appearance: Normal Squamous Epithelium 51

a b

c d

Fig. 4.1 WLI and NBI images of vascular network of esophagus, (a) nonmagnifying WLI, (b)
magnifying NBI image, (c) magnifying WLI, (d) magnifying NBI
52 M. Muto

1. Muto M, et al: J Clin Oncol 28:15661572, 2010
2. Muto M, et al: Cancer 101:13751381, 2004
3. Muto M, et al: Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 3: S1620, 2005
4. Inoue H, et al: Dig Endosc 9:1618, 1997
5. Kumagai Y, et al: Endoscopy 34:369375, 2002
6. Muto M, et al: J Gastroenterol Hepatol 24:13331346, 2009
Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions
Yasumasa Ezoe, Manabu Muto, Kenichi Goda,
Masahiro Ikegami, and Hisao Tajiri

Y. Ezoe (*)
Department of Multidisciplinary Cancer Treatment, Kyoto University Graduate
School of Medicine, 54 Kawahara-cho, Shogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan
M. Muto
Department of Therapeutic Oncology, Kyoto University Graduate
School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
K. Goda
Department of Endoscopy, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
M. Ikegami
Department of Pathology, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
H. Tajiri
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, The Jikei University School of Medicine,
Tokyo, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 53

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_5
54 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.1 Telangiectasia

Telangiectasias are dilated subepithelial blood vessels, endoscopically appearing as

red dots or patches from a distance. They can occur in any part of the gastrointesti-
nal tract. Almost all lesions in the oropharynx, hypopharynx, and esophagus are
asymptomatic, whereas telangiectasias in the small and large intestines can hemor-
rhage repeatedly and are a cause of gastrointestinal bleeding.
Because telangiectasias are a morphological abnormality of blood vessels, they
are now relatively easy to diagnose with increased endoscopic resolutions and the
advent of M-NBI. Biopsy is generally contraindicated, as they are essentially vascu-
lar malformations.

5.1.1 Explanation

In this case, non-magnifying WLI examination reveals a 2 mm reddened patch on

the posterior wall of the hypopharynx (Fig. 5.1a). Non-magnifying NBI examina-
tion shows this as a brownish area (Fig. 5.1b). With M-WLI, we see that this area is
a collection of dilated microvessels (Fig. 5.1c). M-NBI shows this collection of
dilated microvessels even more clearly, and we can confirm no variability in vessel
diameter or direction (Fig. 5.1d). Based on these findings, we made the diagnosis of

5.1.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Because telangiectasias are abnormalities of blood vessels, from a distance using

non-magnifying NBI, they may appear as brownish areas. However, there are epi-
thelial morphological or color changes, as seen in neoplastic lesions.
M-NBI examination reveals that this lesion is a collection of dilated microves-
sels, with no epithelial changes in the background mucosa. We can also clearly see
that the microvessels show no variation in caliber or irregularity of their paths.
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 55

a b

c d

Fig. 5.1 Teleangiectasia of the posterior wall of hypopharynx, (a) nonmagnifying WLI, (b) mag-
nifying NBI image, (c) magnifying WLI, (d) magnifying NBI
56 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.2 Melanosis

Melanosis refers to intraepithelial deposits of brown melanin pigment, visualized

endoscopically as dark brownish lesions. It has been reported that when melanosis
is detected in the pharyngeal or esophageal mucosa, it is highly likely that an SCC
will also be present in the pharynx or esophagus, so melanosis should be considered
a biomarker of malignancy [1].

5.2.1 Explanation

Melanosis is easily diagnosed using WLI, appearing as dark brownish lesions

(Fig. 5.2a, b). On the other hand, caution is required during NBI examinations, as
melanosis is visualized as brownish areas, similar to cancers. Magnified examina-
tion, whether WLI or NBI, reveals no proliferation of abnormal blood vessels, with
intraepithelial deposition of brown pigment unrelated to any blood vessels
(Fig. 5.2bd). The diagnosis of melanosis is not difficult, but it is important to be
prepared to switch over to WLI examination when necessary for simple
In this case, biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of melanosis, with deposition of mel-
anin pigment in the basal layers of the stratified squamous epithelium (Fig. 5.2e, f).

5.2.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Caution is required because using NBI examination melanosis is visualized as

brownish areas, similar to cancers.
When a brownish area is detected during an NBI examination, no IPCL changes
will be seen within the lesion, as long as the melanosis is not associated with atypia
or cancer. However, even at higher magnification, lesions will often appear blurred
and difficult to focus.
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 57

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 5.2 Melanosis of the esophagus, (a, b) nonmagnifying WLI, (c, d) nonmagnifying NBI
image, (e) HE image, (f) high-power view, melanin was deposited at baseline membrane
58 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.3 Inflammatory Changes

These lesions are experienced relatively frequently in the clinical practice. Although
inflammatory changes may be seen in any part of the oropharynx or hypopharynx,
they most often present as mild redness in the tonsillar region, with its abundant
lymphoid follicles, as well as the epiglottis and the left and right piriform sinuses.
Inflammatory changes are sometimes associated with erosions. The degree and
extent of inflammation varies, so the endoscopic appearance is also highly

5.3.1 Explanation

In this case, non-magnifying WLI examination of the left piriform sinus of the
hypopharynx shows loss of visibility of the blood vessels, a small yellowish-white
projection, and redness of the apex (Fig. 5.3a). Non-magnifying NBI examination
reveals a brownish area with indistinct margins (Fig. 5.3b). M-WLI examination
reveals a ground-glass surface appearance, with a scattering of very mildly dilated
microvessels (Fig. 5.3c). M-NBI shows the ground-glass appearance of the mucosal
surface more clearly, and we can clearly see that the blood vessels within the lesion
are only mildly dilated, with no variability in vessel diameter or irregular prolifera-
tion and no proliferation of atypical vessels (Fig. 5.3d).
In this case, biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of inflammatory changes, with infil-
tration of inflammatory cells (Fig. 5.3e).

5.3.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Areas of inflammatory change often appear reddened in color with WLI, so with
NBI they are visualized as brownish areas, similar to cancers.
M-NBI examination shows more distinctly that the boundary between the lesion
and the surrounding mucosa is unclear. Only mild changes are seen in the IPCLs
within the lesion, often visualized as minor vascular changes giving a ground-glass
Pointers for differentiating inflammatory changes from neoplastic lesions are the
unclear margins and the absence of proliferation of atypical vessels.
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 59

a b

c d

Fig. 5.3 Inflammatory change of left piriform sinus, (a) nonmagnifying WLI, (b) nonmagnifying
NBI, (c) close view of WLI, (d) close view if NBI, (e) HE image
60 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.4 Squamous Papilloma

Squamous papillomas are lesions with proliferation of squamous epithelium with a

papillary structure and are considered reactive rather than neoplastic in nature. They
are classified into the following three subtypes based on the histological findings

1. Exophytic type: stratified squamous epithelium lines the branching surface of

the lamina propria.
2. Endophytic type: branching stratified squamous epithelium lines the inverted
globular surface of the lamina propria.
3. Spiked type: spikes of narrow-based lamina propria protrude into the epithelial

Endoscopically, the appearances of the different subtypes are described as (1) a

sea anemone, (2) a pine cone, and (3) verrucoid or a low flat protuberance.

5.4.1 Explanation

Under non-magnifying WLI examination, most squamous papillomas are visual-

ized as white lesions, either a protuberance resembling a sea anemone (Fig. 5.4a) or
a pine cone (Fig. 5.4b). These characteristic appearances make a relatively easy
Magnified examination reveals narrow atypical vessels elongated in the direction
of the lesion surface (Fig. 5.4c, d). Characteristic of these elongated vessels is that
they are not tightly coiled like corkscrews as seen in cancers but rather smoothly
elongated, with little twisting. No variability in diameter is seen. Both the surface
structure and the microvascular pattern are better visualized using M-NBI than
In both these lesions, biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of papillomatous prolifera-
tion of stratified squamous epithelium (Fig. 5.4e, f).
When a lesion does not show the typical endoscopic appearance of a squamous
papilloma, biopsy may be necessary to distinguish it from a neoplastic lesion.

5.4.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Squamous papillomas are usually visualized as a protuberance resembling either a

sea anemone or pine cone.
Smoothly elongated atypical blood vessels, with no variability in diameter or
irregularity, are seen within the papillary structure.
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 61

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 5.4 Papilloma, (a, c, e) exophytic type, (b, d, f) endophytic typea, (a, b) nonmagnifying WLI,
(c, d) close view of WLI and NBI, (e, f) HE image
62 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.5 Flat Squamous Papilloma

Squamous papillomas are classified into (1) a sea anemone, (2) a pine cone, and
(3) verrucoid, or a low flat protuberance, with most either type (1) or (2). However,
since endoscopic examination of the pharynx has become possible, verrucoid
squamous papillomas presenting as a low flat protuberance are also frequently

5.5.1 Explanation

From a distance, non-magnifying WLI reveals a low flat protuberance the same
color as the surrounding mucosa (Fig. 5.5a). With non-magnifying NBI from a dis-
tance, we are still only able to identify a low flat protuberance, with no difference in
color to its surrounds (Fig. 5.5b). Magnified examination reveals proliferation of
vessels with mild atypia within the substance of the papillary protuberance
(Fig. 5.5c, d).
In this case, biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of squamous papilloma.

5.5.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Common to all subtypes of squamous papilloma, within the mucosa showing a pap-
illary structure run blood vessels with a low degree of atypia.
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 63

a b

c d

Fig. 5.5 Flat type papilloma, (a) nonmagnifying WLI, (b) nonmagnifying NBI, (c) close view of
WLI, (d) close view of NBI
64 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.6 Post-radiotherapy Changes

Radiotherapy may be indicated for organ preservation in cancers of the pharynx,

larynx, or esophagus, even in the operable stages. Cures can be achieved in cases of
pharyngeal and esophageal cancer through radiotherapy in combination with anti-
cancer chemotherapy. Laryngeal cancers tend to become symptomatic at an early
stage, so radiotherapy is often indicated for organ preservation (preservation of
function of speech).

5.6.1 Explanation

Figures 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 are photographs of the oropharynx of a case
of laryngeal cancer in which complete response to radiotherapy was achieved. Non-
magnifying WLI examination reveals blood vessels of varying diameters and irreg-
ular paths (Fig. 5.6a). Non-magnifying NBI examination shows these blood vessels
with variable diameters and directionality even more distinctly (Fig. 5.6b).
Magnified examination reveals vessels with nonuniform diameters spreading out in
a winding irregular manner (Fig. 5.6c, d). In particular, vessels running horizontally
are characterized by curliness, and in certain places, dilatation of vessels is seen
(Fig. 5.6c, d).

5.6.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Post-radiotherapy changes are characterized by curly vessels with different diam-

eters running horizontally and irregularly. Localized irregular dilatation can also be
seen, producing an easily recognized sludge worm (Tubifex tubifex)
Even following radiotherapy, if a metachronous lesion occurs, it will be visual-
ized as a brownish area, so the differential diagnosis between neoplastic and non-
neoplastic lesions is relatively easy to make.

5.6.3 For Reference: Mucosa That Has Not Been Irradiated

In normal pharyngeal mucosa that has not undergone irradiation, we can see blood
vessels that taper neatly like the veins of a leaf, and we can see they are not curly
(Fig. 5.6e, f).
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 65

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 5.6 Post radiotherapy changes, (a) nonmagnifying WLI, (b) nonmagnifying NBI, (c) close
view of WLI, (d) close view of NBI, (e) WLI image of non-irradiated pharyngeal mucosa, (f) NBI
image of non-irradiated pharyngeal mucosa
66 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.7 Post-ESD Scar

Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has also become widely used as an endo-
scopic treatment for early esophageal cancers [3]. As NBI becomes more widely
used, we can anticipate that more early cancers and superficial cancers of the esoph-
agus will be detected and expect that ESD will be indicated in more cases.

5.7.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying WLI reveals puckering associated with the (Fig. 5.7a). Similarly,
non-magnifying NBI examination shows scar-associated puckering (Fig. 5.7b).
Magnified examination clearly shows blood vessels gather within the scar toward its
center (Fig. 5.7c, d).

5.7.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Similar to inflammatory changes, nonneoplastic regenerative changes are associ-

ated with a degree of regularity to the vessel paths, along with a uniform directional-
ity, in particular a tendency to travel in a horizontal direction.
On the other hand, neoplastic lesions will show a derangement of polarity, with
irregular vessels running perpendicular to the mucosal surface (see Chap. 6).
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 67

a b

c d

Fig. 5.7 Post ESD scar of the esphagus, (a) nonmagnifying WLI, (b) nonmagnifying NBI,
(c) magnifying WLI, (d) magnifying NBI
68 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.8 Ectopic Gastric Mucosa

Ectopic gastric mucosa is an area of columnar epithelium often seen near the esoph-
ageal introitus, thought to be a mucosal remnant from the embryonic period [4, 5].
Ectopic gastric mucosa is detected in 1014 % of patients undergoing WLI exami-
nations. Endoscopically, lesions often present as oval patches, but they range in size
from very small to circumferential. There may also be a single lesion or multiple
lesions. Histologically, they resemble fundic glandular epithelium, although some
resemble pyloric glands.

5.8.1 Explanation

When examining the cervical and upper esophagus, from the esophageal introitus to
around 20 cm from the incisors, a clearer field of vision is obtained as the endoscope
is withdrawn. Accordingly, patient discomfort is also minimized by examining the
proximal part of the esophagus during scope withdrawal rather than insertion. If this
area is to be examined during the first part of the examination, the scope should be
first inserted as far as 20 cm from the incisors, and then examine the esophageal
mucosa as the scope is withdrawn.
Non-magnifying WLI examination reveals discrete oval-shaped reddened areas
(Fig. 5.8a), whereas non-magnifying NBI examinations show these lesions to be
brownish areas with distinct margins (Fig. 5.8b). M-NBI (Fig. 5.8c) shows the glan-
dular epithelial structure more clearly than M-NBI (Fig. 5.8d).
In this case, biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of ectopic gastric mucosa (Fig. 5.8f).
Ectopic gastric mucosa is unstained by iodine staining (Fig. 5.8e), necessitating dif-
ferentiation from cancer, although the diagnosis is easily made using M-NBI.

5.8.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

When a brownish area with distinct margins is detected in the cervical esophagus
using non-magnifying NBI, we should immediately change over to M-NBI to con-
firm whether a glandular epithelial structure is present.
If a glandular epithelial structure is seen, the diagnosis of ectopic gastric mucosa
can be made without the need for biopsy. On the other hand, if a glandular epithelial
pattern cannot be seen, but proliferation of atypical vessels is seen within the brown-
ish area, cancer should be suspected and biopsy performed.
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 69

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 5.8 Ectopic gastric mucos, (a) nonmagnifying WLI, (b) nonmagnifying NBI, (c) magnifying
WLI, (d) magnifying NBI, (e) lugol staining, (f) HE image
70 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.9 Reflux Esophagitis

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is defined as a condition that develops

when the reflux of the gastric contents into the esophagus causes symptoms such as
heartburn and complications including damage to the esophageal mucosa [6].
Although formerly considered relatively uncommon in Japan, recently the number
of patients with GERD has increased, associated with an increasingly Westernized
diet, aging of the population, and reduced Helicobacter pylori infection rates [7].
The manifestations of GERD are broadly classified into the esophageal and
extraesophageal syndromes. The esophageal syndrome includes reflux esophagitis
(RE), with endoscopic findings of mucosal damage (mucosal breaks, reddened
areas with distinct margins, erosions, ulceration). A widely used endoscopic clas-
sification of RE is the Los Angeles (LA) classification [8], although the modified
LA classification proposed by Hoshihara et al. [9] is the standard in Japan.

5.9.1 Explanation

We can see two long narrow reddened depressed areas (mucosal breaks), approxi-
mately 10 mm in length, between 12 and 2 oclock at the gastroesophageal junction.
The surrounding mucosa has a turbid white, mildly thickened appearance, with fewer
visible vessels (Fig. 5.9a). This is consistent with RE of LA classification grade B.
Non-magnifying NBI examination delineates the reddened depressed areas
as dark brown areas with distinct margins (Fig. 5.9b). Low-magnification NBI
examination reveals linear microvessels in areas adjacent to the depressions, with
densely packed, slightly dilated microvessels within the depressed areas, in places
resembling a string of beads (Fig. 5.9c). Raising the magnification even further, the
dilated microvessels within the depressed areas are relatively uniform in morphol-
ogy, and the punctate and linear vessels in the surrounding mucosa do not show any
definite atypia (Fig. 5.9d). Iodine does not stain, or only lightly stains, the reddened
depressed areas, and the surrounding mucosa shows a fuzzy staining pattern [10],
the typical chromoendoscopic findings for RE (Fig. 5.9e).
In this case, biopsy revealed intraepithelial and subepithelial inflammatory cell
infiltration, the findings of papillomatous proliferation of RE (Fig. 5.9f).

5.9.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Under NBI examination, the areas of mucosal damage appeared dark brown, with
linear microvessels arranged in palisades seen in the surrounding cloudy white,
mildly thickened mucosa.
Under strong magnification, we can see proliferation of dilated microvessels
within the areas of damaged mucosa and their marginal areas, although their mor-
phology is relatively uniform, with a regular arrangement.
Almost all cases of RE can be diagnosed on regular light (ALI) examination
alone. However, although they are uncommon, some cases of superficial cancer are
difficult to distinguish from RE. When such lesions are encountered, the diagnosis
can be made easier by iodine staining, NBI examination, or following changes over
time with administration of a proton pump inhibitor (PPI).
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 71

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 5.9 Reflux esophagitis, (a) nonmagnifying WLI, (b) nonmagnifying NBI, (c) close view of
NBI, (d) magnifying NBI, (e) lugol staining, (f) HE image
72 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.10 Nonerosive Reflux Disease (NERD)

The condition that develops when the reflux of the gastric contents into the esopha-
gus causes symptoms such as heartburn and complications including damage to the
esophageal mucosa is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and is
broadly classified into the esophageal and extraesophageal syndromes [6]. When
the esophageal syndrome is associated with no endoscopic findings of mucosal
damage (mucosal breaks, reddened areas with distinct margins, erosions, ulcer-
ation), the diagnosis is nonerosive reflux disease (NERD).
Causative factors for NERD are complex, including not only reflux of gastric
acid, but also esophageal contractile abnormalities and hypersensitivity. Although
the majority of Japanese patients with GERD with heartburn symptoms are reported
to have NERD [11], there are no endoscopic findings corresponding to NERD in the
Los Angeles (LA) classification [8], which rates the degree of mucosal damage.
NERD may correspond to grade M color changes (minimal change: whitish turbid-
ity with reduced visibility of vessels) in the modified LA classification proposed by
Hoshihara et al. [9]. Sharma et al. examined the lower esophagus near the gastro-
esophageal junction using M-NBI, reporting significantly increased numbers, tortu-
osity, and dilatation of intraepithelical papillary capillary loops (IPCLs) in patients
with NERD than in controls without GERD [12].

5.10.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying conventional light (WLI) examination reveals white turbid areas

with indistinct margins radiating in the 1, 5, 7, and 11 oclock directions. This cor-
responds not to mucosal damage but to grade M changes (Fig. 5.10a). Non-
magnifying NBI examination shows the white turbid areas more clearly (Fig. 5.10b).
Low-magnification NBI examination reveals a marked increase in the number of
IPCLs (Fig. 5.10c). Raising the magnification even further, we can see dilatation
(Fig. 5.10d) and tortuosity (Fig. 5.10e) of the IPCLs.
In this case, biopsy revealed infiltration of inflammatory cells, with aggregation
of lymphocytes and small numbers of neutrophils (Fig. 5.10f lower left) and IPCL
hyperplasia (Fig. 5.10f arrows) and dilatation (Fig. 5.10g arrows). These findings
correspond to esophagitis.

5.10.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

As seen in this case, grade M changes are easily diagnosed using NBI, even with
non-magnifying examination.
In cases with suspected NERD, the lower esophagus near the gastroesophageal
junction should be examined using M-NBI to identify morphological changes in the
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 73

a b

c d

f g

Fig. 5.10 Nonerosive Reflux Disease (NERD) (a) nonmagnifying WLI, (b) nonmagnifying NBI,
(ce) magnifying NBI, (e, f) HE image
74 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.11 Barretts Epithelium

In Japan, Barretts epithelium is defined as columnar epithelium continuous with

the stomach extending into the esophagus, irrespective of whether intestinal meta-
plasia is present [13]. In Western countries, the term Barretts is used only in cases
with intestinal metaplasia.
Identification of the gastroesophageal junction is extremely important in the
endoscopic diagnosis of Barretts epithelium. In Japan, the lower margin of the
lower esophageal palisade vessels (LEPVs) is emphasized in determining the site of
the gastroesophageal junction, whereas in Western countries the oral termination of
the vertical gastric rugae is considered more important [14].
In Japan, when Barretts epithelium is circumferential and 3 cm or greater in
length, it is called long-segment Barretts esophagus (LSBE), and if less than
3 cm, short-segment Barretts esophagus (SSBE) [13]. Pathognomic findings of
Barretts epithelium include: (1) esophageal glands beneath the columnar epithe-
lium, (2) islands of squamous epithelium within the columnar epithelium, and (3)
duplication of the muscularis mucosae [13]. Only (2) can be discerned endoscopi-
cally, and particular attention should be given to this finding when diagnosing
Although areas of intestinal metaplasia within Barretts epithelium are consid-
ered to be the carcinogenic foci, the two cannot be differentiated during conven-
tional light (WLI) examinations. In recent years, however, studies have been
conducted to clarify the characteristic appearance of intestinal metaplasia using
magnifying endoscopy, with favorable results reported [1517].

5.11.1 Explanation

In the region of the gastroesophageal junction, we can see Barretts epithelium

with a petallike appearance and confirm the lower margin of the LEPVs (dotted
line) and the oral termination of the gastric rugae (arrows) (Fig. 5.11a). With NBI
(non-magnifying) examination, we can identify the LEPVs, although they are
darker and slightly less easily discernible than with conventional light (WLI)
(Fig. 5.11b).
Figure 5.3 shows the WLI, and Fig. 5.4 the NBI images at medium magnifica-
tion. The squamocolumnar junction (SCJ) is more clearly delineated using NBI
than with WLI (Fig. 5.11c, d arrowheads). Small islands of squamous epithelium
within the columnar epithelium, difficult to discern using WLI, are easily detected
using NBI (Fig. 5.11d arrows). The mucosal microsurface pattern is also more
clearly delineated with NBI than with WLI.
NBI examination with strong magnification further improves the visibility of
mucosal microsurface pattern (villous structure) and microvessels (dark brown
curves within the villous structure) (Fig. 5.11e, f).
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 75

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 5.11 Barretts esophagus, (a) nonmagnifying WLI, (b) nonmagnifying NBI, (c) magnifying
WLI, (d, f) magnifying NBI
76 Y. Ezoe et al.

5.11.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Although not particularly useful in identifying the lower edge of the LEPVs or the
oral margin of the gastric folds, NBI improves the visibility of the SCJ and small
islands of squamous epithelium.
NBI is most useful in combination with magnified endoscopy, where without the
need for staining, it can delineate both the mucosal microsurface pattern and the
microvascular architecture.
5 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 77

1. Yokoyama A, et al: Cancer Sci 40:676684, 2006
2. Odze R, et al: Am J Surg Pathol 17: 803812, 1993
3. Fujishiro M, et al: Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 4:688694, 2006
4. Borhan-Manesh F, et al: Gut 32:968972, 1991
5. Kumatani Y, et al: Prog Dig Endosc 66: 1921, 2005
6. Vakil N, et al: Am J Gastroenterol 101:19001920, 2006
7. Ohara H et al: J Gastroenterol 102: 10101024, 2005
8. Armstrong D, et al: Gastroenterology 111: 8592, 1996
9. Hoshihara Y: Clinical Gastroenterology 11: 15631568, 1996
10. Makuuchi H: Gastroenterology 11: 589595, 1989
11. Furukawa N, et al: J Gastroenterol 4: 441444, 1999
12. Sharma P, et al: Gastroenterology 133: 454464, 2007
13. Japan Esophageal Society (eds). Japanese Classification of Esophageal Cancer (Revised 10th
edition), Kanehara Shuppan, pp 4042, 2008.
14. Lambert R, et al: Endoscopy 37: 879920, 2005
15. Endo T, et al: Gastrointest Endosc 55: 641647, 2002
16. Toyoda H, et al: Gastrointest Endosc 59: 1521, 2004
17. Goda K, et al: Gstrointest Endosc 65: 3646, 2007
Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions
Manabu Muto, Haruhiro Inoue, Shuko Morita,
Kuniko Monma, Tomonori Yano, Chikatoshi Katada,
Kenichi Goda, Hisao Tajiri, and Junko Fujiwara

M. Muto (*)
Department of Therapeutic Oncology, Kyoto University Graduate
School of Medicine, 54 Kawahara-cho, Syogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan
H. Inoue
Digestive Disease Center, Showa University Koto Toyosu Hospital,
Tokyo, Japan
S. Morita
Department of Gastrointestinal Medicine, Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital,
Kobe, Japan
K. Monma J. Fujiwara
Department of Endoscopy, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital,
Tokyo, Japan
T. Yano
Division of Digestive Endoscopy and Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer
Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, Japan
C. Katada
Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University School of Medicine,
Sagamihara, Japan
K. Goda
Department of Endoscopy, The Jikei University School of Medicine,
Tokyo, Japan
H. Tajiri
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, The Jikei University
School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 79

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_6
80 M. Muto et al.

6.1 Multiple Lugol-Voiding Lesions

Lugol-voiding lesions are the lesion not staining with iodine when sprayed with
iodine solution. Lesions that do not stain with iodine include areas of inflamma-
tion, atypical epithelium, intraepithelial cancers, and invasive cancers, whereas
squamous cell carcinoma is extremely likely with a positive pink color sign, a pink
color change following iodine staining. Multiple Lugol-voiding lesions are seen in
individuals with ALDH2 deficiency who habitually consume alcohol, and they are
at an increased risk of multiple cancers of the esophagus and laryngopharyngeal

6.1.1 Explanation

There are often no particular abnormalities seen with non-magnifying WLI exami-
nation (Fig. 6.1a). When there are strong inflammatory changes, these may present
as a pattern of thickened mucosa with marked whitish coloration, or mucosal areas
with no visible vasculature. There are similarly often no particular abnormalities
seen with non-magnifying NBI examination (Fig. 6.1b). Areas containing atypical
epithelium may appear as brownish areas with indistinct, difficult to identify mar-
gins. It is often the case that spraying of iodine stain reveals for the first time mul-
tiple non-iodine staining lesions of varying sizes (Fig. 6.1c).

6.1.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Some might tend to think that NBI is not suited to the detection of multiple Lugol-
voiding lesions; however, it can also be said that with NBI we can detect lesions
with high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (HGIN) or higher, for which treatment is
indicated, but not detect inflammatory changes or low-grade intraepithelial neopla-
sia (LGIN) or greater, for which treatment is not indicated (Fig. 6.1df).
Brownish areas with distinct margins detected using NBI (Fig. 6.1e) are clearly
delineated as Lugol-voiding lesions following iodine staining (Fig. 6.1f). This is
clinically highly significant because we may be uncertain which of many non-iodine
staining lesions should be biopsied, but with NBI we can more accurately identify
which should be biopsied.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 81

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Fig. 6.1
82 M. Muto et al.

6.2 Small Intraepithelial Neoplasia (Pharynx)

Small brownish areas are often seen in the pharynx during screening endoscopies.
Small flattish lesions are also often seen on the posterior wall of the oropharynx that
M-NBI shows to be IPCL type IV or V lesions, with vascular proliferation within
the lesion.
These lesions are often intraepithelial tumors, but consideration should also be
given to the possibility of low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (LGIN). In particular,
the presence of background coloration (BC) increases the likelihood of malignancy.
A BC (+) IPCL type IV lesion has a 69 % probability of being high-grade intraepi-
thelial neoplasia (HGIN) or higher. On the other hand, a BC () lesion has a 77 %
probability of being low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (LGIN) or lower. These
lesions do not necessarily increase rapidly in size, and an overall approach to man-
agement should be taken with consideration of the patients general condition.

6.2.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying WLI examination reveals a gently sloping reddened protuberance

on the posterior wall of the oropharynx (Fig. 6.2a). Non-magnifying NBI examina-
tion of the same site shows a brownish area (Fig. 6.2b). Magnified examination
shows an area of proliferation of abnormal vessels (Fig. 6.2c, d).
Histological examination of the endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) specimen
demonstrated HGIN or intraepithelial carcinoma with moderate to severe atypia,
associated with the subepithelial aggregation of lymphoid follicles (Fig. 6.2e, f).

6.2.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

M-NBI demonstrated marked proliferation of IPCLs within the lesion in compari-

son with the background mucosa (IPCL type V-1). Examination of the individual
vessels within the lesion reveals dilatation, tortuosity, variable diameters, and non-
uniform morphologies on the basis of which we strongly suspect HGIN or intraepi-
thelial carcinoma.
In general, color changes within a lesion increase the likelihood of malignancy,
but even in BC () lesions such as this, marked vascular abnormalities also increase
the likelihood of malignancy. BC can be considered a supplementary parameter to
be evaluated along with vascular changes.
The gently sloping reddened protuberance seen in this case was considered to be
the result of subepithelial aggregation of lymphoid follicles.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 83

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Fig. 6.2
84 M. Muto et al.

6.3 Small Intraepithelial Neoplasia (Esophagus)

The advent of high-resolution endoscopes and NBI has made it relatively easy to
detect small flat intraepithelial tumors. IPCL type IV lesions are roughly 50 % in
each low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (LGIN) and high-grade intraepithelial neo-
plasia (HGIN). Clinically, treatment (endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or
endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)) is indicated for lesions of IPCL type IV
or higher. Small lesions less than 5 mm in diameter can be surgically resected using
cap-assisted EMR.
Because small flat IPCL type IV intraepithelial tumors do not usually grow rap-
idly, there are no problems with watchful waiting. Endoscopic complete resection
biopsy is required in IPCL type V lesions, or lesions with an uneven surface.

6.3.1 Explanation

This lesion is a small flat esophageal intraepithelial tumor. Careful observation

using non-magnifying WLI shows a lesion with light coloration impairing visual-
ization of the dendritic vascular network (normal vascular network) (Fig. 6.3a).
With non-magnifying NBI examination, the lesion is easily identified as a brownish
area (brown spot) (Fig. 6.3b). With M-NBI we can further see that this is an IPCL
type IV lesion (Fig. 6.3c). Endoscopic measurement indicates a diameter of approx-
imately 1 mm.
Pathohistological examination of the endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) spec-
imen (Fig. 6.3d) yielded the diagnosis of HGIN with tumor tissue occupying the full
thickness of the epithelium (Fig. 6.3e).

6.3.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

In this small but well-demarcated lesion, we can see proliferation of IPCLs within
the lesion in comparison with the background mucosa (IPCL type IV). Abnormalities
of the individual vessels within the lesion are not as severe as those typically seen in
an intraepithelial carcinoma (dilatation, tortuosity, variable diameters, and nonuni-
form morphologies), but the lesion margin is clearly delineated in white.

6.3.3 For Reference: Endocytoscopy Findings

Figure 6.3f shows the ultramagnified endoscopic findings (endocytoscopic images).

The lesion has clearly defined margins. The endocytoscope shows an increased cel-
lular density on the lesion surface but no increase in nuclear size in comparison with
the background mucosa (ECA-3). It is accordingly possible to determine endoscop-
ically that this is a neoplastic lesion with a low degree of atypia, at least on the
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 85

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ECA- 1 ECA- 3

CM staining

Fig. 6.3
86 M. Muto et al.

6.4 Reddened Type IIa Lesion (Pharynx)

Type IIa lesions are reported to comprise 46.6 % of superficial elevated lesions [5].
A height of approximately 1 mm is considered a yardstick for esophageal cancers,
but no such yardstick exists for the pharynx. The depth of invasion is no deeper than
the subepithelial for low protuberances with almost no unevenness. Higher lesions
with marked unevenness may have invaded deeper layers [6].

6.4.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying WLI reveals a slightly protruding reddened lesion in the shows a

lesion in the laryngeal side of the right piriform sinus in the hypopharynx, although
the extent of the lesion is unclear (Fig. 6.4a). With non-magnifying NBI examina-
tion, the lesion is identified as a brownish area with distinct margins. In contrast to
the surrounding mucosa, the lesion shows an overall dark brownish coloration
(Fig. 6.4b).
With M-WLI we can identify a slightly protruding lesion but cannot delineate the
margins, and we cannot definitely see any proliferation of atypical vessels within
the lesion (Fig. 6.4c). On the other hand, with M-NBI we can discern a brownish
area with a definite color difference to the surrounding mucosa, and we can clearly
see proliferation of atypical vessels (Fig. 6.4d). The mucosa visualized between the
individual atypical vessels is also brown in color, so in addition to the vascular
atypia, the color change of the mucosa itself is an important finding indicative of
Pathohistological examination (HE staining) yielded the diagnosis of a squamous
cell carcinoma confined to the epithelium (Fig. 6.4e).

6.4.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

The term brownish area refers to a lesion showing color changes in the mucosa
seen between atypical vessels, but careful examination is required because the mar-
gin with the nontumorous mucosa may be clearly delineable in its entire circumfer-
ence or it may only be distinct in part.
The lesion margins may be distinctly visible at a distance with non-magnifying
NBI, or they may be discernible for the first time with M-NBI. When a brownish
area is detected, if magnified examination reveals dilated atypical vessels in addi-
tion to a distinct lesion margin, cancer should be strongly suspected.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 87

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Fig. 6.4
88 M. Muto et al.

6.5 Whitish Type IIa Lesion (Pharynx)

Whitish lesions are relatively rare among superficial elevated lesions of the phar-
ynx. Histologically, lesions with a strong tendency to keratinize are seen as whitish.
Low prominences with almost no surface unevenness tend to grow into the lumen,
with the depth of invasion often confined to the subepithelial layer. Histologically,
these lesions do often show downward growth, but there is no consensus as to
whether this should be termed invasive or noninvasive. At present it is recommended
that the thickness as measured from the surface of the lesion should be recorded.

6.5.1 Explanation

With non-magnifying WLI examination, we can just discern a slightly protruding

whitish lesion in the right piriform sinus in the hypopharynx, although the extent of
the lesion is unclear (Fig. 6.5a). With non-magnifying NBI examination, we can
identify a whitish superficial elevated lesion (Fig. 6.5b). Iodine staining under gen-
eral anesthesia reveals this lesion to be a distinct non-iodine staining area (Fig. 6.5c).
With M-NBI we can see that proliferation of atypical vessels is very sparse in the
oral part of the lesion, and the difference in color to the surrounding mucosa is also
slight (Fig. 6.5d). However, in the anal part of the lesion, proliferation of atypical
vessels is rather marked, although they only show slight dilatation. Furthermore, the
anal part of the lesion is seen as a distinct brownish area due to the difference in
color to the surrounding mucosa (Fig. 6.5e).
Histological examination of the specimen resected under general anesthesia
yielded the diagnosis of intraepithelial cancer (Fig. 6.5f). The lack of proliferation
of atypical vessels within the lesion was thought to be the reason why it was difficult
to detect atypical vessels within the lesion endoscopically.

6.5.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

The differential diagnosis for whitish elevated lesions of the pharynx is between a
papilloma and hyperplastic changes. The surface of papillomas usually shows a
papillary structure, making differentiation relatively easy.
Some cancers also show a papillary surface structure, but this can often be dis-
tinguished by its so-called frogs eggs appearance.
It can sometimes be difficult to differentiate between hyperplastic changes and
cancer, but it can be identified as the latter if a brownish area with a distinct margin,
and proliferation of atypical vessels, can be seen somewhere within the lesion.
Vessel dilatation is often the only vascular abnormality to be seen.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 89

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Fig. 6.5
90 M. Muto et al.

6.6 Intraepithelial Neoplasia (Esophagus): Type 0-IIa

The Japanese Classification of Esophageal Cancer classifies surface type superfi-

cial cancers protruding slightly to less than 1 mm as type 0-IIa lesions. Type 0-IIa
lesions are reportedly the next most common after 0-IIc and 0-IIb, accounting for
approximately 15 % of superficial esophageal cancers [7]. Type IIa lesions that
appear whitish on WLI examination often show upward growth into the esophageal
lumen. Histologically, they show a strong tendency toward differentiation, and the
depth of invasion is often no greater than T1a-EP or LPM. In contrast, reddened
lesions tend to invade the deeper layers of the esophageal wall, with a depth of inva-
sion often greater than T1a-MM [8].

6.6.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying WLI examination reveals a whitish flat-topped elevated lesion

which has lost the normal vascular pattern. Some unevenness is evident in the center
of the lesion, but it is small in magnitude (Fig. 6.6a). Non-magnifying NBI exami-
nation shows a brownish area with distinct margins (Fig. 6.6b). With M-NBI we can
see dark brownish coloration within the lesion, with a dense proliferation of dilated
atypical vessels (Fig. 6.6c). These atypical vessels correspond to IPCLs, character-
istic vessels for neoplasia as described by Arima, Inoue, etc., and in conjunction
with their non-staining with iodine, we can diagnose this lesion as a carcinoma
(Fig. 6.6d).
Figure 6.6e shows a pathohistological image from the resected specimen.

6.6.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Reddened lesions are visualized as brownish areas using NBI. Whitish lesions may
be seen as either whitish or brownish areas using NBI.
If M-NBI shows a distinct area as well as atypical vessels as described by Arima,
Inoue, etc., then the diagnosis of SCC can be made easily and with a high sensitivity [9].
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 91

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Fig. 6.6
92 M. Muto et al.

6.7 Intraepithelial Neoplasia (Pharynx): Type 0-IIb

Although the mucosa of the oropharynx and hypopharynx is squamous epithelium as in

the esophagus, the lack of muscularis mucosae means that at the time of their detection,
lesions are often progressive cancers, making detection at the earliest possible stage
desirable in this region. Now that superficial cancers of the oropharynx and hypophar-
ynx can be detected endoscopically, follow-up examinations of patients after endoscopic
resection of early esophageal cancers have changed: now the examination commences
at the moment the endoscope enters the oral cavity. NBI is useful in this area, where
iodine staining is difficult, in detecting lesions that might otherwise be missed.
The risk of developing SCCs is particularly high in people deficient in enzymes
that metabolize acetaldehyde, whose faces go red when they drink alcohol, and a
thorough examination commencing in the oral cavity is important in this group. A
careful examination of the esophagus is required in these high-risk groups, as they
also have an increased risk of esophageal cancer, and synchronous pharyngeal and
esophageal cancers are common. The ratio of cancers of the oropharynx and hypo-
pharynx to esophageal cancer is of the order of 10:1, so many more esophageal
cancers will be detected at endoscopy.
The classification of superficial esophageal cancers in the Japanese Classification
of Esophageal Cancer is followed in typing superficial cancers [10].

6.7.1 Explanation

WLI examination reveals a pale reddened area of mucosa, through which vessels can-
not be visualized, in the posterior wall of the oropharynx/hypopharynx (Fig. 6.7a, c).
From the absence of unevenness within the lesion, and no difference in height to the
surrounding mucosa, this was classified as a 0-IIb lesion. NBI examination shows the
lesion as a brownish area, with proliferation of intraepithelial papillary vessels, visual-
ized as a pattern of dots (Fig. 6.7b, d). Iodine staining of the same region delineates
the lesion as an irregularly shaped non-staining area (Fig. 6.7e).
Based on the endoscopic diagnosis of a 0-IIb intraepithelial cancer, the lesion
was resected in one piece using the EMR method. The histological findings were as
follows: lesion size 6 5 mm and depth of invasion Tis, ly0, v0 (Fig. 6.7f).

6.7.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Non-magnifying NBI examination shows a brownish area, with proliferation of

intraepithelial papillary vessels, enabling a qualitative diagnosis and delineation of
the lesion margins.
The M-NBI findings show dilated tortuous intraepithelial papillary vessels.
No agreement has been reached in how to evaluate the microvasculature using mag-
nified endoscopy in the oropharynx and hypopharynx, where under the epithelium lies
the subepithelial layer, unlike the structure of the esophageal wall. To what extent the
microvascular pattern reflects the depth of invasion is also a subject for future studies.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 93

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Fig. 6.7
94 M. Muto et al.

6.8 Intraepithelial Neoplasia (Esophagus): Type 0-IIb

Iodine staining was previously thought indispensible in the detection of early esoph-
ageal cancers, particularly lacking in symptoms even among superficial esophageal
cancers. However, the advent of NBI has changed the screening method for esopha-
geal cancer. During introduction we examine the esophageal mucosa using WLI,
looking for changes in color, unevenness of the surface, and changes in the vascular
network. If an abnormality is detected, we immediately change over to NBI to con-
firm the presence and extent of any lesions. Even if no abnormalities are detected
during insertion of the scope, during withdrawal we use NBI to examine the entire
esophagus. Superficial esophageal cancers are classified according to their mor-
phology into 3 types: superficial protruded (0-I), superficial (0-II), and superficial
excavated (0-III) [11]. Type 0-II is further subdivided into superficial elevated
(0-IIa), superficial flat type (IIb), and superficial shallow depressed type (0-IIc). The
majority of type 0-I and 0-II lesions are submucosal cancers. Most mucosal cancers
are type 0-II, but 0-IIc lesions range from EP to SM3, necessitating accurate assess-
ment of the depth of invasion [12].

6.8.1 Explanation

WLI examination reveals a pale reddened area of the mucosa (Fig. 6.8a). Although
increased glycogen acanthosis in the adjoining mucosa makes the lesion appear
depressed in part, it is in fact a flat lesion with no surface unevenness. NBI shows
the lesion as a brownish area, with no proliferation of intraepithelial papillary ves-
sels visualized on non-magnifying examination (Fig. 6.8b). Iodine staining of the
same region delineates the lesion as an irregularly shaped non-staining area, con-
taining a small strongly staining area (Fig. 6.8c). This 5 mm non-iodine staining
area is a flat lesion, with no unevenness, yielding an endoscopic diagnosis of type
0-IIb cancer, depth of invasion EP. The histological findings of the lesion, resected
in one piece using the EMR method, were as follows: lesion size 5 3 mm and depth
of invasion EP, ly0, v0 (Fig. 6.8df). Although the tendency to cellular differentia-
tion toward the epithelial surface is preserved to some extent, enlargement and loss
of polarity of the nuclei are seen, as well as increased cellularity.

6.8.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

During NBI examination, we examine changes in two factors, dark brown color changes
in the background and changes in the vascular network. We can assess the degree of
atypia using the combination of these two characteristics. In this case, no changes in the
ICPLs within the brownish area were evident using non-magnifying NBI.
Histological examination of the resected specimen confirmed an intraepithelial
carcinoma, with preservation of the tendency to cellular differentiation toward the
epithelial surface, but minimal proliferation of ICPLs.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 95

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Fig. 6.8
96 M. Muto et al.

6.9 Findings of the Margins of Superficial Cancers

of the Pharynx and Esophagus

Most superficial squamous cell carcinomas of the pharynx and esophagus are visu-
alized as a brownish area with distinct margins, with proliferation of atypical ves-
sels within the lesion. The margins of the brownish area can sometimes be delineated
over their entire circumference, but they may only be identifiable in part, making the
diagnosis difficult. Furthermore, in some cases a brownish area is visualized but
light in color, making us unsure whether we should suspect cancer or not.
In these cases, we should concentrate on the contrast between the smooth green-
ish white surface of the surrounding nonneoplastic mucosa and the rather dark
brownish coloration and roughened mucosal surface within the lesion and the pres-
ence of a fine fuzzy white adherent furry substance. Squamous cell carcinoma is
likely if these findings are present.

6.9.1 Explanation

From a distance, non-magnifying WLI examination reveals a light red-colored flat

lesion with loss of visibility of the vasculature (Fig. 6.9a). On the periphery of the
reddened area, we can see some adherent white substance. From a distance, non-
magnifying NBI examination shows a brownish area with a distinct boundary with
the surrounding mucosa, within which we can see a pattern of dots (Fig. 6.9b).
M-WLI examination reveals, in contrast to the smooth surfaced nonneoplastic
mucosa, a reddened lesion with proliferation of atypical microvessels (Fig. 6.9c).
With M-NBI we can see the boundary between tumor and nontumor even more
clearly and confirm the fine fuzzy white furry substance adherent to the marginal
area (Fig. 6.9d).
Raising the magnification even further, NBI shows the fine fuzzy white furry
substance and the proliferating atypical vessels even more clearly (Fig. 6.9e, f).
Within the lesion, submucosal translucency is reduced, as is visibility of the branch-
ing vascular network.

6.9.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

When a brownish area is identified in the esophagus or pharynx, we should be cog-

nizant that in the case of a neoplastic lesion, there may be a fine fuzzy white furry
substance adherent to the marginal area between the tumor and nontumor.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 97

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Fig. 6.9
98 M. Muto et al.

6.10 Superficial Pharyngeal Cancer with Prominent

Protrusion: Type 0-I

Type I lesions are relatively uncommon in the pharynx, accounting for 5.7 % of all
cancers in one study. Invasive lesions, reaching the subepithelial layer, are common
[1]. Although prominent protrusions make this type of lesion easy to detect, careful
inspection of the surrounding area is required, because near the base there may exist
an associated superficial lesion with little or no unevenness.

6.10.1 Explanation

Although type I lesions are easily detected using WLI due to their prominent protru-
sions, they are often associated with a flat lesion in the vicinity of their base, neces-
sitating careful examination of the surrounds for accurate margin delineation. The
surface has a wrinkled appearance like a mulberry, sometimes requiring differentia-
tion from a papilloma (Fig. 6.10a, b).
Although it is difficult to discern any blood vessels in this protruding lesion using
M-NBI (Fig. 6.10c), the flat lesion spreading out from its base is visualized as a
brownish area with distinct margins and proliferation of dilated atypical vessels,
typical of a squamous cell carcinoma (Fig. 6.10d).
Figure 6.10e shows a pathohistological image.

6.10.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Whether using NBI or not, when we detect a protruding lesion with an irregular
surface, we should suspect malignancy. In some cases proliferation of vessels can-
not be visualized using M-NBI, but the diagnosis is easy if proliferation of atypical
vessels or a brownish area can be identified in the area of superficial extension
spreading out from the base of the protrusion.
Papillomas have a relatively uniform papillary surface structure, with little dila-
tation or atypia seen in the extended intrapapillary vessels.
On the other hand, dilated vessels are often seen within type I cancers, making
differentiation possible.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 99

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Fig. 6.10
100 M. Muto et al.

6.11 Superficial Esophageal Cancer with Prominent

Protrusion: Type 0-I

The macroscopic type and depth of invasion correlate closely for superficial esopha-
geal cancers, so determination of the macroscopic type enables prediction of the depth
of invasion to a degree. Prominently protruding lesions with a height 2 mm are clas-
sified as superficial protruded (type 0-I), further subdivided into type 0-Ip, with a nar-
row base (pedunculated polyps), and type 0-Is, with a broad base (sessile polyps).
In general, the depth of invasion of type 0-I lesions is considered deeper than the
mid-layers of the submucosa (SM), with type 0-Ip including carcinosarcomas and
pseudosarcomas. Of the type 0-I lesions, caution is required concerning the depth of
invasion in type 0-Ip lesions, as some lesions with a narrow base reach only a shal-
low depth. When a type 0-Ip lesion is detected, while examining its morphology,
attention should also be paid to the hardness of the protrusion.

6.11.1 Explanation

When we detect a protruding lesion in the esophagus, we should examine the pro-
trusion to determine its height, size, morphology, hardness, and mobility. The height
of this lesion sticking out into the esophageal lumen is at least 2 mm, with a narrow
base, and as a lesion progresses its morphology changes, so we can classify this as
a type 0-Ip lesion. The lesion surface shows a granular unevenness, but it is soft
without any tension and mobile, indicating that the depth of invasion of this tumor
is no greater than MM (Fig. 6.11a). A lower protruding lesion extends from the anal
end of this lesion, yielding the diagnosis of a type 0-I + IIa lesion. NBI examination
reveals proliferation of IPCLs within the brownish area, with the majority of vessels
within the protruding lesion of type 3 using the Arima classification [13] (Fig. 6.11b, d).
Iodine staining reveals a non-staining area as seen in Fig. 6.11c.
Based on the endoscopic diagnosis of a 0-I + IIa lesion with depth of invasion
MM, this lesion was resected using the ESD method. The histological findings were
as follows: lesion size 20 16 mm and depth of invasion MM, ly0, v0 (Fig. 6.11e, f).
The 0-I portion was 11 10 mm in size and located on the anal side of the protrud-
ing part of the lesion, an MM cancer invading the muscularis mucosae.

6.11.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Although NBI examination is useful in detecting lesions and determining their hori-
zontal extent, WLI is more than adequate to detect type 0-I lesions with prominent
Although M-NBI examination is useful for determining the depth of invasion,
for 0-Ip protruding lesions, the hardness and mobility of the protrusion are the most
useful predictive factors for the depth of invasion. When the invading part of the
lesion is very narrow in horizontal extent, inability to visualize any vascular abnor-
malities can make determination of the depth of invasion difficult.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 101

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Fig. 6.11
102 M. Muto et al.

6.12 Superficial Cancer of the Uvula

The development of NBI has made it possible to detect superficial cancers of the
oropharynx and hypopharynx. Muto et al. conducted a multicentered comparative
trial of NBI and WLI in patients with esophageal cancer, finding significant superi-
ority for NBI over WLI in the detection of superficial cancers in the head and neck
region. They found superficial cancers in the head and neck region in approximately
8 % of patients with esophageal cancer [9].
In the series of 140 superficial cancers of the oropharynx and hypopharynx
detected in 98 patients using NBI between April 2002 and April 2008 at the National
Cancer Center Hospital East, only 2 lesions (1.4 %) were superficial cancer of the

6.12.1 Explanation

As proximity of the tongue makes it difficult to examine the uvula, we ask the
patient to say Ah to make it easier to see. Although there is considerable individ-
ual variation in uvular size, a large uvula may indicate involvement of the entire
uvula in a disease process, so the surface should be examined carefully and
In this case, non-magnifying WLI examination revealed a light reddened area on
the right side of the uvula (Fig. 6.12a), seen as a brownish area with distinct margins
on non-magnifying NBI examination (Fig. 6.12b). In comparison with low magni-
fication WLI (Fig. 6.12c), NBI at the same magnification (Fig. 6.12d) delineates the
margins more clearly, and we can also see proliferation of dilated atypical vessels
within the lesion. Higher-magnification M-NBI shows a dense network of atypical
vessels with an irregular arrangement (Fig. 6.12e). Histological examination of the
resected lesion showed a squamous cell carcinoma with intraepithelial invasion
associated with epithelial hypertrophy (Fig. 6.12f).

6.12.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

NBI examination should be performed whenever a pale reddened area is detected

using WLI. Superficial cancer should be suspected, and biopsies taken, if NBI
examination reveals a brownish area with distinct margins and magnified examina-
tion shows densely proliferating atypical vessels.
Even for reddened areas on WLI examination, if NBI does not demonstrate pro-
liferation of atypical vessels, inflammatory changes are likely.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 103

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Fig. 6.12
104 M. Muto et al.

6.13 Superficial Cancer of the Soft Palate

The oropharynx is anatomically divided into the anterior wall (base of the tongue),
lateral walls (palatine tonsillar areas), superior wall (soft palate), and posterior wall
(pharyngeal mucosa). Squamous cell carcinomas account for 90 % of oropharyn-
geal malignancies, with the lateral walls being the most common site, followed by
the anterior wall, then the superior wall, and the posterior wall as the least common
site [14]. Reported incidences of oral erythroplakia, or irreversible red patches on
the oral mucosa, are of the order of 0.020.83 %, with alcohol and smoking identi-
fied as risk factors [15].

6.13.1 Explanation

From a distance, non-magnifying WLI examination of the superior wall of the oro-
pharynx reveals a reddened patch around 1 cm in size, with poor visibility of the
vasculature on the right side of the soft palate (Fig. 6.13a). Some melanosis is pres-
ent. Non-magnifying NBI examination shows the lesion as a brownish area with a
distinct boundary (Fig. 6.13b, c). With M-NBI we can discern dilated atypical ves-
sels with variable diameters (Fig. 6.13c, d). The boundary between nontumor and
tumor is distinct, and proliferation of atypical vessels within the tumor allows us to
diagnose it as oropharyngeal cancer. Although a superficial elevated element is seen
on the right side of the lesion, the overall flatness of the lesion indicates that the
depth of invasion is intraepithelial. Iodine staining endoscopy under general anes-
thesia delineated the lesion as a non-iodine staining area with distinct margins
(Fig. 6.13e).
This lesion was resected under general anesthesia using a peroral approach [16].
It was 12 8 mm in size (Fig. 6.13f). The histological diagnosis was of a squamous
cell carcinoma confined to the epithelial layer (Fig. 6.13g).

6.13.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Cancer should be suspected, and biopsies taken, if NBI examination reveals a

brownish area with distinct margins and magnified examination shows proliferating
atypical vessels. If still uncertain whether to biopsy on the basis of the NBI findings,
iodine staining using a cotton tip applicator may assist in the decision.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 105

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Fig. 6.13
106 M. Muto et al.

6.14 Superficial Cancer of the Larynx

The age adjusted incidences of oropharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, and

esophageal cancer in Japan are in men 4.9, 3.3, and 9.5 per 100,000, respectively,
and in women 1.7, 0.1, and 1.6 per 100,000 [17].
According to the National Register of Malignancies of the Head and Neck (ini-
tial diagnosis 19901999; 14,170 cases), published by the Japan Society for Head
and Neck Cancer, the proportion of cancers according to subsite was 31.3 % for the
supraglottis, 66.1 % for the glottis, and 2.6 % for the subglottis, with the glottis the
most common. Of the 2,427 registered cases of glottal cancer, those diagnosed rela-
tively early comprised 11 cases of intraepithelial cancer (Tis), 951 confined to one
vocal cord (T1a), and 395 confined to both vocal cords (T1b) [10].

6.14.1 Explanation

Examinations of the larynx are routinely performed using a direct laryngoscope

under general anesthesia. Endoscopic examination is often possible with the patient
awake under laryngeal anesthesia, applied by spraying 4 % lignocaine solution
(approximately 3 mL) using a spraying tube passed down the instrument channel. If
a strong laryngeal reflex is seen despite application of an ample amount of laryngeal
anesthetic, then observations and biopsies should be performed using a small-
diameter endoscope.
In this case, from a distance, non-magnifying WLI examination of the left vocal
cord reveals a protruding lesion slightly under 1 cm in size, whitish with a reddened
tinge, toward the anterior commissure (Fig. 6.14a). Changing over to non-magnify-
ing NBI examination reveals atypical vessels in the anterior commissure side of the
lesion (Fig. 6.14b). M-NBI examination of this anterior commissure side of the
lesion shows these atypical vessels to be irregularly tortuous (Fig. 6.14c). Near the
center of the lesion, the epithelium has broken down, with disappearance of the
atypical vessels (Fig. 6.14d). The posterior commissure side of the lesion is covered
in a thick white adherent substance (Fig. 6.14e).
Pathohistological examination of the endoscopic biopsy specimen yielded the
diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma (Fig. 6.14f).

6.14.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Identification of atypical vessels is difficult in areas with adherent white substance

or keratinization. Laryngeal cancer can be diagnosed if irregular atypical vessels are
identified within the lesion or at its margins.
Biopsies should always be taken for a tissue diagnosis due to the possibility that
atypical vessels are obscured by adherent white substance or keratin plaques.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 107

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e f

Fig. 6.14
108 M. Muto et al.

6.15 Superficial Invasion in the Vicinity of a Polypoid

Tumor (Pharynx)

Increased utilization of chromoendoscopy using iodine staining for the detection of

esophageal cancer means that it is now well known that superficial invasion may be
observed in the vicinity of polypoidal or ulcerated lesions. Furthermore, in the
laryngeal area, the advent of NBI has allowed us to detect superficial invasion in the
vicinity of polypoidal and ulcerated lesions. In recent times, determination of the
extent of superficial invasion using NBI is considered necessary when deciding
whether larynx-preserving partial resection is feasible.

6.15.1 Explanation

We carefully examine the vicinity of the main lesion. In this case, non-magnifying
WLI examination revealed a lesion comprising protruding and ulcerated elements,
with adherent white substance, extending from the right aryepiglottic fold to the
piriform sinus (Fig. 6.15a). Non-magnifying NBI clearly shows a brownish area
continuous with the left side of the main lesion (Fig. 6.15b). The brownish area
crosses the midline, extending as far as the left aryepiglottic fold. Low-magnification
WLI examination of the same region reveals proliferation of dilated atypical vessels
(Fig. 6.15c). Low-magnification NBI delineates more clearly the distinctly dilated
atypical vessels, as well as the border with the surrounding normal mucosa
(Fig. 6.15d). With M-NBI, we can see the irregular arrangement of the elongated
tortuous atypical vessels (Fig. 6.15e).
A biopsy specimen of this part of the lesion showed a squamous cell carcinoma
with intraepithelial invasion (Fig. 6.15f).

6.15.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Using NBI, we carefully examine the margins of the main lesion. When a brownish
area is identified, we perform a magnified examination, confirming the presence of
dilated atypical vessels. We delineate the border between the normal mucosa and
the brownish area, identifying horizontal spread of the lesion. Without M-NBI, we
cannot determine if superficial invasion by the lesion has extended as far as other
subsites, across the midline, or as far as the esophageal introitus. These findings are
extremely important in determining the extent of resection and the optimum thera-
peutic regimen.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 109

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Fig. 6.15
110 M. Muto et al.

6.16 Superficial Invasion in the Vicinity of a Polypoid

Tumor (Esophagus)

Superficial invasion in the vicinity of esophageal cancers is often seen with both
polypoid and ulcerated lesions. The true extent of this superficial invasion, as deter-
mined using chromoendoscopy with iodine staining, is an important finding when
determining the target area for radiotherapy. It is becoming clear that NBI can also
be used to determine the lateral extent of superficial invasion.

6.16.1 Explanation

Using non-magnifying WLI, we carefully examine, from the oral side, an area sepa-
rate from the main lesion, using the visibility of the branching vascular network as
a marker. In this case, a protruding lesion 1 cm in size can be seen on the left side of
the middle thoracic (Mt) region of the esophagus. Around almost the complete cir-
cumference of this lesion can be seen area of light reddened mucosa with loss of
visibility of the branching vessels (Fig. 6.16a). Non-magnifying NBI shows a
brownish area corresponding to the area identified using WLI and delineates the
boundary between the brownish area and the normal mucosa more clearly
(Fig. 6.16b). M-NBI examination of the area of superficial invasion shows dilated,
elongated, and tortuous atypical IPCLs, corresponding to type V-1 and V-2 vessels
in the Inoue classification (Fig. 6.16c, d. Chromoendoscopy using iodine staining
delineates the area of superficial invasion as a non-iodine staining area with distinct
margins (Fig. 6.16e).
A biopsy specimen of this part of the lesion showed a squamous cell carcinoma
with intraepithelial invasion (Fig. 6.16f).

6.16.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Unlike with WLI, using NBI we can clearly discern the subepithelial branching
vascular network in the normal mucosa. Carefully examining the vascular pattern in
the normal mucosa on the oral side of the lesion, we take care not to miss the area
where it becomes no longer visible. It is important to at the same time examine from
the main lesion outwards, confirming the margin from both sides and thereby defin-
ing the extent of invasion. Classification of the vascular pattern using M-NBI is
useful in determining the depth of invasion.
At present, however, chromoendoscopy using iodine is considered superior to
NBI in detecting lesions and determining their horizontal extent, so where possible
the two modalities should be used in combination.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 111

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Fig. 6.16
112 M. Muto et al.

6.17 Epithelial Tumor with Associated Melanosis (Pharynx)

Melanosis of the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and esophagus is com-

monly seen in alcohol-dependent individuals, in particular ALDH2 heterozygotes,
and is thought to be related to acetaldehyde exposure. The presence of melanosis is
known to correlate with an increased risk of esophageal dysplasia, esophageal can-
cer, and orolaryngopharyngeal cancer [18].
Pathologically, melanosis involves increased melanin granules, derived from
melanocytes distributed within the mucosa, within the mucosal epithelial cells [19].
Melanosis is often observed in the vicinity of superficial pharyngeal cancers.

6.17.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying WLI reveals melanosis over a narrow extent on the right pillar of
the fauces (Fig. 6.17a arrows), and on the left side of the melanosis, we can see an
area in which the normal vascular pattern has become indistinct. Non-magnifying
NBI shows the patch of melanosis as a brownish area with an indistinct border, to
the left of which we can see an area of whitish and brownish mucosa, with dot-
shaped vessels (Fig. 6.17b arrows). M-NBI examination reveals dense proliferation
of threadlike dilated atypical vessels approaching the surface of the lesion
(Fig. 6.17c). Iodine staining delineates a non-iodine staining area with distinct mar-
gins, indicative of squamous cell carcinoma (Fig. 6.17d).
Melanosis has a brownish appearance using NBI, and caution is required because
a lesion of any extent will be seen as a brownish area. Differentiation from cancer is
possible if the brownish area has indistinct margins, with no atypical vessels.
Melanosis is also easily identified with WLI examination.
The histological findings are shown in Fig. 6.17e.

6.17.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

When melanosis is identified, a thorough examination should be performed looking

for possible superficial cancers in the vicinity, or elsewhere in the pharynx or esoph-
agus. Melanosis has the appearance of a light brownish area with indistinct margins
using NBI, necessitating differentiation from cancer. Cancer can be easily excluded
using M-NBI through the absence of atypical vessels. Changing over to WLI exami-
nation will also allow the easy identification of brown-colored melanosis.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 113

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c d

Fig. 6.17
114 M. Muto et al.

6.18 Epithelial Tumor with Associated Melanosis


A black patch on the esophageal mucosa, caused by a marked increase in melanin

granules in the basal layer, is called melanosis. Apart from the esophagus, this also
occurs on the soft palate and pharynx. The reported endoscopic prevalence was of
the order of 0.1 % [20]; recent improvements in endoscopic equipment have made
the detection of melanosis more common.
Melanosis may be seen as brown to light black using WLI when the quantity of
melanin is not great or because of the epithelium lying superficial to the basal layer,
with the whitish mucosa thinly covering the black surface.

6.18.1 Explanation

This mucosal lesion with a white substance adherent to its surface is visualized using
non-magnifying WLI as white-clouded mucosa, through which the vascular pattern
cannot be discerned (Fig. 6.18a, b). Although the lesion surface is slightly rough in
appearance, the margins are indistinct with NBI alone. A patch of melanosis can be
seen toward the anal end of the lesion, the oral part of which is near black, but the anal
part is much lighter, somewhat like a sumi-e ink painting. NBI examination shows the
lesion as a brownish area and delineates the margins more clearly than with WLI,
although proliferation of IPCLs cannot be discerned using non-magnifying NBI
(Fig. 6.18c). The presence of melanosis is difficult to detect using NBI alone, and it is
only through comparison with the WLI appearance that melanosis can be confirmed;
even then, the lightly colored anal part is difficult to discern.
Iodine staining shows an irregular non-iodine staining area corresponding to the
part of the lesion discernible using NBI, although the lesion surface is lightly stained
(Fig. 6.18d, e). This flat lesion with associated melanosis is therefore classified as
type 0-IIb lesion, depth of invasion EP.
The histological findings of the specimen resected in one piece using the EMR
method were of a type IIb lesion 15 11 mm in size and depth of invasion EP, ly0, v0
(Fig. 6.18f, g). In this intraepithelial cancer, cellular differentiation toward the epithelial
surface is relatively well preserved, characterized by increased cellular density particu-
larly in the basal half of the stratified squamous epithelium. Slightly enlarged melano-
cytes are seen within the lesion, associated with increased production of pigment.

6.18.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

NBI is not suited to the detection of melanosis. Comparison with the WLI findings
enables confirmation that the more strongly pigmented areas are seen as a rather
dark brown using NBI.
Detection of this intraepithelial cancer was difficult without NBI in this case. We were
able to delineate the margins of this lesion using NBI, but there was no sign of proliferation
of IPCLs within the lesion. Iodine staining showed a non-staining area, albeit with some
light surface staining, indicating the lesion was mainly located in the basal layers.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 115

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Fig. 6.18
116 M. Muto et al.

6.19 Superficial Pharyngeal Cancer with Rich Vasculature

Proliferation of atypical vessels is found in association with most superficial can-

cers seen in sites with squamous epithelium. These atypical vessels are thought to
arise in IPCLs located in the epithelial papillae and are visualized as vessels with
irregular paths toward the luminal surface, unlike the branching vascular network
running parallel to the mucosal surface in the nontumorous mucosa. Superficial
cancers with a rich vasculature are easily discerned as reddened areas even with
WLI due to their high red cell (hemoglobin) content. With NBI they are seen as
brownish areas with distinct margins.

6.19.1 Explanation

From a distance, non-magnifying WLI reveals a reddened flat lesion with a protu-
berance in one part (Fig. 6.19a). At closer proximity, the reddened area has a rough
surface and a distinct boundary with the surrounding area indicative of a neoplastic
lesion (Fig. 6.19b). Close non-magnifying NBI examination shows the lesion as a
brownish area with a distinct demarcation line with the surrounding mucosa
(Fig. 6.19c). M-NBI reveals proliferation of irregularly dilated and elongated atypi-
cal vessels (Fig. 6.19d). The mucosa between the atypical vessels also has a differ-
ent color to the surrounding mucosa and is visualized as a cloudy brownish area, in
which the branching vascular network cannot be discerned (Fig. 6.19c, d). The
iodine staining findings are as shown in Fig. 6.19e.
The histological findings are shown in Fig. 6.19f.

6.19.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Superficial pharyngeal cancers with a rich vasculature are easily detected using
WLI as vivid red-colored lesions. Visualized as brownish areas using NBI, they are
easily recognized as typical superficial cancers due to the marked proliferation of
atypical vessels.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 117

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Fig. 6.19
118 M. Muto et al.

6.20 Superficial Esophageal Cancer with Rich Vasculature

Proliferation of atypical vessels is found in association with most superficial can-

cers seen in sites with squamous epithelium. These atypical vessels are thought to
arise in IPCLs located in the epithelial papillae and are visualized as vessels with
irregular paths toward the luminal surface, unlike the branching vascular network
running parallel to the mucosal surface in the nontumorous mucosa. Superficial
cancers with a rich vasculature are easily discerned as reddened areas even with
WLI due to their high red cell (hemoglobin) content. With NBI they are seen as
brownish areas with distinct margins.

6.20.1 Explanation

From a distance, non-magnifying WLI reveals a reddened, low-protruding lesion

(Fig. 6.20a). From a distance, non-magnifying NBI shows the lesion as a brownish
area with a distinct boundary with the surrounding mucosa (Fig. 6.20b). M-NBI
reveals proliferation of dilated atypical vessels within the granular protuberance
(Fig. 6.20c). At the periphery of the lesion, dilated vessels can be seen within each
granule, the so-called frogs eggs appearance (Fig. 6.20c, vicinity of arrow).
Iodine staining showed a non-staining area corresponding to the brownish area seen
with NBI (Fig. 6.20d).
The histological findings were of aggregations of dilated vessels in the superfi-
cial layer of the lesion, in agreement with the endoscopic findings (Fig. 6.20e, f).

6.20.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Superficial esophageal cancers with a rich vasculature are easily detected using
WLI as vivid red-colored lesions. Visualized as brownish areas using NBI, they are
easily recognized as typical superficial cancers due to the marked proliferation of
atypical vessels.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 119

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Fig. 6.20
120 M. Muto et al.

6.21 Superficial Pharyngeal Cancer with Scant Vascular


With increased use of chromoendoscopy has enabled the early detection of many esoph-
ageal squamous cell carcinomas (hereinafter esophageal cancers) and a marked improve-
ment in outcomes. As a result, the incidence of cancers of the oropharynx and
hypopharynx synchronous with esophageal cancers has increased, adversely affecting
outcomes and quality of life in patients with esophageal cancer [22, 23].
Unlike the esophagus, iodine staining is unsuitable for screening in the pharyn-
geal region, making early cancer detection extremely difficult for many years.
However, in recent years the advent of NBI has made early detection of oropharyn-
geal and hypopharyngeal intraepithelial cancers easy. Muto et al. reported that all
intraepithelial cancers are delineated as brownish areas with distinct margins,
accompanied by proliferation of dilated microvessels [24].
In the authors study using M-NBI, only 1 out of 32 (3 %) superficial oropharyn-
geal and hypopharyngeal cancers was neither visualized as a brownish area nor
showed proliferation of dilated microvessels [25]. When conducting NBI examina-
tions, we should be aware that a small percentage of cancers will be difficult to
detect, showing no vascular proliferation.

6.21.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying WLI examination reveals this protruding lesion, arising from the
right epiglottic vallecula, to be the same color as the surrounding mucosa, with a
shiny surface despite a slightly uneven surface (Fig. 6.21a). Non-magnifying NBI
does not show the lesion as a brownish area (Fig. 6.21b). M-NBI shows the vascular
network within the lesion to be continuous with that in the surrounding area, with
no abnormal findings such as vascular proliferation, variable diameters, or nonuni-
form morphology (Fig. 6.21c). Vessels in the center of the lesion are similar to those
at the periphery of the lesion and in the surrounding mucosa, with no signs of pro-
liferation or other irregularities (Fig. 6.21d). Iodine staining showed a mixture of
normal and light staining areas, with no distinct non-staining areas (Fig. 6.21e).
The histological findings were of nonneoplastic squamous epithelium covering
the lesion (Fig. 6.21f). In the subepithelial layer we can see marked inflammatory
cell infiltration (Fig. 6.21f) and findings of a squamous cell carcinoma proliferating
in an alveolar fashion with keratinization (Fig. 6.21g).

6.21.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

The authors consider that brownish areas visualized using NBI are the result of
three factors, color changes in the epithelium itself (between vessels) as well as
microvessel dilatation and proliferation reported by Muto et al. [26]. This lesion did
not appear as a brownish area, as it was lacking all three factors.
Lesions such as this one with predominantly subepithelial growth, covered by non-
neoplastic epithelium, may be detectable only through distortion of the pharyngeal sur-
face or anatomical differences between the left and right sides. Before NBI examinations,
the authors examine the entire oropharynx and hypopharynx using WLI, looking for ana-
tomical structural changes.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 121

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Fig. 6.21
122 M. Muto et al.

6.22 Superficial Esophageal Cancer with Scant Vascular


At our hospital, out of a series of 272 superficial esophageal cancers (squamous cell
carcinomas), 239 (88 %), the great majority, were flat or excavated lesions. Most
superficial esophageal cancers are flat or excavated and appear reddened when
examined using conventional (WLI) endoscopy [27].
The latter half of the 1990s saw reports of the magnified endoscopic findings of
microvessels in the esophageal mucosa and squamous cell carcinomas [28, 29], and the
new century has seen great strides in diagnostic systems based on microvessel appear-
ances, with the development of NBI and its clinical applications. Muto et al. have reported
that many intraepithelial cancers of the oropharynx and hypopharynx, difficult to detect
with WLI, are readily detected using NBI, and that all intraepithelial lesions present as a
brownish area with distinct margins, associated with a proliferation of dilated microves-
sels [24]. These results have also been applied to the esophagus, where a multicentered
prospective trial demonstrated detection rates and diagnostic accuracy for superficial
esophageal cancers are both significantly better for NBI than for conventional (WLI) [9].
In this way, the reddened appearance exhibited by most superficial esophageal
cancers is likely associated with proliferation of dilated microvessels. However, the
authors have found that a low proportion of about 10 % of superficial esophageal
cancers show scant vascular proliferation and are not visualized as a brownish area.
Most of these lesions appear white or extremely lightly colored, with histological
findings including cancers arising in the basal layers, cancers with surface parakera-
tosis or abnormal keratinization, and cancers growing and spreading mainly in the
submucosal layer (mostly specific histological types).

6.22.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying WLI examination reveals an irregular white to translucent area

with a rough surface in the lower esophagus (Fig. 6.22a arrowheads). Non-
magnifying NBI delineates this lesion more clearly as a whitish slightly protruding
lesion with a granular to platelike appearance (Fig. 6.22b arrowheads). Medium-
magnification NBI shows dilated microvessels, resembling black sesame seeds, in
one part of the rough whitish translucent lesion, but no vascular proliferation
(Fig. 6.22c arrows). Microvessels cannot be clearly discerned in the thickened
cloudy white part of the lesion (Fig. 6.22d). A distinct area of non-iodine staining
corresponds to the whitish rough irregular area (Fig. 6.22e).
The histological findings were of a squamous cell carcinoma confined to the lam-
ina propria (M2), the surface of which was covered in a thick layer of parakeratosis
(Fig. 6.22f).

6.22.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

Esophageal cancers with associated parakeratosis will not be visualized as a brown-

ish area using NBI, and delineation of the surface microvessels will often be diffi-
cult or impossible.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 123

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Fig. 6.22
124 M. Muto et al.

6.23 Barretts Adenocarcinoma (1)

A marked increase in the incidence of Barretts adenocarcinoma means it now

accounts for over half of all esophageal cancers [30]. On the other hand, in Japan
more than 95 % of esophageal cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, and the inci-
dence of Barretts adenocarcinoma is low, albeit tending to increase in recent years
[31]. In Western countries, the recommended method of surveillance for Barretts
adenocarcinoma (and dysplasia, the precursor lesion) has been to take multiple
biopsies at intervals of 12 cm. In recent years, the usefulness of magnifying endos-
copy in the early detection of Barretts adenocarcinoma has been reported [3]. More
recently, M-NBI has taken over the central role in Barretts surveillance, clearly
delineating the mucosal microsurface architecture and microvascular pattern, with-
out the need for other modalities such as chromoendoscopy [32].
Japanese studies have found that most Barretts adenocarcinomas are histologi-
cally well differentiated and usually appear as reddened areas or protrusions using
conventional (WLI) endoscopy [33]. Accordingly, detection rates will improve with
an initial thorough examination using WLI to identify areas requiring detailed
examination using M-NBI.

6.23.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying conventional (WLI) endoscopy reveals a gently sloping protuberance

associated with a light reddened area between 3 and 6 oclock, as well as a light red-
dened area at 12 oclock, within the Barretts mucosa (Fig. 6.23a). We were unable to
identify any areas of intestinal metaplasia following indigo carmine spraying (Fig. 6.23b).
NBI examination at low magnification showed a rough mucosal surface over a wide
area distal to the border with the squamous epithelium, with loss of definition and min-
iaturization of the mucosal pattern (Fig. 6.23c). Further increasing the magnifying
ratio, we can discern more clearly the loss of definition of the mucosal pattern and
proliferation of irregular microvessels, allowing us to identify a neoplastic lesion and
delineate its margins (Fig. 6.23d arrowhead). High-magnification NBI examination of
the central part of the lesion reveals loss of the mucosal pattern and proliferation of
tortuous abnormal vessels with variable diameters (Fig. 6.23e). The histological find-
ings of biopsies taken from this area were of well-differentiated adenocarcinoma.
Following marking of the periphery of the lesion, based on the qualitative assess-
ment and delineation of the lesion margins using M-NBI, the lesion was resected in
one piece using the ESD method. The histological findings were of Barretts adeno-
carcinoma with submucosal invasion, although the lateral and vertical margins were
negative (Fig. 6.23f). The patient opted not to undergo adjuvant therapy despite a
thorough explanation of the necessity was given. At the time of writing, the patient has
survived free of recurrence for more than 3 years, with ongoing close follow-up.

6.23.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

When examined using M-NBI at low to medium magnification, Barretts adenocarci-

noma often shows irregularity or reduced visibility of the mucosal pattern. High magnifi-
cation is likely to reveal abnormal vessels with irregular paths and variable diameters.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 125

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c d

e f

Barrett s adenocarcinoma Dysplasia

Intestinal metaplasia Invasion of submucosal layer

Fig. 6.23
126 M. Muto et al.

6.24 Barretts Adenocarcinoma (2)

Columnar epithelium, extending from and continuous with the stomach, is known as
Barretts mucosa, and an area of esophagus with Barretts mucosa is referred to as
Barretts esophagus. In comparison with Western countries, long-segment Barretts
esophagus (LSBE) 3 cm is much less common than short-segment Barretts esopha-
gus (SSBE) <3 cm or ultrashort-segment Barretts esophagus (USBE).
The histological findings of Barretts esophagus are one of the following: (1)
esophageal gland ducts in the mucosa beneath the columnar epithelium, or esopha-
geal glands beneath the columnar epithelium; (2) islands of squamous epithelium
within the columnar epithelium; or (3) duplication of the muscularis mucosae
beneath the columnar epithelium. The reported incidence of malignancy arising
from Barretts mucosa is approximately 0.5 % [34].

6.24.1 Explanation

In the background of Barretts adenocarcinoma is the presence of GERD, and many

patients also have an esophageal hiatal hernia. Reflux of gastric acid may give the
esophageal mucosa in the vicinity of the lesion a white and cloudy appearance, with
adherent mucous, so we rinse the mucosa well with a Gascon solution containing
Pronase to remove any mucous before examinations. If the examination is per-
formed with the patient awake, asking the patient to breathe deeply will open up the
gastroesophageal junction and vicinity, making observation easier. In patients with
an esophageal hiatal hernia, this maneuver is effective in facilitating retrograde
examination of this region from the stomach.
Endoscopically, Barretts mucosa refers to the area between the lower margin of
the lower esophageal palisade vessels (LEPVs), or the oral termination of the gas-
tric rugae, and the squamocolumnar junction (SCJ). A circumferential area of
Barretts mucosa 3 cm in length is termed long-segment Barretts esophagus
(LSBE) and if <3 cm short-segment Barretts esophagus (SSBE). As cancers aris-
ing in Barretts mucosa are adenocarcinomas, in principle their detection follows
similar lines to those for gastric cancers, with careful examination of the mucosal
surface for unevenness and color changes. Lesions with marked unevenness or
strong red coloration will be easily detected during WLI examination, but flat
lesions are difficult to detect even with spraying of dyes such as indigo carmine. In
these cases, careful attention must be paid to the slightest redness or alteration in
the shininess of the mucosal surface. M-NBI is useful in cases where a qualitative
assessment is difficult using WLI alone.
This is a markedly protruding type 0-I lesion. The lesion narrows somewhat on
its oral aspect, and the base is wider on the anal side of this well-differentiated
adenocarcinoma invading to a depth of 700 m into the sm layer (Fig. 6.24ad).
Examination of the protuberance under magnification reveals vessels with variable
diameters and irregular paths (Fig. 6.24e).
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 127

a b

c d

Fig. 6.24
128 M. Muto et al.

6.24.2 Characteristics Under NBI Examination

M-NBI is useful for qualitative assessment and margin delineation.

Findings of the surface structure of the cancer include increased pit density and
fused glands. In lesions forming high protrusions, adherence of necrotic substances
is common, causing reduced visibility of the mucosal pattern. The surface pattern
may be better visualized after spraying indigo carmine or acetic acid. The vascular
pattern of this cancer shows vessels with variable diameters following irregular
paths, showing the network pattern of a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma.
6 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 129

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the Esophagus: Survey of Barretts Esophageal Cancer. Japanese Society for Diseases of the
Esophagus Committee Activity Reports (2002), pp 7073, 2002
34. Makuuchi H: Jpn J Gastroenterol 97: 12331242, 2000
Part III
Atlas of NBI: Stomach and Duodenum
Diagnostic System
Kenshi Yao

The gastric mucosa is a glandular epithelium containing projections and indentations

such as crypts, so various anatomical structures can be visualised using magnifying
endoscopy with narrow-band imaging (M-NBI). If you do not understand what ana-
tomical structure corresponds with the actual image that has been visualised, you
cannot make a medical analysis, and the normal gastric fundic gland mucosa
and pyloric gland mucosa present totally different magnified endoscopic images
(microvascular pattern and microsurface pattern).
As far as possible, we have tried to make this chapter an objective atlas and
to standardise the terminology describing M-NBI findings with anatomical

K. Yao
Department of Endoscopy, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital,
1-1-1 Zokumyoin, Chikushino 818-8502, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 133

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_7
134 K. Yao

7.1 Anatomical Components of the Glandular Epithelium

Examined Using M-NBI

Figure 7.1 shows an example of the superficial layers of the normal fundic glandular
mucosa, showing the vertically extending crypt epithelium, the image visualised
using projected narrow-band light (upper diagram) and the corresponding histologi-
cal diagram (lower diagram) [1]. The subepithelial capillaries (SECs) are visualised
as a dark brown polygonal capillary pattern and the marginal crypt epithelium as a
semitransparent white border surrounding the crypt opening. The crypt opening
(CO) is seen as a dark brown oval-shaped hole. The area between crypt and crypt is
called the intervening part (IP).
Although not described in detail in this chapter, in the gastric antrum and in
pathological mucosa such as a tumour or inflammatory changes, crypts running
perpendicular to the mucosal surface are uncommon, so dark brown crypts are not
visualised even when using M-NBI.

Subepithelial capillary (SEC) Marginal crypt epithelium (MCE)

Crypt-opening (CO) Intervening part (IP)

Fig. 7.1 Anatomical structures viewed in glandular epithelium (histological cross-sectional dia-
gram and corresponding M-NBI image) (Reprinted from Yao [1])
7 Diagnostic System 135

7.2 Principles for Interpretation of M-NBI Findings

When analysing M-NBI findings, the author (1) separately and independently anal-
yses the microvascular pattern (V) and the microsurface pattern (S) using the ana-
tomical components indicated in Table 7.1 and then (2) interprets the V and S
components with reference to consistent diagnostic criteria, which we have desig-
nated the VS classification system. The reason for this is there are limitations to a
system of classification based on combinations of V and S. M-NBI endoscopic
images of the normal gastric mucosa in the fundic and pyloric gland regions are
completely different, and the addition of chronic gastritis makes the findings even
more complicated.

Table 7.1 Anatomical V: microvascular (MV) pattern

components used in the VS 1. SECN: subepithelial capillary network
(vessel plus surface) 2. CV: collecting venule
classification system for
3. MV: pathological microvessel
S: microsurface (MS) pattern
1. MCE: marginal crypt epithelium
2. CO: crypt opening
3. IP: intervening part
136 K. Yao

7.3 VS Classification System Applied to the Differential

Diagnosis Between Cancer and Noncancer

As shown in Table 7.2 and Fig. 7.2, the microvascular pattern (V) is classified as
either regular, irregular or absent. At the same time, the microsurface pattern (S) is
classified as either regular, irregular or absent.
Next, referring to the diagnostic criteria in Table 7.3, we determine whether the
lesion is cancer or noncancer. Specifically, when we examine a localised lesion
under magnification, we determine if either of the following two conditions apply:

1. There is a clear demarcation line (DL) between the lesion and non-lesion area,
and the subepithelial microvascular pattern (V) displays an irregular MV
2. There is a clear DL between the lesion and non-lesion area, and the mucosal
microsurface pattern (S) is irregular, i.e. an irregular MS pattern.

The diagnosis is cancer if either (1) or (2) is present and noncancer if the findings
are other than (1) and (2).
Although the above diagnostic criteria cannot diagnose all cancers, in a study by
the authors [2] 97 % of cancers met these diagnostic criteria. Cancers that do not fit
these criteria should be treated as special cases, diagnosed with reference to their
individual characteristic findings or dealt with clinically by taking biopsies to estab-
lish the diagnosis.
7 Diagnostic System 137

V (microvascular pattern) S (microsurface pattern)




Fig. 7.2 VS classification

Table 7.2 Classification of V: regular/irregular/absent MV pattern

gastric mucosa (differentia- S: regular/irregular/absent MS pattern
tion between cancer and
noncancer) using the VS
classification based on the
M-NBI findings

Table 7.3 HGD/EC 1. Irregular MV pattern with a demarcation line (DL), and/or
diagnostic criteria according 2. Irregular MS pattern with a demarcation line (DL)
to M-NBI based on VS
classification system HGD high-grade dysplasia, EC early cancer
138 K. Yao

7.4 Finding of Demarcation Line Between Lesion

and Background Mucosa

7.4.1 Demarcation Line (DL)

A demarcation line (DL) is defined as a margin that can be identified by differences

in the microvascular pattern (V) or microsurface pattern (S) between the lesion and
non-lesion area. The presence or absence of a DL is an effective diagnostic marker
for differentiation between gastritis and gastric cancer and for the detection of epi-
thelial tumours. When examining a flat reddened lesion, if a DL cannot be discerned
in the peripheral area, cancer can be excluded with a high degree of probability [3].
On the other hand, if a demarcation line is present, we examine the V and S com-
ponents of the mucosa in detail, and if an irregular MV pattern and/or irregular MS
pattern are observed, the diagnosis of cancer can be made. In other words, a demar-
cation line is an essential condition for a diagnosis of cancer, whereas an irregular
MV pattern or irregular MS pattern is a sufficient condition.

7.4.2 Intraepithelial Microinvasion (IEMI)

Detailed examination of the marginal area of a cancer may reveal a cancer-specific

VS, continuous with the cancer mucosa, in the intervening part of the MCE of the
background mucosa. This has the following two patterns:

1. Cancer-specific irregular MV pattern under the noncancerous epithelium of the

marginal area, termed subepithelial invasion
2. Destruction of the noncancerous epithelial structure, with replacement by a
cancer-specific irregular MV pattern or irregular MS pattern, termed superficial

7.5 Findings Within the Lesion

The general rule for VS classification of a lesion is that the V and S components
should be analysed separately. In addition, when cancer has been diagnosed, a sup-
plementary analysis should be made of the relationship between V and S.

7.5.1 Combined Morphology of V and S (VS Concordance)

In general, the normal and noncancerous (chronic gastritis, hyperplastic lesions,

etc.) mucosa follows the anatomical principle that subepithelial capillaries and ves-
sels are located in areas corresponding to the IP (VS concordance). However, in
cancers with poor differentiation or deep invasion, this principle no longer applies,
7 Diagnostic System 139

and findings where the relationship between MCE (S) and blood vessels (V) is not
necessarily concordant (the IP (S) is destroyed or the orientation of the MCE (S)
and blood vessels (V) do not match). The dissociation or divergence between the
V and S components is termed VS discordance.

1. VS concordant
Blood vessels are present in areas corresponding to the IP subepithelium,
surrounded by the MCE.
2. VS discordant
Blood vessels are not consistently present in areas corresponding to the IP sub-
epithelium surrounded by the MCE, indicating dissociation between the
distribution and direction of the epithelium and microvessels.
3. Not determined (ND)
When the correlation between the epithelial structure and microvascular mor-
phology is unclear, and it is not possible to determine the relationship between
the two, it is recorded as not determined.

7.6 Exceptions to the VS Classification System

In Chap. 2, we used standardised terminology and description methods based on the

VS classification system. However, for some diseases such as MALT lymphoma
and carcinoids, there is insufficient accumulated experience, so they should be
regarded as exceptions and the VS classification system is not applied.

1. Yao K (ed.). Zoom gastroscopy, pp 5769. 2013. Springer.
2. Yao K, et al. Endoscopy 2009; 41: 462467.
3. Yamada S, et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2014; 79: 5563.
Atlas of Normal Appearance
in the Stomach and the Duodenum 8
Kenshi Yao

K. Yao
Department of Endoscopy, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital,
1-1-1 Zokumyoin, Chikushino 818-8502, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 141

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_8
142 K. Yao

8.1 Normal Fundic Glandular Mucosa

8.1.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Microvascular architecture (V): regular honeycomb-like subepithelial capillary

network (SECN) pattern and regular collecting venule (CV) pattern
2. Microsurface structure (S): regular oval crypt opening (CO) pattern and circular
marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) pattern
3. Microvascular architecture and microsurface structure (VS): concordant, gastric
body type (epithelium within vessel pattern)

8.1.2 Explanation Non-magnified WLI Appearance (Fig. 8.1a)

In the normal fundic gland mucosa free of Helicobacter pylori infection, the collect-
ing venules (CVs) reported by Yagi et al. are visualized as a regular arrangement of
collecting venules (RAC). M-NBI Appearance (Maximal Magnifying Ratio) (Fig. 8.1b, c)

Microvascular architecture (V): Comprising the brown subepithelial capillaries
(SECs) and the CVs visualized as cyan coloured, the shape of each individual SEC
is polygonal (many are pentagonal), and these anastomose repeatedly with each
other, forming a regular honeycomb-like subepithelial capillary network (SECN)
pattern. These subepithelial capillary networks feed into the CVs. In the normal
fundic glandular epithelium, these subepithelial capillary networks and collecting
venules have a regular shape and arrangement.
Microsurface structure (S): The anatomical structures visualized are the brown
crypt openings (COs) and the white belt-like structures of the marginal crypt epithe-
lium (MCE). The crypt openings are in a circular or oval shape, and MCE surrounds
crypt opening.
Part of Figures 8.1b has been magnified and shown as Fig. 8.1c. Figure 8.1c has been
divided into the NBI images obtained with central wavelengths of 415 nm (Fig. 8.1d)
and 540 nm (Fig. 8.1e). As shown in Fig. 8.1d, the narrow bandwidth (central wave
length 415 nm) enables good visualization of the shape of the SECs, MCE, and COs. On
the other hand, as shown in Fig. 8.1e, the CVs are clearly delineated using 540 nm NBI.
Correlation between microvascular architecture and microsurface structure (VS)
(Fig. 8.1d): The subepithelial capillaries are located in the subepithelial area of inter-
vening part, (VS concordant). Inside the polygonal capillaries are the circular or oval
COs and the circular or oval MCE (epithelium within vessel pattern, gastric body type). Histological Findings

Figure 8.1f shows a biopsy sample of normal fundic glandular mucosa. Compared to
the pyloric glandular epithelium, the intervening part is narrow and the density of the
glandular crypts are high. The glandular crypts run in a comparatively vertical
8 Atlas of Normal Appearance in the Stomach and the Duodenum 143

a b

c d

Oval crypt openings (CO)

Oval marginal crypt epithelium


Polygonal subepithelial capillary


e CV f



Fig. 8.1 Normal fundic glandular mucosa. (a) Non-magnified WLI appearance. (b) M-NBI
appearance. (c) Enlarged M-NBI apperance. (d) M-NBI image optained with central wavelength
of 415 nm. (e) M-NBI image optained with central wavelength of 540 nm. (f) Histological
144 K. Yao

8.2 Normal Pyloric Glandular Mucosa

8.2.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Microvascular architecture (V): regular coil-shaped subepithelial capillary net-

work (SECN) pattern with absence of regular collecting venule (CV) pattern
2. Microsurface structure (S): regular curved marginal crypt epithelium (MCE)
3. Microvascular architecture and microsurface structure (VS): concordant, gastric
antral type (vessel within epithelium pattern)

8.2.2 Explanation Non-magnified WLI Appearance (Fig. 8.2a)

In the normal pyloric glandular mucosa observed using non-magnified WLI, the
collecting venules (CVs) are observed infrequently, and the mucosa has a uniform
light-reddened appearance. M-NBI Appearance (Maximal Magnifying Ratio) (Fig. 8.2b, c)

Microvascular architecture (V): The brown SECs are visualized, but unlike the fun-
dic glandular mucosa, the cyan-coloured collecting venules (CVs) are visualized
only infrequently. The morphology of the individual SECs is coil shaped and open
looped (Fig. 8.2d). These form a regular coil-shaped SECN pattern. Although not
shown in this atlas, the SECs are sometimes closed looped, forming a subepithelial
reticular network.
Microsurface structure (S): This mainly comprises belt-like structures of MCE,
and unlike the gastric fundic glandular mucosa, brown COs are only visualized
infrequently. The morphology of the MCE is usually curved or polygonal, some-
times linear, with a regular distribution (Fig. 8.2e).
Correlation between microvascular architecture and microsurface structure (VS):
The SECs are located beneath the intervening part (IP) (VS concordant). As shown
in Figure 8.2e, capillaries are surrounded by a polygonal epithelium (vessel within
epithelium pattern, gastric antral type). Histological Findings

Figure 8.2f shows a biopsy sample of normal pyloric glandular mucosa. Compared
to the fundic glandular epithelium, the IP is wide, and the density of the glandular
crypts is low. Few glandular crypts run in a vertical direction.
8 Atlas of Normal Appearance in the Stomach and the Duodenum 145

a b

c d

subepithelial capillary (SEC)

subepithelial capillary (SEC)

e f

marginal crypt epithelium (MCE)

marginal crypt epithelium (MCE)

Fig. 8.2 Normal pyloric glandular mucosa. (a) Non-magnified WLI appearance. (b) M-NBI
appearance. (c) Enlarged M-NBI appearance. (d) Gray scale image of M-NBI appearance. (e)
Gray scale image of M-NBI appearance. (f) Histological findings
146 K. Yao

8.3 Normal Duodenal Mucosa

8.3.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Microvascular architecture (V): regular villous subepithelial capillary network

2. Microsurface structure (S): regular curved or oval-shaped marginal villous epi-
thelium (MVE)

8.3.2 Explanation Non-magnified WLI Appearance (Fig. 8.3a)

In a normal duodenal mucosa, the valves of Kerckring (circular folds) run in equally
and regularly spaced rings. Examination in detail reveals minute granular protuber-
ances thought to be villous structures spread out on the surface. M-NBI Appearance (Maximal Magnifying Ratio) (Fig. 8.3b, c)

Figure 8.2b shows the non-water-immersed appearance and Figure 8.2c the water-
immersed appearance.
Microvascular architecture (V): In general, the V-SECN forms anastomoses,
which can be observed lined up regularly directly beneath the villous epithelium.
At times, they can be observed flowing into the villous venules (VV) (Fig. 8.3b light
blue arrow) in the deep part.
Microsurface structure (S): This mainly comprises the MVE, mainly visualized as a
white belt-like structure (Fig. 8.3d) (the opening of the crypts are deeper than the villi
(Fig. 8.3f), so normally they are not visualized). The MVE morphology varies accord-
ing to the direction from which it is visualized, appearing round to oval when viewed
perpendicular to the mucosa surface and curved when observed obliquely. The villi
bordering the MVE generally show a fingerlike or leaf-like and occasionally ridge-like
morphology. Examination using the water immersion technique shows the villi sway-
ing in the water flow, a morphological characteristic of normal villi (Fig. 8.3c).
Although reproducibility varies depending on the direction of observation, light
blue crests (LBCs) can always be visualized in the periphery of the normal duodenal
MVE (Fig. 8.3e).
Correlation between microvascular architecture and microsurface structure (VS):
In the duodenum, loop-shaped capillaries are located inside the villi bordering the
marginal villous epithelium (MVE) in a leash-like arrangement and can be clearly
discerned forming anastomoses inside the villi (Figs. 8.3b, c). Histological Findings

Figure 8.3f shows a biopsy sample of normal duodenal mucosa. The epithelium
comprises long thin villi and crypts. The V-SECNs are distributed beneath the vil-
lous epithelium.
8 Atlas of Normal Appearance in the Stomach and the Duodenum 147

a b

c d

Curved marginal villous epithelium

(curved MVE)

Oval marginal villous epithelium

(oval MVE)

e f

Light blue crest


Fig. 8.3 Normal duodenal Mucosa. (a) Non-magnified WLI appearance. (b) M-NBI appearance
(Non-water immersed). (c) Enlarged M-NBI appearance (Water immersed). (d) Morphology of
marginal villons epithelium (MVE). (e) Extraction of light blue crest (LBC). (f) Histological
Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions
in the Stomach 9
Kenshi Yao, Noriya Uedo, Hisashi Doyama,
and Hirohisa Machida

K. Yao (*)
Department of Endoscopy, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital,
1-1-1 Zokumyoin, Chikushino 818-8502, Japan
N. Uedo
Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer
and Cardiovascular Diseases, Osaka, Japan
H. Doyama
Department of Gastroenterology, Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital,
Kanazawa, Japan
H. Machida
Machida Gastroenterical Hospital, Osaka, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 149

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_9
150 K. Yao et al.

9.1 Chronic Gastritis and Atrophic Gastritis

Endoscopic diagnosis of chronic gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori

(HP) infection using only conventional non-magnified endoscopy has suffered
limitations and lacked reproducibility. In recent years, Yagi et al. [1] and Nakagawa
et al. [2] have demonstrated that magnifying endoscopic examination of the fundic
glandular mucosa can be used to diagnose, accurately and objectively, HP-negative
normal mucosa, HP-associated chronic gastritis, and atrophic gastritis (Fig. 9.1af
were reproduced from [3] with permission).

9.1.1 M-NBI Appearance Type 1 (HP-Negative, Normal Fundic Glandular Mucosa,

Fig. 9.1a)
1. Microvascular architecture (V): Brown polygonal (pentagonal or hexagonal)
subepithelial capillaries (SECs) surround the periphery of the crypt openings
(COs), forming a regular subepithelial capillary network (SECN) with a
honeycomb-like appearance. These honeycomb-like SECNs flow into the
collecting venules (CVs, Fig. 9.1a arrows) visualized as cyan colored.
2. Microsurface structure (S): Inside the polygonal subepithelial capillaries (SECs)
can be found the white semitransparent round marginal crypt epithelium (MCE),
inside which are the round COs. Their morphologies are uniform, with a regular
arrangement. Type 2 (Fundic Glandular Mucosa with Mild Active Gastritis,

Mild Atrophy, Associated with HP Infection, Fig. 9.1b)
1. Microvascular architecture (V): A slightly dilated SECN is seen, although the
distribution maintains a regular honeycomb-like pattern. The main difference
from the normal mucosa is that no CVs can be visualized.
2. Microsurface structure (S): The round MCE and COs preserve the same structure
as the normal mucosa.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 151

a b

Fig. 9.1
152 K. Yao et al. Type 3 (Fundic Glandular Mucosa with Severe Strong Active

Gastritis Associated with HP Infection, Fig. 9.1c)
1. Microvascular architecture (V): A dilated SECN is shown, with loss of the
honeycomb-like pattern. CVs are also not visualized.
2. Microsurface structure (S): The MCE has lost its normal rounded structure and
appears curved or oval shaped. Brown COs are not visualized. Type 4 (Fundic Glandular Mucosa with Mild Active Gastritis

and Marked Atrophic Gastritis, Fig. 9.1d)
1. Microvascular architecture (V): The normal honeycomb-like pattern is lost, and
CVs (Fig. 9.1d arrows) are once again visualized. However, their morphology is
irregular compared to normal CVs [2].
2. Microsurface structure (S): This is the absent MS pattern where no MCE or COs
can be visualized.

9.1.2 Histological Findings

In the biopsy specimen (Fig. 9.1e) taken from the site shown in Fig. 9.1c, we see
infiltration of large numbers of inflammatory cells into the fundic glandular mucosa.
Compared to the normal mucosa, the crypt structure has altered, either dilated,
inclined, or branched. Accompanying the extensive inflammatory cell infiltration,
the intervening parts (IP) are also widened.
In the biopsy specimen (Fig. 9.1f) taken from the site shown in Fig. 9.1d, the
number of infiltrating inflammatory cells is less, and the fundic glands have atro-
phied and disappeared. There is diffuse intestinal metaplasia. The mucosa is mark-
edly thinned.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 153

c d

e f

Fig. 9.1 (continued)

154 K. Yao et al.

9.2 Intestinal Metaplasia (LBC+)

Intestinal metaplasia is associated with an increased risk of differentiated gastric

carcinoma. The conventional non-magnified endoscopic findings of intestinal
metaplasia which are of gray-white granular protuberances (specific intestinal
dysplasia) are well known. Many cases of intestinal metaplasia are flat, however, so
the sensitivity is low for this kind of finding alone, and the endoscopic diagnosis of
intestinal metaplasia was considered difficult.

9.2.1 Explanation

Intestinal metaplasia is visualized as a whitish mucosa on non-magnified WLI

appearance (Fig. 9.2a). Non-magnified NBI shows the non-metaplastic mucosa as
brown and the intestinal metaplasia as areas with light blue crests (LBCs) (Fig. 9.2b).
M-NBI examination of the non-metaplastic mucosa reveals a broad subepithelial
capillary network (SECN) in the intervening parts (IPs) (Fig. 9.2c upper part). In the
area of intestinal metaplasia, the SECN has become dilated, tortuous blood vessels,
and the marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) is broad and cloudy white (Fig. 9.2c lower
part). This difference in the ratio of blood vessels to epithelium is believed to play a
part in the color differences in this image. Apart from that, in areas of intestinal
metaplasia, light blue lines are visible at the epithelial margins (surface). These are
called light blue crests (LBCs), a useful finding for the detection of intestinal meta-
plasia in cases of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-associated gastritis [4]. The infer-
ence is that this phenomenon involves strong reflection of short-wavelength narrow
band light (415 nm) by the brush borders of the areas of intestinal metaplasia.
In fundic mucosa with H. pylori-associated inflammation or atrophy, the crypt
openings (COs) may become round, or short or long lines, and with further progres-
sion of atrophy and intestinal metaplasia, the surface structure changes from a
ridge-like to a papillary pattern. For this reason, areas of intestinal metaplasia in
which LBCs are visualized have mainly crest-shaped to papillary surface structures,
but in the gastric body, LBCs are mainly seen associated with a surface structure
with COs (Fig. 9.2d). This differs from the circular COs observed in the H. pylori-
positive fundic glandular mucosa, where a stellate morphology is common (Fig. 9.2d
arrow). This should be recognized as a subtype of intestinal metaplasia.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 155

a b

c d

NBI 415 nm 540 nm



Fig. 9.2
156 K. Yao et al.

9.2.2 Differentiation Using the NBI Appearance

One finding requiring differentiation from LBC is that of white lines on the MCE of
the non-metaplastic mucosa. This phenomenon is thought to occur when examining
the superficial layers of the crypt epithelium from the incident light direction due to
overlapping backward scattering light. NBI applies color simulation to images
obtained from projection of narrow band light with central wavelengths of 415 and
540 nm. In Fig. 9.2e the left column shows simulated color composite NBI images,
the center column 415 nm grayscale images, and the right column 540 nm grayscale
images. The non-LBCs in the surface crypt epithelium of the upper row of photo-
graphs are images from 415 nm reflected light allocated to green and blue simulated
colors and 540 nm light allocated to red simulated color (seen as white in black and
white images), so it is seen as white combining all of green, blue, and red, and they
are arranged more thinly than LBCs (Fig. 9.2e). In comparison, in the lower row for
LBCs, 415 nm light is more strongly reflected, so it appears light cyan with green
and blue mixed, and the shape is large and slightly irregular (Fig. 9.2e). It is conjec-
tured that the villous structure of the brush border of the intestinal metaplasia muco-
sal surface epithelium has these light characteristics.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 157

9.3 Intestinal Metaplasia (WOS+)

9.3.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Microvascular architecture (V): absent MV pattern

2. Microsurface structure (S): regular MS pattern (WOS +, speckled)
3. Microvascular architecture and microsurface structure (VS): not determined

9.3.2 Explanation

The microvascular pattern is an important indicator for interpreting magnified endo-

scopic findings, but in some epithelial tumors and intestinal metaplastic mucosa,
there is a white opaque substance (WOS) on the mucosal surface, so in some cases
the subepithelial blood vessels in the IP cannot be visualized, as reported by the
author and others [6, 7]. When the blood vessels (V) cannot be clearly seen, I record
this as absent MV pattern and instead of V use the white opaque substance (WOS)
as a marker of the microsurface structure pattern (S) and conduct a magnifying
endoscopic examination.
In this section, I present an early stomach cancer with WOS (+) intestinal meta-
plasia present in the noncancerous background mucosa. Light blue crests (LBCs)
are also an objective marker of intestinal metaplasia visualized using M-NBI. The
two are optically different, in that LBCs can only be visualized using NBI, but that
WOS can be visualized using either WLI or NBI.
158 K. Yao et al. WLI Appearance

A pale irregular depressed lesion can be seen on the anterior wall of the gastric antrum
(Fig. 9.3a). This is a type 0-IIc early gastric cancer. The color of the noncancerous
background on the oral side is also white (arrow). Magnified WLI (Fig. 9.3b) exami-
nation focusing on the area indicated by the arrow in Fig. 9.3a (background mucosa
on the oral side of the cancer) is unable to visualize vessels due to the presence of
WOS. M-NBI Appearance

M-NBI examination delineates the WOS more clearly, and LBCs are visualized at
the same time (Fig. 9.3c, d). However, WOS and LBCs do not always appear at the
same time. Whereas LBCs are visualized lining the marginal crypt epithelium
(MCE), WOS is normally located in the IPs. In other words, the two features are
localized in different sites. When we look at another area in detail at maximum
magnification (Fig.9.3e), we see only speckled WOS on the intervening part epithe-
lium of the intestinal metaplasia but LBCs are not visualized. Histological Findings

Histological examination of the noncancerous mucosa from the oral side of this
endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) specimen reveals diffuse intestinal meta-
plasia containing goblet cells and Paneth cells (Fig. 9.3e). The gastric proper gland
is atrophic and cannot be identified. In other words, these are the histological find-
ings of metaplastic and atrophic gastritis.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 159

a b

c d


Light blue crest


e f


Fig. 9.3
160 K. Yao et al.

9.4 Hyperplastic Polyp

9.4.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Margin (demarcation line: present or absent)

2. Lesion (VS classification: regular MV plus regular MS pattern)

9.4.2 Explanation WLI Appearance

Hyperplastic polyps of the stomach are normally strongly reddened colored
(Fig. 9.4a). When small they are semispherical, but as they grow larger, they change
shape from semipedunculated to pedunculated, often associated with surface
erosion. When dye is sprayed (Fig. 9.4b), the surface appears smooth and presents
a regular gastric mucosal microsurface pattern.
M-WLI of the marginal area often reveals a clear demarcation line at the base of
the protrusion, as shown in Fig. 9.4c. However, in some lesions, the surrounding V
and S gradually change into a hyperplastic polyp morphology, and a clear
demarcation line (DL) is not formed. M-NBI appearance

S: The MCE shows a white, curved to linear morphology, forming a regular IP
(Fig. 9.4d, e). Between the MCE can be seen dark slit-shaped crypt openings
(COs). The individual sections of MCE have a consistent width and are large
compared to the surrounding background mucosa, forming a widened brownish
IP. The IPs () have a constant width.
V: The IP subepithelium has a high vascular density, so the IPs overall are brown,
and each microvascular pattern has low contrast making it difficult to classify.
Blood vessels directly under the epithelium are mainly regular open-looped
dilated microvessels.
VS concordance: This is a VS concordant finding, with microvessels located
beneath the IP epithelium. The widened brownish IPs are characteristic. This is
a gastric antral type (vessel within epithelium pattern) where the blood vessels
are located in the IP subepithelium enclosed by the MCE. Histological Findings

Histological examination of the biopsy reveals epithelium composed of foveolar
epithelium with a rich clear cellular structure, associated with dilatation of the
crypts (Fig. 9.4f). Within the wide IP spaces, we can see a rich proliferation of
microvessels, with mild fibrosis and infiltration of inflammatory cells.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 161

a b

c d

e f

Curved MCE

Width of IP

Crypt opening
Open looped blood vessel

Fig. 9.4
162 K. Yao et al.

9.5 Fundic Gland Polyp

9.5.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present or absent)

2. Lesion (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus regular MS pattern)

9.5.2 Explanation WLI appearance

Fundic gland polyps, mainly found in the mucosa free of H. pylori infection in the
fundic gland region (gastric body and fundus), are smooth-surfaced protruding
lesions varying from the same color as their surrounds to light red. When a lesion is
small, it varies from a superficial raised to a nonpedunculated protrusion (Fig.9.5a),
but as it gets larger it becomes a semipedunculated protruding lesion (Fig. 9.5b),
and the reddened coloration becomes stronger and fresher (Fig. 9.5b). M-NBI Appearance

Background Mucosa
Figure 9.5c shows normal gastric fundic gland mucosa. This presents a regular
honeycomb-like subepithelial capillary network (SECN) pattern with regular
collecting venule (CV) pattern plus regular oval crypt opening (CO) pattern and
circular MCE pattern (see Normal fundic gland mucosa).
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 163

a b

Fig. 9.5
164 K. Yao et al.

This small polyp has essentially the same microvascular architecture (V) and
microsurface structure (S) as the surrounding background mucosa (Fig. 9.5d). When
a lesion grows larger and semipedunculated, these features change slightly
(Fig. 9.5e).

V: Each polygonal vessel in the honeycomb-like SECN becomes enlarged, and the
blood vessel dilates and thickens. This is often associated with markedly dilated
branching light cyan blood vessels with a morphology resembling CVs.
S: The marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) has a circular morphology, with an
unchanged density, but it does become larger, and the COs also become oval and
larger. It is characteristic that the intervening parts (IPs) become wider in
association with these changes. Although not shown on the figures in this sec-
tion, occasionally large COs are seen.
VS concordance: Essentially the same findings as the normal fundic gland mucosa.
While a clear demarcation line (DL) is often delineated in the marginal area, in
some cases there is a gradual change from background mucosa to the polyp VS. Histological Findings

Figure 9.5f shows the histological findings of a biopsy specimen of the semipedun-
culated polyp shown in Figs. 9.5b and 9.5e. The surface spacing between crypts has
become wider, and the IP is wide compared to the normal gastric fundic glandular
mucosa. The lamina propria is slightly edematous, but no significant inflammatory
cell infiltration is seen. Characteristic features are marked hyperplasia and cystic
dilatation of the fundic glands.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 165

e f

Fig. 9.5 (continued)

166 K. Yao et al.

9.6 Localized Gastritis (Flat) Requiring Differentiation

from Gastric Cancer

Helicobacter pylori infection causes inflammatory cell infiltration of the gastric

mucosa after an extended period inducing mucosal changes such as atrophy and
intestinal metaplasia, resulting in a variety of morphological changes to the gastric
mucosa. Mucosal changes due to chronic gastritis can be diffuse or localized, and it
is important to differentiate the latter from a small early gastric cancer.

9.6.1 Explanation

This patient underwent endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for early gastric
cancer of the anterior wall of the gastric angle 2 years ago. WLI appearance

At a follow-up upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, a flat reddened lesion 78 mm
in size was detected on the posterior wall of the upper gastric body (Fig. 9.6a). M-NBI Appearance

M-NBI shows the surface microstructure (S) of the surrounding mucosa to range
from ridge-like to papillary, whereas in some parts of the lesion, microvessels form
an irregular network structure (Fig. 9.6b). Examination of the periphery of the
lesion at maximal magnifying ratio reveals reticular to slightly dilated subepithelial
capillaries (SECs) surrounded by distinct marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) in the
surrounding gastritic mucosa (Fig. 9.6c upper part). The blood vessels of the lesion
(Fig. 9.6c lower part) form an irregular network comprising slightly distended SECs
interwoven together. Findings characteristic of tumor vessels, such as irregular dila-
tation and tortuosity, are infrequent in these narrow vessels, and unlike a cancer
their shape resembled some of the blood vessels in the surrounding gastritic mucosa.
A distinct demarcation line (DL) between the surface structure of the lesion and the
surrounding mucosa can be seen at the left side of this image (Fig. 9.6b), whereas
on the right side (Fig. 9.6c) the change is gradual and the margin unclear.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 167

b c

Fig. 9.6
168 K. Yao et al. Histological Findings

Although nonneoplastic changes were suspected on the basis of the above findings,
a target biopsy was taken from this area to eliminate the possibility of tumor.
Histopathological examination revealed only inflammation, with no findings
suggesting a neoplasia (Fig. 9.6d).

9.6.2 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI Typical Appearance of Nonneoplastic Localized Gastritis

(Fig. 9.6e)
A cluster of fine SECs form a regular vascular network. The individual vessels
forming the network structure are basically uniform in morphology and size, and
crypt openings (COs), surrounded by the distinct marginal crypt epithelium (MCE),
are regularly arranged within the network (Regular MV pattern plus regular MS
pattern with a demarcation line). Typical Appearance of Differentiated Cancer (Fig. 9.6f )

Dilated irregular tumor blood vessels form a network structure. The MCE is
indistinct, and the individual vessels forming the network structure are nonuniform
in diameter, morphology, and size (Irregular MV pattern plus absent MS pattern
with a demarcation line). When Taking a Biopsy

Differentiation between cancer and noncancer is easy when a lesion presents a
typical appearance as shown in Fig. 9.6e, f, but if even one slightly atypical element
is present as demonstrated in Fig. 9.6b, c, a biopsy should be taken without hesita-
tion, not relying solely on the visual findings.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 169

e f

Fig. 9.6 (continued)

170 K. Yao et al.

9.7 Localized Gastritis (Depressed) Requiring

Differentiation from Gastric Cancer

9.7.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: absent)

2. Lesion (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus absent MS pattern)

9.7.2 Explanation WLI Appearance

We can see a reddened depressed lesion 3 mm in diameter toward the anterior wall
of the greater curvature of the lower gastric body (Fig. 9.7a). Non-magnified WLI
appearance reveals an irregular demarcation line (DL) in one area, making differen-
tiation from a small type 0-IIc lesion difficult. M-NBI Appearance

M-NBI examination at low magnification showed clear differences between the sur-
face structure of the depression and the background mucosa, and proliferation of
capillaries within the depression (Fig. 9.7b). However, at this magnification, evalu-
ation of the microsurface structure (S) and microvascular structure (V) is not pos-
sible, so differential diagnosis of the lesion is difficult.
M-NBI examination at the maximal magnifying ratio (Fig. 9.7c, d) reveals scant
oval marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) almost at the center of the depression, but in
general MCE cannot be visualized, and the finding was of an absent MS pattern.
Although the proliferation of microvessels in the depression shows an asymmetrical
distribution and nonuniform morphology. But, no inequality of diameter or nonuni-
formity in size is seen, and the directionality is also relatively consistent.
Furthermore, many blood vessels (Fig. 9.7d arrow) can be seen extending from the
depressed area straight out into the surrounding mucosa maintaining the same direc-
tion, yielding the finding of a regular MV pattern.
No MCE could be detected in almost the entire lesion, so VS concordance could
not be assessed.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 171

a b

c d

Fig. 9.7
172 K. Yao et al.

From the above findings, the diagnosis was made of noncancer and localized
gastritis. Figure 9.7e shows the M-WLI appearance of the same area as shown in
Fig. 9.7c, in which it is difficult to discern any microvessels. Histological Findings

Histological examination of the biopsy specimen revealed chronic gastritis

9.7.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

Microvessels are easily delineated using M-NBI. In this lesion, some asymmetrical
distribution and morphological variability is seen in the microvessels, but there is no
nonuniformity of diameter or size, and directionality is relatively consistent.
No DL could be delineated using V, and characteristic of gastritis microvessels
were seen extending from the depressed area straight out into the surrounding
mucosa maintaining the same direction, gradually merging into surrounding
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 173

e f

Fig. 9.7 (continued)

174 K. Yao et al.

9.8 Gastric Ulcer Scar

9.8.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: absent)

2. Lesion (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus absent MS pattern)

9.8.2 Explanation

In order to differentiate between a gastric ulcer scar and an early gastric cancer
associated with a scar, it is important to know what the typical findings are. Even
with M-NBI imaging, unless mucosal convergence is present, the findings of white
scars (S2 stage) are almost the same as the surrounding chronic gastritis. Accordingly,
in this section I will discuss red scars (S1 stage). WLI Appearance

Non-magnified WLI appearance reveals an ulcer scar with central-reddened color-
ation on the posterior wall of the upper gastric body (Fig. 9.8a). M-WLI (low mag-
nification) is unable to delineate a distinct demarcation line between the reddened
area and the surrounding background mucosa (Fig. 9.8b). M-NBI Appearance (Maximal Magnifying Ratio, Fig. 9.8ce)

Background mucosa (Fig. 9.8c), convergent folds

V: The subepithelial capillaries (SECs) are open or closed looped, with a symmetri-
cal distribution and regular arrangement.
S: The marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) has a mainly curved to oval morphology
and is lined by light blue crests (LBCs). The intervening parts (IPs) have a con-
sistent width and regular arrangement.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 175

a b

c d

Fig. 9.8
176 K. Yao et al.

Lesion part (Fig. 9.8d, e), regenerative epithelium

V: The subepithelial microvessels are open or closed looped, with a high vascular
density, so frequently the morphology of individual blood vessels cannot be
discerned, and the IPs appear brown.
S: The MCE is mainly curved, oval, or highly elliptical, forming IPs that vary from
oval to highly elliptical. The epithelium exhibits a consistent directionality
toward the ulcer scar, with a regular arrangement. No LBCs are seen.
VS concordance: This is a VS concordant finding with microvessels distributed
beneath the IP epithelium. Characteristic findings are blood vessels distributed in
concordance with the highly elliptical IPs and brown areas of high absorbency of
narrow band light. Histological Findings

This biopsy sample was taken from the area of regenerative epithelium shown in
Fig. 9.8e. Epithelial cell cytoplasm in the section between the arrows are somewhat
basophilic, indicating this is regenerative epithelium with no intestinal metaplasia.
In the wide stroma of the IPs, we can see infiltration by chronic inflammatory cells
and proliferation of dilated microvessels. On the other hand, the mucosa apart than
regenerative epithelium shows intestinal metaplasia.

9.8.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

The biggest difference between regenerative epithelium in an ulcer scar and a tumor
is the absence of a demarcation line between the reddened regenerative epithelium
and the background mucosa in the former.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 177

Curved oval MCE

Fig. 9.8 (continued)

178 K. Yao et al.

9.9 Gastric Xanthoma

9.9.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: absent)

2. Lesion (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus absent MS pattern, LBC +)

9.9.2 Explanation

A gastric xanthoma is a benign lesion commonly seen in the mucosa with H. pylori
gastritis. Generally, these lesions are flat to superficial elevated and yellow in color-
ation. In this section we present the typical findings of a gastric xanthoma, for the
rare occasions that differentiation is required from an intramucosal flat
undifferentiated early gastric cancer. WLI appearance

Non-magnified WLI appearance reveals a reddened type 0-IIa early gastric cancer
(yellow arrow) on the posterior wall of the gastric antrum, on the oral side of which
we can see a flat yellow-white xanthoma (blue arrow) (Fig. 9.9a). M-NBI Appearance (Fig. 9.9ae)

Weak Magnification (Fig. 9.9b)

The background mucosa V comprises small-looped subepithelial capillaries (SECs),
and the S curved to polygonal marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) lined by LBCs,
forming a regular MV pattern plus regular MS pattern (LBC+). These regular pat-
terns continue up to the xanthoma and the absence of a distinct demarcation line
(DL) differs greatly from an epithelial neoplastic lesion.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 179

a b

Fig. 9.9
180 K. Yao et al.

Maximal Magnifying Ratio (Fig. 9.9ce)

The microvascular pattern and microsurface pattern of the lesion are identical to the
surrounding mucosa, and we can identify it as a subepithelial lesion. Compared to
the intramucosal undifferentiated cancer (signet ring cell carcinoma), it is character-
istic that neither the blood vessels of the covering epithelium nor the MCE are
extended. Magnification of part of Figs. 9.9d and 9.9e allows us to confirm that the
morphology of the surrounding SECs and MCE is well preserved. Unlike the situa-
tion when WOS is present, capillaries directly under the epithelium can be
visualized. Histological Findings

This lesion was resected at ESD together with the early cancer (Fig. 9.9f). We can
see an aggregation of histiocytes with a foamy and basophilic cytoplasm in the
lamina propria. Focusing on the surface layers, histiocytes are located beneath the
SECs (arrowed), which remain unchanged, so we can understand why the
morphology of the SECs and MCE are well preserved when delineated using
M-NBI. Histologically, this lesion can be distinguished from the signet ring cell
carcinoma because the nuclei are not peripherally located within the cell.

9.9.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

Gastric xanthomas differ from undifferentiated cancers in that even within the
lesion, the SEC and MCE morphologies are the same as the background mucosa.
Naturally, a DL can also not be seen.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 181

c d

e f

Fig. 9.9 (continued)

182 K. Yao et al.

9.10 Angiodysplasia

Angiodysplasia is a condition where blood vessels within the submucosa and

mucosa dilate and proliferate; it is also known as angioectasia. One, or a small
number of blood vessels, becomes distended and appears in a limited location
separate from the usual mucosal capillary network, forming an oval reddened patch
with a distinct margin [8].
Angiodysplasia may require treatment if it causes bleeding resulting in anemia,
but this is uncommon.

9.10.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: absent)

2. Lesion part (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus regular MS pattern)

9.10.2 Explanation WLI Appearance

Non-magnifying WLI endoscopic examination reveals a flat or slightly protruding
reddened lesion. Closer examination shows capillaries radiating out toward the
periphery from the lesion, which we can see is formed by an aggregation of
microvessels. In an actual case, we see a localized reddened patch under
non-magnified examination (Fig. 9.10a), and with M-WLI capillaries can be seen
radiating out toward the periphery (Fig. 9.10b). M-NBI Appearance

Non-magnifying NBI examination shows that the diameter of the blood vessel
comprising the lesion is considerably greater than the few capillaries visualized in
the surface layers of the surrounding mucosa. Although the vascular diameters are
greater, even using M-NBI we cannot detect any irregular features, such as
nonuniform diameter or morphology (Fig. 9.10c). Confirmation of these
characteristic findings allows us to make a firm diagnosis. Histological Findings

Histological examination reveals dilatation of capillaries, venules, and veins in the
lamina propria and submucosa.

9.10.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

Although extremely rare, some early cancers will present a strong red coloration
similar to angiodysplasia when examined using non-magnifying WLI. Cancers have
a demarcation line (DL), irregular MV pattern, or irregular MS pattern. An under-
standing of the characteristics of angiodysplasia, a benign vascular lesion, presented
in this section will be helpful in making the differential diagnosis.
9 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 183

Fig. 9.10
184 K. Yao et al.

1. Yagi K, et al.: Endoscopy 2002; 34: 376381
2. Nakagawa S, et al.: Gastrointest Endosc 2003; 58: 7195
3. Yao K. Helicobacter Research 2010; 14: 224227.
4. Uedo N, et al. Endoscopy 2006; 38: 819824.
5. Uedo N. Endoscopy 2008; 40: 881. (Response to letter)
6. Yao K. Gastrointest Endosc 2008; 68: 574579.
7. Yao K. Gastrointest Endosc 2009; 70: 402403
8. Sakai Y, et al. Stomach and Intestine 2000; 35: 763769.
Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions
in the Stomach 10
Kenshi Yao, Hisashi Doyama, Noriya Uedo,
Takashi Nagahama, and Shoko Ono

K. Yao (*)
Department of Endoscopy, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital,
1-1-1 Zokumyoin, Chikushino 818-8502, Japan
H. Doyama
Department of Gastroenterology, Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital,
Kanazawa, Japan
N. Uedo
Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer
and Cardiovascular Diseases, Osaka, Japan
T. Nagahama
Department of Gastroenterology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital,
Chikushino, Japan
S. Ono
Division of Endoscopy, Hokkaido University Hospital, Sapporo, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 185

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_10
186 K. Yao et al.

10.1 Gastric Adenoma (Elevated)

10.1.1 Case 1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)
2. Lesion (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus regular MS pattern, LBC +) Explanation
Non-magnifying WLI endoscopic examination reveals a smooth-surfaced pale
superficial elevated lesion (arrow, Fig. 10.1a) on the posterior wall of the gastric
antrum. M-NBI examination using the maximal magnifying ratio delineates a dis-
tinct demarcation line (DL) (arrow, Fig. 10.1b) where the surrounding regular MV
pattern plus regular MS pattern disappears. Although the microvascular pattern of
the lesion is not clearly visualized, the individual blood vessels have a polygonal
morphology and form a regular network. The regular arrangement of oval to curved
marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) comprises a regular MS pattern. The crypt open-
ings (COs) enclosed by the MCE are neatly lined with light blue crests (LBCs). The
VS pattern is the gastric body type with MCE located with polygonal vessels.
Figure 10.1c shows the histological findings of the ESD specimen (arrow indi-
cates the margin). The tumor on the left side shows atypical glands with mild-to-
moderate grade atypia, the finding of a tubular adenoma. Immunostaining of the
tumor epithelium was positive for CD10 (figure not shown). The nontumor
background mucosa comprises crypt epithelium free of intestinal metaplasia.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 187

a b

Fig. 10.1
188 K. Yao et al.

10.1.2 Case 2 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)
2. Lesion (VS classification: absent MV pattern plus regular MS pattern, WOS +,
speckled) Explanation
Non-magnifying WLI endoscopic examination reveals a smooth-surfaced pale flat
elevated lesion (arrow, Fig. 10.2a) on the lesser curvature of the gastric antrum.
M-NBI examination of the center of the lesion at the maximal magnifying ratio
(Fig. 10.2b) reveals the presence of white opaque substance (WOS), and since blood
vessels of the subepithelial vessels cannot be visualized at all, this was assessed as
an absent MV pattern. Using WOS as a marker of the microsurface pattern, WOS is
distributed corresponding to the regular intervening parts (IPs), with a morphology
varying from reticulate to maze-like, so this was assessed as a regular MS pattern.
Although not shown in the figures, this lesion has a distinct demarcation line (DL).
Histological examination of the ESD specimen yielded the diagnosis of tubular
adenoma with moderate atypia with a low degree of differentiation into goblet cells
(Fig. 10.2c).
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 189

a b

Fig. 10.2
190 K. Yao et al.

10.2 Gastric Adenoma (Depressed Type)

Depressed gastric adenomas are comparatively rare. Irregular margin and reddened col-
oration are considered effective in detecting gastric cancers using non-magnifying WLI,
but often a definitive diagnosis cannot be reached with non-magnifying WLI and biopsy
alone, and endoscopic treatment in the form of total biopsy is often required.

10.2.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus regular MS pattern)

10.2.2 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a reddened depressed lesion 9 6 mm in the vicinity of the post-ESD
ulcer scar on the posterior wall of the gastric antrum (Fig. 10.3a, b). An irregular
demarcation line (DL) could be delineated using non-magnifying WLI, so this
lesion could not be differentiated from a type IIc cancer. M-NBI Appearance

M-NBI at a low magnifying ratio revealed a distinct demarcation line (DL) due to dif-
ferences in the surface structure between the marginal area of the lesion and the back-
ground mucosa (Fig. 10.3c). However, at this magnification we cannot discern the
microvascular pattern or microsurface pattern, making a qualitative analysis difficult.
M-NBI at the maximal magnifying ratio (Fig. 10.3d, e) reveals a round- to oval-
shaped marginal crypt epithelium (MCE), with a uniform width, within the lesion. The
size of the individual intervening parts (IPs), enclosed by MCE, is slightly smaller than
in the background mucosa, and despite the slight nonuniformity in size, the directionality,
distribution, and arrangement are relatively uniform. The vessels in the IPs of the lesion
are slightly smaller and denser compared to the background mucosa, but their morphol-
ogy is relatively uniform. Their distribution is symmetrical and their arrangement regular.
Vessels are located beneath the epithelium of the IPs enclosed by MCE, so there is no VS
discordance. From these findings, the diagnosis of a gastric adenoma was made. Histological Findings

Histological examination of this ESD specimen demonstrated a tubular adenoma with
mild to moderately atypical tumor glands and a regularly arranged stroma (Fig. 10.3f).

10.2.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

The characteristics of this adenoma visualized in detail using M-NBI at the maxi-
mal magnifying ratio are as follows:

1. The presence of a distinct DL.

2. A regular MS pattern is seen, although the IPs are slightly small with mildly
nonuniform size.
3. A regular MV pattern is seen, although the vessels are slightly small and dense.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 191

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 10.3
192 K. Yao et al.

10.3 Very Well-Differentiated Adenocarcinoma

10.3.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: irregular MV pattern plus irregular MS pattern, LBC +)

10.3.2 Explanation

The pathohistological definition and clinical significance of a very well-differentiated

gastric adenocarcinoma remain unclear. Clinically, even if cancer is suspected and
a biopsy performed, it can be difficult to make the definitive diagnosis of cancer due
to the mild degree of cellular atypia. In this section, we present a very well-
differentiated intestinal-type adenocarcinoma diagnosed using an M-NBI gastro-
scope, even though histological examination of a biopsy specimen was unable to
differentiate between adenocarcinoma and intestinal metaplasia (Fig. 10.4a reprinted
by permission of [1]). Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a reddened shallow depressed lesion on the small curvature of the gastric
fundus (Fig. 10.4a). Indigo carmine dye spraying renders the slightly irregular bor-
der more distinct, and the surface of the depression has a microgranular to unstruc-
tured appearance (Fig. 10.4b). M-NBI Appearance

M-NBI at the maximal magnifying ratio (Fig. 10.4c) reveals a distinct demarcation
line (DL, arrows) where the surrounding regular MV pattern plus regular MS pat-
tern disappears. Detailed examination shows that, compared with the orderly mar-
ginal crypt epithelium (MCE) in the surrounds, the MCE in the lesion interior has a
strongly varied morphology, from curved to sawtooth shaped. Magnification of the
center of the tumor (Fig. 10.4d) reveals the morphology of the MCE to be sawtooth
shaped, like pounding waves (jagged), and the intervening parts (IPs) enclosed by
the MCE to have an irregular (rough) morphology with nonuniform sizes, so this is
assessed as an irregular MS pattern. Other characteristics of this lesion are that the
width of the MCE is not uniform for each section, or between sections. Bright cyan
reflections, or light blue crests (LBCs), are seen lining the MCE (Fig. 10.4d, arrow).
Little nonuniformity is seen in the sizes of the loop-shaped microvessels, but their
morphology varies strongly, assessed as an irregular MV pattern (Fig. 10.4c).
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 193

a b

c d


Fig. 10.4
194 K. Yao et al. Histological Findings

Figure 10.4e shows the hematoxylin-stained neoplastic section of the ESD specimen.
Although the histological appearance resembles complete intestinal metaplasia, and
there is little cellular atypia, the diagnosis of very well-differentiated gland cancer
was made on the basis of the structural atypia.
Anti-CD10 immunostaining (Fig. 10.4f) showed that this tumor was CD10
positive, positive for MUC2 mucin staining, and negative for MUC5AC and MUC6,
expressing only the intestinal mucin phenotype.

10.3.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

The main characteristics of this lesion are the irregular MCE morphology and the
presence of LBCs. It is important to have plentiful experience of benign lesions
such as depressed areas of intestinal metaplasia and have a good understanding of
the typical noncancerous appearance.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 195

e f

Fig. 10.4 (continued)

196 K. Yao et al.

10.4 Early Gastric Cancer (Differentiated): Type I

10.4.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: irregular MV pattern plus irregular MS pattern)

10.4.2 Explanation

The M-NBI gastroscopic appearances of type 0-I early gastric cancers are varied.
In this section, we present this type 0-I early stage gastric cancer presenting a
histologically irregular papillary morphology as a case study in the interpretation of
magnified endoscopic findings. Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a reddened, markedly elevated semipedunculated lesion on the lesser
curvature of the gastric antrum (Fig. 10.5a). The lesion bleeds easily and displays a
microgranular surface when sprayed with indigo carmine (Fig. 10.5b). M-NBI Appearance

The marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) presents an irregular saw-toothed
morphology, consistent with the irregular papillary histological appearance
(Fig. 10.5c). In one part of the tumor, we can see irregular microvessels beneath the
epithelium of the intervening part (IP) enclosed by circular MCE (Fig. 10.5d),
presenting the so-called vessel within epithelial circle (VEC) pattern [2]. The IPs
are nonuniform in morphology and irregular in size. Accordingly, it is easy to assess
this as an irregular MS pattern.
Although the microvascular pattern is rich in variety, as shown in Fig. 10.5e, with
polygonal loop-shaped vessels repeatedly and irregularly anastomosing with each
other forming an irregular MV pattern, there is no VS discordance. Histological Findings

As shown in Fig. 10.6f, histological examination of the ESD specimen shows that
this tumor contains a mixture of a papillary adenocarcinoma and a tubular
adenocarcinoma with marked structural and cellular atypia. This explains the varie-
gated magnified endoscopic findings, as the histological structure is not uniform.

10.4.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

Type 0-I cancers can present a variety of appearances, so a detailed analysis of the
microvascular pattern and microsurface structure, and accurate evaluation of any
irregularities, is important in differentiating between malignant and benign lesions.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 197

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 10.5
198 K. Yao et al.

10.5 Early Gastric Cancer (Differentiated): Type IIa (1)

10.5.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: irregular/absent MV pattern plus irregular MS pattern,
WOS +)

10.5.2 Explanation

The M-NBI appearances of superficial elevated type (0-IIa) early gastric cancers
also vary considerably. In this and the next section, we present two representative
examples of the interpretation of the endoscopic findings. Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a low reddened superficial elevated-type lesion on the lesser curvature
of the gastric antrum (Fig. 10.6a). The red coloration is mottled in appearance, and
the lesion bleeds easily. Spraying with indigo carmine does not clearly visualize the
surface microstructure, rendering it almost without structure (Fig. 10.6b). M-NBI Appearance (Maximal Magnifying Ratio; Fig. 10.6ce)

Background mucosa (Fig. 10.6c, e outside arrows)
The small, curved to round, relatively uniform marginal crypt epithelium (MCE),
lined by light blue crests (LBCs), forms a regular MS pattern. The capillaries
beneath the epithelium of the intervening part (IP) show a mainly uniform small
open-looped morphology and form a regular MV pattern. A distinct demarcation
line (Fig. 10.6c, e arrows) can be delineated in areas where the regular VS pattern is
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 199

a b

Fig. 10.6
200 K. Yao et al.

V: The individual microvessels have a nonuniform morphology, exhibiting a variety
of shapes and sizes, including dilated tortuous irregular microvessels (Fig. 10.6c)
and loop-shaped microvessels with distorted shapes (Fig. 10.6d). Their distribu-
tion is asymmetrical, and we can recognize this as a typical irregular MV pattern.
In part of the lesion, the presence of white opaque substance (WOS) produces an
absent MV pattern (Fig. 10.6c, e).
S: In this lesion, curved MCE can be visualized in part of the lesion, although not
clearly (Fig. 10.6c, d). WOS, a marker of the microsurface structure, is used in
the assessment of the S component. As shown in Fig. 10.6e, the WOS, varying
from extremely small dots to a speckled pattern, has an uneven distribution and
irregular arrangement, so we assess this as an irregular MS pattern. Histological Findings

Fig. 10.6f shows the histological findings of the tumor marginal area. This is a tubu-
lar adenocarcinoma with marked structural and cellular atypia. In the noncancerous
background mucosa, we can see diffuse intestinal metaplasia.

10.5.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

A detailed analysis of the microvascular pattern and microsurface structure at the

maximal magnifying ratio, and accurate evaluation of any irregularities, is important
in differentiating between cancerous and noncancerous lesions.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 201

d e

Fig. 10.6 (continued)

202 K. Yao et al.

10.6 Early Gastric Cancer (Differentiated): Type IIa (2)

10.6.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: irregular MV pattern plus regular MS pattern)

10.6.2 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a low reddened superficial elevated-type (IIa) lesion on the posterior
wall of the gastric antrum (Fig. 10.7a). The surface has a fine reddened tinge.
Spraying with indigo carmine reveals fine granularity of the surface (Fig. 10.7b). M-NBI Appearance (Fig. 10.7ce)

S: Examination of the marginal area under low magnification (Fig. 10.7c) reveals a
regular arrangement of round marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) inside the
demarcation line (DL, arrowed). This is a regular MS pattern, comprising curved
to rounded, small, relatively uniform MCE. Examination using the maximal
magnifying ratio (Fig. 10.7d, e) delineates the MCE as a neat circular structure,
more regular than the MCE of the background mucosa. The intervening parts
(IPs) are larger than those in the surrounding background mucosa.
V: When the blood vessels are observed at maximal magnifying ratio (Fig. 10.7d,
e), nonuniformly shaped loop-shaped blood vessels are observed in the IP sub-
epithelia, so an irregular MV pattern can be determined. From the finding of
these blood vessels, cancer can be diagnosed.
VS concordance: This is the vessel within the epithelial circle (VEC) pattern, the
magnified endoscopy finding characteristic of papillary adenocarcinoma. No VS
concordance can be identified in such a VEC pattern [2]. Histological Findings

Figure 10.7f shows the histological findings of the ESD specimen (appearance of
the area displaying the VEC pattern) [2]. The rounded epithelium is formed by pure
papillary adenocarcinoma, and the atypical epithelium with a narrow stroma forms
long papillary structures. The left-right symmetrical MCE of the papillary adeno-
carcinoma and the microvessels distributed mainly in the narrow stroma correspond
to the distinct VEC pattern observed using M-NBI endoscopy.

10.6.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

The VEC pattern is all. The potential pitfall in this case is that we cannot make the
diagnosis based only on the rounded epithelium. Conversely, the rounded epithe-
lium is a cause for extra caution. If you see this feature, identify an irregular MV
pattern using the maximal magnifying ratio, and then if a VEC pattern is detected,
papillary adenocarcinoma is easy to diagnose [2].
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 203

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 10.7
204 K. Yao et al.

10.7 Early Gastric Cancer (Differentiated): Type IIa (3)

In recent years, clinical trials have been conducted in efforts to expand the
applications of methods such as ESD to excise larger UL ()-differentiated M
cancers. However, the margins of large lesions are sometimes indistinct, so more
accurate margin delineation is required.

10.7.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: irregular MV pattern plus absent MS pattern)

10.7.2 Explanation

In this case, a routine endoscopy for a health checkup detected a 0-IIa lesion on the
anterior wall of the lower gastric body. Biopsies yielded adenocarcinoma, so I was
consulted whether endoscopic treatment was appropriate. On the initial endoscopic
images, a granular elevated lesion was visualized, but the lesion could not be identi-
fied in its entirety, making it impossible to determine the line of resection (Fig. 10.8a). Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

At the second endoscopic examination, the lesion was identified as a cluster of low
protrusions on the anterior wall of the lower gastric body (Fig. 10.8b). Spraying
0.04 % indigo carmine made clearer the morphology of the protrusions (Fig. 10.8c).
Careful observation revealed that the mucosa of the greater curvature side of the
cluster of protrusions was slightly paler and appeared to form a margin (yellow
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 205

a b

Fig. 10.8
206 K. Yao et al. M-NBI Appearance

M-NBI examination of this area (inside the white square in Fig. 10.8c) at an inter-
mediate magnifying ratio reveals a regular microsurface pattern of the surrounding
mucosa and a regular subepithelial capillary network (SECN) in the intervening
parts (IPs). However, the microsurface pattern of the pale flat mucosa within the
lesion has disappeared, with irregular microvessels forming a small network. This
forms a clear demarcation line (DL) (Fig. 10.8d). The surgical margins were
determined on the basis of these findings, and the lesion was excised using the ESD
method (Fig. 10.8e). Histological Findings

Histological examination confirmed that the lesion was completely excised in one
piece. The surrounding gastric mucosa (Fig. 10.8f, right side) shows a papillary
structure for the surface of the crypt epithelium, whereas the tumor (Fig. 10.8f, left
side) has a flat surface with the cancer forming small glandular structures.

10.7.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

Under magnification, the field of view is narrow, so we should first detect any
abnormal areas using non-magnifying endoscopy and chromoendoscopy, then focus
on the areas of interest. If we examine only the cancer, we may unknowingly overlook
the horizontal spread of the lesion, so we should carefully examine the surrounding
noncancerous mucosa and detect subtle changes in color or elevation. When compar-
ing cancers with noncancerous mucosa clearly affected by chronic gastritis, a useful
method is to identify the demarcation line between them, then observe the marginal
area using M-NBI. Even when performing an M-NBI examination, the initial non-
magnifying and chromoendoscopic findings are of fundamental importance.
If we commence the examination at the maximal magnifying ratio from the start,
it is difficult to make an overall assessment or delineate the lesion margins. It is best
to gradually increase the magnification as we evaluate the state of the mucosa using
the microsurface pattern and delineate the DL, all the while comparing the findings
with the non-magnifying and chromoendoscopic findings. Evaluation of the
microvascular pattern requires the maximal magnifying ratio.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 207

d e

Fig. 10.8 (continued)

208 K. Yao et al.

10.8 Early Gastric Cancer (Differentiated): Type IIa (4)

Important factors in distinguishing between elevated adenocarcinoma and adenoma

endoscopically are said to include size, coloration, surface characteristics, and the pres-
ence of depressed elements. However, differentiation is difficult in many cases, and we
anticipate that our ability to diagnose these lesions will improve with M-NBI [3].

10.8.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: irregular MV pattern plus irregular MS pattern)

10.8.2 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a slightly pale, superficial elevated lesion, 15 9 mm in size, with a
distinct demarcation line (DL) on the posterior wall of the lower gastric body
(Fig. 10.9a). M-NBI Appearance

Figure 10.9b shows the M-NBI findings of the anal side of the lesion at low
magnification. At first glance, we get the impression that the microsurface pattern is
regular, and there is minimal microvessel proliferation. However, at this
magnification ratio, of course, we should not try to evaluate the microvascular or
microsurface patterns.
Examination of the oral side (Fig. 10.9c) and anal side (Fig. 10.9d) of the lesion
using M-NBI at the maximal magnifying ratio yields a completely different
evaluation of the microvascular pattern and the microsurface pattern. On the oral
side of the lesion (Fig. 10.9c), the marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) has a uniform
width and a morphology varying from oval to curved, with a symmetrical distribu-
tion and regular arrangement. The intervening parts (IPs) are larger than those in the
background mucosa, with only slight variation in size. The microvessels have a
uniform open-looped morphology, with no irregularity seen in distribution or
arrangement. There is no VS discordance. No characteristic findings of cancer are
detected in any of these parameters, so a degree of atypia corresponding to tubular
adenoma was diagnosed. On the anal side of the lesion (Fig. 10.9d), however, the
MCE is curved and nonuniform in size and width, with no directionality and with
no continuity between sections of the epithelium. Furthermore, the microvessels are
nonuniform in diameter and size, with an irregular distribution and a variety of
morphologies, including irregular branching and anastomosing with each other.
Lacking regularity, their distribution and directionality are dissociated from the IPs
and MCE, being VS discordant. From the above, the anal side of the lesion shows
the definite findings of a differentiated gastric cancer.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 209

a b

c d

Fig. 10.9
210 K. Yao et al. Histological Findings

Histological examination of the ESD specimen shows that the oral side lesion
has elements differentiated into an adenoma (Fig. 10.9e), whereas the anal side is
clearly a well-differentiated tubular adenoma confined to the mucosa (Fig. 10.9f).
The transition between the two is unclear, and the overall diagnosis is cancer.

10.8.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

Using the maximal magnifying ratio, we are able for the first time to accurately see
the difference in the degree of differentiation between the oral and anal side of this
lesion. In this case, we are able to diagnose differentiated cancer based on the
findings of the anal side.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 211

e f

Fig. 10.9 (continued)

212 K. Yao et al.

10.9 Early Gastric Cancer (Differentiated): Type IIb

10.9.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: irregular MV pattern plus absent MS pattern)

10.9.2 Explanation

The M-NBI gastroscopic appearances of superficial flat type (0-IIb) early gastric
cancers also vary considerably. In this section we present a representative example
of the interpretation of the endoscopic findings. Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

On the posterior wall of the upper gastric body, we can see an area where the blood
vessels of the background mucosa can no longer be visualized (Fig. 10.10a, blue
arrows). The lesion surface is lightly reddened. Indigo carmine spraying reveals a
flat localized lesion matching the area where the surrounding microgranular
mucosal structure is lost (Fig. 10.10b). There is almost no height difference with the
surrounding area. M-NBI Appearance (Maximal Magnifying Ratio;

Water Immersion Technique)
Background mucosa (Fig. 10.10c, d)
This is a regular MS pattern comprising small, relatively uniform marginal crypt
epithelium (MCE) with a curved to round morphology. The margins of the MCE are
lined by light blue crests (LBC). The capillaries beneath the intervening part (IP) of
the epithelium are mainly uniform, small open or closed loops, forming a regular
MV pattern. In the area that has lost the regular VS components, we can see a
distinct demarcation line (DL) (Fig. 10.10c, d, blue arrows).
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 213

a b

c d

Fig. 10.10
214 K. Yao et al.

V: As shown in Fig. 10.10c, at the lesion margins we can see irregular, dilated,
tortuous microvessels. There is marked nonuniformity of the diameter between
individual vessels. As Fig. 10.10d shows, at first glance the tumor vessels appear
to form a simple network, but as enlarged in Fig. 10.10e, we see irregular
microvessels of various sizes and morphologies, from small round closed-looped
vessels (blue arrow) to large irregular polygonal vessels (yellow arrow), far from
a simple network. Only at the maximal magnifying ratio can these details be
visualized. From these findings, we assess this as an irregular MV pattern.
S: In this lesion, the MCE cannot be clearly visualized as a consistent white
semitransparent banded pattern, so this was assessed as an absent MS pattern
(Fig. 10.10ce). Histological Findings

Figure 10.10f shows the ESD specimen. The arrow indicates the histological
margin, with no height difference detected between the cancerous mucosa on the
left and the noncancerous mucosa on the right. This tumor is a tubular adenocarci-
noma with glandular lumen formation. However only a small number of crypts can
be seen on the cancer epithelial surface. We consider that this histological structure
is the reason why the MCE of this tumor is not visualized.

10.9.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

Formation of a microvascular network cannot be used as a marker for differentiating

between cancer and noncancer. As seen in this case, the individual microvessels
have an irregular polygonal morphology and their lack of morphological uniformity
is the evidence for an irregular MV pattern.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 215


Fig. 10.10 (continued)

216 K. Yao et al.

10.10 Early Gastric Cancer (Differentiated): Type IIc (1)

10.10.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: irregular MV pattern plus irregular MS pattern)

10.10.2 Explanation

The M-NBI gastroscopic appearances of superficial depressed type (0-IIc) early

gastric cancers also vary considerably. Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a reddened depressed lesion on the greater curvature of the gastric antrum
(Fig. 10.11a). Following indigo carmine dye spraying, the margins of the depression
are clearly delineated, and from the irregular margins of the inner protrusion, we can
understand that this is a typical superficial depressed early cancer (Fig. 10.11b). M-NBI Appearance (Water Immersion Technique)

The surrounding background mucosa displays regular curved marginal crypt
epithelium (MCE), showing a regular MS pattern with light blue crests (LBCs) in
one part. When we examine in the direction from the surrounds toward the depres-
sion (Fig. 10.11c), the regular epithelial structure disappears, forming a demarca-
tion line (DL) corresponding to the margin of the depression. Focusing on the lesion
interior (Fig. 10.11d), we see an irregular MV pattern comprising irregular loop-
shaped microvessels of varied morphologies forming irregular anastomoses beneath
the epithelium. The irregular MS pattern comprises an irregularly arranged MCE
with a rich variety of rather saw-toothed and curved morphologies.
In a separate marginal area (Fig. 10.11e), we can see a section (yellow arrows)
where an irregular MV pattern can be viewed beneath a regular MCE in the
surrounding noncancer background mucosa. This was assessed as representing
intraepithelial microinvasion (IEMI, subepithelial invasion). Histological Findings

Figure 10.11e shows the ESD specimen, a section corresponding to the marginal
area (Fig. 10.11f). As indicated by the arrow, this image shows intraepithelial micro-
invasion (IEMI, subepithelial invasion) by the tubular adenocarcinoma beneath the
noncancerous mucosa at the marginal area.

10.10.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

Identification of the irregular MV pattern and irregular MS pattern is easy in this case.
When you are able to interpret the finding of intraepithelial microinvasion (IEMI) in
the marginal area, you will be able to diagnose cancer with more confidence.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 217

a b

c d

e f
Intraepithelial microinvasion
(IEMI, subepithelial invasion)

Fig. 10.11
218 K. Yao et al.

10.11 Early Gastric Cancer (Differentiated): Type IIc (2)

10.11.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: absent MV pattern plus irregular MS pattern)

10.11.2 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

On the anterior wall of the gastric antrum, we can see a pale depressed lesion
(Fig. 10.12a). Following indigo carmine dye spraying (Fig. 10.12b), the margins of the
depression are clearly delineated, forming a slightly irregular demarcation line (DL). M-NBI Appearance

The noncancerous background mucosa shows a regular MV pattern, with small loop-
shaped vessels in a regular arrangement, although in some areas the presence of
speckled white opaque substance (WOS) makes it impossible to visualize the vascu-
lature (Fig. 10.12c, d). The regular MS pattern comprises marginal crypt epithelium
(MCE) with a curved to polygonal morphology in a regular arrangement (WOS +,
speckled). At the tumor margin a distinct demarcation line (DL) can be delineated
where the regular MV pattern plus regular MS pattern disappears. Within the demar-
cation line a proliferation of irregular blood vessels can be seen. The presence of
WOS in a variety of sizes, from dots to speckled, prevents visualization of vessels in
almost all other areas (Fig. 10.12e), so this was assessed as an absent MV pattern.
On the other hand, as the MCE was not clearly visualized, WOS was used as the
marker for the MS pattern, assessed as an irregular MS pattern. In Fig. 10.12e we
see a separate marginal area, where the regular speckled WOS of the noncancerous
background mucosa (intestinal metaplasia) to the right of the arrow contrasts with
the irregular and varied morphology of the fine WOS of the cancerous mucosa to the
left of the arrow. Histological Findings

Figure 10.12f shows the ESD specimen. This is a tubular adenocarcinoma with a
high degree of structural atypia and cellular atypia. Diffuse intestinal metaplasia is
seen in the noncancerous mucosa.

10.11.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

When WOS is present and the microvascular pattern beneath the intervening part
(IP) of the epithelium cannot be visualized, this is assessed as an absent MV pattern,
and instead the microsurface structure is interpreted using the morphology of the
MCE and WOS [4].
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 219

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 10.12
220 K. Yao et al.

10.12 Early Gastric Cancer (Differentiated): Type IIc (3)

Histological types of gastric cancer are broadly classified into differentiated cancers
that form glandular structures and undifferentiated cancers that do not. Differentiated
cancers can be further subclassified into those that form an obvious tubular struc-
ture, and those that present a papillary structure.
Advanced cancers often contain a mixture of different histological components,
but some early gastric cancers also contain a variety of histological types and
structures. These may be reflected in the histological findings, as in this case.

10.12.1 Explanation

The referring physician detected a type 0-IIc lesion on the posterior wall of the
lower gastric body. Biopsies yielded the diagnosis of an adenocarcinomatous lesion,
so the patient was referred here for endoscopic treatment. Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

Non-magnifying WLI examination revealed a reddened depressed lesion on the
posterior wall of the lower gastric body (Fig. 10.13a). M-NBI Appearance

M-NBI examination of the reddened shallow depressed surface of the center of the
lesion reveals irregular microvessels forming a fine reticular structure and a clear
demarcation line (DL) (Fig. 10.13b). The vessels show an irregular reticular
morphology with nonuniform shapes and sizes. Examination of the anal side of the
depressed area under low magnification shows a vessel within epithelial circle
(VEC) pattern, indicative of a papillary structure [2]. A distinct DL can be delin-
eated on the anal side between the papillary structure and the surrounding mucosa
(Fig. 10.13c, arrows). Focusing on the DL at the maximal magnifying ratio
(Fig. 10.13d, arrows), we see crypt openings (COs) with uniform aperture widths in
the surrounding mucosa. The microvessels in the intervening parts (IPs) are slightly
dilated in places but maintain a regular subepithelial network. Based on the regular
microsurface pattern but the irregular microvascular pattern within the lesion, this
was diagnosed as a cancerous lesion. This region corresponds with the slightly
whitish flat mucosa on the periphery of the reddened depression seen using non-
magnifying WLI (Fig. 10.13a, arrowed).
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 221

a b

c d

Fig. 10.13
222 K. Yao et al. Histological Findings

Based on the DL delineated using M-NBI, this lesion was resected at
ESD. Histological examination of the resected specimen showed that the central
depressed area was comparatively flat and formed small tubular glands (Fig. 10.13e),
whereas the flat surrounding area presented a papillary epithelial morphology
(Fig. 10.13f) which is corresponding to VEC pattern in Fig. 10.13c, d).

10.12.2 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

When different histological types and structures exist within a lesion, when visual-
ized endoscopically the demarcation line may be mistaken for the tumor margin.
Under magnification, the field of view is limited, so evaluations should be made
while comparing the findings with the non-magnifying and chromoendoscopic find-
ings. It is also important to recognize the microsurface and microvascular patterns
of the definitely normal surrounding mucosa and compare these with the tumor.
When the degree of atrophy and intestinal metaplasia are strong in the surround-
ing mucosa, the background mucosa also shows a papillary microsurface pattern, so
the DL is often indistinct for a tumor with a VEC microsurface pattern. The DL
should then be delineated on the basis of irregular morphology and nonuniformity
of size in the microsurface pattern and the presence of irregular microvascular
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 223

Fig. 10.13 (continued) e

224 K. Yao et al.

10.13 Early Gastric Cancer (Differentiated): Type IIc (4)

The differential diagnosis of depressed lesions lacking the characteristics of gastric

cancer, such as irregular margins or spiny depression, is difficult using non-
magnifying WLI endoscopy, and biopsies are often relied upon to provide the diag-
nosis. M-NBI observation has improved the diagnostic ability for depressed lesion
such as this one, but we should be aware that an adequate diagnosis is not possible
with magnified observation at anything less than the maximal magnifying ratio.

10.13.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: irregular MV pattern plus irregular MS pattern)

10.13.2 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a slightly indented, somewhat reddened lesion, 9 3 mm in size, near the
gastric angle, on the lesser curvature of the lower gastric body. Using non-magnified
WLI, we can discern few features suggestive of gastric cancer, and the margin is
indistinct in part (Fig. 10.14a, arrows indicate lesion). M-NBI Appearance

Under close NBI observation applying slight air suction, even without magnifica-
tion we can see a distinct demarcation line (DL) corresponding to the margin of the
depressed area (Fig. 10.14b). With M-NBI examination at low magnification, the
microsurface pattern appears regular, and in part of the anal side of the lesion, we
can visualize proliferating microvessels (Fig. 10.14c). However, detailed evaluation
of these features is not possible at this magnification.
M-NBI examination at the maximal magnifying ratio (Fig. 10.14d, e) shows that
the marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) has a uniform width but an asymmetrical
distribution and a rounded, oval, polygonal or curved variegated morphology. The
intervening parts (IPs) are nonuniform in size. Individual microvessels have nonuni-
form diameters and sizes, with an irregular distribution and varied morphology,
including branching and anastomosing with each other. Their arrangement and
directionality are irregular. From these findings, we made the diagnosis of differen-
tiated gastric cancer. The arrow in Fig. 10.14e indicates the DL, delineated using the
microsurface and microvascular patterns. In the noncancerous background mucosa
outside the DL, we can see light blue crests (LBCs) lining the MCE. LBCs are
rarely visualized within cancers themselves, and disappearance of the LBCs also
helps to delineate the DL.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 225

a b

c d

Fig. 10.14
226 K. Yao et al. Histological Findings

The ESD specimen in Fig. 10.14f corresponds to the endoscopic findings in
Fig. 10.14e, with the histological finding of a well differentiated tubular

10.13.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

Examination at the maximal magnifying ratio reveals for the first time the irregular
MV pattern plus irregular MS pattern and allows us to easily diagnose this lesion as
a differentiated gastric cancer.
Close observation of lesions near the lesser curvature of the gastric angle is often
difficult, and detailed observation at the maximal magnifying ratio is impossible
unless the air inside the stomach is sufficiently suctioned.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 227

Fig. 10.14 (continued)

228 K. Yao et al.

10.14 Early Gastric Cancer (Differentiated): Type IIc (UL +)

Superficial depressed (type 0-IIc) early gastric cancers are frequently associated
with peptic ulceration. Conversely, when a gastric ulcer is detected endoscopically,
we should always be aware of the possible existence of a cancer. In this section, we
present a case in which non-magnifying WLI was only able to detect a gastric ulcer
scar, but using M-NBI the diagnosis of gastric cancer could be made.

10.14.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: irregular MV pattern plus irregular MS pattern)

10.14.2 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see mucosal convergence on the posterior wall of the gastric angle
(Fig. 10.15a). Even dye spraying with indigo carmine (Fig. 10.15b) failed to reveal
any findings suggestive of malignancy such as tapering of the fold tips. M-NBI Appearance (Water Immersion)

The surrounding background mucosa displays a regular rounded marginal crypt
epithelium (MCE) and loop-shaped subepithelial capillaries (SECs) (Fig. 10.15c). In
a fairly narrow range on the anal side of the scar center, the regular VS pattern has
disappeared in the area indicated by the arrows, forming a demarcation line (DL)
(Fig. 10.15ce). Inside of the demarcation line, we see an irregular MV pattern
comprising irregular loop-shaped microvessels with a varied morphology. The irreg-
ular curved MCE, disappearing in one area, forms an irregular to absent MS pattern.
From the above findings, we diagnosed a type 0-IIc early gastric cancer (UL+)
localized to a narrow area, associated with an ulcer scar. Histological Findings

Histological examination of the ESD specimen (Fig. 10.15f) reveals a tubular
adenocarcinoma localized to and growing replacing the surface layer. There are also
some noncancerous glands present. Non-magnifying WLI and chromoendoscopy
are limited in their ability to detect gastric cancers that display a histological struc-
ture like the one in this case.

10.14.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

When we detect an ulcer scar using non-magnifying WLI, we routinely take a biopsy
from the center of the lesion. Using M-NBI at low magnification, we search for and
delineate the DL. We then raise the magnifying ratio and biopsy only lesions with an
irregular MV pattern or irregular MS pattern internally. We would like to suggest this
as a useful strategy.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 229

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 10.15
230 K. Yao et al.

10.15 Early Gastric Cancer (Undifferentiated): Type IIc (1)

Undifferentiated cancer cells develop from the gastric gland neck and proliferate
within the lamina propria mucosae, destroying the gland neck. Accordingly, when
the number of cancer cells within the lamina propria is extremely low, the cancer
epithelial surface is covered by noncancer epithelium. Proliferation of cancer cells
is associated with atrophy of the mucosa and erosion of the epithelium, and as the
cancer proliferate, it becomes exposed on the surface epithelium [5]. Although
M-NBI using the VS classification is said to be of limited value in diagnosing undif-
ferentiated cancers from the microsurface pattern and microvascular pattern [6], it is
possible to speculate about changes in the intramucosal histological architecture.

10.15.1 M-NBI Findings

We can see a 17-mm pale depressed lesion (Fig. 10.16a) with central reddened
granularity on the greater curvature of the lower gastric body. Dye spraying revealed
a type 0-IIc undifferentiated cancer with steep margins to the depressed area. Other
than post-biopsy regenerative granules in the central area, within the depression we
see the same gastric area pattern as the background mucosa (Fig. 10.16b). The sur-
face epithelium is covered by noncancerous epithelium, and we can infer an
intramucosal histological structure in which the cancer cells have thinly infiltrated
the middle layer of the lamina propria.

10.15.2 Magnified Area A (Fig. 10.16a, b)

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus absent MS pattern) M-NBI Appearance (Fig. 10.16c)

Microvascular pattern (V): The morphology of each blood vessel in the background
mucosa is a uniform-sized closed loop, anastomosing with each other to form a
network. The distribution is symmetrical, the arrangement regular, and the den-
sity uniform, so this is assessed as a regular microvascular (MV) pattern. Within
the depressed inner region, we also see a regular MV pattern resembling the
background mucosa, so from the microvascular pattern, we cannot delineate a
demarcation line (DL) between the tumor and the background mucosa.
Microsurface pattern (S): The marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) of the background
mucosa is regularly arranged and distributed. It forms a DL corresponding to the
depressed area. Although MCE can be discerned in part of the depression, it is
either indistinct or absent, so this was assessed as an absent MS pattern. Histological Findings

Elements of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and signet-ring cell carcinoma
have infiltrated the middle layers of the lamina propria, covered by noncancerous
mucosa with a flattened or blunted surface epithelium (Fig. 10.16d).
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 231

a b

Magnified area A

Fig. 10.16
232 K. Yao et al.

10.15.3 Magnified Area B (Fig. 10.16e, f )

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: absent)

2. Lesion (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus regular MS pattern) M-NBI Appearance (Fig. 10.16g)

Microvascular pattern (V): The individual vessels in the background mucosa have a
uniform-sized closed- or open-looped morphology, with a symmetrical distribu-
tion, regular arrangement, and uniform density, assessed as a regular microvas-
cular (MV) pattern. A similar regular MV pattern is seen within the depression,
and a DL cannot be detected.
Microsurface pattern (S): Curved MCE can be seen within both the background
mucosa and the depression, so this was assessed as a regular MS pattern. A DL
cannot be discerned at the margin of the depressed area. Histological Findings

At the infiltration border observed under magnification, the surface layer epithelium
with a regular tubular structure like the background epithelium has regular arrange-
ment, and the poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and signet-ring cell carcinoma
have infiltrated only the middle part of the mucosal lamina propria without destruc-
tion of surface part (Fig. 10.16h).

10.15.4 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

The histological features common to magnified areas A and B are relatively thin
infiltration of undifferentiated cancer into the middle layers of the lamina propria
and coverage by noncancerous epithelium. With pathohistological structures such
as in this case, M-NBI examination of the tumor shows a regular MS pattern, and
the presence of cancer cannot even be detected. We recommend the 4-point biopsy
taken from the surrounding mucosa to delineate the margins of undifferentiated
The pathohistological structural differences between magnified areas A and B
are due to differences in the morphology and structure of the covering noncancerous
epithelium. The surface epithelium of magnified area A is flattened or blunted, seen
using M-NBI as an absent MS pattern in which the MCE was not visualized. While
the surface epithelium of magnified area B shows the same morphology as that of
the background mucosa, seen using M-NBI as regular as pattern.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 233

e f

Magnified area B

Fig. 10.16 (continued)

234 K. Yao et al.

10.16 Early Gastric Cancer (Undifferentiated): Type IIc (2)

The clinical presentation of gastric cancers varies not only through the histological
variability of the cancer cells themselves, but also the temporal factors related to
growth and infiltration. The M-NBI findings of undifferentiated cancers are
variable, from a regular microvascular pattern (V) and a regular microsurface pat-
tern (S), similar to that seen in chronic gastritis, to an extremely irregular VS. This
is thought to reflect various factors, such as the thickness and location of intramu-
cosal cancer cells, the presence of infiltrating inflammatory cells or a desmoplastic
reaction, and histological architecture of the background mucosa.

10.16.1 Non-magnifying of the Surface Epithelium WLI Findings

On the greater curvature of the gastric fundus, we can see a pale irregular depressed
lesion with a number of reddened granules inside, 35 mm in size, associated with a
barely discernible convergence of folds (Fig. 10.17a, e). Dye spraying reveals that
the depression has steep and distinct margins and regenerative reddish granularities
extending from the vicinity of the convergent folds on the anal side of the depres-
sion, whereas the oral side of the lesion comprises similar low granules
(Fig. 10.17b, f). From these findings, this lesion is considered to be a type 0-IIc
undifferentiated cancer (UL+) with thick proliferation of cancer cells as far as the
mucosal surface, with repeated erosion and regeneration of the surface epithelium.

10.16.2 Magnified Area A (Fig. 10.17a, b)

Lesion (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus absent MS pattern) M-NBI Examination (Fig. 10.17c)

Microvascular pattern (V): The individual vessels have a relatively smooth
open-looped or in part small closed-looped morphology with little variability in
diameter, anastomosing with each other to form a network. The vessels have a
symmetrical distribution, regular arrangement, and uniform density, with a
regular arrangement of collecting venules visualized in the background, so this
was assessed as a regular MV pattern.
Microsurface pattern (S): The marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) is completely
absent, so this was assessed as an absent MS pattern. Histological Findings

Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and signet-ring cell carcinoma densely
occupy the surface part of the mucosa, taking up one-third of its thickness, with no
deeper invasion. The superficial epithelium is flattened, and the MCE structure has
disappeared (Fig. 10.17d).
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 235

a b

Magnified area A

Fig. 10.17
236 K. Yao et al.

10.16.3 Magnified Area B (Fig. 10.17e, f )

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: irregular MV pattern plus absent MS pattern) M-NBI Examination (Fig. 10.17g)

Microvascular pattern (V): The individual vessels within the depression are irregu-
larly dilated, with a curved morphology, marked tortuosity, and nonuniform
diameters, forming open-looped or in part small closed-looped shapes. Breaks
and interruptions are common, and anastomoses uncommon. The distribution is
asymmetrical, and the arrangement is irregular, with marked difference in den-
sity, so this was assessed as an irregular MV pattern.
Microsurface pattern (S): Based on the complete disappearance of the MCE, this
was assessed as an absent MS pattern. Histological Findings

In the magnified area, poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and signet-ring cell
carcinoma densely occupy the mucosal surface layer with deeper invasion.
The crypts have disappeared (Fig. 10.17h). This is associated with a desmoplastic
reaction inside the cancerous lesion.

10.16.4 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

The common features in the magnifying endoscopic findings for magnified areas
A and B are an absent MS pattern, dense proliferation of undifferentiated cancer in
the superficial layers, an absent crypt structure, and a flattened surface. However,
magnified region A has a regular MV pattern, and magnified region B an irregular
MV pattern. Pathohistological examination of both magnified regions A and B
reveals dense clusters of cancer cells in the mucosal surface layer. Although the
epithelium is flattened, magnified region A has a thinner layer of intramucosal
cancer compared to magnified region B, and in magnified region B a marked
desmoplastic reaction can be seen within the cancerous lesion.
The magnified endoscopic findings in region A is similar to those of atrophic
gastritis, making differentiation from cancer extremely difficult. On the other hand,
as seen in magnified region B, as the intramucosal cancer layer increases in thick-
ness, extending solidly as far as the surface layer, NBI-magnified examination will
reveal a distinct irregular MV pattern.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 237

e f
Magnified area B

Fig. 10.17 (continued)

238 K. Yao et al.

10.17 MALT Lymphoma [7]

MALT lymphomas, along with diffuse large cell lymphomas, are nonepithelial
tumor occurring frequently in the digestive tract, particularly the stomach. The non-
magnifying WLI endoscopic findings can be extremely varied, including erosions,
ulceration, and gastric changes as well as elevated lesions including submucosal
tumors (SMTs). The typical histological findings are of proliferation of small atypi-
cal B-cell lymphoid centrocyte-like cells, glandular destruction, and the lymphoepi-
thelial lesion (LEL) infiltrative picture.
At the localized stage, Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy is the treatment of
first choice, with good long-term results reported.

10.17.1 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

Non-magnifying WLI examination reveals a lesion on the posterior wall of the
lower gastric body, with prominent surface irregularities almost the same color as
the surrounding mucosa and small erosions scattered around its interior (Fig. 10.18a). M-NBI Appearance

M-NBI examination shows that in one area, the microsurface pattern has completely
disappeared, whereas collecting venules and microvessels can be visualized
(Fig. 10.18b). In the marginal area (Fig. 10.18c), the remaining marginal crypt epi-
thelium (MCE) is enlarged and distorted, and the intervening parts (IPs) are open
and whitish. The subepithelial capillary network (SECN) is stretched, comprising
loop-shaped or tortuous irregular vessels. Histological Findings

Histological examination of the biopsy specimen shows dense lymphocyte and
plasma cell infiltration and an LEL, yielding the diagnosis of MALT lymphoma
(Fig. 10.18d). After Eradication Therapy

Repeat endoscopy 1 month after eradication therapy (Fig. 10.18e) revealed irregularly
arranged oval MCE and marked reduction in size of the unstructured area (Fig. 10.18f).

10.17.2 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

The characteristic M-NBI findings of MALT lymphoma are a mixture of unstruc-

tured areas and remnant MCE, and dilation, distortion, and destruction of the rem-
nant MCE may be visualized. Microvessels follow irregular courses, with little
nonuniformity in diameter, and branch relatively infrequently. Collecting venules
are visualized in one area.
Spot biopsy of unstructured areas is useful for the diagnosis and posttreatment
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 239

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 10.18
240 K. Yao et al.

10.18 Gastric Carcinoid Neoplasia, Type A Gastritis

For many years, atrophic gastritis has been broadly classified into fundic gland
mucosal atrophy type (atrophic gastritis type A) and pyloric gland mucosal atrophy
type (atrophic gastritis type B). In type A gastritis, due to autoimmune and other
mechanisms, the fundic glands become diffusely atrophic, causing hypertrophy and
neoplasia of the enterochromaffin-like cells (ECL cells) present in the fundic region
associated with persistent hypergastrinemia, a state predisposing to endocrine cell
micronests and carcinoids in the gastric mucosa.
In this section, we will focus on the magnifying endoscopic diagnosis of type A
gastritis, and gastric carcinoid tumors arising from type A gastritis, and provide an
overview of the relevant findings.

10.18.1 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a smooth-surfaced reddened elevated lesion on the posterior wall of the
gastric body (Fig. 10.19a). Close examination following dye spraying (Fig. 10.19b)
reveals marked dilatation of the surface blood vessels, and the sides of the
protuberance are steeper than a typical submucosal tumor. M-NBI Appearance

The surface is mainly composed of uniform width coarsened intervening parts (IPs),
with light blue crests (LBCs) seen in part of the marginal area (Fig. 10.19c). These
findings do not differ greatly from those of typical chronic gastritis. Cyan-colored
dilated veins can be seen beneath the mucosal epithelium.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 241

a b

Fig. 10.19
242 K. Yao et al. Histological Findings

Figure 10.19d shows the ESD specimen. Tumor extends from the deep layers of the
mucosa to the submucosa. Tumor cells have small round nuclei, with low grade
atypia, and the tumor is composed of solid nests, ribbons, and glandlike structures.
Although not shown in the figure, vascular infiltration was seen, so the ESD proce-
dure was followed by a total gastrectomy with lymph node dissection.

10.18.2 Background Mucosa of This Tumor M-NBI Findings (Maximal Magnifying Ratio)

In the fundic gland region (Fig. 10.19e), the marginal crypt epithelium (MCE)
structure has disappeared, and we can see diffuse atrophic mucosa associated with
irregular cyan-colored collecting venules (CVs). On the other hand, in the pyloric
gland area (Fig. 10.19f), the normal microvascular pattern and microsurface pattern
are completely preserved in the gastric antrum, with no pathological changes to be
From the above magnifying endoscopic findings, we can diagnose atrophic
gastritis predominately in the fundic gland region, i.e., type A gastritis.

10.18.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

This tumor in itself has no specific features that would enable us to diagnose it as
carcinoid. However, M-NBI examination allows us to accurately diagnose atrophic
gastritis of the fundic gland region. The antral mucosa is normal, so we have
atrophic gastritis predominately in the fundic gland region, or type A gastritis. It is
a real benefit of NBI that carcinoid should be suspected in elevated lesions arising
from a background of type A gastritis.
10 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Stomach 243

e f

Fig. 10.19 (continued)

244 K. Yao et al.

1. Yao K, et al. Stomach and Intestine 2010; 45: 11591171
2. Kanemitsu T. Gastric Cancer 2014; 17: 469477.
3. Maki S. Gastric Cancer 2013; 16: 140146.
4. Yao K. Gastrointest Endosc 2008; 68: 574580.
5. Nakamura M. Structure of gastric cancer (3rd edition), Igaku Shoin, 2005
6. Yao K (editor). Zoom gastroscopy, Springer 2013.
7. Ono S, et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2008; 68: 632634
Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions
in the Duodenum 11
Kenshi Yao

K. Yao
Department of Endoscopy, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital,
1-1-1 Zokumyoin, Chikushino 818-8502, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 245

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_11
246 K. Yao

11.1 Gastric Metaplasia

11.1.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion region (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus regular MS pattern,

11.1.2 Explanation

Histologically, gastric metaplasia consists of only foveolar epithelium, whereas

heterotopic gastric mucosa displays the fundic gland structure in addition to foveo-
lar epithelium. When M-NBI of the surface reveals a tubular epithelial VS different
from the duodenal villi, we can conclude that it is either gastric metaplasia or het-
erotopic gastric mucosa, although differentiation between the two is difficult. Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a small inflamed reddish elevated lesion in the duodenal bulb (Fig. 11.1a). M-NBI Appearance

The white bands of marginal villous epithelium (MVE) in the background mucosa
(Figs. 11.1b, c) of the duodenal bulb are mainly curved, but do not show a typical
villous structure, although light blue crests (LBCs) can be seen on the margins.
However, LBCs are absent from the marginal area of the protrusion (demarcation
line (DL), arrows). When we focus on the elevated area (Figs. 11.1c, d), the subepi-
thelial microvascular pattern presents a coil-shaped morphology with a regular
arrangement. The marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) has a curved to rounded mor-
phology, without LBCs on the margins. From these findings, we can see that this
lesion contains tubular crypts, unlike the normal duodenal mucosa. Histological Findings

In the biopsy specimen stained with hematoxylin and eosin, the surface epithelium
comprises crypt epithelium with a tubular structure (Fig. 11.1e). No fundic glands
are visualized, so this is gastric metaplasia. Staining with Alcian blue PAS makes
these findings clearer (Fig. 11.1f). Specifically, the duodenal epithelium, with gob-
let cells dyed blue by Alcian blue, has disappeared, replaced by foveolar epithelium
dyed reddish-purple by PAS.

11.1.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

Disappearance of LBCs at the margins of the MVE are characteristic of gastric

metaplasia. The V and S morphology also resemble gastric mucosa.
11 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions in the Duodenum 247

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 11.1
Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions
in the Duodenum 12
Hisashi Doyama and Kenshi Yao

H. Doyama
Department of Gastroenterology, Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital, Kanazawa, Japan
K. Yao (*)
Department of Endoscopy, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital,
1-1-1 Zokumyoin, Chikushino 818-8502, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 249

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_12
250 H. Doyama and K. Yao

12.1 Adenoma (Duodenal Papillary Region)

A variety of tumors occur in the duodenal papillary region. Of these, adenocarcinoma and
adenoma are particularly common. However, differentiation between adenocarcinoma
and adenoma is difficult using non-magnifying WLI. Furthermore, including the common
problem of adenocarcinoma arising in adenoma, the false-negative biopsy rate is high.

12.1.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion region (VS classification: absent MV pattern plus regular MS pattern, WOS+)

12.1.2 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

In the duodenal papillary region, we can see a pale polypoid lesion 15 13 mm in size,
adjacent to the duodenal papilla (Fig. 12.1 (a) side-viewing endoscopy, (b) forward-
viewing endoscopy, (c) indigo carmine spraying). A distinct demarcation line (DL) can
be seen in the non-magnified WLI images and the indigo carmine dye image. M-NBI Appearance

M-NBI examination at low magnification (Fig. 12.1d) reveals the presence of WOS
over the entire tumor. Accordingly, the microsurface pattern can be evaluated to some
extent, but the microvascular pattern cannot be evaluated at all. Under M-NBI exami-
nation at the maximal magnifying ratio (Fig. 12.1e), the image of the vasculature is
almost entirely obstructed by the presence of white opaque substance (WOS), render-
ing evaluation of the microvascular pattern impossible. Looking at the surface micro-
structure, WOS is widely present, so we are also unable to evaluate the marginal crypt
epithelium (MCE). All of the WOS displays a ribbonlike morphology, with no irregu-
larity or variability characteristic of cancer. Although mild nonuniformity in size is
evident, the directionality, distribution, and arrangement are relatively regular.
Accordingly, using WOS as a marker of the microsurface pattern, this is assessed as a
regular MS pattern. VS discordance cannot be judged due to the presence of the WOS. Histological Findings

Histological examination of the EMR specimen yields the diagnosis of tubulo-
villous adenoma (Fig. 12.1f).

12.1.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

WOS is often identified in association with duodenal adenoma and adenocarci-

noma. When WOS obscures the entire tumor, it is impossible to evaluate the micro-
vascular pattern.
When WOS is used as the marker, adenoma can be diagnosed through evaluation
of a regular MS pattern.
12 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Duodenum 251

a b

c d


Fig. 12.1
252 H. Doyama and K. Yao

12.2 Adenoma (Duodenal Non-papillary Region)

Detection of lesions in the duodenal non-papillary region has increased with

advances in and diffusion of endoscopic examinations. As for the papillary region,
however, differentiation between adenocarcinoma and adenoma is difficult using
only non-magnifying WLI endoscopy.

12.2.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion: region with WOS (VS classification: absent MV pattern plus regular MS
pattern, WOS+)
3. Lesion: region without WOS (VS classification: regular MV pattern plus regular
MS pattern)

12.2.2 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

A pale flat 8 5 mm elevation is present on the anterior wall of the duodenal bulb.
We can see a distinct demarcation line (DL) using both non-magnifying WLI
(Fig. 12.2a) and indigo carmine spraying (Fig. 12.2b). M-NBI Appearance

Using M-NBI at low magnification (Fig. 12.2c), the lesion surrounded by the nor-
mal duodenal villous structure can be clearly visualized. WOS covers approxi-
mately 2/3 of the entire lesion, and in areas free of WOS, the marginal crypt
epithelium (MCE) and microvessels can be visualized. However, at this magnifying
ratio, evaluation of the MV pattern and MS pattern is not possible.
Figure 12.2d, e shows the M-NBI findings (water immersion technique) at the
maximal magnifying ratio. In areas covered by WOS, vessels and MCE cannot be
visualized, and the WOS displays a regular reticular pattern. Using WOS as the
marker, this was assessed as a regular MS pattern. VS concordance cannot be
assessed because vessels cannot be visualized. In areas where WOS is absent, the
MCE is round to oval, with a uniform width. The intervening part surrounded by the
MCE is slightly nonuniform in size but with regular directionality, distribution, and
arrangement. The morphology of the vessels in the intervening parts (IPs) is com-
paratively uniform. They show a symmetrical distribution and regular arrangement.
No dissociation is seen between the MCE and microvessels, so there is no VS dis-
cordance. Detailed examination using M-NBI of areas with and without WOS
allows us to diagnose the entire lesion as an adenoma.
12 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Duodenum 253

a b

c d

Fig. 12.2
254 H. Doyama and K. Yao Histological Findings

Histological examination of the EMR specimen reveals a tubular adenoma with
moderate atypia (Fig. 12.2f).

12.2.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

The MV pattern cannot be evaluated in areas with WOS, but using WOS as the
marker, we can assess this as a regular MS pattern.
Areas without WOS have both a regular MV pattern and a regular MS pattern.
12 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Duodenum 255

Fig. 12.2 (continued)

256 H. Doyama and K. Yao

12.3 Duodenal Cancer (Papillary Region)

The rate of detection of duodenal tumors has increased with improvements in endo-
scopic equipment performance in recent years. The differential diagnosis between
adenocarcinoma and adenoma is often difficult using non-magnifying WLI endos-
copy and biopsy, and endoscopic treatment is often performed for the purpose of
total biopsy. However, complications such as perforation (including delayed onset)
and hemorrhage are common with endoscopic treatment of duodenal lesions, creat-
ing a need for the most rigorous preoperative diagnostic ability possible.

12.3.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: present)

2. Lesion (VS classification: absent MV pattern plus irregular MS pattern, WOS+)

12.3.2 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a pale elevated 30 20 mm lesion in the region of the major duodenal
papilla (Fig. 12.3a: side-viewing endoscopy image). The margins are distinctly
visualized only using non-magnifying WLI. A depressed area is present within the
lesion on the anal side, with a slightly bumpy irregular surface. M-NBI Appearance

M-NBI examination at low magnification (Fig. 12.3b) reveals the presence of WOS
over the entire tumor, and the difference in the MS patterns of the surface of the
depression and its periphery can be evaluated to a certain extent, although evalua-
tion of the MV pattern is not possible. Examination of the MS pattern of the
depressed area using M-NBI at maximal magnifying ratio (Fig. 12.3c) reveals abun-
dant WOS, and the MCE cannot be evaluated. Accordingly, using WOS as the
marker, this is assessed as an irregular MS pattern. Due to the WOS, very few ves-
sels can be visualized, so the MV pattern and VS discordance cannot be evaluated.
Examining the lesion outside the depression using M-NBI at maximal magnify-
ing ratio (Fig. 12.3d), the WOS shows few characteristics typical of cancer such as
irregularity or variability. Although there is slight nonuniformity of size, the direc-
tionality, distribution, and arrangement are relatively regular. A distinct difference
can be seen between the depression and the rest of the lesion in the MS pattern.
12 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Duodenum 257

a b

c d

Fig. 12.3
258 H. Doyama and K. Yao Histological Findings

Histological examination of the biopsy specimen taken from the depressed area
shown in Fig. 12.3c yields the diagnosis of papillary adenocarcinoma in the area
shown in Fig. 12.3e. The biopsy specimen taken from the area shown in Fig. 12.3d
has weaker atypia than the depressed area, and the histological findings are closer to
adenoma (Fig. 12.3f).

12.3.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

It is an easy matter to diagnose cancer in the depressed area from evaluation of the
irregular MS pattern using WOS as the marker. Differences in histological differen-
tiation between the depression surface and its periphery can be accurately deter-
mined from differences in the MS pattern.
The presence of WOS covering the entire tumor makes evaluation of the MV
pattern impossible.
12 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Duodenum 259

e f

Fig. 12.3 (continued)

260 H. Doyama and K. Yao

12.4 Duodenal Cancer (Non-papillary Region)

Cancer of the duodenum outside the papillary region is extremely rare. Although a
diagnostic system for duodenal epithelioma has still not been firmly established, we
have applied the VS classification system to the analysis of the M-NBI findings and
here present the findings for an elevated early duodenal cancer.

12.4.1 M-NBI Findings

1. Marginal area (demarcation line: not examined)

2. Lesion (VS classification: absent/irregular MV pattern plus irregular MS pattern,

12.4.2 Explanation Non-magnifying WLI Appearance

We can see a pedunculated elevated lesion in the second part of the duodenum
(Fig. 12.4a). The head of the polyp is predominantly white colored, with one red-
dish part. Indigo carmine dying (Fig. 12.4b) shows that the surface structure of the
white area comprises a papillary to granular morphology, whereas the reddish part
is close to nonstructured. M-NBI Appearance (Water Immersion Technique)

Under low magnification (Fig. 12.4c), the findings are similar to those obtained
using chromoendoscopy. When we examined the white area at the maximal magni-
fying ratio (Fig. 12.4d), compared to the width of the marginal villous epithelium
(MVE), marginal crypt epithelium (MCE) in neoplasia is wider than the normal
duodenal mucosa and forms rough papillary to tubular structures. This forms an
irregular MS pattern with nonuniform sizes and irregular morphologies. The muco-
sal subepithelial vessels cannot be visualized due to the presence of WOS. On the
other hand, examining the brown-colored area at the maximal magnifying ratio
(Fig. 12.4e), we can visualize the subepithelial microvessels, proliferating in a rich
and irregular variety, forming an irregular MV pattern. Histological Findings

In the ESD specimen (Fig. 12.4f), we can see tumor glands with marked structural
and cellular atypia, proliferating in tubular to papillary shapes.

12.4.3 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

In the resected specimen, the tumor was localized within the mucosa. More detailed
examination reveals a region with a high glandular density, corresponding to the
reddish area (brown with NBI), and a region of rough tubular adenocarcinoma, cor-
responding to the white area (WOS+ with NBI). We should always imagine such
histological architecture when we investigate endoscopic appearance.
12 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions in the Duodenum 261

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 12.4
Part IV
Atlas of NBI: Colon to Rectum
Yasushi Sano and Shinji Tanaka

13.1 Diagnostic System

13.1.1 Improved Polyp Detection Rates Using New-Generation

NBI System (ELITE) in Screening Colonoscopy

A number of studies examining a possible add-on effect for NBI in colorectal tumor
detection rates had not confirmed improved detection rates for colorectal polyps.
However, a recent prospective study in a multicenter trial in Japan showed that
the new-generation NBI system (ELITE) with brighter light improved polyp detec-
tion rates significantly. Accordingly, in screening colonoscopy, it is preferable to
detect a lesion using the new-generation NBI system [1].

13.1.2 Capillary Pattern Classification

The normal colorectal mucosa comprises intestinal crypts surrounded by a regular

capillary network in a regular hexagonal or honeycomb-like pattern (Fig. 13.1a).
In general, on the surface of a neoplastic lesion, we see dilatation of these vessels,
neovascular proliferation, or destruction of the vascular structure. In nonneoplastic
lesions such as hyperplastic polyps, except inflammatory polyps, we do not see any
definite vessel changes. Examination of microcapillary patterns associated with neo-
plastic lesions using NBI reveals brownish meshed vessels, dilated more than normal
vessels. The authors refer to these as meshed capillary (MC) vessels.

Y. Sano ()
Gastrointestinal Center, Sano Hospital, 2-5-1 Simizugaoka, Tarumi-ku,
Kobe, Hyogo 655-0031, Japan
S. Tanaka
Department of Endoscopy, Hiroshima University Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 265

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_13
266 Y. Sano and S. Tanaka

Furthermore, for the purpose of qualitative assessment, we classify MC vessels

into the following three types (capillary patterns (CPs); Fig. 13.2). CP Type I
These are capillaries surrounding each crypt, with a regular hexagonal or
honeycomb-like morphology. These vessels have a diameter of approximately
10 m, making them difficult to discern with the resolution of presently available
endoscopes. This pattern is seen in the normal mucosa or hyperplastic polyps. CP Type II
With a diameter somewhat larger than that seen in the normal mucosa, these capil-
laries encircle the tubular or oval intestinal crypts. The honeycomb-like morphology
may be preserved in places. These vessels are discernable with the resolution of
presently available endoscopes. This pattern is seen in adenomatous polyps. CP Type III
With a diameter somewhat larger than that seen in the normal mucosa, these capil-
laries irregularly encircle the intestinal crypts. Findings of capillaries with nonuni-
form diameters, interruptions, or increased density may be seen. The honeycomb-like
morphology may be destructed. These vessels are discernable with the resolution of
presently available endoscopes. This pattern is seen in cancer.
CP type III subgroups

III A: Lesions with vessels with marked irregularity (nonuniform diameters, tor-
tuous, branching, or interrupted) over a circumscribed area
III B: Lesions with a circumscribed area with indistinct microvessels

13.1.3 Clinical Usefulness of the CP Classification

A therapeutic flowchart for NBI examinations is shown in Fig. 13.3.

a b

Fig. 13.1 (a) Capillary network in the normal colorectal mucosa. Indigo carmine dye sprayed
appearance of the normal colorectal mucosa. We can see dot-shaped intestinal crypt openings
(Kudos type I pit pattern) and hexagonal grooves surrounding each crypt. (b) Capillary architec-
ture of normal colorectal mucosa (scanning electron microscope (SEM) image). The vessels sur-
round each crypt opening (honeycomb-like pattern)
13 Overview 267




Meshed capillary Meshed capillary vessels characterized by :

vessels (+) blind ending, branching and curtailed irregularly
Capillary Meshed capillary ves -
Capillary vessel Lack of uniformity Nearly avascular or
characteristics sels (-)
surrounds mucosal High density of cap - loose micro capil -
glands illary vessels lary vessels

Capillary pattern Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV

[1, 2]
Type I vs II 95.3 % 96.4 % 92.3 % 97.3 % 90.0 %
type II vs III 95.5 % 90.3 % 97.1 % 90.3 % 97.1 %
[4, 5]
type IIIA vs IIIB 87.7 % 84.8 % 88.7 % 71.8 % 94.5 %

Fig. 13.2 Capillary pattern classification (Sanos classification)

3 step strategy for management of colorectal lesions

using conventional colonoscopy, NBI colonoscopy, and chromoendoscopy
(Y Sano 2015, Kobe, Japan)
1st step 2nd step 3rd step

NBI using ELITE NBI as optical chromoendoscopy Chromoendoscopy

Colonoscopy or Target NBI (capillary pattern: CP or NICE) (pit pattern)

CP: type I Follow-up (NICE1) 95%

CP: type II, IIIA without demarcation area (NICE2) Not necessary
Endoscopic findings Endoscopic resection
and decision
CP: type IIIA with demarcation area, IIIB (NICE3)

Surface pattern (+) 3rd step

Identification Surface pattern () 3rd step VI (Non-invasive)
of lesion (But, surgery highly
5% Endoscopic resection

Recommend) VI (Invasive)+VN Surgery

Fig. 13.3 Flowchart for diagnosis and treatment using NBI colonoscopy (3-step strategy)
(Y Sano 2014, Kobe, Japan)
268 Y. Sano and S. Tanaka Differentiation Between Neoplastic and Nonneoplastic

Lesions (Capillary Pattern Type I Versus Type II)
Determination of whether MC vessels are present or not is extremely useful in dif-
ferentiating between neoplastic and nonneoplastic lesions. In a prospective trial, we
found that the presence of MC vessels yielded an accuracy of 95.3 %, sensitivity of
96.4 %, and specificity of 92.3 % in diagnosing a neoplastic lesion [2]. A validation
study conducted at another institution found that detection of MC vessels using NBI
was also of benefit to less-experienced endoscopists [3]. Accordingly the use of NBI
is thought to render chromoendoscopy, e.g., with indigo carmine, all but unneces-
sary for the decision whether to resect a lesion. Differentiation Between Adenoma and Cancer

(Capillary Pattern Type II Versus Type III)
Detection of a brown MC vessel structure is useful in differentiating between ade-
noma and cancer. The results of a prospective study of the correlation between CP
type and tissue type showed that CP type II corresponds to adenomas with mild to
moderate atypia and CP type III to adenomas with severe atypia or adenocarcinoma
[4]. It is therefore possible to predict the tumor tissue type without performing
chromoendoscopy. Determination of the Depth of Invasion

(Capillary Pattern Type III A Versus Type III B)
A detailed examination of a CP type III lesion, subclassified into type III A or III
B, is useful in determining the depth of invasion of the lesion. The authors per-
formed multiple regression analysis of the variability of atypical vessels identified
using magnifying NBI, finding that vessel regularity and vessel density are inde-
pendent predictors of SM cancer [5]. Furthermore, the prospective study by
Ikematsu et al. found that these findings (CP types III A and III B) correlate with
SM cancer [6].
However, the diagnostic ability of these patterns does not surpass the diagnostic
ability of the pit pattern classification of Kudo et al., so when a lesion shows a CP
type III A pattern over a circumscribed area or a CP type III B pattern, chromoen-
doscopy should be performed, e.g., with crystal violet staining (detailed examina-
tion of the type V pit pattern).
13 Overview 269

13.2 NBI International Colorectal Endoscopic (NICE)

Classification (CTNIG Consensus)

13.2.1 Present State of Classification of NBI Colonoscopy


At present, considerable debate occurs at scientific meetings concerning the magni-

fying NBI findings of colorectal tumors. Several classifications exist, with a variety
of different definitions and interpretations, and a uniform classification of magnify-
ing NBI colonoscopy findings has yet to be established.
On the other hand, even without using a magnifying endoscope, close examination
using a modern high-resolution electronic endoscope allows us to discern the surface
pattern of a colorectal tumor to some extent [7]. Similarly, we can discern the blood ves-
sels to a certain extent using non-magnifying NBI. We can also see the surface pattern
more clearly due to the NBI structure enhancement function [8]. Magnifying endoscopy
is rarely used in the general clinical setting in Western countries, and even in Japan, it
could not be said that magnifying endoscopy is widely used in the colorectal field.

13.2.2 NICE Classification

Against this background, we developed a simple classification of the NBI findings

of colorectal tumors, suitable for use not only with magnifying endoscopy but also
with close examination using a high-resolution electronic endoscopy system. We
are presently conducting joint research with Western endoscopist colleagues [9].
As shown in Table 13.1, the classification is a simple one with three categories.
It is based on three parameters: (1) color of the lesion (color), (2) microvascular
pattern (vessels), and (3) microsurface pattern (surface pattern).
Type 1 is considered a marker of hyperplastic lesions, type 2 of adenomas, and
type 3 of SM invasive cancer (Fig. 13.4).
NICE classification corresponds to CP classification (NICE type 1 CP type I,
NICE type 2 CP type II or IIIA, NICE type 3 CP type IIIB). A validation study,
conducted at six institutions in Japan and Western countries with the aim of objec-
tively confirming the clinical usefulness of this classification, was recently
270 Y. Sano and S. Tanaka

completed, yielding favorable results [10, 11]. The six members of the Colon Tumor
NBI Interest Group (CTNIG) are Drs. Shinji Tanaka and Yasushi Sano (Japan), Drs.
Douglas K. Rex and Roy M. Soetikno (USA), Dr. Thierry Ponchon (France), and
Dr. Brian P. Saunders (UK).
A great advantage of this NICE classification is that it can be used to perform NBI
examinations of colorectal tumors, without employing magnifying endoscopy. Of
course, magnifying NBI is needed to accurately differentiate between adenoma and
cancer or to determine the depth of invasion by a cancer, but this would require wider
use of magnifying endoscopes and the development of a uniform classification of
magnifying NBI findings, as mentioned above. We believe this NICE classification
has the potential to become the basis for a magnifying NBI classification.
We are confident that as more endoscopists adopt and gain an understanding of
this classification, it will serve as an introduction to magnifying NBI for those not
yet employing magnifying endoscopy.

Table 13.1 NBI International Colorectal Endoscopic (NICE) classificationa

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Color Same or lighter than Browner relative to Brown to dark brown
background background (verify relative to
color arises from background;
vessels) sometimes patchy
whiter areas
Vessels None, or isolated lacy Brown vessels Has area(s) of
vessels may be present surrounding white disrupted or missing
coursing across the structuresb vessels
Surface pattern Dark or white spots of Oval, tubular or Amorphous or absent
uniform size, or branched white surface pattern
homogeneous absence structuresb
of pattern surrounded by
brown vessels
Most likely pathology Hyperplastic and Adenomad Deep submucosal
sessile serrated polyp invasive cancer
Can be applied using colonoscopes with/without optical (zoom) magnification
These structures (regular or irregular) may represent the pits and the epithelium of the crypt
In the WHO classification, sessile serrated polyp and sessile serrated adenoma are synonymous
Type 2 consists of Vienna classification types 3, 4 and superficial 5 (all adenomas with either low-
or high-grade dysplasia, or with superficial submucosal carcinoma). The presence of high-grade
dysplasia or superficial submucosal carcinoma may be suggested by an irregular vessel or surface
pattern and is often associated with atypical morphology (e.g., depressed area)
13 Overview 271

a b

c d

Fig. 13.4 Examples of types 13. (a) Same or lighter color than the background, microvessels can-
not be discerned (type 1). (b) The surface pattern is indirectly distinct and regular, through brownish
coloration around the crypts and structure enhancement (type 2). (c, d) Irregular microvessels with
nonuniform diameters are seen as brown colored; no surface pattern can be discerned (type 3)
272 Y. Sano and S. Tanaka

1. Horimatsu T, et al: Int J Colorectal 30: 947954, 2015
2. Sano Y, et al: Gastrointest Endosc 69: 278283, 2009
3. Higashi R, et al: Gastointest Endosc 72: 127135, 2010
4. Katagiri A, et al: Aliment Pharmacol Ther 27: 12691274, 2008
5. Fukuzawa M, et al: World J Gasroenterol 16: 17271734, 2010
6. Ikematsu H, et al: BMC Gastroenterol 10: 33, 2010
7. Tanaka S, et al. Stomach and Intestine 34: 16351644, 1999
8. Tanaka S, et al: Dig Endosc 18 (Suppl): S5256, 2006
9. Oba S, et al: Digestion 83: 167172, 2011
10. Hewett DG et al. Gastroenterology. 2012;143:599643.
11. Hayashi N, et al. Gastrointest Endosc 78, 62538, 2013
Atlas of Normal Appearance
Hirohisha Machida and Yasushi Sano

H. Machida
Machida Gastroenterical Hospital, Osaka, Japan
Y. Sano (*)
Gastrointestinal Center, Sano Hospital, Kobe, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 273

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_14
274 H. Machida and Y. Sano

14.1 Peyers Patches

Peyers patches are an important part of the intestinal immune system and are
involved in the uptake and presentation of antigens. Individual lymph nodes first
appear in the jejunum, and in the ileum the lymphoid tissue increases, forming
2030 Peyers patches within the mucosa along or opposite the line of mesenteric
attachment. Each Peyers patch comprises approximately 20 lymph nodules.
Unlike regions without Peyers patches, microfold cells (M cells) are scattered
throughout the mucosal epithelium covering a Peyers patch. M cells have a pocket-
like structure on their basolateral side in which T cells and B cells are located.
M cells take up antigenic substances from the intestinal lumen and present them to
the T cells and B cells, thereby transmitting information to immunocytes within the
Peyers patch. This processing of antigens is the main role played by M cells, and it
is characteristic of the epithelium covering the Peyers patches that intestinal villi do
not develop there and microvilli are not present.

14.1.1 Explanation Non-magnifying Endoscopic Appearance

Non-magnifying endoscopic examination reveals Peyers patches as pale islets in
the ileum (Fig. 14.1a, seen in the lower ileum). As villi are absent over the patches,
they appear on close examination as depressed areas paler or the same color as the
surrounding mucosa (Fig. 14.1b). They also appear as depressed areas lacking villi
using non-magnifying NBI (Fig. 14.1c). Magnifying Endoscopic Appearance

Magnifying endoscopic examination reveals no clear surface pattern, giving an
unstructured appearance, with no irregular vessels (Fig. 14.1d). Magnifying NBI
examination reveals a white smooth surfaced area where a surface pattern cannot be
visualized, with vessels showing no irregularity thought to be located in the submu-
cosal layer (14.1e).
14 Atlas of Normal Appearance 275

b c

d e

Fig. 14.1 Peyer paches

276 H. Machida and Y. Sano

14.2 Normal Colonic Epithelium

More detailed examination of the capillaries and the surface microstructure has
become possible with changing the spectral characteristics of the light source in
gastrointestinal endoscopes over to a narrow band, or NBI.

14.2.1 Explanation Endoscopic Examination

Examination of the normal colorectal mucosa using NBI allows us to see the capil-
lary network of the normal mucosa more clearly than with WLI (Fig. 14.2a WLI,
Fig. 14.2b NBI) [1]. If a lesion is present, it will be easier to detect using NBI
because visibility of the capillaries will be improved.
Magnifying endoscopic examination of the normal colorectal mucosa shows
normal intestinal crypts in a regular arrangement and honeycomb-like pattern with
no nonuniformity of size. In the center of each section can be seen an oval crypt
opening 0.07 0.02 mm in diameter [2]. The crypt openings are visualized as white
using NBI (Fig. 14.2c) and are also clearly delineated by chromoendoscopy using
indigo carmine (Fig. 14.2d) or crystal violet (Fig. 14.2e). Electron Microscopic and Histological Findings

In the normal colorectal mucosa, capillaries showing a regular hexagonal or
honeycomb-like pattern (Fig. 14.2f, g) are located in the stroma directly beneath the
epithelium (Fig. 14.2h, i), surrounding the crypt openings [3, 4]. The vascular net-
work of the normal mucosa (Fig. 14.2f) is made up of arterioles running perpen-
dicularly up from the submucosa and venules running parallel to the arterioles
(Fig. 14.2g). Vascular endothelium staining for CD31 is located immediately
beneath the normal mucosal epithelium (Fig. 14.2i arrow). However, these capillar-
ies are 12.0 0.1 m in diameter, making them difficult to visualize with the resolu-
tion of presently available gastrointestinal endoscopes.

14.2.2 Diagnostic Pointers for NBI

When magnifying NBI examination is able to visualize few or no capillaries sur-

rounding crypt openings, we can be confident that we are looking at normal mucosa,
or a hyperplastic polyp.
14 Atlas of Normal Appearance 277

a b

c d e

f g

1 mm 100m
h i

Fig. 14.2 Normal colorectal mucosa

278 H. Machida and Y. Sano

14.3 Anal Canal Epithelium

The anal canal can be defined in two different ways, as the surgical anal canal or
anatomical surgical canal (Fig. 14.3). Clinically, examination of the surgical anal
canal is important in terms of considering possible surgical procedures. Accordingly,
it is important to know the histological structures from the anorectal ring to the anal

14.3.1 Histological Structures of the Surgical Anal Canal

The dentate line, the boundary between the ectodermal proctodeum (primitive anus)
and endodermal hindgut (primitive rectum), is formed by raised areas, the anal
papillae, and depressed areas, the anal crypts (Fig. 14.3). These extend as far as the
anorectal ring (where they disappear is also called Herrmanns line). The anal crypts
are 611 in number, on average 8, extending around the entire circumference of the
anal canal. The anal crypts contain the openings of the anal glands and anal ducts
(infection of the anal glands can lead to perianal abscesses or anal fistulae). The
anatomical anal canal extends from the anal verge to the dentate line and has sensa-
tion through branches of the pudendal nerve; there is no sensation above the dentate
The anal canal is lined by a simple columnar epithelium above the dentate line
and a stratified squamous epithelium below it. The gap between the inner and outer
anal sphincters is referred to as the intersphincteric groove, and the area between the
intersphincteric groove and the dentate line as the zona cutanea. The zona cutanea
is lined by stratified squamous epithelium (anal epithelium). Distal to the inter-
sphincteric groove is found cutaneous epithelium.

14.3.2 Advantages of NBI Examination

Using NBI, as with the gastroesophageal junction, the dentate line is easily identi-
fied as the distinct boundary between squamous epithelium and columnar epithe-
lium. The vascular findings are similar to those in the esophageal and rectal
Non-magnifying WLI examination of the lower rectum reveals a dentate line
somewhat indistinct in its entire circumference (Fig. 14.4a), whereas the dentate
line is clearly discernible using magnifying NBI (Fig. 14.4b arrows).
Magnifying NBI examination of the boundary between the lower rectum and the
anal canal shows the transition zone between simple columnar epithelium and strat-
ified squamous epithelium as distinct brown- and greenish-white-colored areas.
Figure 14.4c shows the greenish-white zona cutanea, and Fig. 14.4d clearly shows
the dentate line and the border of the columnar epithelial mucosa (arrows indicate
the dentate line, columnar epithelial mucosa to the right).
14 Atlas of Normal Appearance 279

Anal papillae

Anal crypts
Anorectal ring
(openings of anal glands,
anal ducts)
Herrmann s line
Dentate line
Surgical anal canal

Zona cutanea
Anatomical anal canal

Anal verge

Intersphincteric groove

Fig. 14.3 Anatomical chart of anal canal

a b

c d

Fig. 14.4 Lower rectum

280 H. Machida and Y. Sano

1. Machida H, et al: Endoscopy 36: 10941098, 2004
2. Kudo S. Early colorectal cancer. Igaku Shoin, 1993
3. Konerding MA, et al: Br J Cancer 84: 13541362, 2001
4. Sano Y, et al: Endosc 18 (Suppl 1): S4451, 2006
Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions
Hirohisa Machida, Kougi Fu, Nobuo Aoyama,
Takashi Narabayashi, and Yasushi Sano

H. Machida (*)
Machida Gastroenterical Hospital, Osaka, Japan
K. Fu
Kamma Memorial Hospital, Nasushiobara, Japan
N. Aoyama
GI Endoscopy and IBD Center, Aoyama Clinic, Kobe, Japan
T. Narabayashi
Department of Gastroenterology, Narabayashi Hospital, Kobe, Japan
Y. Sano
Department of Gastrointestinal Center, Sano Hospital, Kobe, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 281

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_15
282 H. Machida et al.

15.1 Feces

The feces remaining within the gastrointestinal tract (residual feces) often give the
appearance of red- to scarlet-colored superficial raised lesions (Fig. 15.1a, b), and
bowel preparation fluid is seen as a reddish liquid (Fig. 15.1c, d) using NBI. Either
may be confused with blood, but switching over from NBI to WLI makes it easy to
differentiate between them.
The NBI system setup comprises an NBI filter that can be introduced or with-
drawn from between the RGB rotating filter and xenon lamp within the light source
unit. Though three primary colors red (R), green (G), and blue (B) used in WLI,
NBI comprises light with two wavelengths, blue (415 nm) and green (540 nm). To
produce a color image, a WLI video processor allocates red input to the R channel
on the monitor, green to the G channel, and blue to the B channel. In an NBI system,
out of consideration of human visual characteristics, the images taken with 415 nm
incident light are allocated to the B and G channels and those taken with 540 nm
incident light to the R channel [1].
Residual feces and bowel preparation fluid are seen as yellow using WLI, and on
the endoscopy system monitor, yellow is displayed using red (R) and green (G).
This suggests that no light that would be allocated to the blue (B) channel is emitted
by residual feces or bowel preparation fluid. In other words, residual feces and
bowel preparation fluid strongly absorb blue (B) wavelengths.
When a substance that absorbs blue (B) wavelengths is examined using NBI, of
the two wavelength components of NBI, blue (central wavelength 415 nm) and
green (central wavelength 540 nm), the blue wavelengths are absorbed, and only the
green wavelengths return to the charge-coupled device (CCD) in the endoscope tip.
In an NBI system, green (central wavelength 540 nm) incident light is allocated to
the R channel, so in the end residual feces and bowel preparation fluid are seen as
red on the monitor.
15 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 283

a b

c d

Fig. 15.1 Residual feces

284 H. Machida et al.

15.2 Inflammatory Polyp [2]

Inflammatory polyps can arise throughout the colon. Polypoid lesions (mucosal protu-
berances) are formed secondary to colonic inflammation, such as inflammatory bowel
disease or infectious enterocolitis. They are broadly classified into acute and chronic
inflammatory polyps. Acute inflammatory polyps, or pseudopolyps, are areas of resid-
ual mucosa relatively elevated in comparison to multiple erosions or ulcers. Chronic
inflammatory polyps arise as a regenerative reaction in the damaged mucosa, forming
protuberances with no muscularis mucosae, showing fingerlike, stringlike, or other mor-
phologies. Their coloration varies widely with the degree of inflammation, from pale
to reddish. As they are the result of inflammation or ulceration, chronic inflammatory
polyps range in size from microscopic to large enough to cause obstructive symptoms.
Typical inflammatory polyps are seen in the colonic mucosa in patients with
ulcerative colitis, and multiple lesions are also referred to as inflammatory polypo-
sis. Apart from ulcerative colitis, with a prevalence of 1030 %, inflammatory pol-
yps are also seen in patients with Crohns disease, tuberculosis, ischemic colitis, and
infectious colitis, e.g., amebic dysentery. Inflammatory polyps are also seen postop-
eratively at enteroenteric anastomosis sites.
The main pathohistological feature of inflammatory polyps is inflammation of
the lamina propria; little or no nuclear atypia is seen, and they arise from near-
normal glandular epithelium. They arise as single or multiple lesions, whether
inflammation is active or has already receded [1].

15.2.1 Explanation

This 4 mm reddened small protuberance can be seen on the anal side of an area of isch-
emic colitis in the descending colon (Fig. 15.2a). Non-magnifying WLI examination
reveals crypt openings appearing as white dots, with reddened surrounds (Fig. 15.2b).
Low-magnifying NBI examination visualizes the area seen as reddish with WLI
as green in color (Fig. 15.2c). At higher magnification, surface vessels cannot be
visualized, and this was assessed as CP type 1 (Fig. 15.2d). Indigo carmine spraying
shows that the lesion pits are the same size as the pits in the surrounding mucosa,
corresponding to type I pits in Kudos classification. Accordingly, an inflammatory
polyp associated with ischemic colitis was suspected (Fig. 15.2e).
The histological findings of hyperplastic colon mucosa were not inconsistent
with an inflammatory polyp (Fig. 15.2f).

15.2.2 NBI Characteristics

NBI delineates vessels in the mucosal surface layers as brown and vessels in the
deep mucosal layers as green. Inflammatory polyps are nonneoplastic lesions, so
brown-meshed capillary vessels in the superficial layers, as found in neoplastic
lesions, are not visualized (CP type I, NICE type 1).
One reason this lesion was visualized as green in color using NBI was thought to be
vasodilatation, particularly in the deep mucosal layers. Histological examination of the
resected specimen also showed dilatation and filling of deep mucosal vessels (Fig. 15.2f).
15 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 285

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 15.2 Inflammatory polyp

286 H. Machida et al.

15.3 Hyperplastic Polyp

Polyps are the most commonly seen lesions during colonoscopies. When a polyp is
detected, in the first place a qualitative differential diagnosis, determining whether
it is neoplastic or nonneoplastic, is essential in deciding treatment. This is because
if the lesion is assessed as nonneoplastic (excluding some specific types, like large
lesions), it is possible that no treatment will be an option (periodic monitoring), with
no need for endoscopic treatment. Most of the nonneoplastic lesions are hyperplas-
tic polyps 5 mm in size, and most of the neoplastic lesions are adenomas.

15.3.1 Explanation

For non-magnifying WLI examinations, this qualitative assessment is generally

based on the lesion color and surface characteristics. Hyperplastic polyps are
smooth surfaced, whitish in color, sometimes with mucus adherent to the surface
(Fig. 15.3a). Magnifying endoscopy following dye spraying reveals a type II pit
morphology (Fig. 15.3b), thought to correspond histologically to serrated glands.
This qualitative assessment using magnifying chromoendoscopy has been reported
to yield a greater than 95 % diagnostic accuracy.
On the other hand, because NBI uses short-wavelength incident light, it can
clearly delineate the surface microvascular pattern and morphological changes.
Neovascularization is seen in neoplastic lesions, increasing the vascular density, and
the vessel diameters also increase, making them appear as brown blobs using NBI.
The authors refer to the dilated meshed vessels seen in neoplastic lesions as
meshed capillary (MC) vessels. As little or no neovascularization is seen in hyper-
plastic polyps (CP type I, NICE type 1) (Fig. 15.3ce), we can make the qualitative
differential diagnosis between neoplastic and nonneoplastic lesion based on whether
MC vessels are present or not. This is a useful and extremely simple method reported
to have a diagnostic accuracy similar to that achieved with magnifying chromoen-
doscopy. Furthermore, the use of immunostaining in histological examinations
(Fig. 15.3f) has demonstrated significantly higher vascular density in adenomas in
comparison with hyperplastic polyps (particularly significant for vessels with diam-
eters 10 m).

15.3.2 Future Challenges

A future challenge is the endoscopic differential diagnosis between hyperplastic

polyps and sessile serrated adenomas/polyps which have histologically similar ser-
rated glands.
15 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 287

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 15.3 Hyperplastic polyp

288 H. Machida et al.

15.4 Ulcerative Colitis

Because there are no definite diagnosis regarding pathognomonic, endoscopic, or

pathohistological findings for ulcerative colitis (UC), so in general the diagnosis is
based on confirmation (= eliciting a history) of persistent (includes intermittent),
diffuse, and continuous colitis and exclusion of other forms of inflammatory bowel
NBI can be used to detect increases and decreases in superficial vessels and struc-
tural changes, so magnifying NBI may assist in differentiating between UC and the
other inflammation, with limitations. At present, magnifying NBI can be used to
detect mucosal healing, differentiate between unaffected areas and areas in remis-
sion, and detect neoplastic lesions, thereby contributing to qualitative assessments.

15.4.1 Explanation

Although determination of the margins of erosions and ulcers and evaluation of

disease activity are readily performed using WLI, NBI is more useful in patients
with milder disease. In non-magnifying examinations of a case of mild active UC,
in comparison with WLI (Fig. 15.4a), in the marginal area of an active lesion, NBI
delineates the affected mucosa as a distinct aggregation of brownish areas
(Fig. 15.4b). Magnifying NBI examination of the affected mucosa shows the main
pathology to be increased vascularity around the pits (Fig. 15.4c). At first, magnify-
ing NBI examination of an apparently inactive area (Fig. 15.4d) also shows scat-
tered findings of slightly increased vascularity and irregularity around the pits,
indicating the importance of an accurate assessment of the degree of inflammation
that can directly affect the choice of therapy.
Figure 15.4e, f shows the findings in a 30-year-old patient with a 10-year history
of UC. Non-magnifying (color enhanced) WLI examination of the mucosa affected
by UC reveals multiple coarse nodules, sufficient to diagnose not sporadic, but
colitic cancer (Fig. 15.4e). Magnifying NBI clearly delineates neoplastic pits like
gyrus on the surface of the coarse nodules.

15.4.2 Future Challenges

Colitic cancer is difficult to be diagnosed, rapidly progressive, and on the rise, with
more patients living longer with UC due to advances in medical treatment. Because
it is common in patients with persistent inflammation, unfortunately even with NBI
it is often difficult to detect colitic cancer, and in atypical cases it may be difficult to
differentiate from sporadic cancer. The decision whether to treat with a total colec-
tomy or localized resection with endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) or endo-
scopic mucosal resection (EMR) should be an overall decision made with due
consideration of the patients history. There is an urgent need for accumulated evi-
dence concerning endoscopy performed using image-enhanced endoscopy (see
Sect. 16.13 and 16.14).
15 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 289

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 15.4 Ulcerative colitis

290 H. Machida et al.

15.5 Lymphoid Follicular Hyperplasia

Under normal physiological conditions, lymphoid tissue is located in the gastrointes-

tinal tract beneath the mucosal epithelium, formed in response to outside antigenic
stimulation before or after birth. They take the form of discrete lymph nodes or
aggregations of lymphoid nodules (Peyers patches). Only the former are found in
the colorectal region and are common in the cecum, ascending colon, and rectum.
These lymph nodes are the site for proliferation of B-cell lymphocytes, and those
with a germinal center are referred to as lymphoid follicles. In conditions such as
infections or autoimmune disease associated with activation of the B-cell-mediated
immune system, reactive germinal centers enlarge and increase in number, leading
to hyperplasia of the lymphoid follicles [3, 4].
Reactive lymphoid follicular hyperplasia is visualized using non-magnifying
WLI as multiple small whitish protrusions of similar sizes. The endoscopic findings
are sometimes similar to those observed with lymphoproliferative disorders such as
follicular lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma, or mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
(MALT) lymphoma; however, lesions are uniform in size in cases of hyperplasia
and often nonuniform in lymphoproliferative disorders.

15.5.1 Explanation

In the distant view using non-magnifying WLI (Fig. 15.5a), it is difficult to discern
the scattered pale ring-shaped red haloes. Examining the same region using non-
magnifying NBI (Fig. 15.5b), 23 mm small protrusions with a whitish center and
brown ring-shaped margins are easily discerned. M-NBI examination (Fig. 15.5c)
reveals vessels, slightly larger in diameter than those in the surrounds, extending
from the lesion margins toward the center, although the center is almost no vascular-
ity. Magnifying chromoendoscopy with indigo carmine dye (Fig. 15.5d) demon-
strates type I pits in the protrusion, as in the margins. As the main part of the lesions
was deeper than the mucosal epithelium and lesion sizes were uniform, lymphoid
follicular hyperplasia should be diagnosed. Histopathological examination using
HE staining (Fig. 15.5e) showed enlargement of the germinal centers of the subepi-
thelial lymphoid follicles. Immune staining with anti-Bcl-2 protein antibodies
(Fig. 15.5f) was negative in the germinal centers and positive in the mantle zone,
confirming the diagnosis of lymphoid follicular hyperplasia.

15.5.2 NBI Characteristics

The distant view showed lesions with a whitish center and brown ring-shaped mar-
gins, with markedly improved visualization in comparison with WLI.
The close view shows slightly enlarged vessels extending from the margins of
the protuberance toward the center. As these findings are also seen in hyperplastic
polyps, we can assess this as a nonneoplastic lesion.
15 Atlas of Nonneoplastic Lesions 291

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 15.5 Lymphoid follicular hyperplasia

292 H. Machida et al.

1. Tajiri H (ed.): Atlas of new endoscopic imaging technologies. Japan Medical Center, 2006
2. Nakamura S (ed.): Interpretation of pathology specimens from the gastrointestinal tract. Japan
Medical Center, 1999
3. Iwashita A: Early colorectal cancer. 8: 349351, 2004
4. Nimura S, et al.: Early colorectal cancer. 8: 379390, 2004
Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions
Reiji Higashi, Toshio Uraoka, Taku Sakamoto, Takahisa Matsuda,
Takahiro Fujii, Takahiro Horimatsu, Yutaka Saito, Takaya Aoki,
Yoshiki Wada, Shinei Kudo, Wataru Sano, Masahito Kotaka,
Mineo Iwatate, Atsushi Katagiri, Hiroaki Ikematsu, Yasuhiro Ono,
Kenji Watanabe, Masakazu Nishishita, Hirokazu Yamagami,
Santa Hattori, Takahiro Fujimori, Hirohisa Machida,
Yoshinobu Yamamoto, Hogara Nishisaki, and Yasushi Sano

R. Higashi (*)
Department of Internal Medicine, Hiroshima City Hospital,
7-33 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-8518, Japan
T. Uraoka
Department of Gastrointestinal Medicine, Tokyo Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan
T. Sakamoto T. Matsuda Y. Saito
Endoscopy Division, National Cancer Center Central Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
T. Fujii
Department of Gastroenterology, Takahiro Fujii Clinic, Tokyo, Japan
T. Horimatsu
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto University Graduate
School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
T. Aoki
Department of Gastrointestinal Medicine, Makino Memorial Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan
Y. Wada
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, The Tokyo Medical and Dental University
School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
S. Kudo
Digestive Disease Center, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital, Yokohama, Japan
W. Sano M. Kotaka M. Iwatate S. Hattori
Gastrointestinal Center, Sano Hospital, Kobe, Japan
A. Katagiri
Department of Gastroenterology, Showa University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
H. Ikematsu Y. Ono
Division of Digestive Endoscopy and Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center
Hospital East, Kashiwa, Japan

Springer Japan 2015 293

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8_16
294 R. Higashi et al.

K. Watanabe H. Yamagami
Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine,
Osaka, Japan
H. Machida
Machida Gastroenterical Hospital, Osaka, Japan
M. Nishishita
Department of Gastroenterology, Nishishita Gastrointestinal Hospital, Osaka, Japan
T. Fujimori
Department of Pathology, Shinko Hospital, Kobe, Japan
Y. Yamamoto
Department of Gastrointestinal and Hepato Biliary Oncology, Hyogo Cancer Center,
Akashi, Japan
H. Nishisaki
Department of Gastroenterology, Hyogo Prefectural Kaibara Hospital, Hyogo, Japan
Y. Sano
Department of Gastrointestinal Center, Sano Hospital, Kobe, Japan

16.1 Protruded-Type Adenoma

The majority of colorectal cancers arise from adenomas, following the adenoma-
carcinoma sequence. Accordingly, resection of all neoplastic polyps (clean
colon) can be expected to reduce the cumulative incidence of colorectal cancer by
7690 %. However, attempts to achieve a clean colon may result in an increase in
unnecessary polypectomies, making differentiation between neoplastic and non-
neoplastic polyps extremely important.
Sano et al. refer to dilated meshed vessels on the surface of neoplastic lesions, as
visualized using M-NBI, as meshed capillary vessels (MC vessels). With the aim
of application in qualitative assessments, they further classify MC vessels into three
types of capillary pattern (CP: four types including two subtypes). Classifications
by Hirata and Tanaka et al., as well as classifications by Wada and Kudo et al. along
with their diagnostic ability, have also been published. We await the results of efforts
to standardize these classifications.

16.1.1 Explanation

In this case, non-magnifying WLI examination reveals a sessile lesion with a smooth
surface and markedly reddened in a partial part (Fig. 16.1a). Non-magnifying NBI
examination visualizes this lesion as a brownish area (Fig. 16.1b). M-NBI shows
MC vessels, with no signs of irregularity such as nonuniform diameters, tortuosity,
or interruption, enclosing the pits in a honeycomb pattern (CP type II, NICE type 2)
(Fig. 16.1c, d). In a partial area of the lesion, we can see intensely brown-colored
areas corresponding to the stroma, the dense pattern proposed by Wada and Kudo
et al. as characteristic of adenoma (Fig. 16.1c). Magnifying chromoendoscopy with
indigo carmine dye reveals a type IIIL pit pattern (Fig. 16.1e, f).
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 295

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 16.1 Protruded-type adenoma

296 R. Higashi et al.

Adenoma was diagnosed from the above findings, and EMR was performed. The
histopathohistological diagnosis was a tubular adenoma with mild atypia (Fig. 16.1g, h). Points for Interpretation of Findings

Adenomatous lesions are visualized as brownish areas using non-magnifying
M-NBI examination, with the emphasis on whether MC vessels are present or
not, differentiates more accurately between neoplastic and nonneoplastic lesions.
NBI findings of MC vessels irregularly encircling pits, or with nonuniform diam-
eters, tortuosity, interruptions, or increased vascular density, or loss of the hon-
eycomb pattern, are indicative of invasive cancer, so we add a chromoendoscopic
examination to determine the pit pattern.

16.1.2 NBI Characteristics

M-NBI examination reveals tubular or oval-shaped enlarged pits, surrounded by

dark brown capillaries with no signs of irregularity. A dense pattern, corresponding
to the stroma, is visualized as an intense dark brown.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 297

g h

Fig. 16.1 (continued)

298 R. Higashi et al.

16.2 Flat-Type Adenoma (LST-NG)

In comparison to granular-type lateral spreading tumor (LST-G), nongranular-type

lateral spreading tumor (LST-NG) has a higher rate of submucosal invasion. Another
characteristic of LST-G is that it is difficult to identify the site of invasion in
approximately 30 % of lesions, due to multicentric growth. Although the clinical
importance of superficial tumors such as LST-G is becoming more widely recog-
nized worldwide, they are considered more difficult to detect than polypoid tumors.
Non-magnifying WLI examination usually reveals LST-G as low reddened
protruding lesions with a smooth surface, but some lesions will be almost the same
height and color as the nonneoplastic mucosa. In other words, they may be over-
looked unless during the examination we pay close attention to findings such as
gathering of the surrounding mucosal folds, catch light (uneven mucosal surface),
and vessel visibility. Clinical studies are under way aimed at improving detection
rates, concentrating on refinement of optical digital methods.

16.2.1 Explanation

This lesion is located in the transverse colon. Non-magnifying WLI examination

(distant view) reveals a lesion sitting across a fold, making it difficult to detect.
Drawing near to the lesion, it is visualized as an area of reddish color, mild surface
unevenness (catch light), and loss of vessel visibility (Fig. 16.2a). Non-magnifying
NBI examination reveals little color contrast with the surrounding mucosa, indicat-
ing NBI does little to increase the discernibility of this lesion (Fig. 16.2b).
In an M-NBI examination from a medium magnification, we can see dense ves-
sels with roughly equal diameters (Fig. 16.2c). Raising the magnification as we
examine the vessels, the findings are roughly the same as at medium magnification,
with the exception of a partial area where the vessel paths are slightly irregular
compared to their surrounds, and the vessel diameters are nonuniform in diameter
(larger vessels) (Fig. 16.2d). However, looking at the lesion as a whole, this area is
extremely small in extent, and the histopathological finding as determined by the
vessel pattern is adenoma (>intramucosal cancer) (CP type II, NICE type 2).
Endoscopic resection was considered appropriate for this lesion. At present, we
perform magnifying endoscopy not only with NBI but also with chromoendoscopy,
and in this case the predominant pit pattern was type IIIL, with some type IIIS in a
partial area (Fig. 16.2e).
The diagnoses based on the pit pattern and the NBI findings were similar, and en
block resection using the ESD method was performed (Fig. 16.2f, g). The final his-
topathological diagnosis was a tubular adenoma, low and high grade.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 299

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 16.2 Flat-type adenoma (LST-NG)

300 R. Higashi et al.

16.2.2 NBI Characteristics

In an M-NBI examination, we should first gain an overall grasp of the vascular pat-
tern of the entire lesion at medium magnification, then examine any areas of interest
at high magnification, paying attention to features such as any irregularities of ves-
sel paths or alterations in vascular density.
A variety of studies have examined the usefulness of NBI in the colorectal field.
Consistent evidence concerning differentiation between neoplastic and nonneoplas-
tic lesions has been produced, and a consensus has been reached. However, there
remains considerable room for debate concerning improvement in detection rates
and determination of the depth of invasion. In particular concerning the latter, we
should be aware that the diagnostic ability of NBI in determining the depth of inva-
sion is not superior to that of chromoendoscopy.
In general, if non-magnifying WLI or M-NBI examination indicates a lesion is
an adenoma or intramucosal cancer, there should be no problem with proceeding to
endoscopic resection. If submucosal invasive cancer is suspected on the basis of the
non-magnifying WLI or M-NBI findings, however, more detailed information is
required, so there should be no hesitation in determining the pit pattern using crystal
violet staining.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 301

16.3 Depressed-Type Adenoma

Endoscopic detection of depressed colorectal tumors (type IIc) has hitherto involved
picking up slight mucosal changes during a non-magnifying WLI examination,
such as loss of capillary visibility, slight reddening, or surface unevenness. This has
been dependent on the skill and craftsmanship of the endoscopist, with not all
able to detect these lesions. The authors have been considering this challenge of
how to make it easier to identify these difficult to detect depressed tumors. Nothing
has emerged so far in the way of a revolutionary method of detecting type IIc
lesions, however. In recent years, expectations have risen that the use of image
enhancement methods such as NBI, flexible spectral imaging color enhancement
(FICE), and autofluorescence imaging (AFI) will prove applicable in detection as
well as qualitative and quantitative assessments. Of these possibilities, we have con-
centrated on detection and diagnosis of superficial tumors using NBI.
302 R. Higashi et al.

16.3.1 Explanation

This case is a 40-year-old male who underwent colonoscopy for the purpose of
screening for colorectal cancer (at the authors hospital, when we use a high vision
format colonoscope, unless the bowel preparation was inadequate or melanosis coli
is present, in all cases we insert the scope as far as the cecum using WLI, then
change over to NBI for the withdrawal from the cecum).
In this case, using NBI we detected a superficial depressed tumor (type IIc) 6 mm
in size in the sigmoid colon. As shown in Fig. 16.3a, we can see a ring-shaped
brownish area, an important finding for the detection of type IIc lesions using NBI,
that we call the O-ring sign. The center of the ring is visualized as the same color as
the surrounding mucosa or slightly whitish. Non-magnifying WLI (Fig. 16.3b) and
indigo carmine-sprayed (Fig. 16.3c) examination reveal the macroscopic features of
a type IIc lesion, with type I pits and raised margins corresponding to the O-ring
sign seen using NBI. The pattern is consistent with type I pits, with sparse vessels
forming an immature network within the depression (CP type II, NICE type 2)
(Fig. 16.3d). Magnified chromoendoscopy using crystal violet staining reveals type
IIIS pits densely packed on the surface of the depression and slightly widened and
stretched type I pits on the raised marginal area (Fig. 16.3e).
Figure 16.3g shows the loupe findings, with a type IIC lesion. Tubular glands are
densely packed on the surface of the depression, showing cellular atypia in all layers
(Fig. 16.3g), yielding the diagnosis of an adenoma with mild atypia.

16.3.2 NBI Characteristics

This case supports the usefulness of NBI endoscopy for screening of type IIC lesions.
Identification of a ring-shaped brownish area (O-ring sign) is important for the
detection of colorectal type IIC lesions using NBI.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 303

a b

c d

e g

Fig. 16.3 Depressed-type adenoma

304 R. Higashi et al.

16.4 Early Colorectal Cancer: Type 0-I (1)

16.4.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying WLI examination reveals a slightly reddened protruded type 0-IS

lesion 10 mm in size, associated with white plaques on the surrounding mucosa,
with a slight depression in the center (Fig. 16.4a). Following indigo carmine spray-
ing, we can see a slightly depressed area in the center of the lesion, with some sur-
face irregularity (Fig. 16.4b).
Non-magnifying NBI examination reveals irregular atypical vessels in the lesion
marginal area, delineated as dark brown, but capillaries are clearly visible in the
central area (Fig. 16.4c). Even with M-NBI, only a few dot vessels can be discerned
in the lesion center, forming a rough vascular network, so this was assessed as a CP
type IIIB (NICE type 3) pattern (Fig. 16.4d).
Crystal violet staining showed pits with narrow lumens, irregular margins, and
indistinct outlines, comprising a type VI (severe irregularity) pit pattern (Fig. 16.4e).
From the above findings, this lesion was diagnosed as a highly invasive SM cancer,
and it was resected surgically. Histopathological examination of the resected specimen
revealed a moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma with vascular invasion and
deep submucosal invasion. The final histopathological diagnosis was type 0-Is,
10 10 mm, tub2, pSM (>6,000 m), ly1, v2, pN0, pPM0, pDM0, and pRM0 (Fig. 16.4f).

16.4.2 NBI Characteristics

Sano et al. propose a three-step strategy for the treatment of colorectal lesions [1, 2].
When a lesion is detected using non-magnifying WLI, the capillary pattern (CP)
should be determined using NBI, then lesions with a CP type I (NICE type 1) can
be observed without treatment, and endoscopic resection is indicated for lesions
with a CP type II or IIIA (NICE type 2). Chromoendoscopy should be performed if
a CP type IIIB (NICE type 3) is seen, and endoscopic resection is indicated for
lesions with a type VI (mild irregularity) pit pattern. If a circumscribed type VI
(severe irregularity) or type VN pit pattern is seen, SM deep invasive cancer is likely,
and surgical resection is indicated.
In this case, M-NBI revealed a CP type IIIB (NICE type 3) (surface pattern (+))
and crystal violet chromoendoscopy a type VI (severe irregularity) pit pattern. With
a preoperative diagnosis of SM deep invasive cancer, this lesion was resected surgi-
cally. The histological finding was SM deep invasive cancer, agreeing with the
endoscopic findings. Furthermore, NBI showed a whitish grooved surface pattern,
whereas the depth of invasion was pSM massive. Further studies of the usefulness
of the surface pattern in determining the depth of invasion are needed.
The CP type IIIB (NICE type 3) (surface pattern ()) signifies destruction of the
mucosal layer and exposure of SM cancer on the surface of an unstructured area, so
it should be considered an SM deep invasive cancer, and surgical resection is
strongly recommended.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 305

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 16.4 Early colorectal cancer: Type 0-I

306 R. Higashi et al.

16.5 Early Colorectal Cancer: Type 0-I (2)

16.5.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying WLI examination reveals a reddened protruded lesion, 20 mm in

size, in the lower rectum (Rb). White plaques are seen on the surrounding mucosa,
and the protruded lesion has an irregular surface with a central depression
(Fig. 16.5a). Following indigo carmine spraying, the central area is difficult to visu-
alize as a depression, although it is at a different level to the surrounds, and we can-
not rule out the possibility of invasion of the deep submucosal layer in that area
(Fig. 16.5b).
Non-magnifying NBI examination reveals vessels with nonuniform diameters
irregularly surrounding the pits in the depressed area (Fig. 16.5c). M-NBI of the
same area shows vessels with nonuniform diameters, branching, and interruptions,
but maintaining a normal vascular density. This corresponds to a CP type IIIA in the
Sano classification (NICE type 2), and these findings were consistent with an
intramucosal or shallow submucosal invasive cancer (Fig. 16.5d).
Non-magnifying examination of the depressed area following indigo carmine
spraying reveals a type VI (mild irregularity) pit pattern, and the addition of magni-
fication yields the diagnosis of an intramucosal or shallow submucosal invasive
cancer (Fig. 16.5e).
This lesion was resected endoscopically. The histopathohistological diagnosis
was a moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, reaching the muscularis
mucosae in the depressed area, but remaining intramucosal without invading the
submucosal layers (Fig. 16.5f). These findings agreed with the NBI endoscopic

16.5.2 NBI Characteristics

M-NBI examination of the vascular architecture of the lesion surface has been
reported to have the potential to assist in determining the depth of tumor invasion
[24]. Although various classifications have been proposed, findings of densely
packed irregular and abnormal vessels, with features including nonuniform diame-
ters, branching, and interruptions, are indicative of intramucosal or shallow submu-
cosal invasive cancer in all classifications. These findings can be considered typical
regardless of the classification used.
When a submucosal deep invasive cancer cannot be excluded from the non-
magnifying WLI findings, however, with NBI we can do no more than observe
vascular changes associated with atypia, and confirmation of the lesion pit pattern,
directly reflecting structural atypia, is still considered necessary.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 307

a b

c d

Fig. 16.5 Early colorectal cancer: Type 0-I

308 R. Higashi et al.

16.6 Early Colorectal Cancer: Type 0-IIa (1)

This is a case of type 0-IIa early colorectal cancer (depth of invasion pM, well-
differentiated adenocarcinoma), previously presented at the 14th Tokyo Metropolitan
Area Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Meeting.

16.6.1 Explanation

This case is a 74-year-old male. We can see a superficial elevated lesion 40 mm in

size in the ascending colon. Non-magnifying WLI examination reveals this lesion
as slightly reddish in color compared to the surrounding mucosa (retroflexed view,
Fig. 16.6a). Mild bunching of the surrounding folds is seen (Fig. 16.6b, indigo car-
mine spraying), but this becomes less noticeable with stretching. A slightly raised
area can be seen on the anal side of the lesion (retroflexed view, Fig. 16.6a).
Non-magnifying NBI examination shows the lesion as a brownish area in com-
parison to the surrounding mucosa and delineates the lesion margins more distinctly
(Fig. 16.6c). M-NBI of the anal side raised area reveals meshed capillary vessels,
slightly dilated in comparison with normal vessels, corresponding to CP type II or
IIIA in the Sano classification (NICE type 2) (Fig. 16.6d).
Magnifying examination following indigo carmine spraying revealed type IIIL
pits in the raised area (Fig. 16.6e) and type IIIL to IIIS pits even in the flat area.
Similarly, magnifying examination following crystal violet staining showed type
IIIL pits in the raised area. This was assessed as a type VI (noninvasive) pit pattern
due to the nonuniform sizes and disturbed arrangement.
On the basis of the above findings, endoscopic treatment was considered appro-
priate, and en block resection using the ESD method was performed. During the
procedure, moderate fibrosis was detected in the submucosa of the anal side raised
The hisotpathohistological diagnosis was a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma
(Fig. 16.6f, g). This tumor was confined to the mucosa and was negative for vascular
invasion. The reason for the submucosal fibrosis remains unclear, but may have
been related to a biopsy taken by the referring physician.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 309

a c

d b

e f

Fig. 16.6 Early colorectal cancer: type 0-IIa

310 R. Higashi et al.

16.7 Early Colorectal Cancer: Type 0-IIa (2)

This is a case of type 0-IIa early colorectal cancer (depth of invasion pM, well-
differentiated adenocarcinoma).

16.7.1 Explanation

We can see a superficial elevated lesion, 20 mm in size, located in the sigmoid

colon. Non-magnifying WLI examination reveals this lesion as slightly reddish in
color compared to the surrounding mucosa (Fig. 16.7a, b indigo carmine spraying).
This is associated with mild gathering of the surrounding mucosa, so SM invasion
was considered possible on the basis of the WLI findings.
Non-magnifying NBI examination shows the lesion as a brownish area in com-
parison to the surrounding mucosa (Fig. 16.7c). M-NBI of the lesion surface reveals
meshed capillary vessels, slightly dilated in comparison with normal vessels, sur-
rounding the pits (Fig. 16.7d). These vessels show lack of uniformity, branching,
and interruptions. These findings correspond to CP type IIIA in the Sano classifica-
tion (NICE type 2).
Magnifying examination following crystal violet staining revealed an irregular
pit pattern over the entire lesion, which was assessed as a type VI pit pattern
(Fig. 16.7e). No patchiness was detected in the VI pit pattern area, so it was assessed
as a noninvasive pattern.
On the basis of the above findings, endoscopic treatment was considered appro-
priate, and en block resection using the ESD method was performed.
The histopathohistological diagnosis was a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma
(Fig. 16.7f). This tumor was confined to the mucosa and was negative for vascular
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 311

a b

c d

Fig. 16.7 Early colorectal cancer: type 0-IIa

312 R. Higashi et al.

16.8 Early Colorectal Cancer: Type 0-IIc (1)

The depressed lesion contains type IIc, IIc + IIa, IIa + IIc, and Is + IIc elements.
With an NBI system, it is possible to instantaneously change modes and obtain
more information useful in the evaluation of the surface microvascular pattern.
Recognition of characteristic vascular findings, not only in protruded and flat lesions
but also in depressed lesions, makes a more accurate diagnosis possible.
In this section, I will present and explain the typical vascular pattern observed in
depressed early colorectal cancers, in particular SM deep invasive cancers.

16.8.1 Explanation

This lesion, 9 mm in size, is located in the rectosigmoid colon (RS). At first glance,
non-magnifying WLI delineates this as an elevated lesion with a slightly reddened
area on its apex with an uneven surface (Fig. 16.8a). Indigo carmine spraying
enhances the area thought to be a depressed section, so this was assessed as a type
IIa + IIc morphology (Fig. 16.8b). The surface structure of the sides of the protrud-
ing lesion shows a type I pit pattern, so the entire lesion was thought to have arisen
from a depressed lesion.
Non-magnifying NBI examination shows the vascular density to be low in the
area assessed as a depressed section using indigo carmine spraying, in comparison
with the areas thought to be the sides of the protruding lesion. The scattered vessels
in the low vascular density area lack regularity, showing an irregular sparse pat-
tern (CP type IIIB, NICE type 3) (Fig. 16.8c, d). Crystal violet staining reveals a
type VI (severe irregularity) pit pattern, with narrow lumens and irregular margins,
in the sparse pattern area (Fig. 16.8e), yielding the diagnosis of SM deep invasive
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 313

a b

c d

Fig. 16.8 Early colorectal cancer: type 0-IIc

314 R. Higashi et al.

This lesion was resected surgically with laparoscopic assistance. The histopatho-
histological diagnosis was an adenocarcinoma (tub 2 > 1), pSM 3,250 m, ly1, v2,
pN1, H1, pPM0, and pDM0 (Fig. 16.8f). The depressed section showing the sparse
pattern and type VI (severe irregularity) pit pattern was an exposed desmoplastic
reaction, associated with disappearance of the muscularis mucosae in the invasive

16.8.2 NBI Characteristics

When an early colorectal cancer shows an area of surface unevenness, raising sus-
picion of deep submucosal invasion, vessels are often seen as sparse in that area.
With high magnification, vessels with nonuniform diameters and abnormal paths
will be visible in that sparse area.
This decrease in vascular density, where vessels become sparse, is seen not
only in depressed lesions but also when part of an elevated or flat lesion becomes
cancerous and becomes depressed.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 315

Fig. 16.8 (continued)

316 R. Higashi et al.

16.9 Early Colorectal Cancer: Type 0-IIc (2)

Machida et al. [5], Sano et al. [6], and Katagiri et al. [7] have reported that NBI is
useful in the qualitative assessment. Ikematsu et al. [2] further reported that NBI is
also useful in quantitative assessments, through differentiation between capillary
patterns (CP) type IIIA (NICE type 2) and IIIB (NICE type 3) capillary patterns (CP).
Ikematsu et al. conducted a study of 130 lesions diagnosed with type III CP. They
found that 86 of the 91 lesions (94.5 %) assessed as CP type IIIA (NICE type 2) were
adenoma, M cancer, SM shallow invasive cancer, whereas 28 of the 39 lesions
(71.8 %) assessed as CP type IIIB (NICE type 3) were SM deep invasive cancer.
They concluded that differentiation between the CPs type IIIA and IIIB enabled pre-
diction of SM deep invasive cancer with a diagnostic accuracy of 87.7 %, sensitivity
of 84.8 %, and specificity of 88.7 %.
A CP type IIIB (NICE type 3) was also detected in this lesion, yielding a preop-
erative diagnosis of SM deep invasive cancer.

16.9.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying WLI examination revealed a slightly reddened elevated lesion,

8 mm in size, with a depressed area and white plaques on the surrounding mucosa,
in the rectum (Fig. 16.9a).
NBI examination at low magnification revealed brown capillaries in the depressed
area, indicating this is a neoplastic lesion (Fig. 16.9b) [5, 6]. High magnification of
the depressed area shows slightly enlarged irregular capillaries with nonuniform
diameters on the right side (CP type IIIA, NICE type 2) and sparse, difficult to visu-
alize, capillaries on the left (CP type IIIB, NICE type 3) (Fig. 16.9c).
Strong magnification of the depressed area following crystal violet staining
shows a type VI (severe irregularity) pit pattern, with marked pit destruction, irregu-
lar pit margins, narrow lumens, and indistinct outlines (Fig. 16.9d).
On the basis of the above findings, SM deep invasive cancer was diagnosed, and
this lesion was resected surgically.
Even at low magnification, histopathological examination confirms loss of the
mucosal layer and exposure of SM cancer on the surface (Fig. 16.9e). High magni-
fication (Fig. 16.9f) shows an SM deep invasive cancer, with rupture of the muscu-
laris mucosae, and depth of invasion 2,000 m from the surface. The final diagnosis
was type 0-IIa + IIc, 8 mm, tub1, pSM (2,000 m), ly0, v0, pN0.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 317

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 16.9 Early colorectal cancer: type 0-IIc

318 R. Higashi et al.

16.10 Early Colorectal Cancer: Type 0-IIc (3)

Superficial depressed (type IIc) tumors are usually defined as lesions with a distinct
depressed section lower than or at the same level as the surrounding mucosa. The
incidence of type IIc lesions was 4.9 % in a multicenter retrospective study [8].
They should never be overlooked, as they tend to invade the submucosa while still
small, markedly more often than other macroscopic types, 44 % of lesions 610 mm
in size and 70.4 % 1115 mm [9].
It is important to detect these lesions using non-magnifying WLI, and mild red-
dening is a particularly important finding. Caution is required because depressed
areas are often associated with raised margins and are often initially thought to be a
type IIa superficial elevated lesion [10, 11].

16.10.1 Explanation

Non-magnifying WLI examination revealed a depressed lesion, 4 mm in size, with

a distinct boundary and raised margins. The depressed area is a light reddish color,
with central adherent white substance (Fig. 16.10a).
Non-magnifying NBI examination revealed no visible vessels in the raised mar-
ginal area, as in the surrounding mucosa, indicating nonneoplastic mucosa (type I
CP in the Sano classification) (Fig. 16.10b). M-NBI of the depressed area shows
densely packed relatively small irregular meshed vessels on the left side (type IIIA
CP, NICE type 2) and an area of slight vessel sparsity (type IIIB CP, NICE type 3),
with severe atypia, on the right (Fig. 16.10c).
Crystal violet staining of the right side of the depressed area shows a type VI
(severe irregularity) pit pattern (Fig. 16.10d).
Histopathological examination of the crystal violet-stained right side of the depressed
area in the resected specimen shows an intramucosal cancer with severe atypia
(Fig. 16.10e, HE loupe image; Fig. 16.10f, high magnification of blue rectangle in
Fig. 16.10e).

16.10.2 NBI Characteristics

The margins of this depressed lesion are nonneoplastic mucosa, with almost no ves-
sels visible using NBI (type I CP, NICE type 1).
NBI examination of the depressed area reveals mainly densely packed meshed
vessels that are relatively small, reflecting the short straight pits (type IIIA CP, NICE
type 2). However, in the SM invasive area, conversely, the vascular density becomes
low, due to the desmoplastic reaction (type IIIB CP, NICE type 3).
The reported diagnostic accuracy for lesions showing a type IIIB CP (NICE
type 3) predicting SM deep invasive cancer is rather low at 86.3 % for NBI alone,
but combination with chromoendoscopy raises it to 91.5 % [12]. It is essential to
pay close attention to the vascular density within the depressed area, and if a type
IIIB CP (NICE type 3) is detected, also perform crystal violet staining to determine
the pit pattern, and base the treatment choice on all the available findings.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 319

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 16.10 Early colorectal cancer: type 0-IIc

320 R. Higashi et al.

16.11 Advanced Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cause of all cancer-related death in
Japan; it ranks third in men and first in women.
Although fecal occult blood testing is widely used as a cancer screening test, the
final diagnosis must be made via colonoscopy and pathohistological examination of
endoscopic biopsy specimens. Differentiated adenocarcinoma is the most common
histological type and circumscribed ulcerated lesions the most common macro-
scopic type.

16.11.1 Explanation

In this retroflexed non-magnifying WLI view of the lower rectum (Rb), we can see
a raised lesion, 15 mm in size, with steep sides and a deep central depression
(Fig. 16.11a). Indigo carmine dye spraying delineates the margins of the depression
more distinctly (Fig. 16.11b). The depressed area has an uneven surface, and the
edge of the depressed area forms a circumferential raised margin, particularly on the
right side. Based on these findings, a type IIa + IIc SM deep invasive cancer or type
2 advanced cancer (MP) is suspected.
With non-magnifying NBI, we can discern the vascular pattern of the lesion,
particularly on the oral side of the depressed area (Fig. 16.11c). M-NBI examination
of this area reveals a positive surface pattern (linear white zone) and markedly
dilated abnormal vessels at the lesion margins (Fig. 16.11d). As we approach the
lesion center, however, these vessels break up and the vascular density decreases, so
this was assessed as a CP type IIIB (NICE type 3) (Fig. 16.11e).
This lesion was resected surgically, and the histological findings were of Rb,
type 2, moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, pMP, n (+) (Fig. 16.11f).

16.11.2 NBI Characteristics

This is a typical case of CP type IIIB (NICE type 3). Caution is required because
sometimes, as in this case, a surface pattern can be discerned even in an advanced
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 321

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 16.11 Advanced colorectal cancer

322 R. Higashi et al.

16.12 Sessile Serrated Polyp

Although hyperplastic polyps (HPs) have been considered benign lesions with no
malignant potential, in 1990 Longacre and Fenoglio-Preiser identified neoplastic
lesions resembling an HP that they named serrated adenomas (SAs) [13]. Since that
time, there has been discussion of a possible progression from HP to SA to colorec-
tal cancer, the so-called serrated pathway. In 2003, Torlakovic et al. proposed a
division of SAs into two subsets, sessile serrated adenoma/polyp (SSA/P) and tradi-
tional serrated adenoma (TSA) [14].
HPs and SSA/Ps were previously classified together under the broader definition
of HPs, but the high risk of malignant change in SSA/Ps makes it necessary to dif-
ferentiate them from the narrowly defined HPs. At present, however, the situation is
unclear, with consistent pathological diagnostic criteria also lacking.

16.12.1 Explanation Concerning Diagnosis

As outlined above, at present it is difficult to diagnose SSA/Ps endoscopically. It is
possible, however, to distinguish between HPs and SAs to some extent, using mag-
nifying chromoendoscopy.
Using NBI, we can diagnose HPs from the absence of discernible vessels. Fujii
et al. proposed dividing SAs into a serrated villous (SV) subtype, with a pinecone-
like morphology, and a serrated hyper (SH) subtype, with a similar morphology to
HPs [15]. NBI examination of SVs shows vessels with no nonuniformity of diam-
eter within the stroma. However, in almost all SHs, as with HPs, no vessels are seen.
It is possible that SVs correspond to TSAs, and SHs to SSA/Ps, but further studies
should elucidate this point. Case Study

This case was a large hyperplastic polyp, 13 mm in size. The non-magnifying WLI
and chromoendoscopic findings were indicative of HP, with a smooth whitish sur-
face and adherent mucin. Magnifying chromoendoscopic findings showed a type II
pit pattern, confirming the diagnosis of HP (Fig. 16.12ac).
NBI examination was unable to discern any vessels, except a few vessels cross-
ing the lesion (CP type I, NICE type 1) (Fig. 16.12d, e).
This lesion was resected using the EMR method, and histological examination
revealed dilated and multibranching crypts, flattening of the crypt bases, and promi-
nent nucleoli, yielding the diagnosis of SSA/P (Fig. 16.12f).
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 323

a b

c d

Fig. 16.12 Sessile serrated adenoma/polyp

324 R. Higashi et al.

16.13 Colitic Cancer (Ulcerative Colitis-Related High-Grade

Dysplasia) [16, 17]

Seen in patients with long-term ulcerative colitis (UC), UC-related dysplasia/cancer

(CC/D) is important as a potentially lethal complication of a benign condition. In
Japan, the increasing number of patients with UC, and with long-term disease, has
led us to reconsider how surveillance colonoscopies (SCs) should be conducted.
Based on the assumption that CC/D is difficult to visualize endoscopically, SC in
Western countries with a large UC patient number has predominantly taken the form of
random biopsies, of the order of 4 every 10 cm of bowel. However, doubts over the lack
of efficacy of this method, and increased use of chromoendoscopy in recent years, have
led to recognition of the usefulness of targeted biopsies using chromoendoscopy and
magnified chromoendoscopy. There have been few reports of the benefits of SC using
NBI, but it merits further study, and discussion regarding indications and techniques.

16.13.1 Explanation

This case was a 60-year-old female with a 16-year history of pancolitis (UC). During
SC in the form of NBI total colonoscopy, a lesion was detected in the sigmoid
colon (Fig. 16.13a). Switching over to M-NBI, a neoplastic lesion was suspected
from the surface pattern (CP type IIIA, NICE type 2) (Fig. 16.13b), and a detailed
examination using chromoendoscopy was considered necessary. The protrusions on
the oral side of the lesion show a nonneoplastic surface pattern (Fig. 16.13c). Non-
magnifying WLI examination reveals nodular protrusions arising from the rough
UC-affected background mucosa (Fig. 16.13d).
Autofluorescence imaging (AFI) delineates the oral side protrusions shown in
Fig. 16.13c as green in color, confirming their nonneoplastic appearance. Raised
lesions suspicious for CC/D are seen as magenta (Fig. 16.13e). Magnifying chro-
moendoscopic examination of the lesion reveals tubular pits, with a reduced pit
density, yielding the diagnosis of CC/D (Fig. 16.13f).
Histological examination of a biopsy specimen revealed UC-related high-grade
dysplasia (Fig. 16.13g), and the patient underwent total colectomy. Histological
examination of the surgically resected specimen confirmed the diagnosis of
UC-related high-grade dysplasia.

16.13.2 NBI Characteristics

Where possible, SC should be performed during endoscopic remission of UC. CC/D

often arises in UC background mucosa that is scarred, atrophic, and degenerate. We may
see a number of features in background mucosa with these characteristics suggesting the
possibility of CC/D. When findings that suggest CC/D are identified using non-magni-
fying NBI, we should immediately switch over to M-NBI and examine the surface pat-
tern with the aim of determining whether it is a lesion with a high likelihood of CC/D.
In this case, on the oral side of the highly dysplastic lesion was an area of non-
neoplastic regenerative hyperplastic changes. Using NBI, we were able to delineate
the demarcation line between the two.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 325

a b

c d

e f g

Fig. 16.13 Ulcerative colitis-related high-grade dysplasia

326 R. Higashi et al.

16.14 Colitic Cancer (Ulcerative Colitis-Related Low-Grade

Dysplasia) [18, 19]

It is important that, where possible, surveillance colonoscopy (SC) in patients with

ulcerative colitis (UC) should be performed during endoscopic remission. This is
not only because the risk of post-endoscopic relapse is reduced but also because it
allows a more detailed NBI or chromoendoscopic examination, as described below.
Furthermore, the likelihood of successful histological differentiation between
inflammatory atypia and neoplastic atypia increases, resulting in a more accurate
SC procedure overall.

16.14.1 Explanation

This case was a 30-year-old male with an 8-year history of pancolitis (UC). During SC
in the form of NBI total colonoscopy, a lesion was detected in the transverse colon
(Fig. 16.14a). Switching over to M-NBI, a neoplastic lesion was suspected from the
tubular surface pattern (CP type II, NICE type 2) (Fig. 16.14b), and a detailed examina-
tion using chromoendoscopy was considered necessary. Non-magnifying WLI exami-
nation reveals a superficial elevated lesion arising from within the UC-affected
background mucosa with some scarring (Fig. 16.14c). Comparison with Fig. 16.14a
shows that more detail is visible with NBI than with WLI. Magnifying chromoendos-
copy using indigo carmine dye spraying reveals type IIIL pits (Fig. 16.14d). Magnifying
chromoendoscopy using crystal violet staining reveals type IVH-like pits, with a fern
leaf morphology and reduced pit density, in one part of the lesion, indicating a high
likelihood of CC/D (Fig. 16.14e).
Histological examination of a biopsy specimen revealed UC-related low-grade
dysplasia (Fig. 16.14f). Multiple CC/D lesions were detected in other sites, so the
patient underwent total colectomy. Histological examination of the surgically
resected specimen confirmed the diagnosis of UC-related low-grade dysplasia.

16.14.2 NBI Characteristics

With the application of NBI to SC, we anticipate improved ability to visualize find-
ings associated with a high likelihood of CC/D (lesion detection) and the ability to
make a qualitative assessment of any detected lesions. In this case, we can see from
a comparison of Fig. 16.14a, c that more detail is visible using NBI. Debate is still
controversial concerning detection of discolored CC/D lesions, but most CC/D
lesions show red coloration, so visibility is improved as shown in this case.
When, as in this case, type IVH-like neoplastic pits with a decreased pit density
are observed within a UC-affected area, this should be considered a lesion with a
high likelihood of CC/D and multiple biopsies taken from the lesion and the sur-
rounding mucosa. Using M-NBI, we cannot perform a qualitative analysis of CC/D
lesions with the same degree of confidence as with a sporadic neoplastic lesion, but
as with lesion, it can be a useful first step.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 327

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 16.14 Ulcerative colitis-related low-grade dysplasia

328 R. Higashi et al.

16.15 Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominant inherited neoplas-

tic condition characterized by numerous adenomas in the gastrointestinal tract, in
particular the colon. Endoscopically, it is classified by the number of colorectal
polyps, as severe or high density (>1,000), mild or low density (1001,000), or
attenuated (<100).
The main causative gene is the APC gene, with abnormalities seen in the APC
gene in approximately 2/3 of individuals with definite clinical FAP. Of the remain-
ing 1/3, some have been reported to have abnormalities in the autosomal recessive
MYH gene [20], creating interest in MYH-associated polyposis (MAP).
The incidence of FAP is roughly 1 in 17,000 births. Colorectal cancer is rare
before the age of 15, but the onset of malignancy rises steeply after the age of 20,
reaching 50 % by the age of 40, and almost all individuals with FAP develop
colorectal cancer during their lifetime. Iwama et al. analyzed the age at time of sur-
gery and colorectal cancer in 1,162 patients who underwent surgery, finding that the
median age of patients with (1) no colorectal cancer, (2) only early cancer, and (3)
advanced cancer was (1) 28 years, (2) 31 years, and (3) 39 years, respectively [21].

16.15.1 Explanation

From a distance, non-magnifying WLI reveals scattered small protrusions 23 mm

in size (Fig. 16.15a). From a distance, non-magnifying NBI shows these lesions as
brownish areas and delineates lesions not discernible using WLI (Fig. 16.15b).
M-NBI clearly reveals regular meshed capillary vessels (CP type II, NICE type 2)
(Fig. 16.15c) and magnifying chromoendoscopy with indigo carmine dye spraying
type IIIL pits (Fig. 16.15d), yielding the diagnosis of adenomas.
The pathohistological findings were of a dense glandular proliferation, with
spindle-shaped nuclei, showing no nonuniformity in size, aligned with the basement
membrane, so this was diagnosed as low-grade adenoma (Fig. 16.15e: HE stain, low
magnification; Fig. 16.15f: high magnification of the area within the blue box in
Fig. 16.15e).

16.15.2 NBI Characteristics

In comparison with WLI, more detail is visible with NBI. In particular, small flat
lesions are difficult to discern using WLI, but are clearly delineated using
NBI. Uraoka et al. reported NBI is particularly useful in detecting flat lesions
<5 mm in size [22].
M-NBI revealed regular meshed capillary vessels, the so-called typical type II
CP pattern in this lesion.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 329

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 16.15 Familial adenomatous polyposis

330 R. Higashi et al.

16.16 Malignant Lymphoma

Colorectal malignant lymphoma is relatively uncommon, accounting for approxi-

mately 23.8 % of malignant lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract and 0.4 % of all
malignancies of the lower gastrointestinal tract [23]. It most commonly affects the
cecum and rectum. It can present a variety of morphologies: ulcerated, protruded, or
diffuse. There are also a variety of histological types, including diffuse large B-cell
lymphoma (DLBCL), mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma,
mantle cell lymphoma, and follicular lymphoma.

16.16.1 Explanation

During a colonoscopy, once the cecum has been reached, the scope should be intro-
duced into the terminal ileum. Lymphoid follicles are common in the small intes-
tine, but if there are any that are coarser than their neighbors, or forming aggregations,
malignant lymphoma should be suspected and biopsies taken. Lymphoid follicular
hyperplasia of the cecum or rectum can also present with multiple small protuber-
ances resembling submucosal tumors. Malignant lymphoma should be suspected in
cases with isolated lesions, severe deformation, or central ulceration and biopsies
In this case, we can see a coarse polypoid nodule with a markedly distorted mor-
phology (Fig. 16.16a). Following indigo carmine dye spraying, the surface is
smooth with no visible pits. Erosions can be seen on the top of some of the protuber-
ances (Fig. 16.16b). NBI examination does not reveal any vessels on the coarse
nodules, but we can see tortuous vessels with relatively uniform diameters on the
small protuberances (Fig. 16.16c, d).
Biopsies failed to yield a tissue diagnosis, so polypectomy was performed, in
part to obtain a diagnosis. Histological examination revealed a tumor follicle con-
taining a large number of atypical lymphocytes with uniform sizes. Immune stain-
ing was CD20 (++), CD5 (), bcl-1 (), bcl-2 (++), CD3 (), and CD10 (+). The
diagnosis was follicular lymphoma (Fig. 16.16e, f).

16.16.2 NBI Characteristics

It is difficult to identify any characteristic NBI findings of colorectal malignant

lymphoma because of the low number of patients and similar vascular patterns seen
in nonneoplastic lymphoid follicles. At present, WLI examination is considered the
most effective modality, although we hope to accumulate greater patient numbers.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 331

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 16.16 Malignant lymphoma

332 R. Higashi et al.

16.17 Carcinoid Neoplasia

Carcinoid is an overall term for tumors arising from cells that differentiate into
neuroendocrine cells. Carcinoid neoplasias do indeed sometimes display a
carcinoma-like histological pattern and biological behavior. They are most often
benign, or only locally invasive, but some show borderline malignancy, or metasta-
size, and are treated as malignant tumors. Carcinoid neoplasias usually arise in the
gastrointestinal or bronchial mucosa, sites with neuroendocrine cells located in the
mucosa. 90 % have their origin in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the appen-
dix, ileum, and rectum.
Gastrointestinal carcinoids arise from endocrine cells located in the intestinal
gland bases and unlike cancers are considered slow-growing tumors with a low
degree of atypia and therefore low malignant potential.
Pathohistological examination of biopsy or resected specimens is essential for
the diagnosis of carcinoid. When carcinoid is suspected from the HE-stained find-
ings, the diagnosis should be confirmed by additional special staining, including
Grimelius staining and immune staining with anti-chromogranin A antibodies.

16.17.1 Explanation

Carcinoid neoplasias are covered in normal mucosa and grow from the deep mucosal
layers, extending into the submucosa invasively and expansively [23]. They gener-
ally have the macroscopic appearance of non-pedunculated polypoid submucosal
tumors, with no surface irregularity, and a yellow-whitish coloration (Fig. 16.17a).
As the tumor surface is covered in normal epithelium, oval pits are visualized, but it
is difficult to identify capillary vessels surrounding pits on the mucosal surface using
NBI (Fig. 16.17b). Indigo carmine dye spraying reveals type I pits (Fig. 16.17c).
Although there are no characteristic vascular morphologies directly attributable
to carcinoid on NBI examination, as the tumor grows expansively in the deep
mucosa, large vessels in the submucosa compressed by the tumor become visible.
These are vessels that were always present in the submucosa and are visualized
through the epithelium thinned from compression by the tumor. Accordingly, they
are not tumor vessels (neovascularization) and exhibit none of the irregularity seen
with tumor vessels, such as nonuniform diameters.
M-WLI clearly delineates thick vessels in the submucosa compressed by the
tumor, itself growing expansively in the deep mucosa (Fig. 16.17d). M-NBI delin-
eates the vascular network more clearly, but does not reveal any vessels surrounding
the crypts or any irregular vessels (Fig. 16.17e).
Histological examination of this lesion shows compression and thinning of the
mucosa by a tumor located in the submucosa (Fig. 16.17f). Narrow cords of fibrous
tissue can be seen within the stroma forming a dense follicular structure. In one part
it forms pseudoglandular structures, with palisades and ribbonlike structures
(Fig. 16.17g).
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 333

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 16.17 Carcinoid neoplasia

334 R. Higashi et al.

16.18 Anal Condyloma Acuminata

Anal condyloma acuminata are caused by a localized infection with the human
papillomavirus (HPV). They are more common in males, with a male to female
ratio of 2:1. Onset is usually in young people aged between 20 and 30 years, with
an average age in the late 30s. Sexual transmission is common; in particular, anal
intercourse is considered to increase the risk of this condition. HIV antibodies are
positive in 30 % of patients with anal condyloma acuminata.
The most common symptoms are a palpable lump, itchiness, bleeding, pain, and
discharge. Lesions are usually multiple, favoring the skin from the genitals to the
perianal area, although single anal lesions are sometimes seen. HPV types 6 and
11, considered low risk for cancer, are the most common cause of anal condyloma
acuminata, but infections with high-risk types are also seen, with concomitant risk
of malignancy. Malignant change has been reported in 30 % of cases of anal giant
condyloma acuminata.
Apart from surgical excision, treatment modalities include cryotherapy, electro-
coagulation therapy, CO2 laser therapy, interferon therapy, interferon therapy, and
topical 5FU, bleomycin, or imiquimod. Although surgical excision is said to pro-
vide the best cure rates, there have been reports of squamous cell carcinomas of the
anal canal 510 years following surgical excision, so posttreatment follow-up is

16.18.1 Explanation

Multiple warts are usually seen in the anal canal, upper anus, or perianal area,
although single lesions sometimes occur. As they grow larger, some warts flatten
out like velvet, others aggregate into a papillary morphology, and others form
cauliflower-like protrusions. The most common coloration is a whitish hue. Non-
magnifying WLI reveals a papillary or velvety surface structure, with dilated
loop-shaped vessels. The cases presented in Fig. 16.18a, b show whitish superfi-
cial elevated lesions approximately 20 mm in size extending from the anal canal
into the lower rectum (Rb). Their surfaces show papillary and nodular
Dye spraying reveals a velvety surface with dilated pits. The lesion is stained by
iodine, forming a distinct margin with the surrounding columnar epithelium
(Fig. 16.18c). The presence of non-iodine staining areas suggests the possibility of
squamous cell carcinoma or severe dysplasia.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 335

a b

c d

Fig. 16.18 Anal condyloma acuminata

336 R. Higashi et al.

Histological examination of an HE-stained specimen reveals proliferation of

stratified squamous epithelium with a papillary morphology, associated with char-
acteristic koilocytosis (Fig. 16.18f).

16.18.2 NBI Characteristics

Even without magnification, NBI reveals dilated brownish vessels on the lesion
surface, with the entire lesion somewhat darker brown in coloration than the sur-
rounding mucosa (Fig. 16.18d). M-NBI reveals characteristic vessels that resemble
the dilated, elongated, branching intraepithelial papillary capillary loops (IPCLs)
seen in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas. Unlike squamous cell carcinomas,
however, these vessels have relatively uniform diameters and morphologies. The
M-NBI image in Fig. 16.18e shows dilated and elongated loop-shaped vessels and
the papillary, velvety surface morphology.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 337

e f

Fig. 16.18 (continued)

338 R. Higashi et al.

16.19 Anal Cancer

Anal cancer is relatively uncommon, only accounting for approximately 1.5 % of

gastrointestinal cancers and 4 % of cancers of the lower gastrointestinal tract [25].
However, the incidence of anal cancer has without doubt risen in recent years.
Approximately 80 % of anal cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, with many
reported to be attributable to human papillomavirus (HPV, in particular HPV-16 and
HPV-18) [26]. Almost all patients with anal cancer undergo invasive treatments
such as chemotherapy and/or surgical excision, with a 5-year survival rate of 58.0 %
[27]. Accordingly, there have been few reports of the NBI findings of anal intraepi-
thelial cancer.

16.19.1 Explanation

Examination of the anal canal is relatively difficult, requiring measures such as

retroflexing the scope in the lower rectum and attachment of a transparent hood to
the scope tip [28]. Retroflexion of the scope in the lower rectum requires insuffla-
tion with sufficient air to fully expand the rectum. On the other hand, attachment of
a transparent hood allows us to examine the rectum with relative ease.
In this case, we are unable to identify any definite abnormalities with retroflexed
non-magnifying WLI examination (Fig. 16.19a). Non-magnifying NBI reveals a
brownish area (Fig. 16.19b). M-NBI reveals dilated tortuous vessels that resemble
the intraepithelial papillary capillary loops (IPCLs) seen in the esophagus [29]
(Fig. 16.19c, d). Iodine staining of the same area delineates the lesion as a nonstain-
ing area, with distinct margins (Fig. 16.19e). A local (perianal) resection was
Histological examination revealed an intraepithelial tumor with severe atypia,
with one area of squamous cell carcinoma, also confined to the epithelium
(Fig. 16.19f).

16.19.2 NBI Characteristics

As with the esophagus, detection of a brownish area is important in NBI examina-

tion of the anal canal. When a brownish area is identified, we should immediately
change over to M-NBI to determine whether any vascular irregularities are present.
As with IPCLs in the esophagus, we examine the vessels for dilatation, tortuosity,
nonuniformity of diameter, and nonuniform morphology. If any of these findings
are present, anal cancer should be suspected and biopsies taken.
16 Atlas of Neoplastic Lesions 339

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 16.19 Anal squamous cell carcinoma

340 R. Higashi et al.

Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Hidenobu Watanabe, Professor Emeritus at Niigata University,

Special Consultant at the PCL Pathology and Cytology Laboratories, who kindly provided the
pathohistological images.

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A Colitic cancer, 288, 324327

Adenocarcinoma arising in adenoma, 250 Collecting venules (CVs), 142, 144, 150
Advanced colorectal cancer, 320321 Colon Tumor NBI Interest
Anal canal, 278 Group (CTNIG), 269
Anal cancer, 338339 Colorectal malignant lymphoma, 330
Anal condyloma acuminata, 334337 Condyloma acuminata, 334
Anemia, 182 Cricoid cartilages, 40
Angiodysplasia, 182183 Crohns disease, 284
Angioectasia, 182 Crypt epithelium, 134
Anterior pillar, 13 Crypt opening (CO), 134, 142, 144, 276
Anti-Bcl-2 protein antibodies, 290
Aoki, T., 293339
Aoyama, N., 281291 D
APC gene, 328 Demarcation line (DL), 136, 138
Arima, H., 3347 Dentate line, 28, 278
Arima, M., 3347, 90 Depressed colorectal tumors, 301
Arytenoid area, 15 Depth of invasion
Atrophic gastritis, 150153, 242 determination of, 268
Autofluorescence imaging (AFI), 301, 324 evaluation of, 44
Avascular area (AVA), 46 Doyama, H., 149183, 185243, 249261
Duodenal adenoma, 250255
Duodenal cancer, 256261
B Dysplasia, 324327
Background coloration (BC), 82
Barretts adenocarcinoma, 124127
Barretts epithelium, 17, 7476 E
Barretts esophagus, 126 Early colorectal cancer
Barretts mucosa, 124126 type I, 304307
Biomarker, 56 type IIa, 308311
Bowel preparation fluid, 282 type IIc, 312319
Brown blobs, 286 Early gastric cancer (differentiated)
Brownish area, 34, 43 type I, 196197
type IIa, 198211
type IIb, 212215
C type IIc, 216229
Capillary pattern, 265266 Early gastric cancer
Carcinoid neoplasia, 332333 (undifferentiated), type IIc, 230237
Chronic gastritis, 150153, 166, 172 Ectopic gastric mucosa, 6869
CO. See Crypt opening (CO) Endophytic type squamous papilloma, 60

Springer Japan 2015 341

M. Muto et al. (eds.), Atlas of Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging,
DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54243-8
342 Index

Endoscopic submucosal dissection I

(ESD) scar, 66 IEMI. See Intraepithelial microinvasion
Epipharynx (nasopharynx), 39 (IEMI)
Erythroplakia, 104 Ikegami, M., 5376
Esophageal glands, 74 Ikematsu, H., 268, 293339
Esophageal hiatal hernia, 126 Inflammatory changes, 5859
Esophagogastric junction, 17 Inoue, H., 3347, 79128
Evaluation of endoscopic degree Intervening part (IP), 134
of atypia, 4244 Intestinal metaplasia, 154159, 218
EVIS EXERA II (EXERA II), 5 Intraepithelial microinvasion (IEMI), 138, 216
EVIS LUCERA SPECTRUM (Spectrum), 5 Intraepithelial papillary capillaries, 45
Ezoe, Y., 5376 Intraepithelial papillary capillary loops
(IPCLs), 42, 50, 72
Intraepithelial tumors, 82
F Iodine staining, 19, 6870, 80, 88, 94, 104,
False-negative biopsy, 250 110, 112, 114, 120
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), Irregular MS pattern, 138
328329 Irregular MV pattern, 136, 138
Fibrosis, 308 Irrigation method, 23
Flat-type adenoma, 298300 Islands of squamous epithelium, 74
Flexible spectral imaging color enhance- Iwatate, M., 293339
ment (FICE), 44, 301
Follicular lymphoma, 330
Frame sequential imaging, 6 K
Fujii, T., 293339 Katada, C., 79128
Fujimori, T., 293339 Katagiri, A., 293339
Fujiwara, J., 79128 Kotaka, M., 293339
Fu, K., 281291 Kudo, S., 268, 293339

Gastric carcinoid neoplasia, 240243 Laryngeal cancer, 106
Gastric metaplasia, 246247 Light blue crests (LBCs), 146, 147
Gastroesophageal junction, 72 Los Angeles (LA) classification, 72
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 70, 72 Lower esophageal palisade vessels (LEPVs),
Gastrointestinal carcinoids, 332 74
Glandular epithelial structure, 68, 69 Lymphoid follicular hyperplasia, 290291
Goda, K., 3347, 5376, 79128 Lymphoid tissue, 274
Gono, K., 310
Ground-glass surface appearance, 58
Machida, H., 149183, 273279, 281291,
H 293339
Hard palate, 39 MALT lymphoma. See Mucosa-associated
Hayashi, T., 3347 lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma
Hemorrhage, 256 Marginal crypt epithelium (MCE), 134, 139,
Higashi, R., 293339 142, 144
High-grade dysplasia, 324 Marginal villous epithelium (MVE), 146
Hirata, 294 Matsuda, T., 293339
Horimatsu, T., 293339 MCE. See Marginal crypt epithelium (MCE)
Hoshihara, Y., 70 Melanosis, 34, 56, 112114
Hyperplastic polyps, 160 Mesopharynx (oropharynx), 39
Hypopharyngeal subsites, 37, 39 Microsurface pattern (S), 135, 136
Hypopharynx, 15, 3941 Microvascular classification, 4447
Index 343

Microvascular pattern (V), 135, 136 Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, 232, 234
classification of superficial esophageal Postcricoid area (PC), 37, 40
lesions, 45 Posterior pillar, 13
Minimal change, 72 Posterior wall (PW), 37
Monma, K., 79128 Protuberance resembling
Morita, S., 79128 a sea anemone, 60, 61
Mucosa-associated lymphoid
tissue (MALT) lymphoma, 238239
Mucosal damage (mucosal breaks), 70 R
Mucosal microsurface architecture, 124 Red scars, 174
Multiple Lugol-voiding lesions, 8081 Reflux esophagitis, 17, 7071
Muscularis mucosae duplication, 74 Rex, D. K., 270
Muto, M., 1130, 3347, 4951, 5376,
MVE. See Marginal villous epithelium (MVE) S
Saito, Y., 293339
Sakamoto, T., 293339
N Sano, W., 293339
Nagahama, T., 185243 Sano, Y., 4, 1130, 273279, 316
Nakagawa, S., 150 Saunders, B. P., 270
Narabayashi, T., 281291 Scattering, 3, 4
NERD. See Nonerosive reflux disease (NERD) SECN. See Subepithelial
Network, 166, 276 capillary network (SECN)
Neuroendocrine cells, 332 SECs. See Subepithelial capillaries (SECs)
NICE classification, 269271 Sharma, P., 72
Nishisaki, H., 293339 Simultaneous imaging, 5
Nishishita, M., 293339 Soetikno, R. M., 270
Nonerosive reflux disease (NERD), 7273 Soft palates, 13, 39
Normal duodenal mucosa, 146147 Spot biopsy, 238
Normal fundic glandular mucosa, Squamous papilloma, 6063
134, 142143 Subepithelial capillaries (SECs),
Normal pyloric glandular mucosa, 144145 134, 142, 144, 150
Normal squamous epithelium, 4951 Subepithelial capillary network (SECN),
Normal villi, 146, 147 142, 144, 150, 206
Subepithelial invasion, 138
Submucosal cancers, 94
O Superficial cancer
Observation method, 19 of hypopharynx, 92, 120
Ono, S., 185243 margins of, 9596
Ono, Y., 293339 of oropharynx, 92, 120
Optical digital method, 3 of soft palate, 104105
O-ring sign, 302 of uvula, 102103
Oropharynxoropharynxoropharynx, 1314 Superficial esophageal cancers, 94, 100101,
118119, 122123
Superficial invasion, 108111, 138
P Superficial pharyngeal cancer, 116117,
Papillary adenocarcinoma, 196 120121
Parakeratosis, 122 Surveillance colonoscopy (SC), 324, 326
Perforation, 256
Pharyngeal cancer, 9899
Pharyngoepiglottic fold, 40 T
Piriform sinus (PS), 15, 37, 40 Tada, M., 3347
Polyp, 160165 Tajiri, H., 3347, 5376, 79128
Ponchon, T., 270 Tanaka, N., 294
344 Index

Tanaka, S., 265271 VS classification system, 135137

Telangiectasia, 5455 VS concordance, 138139
Thyroid cartilage, 40 VS discordance, 139
Transparent hood, 338
Tumor follicle, 330
Type A gastritis, 240243 W
Wada, Y., 293339
Watanabe, K., 293339
U Water filling method, 23
Uedo, N., 149183, 185243 Water immersion technique, 2223
Ulcerative colitis (UC), 284, 288, 324, 326 White furry substance, 96
Undifferentiated early gastric cancer, 178 White opaque substance (WOS), 157, 200
Unstructured areas, 238
Uraoka, T., 293339
Uvula, 13 Y
Yagi, K., 150
Yamagami, H., 293339
V Yamamoto, Y., 293339
Very well-differentiated adenocarcinoma, Yano, T., 79128
192195 Yao, K., 1130, 133139, 141147,
Villous subepithelial capillary network 149183, 185243, 245247,
(V-SECN), 146 249261, 265271

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