Pierre A Lech in Sky 00 Alec
Pierre A Lech in Sky 00 Alec
Pierre A Lech in Sky 00 Alec
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in 2012 with funding from
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Library and Archives
\ I
a Pierre Alechinsky: Margin and Center
Bougival, 1985
Pierre Alechinsky.
cover: With Michel Portal. 1980 (cat. no. 103). Collection Solomon R.
Guggenheim Museum, New York, Anonymous Gift
Butor and Michel Sicard, Alechinsky dans le texte, Editions Galilee, Paris, 1985
Chronology t49
Pierre Hebey
J. P.
Ledeur, Paris
Marion Lefebre
The trauma and the devastations of World War II that visited the
embattled European continent required complex adjustments in the
creative realm. While American painting, benefiting from a wave of
European emigration, experienced a marked invigoration, artists in
Europe were only gradually moving from destruction and occupation to
an uncertain peace. France, nonetheless, was expected to continue
leadership in the realm of high art.
order. Among these, the examples set by Jean Dubuffet in France and
by the Cobra artists in Denmark, Belgium and The Netherlands were
the most conspicuous. Pierre Alechinsky, surely one of the youngest
participants in the shortlived but influential Cobra movement, was even
then recognizable as standard bearer for the Belgians, marked as he was
by extraordinary talent and early achievement.
Pierre Alechinsky: Margin and Center has benefited from the financial
support of the Commissariat General aux Relations Internationales de
la Communaute Francaise de Belgique, Brussels, and the Association
Francaise d'Action Artistique, Paris. We greatly value the assistance of
these organizations. The exhibition is scheduled to tour in this country
and abroad and will be seen after the Guggenheim's initial showing at
the DesMoines Art Center, the Kunstverein Hannover e.V. and the
Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Art Moderne, Brussels.
Neither the original presentation nor the tour could have been arranged
without the generosity of many lenders whose names appear elsewhere
in this catalogue, unless they have requested anonymity. Our gratitude
is herewith conveyed to all of these individuals and institutions.
Central Park
The Argument: Some say that, given the exterior world exists, one must
deny it; others say that, given the world does not exist, one must invent
it; and still others, that only the inner world exists. Pierre Alechinsky
turns his head and, saying nothing, paints a rectangle in which he en-
closes Central Park in New York, in the late afternoon, seen from the
window of his closed eyes. The rectangle surrounds the four sides of the
park, and is divided into irregular spaces, themselves rectangles, like the
boxes in a theater, the cells in a convent or the cages in a zoo. Inside
each box swarm bizarre creatures that are somehow vaguely familiar:
Are they they or us} Do we look at them, or are they looking at us? In-
side the rectangle, Central Park has been transformed into a green,
black and golden Cobra: Is it an anamorphosis of Alice, the Queen of
Diamonds in our sleepwalking deck? The painting is not a vision but a
LuedhvElmt Wc.nkmcr
ugival, 1983
Pierre Alechinsky and Michael Gibson
pierre alechinsky: I pass. No I don't after all. I'll trump with one of
Henri Matisse's remarks: "I always start from the frame."
p.a.: Beyond the frame there is . . . well, all the rest! The roving hordes,
the outside world, so powerful when you compare it to a small rect-
angle of paper or canvas. I sense then how urgent it is, not only to con-
centrate on the composition of the rectangle itself, but also on that of its
p.a.: And at the same time to annex the frame, to make it part of the pic-
ture, rather (let's say in passing) in the manner that an engraver uses a
border in his woodcut to prevent the roller from touching areas that
have been hollowed out. This is the sort of limitation that can turn out
to be an aesthetic advantage depending on the engraver's talent. I
started out as a printer and have made use of some of the craftsman's
notes, addenda, subtitles, summaries have existed ever since the in-
vention of the book. Proof corrections find their proper place in the
margin too; they indicate and countermand alongside the column of
type. Authors use the margin to modify the text on which they are
working. It can be quite spectacular at times. Lithographers use it to test
a tool and hand before setting to work. In doing so they trace
try their
minute and often charming preparatory sketches, which are erased be-
fore the actual printing, once the first test print has been run off. Some
rare proofs of this kind are occasionally to be found, described in print
and book collector's catalogues in such terms as: "... despite a few
rust spots, this is a fine proof of the first state with marginal com-
ments." A term I appropriated.
m.g.: Let's talk about the work that stands before us:
Bougival, 1983
p.a.: The center, both mineral and aquatic, says: color. The border com-
posed of black and white drawings confirms that the subject of the cen-
tral part is fall back into water. The
cascades and moving vapors that
viewer's eye is led movement, a cycle. The subject
on through a giratory
dealt with in the middle of the painting was less apparent: just a deluge
of blue .... This impelled me to add some clarifications outside the
field. And so I painted one rectangle after another, around the big one
in the middle, and then adding the comments within their individual
frames, each one with its own problems of composition [After Us).
p.a.: From the larger to the smaller. These paintings are intended to be
seen in two ways both from a distance and close-up. Just as I made
them: first the center, then the margins.
P.A.: Once the center is done I grant myself a moment of respite. I float
around or turn to other tasks; the break can last several days, after
which I begin working on the border; but it can also last several weeks
or months. In exceptional cases, even several years. No schedule, no
deadline. No obligation either. Agoraphobia Square (cat. no. zo) (a
painting, done in 1966, that gives a good idea of where I stood after the
twenty years I had remained faithfully wedded to oil painting) waited
for three years before receiving, in acrylic at last, the developments on
its frame. In any event, I observe the center before venturing into the
margins. But, as you know, I have also painted and I still paint a lot of
images without- marginalia. Evidently they are not a necessity each and
every time.
M.G.: What is your understanding of the notion of
"spontaneity" which played such an important role in
the theories of the Cobra movement?
P.A.: Spontaneity was the rallying cry of Cobra in contrast to the "pure
psychic automatism" favored, no doubt with some extra charge of
idealism, by Andre Breton. This "purity" was dismantled by Asger Jorn
in an article published in Cobra in 1949: "Discours aux pingouins"
which the script itself has its word to say." Both of them referred to the
impact of the physical act of writing on the imagination. Implicit in this
attitude is a mistrust of any idea that is too precise at the outset: it can
blind one to new ideas that might otherwise appear while work is in
nitely locked into its own moment in time, and which we call a painting.
1 Asger Jorn (19 14-7?). The French tirle of the article mentioned
here hinges on a remote allusion: a variety of penguins is known as
pa.: The less demanding, the less visual person will indeed surrender-
the temptation is too great.
death," said Jorn. And only in the long run can we measure the scope of
the disciplines we have imposed upon ourselves. Discipline! An ex-
travagant word to be coupled with such spacious freedom!
p.a.: This direction is perceptible in the way the brush settles on the
paper, rests there and leaves it. Painters discover this if they are curious
enough to look at their painting in a mirror. On the other hand, being
quite accustomed to seeing our own features reversed, we dislike our-
selves in a photograph. A photograph is shocking to its subject.
pa.: Our perception of Far Eastern script doesn't go beyond its graphic
aspect. We don't understand what it is saying. But we discover a com-
parable graphic serpentine (our own manner of tying and untying a
line), if we take the trouble of holding a page we have written to the
light, and looking at it from behind, reversed, so that we can no longer
make out the written text. I sometimes write backwards with my left
stands back to judge the effect before continuing. The calligrapher does
not pause. He writes cursively and appreciates the formal beauty arising
out of his tool, his paper, the movement of his hand inflected by the
literary content. A painter does not transmit words; his drawings have
no connection with syntax.
ist's idea, his moments of hesitation, the shortcuts of his thoughts and
of his decisions, his energy with its phases of acceleration and of subsid-
ing pleases me more than any exaggeratedly neutral one.
P.A.: In vital chaffings, pauses, wrenches that are, one must hope, per-
ceptible, in the imprint of the brush that reveals the power of a forceful
gesture or the delicacy of a caress.
m.g.: What sort of brushes do you use?
pa.: Preferably goat hair mounted on bamboo. Wolf fur too. Though
the so-called wolf may well be no more than some unfortunate dog!
"Wolf" naturally sounds more impressive. In any event the manufactur-
ers of Far Eastern brushes claim that they are made of the hairs of this
noble and dangerous creature.
I have published several books with the word "title" on the cover. The
matter obviously preoccupies me. I wrote Titres et pains perdus in
most of them, quite independently of one another, had found some sort
of common denominator. Much to my surprise!
pa.: I've been involved with wheels for a long time, and making rub-
bings of them too. I even wrote a book entitled Roue libre for Albert
Skira in 1969. At that time I had not yet noticed the cast-iron manhole
covers in the streets, but I had painted Star and Disaster (cat. no. 19)
based on a pattern of concentric circles.
it, a sort of . . .
p. a.: Statement.
11 , /-
tions or like puns, I saw all my lady-loves appear, and also the feathered
headgear of the Gilles dancers of the Carnaval de Binche (suddenly so
close to those of -the Mayas), and volcanic eruptions, spirals, volutes,
can ultimately be condensed into, and signified by an en-
tirely rudimentary symbol, a circle, for instance. It is far
too easy to treat such things as though they were mere
speculative theory. Yet when someone draws a circle be-
fore us,under certain (theatrical or religious) cir-
cumstances, it can call to mind something that has a
bearing on a community or a communion or again,
with negative implications, a casting of spells, a separa-
tion or, in a better sense yet, a reserved space, a "pas-
sage" towards transcendence, in other words towards
"what is not there" or "not yet there," though it is of
momentous importance to us: our life goal. And when a
person deals with forms, as you do, he is constantly
making use of such things, be it a circle, or a sequence of
images that suggest a narrative, even if the narrative, as
it happens in your work, has no definable content.
bings, Chromatic Buoy among them. And he declared that the trace of
these cast-iron entities appeared more important than the objects them-
selves, in the same way the hollow imprint of a vanished fossil becomes
more affecting than the actual fossil. The fossil is gone, the trace re-
mains. The negative concept is more intense than the positive one.
Whereupon he began to talk about Tantrism. I replied that as soon as
we see a circle anywhere Tantrism will inevitably be mentioned.
Yet walking through the flea-market years ago I had, despite my own
fathomless unknowing, been drawn to a Tantric image which I found so
beautiful that I carried it home with me. Had it been hanging on my
studio wall for so long that no longer could see it? When people recog-
P.A.: The truth is that I enjoy coincidences. Nature and culture, in bits
and pieces, run through us with their symbols and obscurities, thus pro-
ducing various beneficial short-circuits.
P.A.: Looking at the Apocalypse tapestries in Angers I tell myself that in
my own work. And when, for instance, depict a sort of fortress wall
p.a.: If any comic-strip style did influence me, it was the black and white
variety of yesterday, or even before: the medieval woodcut or again the
Dreams and Lies of Franco by Pablo Picasso, the father of us all. An ad-
mission which should only make orphans sneer!
I came some drawings and etchings of mine, done in 195 1 (in
and 1952 (in Paris), which seem to anticipate a sequential ar-
rangement of images. But how could I have foreseen the Unfolded
Newspapers (see cat. nos. 3-6, 8), very much like the marginalia of Cen-
tral Park, a painting begun in New York after having discovered the
Park from the and seen the paths, rocks and lawns turn,
thirtieth floor,
reproduced in the margins some details that appear in the center, details
that were enigmatic because of their very singularity. A repetition, with
amplifications, turns a singular image into a recognizable form. The
image calls for its double.
First the center was in color and the remarks generally in black and
white. Later on I reversed the process. The center would be in black and
white, in India ink, the margins in color. There were no more separate
frames but a single runway without visible beginning or end. This
changes the habits of composition.
thread which (as 1 perceived it) would lead me to the plausible dome of
a skull, or a slow spilling over of lava or of molten iron. Walkway is the
title that occurred to me after having finished the border of a painting
one or the other can nonetheless impel one to say: "What do you know,
a myth!"
Works in the Exhibition
Unless otherwise noted, marginal drawings surround the central image on four sides.
4^ <^?<^/L<.tzZ5iscz>
Detail, marginal drawing for Central Park
Central Park, j 965
Acrylic with marginal drawings in India ink on paper mounted on 1
6} Ax
76" (162 x 193 cm)
Collection of the artist
Detail, marginal drawing for Central Park
z. All in One Breath {he tout venant). 1966
India ink on paper, 2.4V2 x 35V2' (62.5 x 90 cm)
Collection Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Gift of the artist
Unfolded Newspaper {Journal dephe). i960
India ink and wax crayon on paper, 24 x 55'/;" (62 x 90 cm)
Collection Jerome and Marlene Brody
5. Unfolded Newspaper (Journal deplie). 1966
India ink on paper, Vs x 35V16 " x 89 cm)
2.4 (62.
Private Collection
After Malevich (Apres Malevitch). 1966
Acrylic with marginal drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas,
55V2X 54" (141 x 137 cm)
Collection Stephane Janssen, Beverly Hills
pis Jllypl
*2 i -
Unfolded Newspaper (Journal deplie). 1967
Under Hire (Sous le feu). 1967
Acrylic with predella drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas,
95 \ j8 A" (114 x 199 cm)
l ollection Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre Cieorges Pompidou, Pans. Purchase of the State
io. Drastic Cut (Coupe sombre). 1967
Acrylic with marginal drawings at left and right in India ink on paper mounted 1
39 /s x 96" (100 x 244 cm)
Collection Museum Ludwig, Cologne
ABornMother Fibre maternelle). 1967
Acrylic with marginal drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas
63V1X $i s "(i6ix 130cm)
Collection Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Golder
[ z. Death and the Maiden (La jenne fille et la mort). 1967
Acrylic with marginal drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas,
54 x 54" (137 x 137 cm)
Collection Marion Lefebre
5 ( 'tiding the Matter (he tour de sujet). 1967-68
mounted on canvas with marginal drawings
Acrylic on paper in India ink on paper
mounted on wood, 8z 3Ax 142." (2.10 x 360 cm)
I'm iii 1. ollection, France
mm: '
[_t Sources of Information (Sources d' information). 1968
Ink on paper, 38V* x z6 5/s" (98 x 66.7 cm)
Private Collection
[5. Sources of Information (Sources d' information) l6. Sources of Information (Sources J' 111 formation). 15
Ink on paper, 38V8 x 2.6%" (98 x 66.7 cm) Ink on paper, 38VS x z6 5/s" (98 x 66.7 cm)
Private Collection Private Collection
[7 Sources of Information (Son [8. Sources of Information (Sources a" information).
Ink on paper, 38% x 26 V" ( Ink on paper, 38V8 x z6 s/s" (98 x 66.7 cm)
Private Collection Private Collection
[9 Star and Disaster (Astre et desastre). 1969
Acrylic with predella drawings in India ink on silver paper mounted on canvas,
61 x 61" (155 x t55 cm)
Collection Baroness Van Zuylen
z.0. Agoraphobia Square (Le carre des agoraphobes). 1966 and 1970
Oil on canvas (1966) with marginal drawings in India ink and acrylic mounted on paper
mounted on wood (1970), 54 x 55'/:" (137 x 141 cm)
Collection Joyce and Samir Mansour, Paris
5 2
2i. Tooth and Nail (Toutes griffes dehors). 1970
Acrylic with predella drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas,
72% x 90%" (184x230 cm)
Collection Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, Denmark
Gone Up in Smoke (Parti en fumeej. 19-
Acrylic with marginal drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas,
53V2X 54" (136 x 137 cm)
Collection Pierre Hebey
-3. So Many Windows (Autant de fenetres). 1971
Watercolor on paper mounted on canvas, ii5 3/4 x 156" (2.94 x 396 em)
Collection of the artist
1 '
iv -' - ..
4 Boreality Borealite). m-i
Acrylic with marginal drawings in watercolor on paper mounted on canvas, 54 x ft 1
' \"
(137 x r 57 cm)
C ollectum Guy Georges, Paris
'''^\h ^^h,
> a.
-5- Aztec Volcano (Volcan azteque). 1971
Acrylic with marginal drawings in watercolor on paper mounted on canvas,
61V4 x 79V2" (155.6 x zoz cm)
Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. Gift, Enrico and Fiorella Chian, Venice, 19.S4
i6 Bird's-Eye View (Tour d' horizon). 1971
India ink on paper mounted on canvas with marginal drawings in India ink and acr
on old manuscripts, iuS'kx 153 V2" (300 x 390 cm)
Collection The Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh; The Henry L. Hillman Fund,
27. Delft Blue (Le bleu de Delft). 1972
Acrylic with predella drawings in v color on paper mounted on canvas,
/S 3A x ri8Vs" (200 x 300 cm)
Private Collection; on loan to Loui 1 Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark
iS Scj Sickness (i\Lil Jc mer). 19-2
India ink on paper mounted on canvas, 59 1
/: x 39" (151 x 99 1
19 The Blue Tree (L'arbre bleu). 197^1
Acrylic with acrylic predella on paper mounted on canvas, 71 x 61" (180 x 154 cm)
Collection Michel Fribourg, New York
}o Redeemed Share (Action de jonissance). 1975
Acrylic on paper mounted on canvas with marginal drawings in Indi documents,
94V2 x iog'/x" (204 x 277 cm)
Collection Lens Fine Art, Antwerp
<r ;~,
s^^k , .
si mEt-
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3i. Come from Afar {Menu de loin). 1975
Acrylic with predeila drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas,
78 3/4 x nS'/s" (zoo x 300 cm)
Collection of the artist
j2 The Sound of the Fall (Le bruit de la chute). 1975
Acrylic with predella drawings 111 India ink on paper mounted on canvas,
59 x 60 4" (151 x 53 cm)
33- Bouches du Rhone Suite (Suite des Bouches du Rhone). 34. Bouches du Rhone Suite (Suite des Bouches du Rhone).
India ink on paper, 84V4 x 36V4" (215 x 92 cm) India ink on paper, 84% x 36V4' (215 x 92 cm)
Private Collection Private Collection
35 Bouches du Rhone Suite (Suite des Bouches du Rhone). 1976 Bouches du Rhone Suite (Suite des Bouches du Rhone). 1976
India ink on paper, 84 'A x 36 A"
x 91 cm)
(2.1 5 India ink on paper, 84V4 x 36V4" (215 x 92 cm)
Private Collection Private Collection
L ,J?
37- Bouches du Rhone Suite (Suite des Bouches du Rhone). 1976
India ink on paper, 84V4 x 36V4" (215 x 92 cm)
Private Collection
Abrupt Falile (Abrupte fable). 1976
India ink and acrylic on paper mounted on canvas folding screen with logogram
by Christian Dotremont, iii / x 187" (284 x 475 cm)
(. ol lection of the artist
abrupte fable
d'etre d'herbe de verbe de sable de flots
a serpentements d'orage
tendre de fruit
a cheminements presque terrestres
a traces de presque pas
a presque rien d'avant
a developpements
en roue d'oiseau-lyre
a brusquement voter
de nuances ensemble
a la nuit d'un nuage
dore jusqu'au soleil
a depliures de cri
a bruissements de jour
a regards de chant
abrupt fable
of being of grass of words of sand of wave
of snakestorms
delicacy of fruit
pathways almost terrestrial
39. Fall (Chute). 1977
Acrylic with acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas, 41 x 25 ',
/ Am /.;; (Jc suis loin). 1979
Acrylic with acrylic predella on paper mounted on canvas, 50 x 36W (1 27 x 92 cm)
Private Collection
43- In Octavo. 1979
Acrylic on paper mounted on canvas, 25V2 x 38" (65 x 96.5 cm)
Collection Marion Lefehre
44 Bedtime (Coucher). 1980
Acrylic with acrylic marginalia on paper mounted 1
5,36x43 (90 x110 cm)
Collection Meridian Partners, Inc., New York
f5 Awaking (Reveil). 1980
Acrylic with acrylic marginalia on paper mounted on canvas, 36 x 43" (90 x no cm)
Collection Meridian Partners, Inc., New York
46 After Us (Apres nous). [980
Acrylic with marginal drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas,
61 x 88'/2" (155 x 22s cm)
Collection of the artist
47- Legible Athens (Athenes en lecture).
India ink on map mounted on canvas with acrylic predella on paper, 55V2 x 87" (141 x 111 cm)
Collection of the artist
48 Codex. 1 98
Acrylic with ac ic border on paper mounted on canvas, 60V2 x 118" (153.5 x 3 cm )
Collection Sole on R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Gift, Mr. Jerome Brody, 1985
85 ?i8o
%<). Unlimited Responsibility (Responsabilite illimitee). 1981
Acrylic on paper mounted on canvas with predella drawings in India ink on documents,
6o 5/s 5
x 6o /s" (154 x 154 cm)
Courtesy Galerie Maeght Lelong, Paris
50. Past Unnoticed (Le passe inapercu). 1981
Acrylic with marginal drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas,
102 Vs x 185" (zo6 x 470 cm)
Collection Mr. and Mrs. N. Richard Miller
The Break (La faille . 198]
\^r\ Ik (in paper mounted on canvas with marginal drawings in India ink on maps
i i x 94' z" (185 x 140 cm)
Collection The State Museums of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
52. A Taste of the Abyss (Le gout de gouffre). 1980-82
Acrylic with border drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas,
60V4 x 94V2" (153 x 240 cm)
Collection of the artist
5 3 The Sphinx 's Repressed Laughter (Le reprime ricanement du Sphinx) .1982
India ink with acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas, 73 A
x 1 11'A" (186 x 286 cm)
Collection of the artist
54- The Dog King (Le chien rot). 1982
India ink with acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas, 81V2 x 81V2" (207 x 207 cm)
Collection of the artist
55 Exquisite Words (Mots exquis). 1981
India ink on map with predella drawings in India ink on paper, 52 51V2" (134 x 131 cm)
Collection General-Ma|or Aviateur P. de Groof, Brussels
56. Icy Eye f(
)eil de glace). 1982
India ink with marginal drawings in India ink on map, 42 /s x 57V2" (109 x 146 cm)
Courtesy Galerie Maeght Lelong, Paris
pp. 90-91 57. Geographic Theater (Theatre gcographiquc). 1983
Acrylic and India ink with marginal drawings in acrylic and India ink on map,
10- x 191 VV (2.72 x 487 cm)
Private Collection
58. Gust of Wind (Bourrasque). 1981-83
India ink with acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas, io9 7/s x 193V4" (279 x 492 cm)
Private Collection
59 Three-Leaf Clover (Trifle a trots feuilles). 1983
India ink with acrylic border mounted on canvas, 39 Vs x 59" (100 x 1 50 cm)
Private Collection
6o. Power of the Tree (Jeu d'arbre). 1983
India ink on paper mounted on canvas with acrylic marginali, i paper mounted on wood,
71V4 x 87" (182 x zzi cm)
Courtesy Galene Maeght Lelong, Paris
(M Clearing (Clairien
India ink with acr tier on paper moun 70 /s x i i - !
4" ( 1 So x 3 50 cm)
Collection Norm.! i m.i Br; iiii.ni
62 BnJgchi\hl : I etc Jc punt). 1983
India ink and acrylic with acrylic border on map mounted on canvas,
15V2X 40V2" (65 x 103 cm)
Collection Mr. and Mrs. Michel David-Weill, New York
6}. Surprise Journey (Voyage surprise). 1983
Acrylic on map with acrylic predella on paper, 36Y8 x 35V2" (93 x 90 cm)
Collection J. P. Ledeur, Paris
64 Cardinal Forest (Foret cardinale). 1981-84
Acrylic with marginal drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas,
34V16X 73 /4"(8 7 x 186 cm)
Private Collection
65. Little Snail (Petit escargot). 1984
India ink with acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas,
98 3A x 137V4" (250 x 350 cm)
Courtesy Galerie Maeght Lelong, Paris
66 Occupied Window (Fenetre occupee). i
21 '
-. \ I-
s4 \ 44 cm
Private Collection
68 ( )rifice. 1984
India ink with acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas,
23 Vs x 20" (60 x 5 1 cm)
Private Collection
AM ii^
7i Principal Wheel (Roue principal) 1984 .
73. On the Porch (Sur le perron). 1984
India ink with acrylic border on papei ;d on canvas, 39 3/s x 39 3/s" (100 x 100 cm)
Private Collection
-4 Fireflies (Lueitiles). 1984
India ink with acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas, ji'/x 14WU85 x 284 cm)
Courtesy Galene Birch, Copenhagen
75- Chromatic Buoy (Bouee chromatique). 1984
Acrylic and India ink with rubbing and acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas,
79 x 79" (200 x 200 cm)
Collection of the artist
-(> Quadrillage. i M.S4
India ink with rubbing and acrylic border on paper mounted on canva
74 /i6 x 38'/V (190 x 97 cm)
Private Collection
77- Box and Skull (Boite et crane). 1985
India ink with acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas, 37V4 x 41V16" (95 x 105 cm)
Collection Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Colder
78. The Forgotten Wool (La Lime oubliee). 1978-85
Acrylic with acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas,
85 x 6 ' 4 " (216 X
^ cm)
Private Collection
79- Blue Criterion (Critere bleu).
on paper mounted on canvas with marginal drawings
Acrylic in India ink on paper
mounted on wood, 81 x 59%" (268 x 152 cm)
Private Collection
8o. Soles' Rose Window (Rosace des semelles). 1985 Street Pepper d'nwre des rues). 1985
India ink with rubbing and acrylic border in India ink on India ink with rubbing and acrylic border on paper
;, Stirring Water (Remuement d'eau). 19S5
Acrylic and India ink with rubbing and acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas,
78% \ -S'V (200 x 200 cm)
Collection Mr. and Mrs. J. Karel P. van Stuijvenberg, Caracas
84. The End of the Tunnel (he bout de tunnel). 1986
India ink with acrylic border on paper mounted on canvas, 37V2 x 37V2" (95 x 95 cm)
Collection Jacques Putman, Paris
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85 Harpsichord {Clavecin). 198ft
Manufactured by Von Nagel, Paris, 1
In collaboration with Jm Kolaf: outside of lid, stand base, music st; id, lid prop
India ink and acrylic on paper mounted on harpsichord, 32I/2 x 93 \ x 36"/,." (81.5
Collection ot the artist
86 The Days Are Getting Longer (Les jours rallongent). 1986
Acrylic with marginal drawings in India ink on paper mounted on canvas, 106V4 x i96 7/s" (270 x 500 cm)
Courtesy Galerie Maeght Lelong, Pans
Vocabulary (Vocabulaire). 1986
Temporary decorations for 4 Guggenheim Museum eleva
acrylic on paper mounted on canvas, 8 vertical elements, each 1 10
mm wm
I2 3
jmmmmm ;
? ^mmm
if SI
In print shop, Paris, during production
of Ting's It Life, 1964
Roots {Racines). 1952
From Hayterophilies, 195253, album containing 1 1 etchings
Etching, i4 7/s x zi7s" (37.7 x 55.7 cm)
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Anonymous Gift
89 The* at's Walk Promenade du chat). 1961
Etching, [2x13 io.5 x 33.5 cm
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Gift of the ,
86 5346
90. Remarks Renuraues). 196063
Lithograph, 19% x 14W (50 x 36 cm)
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Anonymous Gift
91 Exprmntl Film. 1967
Lithograph, 3 1 *A x Z3 W (80.5 x 59 cm)
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Anonymous Gift
86 5356
25X11-1967 2-1-1968 050.614.71
92. Mrs. Felicity Milici (Madame Mtlici Felicite). 1971
Lithograph, 2.$Vi x 19" (65.5 x 48. 2. cm)
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Anonymous Gift
93- Seismographic Armful (Brassee sismographique). 1971
Lithograph with logogram by Christian Dotremont, 33V2 x 14 Vis" (85.1 x 61 1 cm)
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Anonymous Gift
86 3370
brassee sismographique de gouffre seismographic armful of emptiness
au fur et a demesure de nuit nightwise nightcrazy as and when
a caresses de cohere d'encre with caresses of ink and anger
a va-et-vient de caprices de montee come and go go as you flow upward
stnante de roche streaking rockpath
de stratigraphie de souffles of breath stratigraphy
vers le haut d'astres upward and starward
de matin brusquement cree reel into morning created suddenly there
mais de toutes progressions de toutes couleurs but from all progressions all colors
survenantes de toutes formes soulevees arising from all forms arisen
de source encore se demultipliant de surgir from origin still gearing down from surging
abruptement mats de'ja vers le jour sc multipliant de vivt abruptly but already toward the day gearing up from living
de visage en vision from face to vision
de soleil en perle de serpentement en fete from sun to pearl snakeloops to celebration
de nature d'herbe en gerbe de volcan grass nature to volcanic sheaf
en roseaux jusqu'a I'ocean si pimpant d'un ciel in reeds all the way to the ocean so spick and span from a sky
en elancement de terre jusqu'au cri si vivace d'un arbre soaring up from earth all the way to a tree's cry
et deja pourtant menace d'une forme de mort perennial and yet already threatened by a form of death
que la vie meme refuse that life itself rejects
/ (-9 x s9 cm)
given by Anne Maeght, Pans Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.
Lithographic print on cheesecloth, i6'sx 6 2" X41C Anonymous Gift
1 '
(4 1
96. Direct Line (Ligne directe). 1976
Etching, 20 3/s x 30" (51.8 x 76.2 cm)
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Anonymous Gift
i)- Aijii.: Fortis (L'eau forte). [976
\ %-" (62 S \
Etching, 14 4 94 cm)
Artist's proof, 9 1 1
I 3 6
98. Watchman's Path (Chemin de ronde). 1977
Linocut and lithograph, 24' Vk, x }6'/i" (63 x 92.7 cm)
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Anonymous Gift
Recycled Papers (Papiers traites). 1978
Paper folder containing title page and 6 lithographs
Folder, z6 3A x 2.0 'V (68 x 52.. 4 cm); title page and lithographs, each 2.6' x x xd'ht" (67 x 52 cm)
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Anonymous Gift
86 .3389.1-.
HA*%%fc% %%%**
/>AlW :
; A/ /r Rj rfK'u*$< T>{*iTt?s
3 /Aril
/Alii J
I >}16 A* iVWtf<? Bt J
fUt ijaAMA ******** ^u m %g
3 M!^jT^y^^^
5 5
i 39
ioo Around the Falls (Autour des chutes), i
Etching and pochoir, 13 Vs x 58 3/<t" (59.4 x 98.4 cm)
ioi. Square by Square (Case par case). 1980
Etching, 67V4 x }6" (170x91.4 cm)
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Gift of the
ioz Scrambled Ephemerides (I phemerides brouillees). 198c
Etching, 73 1
4 \ 36V2" (186 1 x 91 8 cm)
103. With Michel Portal (Avec Michel Portal). 1980 104. Predator (Predateur). 1982
Lithograph, 14V16 x 12%" (36.7 x 32.5 cm) Lithograph and etching, 3 6 Vk x 25 Vz" (917 x647 cm)
9/10 105/120
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.
Anonymous Gift Anonymous Gift
86.3396 86.3398
V' V v v v^V
J 43
105. Jazz. [984
Lithograph, 59 '
-1 x 39 ' V ( 1 54 x 99 7 cm)
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Anonymous Gift
86 3399
io6. Water (Eau). 198185
Color lithograph, Z9 3/s x 2i 5/s" (74.2 x 55 cm)
Presentation proof, 1/150
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Complete edition, Gift in honor of the artist
Water to the Skylight (L'eau a la lucarne). 1985
Lithograph, 63 x 47' V (160 x 1198 cm)
Collection Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Gift of the ai
Wheel of Writing (Roue d'ecriture). 1985
Ir J
Noel Arnaud, Alechinsky, Jorn, Ezio
Gribaudo and printers, printshop,
Fratelli Pozzo, Turin, 1968
Born October 19 in Brussels to a Russian naturalized
Belgian father and a Walloon mother. Both parents were
Enters Ecole N Superieure d'Architecture et des
Arts Decoratifs, La Camb: els; studies book illus-
Reads and wanders.
First attempts at oil painting.
Marries Micky.
Helene Jacquet Prize, La Louviere, Belgium.
Jeune Peinture Beige Prize (ex-aequo).
Lithographs for Derriere le Miroir, no. 32, Maeght, Paris.
Trip to Scandinavia.
Studies engraving with Stanley William Hayter at Atelier
17, Paris.
First one-man exhibition in Paris, at Galene Nina Daus-
set: Victor Brauner, Michel Butor, Max Ernst, Sam
Francis, Jacques Herold, Matta, Henri Michaux and
Jean Paulhan attend; catalogue preface by Dotremont:
"Language gets bogged down in Assemblies, colors in
Schools, but the poet speaks the pure meaning, and so
does the painter; I am thinking of Alechinsky. There is
Meets Walasse Ting, who urges him to visit the Far East.
1956 Alechinsky, Davie, C. H. Pedersen and David Smith are
given one-man exhibitions at Pittsburgh International,
Dotremont organizes first "Cobra after Cobra" exhibi-
Carnegie Institute.
tion, at Galerie Taptoe, Brussels.
Les tireurs de langue: title and illustrations for short
Opening of his film Calligraphie japonaise with Morita
stones of Amos Kenan, and paintings, drawings and
and Toko Shinoda, shot the preceding year in Tokyo
prints on the theme.
and Kyoto (text by Dotremont, narrated by Roger Bhn,
music by Andre Souris and produced by Pierre Braun- First one-man exhibition in a museum, Stedehjk
berger). Museum, Amsterdam; catalogue preface by Putman:
"Aggressively. Because to be aggressive is to be absent,
and to be absent is to feel; and to feel is...."
At Henri Langlois's request, executes mural for Cine-
matheque francaise, Paris. First one-man exhibition in New York, at Lefebre Gallery.
First large inks on crumpled paper mounted on canvas. With Dotremont, series of "drawing-words." With Ting,
the Alechings, "paintings for four hands."
Collaborates on Andre Balthazar's and Pol Bury's re-
view Daily Bui (La Louviere). Sends several pages on lost calligraphy to Paulhan, who
publishes them in La Nouvelle Revue Francaise (N.R.F.,
no. 119).
Becomes member of organizing committee of Salon de
Mai, Paris.
Andre Breton visits his studio. He had written to him
Joins Galerie de France, Paris, directed by Gildo Caputo
earlier: "That which I savor most in art is that which
and Myriam Prevot-Douatte.
you command, that power to entwine curves, that
Birth of Nicolas. clearly organic rhythm, that happy feminine submission
which you obtain from color, from light."
Sam Hunter includes him, together with Corneille,
He and Jorn exchange work; Jorn donates prints, ink
drawings and paintings he obtains to his Silkeborg
Cesar, Eduardo Chillida, Alan Davie, Jean Degottex,
Roel D'Haese, Jorn, Robert Miiller, Antonio Saura and
Museum, Denmark.
Antoni Tapies, in European Art Today, at The Min- Meets Joyce Mansour, many of whose books and poems
neapolis Institute of Arts. he willillustrate: Le Bleu des fonds, Astres et desastres,
Le Grand jamais, etc.
At invitation of Jorn and Paolo Marinotti participates in
Vitalita nell'arte at Palazzo Grassi, Venice. Paints large Meets Peter Bramsen, who soon becomes the printer of
canvases, including Vanish, gift of Julian and Jean Aber- almost all his lithographs at Ateliers Clot, Bramsen and
bach to Guggenheim Museum in 1967. Georges, Paris.
First acrylic painting with a predella (a series of images
under the principal subject) Under Fire (cat. no. 9).
Drawings on Butor's "tapuscnts": appropriation of the Bougival, 1968, one of the Star and
author's rejects and rough drafts. Book-object with Disaster paintings in the background
Joyce Mansour: Le Bleu des fonds.
Stars and Disasters (see cat. no. 19): diverse works evok-
ing spheres and wheels. In collaboration with Arman,
Indivisible Prints, which are dipped in resin.
Second Prize, Festival International de Peinture, Cagnes-
Trip to Norway.
Invites Dotremont to share the Belgian Pavilion with
him at XXXVI Venice Biennale, from which Peggv
Guggenheim acquires his painting Dressing Gown.
Yves Riviere classifies the 600 prints completed since
Trip to Turkey.
Trip to Lappland.
Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, 1974: left to Helene Dupin, Nicole Meurice, Bazaine, Mako Gardy-
right and top to bottom, Nuna Farreras, Ubac, Dupin, Artigas, Josep Luis Sert, Fiedler, Pol Bury, Palazuelo,
Farreras, Lelong, Daniele Bourgois, Framboise Simcek, Muncha Sert, Pill Chilhda, Chilhda, Calder, Garache,
Tal-Coat, Elisabeth Dupin, Meurice, Alechinsky, Fre- Frednkson, Gardy-Artigas, Adami, Camilla Adami,
naud, Micky Alechinsky, Louisa Calder, Aguy Ubac, Jean-Louis Prat, Christine Dupin, Diego Giacometti,
Pilar Miro, Miro, Marguerite Maeght, Aime Maeght, Genevieve Picon
At request of Minister Michel Guy, decorates a dinner First ink drawings on maps, then on obsolete airforce
service, produced by Manufacture Nationale de Porce- operational navigational charts.
laine de Sevres, for Ministry of Culture, Paris.
Retrospective at Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover.
Burns 200 paintings which he considers unresolved.
Pierre Alechinsky: A Print Retrospective, The Museum
Permanent Alechinsky Room at Louisiana Museum of of Modern Art, New York.
Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark.
Executes Past Unnoticed (cat. no. 50), his largest acrylic
Executes The Sound of the Fall (cat. no. 31) and other painting to date.
paintings inspired by the movement of water.
With Matta, "Duo hthographique" for Joyce Mansour's
1976 poem Le Grand Jamais, published by Maeght, Paris.
Andrew W. Mellon Prize (formerly Carnegie Prize) for A group of watercolors and drawings is destroyed in a
his entire oeuvre, Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, fire at Calligrammes Gallery, Ottawa.
Codex (cat. no.
Paints 48), gift of Jerome Brody to
Bouches du Rhone Suite (see cat. nos. 33-37), large Guggenheim Museum in 1985.
drawings on Taiwan paper, executed at Saint-Remy-de-
Provence. With Dotremont, mural for a Brussels metro
station. With Appel, works "for two brushes," col- Organizes first retrospective of Dotremont's work, Dor-
laborative inks, drawings and etchings. remont, peintre de I'ecriture, shown at Centre Culturel
de la Communaute Francaise de Belgique, Paris.
Works in ceramics with Hans Spinner at Fondation
Retrospective of works 1946- at Museum of Art,
Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France.
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh.
Large India inks with colored borders mounted on
A.M.G., Pans, and Abrams, New York, publish
Alechinsky: Peintures et ecrits, Alechinsky: Paintings
and Writings, with his "souvenotes," preface by Eugene 1983
Ionesco: "Alechinsky is the painter-fisherman, the rod,
Professor of Painting at Ecole Nationale Superieure des
the hook, the water flowing in the river, and the fish, all
Beaux-Arts, Paris.
rolled up in one. Now it's struck me that I just stated
quite simply that this work synthesizes no, I don't like First paintings with rubbings of manhole covers.
that word brings together the interior and the exterior.
Begins drawings and watercolors on d'Arenberg family-
National Grand Prize of Arts and Letters for Painting,
papers dating from 1 812 45. Paris.
Recycled Papers (cat. no. $^), lithographs on facsimiles Drawings on pages from nineteenth-century world atlas.
of discarded invoices. Peter & Pierre, film by Ole Henning Hansen about a
Joins Galerie Maeght, Paris (Galerie Maeght Lelong printer and an artist Bramsen and Alechinsky.
after 1982.).
mockery directed against "surregionalism" in Belgium no. 108). At request of Minister Jack Lang, decorates re-
ception room (walls, ceiling and rug; of Ministry of Cul-
Large etchings on Taiwan paper.
ture, Paris. Album and Blue: ceramic mural for Musee
Death of Dotremont at age 56. en Plein Air du Sart Tilman, University of Liege.
Trip to Mexico. In collaboration with Alberto Temporary decorations for elevator entrances on four
Gironella, drawings of bullfights. Retrospective of ramps of Guggenheim Museum (cat. no. 87), New York.
drawings at Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City.
Death of John Lefebre, to whom Margin and Center is
"Indicates that prints only were shown
Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels , Jeune Peinture Beige,
October 25-November 9, 1947. Catalogue with text by
Paul Fierens
. ,
Palais des Beaux-Arts. I lege , zeme Exposition Inter-
Constant, Appel, Victor Nieuwenhuys, William Hayter. Traveled to Palais des Beaux-Arts,
Brussels, January 9-20, 1954; t'Venster, Rotterdam,
Cobra exhibition, Stedelijk Museum,
Amsterdam, 1949 February 27-March 27; Nordisk Kunsthandel,
Copenhagen, May 20-June; Gallena Numero, Florence,
December 16, 1954-January 5, 1955
November 8,
en Nederlandse Schilderkunst, Facetten 2,
1956-January 14, 1957. Catalogue with texts by W. A.
Beeren and R. W. D. Oxenaar
I 5 6
Musee National d'Art Moderne, Pans Prix , The Arts Club of Chicago , First Midwestern Exhibition
Guggenheim 1956, November 28-December 16, 1956. of Belgian Painters, September 28-October 28, 1961.
Catalogue. Traveled to Solomon R. Guggenheim Catalogue with text by J. Van Lerberghe. Traveled to
Museum, New York, as Guggenheim International The Art Gallery, University of Notre Dame, South Bend,
Award 1956, March 26-June 2, 1957, with checklist Indiana, November 19-December 17; The Toledo
with text by James Johnson Sweeney Museum of Art, January 12-February 12, 1962; Con-
temporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, March 5 April 12;
Stedclijk Museum, Amsterdam Phasen, May 10-June
Soderberg and the artist Cobra et apres, March 3 1 April 14, 1962. Catalogue
with text by Joseph Noiret
Palais des l'c.iux Arts^Bnissels, (JiicUjini artistes beiges
depuis Ensor, April 12-September 30, 1958. Catalogue Seattle World's Fair Art since i9\o: American and
, In-
with text by Paul Haesaerts ternational, April 21 October 21, 1962. Catalogue with
texts by Norman Davis and Willem Sandberg
Exposition Univ crscllc de Bruxelles, L' Art Beige Con-
temporain, April 21-October 19, 1958 Castello Cmquecentesco, L'Aquila, Italy Alternatwi at- ,
logue with texts by Paul Fierens and James Johnson ninger skrif, boger og tegneord med Alechinsky, Appel,
Sweeney Balle, Claus, February 16-25, 1963
Centro Internazionale dclle Arti e del Costume, Palazzo Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam , Schrift en beeld, May 3-
Grassi, Venice , Vitalitd nell'arte, August 8-October 4, June to, 1963. Catalogue with text by Dietrich
1959. Catalogue with texts by Paolo Marinotti, Henri Mahlow. Traveled to Staathche Kunsthalle, Baden-
Michaux and Willem Sandberg. Traveled to Kunsthalle Baden, June 14-August 4, 1963
Recklinghausen, West Germany, November December;
Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vienna , Idole und
Stedehjk Museum, Amsterdam, December 1959-Janu-
Ddmonen, July 5-September 1, 1963. Catalogue
ary i960
Centro Internazionale delle Am e del Costume, Palazzo
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts European Art Today:
Grassi, Venice , Visione colore, July 6-October 6, 1963.
3 j Painters and Sculptors, September 3 -October 25,
Catalogue with texts by Christian Dotremont and Paolo
1959. Catalogue with texts by James Fitzsimmons and
Sam Hunter. Traveled to Los Angeles County Museum
of Art, November 1 i-December 20; San Francisco Staathche Kunsthalle, Bade n-Baden lllustrationen, Jan- ,
Museum of Art, January 6 February 9, i960; North uary 21 February 27, 1964. Catalogue with texts by
Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, February 26-April 3; Godula Buchholz and Dietrich Mahlow
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, April 20-May 24; kassel. West Germany, Docitmcnta III: Malerei,
French & Company, Inc., New York, June 7-August Skulptur, Handzeichnungen, June 27-October 5, 1964.
13; The Baltimore Museum of Art, September 18- Catalogue with text by Werner Haftmann
October 16
Museum voor Scheme Kunsten, Gent, Belgium Figuratie ,
V Bienal do Museo de Arte Moderna de S. Paolo, en defiguratiel Figuration et defiguration, July 10-Oc-
Belgian Section, 1959. Catalogue with text by J. Van tober 4, 1964. Catalogue with texts by Bernard Dorival,
Lerberghe Geirlandt, Paul Haesaerts, Pierre Restany and Patrick
Parke Bernet Galleries, Inc., New York , The Arts of Bel- Waldberg
gium 1920-1960, June 29-August 5, i960. Catalogue L'Oeil, Paris , L'Ecart absolu: Xle Exposition Inter-
with texts by R. Bodart, K. Jonckeere and J. Van Lerberghe nationale du Surrealisme, December 7, 1965-January
Lefebre Gallery, New York Cobra,
i960: Alechinsky, 1966. Catalogue with texts by Andre Breton, Jose Pierre
Cornetlle, Jorn, November 15-December 3, i960. and Jean-Francois Revel
Catalogue with text by H. L. C. Jaffe Solomon R Gug genheim Museum. New York Euro-
scr. Traveled to University Gallery, University of Min- Kunsthalle, Darmstadt Menschenbilder, September 14
nesota, Minneapolis, May 1031; DeCordova Museum, November 17, 1968. Catalogue with texts by Rolf-
Lincoln, Massachusetts, June 26-September 4; Museum Gunter Dienst, Arnold Gehlen, Werner Hofmann and
of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Sep- Wieland Schmied
tember 14-Octoher S; The National Gallery of Canada,
Galerie La Balance, Brussels Alechmsky, Appel, Cor-
25;The North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh. July Folon, Mauncs Henry, Topor, June 724, 1969.
rj-August 20 Catalogue with text by Ernest Pirotte (pseud, for Pol Bury)
1965, April 26-May 21, 1966. Catalogue with text by 1970, May i-September 13, 1970. Handbook: Selec-
t9-October 2, with catalogue, special issue of Louisiana burgh International 19-0: Exhibition of Contemporary
Rcvx, with texts by W. Art, October 30, 1970-January 10, 1971. Catalogue
de Haas Stockvis, Knud W. Jen-
sen, Dahlmann Olsen, Willem Sandberg, the artist with text by Leon A. Arkus
et al.
guration narrative, April 1967. Catalogue with texts by ternational Festival 1971: The Belgian Contribution to
Gerald Gassiot-Talabot and Burne Hogarth Surrealism, August 21-September 19, 1971. Catalogue
with texts by Peter Diamond, Gisele Ollinger-Zinque
Ausstellungshallcn Mathildenhohe, Darmstadt, West
and Roland Penrose. Traveled to Sophienholm Kgs,
Germany, 2. Internationale der Zeichnung, July 16-Sep-
Lyngby, Denmark, October 7-November 14
tember 10, 1967. Catalogue with text by Otto Stelzer
Bergens Kunstforening, Bergen, Norway Cobra
, 1 Jag,
Centro Internationale delle Arti e del Costume, Palazzo
January --23, 19-2. Catalogue with texts by Gunnar
Grassi, Venice , Campo vitale: /nostra intemazionale
Jespersen and the artist
d'arte contemporanea, July 27-October 9, 1967.
Catalogue with text by Paolo Marinotti Grand Palais, Reunion des Musees Nationaux, Pans ,
7t~*? '*LJ* *~ ~ ^
Nationalgal erig; Berlin, Hotnmage a Picasso, July n-
\ August 27, 1973- Catalogue with texts by Werner
Haftmann and Wieland Schmied
Museum ot hue Arts, t amebic Instit ute, Pittsburgh Art
Traveled to Studio du Passage 44, Brussels, April 9-May Fondacao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon Arte Belga , de-
2.3; Neue Galerie, Aix-La-Chapelle, West Germany, pots de 1945", November 1980. Catalogue with text by
October 16-November 2.1 Christian Dotn
The Western A ustralia Art Cillery, Perth. Contempo- Musee Nati onal d'Art Moderne, Centre Geo rges Pom-
rary Drawing, May 53 1, 1977. Catalogue with texts pidou, Pans Paris 1937-Paris 195 7: creations en
by Lou Klepac and Bertram Whittle France, May 22-November 2, 1981. Catalogue with
texts by Agnes Anghviel de Beaumelle, Jean-Claude
Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pom-
Groshens and Pontus Hulten
pidou, Paris Paris-New York, June i-September 19,
1977. Catalogue with texts by Pontus Hulten and the \luseen del Stadt kohl, Wcstkunst. Zeitgennssiiche
artist Kunst seit 1919, May 30-August 16, 1981. Catalogue
with texts by Laszlo Glozer, Kaspar Koenig and Karl
Kassel, West Germany Documents
, 6, June 24-October
2, 1977. Catalogue with text by Wieland Schmied
Espace Lyonnais d'Art Contemporain, Lyon Perma-
Galerie Rus, Trondheim, Norway Cobra 1948/1978,
tember 27-October 14; Son|a Hemes og Niels Onstads formele Kunst 194^-1960, December 4, 1982-January
Stiftelser, Hovikkoden, Norway, December 1, 1979- 16, 1983. Catalogue with text by Willemi|n Stokvis.
January 15, 1980 Traveled to Dordrechts Museum, The Netherlands, Jan-
uary 29 March 1
Fondanon Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France Des- ,
sins de la Fondatton Maeght, March 29-May 31, 1980. Centre Culture! de la Communaute Franchise de Bel-
Catalogue with text by Jean-Louis Prat gique Wallonie-Bruxelles, Pans Dotremont, peintre de ,
31-September 15, 1983. Catalogue with text by 1955 1985: 30 annees d'editions d'activite, July 7-Sep-
Eberhard Simons. Traveled to Galerie der Kiinstler, tember 30, 1985. Catalogue with texts by Pol Bury et al.
Munich, November 9-December 2, 1984; Bonner National Museum of Art, t )saka, apan Action et emo-
J ,
Kunstverein, February 7-March 17, 1985; Gesellschaft tion: peintures des annees 50, September 27-November
fiir Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen, April Lam-
26, 1985. Catalogue with texts by Jean-Clarence
1 iiky (i Metropolitan I eien An Museum, \lo, /,/;/ Art in bert and Sylvain Lecombre
the West (organized by Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of Art, F ort 1 auderdale. Florida, Masterworks
Museum, New York), October i-December 23, 1983.
from the Meyer and Golda Marks Cobra Art Collection,
Catalogue with text by Thomas M. Messer
January 18-March 30, 1986. Catalogue
Centre National des Ar ts Plasti ci nes, Villa Arson, Nice ,
Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo Cobra:
Ecritures dans la peinture, April 6-August 31, 1984. Karel van Stuijvenberg Collection, Caracas, February
Catalogue with texts by Michel Butor, Michel Sicard 15 March 19, 1986. Catalogue with text by Sylvain
and the artist
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian "
City Gallery, Department of Cultural Affairs, New-
Institution, Washington, D.C. , Artistic Collaboration in
York Books and Graphics of Cobra Artists, March 28-
Speed Art Museum, Louisville, February 21-April 21 mark, Portrait of a Collector: Ste'phane Janssen, April
5-May 11, 1986. Catalogue with texts by Stephane
Tuchtabnk, Trier, West G e rman y. Europaiscbc Malcrci Janssen andKnud W. Jensen. Traveled to University Art
der Gegenwart (Spuren und Zeichen), August 25- Museum, California State University, Long Beach, Janu-
November 18, 1984. Catalogue with texts by Lorenz
ary 27-March 8, 1987
Dittmann, Eugene [onesco and Claus D. Kernig
Galerie Artcurial, Paris, L'Aventurc surrealiste autour
De Zonnehof, Amersfoort, The Netherlands Cobra: , av-
d' Andre Breton, May 13-July 31, 1986. Catalogue with
entures collectives, September 18-October 18, 1984.
text by Jose Pierre
Catalogue with texts by Gilles Beraud, Constant, Chris-
tian Dotremont, Erik Nyholm, the artist et al. Traveled Centre Lotois des Arts Cuntemporains, Musee de
Cahors, France Changer la vue, July-August 1986.
to Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, November 2, 1984- ,
Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Caracas El , Since 1940, September 28-November 30, 1986.
Movimento Cobra en la Coleccion Karel van Stuijven- Catalogue with texts by Anne d'Harnoncourt, Ann
berg, September 1984. Catalogue with texts by Sofia Percy and Mark Rosenthal
Imber, Jean-Clarence Lambert and Christiane Rugemer
Konsthall Malmo, ( 'obra as Reflected by the Karel van
Maison de la Culture Andre Malraux, Reims, France , Stuijvenberg Collection, October 31-December 17,
Oeuvres croisees Michel Butor, November 21- 1986. Catalogue with texts by Jean-Clarence Lambert
December 21, 1984. Catalogue with text by Michel and Lasse Soderberg. Traveled to Taipei Fine Arts
Sicard Museum, January 10 March 15, 1987; Liljevalchs
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Charleroi, Belgium Aittour de Konsthall, Stockholm, June 12-September 6
la bande dessinee, January 12-March 3, 1985. Cata- Kunstforenmgen, Copenhagen, Fransk Visit, Galerie
logue with texts by Laurent Busine, Jacques Lacarriere, Maeght Lelong besoger Kunstforeningen, November
Gilbert Lascault and Jean-Hubert Martin 14-December 14, 1986. Catalogue. Traveled to Gum-
mesons Konstgallen, Stockholm, January io-I ONE-MAN EXHIBITIONS
4. C987 Oaiene 1 011 C osyn, Brussels, Pierre Alechinsky, April
Galene Espace, Amsterdam, Galerie Espace i< 15-14, 1947
1986, November 16, 1986January 1-, 1987 Galene Apollo, Brussels , Fetes, trouble-fete, peintures,
Galene Ja Ostier, Pans, Les Sources Japonaises de November 6-18, 1948. Catalogue with
etc., text by Luc
Vart occidental, November 18, 1986 February 28, Zangne (pseud, for Luc de Heusch)
98-. Catalogue with texts by Nelly Delay, Elisabeth
Le Diable par la Queue, Brussels, Alechinsky (with [an
Ostier, Antoni Tapies, Gabnelle Van Zuylen, the artist Cox and Marc Mendelson), April 22-May 10, 1950
et al.
Kunsthandel Martinet, Amsterdam L'arbre , et I'arme
kunst Foru m, Se heli.leroi.le. Belgi um, Alechinsky: (with Shinkichi Tajiri), February-March 1953. Cata-
lithographies etsen, December 6, 1986 February 1, logue with text by Christian Dotremont
Gallena Schwarz, Milan, Alechinsky, October 18-31,
Au Theatre du Rond-Point, Cie Renaud-Barrault, Pans,
Sous le signe du Taureau, December 9, )8h-)a
Galene Nina Dausset, Pans, Alechinsky, November 19-
2.5, E987. Catalogue
December 1
5, 1954- Catalogue with text by Chr
ruary 9, 1957
Stcddijk Museum, \msterdam. Met hnisky vi.ihch, ni<;S- 1 i)i>S, March 1 i-April 13, with catalogue with
een kcuzc tut io<; litho's en etsen gemaakt de jaren texts by Karl-Heinz Henng, Luc de Heusch, Chris Yper-
19471965, February [7March 1-, 1966. Catalogue man and the artist; Kunsthalle Bremen, West Germany,
with text bj the artist as Pierre Alechinsky: Gemalde 1958-1968, June 5July
13, with catalogue with texts by Jacques Putman, Jiirgen
I. L. Hudson Gallery, Detroit , Alechinsky, <
'01 italic,
Schultze and the artist
lorn, Reinhoud, March 2.3April 16, 1966
Galene de Montreal Pierre Alechinsky, February 2.5
La Medusa, Rome , Alechinsky, May-June 1966.
The J. L. Hudson Gallery, Detroit , Pierre Alechinsky:
I. a B alaiKc. Bru ssels Alechinsky, Appcl, ,
Gallena Rotta, Milan Alechinsky, April , 23-May 23,
Galcrie-Libraine l a Hnne, Paris , Alechinsky: 1111 en-
1970. Catalogue with text by Franco Russoli
semble d'impressions, May 19-June 14, [967
Gallery Nippon, Tokyo Alechinsky,, Voss, Weiss, Sep-
Galene van de Loo, Munich Pierre Alechinsky: 10 ,
tember 21-October 10, 1970. Catalogue
jahre unpressionen oeuvrekatalog druckgraphik, Sep-
tember 27-October 23, 1967. Catalogue with text by
Letebre Gallery, New York , Alechinsky: recent paint-
ings and drawings, October 20 November 14, 1970.
Yvon Taillandier. Traveled to Stadtische Kunstgaleric,
Catalogue with text by the artist
Bochum, West Germany, December 22, 1967January
11, E968; Kunstverein Freiburg, March 24-Apnl 21 Galene Birch,Gopenhagen Alechinsky, le plaisir de,
23, 1968. Catalogue with text by the artist 1971-January 29, 1972. Catalogue with text by the
Ideotraces, March 30-Apnl 10, 1968. Catalogue Letebre Gallery, New York Alechinsky: recent , paint-
with texts by Luc de Heusch and Chris Yperman, Feb-
ruary 14-March 2; Kunstverein fur die Rheinlande und XXXVI Biennale di Veuezia, Belgian Pavilion,
Westfalen, Diisseldorf, as Pierre Alechinsky: Werke Alechinsky, June-September 1972. Catalogue with texts
by Julio Cortazar, Joyce Mansour, Willem Sandberg,
Louis Scutenaire, Giorgio Soavi and the artist
an t
97 6. ( atalogue with texts by Michel Butor, Jules tember 9; Amos Anderson Konstmuseum, Helsinki,
Verne, Alexandre Vialatte, the artist et al. Traveled to 1979; Sonia Henies og Niels Onstads Stiftelser, Hovik-
Musee Municipal des Beaux-Arts, I ahors, France, [uly koden, Norway, December 1979-Jaiiu.irv 1 5, [980;
z-September 4 Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe, France, June 22-August 1
Alechinsky a I'imprimerie (organized hy Musee Galerie Van de Loo, Munich Pierre Alechinsky: Vieux ,
National d'Art Moderne, Pans), traveled in France, papiers, November 1978. Catalogue with text by the
1975-79. (. atalogue
Saint Mary's University Art Gallery, Halifax , Catalogue with text by the artist
Alechinsky, June 6-30, 1977- Catalogue
Chapelle de la Charite, Aries , Alechinsky & Reinhoud,
Galerie de France, Pans Alechinsky: grandes encres et
, June 30-September 16, 1979. Catalogue with text by-
Freddy de Vree
September 1 3 -October 31, 1979
Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh ,
Lefebre Gallery, New York Pierre Alechinsky: paint- ,
seum, The Netherlands, September 23-November 12 1981; Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, February 27-
April 1 2; The Museum of Modern Art, New York, June
Loranger Gallery, Toronto Alechinsky, March , 1 1-
10-August 1 1
par Hugo Claus, Yves Riviere-A.M.G., Pans, 1978, with Galerie Maeght, Paris Travaux d'impression, prmci-
text by Christian Dotremont and poems by Hugo Claus palement, March 5 April 30, 1980. Catalogue with text
published as catalogue. Traveled to Musee d'lxelles, by Georges Duby
Brussels, January 16- February 25, 1979; Musee des Galerie Maeght, Zurich Alechinsky, October , 9-
Beaux-Arts, Ostend, 1979; Dordrechts Museum, The November 30, 1980. Catalogue with texts by Eugene
Netherlands, May 1 i-|une 30; Louisiana Museum of Ionesco and the artist
Modern Art, Humlehaek, Denmark, August 16-Sep-
Kestner Gesellschatt. Hannover Pierre Alechinsky: Bil- , Letebre Gallery. New York Alechinsky. February' 14
bv Roger Caillois. Julio Cortazar. Christian Dotremont, Kaneko Art Gallery, Tokvo Pierre Alechinsky, April 9-
Lefgbre Gallerv. N'ew York Alechinsky, June , 1 6-July 2, bordures. Editions Galilee, Pans, 1984, with texts by
September S-October io, 1981. Catalogue Michel Butor, Michel Sicard and the artist, published as
Calligrammes Gallery. Ottawa Alechinsky, June 25- ,
Julv27, I9S1 Galerie Maeght Lelong. FIAC, Grand Palais, Paris , En-
cres a bordures: Alechinsky, October 1928, 1984.
Galene Maeght. Paris . Alechinsky: encres stir cartes de
Catalogue with text by Max Loreau
navigation et peintures de I'annee, October 8 Novem-
ber 16, 1981. Catalogue. Derriere le Miroir, no. 14-. Le Mejan. Aries Alechinsky: Pages . et feuilles, April 13
with texts by Jean Fremon and Antonio Saura May 30. 1985
Letebre Gallery. New York . Pierre Alechinsky: ink over Galene Birch. Copenhagen Pierre Alechinsky: pieces .
maps 6~ charts, October 13-November 14, 1981. Cata- uniques, May 2-15, 1985. Catalogue
logue with texts by James Johnson Sweeney and the Galerie van de Loo. Munich . Pierre Alechinsky: encrier
de voyage. May 2-June 5, 1985. Catalogue with text by
Louis Calder Memorial Library. Miami , Pierre the artist
Alechinsky: A Print Retrospective, May 1 June 30, Gana Gallerv. Seoul Alechinsky. . May 1018, 1985.
1982. Catalogue Catalogue
Galeria Sloane Racotta. Mexico Citv Alechinsky, June .
Maison de la Culture de La Rochelle et du Centre-
17-July 9, 1982. Catalogue with texts by Alberto Quest, La Rochelle. France. Pi m Alechinsky. June 15-
Gironella and the artist
August 31, 1985. Catalogue with texts by Claude
Galerie Moderne. Silkeborg. Denmark , Pierre Hudelot and the artist
Alechinsky, October 230, 1982
Musee d'Art et d'Histoire. Metz. France Alechinsky: ,
December iS, 1982January 30, 19S3. Catalogue with Galerie Maeght Lelong. Pans . Pierre Alechinsky:
texts by Christian Dotremont, Claude Esteban and the Bouches et Grilles, April 29-July 27, 1986. Catalogue
artist and poems by Hugo Claus. Traveled to Musee with text by Pierre Descargues
Saint-Georges, Liege, October 28-December 4, 1983
Arteurial. Pans Alechinsky: epreuves devenues
. rares.
Museo Espanol de Arte Conternp* Madrid, Pierre May 13June 1986
Alechinsky, Alberto Gironella, "Al Alimon, " May 20-
Galleri Torso, Odense, Denmark Alechinsky, June 7
June 1983. Catalogue with texts by Jose Allyon, Julio
Cortazar, Salvador Elizondo, Carlos Fuentes, Fernando
July 5 , 1986
Gamboa, Octavio Paz, Juan Rulfo, Antonio Saura and Luxembourg Alechinsky,
Galerie Lea. Gredt. .
Joyce Mansour, Le Bleu des fonds, Le Soleil Noir, Paris,
Achille Chavee, .4;/ demeurant. Daily Biil, La Louviere,
BY THE ARTIST Belgium, 1969
Titrcs et pams perdus, Denoel, Pans, 1965
Michel Butor, Hoine-Voirie, Olivetti, Milan, 1970
Identifies, Denoel, Paris, 1966
Joyce Mansour, Astres et desastres. The London Art
he Tout Veuant, Galeae de France, Paris, 1966 Gallery, London, 1970
Le test dit titre, Eric Losfeld, Pans, 1967 Louis Scutenaire, Pointes, Georges Visat, Paris, 1972.
Ting's Studio, Les Poquettes volantes, Daily Bui, La Jean-Clarence Lambert, Laborinthe, Georges Fall, Paris,
Joyce Mansour, Carre blanc, Le Soleil Noir, Paris, 1965 Michel Butor, Le Men rot, Reperes, Daniel Lelong,
Pans, 1985
Communication: 16 manifestations d'hypertrophie cal-
ligraplnque. Daily Bui, La Louviere, Belgium, 1967 Michel Butor and Michel Sicard, ABC de correspon-
dance, Reperes, Daniel Lelong, Pans, 1986
Francois Nourissier, De la mort, La Balance, Brussels,
1967 Jean Tardieu, Poemes a voir, RLD, Pans, 1986
Julio Cortazar, Histoire des < 'ronopiens et des Fameux, Jean Tardieu, Carta Cant a, RLD, Paris, 1987
Les Poquettes volantes, Daily Bui, La Louviere, Belgium,
Luc Zangrie (pseud, for Luc de Heusch), Alechinsky, Les
Artistes libres, vol. i, Bibliotheque de Cobra,
Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1950
Jacques Putman, Pierre Alechinsky, Fratclli Fabbn,
Milan, Odege, Paris, 1967
Willemi]n Stokvis, Cobra, De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, 1974
Bougival, 1;
Christian Andersen: cat. no. 74
75. 8z
David Heald: cat. nos. 88, 91, 93, 95, 96, 104, 106
57-60, 63, 66-72, 76, 77, 80, 81, 83, 84, 107
Courtesy Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre
Georges Pompidou, Paris: cat. no. 2
TRUSTEES Elaine Dannheisser, Michel David-Weill, Carlo De Benedetti, Joseph W. Donner, Robin Chandler Duke, Robert M. Gardiner,
John S. Hilson, Harold \\ McGraw, Thomas M Messer, l'cnisc Saul, Willi. mi A- Schrcver, Bon mil' Ward Simon, Seymour
[r ,
Shve, Peter W. Stroh, Stephen C. Swid, Rawleigh Warner, Jr., Michael F. Wettach, Donald M. Wilson, William T. Ylvisaker
ADVISORY BOARD Donald M. Blinken, Barrie M. Damson, Donald M. Feuerstein, Linda LeRoy Janklow, Seymour M. Klein, Hannelore Schulhof
Chene A. Summers, Registrar; Jane Rubin, Kathleen M. Hill, Associate Registrars; Lon Schafer, Registrar's Assistant; Saul
Fuerstein, Preparator; David M. Veater, Assistant Preparator; William Smith, Am Gonzalez Rivera, Preparation Assistants;
Huh bard Toombs, I cchnical Services ( oordin.iror; 1 cm Porolt. Assoc mil ( onscrv.iror, * .ilh.in Ms Mi 1 in. Jc.ui
1. Rossion,
Assistant Conservators; Scott A. Wixon, ( )pexations Manager; Dennis Schoelerman, Assistant Operations Manager; Takayuki
Amano, Head Carpenter; David M. Heald, Photographer; Myles Aronowitz, Assistant Photographer; Regina O'Brien,
Photography Coordinator
Mimi Poser, Officer for Development and Public Affairs; Carolyn Porcelh, John T. Landi, Development Associates; Elizabeth K.
Lawson, Membership Associate; Holly C. Evarts, Public Affairs Associate; Shannon Wilkinson, Public Affairs Coordinator;
Linda Germg, Special Events Associate, Mildred Wolkow, >c\ lopmenl l oordinator; C Lire Pauline Bell, Dcnise Bouche,
I r
Membership Assistants; Sarah Everett 1 ee, Public Allans Assistant; Ann Varney, Development Assistant; Dawn Holt, Computer
Agnes R. Connolly, Auditor; Stefanie Levmson, Sales Manager; John Phillips, Assistant Saks Manager; Marguerite Vigliante,
Trade Sales Assistant; Maria Masciotti. Manager of t ate and ( a re ring; Fred Lee, Assistant Manager ot Cafe and Catering; Aim
Paul, Mail Clerk; Irene Mulligan, Switch board I Operator; Mvro Ri/nyk, Building Manager. Domingo Maklonado, Assistant
Building Manager; Robert S. I lot 7, t hie! ot Security ; 1 I bio Ainu ion, Marie Bradle) , Carlos Rosado, Assistant Security
Ann Kraft, Executive Associate; Jill Snyder, Administrative Coordinator; Julia Voigt, Assistant to the Administrator; Elisabeth
Hodermarskv, Administrative Assistant
LIFE MEMBERS Jean K. Beniamin, Irvin Blum, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gerald Cantor, Eleanor, Countess Castle Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Barrie M.
Damson, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Dannheisser. ].icc|uclinc llrvtoos, William ( Edwards, Jr., Donald M. leuersrein, Mr. and Mrs. .
Andrew P. Fuller, Agnes Gund, Susan Morse Hilles, Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Janklow, Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Jonas, Mr. and
Mrs. Seymour M. Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lawson- Johnston, Mr .m^t Mrs. Alexander iberman, Rook Met ulloch, Mr. and 1
Mrs. Thomas M. Messer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mnucbin, Mr. and Mrs Irving Moskovuv, Fli/.ibcrh Hastings Peterfreund,
Mrs. Samuel 1. Rosenman, Clifford Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Saul, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph B. Schulhof, Mrs. Evelyn Sharp,
Mrs. Leo Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Simon, Sidney Singer, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Swid, Mrs. Hilde Thannhauser,
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Weisglass, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zierler
Institute ot Museum Services, National Endowment lor the Arts, National FiiLlowment tor the Humanities, New York State
Council on the Arts
Exhibition 87/1
I 74
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, Boulevard Haussmarm
Rejected remarks, Bougival, 197]
A i. K. N6973.A4A4 1987
Pierre Alechinsky
Alcchinskv. Pierre,
c. 3
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York