Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
I. Objectives
At the end of the fifty-minute period, the students are expected to:
a. Identify tools needed in sketching, shading and outlining
b. Enhance bamboo, wood, metal and other finished products through sketching,
shading, outlining
c. Practice sketching and shading on bamboo, wood and metal products/products.
III. Procedure:
a. Prayer
Everybody let us pray.
b. Greetings
“Good morning teacher, Jen, good
Good morning children’s!
morning classmate, good morning!”
c. Classroom Routines
Before you take your seats, kindly arrange you chairs (The students will arrange the chairs and pick
properly and pick up some pieces of papers under up pieces of paper)
your desk.
Thank you, Teacher’s!
All right, you may now take your seats.
d. Checking Attendance
Now let us check your attendance, class secretary ( The class secretary will tell the names of
who is absent today? students who are absent)
e. Classroom rules
-Do not talk with your seatmate and do not roam (The students will listen)
Yes, Teacher!
I’m I clear to you children’s?
f. Review
Yes, Jerome
g. Motivation
I will show the words and you need to complete. Yes, ma’am
Yes, Lance!
B. Lesson Proper
Yes, teacher!
Last time I give you an assignment which is research
the different methods of enhancing or decorating
finished products, their methods, meaning and
function of innovative materials.
2. Shading
-The process of marking the inside of an
outline to project shadows or degrees of
lightness and darkness. Creating shades of Yes, teacher!
lights and dark patterns in a composition or
design, thus creating illusion of space and
distance. Shading can be done through the
proper use of colors of different hues, values,
and intensity.
Tools in Shading
3. Outlining
-process of making on the outer parts of any
shape, object or any figure by the use or lines.
Yes, teacher!
A drawing in which only the contours of
product are seen, thus emphasizing the shape
of a design.
Drawing Table
T- Square
C. Application
4. iredvid 5. senpcil
(The student’s will answer)
_____1. Used in measuring angles in degrees
D. Generalization
Now class can you share what have you learn about
our discussion today?
Yes, Jocelyn!
IV. Evaluation
Pass it forward.
V. Assignment