After Market Brochure V 15
After Market Brochure V 15
After Market Brochure V 15
Our Upgraded Designs Provide Contents Exhaust Diffuser Upgrades 4 Flex Seals and 14
Improved Efficiency and Reliability Exhaust Plenum Upgrades 6
HRSG Penetration Seals
Expansion Joints 15
over Original Equipment Exhaust Stack Retrofits and
Diverter Dampers
Gas Turbine and Auxiliary
Enclosure Replacements and
Stack Liners and Silencer Panels 9 Replacement Doors & Panels
Gas Turbine Inlet 10
When any of your Gas Turbine On-Time, On-Budget, On-Target Filter House Upgrades
Inlet Damper Systems 18
Consolidated Fabricators! Our Unique Perspective
Our experience and background enables us to
The GT OEMs First Choice
than Before!
look at the big picture as we understand how all
Braden is uniquely qualified to provide an upgrade the subsystems work together to enhance the
to any of your Gas Turbine (also known as Combustion performance of your gas turbine. Our equipment
Turbine) Auxiliary Systems. As the preferred supplier recommendations are based on an understanding
to GT OEMs for over 50 years, chances are that we of your overall plant.
built your original system. As designs, specifications,
and construction techniques have evolved, Bradens
engineers have been at the forefront of improvements.
Today, we are capable of delivering gas turbine
auxiliaries that are demonstrably better than those
that came with your original system. An improved,
modern retrofit from Braden draws from our full array
of structural, mechanical, electrical, and acoustical
engineers to optimize your plant.
Before FS-3 filter house (no filtration) After FS-3 filter house (with mist eliminators, pre-filters, and final filters)
2 3
Exhaust Diffuser Upgrades
eakage of excess heat into the 300 or 400 Series stainless steels
Diffusers for all Frames 3, 5, 6, load compartment High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) steels
7 and 9 GTs are available C
racking of the exterior shell plate due Carbon steels
to high differential temperatures We maintain all welding capabilities.
4 5
Exhaust Plenum Upgrades
Modern Designs Improve Plenum Wing to Cowl Connection Cowl to Expansion Joint Connection
Much has changed since your existing plenum was built. Today, our new
liner and
field installed liner field installed liner
retrofit designs drastically reduce heat transfer, making the plenum/wing/
wing wing insulation
and insulation and insulation
cowl/expansion joint area safer, more efficient, reliable and easier to operate 3 4 Old Design: 800F New Design: 250F
and maintain. These retrofit designs can be applied to plenums of all sizes. Old Design: 685F New Design: 175F
2 gasket gasket
design improvements can help your system. A typical More robust flange design wing plenum
field installed
liner and
retrofit unit can be installed in one to two weeks Better thermal design and performance gasket
pgraded liner design helps protect the flex seal
Braden offers the manpower, equipment and
mounting bar from heat, distortion, separation of
experience to install at your site...or we can provide
the flanges, and bent flex seals wing plenum
detailed erection drawings and procedures for gasket 4
Upgraded corner trim at wing and cowl connection
your own crew. New Design: 300F
esigned for all types of operation (base load to
Plenum Upgrades Can Include: cyclic load) 3
With hundreds in operation, we have perfected the
Plenum, wing, cowl, jacking port, radiation tubes,
internally lined exhaust plenum system, which took
flex seals and all necessary hardware Wing to Plenum Floor Connection Plenum Sidewall to Expansion Joint Connection
years of field research and inspections as well as
Reline kits are available! 3 5 field installed
liner & insulation
field installed
liner & insulation
visiting with our customers. Braden has developed field installed
liner & insulation
plenums for all OEM turbine sizes that are both
Integrated Exhaust Systems
easy to install and easy to dismantle for turbine
Braden and ConFab together can provide a maintenance. Our field splits are also fully internally wing
transition plenum
plenum gasket
complete integrated system for gas turbine lined and insulated to significantly reduce the gasket gasket
expansion joint
expansion joint
exhaust, designed to operate efficiently together. external shell plate temperatures. This equates to a Old Design: 698F New Design: 360F Old Design: 950F New Design: 410F
By combining a diffuser and hardware with the safe work environment and a product with a much
exhaust plenum, we can assure a safer, more longer life span.
efficient, and easier-to-operate system.
8 9
Gas Turbine Inlet
Filter House Upgrades
GT Inlet Cooling & Heating Technologies Our implosion doors are designed to mechanically open at pre-determined delta P to let
unfiltered air into the inlet of the gas turbine, bypassing the filters. Designs may include
mechanical switches that alert the control room when the door has been activated to
Our engineers have extensive experience and knowledge with providing innovative solutions on inlet
allow the operator to make the appropriate decision.
filter house systems based on specific environmental and end user requirements. We have produced
hundreds of top quality, cost-effective systems of filtration and auxiliary equipment that clean and
condition the air at low pressure drop for optimum power output while protecting the compressor
Inlet Heating Systems evaporative coolers to both our OEM and Aftermarket customers.
Our system includes a total solution package comprising module
housings, cooler media and drift eliminators, interconnecting Before inlet cooling system
Braden has successfully designed and executed Braden can provide a system that your plant can
piping system, and system controls that can be integrated with
a variety of comprehensive inlet heating systems easily control to meet its specific temperature needs
your existing turbine control center or can be set up to operate
around the world to provide for anti-icing, from steam to air heat exchangers, water/glycol and
automatically using a PLC. Braden can offer solutions ranging from
turbine emissions control, or even increasing air coils, high and low pressure bleed air anti-icing
88% to 98% saturation effectiveness using higher face velocity
part load thermal efficiencyall based upon systems. Braden can also design and manufacture
media up to 750 feet per minute.
specific customer needs. heat exchanger skids to suit your needs.
After inlet cooling system
10 11
Engineered Skidded Systems SCR & CO Catalyst Systems for
Simple Cycle Plants
12 13
Flex Seals and Expansion Joints
HRSG Penetration Seals
Penetration Seals to Fit Your Application Belt material Frame material & design
Filter house
GT exhaust outlet
HRSG inlet
Exhaust stack
Insulation pillow L
Our HRSG penetration seals are designed for 3D model of upgraded
HRSG penetration seal Belt gap Insulation depth
the specific application, taking into consideration
Temperature Movements Only Need a Belt Section?
operating temperature, HRSG location (roof, Our typical HRSG penetration
If you have an area that is damaged or ripped,
seal kit includes: angle rings, Corrosive media P
side walls, or floor), maximum expansion/contraction, expansion joint belt, insulation, Braden can evaluate and provide a belt section
and vibration or lateral movements. No matter what clamping bars, bolts, Our engineers will select an EJ design that
washers and nuts, angle clips, that can be spliced to your existing material.
configuration, we can engineer an HRSG penetration and installation drawings will meet or exceed your expectations. This saves on the cost of replacing the entire
seal to fit your application! expansion joint belt.
14 15
Gas Turbine and Auxiliary Enclosure Replacements
and Replacement Doors & Panels
Let us show you how much a well-design solution Standardized insulation tubes
can help your operation. Acoustic enclosure - auxiliary equipment Improved hardware, including an exclusive
latch for doors that open with handles on Exclusive
same post for suicide doors latch design.
Hardware is available separately.
Multiple construction material
options available, including
stainless steel
Before After
16 17
Inlet Damper Systems Replacement Filters
from the outside environment. door to provide dehumidified air to the GT airflow conditions, including
re-usable plastic frames for
Natural air convection from stack draft effect internals (a heater skid can also be provided). high moisture applications.
causes air to continue to flow through the Technical Design:
inlet, GT, and exhaust duct when shut down
or on turning gear.
onnected to inlet system by
TriCel Barrier
Final Filters
interconnecting piping
Technical Design: P
LC-controlled safety system to prevent
Minimal leakage design fire, component damage, and if there is Bradens TriCel high-efficiency
any blockage in the system barrier filter is specifically
Stainless steel or carbon steel construction ExCel premier web filters Other filters use depth loading designed for gas turbine air
30-year design life employ surface loading media which traps particulate intake applications. Using
30-year design life technology to provide longer deep into the media, making the latest manufacturing
life and easier pulsed cleaning cleaning difficult techniques in filter media and
pleating, the TriCel filter provides high volumetric
air flow with extremely low pressure drop.
18 19
Turnkey The Global
Power Companies
Solutions. Leaders in Providing
Auxiliary Equipment
Integrated System and Support Services
for the Global Power
Knowledge. Generation Industry
Hetsco, Inc.
Leading global provider of brazed
aluminum heat exchanger repair,
maintenance and safety services to
5199 North Mingo Road the industrial gas, liquified natural gas
Tulsa, OK 74117 USA
and petrochemical industries
Tel: 918-272-5371
Fax: 918-272-7414 Koontz-Wagner Custom
E-mail: Controls Holdings, LLC Design, construction and electrical
integration of packaged control rooms
We design and fabricate to numerous certifications,
including those listed here and many others.
016 Global Power Equipment The Global Power logo design is a registered trademark of Global Power
Equipment Group, Inc. The Braden logo design is a registered trademark of Braden Manufacturing, LLC.
ExCel and TriCel are registered trademarks of Braden Manufacturing, LLC. All rights reserved.