A High Intensity Interval Training HIIT Based.17
A High Intensity Interval Training HIIT Based.17
A High Intensity Interval Training HIIT Based.17
during a sprint-distance triathlon before and after the HIIT period.
ncreased participation in recreational and competitive
Thirteen triathletes were matched into 2 groups: the experimental
triathlons over the last decade has been accompanied by
group (EG) and the control group (CG). The CG was asked to an increase in the number of athletes sustaining injuries
maintain their normal training routines, whereas the EG maintained (9). Studies investigating factors relating to levels of
only their swimming and cycling routines and modified their run- training that contribute to injury identified that training for
ning routine. Participants completed a sprint-distance triathlon or competing in the running component of the triathlon re-
before (pretest) and after (posttest) the intervention period. In both sulted in the greatest number of, and often the most severe,
pretest and posttest, the participants performed 4 jumping tests: injuries (9,28). Specifically, risk of injury increased with
before the race (baseline), postswim, postcycling, and postrun. increased weekly training distances, especially for running
Additionally, heart rate was monitored (HRmean), whereas rate (9,28). In contrast, a growing body of literature points to mean
of perceived exertion (RPE) and blood lactate accumulation training intensity over a season as the key factor for perfor-
(BLa) were registered after the race. No significant differences mance improvement (8,20). A clear example for endurance
(p $ 0.05) between groups were found before HIIT intervention
sports was reported by Billat et al. (4) who showed that male
Kenyan runners training at higher speeds had a significantly
(at pretest). Significant group-by-training interactions were found in
better 10-km performance than Kenyan athletes training at
vertical jumping ability and athletic performance: the EG improved
lower speeds, despite the elite status of both groups.
jumping performance (;69%, p # 0.05, effect size (ES) . 0.7),
As a training method that leads to a reduction in weekly
swimming performance (p = 0.013, ES = 0.438), and running time running distances and an increase in mean running intensity
(p = 0.001, ES = 0.667) during the competition, whereas the CG without impairing athletic performance, high-intensity interval
remained unchanged (p $ 0.05, ES , 0.4). No changes (p $ training (HIIT) is considered one of the most effective forms of
0.05, ES , 0.4) were observed in RPE, HRmean, and BLa. A exercise for improving the physical performance of athletes
linear regression analysis showed that DCMJ predicted both the (2,3,7,8,20). Although there is no universal definition, HIIT
DRu_time (R2 = 0.559; p = 0.008) and the DOverall_time (R2 = generally refers to repeated short to long bouts of high-
0.391; p = 0.048). This low-volume, HIIT-based running plan intensity exerciseperformed at close to 100% maximal oxygen
combined with the high training volumes of these triathletes in uptake (V_ O2max)interspersed with recovery periods.
The HIIT protocol is well documented (8), and various types
of HIIT programs have been shown to improve endurance per-
Address correspondence to Felipe Garca-Pinillos, fegarpi@gmail.com. formance in runners (1,12,17) and cyclists (10,19). However,
31(1)/146153 despite the reported benefits of training at a high intensity,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research endurance athletes continue to train mostly at low intensities
2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association (13); thus, more evidence is needed to convince coaches and
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athletes of the importance of HIIT for endurance performance. to the ethical standards established by the Helsinki Declaration
Finally, all of these studies have been performed in a single sport, (2013) and was approved by the local ethical committee of the
by replacing a part of their training programs and reducing, in University of Jaen (Spain). Inclusion criteria were (a) older than
a variable percentage (050%), the average training distance. 18 years, (b) actively competing in races, (c) a clean bill of
Nevertheless, to date, no previous studies have proposed any health for the past 6 months, and (d) not engaged in a high-
strategy to insert and apply the HIIT methodology to a triathlon. intensity training program. Three of the triathletes did not
Taken together, the aim of this study was to examine the complete the study because of illness during the intervention
effect of a 5-week HIIT-based running plan on the athletic period, and their data were excluded. Each signed a written
performance of triathletes and to compare the physiological informed consent before participation, completed a detailed
and neuromuscular responses during a sprint-distance triathlon questionnaire, and recorded race distances and times, training
race before and after this high-intensity and low-volume type, total distance, and training duration, which were con-
intervention period. The authors hypothesize that a low- firmed by their respective coaches. The group competed in
volume HIIT-based running plan, combined with the already a sprint-distance triathlon race to validate the current perfor-
high training volumes of these triathletes in swimming and mance status. Further information about participantsdemo-
cycling, might be a more efficient training program for graphic and training backgroundis shown in Table 1.
improving the performance of triathletes than the typically
Experimental Design
performed high-volume and low-/moderate-intensity exercise.
The study was conducted between March and April 2015. At
METHODS the time of these observations, the triathletes had completed
Experimental Approach to the Problem
between 3 and 4 months of training. A parallel 2-group,
This study analyses the effect of incorporating HIIT on muscle longitudinal (pre and post) design was used. Thus, physical
power measurement and simulated sprint triathlon performance. tests were performed before (pretest) and after (posttest) the
Using a between-group design (experimental group [EG] and 5-week intervention period. The triathletes were assigned and
control group [CG]), 13 triathletes were assessed. Athletes from matched to 2 groups, EG and CG, based on their perfor-
the CG were asked to maintain their training routines, whereas mance in a sprint-distance triathlon competition (overall race
triathletes from the EG modified their running plans, but time). To investigate the effect of a HIIT-based running
maintained their swimming and cycling routines. Testing was program, triathletes from the CG were asked to maintain their
completed at week zero (pre) and week 5 (post) to monitor training routines, whereas triathletes from the EG modified
changes over the course of a 5-week training program. This their running plans, but maintained their swimming and
would allow coaches and other professionals to have further cycling routines. Therefore, during the HIIT period, the CG
knowledge about the effect of a low-volume and high-intensity performed continuous moderate-intensity training sessions
running plan and the effects that this program had on athletic (for swimming, cycling, and running), whereas the EG
performance and muscular performance parameters. implemented their continuous moderate-intensity sessions
for swimming and cycling and HIIT for running.
Sixteen male triathletes (age = 33 6 5 years, age range = 24 Training
to 42 years, body mass = 74 6 5 kg, height = 176 6 9 cm) All HIIT sessions performed within this training program
volunteered for the study, which was performed according have been investigated in previous studies on endurance
TABLE 1. Demographic and anthropometric data of the participants (mean, SD), and information about characteristics
of their training routines and athletic performance.*
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HIIT for Endurance Athletes
Week 5
TABLE 2. Detailed description of the 5-wk high-intensity intermittent trainingbased running program, including exercises, intensity prescribed, and training
pose, the variable used was the velocity associated with
V_ O2max (VVO2max) which was indirectly estimated through
the velocity of a 3000-m race (11,18), information reported
from the coaches.
The HIIT program included 34 sessions per week for
5 weeks. This running program led to a reduction of
Week 4
average weekly running distance in the EG (269.8%,
from 33.6 km per week before training program to
10.14 km per week during training program). A descrip-
tion of the 5-week HIIT-based program is reported in
Table 2.
Week 3
*; means that training volume, in terms of kilometers per week, might vary according to the meters covered in some exercises.
Materials and Testing
The triathletes were instructed to refrain from intense
exercise two days preceding testing and to perform the last
HIIT session 3 days before the posttest. They were not
allowed to eat during the hour preceding the test or to
consume coffee or other products containing caffeine during
Week 2
the preceding 3 hours. Pretesting and posttesting were
conducted at the same time of day to avoid the influence
of the circadian rhythm and under similar environmental
conditions (20248 C).
Either at pretest or posttest, participation involved the
execution of a sprint-distance triathlon race (750-m swim-
Week 1
ming, 20-km cycling, and 5-km running), which was
completely performed in simulated conditions, in the same
sports facilities (closer than 100 m to each other). The
triathlon involved swimming in an eight-lane, 25-m pool;
and cycling on their own road racing bicycles, connected to
Intensity (%VV_ O2max)
All out
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Figure 1. Athletic performance during a sprint-distance triathlon before (pretest) and after (posttest) a five-week HIIT-based training program. *p # 0.05;
Sw_time: elapsed time for swimming; Cy_time: elapsed time for cycling; Ru_time: elapsed time for running.
The elapsed time (seconds) for the swimming, cycling, and race, and the average heart rate (HRmean) during every
running stages, and overall triathlon (transition times stage of the race was used for the analysis; the rate of per-
excluded) were registered for the subsequent analysis. ceived exertion (RPE) was recorded on the 620 Borg scale
Participants were experienced triathletes who had competed (5) immediately after the race; and blood lactate accumula-
in these events; thus, the only instructions were to finish the tion (BLa), at 1-minute after the race, was measured via
race as fast as they could (transitions included). No other fingertip blood samples, which were analyzed with a portable
guidelines were provided as to exercise intensity, apart from lactate analyzer (Scout Lactate; SensLab GmbH, Leipzig,
the participants being informed that they were to exercise at Germany).
an intensity of their own choice.
Additionally, to control the exhaustion level after the race Statistical Analyses
and possible adaptations to the training program, some Descriptive statistics are represented as mean (SD). Tests of
parameters were registered at both pretest and posttest: normal distribution and homogeneity (Shapiro-Wilk and
cardiovascular responsein terms of heart rate, in beats Levenes, respectively) were conducted on all data before
per minutewas monitored (Garmin Forerunner 405, Gar- analysis. Paired t-test was used to compare demographic
min International Inc., Olathe, KS, USA) throughout the data, body composition, and training background of
TABLE 3. Individual responses for the variables related to athletic performance (swimming, cycling, and running time,
in addition to overall time) before (pretest) and after high-intensity intermittent training intervention (posttest).*
Pretest Posttest
Number of Sw_time Cy_time Ru_time Overall race Sw_time Cy_time Ru_time Overall race
Group Participants (s) (s) (s) time (s) (s) (s) (s) time (s)
*Sw_time = swimming time; Cy_time = cycling time; Ru_time = running time; EG = experimental group; CG = control group.
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HIIT for Endurance Athletes
*CG = control group; EG = experimental group; HRmean_Sw = mean heart rate during the swimming stage; HRmean_Cy = mean heart rate during the cycling stage;
for the dependent variables (time for swimming, cycling,
running, and overall triathlon; and vertical jumping ability).
The alpha was adjusted by Bonferroni correction. Nonpara-
TABLE 4. Mean heart rate during every stage, and blood lactate accumulation and rate of perceived exertion after a sprint-distance triathlon race: before
metric statistics were used with ordinal dataRPE(Wil-
Cohens d
coxon test, for within-group differences; Mann-Whitney
U-test, for between-group comparison). Additionally, the
magnitude of the differences between values was also in-
terpreted using the Cohens d effect size (ES) (30). Effect
sizes of less than 0.4 represented a small magnitude of
change, whereas 0.410.7 and greater than 0.7 represented
moderate and large magnitudes of change, respectively
(30). A Pearson correlation analysis was performed
between the post-pre increase in elapsed time (DSw_time,
EG (n = 7)
DCy_time, DRu_time, and DOverall_time, respectively),
with the post-pre increase in baseline CMJ and SJ values
HRmean_Ru = mean heart rate during the running stage; RPE = rating of perceived exertion; BLa = blood lactate accumulation.
(DCMJ and DSJ). Based on the findings from the correla-
tion analysis, a simple linear regression analysis was used to
predict DRu_time and DOverall_time from the DCMJ dur-
ing the intervention. The level of significance was p # 0.05.
The data analysis was performed using SPSS (version 21;
SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
In a comparison between the CG and EG before the
training program (pretest), no significant differences (p $
0.05) were found in demographic data or in body compo-
Cohens d
sition parameters. As for the characteristics of training
routines and athletic level, the results obtained in both
the CG and EG were similar with no significant differences
(p $ 0.05) (Table 1).
The results obtained regarding the effect of the training
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Figure 2. Neuromuscular performance, in terms of vertical jump ability, during a sprint-distance triathlon before (pretest) and after (posttest) a five-week
HIIT-based training program for experimental (A) and CGs (B). *p # 0.05; **p , 0.01; indicates significant between-group differences (p # 0.05) at pretest;
# indicates significant group-by training interaction (p # 0.05). EG: experimental group; CG: control group; CMJ: countermovement jump; SJ: squat jump; post-
Sw: measurement after the swimming stage; post-Cy: measurement after the cycling stage; post-Ru: measurement after the running stage.
this response are shown in Figure 2. Both the CG and EG performance during a sprint-distance triathlon (improvements
showed similar performance before the HIIT intervention of 2.90% in swimming time, 0.47% in cycling time, and 3.93%
(CMJ: 30.5 and 30.98 cm; SJ: 29.77 and 29.43 cm, for the in running time). Conversely, the triathletes from the CG, who
EG and CG, respectively; p $ 0.05), but the performance continued their usual high-volume and low-/moderate-inten-
was different after the training program (p # 0.05). Signifi- sity training program, did not experience significant changes
cant group-by-training interaction was found in vertical in muscular performance parameters or racing times. Addi-
jumping ability: the EG improved CMJ (+9.21%, p = tionally, the improvements reported by the EG in athletic
0.015, ES = 1.498) and SJ performance (+5.9%, p = 0.026, performance were not accompanied by significant changes
ES = 1.065), whereas the CG experienced nonsignificant in the physiological response during the simulated race or in
impairments in CMJ (23.0%, p = 0.373, ES = 0.505) and exhaustion level reached, which indicates that the triathletes
SJ (21.8%, p = 0.228, ES = 0.413). Concerning the dynamic experienced some adaptations that allow them to race faster
of CMJ and SJ during the race, the repeated-measures anal- with the same physiological impact.
ysis showed no significant changes (p $ 0.05) at pretest or To justify this study, some facts must be considered. First,
posttest for both the CG and EG. a growing body of literature points to mean training intensity
The Pearson correlation analysis showed significant corre- over a season as the key factor for performance improve-
lations between DCMJ and DSJ with DRu_time (p , 0.001) ment (8,20). It is also known that the risk of injury increases
and between DCMJ and DOverall_time (p = 0.040). A linear with increased weekly running distances in triathletes (9,28).
regression analysis showed that DCMJ predicted both the With regard to this, the current running program led to
DRu_time (R = 0.748; R2 = 0.559; p = 0.008) and the a substantial reduction in average weekly running distance
DOverall_time (R = 0.625; R2 = 0.391; p = 0.048). in the EG (269.8%, from 33.6 km$wk21 before the training
program to 10.14 km$wk21 during the plan), and an increase
DISCUSSION in average running pace (participants did not include HIIT
The major finding of the present study was that the inclusion sessions in their training routines before this training
of a HIIT-based running plan with a reduction in training program).
volume not only resulted in improved muscular performance Second, independent of the differences in distance and
(;69% in vertical jump ability) but also increased athletic duration, all triathlons are considered continuous endurance
Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
HIIT for Endurance Athletes
events (29). Despite the physiological basis of aerobic endur- not directly controlled in the present study, the data re-
ance being not clearly understood (6), it is well known that ported on the dynamic of HR, BLa, and muscular perfor-
some of the major physiological determinants of endurance mance parameters during a sprint-distance triathlon before
performance are work economy, lactate threshold, and max- and after a 5-week HIIT plan let us gain some insight into
imal oxygen consumption (6). It has been shown that the the effectiveness of this training program. The results
presence of HIIT in endurance athletes training programs showed that a 5-week HIIT-based running plan improved
facilitates the aforementioned adaptations (1,12,17,19). Like- vertical jumping capacity in triathletes, whereas triathletes
wise, the importance of high volumes performed at low/ who continued training at low-moderate intensities with
moderate intensity for maximizing athletic performance in high volumes (CG) did not experience changes in muscular
endurance sports has also been demonstrated (22). For performance variables. Additionally, the regression model
both reasons, a combination of high training volume at performed in this study confirms the relationship between
low exercise intensities and lower training volumes of HIIT the gains in explosive muscular power and athletic perfor-
seems to be necessary to obtain optimal development of mance improvements during a sprint triathlon. This finding
endurance performance (7,8,20,27). In the current training supports the conclusion reported by Nummela et al. (25),
program, all of these suggestions have been taken into con- who noted the importance of neuromuscular characteristics
sideration by ensuring the presence of low/moderate inten- in determining running economy and, thereby, running per-
sity over long periods of time (through swimming and formance. Likewise and regarding cycling performance, Fa-
cycling sessions) and by reducing weekly running volumes ria et al. (14) indicated that peripheral adaptations in
and increasing the average intensity of running sessions by working muscles play a more important role for enhanced
means of HIIT. submaximal cycling capacity than central adaptations. And
Regarding the results obtained, this study is in agreement finally, with regard to the swimming performance improve-
with previous works that have shown the effectiveness of ment (although not statistically significant), the gains re-
HIIT programs for improving endurance performance and ported in explosive muscular power seem to maximize the
associated physiological variables (1,10,12,17,19). Focusing on positive effect of leg kick on the swimming speedobvious
athletic performance of trained individuals, the finding of direct generation of propulsive forces from the legs (15).
a ;34% improvement in swimming and running perfor- Hence, the improvements reported in this study highlight
mance after HIIT intervention is similar to the findings of the effectiveness of a HIIT-based training program for
Laursen et al. (19), who reported a 4.4% improvement in improving explosive muscular power and accentuate the
a 40-km cycling time trial after HIIT. Likewise, previous works importance of neuromuscular performance in endurance
(1,12) have reported an improvement in 3-km and 10-km performance. Nevertheless, the exact mechanism by which
running performance (37%) in endurance runners after differ- muscular performance improves after a period of HIIT in
ent HIIT programs. To our knowledge, just 1 study (16) trained athletes is still unknown. What is clear is that a faster
showed neither improvements nor decrements in athletic per- running pace during the HIIT sessions will demand higher
formance after a HIIT intervention in swimmers. As the au- levels of neural drive, will lead to higher levels of activation of
thors explained, those results might be due to the extensive the anaerobic glycolysis, and will recruit additional fast-twitch
experience of the participants in HIIT exercisescriterion not motor units for relatively short durations (26), which may be
met in the rest of studies. Previous studies performing HIIT the physiological basis of improvements reported in this study.
interventions have been conducted in single sports, such as Another important finding was the lack of changes in the
swimming (16), running (1,12,17), or cycling (19), but no pre- physiological response during the simulated race at posttest,
vious work has proposed any strategy to insert and apply the according to pretest data. The CG did not experience
HIIT methodology to a triathlon. In this regard, this study alterations in athletic performance and, thus, a similar
shows that the presence of HIIT in the triathletes running cardiovascular response and BLa might be expected at
plan not only improves running performance but also swim- pretest and posttest. However, the EG improved athletic
ming performance during a sprint-distance competition, which performance at posttest, which was not accompanied by
might be associated with the cross-training principle (a phe- significant changes in the physiological response during the
nomenon that refers to the cross-transfer of training effects simulated race nor in exhaustion level reached, which
from one sport to another) (24). indicates that the triathletes experienced some adaptations
The precise mechanisms by which HIIT can improve that allowed them to race faster with the same physiological
endurance performance remain undetermined. Potential impact. A right shift in the lactate threshold, so that higher
adaptations that may contribute to the improvement in running speeds are achieved at equivalent BLa levels, is
endurance performance after HIIT include the increased a well-known consequence of endurance training and
ability of skeletal muscle to buffer hydrogen ions (32) and a determinant of endurance performance (23). Therefore,
increased Na+/K+ pump capacity (1), anaerobic capacity as well as muscle power improvements, physiological adap-
(19), and motor unit activation (10,17). Although the acute tations to the HIIT period might be determinants of athletic
neuromuscular, physiological, and metabolic responses were performance improvements reported in the current study.
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