TO BRING Back A Evoca TO BRING About A Se Intampla TO BRING Up A Educa

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TO APOLOGIZE for - a(-si) cere scuze vpentru ...

TO ASK about - a intreba despre

TO ASK for - a cere ceva

TO BE short of - a ramane fara

TO BE ran down - a fi terminat

TO BELONG to - a apartine [cuiva]

TO BREAK off - a se intrerupe brusc din discutie

TO BREAK away with - a se dezobisnui
TO BREAK up - a se desparti
TO BREAK into - a intra prin efractie

TO BRING back = a evoca

TO BRING about = a se intampla
TO BRING up = a educa

TO COME across - a se intalni accidental

TO COME in - a intra
TO COME out - a iesi, a deveni cunoscut

TO CALL off = a anula

TO CALL forth = a evoca
TO DO without - a se lipsi de ceva

TO DROP off = a atipi

TO FALL out - a se desprinde

TO FALL out with - a anula

TO FIND out - a afla

TO GET away - a se da la o parte, a pleca, (Mars!)

TO GET down to - a da jos, a se apuca
TO GET in - a intra
TO GET out - a iesi, (Dispari!, Mars!)
TO GET through - a trece prin ceva, a face legatura telefonica
TO GET up - a se pregati, a se ridica

get over (something)- stop thinking about something. I can't get over how hard
that test was.

get away with (something)- do something wrong without punishment. The

bank robbers got away with robbing the bank. The police never found them.

get on with (something)- continue with something. Listen everyone, it's time to
stop talking and get on with our class.

get around- way to go places. I get around by bicycle, but my brother gets
around on foot.
get around to (something)- finally do something. I finally got around to doing
my homework. I didn't do it for several days.

get along with- be friendly with. My neighbor and I get along very well. We talk

get by- have enough to survive. I have enough money to get by until next week.

get down to- become serious about. Dinner is finished and now it's time to get
down to business.

TO GIVE in = a ceda
TO GIVE off = a emite un miros neplacut
TO GIVE out = a fi epuizat (despre carti)
TO GIVE away = a trada
To GIVE way = a ceda (despre lucruri/obiecte)

TO GO off - a exploda

TO GROW up - a creste

TO MAKE for = a se indrepta spre ceva (un loc)

TO MAKE out = a intelege, a discerne

TO LET off - a ierta

TO LOOK after = a avea grija de cineva
TO LOOK out = a (te) feri
TO LOOK into = a examina
TO LOOK up = a cauta pe cineva / a cauta in dictionar
TO LOOK away = a intoarce privirea
TO LOOK forward to = a astepta (!cere verb + ing)
TO LOOK on to = a avea vedere spre (ex: mare)
TO LOOK up to = a admira
TO LOOK down on = a dispretui
TO LOOK out of = a se uita pe geam
TO LOOK over = a se uita superficial

TO PAY for - a plati pentru

TO REFRAIN from - a se abtine (de la ceva)

TO SEE (somebody) off - a conduce (pe cineva)

TO SEE through - a examina, a analiza

TO SORT out - a rezolva

TO TAKE down = a scrie / a dobori

TO TAKE to = a simpatiza / a se apuca de ceva
TO TAKE up = a imbratisa o cariera
TO TAKE in = a pacali pe cineva
TO TAKE aback = a fi luat prin surprindere
TO TAKE over = a prelua
TO TAKE on = a ocupa un loc in spatiu
TO TAKE off = a se dezbraca / a decola
TO TAKE down on = a invinovati
TO TAKE after = a semana (cu cineva)

TO PUT off = a amana

TO PUT down = a scrie / ainabusi o revolta
TO PUT away = a economisi bani
TO PUT up = a caza pe cineva
TO PUT up with = a suporta pe cineva
TO PUT under = a ascunde
TO PUT on = a se ingrasa / a se imbraca
TO PUT out = a stinge lumina / a stinge focul


accustomed to He is accustomed to having his own office.

addicted to She is addicted to watching TV.

afraid of She is afraid of speaking in public.

anxious about Norma is anxious about making the presentation.

bored of I am bored of doing the same old job.

capable of He is capable of winning a gold medal.

committed to She is committed to improving her English.

concerned about Nancy was concerned about being late.

content with Tim is content with winning second place.

dedicated to The organization is dedicated to ending poverty.

devoted to The money will be devoted to protecting the environment.

disappointed with Fiona was disappointed with coming in third place.

discouraged by He was discouraged by not getting the job.

excited about The researcher was excited about going to Africa.

famous for That actor is famous for being extremely weird.

fond of She is fond of having picnics.

frightened of She is frightened of being alone at night.

guilty of The banker was guilty of stealing money.

happy about He was happy about winning the lottery.

interested in She is interested in becoming a doctor.

involved in He was involved in making the movie.

known for She was known for causing problems.

opposed to They are opposed to building a new road in the park.

proud of He was proud of having completed the marathon.

remembered for She is remembered for protecting mountain gorillas.

responsible for He is responsible for causing the damage.

scared of Tina is scared of being alone at night.

terrified of The surfer is terrified of being attacked by a shark.

tired from She is tired from working all day.

tired of Margaret is tired of making dinner every night.

worried about The hikers were worried about not having enough water.


addiction to His addiction to surfing the Internet is a problem.

advantage of He has the advantage of speaking English fluently.

anxiety about Her anxiety about speaking in public caused her to lose the job.

belief in His belief in not harming animals was something he learned from his mother.

credit for She took credit for improving the filing system.

dedication to His dedication to teaching was impressive.

delay in The delay in processing the visa caused problems.

devotion to His devotion to biking allowed him to win the competition.

disadvantage The disadvantage of flying is that you can't see the scenery along the way.

experience in She has a great deal of experience in introducing new products to international m
With the noun "experience," sometimes a gerund is added without the preposition
products" would also be acceptable.

fear of His fear of flying made travel difficult.

fondness for Her fondness for traveling led to her career in the travel industry.

habit of His habit of smoking in restaurants caused many problems in California.

interest in Her career as a pilot evolved out of her interest in flying.

knowledge of Her knowledge of climbing helped her during the competition.

love of His love of singing developed when he was a child.

memory of Their memories of traveling in Africa will stay with them forever.

preference for I think his preference for speaking his native language is natural.

process of The process of painting such a large mural is more complicated than you might th

reaction to His reaction to winning the prize was quite funny.

reason for The main reason for taking the course is to improve your language skills.

regret for The criminal's regret for committing the crime did not convince the judge.

report on The magazine's report on choosing the right car was not well researched.

reputation for Her reputation for lying is well known.

responsibility His responsibility for completing the project on time was acknowledged by the co

story about I don't know if I believe his story about seeing a UFO.

talent for His talent for learning languages was impressive.

nouns preposition examples

18 is the age at which you are allowed

to vote.
age, attempt, point at
Fisk is making his third attempt at the
world record.
nouns preposition examples

Whats the reason for your

need, reason, unhappiness?
responsibility Nobody seems to have responsibility
for the budget.

Changes in society have meant that

changes, young people leave home earlier.
differences, increase Theres been a steady increase in the
value of the euro.

The police inquiry into the theft

investigation, into
She did some research into the causes
of back pain.

This is an example of international

cause, example, way of
We need to find another way of doing

My reaction to it all was to try to forget

approach, reaction, it.
response Her response to the criticism was very

Typical errors
Go to our website to get the address of your nearest branch.
Not: the address to your nearest branch.
I saw an advertisement for a teaching job in Malawi which
advertisement looked interesting.
Not: an advertisement of a teaching job

There is a growing awareness of the impact of climate

change among the young.
Not: a growing awareness about the impact of climate

Changes in our diet have meant that more and more people
suffer heart disease. (changes that happen)
Not: Changes of our diet
The director of studies must be informed of
any changes to the timetable. (changes that people purposely
Not: of any changes in the timetable. (This means
changes that happen, not those that people purposely make.)

Congratulations on your new job!

Not: Congratulations for your new job!

Id like to do a course in computer programming if I could

course find a good one.
Not: a course of computer programming

We went to see an exhibition of Viking jewellery.

Not: an exhibition about Viking jewellery.

Do you have any previous experience of working with

(usually followed by the -ing form of a verb)
experience Not: previous experience in working with children?
She has ten years experience in television and
radio. (usually followed by a noun)
Not: ten years experience on television and radio.
There has been an increase of 200,000 in the citys
population in the last ten years.
increase (Of is used before numbers and quantities
decrease after increase/decrease/growth; in is used before the thing
growth affected by the change.)
Not: an increase of the citys population
(Compare change in, above.)

Can you give us some information on/about bus tours,

information please?
Not: some information of bus tours ?

He seems to have less interest in everything these days.

Not: less interest to everything these days.

The invitation to the reception at the embassy arrived the

invitation next day.
Not: The invitation of the reception

For this job you need some knowledge of Portuguese.

Not: some knowledge in Portuguese.
He has an amazing knowledge of European history.
Not: an amazing knowledge about European history.

I need some lessons in how to set up a website.

Not: I need some lessons of how to

Can anyone become a member of your book club?

Not: a member in your book club?

Questionnaires are not necessarily the best method

method of collecting sociological data.
Not: the best method to collect

need We understand the need for change but we should move

Not: the need of change
(Of is used with need in the expression in need of:
The village is in need of a community centre where people,
especially young people, can go in the evenings.)

I was a newcomer to windsurfing so I was very nervous.

Not: I was a newcomer of windsurfing

Id love to show you some of the nice places in my

place hometown.
Not: the nice places of my hometown.

The possibility of making contact with other intelligent

possibility beings in the universe is very small.
Not: The possibility to make contact

The problem of finding a good babysitter is one that many

problem parents have faced.
Not: The problem to find

Ive never understood the reason for all these different

reason forms we have to fill in.
Not: the reason of all

We all know the risks of getting a virus if we dont protect

risk our computer.
Not: the risks for getting a virus

She did a translation into English of some ancient Chinese

translation poems.
Not: a translation in English

The visit to the temple was the high point of the holiday.
Not: The visit in the temple

in the street (Engl. americ. - on the stret) - pe strada

in the playground - pe terenul de sport
in the sky - pe cer
in the sun - la soare
in the open air - la aer curat
on the way to - n drum spre
on the 1st floor - la etajul 1
round the corner - dupa colt
at present - n prezent
at the some time - n acelasi timp
at this moment - n acest moment
at last - n sfrsit
in a year`s time - peste un an
in my opinion - dupa parerea mea
beyond control - independent de vointa ...
in all probability - dupa toate probabilitatile
by my watch - dupa ceasul meu
by heart - pe de rost, pe dinafara
by mistake - din greseala
to go on a trip / on holiday - a merge n calatorie / n vacanta
to go (out) for a walk - a merge la plimare
lo look out of the window - a privi pe fereastra
to get in through the window - a intra pe fereastr
he`s the tallest in the class - e cel mai nalt din clas
outside the garden - n fata gradinii

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