Christ Episcopal Church Eureka September Chronicle 2017

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Informal Family Service, August 13

September is upon us, the Labor Day holiday sees the end of the summer season and
we can put those white shoes and purses away for another year, or is that now an
outdated custom? For many of us vacations are over, and the regular routine of work,
school, volunteer activities, and meetings resumes. This can bring a certain wistfulness,
knowing that, while some of our better weather is still to come, the days are growing
shorter and winter will soon be here. Despite this, September gives me a sense of
coming together after our disparate activities of the summer. Our community gathers,
be it in the classroom, workplace, or here at Christ Church and, as we move into the
holiday season, families of all sorts will gather around the Thanksgiving table.
Family, community, for most of us these are comforting words, they give us a sense of belonging, of security, of
acceptance. In our families and immediate communities, we are known for who we are, and we are welcomed as
part of the greater whole. Now before you call me on it, I know that families can be difficult at times, we all have
those members that have caused heartache, trouble, sorrow, and perhaps affectionate humor, but nevertheless we
have a connection to them. We are blessed to be a part of the household of God in this our faith community of
Christ Church. As a community, we have seen good times and not so good times, but we are together, working to
uphold the commonwealth of God on earth, and especially in this part of Humboldt County.
As we move into the fall, we are still actively engaged in the search for our next priest, a process that has taken
longer than we planned. Be assured that with the help of Canon Andrea, as well as the dedication, and hard work
of our Applicant Review Committee and Vestry, we should soon be welcoming a new rector into the community of
Christ Church. This is bound to bring changes. Mother Nancy and I will have to leave Christ Church for an
indeterminate period of time as you get to know, and appreciate, the leadership of your new priest. Our
community will change slightly, but will stand firm, becoming still stronger over time.
Community, it is a wonderful thing, a gift to us from God, whose own self lives in community, that of the Holy
Trinity. Earlier today, I was watching the news from Texas, seeing images of neighborhoods devastated by
flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey. Seeing how people, from all walks of life, have come together to help their
brothers and sisters in need. Small boats brought in by volunteers from neighboring states to rescue those stranded
on roof tops, people forming human chains to pull folk out of almost submerged vehicles, red cross volunteers
giving food and clothing, churches opening their doors, and much needed funds being raised by many small and
some large donations.
Michael Curry, our Presiding Bishop, urges us to pray for those affected, and to donate to the Episcopal Relief
and Development fund at You can watch his comments at
In a statement Bishop Andy Doyle of the Diocese of Texas, said this,
Our prayers are for those who wait and watch and weep today for loss of life, home and livelihood. We pray for those who are in the
midst of the storm, and who await rescue and relief. In the meantime those who are able are helping those who are dependent upon the
kindness of others. One of the most heartening things about this horrific weather event is witnessing neighbors helping neighbors in both
small and enormous ways.

Community, it is indeed a wonderful thing, a God given blessing, be it in times of joy, sorrow or disaster. As we
enter into September with all that it brings, let us give thanks for the community that is Christ Episcopal Church,
and be secure in the knowledge that it will uphold us, strengthen us, and with joy, lead us on to the future.

There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1

September is my favorite month. Since ancient times, September has been

viewed as the beginning of the new year, a time for reflection and resolution.
Change in the natural world is subtle but relentless; seasons seem to give way gently
to one another, even if the monthly motion is so swift we dont realize were
moving. But when the leaves start turning colors, its time for turning over a
personal new leaf so that our lives might be restored. Katharine Elizabeth Fite
wrote, Why do you suppose so many of us waste the autumn? Why dont we make the effort that would provide
something new in our lives? She urges a new tradition of personal and positive resolutions in September.
While January resolutions are more about will; September resolutions are more about authentic wants.
What do you want more or less of in your life, so that you can love the life youre leading? It could be as simple as
seeing friends more often, setting aside time to have adventures, calling a solitary hour a day your own, or just
taking more walks in this beautiful place we live in.
We can also ask this question as what do I want from my church community and my faith that will guide
me in my love of the life I lead with God.
The beauty of autumnal resolutions is that no one else knows were making them. Autumnal resolutions
dont require horns, confetti, and champagne. September resolutions ask only that we be open to positive change.
Change that will lead us closer to God.

Lyn Klay, Senior Warden

Music and Arts Camp 2017

I remember that art and singing were my favorite things.

Emily Hines recently shared this about her initial Music and Arts Camp experience
seven years ago during the summer of 2010. As campers of that first summer camp,
Emily, her friend Sunny, and many others helped launch what has become a significant
Christ Church outreach to many children in our community.
The Christ Church campus once again came alive with the sound of childrens
singing and laughter during the week of August 7 11. With the mission of
awakening the creative spirit in the children of our community in a safe and loving Christian environment, this
years theme was Put One Foot in Front of the Other and Lead with Love, based on a composition by singer
and songwriter Melanie DeMore. Currently living in Oakland, Ms. DeMore graciously gave her blessing for our
camp to use her inspiring song. During the week the Christ Church campus resounded with many melodies,
especially those involving feet. We are Marching in the Light of God was clearly a camp favorite in both the
whole group and three small group sessions.
Nan Voss Herlihy did a fantastic job with her class on vocal instruction and the fundamentals of singing. From
learning many songs to engaging in activities encouraging proper singing technique, the children had fun in focused
musical activities.
Marita Musantes art projects were fabulous. Artist Nick Cave inspired the sound gloves and artist Reggie
Laurent was behind the campers abstract canvas pieces. Delphine Doreau provided the imagination for the
watercolor birds. Campers learned a bit about each of these artists who are alive and well and creating new pieces.
The third and final class, Instrumental Families, provided the children with lively opportunities to play and
experience a wide variety of musical instruments. During the week, Merry Phillips led a session on keyboards
(including two floor keyboards played either with hands or feet!). Helen Winfrey played her clarinet and had the
children make straw oboes. Music teacher Dave Demant brought ten cornets and, to the delight of both children
and adults, had the Zander room full of joyful noise! For the stringed instrument session, junior shepherd Caitlin
Wheetley played her violin and talked about the discipline and practice required to play an instrument well. Paul
Gossard facilitated as every student got to try out the banjo, harp, ukulele, guitar, string bass, and dulcimer.
Love, learning, and laughter were the words for a week that concluded with a group photo made especially
colorful with a rainbow t-shirts. After an open house, campers and families were treated to a concert by several
members of the Arcata Interfaith Gospel Choir under the direction of Louis Holland. Their final number, Put
One Foot in Front of the Other and Lead with Love included all the campers. Then it was off to a delicious
lunch lovingly prepared and presented in a beautifully decorated Lewis Hall. Wow!
Now in high school, Emily returned to Music and Arts Camp this year as a junior shepherd, working with the
youngest group of children. Being a junior shepherd this August brings back a lot of good memories. It makes
me so happy to see everyone again! (She also mentioned she was glad that Mrs. Joan Stewart continues to be a
such a worthy opponent in the camp sock competition!)

Emily enjoyed leading the song of peace we all sang together to conclude each day of camp. Her favorite class in
school this year is singing in Mr. Youngs choir at Eureka High. Way to go, Emily!
A very special shout out to all the teen shepherds: Andrew Curtis, Rachel Curtis, Sally Endsley, Emily Hines,
Chloe Robnett, Caitlin Wheetley, Isaac Young
It certainly took a village and many thanks to the following who contributed in truly gracious abundance:
Coordinating Team: Peg Gardner, Marita Musante, Merry Phillips, Nancy Streufert, Nan Voss Herhihy, Paul
Gossard, Pam Gossard,
Activity Leaders/Teachers: Nanette Voss Herlihy, Marita Musante, Merry Phillips, Paul Gossard, Pam Gossard
Adult Shepherds/workers: Shirley Curtis, Caren Diebold, Heidi Erickson, Carmella Wenger, Elizabeth Harper-
Lawson, Joan Stewart, Anne Pierson, Nancy Streufert
Luncheon Crew: Cindy Woods, Merry Phillips, Janet Robinson, Diana Cooper
Snack Mavens: Sara Hines, Sally Endsley
Table decorations and serving: Janet Robinson, Susan Whaley, Irene Hannaford, Elizabeth Harper-Lawson, Merry
Nursery Staffing: Vickie Patton, Fiona Grant-Endsley, Sally Endsley, Elizabeth Harper-Lawson
Church Support: Lesley McCloghrie+, Kathy Clague, John Hammond, Barry Ross, Jeff Sellars
Guest Musicians: Helen Winfrey, David Demant
Special Performance by Arcata Interfaith Gospel Choir Ensemble
Parish Campers:
Christ Church: Finnbar Endsley, Lily Mion, Birdie Solis, Emilia Sellars, Eliana Sellars
St. Albans: Lily Bowman, Lotus Bowman, Timber Bowman, Lily Herlihy
Among the 30 campers enrolled this year, many were from the foster care community.
Please see the poster in Lewis Hall for pictures and a complete list of all the generous people from the
congregations of Christ Church and St. Albans who gave of their time, talent and treasure! All funding this year
came from the generous donations from our congregations and from the year-end Bishops Appeal. If you are
feeling called to this joyful ministry, please talk to anyone on our leadership team. Thank you!

Music and Arts Camp 2017

Music and Arts Camp 2017

Hello everyone,
It has been a wonderfully busy summer as the Jr Warden of Christ Church.
Just a quick re-cap:
The bathrooms in the Education building have been beautifully remodeled.
The Choir room door was lovingly repainted.
The bench in the courtyard was beautifully painted by Lynne Beane (a belated
thank you to Lynne).
The new safety fencing has been installed on the campus. They really are quite elegant, aren't they?
My gardening friends continue to keep our gardens beautiful all summer long.
The Exit sign over the now locked basement door has been moved to the church's front door.
And now for some future projects:
A parishioner has graciously donated the funds to replace the deteriorating drinking fountain in the court
yard. Repairs begin soon.
The sump pump in the basement of the church building will repaired and /or replaced shortly.
We are doing some electrical work on a few light fixtures in the church and around the campus.
I am speaking with members of our quilters group about working together to replace the cushions for the
ushers pews in the back of the nave.
An estimate has been completed for the replacement of one of the windows in the Chapel.
I know that it seems like these are not big things going forward. But, believe me when I say, these are some in-
credible projects. And I believe that it's the small things that make the big things so much better. I also know
that my friends at Christ Church will let me know when something needs to be repaired or replaced. Believe me
when I say, that I sincerely appreciate all of your input. For without your input, I may not be aware of some of the
needed repairs. As always, I will do my best to keep you all apprised of the latest campus upgrade to Christ
Church and maybe even an occasional picture.
Have a wonderful September my friends,
Heidi Erickson

Imagine you are a child who finds yourself in court, the victim of abuse or neglect
in the company of a judge, attorneys, social workers all strangers. Youre scared;
your world has been turned upside down. You are alone. This is the reality foster
children face every day. Far too many children have never slept in a warm bed, had
clean clothes to wear, nutritious food to eat, or someone to hug. Thats where CASAs
(Court Appointed Special Advocates) come in. We provide one-to-one advocacy to
help prevent children from falling through the cracks.
The National CASA Association is a network of nearly 1,000 programs that includes
CASA of Humboldt, which was created in 1991. As of August 22, the total number of
open child welfare cases in the Humboldt County Child Welfare Services Division was
389. CASA of Humboldt is currently able to serve only 15% of these children with 47
CASA volunteers. The job for the CASA is to recommend the most secure, safe, and
permanent home for children in juvenile-dependency cases as well as the services the children and family need as
they move through the court process. This recommendation comes after the CASA spends time weekly with the
child and learns details about the childs circumstances. The CASA volunteer talks to everyone in the childs life,
including family members, teachers, friends, doctors, counselors, neighbors, attorneys, medical professionals, and
law enforcement officials who know the child. The CASA reviews all the reports written by social workers,
counselors, or other people involved and then submits a report to the court based on the CASAs experiences
with the child and the statements of people closest to the child. This report includes an independent
recommendation of what the CASA believes is in the childs best interest.
CASA of Humboldt depends on community support for nearly 80% of their annual budget, most of which goes
to recruit, screen, train, and supervise volunteers to advocate for children. Their signature campaign to raise funds
for the year is the CASA Kid Walk held on October 7. This year, Christ Church is registered as a CASA Kid
Walk team! Donations (checks or cash) may be deposited in the red box in the Heritage Room. Checks should be
made out to "CASA" with "Christ Church Kid Walk Team" in the memo line.
CASA also needs caring people to be a childs advocate. The next training takes place October 11th -
November 15th on Wednesday evenings from 6-9 pm at the CASA Office on Myrtle Avenue. For more
information about becoming a CASA or to participate in the Kid Walk, contact Mother Nancy, a CASA and
Christ Churchs Kid Walk Team Captain.

Mother Nancy and Heidi Erickson representing CASA Kids Walk

John and Vickie Patton September 2 Lynne and Greg Bean September 8
Marcia Marling September 15 David Moore September 23
Jake Schultz September 23 Nancy and Richard September 25
Peg Gardner September 26 Richard Whaley September 26

Lay Ministries
In addition to the following ministries, you may also give of your time and talents in other ways Altar Guild, gar-
dening, folding bulletins, and choir to name a few. We know that helping others and sharing our talents makes us
feel good so join us when you can, as often as you can.

Nursery and Sunday School Ushers and Greeters

Eucharistic Visitors Acolytes and Eucharistic Ministers
Coffee Hour Hosts Announcers
Contribution Counters Lectors and Intercessors


Anne Pierson Acolytes and Eucharistic Ministers 442-2025

Sanford Pyron Announcers 444-0968
Lynne Bean Coffee Hour 822-6086
Bob Hines Contribution Counters 445-8974
Elizabeth Harper-Lawson Eucharistic Visitors 445-1726
Marty Vega Lectors and Intercessors 443-9782
Vickie Patton Nursery and Sunday School 443-1825
Susan Whaley Ushers and Greeters 445-2924

Marty Vega

Quilters Plus - Wed., Sept. 6: Cuttin' Up Time Again!

What a mix - deer, dogs, cats, baseballs, frogs, daisies, along with a touch of plaid! Add in friendly conversation,
coffee, snacks and yourself for the best way to spend the first Wednesday morning in September. We'll be
working on a new group of fleece throws for foster kids to donate to the TFI Foster Family Resource Center.
Tools and materials provided, so bring yourself and cut fringe to poke through small slits. That's all it takes, so we
all can do it! Join us in Lewis Hall on Wed., Sept. 6, 9:30 a.m. or as soon after as works for you.
Questions? Check with Peg Gardner, 443-9527.

ECW will welcome back members and guests when it resumes
its meetings on Wednesday, September 13, at 12 noon. We
will begin with a brief Eucharist service followed by a potluck
lunch. After lunch, Mtr. Lesley will give a talk on the history
of liturgical vestments.

Bishop Beisner in formal regalia at the

ordination of our deacons

The Altar Guild

Hello from the Altar Guild, the silent, behind the scene group of workers that prepare the church for your
worship. As you know we recently lost one of our most dedicated and loved members, Eris McCarthy. She is
greatly missed by us all. With her passing and the loss of Mary Edson in 2015, we need your help. Please consider
joining our team. Your commitment would be once a month, which includes Saturday set up and then clean up
after the service on Sunday.
We do work as a group for special services like Christmas and Easter. We will teach you everything you need to
know. The Altar Guild is a very rewarding ministry of Christ Church. Contact me Katherine Clague at 822-5860
or by email: if you are interested.
Katherine Clague, Altar Guild Director
The Bread Committee
The Bread Committee continues on and will continue to do so until the new Rector is found. Then she/he will
decide if they want to continue with the home-made bread or do something else. Mary McNelis has been on the
committee from the beginning, as have several other members of the Church, and Mary is retiring from the
committee. Our new member is Lin Chase. I am happy to have her join us. There are seven on the Committee
and we each make enough bread for two Sunday services so it is not an arduous responsibility. Consider joining
Irene Hannaford
Gardening at the church
You all know that Beth Powell and I have been working with John Hammond in the gardens around Christ
Church. It would be wonderful if we had a few more volunteers. We have been spending about 2 hours each on
Wednesday and Saturday mornings. John mows the lawns and has been able to help us with some of the heavy
digging up of unwanted bulbs and other gardening that is too much for Beth and me. We would both like to see
some more volunteers even if its only for an hour or so or on a regular basis during the months
ahead. You can either call us or just show up. Thank you, in advance. Irene Hannaford 444-8559.

TFI - Foster Family Resource Center Back-to-School Donation

At the August 13 8:00 a.m. service, Mtr. Lesley blessed 32 packages of new underwear for school age foster
children and youth. The donation was gratefully received at the Resource Center. Thanks to all who contributed.
'A Day of Hope: Building a Healthy Community for Children and Families' - Sat., Oct. 14
If you are not participating in the Deanery Convocation for convention delegates or the Alzheimer's Walk on
Saturday, October 14, why not attend 'A Day of Hope' at Sequoia Conference Center (Humboldt County Office
of Education campus on Myrtle Ave.)? Co-sponsored by TFI and the Humboldt County Dept. of Health and
Human Services, the day will focus on foster care and adoption, with an emphasis on ways for the community,
including the faith community, to help provide support for foster children and families. Mtr. Nancy, Deacon Pam
and Peg Gardner are working with TFI on this community-wide event.

UTO Boxes - Are You Counting Your Blessings?

Blue UTO (United Thank Offering) boxes are available for the coming year. These are simple coin banks to help
you count your many blessings. Keep one in a visible place in your home or office to remind you to thank God
for your many blessings. The contents, when collected each year near Ascension Day in the spring, are used to
support many outreach programs of The Episcopal Church. This year Christ Church donated $320 to the UTO
---Peg Gardner

Regarding Stewardship
I was driving by the church one afternoon recently and saw the sign in front for the Summer Music and arts
camp with the Motto;
"Putting one foot in front of the other"

Many events in our congregation this year have lead me to believe this same motto is a timely thought for our
congregation about where we are, and this leads us to our Stewardship theme for the year which is
"We are marching in the light of God with one foot in front of the other leading with Love"
We have had numerous dear friends in our congregation pass away, move on to another world this year.
We have had a search for a rector that turned out, unfortunately, not to our expectation.
We saw Sister Diana leave us to move to Ohio for her new assignment.
We will be faced with increasing costs in our budget for a new Rectors salary and retirement costs that we have
not had since our last Rector left 5 years ago.
With all of these things coming at us this year we have continued to move forward in our faith that God will show
us the way and all we need to do is to continue as we have done; supporting each other, support the Mission of
Christ Church with all of our ministries and to simply
"March forward in the light of God with one foot in front of the other leading with Love."
Stewardship to us is year long, something we always do, taking care of our Time, Treasures and Talents for the
work of God in our community that we live in. To continue our faithful work to God in the manner which we
have done, we will all need to consider giving an increase in our pledges to meet our costs. We continue to give
what we can in our Faith that God will show us the way to support all of his people, our Brothers and Sisters in
We can do this with our formidable strength and energy to do what is right for the Glory of God.
Your Stewardship committee will be sponsoring some events that will be fun and a little different than before
September 16 "Our Town Dinner" a potluck dinner, in which the play "Our Town" will be read in three sections,
before dinner, between dinner and dessert and after our dessert, the other fun part to this is that, no one will
know which part they will be reading until they sit down at a chair and find a placard turned face down and the
other side will reveal the part they will read, and this will be switched around between each act while we eat. That
should be really funall characters welcome!
October 1 after each of Sundays service will be our Opportunity Fair. A celebration of our Ministries and a
chance for everyone to see all that we do, to sign up new volunteers, and maybe sign on with a different Ministry
than what you have served on, change it up a bit and be on a different committee if something different speaks to
your passion, and add an extra ministry if you have the time and desire.
October Saturday 7, a "Treasure Tea." Share fellowship, teas, cookies and other desserts. Bring desirable and
gently used items that you no longer need but are too nice to go to the thrift store and donate them for a church
auction or raffle in the future.
November 5 Ingathering and blessing of the pledges at both Sunday Services.
November 11 ( Veterans Day Friday Nov. 10) The Stewardship Dinner at 5:00 p.m. with main dishes provided
by the Church and there will be sign up sheets for setup/cleanup, potluck salads, breads and desserts, auction
items and raffle baskets, and of course enjoy our annual fellowship and fun.
Looking forward to seeing you at our events,
Sanford Pyron

Liturgical Music for the Season
It is September, and we are feeling the sense of change, of new beginnings, and
perhaps bidding a sad farewell to those lazy summer days. The choir has had one
rehearsal already and will return to the 10:30 Service of Holy Eucharist on September
10. It will be glorious to have them back!
We welcome new choir member, Caren Diebold, and always look forward to
welcoming more new choir members. This year we find ourselves especially in need of
Sunday, September 10, also marks a change in our liturgical season as we begin what is referred to as the Season
after Pentecost, Part 2. It is also known as the Fall season of Ordinary Time. And to mark that change, we will be
singing a different set of service music. Choosing seasonal sets of service music, that is, music we use throughout
a particular liturgical season, is intended to help us mark the change in season as well as provide certain
characteristic elements that we identify with each season.
Mother Lesley and I discuss ideas for service music with the Worship Committee and different factors weigh
into the decision-making and choice of music. For the remainder of the Season after Pentecost, we have chosen
three settings of music by American composer, Robert Powell. Stylistically they are related, having been composed
by the same composer, and they have been sung at Christ Church on a regular basis throughout the years. We felt
it important to have familiar and traditional settings for this change of season, as we mark the end of the summer
season and beginning of the fall, often associated with the return to and welcoming back of all in our worship
Robert Powell (b. 1932) is a composer, organist, and choir director. Originally from Benoit, Mississippi, he
developed a passion for sacred music early in his life. He attended Louisiana State University, where for the first
time, he heard a four-part choir. After earning a degree in Organ and Composition, he went on to attend Union
Theological Seminary of New York, receiving a Masters degree in Sacred Music. As a graduate student he took a
position as choirmaster of a small church in the Bronx, whose musical library consisted of two anthems! He began
composing choral anthems, especially intended for use by small volunteer choirs. His style of composition,
described as conservative and neo-Romantic reflects his practical approach to composition.
Powell has approximately 300 works in print for choral, solo, organ, handbells, and instrumental ensembles
published by major American and English church music publishers. His service music for the Episcopal Eucharist
liturgy appears in the 1982 Hymnal and is popular and regularly sung in churches nationwide. According to
publisher GIA, Powell is a composer whose output bridges denominational boundaries and who is able to serve
the larger Church. He has made ecumenical sharing a realityand always with a genteel touch.

The Cycles of Prayers for our Diocese and the Anglican Communion
Please pray for the dioceses, congregations, and clergy listed below on the Diocesan and Anglican cycles of
Every Sunday, our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner, requests we pray for:
The Diocese of Jerusalem, The Most Rev. Suheil Dawani, Archbishop and newly elected Primate for the
Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East, the Diocese of Jerusalem, and for the Christians in the Holy
Every Sunday, The Very Rev. Sara Potter, Dean of our Semper Virens Deanery, has asked us to pray for:
The congregations of our Deanery and especially for the people of St. Marys, Ferndale and their lay
readers. Bless them with the continued gifts which they receive to support outreach to the greater com
munity. Lord in your mercy,
Specific Sunday Prayers for our diocese and the Anglican Communion:
September 3, Pray for:
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
St. James Episcopal Church, Lincoln, The Rev. Sarah Quinney, Priest in Charge
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
San Diego (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd James Mathes, San Joaquin (VIII, The
Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Chester Talton, San Joaquin (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The
Rt Revd David Rice
September 10, Pray for:
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
St. Johns Episcopal Church, Marysville,
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Seychelles (Indian Ocean) The Rt Revd James Richard Wong
Yin Song
September 17, Pray for:
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
St. Andrews in the Redwoods Mission, Monte Rio
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Sodor & Man (York, England) The Ven Peter Eagles
September 24, Pray for:
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Mount Shasta, The Rev. Larry Holben, Priest-in-Charge, The
Rev. Ted Ridgway, Pastor Emeritus,
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Southeast Florida (IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Leopold Frade Coadjutor Bishop
(IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Peter David Eaton
October 1, Pray for:
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
St. Marys, Napa, The Rev. Canon Stephen Carpenter, Rector, The Rev. John Morris, Associate,
The Rev. Don Callison, Deacon
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Southern Philippines (Philippines) The Rt Revd Danilo Labacanacruz Bustamante
October 8, Pray for:
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Nevada City, The Rev. Bradley Helmuth, Associate, The Very
Rev. Mary Hauck, Associate, The Rev. Philip Reinheimer, Associate, The Rev. Davis Ferrell, Dea-
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
St Albans (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Alan Smith, St. Albans Bedford (Canterbury,
England) The Rt Revd Richard Atkinson, St. Albans Hertford (Canterbury, England) The Rt
Revd Michael Beasley

If you wish to offer prayers daily for the church in the world, our Anglican Cycle of Prayer has a daily list of
diocese and clergy who would benefit from your prayer ministry. This list can be obtained via this website:
If this does not bring up the full prayer list for the year, tap on View on the line
ACP 2017 Full version View under Anglican Cycle of Prayer (January 2017-December 2017 and you will access
the daily Anglican Cycle of Prayer. If you do not have a computer, I would be glad to make a copy of the 2017
Anglican Cycle of Prayer for you.
Anne Pierson

The Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner
Bishop, Diocese of Northern California

The Rev. Lesley McCloghrie
Interim Rector

The Rev. Nancy Streufert

Associate Priest

The Rev. Pam Gossard


The Rev. Anne Pierson


Merry Phillips
Organist and Music Director

Dr. Douglas Moorehead, Organist Emeritus

John Hammond, Sexton

Barry Ross, Administrative Assistant

Lyn Klay, Senior Warden
Heidi Erickson, Junior Warden
Jackie Moore, Julie Cairns, Irene Hannaford, Lin Chase,
Helen Taylor, Elizabeth Harper-Lawson, Belinda Zander,
Bob Hines, Rex White, Gail Freeman Asst. treasurer
Bob Hines, Treasurer, Peg Gardner, Clerk
Church office: 625 15th Street
P.O. Box 861
Eureka, California 95502
Phone (707) 442-1797
Fax (707) 442-5647


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