Tep's Tones Tax Notes 1 and 2
Tep's Tones Tax Notes 1 and 2
Tep's Tones Tax Notes 1 and 2
i. Tax is FOR a PUBLIC PURPOSE III. PAYMENT the act of compliance by the taxpayer,
ii. Rule on Uniformity of taxation is observed including options, schemes or remedies as may be legally
iii. Either the person or property taxed is within the open or available to him.
jurisdiction of the government levying the tax; and
iv. In the Assessment and collection of certain kinds CLASSIFICATION OF TAXES (KINDS of TAXES)
of taxes, notice and opportunity for hearing are
provided. According to SUBJECT MATTER or OBJECT
SCOPE: Unlimited, Plenary, Comprehensive and a. POLL TAXES (Personal or Capitation) taxes of
Supreme fixed amounts upon residents or persons of a certain
class without regard to their property or business (ex.
- Everything is SUBJECT to tax except when the State Community Tax)
says so.
b. PROPERTY TAXES - taxes assessed on things or
ATTRIBUTES or CHARACTERISITIC of TAXES property of a certain class (ex. Real Estate Tax)
According to PURPOSE
a. GENERAL or FISCAL taxes imposed for the
general purposes of the government (ex. Income tax) - a demand of ownership - Demand of sovereignty for
- imposition is generally the purpose of raising
b. SPECIAL, REGULATORY or SUMPTUARY contractual in nature and public revenue
taxes imposed for a particular legitimate object of may be demanded by - Imposed by the
government (ex. Educational fund Tax) private persons or entitied government through a
LAW and may only be
According to SCOPE or Authority Imposing the Tax demanded by the
a. NATIONAL taxes imposed by the national
government LICENSE TAX
b. MUNICIPAL or LOCAL taxes imposed by local
governments - Emanates from the police - Levied in the exercise of
power of the State the taxing power
According to GRADATION (Tax Base and Tax Rate)
- Impose for regulation of - Impose to generate
a. PROGRESSIVE tax rate increases as the tax base lawful business or revenue
increases (ex. Income tax) occupation
- amount of the exaction or - Amount of the exaction or
b. REGRESSIVE tax rate decreases as the tax base charge, must ONLY be of charge MUST be equitable
increases. a sufficient amount to
include expenses of (1)
c. MIXED tax rates are partly progressive and partly issuing the license; and
regressive. (2) cost of necessary
inspection or police
d. PROPORTIONATE tax rates are fixed on a flat tax surveillance.
base (in amounts or in percentage)
(1) People - Levied ONLY on land - Imposed on persons,
(2) Territory property and excises
(3) Government - Not a personal liability of - It is personal liability of
(4) Sovereignty the person assessed but 1 the tax payer.
(5) International Recognition assessable on the property
*** Link of Taxation to People
- the people are the one who pays for taxes
- Law of tax is strictly construed against the government
*** Link of Taxation to Territory DOMAIN
- Taxing power is ONLY within the territory to which the As to
Taking of private
power is vested. NATURE of In order to raise public
property for public
- nexus to situs territory connect to place of tax the Power revenue
(residence, citizenship, where performed the activity) Exercised
1. Public Purpose of Taxes
2. Non-delegability of the taxing power - Tax MAY only be exercised within the territorial
jurisdiction of the taxing authority
3. Territoriality or Situs of Taxation
4. Tax Exemption of the Government
- It could be on RESIDENCE, property LOCATION
5. International Comity
and place where the activity was PERFORMED.
- Proceeds of the tax must be used
- The state recognize the generally accepts the
i. For the support of the State
ii. For some recognized objects of principle of sovereign equality among states and
their freedom from suit without their consent
iii. To promote the welfare of the
- Any imposition of a FINE or e. Art. 6, Sec. 28, par. 35 (Religious and Charitable
IMPRISONMENT for any violation of NON- Institution)
payment of any kind of tax would not be
UNCONSTITUTIONAL. - Tax exemptions ONLY covers REAL
c. Art. 6 Sec. 28, par. 13 DIRECTLY and EXCLUSIVELY used for and
NOT on the INCOME incurred.
- UNIFORMITY requires that ALL subjects or
objects of taxation similarly situated are to be - THUS! Conveyance by such property to 3rd
treated alike or put on equal footing both in persons, is subjected to TRANSFER TAXES.
privileges and liabilities.
f. Art. 6 Sec. 28 par. 46
A tax is considered UNIFORM when it
operates with the SAME FORCE and EFFECT - TAX exemptions LAWS need to be concurred
in every place where the subject may be by MAJORITY of ALL members of the
found. Congress.
10Each local government unit shall have the power to creates its own
sources of revenues and to levy taxes, fees, and charges subject to such
guidelines and limitations as the Congress may provide, consistent with
the basic policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, fees and charges shall
accrue exclusively to the local government
i. When the law so provides for such liberal construction c. Execution of judgments in all cases decided in its favor by
Court of Tax Appeals.
ii. Exemptions from certain taxes granted under special
circumstances to special classes of persons; d. To give effect to and administer the supervisory and police
iii. Exemptions in favor of the government, its political
subdivisions or instrumentalities; and i. Have authority to make arrests and seizure (sec.
iv. Exemptions to traditional exemptees, such as those in
favor of religious and charitable institutions. - Provided, it is a violation of any penal law or
regulation administered by the BIR.
NOTE: only the Commissioner and other
PROSPECTIVITY of TAX LAWS officials to do such authority is
authorized, NO other person
Gen. Rule: Tax law must ONLY be imposed prospectively. unauthorized may do so.
Except: Retroactively imposed if expressed by law.
ii. To administer oaths and take testimony in any
IMPRESCRIPTIBILITY of TAXES, unless the tax law official matter or investigation conducted by them
provided for its prescription. within their jurisdiction (Sec. 14)
DOUBLE TAXATION taxing for the same tax period the Powers of the BIR Commissioner:
same thing or activity twice, when it should be taxed but
once, for the same purpose and with the same kind of i. To INTERPRET the tax laws, exclusive and original
character of tax. --- NOT ALLOWED by LAW. jurisdiction, but subject to review by the Secretary of
Finance (sec.4)
Power to TAX involves the Power to Destroy
ii. To DECIDE dispute settlements, refunds, charges, penalties
THUS! and other matters or other laws administered by BIR
subject to the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of Court of
i. The power to tax must be exercised with caution to Tax Appeals (Sec.4)
minimize injury to the proprietary rights of a taxpayer;
iii. To OBTAIN information, to EXAMINE, SUMMON and to
ii. If the tax is lawful and NOT violative of any of the take TESTIMONY of persons in ascertaining: (sec.5)
inherent and constitutional limitations, the FACT alone i. Correctness of return
that it may destroy an activity or object of taxation ii. Liability of any person for tax
WILL not entirely permit the courts to afford any relief; iii. Evaluating tax compliance
HOWEVER, even granted such power, Commissioner
iii. Subject or object that may be destroyed by the taxing has NO authority to inquire into bank deposits , except:
authority may not likewise be taxed.
1. A DECEDENT to determine his GROSS estate.
iv. To MAKE ASSESSMENT and PRESCRIBE additional Obligation of BIR Commissioner to CONGRESS: (sec.
requirements for tax administration and enforcement 20)
(Sec. 6)
A. Submission of Pertinent information UPON REQUEST of
1. Has the right to EXAMINE the RETURN and ASSESS Congress and IN AID of LEGISLATION
the correct amount of tax
Following are Pertinent information but Not limited to:
2. Has the right to ORDER inventory taking of goods as i. Industry audits
basis for determination of tax liabilities ii. Collection performance data
iii. Status reports in criminal actions against the
3. Has the AUTHORITY to TERMINATE taxable period taxpayers return
when the taxpayer is
i. Retiring from business *** such obligation (submission of pertinent information)
ii. Intending to leave the Phils. can ONLY be furnished in the appropriate Committee of
iii. Remove his property or to hide or conceal the Congress when SITTING in EXECUTIVE SESSION unless
property the taxpayer otherwise gives consent in writing to such
iv. Performing an act to obstruct the proceeding disclosure
for collecting taxes
B. REPORT to the Congressional OVERSIGHT Committee 16
4. Has the AUTHORITY to PRESCRIBE real property on the exercise of the Commissioners power to
values compromise, abate and refund or credit taxes, every 6
5. Has the AUTHORITY to INQUIRE into Bank Deposit months of each calendar year. (sec. 20 and Sec. 204 last
accounts and other related information held by paragraph)
Financial Institutions.
tax agents (a) Income tax;
7. Has the authority of the commissioner to PRESCRIBE (b) Estate and donor's taxes;
the additional procedural or documentary (c) Value-added tax;
requirements. (d) Other percentage taxes;
(e) Excise taxes;
v. To DELEGATE his powers to any subordinate officials. (f) Documentary stamp taxes; and
(g) Such other taxes as are or hereafter may be imposed
vi. Has the AUTHORITY to enter into COMPROMISE, ABATE and collected by the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
and REFUND or CREDIT TAXES (Sec. 204)
i. When the basic tax involved is MORE than 1M
or settlement is below the prescribed
minimum rate, the Compromise shall be
subject to the APPROVAL of the Evaluation
Board (Commissioner and 4 deputy
(2) Self-Assessment tax because it is the taxpayer who files Realization Principle NO income is derived by the
the income tax and determine the amount of such in the owner from an increase in value of the property until after
return. (Ex. WITHHOLDING TAX) the actual sale or other disposition of the property in excess
of its original act.
(3) It is much SCHEDULAR tax treatment than GLOBAL tax
treatment. Classifications of INCOME TAXPAYERS:
*** CAPITAL can either be: (1) Human/ Labor; (2) Cash ii. Has an intention to reside abroad the
person leaves during taxable year to reside
- REQUISITES for Capital to be INCOME: abroad
i. There must be an exchange of value iii. Comes back and forth works and derives
ii. The exchanged value must be REALIZED income from abroad and by reason of
iii. It must come from expenditure of either employment requires him to be physically
human capital or wealth capital present abroad most of the time during the
taxable year (atleast 180 days)
iv. Resides abroad and has an intention to go
- It is the AMOUNT of - It is the fund or tool for back to the Philippines previously
money coming to a the production of wealth. considered a non-resident and during taxable
person/corporation year to reside permanently in the Philippines.
within a specified time
whether as payment of 2. Aliens
services, interests, or
profits from investments a. Resident Aliens
ALL EVENTS tests of all the events and conditions - The total allowable - Separate returns are file
that will make the taxpayer liable or earn, then such deductions, personal and by the recipient of the
taxpayer is liable or earned such at the time happening additional exemptions are passive income.
of the events and conditions fulfilled. deducted from the gross
- It is based on the - Income from different
(1) GROSS INCOME income tax is fixed or computed aggregate income from all sources are NOT
without allowable deductions sources that are not globalized, they are
subject to final income treated separately and are
Applicable to: tax. subject to different sets of
i. Compensation income earners graduated or flat income
ii. Non-Resident alien NOT engaged in trade or business tax rates.
iii. Special Aliens income earned in the Philippines - The globalized income is - It itemizes the different
iv. Non-Resident Foreign corporations subject to a unitary but incomes and provides for
progressive and varied rate are applied
- The FINAL tax is imposed on the GROSS amount of graduated rate of 0% to thereto. It has different
specifies types of income (such as interest, royalties, 32%. rates.
prize, dividend and capital gains) - Corporate taxpayers - Individual taxpayers
adopt this system at 30% follow this system. Their
(2) TAXABLE INCOME gross income LESS the deductions income from different
and/or personal exemptions. sources are classified and
treated differently. 5% to
Applicable to: 32%
6. Certain RETIREMENT, BENEFITS, PENSION, e. GROSS Benefit received by employees and officials
Gratuities, etc (private and public), PROVIDED, total exclusion will
NOT EXCEED P30,000.00 which shall cover:
a. RETIREMENT BENEFITS received by public and
private officials and employees, provided employee i. Annual Christmas bonus benefits for government
i. Worked at least 10 years of service employees and officials(RA 6686)
ii. Not less than 50 years old at the time of retirement ii. 13th Month pay, Private entities (PD 851)
iii. Availed by the employee once iii. 13th Month pay, Public entities
iv. Approved retirement plan of the employer. iv. Other benefits ( Productivity Incentives and
Christmas Bonus) provided a Ceiling of
b. Separation pay due to (1) death, (2) sickness, (3) P30,000.00.
physical disability, or (4) any cause beyond the control
of the employee or official f. GSIS, SSS, Medicare, and OTHER contributions
(Union dues of individuals
**Separation pay due to resignation it is subject to tax.
g. GAINS realized from SALE or EXCHANGE or
c. Social Security benefits, retirement gratuities, pensions RETIREMENT bond, DEBENTURES or other
and other similar benefits, RECEIVED by Citizens certificate of indebtedness with maturity of more than
(Resident and non-resident), and Resident Aliens 5 years.
FROM FOREIGN government agencies and other
institutions, private or public. h. GAINS from REDEMPTION of SHARES of STOCK in
d. Benefits received by ANY person residing in the MUTUAL FUND
Philippines from USA Veterans Adminsitration.
e. SSS and GSIS Benefits
Exclusions refer to items that are NOT included in the
determination of GROSS INCOME because either
a. Property must be held for SALE
b. Property must be held for sale to CUSTOMERS
c. Property must be sold in the ORDINARY COURSE of
taxpayers trade or business
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
(1) Compensation Income - income arises (1) Interest (1) Capital gains on Real Property
from employer-employee relationship (2) Dividend (2) Stock transaction tax from shares of
(3) Royalties Stock
- CONTROL TEST control the means and (4) Prizes and Awards
the result of the Work
- If does not qualify it is either no. 2 or 3
Classification of Taxpayer is NEEDED due to NO classification of taxpayer is needed No classification of taxpayer is needed because
difference of tax imposition. because the income is taxed on GROSS the income is taxed on the GROSS INCOME.
***If INDIVIDUAL Gross Taxable Income
*** If CORPORATION Taxable Income
GENERAL RULE: In both Individual and Corporation, a tax i. Non-Resident Foreign Corporation NOT
rate of 20% on final tax imposed on Passive income. engaged in trade or business (NRFCnot)
Gen. Rule 30% of the gross income of all income
For INDIVIDUAL For CORPORATION from within the Philippine except capital gains from
(sec. 24 B 1) (Sec.27 D 1) sale of shares of stock not traded.
(1) Interest (1) Interest on Currency deposit
(2) Royalties bank EXCEPT: (sec. 28 B 5)
(3) Prizes (2) Interest on any other
(4) Other Winnings monetary benefit from deposit a. Interest on Foreign Loans - 20%
(5) Dividends received substitutes and trust funds
by Non-resident (3) Other similar arrangements b. Inter - corporate Dividends from Domestic
alien engaged in (4) Royalties Corporations 15% , PROVIDED, The country
trade or business (5) Inter- corporate dividends in which NRFCnot, is domiciled allow a tax
credit against tax due from the NonRes.Foreign
EXCEPTION: Corp. to have been paid in the Philippines for
15% (Tax Sparring Rule)
A. P.I. For INDIVIDUALS except to
i. NON-resident Alien Not engaged in Trade or
business. 25% of Gross income (sec. 25 B) a. INTEREST income derived from DEPOSIT tax
rate of 7 %
i. INTEREST income received by an INDIVIDUAL from a
FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSIT UNIT (FCDU) 7.5 % b. Interest income derived by DOMESTIC Bank from
FCDU with (sec. 27 D 3)
ii. Interest income received from LONG-TERM deposit for i. NON-Resident Foreign Bank Tax
5yrs. or more Tax exempt ii. Off-Shore Banking Unit /OBU exempt
iii. INTEREST income received from LONG-term deposit c. Interest income from FOREIGN currency loan
or investment for 5 yrs but PRE TERMINATES the granted by the DOMESTIC depository bank to
deposit or investment before the 5th year RESIDENT FOREIGN Corp. tax rate of 10%
GENERAL RULE: (sec. 24 C and D; Sec. 27 D 2 and5) iv. Availed ONLY of once every 10 years.
20 Sec. 23 HH: shall refer to a worker in the private sector paid the C. 25% gross income Non-Resident Alien Individual NOT
statutory minimum wage, or to an employee in the public sector with engaged in Trade or Business within the Philippines
compensation income of not more than the statutory minimum wage in (Sec.25B)
the non-agricultural sector where he/she is assigned.
(a) MONETIZED unused VACATION LEAVE credits NOT exceeding 10 (h) GIFTS given during Christmas and major ANNIVERSARY
days during the year (govt or private employees) celebrations NOT exceeding 5K per annum and per employee
(b) MEDICAL CASH allowance to dependents of employees (i) Flowers, fruits, books or similar items given to employees under
(c) RICE SUBSIDY of 1,500 or 1 sack of 50kg rice per month special circumstance (ex. Baby, illness, marriage)
amounting not more than 1,500 (j) Daily MEAL ALLOWANCE for overtime work not exceeding 25% of
(d) UNIFORMS and CLOTHING allowance not exceeding 4K per the basic minimum wage.
(e) MEDICAL BENEFITS not exceeding 10K per month If the EMPLOYER pays more than the ceiling imposed, ANY EXCESS
(f) LAUNDRY allowance not exceeding 300 per month shall be TAXABLE to the employees receiving the benefits.
(g) Employees Achievement Awards
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
D. 15% income tax on ALIEN and CITIZEN employed BY: For CORPORATION
i. by Multinational Companies in their NOTE: Services rendered IN THE PHILIPPINES are taxable
a. Regional or Area Headquarters and subject to withholding tax BUT services rendered
b. Regional Operating Headquarters OUTSIDE in the Philippines (email email lang) NOT
ii. by Offshore Banking Units
Gen. Rule: Compute SEPARATELY their individual CHARLEZ is the withholding agent, so he is LIABLE to
income tax based on their respective income WITHHOLD 30% tax rate of the services payment to
TANGY corpo. FAILURE to do so:
Except: If ANY of their income cannot be i. Charlez CANNOT deduct the 1M as tax expense
definitely attributed to or cannot be identified as ii. BIR will still collect 300K withholding tax to
income exclusively earned or realized by either spouse, Charlez corp.
the same shall be DIVIDED EQUALLY between the
spouses for the purposes of determining their =//=//=//=//=//=//=//=
respective taxable income.
FOLLOWING are the ACTIVE Income Taxable
MEMBERS of General Professional Partnership (sec. under Corporation:
A. Regular Corporation Income Tax (RCIT) - 30%
Business partners are LIABLE only for their income tax B. Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) 2% on gross
ONLY in their SEPARATE and INDIVIDUAL capacities. value
C. Improperly Accumulated Earning Tax (IAET) 10%
Each partner must REPORT as his GROSS INCOME his D. Branch Profit Remittance Income Tax (BPRIT) 15% -
distributive share, actually or constructively received, in ONLY applicable to NResForCorp.
the NET income of the partnership.
GEN. RULE: All income received by the Corporations are
1st: Determine the Grossed-up Market Value (GMV) taxable at 30%
i. Domestic Corp. all sources of income within and
GMV = Actual Monetary Value without the Philippines
.68 ii. RES.Foreign Corp. all income ONLY within the
2nd: Determine the Grossed-up value of the Fringe Benefit
IAET is APPLICABLE: to every CORPORATIONS formed or A) Prima Facie Evidence any corporation is a mere holding
availed for the purpose of avoiding the income tax with company or investment company
respect to its shareholders or the shareholders of ANY
other corporations, by PERMITTING EARNINGS and B) Evidence determinative of Purpose earnings or profits
PROFITS to accumulate instead of being divided or of a corporations are PERMITTED to accumulate beyond
distributed. (in short, profits are undistributed.) the REASONABLE NEEDS of the BUSINESS28 unless
proven to the contrary of preponderance of evidence.
Tax RATE IMPOSED: 10% of the improperly accumulated
taxable income. Improperly Accumulated taxable income (Sec. 29D) IS taxable
income adjusted by:
WHEN is it DEEMED improperly accumulated
earnings? It is an UNREASONABLE accumulated i. Income exempted from tax;
earning and NOT necessary for the purpose of the ii. Income excluded from gross income;
business. iii. Income subject to final tax; and
iv. Amount of net operating loss carry-over deducted;
WHEN is it DEEMED reasonable needs for the
business? TEST to determine if IAET applicable And REDUCED by the sum of:
- Immediacy test - reasonable needs of the business i. DIVIDENDS actually or constructively paid; and
meant as the immediate needs of the business, including ii. Income tax paid for the taxable year.
anticipated needs, to prove the accumulation of the
earning and profits.
- If NO PROOF the accumulation is deemed improper (BPRIT)
and be subject to 10% of the IAET.
WHO is liable: ONLY applicable to RESIDENT FOREIGN
HENCE!!!! For a Corporation be NOT subjected to IAET, it Corporations WITH Branch in the Philippines.
should justify an accumulation of earnings and profits
for the reasonably anticipated future needs, such WHEN is it Applicable? When the BRANCH in the
accumulation must have been used within a reasonable Philippines REMITS any PROFIT to its head office.
time after the close of the taxable period.
Tax IMPOSED: 15% on the TOTAL profits applied for
FOLLOWING constitute a REASONABLE accumulation of earmarked for remittance without any deductions for
Earnings for the NEEDS of the business: the tax component thereof SENT abroad.
a. Allowance for the increase in the accumulation of earnings WHAT kind of PROFITS subjected theret? PROFITS connected
up to 100% of the paid-up capital of the corporation. with the conduct of its TRADE or BUSINESS in the
Philippines REMITTED ABROAD by a local branch to
b. Reserved for corporate expansion projects or programs its mother company, it includes the FOLLOWING:
requiring considerable capital expenditures 1. Interests
2. Dividends (received from Domestic Corporation)
c. Reserved for the building, plants or equipment acquisition 3. Rents
4. Royalties.
d. Reserved for the compliance of any loan or pre-existing
obligation under legitimate business agreement WHO are EXEMPTED for BPRT?
- RESIDENT Foreign Corporaiton registered with
e. Earning required by law to be retained. Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)
i. Publicly-held corporations;
ii. Banks and other Non-bank financial intermediaries;
iii. Insurance Companies
iv. Taxable Partnership
v. General Professional Partnership
vi. Non-Taxable Joint Venture
vii. Enterprises Registered in PEZA
b. Between INDIVIDUAL and CORPORATION more than ii. MARRIED but LEGALLY Separated
50% in value of the outstanding stock is owned directly
or indirectly EXCEPT in stock distribution in liquidation iii. EACH married individuals, if only 1 spouse
derives income, then such 1 spouse is entitled to
c. BETWEEN 2 Corporation is more than 50% in value of personal exemption.
the outstanding stock which is owned, directly or
indirectly EXCEPT in stock distribution in liquidation
iii. Rentals and other payment as required as a d. Such was DUE IN CONNECTION with the taxpayers
condition for the continued use or possession of trade or business or profession.
e. Interest expense must have been INCURRED or PAID
iv. Entertainment, Amusement and Recreation
during the taxable year.
expenses DURING TAXABLE year that are directly
connected to the development, management or
operation of the trade or business or profession f. It must have been in WRITING, if NOT it is VOID. (aRt.
1956 NIRC)
FOLLOWING are not Ordinary and Necessary Expenses:
g. It must be LEGALLY DUE
i. Expenses incurred for Entertainment, Amusement
or Recreation that is CONTRARY to law, morals, WHAT is the AMOUNT of INTEREST EXPENSE to be
public policy or public order. deductible?
ii. Bribes, Kickbacks or other similar payments made - Interest amount to be deductible MUST BE REDUCED
directly or indirectly to an official or employee.
by an amount equal to 33% of the interest income
SUBSTANTIVE REQUIREMENTS for the deductions be earned which had been subjected to FWT on the YEAR
allowed, the claiming taxpayer MUST SUFFICIENTLY when the interest income was earned.
provide for EVIDENCE of receipt or records for the
NOTE: this also SERVES as LIMITATION to interest
a. AMOUNT of expenses being deducted expense deductible
b. DIRECT connection of the expense deducted to the INTEREST EXPENSES to ACQUIRE property
development, management, operation and/or conduct Optional Treatment, either as:
of trade or business or profession.
(a) Interest expense DEDUCTION; or
(b) CAPITAL expenditures
Between FIDUCIARY of any trust and the ii. The SAME PROPORTION which the taxpayers
taxable net income from sources without the
FIDUCIARY of another trust if the same person Philippine bears to his entire net income.
is a GRANTOR to each trust; or
Between FIDUCIARY of a Trust and
BENEFICIARY of such trust. GEN. RULE: ALL taxes incurred by an Individual and
Domestic Corporation within and without Sources of
iv. Indebtedness incurred to FINANCE Petroleum tax.
Exception: Taxes are deductible ONLY up to the extent
v. Interest on Indebtedness incurred or continued to that is CONNECTED with the income from SOURCES
purchase or carry obligations the interest in which within the Philippines
tax exempt.
a. NON-RESIDENT ALIEN engaged in Trade or
vi. Interest incurred to acquire property USED in trade Business in the Philippines; and
or business or profession and was TREATED
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
2. It is CONNECTGED with the taxpayers Trade or (b) CAPITAL losses deductible only in CAPITAL assets
(c) Loses from WASH SALES of Stock or Securities (sec. 38
3. Debt incurred is NOT BETWEEN the following NIRC)
(d) WAGERING losses deduction only allowed UP to the
a. Between INDIVIDUAL and CORPORATION extent of the gains to such transactions
more than 50% in value of the outstanding stock
is owned directly or indirectly (e) ABANDONMENT losses deduction to ALL
accumulated expenses for exploration and development
b. Between 2 Corporation more than 50% in value expenditures to the contract of petroleum operations
of the outstanding stock which is owned, directly where abandoned, ONLY to the contract income; same
or indirectly to Contract of producing wells.
trust NET OPERATING LOSS34 of the business or
enterprise for ANY taxable year shall be CARRIED
d. Between FIDUCIARY of any trust and the over as a DEDUCTION from gross income for the
FIDUCIARY of another trust if the SAME person NEXT 3 CONSECUTAIVE taxable years immediately
is a GRANTOR to each trust; or following the year of such loss.
NOLCO cannot be assigned or transferred to another person, (c) Accredited NGOs provided
UNLESS otherwise provide by BIR Regulations.
(1) the level of administratively expense, annual
If there are ALLOWABLE CHANGES to the ownership, basis DOES not exceed 30% of the total
NOLCO can still be applied. expense
FOR CORPORATION: there are 2 carried over amount to (2) they are NON-PROFIT Domestic corporation,
be DEDUCTED to the tax amount to be paid, these organized and operated exclusively for
are: MCIT & NOLCO scientific research, educational, character
building, youth and sports development,
health, social welfare, cultural or charitable
Gen. Rule: Amount DEDUCTIBLE as charitable and other (3) NO part of the NET INCOME inures to the
contribution expense are limited ONLY to: benefit of any PRIVATE individual.
a. FILE a REQUEST for RECONISDERATION or TAX LIEN (Sec 219) is a legal claim as security in default
REINVESTIGATION within 30 days from receipt; of the payment of tax, charge, interest and cost on ALL
b. File a FORMAL PROTEST; and LEVIABLE property and rights to property of the taxpayer.
c. Within 60 days from filing of the Protest, ALL relevant
supporting documents shall have been submitted, *** rights to property - includes products of the
otherwise the assessment becomes final and executory. property (such as insurance proceeds of property)
DISTRAINT on PERSONAL PROPERTY- is the seizure 5. Taxpayer to PERFORM any act tending to
by the government of personal property, tangible or OBSTRUCT the proceedings for collecting of tax
intangible, to enforce the payment of taxes, to be followed by due or may be due to him.
its public sale, if the taxes are not voluntarily paid.
HOW constructive distraint be effected?
2 Kinds of Distraint:
The BIR to send a NOTICE or WARRANT of
a. ACTUAL Distraint there is a taking of possession Constructive distraint to the delinquent OR not
of personal property out of taxpayer into that of the delinquent taxpayer.
government. (sec. 207 208)
Contents of the Notice or Warrant:
b. CONSTRUCTIVE Distraint the owner is merely i. Property to be distrained
prohibited from disposing of his property (sec. 206) ii. Obligating the taxpayer to preserve the
property, intact and unaltered AND NOT
Actual Distraint Constructive Distraint to dispose the same in any manner without
the express authority of the Commissioner.
Made on the property of Made on the property of
Delinquent tax payer Delinquent taxpayer or REMEDY of the Revenue officer WHEN the taxpayer
NOT delinquent tax REFUSES or FAILS to SIGN the receipt of Constructive
payer. Distraint:
Taking of possession Taxpayer is merely Revenue officer shall PREPARE a LIST of such
prohibited from disposing property, in the presence of 2 witnesses, leave a
of his property copy in the premises where the property distrained
is located. after such the property is deemed
Effected by leaving a list It is effected by requiring under constructive distraint.
of the property or by the taxpayer to sign a
service of warrant of receipt of the property or
distraint by revenue officer
preparing and leaving a
list of such property.
1. Taxpayer must be delinquent in payment of tax
2. There must be subsequent demand for its
3. Taxpayer FAILS to pay the delinquent tax at
the tax time required LEVY on REAL PROPERTY a summary administrative
4. The period to collect tax has not yet prescribed. remedy, refers to the act of seizure of real property in order
to enforce the payment of taxes.
WHO has the AUTHORITY to issue WARRANT of
Distraint? *** Same as DISTRAINT, the property may be sold at public
auction after seizure when the tax are not voluntarily paid.
Commissioner or his duly authorized
representative - amount involving is > 1M HOW Levy of Real Property be EFFECTED?
Revenue District Officer - amount involves <1M
1. Expiration of Time required to pay the delinquent
NOTE: the authority of the Commissioner or his duly tax, and the tax payer refuses or failed to pay the tax
authorized representative and Revenue District Officer due. (sec. 207)
is SUBJECTED to the rules and regulation promulgated
by the Sec. of Finance. 2. Commissioner or duly authorized, real property of
the delinquent tax payer may be LEVIED upon,
CONSTRUCTIVE Distraint (sec. 206) before, simultaneously or after the distraint of
personal property. (sec. 207)
CASES when NOTICE or WARRANT of Constructive
distraint be ISSUED to a delinquent or not delinquent 3. The Authorized officer to PREPARE a duly
taxpayer: (Sec. 206) AUTHENTICATED CERTIFICATE showing the
name of the taxpayer and amounts of tax and
1. RETIRING from any business subject to tax penalty due and the description of the property to
2. Intending to LEAVE the Philippines be levied upon. (sec. 207)
3. Taxpayer intends to REMOVE his property
4. Taxpayer intends to HIDE or CONCEAL his
4. WRITTEN NOTICE of LEVY shall be MAILED to or
SERVED upon the (1) Register of Deed of the
province or city where the property is located and
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
upon (2) Delinquent taxpayer or his agent or **** one place of posting should be made at the
manager of the business in respect to which liability Office of the Mayor of the City or municipality in
arose or if none, the occupant of the property in which the property was distrained
question. (sec. 207)
Contents of Notice:
5. Within 10 days after receipt of the warrant of the i. Property Distrained and to be subjected to
taxpayer, the levying officer SHALL submit a Sale
REPORT on the LEVY to the Commissioner or his ii. Time and Place of Sale
duly authorized representative. (sec. 207)
**** TIME of SALE is after 20 days after (1) notice
**** the COMMISSIONER has the AUTHORITY to to the owner or possessor of the property and (2)
LIFT Warrant of Levy issued. (sec. 207) publication or posting of such notice.
NOTE: Remedy of Distraint and levy may be REPEATED if 3. PUBLIC AUCTION -- Officer will SELL the goods,
necessary UNTIL the full amount tax due and expenses is chattel, effect or other personal property including
collected. (Sec. 217) stocks and other securities to the HIGHEST bidder
Distraint Levy EXCHANGE with approval of the Commissioner.
Refers to personal Refers to real property
property FORFEITURE of **** In cases of Stocks and other Securities the
NO-forfeiture of government is authorized Officer will issue BILL of SALE to be delivered to
government allowed There is a right of the buyer, and copy to furnish the corporation or
NO right of redemption to redemption granted to the company or association issuing the stocks or other
the tax payer taxpayer. securities. --- in turn will issue the required
certificates to the buyer.
PROCEDURE of SALE of Property Distrained: WHAT is the other REMEDY of the BIR, if the Distraint
property is INSUFFICIENT to satisfy the tax
1. Commissioner to RECOMMEND for the SALE of delinquency?
the Property Distrained.
(Sec. 207) The Commissioner or duly
2. Revenue District Officer will exhibit NOTICE of authorized representative shall WITHIN 30
SALE and ARTICLES Distrained in 2 public places days, proceed with the LEVY of the
in the municipality or city where the distraint was taxpayers real property.
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
b. POSTING a notice in a PUBLIC conspicuous Effect of Redemption: The property is free from the lien
place in the barrio or district in which the real of taxes and penalties.
property is located; and
RIGHT of the Delinquent taxpayer Owner of the
property over RENTS and other income in the
c. PUBLICATION once a week for 3 weeks in a
levied property -- the owner is ENTITLED to receive
newspaper of general circulation in the the income to the property until the expiration of the
municipality or city where the property is time allowed for its redemption. (Sec. 214)
FORFEITURE (under Sec. 224) a divestiture of property
Contents of Advertisement: without compensation in consequence of a default or offense.
i. Statement of the amount of taxes and EFFECT of Forfeiture: is to transfer the title to the specific
penalties due thing from the owner to the government. in a sense it
ii. Time and place of sale is a penalty.
iii. Name of the taxpayer
iv. Description of the property sold. Forfeiture of Chattel and Removable Fixtures (Personal
Property) Sec 224
PLACE of Sale:
Enforced through: (Sec. 224)
i. At the main entrance of the municipal building
or city hall where the property is locared; or (a) SEIZURE and SALE
ii. On the Premises to be sold. How SALE of Forfeited chattel and removable fixtures
be EFFECTED? (Sec. 225)
NOTE: At Anytime of the BEFORE the day of
the sale, the taxpayer may pay the tax due, 1. Through a PUBLIC NOTICE in 2 public places
penalties and interest to DISCONTINUE the one should be in the Office of the Mayor
sale. If he fails to do so, the PUBLIC AUCTION where the property is located.
will be held. 2. PUBLIC SALE at least after 20 days from
notice of the owner taxpayer and from posting.
**** Failure to comply with the requirements
(b) SEIZURE and DESTRUCTION upon order of the
for advertisement will make the PUBLIC SALE
Commissioner for at least 20 days after seizure. (sec.
VOID. (Serfino vs. CA) 225)
3. PUBLIC AUCTION - SALE at least 30 days after the GROUNDS for Destruction of property forfeit when
advertisement. sold and used: (Sec. 225)
Can a Owner or Possessor of the Forfeited Chattel *** The PROCEEDS from the resale will be DEPOSITED
CONTEST such Forfeiture? (Sec. 231) with the NATIONAL TREASURY and an accounting of
the same rendered to COA.
YES! The owner or possessor may BRING an ACTION
against the person seizing the property or having COMPROMISE36 the payment of any tax (sec. 204)
possessing to RECOVER upon filing a BOND.
When? At ANY TIME...
(a) BEFORE the Sale or Destruction of the property a. When there is a REASONABLE DOUBT as to the
(b) AFTER Sale and within 6 months. VALIDITY of the claim against the taxpayer; or
Forfeiture of Real Property (Sec. 224)
b. When the FINANCIAL position of the taxpayer
Enforced through: demonstrates a clear inability to pay the assessed tax.
(a) JUDICIAL intervention by a JUDGMENT of ** this is an exception to the rule, BIR can inquire into
CONDEMNATION; and Bank deposit of a tax payer, PROVIDED, the taxpayer in
(b) Judicial SALE in a legal action or proceeding WRITING WAIVES his privilege under Foreign
Currency Deposit [Sec. 6 (F) last par.]
Disposition of Fund recovered in legal proceedings or
obtained from forfeitures SHALL be PAID to the LIMITATIONS to Compromise AMOUNT tax liability
Commissioner or his authorized deputies. (sec. 226)
1. For financial incapacity, minimum compromise rate is
FORFEITURE of the LEVIED Real Property by 10% of the basic assessed tax;
the Government (Sec. 215) 2. For other cases, minimum compromise rate is 40% of
the basic assessed tax.
WHEN forfeiture will take place?
ABATEMENT37 or CANCELLATION38 of tax liability
a. There is NO BIDDER to the real property (Sec. 204)
Upon the presence of the scenario above, the SUSPENSION OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS
Internal Revenue Officer shall DECLARE the
property FORFEITED to the Government in PENALTIES and FINES
satisfaction of the claim in question, and within 2
day after, shall make a return of his proceedings. RULES for Imposition of Penalty and Interest
(Sec. 247)
*** The Register of Deeds, upon registration in his
office declaration of forfeiture, to transfer the title Penalties and Interest shall apply to all taxes, fees
of the property to the Government without any and charges imposed
necessity of an order from a competent court.
Penalties and Interest shall be COLLECTED at the
Is there a RIGHT of REDEMPTION in FORFEITURE? same time, in the same manner and as part of the
YES, (Sec. 215) right of redemption is within 1
year from the date of such forfeiture, BY paying the EMPLOYEE (of the Government, Agency, Political
following: Subd., Instrumentalities or GOCCs) responsible for
i. Amount of taxes and penalties the withholding and remittance of the tax shall be
ii. Interest PERSONALLY LIABLE for the Penalties to the tax
iii. Cost of Sale prescribed.
HOW RESALE be Effected? Posting of NOTICE for 36 Compromise is a contract whereby the parties by reciprocal concessions avoid a
atleast 20 days, stating the sell and dispose of the litigation or put an end to one already commenced. (NCC Art. 2026, 2037, 2038, 2041)
property at public auction or private sale only upon
approval of the Sec. of Finance. 37 Abatement is the act of diminution or decrease in the amount of tax imposed
A. CIVIL PENALTIES (Sec. 248)- 25%/50% Delinquency interest imposed on the amount
due in case of FAILURE to pay:
Imposed when:
i. The amount of the tax due on ANY RETURN
i. There is failure to PAY on the date prescribed required to be filed
ii. When there is payment but fraudulently paid. ii. The amount of the tax due for which NO
RETURN is required.
25 %of the amount due , in the following cases:
iii. Deficiency tax, or any surcharge or interest on
a. Failure to FILE RETURN and PAY the tax due the due date appearing in the notice and
on the date prescribed demand of BIR, shall be assessed and collected
on the unpaid amount until fully paid, the
b. Failure to PAY the DEFICIENCY TAX within interest will form part of the tax.
the time prescribed for its payment in the
notice of assessment; or Interest on Extended Payment 20% per
annum from the date of notice and demand until it
c. Failure to PAY the FULL or PART of the is paid.
amount of tax due shown on return OR no
return, ON or BEFORE the date prescribed for a. when the taxpayer ELECTED to pay the tax on
its payment. INSTALLMENT, BUT FAILS to pay the tax or
any installment or any part of installment ON
50% of the tax or deficiency tax, in the or BEFORE the date prescribed for its payment
following cases:
b. When the Commissioner has AUTHORIZED an
a. Willful NEGLECT to file the return within the EXTENSION of time within which to pay ta or
period prescribed deficiency of tax or any part thereof.
Withholding Agent to Collect and Remit Tax BIR shall ADVANCE THE AMOUNT needed to DEFRAY
who (sec. 251) COSTS of COLLECTION by means of civil or criminal action,
including : (Sec. 205)
i. WILLFULLY fails to withhold tax,
i. Preservation or transportation of personal property
ii. AIDS or ABETS in any manner to evade any such
tax or the payment ii. Advertisement and sale of personal and real property
FAILURE of a Withholding Agent to REFUND However, the COURT of TAX APPEALS under RA 1125 Sec. 11 is
excess withholding tax shall be liable to (Sec.252) EMPOWERED to SUSPEND the Collection of internal revenue
taxes and customs duties in cases pending appeal subject to
certain conditions that the collection may jeopardize the
i. PENALTY imposed in the Code; and interest of the government and the taxpayer.
ii. AMOUNT of all refund which was not refunded to **** EXCEPTION: The Court has the AUTHORITY to issue or
the employee resulting from excess of the amount grant INJUNCTION:
withheld over the tax actually due on their return.
i. To afford adequate protection to the constitutional
rights of the accused.
ii. When necessary for the orderly administration of justice
Internal Revenue Officer (Sec. 227)
or to avoid oppression or multiplicity of actions;
iii. When there is a prejudicial question which is subjudice
Judgment, damages or costs shall be SATISIFIED by the
iv. When the acts of the officer are without or in excess of
Commissoiner upon approval of the Sec. of Finance; or
v. Where the prosecution is under an invalid law,
The PERSON sued shall pay for such judgment, damages
ordinance or regulation
and cost AND shall be REPAID or REIMBURSED to him by
vi. When DOUBLE jeopardy is clearly apparent
the Commissioner.
vii. Where it is a case of persecution
viii. Where charges are manifestly false and motivated
ix. When there is clearly no prima facie case against the
a. Civil Action
accused and a motion to quash on that ground has been
b. Criminal Action
*** All actions (civil or criminal) can only be enforced by the
Crimes, Other Offenses and Forfeitures
BIR in the name of the Republic of the Philippines and be
conducted by the legal officers of the BIR, provided, it is with
LIABILITY of PERSON convicted of crime penalized
approval of the Commissioner. (sec. 220)
by NIRC:
A. PAY the TAX; and
The judgment in this action shall IMPOSE the (1)
B. PENALTIES imposed
Penalty and (2) order of payment of the taxes subject as
decided by the Commissioner. (sec. 205)
(Effect of) PAYMENT of TAX DUE after apprehension
WILL NOT constitute a valid defense
ASSESSMENT is NOT necessary to a criminal action for
tax evasion --- because the crime is complete when the i. In any PROSECTION for violation of any provisions of
violator knowingly and willfully filed a fraudulent return NIRC
with intent to invade and defeat the tax. ii. In any ACTION for the FORFEITURE of untaxed
What is involved is the violation of NIRC and NOT c
ollection of taxes in which assessment is necessary. Who are considered PRINCIPAL for the crime
penalized in NIRC?
All REMEDIES can be SIMULTANEOUSLY pursued in the
discretion of the authorities charged with the collection of a. The person who ACTUALLY committed the crime
taxes. (Sec. 205) b. The person who WILLFULLY aids or abets in the
commission of a crime
c. The person who CAUSES the commission of any offense
by another.
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
(4) TAXPAYER who opted to claim a refund or tax credit of excess creditable
withholding for a taxable period was determined to have CARRIED
OVER and automatically APPLIED the same amount claimed AGAINST
the estimated tax liabilities for the taxable quarter(s) of the succeeding
taxable year; or
(5) EXCISE tax due on excisable articles has NOT been PAID.
(3) REPLY of the Taxpayer within 15 days from receipt 2 KINDS of Tax Refund/ Credit Remedy:
(4) Assessment Notice and Letter of Demand to pay
A. WRITTEN CLAIM by the taxpayer to the BIR
TAX REFUND and TAX CREDIT (Sec. 204, 229 and 230) B. COMMISSIONERs ORDER of Tax Refund/Credit, upon the face
of the return, it was clear of erroneous payment of tax or penalty.
i. There MUST be a WRITTEN CLAIM for refund filed by the taxpayer with
the Commissioner
iii. The Claim for refund MUST be filed within 2 years from date of payment
of the tax or penalty regardless of any supervening cause.
Tax Refund and Credit as a REMEDY is a remedy by a taxpayer in cases of: a. In cases of INSTALLMENT payment, 2 years counted from the DATE of
i. Erroneously or illegally assessed and collected taxes
ii. Penality claimed and collected without authority b. In case of Taxpayer MAKING merely a DEPOSIT, period is counted
iii. Any SUM alleged to have been excessive or wrongfully collected. from the conversion of deposit to payment
Tax REFUND Tax CREDIT c. If the tax was withheld from source, the period is counted from the date
it the conversion of the deposit to payment of tax or penalty.
There is ACTUAL Involves the application of
reimbursement of the tax the reimbursable amount **** The 2 Year prescriptive period is NOT SUSPENDED in filing a WRITTEN
or penalty erroneously against any sum that may CLAIM of REFUND, it is continuous. Hence, the decision of BIR may or may
paid. be due and collectible from not be wait by the taxpayer in filing a judicial claim in CTA if the prescriptive
the taxpayer. period is about to end. Also, the 2 year period is NOT a JURISDICTIONAL
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
iii. may be DISPOSED OF in the manner and in More than 50,000 150,000 php gross quarterly sales,
accordance with the limitations prescribed by BIR. earnings, receipts or output of a taxpayer shall USE
the JOURNAL and LEDGER or their equivalent
When to APPLY/USE Tax Credit Certificate?
Exceeding 150,000 php gross quarterly sales, earnings,
Within 5 years from the delivery or mail of the TCC to the
grantee taxpayer, he may such to receipts or output of a taxpayer book of accounts
MUST be:
or ii. By an Independent Certified Public
iii. Accompanied with a duly accomplished Account
(Example of Direct tax Liability: Income tax,
Information Form (AIF)
Documentary Stamp tax, Excise tax, VAT,
Percentage tax and other internal revenue tax)
Contents of AIF:
LIMITATIONS for the USE of Tax Credit Certificate? (a) information lifted from certified balance
sheets, profit and loss statements
It cannot be used to the FOLLOWING: (b) Schedules listing income-producing
properties; and
(1) payment of withholding taxes (c) Corresponding income therefrom and other
(2) payment arising from availment of incentives. relevant statements
(3) Payment of taxes not administered or collected by
the BIR 2. Taxpayers have the OPTION to keep SUBSIDIARY BOOKS,
(4) Payment of Compromise penalty. as the needs of the business may require. (Sec. 233)
(5) Commissioners exercise of power to obtain information *** In cases of taxpayers TRANSFER of Place of business or
in cases: his head office or branches, he shall UPDATE the
registration status by filing an application for registration
(a) To examine books and records from another information update.
person for the investigation of another person
subject to audit or investigation CANCELLATION of REGISTRATION any person who
ceases to be liable to a tax type (sec. 236 F)
Provided, Examination and Inspection of Books of
Account and other records shall be DONE in: When effective: from the 1st day of the following month.
GROUNDS for Cancellation of Business Registration Gen. Rule: Within 3 years after the last day prescribed by
a. Closure/Cessation of Buisness Operation law for FILING of the RETURN
b. Dissolution of Corporation/Partnership
c. Merger/Consolidation *** If the RETURN was filed BEFORE the last day of
prescribed period for filing, the 3 years shall be counted
d. Death of An Individual
from the last day of the prescribed period by law.
*** READ COdal for Sec. 236, 237, 238 245 Exception:
RULE on RULES and REGULATIONS of BIR a. If the RETURN is filed BEYOND the period prescribed
by law: the 3 years shall be counted from the DAY the
Gen. Rule: any revocation, modification or reversal of any return was filed.
Rules and Regulations promulgated SHALL NOT be given
b. If the RETURN was AMENDED, the 3 years period will
start from the filing of the amended return.
When Assessment is DEEMED made? (to give
Exception: Rules and Regulation WILL be given retroactive effect)
application i. When it is made within 3 years from the last
day prescribed for filing of return (as Gen.Rule)
a. If it will be FAVORABLE for the taxpayer
b. Taxpayer deliberately MISSTATES or OMITS material ii. When the NOTICE of assessment is released,
facts from his return or any document mailed or sent to the taxpayer within the 3
years period.
c. Facts subsequently gathered by BIR are materially
different from the facts on which the ruling is based PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD for COLLECTION (Sec. 203)
(mistake of BIR)
d. Taxpayer ACTED in BAD FAITH. Gen. Rule: Within 3 years from the date the tax
assessment has been released, mailed and sent
TAX RETURN to the tax payer.
When the Return is VALID and was filed within the a. If there was NO assessment made, return was filed
prescribed period of filing such return. and NO false or fraudulent, the 3 year period will be
counted from the DAY the return was filed.
What constitute a Valid Return?
EXCEPTIONS to the 3 year Prescriptive period
a. It is made in good faith and is not false or fraudulent. applicable to BOTH assessment and collection
(Sec. 222)
b. Covers the entire period involved in the filing the return
a. Within 10 years after the discovery (for assessment
c. It contains information as to the various items of or without assessment)
income, deduction and credit with such definiteness as
to permit the computation and assessment of tax. i. of false return43 or fraudulent return44 with intent
to evade tax;
ii. Of Failure to file a Return
b. When COURT cannot acquire Jurisdiction over the c. By a REQUEST of RECONSIDERATION46 (ex. merely
person AND no property of the person to be asking for re-computation of its tax liability)
garnished/levied/distrained d. PENDENCY of a CRIMINAL CASE against the taxpayer
in relation to tax evasion.
c. WAIVER OF PRESCRIPTION - Before the 3 yr
period prescribed for assessmen/collection, BOTH the e. EXTRA-JUDICIAL DEMAND for the payment of
Commissioner and Taxpayer entered into a written assessed taxes.
agreement to when the tax should be assessed for an
agreed period (may be extended) f. Filing of Motion for Reconsideration of the denial of
administrative protest does not toll the 30 day period to
Requisites OF Waiver: appeal to CTA
1. It is in WRITING
2. AGREED by BOTH CIR and Taxpayer
3. MADE before the expiration of the prescriptive
period for assessment or collection
4. For a DEFINITE PERIOD beyond the ordinary
prescriptive period for assessment and collection.
Transfer taxes - taxes imposed upon the gratuitous disposition Gen. Rule: Decedents intangible property ARE
of private property taxable BOTH
the TAX on the privilege to transmit NOTE: exception was granted to prevent
property at death and on certain transfers multiplicity of taxation.
which are made the equivalent of
testamentary dispositions by the statute. Exception: RECIPROCAL exemption - NO tax
shall be collected in respect to intangible
2. DONORs tax tax levied on the transmission property, (Sec. 104), if:
of properties from a living person (donor) to
another living person (donee) a. if the DECEDENT is a resident and citizen of a
ESTATE TAX IMPOSE transfer tax to the intangible
personal property of CITIZENS of the
Philippines not resident of the foreign country
NATURE and OBJECT: To TAX the shifting of economic benefit
and enjoyment of property from the dead to the living
b. if the DECEDENT is a resident and citizen of a
EXEMPTION from transfer taxes to the
intangible personal property of CITIZENS of
the Philippines not resident of the foreign
i. upon death the power to tax arises and
ii. Upon death the transfer from the decedent to heirs
have SITUS in the Philippines (Sec. 104)
iii. LAW at the TIME of DEATH applicable
1. FRANCHISE exercised in the Philippines
Net estate TAX shall Of the
AMOUNT be excess over
i. any DOMESTIC corporation constituted
</ = 200,000 EXEMPT ----- ------
in the Philippines
200K 500K 0 5% 200K
500K 2M 15K 8% 500K ii. Any FOREIGN corporation, 85% of the
2M 5M 135K 11% 2M business is located in the philippines
5M 10M 465K 15% 5M
10M above 1.215M 20% 10M iii. Any FOREIGN Corp acquired for the
furtherance of business in the Philippines
properties of the decedent AT the TIME of DEATH 3. SHARES or RIGHTS in PARTNERSHIP,
business or industry ESTABLISHED in the
What are the PROPERTIES included in Gross Estate? Philippines.
properties (around the world) are included: (Sec. 85)
PROCEEDS of Life Insurance depend on the.. WHAT are NOT SUBJECT to ESTATE TAX? Meaning,
i. Designated Beneficiary those are NOT included in the Gross Estate
ii. Manner of Designation of Beneficiary
(irrevocable or revocable); AND (1) MERGER of USUFRUCT in the OWNER of the naked title
iii. Period and source of the fund used in
paying the premiums on the insurance (2) Transmission or delivery of the inheritance or legacy by the
contract. FIDUCIARY heir or legatee to the FIDEICOMMISSARY47
(contemplate a Fideicommissary substitution48 )
TAXABLE proceeds of Life Insurance if the
BENEFICIARY is the ff: (3) Transmission from the 1st heir, legatee or done in favor of
another beneficiary in accordance with the desire of the
a. Estate predecessor
d. Policy taken DURING Marriage a. NO part of the NET income insures to the benefit of any
individual ; and
i. Beneficiary is ESTATE such is
conjugal so, only share is taxable b. NOT more than 30% of the said bequests, devises,
legacies or transfers be USED for Administration
ii. Beneficiary is 3rd person if revocable purposes
(means less than 30% of the net income may be
NOT TAXABLE proceeds of Life insurance if the used for administration)
Beneficiary is:
a. Any person designation as BENEDICIARY was tax?
expressly stipulated as IRREVOCABLE (cannot
be cancelled) Sec. 85 i. Expenses, Losses, Indebtedness and Taxes
ii. Property Previously Taxed
b. Accident Insurance Proceeds (because under iii. Transfers for Public Use
the code, only LIFE insurance) iv. Family Home
v. Standard Deduction
c. Group insurance policy taken by the company vi. Medical Expenses
for its employees (because the code expressly vii. Amount Received by the Heir form the decedents employer
states, taken OUT by the DECEDENT) as consequence of the death due to employeement
viii. Tax credit for Estate Tax Paid to a Foreign County
d. Insurance policies issued by GSIS (applicable only to Estates outside the Philippines)
deductions in his gross estate situated in the Philippines, --- his TAXES
Estate Tax Return MUST include the VALUE at the time of his
death his all gross estate NOT SITUATED in the Philippines. FOLLOWING are Expenses, losses, indebtedness and
(Sec. 87 D) taxes that are DEDUCTIBLE:
HOWEVER, IF FAMILY HOME amount EXCEEDS 1M, HOWEVER, expenses incurred for the
the excess amount is subject to estate tax individual benefit of heirs, devisees or legatees
are NOT deductible.
c. Claims AGAINST the ESTATE
Conditions for Allowance as deduction:
REQUIREMENTS to be deducted:
1. Medical expenses was incurred by the DECEDENT 1. Debt INSTRUMENT must be DULY Notarized
2. Contracted within 3 years BEFORE the death
2. Expenses was incurred WITHIN 1 year PRIOR to of the decedent (borrower)
DEATH 3. Contracted in Good faith
4. Existing against the estate
3. Substantiated WITH RECEIPTS 5. Enforced by the Claimants
6. Reasonably CERTAIN in amount; and
4. Not exceeding Php 500,000 7. Administrator or executor shall SUBMIT a
if exceeds, only P500,00 be deducted. statement showing the disposition of the
proceeds of the loan.
the Government or any political subdivision ***NOTE: # 2and #7 is APPLICABLE only
when it is LOAN.
Indebtedness that has been CONDONED or
PRESCRIBED cannot be Claimed as deduction.
UNPAID estate tax and income tax cannot be
deducted as they are chargeable to the income
of the estate.
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
d. Claims AGAINST INSOLVENT PERSONS by Vanishing Deduction (or property previously taxed
Decedent(creditor) in estate taxation) refers to the DIMINISHING
deductibility/exemption, at the rate of 20% over a
Conditions: period of 5 years until it is lost after the 5th year, of any
property situated in the Philippines forming part of the
1. AMOUNT to said claim has been initially gross estate, acquired by the decedent from a prior
included as part of his gross estate; and decedent who died within a period of 5 years from the
2. Incapacity of the DEBTOR to PAY their present decedents death.
obligation is proven
Requisites of Vanishing Deductions:
e. UNPAID mortgages and Indebtedness by
Decedent 1. DEATH the present decedent DIED within 5
years from the date of death of the prior decedent or
Conditions: date of gift
1. Value of decedents interest is included in the 2. IDENTITY OF PROPERTY the property received
gross estate from the prior decedent or from donor
2. Contracted in Good faith, for an adequate and
full consideration in money or moneys worth. 3. INCLUSION OF PROPERTY property must have
been formed part of the gross estate situated in the
NOTE: Philippines of the prior decedent within 5 years
prior to the death of the present decedent.
If the decedent only owns a portion of the
mortgaged property, ONLY the portion of the 4. PREVIOUS TAXATION to the property transfer
value of the mortgaged property be deductible tax was imposed and was fully paid by the prior
decedent or by the donor, as the case may be
Indebtedness secured by a mortgaged of real
property OUTSIDE the Philippines of a Non- 5. NO PREVIOUS VANISHING DEDUCTIONS on the
resident alien, is NOT deductible. property
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
HOW to COMPUTE the YEAR to determine the TAX CREDIT for ESTATE TAXES PAID to a
Percentage for the amount of vanishin deduction? FOREIGN COUNTRY estate tax imposed on the
property situated in the authority by a foreign country
YEAR to determine the applicable RATE AND subjected to estate tax in the Philippines is
= date of the present decedents death MINUS DEDUCTIBLE to the GROSS ESTATE.
date of prior decedents death
Applicable Situation: When the DECEDENT have a
property ABROAD that was subjected to a foreign
country estate tax where it was situated.
NOTICE of DEATH to be given to Commisioner to be NATURE and OBJECT: To TAX the privilege of the OWNER to
filed WITHIN 2 months after decedents death or after liberally give his property (to donate; Donation).
qualifying an executor or administrator (Sec. 89) hence, it is an excise tax.
Who shall FILE? Executor, Administrator or any Heir It is NOT a property tax because the imposition does not
rest upon general ownership.
What is Donation under Tax Code?
Time for Filing 6 months from decedents death (Type of Taxable Donation)
Extension of Time to file to estate tax return is ALLOWED a. an ACT OF LIBERALITY whereby a person (donor)
provided, such GRANTED by the Commissioner NOT disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of
exceeding 30 days for the filing of return. another (done) who accepts it. (Art. 725 NCC)
rules are the SAME in ESTATE tax) INDIRECT example,
i. any DOMESTIC corporation If there is NO donative intent, such transfer will NOT
constituted in the Philippines constitute to be subject to donors tax.
ii. Any FOREIGN corporation, 85% of Example: When the property was SOLD at a lower
the business is located in the price than the fair market value (FMV.)
Philippines i. Emergency sale
ii. Bargaining
iii. Any FOREIGN Corp acquired for the
furtherance of business in the
Philippines ACCEPTANCE, there MUST be a KNOWLEDGE of
ACCEPTANCE if no knowledge no perfection of
business or industry ESTABLISHED in the
Philippines. ****DONATION between Spouses during marriage,
(generally) is VOID, except, MODERATE gifts which the spouses
TRANSFER in TRUST or OTHERWISE mean, the may give each other on occasion of family rejoicing.
passage of CONTROL over the economic benefits of the
property, rather than mere technical changes in the title. **** DONATION of Conjugal property of spouses (they
have an conjugal partnership property regime) spouses
It includes transfer of OWNERSHIP and transfer of ARE CO-OWNERS, gifts made by the spouses of their
RIGHT or INTEREST in property. conjugal property shall be DEEMED SEPARATE
DONATIONS by the husband and the wife in proportion to
*** TRANSFER becomes COMPLETE and TAXABLE their interests ---
only when the DONOR has DIVESTED himself of ALL
Beneficial interest in the property transferred and has - In effect, there was 2 donations made and 2 separate
NO power to revest any such interest in himself or his computation of donors taxes.
- However, UNLESS the WIFE expressly JOINS in
making the donation of the conjugal property, it shall be
deemed to have been made by the husband alone. And,
the husband who solely signed is liable to donors tax.
HOW to COMPUTE Donors tax? NOTE: ANY contributions in CASH or KIND to any candidate,
political party or coalition of parties for campaign purposes shall
DONORs tax = (total net gifts during the calendar year) be governed by the Election code, hence not covered by NIRC.
X (rate) (Sec. 99 C)
i. Value- Added Tax (VAT) - Meaning, the SELLER is subject to Output vat and
ii. Percentage Tax the BUYER is entitled to Input vat. Such is repeated
iii. Excise Tax until the last sale to the final consumer. The input
iv. Documentary Stamp Tax vat of the final consumer becomes part of his
acquisition cost or operating expense.
** TAX CREDIT METHOD VAT is applied on the total sale
price without any deduction and the VAT derived is
VAT is a percentage tax imposed at every stage of the
DEDUCTED to all previous tax payments on purchases
distribution process in the (a) sale, barter, exchange or
made (also called invoice method)
lease of goods or properties and on the performance of
service in the course of trade or business52 or (b) on the
ILLUSTRATION: (for value added and tax credit)
importation of goods.
Characteristics of VAT:
v. It is an INDIRECT TAX
Output Vat VAT due on the sale or lease of the In the long run, Sales tax gives a CASCADING EFFECT or
taxable goods, properties or services by PYRAMIDING effect, where the goods tax are taxed on tax.
any person registered or required to
register (VAT imposed by the taxpayer - The sales tax on original sales paid by wholesalers
to the 3rd person) and retailers of good became part of the gross
selling price subject to the turnover tax.
Input Vat VAT due from or paid by a VAT registered
person in the course of trade or business ILLUSTRATION:
on importation or local purchase of goods/
service, or lease or use of property from a In the above illustration, there will be NO deduction of
VAT-registered person. previously paid VAT to the vat impose. The taxpayer will pay
the amount the output vat he charged in the selling of the
goods to which the consumer paid.
52 in the course of trade or business - the REGULAR CONDUCT or pursuit of a
commercial or an economic activity, including INCIDENTAL transaction, by JEN will pay to BIR P12
any person regardless of whether or not the person engaged therein is a Allan will pay to BIR P15.60
non-stock, nonprofit private organization (irrespective of the disposition of its Manel will pay to BIR P 19.20
net income and whether or not it sells exclusively to members or their guests)
or government entity
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
*** Broad based tax on Consumption in the Philippines SUBJECT MATTER of VAT:
Because every sale of goods, properties or services is subject to (a) Taxable SALE of GOODS or PROPERTIES (tangible or
VAT, the tax burden rests with the final consumer who consumes intangible)
the goods, properties or services.
Elements to be subjected to VAT:
Consumption TAKES place when the taxpayer DOES
NOT sell further the goods, properties or services either: 1. An ACTUAL or DEEMED Sale of goods or properties
i. He is the FINAL consumer or 2. For a VALUABLE Consideration
ii. He is NOT engaged in business subject to VAT 3. Undertaken in the COURSE of TRADE or business
4. For the USE or CONSUMPTION in the Philippines; and
DESTINATION PRINCIPLE or CROSS BORDER DOCTRINE 5. NOT exempted from VAT under the Code, special law or
destination of the goods DETERMINES taxation or exemption international agreement.
from VAT because the tax is attached on the goods and regarding
service where it was performed. (b) Taxable SALE or EXCHANGE of SERVICE means, the
performance of all kinds of service in the Philippines for
HENCE, export sales are subject to O% because made others for a fee, remuneration or consideration
outside the Philippines and import sales are subject to
12% because is within the Philippines. Elements to be subjected to VAT:
*** INDIRECT Tax - the taxpayer shifts the burden of paying 1. Service must be performed or is to be performed
the tax to another person (Sec. 105 par. 2) 2. Service is in the course of trade or business or profession
in the Philippines.
VAT is paid by the person NOT liable for VAT, who may 3. For VALUABLE Consideration actively or constructively
SHIFT or pass on the tax to another person or entity received; and
which assumes the tax burden. 4. It is NOT exempt under the tax code, special law or
international agreement
There is forward passing of tax when the
person who is engaged in trade or business subject to (c) Taxable USE or L EASE of Properties
VAT (registered or not) passes on the tax to his
To be Determined by
Subject Matter of VAT 12% VAT rate Zero (0) % VAT rate
a. SALE of GOODS or 1. on every sale, barter or exchange of GOODS OR PROPERTIES, a 1. EXPORT SALE (Sec. 106 A 2 a) are: DEEMED SALE transactions
PROPERTIES tax base on the gross selling price53 or gross value in money of (Sec. 106 B)
the goods or property sold, bartered or exchanged. (Sec. 106 A a. SALE and ACTUAL shipment of goods FROM
[1]) the Philippines to a Foreign Country, a. Transfer, use, consumption
irrespective of any shipping arrangement and NOT in the COURSE of trade
Goods or properties - mean ALL tangible and intangible PAID for in acceptable foreign currency or its or business of goods or
object which are capable of pecuniary estimation and shall include: equivalent in goods or services, in accordance to properties originally intended
BSP rules and regulations. for sale or for use in the
a. Real properties held primarily for sale to customers or held course of business
for lease in the ordinary course of trade or business;
b. Distribution or transfer to:
b. Right or the privilege to use patent, copyright, design or
model, plan, secret formula or processes, goodwill, trademark, i. Shareholders or
trade brand or other like property or right; investors as share in the
profits of the VAT-
c. Right or the privilege to use in the Philippine of any b. SALE of RAW MATERIALS or PACKAGING registered persons; or
industrial, commercial or scientific equipment; MATERIAL
ii. Creditors in payment of
d. Right or privilege to use motion picture films, films tapes and i. to a NON-RESIDENT buyer for delivery to debt (dation en pago)
discs; and a RESIDENT local export-oriented enterprise
to be used in Manufacturing, processing, c. CONSIGNMENT of GOODs if
e. Radio, television, satellite transmission and cable television packing or repacking in the Philippines of the actual sale is NOT MADE
time. said buyers goods and PAID for in within 60 days following the
acceptable foreign currency and accounted in date such goods were
2. Importation of Goods (Sec. 107), tax base on the total value accordance to BSP. consigned; and
used by Customs in determining tariff and custom dutoes, excise
taxes and other duties -- to be PAID by the IMPORTER prior to d. Retirement from or cessation
the release of goods from custom custody. of business, with respect to
inventories of taxable goods
existing as of such retirement
or cessation
- In essence, it recapture
the input vat for the
unpaid output vat, in
effect there is an
d. SALE of GOLD TO the BSP offsetting.
53 Gross Selling Price means the total amount of money or its equivalent which the purchaser pays or is obligated to pay to the seller in consideration of sale, barter or exchange of the goods or properties, excluding the VAT. The Excise tax, if
any on such goods or properties shall form part of the gross selling price.
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
To be Determined by
Subject Matter of VAT 12% VAT rate Zero (0) % VAT rate
b. SALE or (1) All performance of ALL kinds of SERVICES in the Philippines (1) Processing, manufacturing or repacking of goods for
EXCHANGE of for FEE, remuneration or consideration other persons doing business OUTSIDE the
SERVICE PHILIPPINES which goods are subsequently exported,
This ALSO INCLUDES: where the services are PAID for in acceptable
FOREIGN CURRENCY and accounted by BSP
(2) Construction and Service CONTRACTORS
(2) OTHER SERVICES rendered to a person engaged in
(3) Stock, real estate, commercial, customs and immigration business conducted OUTSIDE the Philippines or to a
BROKERS NON-RESIDENT person NOT engaged in business
OUTSIDE the Philippines when the SERVICES are
(4) Lessor of Property performed, and PAID in acceptable foreign currency
and accounted by BSP
(5) Warehousing services
(3) Services rendered to a person or entities who are
(6) Persons engaged in MILLING processing EXEMPTED under special laws or international
agreements to which the Philippines is a signatory
(7) Manufacturing or repacking goods for others;
(4) Services rendered to persons engaged in
(8) Proprietors, operators or keepers of hotels, motels, resthouses, INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING or AIR TRANSPORT
pension houses, inns and resorts. operations including leases of property for use
(9) Proprietors or operators of restaurants, refreshment parlors, (5) Services performed by subcontractors and/or
cafes and other eating places, including clubs and caterers contractors in processing, converting or manufacturing
goods for an enterprise whose export sales exceed 70%
(10) Dealers in securities of total annual production
(11) Lending investors (6) Transport of passengers and cargo by air or sea vessels
from the Philippines TO a FOREIGN COUTNRY; and
(12) COMMON Carriers by AIR and SEA relative to their transport
of passengers, goods or cargoes FROM 1 place in the
Philippines to another place in the Philippines to ANOTHER
place in the Philippines.
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
To be Determined by
Subject Matter of VAT 12% VAT rate Zero (0) % VAT rate
b. SALE or (13) Transportation contractors on their transport of goods or (7) Sale of POWER or FUEL generated through renewable
EXCHANGE of cargoes, including sources of energy , such as but not limited to :
SERVICE i. Persons who transport goods or cargoes for hire; and i. Biomass,
ii. Other domestic common carriers by land relative to their ii. Solar
transport of goods or cargoes iii. wind
iv. hydropower
(14) Sales of Electricity by generation companies, transmission and v. geothermal
distribution companies vi. ocean energy
vii. other emerging energy sources using
(15) Services of franchise grantees of technologies such as fuel cells and hydrogen
i. electric utilities fuels.
ii. telephone and telegraph
iii. radio and television broadcasting exceeding P10M
iv. Crop insurance
v. Other franchise grantees
a. Under Sec. 119 3%percentage tax if radio and television
broadcasting sales is <10M
b. Non life insurance companies
c. Surety, fidelity, indemnity and bonding companies
(8) Lease of MOTION picture films, films, tapes and discs; and
(9) Lease or use of or the right to use, radio, television, satellite
transmission and cable television time.
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
Value-Added Tax EXEMPTED are the following: (SEC. 109) F. Services by agricultural contract growers and milling for
others of
A. (MUST BE FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION) Sale or i. palay into rice,
importation of agricultural and marine food products in their ii. corn into grits and
original state54 . iii. sugar cane into raw sugar;
i. livestock and poultry of a kind generally used as, or G. Medical, dental, hospital and veterinary services EXCEPT
yielding or producing foods for human consumption those rendered by professionals.
H. Educational services rendered by private educational
ii. Breeding stock and genetic materials therefore. institutions, duly accredited by DepEd, CHED, and TESDA
B. Sale or importation of fertilizers, seeds, seedlings and I. Services rendered by individuals pursuant to an employer-
fingerlings, fish, prawn, livestock and poultry feeds, employee relationship;
including ingredients, whether locally produced or imported,
USED in MANUFACTURE of FINISHED feeds J. Services rendered by regional or area headquarters
established in the Philippines by multinational corporations
Except: SPECIALTY feeds for race horses, fighthing cocks, which act as supervisory, communications and coordinating
aquarium fish, zoo animals and other animal generally centers for their affiliates, subsidiaries or branches in the
considered as pets. Asia-Pacific Region and do not earn or derive income from
the Philippines;
C. Importation of personal and household effects belonging to
K. Transactions which are exempt under international
i. residents of the Philippines returning from abroad
agreements to which the Philippines is a signatory or under
special laws, except those under PD 529
ii. nonresident citizens coming to resettle in the
L. FOR Agricultural cooperatives (duly registered with the
Provided, that such goods are exempt from customs duties Cooperative Development Authority)
under the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines;
1. SALE OF THERE produce whether in original state or
D. Importation of processed to its members and NON-members
EXCEPT any vehicle, vessel, aircraft, machinery other M. Gross receipts from lending activities by credit or multi-
goods for use in the manufacture and merchandise of purpose cooperatives duly registered with the Cooperative
any kind in commercial quantity Development Authority;
Belonging to persons COMING TO SETTLE IN THE N. Sales by non-agricultural, non- electric and non-credit
PHILIPPINES, for their OWN USE and NOT FOR SALE, cooperatives duly registered with the Cooperative
barter or exchange, Development Authority: Provided, That the share capital
contribution of each member does not exceed P15,000 and
Accompanying such persons, or arriving within ninety (90) regardless of the aggregate capital and net surplus ratably
days before or after their arrival, upon the production of distributed among the members;
evidence satisfactory to the Commissioner, that such persons
are actually coming to settle in the Philippines and that the O. EXPORT SALES by persons who are not VAT-registered;
change of residence is bona fide;
P. Sale of real properties not primarily held for sale to
E. Services subject to percentage tax under Title V; -- customers or held for lease in the ordinary course of trade or
because such is subject to 3% percentage tax. business or real property utilized for low-cost and socialized
housing as defined by RA. No. 7279 (Urban Development
and Housing Act of 1992), and other related laws,
R. Sale, importation, printing or publication of books and any PRESUMPTION INPUT TAX CREDIT (Sec. 111 B)
newspaper, magazine review or bulletin which appears at
regular intervals with fixed prices for subscription and sale Applicable ONLY to: persons or firms engaged in
and which is not devoted principally to the publication of
paid advertisements; and 1. PROCESSING55 of Sardines, Mackerel and Milk; and
S. Sale, importation or lease of passenger or cargo vessels and 2. MANUFACTURING refined Sugar, Cooking oil and
aircraft, including engine, equipment and spare parts thereof packed noodle-based instant meals
for domestic or international transport operations;
ALLOWED input tax to be credited to output tax = 4% of
T. Importation of fuel, goods and supplies by persons engaged the gross value in money of their purchase of
in international shipping or air transport operations; primary agricultural products which are used as inputs
to their production
U. Services of banks, non-bank financial intermediaries
performing quasi-banking functions, and other non-bank FINAL WITHHOLDING TAX CREDIT (Sec. 114 C)
financial intermediaries; and
Gen. rule: Withholding tax does NOT apply on
V. Sale or lease of goods or properties or the performance of transactions subject to VAT
services other than the transactions mentioned in the
preceding paragraphs, the gross annual sales and/or receipts Exceptions:
do not exceed the amount of P 1, 919,000.00 --- subject to
PERCENTAGE TAX at 3% a. Gross payments by GOVERNMENT, instrumentality,
political subdivision, agencies or GOCCS of purchase of
NOTE: RULE: VAT Registered person may ELECT NOT to be goods and services = 5% FWT
EXEMPTED from VAT, provided, it is IRREVOCABLE for a
period of 3 years from the quarter the election was made. (SEC. b. Gross Payments by RESIDENT VAT taxpayers to NON-
109 [2]) resident foreign person for LEASE or USE of properties
or property RIGHTS t = 102% FWT.
Categories of INPUT Taxes THAT may be credited GOCC will WITHHOLD 5% of its
against OUTPUT tax: payment of 1M to the services of
Allan hence, Allan will only
1. Transitional Input Tax Credit (Sec. 111 A) 2% receive P950,000, and will not pay
2. Presumption Input tax Credit (sec. 111 B) -4% any VAT for such transaction.
3. Final Withholding Tax Credit (sec. 114 C) 56/100%
4. Creditable Input Tax (Sec. 110 A) CREDITABLE INPUT TAX
TRANSITIONAL INPUT TAX CREDIT (Sec 111 B) SOURCES of Input tax credit: ANY input tax as
evidence by a VAT invoice or official receipt SHALL be
Applicable ONLY to: creditable against the output tax:
i. FIRST time for the person to be LIABLE to VAT or (1) PURCHASE or IMPORTATION of GOODS for:
- Any VAT registered person subject to VAT or exempted For VAT-REGISTERED Person, applicable When OUTPUT
to such. VAT is LESS THAN Input Vat
When INPUT TAX can be CREDITABLE to the A. For VAT-Registered person subject to 12%
Output tax?
(1) CARRY- OVER the excess input vat to the
succeeding quarter(s) (Sec. 110 B)
SOURCE of Input Vat
to Output tax
B. For VAT Registered that are..
CONSUMMATION of SALE i. Subject to 0% (Zero-Rated)
Purchase of Goods or (issuance of sale invoice ii. Cancelled VAT Registration due to retirement
Properties regardless of payment/non- or cessation of business
payment) iii. Cancelled Due to Changes in or Status
Upon PAYMENT of VAT prior (2) CARRY- OVER the excess input vat to the
IMPORTATION of Goods to the release of the goods from succeeding quarter(s); OR (option Sec. 110B)
customs custody
When PAID by the BUYER to (3) Claim for REFUND or Tax Credit (sec. 112)
Purchase of SERVICE the seller and evidenced by
sellers official receipt. For BIR ASSESSMENT and PROTEST (note: rules applied
are the same in income assessment and protest)
IF the aggregate acquisition cost for such goods, (excluding i. DATE of SALE when made FOR the REFUND
the VAT component) EXCEED 1M, of CREDITABLE input tax for the sale except
transitional input vat (Sec. 112 A)
Gen Rule: Input vat spread evenly for 59 succeeding months
ii. DATE of Cancellation of the VAT-Registration,
a refund for any UNUSED input tax which may
EXCEPT: IF the estimated useful life is < 5 years as used for
be used in payment of his other internal
depreciation purposes, input vat spread evenly OVER such a
revenue taxes (Sec. 112 B)
shorter period
EFFECT of VAT CREDIT: if at the end of any taxable quarter.. REQUISITIES to VALIDLY Claim VAT REFUND for 0%:
1. PERCENTAGE taxes;
2. VAT Tax for sale of goods, properties or services shall be IMPOSED
and made liable without benefit of input tax credit; and
3. 50% surcharge to tax deficiency
**TEMPORARY closure shall be made NOT less than 5 days and lifted ONLY upon
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
(4) Keepers of Garages (c) Royalties, rentals of property, profits from exchange
and all other items 7%
(5) International Carriers AIR or SHIPPING doing business in
the Philippines (d) Net trading gains within the taxable year on foreign
currency, debt securities, derivatives and other similar
(6) Franchises on radio and/or television BROADCASTING function instruments 7%
companies whose annual gross receipts of the preceding year
DOES not exceed P10M The following are PERCENTAGE taxes on AMUSEMENT TAXES
Excise Tax is in the nature taxes on property as they are Documentary Stamp tax - a tax on documents, instruments
imposed directly on certain specific goods and papers evidencing the acceptance, assignment, sale
or transfer of an obligation, right or property incident
GOODS SUBJECT to EXCISE TAXES - apply to goods thereto.
manufactured or produced in the Philippines for
domestic sale or consumption or for any other The FOLLOWING are SUBJECT to DST:
disposition and to things imported.
(1) Loan Agreements
*** Excise tax is IMPOSED in ADDITION to VAT. (2) Original Issue of Shares of Stock
(3) Sales, Agreements to Sell, Memoranda of Sales, Deliveries or
ARTICLES subject to EXCISE TAXES: Transfer of Shares or Certificates of Stock
(4) Bonds, Debentures, Certificates of Stock or Indebtedness
(1) ALCOHOL PRODUCTS Issued in Foreign Countries
a. Distilled spirits and preparations of which distilled (5) Certificates of Profits or interest in Property or
spirits form the chief ingredient Accumulations
b. Wines (6) Bank Checks, Certificates of Deposit not bearing interests
c. Fermented liquors and other instruments
(7) All Debt instruments
(2) TOBACCO PRODUCTS (8) All Bills of Exchange or Drafts
a. Products of Tobacco (9) Upon Acceptance of Bills of Exchange and Others
b. Cigars (10) Foreign Bills of Exchange and Letters of Credit
c. Cigarettes (11) Life Insurance Policies
(12) Policies of Insurance Upon Property
(3) PETROLEUM PRODUCTS (13) Fidelity Bonds and other insurance Policies
a. Lubricating oils, greases; (14) Policies of Annuities and Pre-need plans
b. Processed gas (15) Indemnity Bonds
c. Waxes and petrolatum (16) Tax on Certificates
d. Denatured alcohol for motive power (17) Warehouse Receipts
e. Naptha, regular gasoline, and other similar (18) Jai-alai, Horse Race tickets, lotto or other authorized
products of distillation numbers games
f. Premium gasoline (19) Bills of Lading or Receipts
g. Aviation turbo jet fuel, diesel fuel oil (20) Tax on Proxies
h. Kerosene (21) POwes of Attorney
i. Diesel Fuel oil and similar fuel oils (22) Leases and other Hiring agrements
j. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) (23) Mortgages, Pledges and Deeds of Trust
k. Asphalts (24) Deed of Sale and Conveyances of Real Property
l. Bunker fuel oil and similar oils and (25) Charter Parties and Similar Instruments
m. Naptha, when used as a raw material in the (26) Assignments and Renewals of Certain Instruments
production of petrochemical products.
(4) MISCELLANEOUS articles
a. Automobiles (a) Policies of insurance or annuities made or granted by a
b. Certain non-essential goods fraternal or beneficiary society, order, association or
cooperative company, operated on the lodge system or local
(5) MINERAL PRODUCTS cooperation plan and organized and conducted solely by the
a. Coal and Coke members thereof for the exclusive benefit of each member
b. Non-metallic minerals and quarry resources and not for profit
c. Metallic Minerals
d. Indigenous petroleum (b) Certificates of oaths:
vii. certified copies and other certificates placed upon SOURCES of LGUs FUNDS:
documents, instruments and papers for the national,
provincial, city, or municipal governments, made at the (1) INTERNAL Revenue Allotment58
instance and for the sole use of some other branch of the
national, provincial, city or municipal governments; and (2) LOCAL taxes59 exclusive accruing to the LGU except
certificates of the assessed value of lands, not exceeding Community taxes where the national government has a
P200 in value assessed, furnished by the provincial, city share.
or municipal Treasurer to applicants for registration of
title to land. (3) Real Property Taxes as provided by LG Code taxes on the
usage of the land.
(c) Borrowing and Lending of Securities executed under the
Securities Borrowing and Lending program of a registered Why is LGU has the power for LOCAL Taxation? Because, of the
exchange constitutional grant of local autonomy, that the LGU be
freed from National Government management and
(d) Loan Agreements or Promissory notes, the aggregate of administration. Local taxation is NOT an inherent
which does NOT exceed P250,000 or any amount as power but a power delegated by the Constitution to
determined by DOF, executed by any individual for his LGUs and is subject to control and supervision of the
personal use or his family AND NOT for business or resale, Legislature.
barter or hire of a house and lot, motor vehicle, appliance or
furniture NATURE of LGUs Taxing power
(e) Sale, Barter or exchange of shares of stock listed and traded (a) NOT confiscatory and oppressive;
through the Local stock exchange (b) It cannot restrict trade and business
(c) It is granted to the LGU to exercise its local autonomy
(f) Assignment or transfer of any mortgage, lease or policy of (d) It is NOT inherent but delegated to the LGU by the
insurance, or the renewal or continuance of any agreement, Constitution
contract, charter or any evidence of obligation or (e) It is subject to CONTROL and SUPERVISION of the
indebtedness, if there is NO change in the maturity date or CONGRESS provided, such must be consistent to the basic
remaining period of coverage from that of the original policy of local autonomy.
(h) Derivatives
59 See footnote 22
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
(6) LGU has the POWER to prescribe PENALTIES (fine and (1) be EQUITABLE and based on the taxpayer's
imprisonment) for LOCAL TAX violations. 65 ABILITY to PAY;
62Section 132. Local Taxing Authority. - The power to impose a tax, fee, or charge or to
generate revenue under this Code shall be exercised by the sanggunian of the local
government unit concerned through an appropriate ordinance.
63Section 188. Publication of Tax Ordinances and Revenue Measures. - Within ten (10)
days after their approval, certified true copies of all provincial, city, and municipal tax
ordinances or revenue measures shall be published in full for three (3) consecutive days
in a newspaper of local circulation: Provided, however, That in provinces, cities and
municipalities where there are no newspapers of local circulation, the same may be
posted in at least two (2) conspicuous and publicly accessible places.
64 See footnote 28
66Section 192. Authority to Grant Tax Exemption Privileges. - Local government units
65Section 516. Penalties for Violation of Tax Ordinances. - The sanggunian of a local may, through ordinances duly approved, grant tax exemptions, incentives or reliefs under
government unit is authorized to prescribe fines or other penalties for violation of tax such terms and conditions as they may deem necessary.
ordinances but in no case shall such fines be less than (P1,000.00) nor more than
(P5,000.00), nor shall imprisonment be less than (1) month nor more than (6) months. 67Section 191. Authority of Local Government Units to Adjust Rates of Tax Ordinances. -
Such fine or other penalty, or both, shall be imposed at the discretion of the court. The Local government units shall have the authority to adjust the tax rates as prescribed
sangguniang barangay may prescribe a fine of not less than (P100.00) nor more than herein not oftener than once every five (5) years, but in no case shall such adjustment
(P1,000.00). exceed ten percent (10%) of the rates fixed under this Code.
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
COMMON to ALL LGUs for (j) PERCENTAGE or VAT on sales, barters or exchanges or
REVENUE RAISING POWERS similar transactions on goods or services except as otherwise
provided herein;
(1) SERVICE fees and charges rendered (Sec. 153 LGC)
(k) Taxes on the gross receipts of transportation contractors and
(2) OPERATION of PUBLIC UTILITIES, operated and persons engaged in the transportation of passengers or
maintained by them within their jurisdiction (Sec. 154 LGC) freight by hire and common carriers by air, land or water,
except as provided in this Code;
(3) TOLL fees or charges for use of any PUBLIC
i. Road (l) Taxes on premiums paid by way or reinsurance or
ii. Pier retrocession;
iii. Wharf
iv. Waterway (m) Taxes, fees or charges for the registration of motor vehicles
v. Bridge and for the issuance of all kinds of licenses or permits for the
vi. Ferry or driving thereof, except tricycles;
vii. Telecommunication system
(n) Taxes, fees, or other charges on Philippine products actually
THAT are FUNDED and CONSTRUCTED by the LGU exported, except as otherwise provided herein;
concerned. However, CANNOT collect from officers and
enlisted men of.. (o) Taxes, fees, or charges, on Countryside and Barangay
i. AFP Business Enterprises and cooperatives duly registered under
ii. PNP RA 6810 and RA 6938.
iii. Post Office personnel delivering mail
iv. Physically handicapped (p) Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National
v. Disabled citizens who are 65 years and older. Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, and local
government units.
(a) INCOME TAX except when levied on banks and other
financial institutions;
1. Transfer of Real Property
(b) Documentary stamp tax;
Ownership (Sec. 135)
(c) DONORS tax and ESTATE taxes except as Real Property Tax E. CITIES
2. Business of Printing and
under LGC by Provinces and Cities;
Publication (Sec. 136)
* highly urbanized
(d) CUSTOMS DUTIES and registration fees of vessel and independent
3. Franchise Tax (Sec. 137)
component cities
Except: FEES imposed on issuance of licenses for the taxes, fees and
4. Sand, gravel and other quarry
operation of fishing vessels of 3 tons gross or less by charges collected
resources (sec. 138)
MUNICIPALITIES (Sec. 149) and CITIES (Sec. 151) accrue to them
5. Professional Tax (Sec. 139) ONLY
(e) Wharfage on wharves, tonnage dues, and all other kinds of
CUSTOMS FEES, CHARGES and DUES * component cities
6. Amusement Tax (Sec. 140)
taxes, fees and
Except: wharfage on wharves constructed and maintained charges portion of
7. Annual Fixed tax for every
by LGU concerned; it is given to the
delivery truck or van of
manufacturers or producers, province and
(f) Taxes, fees, and charges and other impositions upon goods portion to the
wholesalers of, delaers or
carried into or out of, or passing through, the territorial component city.
retailers in certain products (Sec.
jurisdictions of local government units in the guise of
charges for wharfage, tolls for bridges or otherwise, or other
taxes, fees, or charges in any form whatsoever upon such
goods or merchandise;
1. Business Tax
(g) Taxes, fees or charges on agricultural and aquatic products
2. Fishery Privileges
when sold by marginal farmers or fishermen;
C. MUNICIPALITIES and CITIES only Community Tax
(h) Taxes on business enterprises certified to by the Board of
Investments as pioneer or non-pioneer for a period of (6)
and (4) years, respectively from the date of registration;
1. Taxes on STORES or RETAILERS with fixed Tax Rate: 50% of 1% of gross annual receipts of the
establishments with gross receipts preceding calendar preceding calendar year based on the incoming receipt
year of 50,000php or less (for cities) and 30,000php or within its territorial jurisdiction
less (for municipalities) in a RATE of 1% on such gross
sales or receipts Except: Newly started business = not exceeding 1/20
of 1% of capital investment, in succeeding years
<50K and < 3K if greater than Municipality regardless of business operation, regular rate of 50%
2. SERVICE FEES or CHARGES in connection with the 4) Sand, gravel and other quarry resources (sec. 138)
regulations or use of barangay owned properties or
service facilities Tax Rate: not more than 10% of fair market value in
the locality PER cubic meter that are extracted from
3. BARANGAY CLEARANCE public lands or from the beds of seas, lakes, rivers,
streams, creeks and other public waters within its
4. FEES and CHARGES to the following: territorial jurisdiction
====== WHERE?
1) Transfer of Real Property Ownership (Sec. 135) (b) Where he MAINTAINS his PRINCIPAL office in
case he practices his profession in several places.
Sale, Donation, Barter or any other mode of transferring
ownership or title of Real Property AFTER payment of professional tax, he shall be entitled
to practice his profession in any part of the Philippines
EXCEPT: Real property subject to CARP (RA 6657) without being subjected to any other national or local
tax for such practice of profession.
TAX RATE: not exceeding 50% of 1% of, WHICH
employed in the Government.
i. the TOTAL CONSIDERATION involved in
ACQUISITION of the property 6) Amusement Tax (Sec. 140)
ii. FAIR MARKET VALUE, in case the monetary TAX RATE: not more than 30% of the gross receipts
consideration is NOT substantial from admission fees.
7) Annual Fixed tax for every delivery truck or van of (g) On peddlers engaged in the sale of any merchandise or
manufacturers or producers, wholesalers of, delaers or article of commerce, at a rate not exceeding (P50.00)
retailers in certain products (Sec. 141) per peddler annually.
PRODUCTS: (h) Any other business not specified which the sanggunian
i. Distilled spirits concerned may deem proper to tax: Provided, That on
ii. Fermented liquors any business subject to the excise, value-added or
iii. Soft drinks percentage tax under the NIRCthe rate of tax shall not
iv. Cigars and cigarettes exceed (2%) of gross sales or receipts of the preceding
v. Other products as determined by the sangguniang calendar year.
TAX amount: not exceeding 500 php LGC).
TAXES that can be imposed by MUNICIPALITIES Business SUBJECT to tax is COMING from its
1) Business Tax IF before the business is considered officially retired.
(a) On manufacturers, assemblers, repackers, processors, tax paid during the year < tax due on the current year
brewers, distillers, rectifiers, and compounders of
liquors, distilled spirits, and wines or manufacturers of
any article of commerce of whatever kind or nature if, the tax paid during the years is GREATER THAN the
tax due on the current year such business for
(b) On wholesalers, distributors, or dealers in any article of retirement NEED NOT pay the business tax for that year
commerce of whatever kind or nature of retirement.
i. Regularly employed on a wage or salary basis 2) JUDICIAL ACTION ordinary civil action with the
for atleast 30 consecutive working days during regular courts of proper jurisdiction for collection of
any calendar year delinquent taxes, fees, chargers or revenues.
ii. Engaged in business or occupation
iii. Own real property with an aggregate assessed REMEDIES for the TAXPAYER
value of 1,000 or more
iv. Required by law to file an income tax PRIOR Assessment
TYPES of Real Property Tax: (2) Charitable institutions, Churches, Parsonages or convents
appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-profit or religious
(A) Basic Real Property Tax (Ad Valorem Tax) cemeteries and ALL lands, buildings and improvements
1. PROVINCE not exceed 1% of assessed value religious, charitable or educational purposes.
2. CITY or MUNICIPALITY not exceed 2% of (3) ALL machineries and equipment that are ACTUALLY,
assessed value DIRECTLY and EXCLUSIVELY used by local water districts
and GOCCs engaged in the supply and distribution of water
(B) SPECIAL Levy and/or generation and transmission of electrical power.
(a) Agricultural lands, more than 1) hectare in area, suitable for cultivation,
dairying, inland fishery, and other agricultural uses, 1/2 of which remain
uncultivated or unimproved by the owner of the property or person having
legal interest therein.
Exempt from IDLE LAND Tax. by reason of owner of the property or person having 70 Sec. 199 (m) of LGC: (m) "Improvement" is a valuable addition made to a property or
legal interest therein from improving, utilizing or cultivating LIKE: an amelioration in its condition, amounting to more than a mere repair or replacement of
i. force majeure, parts involving capital expenditures and labor, which is intended to enhance its value,
ii. civil disturbance, beauty or utility or to adapt it for new or further purposes;
iii. natural calamity or any cause or circumstance which physically or 71 "Appraisal" is the act or process of determining the value of property as of a specified
legally prevents the date for a specific purpose
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
Classification of Real Property ACCORDING to its USE: and shall take EFFECT at the beginning of the
(1) Agricultural land 72 QUARTER next following the reassessment.
(2) Commercial land 73
(3) Industrial Land 74 The FOLLOWING are the CAUSES:
(4) Mineral Land 75 (1) Partial or total destruction
(5) Timberland (2) Major change to its actual use
(6) Special land76 (3) Great and sudden inflation or deflation of real
property values
c. Real property shall be ASSESSED77 on the basis of a (4) Gross illegality of the assessment when made
uniform classification within each local government unit; (5) Other Abnormal causes
d. The appraisal, assessment, levy and collection of real Assessment of Property subject to BACK TAXES when
property tax shall not be let to any private person; and the RP is assessed for the FIRST TIME or existing
assessment is INCREASED or DECREASED within 30
e. The appraisal and assessment of real property shall be days assessor to give new or revised assessment
Brand- New Machinery FAIR market value is the
regardless of where located, whoever owns it
and uses it. OLD Machinery FAIR MARKET VALUE is
determined by
Gen. Rule: Assessment of RP shall NOT be increased
OFTENER than ONCE every 3 years
73 Commercial Land" is land devoted principally for the object of profit and is not Gen. Rule: 5 years from the DATE they become due.
classified as agricultural, industrial, mineral, timber, or residential land;
Except: 10 years from the DISCOVERY of FRAUD or
74 "Industrial Land" is land devoted principally to industrial activity as capital investment INTENT to Evade payment.
and is not classified as agricultural, commercial, timber, mineral or residential
land; SUSPENSION of Prescriptive period
75 "Mineral Lands" are lands in which minerals, metallic or non-metallic, exist in sufficient
a. Local Treasurer is LEGALLY prevented from
quantity or grade to justify the necessary expenditures to extract and utilize
such materials; collecting the tax
76 Special Classes of Real Property. - All lands, buildings, and other improvements b. Owner or person with legal interest REQUESTS for
thereon actually, directly and exclusively used for hospitals, cultural, or scientific REINVESTIGATION and executes a WAIVER in
purposes, and those owned and used by local water districts, and GOCCs rendering WRITING before the expiration of the period within
essential public services in the supply and distribution of water and/or generation and which to collect; and
transmission of electric power shall be classified as special.
c. Owner or person with legal interest is OUT of the
77 "Assessment" is the act or process of determining the value of a property, or COUNTRY or CANNOT be LOCATED.
proportion thereof subject to tax, including the discovery, listing,
classification, and appraisal of properties;
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
declared habit forming by the President of the Philippines, or provisions of this subsection, and the excess of the
any compound, manufactured salt, derivative, or preparation consignment may be entered in bond, or for consumption, as
thereof, except when imported by the Government of the the importer may elect.
Philippines or any person duly authorized by the Dangerous
Drugs Board, for medicinal purposes only. (d) Articles, including binnacles, propellers, and the like, the
character of which, as imported, prevents their use for other
(j) Opium pipes and parts thereof, of whatever material. purposes than the construction, equipment, or repair of
vessels and aircraft, and life-preservers and life buoys,
(k) All other articles and parts thereof, the importation of which related equipment and parts and accessories thereof, which
prohibited by law or rules and regulations issued by are necessary for the take-off and landing and for the safe
competent authority. navigation of vessels and aircraft.
to duty only on the amount in excess of 500 pesos; articles of under this subsection has never been previously granted to
the same kind and class purchased in foreign countries by them: Provided, That neither merchandise of any kind, nor
residents of the Philippines during their absence abroad and machinery or other articles for use in manufacture, shall be
accompanying them upon their return to the Philippines, or classified under this subsection.
arriving within a reasonable time which in no case shall
exceed 90 days before or after the owner's return, upon proof (m) Animals, vehicles, portable theaters, circus and theatrical
satisfactory to the Collector of Customs that same have been equipment, including musical instruments, sceneries,
in their use abroad for more than 1 year; articles in any single panoramas, properties, saddlery, wax figures and similar
shipment consigned to any single person when the total objects for public entertainment, and other articles for
export value of such shipment does not exceed one hundred display in public expositions, or for exhibition or competition
pesos: Provided, That when the export value exceeds the for prizes, and devices for projecting pictures and parts and
amount of one hundred pesos, only the amount in excess of appurtenances therefor, upon identification and the giving of
one hundred pesos shall be subject to duty. a bond in an amount equal to one and one-half times the
ascertained duties, taxes and other charges thereon,
(j) Wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet conditioned for exportation thereof or payment of the
articles, portable tolls and instruments, theatrical costumes, corresponding duties, taxes and other charges within six
and similar personal effects, accompanying travelers or months from the date of acceptance of the import entry:
tourists in their baggage or arriving within a Provided, That the Collector of Customs may extend the time
reasonable time, in the discretion of the Collector of for exportation or payment of duties, taxes and other charges
Customs, before or after the owners, in use of and necessary for a term not exceeding six months from the expiration of
and appropriate for the wear or use of such persons the original period; and technical and scientific films when
according to their profession or position for the immediate imported by technical, cultural and scientific institutions,
purposes of their journey and their present comfort and and not to be exhibited for profit: Provided, That if any of the
convenience: Provided, That this exemption shall not be held said films is exhibited for profit, the proceeds therefrom shall
to apply to articles intended for other persons or for barter, be subject to confiscation, in addition to the penalty provided
sale or hire: Provided, further, That the Collector of Customs under section three thousand six hundred and ten of this
may, in his discretion, require a bond in an amount equal to Code.
one and one-half times the ascertained duties, taxes and
other charges upon articles classified under this subsection, (n) Articles (e.g., photographic, sound recording, electrical and
conditioned for the exportation thereof or payment of the other equipment, vehicles, animals, costumes, apparel,
corresponding duties, taxes and other charges, within six properties, supplies, unexposed motion picture films)
months from the date of acceptance of the import entry: And brought by foreign producers for making or recording
provided, finally, That the Collector of Customs may extend motion pictures on location in the Philippines, upon
the time for exportation or payment of duties, taxes and identification and the giving of a bond in an amount equal to
other charges for a term not exceeding six months from the one and one-half times the ascertained duties, taxes and
expiration of the original period. other charges thereon, conditioned for exportation thereof or
payment of the corresponding duties, taxes and charges
(k) Vehicles, horses, harness, bed and table linen, table service, within six months from the date of acceptance of the import
furniture, musical instruments and personal effects of like entry. Unexposed motion picture films allowed free entry
character, owned and imported by travelers or tourists for under bond for exportation falling within this subsection and
their convenience and comfort, upon identification and the subsequently exposed, whether or not developed, may be
giving of a bond in an amount equal to one and one-half reexported free of import duties, taxes and other charges.
times the ascertained duties, taxes and other charges
thereon, conditioned for the exportation thereof or payment (o) Negative films, undeveloped, exposed outside the Philippines
of the corresponding duties, taxes and other charges within by resident Filipino citizens or by producing companies of
six months from the date of acceptance of the import entry: Philippine registry where the principal actors and artists
Provided, That the Collector of Customs may extend the time employed for the production are Filipinos, upon affidavit by
for exportation or payment of duties, taxes and other charges the importer that such exposed films are the same films
for a term not exceeding six months from the expiration of previously exported from the Philippines. As used in this
the original period. paragraph, the terms "actors" and "artists" include the
persons working the photographic camera or other
(l) Professional instruments and implements, tools of trade, photographic and sound recording apparatus by means of
occupation or employment, wearing apparel, domestic which the film is made.
animals, and personal and household effects, including those
of the kind and class provided for under subsections "j" and (p) Costumes, regalia and other articles, including office
"k" and belonging to persons coming to settle in the supplies and equipment, imported for the official use of
Philippines, in quantities and of the class suitable to the members and attaches of foreign embassies, legations,
profession, rank or position of the person importing them, consular officers and other representatives of foreign
for their own use and not for barter or sale, accompanying government: Provided, That the country which any such
such persons, or arriving within a reasonable time, in the person represents accords like privileges to corresponding
discretion of the Collector of Customs, before or after the officials of the Philippines.
arrival of their owners, upon the production of evidence
satisfactory to the Collector of Customs that such persons are (q) Articles imported for the personal or family use of the
actually coming to settle in the Philippines, that the articles members and attaches of foreign embassies, legations,
are brought from their former place of abode, that change of consular officers and other representatives of foreign
residence is bona fide, and that the privilege of free entry governments: Provided, That such privilege shall be
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
accorded under special agreements between the Philippines person affected thereby, or by or for the account of any relief
and the countries which they represent: And provided, organization, not operated for profit, for distribution among
further, That the privilege may be granted only upon specific the distressed individuals, whenever the President shall, by
instructions of the Department of Finance in each instance proclamation, declare an emergency to exist by reason of a
which will be issued only upon request of the Department of state of war, pestilence, cholera, plague, famine, drought,
Foreign Affairs. typhoon, earthquake, fire, flood and similar conditions:
Provided, That the importation free of duty of articles
(r) Regalia, gems, statuary, specimens or casts of sculptures described in this herein subsection shall continue only
imported for the bona fide use and by the order of any during the existence of such emergency, or within such limits
society incorporated or established solely for religious, and subject to such conditions as the President may, by his
philosophical, educational, scientific or literary purposes, or proclamation, deem necessary to meet the emergency.
for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by
the order of any institution of learning, public library, (y) Philippine articles previously exported from the Philippines
museum, orphan asylum or hospital, and not for barter, sale and returned without having been advanced in value or
or hire: Provided, That the term "regalia" shall be held to improved in condition by any process of manufacture or
embrace only such insignia of rank or office or emblems as other means, and upon which no drawback or bounty has
may be worn upon the person or borne in the hand during been allowed, and foreign articles when returned after
public exercises or ceremonies of the society or institution, having been loaned and exported for use temporarily abroad
and shall not include articles of furniture or fixtures, or solely for exhibition, examination or experimentation, for
ordinary wearing apparel, nor personal property of scientific or educational purposes, and foreign containers
individuals. packed with exported Philippine articles and returned empty
if imported by or for the account of the person or institution
(s) Musical organs imported for the bona fide use and by the who exported them from the Philippines and not for sale,
owner of any society incorporated or established for religious subject to identification: Provided, That any Philippine
or educational purposes, or, expressly for presentation article falling under this subsection upon which drawback or
thereto. bounty has been allowed shall, upon re-importation thereof,
be subject to a duty under this subsection equal to the
(t) Scientific apparatus, instruments and utensils specially amount of such drawback or bounty.
imported for the bona fide use and by the order of any
society or institution incorporated or established solely for (z) Large containers (e.g., demijohns, cylinders, drums, casks
educational, scientific, or charitable purposes, or for the and other similar receptacles of metal, glass or other
encouragement of the fine arts, or for the bona fide use and material) which are, in the opinion of the Collector of
by the order of any institution of learning in the Philippines, Customs, of such a character as to be readily identifiable may
and not for barter, sale or hire. be delivered to the importer thereof upon identification and
the giving of a bond in an amount equal to one and one-half
(u) Philosophical, historical, economic, scientific, technical and times the ascertained duties, taxes and other charges
vocational books specially imported for the bona fide use and thereon, conditioned for the exportation thereof on payment
by the order of any society or institution, incorporated or of the corresponding duties, taxes and other charges within
established solely for philosophical, educational, scientific, one year from the date of acceptance of the import entry.
charitable or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of
the fine arts, or for the bona fide use of and by the order of (aa) Supplies or ship stores listed as such for the use of the vessel;
any institution of learning in the Philippines: Provided, That supplies which are intended for the reasonable requirements
the provisions of this subsection shall apply to books not of the vessel in her voyage outside the Philippines, including
exceeding two copies of any one work when imported by any such articles transferred from a bonded warehouse in any
individual for his own use, and not for barter, sale or hire. collection district to any vessel engaged in foreign trade, for
use or consumption of the passengers or its crew on board
Bibles, missals, prayerbooks, koran, ahadith and other such vessel as sea stores; or articles purchased abroad for
religious books of similar nature and extracts therefrom, sale on board a vessel as saloon stores or supplies: Provided,
hymnal and hymns for religious uses, specially prepared That any surplus or excess of such ship, sea or saloon stores
books, music and other instrumental aids for the deaf, mute arriving from foreign ports shall be dutiable according to the
or blind, and textbooks prescribed for use in any school in corresponding heading or subheading.
the Philippines: Provided, That complete books published in
parts in periodical form shall not be classified herein. (bb) Articles and salvage from vessels recovered after the period
of two years from the date of filing the marine protest or the
(v) Newsprint, whenever imported by or for publishers for the time when the vessel was wrecked or abandoned as
exclusive use in the publication of newspapers. determined by the Collector of Customs, or such part of
Philippine vessel or her equipment, wrecked or abandoned
(w) Articles donated to public or private institutions established in Philippine waters or elsewhere: Provided, That articles
solely for educational, scientific, cultural, charitable, health, and salvage recovered within the said period of two years
relief, philanthropic or religious purposes, for free shall be dutiable according to the corresponding heading or
distribution among, or exclusive use of, the needy. subheading.
(x) Food, clothing, house-building and sanitary-construction (cc) Articles of easy identification exported from the Philippines
materials, and medical, surgical and other supplies for use in for repairs abroad and subsequently reimported: Provided,
emergency relief work, when imported by or directly for the That the cost of the repairs made to any such article shall pay
account of any victim, sufferer, refugee, survivor or any other a rate of duty of twenty-five per cent ad valorem.
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
When the GOODS had NOT been terminated, the imported BASIS for DUTIABLE VALUE of an imported articles
goods remain UNDER the jurisdiction of the BUREAU of SUBJET to an AD VALOREM TAX = Transaction value
TRANSACTION VALUE that is ADDED to the assessment
*** ILLEGAL merchandise is subject to forfeiture and stated above:
ILLEGAL goods are subject to seizure and forfeiture
1. Commissions and brokerage fees
WHEN IMPORTATION ENDS or terminated? 2. Cost of Containers
3. Cost of packing whether for labor or materials
- Importation ends AT THE TIME the goods are released 4. Value of materials, components, parts and similar items
or withdrawn from the customhouse upon payment of incorporated in the imported goods
the customs duties or secured to be paid at the point of 5. Amount of royalties and license fees related to the goods
entry AND the legal permit to withdraw have been 6. Cost of transport of the imported goods from the port of
granted. Such payment must be in full. exportation to the port of entry in the pHilippines
7. Loading, unloading and handling charges associated
BASIS for ASSESSMENT of CUSTOM Duty - Dutiable with the transport of the imported goods from the
Value country of exportation to the port of entry in the
Philippines; and
DUTIABLE VALUE is the HOME consumption value 8. Cost of insurance.
9. 12% Vat
When Goods are subjected to AD VALOREM rate of
DUTY , assessment based ON: When the transaction value CANNOT be DETERMINED,
the FOLLOWING values cane be utilized:
i. MARKET VALUE(price) at the time of exportation, to
the same, like or similar article freely offered for Sale 1. Transaction value of IDENTICAL GOODS
in the principal markets of the exporting country, in 2. Transaction value of SIMILAR GOODS
the usual wholesale quantities and in the ordinary 3. DEDUCTIVE VALUE
course of trade (excludes internal excise taxes to be 4. COMPUTED VALUE and
remitted or rebated) 5. FALL BACK VALUE.
C. SPECIAL Duties under Tariff and Custom Code 8. POST-Entry for previous 3 years and to give a FINAL AUDIT
1. Anti-Dumping Duty special duties imosed by
the Sec. of Finance upon recommendation of the 9. AUTOMATIC REVIEW CLAUSE when the decision of the
Tariff Commission when it is FOUND that the price Custom COLLECTOR is NOT in FAVOR of the
of the imported articles are deliberately or GOVERNMENT, such decision is subject to AUTOMATIC
continually FIXED at LESS than the FMV or COST REVIEW of Bureau of Custom COMMISSIONER and, if such
of PRODUCTOIN and the importation would cause is still contrary to the Government, commissioners decision
or likely cause an injury to local industries engaged is subject to the automatic review to DEPARTMENT of
in the manufacture or production of the same or FINANCE.
similar articles or prevent their establishment
Purpose: It is to protect the interest of the government in
2. Countervailing Duty- imposed by Sec. of Finance imposing taxes which are the lifeblood of the Government. If
upon prior investigation and report of the Tariff no such grant, the power may be abused by the Custom
Commission to OFFESET.. Collector.
4. Retaliatory or Discriminatory Duty special This protest, if not made before the Collector, must be
duties collected in an AMOUNT not exceeding produced to him, and a copy thereof lodged with him.
100% ad valorem tax imposed by the PRESIDENT
of the PHILIPPINES against goods of a foreign make report to the Collector if any part of the cargo was
country which discriminates against Philippine unladen from necessity or lost by casualty before arrival,
commerce or against goods coming from the and such fact should be made to appear by sufficient
Philippines and shipped to a foreign country. proof
Collector who shall give his approval thereto and the
unlading shall be deemed to have been lawfully effected.
all seas and coasts, ports, airports, harbor, bays, rivers and in
land waters navigable from the sea within the jurisdiction of
the Philippines. (Sec. 603 of TCC)
the Collector shall, upon sufficient proof of the
necessity, grant a permit therefor, and the articles
shall be unladen and stored under the supervision of the
customs authorities.
3. Custom duty as a LIEN over the unpaid goods
At the request of the master of the vessel or of the owner
4. FORFEIT, and SEIZE the goods thereof, the Collector may grant permission to enter and
pay the duties, taxes and other charges on, and dispose
5. Right of INSPECTION of, such part of the cargo as may be of perishable
nature or as may be necessary to defray the
6. ACCREDITATION of importers if required expenses attending the vessel.
7. WARRANTLESS SEARCH and SEIZURE any place, except Upon departure, the cargo, or a residue thereof, may be
DWELLING HOUSE, where a court order issued by an RTC reladen on board the vessel, and the vessel may proceed
judge showing probable cause and particularity. with the same to her destination, subject only to the
charge for storing and safe-keeping of the articles and
the fees for entrance and clearance.
78 (TCC) Sec. 603 par. 2: When a vessel becomes subject to seizure by reason of an act
NOTE: No port charges shall be collected on vessels entering
done in Philippine waters in violation of the tariff and customs laws, a pursuit of such
vessel begun within the jurisdictional waters may continue beyond the maritime zone, and through stress of weather or other causes above described.
the vessel may be seized on the high sea. Imported articles which may be subject to
seizure for violation of the tariff and customs laws may be pursued in their transportation
in the Philippines by land, water or air and such jurisdiction exerted over it at any place
therein as may be necessary for the due enforcement of the law.
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
PROCEDURE for CLAIM for REFUND or PROTEST were intended to be used as instrument in the
importation or exportation of the former.
GEN RULE: Any vessel or aircraft, cargo, articles and other k. Any beast actually being used for the conveyance of
objects shall, under the following conditions, be subject article subject to forfeiture under the customs and tariff
to forfeiture: laws with its equipage or trappings, and any vehicles
similarly used, together with its equipage and
a. Any vessel or aircraft and cargo, which used lawfully in appurtenances, including the beast, team or other
the importation or exportation of articles into or from motive power drawing or propelling the same; but the
any Philippine port or place except a port of entry; and forfeiture shall not be effected if it is established
any vessel which, being of less than thirty tons capacity that the owner of the means of conveyance used as
shall be used in the importation of articles into any aforesaid or his agent in charge thereof at the time, has
Philippine port or place except into a port of the Sulu no knowledge of the unlawful act.
sea where importation in such vessel may be authorized
by the Commissioner, with the approval of the l. Any money or thing of value offered as a bribe or for the
department head. purpose of exerting improper influence over a customs
official or employee.
b. Any vessel engaging in the coastwise trade which shall
have on board any article of foreign growth, product or m. Any article sought to be imported or exported:
manufacture in excess of the amount necessary for sea
stores, without such article having been properly (1) Without going through a customhouse, whether the
entered or legally imported. act was consummated, frustrated or attempted;
(2) By failure to mention to a customs official, articles
c. Any vessel or aircraft into which shall be transferred found in the baggage of a person arriving from
cargo unladen contrary to law prior to the arrival of the abroad.
importing vessel or aircraft at her port of destination. (3) On the strength of a false declaration or affidavit
executed by the owner, importer, exporter or
d. Any part of the cargo of a vessel or aircraft arriving from consignee concerning the importation or
a foreign port which is unladen before arrival at the exportation of such article.
vessel's or aircraft's port of destination and without (4) On the strength of a false invoice or other document
authority from the proper customs official; but such executed by the owner, importer, exporter or
cargo shall not be forfeited if such unlading was due to consignee concerning the importation or
accident, stress of weather or other necessity and is exportation of such article.
subsequently approved by the Collector. (5) Through any other fraudulent practice or device by
means of which such articles was entered through a
e. Any article which is fraudulently concealed in or customhouse to the prejudice of the government.
removed from any public or private warehouse under
customs supervision. EXCEPTION: Common Carriers UNLESS, such common
carriers had been chartered or leased and that the owner
f. Any article of prohibited importation or exportation, the had NO knowledge of the use of the carrier for
importation or exportation of which is effected or smuggling EXCEPT when the vessel had been caught
attempted contrary to law, and all other articles which, twice for smuggling and the owner is NOT in financial
in the opinion of the Collector, have been used, are or condition to have such goods.
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book
Atty. Bonilla Discussion supplemented by Vitug Acosta book