Frabelle Fishing V PhilAm
Frabelle Fishing V PhilAm
Frabelle Fishing V PhilAm
306, August 17, 2007 ] among others, that the contracts do not reflect the true intention of the
FRABELLE FISHING CORPORATION, PETITIONER, VS. THE parties. HLURB set the initial preliminary hearing.
PROPERTIES CORPORATION AND PERF REALTY CORPORATION, Respondents assailed the jurisdiction of the HLURB. The parties should
RESPONDENTS. resort to compulsory arbitration as provided by their contracts.
Facts: Issues:
Respondents, entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (1996 MOA) (1) whether the HLURB has jurisdiction over the complaint for
whereby each agreed to contribute cash, property, and services for the reformation of instruments, specific performance and damages. (NO)
construction and development of Philamlife Tower (office condominium (2) whether the parties should initially resort to arbitration. (YES)
along Paseo de Roxas)
Respondents executed a Deed of Assignment (1996 DOA) wherein they 1. As the records show, the complaint filed by petitioner with the
assigned to Frabelle Properties Corporation (Frabelle) their rights and HLURB is one for reformation of instruments. Petitioner claimed that
obligations under the 1996 MOA with respect to the construction, the terms of the contract are not clear and prayed that they should be
development, and subsequent ownership of Unit No. 38-B located at the reformed to reflect the true stipulations of the parties. Being an
38th floor of Philamlife Tower. The parties also stipulated that the action for reformation of instruments, petitioner's complaint
assignee shall be deemed as a co-developer of the construction project necessarily falls under the jurisdiction of the RTC pursuant to Section
with respect to Unit No. 38-B. 1, Rule 63 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended.
Frabelle, in turn, assigned to petitioner Frabelle Fishing Corporation Any disagreement as to the nature of the parties' relationship which
(Frabelle Fishing) its rights, obligations and interests over Unit No. 38-B. would require first an amendment or reformation of their contract is an
issue which the courts may and can resolve without the need of the
Petitioner Frabelle Fishing and respondents executed a Memorandum of expertise and specialized knowledge of the HLURB.
Agreement (1998 MOA) to fund the construction of designated office
floors in Philamlife Tower. 2. Paragraph 4.2 of the 1998 MOA mandates that any dispute between
or among the parties "shall finally be settled by arbitration
The dispute between the parties started when petitioner found material conducted in accordance with the Rules of Conciliation and
concealment on the part of respondents regarding certain details in the Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce." Petitioner
1996 DOA and 1998 MOA and their gross violation of their contractual referred the dispute to the PDRCI but respondents refused to submit
obligations as condominium developers. to its jurisdiction.
Petitioner, on October 22, 2001, referred the matter to the Philippine It bears stressing that such arbitration agreement is the law between the
Dispute Resolution Center, Inc. (PDRCI) for arbitration. However, in a parties. They are, therefore, expected to abide by it in good faith.
letter, respondents manifested their refusal to submit to PDRCI's
jurisdiction. Arbitration is one of the alternative methods of dispute resolution
that is now rightfully vaunted as "the wave of the future" in
Petitioner then filed with the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board international relations, and is recognized worldwide. To brush
(HLURB) a complaint for reformation of instrument, specific aside a contractual agreement calling for arbitration in case of
performance and damages against respondents. Petitioner alleged, disagreement between the parties would therefore be a step