Aldebrez1997 Real TimeSimulationOfLiquidProcessPlant
Aldebrez1997 Real TimeSimulationOfLiquidProcessPlant
Aldebrez1997 Real TimeSimulationOfLiquidProcessPlant
Fareg Mohamed Aldebrez, Mortaza Bin Mohamed, and Shaharum Bin Sulaiman
This paper presents the development of a mathematical model of a multivariable liquid process plant.
This multivariable liquid process rig incorporates two interacting loops; level control loop and
temperature control loop. Based on the developed model, an experiment was conducted on the actual
system for the purpose of real-time data collection and estimating the parameters of the model using a
real-time software called GENESIS. This software is a real-time, multitasking software used in this
work for running the actual plant and collecting the real data from the actual process. It is also used to
perform a computer simulation study on the developed model to verify its performance. The
simulation study was performed in terms of three case studies, that are, level conhrol loop, temperature
control loop and interaction loop respectively. The performance of each loop was investigated and the
extent of the interaction effect between the two single loops was also highlighted.
As the industry develops steadily, the production scale
becomes larger and in the meantime the process In this Liquid Process Plant, there are two interacting
complexity grows. Especially, in some production loops, namely, level control loop and temperature
processes, the controlled variables are related to each control loop. Figure (1.0) shows the schematic diagram
other. Hence, in such a case it is inevitable that of the multivariable liqui'd process plant.
interaction should be taken into consideration when I
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4.2 Plant Interface OPTOMUX is capable of using two types of message
protocols. The first protocol is 2-pass protocol which is
The actual process was connected with the host through used during normal operation. The other one is 4-pass
an intelligent digital and analog I/O device called protocol. This protocol is sometimes useful during
OPTOMUX I). It is a 4,s or 16 point rack that initial setup and installation because it allows the host to
accommodates photo-isolated analog or digital power examine and display the command massage that
I/O modules. Each OPTOMUX unit consists of a OPTOMUX received.
removal brain board and an I/O mounting rack.
OPTOMUX units communicate with the host computer
over an RS-422/485 communications link. It is possible 4.3 System Parameters Data Collection
to communicate with up to 256 individual units on a
single serial link for a total of 4096 digital and/or analog There are ten parameters involved in the whole liquid
I/O. The connections between the host computer and process plant. The level control loop has five gains, (k,,
OPTOMUX units is illustrated in Fig. (3.0). k2, k,, k,, and k5), while the temperature control loop
OPTOMUX units can be located where the actual involves four gains (k,, k,, k,, and k,,,), K, represents the
control is needed (in the process field). interaction between level control loop and temperature
control loop. The values of these parameters were
obtained by experimental study conducted on the actual
process. The final values of the system parameters are
ZOONTROI FIELD listed in table (1 ,O).
Table (1.0): List of the system parameters values
B2- 16A
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cold water inlet to the reaction tm.k, the level inside
tank10 1 increases, however, the temperature decreases.
This is considered as a clear indication of the interaction
between the two interacting loops.
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