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J.D. Powell
Stanford University
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Chapter Overview
In Section 1.1, you will learn about what a digital control system
is, what the typical structure is, and what the basic elements
are. The key issues are discussed and an overview of where those
issues are discussed in the book is given. Section 1.2 discusses the
design approaches used for digital control systems and provides an
overview of where the di¤erent design approaches appear in the
book. Computer Aided Control System Design (CACSD) issues
and how the book’s authors have chosen to handle those issues
are discussed in Section 1.3.
2 Chapter 1 Introduction
Figure 1.1
Block diagram of a
basic digital control
is through the control inputs to the plant [u(t) in Fig. 1.1]. It was
discovered long ago1 that a scheme of feedback wherein the plant
output is measured (or sensed) and compared directly with the
reference input has many advantages in the e¤ort to design robust
controls over systems that do not use such feedback. Much of our
e¤ort in later parts of this book will be devoted to illustrating
this discovery and demonstrating how to exploit the advantages
of feedback. However, the problem of control as discussed thus
far is in no way restricted to digital control. For that we must
consider the unique features of Fig. 1.1 introduced by the use of
a digital device to generate the control action.
We consider …rst the action of the analog-to-digital (A/D) con-
verter on a signal. This device acts on a physical variable, most
commonly an electrical voltage, and converts it into a stream of
numbers. In Fig. 1.1, the A/D converter acts on the sensor output
and supplies numbers to the digital computer. It is common for
the sensor output, y^, to be sampled and to have the error formed
in the computer. We need to know the times at which these num-
bers arrive if we are to analyze the dynamics of this system.
sample In this book we will make the assumption that all the numbers
period arrive with the same …xed period T , called the sample period.
In practice, digital control systems sometimes have varying sam-
ple periods and/or di¤erent periods in di¤erent feedback paths.
Usually there is a clock as part of the computer logic which sup-
plies a pulse or interrupt every T seconds, and the A/D converter
sends a number to the computer each time the interrupt arrives.
An alternative implementation is simply to access the A/D upon
completion of each cycle of the code execution, a scheme often
referred to as free running. A further alternative is to use some
other device to determine a sample, such as an encoder on an en-
gine crankshaft that supplies a pulse to trigger a computer cycle.
This scheme is referred to as event-based sampling. In the …rst
case the sample period is precisely …xed; in the second case the
sample period is essentially …xed by the length of the code, pro-
viding no logic branches are present that could vary the amount of
code executed; in the third case, the sample period varies with the
engine speed. Thus in Fig. 1.1 we identify the sequence of num-
bers into the computer as e^(kT ). We conclude from the periodic
sampling action of the A/D converter that some of the signals in
the digital control system, like e^(kT ), are variable only at discrete
times. We call these variables discrete signals to distinguish
them from variables like w and y, which change continuously in
time. A system having both discrete and continuous signals is
called a sampled-data system.
In addition to generating a discrete signal, however, the A/D
quantization converter also provides a quantized signal. By this we mean
See especially the book by Bode (1945).
4 Chapter 1 Introduction
Figure 1.2
Plot of output versus
input characteristics
of the A/D converter
lowest cost computer that will do the required job. That translates
into being the computer with the slowest speed and the smallest
word size. We will, however, treat the problems of varying T and
q separately. We …rst consider q to be zero and study discrete and
sampled-data (combined discrete and continuous) systems that
are linear. In Chapter 10 we will analyze in more detail the source
and the e¤ects of quantization, and we will discuss in Chapters 7
and 11 speci…c e¤ects of sample-rate selection.
Our approach to the design of digital controls is to assume a
background in continuous systems and to relate the comparable
digital problem to its continuous counterpart. We will develop
the essential results, from the beginning, in the domain of discrete
systems, but we will call upon previous experience in continuous-
system analysis and in design to give alternative viewpoints and
deeper understanding of the results. In order to make meaningful
these references to a background in continuous-system design, we
will review the concepts and de…ne our notation in Chapter 2.
picture for the ambiguity that can arise between continuous and
aliasing discrete signals, also known as aliasing. The plain fact is that
more than one continuous signal can result in exactly the same
sample values. If a sinusoidal signal, y1 , at frequency f1 has the
same samples as a sinusoid y2 of a di¤ erent frequency f2 , y1 is
said to be an alias of y2 . A corollary of aliasing is the sampling
theorem, which speci…es the conditions necessary if this ambi-
guity is to be removed and only one continuous signal allowed to
correspond to a given set of samples.
As a special case of discrete systems and as the basis for the
emulation design method, we consider discrete equivalents to con-
tinuous systems, which is one aspect of the …eld of digital …lters.
digital …lters Digital …lters are discrete systems designed to process discrete
signals in such a fashion that the digital device (a digital com-
puter, for example) can be used to replace a continuous …lter. Our
treatment in Chapter 6 will concentrate on the use of discrete …l-
tering techniques to …nd discrete equivalents of continuous-control
compensator transfer functions. Again, both transform methods
and state-space methods are developed to help understanding and
computation of particular cases of interest.
Once we have developed the tools of analysis for discrete and
sampled systems we can begin the design of feedback controls.
modern Here we divide our techniques into two categories: transform2
control and state-space3 methods. In Chapter 7 we study the transform
methods of the root locus and the frequency response as they can
be used to design digital control systems. The use of state-space
techniques for design is introduced in Chapter 8. For purposes of
understanding the design method, we rely mainly on pole place-
ment, a scheme for forcing the closed-loop poles to be in desirable
locations. We discuss the selection of the desired pole locations
and point out the advantages of using the optimal control meth-
ods covered in Chapter 9. Chapter 8 includes control design using
feedback of all the “state variables”as well as methods for estimat-
ing the state variables that do not have sensors directly on them.
In Chapter 9 the topic of optimal control is introduced, with
emphasis on the steady-state solution for linear constant discrete
systems with quadratic loss functions. The results are a valuable
part of the designer’s repertoire and are the only techniques pre-
sented here suitable for handling multivariable designs. A study of
quantization e¤ects in Chapter 10 introduces the idea of random
signals in order to describe a method for treating the “average”
e¤ects of this important nonlinearity.
Named because they use the Laplace or Fourier transform to represent
The state space is an extension of the space of displacement and velocity
used in physics. Much that is called modern control theory uses di¤erential
equations in state-space form. We introduce this representation in Chapter 4
and use it extensively afterwards, especially in Chapters 8 and 9.
1.3 Computer-Aided Design 7
The last four chapters cover more advanced topics that are
essential for most complete designs. The …rst of these topics is
sample rate selection, contained in Chapter 11. In our earlier
analysis we develop methods for examining the e¤ects of di¤erent
sample rates, but in this chapter we consider for the …rst time the
question of sample rate as a design parameter. In Chapter 12,
identi…cation we introduce system identi…cation. Here the matter of model
making is extended to the use of experimental data to verify and
correct a theoretical model or to supply a dynamic description
based only on input–output data. Only the most elementary of
the concepts in this enormous …eld can be covered, of course. We
present the method of least squares and some of the concepts of
maximum likelihood.
In Chapter 13, an introduction to the most important issues
and techniques for the analysis and design of nonlinear sampled-
data systems is given. The analysis methods treated are the de-
scribing function, equivalent linearization, and Lyapunov’s sec-
ond method of stability analysis. Design techniques described are
the use of inverse nonlinearity, optimal control (especially time-
optimal control), and adaptive control. Chapter 14 includes a case
study of a disk-drive design, and treatment of both implementa-
tion and manufacturing issues is discussed.
valid for Matlab v5 and the Control System Toolbox v4. For
those with older versions of Matlab, Appendix F describes the
adjustments that need to be made.
CACSD support for a designer is universal; however, it is es-
sential that the designer is able to work out very simple problems
by hand in order to have some idea about the reasonableness of
the computer’s answers. Having the knowledge of doing the cal-
culations by hand is also critical for identifying trends that guide
the designer; the computer can identify problems but the designer
must make intelligent choices in guiding the re…nement of the
computer design.
1.5 Summary
In a digital control system, the analog electronics used for
compensation in a continuous system is replaced with a dig-
ital computer or microcontroller, an analog-to-digital (A/D)
converter, and a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter.
1.6 Problems 9
1.6 Problems
1.1 Suppose a radar search antenna at the San Francisco air-
port rotates at 6 rev/min, and data points corresponding
to the position of ‡ight 1081 are plotted on the controller’s
screen once per antenna revolution. Flight 1081 is traveling
directly toward the airport at 540 mi/hr. A feedback con-
trol system is established through the controller who gives
course corrections to the pilot. He wishes to do so each 9
mi of travel of the aircraft, and his instructions consist of
course headings in integral degree values.
1.3 Describe …ve digital control systems that you are familiar
with. State what you think the advantages of the digital
implementation are over an analog implementation.