App Options
App Options
App Options
Version 15
;The previous language set by steam.
SteamLanguage english
;Device ID of the GPU device to use (as provided by the OS).
DeviceID 26116
;UI will be scaled by 1 plus this value, non-integers may cause small artifacts
UIUpscale 0.000000
;Number of engine job threads (including main thread). Use -1 to let game decide
MaxJobThreads -1
;Should we throttle the game when its not the foreground app?
ThrottleWhileInactive 0
;Enable FireTuner.
EnableTuner 0
;Enable MemoryTracker.
EnableMemoryTracker 0
;Enable assertions.
EnableAsserts 1
;Tutorial state.
TutorialState 3055162199736244162
;User has accepted the unknown graphics device pop up.
AcceptedUnknownDevice 0
TelemetryUploadNecessary 0
;Is the touch screen support enabled?
IsTouchScreenEnabled 0