App Options (Civilization VI)
App Options (Civilization VI)
App Options (Civilization VI)
Version 15
;The previous language set by steam.
SteamLanguage spanish
;Device ID of the GPU device to use (as provided by the OS).
DeviceID 26520
;UI will be scaled by 1 plus this value, non-integers may cause small artifacts
UIUpscale 0.000000
;Number of engine job threads (including main thread). Use -1 to let game decide
MaxJobThreads -1
;Should we throttle the game when its not the foreground app?
ThrottleWhileInactive 0
;Max number of Game Core threads. The game may cap this value based on available
hardware. Use -1 to let the game decide.
MaxGameCoreThreads -1
;Number of threads the Game Core should adjust its maximum by so as to not starve
other systems of CPU time. The game may adjust this value based on available
hardware. Use -1 to let the game decide
GameCoreReserveThreads -1
;Enable FireTuner.
EnableTuner 0
;Enable MemoryTracker.
EnableMemoryTracker 0
;Enable assertions.
EnableAsserts 1
;Enable WorldBuilder.
EnableWorldBuilder 0
;Enables resolutions greater than the current monitor size (use "setres" in the
debug console)
EnableArbitraryWindowSizing 0
;Tutorial state.
TutorialState 3055162199736244162
;User has accepted the unknown graphics device pop up.
AcceptedUnknownDevice 0
TelemetryUploadNecessary 0
;Is the touch screen support enabled?
IsTouchScreenEnabled 0