Agilent 700 Series - Preinstal

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Agilent 700 Series

ICP Optical Emission


Pre-installation Manual
Notices Warranty contract clause. Use, duplication or
disclosure of Software is subject to
The material contained in this Agilent Technologies standard
Agilent Technologies, Inc. document is provided as is, and is commercial license terms, and non-
2006 and 2010 subject to being changed, without DOD Departments and Agencies of the
No part of this manual may be notice, in future editions. Further, to U.S. Government will receive no
reproduced in any form or by any the maximum extent permitted by greater than Restricted Rights as
means (including electronic storage applicable law, Agilent disclaims all defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June
and retrieval or translation into a warranties, either express or implied, 1987). U.S. Government users will
foreign language) without prior with regard to this manual and any receive no greater than Limited Rights
agreement and written consent from information contained herein, as defined in FAR 52.227-14 (June
Agilent Technologies, Inc. as governed including but not limited to the 1987) or DFAR 252.227-7015 (b)(2)
by United States and international implied warranties of merchantability (November 1995), as applicable in any
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Agilent shall not be liable for errors
Manual Part Number or for incidental or consequential Safety Notices
damages in connection with the
furnishing, use, or performance of
this document or of any information CAUTION
Edition contained herein. Should Agilent and
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard.
Third edition, September 2010 the user have a separate written
It calls attention to an operating
agreement with warranty terms
Printed in Australia procedure, practice, or the like that, if
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document that conflict with these
could result in damage to the product
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The hardware and/or software
described in this document are
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used or copied only in accordance
with the terms of such license.
A WARNING notice denotes a
Restricted Rights Legend hazard. It calls attention to an
If software is for use in the operating procedure, practice, or the
performance of a U.S. Government like that, if not correctly performed or
prime contract or subcontract, adhered to, could result in personal
Software is delivered and licensed as injury or death. Do not proceed
Commercial computer software as beyond a WARNING notice until the
defined in DFAR 252.227-7014 (June indicated conditions are fully
1995), or as a commercial item as understood and met.
defined in FAR 2.101(a) or as
Restricted computer software as
defined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987)
or any equivalent agency regulation or

2 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Request for Installation

Request for Installation

All preparations have been completed. Please arrange for the
installation to be completed as soon as possible. I understand that if
the installation site is not prepared in accordance with the enclosed
instructions, additional installation charges may apply.

Company name:
Company address:

Preferred installation date:


Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 3

Pre-Installation Checklist

Pre-Installation Checklist
Your site must meet all requirements before you request installation.
Before unpacking the boxes, complete each requirement listed in the
table. After completing each requirement, place a check in the
appropriate checkbox. Ensure you compare each item inside the
boxes with the packing list supplied with the boxes.

Principal installation area is in compliance with all relevant safety regulations
Lab temperature maintained between 20 and 25 C (68 and 77 F)
Laboratory is free of excessive particulate matter
Cooling air system is set up (if required)
Workbench requirements met
Sufficient bench space is available for all components
Bench can support system weight
Personal computer with Windows XP installed and printer set up
Entrance to the lab is at least 2200 cm (86.6 in.) wide.
Instrument unpacked and placed on workbench
Exhaust system is suitable
Specified electrical supply and power outlets installed
Gas supply (at specified purity), regulator, and gas lines are installed for argon and optional
Water cooling/circulation system and power connections are set up
Waste container appropriate for the chemical waste is prepared
SPS Sample Preparation System
SVS 1 Switching Valve System
VGA Vapor Generation Accessory
Auxiliary Gas Module (AGM 1)

4 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual


Request for Installation 3
Pre-Installation Checklist 4

1. Safety Practices and Hazards 9

General 9
Plasma 10
Heat, Vapors and Fumes 11
Compressed Gas Hazards 11
Electrical Hazards 12
Other Precautions 12
Warning Symbols 14
Color Coding 16
US FCC Advisory Statement 16
Spurious and Harmonic Radiation Compliance 16
CE Compliance 17

2. Introduction 19
Installation Guidelines 20

3. Laboratory Environment 21
Suitability 21
Environmental Conditions 22
Temperature Control 22

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 5


Cleanliness 23
Instrument Cooling Air Supply 23
Workbench 24
Workbench Location 25
PC Requirements 28
IEEE 488 Interface 29
Telediagnostics 29

4. Instrument Shipping Information 31

In-house Transit Routes 31
Insurance after Delivery 32
Weights and Dimensions 33
Transit Damage 35
Unpacking the Instrument 35

5. Laboratory Facilities 39
Exhaust System 40
Agilent Exhaust System 41
Electrical Power Supplies 44
Electrical Requirements 46
Spectrometer Power Connections 47
IEEE 488 47
Fuses 48
Gas Supplies 48
Storage Cylinder Instructions 50
Water Cooling System 51

6 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual


Location of Water Cooling System 53

Waste Fluid Container 54
Guidelines for Software Installation 55

6. Accessories and Options 57

Organic Solvents or Hydrofluoric Acid 58
Auxiliary Gas Module 58
Gas Requirements 59
Cooled Spraychamber Organics Kit 59
Sample Preparation System (SPS 3) 60
Environmental Conditions 60
Vapor Generation Accessory Recommended Gases 60
Switching Valve System (SVS 1) Accessory 61

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 7


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8 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Safety Practices and Hazards

1. Safety Practices and Hazards

General 9
Plasma 10
Heat, Vapors and Fumes 11
Compressed Gas Hazards 11
Electrical Hazards 12
Other Precautions 12
Warning Symbols 14
Color Coding 16
US FCC Advisory Statement 16
Spurious and Harmonic Radiation Compliance 16
CE Compliance 17

Operation of a Agilent 710/715/720/725/730/735 ICP Optical
Emission Spectrometer involves the use of compressed gases, high
voltage radio frequency energy and hazardous materials including
corrosive fluids and flammable liquids. Careless, improper or
unskilled use of this spectrometer can cause death or serious injury
to personnel, and/or severe damage to equipment and property.
The spectrometer incorporates interlocks and covers that are
designed to prevent inadvertent contact with any potential hazards.
If the instrument is used in any manner not specified by Agilent, this
protection may be impaired. It is good practice to develop safe
working habits that do not depend upon the correct operation of the
interlocks for safe operation. It is essential that no interlock or cover
is bypassed, damaged or removed.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 9

Safety Practices and Hazards

The safety practices described below are provided to help the user
operate the instrument safely. Read each safety topic thoroughly
before attempting to operate the instrument and ALWAYS operate
the spectrometer in accordance with these safety practices.

The plasma is extremely hot (about 10 000 K) and radiates dangerous
levels of radio frequency (RF) and ultraviolet (UV) energy. The work
coil operates at 1 500 V RMS and about 40 MHz. Exposure to the RF
and UV energy can cause severe skin damage and cataracts of the
eyes, while close contact with the operating plasma can result in
severe heat burns to the skin, and an electrical discharge which can
jump a considerable distance and may cause death, severe electric
shock or sub-surface skin burns.
The plasma must NEVER be operated unless:
the torch compartment door is closed, with the locking lever fully
latched; and
the space above the chimney is clear of objects.
The shielding around the torch compartment is designed to reduce
UV, visible and RF radiation to safe levels while still permitting easy
access to, as well as installation and viewing of, the torch. The
spectrometer has an interlock system that is designed to extinguish
the plasma if either the mains supply fails or the handle on the torch
compartment door is opened. DO NOT attempt to bypass the
interlock system.
Before opening the torch compartment door, ALWAYS extinguish the
plasma by pressing F4 on the keyboard or by clicking the Plasma Off
icon on the ICP Expert II software Toolbar.
The torch and its surroundings remain hot for up to five minutes
after the plasma is extinguished. Touching this area before it has
cooled sufficiently may result in burns. Allow the torch and torch
compartment to cool before carrying out any work in this area, or
wear heat-resistant gloves.

10 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Safety Practices and Hazards

The plasma system has been carefully designed to operate safely and
effectively when using torches and related components that conform
to Agilents design criteria. Use of non-approved components in the
plasma compartment may render the system inoperative and/or
hazardous. It may also invalidate the warranty on the instrument.
Use only torches and related components supplied or authorized by

Heat, Vapors and Fumes

Heat, ozone, vapors and fumes generated by the plasma can be
hazardous, and must be extracted from the instrument by means of
an exhaust system. Ensure that an exhaust system of the appropriate
type is fitted (as specified in the Pre-installation manual). The system
must be vented to the outside air in accordance with local regulations
and never within the building. Regularly check the exhaust system by
smoke test to ensure that the exhaust system is functioning correctly.
The exhaust fan must always be switched on BEFORE igniting the

Compressed Gas Hazards

All compressed gases (other than air) can create a hazard if they leak
into the atmosphere. Even small leaks in gas supply systems can be
dangerous. Any leak (except that of air) can result in an oxygen
deficient atmosphere which can cause asphyxiation. The area in
which cylinders are stored and the area surrounding the instrument
must be adequately ventilated to prevent such gas accumulations.
Gas cylinders must be stored and handled strictly in accordance with
local safety codes and regulations. Cylinders must be used and stored
only in a vertical position and secured to an immovable structure or
a properly constructed cylinder stand. Move cylinders only by
securing them to a properly constructed trolley.
Use only approved regulator and hose connectors (refer to the gas
suppliers instructions). Keep gas cylinders cool and properly
labeled. (All cylinders are fitted with a pressure relief device that will
rupture and empty the cylinder if the internal pressure is raised
above the safe limit by excessive temperatures.) Ensure that you have
the correct cylinder before connecting it to the instrument.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 11

Safety Practices and Hazards

The primary gas to be used with the spectrometer is argon, which is

the conductive gas for the plasma. Argon or nitrogen can be used as
the polychromator purge gas. Other gases may be required for future
options and accessories. Use only instrument grade gases with your
If using cryogenic gases (for example, liquid argon) prevent severe
burns by wearing suitable protective clothing and gloves.

Electrical Hazards
The spectrometer system and some accessories contain electrical
circuits, devices and components operating at dangerous voltages.
Contact with these circuits, devices and components can cause death,
serious injury or painful electric shock. Panels or covers which are
retained by screws on the spectrometer and accessories may be
opened ONLY by Agilenttrained, Agilent-qualified or
Agilentapproved field service engineers (unless specified otherwise).
Consult the manuals or product labels supplied with your personal
computer (PC), monitor, printer/plotter and water-cooling system to
determine which parts are operator-accessible.
Replace blown fuses with ones of the size and rating shown in the
text near to the fuse holder.

Other Precautions
Use of the spectrometer system and accessories may involve
materials, solvents and solutions which are flammable, corrosive,
toxic or otherwise hazardous. Careless, improper or unskilled use of
such materials, solvents and solutions can create explosion hazards,
fire hazards, toxicity and other hazards that can result in death,
serious personal injury or damage to equipment.
Always ensure that laboratory safety practices governing the use,
handling and disposal of hazardous materials are strictly observed.
These safety practices should include wearing appropriate safety
clothing and safety glasses.

12 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Safety Practices and Hazards

Air flow to the cooling fans of the spectrometer and accessories must
be unobstructed. Do not block the ventilation grills on the
spectrometer and accessories. Consult the manuals supplied with
your PC, monitor, printer and water-cooling system for their specific
ventilation requirements.
Great care should be taken when working with glass or quartz parts
to prevent breakage and cuts. This is especially important when
attaching plastic tubing to glass barbs, or removing and replacing
pieces of broken torch or bonnet.
The spectrometer weighs approximately 203 kg (448 lb). To avoid
injury to personnel or damage to the instrument or property, always
use a forklift or other suitable mechanical lifting device to move the
Use only Agilent-supplied spares with your instrument.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 13

Safety Practices and Hazards

Warning Symbols
The following is a list of symbols that appear in conjunction with
warnings on the spectrometer. The hazard they describe is also
A triangular symbol indicates a warning. The meanings of the
symbols that may appear alongside warnings in the documentation
or on the instrument itself are as follows:

Broken glass Extreme cold hazard Corrosive liquids

Electrical shock Eye hazard Fire hazard

Heavy weight Heavy weight Hot surface

(danger to feet) (danger to hands)

Noxious gases RF radiation

The following symbol may be used on warning labels attached to the

instrument. When you see this symbol, refer to the relevant operation
or service manual for the correct procedure referred to by that
warning label.

14 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Safety Practices and Hazards

The following symbols appear on the instrument for your


I Mains power on

0 Mains power off


Single phase alternating current

Direct current

When attached to the rear of the instrument, it indicates that

the product complies with the requirements of one or more
EU directives.

Out position of a bi-stable push switch.

In position of a bi-stable push switch.

Plasma on

Plasma off

On for part of equipment.

Off for part of equipment.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 15

Safety Practices and Hazards

Color Coding
The various indicator lights appearing on Agilent instruments and
associated accessories are color coded to represent the status of the
instrument or accessory.
A green light indicates the instrument is in normal/standby
An orange light indicates that a potential hazard is present.
A blue light indicates that operator intervention is required.
A red light warns of danger or an emergency.

US FCC Advisory Statement

This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy, and if not installed and operated in accordance with the
instruction manual may cause interference to radio communications.
It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A
computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) Rules, which are designed to
provide reasonable protection against such interference when
operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment
in a residential area may cause interference, in which case the user
will be required to take whatever measures may be necessary to
correct the interference at his or her expense.

Spurious and Harmonic Radiation Compliance

Your Agilent ICP-OES complies with the requirements of FCC rules
and Regulations part 18, subpart CMiscellaneous Equipment, at the
date of manufacture.

16 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Safety Practices and Hazards

CE Compliance
Your Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES instrument has been designed to
comply with the requirements of the Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC) Directive and the Low Voltage (electrical safety) Directive
(commonly referred to as the LVD) of the European Union. Agilent
has confirmed that each product complies with the relevant
Directives by testing a prototype against the prescribed EN
(European Norm) standards.
Proof that a product complies with these directives is indicated by:
the CE Marking appearing on the rear of the product, and
the documentation package that accompanies the product
containing a copy of the Declaration of Conformity. The
Declaration of Conformity is the legal declaration by Agilent that
the product complies with the directives listed above, and shows
the EN standards to which the product was tested to
demonstrate compliance.

After all safety regulations have been met, check the checklist box: Principal installation
area is in compliance with all relevant safety regulations.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 17

Safety Practices and Hazards

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18 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual


2. Introduction
Installation Guidelines 20

This publication contains the information required to successfully

prepare a site for a Agilent 700 Series Inductively Coupled Plasma
Optical Emission Spectrometer system installation.
On completion of the site preparation, fill in the check-list on Page 4,
(striking out those entries not applicable), and send this pre-
installation check-list to your local Agilent agent or Agilent sales and
service office. As soon as it is received, Agilent or its agent will
contact you to arrange a convenient time for installation.
References to the Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES are applicable to all
models (Agilent 710, 715, 720, 725, 730 and 735 ICP-OES) unless
otherwise stated.
References to the Agilent 7X0 Series ICP-OES are applicable to the
Agilent 7X0 and Agilent 7X5 ICP-OES instrument models, where X =
1, 2 or 3. For example, reference to the Agilent 710 Series ICP-OES is
applicable to both the Agilent 710 and Agilent 715 ICP-OES
instrument models.
If you have difficulty in preparing for the installation, and for details
of operator training courses, please contact your Agilent sales or
field service representative.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 19


Installation Guidelines
Allow a minimum of one day for the installation of the Agilent 700
Series ICP-OES system by an Agilent field service engineer.
The installation will include the following:
Spectrometer installation
Water cooler connection
Instrument software installation and registration
Accessory installation
Spectrometer installation performance tests
Basic customer training
Maintenance overview

20 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Environment

3. Laboratory Environment
Suitability 21
Environmental Conditions 22
Temperature Control 22
Cleanliness 23
Instrument Cooling Air Supply 23
Workbench 24
Workbench Location 25
PC Requirements 28
IEEE 488 Interface 29
Telediagnostics 29

This section includes information on laboratory requirements for the

Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES system including:
Environmental conditions
Workbench construction and location
Guidelines for software installation

The instrument is suitable only for indoor use and is classified
suitable under the following categories (EN 61010-1):
Installation category II
Pollution degree 2
Safety class 1 (EN 61010-1)

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 21

Laboratory Environment

Table 1. Suitable environmental conditions for the Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES
Condition Altitude Temp (C) Humidity (%RH) non-
Non-operating 0-3050 m 5-45 20-80
(Transport) (0-10000 ft)
Non-operating & sea level 40 90-95
meeting dielectric
strength tests
Operating but not 0-3050 m 5-31 80
necessarily meeting (0-10000 ft) 31-40 [80-3.33 (t-31)]
Operating within 0-3050 m 10-35 8-80
specifications (0-10000 ft)

Environmental Conditions
The area selected for the operation of a Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES
system must be free from drafts, corrosive atmospheres and
vibration. Sample preparation areas and materials storage facilities
should be located in a separate room.

Temperature Control
The area should be a dust free, low humidity environment. Air-
conditioning is strongly recommended for control of the
environment. For optimum analytical performance it is
recommended that the ambient temperature of the laboratory is
between 20 and 25 C (68 and 77 F).
The heat generated by the Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES system into the
laboratory is about 3650 watts (joules per second), or 13140
kilojoules per hour (12455 BTU per hour).

22 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Environment

NOTE Most of the 3650 watts generated by the system is extracted from the laboratory
by the exhaust system.

The water cooler generates approximately 1000 watts (joules per

second), or 3600 kilojoules per hour (3412 BTU per hour).
Total load with both the water cooler and Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES
in the same room can be up to 4650 watts or 16740 kilojoules per
hour (15867 BTU per hour).

After the temperature requirements have been met, check the checklist box: Lab
temperature maintained between 20 and 25 C.

Limit dust levels to less than 36 000 000 particles (0.5 microns or
larger) per cubic meter of air. This is equivalent to a very clean office.

After the cleanliness requirements have been met, check the checklist box: Laboratory
is free of excessive particulate matter.

Instrument Cooling Air Supply

The Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES instrument requires clean, dry, non-
corrosive air for cooling purposes. This is supplied to the
instrument through an air supply vent located at the top, rear of the
instrument. The vent is fitted with a dust filter, to filter out
particulate matter from the surrounding environment.
The air supply is used to cool the RF generator and the electronics of
the instrument. Several of these assemblies contain parts prone to
corrosion. The introduction of cooling air contaminated with high
levels of acid vapor or other corrosive substances may cause damage
to the instrument.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 23

Laboratory Environment

Due to the corrosive nature of some analytical work, it is

recommended that in applications demanding high usage of corrosive
materials, an external cooling air supply system be provided. It is
strongly recommended that the cooling air be supplied from an
environmentally controlled area that is away from the instrument
exhaust and any other area where corrosive materials are stored or
The cooling air system with flue, fan, ducting and supply cowl, must
provide a minimum positive flow of 6 cubic meters per minute
(200 cfm). The ducting should be corrosion resistant and fire-proof.

NOTE If an external cooling air supply system is required, an air inlet duct attachment
(part number 0110595300) must be ordered with the instrument.

After the instrument cooling air supply requirements have been met, check the
checklist box: Cooling air system is set up.

The Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES is a precision optical instrument. The
workbench must be free from vibration and must be stable and
strong enough to support the total weight of the equipment to be
placed on top of the workbench. The bench top should be large
enough to permit free circulation of air through the main instrument
and around each of the accessories.
The information provided in the weights and dimensions table will
help make planning easier. Portable or semi-permanent trolleys can
be used as workbenches for the spectrometer system, but you must
lock the wheels. Accessories such as the Sample Preparation System
(SPS) Autosampler, personal computer (PC) and printer can be
positioned on a trolley. A specially designed SPS trolley is available
from Agilent (part number 9910027800).

24 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Environment

To avoid damage through spillage of samples being used, the

instrument bench top should be covered with a material that is
corrosion-resistant and impervious to liquid spillage. Generally, for
comfortable working conditions and easy access to the instrument
sample introduction system, Agilent recommends that the height of
the workbench be approximately 900 mm (36 in.) high. Refer to
Figure 1.

900 mm

3000 mm

Figure 1. Instrument workbench

Workbench Location
The workbench location should permit service access from all sides.
A minimum of 400 mm (16 in.) free space at the sides of the
spectrometer and approximately 750 mm (30 in.) at the rear of the
instrument is required for maintenance and service access.
The Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES system should not be located close to
an access door, window or any other area where drafts may cause
unstable temperature conditions.
The following diagrams show the relative dimensions of the main
instrument including the space needed for service access. These
dimensions should be considered during the preparation for
installation of your spectrometer.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 25

Laboratory Environment

The location of the workbench may be determined by the need for an

exhaust flue to remove fumes and vapors from the spectrometer
sample compartment (see Section 4).

exhaust height
1000 mm to 1090 mm

Top of workbench

Figure 2. Front view of instrument

Figure 3. Top view of instrument

26 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Environment


Figure 4. Rear view of instrument

After the workbench vibration and location requirements have been met, check the
checklist box: Workbench requirements met.

After the bench space requirements have been met, check the checklist box: Sufficient
bench space is available for all components.

After the bench support requirements have been met, check the checklist box: Bench
can support system weight. See Page 33 for Weight and Dimension information.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 27

Laboratory Environment

PC Requirements
The minimum configuration represents the absolute minimum on
which you can run the software. This PC configuration may be out of
manufacture, but you may want to use an existing PC. The
recommended configuration is that which you would buy new.
Table 2. Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES instruments PC requirements
Minimum Recommended
Pentium 4 processor, Pentium 4 processor,
2.8 GHz or higher 3.0 GHz or higher
1 GB of RAM 2 GB of RAM
100 GB hard drive 2 x 200 GB hard drives
16 speed CD-ROM RW or DVD 16 speed CD-ROM RW or DVD
16 bit sound card 16 bit sound card with speakers
Super VGA monitor with high Super VGA monitor with high
color (16 bit) display, 800 x 600 color (16 bit) display, 1024 x 768
resolution resolution
Windows 101 key keyboard Windows 101 key keyboard
Microsoft or compatible mouse Microsoft or compatible mouse
RS232 serial port RS232 serial port
One PCI-compatible slot for I/O One PCI-compatible slot for I/O
card (full height) card (full height)
Windows XP Windows XP
(Service Pack 3) 32 bit operating (Service Pack 3) 32 bit operating
system with Internet Explorer system with Internet Explorer
version 6 version 6

PCs supplied with Letter of Credit orders will be an international

brand and will be the Recommended configuration or better.
Higher rated PC components can be substituted for those listed above
e.g., processor type, amount of memory, screen size and resolution,
operating system version, etc.

28 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Environment

IEEE 488 Interface

The Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES systems require a PCI-GPIB card to
be fitted in the PC. A National Instruments PCI GPIB card (part
number 9910102100) will always be included in your instrument
The Agilent service engineer will install this PCI GPIB card in your
PC. If you are supplying your own PC, you will need to install this
card yourself (refer to the instrument operation manual, supplied
with the instrument, for PCI GPIB card installation instructions).

After the computer requirements have been met, check the checklist box: Computer
requirements met.

In order to make use of Telediagnostics, it is recommended that a
separate telephone line is installed for connection to a modem.
A modem and Agilent Telediagnostics kit provides remote diagnostic
capabilities. Service engineers can operate all instrument functions
remotely and spend less time troubleshooting on-site. By using
Telediagnostics, problems can be determined over the phone and
parts ordered in advance of the engineer arriving at the site, reducing
down time.
Contact your local Agilent sales and service office to inquire about
whether this service is available in your area.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 29

Laboratory Environment

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30 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Instrument Shipping Information

4. Instrument Shipping Information

In-house Transit Routes 31
Insurance after Delivery 32
Weights and Dimensions 33
Transit Damage 35
Unpacking the Instrument 35

Generally, Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES instruments are sold as Free

On Board to the shipping point, with the transportation from this
point at the customers expense. Due to the size and nature of the
spectrometer, it is advisable that a third party is engaged to assist
with transportation from the point of unloading to the final
placement of the instrument in the laboratory. The Agilent field Sales
and Service Offices will be able to assist in the task of recommending
a third party that specializes in the transportation of precision
scientific instrumentation.

NOTE The Agilent field service engineer cannot start the installation until the
instrument is situated on the intended workbench.

In-house Transit Routes

In-house transit routes must be carefully considered. Vertical,
horizontal and turning clearances should be calculated from the
shipping crate dimensions of the spectrometer, which is the largest
unit in any system arrangement.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 31

Instrument Shipping Information

Figure 5 provides an indication of the minimum turning clearance

and minimum door width required for the spectrometer in its
shipping crate.
Particular attention should be made to the clearance of any doors in
the transit route to the laboratory. The required turning and door
clearance may need to take into consideration any lifting device used
for transporting the instrument (e.g., fork lift, pallet truck or trolley).

Minimum door dimension

1800 mm (70.9 in.)

Minimum turning
dimension 2200 mm
(86.6 in.)

Figure 5. Maximum clearance required for transportation in the shipping crate

After the in-house transit route requirements have been met, check the checklist
box: Entrance to the lab is at least 2200 cm (86.6 in.) wide.

Insurance after Delivery

As the carriers liability ceases when the equipment is delivered,
Agilent recommends that the instrument owner arranges separate
insurance that will cover transportation from the delivery point to
the installation site. The delivery point will vary according to the
carrier, the shipping method, and in some cases the terms of sale.
Some carriers will only deliver to their own distribution center, while
others may deliver to the actual installation site.

32 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Instrument Shipping Information

Weights and Dimensions

Table 3. Weights and dimensions

System unit Width Depth Height Weight

Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES instrument 1375 mm 750 mm 990 mm 203 kg

54.5 in. 29.5 in. 39 in. 448 lb

Shipping dimensions 1660 mm 960 mm 1420 mm 285 kg

65.5 in. 37.8 in. 56 in. 629 lb

Personal computer

IBM compatible (typical) 450 mm 770 mm 520 mm (N/A)

18 in. 30 in. 20 in.


Laser (typical) 500 mm 650 mm 200 mm (N/A)

18 in. 30 in. 20 in.

Water cooling system

Lytron MCS20 G01 and Lytron MCS20 H01 439 mm 384 mm 338 mm 16 kg
ambient modular cooling systems 17.3 in. 15.1 in. 13.3 in. 35 lb

Van der Heijden model 001-RB301 430 mm 470 mm 695 mm 54 kg

recirculating chiller 16.9 in. 18.5 in. 27.4 in. 119 lb

SPS 3 490 mm 285 mm 510 mm 15 kg

19.3 in. 11.2 in. 20.1 in. 33.1 lb

Shipping dimensions 760 mm 500 mm 840 mm 31 kg

29.9 in. 19.7 in. 33.1 in. 68.4 lb

SPS 3 with diluter 572 mm 285 mm 510 mm 18 kg

22.5 in 11.2 in 20.1 in 39.7 lb

Shipping dimensions 760 mm 500 mm 840 mm 34 kg

29.9 in. 19.7 in. 33.1 in. 75.1 lb

Continued overleaf

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 33

Instrument Shipping Information

System unit Width Depth Height Weight

SPS trolley 580 mm 412 mm 400 mm

23 in. 17 in. 16 in.

SVS 1 54 mm 110 mm 177 mm 615 g

2.1 in. 4.3 in. 7.0 in. 1.4 lb

Shipping dimensions 380 mm 410 mm 265 mm 2 kg

15 in. 16.1 in. 10.4 in. 4.4 lb

VGA (including mounting bracket) 385 mm 340 mm 195 mm 6 kg

10 in. 8 in. 9 in. 13.2 lb

Shipping dimensions 490 mm 490 mm 320 mm 10 kg

19.5 in. 19.5 in. 12.5 in. 22 lb


Shipping dimensions 550 mm 430 mm 245 mm

22 in. 17 in. 9.5 in.

Ultrasonic nebulizer (trolley mounted) 780 mm 540 mm 1150 mm

31 in. 21 in. 45 in.

WARNING Heavy Weight

The Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES weighs approximately 203 kg (448 lb). To
avoid injury to personnel or damage to equipment, always use a fork lift or
other suitable lifting device when moving the instrument.

34 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Instrument Shipping Information

Transit Damage
Transit damage can be obvious or concealed, and in either case will
only be admitted by the carrier if it is reported as agreed in the terms
of their agreement. For any claims against damage in transit, the
following general rules apply.
Before accepting delivery, you should inspect the packages for
signs of obvious damage. The nature of any obvious damage must
be noted on the carriers waybill, and then must be countersigned
by a representative of the carrier.
Within the time limits stated in the terms of conditions of
carriage, a further inspection must be made for concealed
damage. If any damage is found at this stage, the carrier must be
notified in writing and all packaging material must be retained
for subsequent inspection by a representative of the carrier.
A copy of any damage report must be forwarded to the Agilent
Sales Office dealing with the supply of the equipment.
Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES systems are inherently robust, and the
packaging is designed to prevent damage. It must be remembered
that the contents form part of a precision measuring system and all
packages should be handled accordingly. In transit, sharp jolts and
shocks must be avoided and the packages must not be inverted or
tilted unnecessarily. Markings on the shipping cartons generally
indicate the required orientation of the carton.

Unpacking the Instrument

The following section provides a guide on how to unpack the
instrument and place it on the work bench, along with
recommendations on equipment required to perform this task. More
detailed instructions on unpacking the instrument are supplied with
the documentation shipped with the instrument.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 35

Instrument Shipping Information

NOTE The Agilent field service engineer cannot start the installation until the
instrument is finally placed on the intended workbench.

To unpack the instrument:

1 Remove the top wooden cover which is secured by twelve
1/4 inch bolts.
2 Remove the boxes containing the instrument components.
3 Remove the wood-framed cardboard sides, which are secured by
eight 3/18 inch bolts and six 1/4 inch bolts.
4 Remove the plastic wrap and inspect the outside of the
instrument for any visible damage.
5 The instrument is held in position by two lengths of square,
hollow tubing inserted through hat section brackets welded to
the base of the instrument. These square, hollow tubes are
secured to the pallet by four 1/2 inch bolts at the base of the
shipping crate.
6 To release the instrument from the pallet, remove the four 1/2
inch bolts and plates, and slide the two square hollow tubes out
from the hat sections on the instrument.
7 Using a fork lift at the front or rear of the instrument (slide the
forks in between the instrument and the top of the shipping
pallet) lift the instrument and place it onto the intended

36 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Instrument Shipping Information

WARNING Heavy Weight

The Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES weighs approximately 203 kg (448 lb). To
avoid injury to personnel or damage to equipment, always use a fork lift or
other suitable lifting device when moving the instrument.

8 Once the instrument is in position on the work bench and the

pre-installation checklist is complete, contact your Agilent office
to arrange installation.

WARNING Shock Hazard

To prevent death or personnel injury from accidental contact with high
voltages within the instrument, do not remove any of the instrument covers.
Do not connect the instrument to the mains supply.

After the instrument is unpacked and on the benchtop, check the checklist box:
Instrument unpacked and placed on the workbench.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 37

Instrument Shipping Information

This page is intentionally left blank.

38 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Facilities

5. Laboratory Facilities
Exhaust System 40
Agilent Exhaust System 41
Electrical Power Supplies 44
Electrical Requirements 46
Spectrometer Power Connections 47
IEEE 488 47
Fuses 48
Gas Supplies 48
Storage Cylinder Instructions 50
Water Cooling System 51
Location of Water Cooling System 53
Waste Fluid Container 54
Guidelines for Software Installation 55

This section includes information on the laboratory facilities

required to support the operation of the spectrometer. These include:
Exhaust system
Electrical power supply
Gas supplies
Water cooling system
Waste fluid container

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 39

Laboratory Facilities

Exhaust System
The plasma operates at a temperature of approximately 10000 C,
(18000 F) with up to 1800 watts of RF energy (6480 kilojoules per
hour). Sample compartment exhaust fumes can be noxious or
The Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES must be located under a flue that is
vented by an exhaust fan and ducted to an external vent. The exhaust
system with flue, ducting and external vent must provide a minimum
flow of 6 cubic meters per minute (200 cfm).
The exhaust system installation must comply with any rules and/or
regulations that may be imposed by the local authorities responsible
for control of facilities and fixtures in the work place.
The exhaust fan should be located at least 2 meters (6 feet and
6 inches) away from the top of the instrument chimney. The fan
control switch and running indicator lamp should be located in a
position where the instrument operator can view the indicator and
access the control switch.
Ducting must be corrosion-resistant, fireproof and should be kept
clear of fire alarms, sprinkler heads and other heat sensitive devices.
The external vent must be fitted with a back draft damper and the
outlet location must be clear of doors, windows and heater or air-
conditioning units.

40 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Facilities

Maximum recommended exhaust height 100 mm

Chimney height 200 mm

height on this Instrument
side 992 mm height on this
side 792 mm

1380 mm

Figure 6. Spectrometer and flue position

Agilent Exhaust System

The component parts required for an exhaust system may be
purchased from Agilent. The parts may be ordered individually or in
kit form. To allow for personal preferences, control gear, switch and
pilot light assemblies are not included as items supplied by Agilent.
Table 4. Agilent Exhaust kit part numbers
Exhaust kit Part number
Exhaust kit for 240 V, 50 Hz supply 9910056600
Exhaust kit for 115 V, 60 Hz supply 9910056500

NOTE Mounting hardware for the flue and fan is not included with the Agilent-supplied
exhaust kit.

Each Agilent exhaust kit contains the following items, which must be
installed by local fitters and not the Agilent service engineer.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 41

Laboratory Facilities

Table 5. Exhaust kit components (refer to Figure 7)

Item Remarks Part number Quantity
1 Exhaust fan (for 240 V, 50 Hz supply 1810000100 1
Exhaust fan (for 115 V, 60 Hz supply 1810000200 1
2 Flue without mounting brackets 5510000300 1
3 Flexible ducting 1 meter length, 0410000400 3
4 Coupling for joints in ducting 1610000200 2
5 Ducting clamp two required per 0810000300 6

Figure 7. Agilent exhaust kit components

42 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Facilities

Figure 8. Exhaust ducting details

Agilent Exhaust Fan Electrical Information

Table 6. Exhaust fan motor specifications

Part number 1810000100 1810000200
Voltage 240 volts Single Phase 115 volts Single Phase
Current 0.45 amps 0.7 amps
Frequency 50 Hz 60 Hz
Power input 74 watts 51 watts
Direction of rotation Anti-clockwise (shaft end)
Nominal RPM 1600

Installation instructions for the exhaust fan are included with the
Agilent-supplied exhaust kit. Figure 9 details exhaust fan wiring
information for the 115 V 60 Hz fan only. The 115 V exhaust fan
supplied by Agilent must be configured to operate in permanent split
phase mode as shown.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 43

Laboratory Facilities

Fan Motor

Red wire
Black wire
connection Black
wire Neutral

Red wire


Figure 9. Electrical wiring information for 115 VAC 60 Hz fan only

After the exhaust requirements have been met, check the checklist box: Exhaust system
is suitable.

Electrical Power Supplies

The installation of electrical power supplies must comply with the
rules and/or regulations imposed by the local authorities responsible
for the use of electrical energy in the workplace.
All power supplies for the Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES, its accessories
and water cooler should be single phase, AC, 3 wire systems (active,
neutral, ground; or two active and ground). Each connection should
be terminated at an appropriate receptacle within reach of each
assemblys power cable. Use of power boards or extension cables is
not recommended.
It is recommended that separate mains circuits, (individually
protected by fuses or circuit breakers) are used for each component
in the system such as the water cooler, auto-sampler and printer.

44 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Facilities

Avoid using power supplies from a source that may be subject to

electrical interference from other services (such as large electric
motors, elevators, welders and air conditioning units).
Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES are supplied with a 2 meter long (6 feet
and 6 inches), mains supply cable. The power cable is hardwired to
the rear of the instrument. The cable is manufactured by Titanex and
rated to 750 VAC at 58 amps and terminated as indicated in Table 8
on Page 47.
Local regulations in several European countries do not permit the
use of a breakable wall-mounted power supply connection for high
current single phase mains supplies. In these areas, the mains power
supply to the Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES should be hardwired to the
In Canada, local regulations require the mains power supply cable to
be wired with a UL/CSA approved cable and connector. For Canada
only the power cable shipped from the factory must be replaced with
a locally sourced UL/CSA cable such as Carol 02728. The use of the
USA connector and wall socket listed in Table 8 on Page 47 are
The Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES draws a maximum of 28 Amps RMS
at 187 volts with a power factor of approximately 0.70. In areas
where 208 to 240 VAC single phase power supplies are not available
at the required rating, two active phases from a two or three phase
system may be used with a 380/415 volt phase-to-phase, to 220 volt
single phase step down transformer.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 45

Laboratory Facilities

Electrical Requirements
Table 7. System electrical specifications

System unit Required supply voltage Nominal


Spectrometer 208 VAC 10% 5.1 kVA

220 VAC 10%

Equivalent to 230 VAC +6%, -14%

240 VAC 10%

Equivalent to 230 VAC +14%, -6%
Frequency 50/60 Hz 1 Hz

Water cooler (Typical) 220240 VAC, 50 Hz 1450 VA

115 VAC, 60 Hz 1645 VA
Voltage 10%, Frequency 1 Hz

SPS 3 autosampler 96264 VAC, 5060 1 Hz ~220 VA

VGA 77 100 VAC, 10% 24 VA

120 VAC, 10%

220 VAC, 10%

Equivalent to 230 VAC +6%, 14%

240 VAC, 10%

Equivalent to 230 VAC +14%, 6%
Frequency 49 to 61 Hz

SVS 1 100-240 VAC, 5060 Hz 1.5A

Personal computer (Typical) 115, 120, 220, 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz 300 VA

Printer (Typical) 115, 120, 220, 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz 85 VA

46 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Facilities

Spectrometer Power Connections

Table 8. Spectrometer power connections

Power supply phase Single

Cable rating 750 VAC, 58 A

Plug supplied Required wall socket

Australia 250 V 32 A 250 V 32 A

Clipsal 56P332 Clipsal 56C332

USA 250 V 50 A 250 V 50 A

Hubbell # CS8265C Hubbell # CS8269

Europe Customer supplied Match selected plug

(no plug fitted)

IEEE 488

NOTE Basic insulation is provided for single fault protection on the IEEE connector.

After the electrical requirements have been met, check the checklist box: Specified
electrical supply and power outlets installed.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 47

Laboratory Facilities


1FS1 & 1FS2 T6.3 AH 250 V, IEC 127 sheet 5, 5 x 20 mm

1CB1 Circuit breaker 30 A Fast trip

NOTE For safety reasons, any other internal fuse or circuit breaker is not operator
accessible, and should only be replaced by Agilent-authorized personnel.

Fuse information on the rear of the instrument is the most up-to-


Gas Supplies
The installation of compressed or liquid gas supplies must comply
with the rules and/or regulations imposed by the local authorities
responsible for such use in the workplace.
Liquid or gaseous argon and nitrogen may be used with the Agilent
700 Series ICP-OES system. Agilent recommends the use of Liquid
gases which are usually higher purity, more convenient and cheaper
per unit volume.

NOTE Either argon or nitrogen gas may be used as an optics purge gas on the Agilent
700 Series ICP-OES systems.

The main gas supply requirement is argon for supply to the plasma,
nebulizer and optics interface purge (plus camera purge for Agilent
720/730 Series ICP-OES). Gas is also required to purge the
polychromator assembly, and this may be either argon or nitrogen. A
separate gas line connects internally to the argon supply unless the
optional nitrogen purge kit is fitted (either factory or field-fitted).

48 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Facilities

NOTE The nitrogen purge kit is fitted as standard on the Agilent 730 Series ICP-OES

Table 9. Argon and nitrogen gas specifications

Argon Nitrogen (if nitrogen is used to

purge the polychromator)

Purity 99.996% 99.996%

Oxygen <5 ppm <5 ppm

Nitrogen (argon only) <20 ppm -

Water vapor <4 ppm <4 ppm

Permissible pressure range 400600 kPa (57 to 88 psi)

Recommended pressure 550 kPa (80 psi) regulated

Table 10. Typical flow rates for the Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES instruments

Argon (with Argon Purge Gas) Nitrogen (as Purge Gas)

Standby Mode 0.85 L/min. Argon flow 0.1 L/min (No flow for
(0.75 L/min. for 710/715-ES only) 710/715-ES only)
Nitrogen flow 0.45 L/min.

Operational Range (Plasma on) 9.1-32.9 L/min Argon flow 8.4-29.2 L/min.
Nitrogen flow 0.45-2.1 L/min.

Typical Flows

Measuring Wavelengths 21.1 L/min Argon flow 20.4 L/min.

> 200 nm (poly boost off) Nitrogen flow 0.45 L/min.

Measuring Wavelengths 24.1 L/min Argon flow 20.4 L/min.

< 200 nm (poly boost on) Nitrogen flow 2.1 L/min.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 49

Laboratory Facilities

The Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES is fitted with a PTFE gas supply hose,
1.8 meters (6 feet) in length fitted with 1/4 inch Swagelok hardware.
Gas supply adaptors are included with each instrument to connect
the instrument to regulated gas supplies.

Storage Cylinder Instructions

Cylinders containing gas under pressure should be firmly secured to
a rigid structure, and the storage area must be adequately ventilated.
Never locate gas cylinders near a source of ignition, or in a position
that is subject to direct heat. Gas storage cylinders often incorporate
a pressure release device which will discharge the gas at a
predetermined temperature, usually around 52 C (125 F).
If gases are to be plumbed from a remote storage area to the
instrument site, ensure that the local outlets are fitted with stop
valves, pressure gauges and suitable regulators which are easily
accessible to the instrument operator. The gas outlets must be
provided within 1.5 meters (5 feet) of the instrument.

Cryogenic Liquids
Cryogenic liquid gases are stored under pressure at very low
temperatures in Portable Liquid Cylinders (PLC).

WARNING Extreme Cold

Contact with the super-cold liquid, gas or pipe surfaces can cause severe
skin damage. The Portable Liquid Cylinders should be located in a shielded
position, and all piping should be routed or covered to prevent skin contact.

For high gas flow rates and/or low ambient temperatures, it may be
necessary to obtain sufficient gas pressure by passing the liquid
through an external evaporator rather than use the internal pressure
building facility of the PLCs.

50 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Facilities

Liquid argon and liquid nitrogen may not be stored for extended
periods and often have special storage requirements. Contact your
local authorities and cryogenic gas supplier for more detailed
information on storage requirements and boil-off rates for local types
of PLCs.

After the gas requirements have been met, check the checklist box: Gas supply (at
specified purity), regulator, and gas lines are installed for argon and optional nitrogen.

Water Cooling System

Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES instruments require a source of cooling
water. The water cooling system needs to remove up to 200 watts for
radial instruments and 950 watts for axial instruments. The cooling
water is required for the load coil and camera Peltier assembly. Axial
instruments also require cooling capacity for the sample cone
interface. The instrument incorporates an in-line particulate filter
and water flow sensor on the water supply line.
Provided that the flow rate can be maintained above 1.1 L/min, and
maximum supply pressure is below 310 kPa (45 psi), the cooling
water supply may be taken from an in-house domestic water system,
if local regulations permit.
An alternative is to install a recirculating water cooler system. The
system should provide cover for the reservoir to prevent evaporation
and stop contamination by dust or other impurities. Algaecide should
be used to prevent algae growth that may restrict the flow of cooling
water through the system.
A recirculating water cooling system has the advantage of reducing
the volume of water that will be required over the life of the
instruments operation. Because of the limited size of the water
cooler's reservoir, in the case of accidental damage the amount of
water damage that can occur will also be limited.
Specified models of the Lytron or Van der Heijden water coolers can
be used and will ensure the continued delivery of temperature
controlled coolant, at the correct pressure, with a minimum of long-
term maintenance or operational expense.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 51

Laboratory Facilities

The Agilent field service engineer will connect the Agilent 700 Series
ICP-OES instrument to your water cooling system. Connection of the
water cooling system to the spectrometer, installation and
adjustment of the internal pressure regulator and cut-out valve
(where fitted) are included as part of the system installation.
Installation of the required power connections and the unpacking of
the cooler/recirculator must be performed prior to installation of the

NOTE The operation manual, mounting and assembly hardware for the cooling system
is included in the water cooler packaging. Care should be exercised to locate all
of these articles before the pack is discarded.

Table 11. Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES cooling requirements

Cooling capacity Axial system: 1 kW

Radial system: 200 W

Flow rate 1.1 L/min (0.3 gpm) minimum

Recommended inlet temperature 20 C (68 F)

(Maximum for Agilent 720/730 Series ICP-OES:
30 C (86 F)
(Maximum for Agilent 710 Series ICP-OES:
45 C (113 F)

Minimum inlet pressure 55 kPa (8.0 psi)

Maximum inlet pressure 310 kPa (45 psi)

NOTE Pressure regulation is recommended for water cooling systems which may
exceed the maximum permissible pressure of 310 kPa (45 psi) or may be subject
to pressure fluctuations.

52 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Facilities

The instrument is equipped with a water flow sensor which will stop
operation of the plasma and camera Peltier assembly if the cooling
water flow through the instrument drops below 1.1 L/min (0.3 gpm).
Recommended water cooling systems and pressure regulators are
available from:
Table 12. Water cooler suppliers

Lytron Van der Heijden

Main office: Main office:
Lytron Inc. Van der Heijden-Labortechnik GmbH
55 Dragon Court P.O. Box 1153 D-32690 Drentrup
Woburn, MA 01801 Brderstrae 10 D-32694 Drentrup
USA Germany

Phone +1 781-933-7300 Phone: +49 52 65 - 9 45 52-0

Fax +1 781-935-4529 Fax: +49 52 65 945 51-10
Web site: Web site:
Email: Email:

CAUTION Always ensure the water cooling system is on before igniting the plasma.

Location of Water Cooling System

Many water coolers are designed to be located and operated indoors.
Consult the water coolers literature for more information before
The coolant supply and return hoses of the Agilent 700 Series
ICP-OES are 3.0 meters long (10 feet). The inner diameter of the
return hose is 7 mm (1/4 inch). The inner diameter of the supply
hose is 9.5 mm (3/8 inch). The supply and return connection to the
water cooling source will require suitable metal barbs that
accommodate these diameter hoses. For most countries, the
appropriate barbs for connecting the instrument to the water coolers
are included with the instrument in kit form (part number

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 53

Laboratory Facilities

Part numbers for ordering additional hose by the meter and clamps:
Table 14. Agilent cooling system component part numbers
Item Part number
1/4 inch hose (per meter) 3710029700
3/8 inch hose (per meter) 3710029800
Hose clamp (1/4 inch) 0810120900
Hose clamp (3/8 inch) 0810096700

After the water cooling requirements have been met, check the checklist box: Water
cooling/circulation system and power connections are set up.

Waste Fluid Container

Operation of the Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES system requires the use
of a drain vessel for the disposal of excess fluids and vapors from the
spraychamber. Suitable tubing is supplied with the spectrometer for
use with inorganic solvents. When using organic solvents, different
drain tubing that is suitable for the solvent in use will be required.
A chemically inert container, not glass or of a narrow necked style, to
hold minimum of two liters (four pints) of waste must be provided by
the instrument user. It should be located underneath the sample
compartment (or on the right side of the spectrometer), where it is
protected by the bench and in full view of the operator.

After the waste fluid container requirements have been met, check the checklist box:
Waste container appropriate for the chemical waste is prepared.

54 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Laboratory Facilities

Guidelines for Software Installation

Agilent recommends that you purchase a PC as part of the Agilent
700 Series ICP-OES package. The PC included in the package will
come with the appropriate operating system as loaded by the PC
For instructions on installing the Windows operating system, please
refer to the appropriate manuals supplied with the software. It is the
responsibility of the customer to ensure that the operating system
software has been installed and is functional if the customer is
supplying the PC or the operating system.

NOTE Agilent will not assume responsibility for loss of data.

The Agilent service engineer will connect the PC to the spectrometer

and any factory-approved accessories purchased at installation.
Initial instrument software installation is also included as part of the
system installation. For information on installing the Agilent 700
Series ICP-OES system software consult the ICP Expert II software
installation instructions (part number 8510236400) or the ICP Expert
II CFR software installation instructions (part number 8510233500)
that is supplied with the instrument software.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 55

Laboratory Facilities

This page is intentionally left blank.

56 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Accessories and Options

6. Accessories and Options

Organic Solvents or Hydrofluoric Acid 58
Auxiliary Gas Module 58
Gas Requirements 59
Cooled Spraychamber Organics Kit 59
Sample Preparation System (SPS 3) 60
Environmental Conditions 60
Vapor Generation Accessory Recommended Gases 60
Switching Valve System (SVS 1) Accessory 61

This section includes pre-installation information about Agilent-

manufactured accessories suitable for use with Agilent 700 Series
ICP-OES. The following information should be used to supplement
the documentation included with each accessory.
Use of organic solvents or hydrofluoric acid
Cooled spraychamber organics kit
SPS 3 and diluter
Vapor generation accessory
SVS 1 Switching Valve System

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 57

Accessories and Options

Organic Solvents or Hydrofluoric Acid

If organic solvents or hydrofluoric acid are intended to be used with
the instrument, then special tubing and fittings are required.
Please refer to the Agilent Technologies Web site for details and part
number information.

NOTE The special fittings supplied for use with organic solvents and hydrofluoric acid
may not be suitable for acidic or alkaline solvents. The standard (originally
supplied) components should be retained for use in these applications.

Auxiliary Gas Module

The Auxiliary Gas Module (AGM 1) is an accessory used to introduce
a small amount of oxygen into the plasma of a Agilent 700 Series
The oxygen facilitates the analysis of volatile organics by ICP
techniques by reducing carbon build-up and background signal
resulting in lower detection limits when analyzing volatile organic
The AGM 1 is generally used in conjunction with the cooled
spraychamber. This allows you to analyze directly, without dilution,
organic solutions with a high vapor pressure at room temperature
such as gasoline and naphtha. Cooling of the sample prevents high
vapor pressures being generated in the spraychamber, which can
cause back pressure in the chamber, destabilizing the plasma and
suppressing the analytical signal.
The cooled spraychamber requires a cooler capable of cooling the
spraychamber to approximately -10 C. This cooler is not included
with the AGM 1, cooled spraychamber or organics kits.
The AGM 1 unit features an on/off switch, a flow control knob and a
flow indicator.

58 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Accessories and Options

Gas Requirements
All gas supply installations must comply with rules and/or
regulations that are imposed by the local authorities responsible for
the use of compressed gas in the workplace.
Table 15. AGM 1 gas supply requirements
Permissible pressure range 300700 kPa (43101 psi)
Recommended pressure 300 kPa (43 psi).
Required flow rates Up to 0.6 liters per minute

Cooled Spraychamber Organics Kit

The cooled spraychamber comes in a kit with tubing and
You will need to provide a cooler capable of cooling to approximately
-10 C and tubing to connect the cooler to the spraychamber.
The Organics kit will include the following components:
Peristaltic pump tubing organics Black (sample)
Peristaltic pump tubing organics Grey (drain)
Transfer tubing for use with gasoline
Nebulizer holder*
O-ring (for nebulizer) *
O-ring kit (for nebulizer holder) *
Spraychamber tubing to drain
Drain tubing
Cooled spraychamber
Mounting bracket
Instruction sheet
* These items are assembled as one unit.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 59

Accessories and Options

Sample Preparation System (SPS 3)

The Sample Preparation System (SPS) is compatible with a wide
range of commercially available low-cost autoclavable sample racks.
Sample contamination from airborne particles is eliminated and
corrosive or toxic fumes are removed during sampling with the
optional environmental enclosure.

Environmental Conditions
The SPS accessory is suitable only for indoor use. The site should be
selected to avoid dusty or corrosive atmospheres.

NOTE Extra maintenance may be required on the SPS if it is operated in excessively

dusty or corrosive conditions.

An Agilent-supplied trolley is available for the SPS for purchase (part

number 9910072800). A drain vessel must also be accommodated.

Vapor Generation Accessory Recommended Gases

The Vapor Generation Accessory (VGA) is fitted with 6 mm (1/4 inch)
internal diameter flexible hose for connection to a standard barbed
tail connector which must be supplied by the customer.

CAUTION The gas supply for the VGA must be a separate regulated line, to prevent
exceeding the maximum inlet pressure to the VGA.

60 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

Accessories and Options

NOTE The VGA allows a 45 mL/min flow of argon to pass through it even when it is
switched off. It is recommended that the argon gas line is fitted with a stop valve
to shut the gas supply off to the VGA.

Table 15. VGA gas supply requirements

Permissible pressure range 300 to 400 kPa (42 to 57 psi)
Recommended pressure 325 kPa (46 psi)
Required flow rates Up to 100 milliliters per minute

Switching Valve System (SVS 1) Accessory

The SVS 1 includes a 4-port switching valve that reduces analysis
time by way of a more efficient sample introduction and rinsing
system. It can be used with the following autosamplers:
Agilent SPS 3
CETAC ASX-510/510HS/520/520HS
(Includes EXR-8, extended rack option)
The SVS 1 Accessory is supported with the ICP Productivity Package
software which is available for the Agilent 720 Series ICP-OES
instruments as an option or the Agilent 730 Series ICP-OES
instrument as standard.

Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual 61

Accessories and Options

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62 Agilent 700 Series ICP Optical Emission Spectrometers Pre-installation Manual

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