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Agilent 1290 Infinity


User Manual

Agilent Technologies
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1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual



1 Introduction 5
Introduction to the Thermostat 6
Thermostat Operation 8

2 Site Requirements and Specifications 11

Site Requirements 12
Physical Specifications 15
Performance Specifications 16

3 Installing the Thermostat 17

Damaged Packaging 18
Optimizing the Stack Configuration 19
Installing the Thermostat 21
Transporting the Thermostatted Autosampler or Fraction Collector 32

4 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 33

Agilent Lab Advisor Software 34
Overview of the Thermostats Indicators and Test Functions 35
Status Indicators 36

5 Error Information 39
What Are Error Messages 40
General Error Messages 41
Thermostat Error Messages 48

6 Maintenance 53
Warnings and Cautions 54
Introduction to Maintenance 56
Cleaning the Module 57
Exchanging the Power Supply Fuses 58

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 3


7 Parts for Maintenance 61

Main Assemblies (External Parts) 62
Accessory Kit 63
HPLC System Tool Kit 64
Plastic Parts 65

8 Cable Identification 67
Cable Overview 68
Analog Cables 70
Remote Cables 72
BCD Cables 75
Auxiliary Cable 77
CAN/LAN Cables 78
External Contact Cable 79
RS-232 Cable Kit 80

9 Hardware Information 81
Electrical Connections 82
Early Maintenance Feedback 85

10 Appendix 87
General Safety Information 88
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
(2002/96/EC) 91
Radio Interference 92
Sound Emission 93
Agilent Technologies on Internet 94

4 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Introduction to the Thermostat 6
Thermostat Operation 8

Agilent Technologies 5
1 Introduction
Introduction to the Thermostat

Introduction to the Thermostat

The Agilent 1290 Infinity Thermostat is designed for use with other
modules of the Agilent 1200 Infinity Series or with other LC systems if
adequate remote control inputs and outputs are available. The thermostat
is controlled from the Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Instant Pilot or from
your Agilent control software for LC systems.
The specially- designed thermostattable sample trays holds either
100 1.8 mL vials or two wellplates and 10 1.8 mL vials.
The thermostat contains Peltier- controlled heat exchangers. A fan draws
air from the area above the sample vial tray of the autosampler and then
blows it through the fins of the cooling/heating module. There it is cooled
or heated according to the temperature setting. The thermostatted air
enters the autosampler through a recess underneath the specially- designed
sample tray. The air is then distributed evenly through the sample tray
ensuring effective temperature control, regardless of how many vials are in
the tray.
In cooling mode condensation is generated on the cooled side of the
Peltier elements. This condensed water is safely guided into the leak

6 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Introduction 1
Introduction to the Thermostat







Figure 1 Overview of the Thermostat

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 7

1 Introduction
Thermostat Operation

Thermostat Operation









Figure 2 Thermostat Principle

8 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Introduction 1
Thermostat Operation

The thermostat is equipped with a cooling/heating module which uses

Peltier elements for efficient air cooling. When turned on the front side of
the Peltier elements is heated/cooled according to the temperature setting.
A fan draws air from the sample tray area and blows it through the
channels of the heating/cooling module. The fan speed is determined
according to the environmental conditions (e.g., ambient temperature,
humidity). In the heating/cooling module the air reaches the temperature
of the Peltier elements and this thermostatted air is blown underneath the
special sample tray where it is evenly distributed and streams back into
the sample tray area. From there it is again drawn into the thermostat.
This recycle mode assures a very efficient cooling/heating of the sample
In cooling mode the opposite side of the Peltier element will become very
hot and to maintain the performance of the elements they have to be
cooled down. This is done with large heat exchangers in the back of the
thermostat. Four fans blow air from left to right through the instrument to
remove the heated air. The fan speed is controlled according to the
temperature of the Peltier elements.
During cooling condensation will appear in the heating/cooling module.
The condensed water will be guided out of the thermostat.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 9

1 Introduction
Thermostat Operation

10 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements 12
Power Consideration 12
Power Cords 13
Bench Space 14
Environment 14
Physical Specifications 15
Performance Specifications 16

This chapter provides information on environmental requirements, physical and

performance specifications.

Agilent Technologies 11
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements

Site Requirements

A suitable site environment is important to ensure optimum performance

of the instrument.

Power Consideration
The autosamplers comprises two modules, the autosampler module
(G1329A/B, G1367A- D, G1367E, G1377A, G2260A, G4226A, G5667A,
G4303A) or fraction collector (G1364A- C, G1364D, G5664A) and the
thermostat module (G1330B). Both modules have a separate power supply
and a power plug for the line connections. The two modules are connected
by a control cable and both are turned on by the autosampler or fraction
The autosampler or fraction collector power supplies have automatic
voltage selectors. Consequently there are no voltage selectors in the rear
of the two autosampler or fraction collector modules. The autosampler or
fraction collector has no externally accessible fuses, because automatic
electronic fuses are implemented in its power supply. The thermostat
power supply has two externally accessible fuses.

Hazard of electrical shock or damage of your instrumentation

can result, if the devices are connected to a line voltage higher than specified.
Connect your instrument to the specified line voltage only.

Inaccessible power plug.

In case of emergency it must be possible to disconnect the instrument from the power
line at any time.
Make sure the power connector of the instrument can be easily reached and
Provide sufficient space behind the power socket of the instrument to unplug the

12 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Site Requirements and Specifications 2
Site Requirements

Power Cords
Different power cords are offered as options with the module. The female
end of all power cords is identical. It plugs into the power- input socket at
the rear. The male end of each power cord is different and designed to
match the wall socket of a particular country or region.

Absence of ground connection or use of unspecified power cord

The absence of ground connection or the use of unspecified power cord can lead to
electric shock or short circuit.
Never operate your instrumentation from a power outlet that has no ground
Never use a power cord other than the Agilent Technologies power cord designed
for your region.

Use of unsupplied cables

Using cables not supplied by Agilent Technologies can lead to damage of the
electronic components or personal injury.
Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure
proper functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.

Unintended use of supplied power cords

Using power cords for unintended purposes can lead to personal injury or damage of
electronic equipment.
Never use the power cords that Agilent Technologies supplies with this instrument
for any other equipment.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 13

2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements

Bench Space
The module dimensions and weight (see Table 1 on page 15) allow you to
place the module on almost any desk or laboratory bench. It needs an
additional 25 cm (10 inches) of space on either side and approximately
8 cm (3.1 inches) in the rear for air circulation and electric connections.
If the bench shall carry a complete HPLC system, make sure that the
bench is designed to bear the weight of all modules.
The module should be operated in a horizontal position.

Your modules will work at ambient temperatures and relative humidity as
described in Table 1 on page 15.

Condensation within the module

Condensation will damage the system electronics.
Do not store, ship or use your module under conditions where temperature
fluctuations could cause condensation within the module.
If your module was shipped in cold weather, leave it in its box and allow it to warm
slowly to room temperature to avoid condensation.

14 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Site Requirements and Specifications 2
Physical Specifications

Physical Specifications

Table 1 Physical Specifications

Type Specification Comments

Weight 20.7 kg (46 lbs)

Dimensions (height 140 345 435 mm (5.5 13.5 17

width depth) inches)

Line voltage 100 240 VAC, 10 % Wide-ranging


Line frequency 50 or 60 Hz, 5 %

Power consumption 260 VA / 210 W / 717 BTU Maximum

Ambient operating 4 40 C (39 104 F) See warning on

temperature page 15

Ambient non-operating -40 70 C (-40 158 F)


Humidity < 95 % r.h. at 40 C (104 F) Non-condensing

Operating altitude Up to 2000 m (6562 ft)

Non-operating altitude Up to 4600 m (15091 ft) For storing the module

Safety standards: IEC, CSA, Installation category II, Pollution degree 2 For indoor use only.

Hot rear panel

Using the module at high environmental temperatures may cause the rear panel to
become hot.
Do not use the module at environmental temperatures higher than 50 C (122 F)

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 15

2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Performance Specifications

Table 2 Performance specifications Agilent 1290 Infinity Thermostat

Type Specification

Temperature range Settable from 4 C to 40 C in 1 increments

Temperature accuracy at ambient 3 C to 8 C at a setpoint of 4 C*

temperatures < 25 C and humidity < 50 %
Temperature accuracy at ambient 3 C to 9 C at a setpoint of 4 C*
temperatures <30 C and humidity <60 %

Measurement conditions:


with 100-Vial Tray in vial location 2,10,92 and 100 vials filled with water


For vials: Using the Thermostattable Tray (G1329-60011) or 100 Micro-Vial

(G4226-60021), both loaded with 100 vials. Temperature is measured in vial locations
1,10,23,25,45,75,91 and 100 (filled with 1 mL of water)

For well plates: Standard Tray (G2258-60011) for two Well Plates loaded with two
Agilent 96 Well Plate (5042-1386)

16 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Installing the Thermostat
Damaged Packaging 18
Delivery Checklist 18
Optimizing the Stack Configuration 19
Installing the Thermostat 21
Stage 1: Preparing the Thermostat and Autosampler/ Fraction
Collector 22
Stage 2: Power Cable and Interface Cable Connection 25
Stage 3: Flow Connections 27
Stage 4: Installing the Sample Tray 29
Stage 5: Installing Tray Cover and Front Cover 31
Stage 6: Turning on the Thermostatted Autosampler/ Fraction
collector 31
Transporting the Thermostatted Autosampler or Fraction Collector 32

Agilent Technologies 17
3 Installing the Thermostat
Damaged Packaging

Damaged Packaging

If the delivery packaging shows signs of external damage, please call your
Agilent Technologies sales and service office immediately. Inform your
service representative that the instrument may have been damaged during

"Defective on arrival" problems

If there are signs of damage, please do not attempt to install the module. Inspection by
Agilent is required to evaluate if the instrument is in good condition or damaged.
Notify your Agilent sales and service office about the damage.
An Agilent service representative will inspect the instrument at your site and
initiate appropriate actions.

Delivery Checklist
Unpack the module. Ensure all parts and materials have been delivered.
The delivery checklist is shown in Table 3 on page 18. Please report
missing or damaged parts to your local Agilent Technologies sales and
service office.

Table 3 Thermostat Checklist

Description Quantity Part Number

Thermostat 1

Power cable 1 as ordered

Accessory kit (see Accessory Kit on 1 G1330-68755

page 63 for more information)

HPLC System Tool Kit, optional (see 1 G4203-68708

HPLC System Tool Kit on page 64 for
more information)

18 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Installing the Thermostat 3
Optimizing the Stack Configuration

Optimizing the Stack Configuration

If your autosampler/fraction collector is part of a system, you can ensure

optimum performance by installing the autosampler/fraction collector in
the stack in the position shown in Figure 3 on page 19 and Figure 4 on
page 20. This configuration optimizes the system flow path, ensuring
minimum delay volume. As the autosampler thermostat is very heavy, it
should always be installed at the bottom of a stack.








Figure 3 Recommended Stack Configuration (Front View)

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 19

3 Installing the Thermostat
Optimizing the Stack Configuration

LAN to control software

CAN Bus cable

(to Instant Pilot)

Autosampler/ Fraction
Collector Cable

Remote cable

CAN Bus cable

AC Power

Figure 4 Recommended Stack Configuration (Rear View)

20 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Installing the Thermostat 3
Installing the Thermostat

Installing the Thermostat

Module is partially energized when switched off, as long as the power cord is
plugged in.
Repair work at the module can lead to personal injuries, e.g. shock hazard, when the
cover is opened and the module is connected to power.
Make sure that it is always possible to access the power plug.
Remove the power cable from the instrument before opening the cover.
Do not connect the power cable to the Instrument while the covers are removed.

Personal injury
To avoid personal injury, keep fingers away from the needle area during autosampler
Do not bend the safety flap away from its position, or attempt to remove the safety
Do not attempt to insert or remove a vial from the gripper when the gripper is
positioned below the needle.

"Defective on arrival" problems

If there are signs of damage, please do not attempt to install the module. Inspection by
Agilent is required to evaluate if the instrument is in good condition or damaged.
Notify your Agilent sales and service office about the damage.
An Agilent service representative will inspect the instrument at your site and
initiate appropriate actions.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 21

3 Installing the Thermostat
Installing the Thermostat

Damaged electronics
Disconnecting or reconnecting the autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable
when the power cords are connected to either of the two modules will damage the
electronics of the modules. In such a case, mainboards of both instruments must be
exchanged, otherwise they can damage the other instrument.
Make sure the power cords are unplugged before disconnecting or reconnecting the
autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable.

Stage 1: Preparing the Thermostat and Autosampler/ Fraction

Damage through condensation
If the condensation tube is located in liquid the condensed water cannot flow out of
the tube and the outlet is blocked. Any further condensation will then remain in the
instrument. This may damage the instruments electronics.
Make sure the condensation tube is always above the liquid level in the vessel.
Make sure the waste container is not sealed.
Ensure the drain tube has no loops and leads directly into the waste bottle.

Even under average humidity conditions, a significant amount of condensed water gathers
NOTE every day. A suitable container must be provided and emptied regularly in order to avoid

1 Place the thermostat on the bench or in the stack.

2 Remove the front cover. Press the two snap fasteners on the sides of
the cover and move it away.

22 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Installing the Thermostat 3
Installing the Thermostat

3 If the thermostat is located on top of another Agilent 1200 Infinity Series

module place the waste tube assembly into the top cover of the thermostat
and locate the other end in the waste funnel of the module beneath.




Figure 5 Preparation of the Thermostat

4 Connect the condensation leak tube to the main waste exit of the
thermostat and place into an appropriate vessel. It is possible to either let
the condensation leak tubing exit the module at the front or at the left side
of the module. Make sure that the leak tube is fully fixed on the outlet.



Figure 6 Condensation Leak outlet

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 23

3 Installing the Thermostat
Installing the Thermostat

5 Install the front cover of the thermostat.

6 Place the autosampler/ fraction collector module on top of the
thermostat. Make sure that the autosampler/ fraction collector is
correctly engaged in the thermostat locks.
7 Remove the tray and place the air channel adapter into the
autosampler/ fraction collector tray base. Make sure the adapter is fully
pressed down. This assures that the cold airstream from the thermostat
is correctly guided to the tray area of the autosampler or fraction


Figure 7 Air channel adapter

8 Install the diffusion plate on the air channel adapter.

Diffusion plate

9 Re- install the tray.

24 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Installing the Thermostat 3
Installing the Thermostat

10 If there is no Agilent 1260/1290 Infinity Series module located beneath

the thermostat connect the waste tube to the central waste exit of the
autosampler/ fraction collector and place in a waste vessel.

Stage 2: Power Cable and Interface Cable Connection

Damaged electronics
Disconnecting or reconnecting the autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable
when the power cords are connected to either of the two modules will damage the
electronics of the modules. In such a case, mainboards of both instruments must be
exchanged, otherwise they can damage the other instrument.
Make sure the power cords are unplugged before disconnecting or reconnecting the
autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable.

1 Ensure the power switch on the front of the autosampler/ fraction

collector is OFF and the power cables are disconnected.
2 Connect the cable between the autosampler/ fraction collector and the
thermostat, see Figure 8 on page 26.
3 Move the safety lever at the rear of the two modules to the right
position, see Figure 8 on page 26.
4 Connect the power cables to the power connectors.
5 Connect the CAN interface cables to other modules in the system (see
Figure 4 on page 20 and Figure 9 on page 27).
6 If required, connect additional interface and control cables to the
autosampler (see Figure 4 on page 20 and Figure 9 on page 27). Refer
to the documentation of the Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Instant Pilot or
ChemStation for LC for more information.

In an Agilent 1290 Infinity or 1260 Infinity system, the individual modules are connected by
NOTE a CAN cable. The Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Instant Pilot can be connected to the CAN bus
at any of the modules in the system. The control software can be connected to the system
by one GPIB cable at any of the modules. If an Agilent detector is part of the system, the
LAN connection must be at the detector. For more information about connecting the instant
pilot or control software refer to the respective user manual. For connecting the Agilent
1290 Infinity equipment to non-Agilent 1290 Infinity equipment, see Autosampler manual).

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 25

3 Installing the Thermostat
Installing the Thermostat

7 Connect additional cables as required (see Figure 9 on page 27).

Autosampler/ Fraction
Collector to
Thermostat Cable


Safety lever

Figure 8 Power Connectors and Safety Levers at Rear of thermostatted

Autosampler/Fraction Collector.

26 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Installing the Thermostat 3
Installing the Thermostat

Relay contacts
CAN cable to next module
Vial number output


CAN-bus CAN cable to previous module

Thermostat to
Autosampler/ Fraction
Collector Cable

Figure 9 Cable Connections.

Stage 3: Flow Connections

When opening capillary or tube fittings, solvents may leak out.
The handling of toxic and hazardous solvents and reagents can carry health risks.
Observe appropriate safety procedures (for example, wear goggles, safety gloves
and protective clothing) as described in the material handling and safety data sheet
supplied by the solvent vendor, especially when toxic or hazardous solvents are

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 27

3 Installing the Thermostat
Installing the Thermostat

The following procedure describes the installation of the flow

connections of the G1329A/B Autosampler. For information about other
autosampler or fraction collector modules see the 'Installing' chapter in
the corresponding manuals.
1 Connect the pump outlet capillary to port 1 of the injection valve.
2 Connect column- compartment inlet capillary to port 6 of the injection
3 Ensure that the waste tube is positioned inside the leak channel.






Figure 10 Hydraulic Connections

28 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Installing the Thermostat 3
Installing the Thermostat

Stage 4: Installing the Sample Tray

1 Load the sample tray with sample vials as required.
2 Slide the sample tray into the autosampler so that the rear of the
sample tray is seated firmly against the rear of the sample- tray area.
3 Press the front of the sample tray down to secure the tray in the
autosampler. If the tray pops out of its position the air channel adapter
is not inserted correctly.

Figure 11 Installing the Sample Tray

Half-Tray Combinations

In the autosampler only the 100 vial tray is supported for temperature control of the vials.
NOTE Nevertheless the half trays of the standard autosampler (G1329A/B) can be used in the
thermostatted autosampler as well. However when these trays are installed cooling or
heating of the vials in the tray will not work.

Half- trays can be installed in any combination enabling both 1.8 ml- and
6 ml- vials to be used simultaneously.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 29

3 Installing the Thermostat
Installing the Thermostat

Numbering of Vial Positions

The standard 100- vial tray has vial positions 1 to 100. However, when
using two half- trays, the numbering convention is slightly different. The
vial positions of the right- hand half tray begin at position 101 as follows:
Left- hand 40- position tray: 140
Left- hand 15- position tray: 115
Right- hand 40- position tray: 101140
Right- hand 15- position tray: 101115



Figure 12 Numbering of Tray Positions.

30 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Installing the Thermostat 3
Installing the Thermostat

Stage 5: Installing Tray Cover and Front Cover

1 Fix the tray cover in the clips of the left autosampler cover side by
sliding it in position. Do not close the tray cover.
2 Position the front cover in the top left corner of the autosampler and
turn it towards the instrument. Press the stop fastener to secure it in
the right side cover of the autosampler.
3 Close the tray cover.



Figure 13 Installation of Tray Cover and Front Cover of the Autosampler

Stage 6: Turning on the Thermostatted Autosampler/ Fraction

1 Depress the power switch to turn on the two modules.

The power switch stays depressed (1) and a green indicator lamp in the power switch is on
NOTE when the module is turned on. When the line power switch stands out () and the green
light is off, the module is turned off.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 31

3 Installing the Thermostat
Transporting the Thermostatted Autosampler or Fraction Collector

Transporting the Thermostatted Autosampler or Fraction


When moving the autosampler or fraction collector around the laboratory,

make sure that any condensed water inside the thermostat is removed.
Tilt the module to the front, so that the water inside the thermostat can
safely flow into the leak funnel. Otherwise no special precautions are
needed for the modules.

Heavy weight
The module is heavy (20.7 kg (45.6 lbs).
Carry the module at least with 2 people.
Avoid back strain or injury by following all precautions for lifting heavy objects.
Ensure that the load is as close to your body as possible.
Ensure that you can cope with the weight of your load.

Mechanical damage of the module

If the transport assembly is not parked, the module could be damaged due to excessive
shock of the shipping container during transport.
Always park the transport assembly before shipment.

If the autosampler or fraction collector needs to be shipped to another

location via carrier, ensure:
The two modules are shipped in separate boxes.
The transport assembly of the autosampler or fraction collector is
parked, see "Park Arm (Park Gripper)" in your respective Service
Manual for more information.
The vial tray is secured.

32 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Agilent Lab Advisor Software 34
Overview of the Thermostats Indicators and Test Functions 35
Status Indicators 36
Power Supply Indicator 36
Module Status Indicator 37

Agilent Technologies 33
4 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Agilent Lab Advisor Software

Agilent Lab Advisor Software

The Agilent Lab Advisor software is a standalone product that can be

used with or without data system. Agilent Lab Advisor software helps to
manage the lab for high quality chromatographic results and can monitor
in real time a single Agilent LC or all the Agilent GCs and LCs configured
on the lab intranet.
Agilent Lab Advisor software provides diagnostic capabilities for all
Agilent 1200 Infinity Series modules. This includes diagnostic capabilities,
calibration procedures and maintenance routines for all the maintenance
The Agilent Lab Advisor software also allows users to monitor the status
of their LC instruments. The Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) feature
helps to carry out preventive maintenance. In addition, users can generate
a status report for each individual LC instrument. The tests and diagnostic
features as provided by the Agilent Lab Advisor software may differ from
the descriptions in this manual. For details refer to the Agilent Lab
Advisor software help files.
The Instrument Utilities is a basic version of the Lab Advisor with limited
functionality required for installation, use and maintenance. No advanced
repair, troubleshooting and monitoring functionality is included.

34 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 4
Overview of the Thermostats Indicators and Test Functions

Overview of the Thermostats Indicators and Test Functions

Status Indicators
The thermostatted autosampler is provided with two status indicators
which indicate the operational state (prerun, run, and error states) of the
instrument. Both are located on the autosampler module. The status
indicators provide a quick visual check of the operation of the
thermostatted autosampler (see Status Indicators on page 36).

Error Messages
In the event of an electronic, mechanical or hydraulic failure, the
instrument generates an error message in the user interface. For details
on error messages and error handling, please refer to the Agilent Lab
Advisor software.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 35

4 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Status Indicators

Status Indicators

Two status indicators are located on the front of the autosampler. The
lower left indicates the power supply status, the upper right indicates the
thermostatted autosampler status.



Figure 14 Location of Status Indicators

Power Supply Indicator

The power supply indicator is integrated into the main power switch.
When the indicator is illuminated (green) the power is ON.

36 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 4
Status Indicators

Module Status Indicator

The Thermostat itself has no status indicator. Any Error condition will only show up on the
NOTE Autosampler/Fraction Collector status LEDs.

When the status indicator is OFF (and power switch light is on), the
module is in a prerun condition, and is ready to begin an analysis.
A green status indicator, indicates the module is performing an analysis
(run mode).
A yellow indicator indicates a not- ready condition. The module is in a
not- ready state when it is waiting for a specific condition to be reached
or completed (for example, immediately after changing a set point), or
while a self- test procedure is running.
An error condition is indicated when the status indicator is red. An
error condition indicates the module has detected an internal problem
which affects correct operation of the module. Usually, an error
condition requires attention (e.g. leak, defective internal components).
An error condition always interrupts the analysis.
If the error occurs during analysis, it is propagated within the LC
system, i.e. a red LED may indicate a problem of a different module.
Use the status display of your user interface for finding the root
cause/module of the error.
A blinking indicator indicates that the module is in resident mode (e.g.
during update of main firmware).
A fast blinking indicator indicates that the module is in a low- level
error mode. In such a case try to re- boot the module or try a
cold- start, then try a firmware update of the autosampler/ fraction
collector (for details see the manual of your autosampler/ fraction

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 37

4 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Status Indicators

38 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Error Information
What Are Error Messages 40
General Error Messages 41
Timeout 41
Shutdown 42
Remote Timeout 42
Lost CAN Partner 43
Leak Sensor Short 43
Leak Sensor Open 44
Compensation Sensor Open 44
Compensation Sensor Short 45
Fan Failed 45
Leak 46
Open Cover 46
Cover Violation 47
Thermostat Error Messages 48
Fan Failed 48
Temperature Control Failed (1 - 4) 49
Temperature Sensor Failed (1 - 4) 49
Lost Contact to Autosampler Thermostat 50
Power Fail for Autosampler Thermostat Module 50
Temperature out of Range 51
Bad Cooling / Heating Performance 52

This chapter describes the meaning of error messages, and provides

information on probable causes and suggested actions how to recover from
error conditions.

Agilent Technologies 39
5 Error Information
What Are Error Messages

What Are Error Messages

Error messages are displayed in the user interface when an electronic,

mechanical, or hydraulic (flow path) failure occurs which requires
attention before the analysis can be continued (for example, repair, or
exchange of consumables is necessary). In the event of such a failure, the
red status indicator at the front of the module is switched on, and an
entry is written into the module logbook.
If an error occurs outside a method run, other modules will not be
informed about this error. If it occurs within a method run, all connected
modules will get a notification, all LEDs get red and the run will be
stopped. Depending on the module type, this stop is implemented
differently. For example, for a pump the flow will be stopped for safety
reasons. For a detector, the lamp will stay on in order to avoid
equilibration time. Depending on the error type, the next run can only be
started, if the error has been resolved, for example liquid from a leak has
been dried. Errors for presumably single time events can be recovered by
switching on the system in the user interface.
Special handling is done in case of a leak. As a leak is a potential safety
issue and may have occurred at a different module from where it has been
observed, a leak always causes a shutdown of all modules, even outside a
method run.
In all cases, error propagation is done via the CAN bus or via an APG
remote cable (see documentation for the APG interface).

40 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Error Information 5
General Error Messages

General Error Messages

General error messages are generic to all Agilent series HPLC modules
and may show up on other modules as well.

Error ID: 0062
The timeout threshold was exceeded.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 The analysis was completed successfully, Check the logbook for the occurrence and
and the timeout function switched off the source of a not-ready condition. Restart the
module as requested. analysis where required.

2 A not-ready condition was present during a Check the logbook for the occurrence and
sequence or multiple-injection run for a source of a not-ready condition. Restart the
period longer than the timeout threshold. analysis where required.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 41

5 Error Information
General Error Messages

Error ID: 0063
An external instrument has generated a shutdown signal on the remote
The module continually monitors the remote input connectors for status
signals. A LOW signal input on pin 4 of the remote connector generates
the error message.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Leak detected in another module with a Fix the leak in the external instrument before
CAN connection to the system. restarting the module.

2 Leak detected in an external instrument Fix the leak in the external instrument before
with a remote connection to the system. restarting the module.

3 Shut-down in an external instrument with a Check external instruments for a shut-down

remote connection to the system. condition.

Remote Timeout
Error ID: 0070
A not- ready condition is still present on the remote input. When an
analysis is started, the system expects all not- ready conditions (for
example, a not- ready condition during detector balance) to switch to run
conditions within one minute of starting the analysis. If a not- ready
condition is still present on the remote line after one minute the error
message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Not-ready condition in one of the Ensure the instrument showing the not-ready
instruments connected to the remote line. condition is installed correctly, and is set up
correctly for analysis.

2 Defective remote cable. Exchange the remote cable.

3 Defective components in the instrument Check the instrument for defects (refer to the
showing the not-ready condition. instruments documentation).

42 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Error Information 5
General Error Messages

Lost CAN Partner

Error ID: 0071
During an analysis, the internal synchronization or communication
between one or more of the modules in the system has failed.
The system processors continually monitor the system configuration. If one
or more of the modules is no longer recognized as being connected to the
system, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 CAN cable disconnected. Ensure all the CAN cables are connected
Ensure all CAN cables are installed

2 Defective CAN cable. Exchange the CAN cable.

3 Defective main board in another module. Switch off the system. Restart the system, and
determine which module or modules are not
recognized by the system.

Leak Sensor Short

Error ID: 0082
The leak sensor in the module has failed (short circuit).
The current through the leak sensor is dependent on temperature. A leak
is detected when solvent cools the leak sensor, causing the leak sensor
current to change within defined limits. If the current increases above the
upper limit, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective leak sensor. Please contact your Agilent service


2 Leak sensor incorrectly routed, being Please contact your Agilent service
pinched by a metal component. representative.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 43

5 Error Information
General Error Messages

Leak Sensor Open

Error ID: 0083
The leak sensor in the module has failed (open circuit).
The current through the leak sensor is dependent on temperature. A leak
is detected when solvent cools the leak sensor, causing the leak- sensor
current to change within defined limits. If the current falls outside the
lower limit, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Leak sensor not connected to the main Please contact your Agilent service
board. representative.

2 Defective leak sensor. Please contact your Agilent service


3 Leak sensor incorrectly routed, being Please contact your Agilent service
pinched by a metal component. representative.

Compensation Sensor Open

Error ID: 0081
The ambient- compensation sensor (NTC) on the main board in the module
has failed (open circuit).
The resistance across the temperature compensation sensor (NTC) on the
main board is dependent on ambient temperature. The change in
resistance is used by the leak circuit to compensate for ambient
temperature changes. If the resistance across the sensor increases above
the upper limit, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


44 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Error Information 5
General Error Messages

Compensation Sensor Short

Error ID: 0080
The ambient- compensation sensor (NTC) on the main board in the module
has failed (short circuit).
The resistance across the temperature compensation sensor (NTC) on the
main board is dependent on ambient temperature. The change in
resistance is used by the leak circuit to compensate for ambient
temperature changes. If the resistance across the sensor falls below the
lower limit, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


Fan Failed
Error ID: 0068
The cooling fan in the module has failed.
The hall sensor on the fan shaft is used by the main board to monitor the
fan speed. If the fan speed falls below a certain limit for a certain length
of time, the error message is generated.
Depending on the module, assemblies (e.g. the lamp in the detector) are
turned off to assure that the module does not overheat inside.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Fan cable disconnected. Please contact your Agilent service


2 Defective fan. Please contact your Agilent service


3 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 45

5 Error Information
General Error Messages

Error ID: 0064
A leak was detected in the module.
The signals from the two temperature sensors (leak sensor and
board- mounted temperature- compensation sensor) are used by the leak
algorithm to determine whether a leak is present. When a leak occurs, the
leak sensor is cooled by the solvent. This changes the resistance of the
leak sensor which is sensed by the leak- sensor circuit on the main board.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Loose fittings. Ensure all fittings are tight.

2 Broken capillary. Exchange defective capillaries.

Open Cover
Error ID: 0205
The top foam has been removed.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Foam not activating the sensor. Please contact your Agilent service

2 Defective sensor or main board. Please contact your Agilent service


46 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Error Information 5
General Error Messages

Cover Violation
Error ID: 7461
The top foam has been removed.
The sensor on the main board detects when the top foam is in place. If
the foam is removed while the lamps are on (or if an attempt is made to
switch on for example the lamps with the foam removed), the lamps are
switched off, and the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 The top foam was removed during Please contact your Agilent service
operation. representative.

2 Foam not activating the sensor. Please contact your Agilent service

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 47

5 Error Information
Thermostat Error Messages

Thermostat Error Messages

Error messages are displayed in the user interface when an electronic

failure occurs with the autosampler thermostat module which requires
attention. In the event of such a failure, the red status indicator at the
front of the thermostatted autosampler is switched on, and an entry is
written into the instrument log book.
This section describes the meaning of autosampler thermostat module
error messages, and provides information on probable causes and
suggested actions how to recover from error conditions.

Fan Failed
Error ID: 4109
Each fan in the thermostat is equipped with a speed sensor, that allows
monitoring and control the speed of the fans. If the sensor shows no
signal, when the fan is activated, it is very likely that the fan is defective.
The number in brackets indicates the fan position. Position numbers of the
fans are as follows (seen from front of the thermostat)
fan failed 1 - left side, fan in front position
fan failed 2 - left side, fan in back position
fan failed 3 - right side, fan in back position
fan failed 4 - right side, fan in front position
fan failed 5 - small cooler fan on top of cooling / heating module

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 One of the 4 heat-sink fans is defective. See Service Manual for Exchanging the
Heatsink Fans.

2 The cooling heating module fan is defective See Service Manual for Exchanging Heat
Exchanger Fan.

48 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Error Information 5
Thermostat Error Messages

Temperature Control Failed (1 - 4)

Error ID: 4110
There are four Peltier elements built into the autosampler thermostat for
efficient cooling / heating. The electronics monitor the current through the
Peltier elements. If the Peltier current is out of a specified limit the Peltier
element is defective.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 One of the four peltier elements is defective. Peltier elements cannot be replaced on-site.
Please contact Agilent Technologies service
organization to initiate instrument exchange

Temperature Sensor Failed (1 - 4)

Error ID: 4111
The autosampler thermostat is equipped with four sensors to monitor the
performance of the instrument. The sensors are connected to both sides of
the Peltier elements for control of the cooling / heating efficiency. As the
positioning of the sensor is critical to meet the performance requirements
of the autosampler thermostat the single sensors cannot be replaced

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Temperature sensor is defective See Service Manual for Exchanging the


1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 49

5 Error Information
Thermostat Error Messages

Lost Contact to Autosampler Thermostat

Error ID: 4112
The autosampler control electronics continuously check whether the
autosampler thermostat is active or not.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Bad cable connection between autosampler Check cable connection between autosampler
and autosampler thermostat and autosampler thermostat.

2 Cable between autosampler and thermostat Connect cable between autosampler and
module not connected autosampler thermostat.

3 Defective electronic board in autosampler or Exchange ASM board in the autosampler.

autosampler thermostat Exchange TCA board in the thermostat.
Contact the Agilent Technologies service

Power Fail for Autosampler Thermostat Module

Error ID: 4113
The +36 V that is generated in the autosampler thermostat power supply
is checked by the autosampler electronics. If this voltage is missing the
error message will be generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Autosampler thermostat module not Check correct power line connection.

connected to line power

2 Autosampler thermostat module fuse(s) Check fuse(s) and replace if defective.


3 Autosampler thermostat power supply Contact the Agilent Technologies service

defective organization.

50 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Error Information 5
Thermostat Error Messages

Temperature out of Range

Error ID: 4114
To protect the Peltier elements from damage their working range is limited
to - 3 C to 65 C. The error message is generated when at least one of
the four Peltier elements exceeds this limit.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 The four main heat exchanger fans are not Clean the air filters and heat exchanger fins
able to blow enough air through the in the autosampler thermostat. Switch off
autosampler thermostat the thermostat and wait 10 min for the
peltier elements to equilibrate.
Make sure that there is enough space on
left and right side of the autosampler
thermostat and that the air channel inlets
and outlets are not blocked.

2 Ambient temperature too high / low Make sure that the ambient air temperature is
within its specified limits (4 C to 55 C).

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 51

5 Error Information
Thermostat Error Messages

Bad Cooling / Heating Performance

Error ID: 4120
When turned on, the autosampler thermostat Peltier elements are
activated according to the given setpoint or to given setpoint change. The
electronics check whether the actual temperature is moving in the correct
direction (e.g., decreasing when cooled down).

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Peltier element(s) defective Contact the Agilent Technologies service


2 Peltier element(s) not connected or Check connections of the Peltier elements.

incorrectly connected (e.g., after repair or

3 The four main heat exchanger fans are not Clean the air filters and heat exchanger fins
able to blow enough air through the in the autosampler thermostat. Switch off
autosampler thermostat the thermostat and wait 10 min for the
peltier elements to equilibrate.
Make sure that there is enough space on
left and right side of the autosampler
thermostat and that the air channel inlets
and outlets are not blocked.

52 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Warnings and Cautions 54
Introduction to Maintenance 56
Cleaning the Module 57
Exchanging the Power Supply Fuses 58

Agilent Technologies 53
6 Maintenance
Warnings and Cautions

Warnings and Cautions

Damaged electronics
Disconnecting or reconnecting the autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable
when the power cords are connected to either of the two modules will damage the
electronics of the modules. In such a case, mainboards of both instruments must be
exchanged, otherwise they can damage the other instrument.
Make sure the power cords are unplugged before disconnecting or reconnecting the
autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable.

Module is partially energized when switched off, as long as the power cord is
plugged in.
Risk of stroke and other personal injury. Repair work at the module can lead to
personal injuries, e. g. shock hazard, when the module cover is opened and the
instrument is connected to power.
Never perform any adjustment, maintenance or repair of the module with the top
cover removed and with the power cord plugged in.
The security lever at the power input socket prevents that the module cover is taken
off when line power is still connected. Never plug the power line back in when cover
is removed.

Sharp metal edges

Sharp-edged parts of the equipment may cause injuries.
To prevent personal injury, be careful when getting in contact with sharp metal

54 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Maintenance 6
Warnings and Cautions

Toxic, flammable and hazardous solvents, samples and reagents

The handling of solvents, samples and reagents can hold health and safety risks.
When working with these substances observe appropriate safety procedures (for
example by wearing goggles, safety gloves and protective clothing) as described in
the material handling and safety data sheet supplied by the vendor, and follow good
laboratory practice.
The volume of substances should be reduced to the minimum required for the
Do not operate the instrument in an explosive atmosphere.

Safety standards for external equipment

If you connect external equipment to the instrument, make sure that you only use
accessory units tested and approved according to the safety standards appropriate
for the type of external equipment.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 55

6 Maintenance
Introduction to Maintenance

Introduction to Maintenance

The module is designed for easy maintenance. Maintenance can be done

from the front with module in place in the system stack.

There are no serviceable parts inside.

Do not open the module.

56 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Maintenance 6
Cleaning the Module

Cleaning the Module

To keep the module case clean, use a soft cloth slightly dampened with
water, or a solution of water and mild detergent.

Liquid dripping into the electronic compartment of your module can cause shock
hazard and damage the module
Do not use an excessively damp cloth during cleaning.
Drain all solvent lines before opening any connections in the flow path.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 57

6 Maintenance
Exchanging the Power Supply Fuses

Exchanging the Power Supply Fuses

The fuse holders are located on the rear panel of the thermostat.

When If wrong fuses are installed.

Tools required Description

Flat head screwdriver

Parts required p/n Description

2110-0015 Fuses T2.5 A/250V (CSA, UL listed)

Damaged electronics
Disconnecting or reconnecting the autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable
when the power cords are connected to either of the two modules will damage the
electronics of the modules. In such a case, mainboards of both instruments must be
exchanged, otherwise they can damage the other instrument.
Make sure the power cords are unplugged before disconnecting or reconnecting the
autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable.

58 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Maintenance 6
Exchanging the Power Supply Fuses

1 Switch OFF the power switch at the front of the thermostatted

2 Remove the power cable from the two modules.
3 Insert the flat head screwdriver in the fuse holder, slightly press and
turn counter clockwise to release the fuse holder from the socket.


4 Pull the fuse holder out of the socket.

5 Remove the fuse from the fuse holder.
6 Insert a new fuse in the fuse holder.
7 Reinsert the fuse holder and fix with the screwdriver.
8 Reinsert the power cables.
9 Switch ON the power switch.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 59

6 Maintenance
Exchanging the Power Supply Fuses

60 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Parts for Maintenance
Main Assemblies (External Parts) 62
Accessory Kit 63
HPLC System Tool Kit 64
Plastic Parts 65

Agilent Technologies 61
7 Parts for Maintenance
Main Assemblies (External Parts)

Main Assemblies (External Parts)


Figure 15 Main Assemblies

Item p/n Description

1 2110-0015 Fuses T2.5 A/250V (CSA, UL listed)

2 2110-0029 Fuse TCA - Board (T3 A/250 V; CSA, UL listed)

3 5065-9982 Plastics kit (includes base, top, left and right sides)

G1330-81600 Cable, Autosampler/ Fraction Collector to Thermostat

62 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Parts for Maintenance 7
Accessory Kit

Accessory Kit

Item p/n Description

1 G1330-67300 Waste Tube Assy

2 G1330-81600 Cable, Autosampler/ Fraction Collector to Thermostat

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 63

7 Parts for Maintenance
HPLC System Tool Kit

HPLC System Tool Kit

HPLC System Tool Kit (G4203- 68708) contains some accessories and tools
needed for installation and maintenance of the module.

64 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Parts for Maintenance 7
Plastic Parts

Plastic Parts



Figure 16 Plastic Parts

Item p/n Description

1 G1330-68723 Cover kit (includes base, top, left and right)

2 5065-9982 Plastics kit (includes base, top, left and right sides)

5042-8907 Leak pan, solvent cabinet

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 65

7 Parts for Maintenance
Plastic Parts

66 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Cable Identification
Cable Overview 68
Analog Cables 70
Remote Cables 72
BCD Cables 75
Auxiliary Cable 77
CAN/LAN Cables 78
External Contact Cable 79
RS-232 Cable Kit 80

Agilent Technologies 67
8 Cable Identification
Cable Overview

Cable Overview

Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure proper
NOTE functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.

Analog cables

p/n Description

35900-60750 Agilent module to 3394/6 integrators

35900-60750 Agilent 35900A A/D converter

01046-60105 Analog cable (BNC to general purpose, spade lugs)

Remote cables

p/n Description

03394-60600 Agilent module to 3396A Series I integrators

3396 Series II / 3395A integrator, see details in section Remote

Cables on page 72

03396-61010 Agilent module to 3396 Series III / 3395B integrators

5061-3378 Remote Cable

01046-60201 Agilent module to general purpose

BCD cables

p/n Description
03396-60560 Agilent module to 3396 integrators

G1351-81600 Agilent module to general purpose

68 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Cable Identification 8
Cable Overview

CAN cables

p/n Description

5181-1516 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 0.5 m

5181-1519 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 1 m

LAN cables

p/n Description

5023-0203 Cross-over network cable, shielded, 3 m (for point to point


5023-0202 Twisted pair network cable, shielded, 7 m (for point to point


External Contact Cable

p/n Description

G1103-61611 External contact cable - Agilent module interface board to general


RS-232 cables

p/n Description

G1530-60600 RS-232 cable, 2 m

RS232-61601 RS-232 cable, 2.5 m

Instrument to PC, 9-to-9 pin (female). This cable has special pin-out,
and is not compatible with connecting printers and plotters. It's also
called "Null Modem Cable" with full handshaking where the wiring
is made between pins 1-1, 2-3, 3-2, 4-6, 5-5, 6-4, 7-8, 8-7, 9-9.

5181-1561 RS-232 cable, 8 m

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 69

8 Cable Identification
Analog Cables

Analog Cables

One end of these cables provides a BNC connector to be connected to

Agilent modules. The other end depends on the instrument to which
connection is being made.

Agilent Module to 3394/6 Integrators

p/n 35900-60750 Pin 3394/6 Pin Agilent Signal Name


1 Not connected

2 Shield Analog -

3 Center Analog +

Agilent Module to BNC Connector

p/n 8120-1840 Pin BNC Pin Agilent Signal Name


Shield Shield Analog -

Center Center Analog +

70 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Cable Identification 8
Analog Cables

Agilent Module to General Purpose

p/n 01046-60105 Pin Pin Agilent Signal Name


1 Not connected

2 Black Analog -

3 Red Analog +

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 71

8 Cable Identification
Remote Cables

Remote Cables

One end of these cables provides a Agilent Technologies APG (Analytical

Products Group) remote connector to be connected to Agilent modules.
The other end depends on the instrument to be connected to.

Agilent Module to 3396A Integrators

p/n 03394-60600 Pin 3396A Pin Agilent Signal Name Active

module (TTL)

9 1 - White Digital ground

NC 2 - Brown Prepare run Low

3 3 - Gray Start Low

NC 4 - Blue Shut down Low

NC 5 - Pink Not

NC 6 - Yellow Power on High

5,14 7 - Red Ready High

1 8 - Green Stop Low

NC 9 - Black Start request Low

13, 15 Not

Agilent Module to 3396 Series II / 3395A Integrators

Use the cable Agilent module to 3396A Series I integrators (03394- 60600)
and cut pin #5 on the integrator side. Otherwise the integrator prints
START; not ready.

72 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Cable Identification 8
Remote Cables

Agilent Module to 3396 Series III / 3395B Integrators

p/n 03396-61010 Pin 33XX Pin Agilent Signal Name Active

module (TTL)

9 1 - White Digital ground

NC 2 - Brown Prepare run Low

3 3 - Gray Start Low

NC 4 - Blue Shut down Low

NC 5 - Pink Not

NC 6 - Yellow Power on High

14 7 - Red Ready High

4 8 - Green Stop Low

NC 9 - Black Start request Low

13, 15 Not

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 73

8 Cable Identification
Remote Cables

Agilent Module to Agilent 35900 A/D Converters

p/n 5061-3378 Pin 35900 Pin Agilent Signal Name Active

A/D module (TTL)

1 - White 1 - White Digital ground

2 - Brown 2 - Brown Prepare run Low

3 - Gray 3 - Gray Start Low

4 - Blue 4 - Blue Shut down Low

5 - Pink 5 - Pink Not


6 - Yellow 6 - Yellow Power on High

7 - Red 7 - Red Ready High

8 - Green 8 - Green Stop Low

9 - Black 9 - Black Start request Low

Agilent Module to General Purpose

p/n 01046-60201 Wire Color Pin Agilent Signal Name Active

module (TTL)

White 1 Digital ground

Brown 2 Prepare run Low

Gray 3 Start Low

Blue 4 Shut down Low

Pink 5 Not

Yellow 6 Power on High

Red 7 Ready High

Green 8 Stop Low

Black 9 Start request Low

74 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Cable Identification 8
BCD Cables

BCD Cables

One end of these cables provides a 15- pin BCD connector to be connected
to the Agilent modules. The other end depends on the instrument to be
connected to

Agilent Module to General Purpose

p/n G1351-81600 Wire Color Pin Agilent Signal Name BCD Digit

Green 1 BCD 5 20

Violet 2 BCD 7 80

Blue 3 BCD 6 40

Yellow 4 BCD 4 10

Black 5 BCD 0 1

Orange 6 BCD 3 8

Red 7 BCD 2 4
Brown 8 BCD 1 2

Gray 9 Digital ground Gray

Gray/pink 10 BCD 11 800

Red/blue 11 BCD 10 400

White/green 12 BCD 9 200

Brown/green 13 BCD 8 100

not connected 14

not connected 15 +5V Low

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 75

8 Cable Identification
BCD Cables

Agilent Module to 3396 Integrators

p/n 03396-60560 Pin 3396 Pin Agilent Signal Name BCD Digit

1 1 BCD 5 20

2 2 BCD 7 80

3 3 BCD 6 40

4 4 BCD 4 10

5 5 BCD0 1

6 6 BCD 3 8

7 7 BCD 2 4

8 8 BCD 1 2

9 9 Digital ground

NC 15 +5V Low

76 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Cable Identification 8
Auxiliary Cable

Auxiliary Cable

One end of this cable provides a modular plug to be connected to the

Agilent vacuum degasser. The other end is for general purpose.

Agilent Vacuum Degasser to general purposes

p/n G1322-81600 Color Pin Agilent Signal Name


White 1 Ground

Brown 2 Pressure signal

Green 3

Yellow 4

Grey 5 DC + 5 V IN

Pink 6 Vent

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 77

8 Cable Identification
CAN/LAN Cables

CAN/LAN Cables

Both ends of this cable provide a modular plug to be connected to

Agilent modules CAN or LAN connectors.
CAN Cables

p/n Description

5181-1516 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 0.5 m

5181-1519 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 1 m

LAN Cables

p/n Description

5023-0203 Cross-over network cable, shielded, 3 m (for point to point


5023-0202 Twisted pair network cable, shielded, 7 m (for point to point


78 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Cable Identification 8
External Contact Cable

External Contact Cable

5 1
10 6
15 11

One end of this cable provides a 15- pin plug to be connected to

Agilent modules interface board. The other end is for general purpose.

Agilent Module Interface Board to general purposes

p/n G1103-61611 Color Pin Agilent Signal Name


White 1 EXT 1

Brown 2 EXT 1

Green 3 EXT 2

Yellow 4 EXT 2

Grey 5 EXT 3

Pink 6 EXT 3

Blue 7 EXT 4
Red 8 EXT 4

Black 9 Not connected

Violet 10 Not connected

Grey/pink 11 Not connected

Red/blue 12 Not connected

White/green 13 Not connected

Brown/green 14 Not connected

White/yellow 15 Not connected

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 79

8 Cable Identification
RS-232 Cable Kit

RS-232 Cable Kit

p/n Description

G1530-60600 RS-232 cable, 2 m

RS232-61601 RS-232 cable, 2.5 m

Instrument to PC, 9-to-9 pin (female). This cable has special pin-out,
and is not compatible with connecting printers and plotters. It's also
called "Null Modem Cable" with full handshaking where the wiring
is made between pins 1-1, 2-3, 3-2, 4-6, 5-5, 6-4, 7-8, 8-7, 9-9.

5181-1561 RS-232 cable, 8 m

80 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Hardware Information
Electrical Connections 82
Information on Instrument Serial Number 83
Rear View of the Module 84
Early Maintenance Feedback 85

This chapter describes the module in more detail on hardware and electronics.

Details on electrical connections are described in the autosampler/fraction collector

NOTE manuals.

Agilent Technologies 81
9 Hardware Information
Electrical Connections

Electrical Connections

The CAN bus is a serial bus with high speed data transfer. The two
connectors for the CAN bus are used for internal module data transfer
and synchronization.
The interface board slot is used for external contacts and BCD bottle
number output or LAN connections.
The REMOTE connector may be used in combination with other
analytical instruments from Agilent Technologies if you want to use
features such as start, stop, common shut down, prepare, and so on.
With the appropriate software, the RS- 232C connector may be used to
control the module from a computer through a RS- 232C connection.
This connector is activated and can be configured with the
configuration switch.
The Thermostat- Autosampler/ Fraction collector connection is used for
control signal transfer and synchronization of the two modules. The
cable must be installed for operation of the thermostat. Make sure the
power cords are unplugged before disconnecting or reconnecting the
cable coupling between both modules.
The power input socket accepts a line voltage of 100 240 VAC 10 %
with a line frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Maximum power consumption
varies by module. There is no voltage selector on your module because
the power supply has wide- ranging capability. There are no externally
accessible fuses, because automatic electronic fuses are implemented in
the power supply.

Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure proper
NOTE functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.

82 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Hardware Information 9
Electrical Connections

Information on Instrument Serial Number

Serial Number Information 1200 Series and 1290 Infinity
The serial number information on the instrument labels provide the
following information:


CC country of manufacturing
DE = Germany
JP = Japan
CN = China

YWW year and week of last major manufacturing change, e.g. 820
could be week 20 of 1998 or 2008

SSSSS real serial number

Serial Number Information 1260 Infinity

The serial number information on the instrument labels provide the
following information:

CCXZZ00000 Format

CC Country of manufacturing
DE = Germany
JP = Japan
CN = China

X Alphabetic character A-Z (used by manufacturing)

ZZ Alpha-numeric code 0-9, A-Z, where each combination

unambiguously denotes a module (there can be more than one
code for the same module)

00000 Serial number

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 83

9 Hardware Information
Electrical Connections

Rear View of the Module

GZaVnXdciVXih 86CXVWaZidcZmibdYjaZ


86C"Wjh 86CXVWaZidegZk^djhbdYjaZ


Figure 17 Electrical Connections

84 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Hardware Information 9
Early Maintenance Feedback

Early Maintenance Feedback

Maintenance requires the exchange of components which are subject to

wear or stress. Ideally, the frequency at which components are exchanged
should be based on the intensity of usage of the module and the analytical
conditions, and not on a predefined time interval. The early maintenance
feedback (EMF) feature monitors the usage of specific components in the
instrument, and provides feedback when the user- selectable limits have
been exceeded. The visual feedback in the user interface provides an
indication that maintenance procedures should be scheduled.

EMF Counters
EMF counters increment with use and can be assigned a maximum limit
which provides visual feedback in the user interface when the limit is
exceeded. Some counters can be reset to zero after the required
maintenance procedure.

Using the EMF Counters

The user- settable EMF limits for the EMF Counters enable the early
maintenance feedback to be adapted to specific user requirements. The
useful maintenance cycle is dependent on the requirements for use.
Therefore, the definition of the maximum limits need to be determined
based on the specific operating conditions of the instrument.

Setting the EMF Limits

The setting of the EMF limits must be optimized over one or two
maintenance cycles. Initially the default EMF limits should be set. When
instrument performance indicates maintenance is necessary, take note of
the values displayed by the EMF counters. Enter these values (or values
slightly less than the displayed values) as EMF limits, and then reset the
EMF counters to zero. The next time the EMF counters exceed the new EMF
limits, the EMF flag will be displayed, providing a reminder that
maintenance needs to be scheduled.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 85

9 Hardware Information
Early Maintenance Feedback

86 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

General Safety Information 88
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
(2002/96/EC) 91
Radio Interference 92
Sound Emission 93
Agilent Technologies on Internet 94

Agilent Technologies 87
10 Appendix
General Safety Information

General Safety Information

Safety Symbols
Table 4 Safety Symbols

Symbol Description

The apparatus is marked with this symbol when the user should refer to
the instruction manual in order to protect risk of harm to the operator and
to protect the apparatus against damage.

Indicates dangerous voltages.

Indicates a protected ground terminal.

Indicates eye damage may result from directly viewing the light produced
by the deuterium lamp used in this product.

The apparatus is marked with this symbol when hot surfaces are available
and the user should not touch it when heated up.

alerts you to situations that could cause physical injury or death.
Do not proceed beyond a warning until you have fully understood and met the
indicated conditions.

alerts you to situations that could cause loss of data, or damage of equipment.
Do not proceed beyond a caution until you have fully understood and met the
indicated conditions.

88 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Appendix 10
General Safety Information

General Safety Information

The following general safety precautions must be observed during all
phases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to
comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this
manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use
of the instrument. Agilent Technologies assumes no liability for the
customers failure to comply with these requirements.

Ensure the proper usage of the equipment.

The protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
The operator of this instrument is advised to use the equipment in a manner as
specified in this manual.

Safety Standards
This is a Safety Class I instrument (provided with terminal for protective
earthing) and has been manufactured and tested according to
international safety standards.

Before applying power, comply with the installation section. Additionally
the following must be observed.
Do not remove instrument covers when operating. Before the instrument is
switched on, all protective earth terminals, extension cords,
auto- transformers, and devices connected to it must be connected to a
protective earth via a ground socket. Any interruption of the protective
earth grounding will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in
serious personal injury. Whenever it is likely that the protection has been
impaired, the instrument must be made inoperative and be secured against
any intended operation.
Make sure that only fuses with the required rated current and of the
specified type (normal blow, time delay, and so on) are used for

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 89

10 Appendix
General Safety Information

replacement. The use of repaired fuses and the short- circuiting of fuse
holders must be avoided.
Some adjustments described in the manual, are made with power supplied
to the instrument, and protective covers removed. Energy available at
many points may, if contacted, result in personal injury.
Any adjustment, maintenance, and repair of the opened instrument under
voltage should be avoided whenever possible. When inevitable, this has to
be carried out by a skilled person who is aware of the hazard involved. Do
not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable
of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present. Do not replace
components with power cable connected.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or
fumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment
constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Do not install substitute parts or make any unauthorized modification to
the instrument.
Capacitors inside the instrument may still be charged, even though the
instrument has been disconnected from its source of supply. Dangerous
voltages, capable of causing serious personal injury, are present in this
instrument. Use extreme caution when handling, testing and adjusting.
When working with solvents, observe appropriate safety procedures (for
example, goggles, safety gloves and protective clothing) as described in the
material handling and safety data sheet by the solvent vendor, especially
when toxic or hazardous solvents are used.

90 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Appendix 10
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive (2002/96/EC)

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive


The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
(2002/96/EC), adopted by EU Commission on 13 February 2003, is
introducing producer responsibility on all electric and electronic
appliances starting with 13 August 2005.

This product complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking requirements. The
NOTE affixed label indicates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic product in
domestic household waste.
Product Category:
With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE Directive Annex I, this product is
classed as a Monitoring and Control Instrumentation product.

Do not dispose off in domestic household waste

To return unwanted products, contact your local Agilent office, or see www.agilent.com for
more information.

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 91

10 Appendix
Radio Interference

Radio Interference

Cables supplied by Agilent Technologies are screened to provide optimized

protection against radio interference. All cables are in compliance with
safety or EMC regulations.

Test and Measurement

If test and measurement equipment is operated with unscreened cables, or
used for measurements on open set- ups, the user has to assure that under
operating conditions the radio interference limits are still met within the

92 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual

Appendix 10
Sound Emission

Sound Emission

Manufacturers Declaration
This statement is provided to comply with the requirements of the
German Sound Emission Directive of 18 January 1991.
This product has a sound pressure emission (at the operator position)
< 70 dB.
Sound Pressure Lp < 70 dB (A)
At Operator Position
Normal Operation
According to ISO 7779:1988/EN 27779/1991 (Type Test)

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 93

10 Appendix
Agilent Technologies on Internet

Agilent Technologies on Internet

For the latest information on products and services visit our worldwide
web site on the Internet at:

94 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual



A analog 68 compensation sensor short 45

BCD 68 fan failed 45, 48
Agilent Lab Advisor software 34
CAN 69 ignition without cover 46, 46
Agilent Lab Advisor 34
external contact 69 leak sensor open 44
Agilent LAN 69 leak sensor short 43
on internet 94 overview 68 leak 46
ALS thermostat parts and materials remote 68 lost CAN partner 43
accessory kit 63 RS-232 69 lost contact to ALS thermostat 50
main assemblies 62, 63 CAN power fail ALS thermostat 50
ALS thermostat repairs cable 78 remote timeout 42
power supply fuses 58 cautions and warnings 54 shutdown 42
ambient non-operating temperature 15 cleaning 57 temperature control failed 49
ambient operating temperature 15 compensation sensor open 44 temperature out of range 51
analog temperature sensor failed 49
compensation sensor short 45
cable 70 timeout 41
condensation 6, 14, 14
Autosampler Thermostat Operation 8 external contact
auxiliary cable 79
cable 77
defect on arrival 18 F
B delay volume 19
failure 35
delivery checklist 18, 18
BCD fan failed 45
dimensions 15
cable 75 flow path 19
bench space 14 frequency range 15
fuses 12, 58
C electrical connections
descriptions of 82 G
electronic waste 91
analog 70 general error messages 41
auxiliary 77
early maintenance feedback 85
BCD 75 H
CAN 78 environment 12, 14
error messages half-tray combinations 29
external contact 79
ALS thermostat 48 humidity 15
LAN 78
remote 72 bad cooling / heating
RS-232 80 performance 52 I
compensation sensor open 44 injection valve 6

1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 95


installation O information 83, 83

thermostatted autosampler 21 shipping 32
operating Altitude 15
installation shutdown 42
operating temperature 15
bench space 14 site requirements 12, 12
optimizing the stack configuration 19,
installing the thermostat power cords 13
preparation 22 sound emission 93
installing the thermostatted autosampler specification
flow connections 27 physical 15
power cable and interface cable 25 packaging
specifications 16
sample tray 29 damaged 18
status indicators 36
tray cover and front cover 31 park transport assembly 32
status indicator 35
turning on the instrument 31 parts and materials 18
storage 14
internet 94 performance specifications 16
introduction to the thermostat 6 physical specifications 15
power consideration 12
L power consumption 15 temperature sensor 46
power cords 13 temperature 14
power requirements 12 timeout 41
cable 78
power supply indicator 36 tool kit
leak sensor open 44
hplc system 64
leak sensor short 43
R transport mechanism 6
leak 46
transport 32, 32
line frequency 15 radio interference 92
line voltage 15 remote
error messages 40
lost CAN partner 43 cable 72
M cautions and warnings 54
RS-232C vial racks 6
cable 80 vial tray 32
definition of 56
vials 6
feedback 85
message S voltage range 15
ignition without cover 46, 46 safety class I 89
remote timeout 42
missing parts 18 general information 89 warnings and cautions 54
multi-draw option 6 standards 15 waste
symbols 88 electrical and electronic
N sample tray 6 equipment 91
sample trays WEEE directive 91
non-operating altitude 15
numbering of vial positions 30 weight 15
non-operating temperature 15
serial number

96 1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual


1290 Infinity Thermostat User Manual 97


In This Book

This manual contains information about the

Agilent 1290 Infinity Thermostat. This
manual describes the following:
site requirements and specifications,
installing the thermostatted autosampler,
optimizing performance,
troubleshooting and diagnostics,
parts and materials for maintenance,
cable identification,
configuring the thermostatted autosampler,

Agilent Technologies 2011-2014, 2015

Printed in Germany

Rev. B

Agilent Technologies

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