Guia para Cromatografia
Guia para Cromatografia
Guia para Cromatografia
User Manual
Agilent Technologies
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2011-2014, Warranty receive no greater than Restricted Rights as
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1 Introduction 5
Introduction to the Thermostat 6
Thermostat Operation 8
5 Error Information 39
What Are Error Messages 40
General Error Messages 41
Thermostat Error Messages 48
6 Maintenance 53
Warnings and Cautions 54
Introduction to Maintenance 56
Cleaning the Module 57
Exchanging the Power Supply Fuses 58
8 Cable Identification 67
Cable Overview 68
Analog Cables 70
Remote Cables 72
BCD Cables 75
Auxiliary Cable 77
CAN/LAN Cables 78
External Contact Cable 79
RS-232 Cable Kit 80
9 Hardware Information 81
Electrical Connections 82
Early Maintenance Feedback 85
10 Appendix 87
General Safety Information 88
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
(2002/96/EC) 91
Radio Interference 92
Sound Emission 93
Agilent Technologies on Internet 94
Introduction to the Thermostat 6
Thermostat Operation 8
Agilent Technologies 5
1 Introduction
Introduction to the Thermostat
The Agilent 1290 Infinity Thermostat is designed for use with other
modules of the Agilent 1200 Infinity Series or with other LC systems if
adequate remote control inputs and outputs are available. The thermostat
is controlled from the Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Instant Pilot or from
your Agilent control software for LC systems.
The specially- designed thermostattable sample trays holds either
100 1.8 mL vials or two wellplates and 10 1.8 mL vials.
The thermostat contains Peltier- controlled heat exchangers. A fan draws
air from the area above the sample vial tray of the autosampler and then
blows it through the fins of the cooling/heating module. There it is cooled
or heated according to the temperature setting. The thermostatted air
enters the autosampler through a recess underneath the specially- designed
sample tray. The air is then distributed evenly through the sample tray
ensuring effective temperature control, regardless of how many vials are in
the tray.
In cooling mode condensation is generated on the cooled side of the
Peltier elements. This condensed water is safely guided into the leak
Thermostat Operation
Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements 12
Power Consideration 12
Power Cords 13
Bench Space 14
Environment 14
Physical Specifications 15
Performance Specifications 16
Agilent Technologies 11
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements
Site Requirements
Power Consideration
The autosamplers comprises two modules, the autosampler module
(G1329A/B, G1367A- D, G1367E, G1377A, G2260A, G4226A, G5667A,
G4303A) or fraction collector (G1364A- C, G1364D, G5664A) and the
thermostat module (G1330B). Both modules have a separate power supply
and a power plug for the line connections. The two modules are connected
by a control cable and both are turned on by the autosampler or fraction
The autosampler or fraction collector power supplies have automatic
voltage selectors. Consequently there are no voltage selectors in the rear
of the two autosampler or fraction collector modules. The autosampler or
fraction collector has no externally accessible fuses, because automatic
electronic fuses are implemented in its power supply. The thermostat
power supply has two externally accessible fuses.
Power Cords
Different power cords are offered as options with the module. The female
end of all power cords is identical. It plugs into the power- input socket at
the rear. The male end of each power cord is different and designed to
match the wall socket of a particular country or region.
Bench Space
The module dimensions and weight (see Table 1 on page 15) allow you to
place the module on almost any desk or laboratory bench. It needs an
additional 25 cm (10 inches) of space on either side and approximately
8 cm (3.1 inches) in the rear for air circulation and electric connections.
If the bench shall carry a complete HPLC system, make sure that the
bench is designed to bear the weight of all modules.
The module should be operated in a horizontal position.
Your modules will work at ambient temperatures and relative humidity as
described in Table 1 on page 15.
Physical Specifications
Safety standards: IEC, CSA, Installation category II, Pollution degree 2 For indoor use only.
Performance Specifications
Type Specification
Measurement conditions:
with 100-Vial Tray in vial location 2,10,92 and 100 vials filled with water
For well plates: Standard Tray (G2258-60011) for two Well Plates loaded with two
Agilent 96 Well Plate (5042-1386)
Installing the Thermostat
Damaged Packaging 18
Delivery Checklist 18
Optimizing the Stack Configuration 19
Installing the Thermostat 21
Stage 1: Preparing the Thermostat and Autosampler/ Fraction
Collector 22
Stage 2: Power Cable and Interface Cable Connection 25
Stage 3: Flow Connections 27
Stage 4: Installing the Sample Tray 29
Stage 5: Installing Tray Cover and Front Cover 31
Stage 6: Turning on the Thermostatted Autosampler/ Fraction
collector 31
Transporting the Thermostatted Autosampler or Fraction Collector 32
Agilent Technologies 17
3 Installing the Thermostat
Damaged Packaging
Damaged Packaging
If the delivery packaging shows signs of external damage, please call your
Agilent Technologies sales and service office immediately. Inform your
service representative that the instrument may have been damaged during
Delivery Checklist
Unpack the module. Ensure all parts and materials have been delivered.
The delivery checklist is shown in Table 3 on page 18. Please report
missing or damaged parts to your local Agilent Technologies sales and
service office.
Thermostat 1
Autosampler/ Fraction
Collector Cable
Remote cable
AC Power
Module is partially energized when switched off, as long as the power cord is
plugged in.
Repair work at the module can lead to personal injuries, e.g. shock hazard, when the
cover is opened and the module is connected to power.
Make sure that it is always possible to access the power plug.
Remove the power cable from the instrument before opening the cover.
Do not connect the power cable to the Instrument while the covers are removed.
Personal injury
To avoid personal injury, keep fingers away from the needle area during autosampler
Do not bend the safety flap away from its position, or attempt to remove the safety
Do not attempt to insert or remove a vial from the gripper when the gripper is
positioned below the needle.
Damaged electronics
Disconnecting or reconnecting the autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable
when the power cords are connected to either of the two modules will damage the
electronics of the modules. In such a case, mainboards of both instruments must be
exchanged, otherwise they can damage the other instrument.
Make sure the power cords are unplugged before disconnecting or reconnecting the
autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable.
Even under average humidity conditions, a significant amount of condensed water gathers
NOTE every day. A suitable container must be provided and emptied regularly in order to avoid
Diffusion plate
In an Agilent 1290 Infinity or 1260 Infinity system, the individual modules are connected by
NOTE a CAN cable. The Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Instant Pilot can be connected to the CAN bus
at any of the modules in the system. The control software can be connected to the system
by one GPIB cable at any of the modules. If an Agilent detector is part of the system, the
LAN connection must be at the detector. For more information about connecting the instant
pilot or control software refer to the respective user manual. For connecting the Agilent
1290 Infinity equipment to non-Agilent 1290 Infinity equipment, see Autosampler manual).
Autosampler/ Fraction
Collector to
Thermostat Cable
Safety lever
Relay contacts
CAN cable to next module
Vial number output
CAN-bus CAN cable to previous module
Thermostat to
Autosampler/ Fraction
Collector Cable
Half-Tray Combinations
In the autosampler only the 100 vial tray is supported for temperature control of the vials.
NOTE Nevertheless the half trays of the standard autosampler (G1329A/B) can be used in the
thermostatted autosampler as well. However when these trays are installed cooling or
heating of the vials in the tray will not work.
Half- trays can be installed in any combination enabling both 1.8 ml- and
6 ml- vials to be used simultaneously.
The power switch stays depressed (1) and a green indicator lamp in the power switch is on
NOTE when the module is turned on. When the line power switch stands out () and the green
light is off, the module is turned off.
Heavy weight
The module is heavy (20.7 kg (45.6 lbs).
Carry the module at least with 2 people.
Avoid back strain or injury by following all precautions for lifting heavy objects.
Ensure that the load is as close to your body as possible.
Ensure that you can cope with the weight of your load.
Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Agilent Lab Advisor Software 34
Overview of the Thermostats Indicators and Test Functions 35
Status Indicators 36
Power Supply Indicator 36
Module Status Indicator 37
Agilent Technologies 33
4 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Agilent Lab Advisor Software
Status Indicators
The thermostatted autosampler is provided with two status indicators
which indicate the operational state (prerun, run, and error states) of the
instrument. Both are located on the autosampler module. The status
indicators provide a quick visual check of the operation of the
thermostatted autosampler (see Status Indicators on page 36).
Error Messages
In the event of an electronic, mechanical or hydraulic failure, the
instrument generates an error message in the user interface. For details
on error messages and error handling, please refer to the Agilent Lab
Advisor software.
Status Indicators
Two status indicators are located on the front of the autosampler. The
lower left indicates the power supply status, the upper right indicates the
thermostatted autosampler status.
When the status indicator is OFF (and power switch light is on), the
module is in a prerun condition, and is ready to begin an analysis.
A green status indicator, indicates the module is performing an analysis
(run mode).
A yellow indicator indicates a not- ready condition. The module is in a
not- ready state when it is waiting for a specific condition to be reached
or completed (for example, immediately after changing a set point), or
while a self- test procedure is running.
An error condition is indicated when the status indicator is red. An
error condition indicates the module has detected an internal problem
which affects correct operation of the module. Usually, an error
condition requires attention (e.g. leak, defective internal components).
An error condition always interrupts the analysis.
If the error occurs during analysis, it is propagated within the LC
system, i.e. a red LED may indicate a problem of a different module.
Use the status display of your user interface for finding the root
cause/module of the error.
A blinking indicator indicates that the module is in resident mode (e.g.
during update of main firmware).
A fast blinking indicator indicates that the module is in a low- level
error mode. In such a case try to re- boot the module or try a
cold- start, then try a firmware update of the autosampler/ fraction
collector (for details see the manual of your autosampler/ fraction
Error Information
What Are Error Messages 40
General Error Messages 41
Timeout 41
Shutdown 42
Remote Timeout 42
Lost CAN Partner 43
Leak Sensor Short 43
Leak Sensor Open 44
Compensation Sensor Open 44
Compensation Sensor Short 45
Fan Failed 45
Leak 46
Open Cover 46
Cover Violation 47
Thermostat Error Messages 48
Fan Failed 48
Temperature Control Failed (1 - 4) 49
Temperature Sensor Failed (1 - 4) 49
Lost Contact to Autosampler Thermostat 50
Power Fail for Autosampler Thermostat Module 50
Temperature out of Range 51
Bad Cooling / Heating Performance 52
Agilent Technologies 39
5 Error Information
What Are Error Messages
General error messages are generic to all Agilent series HPLC modules
and may show up on other modules as well.
Error ID: 0062
The timeout threshold was exceeded.
1 The analysis was completed successfully, Check the logbook for the occurrence and
and the timeout function switched off the source of a not-ready condition. Restart the
module as requested. analysis where required.
2 A not-ready condition was present during a Check the logbook for the occurrence and
sequence or multiple-injection run for a source of a not-ready condition. Restart the
period longer than the timeout threshold. analysis where required.
Error ID: 0063
An external instrument has generated a shutdown signal on the remote
The module continually monitors the remote input connectors for status
signals. A LOW signal input on pin 4 of the remote connector generates
the error message.
1 Leak detected in another module with a Fix the leak in the external instrument before
CAN connection to the system. restarting the module.
2 Leak detected in an external instrument Fix the leak in the external instrument before
with a remote connection to the system. restarting the module.
Remote Timeout
Error ID: 0070
A not- ready condition is still present on the remote input. When an
analysis is started, the system expects all not- ready conditions (for
example, a not- ready condition during detector balance) to switch to run
conditions within one minute of starting the analysis. If a not- ready
condition is still present on the remote line after one minute the error
message is generated.
1 Not-ready condition in one of the Ensure the instrument showing the not-ready
instruments connected to the remote line. condition is installed correctly, and is set up
correctly for analysis.
3 Defective components in the instrument Check the instrument for defects (refer to the
showing the not-ready condition. instruments documentation).
1 CAN cable disconnected. Ensure all the CAN cables are connected
Ensure all CAN cables are installed
3 Defective main board in another module. Switch off the system. Restart the system, and
determine which module or modules are not
recognized by the system.
2 Leak sensor incorrectly routed, being Please contact your Agilent service
pinched by a metal component. representative.
1 Leak sensor not connected to the main Please contact your Agilent service
board. representative.
3 Leak sensor incorrectly routed, being Please contact your Agilent service
pinched by a metal component. representative.
Fan Failed
Error ID: 0068
The cooling fan in the module has failed.
The hall sensor on the fan shaft is used by the main board to monitor the
fan speed. If the fan speed falls below a certain limit for a certain length
of time, the error message is generated.
Depending on the module, assemblies (e.g. the lamp in the detector) are
turned off to assure that the module does not overheat inside.
Error ID: 0064
A leak was detected in the module.
The signals from the two temperature sensors (leak sensor and
board- mounted temperature- compensation sensor) are used by the leak
algorithm to determine whether a leak is present. When a leak occurs, the
leak sensor is cooled by the solvent. This changes the resistance of the
leak sensor which is sensed by the leak- sensor circuit on the main board.
Open Cover
Error ID: 0205
The top foam has been removed.
1 Foam not activating the sensor. Please contact your Agilent service
Cover Violation
Error ID: 7461
The top foam has been removed.
The sensor on the main board detects when the top foam is in place. If
the foam is removed while the lamps are on (or if an attempt is made to
switch on for example the lamps with the foam removed), the lamps are
switched off, and the error message is generated.
1 The top foam was removed during Please contact your Agilent service
operation. representative.
2 Foam not activating the sensor. Please contact your Agilent service
Fan Failed
Error ID: 4109
Each fan in the thermostat is equipped with a speed sensor, that allows
monitoring and control the speed of the fans. If the sensor shows no
signal, when the fan is activated, it is very likely that the fan is defective.
The number in brackets indicates the fan position. Position numbers of the
fans are as follows (seen from front of the thermostat)
fan failed 1 - left side, fan in front position
fan failed 2 - left side, fan in back position
fan failed 3 - right side, fan in back position
fan failed 4 - right side, fan in front position
fan failed 5 - small cooler fan on top of cooling / heating module
1 One of the 4 heat-sink fans is defective. See Service Manual for Exchanging the
Heatsink Fans.
2 The cooling heating module fan is defective See Service Manual for Exchanging Heat
Exchanger Fan.
1 One of the four peltier elements is defective. Peltier elements cannot be replaced on-site.
Please contact Agilent Technologies service
organization to initiate instrument exchange
1 Bad cable connection between autosampler Check cable connection between autosampler
and autosampler thermostat and autosampler thermostat.
2 Cable between autosampler and thermostat Connect cable between autosampler and
module not connected autosampler thermostat.
1 The four main heat exchanger fans are not Clean the air filters and heat exchanger fins
able to blow enough air through the in the autosampler thermostat. Switch off
autosampler thermostat the thermostat and wait 10 min for the
peltier elements to equilibrate.
Make sure that there is enough space on
left and right side of the autosampler
thermostat and that the air channel inlets
and outlets are not blocked.
2 Ambient temperature too high / low Make sure that the ambient air temperature is
within its specified limits (4 C to 55 C).
3 The four main heat exchanger fans are not Clean the air filters and heat exchanger fins
able to blow enough air through the in the autosampler thermostat. Switch off
autosampler thermostat the thermostat and wait 10 min for the
peltier elements to equilibrate.
Make sure that there is enough space on
left and right side of the autosampler
thermostat and that the air channel inlets
and outlets are not blocked.
Warnings and Cautions 54
Introduction to Maintenance 56
Cleaning the Module 57
Exchanging the Power Supply Fuses 58
Agilent Technologies 53
6 Maintenance
Warnings and Cautions
Damaged electronics
Disconnecting or reconnecting the autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable
when the power cords are connected to either of the two modules will damage the
electronics of the modules. In such a case, mainboards of both instruments must be
exchanged, otherwise they can damage the other instrument.
Make sure the power cords are unplugged before disconnecting or reconnecting the
autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable.
Module is partially energized when switched off, as long as the power cord is
plugged in.
Risk of stroke and other personal injury. Repair work at the module can lead to
personal injuries, e. g. shock hazard, when the module cover is opened and the
instrument is connected to power.
Never perform any adjustment, maintenance or repair of the module with the top
cover removed and with the power cord plugged in.
The security lever at the power input socket prevents that the module cover is taken
off when line power is still connected. Never plug the power line back in when cover
is removed.
Introduction to Maintenance
To keep the module case clean, use a soft cloth slightly dampened with
water, or a solution of water and mild detergent.
Liquid dripping into the electronic compartment of your module can cause shock
hazard and damage the module
Do not use an excessively damp cloth during cleaning.
Drain all solvent lines before opening any connections in the flow path.
The fuse holders are located on the rear panel of the thermostat.
Damaged electronics
Disconnecting or reconnecting the autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable
when the power cords are connected to either of the two modules will damage the
electronics of the modules. In such a case, mainboards of both instruments must be
exchanged, otherwise they can damage the other instrument.
Make sure the power cords are unplugged before disconnecting or reconnecting the
autosampler/ fraction collector to thermostat cable.
Parts for Maintenance
Main Assemblies (External Parts) 62
Accessory Kit 63
HPLC System Tool Kit 64
Plastic Parts 65
Agilent Technologies 61
7 Parts for Maintenance
Main Assemblies (External Parts)
3 5065-9982 Plastics kit (includes base, top, left and right sides)
Accessory Kit
HPLC System Tool Kit (G4203- 68708) contains some accessories and tools
needed for installation and maintenance of the module.
Plastic Parts
2 5065-9982 Plastics kit (includes base, top, left and right sides)
Cable Identification
Cable Overview 68
Analog Cables 70
Remote Cables 72
BCD Cables 75
Auxiliary Cable 77
CAN/LAN Cables 78
External Contact Cable 79
RS-232 Cable Kit 80
Agilent Technologies 67
8 Cable Identification
Cable Overview
Cable Overview
Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure proper
NOTE functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.
Analog cables
p/n Description
Remote cables
p/n Description
BCD cables
p/n Description
03396-60560 Agilent module to 3396 integrators
CAN cables
p/n Description
LAN cables
p/n Description
p/n Description
RS-232 cables
p/n Description
Analog Cables
1 Not connected
2 Shield Analog -
3 Center Analog +
1 Not connected
2 Black Analog -
3 Red Analog +
Remote Cables
NC 5 - Pink Not
13, 15 Not
NC 5 - Pink Not
13, 15 Not
Pink 5 Not
BCD Cables
One end of these cables provides a 15- pin BCD connector to be connected
to the Agilent modules. The other end depends on the instrument to be
connected to
p/n G1351-81600 Wire Color Pin Agilent Signal Name BCD Digit
Green 1 BCD 5 20
Violet 2 BCD 7 80
Blue 3 BCD 6 40
Yellow 4 BCD 4 10
Black 5 BCD 0 1
Orange 6 BCD 3 8
Red 7 BCD 2 4
Brown 8 BCD 1 2
not connected 14
p/n 03396-60560 Pin 3396 Pin Agilent Signal Name BCD Digit
1 1 BCD 5 20
2 2 BCD 7 80
3 3 BCD 6 40
4 4 BCD 4 10
5 5 BCD0 1
6 6 BCD 3 8
7 7 BCD 2 4
8 8 BCD 1 2
9 9 Digital ground
NC 15 +5V Low
Auxiliary Cable
White 1 Ground
Green 3
Yellow 4
Grey 5 DC + 5 V IN
Pink 6 Vent
CAN/LAN Cables
p/n Description
LAN Cables
p/n Description
5 1
10 6
15 11
White 1 EXT 1
Brown 2 EXT 1
Green 3 EXT 2
Yellow 4 EXT 2
Grey 5 EXT 3
Pink 6 EXT 3
Blue 7 EXT 4
Red 8 EXT 4
p/n Description
Hardware Information
Electrical Connections 82
Information on Instrument Serial Number 83
Rear View of the Module 84
Early Maintenance Feedback 85
This chapter describes the module in more detail on hardware and electronics.
Agilent Technologies 81
9 Hardware Information
Electrical Connections
Electrical Connections
The CAN bus is a serial bus with high speed data transfer. The two
connectors for the CAN bus are used for internal module data transfer
and synchronization.
The interface board slot is used for external contacts and BCD bottle
number output or LAN connections.
The REMOTE connector may be used in combination with other
analytical instruments from Agilent Technologies if you want to use
features such as start, stop, common shut down, prepare, and so on.
With the appropriate software, the RS- 232C connector may be used to
control the module from a computer through a RS- 232C connection.
This connector is activated and can be configured with the
configuration switch.
The Thermostat- Autosampler/ Fraction collector connection is used for
control signal transfer and synchronization of the two modules. The
cable must be installed for operation of the thermostat. Make sure the
power cords are unplugged before disconnecting or reconnecting the
cable coupling between both modules.
The power input socket accepts a line voltage of 100 240 VAC 10 %
with a line frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Maximum power consumption
varies by module. There is no voltage selector on your module because
the power supply has wide- ranging capability. There are no externally
accessible fuses, because automatic electronic fuses are implemented in
the power supply.
Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure proper
NOTE functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.
CC country of manufacturing
DE = Germany
JP = Japan
CN = China
YWW year and week of last major manufacturing change, e.g. 820
could be week 20 of 1998 or 2008
CCXZZ00000 Format
CC Country of manufacturing
DE = Germany
JP = Japan
CN = China
GZaVnXdciVXih 86CXVWaZidcZmibdYjaZ
86C"Wjh 86CXVWaZidegZk^djhbdYjaZ
EMF Counters
EMF counters increment with use and can be assigned a maximum limit
which provides visual feedback in the user interface when the limit is
exceeded. Some counters can be reset to zero after the required
maintenance procedure.
General Safety Information 88
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
(2002/96/EC) 91
Radio Interference 92
Sound Emission 93
Agilent Technologies on Internet 94
Agilent Technologies 87
10 Appendix
General Safety Information
Safety Symbols
Table 4 Safety Symbols
Symbol Description
The apparatus is marked with this symbol when the user should refer to
the instruction manual in order to protect risk of harm to the operator and
to protect the apparatus against damage.
Indicates eye damage may result from directly viewing the light produced
by the deuterium lamp used in this product.
The apparatus is marked with this symbol when hot surfaces are available
and the user should not touch it when heated up.
alerts you to situations that could cause physical injury or death.
Do not proceed beyond a warning until you have fully understood and met the
indicated conditions.
alerts you to situations that could cause loss of data, or damage of equipment.
Do not proceed beyond a caution until you have fully understood and met the
indicated conditions.
Safety Standards
This is a Safety Class I instrument (provided with terminal for protective
earthing) and has been manufactured and tested according to
international safety standards.
Before applying power, comply with the installation section. Additionally
the following must be observed.
Do not remove instrument covers when operating. Before the instrument is
switched on, all protective earth terminals, extension cords,
auto- transformers, and devices connected to it must be connected to a
protective earth via a ground socket. Any interruption of the protective
earth grounding will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in
serious personal injury. Whenever it is likely that the protection has been
impaired, the instrument must be made inoperative and be secured against
any intended operation.
Make sure that only fuses with the required rated current and of the
specified type (normal blow, time delay, and so on) are used for
replacement. The use of repaired fuses and the short- circuiting of fuse
holders must be avoided.
Some adjustments described in the manual, are made with power supplied
to the instrument, and protective covers removed. Energy available at
many points may, if contacted, result in personal injury.
Any adjustment, maintenance, and repair of the opened instrument under
voltage should be avoided whenever possible. When inevitable, this has to
be carried out by a skilled person who is aware of the hazard involved. Do
not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable
of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present. Do not replace
components with power cable connected.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or
fumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment
constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Do not install substitute parts or make any unauthorized modification to
the instrument.
Capacitors inside the instrument may still be charged, even though the
instrument has been disconnected from its source of supply. Dangerous
voltages, capable of causing serious personal injury, are present in this
instrument. Use extreme caution when handling, testing and adjusting.
When working with solvents, observe appropriate safety procedures (for
example, goggles, safety gloves and protective clothing) as described in the
material handling and safety data sheet by the solvent vendor, especially
when toxic or hazardous solvents are used.
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
(2002/96/EC), adopted by EU Commission on 13 February 2003, is
introducing producer responsibility on all electric and electronic
appliances starting with 13 August 2005.
This product complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking requirements. The
NOTE affixed label indicates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic product in
domestic household waste.
Product Category:
With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE Directive Annex I, this product is
classed as a Monitoring and Control Instrumentation product.
Radio Interference
Sound Emission
Manufacturers Declaration
This statement is provided to comply with the requirements of the
German Sound Emission Directive of 18 January 1991.
This product has a sound pressure emission (at the operator position)
< 70 dB.
Sound Pressure Lp < 70 dB (A)
At Operator Position
Normal Operation
According to ISO 7779:1988/EN 27779/1991 (Type Test)
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In This Book
Rev. B
Agilent Technologies