A-D-C A V-A-N-D-I-M-L-S: Hospital Admission Orders & Objectives

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Hospital Admission Orders & Objectives

For Elder's admission to Acute hospital care

A-D-C A V-A-N-D-I-M-L-S mnemonic (adapted)

A-dmit to:
List: your name
admitting & referring physician
special needs (tele? etc)
if patient not capable of medical decisions
alert POA or Guardian
List: primary diagnosis

assess functional status

D-ischarge planning: (begins upon admission)

Define: goals for hospitalization
care preferences
discharge criteria, involve early: patient,
family & social work
C-ondition & C-ode status:
List: code status, and document discussion,
(attending must cosign code status orders
within 24 hours)
consult DPOA if patient incapable of
medical decisions
if no DPOA, suggest pt. to establish and
request SW to assist
give adverse reaction if known

V-ital signs:
frequency of VS
frequency of weights
orthostatic BP's (if pertinent.)
criteria for when to alert and who to call

A-ctivity level:
avoid bed rest, always maximize activity
orders for: up in chair
ambulation orders for nursing and (if
necessary consult PT)
out of bed for meals?
if fall or delirium risk
bed/chair alarms? sitter? near nursing?
N-ursing orders:
skin care/pressure ulcer prevention/avoid
glasses & hearing aids
orienting devices

D-iet orders:
diet to fit patients preferences and
(Dietary consult?) (Avoid NPO)
include daily fluid goals per shift (po or IV)
if pertinent Patient need to be fed?
Speech therapy consult (if swallowing
disorders are suspected).
diet consistency & feeding instructions for
swallowing disorders.
I-V fluids:
maintenance 30cc/kg/24hr, increase for
illness, emphasize oral route when
review all pre-hospital meds (include OTC)
Constipation? eliminate unnecessary
When possible use meds that treat more than
one condition. New meds start with short
T1/2 agents and convert (when possible) to
q.day or bid dosing by discharge, give
indications, crushed? liquids?
S-pecial: (other)
DVT prophylaxis
Respiratory Therapy?
Sitting up & deep breath
Delirium (screen for)

Web site: geriatrics.unmc.edu

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