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Multiple Factors Contribute to Positive Results

for Hepatitis A Virus Immunoglobulin M Antibody

Adnan Alatoom, MD, PhD; M. Qasim Ansari, MD; Jennifer Cuthbert, MD

 Context.In the United States, a successful vaccination clinical acute hepatitis. In the final analysis, 4 patients had
program for hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection has decreased acute hepatitis A and 20 individual patients had recent
both its incidence and the true positive rate for diagnostic and/or resolved hepatitis. All but 1 of the remaining 11
immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody to HAV in acute hepatitis. patients had another established cause of liver disease with
Objective.To survey positive results of HAV IgM tests a positive IgM HAV antibody test result; data to determine
and determine the effect of changing ordering options. causality were insufficient. The total number of tests
Design.We reviewed all positive results for IgM requested annually decreased more than 35% with the
antibody to HAV between January 2007 and December introduction of computerized physician order entry.
2010. Patient demographics, clinical history, and laboratory Conclusions.Current assays for IgM HAV antibodies
data were recorded and the encounter, order, and reason for are overused in the absence of clinical acute hepatitis;
test reviewed. Each result was categorized as indicating future clinical decision support may improve patterns of
acute, recent, resolved, or indeterminate HAV infection. order entry. Most patients have findings consistent with
Results.A total of 10 735 tests were performed; 35 HAV exposure but not acute hepatitis; dormant viral
patients had 49 positive results. Most positive test results infection may be a continuing source of antigen.
were associated with outpatient visits and were ordered in (Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2013;137:9095; doi: 10.5858/
the assessment of patients with liver disease, but not arpa.2011-0693-OA)

H epatitis A virus (HAV) infection contributes approxi-

mately half of the clinically apparent cases of acute
viral hepatitis in the United States.1 Since the introduction
not consistent with the case definition of hepatitis A in
conjunction with the decrease in true incidence.68
We conducted a retrospective study to determine how
of a safe and effective vaccine and its widespread adoption, commonly we may be encountering potential false-positive
the actual number of cases has decreased to approximately results after noticing the occurrence of positive IgM anti-
10% of the peak level.2 Of paramount importance, any bona HAV test results in the absence of clinical findings
fide new diagnosis of acute hepatitis A has public health suggesting acute viral hepatitis. We explored possible
implications. Cases are reported to the local health underlying reasons and the effect of changing ordering
departments to identify a possible common source of options.
infection and provide postexposure prophylaxis to contacts
of the index patient.
An institutional review board approved a retrospective medical
Testing for immunoglobulin (Ig) M antibodies against
record analysis for all patients with positive results for IgM anti-
HAV (IgM anti-HAV) is the mainstay of the serologic HAV antibodies between January 2007 and December 2010.
diagnosis for acute hepatitis A infection and has been highly Patients were identified by querying the laboratory information
sensitive and specific.35 The presence of any detectable system (Cerner Millennium, Cerner Corporation, Kansas City,
antibody (total anti-HAV) plus the absence of high-titer Missouri) to generate the list of samples and order type (individual
IgM-specific antibodies is used to differentiate between past test or group) associated with positive results. Results from internal
and current infection. In the past few years, isolated reports and external quality control assessments were excluded.
have documented an increase in the number of positive Data Collection
results for IgM anti-HAV in patients whose illnesses were
Patient demographics, clinical history, and laboratory data were
obtained through review of electronic and paper medical records.
Patient age, sex, and race/ethnicity were recorded for each patient.
Accepted for publication March 30, 2012. Laboratory data included test results for bilirubin, aspartate
From the Department of Pathology, University of Texas South- aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), all viral
western Medical Center, Dallas. hepatitis serologic assays, rheumatoid factor, and human immu-
The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or nodeficiency virus antibody at the time of diagnosis.
companies described in this article.
Reprints: M. Qasim Ansari, MD, Department of Pathology, Test Ordering
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, 5323 Harry Hines
Blvd, Dallas, TX 75390-9073 (e-mail: qasim.ansari@utsouthwestern. Test order information was obtained from the electronic medical
edu). record and from review of paper medical records. The ordering
90 Arch Pathol Lab MedVol 137, January 2013 IgM Anti-HAV Testing in the 21st CenturyAlatoom et al
Number of positive test results for hepatitis A virus (HAV) immunoglobulin M (IgM) for each year in the 20072010 period, and method of test
ordering. Abbreviations: CPOE, computerized physician order entry; ED, emergency department.

user, ordering provider, reason for test, and any associated code Data Analysis Definitions
from the International Classification of Diseases-Ninth Revision
were recorded for each positive test result. Until 2009, all orders After review of all available information, each positive test result
were hand-written by providers or conveyed as a telephone order was associated with a specific diagnostic category. (1) Acute
to authorized staff and then entered into the electronic medical hepatitis A: elevated aminotransferase levels with peak value above
record by clerks (Figure). For outpatients, the serologic tests for 500 U/L and negative serology test results for hepatitis B and
viral hepatitis were together in 1 section on a paper order form. In hepatitis C infections; (2) Recent acute hepatitis A: elevated
2007, there were 2 groups of hepatitis tests, as well as individual aminotransferase levels with peak value below 500 U/L and either
tests. The groups consisted of acute hepatitis serology tests (IgM evolving S/CO (positive to borderline or negative) or resolving
anti-HAV, hepatitis B surface antigen, total antihepatitis B core aminotransferase values (normal AST level); (3) Resolved acute
with reflex IgM if positive, antihepatitis C virus) and chronic hepatitis A: aminotransferase levels normal; (4) Indeterminate:
hepatitis serology tests (hepatitis B surface antigen, total anti elevated aminotransferase levels below 500 U/L; neither evolving
hepatitis B core, and antihepatitis C virus). Paper forms contained S/CO nor resolution of abnormal aminotransferase values.
an individual check box for IgM HAV testing but did not contain a
check box for total HAV antibody. RESULTS
Starting in May 2008, all IgM anti-HAV tests were ordered Between January 2007 and December 2010, a total of
individually. There was only 1 group available: hepatitis panel 10 735 IgM anti-HAV tests were performed (Table 1). The
(hepatitis B surface antigen and antihepatitis C virus), which did percentage of positive test results during this time period
not include HAV testing. Providers also hand-wrote nonstandard
was 0.5%; 35 individual patients tested positive for IgM anti-
orders. These included hepatitis labs and hepatitis serologies.
They were interpreted by order entry staff choosing from the HAV. In addition, 3 of the patients had a borderline test
available tests for clerk order entry. Starting in November 2008 and result on blood taken 6 months previously (n 1) and 1 or
continuing throughout 2009 and 2010, computerized physician 13 days later (n 1 each). The mean age of the patients was
order entry was introduced to the hospital system. Its implemen- 41 years (median, 43 years; range, 981 years); 20 of 35 were
tation in the Emergency Services Department (November 2008) male; 13 were black, 14 were Hispanic, 6 were non-Hispanic
and inpatient areas (late April 2009) was completed en bloc, white, and 1 was Asian.
whereas in outpatient clinics, the process was slow. Some outreach A total of 49 separate tests had positive results. Eight
programs are still using paper forms. patients had 2 or more positive test results, of which 2 were
IgM Anti-HAV Measurements inadvertent duplicate orders during a single hospital
admission. One patient had 5 positive test results, 3 patients
All assays were performed with the VITROS anti-HAV IgM assay had 3 positive test results, whereas the remainder had 2
on the VITROS ECI System (Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Rochester,
New York) that uses the antibody class capture technique and
positive results. Signal/cutoff results for the 2 duplicate
chemiluminescence. Results were calculated as a normalized signal orders were essentially identical (S/CO of 2.70 and 7.02,
relative to the signal/cutoff (S/CO) value, with S/CO below 0.8 compared with 2.44 and 6.95, respectively). The demo-
interpreted as negative; S/CO of at least 0.8 but below 1.2, as graphic, laboratory, and assay data are shown in Table 2 for
borderline; and S/CO of 1.2 or above, as positive. each diagnostic category of HAV.

Table 1. Results of Hepatitis A Immunoglobulin M Tests Each Year in 20072010 Period

Year Total Positive Low Levela Borderline Negative
2007 3417 12 10 8 3397
2008 3180 21 11 2 3157
2009 2126 7 4 4 2115
2010 2012 9 4 7 1996
Total 10 735 49 29 21 10 665
Signal/cutoff ,1.95.
Arch Pathol Lab MedVol. 137, January 2013 IgM Anti-HAV Testing in the 21st CenturyAlatoom et al 91
Table 2. Demographic, Laboratory, and Assay Data for 37 Positive Results
for Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) Immunoglobulin M
Acute HAV (n 4) Recent HAV (n 8a)
Parameter Mean Median Range Mean Median Range
Age 20 19 1330 47 52 2766
AST 2255 2028 9843981 111 68 38411
ALT 3275 2920 15085750 119 108 36243
Bilirubin 7.4 6.3 4.212.9 1.0 1.0 0.41.4
S/CO 8.1 7.5 2.015.5 2.7 2.0 1.27.4
Abbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; S/CO, signal/cutoff value.
Two subjects appear twice, in both recent HAV and resolved HAV infection.

In 2008, the highest number of positive tests (n 21) was Diagnostic Analysis
obtained. This included 1 patient with classical acute Patients were classified as having acute hepatitis A, recent
hepatitis, 1 patient with prior symptoms consistent with hepatitis A, or resolved hepatitis A by the combination of
acute hepatitis, 2 patients (3 tests) with potential false- peak aminotransferase levels and the change in amino-
positive results (Table 3), and 10 low-level positive results. transferase levels and S/CO over time. We also divided the
In Dallas County, a few more cases of acute hepatitis A were cohort into 2 groups, by the absolute S/CO value (Table 6).
reported in 2008 (n 46) than in 2007 (n 42) or 2009 (n The value of 1.90 was used to divide the group into higher
40), potentially leading to a greater number of positive (n 26) and lower (n 31) S/CO because this value was
results. below that observed for all patients with symptoms, signs,
The order-associated data for the 49 encounters with the and laboratory test results consistent with acute hepatitis.
35 patients are depicted in Table 4. Between 2007 and 2008, In the final analysis, acute hepatitis A was the diagnosis
orders were initially written on paper by providers and for 4 patients with 5 positive test results. Another 8 patients
entered into the electronic medical record by clerical staff (12 results) had findings consistent with recent hepatitis A,
(Figure). In 3 instances, no order was found in the medical while 14 patients (17 results) were classified as having
record in association with the encounter information. The resolved acute hepatitis A. Of the latter group, 2 were also in
commonest encounter site was an outpatient clinic (33 of 49, the recent hepatitis A group at an earlier time point. The
67%). More than half of the orders (26 of 49, 53%) were final 11 patients (15 results) could not be classified. All had
either acute hepatitis serology tests or the individual test. abnormal aminotransferase levels and 10 of 11 had reasons
When the individual test was ordered, all providers also for hepatic enzyme elevation other than hepatitis A. The
ordered hepatitis B and hepatitis C tests (data not shown). remaining patient, a 38-year-old homeless man (S/CO,
In most instances, the test was ordered for either laboratory 1.36), had no follow-up data and no alternative diagnosis.
evidence of liver disease (elevated aminotransferase level) or The findings in the 4 patients with acute hepatitis A were
as a repeat after an earlier positive result; together, these the same as those reported previously from our institution.5
accounted for 39 of 49 orders (80%). The only difference between the past period and the present
period was the incidence. Between 1997 and 1998, 13
Liver Disease
patients were hospitalized with acute hepatitis A, as
The results of liver tests that are frequently abnormal in compared with 3 patients during the past 4 years.
patients with acute viral hepatitis (aminotransferases and
bilirubin) are shown in Table 5 in association with the COMMENT
reason for ordering the IgM anti-HAV test. The peak values We found that a positive result for IgM antibody to HAV is
around the time of the initial test order are depicted. Four now relatively rare (0.5% of all performed tests). Further-
patients had aminotransferase levels greater than 500 U/L; more, only a minority of patients with a positive result have
they presented with jaundice (n 3) or abdominal pain (n a concomitant clinical diagnosis of acute hepatitis A (4 of 35,
1). Three of these patients were hospitalized. For 11 11%). The number of assays decreased with the abandon-
patients, all test results were normal. The patient who was ment of paper forms and introduction of physician order
tested because of household exposure to an index case had entry. However, even in 2010, more than 2000 tests were
normal AST and bilirubin levels. ordered. With operationalization of clinical decision support
systems, decreasing inappropriate test orders may be
Other Serologic and Immunologic Markers
possible. One intriguing unanswered question is whether
Other immunologic test results are shown in Table 3. All the persistence of IgM antibody correlates with persistence
patients were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen and of antigen in a clinically dormant state. While acute
hepatitis C antibody. One patient was confirmed positive for symptomatic hepatitis A is now a much rarer disease than
hepatitis B surface antigen, whereas 2 had false-positive in the past, it remains important to make this diagnosis,
results. Three patients had a false-positive hepatitis C virus which has significant public health implications.
antibody result by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Acute hepatitis A infection is diagnosed by the combina-
There were 8 other patients with a positive antibody test tion of an appropriate clinical presentation and laboratory
result for hepatitis C virus infection. Hepatitis C viremia was testing with IgM anti-HAV.1,4,5,8,9 Possible explanations for
confirmed in 5 patients, one of whom had a positive positive results without clinical acute hepatitis include
rheumatoid factor. The other patients with chronic hepatitis asymptomatic infection, previous infection with persistent
C were not tested for rheumatoid factor. IgM antibodies, cross-reacting antibodies, or commercial
92 Arch Pathol Lab MedVol 137, January 2013 IgM Anti-HAV Testing in the 21st CenturyAlatoom et al
Table 2. Extended

Resolved HAV (n 14a) Indeterminate (n 11)

Mean Median Range Mean Median Range
39 36 981 47 46 3667
21 22 1029 101 82 29185
18 16 743 90 88 26161
0.6 0.4 0.22.0 3.4 1.5 0.316.9
2.1 1.6 1.35.2 3.1 1.4 1.28.7

kits with a falsely low cutoff value. We found evidence in the total. Research studies14,15 have shown the potential
supporting these scenarios. for differentiating prior infection by assessing IgG avidity,
but such assays are not commercially available.
Clinical Acute Hepatitis
The classic IgM-specific assay acquires diagnostic sensi- Other Hepatitis A
tivity for acute hepatitis A with substantial dilution of the Our finding of positive results for IgM-specific HAV
original serum or plasma sample.3 Thus, the HAVAB-M antibody in asymptomatic infection and recent infection is
(Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Illinois) radioimmuno- expected. IgM antibodies will be produced regardless of the
assay introduced in 1981 diluted the sample 1:4000.3 The disease severity. The apparent persistence of IgM-specific
current assays use a similar IgM antibody capture system, HAV antibody in a small number of patients after the
but detection of the antibody is made by enzyme-linked resolution of all clinical evidence of hepatitis is well
chemiluminescence or another nonradioactive method. documented.16,17 The antibody levels in such patients are
Regardless, sample dilution is critical for diagnosis of generally low, similar to some of the findings reported
patients with the symptoms and signs of acute hepatitis.3 herein.
Occasionally, dilution may result in an initially negative test In 2005, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
result that becomes positive days or weeks later.1012 (CDC) reported an increase in the number of persons with
The balance between sensitivity (correctly identifying all positive serologic tests for acute hepatitis A virus infection
patients with acute hepatitis A) and specificity (correctly whose illness was not consistent with the clinical criteria of
excluding all those without acute hepatitis A) is chosen to the hepatitis A case definition. 8 Data from state public
allow optimum assay performance in a defined clinical health officials in Connecticut (19 not consistent of 127
setting, acute hepatitis. Owing to the low levels of IgM 15%) and Alaska (10 not consistent of 37 27%), as well as
antibodies after vaccination, commercially available tests
rarely detect these antibodies1,9 unless the sample dilution is Table 4. Encounter and Order Information
decreased.13 for Patients With 49 Positive Results
IgG antibodies to HAV appear soon after IgM, persist for for Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) Immunoglobulin M (IgM)
years after infection, confer lifelong immunity,1,5,9 and are
Positive IgM
not measured in the IgM-capture technique.3 In the United anti-HAV,
States, IgG-specific HAV antibody is not measured sepa- Parameter Options No. (%)
rately; rather, all classes (IgM, IgG, and IgA) are measured
Encounter Emergency department 1 (2)
in the total HAV antibody assays. The sample is not Inpatient 15 (31)
similarly diluted, thereby greatly increasing the sensitivity of Outpatient 33 (67)
the assay. Over time, the IgM component decreases but Provider ordera Acute hepatitis serology 7 (14)
current clinical assays do not indicate the proportion of IgM (n 49) tests ( group)
HAV IgM 19 (39)
HAV IgM and total 7 (14)
Table 3. Other Serologic and Immunologic Test Other standard tests 5 (10)
Results for Patients With Positive Hepatitis A Virus Nonstandard test 10 (20)
Reason for test Symptoms and signsb 7 (14)
Immunoglobulin M Exposure to HAV 1 (2)
Abnormal Abnormal, Liver diseasec 17 (36)
Test Result No. Otherd 14 (29)
Unknowne 10 (20)
Hepatitis A total antibody Positive 9/11a
Hepatitis B surface antigen Positive 1/35 Other standard tests: chronic hepatitis serology tests in 4 instances
False positiveb 2/35 and hepatitis B core IgM test in 1 instance. Nonstandard tests cannot
Hepatitis C virus antibody Positive 8/35 be selected and were interpreted by the entering user from the hand-
False positivec 3/35 written order (Hepatitis A core IgM, Hepatitis labs). For 1 patient,
Human immunodeficiency Positive 2/16 there was no provider order in the record; the clerk ordered HAV IgM
and total.
virus antibody b
Jaundice (n 4), abdominal pain (n 2), other gastrointestinal
Rheumatoid factor Positive 1/4 symptoms (n 1). All 7 patients had a final clinical diagnosis of either
One patient tested negatively for total hepatitis A virus (HAV) acute hepatitis (aspartate aminotransferase [AST] .500 U/L) or recent
antibody 6 months before the positive immunoglobulin M (IgM) hepatitis A (AST ,500 U/L).
result; 1 patient tested negatively for total HAV antibody simulta- Cirrhosis (n 2), hepatitis C (n 2), hepatitis B (n 1), elevated
neously with a positive IgM result. hepatic enzymes (n 12).
Not confirmed on neutralization. Repeat after previous positive test (n 13), duplicate order (n 1).
Negative recombinant immunoblot assay result; patient also had a Provider or clerical error (n 5), no note retrieved (n 2), homeless
false-positive result for hepatitis B surface antigen. outreach (n 3).

Arch Pathol Lab MedVol. 137, January 2013 IgM Anti-HAV Testing in the 21st CenturyAlatoom et al 93
Table 5. Levels of Liver Enzymes and Bilirubin and the Reason for Ordering Hepatitis A Virus Immunoglobulin M Test
Bilirubin, mg/dL AST, U/L
Reason Mean SD Median Range Mean SD Median Range
Symptoms and signs (n 6) 5.4 4.5 4.5 1.012.9 1527 1541 1190 383981
Abnormal enzymes (n 8) 1.0 0.6 0.9 0.42.1 122 119 82 45411
Chronic liver disease (n 7) 4.1 6.4 1.5 0.316.9 84 63
Unknown (n 10) 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.20.6 29 22 22 1582
Reference range 0.21.3 1340a
Abbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase.
Females: 1035 U/L and males: 1050 U/L for both AST and ALT since mid 2009.

the Sentinel Counties Study (87 not consistent of 140 hepatitis, compared with 34 positive results for HAV RNA in
62%), were quoted. The positive results came from different 51 symptomatic cases.8 The single positive result was
licensed IgM anti-HAV tests (Connecticut, n 3 tests; associated with a follow-up IgM anti-HAV result that was
Alaska, n 3 tests from 2 manufacturers). An editorial8 negative, implying recent asymptomatic HAV. In hepatitis
concluded that IgM anti-HAV testing should be restricted to B, IgM antibody and hepatitis B virus DNA reappear with
persons with clinical hepatitis, not those with abnormal activation of dormant virus associated with immune
liver enzyme levels. The Kentucky Department for Public suppression. As with HAV, the diagnostic accuracy of IgM
Health also had similar findings during a 3-year period.7 testing for acute hepatitis B infection is dependent on
There were 156 diagnostic false-positive results reported sample dilution. IgM-class antibodies continue to be
(156 of 269 58%) in the absence of acute hepatitis, produced in chronic hepatitis B infection albeit usually at
compared with 113 confirmed cases. lower levels undetectable in the diluted samples.18
Our data provide not only a numerator for IgM anti-HAV
positive results but also a unique denominator, all ordered False-Positive and Low-Positive Results
tests. In addition, the reason for ordering the test was Rheumatoid factor can interfere with IgM anti-HAV
retrievable from the electronic health record, data not testing.19 One patient with chronic hepatitis C had a high
previously obtainable in the public health studies. Only titer for rheumatoid factor, which possibly interfered with
when IgM anti-HAV tests were ordered for patients with the IgM anti-HAV testing by bridging the capture antibody
symptoms or signs suggesting acute hepatitis was the final and the signal antibody, leading to false-positive results.
analysis acute hepatitis A. The percentage of patients with Chronic hepatitis C in 7 other patients, at least 4 of whom
acute disease (15%) is lower than that in the published were viremic, may also be associated with rheumatoid
literature. The likely explanation is that the previous data factor; they were not tested. The presence of false-positive
were pulled from public health notifications, not only from results from cross-reactivity with other antigenic epitopes in
clinical laboratories. the assay is another potential explanation, particularly since
Whether the persistence of IgM-specific antibody is false-positive tests for hepatitis B surface antigen and
associated with persistent antigen stimulation is unclear. hepatitis C were encountered for 2 and 3 patients,
In the report from the CDC,8 the testing of IgM HAV respectively. Cross-reactions among viral hepatitis antibod-
antibodypositive specimens for HAV RNA yielded only 1 ies have been reported previously.20 Finally, 1 patient had a
positive result from 25 persons with no symptoms of acute result that was either a false positive or the consequence of a

Table 6. Final Analysis for 49 Positive Results With Hepatitis A Virus (HAV)
Immunoglobulin M Divided by Signal/Cutoff (S/CO) Value and Liver Enzymes
AST and/or ALT, U/L
Analysis No. . 500 Elevated (, 500) Normal %
Higher S/CO (1.90) 21 5 10 6
Acute hepatitis A 5 31
Recent HAV 6 23
Resolved HAV 6 27
Indeterminateb 4 19
Interference?c 4 1
Lower S/CO (,1.90)a 28 0 18 10
Recent HAV 6 16
Resolved HAV 1 10 45
Indeterminated 11 39
Interference?c 2 5
Abbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase.
The lowest S/CO value for a patient with aminotransferase levels .500 U/L was 1.95. The value 1.90 was chosen to separate the positive results
into 2 nonoverlapping groups.
Other potential causes of elevated aminotransferase levels: hepatitis C (n 3), cirrhosis (n 1). One patient had a total Hepatitis C Virus antibody
test performed simultaneously; the result was negative, indicating a probable false-positive immunoglobulin M (IgM) result.
Rheumatoid factor (n 1 patient, 2 Hepatitis C Virus IgM tests), false-positive Hepatitis B surface antigen test result (n 3 patients, 4 Hepatitis C
Virus IgM tests), false-positive Hepatitis C Virus antibody test result (n 2 patients, 6 Hepatitis C Virus IgM tests).
Other potential causes of elevated aminotransferase levels: hepatitis C (n 1), cirrhosis (n 5), other chronic liver disease (n 4), insufficient data
(n 1).
94 Arch Pathol Lab MedVol 137, January 2013 IgM Anti-HAV Testing in the 21st CenturyAlatoom et al
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Arch Pathol Lab MedVol. 137, January 2013 IgM Anti-HAV Testing in the 21st CenturyAlatoom et al 95
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