Animal Toxins An Overview PDF
Animal Toxins An Overview PDF
Animal Toxins An Overview PDF
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2 authors, including:
Visith Sitprija
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Review article
Toxins in the environment, derived from animals, water and food, are a worldwide problem but much more
prevalent in tropical and less developed regions. There, they also present a greater potential hazard to humans.
We present a brief review of what has been the subject of classical and more recent studies from the Southeast
Asia region.
Animal toxins are a complex mixture of the process is severe. Immunologic reaction usually
polypeptides, enzymes and chemicals which can cause manifests in the form of allergic response such as
cellular injury. Several mechanisms are involved in skin rashes and edema. In the severe form,
pathophysiology of venom poisoning. Direct injury can anaphylaxis with respiratory and cardiovascular
be induced by chemicals, enzymes and polypeptides. symptoms may occur.
Polypeptides exert their effect through action on
ion channels and receptors on the cell membrane. Ion transport and neurotransmitters
The action of polypeptides upon ion channels and Several animal toxins act on ion channels causing
receptor sites of excitable membranes through either polarization or depolarization of excitable
signal transduction causes the release of membranes which affects the action potential and
neurotransmitters which results in neuromuscular neuromuscular function [1]. Intracellular calcium
effects. Enzymes can cause membrane lysis, pore regulated by Ca channels controls neurotransmitter
formation, cytoskeletal destruction, release secretion and release. Opening of Ca channels by
inflammatory and vasoactive mediators with action depolarization or ligand stimulation increases
on the coagulation pathway at various levels. intracellular Ca and releases neurotransmitters.
Proteolytic enzymes and phospholipase A 2 are On the contrary, closing of Ca channels by toxins or
important causes of cellular injury and coagulopathy. hyperpolarization decreases neurotransmitter
Indirectly, animal enzymes, especially phospholipase secretion. Activation of Na channels and closing of K
A2 and metalloproteases, can induce the release of and chloride channels cause depolarization. Opening
vasoactive mediators and proinflammatory cytokines of K and chloride channels and closing of Na channels
which can lead to hemodynamic alterations and cause result in hyperpolarization. A number of marine animal
organ injury. Cardiovascular symptoms are therefore toxins, arthropod toxins and some snake venoms cause
common. They can also trigger the inflammatory neuromuscular symptoms through effects on ion
process with generation of adhesion molecules, channels [2-5]. Several toxins act on Na channels at
complement activation, acute phase proteins, free different sites [6]. Site 1 binds tetrodotoxin, saxitoxin
radicals, increased vascular permeability and increased and μ conotoxin blocking channel conductance. Site
blood viscosity. Local reactions include pain, swelling 2 binds lipophilic toxins such as batrachotoxin opening
and redness. Hemodynamic changes may result if the channel. Sea anemone toxins and alpha scorpion
toxins bind site 3 and slow down inactivation. βeta
Correspondence to: Professor Visith Sitprija, Queen Saovabha scorpion toxins bind site 4 and activate the channel.
Memorial Institute, The Thai Red Cross Society, 1871 Rama IV In some epithelial cells, increased intracellular Ca
Rd., Bangkok 10330, Thailand. E-mail: enhances enzyme or hormone secretion. Inhibition of
452 V. Sitprija, S. Suteparak
some transport mechanism can result in serum resulting in muscular weakness and paralysis. The
electrolyte changes. Hyperkalemia and hyponatremia action is post-synaptic. Muscarinic toxins from mamba
in toad and coelenterate venom poisoning are the result snakes inhibit the binding of quinuclidinyl benzilate
of inhibition of Na-K-ATPase [7-9] with Na influx to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Mamba
and K outflux. Some toxins form pores on the fasciculins inhibit acetylcholinesterase, thus enhancing
membrane resulting in influx and outflux of ions the action of acetylcholine [3, 12]. Some venoms
[10, 11]. Na influx predominates causing swelling have pre-synaptic action through inhibition of
of the cells. Massive Ca influx can cause cell death. neurotransmitter release from the nerve ending. Other
Table 1 shows effects of animal toxins on cell receptors for neurotransmission are catecholamine,
membranes through action of ion channels and pore serotonin, glutamate, opioid, NO, and γ-aminobutyric
formation. acid (GABA) receptors. Neurotransmission can be
Several snake venoms block nicotinic affected by animal toxins through effects on ion
acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction channels and receptors.
Jellyfish +
Sea anemone +
μ conotoxin
δ conotoxin
ω conotoxin
Palytoxin +
Scorpion +
Bee +
Enzymes and inflammatory mediators in snake envenomation [25, 26]. Vasoactive mediators
Cellular injury can be induced by enzymes including catecholamines, dopamine, thromboxanes,
especially phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and proteases on angiotensin II, endothelins and prostaglandins are
the cell membrane. Phospholipases A2 are enzymes released [27]. Involvement of cytokines and vasoactive
that catalyze the hydrolysis of the 2-acylester bond mediators in snake envenoming is therefore similar to
of phosphoglycerides. Extracellular forms of PLA2 that observed in sepsis. Other inflammatory mediators
are abundant in the secretions of exocrine glands include complements, free radicals and adhesion
such as pancreas and venom glands as well as at molecules. Spider and scorpion venoms also cause
inflammatory sites. Phospholipases A2 are categorized elevation of serum proinflammatory cytokines and
into three classes (13). Class I consists of PLA2 from mediators [28, 29]. Although the data are not available,
the mammalian pancreas and from elapid and other envenomations with toxin enzymes are deemed
hydrophid venoms. Class II comprises mammalian to cause the release of inflammatory cytokines and
PLA2 from inflammatory sites or secreted by blood mediators in a similar fashion.
platelets and from viperid and crotalid venoms. Class
III includes PLA2 (Ca dependent) from venoms of Hemodynamic alterations
bees (Apis mellifera) and Gila monster (Heloderma) Hemodynamic alterations can be induced by either
with preference for phosphatidyl glycerol. Cellular toxins or endogenous vasoactive mediators from the
injury caused by PLA 2 results in hemolysis, host. Sarafotoxin from burrow or mole vipers has
rhabdomyolysis, endothelial necrosis, renal tubular, and direct vascular effects similar to endothelin. Bothrops
neuronal damage. PLA2 and proteases can cause a jararaca venom inhibits angiotensin converting enzyme
cascade effect at various levels of blood coagulation and decreases blood pressure. Angiotensin II-like
causing bleeding diathesis. Metalloproteases can peptide, kinins and vasoactive intestinal peptide
cause cytoskeleton destruction, disrupting cellular in amphibian skin can affect vascular resistance
adhesion, cell damage and apoptosis [14, 15]. Habu and blood flow [30, 31]. Transient changes in
snake venom has a direct effect on the mesangial hemodynamics can be due to neurotransmitters such
cells and vascular endothelial cells. Continuous as catecholamines or acetylcholine released from the
incubation of these cells with the venom decreases host. Catecholamine, thromboxane A2, serotonin and
cell viability and increases the number of apoptotic histamine can cause pulmonary arterial constriction
cells [16, 17]. In the Madin-Darby canine kidney and hypotension. Hypotension can be observed, and
(MDCK) cell culture, Bothrops moojeni crude venom transient hypertension can occur in jellyfish sting,
decreases transepithelial electrical resistance across spider bite, scorpion sting and snake bite. In most
the cellular monolayers, decreases neutral red uptake instances, hemodynamic changes are caused by
of vero cells, causes disarray of the cytoskeleton, and proinflammatory cytokines and vasoactive mediators
impairs cell to matrix adhesion (18). Cytotoxic which can be severe with changes in cardiac output,
proteins and peptides of equinatoxin, palytoxin, melittin, systemic and renal vascular resistance [32, 33].
scorpion and jellyfish venoms can cause cellular Hemodynamic changes characterized by decreased
injury by pore formation on the cell membrane [10, systemic vascular resistance and increased renal
11, 19-21]. A number of proinflammatory cytokines vascular resistance parallel those observed in sepsis
and mediators are released in toxin poisoning by involving similar proinflammatory cytokines and
enzymes. PLA2 stimulates hypothalamus pituitary vasoactive mediators. The renal blood flow and
axis to increase adrenocorticotrophic hormone, glomerular filtration rate are decreased. Hypotension
corticosteroid, arginine vasopressin and acute phase is common in severe poisoning. Hemodynamic
response [22]. Histamine, kinins, eicosanoids, platelet alterations are therefore observed in poisoning by
activating factor, catecholamines and endothelins toxins that are rich in enzymes such as snake and bee
are released. PLA2 is considered as a starter in the or wasp venoms. Both protease and phospholipase
formation of prostaglandins [23]. Zinc metalloprotease A2 can cause hemodynamics changes with decreased
cleaves gluthathione-D-transferase-tumor necrosis renal blood flow [34]. Intravascular hemolysis,
factor-alpha-fusion protein (GST-TNFα) to generate hemorrhage, disseminated intravascular coagulation,
biologically active TNFα [24]. Elevations of serum myonecrosis, complement activation and free radicals
TNFα, IL-1, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ and NO are observed further contribute to hemodynamic changes.
454 V. Sitprija, S. Suteparak
Respiratory paralysis can occur as the result of pathological change leading to acute renal failure.
neurotoxins acting on acetylcholine receptors or ion Glomerulonephritis, vasculitis and interstitial nephritis
channels either through activation or inactivation. The in animal toxin poisoning are less common, but have
effect on muscle of respiration can cause respiratory been reported in viper bite and insect stings, and have
failure. Marine toxins from coelenterates, sea urchin, been attributed to the direct toxicity of the venoms.
cone snail, certain fish, and several snake neurotoxins Hypersensitivity to venoms can play some role in
can cause respiratory paralysis. The second form of interstitial nephritis. Nephrotic syndrome has been
pulmonary involvement is pulmonary edema described in snake bite and insect stings.
secondary to hemodynamic changes and increased Hyperkalemia, acidosis and bradycardia have been
vascular permeability induced by cytokines and reported following ingestion of aphrodisiac pills
inflammatory mediators. This has been observed containing toad venom with large quantities of cardiac
in box jellyfish sting, scorpion sting and bee or wasp glycosides that inhibit Na-K ATPase [7, 8]. A number
sting [39-41]. The third form is pulmonary hemorrhage of toxins exert effects on ion transport in the renal
due to pulmonary capillary injury caused by tubules. Melittin from bee venom inhibits Na and
metalloproteases and coagulopathy. Envenomation by phosphate reabsorption but increases Ca reabsorption
viperid or crotalid snakes is an important cause of in proximal tubules [46]. The venom from the green
pulmonary hemorrhage which can be life threatening. mamba snake decreases Na resorption in the distal
Finally, pulmonary hypertension causing syncope can nephron [47]. Charybdotoxin and iberiotoxin from
be due to catecholamine, thromboxane A2, serotonin scorpions (Leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus and
and histamine. Buthus tamulus) close Ca-activated K channels [3].
In the kidney, these channels are flow dependent for
Gastrointestinal involvement K excretion in the distal nephron [48]. The relevance
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are common in of these toxins in the clinical renal setting is not
marine toxin envenomation. Hepatitis with jaundice understood.
has been described following Hymenoptera, scorpion Poisoning and envenoming by animal toxins are
and spider envenomation [36, 39, 42-44]. Multiple of among the important problems in the tropics. Except
stings by bees, wasps and hornets can cause severe for snake bites, the data are usually underestimated
hepatocellular injury. Pancreatitis can occur following due to the lack of records. During the past few decades
wasp and bee stings. much progress has been made in the physiology,
pharmacology and biochemistry of toxins. Toxins are
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the kidney is vulnerable to toxin poisoning. Release discovery is exciting and challenging.
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