SIL 3 Relay Output Module DIN-Rail Models D1092S, D1092D: Characteristics: Technical Data
SIL 3 Relay Output Module DIN-Rail Models D1092S, D1092D: Characteristics: Technical Data
SIL 3 Relay Output Module DIN-Rail Models D1092S, D1092D: Characteristics: Technical Data
in this case, the safety function is met when the relay is de-energized (open contact).
SIL 3 Safety Function for ND load (energized in safe state) is available at 200
DIN-Rail accessories:
DIN rail stopper MOR016
Function Diagram:
Out 1-A NE Load
In 1
3 9
Out 1-B ND Load
4 11
5 10
Out 2-A NE Load 12
In 2
Out 2-B ND Load
Out 1-A NE Load
In 1
Out 1-B ND Load
- / AC Load Line
Contacts 1-2: in normal operation the relay is energized, contact is closed, SIL 3 Contacts 1-2: the SIL 3 Safety Function is met when the relay is de-energized,
load is energized. contact is open, SIL 3 load is de-energized.
Contacts 3-4: in normal operation the relay is energized, contact is closed, Service Contacts 3-4: opening of this contact can be used to monitor contacts 1-2.
load (not for Safety Function purpose) is energized. Service load (not for Safety Function purpose) is de-energized.
Contacts 1-2 and 5-6: in normal operation the relay is energized, contacts are Contacts 1-2 and 5-6: the SIL 3 Safety Function is met when the relay is
closed, SIL 3 loads are energized. de-energized, contacts are open, SIL 3 loads are de-energized.
Contacts 3-4 and 7-8: in normal operation the relay is energized, contacts are Contacts 3-4 and 7-8: opening of these contacts can be used to monitor contacts 1-2
closed, Service loads (not for Safety Function purpose) and 5-6. Service loads (not for Safety Function purpose) are
are energized. de-energized.
Contacts 1-2 and 5-6: in normal operation the relay is de-energized, contacts are Contacts 1-2 and 5-6: closing of these contacts can be used to monitor contacts 3
open, Service Load loads (not for Safety Function purpose) - 4 and 7-8. Service loads (not for Safety Function purpose)
are de-energized. are energized
Contacts 3-4 and 7-8: in normal operation the relay is de-energized, contacts are Contacts 3-4 and 7-8: the SIL 3 Safety Function is met when the relay is
open, SIL 3 loads are de-energized. energized, contacts are closed, SIL 3 loads are energized.