Checklist of OHSAS 18001 Mandatory Documentation
Checklist of OHSAS 18001 Mandatory Documentation
Checklist of OHSAS 18001 Mandatory Documentation
Mandatory Documentation
W :
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: Qualitas International Certification Ltd. UK
Checklist of Mandatory
Documentation Required by
ISO 9001:2015
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We aspire in association with our international alliances to become a premier key services
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Many companies go overboard with documentation in the belief that they need to document
every single process that is in place in their organization, without realizing that this is not
necessary to meet the requirements of the OHSAS 18001 standard. In the standard there are
several mandatory processes, but these are not required to be documented procedures. Also
identified are many records that need to be maintained, which are generated by the process-
es of the Occupational Health & Safety Management System.
Below is discussed which documents and records are mandatory, and which are optional.
These are the documents and records that are required to be maintained for the OHSAS
18001Occupational Health & Safety Management System, but you should also maintain any
other records that you have identified as necessary to ensure your management system can
function, be maintained, and improve over time.
OH&S Policy:
The OH&S Policy is intended to be a companys documented intention to meet legal
compliance, prevent injuries and bad health, and to continually improve. The policy is a focus
for the company to work toward, and should readily convey the goal of the organization. It is
often documented in an OH&S Manual and sometimes posted throughout the organization
as a way of communicating to all employees, since it is important that every employee under-
stand how the Policy relates to his or her job.
Objectives and Programs are derived from the goal stated in the OH&S Policy, and are the
main method used by companies to focus this goal into plans for improvement. The objectives
are intended to be S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based) and
should have relevance at all levels of the company, meaning that all employees should under-
stand how their work places are related to OH&S objectives and programs.
Communication from External Parties:
OHSAS 18001 requires the organization to perform communication, participation, and con-
sultation with employees, subcontractors, and relevant external parties on issues regard-
ing occupational health and safety. It is also required to process, document, and respond to
relevant communication from external interested parties. Unlike ISO 14001, which requires
the organization to make a decision as to whether it will inform its neighbors or not, OHSAS
18001 requires the organization to take into consideration information from external inter-
ested parties regarding occupational health and safety.
Calibration Records:
In your processes, you may need to monitor and measure critical elements of the OH&SMS
to ensure compliance with legal requirements. As an example, you may need to measure the
noise or vibration in the work place. When this is necessary, you need to use calibrated equip-
ment to ensure your measurements are accurate, and maintain records of these calibrations.
Compliance Evaluation: Keep the records of your compliance evaluation to show that you met
requirements or addressed any discrepancies.
Internal Audit Records: Keep records of these activities to show OH&SMS conformance and
Management Review Records: Keep these records to show that reviews were effective and
resources identified and applied.
2) Commonly used non-mandatory documents
While OHSAS 18001 does not require that you document all of the procedures, there are
several processes that are mandatory to have in place in order to create the required records
that are outlined in the first section. Remember, these processes and procedures are not
required to be documented however, many companies choose to do so. One rule of thumb
when deciding if you want to document a process is this: if your organization needs a written
document to ensure consistency between employees, then you should do so. In many cases
this is the best way to ensure that your Occupational Health and Safety Management System
is reliably implemented.
Procedure for Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment and determining controls:
This is defining how you will identify the OH&S hazards and how to assess the risks in your
work places, and how critical these hazards are. How much do you control the hazards, or do
you only have influence over them? How will these hazards be controlled?
Procedure for OH&SMS Competence, Training and Awareness:
How do you determine necessary competencies for each work place? How do you make em-
ployees, and external parties when applicable, aware of the occupational health and safety
practices of your organization? If there is a change in the Occupational Health and Safety
Management System, how do you let people know?
Procedure for Control of Records:
How do you maintain your records that show your OH&SMS is implemented and maintained,
including how you identify, store, and protect the records so that they can be retrieved as
necessary, for the correct amount of time, and destroyed when no longer needed but not
You may ask yourself, what are the criteria for deciding which documents are to be written?
While there is not a specific requirement on processes to be documented, there is a require-
ment to create documents necessary to ensure effective planning, operation, and control of
processes related to OH&S risks. Simply put, if you need to have a written procedure to make
sure that mistakes are not made, you need to have a written procedure.
There are a few simple things to think about when deciding if a documented procedure is
needed, and those below are a good start.
Does the process need the same level of change control that is afforded Occupational
Health & Safety Management System documents?
Some companies like to document all of their Human Resource Policies as part of the Man-
agement System, but you need to think that there are costs to having a procedure as part of
that system. Does the procedure need to have change control that is as strict as other doc-
uments, or could having controlled change access on a computer drive be just as effective?
Does every detail of the procedure need to be audited, or is it there mostly for the information
of employees when they need it (such as a travel policy)? Remember that just because some
information is important doesnt mean that it needs to be controlled in Management System
documentation; other avenues are also available.
This is also a good question to ask when deciding if something needs to be a controlled form
or not. Often, a companys Documentation Procedure will specify the change control on forms,
whereas some checklists can be more effective if their content is controlled more easily by
the few people who use it rather than through a more complicated change control system.
For example, the shipping department may have a checklist of OH&S risks to check when
they ship product (using equipment for lifting and carrying, etc.).
If something happens and they all agree to add an additional check to make sure the problem
doesnt happen again, this change can happen more quickly and can help prevent the same
problem from recurring in the meantime.
The less complicated the documentation, the easier it will be to ensure that all employees
can deliver repeatable outcomes. In the long run, the old adage is often right: The simpler
the better.
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