Questions Civil
Questions Civil
Questions Civil
C. vicarious liability.
D. abuse of rights.
(B) No, the law is arbitrary in that it taxes income that has already
been spent.
(C) Yes, since tax laws are the lifeblood of the nation.
(D) Yes, tax laws are an exception; they can be given retroactive
DON, an American businessman, secured parental consent for the
employment of five minors to play certain roles in two movies he was
producing at home in Makati. They worked at odd hours of the day
and night, but always accompanied by parents or other adults. The
producer paid the children talent fees at rates better than adult
But a social worker, DEB, reported to OSWD that these children often
missed going to school. They sometimes drank wine, aside from
being exposed to drugs. In some scenes, they were filmed naked or
in revealing costumes. In his defense, DON contended all these
were part of artistic freedom and cultural creativity. None of the
parents complained, said DON. He also said they signed a contract
containing a waiver of their right to file any complaint in any office
or tribunal concerning the working conditions of their children
acting in the movies.
Is the waiver valid and binding? Why or why not? Explain. (5%)
Cristy and her late husband Luis had two children, Rose and Patrick,
One summer, her mother-in-law, aged 70, took the two children,
then aged 10 and 12, with her on a boat trip to Cebu. Unfortunately,
the vessel sank en route, and the bodies of the three were never
found. None of the survivors ever saw them on the water. On the
settlement of her mother-in-law's estate, Cristy files a claim for a
share of her estate on the ground that the same was inherited by
her children from their grandmother in representation of their father,
and she inherited the same from them. Will her action prosper? (2%)
Gianna was born to Andy and Aimee, who at the time Gianna's
birth were not married to each other. While Andy was single at the
time, Aimee was still in the process of securing a judicial declaration
of nullity on her marriage to her ex-husband. Gianna's birth
certificate, which was signed by both Andy and Aimee, registered
the status of Gianna as "legitimate", her surname carrying that of
Andy's and that her parents were married to each other.
a) Minority
b) Marriage
c) Deaf-mute
d) Civil Interdiction
PH and LV are HK Chinese. Their parents are now Filipino citizens who
live in Manila. While still students in MNS State, they got married
although they are first cousins. It appears that both in HK and in MNS
State first cousins could marry legally.
They plan to reside and set up business in the Philippines. But they
have been informed, however, that the marriage of first cousins
here is considered void from the beginning by reason of public
policy. They are in a dilemma. They dont want to break Philippine
law, much less their marriage vow. They seek your advice on
whether their civil status will be adversely affected by Philippine
domestic law? What is your advice? (5%)
(C) Will Philippine law govern the intrinsic validity of the will? Explain.
(A) Give at least two reasons why a court may assume jurisdiction
over a conflict of laws case.
Alden and Stela were both former Filipino citizens. They were
married in the Philippines but they later migrated to the United
States where they were naturalized as American citizens. In their
union they were able to accumulate several real properties both in
the US and in the Philippines. Unfortunately, they were not blessed
with children. In the US, they executed a joint will instituting as their
common heirs to divide their combined estate in equal shares, the
five siblingS of Alden and the seven siblings of Stela. Alden passed
away in 2013 and a year later, Stela also died. The siblings of Alden
who were all citizens of the US instituted probate proceedings in a
US court impleading the siblings of Stela who were all in the
a) Was the joint will executed by Alden and Stela who were both
former Filipinos valid? Explain with legal basis. (3%)
b) Can the joint will produce legal effect in the Philippines with
respect to the propertiesand of Alden Stela found here? If so,
how? (3%)
A. Cause of action
B. Foreign element
C. Jurisdiction
D. Forum non conveniens
a) Chinese law
b) Philippine law
c) Indonesia law
d) Japanese law
a) Thailand law
b) Philippine law
c) Singapore law
d) Japanese law
a) American law
b) Philippine law
c) Canadian law
d) Japanese law
7. A French national revokes his will in Japan where he is domiciled.
He then changed his domicile to the Philippines where he died. The
revocation of his will in Japan is valid under Japanese law but invalid
under Philippine law. The affected heir is a Malaysian national
residing in the Philippines. What law will apply?
a) Japanese law
b) Philippine law
c) French law
d) Malaysian law
a) American law
b) Philippine law
c) Australian law
d) Japanese law
(A) Australia law since his legal wife and legitimate child are
Australians and domiciled in Australia.
Hans Berber, a German national, and his Filipino wife, Rhoda, are
permanent residents of Canada. They desire so much to adopt
Magno, an 8-year old orphaned boy and a baptismal godson of
Rhoda. Since the accidental death of Magno's parents in 2004, he
has been staying with his aunt who, however, could hardly afford to
feed her own family. Unfortunately, Hans and Rhoda cannot come
to the Philippines to adopt Magno although they possess all the
qualifications as adoptive parents.
In 1984, Eva, a Filipina, went to work as a nurse in the USA. There, she
met and fell in love with Paul, an American citizen, and they got
married in 1985. Eva acquired American citizenship in 1987. During
their sojourn in the Philippines in 1990, they filed a joint petition for
the adoption of Vicky, a 7-year old daughter of Eva's sister. The
government, through the Office of the Solicitor General, opposed
the petition on the ground that the petitioners, being both
foreigners, are disqualified to adopt Vicky.
A Filipino couple, Mr. and Mrs. BM, Jr., decided to adopt YV, an
orphan from St. Claires orphanage in New York City. They loved
and treated her like a legitimate child for they have none of their
very own. However, BM, Jr., died in an accident at sea, followed to
the grave a year later by his father, BM, Sr. Each left a sizeable estate
consisting of bank deposits, lands and buildings in Manila. May the
adopted child, YV, inherit from BM, Jr.? May she also inherit from BM,
Sr.? Is there a difference? Explain. (5%)
Spouses Rex and Lea bore two children now aged 14 and 8. During
the subsistence of their marriage, Rex begot a child by another
woman. He is now 10 years of age.
(A) Whose consent is needed for Rexs adoption of his illegitimate child?
(B) If there was no legal separation, can Rex still adopt his illegitimate
child? Explain. (2.5%)
Honorato filed a petition to adopt his minor illegitimate child
Stephanie, alleging that Stephanies mother is Gemma Astorga
Garcia; that Stephanie has been using her mothers middle name
and surname; and that he is now a widower and qualified to be her
adopting parent. He prayed that Stephanies middle name be
changed from "Astorga" to "Garcia," which is her mothers surname
and that her surname "Garcia" be changed to "Catindig," which is
his surname. This the trial court denied. Was the trial court correct in
denying Hororatos request for Stephanies use of her mothers
surname as her middle name? Explain. (5%)
Can John file the petition for adoption? If yes, what are the
requirements? If no, why? (5%)
Spouses Esteban and Maria decided to raise their two (2) nieces,
Faith and Hope, both minors, as their own children after the parents
of the minors died in a vehicular accident.
Ten (10) years after, Esteban died. Maria later on married her boss
Daniel, a British national who had been living in the Philippines for
two (2) years.
With the permission of Daniel, Maria filed a petition for the adoption
of Faith and Hope. She did not include Daniel as her co-petitioner
because for Maria, it was her former husband Esteban who raised
the kids.
If you are the judge, how will you resolve the petition? (4%)
Bert and Joe, both male and single, lived together as common law
spouses and agreed to raise a son of Bert's living brother as their
child without legally adopting him. Bert worked while Joe took care
of their home and the boy. In their 20 years of cohabitation they
were able to acquire real estate assets registered in their names as
co-owners. Unfortunately, Bert died of cardiac arrest, leaving no will.
Bert was survived by his biological siblings, Joe, and the boy.
a) Can Article 147 on co-ownership apply to Bert and Joe, whereby
all properties they acquired will be presumed to have been
acquired by their joint industry and shall be owned by them in equal
shares? (2%)
b) What are the successional rights of the boy Bert Joe and raised
as their son? (2%)
A) 30 and 15
B) 27 and 16
C) 50 and 10
D) 18 and 15
A) 18
B) 21
c) 15
d) 16
On April 15, 1980, Rene and Angelina were married to each other
without a marriage settlement. In 1985, they acquired a parcel of
land in Quezon City. On June 1, 1990, when Angelina was away in
Baguio, Rene sold the said lot to Marcelo. Is the sale void or
voidable? (2%)
In 1985, Sonny and Lulu, both Filipino citizens, were married in the
Philippines. In 1987, they separated, and Sonny went to Canada,
where he obtained a divorce in the same year. He then married
another Filipina, Auring, in Canada on January 1,1988. They had two
sons, James and John. In 1990, after failing to hear from Sonny, Lulu
married Tirso, by whom she had a daughter, Verna. In 1991, Sonny
visited the Philippines where he succumbed to heart attack.
(i) If wife discovers after the marriage that her husband has AIDS;
(iii) If the husband discovers after the marriage that his wife has
been a prostitute before they got married;
(iv) If the husband has a serious affair with his secretary and refuses
to stop notwithstanding advice from relatives and friends; and
(v) If the husband beats up his wife every time he comes home
drunk (5%)
If drug addiction, habitual alcoholism, lesbianism or homosexuality
should occur only during the marriage, would this constitute grounds
for a declaration of nullity or for legal separation, or would they
render the marriage voidable? (1%).
(1) If you were Saul's counsel, how will you argue his case? (2.5%)
(2) If you were the lawyer of Cecile, what will be your defense?
(3) If you were the judge, how will you decide the case? (5%)
(1) What is the status of the marriage between Gigi and Ric valid,
voidable or void? Explain. (2.5%)
(2) What is the status of the marriage between Ric and Juliet
valid, voidable or void? (2.5%)
(3) Suppose Ric himself procured the falsified birth certificate to
persuade Juliet to marry him despite her minority and assured
her that everything is in order. He did not divulge to her his prior
marriage with Gigi. What action, if any, can Juliet take against
him? Explain. (2.5%)
(4) If you were the counsel for Gigi, what action/s will you take to
enforce and protect her interests? Explain. (2.5%)
Gene and Jane, Filipino, met and got married in England while both
were taking up post-graduate courses there. A few years after their
graduation, they decided to annul their marriage. Jane filed an
action to annul her marriage to Gene in England on the ground of
latters sterility, a ground for annulment of marriage in England. The
English court decreed the marriage annulled. Returning to the
Philippines, Gene asked you whether or not he would be free to
marry his former girlfriend. What would your legal advice be? 5%
If during class hours, while the teacher was chatting with other
teachers in the school corridor, a 7 year old male pupil stabs the eye
of another boy with a ball pen during a fight, causing permanent
blindness to the victim, who could be liable for damages for the
boys injury: the teacher, the school authorities, or the guilty boys
parents? Explain.
(A) Assume Emmanuel and Margarita are both Filipinos. After their
wedding in Kenya, they come back and take up residence in the
Philippines. Can their marriage be annulled on the ground of
Emmanuels sterility? Explain. (3%)
(A) The day after John and Marsha got married, John told her that
he was impotent. Marsha continued to live with John for 2 years.
Marsha is now estopped from filing an annulment case against
Harry married Wilma, a very wealthy woman. Barely five (5) years
into the marriage, Wilma fell in love with Joseph. Thus, Wilma went
to a small country in Europe, became a naturalized citizen of that
country, divorced Harry, and married Joseph. A year thereafter,
Wilma and Joseph returned and established permanent residence
in the Philippines.
Cipriano and Lady Miros married each other. Lady Miros then left for
the US and there, she obtained American citizenship Cipriano later
learned all about this including the fact that Lady Miros has
divorced him in America and that she had remarried there. He then
filed a petition for authority to remarry, invoking Par. 2, Art. 26 of the
Family Code. Is Cipriano capacitated to re-marry by virtue of the
divorce decree obtained by his Filipino spouse who was later
naturalized as an American citizen? Explain. (5%)
True or False.
You are a Family Court judge and before you is a Petition for the
Declaration of Nullity of Marriage (under Article 36 of the Family
Code)filed by Maria against Neil. Maria claims that Neil is
psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential
obligations of marriage because Neil is a drunkard, a womanizer, a
gambler, and a mama's boy- traits that she never knew or saw when
Neil was courting her. Although summoned, Neil did not answer
Maria's petition and never appeared in court.
On the basis of the evidence presented, will you grant the petition?
Ana Rivera had a husband, a Filipino citizen like her, who was
among the passengers on board a commercial jet plane which
crashed in the Atlantic Ocean ten (10) years earlier and had never
been heard of ever since. Believing that her husband had died, Ana
married Adolf Cruz Staedtler, a divorced German national born of
a German father and a Filipino mother residing in Stuttgart. To avoid
being required to submit the required certificate of capacity to
marry from the German Embassy in Manila, Adolf stated in the
application for marriage license that he was a Filipino citizen. With
the marriage license stating that Adolf was a Filipino, the couple got
married in a ceremony officiated by the Parish Priest of Calamba,
Laguna in a beach in Nasugbu, Batangas, as the local parish priest
refused to solemnize marriages except in his church. Is the marriage
valid? Explain fully. (5%)
(5) Amor gave birth to Thelma when she was 15 years old.
Thereafter, Amor met David and they got married when she was 20
years old. David had a son, Julian, with his ex-girlfriend Sandra.
Julian and Thelma can get married.
In December 2000, Michael and Anna, after obtaining a valid
marriage license, went to the Office of the Mayor of Urbano,
Bulacan, to get married. The Mayor was not there, but the Mayors
secretary asked Michael and Anna and their witnesses to fill up and
sign the required marriage contract forms. The secretary then told
them to wait, and went out to look for the Mayor who was attending
a wedding in a neighboring municipality.
(B) What is the status of the three children of Michael and Anna?
Explain your answer. (2%)
Ariz and Paz were officemates at Perlas ng Silangan Bank (PSB). They
fell in love with each other and had a civil and church wedding.
Meanwhile, Paz rapidly climbed the corporate ladder of PSB and
eventually became its Vice President, while Ariz remained one of its
bank supervisors, although he was short of 12 units to finish his
Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree.
If you are the judge, will you grant the petition? Explain. (5%)
If you are the judge, how will you decide petitioners motion for
partial reconsideration? Why? (4%)
After undergoing sex reassignment in a foreign country, Jose, who
is now using the name of "Josie," married his partner Ador. Is the
marriage valid? (1%)
(A) Yes, the marriage is valid for as long as it is valid in the place
where it is celebrated following Article 17 of the Civil Code.
(B) Yes, the marriage is valid if all the essential and formal elements
of marriage under the Family Code are present.
(C) No, the marriage is not valid because one essential element of
marriage is absent.
(D) No, the marriage is not valid but is voidable because "Josie"
concealed her real identity.
Ted, married to Annie, went to Canada to work. Five (5) years later,
Ted became a naturalized Canadian citizen. He returned to the
Philippines to convince Annie to settle in Canada. Unfortunately,
Ted discovered that Annie and his friend Louie were having an
affair. Deeply hurt, Ted returned to Canada and filed a petition for
divorce which was granted. In December 2013, Ted decided to
marry his childhood friend Corazon in the Philippines. In preparation
for the wedding, Ted went to the Local Civil Registry of Quezon City
where his marriage contract with Annie was registered. He asked
the Civil Register to annotate the decree of divorce on his marriage
contract with Annie. However, he was advised by the National
Statistics Office (NSO) to file a petition for judicial recognition of the
decree of divorce in the Philippines.
When Rona reaches seven (7) years old, she tells Rodolfo that she
prefers to live with him, because he is better off financially than
Nanette. If Rodolfo files an action for the custody of Rona, alleging
that he is Ronas choice as custodial parent, will the court grant
Rodolfos petition? Why or why not? (2%)
Gigolo entered into an agreement with Majorette for her to carry in
her womb his baby via in vitro fertilization. Gigolo undertook to
underwrite Majorettes prenatal expenses as well as those
attendant to her delivery. Gigolo would thereafter pay Majorette P2
million and, in return, she would give custody of the baby to him.
After Majorette gives birth and delivers the baby to Gigolo following
her receipt of P2 million, she engages your services as her lawyer to
regain custody of the baby.
(C) Who of the two can exercise parental authority over the child?
Explain. (2.5%)
The marriage of B and G was, two years later, declared null and
void due to the absence of a marriage license.
After Majorette gives birth and delivers the baby to Gigolo following
her receipt of P2 million, she engages your services as her lawyer to
regain custody of the baby.
(A) What legal action can you file on behalf of Majorette? Explain.
(B) Can Gigolo demand from Majorette the return of the P2 million if he
returns the baby? Explain. (2.5%)
(C) Is the child entitled to support and inheritance from Gigolo? Explain.
Roderick and Faye were high school sweethearts. When Roderick
was 18 and Faye, 16 years old, they started to live together as
husband and wife without the benefit of marriage. When Faye
reached 18 years of age, her parents forcibly took her back and
arranged for her marriage to Brad. Although Faye lived with Brad
after the marriage, Roderick continued to regularly visit Faye while
Brad was away at work. During their marriage, Faye gave birth to a
baby girl, Laica. When Faye was 25 years old, Brad discovered her
continued liaison with Roderick and in one of their heated
arguments, Faye shot Brad to death. She lost no time in marrying her
true love Roderick, without a marriage license, claiming that they
have been continuously cohabiting for more than 5 years.
(C) Can Laica bring an action to impugn her own status on the
ground that based on DNA results, Roderick is her biological
father? (2%)
Gianna was born to Andy and Aimee, who at the time Gianna's
birth were not married to each other. While Andy was single at the
time, Aimee was still in the process of securing a judicial declaration
of nullity on her marriage to her ex-husband. Gianna's birth
certificate, which was signed by both Andy and Aimee, registered
the status of Gianna as "legitimate", her surname carrying that of
Andy's and that her parents were married to each other.
C) Can Amy, Jon, Ryan, Vina, Wilma, and Sandy legally claim
support from each other? (2%)
Spouses Primo and Monina Lim, childless, were entrusted with the
custody of two (2) minor children, the parents of whom were
unknown. Eager of having children of their own, the spouses made
it appear that they were the childrens parents by naming them
Michelle P. Lim and Michael Jude Lim. Subsequently, Monina
married Angel Olario after Primos death.
The trial court dismissed the petition and ruled that Monina should
have filed the petition jointly with her new husband. Monina, in a
Motion for Reconsideration argues that mere consent of her
husband would suffice and that joint adoption is not needed, for
the adoptees are already emancipated.
Borromeo discovered that titles to the three (3) lots have been
transfereed in the name of Descallar. Who is the rightful owner of
the properties? Explain. (5%)
G and B were married on July 3, 1989. On March 4, 2001, the
marriage, which bore no offspring, was declared void ab initio
under Article 36 of the Family Code. At the time of the dissolution of
the marriage, the couple possessed the following properties:
The marriage of B and G was, two years later, declared null and
void due to the absence of a marriage license.
(A) If you were the judge who declared the nullity of the marriage, to
whom would you award the lot? Explain briefly. (3%)
a) If you were the judge in this case, would how you rule? (4%)
In 2008, Lita met and married Jaime. They now have a child of their
own. While on a tour with her former high school classmates in a
remote province of China in 2010, Lita was surprised to see Lito or
somebody who looked exactly like him, but she was sure it was Lito
because of the extreme surprise that registered in his face when he
also saw her. Shocked, she immediately fled to her hotel and post
haste returned to the country the next day. Lita now comes to you
for legal advice. She asks you the following questions:
(D) The marriage is void. If Lito is indeed alive, his marriage to Lita was
never dissolved and they can resume their marital relations at
any time.
2. In 1989, Charice (Filipina) and Justine (American), were married
in the Philippines. In 1990, they separated and Justine went to Las
Vegas where he obtained a divorce in the same year. He then
married another Filipina, Lea, in Canada on January 1, 1992. They
had two (2) sons, James and John (who were both born in 1992). In
1993, after failing to hear from Justine, Charice married Bugoy (a
Filipino), by whom she had a daughter, Regine. In 2009, Regine
married James (son of Justine with Lea) in California, where such
marriage is valid.
a) Valid
b) Void
c) Voidable
d) Dissolved
a) Valid
b) Void
c) Voidable
d) Unenforceable
a) Valid
b) Void
c) Voidable
d) Unenforceable
E) Valid
F) Void
G) Voidable
H) Unenforceable
3. Ricky and Princess were sweethearts. Princess became pregnant.
Knowing that Ricky is preparing for the examinations, Marforth, a
lawyer and cousin of Princess, threatened Ricky with the filing of a
complaint for immorality in the Supreme Court, thus preventing him
from taking examinations unless he marries Princess. As a
consequence of the threat, Ricky married Princess. Can the
marriage be annulled on the ground of intimidation under Article 45
of the Family Code? Choose the best answer.
a) The aggrieved spouse may file the action within five (5) years
from the time of the occurrence of the cause.
c) One half shall belong to the husband as finder and the other half
shall belong to the wife as owner of the property.
d) a and b
10. Which of the following marriages is void for reasons of public
d) b and c
a) Philippines laws
G. No, since the donation and its acceptance are not in a public
c) She can go abroad and file for divorce in a country that can
grant it.
d) She has none since she had the opportunity to examine the
goods and freely entered into the marriage.
d) No, since Manuel already served the penalty for his crime.
19. Arthur and Helen, both Filipinos, got married and had 2 children.
Arthur later worked in Rome where he acquired Italian citizenship.
He got a divorce from Helen in Rome but, on returning to the
Philippines, he realized his mistake, asked forgiveness of his wife,
and resumed living with her. They had 2 more children. What is the
status of their 4 children?
a) The children born before the divorce are legitimate but those
born after it are not since Arthur got the divorce when he had
ceased to be a Filipino.
c) The children born before and after the divorce are all
legitimate since Philippine law does not recognize divorce.
d) All the children are legitimate since they were born of the same
father and mother.
20. Spouses A and B leased a piece of land belonging to B's parents
for 25 years. The spouses built their house on it worth P300,000.00.
Subsequently, in a case that C filed against A and B, the court
found the latter liable to C for P200,000.00. When the sheriff was
attaching their house for the satisfaction of the judgment, A and B
claimed that it was exempt from execution, being a family home. Is
this claim correct?
c) No, since the land does not belong to A and B, it cannot qualify
as a family home.
21. Solomon sold his coconut plantation to Aragon, Inc. for P100
million, payable in installments of P10 million per month with 6%
interest per annum. Solomon married Lorna after 5 months and
they chose conjugal partnership of gains to govern their property
relations. When they married, Aragon had an unpaid balance of
P50 million plus interest in Solomons favor. To whom will Aragons
monthly payments go after the marriage?
(B) Both principal and interests shall go to Solomon since they are
his exclusive properties.
a) Legitimated.
b) Illegitimate.
c) Natural child.
d) Legitimate.
23. When A and B married, they chose conjugal partnership of gains
to govern their property relations. After 3 years, B succeeded in
getting her marriage to A annulled on ground of the latters
psychological incapacity. What liquidation procedure will they
follow in disposing of their assets?
b) Since the marriage has been declared void, the rule for
liquidation of absolute community of property shall be followed.
A. grandfather.
B. brother.
C. uncle.
D. first cousin.
26. Fidel, a Filipino with fair complexion, married Gloria. Before the
marriage, Gloria confessed to Fidel that she was two-month
pregnant with the child of a black African who had left the country
for good. When the child was born, Fidel could not accept it being
too black in complexion. What is the status of the child?
B. Illegitimate, because by the color of its skin, the child could not
possibly be that of Fidel.
27. The husbands acts of forcibly ejecting his wife without just cause
from the conjugal dwelling and refusing to take her back constitutes
A. desertion.
B. recrimination.
C. constructive abandonment.
D. de facto separation.
28. X insured himself for P5 million, designating Y, his wife, as his sole
beneficiary. The designation was irrevocable. A few years later, X
had their marriage annulled in court on the ground that Y had an
existing prior marriage. X subsequently died, Is Y entitled to the
insurance benefits?
d. Yes, in a donation mortis causa that the donor may still revoke
in his lifetime.
C. mother.
B. Those enjoying specific regimes under the New Civil Code may
adopt the regime of absolute community of property under the
Family Code.
C. Those that married under the New Civil Code but did not
choose any of its regimes shall now be governed by the regime of
absolute community of property.
32. A left B, his wife, in the Philippines to work in Egypt but died in
that country after a years continuous stay. Two months after As
death, B gave birth to a child, claiming it is As child. Who can assail
the legitimacy of the child?
B. Void, because the couple did not get local permit for a beach
D. Void, because the Judge did not solemnize the marriage within
the premises of his court.
35. The wife filed a case of legal separation against her husband on
the ground of sexual infidelity without previously exerting earnest
efforts to come to a compromise with him. The judge dismissed the
case for having been filed without complying with a condition
precedent. Is the dismissal proper?
D. Yes, since the dispute could have been settled with the parties
agreeing to legal separation.
36. Baldo, a rejected suitor, intimidated Judy into marrying him.
While she wanted to question the validity of their marriage two years
after the intimidation ceased, Judy decided in the meantime to
freely cohabit with Baldo. After more than 5 years following their
wedding, Judy wants to file a case for annulment of marriage
against Baldo on ground of lack of consent. Will her action prosper?
(B) No, since the marriage was merely voidable and Judy ratified
it by freely cohabiting with Baldo after the force and intimidation
had ceased.
(C) No, since the action prescribed 5 years from the date of the
celebration of the marriage.
37. Is the wife who leaves her husband without just cause entitled to
A. Dante.
B. Her parents.
C. Josie herself.
D. The State.
D. No, since his parents were not qualified to marry each other
when he was conceived.
44. Conrad and Linda, both 20 years old, applied for a marriage
license, making it appear that they were over 25. They married
without their parents knowledge before an unsuspecting judge.
After the couple has been in cohabitation for 6 years, Lindas
parents filed an action to annul the marriage on ground of lack of
parental consent. Will the case prosper?
A. No, since only the couple can question the validity of their
marriage after they became 21 of age; their cohabitation also
convalidated the marriage.
46. Before Karen married Karl, she inherited P5 million from her
deceased mother which amount she brought into the marriage.
She later used part of the money to buy a new Mercedes Benz in
her name, which Karen and her husband used as a family car. Is the
car a conjugal or Karens exclusive property?