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Computer-aided engineering
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Computer-aided engineering (CAE) is the broad usage of computer

so ware to aid in engineering analysis tasks. It includes
nite element analysis (FEA), computa"onal uid dynamics (CFD),
mul"body dynamics (MBD), and op"miza"on.

1 Overview
2 CAE elds and phases Nonlinear sta"c analysis of a 3D
3 CAE in the automo"ve industry structure subjected to plas"c
4 The future of CAE in the product development process deforma"ons
5 See also
6 References
7 Further reading
8 External links

So ware tools that have been developed to support these ac"vi"es are considered CAE tools. CAE tools
are being used, for example, to analyze the robustness and performance of components and assemblies.
The term encompasses simula"on, valida"on, and op"miza"on of products and manufacturing tools. In
the future, CAE systems will be major providers of informa"on to help support design teams in decision
making. Computer-aided engineering is used in many elds such as automo"ve, avia"on, space, and
shipbuilding industries.[1]

In regard to informa"on networks, CAE systems are individually considered a single node on a total
informa"on network and each node may interact with other nodes on the network.

CAE systems can provide support to businesses. This is achieved by the use of reference architectures and
their ability to place informa"on views on the business process. Reference architecture is the basis from
which informa"on model, especially product and manufacturing models.

The term CAE has also been used by some in the past to describe the use of computer technology within
engineering in a broader sense than just engineering analysis. It was in this context that the term was
coined by Jason Lemon, founder of SDRC in the late 1970s. This deni"on is however be=er known today
by the terms CAx and PLM.[2]

CAE elds and phases

CAE areas covered include:

Stress analysis on components and assemblies using Finite Element Analysis (FEA);
Thermal and uid ow analysis Computa"onal uid dynamics (CFD);
Mul"body dynamics (MBD) and Kinema"cs;
Analysis tools for process simula"on for opera"ons such as cas"ng, molding, and die press forming.

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Op"miza"on of the product or process.

In general, there are three phases in any computer-aided engineering task:

Pre-processing dening the model and environmental factors to be applied to it. (typically a nite
element model, but facet, voxel and thin sheet methods are also used)
Analysis solver (usually performed on high powered computers)
Post-processing of results (using visualiza"on tools)

This cycle is iterated, o en many "mes, either manually or with the use of commercial op"miza"on
so ware.

CAE in the automo ve industry

CAE tools are very widely used in the automo"ve industry. In fact, their use has enabled the automakers to
reduce product development cost and "me while improving the safety, comfort, and durability of the
vehicles they produce. The predic"ve capability of CAE tools has progressed to the point where much of
the design verica"on is now done using computer simula"ons rather than physical prototype tes"ng. CAE
dependability is based upon all proper assump"ons as inputs and must iden"fy cri"cal inputs (BJ). Even
though there have been many advances in CAE, and it is widely used in the engineering eld, physical
tes"ng is s"ll a must. It is used for verica"on and model upda"ng, to accurately dene loads and
boundary condi"ons and for nal prototype sign-o.

The future of CAE in the product development process

Even though CAE has built a strong reputa"on as verica"on, troubleshoo"ng and analysis tool, there is
s"ll a percep"on that suciently accurate results come rather late in the design cycle to really drive the
design. This can be expected to become a problem as modern products become ever more complex. They
include smart systems, which leads to an increased need for mul"-physics analysis including controls, and
contain new lightweight materials, to which engineers are o en less familiar. CAE so ware companies and
manufacturers are constantly looking for tools and process improvements to change this situa"on. On the
so ware side, they are constantly looking to develop more powerful solvers, be=er use computer
resources and include engineering knowledge in pre- and post-processing. On the process side, they try to
achieve a be=er alignment between 3D CAE, 1D System Simula"on and physical tes"ng. This should
increase modeling realism and calcula"on speed. On top of that, they try to be=er integrate CAE in the
overall product lifecycle management. In this way, they can connect product design with product use,
which is an absolute must for smart products. Such an enhanced engineering process is also referred to as
predic"ve engineering analy"cs.[3][4]

See also
Computer representa"on of surfaces
Finite element analysis (FEA/FEM)
Computa"onal uid dynamics (CFD)
Computa"onal electromagne"cs (CEM)
Mul"body dynamics (MBD)
Electronic design automa"on (EDA)
Mul"disciplinary design op"miza"on (MDO)
Comparison of CAD editors for CAE
Virtual prototyping
Finite element upda"ng

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Predic"ve engineering analy"cs

1. Saracoglu, B. O. (2006). "Iden"ca"on of Technology Performance Criteria for CAD/CAM
/CAE/CIM/CAL in Shipbuilding Industry". doi:10.1109/PICMET.2006.296739 (h=ps://
2. Marks, Peter. "2007: In Remembrance of Dr. Jason A. Lemon, CAE pioneer" (h=p://
/2011/07/08/in-remembrance-of-dr-jason-a-lemon-cae-pioneer/). Retrieved 2 Jul
3. Van der Auweraer, Herman; Anthonis, Jan; De Bruyne, S"jn; Leuridan, Jan (2012). "Virtual
engineering at work: the challenges for designing mechatronic products". Engineering with
computers. 29 (3): 389408. doi:10.1007/s00366-012-0286-6 (h=ps://
4. Seong Wook Cho; Seung Wook Kim; Jin-Pyo Park; Sang Wook Yang; Young Choi (2011). "Engineering
collabora"on framework with CAE analysis data". Interna onal Journal of Precision Engineering and
Manufacturing. 12.

Further reading
B. Raphael and I.F.C. Smith (2003). Fundamentals of computer aided engineering. John Wiley.
ISBN 978-0-471-48715-9.

External links
Why do we need a CAE So ware or Numerical Simula"ons? (h=ps://
Computer Aided Engineering Journal WP:LINKROT (h=p:// (FEA, CAD, ...)
Integrated Computer Aided Engineering Journal (h=p://
CAE AVI-gallery at CompMechLab site, Russia (h=ps://
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (h=p://
Predic"ve engineering analy"cs (h=ps://www.plm.automa""ve-

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