060-Da 2700HP
060-Da 2700HP
060-Da 2700HP
In order to achieve this project we used the Fully loaded weight 115 t
platform of a 2100 HP old locomotive, brought
Maximum axle load 19 t
into the workshop from operation for repair
works. Starting tractive effort 350 kN
In its modernization we used a more powerful Wheel radius 1100 mm
diesel engine, from the range of products of the
German producer MTU, so we succeeded to Wheelbase (between bogie pivots) 9000 mm
create a high performance and balanced
product, built exactly according to the Length 17000 mm
requirements of the client.
Width 3000 mm
REMARUL 16 februarie SA
Tudor Vladimirescu Str., No 2-4 | 400225 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Phone: +40 264 435 276, Fax: +40 264 432 299 | Phone/Fax: +40 264 435 300
E-mail: office@remarul.eu | www.remarul.eu
Design concept
Drive concept
The voltage from the main generator is rectified by a three-phase rectifier and applied to a convertor which in turn feeds
independently each traction motor using six PWM traction inverters. Two choppers deal with the rheostatic braking. This
equipment is assembled into two identical and independent groups supply the driving trains. Each group consists of an chopper
for braking and three traction motors which drive the wheels of each bogie. If a fault is signaled by one of the six sensors
installed in each traction motor or by a protection device inside the power semiconductor inverters, the locomotive can
continue its service at a traction rating proportional with the faulty sections that can be independently isolated.
For feeding the auxiliary services, an IGBT static coverter is used. This converter consists of an chopper for the braking circuit
and four inverters for the asyncronous motors of the compressor, forced ventilation motors for the traction motors and
rheostatic braking blocks.
Control concept
A command, protection, diagnose and signaling computer collects various data types and continuosly monitors the regimes in
wich the locomotive is operating. This computer is built-up in a modular design and keeps track of 160 digital signals, 60 analog
signals, and commands 64 power outputs.
Also, a traction-braking computer controls and monitors the six traction inverters of the six traction motors. Using the built-in
braking choppers energy is recovered. Advanced software algorithms implemented in this computer prevents wheel slip and
ensures the optimum system operation.
Mechanical concept
The Diesel electric 2700 HP modernized locomotive is a box-frame locomotive with crew cabs at the ends. The machinery room
is split into three distinct compartiments, electric, diesel engine, pneumatic and hydraulic. For easy installation of equipment or
maintanance, the top of the machinery room is open. Roof sections can be removed for this purpouse.
REMARUL 16 februarie SA
Tudor Vladimirescu Str., No 2-4 | 400225 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Phone: +40 264 435 276, Fax: +40 264 432 299 | Phone/Fax: +40 264 435 300
E-mail: office@remarul.eu | www.remarul.eu
MTU - 16V4000R43R
UIC nominal power rating 2000 bkW
Diesel engine
GFP 560 M8
Power rating 2000 kVA
Rated speed 1800 rpm
Voltage 1400 V
Frequency 120 Hz
Current 825 A
Efficiency 0,95
Protection class IP 21
Operating class S1
Isolation class H (VPI)
GDTM 533 F
Power rating 475 kVA
Traction motors
REMARUL 16 februarie SA
Tudor Vladimirescu Str., No 2-4 | 400225 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Phone: +40 264 435 276, Fax: +40 264 432 299 | Phone/Fax: +40 264 435 300
E-mail: office@remarul.eu | www.remarul.eu
Command, protection, diagnose
Measures fuel levels in main fuel tank
Command block
Traction-braking inverters
Uses DSP micro-controller tehnology
Inverter block
REMARUL 16 februarie SA
Tudor Vladimirescu Str., No 2-4 | 400225 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Phone: +40 264 435 276, Fax: +40 264 432 299 | Phone/Fax: +40 264 435 300
E-mail: office@remarul.eu | www.remarul.eu