Credit Risk Management of Sonali Bank
Credit Risk Management of Sonali Bank
Credit Risk Management of Sonali Bank
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Banking sector is one of the important sectors for the economic development of a country.
Generally banks deal with others (people) deposits. So it is very important to make sure that all
deposits are invested in such projects which strengthen the banks financial position. It is also
important that any amounts of the depositors are not used for any personal interest.
Commercial Banks most of the earnings come by extending credit to different types of
borrowers for many different purposes. Bank should try to extend its credit to different
borrowers to diversify its credit risk. Nowadays, many banking organizations have experienced
similar problems with bad loan. Loans typically exhibit the greatest credit risk. The credit risk
arises when it assumes that the borrower will default, that is, they will not repay the principal
and interest on a timely basis. So that, bank should perform a credit analysis on each loan
assessment to fail the capacity of borrower capacity to repay the loan.
Bangladesh Bank (BB) evaluates the overall performance of all banks and based on the
evaluation it ranked banks into different categories. BB has specific guidelines to follow. The
bank that does not follow these guidelines properly falls in the rank of marginal and
unsatisfactory, means fall in the criteria of a Problem Bank.
When bank falls in the criteria of Problem Bank for defaulting on loan and project finance
procedure, it faces a lot of problems and restrictions in operation. So it always tries to overcome
that situation and to overcome the situation they have to follow the guidelines submitted by the
BB. So many time clients of Agrani Bank also fall in this criterion and try to overcome the
situation. When the bank thought that it follows all the guidelines provided by BB and they are
in the position to overcome the situation, then Agrani Bank had to be conscious about success
ness of loan & credit management.
Part one
Agrani Bank is a state owned scheduled bank in Bangladesh. It has a vital contribution towards
lending and investment in economy because Agrani Bank has been participating at all sectors
(from industrial sector to microfinance). Sometimes it was failed because of unsound
procedure of loan and financial sector. Thats why day by day this bank has been
modifying itself in this sector. Agrani Bank has a wide sound communication system. This
bank has also established strong linkage between other banks and financing institutions.
Here main purpose of preparing this report to make clear idea about credit risk management of
Agrani Bank and gather enough knowledge to deal with these functions. We know that The
Bangladesh Bank (BB) has placed few banks in the category of problem banks. Main reason of
these banks is bankruptcy. So many time borrowers are not conscious about procedure of all
activities of loan and procedure. A problem bank emerged from its past poor management of
loan portfolio and operational inefficiency.
According to the BB requirement Agrani Bank has been coordinating their procedure for short
term or long term financing. I was engaged in these activities of loan and project finance
procedure. The bank needs to maintain proper direction of BB for CRM, lending, project
finance procedure, etc. I have worked on this sector and able to know about the lending and
procedural guidelines of loans and advanced division of banking sectors.
I have made this report on the topic which I have worked in my internship program. And this is
why I named the topic as Credit Risk Management and Project Finance Procedure of
Sonali Bank.
Preparation and presentation of this report contains few specific objectives. These are:
1. Primary objective is to fulfill the requirement of the MBA program.
4. To get significant knowledge about how the effective of loan and sanction procedure are
conducted on the evaluation of credit risk management.
I. Sources of data
The study is based on primary and secondary sources of data. Data have been collected from
office records discussions with employees and from different paper circulars and annual report
of Agrani Bank. For the report preparation concepts and techniques are gathered from bank
manuals and relevant books.
Credit information bureau report and existing loan procedure which were made by
authority of Agrani Bank, we have covered 100% of the credit risk management portfolio.
We have evaluated and discussed regarding various project profile which are found from
Sonali Bank Staff College. I have covered the credit information from 2001 to 2004 and
also at a glance of Sonali Bank presented with this duration. Here I have used purposive
sampling technique which is the part of non probability sampling technique.
Data were collected personally from Agrani bank head office and Agrani bank training institute.
The authority Agrani Bank rechecked these collected data before entering them into data base
iv) Fieldwork
As part of the assignment, team members visited Head Office of Agrani bank and Agrani bank
training institute .During data entry phase, 100% data were rechecked by cross matching with
fact sheets and hard copies. We have considered 100% accuracy level for numeric data and 95%
accuracy for alphanumeric data for entered data into the system.
Professional data analyst and data entry personnel were deployed to assist the team in
developing fact sheets in the inception phase. Selected actual data were collected, compiled and
entered into the system for dummy/ trial running of the system. Corrective measures initiated
from trial running were incorporated and redrafted the fact sheets accordingly. For this purpose
we have utilized most convenient database platform to safeguard entered data and also to
generate different report from the database.
Agrani Bank is a public bank. So most of the time all staffs of Agrani Bank are busy. Despite
their responsibility, they could not cooperate frequently for their business. On the other hand
they are not bound and have no accountability to provide all support with my demand. For this
reason I faced time constraint. Confidentiality also has imposed a huge restriction. Thats why I
can not disclose any numerical information in this report which I have achieved about our
In this introductory section I tried to explain why this report is prepared, reasons behind
the title name as Credit Risk Management. To prepare this report which guidelines I
have to follow are expressed in the scope of the study and what methodologies are
followed means how the report is done to prepare this report are explained in this chapter.
I also mention here what problems I have faced to prepare this report.
Part two
Organization & Its Responsibilities
Agrani Bank is one of the largest commercial bank in the country. It was established
under Bangladesh Banks (Nationalization) Order 1972 (Presidents Order No. 26 of 1972).
By taking over branches of Former the commerce bank Ltd and The Habib bank Ltd.
performing class banking over the country in that period and National Bank of Pakistan
was Government supported bank which was established to finance the jute sector in East
Pakistan in the early period of Pakistan. After the birth of Bangladesh on 16th December
1971, newly formed Sonali Bank for mass banking got special facilities from the
government to work on behalf of Bangladesh Bank in those areas where Bangladesh Bank
is not available. With the increase of responsibility and by virtue of performance within a
few years, it becomes the largest commercial Bank of the country with 1225 branches up
to December 2002.
The management of the bank is vested on a Board of directors, subject to overall supervision
and directions on policy matters by the Boards which is constituted in terms of Bangladesh
Bank (Nationalization) Order 1972. Board of directors, constituted by seven members, has
authority to organize, operate and manage its affairs on commercial consideration within
the board policy of the Government. There are directors appointed by the Government. Others
members of the board including MD are also Government appointed out of that at least three
have the experience in the field of Finance, Banking, Trade, Commerce, Industry, and
The management Director is the chief executive of the Bank. He executes all the activities under
the direction of the Board. All line and staff personnel of the Banks are own recruitment except
member of the Board of Directors.
Agrani Bank is one of the largest nationalized Commercial Bank of the country. It has extended
867 branches through out the country abroad to serve the nation. There are two Agrani
Exchange house in Singapur and malyasia. The head office of the bank is located at
Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka that is the controlling Headquarter. It has eight GM
offices in six Divisional Headqurtes and 26 principal offices and 32 regional offices.
Principal office is headed by DGM and each Department is headed by AGM. Different
grade officers depending on the size and nature of the branch head the branches.
Principal office Headquarter has the jurisdiction over the entire area of a district i.e. the
principal office is the local point of the banks administrative zone of the district. The regional
office is situated at the thana level within the district, is under control and supervision of the
principal office of that district. Regional offices are responsible for their activities to the
principal office.
Regional heads exercise control and supervision overall the branches within their jurisdictions
and keep the head of the principal office informed the development of their respective areas
from time to time.
Sonali Bank
Head Office, Dhaka.
Taka in Crore
SL Particulars Dec.2001 Dec.2002 Dec.2003 Dec.2004
01. Deposit 21526.44 21632.51 22456.48 24581.89
02. Advances 14191.72 15604.72 15511.22 16819.11
03. Investment 3334.26 4356.01 4847.78 6424.83
04. Borrowing 399.31 1022.13 41.25 40.03
05. Cost of Deposit (%) 5.97% 5.92% 5.49% 4.75%
06. Operating Cost (%) 2.03% 1.72% 1.72% 1.72%
07. Cost of Fund (%) 8.00% 7.64% 7.21% 6.47%
08. Rate of Earning (%) 8.34% 8.12% 7.52% 6.95%
09. A. Income from Treasury Function
I. Call Loan 28.90 16.79 14.60 15.06
II. Treasury Bills + R.R 155.73 124.48 196.41 193.24
III. Bonds 83.91 84.46 84.00 88.57
IV. Debentures/Shares 9.91 7.96 10.95 7.93
Bridge Loan/Others
V. FDR 9.30 16.09 12.71 33.38
B. Exchange, Fees &
281.60 416.04 278.94 361.22
10. Profit/Loss Position
A. Earnings 1588.35 1662.83 1608.55 1576.64
B. Expenses 1527.41 1559.83 1542.60 1469.40
Profit / Loss 60.94 103.00 65.95 107.24
(Before Appropriation)
11. Capital Requirement
(8% of Total Risk Weighted
997.92 1035.02 1163.18 1359.03
12. Existing Capital :-
A. Core Capital:-
i. Paid up capital 327.22 327.22 327.22 327.22
ii. Reserve 220.00 220.00 245.00 245.00
iii. General Reserve 23.40 23.40 23.40 23.40
B. Supplementary Capital:
i. 1% General Provision 40.28 40.28 48.28 48.28
ii. Exchange Equalization 15.14 14.40 12.16 12.24
Total Capital (A + B) 626.04 625.30 656.06 656.14
Capital Shortfall (11-12) 371.88 409.72 507.12 702.89
13. Total Classified Loan 5439.91 5223.33 4966.42 4765.36
(38.33%) (33.47%) (32.02%) (28.33%)
a) Sub-standard 452.15 338.76 546.73 176.38%
b) Doubtful 460.41 339.90 309.95 212.92
c) Bad/Loss 4527.35 4544.67 4109.74 4376.06
14. Classified Loan Recovered 658.69 998.95 591.21 832.57
15. Position Required 2864.18 2974.92 2828.09 2650.66
16. Provision Maintained 947.12 757.49 175.28 116.63
17. Provision Shortfall (15-16)] 1917.06 2217.43 2652.81 2534.03
18. Interest Suspense 1199.47 1183.00 1148.11 1464.97
19. Foreign Exchange Business Position:-
a) Import 4141.18 5294.00 5257.74 8523.85
b) Export 4382.48 4150.31 4790.65 5721.31
c) Remittance 4296.76 6069.67 5766.15 7037.97
(Including Non WES)
20. Number Of Branches
Urban 421 411 489 488
Rural 868 808 696 696
Foreign 2 2 2 2
Total 1291 1221 1187 1186
21. Total Operating Branch:
a) Profit Branch 785 955 908 794
b) Loss Branch 451 266 277 390
22. Stuff Position:
Officer 12728 12380 12260 12700
Stuff 13025 12857 12455 10403
Total 25753 25237 24715 23103
Sonali Bank
Head Office, Dhaka
Taka in Crore
SL. Particulars Position as on Target 2004 Position as on
December, 2003* December, 2004*
01. Deposit 22456.48 24702.12 24581.89
02. Loans & Advances 15511.22 16287.05 16819.11
03. Classified Loans & 4966.42 - 4765.36
04. % Of Classified Loans 32.02% - 28.33
To Total Advances
05. Recovery of Classified 591.21 1738.24 832.57
06. Capital Required 1163.18 - 1359.03
07. Capital Maintained 656.06 - 656.14
08. Capital Shortfall 507.12 - 702.89
09. 15% OF Capital 99.75 - 99.77
10. Provision Required 2828.09 - 2650.66
11. Provision Maintained 175.28 - 116.63
12. Provision Shortfall 2652.81 - 2534.03
13. Import 5257.74 6312.73 8523.85
14. Export 4790.65 5748.78 5721.31
15. Foreign Remittance 5766.15 - 7037.97
(Inward) including non
16. Total No. Of Branches 1187 - 1186
17. Cost Of Deposit (%) 5.49% - 4.75%
18. Cost Of Fund (%) 7.21% - 6.47%
19. Profit 65.95 (+) 125.00 107.24
Part three
Credit comes from a Latin word Credo, which means I trust i.e. moneylenders trusts his
borrowers to pay them back. In terms of bank, bank trusts his borrower will repay the loan as
per terms & conditions. Before allowing credit bank should have confidence in the borrowers
ability & willingness to repay the loan. Credit does not exist because of confidence alone. Hence
bank prepares a report on the proposed / existing borrower / importer / exporter which is called
Credit Report. It is an elaborate & exhaustive report. It contains a full, true, correct & reliable
record of the character, integrity, honesty, business ability &worth of the borrower. It assembles
accurate & complete information & provides an evaluation of a borrower credit standing. Before
giving credit facilities the manager has to reach his conclusion to select a borrower that qualifies
the following five essentials which may be termed as 5 Cs namely;
1. Character It is intention of the borrower to pay the loan. It determines the moral risk. It
includes integrity of purpose, reputation for honesty, promptness in paying debts &
fulfilling contract, high standard of business ethics & records of past performance.
2. Capacity It is Borrowers competence in the field to employ the fund profitably &
ability to generate income. It indicates the business risk. Capacity involves business
ability of borrower, reputation of product & soundness of business method.
3. Capital It is the financial strength of a risk. It is measured by the equity or net worth of
the business.
4. Condition It is the general business conditions and the conditions of the particular
industry in which the applicant is involved.
5. Collateral It implies the additional security taken to offset weaknesses that are apparent
in the risk.
Before performing credit report, the Manager has to go through an investigation. The degree of
investigation will be greater or less depending upon the amount of the loan & whether the loan
is or is not secured.
Loan application
Financial statement
Study of accounts
Market reputation
Other sources, i.e.
Incomes-Tax statement
Registration office
Press report
Revenue & municipal rent receipt
Registrar of joint stock co.
VAT Return
Report from CIB
Confidential report from fellow banks.
Personal interview
Personal visit
Lending Guidelines
- Safety
- Liquidity
- Purpose
- Profitability
- Security
- Spread
- National Interest, suitability, etc.
Borrower Analysis
Industry Analysis
Supplier / Buyer Analysis
Historical Financial Analysis
Projected Financial Performance
Account Conduct
Adherence to Lending Guidelines
Mitigating Factors
Loan Structure
Risk Grading
All Banks should adopt a credit risk grading system. The system should define
the risk profile of borrowers to ensure that account management, structure and
pricing are commensurate with the risk involved. Risk grading is a key
measurement of a Banks asset quality, and as such, it is essential that grading is
a robust process. All facilities should be assigned a risk grade. Where
deterioration in risk is noted, the risk Grade Assigned to a borrower and its
facilities should be immediately changed. Borrower Risk Grades should be
clearly stated on Credit Application.
Approval Authority
The authority to sanction / approve loan must be clearly delegated to senior credit
executives by the Managing Director/CEO & Board based on the executives
knowledge and experience. Approval authority should be delegated to individual
executives and to committees to ensure accountability in the approval process.
Segregation of Duties
Banks should aim to segregate the following lending functions:
Credit Approval / Risk Management
Relationship Management / Marketing
Credit Administration
The purpose of the segregation is to improve the knowledge levels and expertise
in each department, to impose controls over the disbursement of authorized loan
facilities and obtain an objective and independent judgement of credit proposals.
Internal Audit
Banks should have a segregated internal audit/control department charged with
conducting audits of all departments. Audits should be carried out annually, and
should ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines, internal procedures,
Lending Guidelines and Bangladesh Bank requirement.
Approval Process
Credit Administration
o Disbursement
o Custodial Duties
o Compliance Requirements
Credit Monitoring
Credit Recover
o Non performing Loan Account Management
o Account Transfer Procedures
o Non Performing Loan (NPL) Monitoring
o Non Performing Loan (NPL) Provisioning and Write Off
o Incentive Program.
Cash Credit
A Cash Credit is essentially a drawing account against credit granted by the bank. Cash credit is
sanctioned as working capital as various types of businesses. Cash Credit is normally for those
good current deposit holders who are dealing with the bank for a long time. On the basis of
security cash credit is divided into cash credit (pledge) and cash credit (hypothecation).
Sanction Procedure:
The sanction procedure of Cash Credit (pledge) and Cash Credit (hypothecation) are as
The processes of opening a Cash credit A/C are shown in the following flow chart-
After sanctioning issues two copies of Sanctioning cash credit, the customer is to prepare
documents required charge documents. Thereafter, the banker issues a cheque book for
withdrawing cash from the account. The customer can withdraw cash from the account the
sanctioned amount.
The borrower will fill and duly sign all internal documents of the bank, as-
Demand Promissory Note delivery Letter
Agreement for Hypothecation / Pledge of goods.
Letter of Authority
Letter of Continuity.
Stock Report.
Contact of Bailment of Goods (Pledge)
Agreement of Banks Right of Set-off (Pledge).
Undertaking by the borrower to submit periodical statements of stocks and to
allow at his cost inspection by the bank from time to time of the goods as well as
borrowers record.
Trade license.
Account Statement of the business.
Statement of the borrowers property.
Original title deed and registered mortgage for collateral security.
Insurance Policy (on the joint name of the borrower and the bank)
All the documents must be duly stamped.
After completion of documentation, the bank will open a loan account and issue a checkbook.
The list of the document must be written in the document execution register and miscellaneous
document register and signed by the borrower. Bank will appoint a godwon keeper for pledge
godwon and place a signboard on the wall of the godwon market Pledged to Sonali Bank
should be placed at the business place of the borrower. If a third party guarantees for the loan
bank will receive Demand Promissory Note and other documents from the guarantor as well as
the borrower. In a pledge godwon there will be a list of the goods, which will be compared
periodically with the physical inventory and sign by the officer. The borrower will require a
delivery order from the bank for disposal of goods every time. Banker must monitor borrowers
business continuously and counseling. If any problem arises he will report it immediately to the
All the documents should be listed in the document execution register and signed by the
Over Drafts are temporary overdrafts from current accounts, which are extended only to banks
most creditworthy and reliable customer, who required money for a short period. This type
overdraft is maintained as debit balance in the current account of the borrower. Overdrafts
against FDR, DPS, Sanchay Patra, Insurance Policy, Share certificate, and work order are
treated as secured overdraft because they are sanctioned only against the respective document
by certain lien. These documents are kept in the safe custody of the bank and returned only after
full repayment of the dues. These advances are for one year and in case of renewal, all the
procedures of the first sanctioned should be followed. A minimum margin is kept for these types
of advances.
Application by the borrower with the instrument against their intersected to
Bankers will verify the documents from the issuing authority and get
The credit officer will recommend for sanction.
The sanctioning authority will sanction the advance.
After documentation the bank will open an overdraft account and issue a
The borrower will fill and sign all internal documents of the bank as-
Demand Promissory Note.
Demand Promissory Note Delivery Letter.
Letter of Lien.
Letter arrangement
The instrument duly discharged by the borrower or the third party.
In case of third party letter of lien cum guarantee.
The document should be duly stamped, signed by the borrower and interested in the
document execution register.
Staff Loan
MCL is for purchase of motorcycle and BCL is for bicycle. Though these loans are fully
secured, credit officer should be careful in documentation and inspection of whether the
money serves the purpose. These loans are term and medium term loans. Interest rate of
such loan is only 6.5% per annum.
The main purpose of the scheme is to improve life standard of the customers by providing them
loans for purchasing house hold items, for example, computer, television, freeze, motor car &
cycle, air-condition & cooler, furniture etc. Various commercial bank offering various types of
loans to the consumer so that they can enjoy these innovations and fixed a very easy installment
process to repay that money.
Sonali bank is offering loan calling Consumer credit scheme in various types of goods.
Bank Guarantee
General advance division also provides Bank Guarantee to the different types of customer. In
case of Bank Guarantee there are three parties, borrower, bank and beneficiary (Example:
Different types of organization which calls Tender Notice for their particular works and asks
Bank Guarantee from the contractor). Bank declares in favor of customer to the beneficiary that
he (bank) is liable to pay a certain some of money in case of customers debt. Two types of
practice are seen in the procedure of such Bank Guarantee.
1. Customer will deposit 100% money to the bank and he will get the same
amount of guarantee.
2. Customer will deposit 10% money to the bank and 90% of collateral and he
will get 100% of Bank Guarantee. He can deposit security paper or Shanchay
Patra or his FDR account as his 90% of collateral.
Part four
Industrial Credit Management & Sanction Procedure
This department deals with fixed capital and working capital of industrial and agro based
industrial projects. The major areas sectors covered are:
a) The customer shall apply with a full project profile which contains the management
and organization, marketing, technical and financial aspects of the project.
b) Banks financial analyst will analyze the profile. Before this he will collect necessary
papers and documents from different sources. Banks engineer will visit the premise
and will furnish a technical report.
c) If the applicant is apparently seems to be eligible to get the credit he has to fill the
prescribed application form. The application with other papers and the project profile
will be sent to the head office. The financial analyst will prepare a financial report. If
required, he will perform the lending risk Analysis and Financial Spreadsheet
Analysis. The application will be accompanied by recommendations of the financial
analyst, officer in charge of the credit department and the branch incumbent.
d) The proposal will be appraised by another financial analyst of the industrial credit
division of the head office and will be forwarded to the proper sanctioning authority.
e) If the proposal is approve, head office will prepare a sanction letter with detail terms
and conditions of the loan and send it to the branch again.
f) If the borrower signed in the sanction letter accepting the terms and conditions, the
agreement is made.
g) After documentation and creation of charges on securities, the first installment will
be disbursed with the fulfillment of terms like utilization of the borrowers equity
I. Project profile with three years projected financial statement for new projects and three
years audited financial statements for an existing projects.
II. Borrower / Borrowers personal income statement, character certificate, statement of
properties and other businesses, income tax certificate etc.
III. Original title deed of the property of the project.
IV. Trade license.
V. For limited company, letter of incorporation, memorandum and articles of association
and for public limited company, certificate of commencement of business.
VI. Lay out plan of the project.
VII. Indent and manual of the machinery.
VIII. Valuation Certificate of the property.
IX. Latest rent / tax receipt, Ledger and Mutation records of the property.
X. Clearance certificate from environment, electricity, water and gas authority.
The credit offer must collect the information about the borrowers present and past business,
character and family background and financial position and public reputation. The respective
offer shall visit the site with expert, collect lawyers certificate about the property. He will take
interview of the borrowers and other related persons not only prescribed or formal view but also
inactive view. The lending officers personal judgement is an important factor for a loan
Preparation of appraisal report is the most important task a banker performs in the process of
sanctioning loan for an industrial project. He has to consider numerous things. He has to
examine all situations favorable or unfavorable. He has to presume all the may occur.
Preparation of appraisal report is needed for the following reasons-
To justify the soundness of the investment.
To endure repayment of banks money.
To achieve organizational goals.
To recommend if the project is not designed properly.
The concerned officer of the industrial credit department prepares appraisal report considering
all information furnished in the application and other document supplied with the application.
The officer summarizes and devaluate all the information and document provided.
In preparing appraisal report, the officer summarizes and evaluates all the information and
document aspects:-
Fund flow statement.
Balance sheet.
Repayment schedule.
5. Socio-Economic Aspect:- The following socio-economic aspects are usually considered
If the officer finds that the loan proposal will be viable one. He proposes for the approval of
sending the proposal of Head Office, Industrial Credit Division for sanction.
If the loan amount is within one crore, Head Office places the loan proposal to the Credit
Committee. In the credit committee meeting, all the aspects are discussed and if the committee
finds the proposal viable, give sanction to loan proposal. If the amount exceeds one crore, the
proposal is placed in the Board for sanction. Considering all the relevant aspects, the board
approves the proposal.
After obtaining approval of the competent authority, Head Office sends a sanction letter stating
necessary terms and conditions and instructs the corresponding branch office, subject to the
completion of required documentation, to disburse the sanctioned loan. Then branch office
prepares two copies of sanction advices stating the terms and condition; one for the borrower
and other for keeping in the branch as record. In the sanction advice, the borrower is instructed
to execute necessary document. If the borrower finds the terms and conditions are acceptable,
execute necessary documents and the loan is disbursed accordingly.
Being a Nationalized Commercial Bank Sonali Bank has to finance directly on priority basis to
Agriculture, Industry and Commercial sectors for strengthening the economic base of the
country. Sonali Bank finances almost all the productive sectors.
Sonali Banks slogan for credit:
Sonali Bank has taken different industrial credit schemes in different times, after 1978. These
Norwegian government had granted #0 million of NOK (Norwegian Crooner) to
Bangladesh for industrial development in 1983. Under this foreign aid Sonali Bank got
Tk 30 crore out of total grant for lending to the cottage industries. Sonali Bank got the
said fund in the form of refinance from the Bangladesh Bank according to the credit
With this foreign aid Sonali Bank had undertaken a separate credit scheme NORAD
Credit Scheme in 1983. Maximum Sanction able loans in the scheme for per
borrower/project of cottage industries were only TK 23000.
D. EXIM Bank Credit Scheme:
In 1984 Sonali Bank came an agreement with EXIM Bank of India. EXIM Bank of India
had provided 140 million Indian Rupee at 9.25% interest rate and the repayment to
EXIM Bank will be completed by 1998. The condition was that the loan would be
utilized by import of machinery from India.
Under this agreement Sonali Bank launched EXIM Bank Credit Scheme and Loan limit
per borrower/project was 92.5% of the FOB/FOR value and freight cost and maximum
IRs. 30.00 lakh.
Industrial Credit Scheme from Banks own resources:
E. Special Credit program
Sonali Bank extended financing in the small and cottage industries in 1978 through a
scheme Special Credit Program according to the instructions of Bangladesh Bank.
Firstly 12 districts were selected for this credit program. The small and rural based
entrepreneurs were the main target group. The loan limit per borrower/project was
maximum TK 4.00 lakh and the regional office heads were given power to sanction the
F. Sonali Bank Industrial Credit Scheme (SBICS)
Long term financing is most essential for the development of industrial sector of a
country. But such financing was very rare to the need of the country. Most of the
industrial units were financed by the external credits that were suffering from
inadequacy of funds and as a result it did not achieve expected result. Sonali Bank
decided to finance to the industrial sector from its own resources. In 1984 Sonali Bank
launched two financing schemes:
Sonali Bank Industrial Credit Scheme for less and least development areas.
Sonali Bank Industrial Credit Scheme for developed areas and export oriented
The main purpose of this scheme was financing to the private sector projects conforming to the
investment schedule of GOB. The Sonali Bank Industrial Credit Scheme for less and least
developed areas; preferred projects that were invested not more than TK. 2.00 crore and the loan
limit for those projects were TK. 50.00 lakh. The scheme has been taken for financing small
Sonali Bank Industrial Credit Scheme for developed areas and export oriented industries has
been taken for financing of both small and medium scale industries. The scheme preferred
projects that were invested not more than TK. 50.00 crore and the loan limit for those projects
were were TK. 1.00 crore.
With the liberalization of governments industrial policy in 1986 and declaration 50.00 lakh of
incentive for industrialization in the industrial policy 1991, Sonali Bank has renewed its own
financing schemes.
Part five
Sound Lending
Of all the functions of a Commercial Bank, lending is far the most important. Lending is a
dynamic activity. Advances comprise a very large portion of a banks total assets, and form the
backbone of a very banks structure. The strength of a bank is thus primarily judged by the
soundness of its advance.
Safety First is the most important principles of good lending when a banker lends, he must
feel certain that the advance is safe; that is, the money will definitely come back. Because the
very existence of a bank depends on the safety of its outstanding which should never, therefore,
he sacrificed to the profit earning capacity of its advances. The banker is to ensure in the best
possible manner that the money advanced by him goes to the right type of borrower and is
utilized in such way that it will not only be safe at the time of lending but will remain so
throughout, and after a useful purpose in the trade or industry where it is employed, is repaid
with interest.
The liquidity of an advance means its repayment on demand or on due date or after a short
notice. The loan must stand fair chances or repayment according to the repayment schedule. It is
not enough that the money will come back; it is also necessary that is must come back on
demand or in accordance with agreed terms of repayment. It is utmost important that Bank loan
must be repaid as they become due otherwise the liquidity position of the bank is endangered.
The major cause of Bans failure is liquidity. Most of the bank wants to invest in short term
investment to maintain the liquidity of the bank. The borrower must be in a position of repay
within a reasonable time after a demand for repayment is made. The period of the advance and
the case with which it will be repaid are very important. Even in the case of fully secured
advances if it is feared from the very beginning that the advances would only he recovered by
selling the securities it is not considered a good advances. It must, therefore, always ensure that
the advance will be repaid from resources other than securities pledged.
The purpose should be productive so that the money not only remains safe but also provides a
definite source of repayment. The purpose should also be short termed so that it ensures
liquidity. Banks discourage advances for hoarding stocks or for speculative activities.
The banker must closely scrutinize the purpose for which the money is required, and ensure as
far as he can, that the money borrowed for a particular purpose is applied by the borrower
accordingly. Purpose has assumed a special significant in the present-day concept or banking.
The main objective of the commercial bank is to maximize profit. A prudent banker must
consider whether the proposed advance will earn more profit or not. As such bankers should
always keep in mind that the advances should be made to profitable sector, so that they get a fair
return on the advances.
Diversification of risks
The security consciousness of a banker and the integrity of the borrower are not adequate factors
to keep the banker on safe side. What is more important is the diversification of risk. This
means, he should not lend a major portion of his loan able funds to any single borrower or to an
industry or to one particular region. In fact, the entire banking business is one of taking
calculated risks and a successful banker is an expert in assessing such risks. He is keen on
spreading the risks involved in lending over a large number of borrowers, over a large number
of industries and areas, and over different types of securities; the advances must not be in one
particular industry. Too many eggs should not be placed in one basket, because any adversity
faced by that particular industry will have serious effect on the bank. Slump does not normally
affect all industries and business simultaneously.
Bankers generally make advances against Collaterals or security. And the Security is considered
as insurance or a cushion to fall back upon in case of an emergency. As such the security must
be adequate, readily marketable, easy to handle and free from encumbrances.
The banker would lend if the purpose of the advance is for overall national development plans
necessitating flow of credit to priority sector in the larger national interest. Again the banker is
to see whether the law and order situation at the place where the borrower carries on his
business is suitable or not.
In the changing concept of banking, factors such as purpose of the advance, viability of the
proposal and national interest are assuming a greater importance than security, especially in
advances to agriculture, small industries, small borrowers, and export oriented industries.
The Banker making an advance must consider the safety of the advance, its liquidity and
profitability. As such the borrower must have adequate experience in the line of business
applied for and he is also a reliable customer. Again the advance must be such as can be recalled
within a reasonable time and without undue difficulty. The advance must also be profitable and
must permit the charging of a reasonable rate of interest. Successful lending depends upon
sound judgement and accurate knowledge of the character and credit-worthiness of the
Business Risk: The risk that the business fails to generate sufficient cash to repay.
a) Security Risk: The risk that the realized value of the security does not cover the
b) Industry Risk: The Risk that the company fails for internal reasons.
c) Company Risk: The risk that the company fails for internal reasons.
d) Supplies Risk: The risk of failure due to disruption in the supply of inputs.
e) Sales Risk: The risk of failure due to disruption to sales.
f) Company Position Risk: The risk of failure due to weakness in the companys position
in the industry.
g) Performance Risk: The risk that the companys position is so weak that it cannot
perform well enough to repay the loan given expected external condition.
h) Resilience Risk: The risk of failure due to lack of resilience to unexpected external
i) Management Risk: The risk of failure due to management not exploiting effectively in
the companys position.
j) Management Competence Risk: The risk of failure due to management competence.
k) Management Integrity Risk: The risk of failure due to lack of management integrity.
l) Security Control Risk: The risk that the bank fails to realize the security.
m) Security C over Risk: The risk that the realized security value is less than the exposure.
Sales drop because total market size drops. Obtaining industry turnover for at least
3 years.
Determining if the project is obsolete,
seasonal or cyclical.
Predicting growth or decline in market
turnover over next few years.
Sales drop as a result of increased
competition. Analyzing the financial data of at least
two major competitors.
Determining how the company
differentiates itself from its
Determining how companys
production technology compares with
that of competitors.
that these customers switch to a
Example of Performance Risks
Company borrows more than it can repay, Analyzing recent performance history,
based on unrealistic performance competitive position, companys
expectations. strategy and cash flow forecast.
Example of Resilience Risk
Managers do not have the necessary ability Obtaining key managers bio-data to
or experience. determine education, experience
Managers do not work well together, poor relevant skill.
decision making. Reviewing organization chart and
comparing performance with
competitors, determining reasons for
any recent changes in management.
Example of Management Integrity Risk
Bank is unable to assess risk properly due Reviewing credit file, interview of
to unreliable or inadequate data. management and individuals familiar
Bank has difficulty in recovering loan due to management, performing site visit
to failure of management to meet to assess, looking for signs of audit
commitments. problem.
Reviewing intra-group accounts,
looking for characteristics of
Examples of Security Control Risk
Expected realizable value is less than the Complete security covers application
exposure. form.
Acquiring and selling of security for Reviewing recent cases to estimate
liquidation takes longer than expected time. speed of realization, assessing power
Value realized at liquidation is less than the of borrower to prolong legal process,
estimated value because security loss value analyzing market demand for
or market price changes. securities.
Using assessor to value security.
Reviewing recent cases for difference
between assessed and realized value.
Reviewing economic conditions.
Pre-Shipment Credits:
a) Before marking lien on the original letter of credit, it must be authenticated first and all
the terms and conditions should be thoroughly scrutinized so that no detrimental clauses
including violation of foreign exchange regulation and terms of UCPDC (Uniform
Customs and Practices for Documentary Credit) are included and it must be properly
preserved by the bank.
b) Expiry date of the L/C should be properly recorded in the book and no drawing is to be
allowed against expired L/C.
c) The credit worthiness and solvency of the foreign buyer as well as the importer must be
d) In case of properties mortgaged as collateral securities, the banks approved lawyer
together with valuation certificate from proper authority must scrutinize the relative
e) The exporter should arrange forward sale of foreign exchange to avoid exchange loss at
the time of negotiation of export documents.
f) Incase of packing credit, the export L/C and relative documents must be verified.
g) Export Credit Guarantee must be obtained from Sadharan Bima Corporation in favor of
the bank so that in case of failure to effect shipment in time or to repay the credit within
4 months, the bank may lodge claim against the guarantor.
h) While dispatching goods for shipment to port under packing cash credit the bank must
verify the shipping mark on each of the packets / cartons as given in the relative invoice.
a) Before extending post-shipment credit, the Bank must obtain credit report of the foreign
buyer in time.
b) Banks proper charges documents / Guarantee bond must be signed by the exporter or
duly authorized person of the exporter.
c) In negotiating, purchase or providing loan against export bill drawn under L/C. Export
finance guarantee must be obtained from Sadharan Bima Corporation in fabor of the
bank so that claim can be lodged at the event of non-payment by the foreign buyer.
d) In case of post shipment credit against export document not drawn under L/C
comprehensive guarantee must be obtained in favor of exporter from Sadharan Bima
e) After sending the export documents for realization, the bank must follow up regularly
until realization of export proceeds. Proper instruction must be provided in the export
bill forwarding schedule so that, In case of non-acceptance of bills appropriate measures
may be taken by the collecting bank to protect the goods from loss of damage or lodge
insurance claim in time.
Sonali bank uses a 15-page Standard Risk Analyzing from for assessing credit risks for the loan
more than TK 50. Lakh. For credit less than that amount, the analyst should assess the risks in
the same manner. For analyzing lending risks the analyst should collect the following
documents / items:
I. Company financial statements (projected for new project) for at least 3 years.
II. Bank statement for prior 12 months from previous bank (for new customers).
III. Aged debtor list.
IV. Set of financial statements for at least two competitors.
V. Industry average figures.
VI. Financial spreadsheets.
VII. Customer account statistics form.
VIII. Credit Bureau report.
IX. Organization Chart.
X. Bio-data for-Directors and head of operations.
XI. Copies of all reports on site visits made during the last 12 months.
XII. Valuation of securities offered.
XIII. Memorandum and Articles of association.
XIV. Business Plan.
The LRA form contains each type of risks, assessment procedure and table to insert data,
grading of each type of risk as low, Average, High and Excessive. In the 2nd
page there is a
risk-scoring matrix which has separate scores for business risk as Good / Acceptable / Marginal
or poor risk. It also contains a prescribed consumer site visit report and another consumer
accounts statistics form. The bank officer, who will analyze the risks, called the originating
officer. The originating officer and the branch must sign in the LRA form and send it for
approval to the sanctioning authority.
The analyst should be very careful for analyzing the lending risk. He has to use his foresight and
personal judgement. He must not put average marks blindly on each item, which can also be
sufficient to qualify a bad proposal. The analyst must have the skill and efficiency to understand
each item separately and comment against the documents properly.
Though LRA system is very systematic approach, but there are some shortcomings also. The
major problems of LRA implementation are:
1. Inadequate Date: To apply LRA, financial data relating of a firm is very important to
assess its strength. In many cases up-to-date and reliable data like production, trade,
business raw-material, total demand and supply of different product of different
industries, industry growth, sales turnover, performance data for major competitors are
inadequate, which are necessary for assessing sales risk. The collection of companys
positional data is also cumbersome. So companys rank in industry (in terms of
turnover), and competitors financial position is difficult to assess in analyzing
performance risk.
2. Inaccurate Date: LRA requires the financial statements of the company. Most of the
borrowers do not prepare financial statements. They fail to provide accurate data.
Experience shows that even the financial statements submitted by the applicants can not
be relied upon. Inconsistencies are observed in the information provided by applicants.
So analysis of performance risk and resilience risk is difficult.
6. Lack of experienced assessor: In most cases, the value of security actually realized is
less than what a bank estimates. Sometimes, security also loses value before it is
realized. Experience, qualified and reliable surveyor institutions to assess value of
security, its quality and market, demand are very scarce in Bangladesh.
7. Inadequacy of skilled lending office: Preparing LRA requires special skill and
knowledge. But there is lack of sufficient skilled lending officer.
8. Insufficient independence: Banks and financial institutions are not apart from any type
of political influence or pressure group in respect of loans and advances. Besides,
independence of credit analysis section at branch level is not fully ensured.
Some items are required to prepare a loan proposal these are given below:
Loan application
Stock list.
Required papers as per ownership of the firm.
Scheduled of mortgage properties and relevant papers.
Market reputation.
Other banks opinion
Lease deed and relevant letters.
Financial statement.
Lending risk analysis (LRA)
Financial spread sheet analysis.
Credit scoring.
Offering sheet (letter of credit)
Credit report
Net worth
Relation with the bank
Social status
Political affiliation
Liabilities of other banks
Valuation of certificate
When a branch manager writes a letter to accepting all terms and conditions of loan, it is
called loan sanction. The conditions which are included in the loan sanctions these are given
Primary securities
Collateral securities
The rate of interest
Expire date
Others condition
The following terms and conditions are included in the charge creation with a joint stock
Loan disbursement has to be made after completion documentation and observance of the
sanctioning terms against rising of equity by sponsors as lay down. Each phase of loan
disbursement to be supersede to be supervised by bank official so that borrower is not given
scope of diversion funds to anywhere tends to purpose other than the project and the phase of
implementation of the project to be effectively supervised and borrowers persuaded for
completion of project in time. There are main three important factors in the loan disbursement,
such as;
Completion of documentation.
Verification of stocks.
All import documentation.
Branch manager are expected are expected to exercise common sense and proper case in
handing advances by them or any other appropriate authority. The branch manager is the corner
stone of the bank and on him the success of a bank depends to large extent. In the first place he
represents his bank and its management to the local public. The way in which he discharges the
two functions makes him either a successful or an unsuccessful branch manager. He can to
control advances judiciously to save the bank from failing into losses.
Loans and advances in whatever from granted by the bank to its clients are repayable either on
demand or at the expired of fixed period or as per payment schedule agreed upon while granting
the facilities. If a loan is repayable on installment is not repaid on due date. Overdraft and credit
are legally repayable on demand, although the bank seldom excises the right but in certain
customers. In case loan is repayable in installments and default causes in the payment of any
installment, entire loan usually become immediately recoverable of at the option of the bank.
Bank generally really their advances under the following cases:
D. Liquidation the borrowing company.
E. Failure to renew the documents sufficient before the expired of the limitation.
F. If there is any serious deterioration in the security charged to the bank and want of
satisfactory in the account.
G. There has been deterioration in the financial position of the party.
H. If the borrower fails to maintain the stipulated margin and does not restore the shortfall
inspire of repeated remainders.
I. Change in the banks policy of lending.
J. The policy of selective credit control by Bangladesh bank.
K. Detection of any other undesirable feature in the account.
L. There may also be other reasons for withdrawing the facility, i.e. the law and order
situation at ascertain place is such that it may be risky to the advance.
In the concluding note I would like to give an explanation regarding some aspects of the study.
In this report I tried my best to attend the objective of the study. But there are certain limitations
that underline the scope and validity of the study. This is due to lack of information and
published data.
According to international standard, if the classified loan above 5% the board management
would be inefficient. In this case World Bank does not give permission to them to operate
banking functions but says that they will march with other banks or financial institutions and
operate banking functions. Classified loan of this branch is above 5% of the total loan at present.
So according to World Bank, the management of Sonali Bank is insufficient. But Sonali Bank
says that the major loan of there is directive i.e. political persons elite persons of the society
pressure create on them to sanction loan. So, the Board of management of Sonali Bank says that
their management is efficient.
Loan operation is an important factoring in Bangladesh because of its high demand. Supply of
loan is inadequate and existing supply cannot produce satisfactory result. From brief analysis it
is clear that fund for continuous supply of loan is the lengthy procedural steps of loan sanction
policy make the problem in investment and recovery. Bureaucratic complexity internal and
external influence, activities of trade union needed to be eliminated from banking operation to
implement the successful credit policy which will make up optimistic about future. The bank is
trying is best to remove all these difficulties and to participate in more and more extent in the
economic up of the country. I think that recommendations may be implemented to improve the
loan sanctioning, policy of Sonali Bank as well as other nationalized commercial banks. The
picture about loan sanctioning policy of Sonali Bank, which I visualize, is not the picture of
Sonali Bank alone; it is also true for all nationalized commercial banks.
Before concluding again I would like to emphasize the need for further study in this particular
field. Because, from my experience of the study, I can say the subject matter have multiple
linkages with the development of the economy.
Part Six
The banking system should channel scarce resources into those opportunities
with maximum return.
Profitable enterprises should receive finding and grow.
Loss making enterprise should be refused funding and go out of business.
The bank shall make profit and pay taxes.
The economy will grow and people will be benefited.
Behind each of the suggestions, they found many violations. In these circumstances, FSRP team
introduces some particular programs to be implemented immediately, for the improvement of
credit conditions of banks. These are:
Those are mentioned below:
The prospective borrower has to apply to Sonali Bank for loan by filling up of a specific
application form. Submit the entire required document indicated in the application form.
An officer scrutinizes the documents whether the party has submitted the documents
After receiving the loan application form, Sonali Bank sends a letter to Bangladesh Bank
for obtaining a report from there, This report is called CIB (Credit Information Bureau)
report. This report is essential if the loan amount exceeds TK. 50 lakh. The purpose of
this report is to being informed that whether the borrower has taken loan from any other
bank; if Yes, then whether these loans are classified or not.
The branch manager or an officer then takes the responsibility to visit and evaluate the
Then proposal processing stage. In this stage, the bank will prepare a proposal. A
proposal contains following information-
a) Name of the borrower.
b) Nature of limit.
c) Purpose of limit.
d) Extent of limit.
e) Security.
f) Margin
g) Rate of interest.
h) Repayment.
i) Validity.
Forwards the proposal to Head Office with proper recommendations.
Up to approval the work of the credit service department ended.
After the sanction advice, Bank will collect necessary documents (Charge documents).
Bank verifies all the documents executed by the borrower. If everything is found as per
law, the branch disburses the loan to the borrower. A Loan Repayment Schedule is
also prepared by the branch and is given to borrower.
After the disbursement of the loan the bank monitor the activities of the borrower in the
following manner-
Constant supervision.
Working capital assessment.
Stock report.
Break even analysis.
Rescheduling of repayment (if necessary).
In general the borrowers repay the loans in installment directed by the bank. Some loans
are repaid all at a time. If the borrower fails to repay the loans as per schedule, a notice is
served to make repayment. Sometimes legal actions also taken for recover the loan.
Part seven
The Credit Policy guidelines of the Bank contain details fundamental credit risk management
policies, outlines general principles that are designed to govern the implementation of more
detailed lending procedures and credit risk analysis/risk grading system.
The basic principles of lending are described in this section. It should be clearly understood at
the very outset that these principles are not inflexible and are given as guidelines for protecting
the Loans and Advances.
a) The bank shall provide suitable credit services and products for the markets in which it
b) Loans and advances shall normally be financed from customers deposit and not out of
temporary funds or borrowing from other Banks.
c) Credit facility will be allowed in a manner which will in no way compromise with Banks
standards of excellence
d) All Credit extension must comply with the requirements of Banks Memorandum and
Articles of Association, Banking Companies Act 1991 as amended from time to time,
Bangladesh Banks instructions and other applicable rules and regulations.
e) The Bank will always adhere to the following general principles of extending credit facility
to his customers; e.g. (1) Background, character and capability of the borrowers, (2) Purpose
of the facility, (3) Term of facility, (4) Safety, (5) Security, (6) Profitability, (7) Source
of repayment, (8) Diversity
It should be remembered that selection of the appropriate borrowers, proper follow-up and
end-use supervision through constant follow-up and monitoring are the cornerstones for timely
recover. These guidelines will be updated annually.
Before selecting a customer / client and subsequent recommendation for financing the Credit
Officer / Relationship Manager shall observe the following basics of lending:
As a general practice Mercantile Bank Limited will definitely concentrate its business in Trade
Finance / Export Import business and all types of Commercial Loan, Industrial / Project
Finance except otherwise restricted by the Government or indicated as unethical and banned
The Bank will give emphasis to diversify its business portfolio commensurate with economic
and business trend, life cycle of the products, demand supply gap, social and national obligation
etc. The Banks policies for financing in different major sectors are summarized as follows:
SL Sectors Policies
1) Textile / Spinning/ Sweater/ Knitting/ Denims & Garments To expand
2) Cement To expand
3) Construction / Real estate / House building To expand
4) Tele communication To expand
5) Communication Selective basis
6) Information Technology (IT) Project To expand
7) Aro-based Industry To expand
8) Hospital / Clinic / School / College / University Selective basis
9) Healthcare / Pharmaceuticals / Medicine To expand
10) Electrical / Electronic appliance To expand
11) Finance to NBFI To maintain
12) Special Program CCS, Personal Loan, Supervised Credit, To expand
Loan to SME clients
13) Plastic / Packaging Selective basis
14) Leather Selective basis
15) Steel and Engineering To expand
16) Edible oil To expand
17) Scrap Vessel Restricted way
18) Paper / Pulp / Partex To expand
19) Chemicals Restricted way
20) Others Based on merit
The Banks policy is to handle the specialized business sectors / segments by setting up separate
units in Head Office Credit Division. In view of this Bank has already set up the following units
in Head office Credit Division:
The Policies for the above specialized segments / sectors have been / to be circulated to all
concerns from time to time.
1. Trade Finance:
The Banks is to introduce diversified / new types of Products / Products derivatives alongwith
usual Banking Products. At present the Bank offers the following facilities:
b) Funded: Cash Credit (Hypo), Cash Credit (Pledge), SOD(General), SOD(others), LTR/
PAD/ IBP/ FDBP/ IDBP/ Time Loan, etc.
2. Project Finance: (Large and Medium Industries / Small Industries including Agro-based
a) Non Funded: Acceptance, L/C for import of Machinery, Bank Guarantee, etc.
b) Funded: Time loan / Term loan for retirement of documents of imported machinery /
Local machinery / other project fixed costs.
3. Working Capital (For Industrial Finance):
a) Non Funded: L/C for import of Raw Materials, Acceptance, Bank Guarantee, SOD
(General), SOD (others), etc.
b) Funded: Cash Credit (Hypo) / Cash Credit (Pledge) / PAD / LTR / Time Loan / IBP /
IDBP / FDBP / Packing Credit (for export oriented industries), etc.
4. Commercial Lending :
a) Non Funded: L/C for import goods, Acceptance, Bank Guarantee, etc.
b) Funded: Cash Credit (Hypo) / Cash Credit (Pledge) / OD / PAD / LTR / Time Loan / IBP
/ IDBP / FDBP, etc
5. Finance to NBFI:
a) Non Funded: L/C for import of machinerys / equipment for their clients, Bank
Guarantee, etc.
b) Funded : OD / SOD (General) /Time Loan / Term Loan
6. Special Program:
a) Funded: Consumer Credit Scheme, Personal Loan in the form of Time Loan / Term Loan,
Staff House Building, SME (including Non-Funded), Visa Credit Card, EEF, etc.
a) Non Funded: Back to Back L/C (Revolving), Acceptance, Bank Guarantee, etc.
b) Funded: LTR, Packing Credit, FDBP, IDBP etc.
The Bank has a plan to establish an Islamic Banking wing at Head Office aiming to open
Islamic Banking Branches subject to permission from Bangladesh. Our Islamic Banking
branches shall meticulously follow the operational modes and methodologies as permissible
under Islamic Shariah. The major lending products of the Bank under Islamic Banking System
will be as follows:
Tender Guarantee
Performance Guarantee
Guarantee for Sub-Contracts
Shipping guarantee
Advance Payment guarantee
Guarantee in lieu of Security Deposits
Guarantee for exemption of Customs Duties
The Bank may extend the maximum credit facilities (funded / non-funded) to a single client /
enterprise / group as per guidelines of Bangladesh Bank vide BRPD circular issued / to be
issued from time to time on the following criteria:
a) Clients who obtained A category as per Banks Risk Grading System.
b) Covered by adequate collateral security or Guarantee
c) Established long term business / Banking relationship
d) The total outstanding financing facilities by the Bank to any single client or enterprise or
organization / group shall not at any point of time exceed 35% of the Banks total capital
subject to the condition that the maximum outstanding against fund based financing
facilities (funded facilities) do not exceed 15% of the total capital. Non-Funded Credit
facilities e.g. letter of credit, guarantee, etc. can be provided to a single large borrower but
under no circumstances, the total amount of the funded and non-funded facilities shall
exceed 35% of the Banks Capital.
e) In case of export sector, single borrower exposure limit shall be 50% of the Banks total
capital. But funded facilities in case of export credit shall also not exceed 15% of the total
f) Loan sanctioned to any individual or enterprise or group amounting to 10% or more of the
Banks capital shall be considered as large loan.
g) Total large loan portfolio of the Bank will not exceed the limit fixed by Bangladesh bank
vide their BRPD circular # 05 dated April 09, 2005 or as advised by Bangladesh Bank from
time to time.
In line with basic principles of lending, the Bank always discourages to lend its maximum
ceiling to a single client / group to minimize the risk. The Bank will prefer as a policy
guideline to arrange syndicated loan and participated in the syndicated / consortium loan
arrangement or in club finance.
a) The Bank Management will establish a specific industry sector exposure cap to avoid over
concentration in any one-industry sector. Sector-wise allocation of Credit shall be made
annually with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors / Board of
Directors as per appendix-A.
b) Diversification of Credit Portfolio will be encouraged so as to reduce the risk of dependence
on a particular sector for balanced socio-economic development of the country.
c) Branches shall submit a report outlining trend and outstanding to the Head of Credit
Administration Department on quarterly basis for onward submission to the Executive
Committee of the Board of Directors / Board of Directors for information/ perusal/
The Loan facility parameters for the Bank have been set as under:
a) The Bank in general will approve / renew trade finance facility for the period of 01 (one)
year from the date of approval / last expiry date.
b) The Bank will extend medium term loan for 3(three) years period.
c) The Bank will extend long term loan for maximum period of 6(six) year including grace
period of 6(six) months to 18(eighteen) months (depending on the nature of Project) for
project finance but in case of need, in syndication or club financing, the Bank may extend
the period of loan unto 7(seven) years.
However, in case of House Building Loan (General), the repayment period will be
maximum of 15(fifteen) years.
d) House Building Loan to Banks employee shall be governed as per policy guidelines of
Employees Building Loan scheme.
e) Besides above, the Bank will extend credit facilities under different scheme like Consumer
Credit Scheme, Small and Medium Enterprise Loan (SME), NBFIs as per policy set / to be
set by the Bank under the policy guidelines of the specific scheme.
f) The rate of Interest / Commission / Charges / Fees etc. would be as per the approved
schedule of charges with variation permissible as per Bangladesh Bank guidelines and with
the approval of competent authority.
g) The interest rate to be charged and to be paid out on quarterly basis except the especial
schemes and unless otherwise specified in the approved terms.
h) Repayment of term loan would be fixed preferably on monthly/quarterly basis.
i) In general, the cash margin for L/C would be 10% of the L/C amount or on the basis of
Banker Customer relationship subject to the minimum requirement of Bangladesh Bank
whichever in higher.
j) For the import of Capital machinery, the cash margin for L/C would be 25% - 30% or on
the basis of Banker Customer relationship subject to the minimum requirement of
Bangladesh Bank whichever is higher.
k) Any exception, as mentioned above, would be specifically approved by the competent
authority of the Bank.
l) Security accepted against credit facilities shall be properly valued and shall be affected in
accordance with Laws of the country in which the security is held. An appropriate margin of
security will be taken to reflect such factor as the disposal costs or potential price
movements of the underlying assets.
Accepted Securities are: Cash/Cash equivalent, Land and Building (in the form of registered
mortgage) hypothecation of Plant and Machinery, goods, assignment of bills / receivables,
book debts, pledge of shares, guarantee / Corporate Guarantee, etc.
m) Valuation of the lender property / Building / Machinery / Raw materials shall be done by
the Banks enlisted professional surveyors duly checked by the Bank officials.
n) Mortgage formalities including execution of registered irrevocable power of attorney must
be completed as per legal vetting of the Banks approved Lawyer.
o) The value of the mortgage property shall be preferably being double of the facility to be
extended depending upon other security coverage.
The security condition may be relaxed depending upon the Credit worthiness of the customer /
Banker-Customer relationship / potentiality of the business of the client.
Any exception of the parameters mentioned above is subject to be approved by the competent
authority as per delegated power approved by the Board of Directors
Risk associated with cross border lending. Borrowers of a particular country may be unable or
uncivilling to fulfill principle and/or interest obligation, distinguish from ordinary credit risk
because the difficulty arises from a political event, such as suspension of external payments
Interest on various lending categories will depend on the level of risk and type of security
offered. The higher the risk, the higher will be the interest rate. However, exceptions shall be
made in case of lending in national priority sectors.
The Bank from time to time circulate the interest rate / pricing of loans / charges / commissions,
etc. to its branches with the approval of competent authority and as per guidelines of
Bangladesh Bank. As on date the Bank fixes a mid rate for lending based on the Average Cost
of Fund. All pricing of loans shall, however, have relevance to the market condition and be
approved by the appropriate authority of the Bank.
a) In order to give high priority on the quality of Risk Assets, new Credit proposals must meet
the Banks Credit criteria
b) Maximization of profit is the basic aim of the Bank as such every profit opportunity should
be explored and professional skills are employed in the direction.
All financial activities involve a certain degree of risk and particularly, the financial institutions
of the modern era are engaged in various complex financial activities requiring them to put
proper attention to every detail.
A thorough Credit and Risk assessment shall be conducted for all types of credit proposals. The
results of this assessment shall be presented in the approved Credit Appraisal Form that
originates from the Credit officer / Relationship Manager (RM) and is to be approved by the
Management / Executive Committee of the Board of Directors / Board of Directors. The Credit
officers / RM is the owner of the customer relationship and must be held responsible to ensure
the accuracy of the entire credit application / proposal submitted for approval. The Credit
Officer / RMs must be familiar with Banks lending guidelines and should conduct due
diligence on new borrowers, principals and guarantees in line with policy guidelines.
Credit Appraisal should summarize the results of Credit Officers / RMs risks assessment and
includes as a minimum, the following details:
KYC Concept:
The Credit Officers / RM must know their customers and conduct due diligence on new
borrowers, principals and guarantees to ensure such parties are in fact who they represent
themselves to be i.e., Know Your Customer (KYC).
The Banker Customer relationship would be established first through opening of CD/ STD /
SB accounts. Proper introduction, photographs of the account holders / signatories, passport,
Trade License, Memorandum and Articles of the Company, List of Directors, resolution, etc., all
the registered papers as per Banks policy and regulatory requirements are to be obtained at the
time of opening of the account. A declaration regarding approximate transaction to the account
is to be obtained during opening of account. Information regarding business pattern, nature of
business, volume of business, etc. are to be ascertained. Any suspicious transaction must timely
addressed and brought down to notice of Head Office / Bangladesh Bank as required and also
appropriate corrective measures to be taken as per the direction of Bank Management /
Bangladesh Bank.
A comprehensive and accurate appraisal of the risk in every credit proposal of the Bank is
mandatory. No proposal can be put on place before approving authority unless there has been a
complete analysis. In order to safeguard Banks interest over the entire period of the advance, a
comprehensive view of the capital, capacity, integrity of the borrower, adequacy, nature of
security, compliance with all regulatory /legal formalities, condition of all documentation and
finally a continuous and constant supervision on the account are called for. It is absolute
responsibility of the Credit Officer / RM to ensure that all the necessary documents are collected
before the proposal is placed for approval. Where Loans/Advances/Credit facilities are granted
against the guarantee of the third party, that guarantor must be subject to the same credit
assessment as made for the principal borrower.
While making lending decisions, particular attention shall be given to the analysis of credit
proposals received from heavily leveraged companies and those dealing in non-essential
consumer goods, taking special care about their debt servicing abilities.
a) Present and future business potentiality for optimum deployment of Banks fund to increase
return on assets
b) Preference for self liquidating Quality business
c) Avoiding marginal performers
d) Risk depression is basic to sound credit principles and policies. Bank shall be careful about
large and undue concentration of credit to industry, one obligor and common product line,
e) Managing the amount, size, nature and soundness of one-obligor exposures relative to the
size of the borrower and Banks position among his other lenders.
f) Personal guarantee of the principal partners or the Directors of the Company shall be
The following risk areas shall be considered for analyzing a credit proposal.
The majority shareholders, management teams and group or affiliate companies shall be
assessed. Any issues regarding lack of management depth, complicated ownership structures or
inter-group transactions shall be addressed, and risks to be mitigated. The following questions
may be asked to assess the Management Risk:
The key risk factors of the borrowers industry shall be assessed. Any issues regarding the
borrowers position in the industry, overall industry concerns or competitive forces (demand
supply gap) shall be addressed and the strengths and weakness (SWOT Analysis) of the
borrower relative to its competition to be identified. For the above purpose the Credit
Officers/RM may obtain / collect data from the statistical yearbook / economic trends of
Bangladesh Bank / public report / newspaper/ journals etc. The following questions may be
asked to assess the Business and Industry Risk:
Are there any significant concentrations of sales (by customer, industry, country, and
How does the borrower rate with its competitors in terms of market share?
Can increased direct production costs be easily passed on to customers?
Does the borrower deal in any specific product that may be subject to obsolescence?
Is the purpose of borrowing consistent with the objectives of the Company?
Is the purpose legal? Does it contravene any rules and laws of the country and any
instruction issued by the Bangladesh Bank/Head Office?
Any customer or supplier concentration shall be addressed, as these could have a significant
impact on the future viability of the borrower.
Market Risk:
The sufficient market data is to be obtained to identify clients/borrowers market share in the
industry/demand-supply gap in the market.
Technological Risk :
The product that is manufactured must be technologically viable i.e. whether the technology
applied is updated. The products stage in its life cycle must be understood. Technical Aspects
of the products must be addressed. The Credit Officer / RM must be satisfied with the mitigating
factors of technical and technological risk, associated with the products.
Where term facilities (tenor > 1 year) are being proposed, a projection of the borrowers future
financial performance should be provided, indicating an analysis of the sufficiency of cash flow
to service debt repayments. Loans shall not be granted if projected cash flow is insufficient to
repay debts. In this regard the possibilities of cost overrun and sensibility analysis shall be done.
The following questions may be asked to assess the Financial Risk:
For existing borrowers, the historic performance in meeting repayment obligations (trade
payments, cheque, interest and principal payments, etc.) shall be assessed. In this regard the
Credit Officer / RM may look into the account turnover like debt summation / credit
summation- highest debit balance/ highest credit balance (or lowest debit balance), no. of debit
entries/ no. of credit entries for last three years (year wise)
The Credit Applications/ Appraisals must be prepared in line with Banks lending guidelines. It
must be clearly stated whether or not the application/proposal is in compliance with Banks
Credit Policy lending guidelines. Related questions to be addressed are:
The interest rate must be fixed based on different risk factors associated with the type of
business such as liquidity risk, commodity risk, equity risk, and loan period risk. Interest rate
also arises from the movements of interest rate in the market. In assessing the pricing and
profitability, the credit officer/RM must consider the income from ancillary business like
foreign exchange business, group business, volume of business etc. Related questions to be
addressed are:
The foreign exchange transaction is associated with foreign currency fluctuation risk. Therefore
the credit officer/RM must take care of for the Forex risk. The questions to be addressed as:
This type of risk is generally involved in taking project finance decision. A high degree of cost
overrun may cause the failure of the project. Therefore the credit officer must consider the cost
components of the project and their chance of devaluation. The questions to be addressed are-
Mitigating Factors :
The Credit Officer/RM must address to different risks associated with the proposal. The
possible risk include but not limited to market risk, financial risk, foreign exchange risk, risk of
cost overrun, margin sustainability and/or volatility, high debt load (leverage/gearing),
overstocking or debtor issues, repaid growth, acquisition or expansion, new business
line/product expansion: management changes or succession issues, customer or supplier
concentrations, and lack of transparency or industry issues obtaining factors for risks identified
in the credit assessment shall have to be described and understood.
The Bank must assess the critical risks of facilities given / to be given and ways / factors of
mitigation of those risks. Some of the critical factors are:
High debt
Rapid growth
Debtors issues
Loan Structure :
The amounts and tenors of financing proposed should be justified based on the projected
repayment ability and loan purpose. Excessive tenor or amount relative to business needs
increase the risk of fund diversion and may adversely impact the borrowers repayment ability.
Related questions to be addressed are:
Security :
A current valuation of collateral must be obtained from Banks approved enlisted surveyors and
the quality and priority of security being proposed shall be assessed properly.
Loan shall not be granted based solely on security. Adequacy and the extent of the insurance
coverage shall be assessed. The Credit Officer/RM must look into the clients interest /
dependability on the collateral offered as security.
Credit proposals shall not be unduly influenced by an over reliance on the sponsoring
principals reputation, reported independent means, or their perceived willingness to inject funds
into various business enterprises in case of need. These situations shall be discouraged and
treated with great caution. Rather, credit proposals and the granting of loans will be based on
sound fundamentals supported by a thorough financial and risk analysis.
Has the borrower complied with the terms and conditions of the facility?
Adverse feature include: any past dues / excesses / delays / cheque returns and or default
in covenants and / or failure to meet interest when due.
Does the account fluctuate with the seasonally of the business?
Has the relationship strategy and earnings for the last twelve months been met?
Risk grading is a key measurement of a Banks asset quality and as such, it is essential that
grading is a robust process. All facilities shall be assigned a risk grade. Where deterioration in
risk is noted, the Risk Grade assigned to a borrower and its facilities shall be immediately
changed. Borrower Risk Grades shall have to be clearly stated on Credit Applications.
Presently the Bank is following/conducting the Lending Risk Analysis to assess the risk grade.
The concerned Credit Officer / RM must clearly indicate the risk grade (as per the finding) in
the specific column of credit appraisal form so that the authority can take decision on the matter.
A standard Risk Grading Matrix is depicted as under based on the Risk Grade Scorecard
attached as an Appendix-1
Grade 5 assets potential weaknesses that deserves
managements close attention. If left uncorrected, these
weaknesses may result in a deterioration of the repayment
prospects of the borrower. Facilities should be downgraded to
Special Mention 5 5 if sustained deterioration in financial condition is noted
(Consecutive losses, negative net worth, due for 30-90 days,
or if a significant petition or repayment of facilities is still
expected and interest can still be taken into profits. An
Aggregate Score of 55-64 based on the Risk Grade Scorecard.
Risk Rating Grade Definition
Financial condition is weak and capacity or inclination to repay is
in doubt. These weaknesses jeopardize the full settlement of loans.
Loans should be downgraded to 6 if loan payments remain past
due for 90 days but less than 180 days, if the customer intends to
create a lender group for debt restructuring purposes, the operation
Substandard 6 has ceased trading or any indication suggesting the winding up or
closure of the borrower is discovered. Not yet considered
non-performing as the correction of the deficiencies may result in
an improved condition and interest can still be taken into profits.
An Aggregate Score of 45-54 based on the Risk Grade Scorecard.
Full repayment of principal and interest is unlikely and the
possibility of loss is extremely high. However, due to specifically
identifiable pending factors, such as litigation, liquidation
procedures or capital injection, the assets are not yet classified as
Loss. Assets should be downgraded to 7 if loan, payments remain
Doubtful past due in excess of 180 days and interest income should be taken
and Bad into suspense (non-accrual). Loan loss provisions must be raised
(non-performi 7 against the estimated unrealizable amount of all facilities. The
ng) adequacy of provisions must be reviewed at least quarterly on all
non-performing loans and the bank should pursue legal options to
enforce security to obtain repayment or negotiate an appropriate
loan rescheduling. In all cases, the requirements of Bangladesh
Bank in CIB reporting, loan rescheduling and provisioning must
be followed. An Aggregate Score of 35 44 based on the Risk
Grade Scorecard.
Assets graded 8 are long outstanding with no progress in obtaining
repayment (in excess of 360 days past due) or in the late stages of
wind up/liquidation. The prospect of recovery is poor and legal
options have been pursued. The proceeds expected from the
Loss liquidation or realization of security may be awaited. The
(non-performi 8 continuance of the loan as a bankable asset is not warranted and
ng) the anticipated loss should have been provided for. This
classification reflects that it is not practical or desirable to defer
writing of this basically worthless asset even though partial
recovery may be effected in the future. Bangladesh Bank
guidelines for timely write off of bad loans must be adhered to. An
Aggregate Score of 35 or less based on the Risk Grade Scorecard.
i) All powers of the Bank are vested in the Board. They are the source of all powers, and any
person or body can exercise only the powers delegated by the Board in ways and manners
specified by them.
ii) Mercantile Bank Ltd. believes in decentralization of powers. With a view to ensuring
prompt and efficient services to its multitude of clients spread far and wide, the Bank
envisages delegation of optimum powers to its Executives and Officials at different levels
of operations. But, while delegating powers, the Board is also aware of the following
principles and factors:
(a) The Board can delegate the authority, not its responsibility.
(b) The evil of dual sub-ordination may creep in the chain of command if authority is not
well defined and properly implemented.
(c) Exercise of the delegated authority must commensurate with the shouldering of the
iii) In order to implement the system of delegation of powers effectively, and to derive the
desired benefit for the Bank as well as the Executives concerned, the Bank must develop a
system to ensure that the delegated authority exercised by the Executives can be evaluated
realistically and qualitatively. For that purpose, the Bank will have to develop a
Management Information System (MIS) so that the Board gets prompt and systematic feed
back as to how effectively and efficiently the delegated authority is being exercised by the
Executives. For the purpose of investment of Banks Fund, the cardinal principle is Safety
first, Business next. Delegation of power shall test the ability of the Executives to take
decisions judiciously with honesty and integrity to achieve the objectives of the Bank.
iv) The Board of Directors of the Bank in its 42nd meeting held on 29th April 2003 approved
delegation of a) Business Power (Loans and Advances), b) Business Power (Foreign
Exchange) to individual executives of the Bank.
v) The Bank intends to make it crystal clear to all concerned that the powers are delegated to
serve the greater interest of the institution. So, to achieve this objective, the General
Guidelines as described in section . . . . . . . . . Of chapter . . . . . . . and the ceiling as
mentioned in Annexure . . . . . . Shall be followed meticulously.
vi) The credit approval function has been separated from the marketing/relationship
management function.
vii) Unless personally authorized by a separate letter, mere mention of delegation in this
guidelines shall not entitle an official falling under the category to exercise the powers.
viii) Delegated approval authorities shall be reviewed annually by Managing Director & CEO/
Executive Committee of Directors / Board of Directors
ix) All credit risks must be authorized by executives within the authority limit delegated to
them by the Managing Director & CEO/ Executive Committee of Directors / Board of
Directors. The pooling or combining of authority limits is not permitted.
x) The aggregate exposure to any borrower or borrowing group is used to determine the
approval authority required.
xi) Any credit proposal that does not comply with Lending Guidelines, regardless of amount,
has to be referred to Head Office for Approval.
xii) Managing Director & CEO/Head Office Credit Risk Management / Board as per the
delegated power shall approve and monitor any cross border exposure risk / exceptional
xiii) Any breaches of lending authority to be reported to Managing Director & CEO, Head of
Internal Control and Head of CRM.
1.3.1 Training and Experience:
A monthly summary of all new facilities approved, renewed, enhanced and a list of proposals
declined stating reasons thereof to be reported by CRM to the Managing Director and CEO.
At Branch level : Branch Authority as per their business delegation must take decision
within maximum of 3 - 7 days
At Head Office level : The Head Office Credit Committee(HOCC)/ Executive Committee
of the Board of Directors/Board of Directors shall take decision within maximum of :
Sanction letter to be issued within 1 2 days time from the date of approval.
In case of Large Loan, it must be reported to Bangladesh Bank.
In case of the specific loans like Directors loan, prior approval from Bangladesh Bank to be
obtained as per requirements / guidelines of Bangladesh Bank.
The purpose of the segregation is to improve the knowledge levels and expertise in each
department, to decrease the probability of compromise, to impose controls over the
disbursement of authorized loan facilities and obtain an objective and independent judgments of
credit proposals. The job responsibilities of different units are as follows:
intelligence/common sense to ascertain whether the proposals carry
value or contribute to Banks profitability.
3. To cater to customer needs and summarize the facilities/ rate of
interest / commission / charges / security arrangement etc. and place
Relationship it to the higher authority for further process.
Management / 4. To make periodic visit / inspection in borrowers shop / factory /
Credit Marketing warehouse etc. and submit the report to the Head of Credit
5. To provide required information to the Credit appraisal team for
approval / concurrence or other action and Credit Administration
Team in case of need.
6. To monitor the financial performance and account conduct of the
borrower and intimate the updated position to the Credit Approval
Authority / branches.
7. To prepare a Call report for all customer contact / visit and place it to
the reporting authority.
1. To prepare credit proposals (memo) and place it to the approval
authority for decision.
2. To obtain necessary approval from appropriate approval authority
3. Issuance of Sanction Letter / declining decision to the branches
Credit Appraisal 4. All sorts of correspondence to the branches / Marketing division for
/ Approval preparation of memo.
5. Conducting due diligence in line with Banks CRM Policy guidelines
and Bangladesh Bank / Govt. rules and regulations.
8. To determine Account Action Plan / Recovery Strategy
9. To p ursue all options to maximize recovery
10. To produce required statements related to credit division including
statement of new facilities, renewed facilities, declined facilities and
submit before the Managing Directors & CEO / EC / Board for
review and guidance.
11. To deal with legal matters
12. To process branch proposals regarding rescheduling / classified
13. To collect CIB report from Bangladesh Bank and be responsible for
CIB, CL returns of Bangladesh Bank
14. To submit all required Bangladesh Bank returns and statements to
other regulatory authorities.
15. To enlist surveyors, lawyers, insurers with approval of the Bank
Management and to monitor and review their performance
The Bank has a separate and independent Audit and Inspection Division responsible for
conducting audits and inspection of all Branches and Departments of Head Office. Audits and
Inspection are carried out on periodic interval (at least once in a year) to ensure compliance with
regulatory guidelines, internal procedures and Lending Guidelines as per Bangladesh Bank Core
Risk Management policy. Surprise inspection / special inspections are also conducted as and
when required. The Head of Audit & Inspection Division directly reports to the Managing
Director and CEO.
At present 13 (thirteen) Branches of the Bank are interconnected with ONLINE SYSTEM. Rest
of the branches will be ONLINE within 2-3 months. Therefore, it will be possible to monitor
any function / any transaction of the branches by the controlling authority at Head Office after
establishment of ONLINE SYSTEM with other branches. Authority may be given to Managing
Director and CEO, Additional Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director, Head of Credit,
Head of Credit Administration Department, Head of Internal Audit & Inspection, Head of Board
Audit and Head of Compliance to go through any transaction of the Branches as and when
In order to discharge the duties efficiently and conduct the due diligence properly, it is
necessary to arrange sufficient training for executives / officers of different areas particularly the
credit officers. Considering the requirements the Bank has established its Training Institute in
Head Office in 2002 where different types of banking related courses are offered to Officers of
different level. It is expected that all Credit and Relationship Officers will be trained gradually
in specific fields of Credit Risk Management.
The appropriate organizational structure must be in place to support the adoption of policies
described in Chapter-I of these guidelines. The key feature is the segregation of the Marketing /
Relationship Management function from Approval / Risk Management / Administrative
Credit approval shall be centralized within the CRM function. Credit application shall be
approved by the Managing Director and CEO / Additional Managing Director / Deputy
Managing Director / Head of Credit at Head Office / Head of Branches as per their delegation of
business powers approved by the Board of Directors and beyond their authority, the proposals
are to be placed before the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors / Board of Directors
for approval.
2.2 Key Responsibilities:
The key responsibilities of the above functions are as follows. Please you can show (A-D) for sample job
B) Relationship Manager :
The responsibility of Relationship Managers (RMs) is to serve as the primary relationship
contact person with the Banks corporate and commercial customers, to maximize relationship
profitably through cross selling and to minimize credit losses through risk assessment and
timely identification of deteriorating Credit Risk of Customers.
The Key responsibilities of the Head of Credit Risk Management are as follows:
1. Oversight of the Banks credit policies, procedures and controls relating to all credit risks
arising from corporate/commercial/institutional banking and treasury operations.
2. Oversight of the Banks asset quality.
3. Directly manage all Special Mentioned, Substandard, and Doubtful and Bad & Loss
accounts to maximize recovery and ensure that appropriate and timely loan loss provisions
have been made.
4. Approve or decline, within the delegated business authority, the Credit Applications
recommended by RM. Where aggregate borrower exposure will be in excess of the
delegated authority, he will provide recommendation to AMD / MD & CEO / EC / Board
of Directors for approval.
5. Provide advice/assistance regarding all Credit matters to line management / RMs
6. Ensure that the lending executives have adequate experience and / or training in order to
carry out job duties effectively.
D) Head of Credit :
The responsibility of the Head of Credit is to ensure sound asset quality and create a
conservative credit culture through lending activities, credit approval process is responsive to
customer needs and credit losses are minimized. He will serve on the Banks Asset and Liability
Management Committee.
The responsibility of the Head of Credit Administration Department (CAD) includes planing,
organizing, directing, controlling and reviewing the operational and administrative functions of
Credit Administration Department to ensure efficient and effective support to the concerned
Divisions in line with regulatory and Bank requirements while exercising appropriate control
and independent judgments.
The other key accountabilities of the Credit Administration Department are as follows:
1. Ensure loan documentation and securities are duly completed and in place prior to
disbursement of loans.
2. Ensure that CIB report reflects/includes the name of all the lenders with facility, limit and
3. Ensure compliance with all formalities regarding large loans and loans to Directors as per
Directives of Bangladesh Bank Circulars & rules and regulations of Banking Companies
4. Ensure that adequate insurance is in place on all pledged assets, all approval conditions have
been met and exceptions, if any, are approved prior to disbursement of loans.
5. Maintain control over all security documentation.
6. Monitor borrowers compliance with covenant, agreed terms & conditions and also monitor
account performance.
The key responsibilities of the Head of Monitoring, Recovery and Compliance Department are
as follows:
1. Directly manage all Special Mention, Substandard, Doubtful and Bad and Loss accounts in
order to standardize/regularize/maximize recovery and ensure that appropriate and timely
loan loss provisions have been made.
2. Provide early signals/warning to the Branches/Marketing Division/Account Relationship
3. Determine Account Action Plan/Recovery Strategy.
4. Pursue all options to maximize recovery.
5. Deal with all legal matters.
6. Process branch proposals regarding rescheduling of classified accounts.
7. Collect CIB report from Bangladesh Bank and be responsible for sending CIB, CL returns
to Bangladesh Bank on time.
8. Ensure all required Bangladesh Bank returns and statements to other regulatory authorities
are submitted with accurate statistics in the correct format in a timely manner.
9. Ensure that Bangladesh Bank circulars/regulations are maintained centrally and advised to
all relevant departments to ensure compliance.
10. Enlist surveyors, lawyers, insurers with approval of the Bank Management and to monitor
and review their performance periodically.
11. Produce required statements related to credit division including statement of newly
approved facilities, renewed facilities, declined proposals and submit a report before the
Managing Director and CEO / EC / Board for their review and guidance.
This chapter outlines the main procedures that are needed to ensure compliance with the policies
contained in chapter 1 of these guidelines.
In approval process the Bank segregates its relationship Management / Marketing from the approving
authority. The existing approval authorities are Head of Branch, Zonal Head, Head Office Credit
Committee, Executive Committee of the Board of Directors and Board of Directors as per their
delegation of business powers defined in later section. The recommending or approving executives shall
take responsibility for and be held accountable for their recommendations or approval. Delegation of
approval limits shall be as per policy guidelines that all proposals where facilities are upto 15% of the
banks capital shall be approved at the CRM level, facilities upto 25% of the capital shall be approved by
Managing Director & CEO subject to the limit approved by the Board of Directors. At present the Bank
has business delegation powers approved by the Board of Directors in its 42nd meeting held on 25th April
2003. Credit proposals in excess of 25% of the Banks Capital to be approved by Executive Committee
of the Board of Directors or Board of Directors after recommendation of CRM, Corporate Banking and
Managing Director & CEO.
The Branch Marketing Team comprising of Executives and Officers will market the clients and then
prepare credit appraisal memo as per the prescribed format and within the purview of the set rule/policy
guideline of the Bank. In case it is within the delegated business power of the Head of Branch, the
concerned Executive / Officer will place it to the Head of Branch who will make judgments (qualitative
and quantitative judgment) and if found viable then he will approve the Loan otherwise he may reject it
or forward it to the Head of Corporate / Commercial Banking at Head Office.
The facility if beyond the limit of the business delegated power of Head of Branch, the proposal
will be sent to the Head of Corporate / Commercial Banking at Head Office along with the
branch recommendations. The Proposal on receipt by the Head of Corporate / Commercial
Banking will forward it to the Head of Credit who in turn distribute it to the respective Credit
Officer at the Head Office to scrutinize, analyze and prepare a memo with due diligence along
with their observations / results of analysis and to place it to the Head Office Credit Committee.
In Head Office Credit Division, separate Credit Officers are designated for looking after the
proposal of separate Branches. There also exist separate units for handling Garments related
proposal /Export Finance, Project Loan, Syndication and Structured Finance. The Head Office
Credit Committee depending upon the delegated business power either approve it (or reject it if
found not viable) or place it to the Executive Committee of Directors / Board of Directors.
3.2 Appeal Process:
Any declined credit proposal may be represented to the next higher authority for reassessment /
approval. However, there shall be no appeal process beyond the Managing Director & CEO.
3.3 Delegation of Power:
Delegation of approval of Credit facilities shall be as per policy guidelines that all proposals
where credit facility/facilities are upto 15% of the Banks Capital shall be approved by CRM
level, facilities upto 25% of the Capital shall be approved by the Managing Director and CEO
subject to the limit approved by the Board of Directors. Credit facilities in excess of 25% of the
Banks Capital shall be approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Director or Board
of Directors on recommendation of CRM, Corporate Banking and Managing Director & CEO.
At present the Bank has business delegation powers approved by the Board of Directors in its
meeting held on 29th April 2003 which may be revised from time to tome considering the
volume of the portfolio and other related factors.
While exercising the business delegation powers, the following general guidelines shall be
followed meticulously:
1. The Managing Director can exercise all the powers vested in other Executives/Officers of
the Bank.
2. Other than the Managing Director, the Delegation of Powers shall be exercised by the
Executives/Officers only to whom such schedule of powers is issued by a separate letter by
or under the order of the Managing Director as approved by the Board/Committee. In such
cases, the Executive or Officer may also exercise Delegation of Powers vested in other
Executives/Officers lower in rank/grade and working in his Deptt./Branch. SEVP, EVPs,
VPs, SAVPs, AVPs and officers shall be authorized to exercise delegated powers only
when posted as In-charge of Branches.
3. Unless personally authorized by a separate letter, mere mention of delegation in this
guidance shall not entitle an official falling under the category to exercise the powers.
4. The Managing Director may suspend exercise of delegated Powers of any
Executive/Officer or any category of Executive/Officer through specific or general order
with the prior approval of the Board/Committee. In case of emergency, he may also
suspend exercise of delegated Powers of any Executive/Officer or any category of
Executive/Officer subject to obtaining post-facto approval by the Board within one month
from the date of such suspension.
5. Delegated Powers may be reduced, suspended or withdrawn at the discretion of the Board
of Directors /Committee.
6. These rules containing schedule of powers shall be treated as strictly confidential and shall
always be in the custody of the Executive/Officer to whom it has been issued.
7. The sanctioning authority shall exercise their prudence and judgment in using these powers.
1. Delegated powers shall be exercised by the authorized officials judiciously keeping in view
the interest of the Bank. In exercising the powers so delegated, authorized officials shall
abide by credit restrictions, CIB clearance, margin restrictions, stipulation regarding period
of repayment in force from time to time, etc. Advances requiring prior approval of
Bangladesh Bank can be sanctioned only after such approval is obtained. Delegations of
powers do not vest on the sanctioning official any authority to relax or waive any credit
restrictions/stipulation in force from time to time.
2. The first and fore most criterion for allowing credit will be the proper and correct selection
of borrower.
The borrower should be selected on the following basis:
a) The borrower must be a man of integrity and must enjoy good reputation in the market.
b) The borrower must have the capacity and capability for utilizing credit properly and
c) The enterprise of the borrower must be viable and profitable. That is, the proposal of
the borrower must be evaluated properly and carefully so as to ascertain its
profitability. The enterprise must be able to generate sufficient fund for debt servicing.
3. A party to who credit to be allowed should be as far as possible within the command area i.
e. area of operation of the branch. For example, Moulvi Bazar Branch, Dhaka should not
normally accommodate a party of Mohakhali area, Dhaka. Deviations, if any, are to be
explicitly explained in the proposal.
4. No sanctioning officer can sanction any credit to any of his near relations and to any
firm/company where his relations have financial interest. Such cases should be sent to Head
Office for consideration.
5. There shall be no power to sanction clean advance. Clean advance or advances may be
allowed only with the approval of the Board/Committee.
6. No loan or advances shall be sanctioned to any Director of our Bank or any firm or
company where they have interest as Proprietor/Partner/Director or to their family
Members as defined in the Banking Companies Act, 1994.
1. The schedule of business powers as per Annexure-A lays down the maximum power per
2. While determining sanctioning power per party (Individual/Firm/ Company, etc.) against
different type/nature of advances, loans, guarantee, L/C etc. existing sanctioned limit
(unexpired), together with proposed amount of limit taken together, should not exceed the
delegated power of sanctioning authority against specific type/nature of limit.
3. A party should not be accommodated with different types of credit facilities nor should the
same party be allowed credit facilities in different names or from different Branches
without the authority of Head Office. A party will mean any one person/firm/company/
concern and will include his/its sister concerns.
4. No discretionary power shall be applied to accommodate parties to whom Head Office has
already sanctioned limit or proposals of which have already been rejected by Head Office.
5. Before issuance of any Bid Bond, it must be ascertained whether or not the party will
require Performance Bond or any other credit facility.
6. Authority beyond delegated powers shall be exercised by the Board/ Committee.
2. Sanction of advance/limit should be advised to the borrowers detailing properly the terms
and conditions and written confirmation of acceptance of the same to be obtained from the
3. All formalities connected with the investigation into the credit worthiness of the parties,
processing the proposals, compilation of credit reports and obtaining necessary documents
should be observed meticulously.
4. Disbursement of loans presupposes observance of all norms and procedures as per rules and
guidelines in this Delegation of Powers, Manuals and also conveyed through different
circulars of Head Office and Bangladesh Bank from time to time. The disbursing officer
shall ensure that all documentation of credit have been duly completed before disbursement
of credit.
5. The Branch In-charge shall remain responsible for constant supervision and follow-up of
the advances allowed under the discretionary powers and keep Head Office apprised of the
disproportionate variations.
6. Recommending and supervisory officials shall remain accountable for their respective
7. Sanctioning officer will be accountable for non-recovery due to his injudicious decision.
7. All members of the Credit Committee (Management) shall also be accountable collectively
and individually for their injudicious decision.
The business powers can be exercised by the following when posted as under :
The Managing Director & CEO. Additional Managing Director(AMD) shall exercise delegated
powers on the recommendation of the Credit Committee.
AMD, SEVPs, EVPs, VPs, SAVPs and AVPs shall exercise delegation only when posted as
In-charge of Branches. The Managing Director is however, authorized/delegated to allow
composite credit facilities within the delegation as per delegation allowed for individual nature
of loan. But Composite limit so allowed shall not exceed Tk 10 crore.
There shall be a Credit Committee at Head Office. However in case of any disagreement
between the committee and the concerned Executive, the matter may be referred to the
Managing Director for disposal in the greater interest of the Bank.
Additional Managing Director/Deputy Managing Director and Executive Vice President &
In-charge of Credit Division shall exercise business power delegated to them.
7. Money suit/court cases against any defaulting borrower is to be filed by the branches after
obtaining prior approval from Head Office.
8. Branches shall maintain Banks printed Confidential Limits, Register which will record
serially all the limits sanctioned.
Discretionary Powers with regard to the Foreign Exchange transaction shall be exercised by
the authorized officials judiciously keeping in view the interest of the Bank. In exercising
such powers, officials shall take note of any changes of Exchange Control Regulations of
Bangladesh Bank and the Import and Export regulations issued by the CCI & E. It may be
noted that such regulations are changed and amended regularly.
constituting the total landed cost should not exceed delegated authority prescribed for
post-import finance.
8. All delegated powers may be exercised subject to any restriction imposed by Bangladesh
Bank, CCI & E or Head Office from time to time.
9. Before establishing L/C, genuineness of the importers and the suppliers must be
ascertained. The importers must have permanent business establishment with good
10. Arrangement of pre-shipment inspection of the goods by an internationally reputed
surveyor at the loading point indicating the name of carrying vessel with its voyage number
may be made as far as practicable at the cost of the opener/beneficiary of the L/C.
11. Outstation importers should not ordinarily be entertained. But, incase of well known and
reputed outstation importers, the authorized officer in his own responsibility can open L/C
after having been fully satisfied with the importers genuineness/integrity and reputation.
12. It is the policy of the Bank that all types of regular importers, including Garment Factories,
shall be allowed suitable limit for opening of general and BTB L/C as well as post-import
finance. This will avoid any delay in handling such business. So, Branch-In-charges shall
obtain necessary limits for such parties at their earliest.
13. Sanctioning authority must report details of accommodation to Head Office on regular
14. Foreign Guarantees shall be processed subject to the approval of Bangladesh Bank, where
necessary. Outward Foreign Guarantees shall be issued only after obtaining Counter
Guarantee from the applicant of the guarantees. This shall be in addition to other collateral
securities, wherever applicable.
15. The Branch In-charge will remain responsible for constant supervision and follow-up of the
advances allowed under his discretionary powers and also the advances approved by Head
Office on his recommendation. Branch shall keep Head Office apprised of the
disproportionate variation, if any.
16. Sanctioning official shall be accountable for non-recovery due to his injudicious decision.
1. In case of Back to Back L/Cs and pre-shipment finance on account of export oriented
garments & textile industries etc., the following norms shall be followed :
i. While opening Back to Back L/Cs for import/procurement of raw materials on account
of clients, their present outstanding amount of Back to Back L/Cs, Back to Back Bills
will be taken together into account within the sanctioned limit.
ii. Back to Back L/Cs for new clients or existing clients having overdue Bills liabilities
will be opened only after obtaining prior approval from Head Office.
iii. Before opening of Back to Back L/Cs the authorized officers must see that the importer
is in possession of :
a. A valid customs Bonded Warehouse License.
b. Freely negotiable export L/C (Master L/C) with shipment validity sufficient to
cover the transitional period of import of raw material and manufacturing the
garments and export thereof.
c. Quota Allocation letter of Export Promotion Bureau in case of quota item, to be
deposited with the branch before opening of L/C.
iv. While sanctioning pre-shipment finance for manufacturing the garments, the
authorized officers must see that the entire fabrics and accessories have arrived at the
factory premises and are under process of manufacture. He must be satisfied that there
will be no difficulty in execution of the export order up to 100% well in time i. e.
within the present validity of the export L/C. He will also ensure that the amount of
pre-shipment Credit and the amount of Back to Back liability together will, under no
circumstances, exceed 90% of FOB value of the export to be made.
2. All imports & exports are subject to Import & Export Trade Control Regulations and
Exchange Control Regulations. The authorized Officers while opening L/Cs and
negotiating export documents will meticulously follow these regulations.
1. Back to Back L/Cs shall be allowed on account of the party on the basis of partys
installed capacity & past performance etc. against proper limits sanctioned by Head
2. Back to Back L/C may be opened depending on the production capacity within the
sanctioned limit.
3. Additional Back to Back L/C facilities beyond capacity can be opened with the
approval of competent authority as a special case.
4. No Back to Back L/C bill shall be kept overdue beyond its due date of payment as per
acceptance communicated by the Bank.
5. All over draft (Export) Loan to be allowed to pay out any overdue bill under Back to
Back L/C must have prior or post-facto approval of Head Office.
6. Board shall be regularly apprised on the position of SOD (Export) Loan and overdue
7. Existing facilities, if exceed the sanctioned limit, shall be brought to normal limit or
additional security shall be obtained to regularize the facility.
8. PC allowed against any L/C shall be adjusted upon negotiation of the same L/C.
The Disbursement Authority has been separated from Approval authority. The Disbursement
Authority is vested upon the Credit Administration Department (CAD).
The Credit Administration function is critical in ensuring that proper documentation and
approvals are in place prior to the disbursement of loan facilities. The functions of Credit
Administration are strictly segregated from Relationship Management/Marketing in order to
avoid the possibility of controls being compromised or issues not being highlighted at the
appropriate level.
Credit Administration procedures are in place to ensure the functions as mentioned in flowchart
attached as Appendix-3.1
3.4.1 Disbursement:
The documents may either be prepared at Branch level or by Head Office (for
Syndication and Large Loan) with the Vetting of legal counsel/adviser of the Bank.
Loan disbursements and storage of security is to be done at Banks respective Branch.
Appropriate insurance coverage is maintained (and renewed on a timely basis) on assets
pledged as collateral.
Security documentation is held under strict control, preferably in locked fireproof
storage and with dual control.
All required Bangladesh Bank returns are submitted in the correct format in a timely
Bangladesh Bank circulars/regulations are maintained centrally and advised to all
relevant Divisions to ensure compliance.
All third party service providers (surveyors/valuers, lawyers, insurers, CPAs etc.) are
approved and performance reviewed on an annual basis. Banks are referred to
Bangladesh Bank circular outlining approved external audit firms that are acceptable.
As a matter of policy, these loans and advances are discouraged and are subject to following
restrictions, if the collateral offered consists of assets that are not readily marketable. These loan
requests must:
It should be made clear to the guarantors that the Bank will call upon them to meet their
obligation in the event of the borrowers default. Guarantors must be informed of all changes in
their terms and conditions of the facility and where these involve weakening of the credit e.g.
release of collateral, the extension of maturities or an increase in the pricing of the facility, the
guarantors agreement should be obtained in writing. In the event of default, the guarantor
should be advised immediately in writing to meet his obligations under the guarantee. In case of
his failure, appropriate action should be imitated.
3.5.2 Changes in Terms and Conditions:
Prior approval of Head Office is required to accomplish any material change in a credit /
banking arrangement. This applies specifically to change in rate, maturity, collateral, covenant,
waiver of default, amendment and release of guarantee(s) and any other change which would
materially alter the credit arrangement from that initially or previously authorized.
To minimize credit losses, monitoring procedures and systems to be in place, which will
provides an early indication of the deteriorating financial health of a borrower. The credit
monitoring process in Bank is vested on Monitoring, Recovery and Compliance Division. Head
of Monitoring, Recovery and Compliance Division will report the exceptional list of assets on
daily basis on the following categories:
Past due (which are not paid or renewed at maturity Grade 5) principal or interest
payments, past due trade bills, account excesses and breach of loan covenants;
Loan terms and conditions are monitored, financial statements are received on a regular
basis and any covenant breaches or exception are to be referred to the CRM and the RM
team for timely follow-up.
Timely corrective action is taken to address findings of any internal, external or
regulator inspection/audit.
All borrower relationships/loan facilities are reviewed and approved through the
submission of a Credit Application at least annually as per format attached as Appendix
The Bank should have a developed IT system which will enable to produce the above
information for Head Office as well as local review. Monitoring, Recovery and Compliance
Division will keep regularly follow up and corrective action to be taken in a timely manner
before the account deteriorates further.
An Early Alert Account is one that has risks or potential weaknesses of a material nature
requiring monitoring, supervision or close attention by the management.
If these weaknesses are left uncorrected, they may result in deterioration of the repayment
prospects for the asset or in the Banks credit position at some future date with a likely prospect
of being downgraded to 5 Category or worse (Impaired status), within the next twelve months.
Early identification, prompt reporting and proactive management of Early Alert Accounts are
prime credit responsibilities of all Credit Officers / RM and must be undertaken on a continuous
basis. An Early Alert report (Appendix-3.3.1) shall be completed by the Credit Officer / RM and
to be sent to the approving authority for any account that is showing signs of deterioration
within seven days from the identification of weaknesses. The Risk Grade shall be updated as
soon as possible and no delay to be made in referring problem accounts to the Monitoring,
Recovery and Compliance Division for assistance in recovery.
Despite a prudent credit approval process, loans may still become troubled. Therefore, the
Credit Officers/RMs must ensure the early identification and prompt reporting of deteriorating
credit signs for swift action to protect the Banks interest. The symptoms of important early alert
shown in Appendix-3.3.2 if there are other concerns, such as a breach of loan covenants or
adverse market rumors that warrant additional caution, an Early Alert report should be raised.
An account may be reclassified as a Regular Account from Early Alert Account status when the
symptom or symptoms, causing the Early Alert classification have been regularized or no longer
exist. The concurrence of the approval authority is required for conversion from Early Alert
Account status to Regular Account status.
The following are the broad definition of the classified categories: however, circulars of
Bangladesh Bank / Head Office of the Bank regarding basis of loan Classification and
provisioning must be followed.
As per recent circular from Bangladesh Bank, the Bank has started to observe the rules and
regulations of Special Mention Account. According to Bangladesh Bank regulation a
Continuous credit, Demand loan or a Term Loan which will remain overdue for a period of 90
days or more, will be put into the Special Mention Account and interest accrued on such loan
will be credited to Interest Suspense Account instead of crediting the same to Income Account.
This categorization helps the Bank to look at accounts with potential problems in focused
manner and captures early warning signals for accounts showing first signs of weakness. Loans
in the Special Mention Account are not treated as defaulted loan.
Substandard (SS):
A well-defined financial weakness is present in loans of this category, which could affect the
ability of the borrower to repay. This is clearly a troubled situation, for one reason or another
that requires immediate and intensive effort to correct and reduce the possibility of loss.
Doubtful (DF):
A serious doubt must exist that full repayment will not be forthcoming but the exact amount of
the loss cannot be ascertained at the time of classification.
All classified loans require exceptional and special policy treatment of particular importance is
timely recognition of problems so that prompt action can be taken. It is expected that each
classified advance will have an action strategy developed by Branch/Regional Office/Head
Office with detailed programme to get the advance paid or restored to acceptable credit
standards. Classified assets should be recognized by all lending personnel as the assets that
present the greatest danger of future write off and as such should be given priority attention in
all aspects of credit process.
Resceduling and declassification of loans, advances and other assets require prior approval of
Head Office of the Bank and in some specific cases from Bangladesh Bank. During
rescheduling / declassification of the Loan the Bangladesh Banks sets rules must be followed
meticulously in line with BRPD circular no. . . . . . . . . dated . . . . . . . . . . . and circular issued
from time to time.
Loans and advances in whatever form granted by the Bank to its clients are repayable either on
demand or at the expiry of fixed period or as per repayment schedule agreed upon while
granting the facilities. If loan is repayable on installment basis, default may be purely an
oversight on the part of borrower but in other cases, it may be much more serious, giving the
Bank the first tangible evidence that the borrower is in financial difficulty. At this point the
procedure for dealing with potential loan losses comes into operation. The Branch Managers
(HoBs) should, therefore, keep a close and constant watch on all their loans and advances to
ensure that timely action is initiated in each case for adjustment of the account or its renewal, if
it is decided to continue the facility.
For this purpose each Branch should maintain a diary/card in prescribed format in which the due
date of expiry of credit facility, a notice should be sent to the borrower reminding him of the due
date of repayment and making a formal demand for repayment/renewal as the case may be,
Vigorous follow up action should thereafter be taken by issuing repeated reminders and putting
pressures on the borrower by calling on him personally. In other words, all out efforts should be
taken to recover the advance on its expiry. However, if in spite of vigorous persuasion the
borrower fails to adjust the liability within the date of expiry of the facility, the liability should
be downgraded to Special Mention (Grade-5) to facilitate monitoring and further follow up. The
branches should however, still make constant efforts to recover the advance if necessary,
through legal process. Before filing of the suit, Head Office approval should be obtained.
In Head Office there is a recovery unit under CRM and a recovery unit in Branch under the
supervision of Head of Branch (HoB). In order to facilitate follow up and recovery of NPAs the
branch as well as Head Office recovery unit shall renew at the close of each month at the
Special Mention Account / Classified loan accounts incorporating their comments regarding the
prospects and measures taken for recovery. The Recovery Unit (RU) directly manages accounts
with sustained deterioration Risk Rating of Special Mention (5) to Bad / Loss (8). The Banks
policy is to transfer EXIT accounts graded 4 6 to the RU for efficient exit based on
recommendation of CRM and Corporate Banking. Whenever an accounts is handed over from
Credit Officer / Relationship Management to RU, a Handover / Downgrade Checklist shall be
The RUs primary functions are:
The management of problem loans (NPLs) is a dynamic process and the associated strategy
together with the adequacy of provisions is regularly reviewed. A process shall be established to
share the lessons learnt from the experience of credit losses in order to update the lending
Within 7 days of an account being downgraded to substandard (grade 60 A Request for Action
(RFA Appendix-3.5.1A) and a handover/downgrade checklist (Appendix-3.4) should be
completed by the Credit Officer / RM and forwarded to RU for acknowledgment. The account
should be assigned to an account manager within the RU, who should review all documentation,
meet the customer and prepare a Classified Loan Review Report (CLR. within 15 days of the
transfer. The CLR should be approved by the Head of Credit and copied to the Head of
Corporate Banking and to the Branch where the loan was originally sanctioned. This initial CLR
should highlight any documentation issues, loan structuring weaknesses, proposed workout
strategy and should seek approval for any loan loss provisions that are necessary.
Recovery Units ensures that the following is carried out when an account is classified as Sub
Standard or worse:
Facilities are withdrawn or repayment is demanded as appropriate. Any drawings or
advances shall be restricted and only approved after careful scrutiny and approval from
appropriate executives within approving authority and/or as per Bangladesh Bank
CIB reporting is updated according to Bangladesh Bank guidelines and the borrowers
Risk Grade is changed as appropriate.
Loan loss provisions are taken based on Force Sale Value (FSV) or as per classification
criteria as set by Bangladesh Bank.
Loans are only rescheduled in conjunction with the Rescheduling guidelines of
Bangladesh Bank. Any rescheduling should be based n projected future cash flows and
should be strictly monitored.
Prompt legal actin is taken if the borrower is uncooperative.
All NPLs are assigned to an Account Manager within the RU, who is responsible for
coordinating and administering the action plan/recovery of the account and should serve as the
primary customer contact after the account is downgraded to substandard. Whilst some
assistance from Marketing / Relationship Management may be sought, it is essential that the
autonomy of the RU be maintained to ensure appropriate recovery strategies are implemented.
On a quarterly basis, a Classified Loan Review Report (CLR) to be prepared by the RU Account
Manager to update the status of the action / recovery plan, review and assess the adequacy of
provisions and modify the banks strategy as appropriate. At present all the rescheduling / write
off is approved by the EC / Board. The Head of Credit will approve CLR for NPLs up to 15% of
the Banks Capital, Managing Director & CEO will approve CLR for NPLs in excess of 15% of
the Banks capital. The CLRs for NPLs above 25% of capital shall be approved by Executive
Committee of the Board of Directors with a copy to Board.
The guidelines established by Bangladesh Bank for CIB reporting, provisioning and write off of
bad and doubtful debt and suspension of interest must be followed in all cases. Regardless of the
length of time a loan is past due, provisions should be raised against the actual and expected
losses at the time they are estimated. At present the approval to take provisions, write offs, or
release of provisions/upgrade of an account is restricted to EC / Board. The Request for Action
(RFA) or CLR reporting format should be used to recommend provisions, write-off or
The RU Account Manager shall determine the Force Sale Value (FSV) for accounts grade 6 or
worse. Force sale value will be the amount that is expected to be realized through liquidation of
collateral held as security or through the available operating cash flows of the business net of
any realization costs. Any shortfall of the Force Sale Value compared total outstanding shall be
fully provided for once an account is downgraded to 7, where the customer is not cooperative no
value shall be assigned to the operating cash flow in determining Force Sale Value.
The forced ale value/value of the eligible security is guided by the Bangladesh Bank Circulars
issued from time to time. The valuation of the landed property/ building / stocks/ plant &
machinery etc. are done by Banks approved surveyors. The provisions are made as per
Bangladesh Bank guidelines.
Loan Value
(For which provision is to be created before considering
estimated realizable value of other security/collateral held) (XXX)
(See Note below)
Net Loan Value XXX
On expiry of a facility, the borrower may come forward with a proposal either for renewal of the
facility for a further period or for enhancement of the existing facilities. He may also agree to
offer additional stocks/securities or even furnish a guarantor. The Head of Branch (Branch
Manager) should examine all such proposals and if he is satisfied, the proposals should be sent
to Sanctioning Authority at Head Office, if beyond his business delegation power duly
supported by full blown credit analysis including report of verification of Stocks/status of
Collateral Securities etc. as is done in case of fresh proposals. The Head Office in turn will
process the renewal/enhancement proposal after verifying the following factors:
Legal proceeding are lengthy and time consuming as well as having an element of negative
publicity and as such every effort must made to settle a defaulters outstanding out of court.
However, if situation compels the Bank to take legal action for recovery of stuck up loans and
advances, the same shall be done with prior approval of Head Office. In order to expedite the
process, the Government has already enacted the Artha Rin Adalat (Amendment) Act 2003.
Therefore the Head of Branch and Monitoring, Recovery and Compliance Division in Head
Office must ensure that Legal Action are taken properly and in time. All legal process shall be
conducted by the Banks Legal Retainer, if necessary in consultation with Banks Legal
On occasion it may be required to write off any loan/advance or portion thereof which may
become unrecoverable or represent a total or partial loss. In 2003 Bangladesh Bank has issued
circular providing instruction / guidelines for write-off of loan (BRPD circular no. 02 dated
January 13, 2003). It is, however, the responsibility of the Head Office to decide which
loans/advances are to be written-off.
All loans / advances written-off must be recommended for prior approval of the Head Office
and the recommendation must be accompanied by a memo summarizing the circumstances
necessitating the current write-off as well as recovery efforts to date. Under no circumstances
should the fact that all or any portion of a loan / advances that has been written-off be revealed
to the borrower, nor should the borrower be informed that the loan / advances is on a
non-accrual basis. Despite, the loans being written-off the recovery process will be continued
for those loan and advances.
In case of write-off / waiver the Banks policy is to realize the entire Principal amount along
with 100% interest taken into income account. Then the Bank may waive / unapplied interest /
Write off maximum 50% of interest as kept in interest suspense account against the respective
client or as decided by the Board of Directors.
List of Abbreviation
Abbreviations Elaboration
BB Bangladesh Bank
BRPD Banking Regulation & Policy Department
BOD Board of Director
CC Cash Credit
CCH Cash Credit Hypothecation
CCP Cash Credit Pledge
CIB Credit Information Bureau
CRM Credit Risk Management
CEO Chief Executive officer
DF Doubtful
EVP Executive Vice President
FEX Foreign Exchange
FDBP/FBP Foreign Documentary Bill Purchase
IC Internal Control and Compliance
IDBP/IBP Inland Documentary Bill Purchase
KPMG Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler
Ltd Limited
LIM Loan on Imported Material
LAPF Loan against Provident Fund
LTR Loan against Trust Receipt
LTCL Long Term Credit Line
MCL Motorcycle Loan
MBA Master of Business Administration
MOU Memorandum of Undertakings
MTCL Mid-Term Credit Line
MIS Management Information Systems
OD/SOD Short Term Overdraft
PAD Payment against Document
PWC Price Water House and Coopers
RM Relationship Manager
ROA Return on Asset
SEVP Senior Executive Vice President
SAVP Senior Assistant Vice President
SS Sub-Standard
TOR Terms of Reference
SPO Senior Principal Officer
Banking sector is very crucial for any economy. To have understanding of this sector is very
vital for any business graduate. I am really glad to be oriented to this sector through the nations
largest commercial bank Sonali Bank. This bank performs hundreds of important activities
both for the public and for the govt. as a whole. It has an outstanding bearing to thrive our
business sector. It has strong performance on General Banking, Loans &Advances, Industrial
credit and foreign exchange. I had the privilege to learn many things from the Dilkusha
Corporate Branch through my active involvement in this branch.
Sonali Bank continues to play its lending role in socio-economic development of the country as
a companion of independent Bangladesh. Since the inception of Sonali Bank, it has been
rendering its banking services to meet the needs of the state and the nation and to cope up with
the demands of mass people of the country giving priority to service. Almost there is no one
financial sector in Bangladesh where Sonali Bank is not existed. Not only loan sector but also
general banking, foreign exchange dealings, etc are efficiently and effectively guided by Sonali
Bank, thats why it has been established as a representative of Bangladesh Bank.
In order to get competitive advantage & to deliver quality service, top management should try to
modify the services at the loans and advance sector. For the improvement of sound lending and
reducing the rate of bankruptcy, the following measures should be taken:
Sonali Bank is the first leading bank in Bangladesh. Its major operations are profit,
growth, development and welfare oriented. Management system of this bank is fully
democratic. It always maintains the rules declared by Bangladesh Bank. Sonali Bank
Staff College provides training facilities to its medium & junior level officers of the
bank and also provides executive development & internship programs. This is my
observation that the lecture of credit risk management and negative barriers of
sanctioning finance should be discussed widely than before. Because the
management of Sonali Bank has been facing the high involvement of lending risk &
procurement of project finance with Banks growth, profit & future.
The management functions (from planning to control) are not clearly present in their
various activities. Only the cash section of the branch is computerized. But for
reducing bankruptcy Sonali Bank should develop immediately Credit & Project
Finance Information System through computer.
Sonali Bank has network manually not computerized. Sonali Bank should had
networking system by which all branches of Sonali bank can be connected easily as a
largest commercial bank in Bangladesh. By using computerized networking system
Sonali bank could disbursement of services on ATM, Debit card, Master card,
Q-Cash facilities.
Officers who are working on Credit risk management & Project finance procedure,
they should give attention on timing of sanctioning finance. Because demand of any
kind of product is being flexible. So if other thing is remaining constant, sanctioning
procedure should not be delayed.
Policy should be distinctive and dynamic which has more acceptability to the
borrowers. Policy should be made at the consideration of regional, financial,
continental, demographical, economical, psycho graphical.
At last Sonali Bank should develop the proper environment so that borrowers can
bargain or negotiate about loan and finance. Because Sonali Bank must have think
about borrowers needs, wants and demands and beside his profitability.
Political power should not be considered to maintain credit management module and
project finance procedure. In our Bangladesh most of the cases procedure is to weak
for financing so, ultimate result is being bankrupted.
Decision maker of credit risk management of Sonali Bank should work for the
profitability of bank as well as they should have some unique power than before to
sanction for sound return on investment.
1. Choudhury. Dr. T. A., An Overview of Banks and Their Services. Reading Materials on
Theory & Practice of Banking.
2. Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM), 2000.
3. A hand book of Sonali Bank advances.
4. Practical Banking Advances.
5. Head Office Personnel Division Circular.
6. Library of Sonali Bank Staff College.
7. Credit Information Bureau of Bangladesh Bank.
8. Bangladesh regulation and policy department.
Risk Grading
Risk Rating Grade Definition
Financial condition is weak and capacity or inclination to repay is in
doubt. These weaknesses jeopardize the full settlement of loans. Loans
should be downgraded to 6 if loan payments remain past due for 90 days
but less than 180 days, if the customer intends to create a lender group
for debt restructuring purposes, the operation has ceased trading or any
Substandard 6 indication suggesting the winding up or closure of the borrower is
discovered. Not yet considered non-performing as the correction of the
deficiencies may result in an improved condition and interest can still be
taken into profits. An Aggregate Score of 45-54 based on the Risk Grade
Full repayment of principal and interest is unlikely and the possibility of
loss is extremely high. However, due to specifically identifiable pending
factors, such as litigation, liquidation procedures or capital injection, the
assets are not yet classified as Loss. Assets should be downgraded to 7 if
loan, payments remain past due in excess of 180 days and interest
Doubtful income should be taken into suspense (non-accrual). Loan loss
and Bad provisions must be raised against the estimated unrealizable amount of
(non-performin 7 all facilities. The adequacy of provisions must be reviewed at least
g) quarterly on all non-performing loans and the bank should pursue legal
options to enforce security to obtain repayment or negotiate an
appropriate loan rescheduling. In all cases, the requirements of
Bangladesh Bank in CIB reporting, loan rescheduling and provisioning
must be followed. An Aggregate Score of 35 44 based on the Risk
Grade Scorecard.
Assets graded 8 are long outstanding with no progress in obtaining
repayment (in excess of 360 days past due) or in the late stages of wind
up/liquidation. The prospect of recovery is poor and legal options have
been pursued. The proceeds expected from the liquidation or realization
Loss of security may be awaited. The continuance of the loan as a bankable
(non-performin 8 asset is not warranted and the anticipated loss should have been provided
g) for. This classification reflects that it is not practical or desirable to defer
writing of this basically worthless asset even though partial recovery
may be affected in the future. Bangladesh Bank guidelines for timely
write off of bad loans must be adhered to. An Aggregate Score of 35 or
less based on the Risk Grade Scorecard.