Internship Report NBP

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Business Internship Report On National Bank of Pakistan

Fatima Jinnah Road Branch, Hyderabad


Concern Teacher: - Mr. Ayoob Shaikh


National Bank of Pakistan



National Bank of Pakistan


This is to certify that __________________________________has worked under my supervision in partial fulfillment for requirement of (Pass) Final Degree of the Business Internship Report of National Bank of Pakistan. This work is original and has been accepted for the award of Masters of Commerce.

Mr. Agha Riaz Director & Associate Professor Department of Commerce University of Sindh, Jamshoro

Mr. M. Ayoob Shaikh Associate Professor Department of Commerce University of Sindh, Jamshoro

National Bank of Pakistan

Dedicatio n
At first dedicating this work to Almighty ALLAH, without his mercy and sympathy I was not able to accomplish this work. I also dedicated this work to my Because their Prays & worm Hugs made me able To achieve this success. I also want to dedicate this to my honorable, Respectable Polite & sincere

Because they always guided me towards rite path of success.

______________ 4
National Bank of Pakistan

_________________ (Pass) Final Department of Commerce University of Sindh, Jamshoro.

Letter of Acknowledgement
December 22, 2008 Dear Reader I praise Allah All Mighty for giving me the courage and strength to complete the task of writing the Internship report on National Bank of Pakistan. This report would be incomplete without the impeccable support and guidance received from Sir Mr. Ayoub Shaikh, our course facilitator & Associate Professor Department of Commerce at the University of Sindh, Jamshoro. I am also thankful to all the teachers of Department of Commerce for their guidance. I am also very thankful to Mr. Syed Ali Raza (President) and all the staff members of National Bank of Pakistan, Fatima Jinnah Road branch, Hyderabad for the utmost cooperation to complete the internship report in there department. Sincerely

_______________ _______________

National Bank of Pakistan (Pass) Final Department of Commerce University of Sindh, Jamshoro.

Page No. A. Prefatory part: B. Text of Report

1. Chapter 01 (Introduction) 1.1 1.2 Introduction 1.1.2 Definition of bank 1.1.3 Origin of the Word Historical background of Banking system 1.2.1 Major Event in Banking History 1.2.2 Oldest Private Bank 1.2.3 Oldest National Bank 1.2.4 Types of Bank 1.2.5 Banking History in Pakistan 1.2.6 History of N.B.P Overview of N.B.P 1.3.1 N.B.P in Pakistan 1.3.2 N.B.P internationally Aim & Objectives of N.B.P Functions of N.B.P Purpose of Study Methods of Study Limitations

06 06 07 07 08 08 09 09 09 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 23 24 24 24 24 26 27 27

1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8

2. Chapter 2 (Internal feature & Organization Structure) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Organizational Structure Staff Rank Organogramme Management & Head office Organization & head office Management

3. Chapter 3 (Departments Of NBP) 3.1 Functioning Departments of N.B.P 3.1.1 Advance Department 3.1.2 Remittance Department 3.1.3 Accounts Department 3.1.4 Foreign Exchange Department 3.1.5 Clearing House Department 3.1.6 Cash Department 6
National Bank of Pakistan


4. 4.1


3.1.7 Marketing Development Department Activities in N.B.P 3.2.1 Computerization 3.2.2 Decentralization 3.2.3 Foreign Trade and operation Department 3.2.4 Islamization of Banking Chapter 4 (Services & Products of NBP) Types of Account at N.B.P 4.1.1 Current Accounts 4.1.2 PLS Saving Accounts 4.1.3 Fixed Deposit Account 4.1.4 Foreign Currency Account Products & Services 4.2.1 NBP Premium Aamdani 4.2.2 NBP Premium Saver 4.2.3 NBP Karobar 4.2.4 NBP Saibaan 4.2.5 NBP Advance Salary 4.2.6 NBP Cash Card 4.2.7 Investor Advantage 4.2.8 NBP Cash n Gold 4.2.9 NBP Kisan Taqat 4.2.10 NBP Kisan Dost 4.2.11 NBP Online - Aasan Banking 4.2.12 NBP Pak Remit 4.2.13 NBP Protection Shield

27 27 27 28 29 29 30 31 31 31 32 33 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 39 40 41 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

5. Chapter 5(Training & Facilities to Staff) 5.1 Training to Staff 5.2 Salaries & Facilities to staff 6. Chapter 6 (NBP Islamic Banking) 6.1 History of Islamic Banking 6.1.1 Classic Islamic banking 6.1.2 Modern Islamic banking 6.1.3 Principle of Islamic banking 6.2 N.B.P Islamic Banking 6.3 Islamic Banking Deposit Schemes 6.4 Islamic Banking Finance facilities 6.5 Other Facilities 7. Chapter 7 (Financial Statements of NBP) 7.1 Balance Sheet 7.2 Cash Flow Statement 7.3 Profit & Loss Statement

National Bank of Pakistan

8. Chapter 8 (Conclusion & suggestions) 8.1 Conclusion 8.2 Suggestions

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National Bank of Pakistan

1.1 Introduction
A bank is a financial institution whose primary activity is to act as a payment agent for customers and to borrow and lend money. Many other financial activities were added over time. For example banks are important players in financial markets and offer financial services such as investment funds. In some countries such as Germany, banks are the primary owners of industrial corporations while in other countries such as the United States banks are prohibited from owning non-financial companies. In Japan, banks are usually the nexus of cross share holding entity known as zaibatsu. In France "Banc assurance" is highly present, as most banks offer insurance services (and now real estate services) to their clients.


Definition of Bank

The definition of a bank varies from country to country A bank is defined as a organization who carries on the business of banking, which is specified as: o Conducting current accounts for his customers. o Paying cheques drawn on him, and o Collecting cheques for his customers.
(English common law)

Bank includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or not, who carry on the business of banking'. Although this definition seems circular, it is actually functional, because it ensures that the legal basis for bank transactions such as cheques do not depend on how the bank is organized or regulated.
(English common law jurisdictions, Bills of Exchange Act)

"Banking business" means the business of receiving money on current or deposit account, paying and collecting cheques drawn by or paid in by customers, the making of advances to customers, and includes such other business as the Authority may prescribe for the purposes of this Act;
(Banking Act (Singapore)

National Bank of Pakistan

"Banking business" means the business of either or both of the following:

1. Receiving from the general public money on current, deposit, savings or other similar account repayable on demand or within less than [3 months] ... or with a period of call or notice of less than that period; 2. Paying or collecting cheques drawn by or paid in by customers


Origin of the Word

The name bank derives from the Italian word banco "desk/bench", used during the Renaissance by Florentines bankers, who used to make their transactions above a desk covered by a green tablecloth. However, there are traces of banking activity even in ancient times. In fact, the word traces its origins back to the Ancient Roman Empire, where moneylenders would set up their stalls in the middle of enclosed courtyards called macella on a long bench called a bancu, from which the words banco and bank are derived. As a moneychanger, the merchant at the bancu did not so much invest money as merely convert the foreign currency into the only legal tender in Romethat of the Imperial Mint.

1.2 Historical Background of Banking System

Banks have influenced economies and politics for centuries. Historically, the primary purpose of a bank was to provide loans to trading companies. Banks provided funds to allow businesses to purchase inventory, and collected those funds back with interest when the goods were sold. For centuries, the banking industry only dealt with businesses, not consumers. Banking services have expanded to include services directed at individuals, and risks in these much smaller transactions are pooled. Greek and Roman financiers: from the 4th century BC: Banking activities in Greece are more varied and sophisticated than in any previous society. Private entrepreneurs, as well as temples and public bodies, now undertake financial transactions. They take deposits, make loans, change money from one currency to another and test coins for weight and purity. They even engage in book transactions. Moneylenders can be found who will accept payment in one Greek

10 National Bank of Pakistan

city and arrange for credit in another, avoiding the need for the customer to transport or transfer large numbers of coins. 18th century BC: In Egypt and Mesopotamia gold is deposited in temples for safe-keeping. But it lies idle there, while others in the trading community or in government have desperate need of it. In Babylon at the time of Hammurabi, in the 18th century BC, there are records of loans made by the priests of the temple. The concept of banking has arrived. 13th - 14th century AD: During the 13th century bankers from north Italy, collectively known as Lombards, gradually replace the Jews in their traditional role as money-lenders to the rich and powerful. The business skills of the Italians are enhanced by their invention of double-entry book-keeping. Europe also emerged in the 1100-1300 time frames as the beginning of Europe-wide banking, as their practice was to take in local currency, for which a demand note would be given that would be good at any of their castles across Europe, allowing movement of money without the usual risk of robbery while traveling. In 1306, Philip IV expelled Jews from France. In 1307 Philips had the Knights Templar arrested and had gotten hold of their wealth, which had become to serve as the unofficial treasury of France. In 1311 he expelled Italian bankers and collected their outstanding credit. In 1327, Avignon had 43 branches of Italian banking houses. In 1347, Edward III of England defaulted on loans. Later there was the bankruptcy of the Peruzzi (1374) and Bardi (1353). The accompanying growth of Italian banking in France was the start of the Lombard moneychangers in Europe, who moved from city to city along the busy pilgrim routes important for trade. In 1401, the Bank of Barcelona was founded. In 1407, the Bank of Saint George was founded in Genoa. This bank dominated business in the Mediterranean

1.2.1 Major Events in Banking History

Florentine banking The Medicis and Pittis among others. Knights Templar- earliest Euro wide /Mideast banking 1100-1300. Banknotes Introduction of paper money. 1602 - First joint-stock company, the Dutch East India Company founded. 1720 - The South Sea Bubble and John Law's Mississippi Scheme, which caused a European financial crisis and forced many bankers out of business. 1781 - The Bank of North America was found by the Continental Congress. 1800 - Rothschild family founds Euro wide banking. 1930-33 In the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, 9,000 banks close, wiping out a third of the money supply in the United States. 2008 - Washington Mutual collapses. It was the largest bank failure in history.

National Bank of Pakistan


1.2.2 Oldest Private Banks

Monte dei Paschi di Siena 1472 - present, the oldest surviving bank in the world. Founded in 1472 by the Magistrate of the city state of Siena, Italy. C. Hoare & Co founded 1672 Barclays, which was founded by John Freame and Thomas Gould in 1690 and renamed to Barclays by Freame's son-in-law, James Barclay, in 1736 Rothschild family 1700 - present Hope & Co., founded in 1762

1.2.3 Banks

Oldest National

Bank of Sweden The rise of the national banks, began operations in 1668 Bank of England The evolution of modern central banking policies, established in 1694 Bank of America The invention of centralized check and payment processing technology Swiss banking United States Banking The Pennsylvania Land Bank, founded in 1723 and receiving the support of Benjamin Franklin who wrote "Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency" in 1729. Imperial Bank of Persia (Iran) History of banking in the Middle-East


Types of Banks

Primarily all banks gather temporarily idle money for the purpose of lending to other and investment gain in the form of return, profits and dividends etc. however, due to the verity of resources of money and the diversity in lending and investment operations, banks have been place in various categories, such as Commercial bank Savings bank Merchant banks Mortgage banks Consumer bank Investment bank Central bank

12 National Bank of Pakistan

1.2.5 Banking Pakistan



At the time of partition the total numbers of Commercial Banks in Pakistan were 38 .Out of these Pakistan had 2 banks, India had 29 and there were 7 exchange banks. The total deposits of Pakistan banks stood at Rs. 880.0 millions where the advances were Rs 198.0 million. Before the partition of Sub Continent the entire banking business was almost controlled and managed by non-Muslims. The Muslims were deliberately kept cut of banking profession by the wealthy Hindu community. When Hindu capitalists became sure of the division of Sub Continent, they secretly began transferring their capital to the safe places in India. The funds and the other valuables were transferred at an accelerated pace to India and there was a mass scale migration of non Muslims from West Pakistan to India which also caused the drain on the bank deposits. The Hindus in order to ruin the economy of the newly born State closed down most of the head offices and the branches of scheduled and non-scheduled banks in Pakistan. The number of scheduled banks branches was reduced from 619 to 213 in both the wings of the country after independence. The non-scheduled banks also suffered a severe jolt and their number was reduced from 411 to 106 over the same period. West Pakistan from where there was greater exodus of non-Muslims to India suffered a great deal, as a number of branches fell down (from 487 to 69).In the east Pakistan though the number of branches were not closed in such a great number as in west Pakistan, large portion of the deposits were with drawn from the banks and transferred to India by the non Muslims. The mass scale closure of branches and withdrawal of the deposits caused a dead lock in the banking business in Pakistan. The government of Pakistan was quite aware of the serious banking situation caused by the withdrawal of deposits and wholesale migration of banking staffs to India. It took up the challenge and started reorganizing the crippled banking immediately after partition. A moratorium of free months was also allowed to banks that had financial difficulty due to sudden withdrawal of deposits.

1.2.6 History of National Bank of Pakistan

The normal procedure of establishing a banking company under the Companies Law was set aside and the Bank was established through the promulgation of an Ordinance due to the crisis situation that had developed with regard to financing of jute Trade. The Bank commenced its operations from November 20, 1949 at six important jute centers in the then east Pakistan and directed its resources in financing of jute crop. The Banks Karachi and Lahore

National Bank of Pakistan


offices were subsequently opened in December 1949.State bank of Pakistan after its formation demanded from the Indian Reserve Bank the assets against the Indian currency retired from Pakistan territory. Government of India refused to hand over the assets worth about five hundred million rupees. The dispute is still unsettled and these assets are still not delivered to Pakistan. Until June 1950, the Bank was engaged exclusively on jute operation. Thereafter, it was felt that it could expand its business to include other commodities as well. Bank took abig stride in 1952, when it replaced the Imperial Bank of India, as an agent of State Bank of Pakistan. With the passage of time its functioning diversified as they take over the function of different institution with the passage of time like in past they took over the function of Imperial bank of India and now of NDFC (national development finance corporation) It is working as the agent of the state bank of Pakistan and performs its functions wherever state bank of Pakistan is not present. The government floated its 10 % of the shares in the open market in past and the ratio became 60: 40 and in future they trying to make it 55: 45. In 1999 national bank celebrated its golden jubilee during the last fifty years bank has made substantial strides in the financial services industry in Pakistan. In 1999 its market share was around 22% and it remains the largest financial institution in Pakistan.

1.3 An Overview of National Bank of Pakistan

It has assets worth USD 12.293 billion in 2007. Its subsidiaries include NBP Capital, NBP Modaraba Management Company, NBP Exchange Company, Taurus Securities, and NBP Almaty et al. As of 2007, its chairman and president is Syed Ali Raza. The Historical background of NBP is follow. 1949 National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) was established under the National Bank of Pakistan Ordinance 1949 and was government-owned. NBP acted as an agent of the central bank wherever the State Bank did not have its own branch. It also undertook government treasury operations. Its first branches were in jute growing areas in East Pakistan. Offices in Karachi and Lahore followed. 1950 NBP established a branch in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 1955 By this time NBP had branches in London and Calcutta. 1957 NBP established a branch in Baghdad, Iraq. 1962 NBP established a branch in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika. 1964 The Iraqi government nationalized NBP's Baghdad branch.

14 National Bank of Pakistan

1965 The Indian government seized the Calcutta branch on the outbreak of hostilities between India and Pakistan. 1967 The Tanzanian government nationalized the Dar-Es-Salaam branch. 1971 NBP acquired Bank of China's two branches, one in Karachi and one at Chittagong. At separation of East Pakistan NBP lost its branches there. NBP merged with Eastern Mercantile Bank and with Eastern Bank Corporation. 1974 The government of Pakistan nationalized NBP. As part of the concomitant consolidation of the banking sector, NBP acquired Bank of Bahawalpur. 1977 NBP opened an offshore brain Cairo. 1994 NBP amalgamated Mehran Bank. 1997 NBP's branch in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan commenced operations. 2000 NBP opened a representative office in Almaty, Kazakhstan. 2001 State Bank of Pakistan and Bank of England agree to allow only 2 Pakistani banks to operate in the UK. NBP and United Bank agreed to merge their operations to form Pakistan International Bank, of which NBP would own 45% and United Bank 55%. 2002 Pakistan International Bank renamed itself United National Bank Limited (UNB). The ownership structure of the UNB remained as before. The only change to the shareholding structure is that UNB had recently been privatized in Pakistan and was now owned 49% by the Government of Pakistan and 51% by a joint foreign consortium of Abu Dhabi. 2003 NBP received permission to open a branch in Afghanistan. 2005 NBP closed its offshore branch in Cairo.


In Pakistan

National Bank of Pakistan maintains its position as Pakistan's premier bank determined to set higher standards of achievements. It is the major business partner for the Government of Pakistan with special emphasis on fostering Pakistan's economic growth through aggressive and balanced lending policies, technologically oriented products and services offered through its large network of branches locally.

National Bank of Pakistan


The National Bank of Pakistan has its headquarters in Karachi, Pakistan. It has 1458 branches throughout Pakistan. The bank provides both commercial and public sector banking services.

Here is a list of the banks locations in Pakistan accordance to each province or territory;

Sindh: Punjab:

NWFP: Baluchistan: Azad Kashmir:

Dadu, Sanghar, Hyderabad, Jacobabad, Shikarpur, Karachi, Larkana, Mirpurkhas, Badin, Nawabshah, Sukkur, Khairpur, Tharparkar. Bahawalpur, D.G. Khan, RYKhan, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Narowal, Jhang, Jhelum, Gujrat, Chakwal, Darya Khan , Bhakkar, Lahore, Multan, Murree, Attock, Gilgit, Rawalpindi, Sahiwal, Sargodha, Sheikhupura. Abbottabad, Mansehra, Bannu, D.I. Khan, Kohat, Mingora, Mardan, Peshawar. Quetta. Muzaffarabad, Mirpur.



National Bank of Pakistan is at the forefront of international banking in Pakistan which is proven by the fact that NBP has its branches in all of the major financial capitals of the world. Additionally, we have recently set up the Financial Institution Wing, which is placed under the Risk Management Group. The role of the Financial Institution Wing is:

To effectively manage NBPs exposure to foreign and domestic correspondence. Manage the monetary aspect of NBPs relationship with the correspondents to support trade, treasury and other key business areas, thereby contributing to the banks profitability. Generation of incremental trade-finance business and revenues.

America and Europe Region USA Canada Germany France Far East Region Hong Kong Japan South Korea China

16 National Bank of Pakistan

Middle East, Africa & South Asia Region Bahrain Egypt Bangladesh EPZ

Central Asian Republics Afghanistan Turkmenistan Kyrgyz Republic Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Azerbaijan

1.4 Aims & Objectives of N.B.P

We aim to be an organization that is founded on

Growth through creation of sustainable relationships with our customers. Prudence to guide our business conduct. A national presence with a history of contribution to our communities.

We shall work to

Meet expectations through Market-based solutions and products. Reward entrepreneurial efforts. Create value for all stakeholders.

We aim to be People who

Care about relationships. Lead through the strength of our commitment and willingness to excel. Practice integrity, honesty and hard work. We believe that these are measures of true success.

We have confidence that tomorrow we will be

Leaders in our industry. An organization maintaining the trust of stakeholders. An innovative, creative and dynamic institution responding to the changing needs of the internal and external environment


Functions of N.B.P

National Bank of Pakistan Being a commercial bank generally makes advances for a period not exceeding one year, except in cases of small and medium industries for which advances may be made for maximum period of five years. The Bank modes advances not only against securities of stocks and good hypothecated or pledged to the bank, but also against documents of goods and

National Bank of Pakistan


property, share of various joint stock companies, government securities, insurance policies, deposits receipts etc, the margin and rate of interest are determined by several factors including the type of securities the size of loans and integrity of the party. The bank is authorized to carry on all kinds of banking business and is empowered to make loans. It has also; undertaking special finance operations connected with government prices support schemes. The bank also gives advances loans, especially for agriculture product such as cotton etc it also safeguard the valuable articles of peoples it also renders all ordinary commercial banking services to its customers. It also arranges training programs for bank officials. It also caters the need of trade industry and agriculture both in private and public sectors. It participates in procurement of seasonal crops. It also provides credit facilities to small industrial units and agriculture sectors as per credit mandatory target fixed by the State bank of Pakistan. The Function of National Bank of Pakistan in Public sectors is to provide facilities to the people who want to transfer their amount from one place to another place. They get cheque, draft and TT (Telegraphic Transfer) from the bank. Their money is safeguarded from looting and theft. Bank deducts commission for his services. The people put their valuable things like ornaments, diamond and special document in the lockers of the bank. The bank gets the reward of his supervision Bank also provides agency services like receive the electricity bills, telephone, collection of taxes and fee of different universities and boards from the people. The bank also issue travelers cheques.


Purpose of Study

The major objective of working on a report like this is to gain knowledge of practical training related to the future career development. This training also increases the communication skills because I have to interact with the different practical oriented professionals during the period of report. During the process of this report my confidence, intelligence and competence regarding problem solving is enhanced. It is also a necessary for us, students of to go for this report and acquire superficial knowledge about practical organizational structure and Public dealings.

18 National Bank of Pakistan

The main purpose for selecting National bank of Pakistan was to know NBP plays role significantly in the development of financial and industrial sector of the country. How it is performing the various commercial and banking functions in Pakistan.


Methods of Study.

For the preparation of this Internship report, I used two methods to collect data, first primary data collection and second secondary data collection. In secondary data collection I interviewed different officers and officials. For this purpose, I paid many visits to National Bank of Pakistans Regional Office Hyderabad, National Bank of Pakistan Fatima Jinnah Road Branch Hyderabad. In conduct interviews from head of the different department of NBP and all the information is collected systematically. For this purpose, I prepared the questioner and asked all the detailed function and procure of their departments. I interviewed following incharges. 1. Mr. Mazhar Abbassi 2. Mr. Shakeel Ahmed 3. Mr. Waheed Buksh Daudpoto 4. Mr. Naseer Ahmed Khaskheli 5. Mr. Sattar Bhutto 6. Mr. Irshad Ahmed Zardari 7. Mr. Shahnawaz Shah 8. Mr. Raza 9. Mr. Umer Daio 10. Mr. Shafique Ahmed 11. Mr. Tirath Lohana.

1.8 Limitations
There are various limitations that we have identified during the course of this report. Some of limitations of our study are given below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The time was very short to see the complete Knowledge regarding each division and department of National Bank of Pakistan branch. Financial problems cause inconvenience during this study. Lack of accuracy of the relevant data. Lack of access of information data due to the secrecy of the bank. Lack of access of current information. 19

National Bank of Pakistan

20 National Bank of Pakistan



National Bank of Pakistan


2.1 Organization Structure

Board of Directors

PSO & Secretariat

Chief Representative

Operation Group IT Operation & Services Finance Group

Operation Department

Logistic Support

Finance & Accounts

Employees Insurance

Corporate & Investment Banking Group


Org: Development & Training Dept

Strategic Planning & Economic Research Dept

IT Planning & Development

Four Overseas Departments

Audit Group

Risk Management

Retail banking





Credit Committee Asset & Liability Committee

22 National Bank of Pakistan

2.2 Staff Ranks Organogramme


Board of Directors

Snr. Executive Vice President

Executive vice President

Vice president

Assistant Vice President

Officer Grade- I

Officer Grade- II

Officer Grade- III

National Bank of Pakistan


2.3 Management and Head Office Management

Among seven member of group Chief Executive is called the President. The Bank also has directors for superintendence and direction of its business. The member of board consists of President. Who is Chief Executive and six other directors as members appointed by the government. The member of Board responsible for granting loans in the field likes agriculture industry, housing and import export trade and to make the policy of the Bank.

2.4 Organization and Head Office Management

In the National Bank of Pakistans head office, there are sixteen 16 separate division to deal with all the necessary problems separately, on the top of all these divisions. The details about these divisions are as under A). Division

1. Foreign Exchange and operation division. 2. Administration and Credit division. An Executive Vice President also manages these divisions separately. 3. Finance and Investment Division. This division is further segmented into different wings and a senior vice president looks after every wing. Investment & resources wing Accounts, Planning & Budgeting Wing Govt: Debit Management wing. Publicity and Public Relation Wing Editorial Board Quami Banker Wing Reconciliation Wing

4. Economic Research and corporate Planning division.

24 National Bank of Pakistan

This division does the work of economic research of the country. This division is also managed by an Executive Vice President. 5. Administration Division This division is also divided into Establishment Wing, Staff Relation Central unit fraud Forgery and regulation wing Personal Wing Personnel career planning wing. 6. Computer Division. The division consists of Computer wing EDP audit and procedure Administration wing. 7. Human Resources Development Division. This division supervises all the staff colleges, at Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore and Peshawar. All the above division supervised and under controlled by and coordinates under a Senior Vice President. 8. Audit and Inspection Division. There are two wings working under this division, which is. Implementation Wing Regional Audit Chief. This division deal with audit inspection of sub-ordinate offices 9. Law Division 10. Recovery & Litigation. 11. Customer Service Division. 12. Engineering & Maintenance Division 13. Business Promotion and Marketing Division. 14. Credit processing & Monitoring Division. This division is distributed according to different areas. (a) N.WF.P & A.K Sindh Baluchistan Area Wing. (b) Karachi Area Wing (c) Special Credit Cell and Punjab Area Wing.
National Bank of Pakistan


15. Corporate Credit Division/Credit Policy Division. This division segregated into two sections, to deal them separately. (a) Co-ordination section. (b) Agriculture Financing Section. b). Field Management and Organization.

There are four executive to supervise the bank maters of every province, as they are called provincials chiefs. These Provincials Chiefs are responsible for the entire banking in their provinces such as income, expenses advances and deposits. Regional Chief NBP Baluchistan Regional Chief NBP Punjab Regional Chief NBP Sindh Regional Chief NBP N.W.F.P & Azad Kashmir These provinces are again divided into regions, the regions are controlled and management by regional heads, which are responsible for the supervision in their circles and deal with the problem zones in their jurisdiction of Branches and Staff. The country has been divided into 19 (nineteen regions) by NBP to facilitate its functions. Sindh Province 1. Karachi Region-A 2. Karachi Region-B 3. Main Branch Karachi Region 4. Hyderabad Region 5. Sukkur Region. NWFP Province 6. Peshawar Region 7. Abbottabad Region Azad Kashmir 8. Muzaffarabad A.K. Region Baluchistan Province 9. Quetta Region. Punjab Province 10. Lahore Region-A 11. Lahore Region-B 12. Main Branch Lahore Region-C 13. Bahawalpur Region 14. Gujranwala Region 15. Sialkot Region

26 National Bank of Pakistan

16. Faisalabad Region 17. Multan Region 18. Rawalpindi Region 19. Islamabad Region. These regions are also sub-divided into zones. The incharge of zone is called Zonal Chief.



National Bank of Pakistan


3.1 Department Functioning Under N.B.P

NBP has seven main departments for functioning of which whole function of bank is depended or we can say that all services are rendered through these seven departments. These department are explained with their headings are as under


Advance department receives the application from intending borrowers and submits the same application to the higher authority after processing for approval the advances can be of following nature. Agriculture advance to farmers Short terms advance to businessmen Long term advance for setting industry Medium term advance for working capital Seasonal advance to cotton gingers Rice and sugar mills.


Bank promotes the facility of remitting funds within the country and outside country within certain limits, usually money remitted through Demand Draft, Telegraphic and SWIFT transfer. Always two parties are involved in this function one is receiver and another is sender.


Accounts Department maintains the fixed deposits receipts of the depositor. Account department also keep income and expenses accounts. Account department prepares the weekly and daily statement of the affairs of the branch is first like a balance sheet. This section performs the following functions: Opening of Accounts Issuance of cheques books Closing of accounts Payment of Cheques Types of Accounts Following types of accounts are open in NBP Saving account

28 National Bank of Pakistan

Current or demand account Fixed account

Saving account (PLS) This type of account is designed to encourage the saving habit of the customer and lead to a long-term banking or investment relationship. Bank saving accounts are in the nature of deposits accounts and are not normally available for drawings. Rates of interest are typically ahead, by a small margin. Saving accounts with the banking sector represent a very small proportion of total deposits. Customer can make any withdrawals from type of account. The cash reserve ratio is typically low them the current account because the withdrawals against this account is very low. The minimum balance for this account is Rs.100 and interest rate is Current or demand account These are those deposits, which can be drawn by the depositor at my time by presenting a cheque to the bank. People deposit their money in this account they gave a ready command on their account in developed and under developed countries of the world, a very significant part of money is kept under current or demand account. On this type of account of interest transfer of cash or by cheque takes place at sight. The cash reserve ratio for this account is very high. The operating cost for the handling of this type of account is very high because withdrawals are very regular. Fixed account Fixed accounts are those, which are deposited for a fixed period of time and are repayable after the expiry of stipulated time to the customers. Those people who have surplus funds and want to have save investments deposit the amount in the fixed account. The rate of interest given to depositor varies with the length of deposit, i.e. it is higher for longer period and lowers for shorter period. The rates on this type of deposits are higher than the saving bank accounts. The cash reserves against this deposit are very low because there is no fear of withdrawal of a month before the stipulated of time. No paying books or passes book or cheque book is issued to the customers against this deposit to the depositors. The authorities of national bank of Pakistan have the right to revise all these rates of interest with out any notice to customers generally rates of interest are revised after six months. The amount deposited for 7 and 30 days short term notice and accumulated for the period exceeding the limit and the customers can get the interest of the extra days of deposit but in the case of months and years the customer did not get any additional interest for the exceeding period of deposit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. An account can be opened as: An individual account Joint account Proprietorship account Limited company account Partnership

National Bank of Pakistan


6. Club, society, association 7. Trust



We sell our foreign exchange to the other country which is called such as we purchase the foreign goods from the others. Import is done through letter of credit (L/C) by the importer. Letter of Credit is an undertaking given by the importer bank to the exporters bank. EXPORT

Export is to sell our goods to the other country and earn foreign exchange. The bank provides facilities of exporting the commodities to the manufactures of the goods of the country. FOREIGN REMITTANCE

The bank provides the foreign remittance facilities to the student studying aboard. Bank also provides foreign exchange in the shape of travelers cheques to the intending visitors SWIFT: The SWIFT system (Society for Worldwide Inter bank Financial Telecommunication) has been introduced for speedy services in the area of home remittances. The system has built-in features of computerized test keys, which eliminates the manual application of tests that often cause delay in the payment of home remittances. The SWIFT Center is operational at National Bank of Pakistan with a universal access number NBP-APKKA. All NBP overseas branches and overseas correspondents (over 450) are drawing remittances through SWIFT. In case of transfer of funds the introduction of S.W.I.F.T., an acronym for Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Transactions, has made remittances faster and secure. The system works like Internet communication processes. All the banks in the world are registered for the service, which have the facility of online computers. Headquarter of S.W.I.F.T. is in Belgium. The message sent through this way does not require any code tests to confirm its authenticity. The sending process is more secure where two officers make the transmission of the message, one types the content with his code word and the other executes it with his password. There are different types of codes that are used for the messages interchanged on the basis of the type of the transaction. Using the NBP network of branches, you can safely and speedily transfer money for our business and personal needs.

30 National Bank of Pakistan

Swift is a soft wear .it is use for following purposes Financial transactions Non-financial transactions Linking Import export Different codes are used in swift for different purposes Latter of credit code is 700 Remittance code is 100 Bank to bank transaction code is 202.etc.


The function of Clearing House department is to pass the cheque presented by one branch of the bank to other branches of the banks. Clearing house is usually set up on the big cities and is control by the State Bank of Pakistan.


Cash department is backbone of the branch; Cash department receives the cash from depositors and makes the payment to the cheque holder.


Marketing Department is set up in the big branches in the commercial banks. Generally the main functions of the marketing department are as under. To introduce a valued client/depositors to the bank branch. To bring a valuable business for the branch. To provide the financial facilities to the sound position from the banks point of view. Marketing, department plays very vital role in increasing the savings of the bank. The development of the branch depends upon effective marketing system. Marketing department introduce institution among the persons. Generally the manager of the branch deals himself in the marketing function.

3.2 Activities of National Bank of Pakistan


National Bank of Pakistan


With a view to up grading and streamlining the working system of NBP and procedure plans were under taking by the management to provide microcomputer and electronic ledger. Cards machines to the larger branches of a bank. This program will also be expended to the other smaller branches in coming years. Utilization of the banks mainframe computer at Head Office, which happens to be the most sophisticated amongst all the banks in Pakistan, is also progressing to further upgrade the capacity of NBP in coming year. ATM Finder Select your City - Point on the map or select from the list
Burewala Faisalabad Gujar Khan Gujranwala Gujrat Hyderabad Islamabad Karachi Lahore Mirpur Multan Muzaffarabad Peshawar Quetta Rawalpindi Sheikhupura Sialkot Taxila Wah Cantt.

1 Link ATM Network

Under the direction of the government, operation of all nationalized commercial banks were significantly centralized by setting up provincial head quarter at Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta, each headed by a member of executive board, enjoying vast power. The banks policy of decentralization of financial sanctioning authority by delegation of powers to Regional and circle officers and credit committee, resulted in improving efficiency and prompt attention to the

32 National Bank of Pakistan

need of the customers on a country vide basic. Decisions had been quicker and service to client more rapidly and effectively available as a result to this policy. This scheme, which has been well received by the business community and the various chambers, will be beneficial in quick disposal of credit facilities all provincial level and will also help in solving the problem and grievances of the customers more effectively. Service to clients will also be improved.


National Bank of Pakistan played an active role in handling the countries export and imports. The growth of international business operations depends causally and expansion of foreign contacts. The bank already has 22 overseas branches in important business located areas of the world. The NBP also looking forward to open some new branches in foreign countries. Errors are also under way to strengthen out relationship with banks in central Asia and to establish joint ventures with the bank of that area political and financial stability is restore. National bank will try to establish branches there.


After the introduction of profit and loss sharing scheme on a limited scale in January 1981. The Federal Government in 1984 announced a major policy decision that by the end of June 30 1985 all the domestic operated banks and financial institutions will be on NIB system. This objective has been achieved from 1st July 1985; all banking operations have been switched over to NIB system. In the final stage from July 1, 1984 saving deposits have been converting on profit and loss sharing basis from this date on words the bank is not accepting fixed period deposits on interest basis. It should not be considered the end of the mission as mush more remains to be achieved. Until June 1985, none interest basis investment opportunities were more, while NIB liabilities were comparatively less. But now after complete switch over the reverse in the reverse in the position. But further continuous research and dedicated efforts are necessary art national level so that Pakistan may present, before the world a system which is really new, dynamic and in accordance.

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34 National Bank of Pakistan

4.1 Different Types of Accounts Be Operated By National Bank of Pakistan

The bank accepts the following types of deposits. 1. Current deposits 2. PLS saving deposits 3. Fixed deposits account (Time Deposit) 4. Foreign Currency Account


For current deposits NBP open the account in the name of individual proprietary firms, partnership firm, private limited companies clubs, association societies and other institutions. The account can be operated by single or two more persons jointly as the instructions may be given at the time of opening the account. If the person who wants to open the account is not in position to sign or signature is not firm or shaky the bank requires is photographs and he has to come in the bank at the time of withdrawals of his deposits. The initial amount of deposits with which he can open the account usual not be less then Rs.1000/-But his restriction is not imposed to the accounts of charitable institutions and the account opened in the month of closing i.e. June & December.


The silent features or profit and loss sharing saving accounts to be opened in NBP as under. 1. These accounts can be opened by individuals in their own single are joint name. The PLS saving accounts can also be opened for provident fund or other benevolent funds of companies, firms, organizations of welfare and educational institutions. 2. PLS saving account can be opened with an minimum amount of Rs. 500/only 3. Money can be with drawn form PLS saving account only through cheque. 4. To share in the profit a minimum balance of Rs.500/- must be maintained a account. The minimum balanced on sixth and last of month will qualify for the profits. 5. The profit will be calculated on the basis of monthly minimum balance for the period of six months i.e. from January to June and July to December 6. The head office of NBP determines the profits or loss on PLS saving deposits and advice its branches the rate and time of distribution of these profits concerned PLS saving account.
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8. 9.

With drawls from PLS saving accounts are allowed not oftener then 8 time in a calendar month and for a total amount not exceeding Rs. 1500/- for withdrawal of a large amount seven days not in writing is required to be given. This notice shall not how ever affect the monthly with draw ordinarily allowed. In the even of contravention of rule. Depositors shall forfeit his right to share profit for he notice period shall be deducted from his total profit earning products. There shall be no restrictions on maintaining the maximum balance in PLS saving account. On the fist of Ramadan every year the Zakat 2.5% will be recovered from the deposits on the balance of that day. But if depositors give declaration of Zakat or he is non-Muslim no Zakat will be recovered from him in the same day Zakat is not recovered from account in which the balance are below up to prescribed limit as declared by the administrator of Zakat Pakistan Act system of accepting deposits has been stated in NBP since 01-01-1981.

In the case of fixed deposit account deposit is made for a fixed period and a money deposited can be with drawn before expire of period fixed or before giving an advance notice to the Bank. Fixed deposit caries a higher rate of interest than the other type of bank account and the rate of interest rises with the length of the period and the amount of deposit. One opening a fixed deposit account the bank grants to the depositor a fix deposit (FDR) which is not transferable to any other person. When the depositor with drawn the receipt must be handed back to the bank. The silent features of profit and loss sharing term deposit excepted by NBP are given as under. 1. The PLS term deposit are excepted from individual in their own single or joint names, companies firms and other organization. 2. The PLS term deposit receipt are issued for any amount. There is minimum or maximum limit or deposits in a single term deposit account. 3. The term deposit can be made by tendering cash only. 4. PLS terms depositors may be allowed some facilities against the security of these receipt credits, after making Lien on the relevant receipt and subject to recovery of a service charge. 5. Under term deposit scheme the depositors not cease to earn the profit immediately, after the respective maturity date, but they have been afford a liberal facility. In case the depositors said to with draw their terms deposits on maturity their funds will remain temporarily in used and on profit earned a responsible share would occur to such over due PLS terms deposits at the rates declared on PLS sharing account 6. The head office of the bank determine the profit or loss on PLS terms deposit at by any one intervals i.e. the end of June and December each year and payment of profit to or deduction of loss if any from the PLS

36 National Bank of Pakistan

7. 8.



terms deposit is to be made the deposits for longer period will earn a little more profit then those of shorter period deposits. The total profit upto Rs.950/- is exempted from income tax In the case of encashment before maturity but after completion of months profit will be paid for the entire period for which the deposit remained with bank at the rates payable for the respective period to the PLS saving account after deduction of the Zakat if any. In PLS term deposit expired and the depositors request with in one month after the expiring date, for investment. The PLS terms deposit will be reinvested for the desire period from the date immediately following expiring date. Zakat or the face value PLS term deposit will be recovered as may time as the valuation dates (i.e. 1st Ramadan) falls between the date of issue and the date of expiry of the deposit.


NBP has also introduced foreign currency accounts for Pakistan and foreign Nation in Pakistan and abroad. This scheme assures its customers on better profit and superior service. 1. It offers Pakistani or foreign National to operate a foreign currency A/C with any one of their authorized branches spread all over the country. 2. Deposits of this account will be acceptable in all convertible currency but account will be maintained on the customers choice in USD Dollar, pounds German Mark or Japanese Yen. 3. Deposits may be made in the forms of remittances in foreign currencies. Travelers cheque on the bank counter will be accepted. 4. The customer can make with drawls and transfers to any where in the world. 5. All the deposits and profits in the customers foreign account are except from Zakat income or wealth tax. 6. The customers sources are protected from any security of concerned authorities. The NBP has over 1400 branches at home and abroad of these more than 100 branches are authorized and fully equipped to deal with all kinds of foreign currency transactions. NBP has worldwide network of branches and it has associated in Arabia bank, Al-Jazair (26 branches) and national exchange company in UAE to facilitate the customers in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and UAE.

National Bank of Pakistan



Products & Services

NBP Premium Aamdani Amount of investment required from Rs. 20,000/- to Rs. 5,000,000 Investment period is 5 years Free Demand Draft, Pay Order and NBP Online Aasan Banking* Free Cheque Book / NBP Cash Card (ATM + Debit) Profit paid every month as follows: Period Profit Rates** 1st year 7.50% 2nd years 8.50% 3rd years 9.50% 4th years 10.50% 5th years 11% Financing facility available up to 90% of the deposit value Premature encashment will attract penalties Zakat and withholding tax will be deducted as per rules


NBP Premium Saver Minimum saving balance of Rs. 20,001 and a maximum balance of Rs. 300,000* Free NBP Cash Card (ATM + Debit) Two debit withdrawals allowed in a month and no limit on number of deposit transactions Profit calculated monthly and paid on half yearly basis. NBP Karobar



NBP Saibaan

Product Items

38 National Bank of Pakistan

Home Purchase Home Construction Home Renovation Purchase of Land + Construction Balance Transfer Facility (BTF)


NBP Advance Salary

You can avail up to 20 net take home salaries with easy repayment installments. Its hassle free acquisition with no prior formalities and easy availability in a short turn around time is attributed as the most distinguishing features of the product. The product is offered countrywide.


NBP Cash Card

NBP Cash Card is a 24-hour direct access ATM/Debit card to your bank account, which lets you pay directly from your account as an alternative payment method to cash. The transaction is authorized and processed by entering PIN. The NBP Cash Card holders are able to transact at any of the 4000 + Merchants where Orix logo is displayed and can withdraw cash from NBP, 1-Link & M-NET ATMs across the country. 4.2.7

Investor Advantage Comfortable and secure environment for trading NBP financing at very easy terms requiring minimum documentation Minimum turn around time No security requirement from the customer except for the customer's equity Customer's equity freely available for investment. Equity acceptable in cash or approved share. NBP Cash n Gold NBP Kisan Taqat-

4.2.8 4.2.9

4.2.10 NBP Kisan Dost 4.2.11 NBP Online - Aasan Banking

Balance Enquiry Statement of Account Stop payment Cash withdrawal through cheque Cash deposit to own and third party account Transfer of funds to own and third party account

4.2.12 NBP Pak Remit

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4.2.13 NBP Protection Shield



40 National Bank of Pakistan


Training to Staff

In 1949, the first year of operations the NBP has one hundred employees one its payroll but with in two years this number had grown to 1505 by 1960 the figure has risen to 5023 and now in 1996 it is the order or 20694.During the first ten years the NBP trained its own staff through a series of training Programme both for junior officers and clerical staff. By 1958 how ever it was obvious that one thins more comprehensive was needed and the bank established a staff college Karachi. Three mote colleges at Islamabad, Lahore and Peshawar, setup later. These colleges provide course of instructions, supervisor personnel and clerks to meet the Banks ever growing trained personnel. This needs springs not only from the steady grown for the banks business but also to replace wastage due to retirement resignation, ill health or death. The staff college receives junior bank officers for further training in banking the course lasting from six to nine weeks with about twenty five students in each course. The staff college course are designed not only to impart technical instruction, but also develop qualities of judgments decisions, leadership and management, since these student are likely to be those men who may expect to the seniors most executive positions the bank has to offer. The bank also deputes officers to attend banking seminar both in Pakistan and abroad and it attaches great importance to the exchange of ideas information and knowledge which can most use fully accrue from these gatherings. In its position the National Bank has considerable responsibility in ensuring that the country is well represented at meetings of bankers at domestic and international level.


Salaries and Facilities to Staff

As an employer NBP is also deeply conscious of as responsibilities and act it be said that at the out set, consider its self a good employer. Its seals of pay terms of services, staff benefits and amenities compare very well with instruction of similar stature in Pakistan. The result is that employment with the bank has come to be regarded as some thing of prize. The scale of pay and allowances for officers and staff are revised from time to time as need grows. In addition employment with bank personable and bonuses are regularly paid. The bank provides free medical treatment for all its employers, their families and dependent parents. A senior member of the medical profession acts as Medical Advisor and medical consultant. The bank pays school fees for the children of all the supervisory, electrical and subordinate staff and this facility is extended to college fees also. To meet the problem of fining suitable residential accommodation in the big cities. NBP has had recourse to several measures in Karachi and Lahore for instance the bank has constructed residential quarters. NBP has granted loans on easy terms to members of staff to enable them to construct houses of their own.

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To solve the problems of conveyance for its employees the bank makes advances to staff for the purchase of cars motorcycles and cycles. The bank has provided finance for the establishment of sports clubs and staff recreation centers, to enable staff sport clubs and other suitable recreational activities to flourish. Co-operative stores and subsidized canteens help the lower paid categories to get the best value form their caring.



42 National Bank of Pakistan

6.1 History of Islamic banking

Islamic banking refers to a system of banking or banking activity that is consistent with the principles of Islamic law (Shariah) and its practical application through the development of Islamic economics. Shariah prohibits the payment of fees for the renting of money (Riba) for specific terms, as well as investing in businesses that provide goods or services considered contrary to its principles (Haraam). While these principles were used as the basis for a flourishing economy in earlier times, it is only in the late 20th century that a number of Islamic banks were formed to apply these principles to private or semiprivate commercial institutions within the Muslim community. 6.1.1 CLASSIC ISLAMIC BANKING

During the Islamic Golden Age, early forms of proto-capitalism and free markets were present in the Caliphate, where an early market economy and an early form of mercantilism were developed between the 8th-12th centuries, which some refer to as "Islamic capitalism". A vigorous monetary economy was created on the basis of the expanding levels of circulation of a stable high-value currency (the dinar) and the integration of monetary areas that were previously independent. A number of innovative concepts and techniques were introduced in early Islamic banking, including bills of exchange, the first forms of partnership (mufawada) such as limited partnerships (Mudaraba), and the earliest forms of capital (almal), capital accumulation (nama al-mal), cheques, promissory notes, Waqf, startup companies, transactional accounts, loaning, ledgers and assignments. Organizational enterprises similar to corporations independent from the state also existed in the medieval Islamic world, while the agency institution was also introduced. Many of these early capitalist concepts were adopted and further advanced in medieval Europe from the 13th century onwards. 6.1.2 Modern Islamic banking

The first modern experiment with Islamic banking was undertaken in Egypt under cover without projecting an Islamic imagefor fear of being seen as a manifestation of Islamic fundamentalism that was anathema to the political regime. The pioneering effort, led by Ahmad Elnaggar, took the form of a savings

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bank based on profit-sharing in the Egyptian town of Mit Ghamr in 1963. This experiment lasted until 1967 (Ready 1981), by which time there were nine such banks in the country.



Islamic banking has the same purpose as conventional banking except that it operates in accordance with the rules of Shariah, known as Fiqh al-Muamalat (Islamic rules on transactions). The basic principle of Islamic banking is the sharing of profit and loss and the prohibition of riba (usury). Amongst the common Islamic concepts used in Islamic banking are profit sharing (Mudharabah), safekeeping (Wadiah), joint venture (Musharakah), cost plus (Murabahah), and leasing (Ijarah). In an Islamic mortgage transaction, instead of loaning the buyer money to purchase the item, a bank might buy the item itself from the seller, and re-sell it to the buyer at a profit, while allowing the buyer to pay the bank in installments. However, the fact that it is profit cannot be made explicit and therefore there are no additional penalties for late payment. In order to protect itself against default, the bank asks for strict collateral. The goods or land is registered to the name of the buyer from the start of the transaction. This arrangement is called Murabaha. Another approach is EIjara wa EIqtina, which is similar to real estate leasing realestate leasing. Islamic banks handle loans for vehicles in a similar way (selling the vehicle at a higher-than-market price to the debtor and then retaining ownership of the vehicle until the loan is paid). An innovative approach applied by some banks for home loans are called Musharaka al-Mutanaqisa that allows for a floating rate in the form of rental. The bank and borrower forms a partnership entity, both providing capital at an agreed percentage to purchase the property. The partnership entity then rent out the property to the borrower and charges rent. The bank and the borrower will then share the proceed from this rent based on the current equity share of the partnership. At the same time, the borrower in the partnership entity also buys the bank's share on the property at agreed installments until the full equity is transferred to the borrower and the partnership is ended. If default occurs, both the bank and the borrower receive the proceeds from an auction based on the current equity. This method allows for floating rates according to current market rate such as the BLR (base lending rate), especially in a dual-banking system like in Malaysia. There are several other approaches used in business deals. Islamic banks lend their money to companies by issuing floating rate interest loans. The floating rate

44 National Bank of Pakistan

of interest is pegged to the company's individual rate of return. Thus the bank's profit on the loan is equal to a certain percentage of the company's profits. Once the principal amount of the loan is repaid, the profit-sharing arrangement is concluded. This practice is called Musharaka. Further, Mudaraba is venture capital funding of an entrepreneur who provides labor while financing is provided by the bank so that both profit and risk are shared. Such participatory arrangements between capital and labor reflect the Islamic view that the borrower must not bear all the risk/cost of a failure, resulting in a balanced distribution of income and not allowing lender to monopolize the economy. And finally, Islamic banking is restricted to Islamically acceptable deals, which exclude those involving alcohol, pork, gambling, etc. Thus ethical investing is the only acceptable form of investment, and moral purchasing is encouraged. In theory, Islamic banking is an example of full-reserve banking, with banks achieving a 100% reserve ratio. However, in practice, this is not the case, and no examples of 100 per cent reserve banking are observed Islamic banks have grown recently in the Muslim world but are a very small share of the global banking system. Micro-lending institutions founded by Muslims, notably Grameen Bank, use conventional lending practices and are popular in some Muslim nations, especially Bangladesh, but some do not consider them true Islamic banking. However, Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank and microfinance banking, and other supporters of microfinance, argue that the lack of collateral and lack of excessive interest in micro-lending is consistent with the Islamic prohibition of usury (riba). 6.2

NBP Islamic Banking

NBP is proud to expand its range of products and services to include Shariah Compliant Islamic Banking products, now available at our dedicated Islamic Banking Branches at Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar. ISLAMIC BANK MISSION To become a leading player in the growing field of Islamic Finance in Pakistan and abroad, providing depositors and shareholders in a truly SHARIAH COMPLIANT way, the best combination of returns and future growth ISLAMIC BANK VISION To set standards of best practices and performance through efficient asset allocation, and offer / develop products based on the true spirit of Islamic finance.

National Bank of Pakistan


6.3 NBP Islamic Banking Deposit Schemes

Deposit Schemes being offered by NBPs Islamic Banking Branches would include the following:

Current Deposit Scheme Profit & Loss Sharing (PLS) Deposit Scheme Current Deposit Scheme

Ideal for customers looking for security of their funds along with absolute convenience in its use, in the form of Current accounts. Funds deposited with the bank will be utilized by the bank at its sole discretion in Shariah acceptable avenues. The Customer will have the flexibility to withdraw a part or the whole of their balances at any time as per their requirement. This is a non remunerative deposit scheme and thus the customer will not be sharing the profits nor will be sharing losses (if any). However, the Bank may at its absolute discretion give rewards to these Depositors depending upon the operational results of the Bank. Losses will not be passed on to these Depositors. Other terms, conditions and rules for Current Deposit Accounts to be advised by the Bank at the time of opening of Account. Profit & Loss Sharing Deposit (PLS) Scheme

PLS Saving Deposits Scheme (to be accepted in future) will accept deposits on Mudaraba basis, where the depositor will be Rabb-ul-Mal and Bank will be Mudarib. The Bank will invest the deposited funds at its (Banks) sole discretion in Shariah acceptable avenues. The Depositor will have the flexibility to withdraw a part or the whole of their balances at any time as per their requirement. The Bank will give profit to the Depositors twice in a year in January and July, on the basis of agreed ratio of actual profits to be announced by the Bank from time to time. In the event of financial loss, the PLS depositors will bear the loss in proportion of their investment. The Depositors will not participate in the management of the business of the Bank Other terms and conditions as well as rules for PLS Deposit Account to be advised by the Bank at the time of opening of Account.

46 National Bank of Pakistan

6.4 NBP Facilities



Commercial and Corporate customers requiring financing will have the following financing facilities available to them to meet their requirements:

Murabaha may be defined as a contract between a Buyer and Seller under which the Seller discloses to the Buyer the cost of goods being sold and adds an agreed profit. Price is payable on spot or at a certain future date, in lump sum or in installments (deferred payments). Murabaha Facility 1. Under the MURABAHA FACILITY, the Bank will first purchase the required goods directly or through an Agent. All costs incurred on such purchases will be borne by the Bank. 2. Subsequently the Bank will sell the goods to the customer on deferred payment basis (30 days to one year) at an agreed price comprising cost of goods purchased and Banks profit. 3. On due date the customer will pay to the Bank the agreed price, in lump sum or as per the agreed installment schedule. Ijarah (Leasing) Ijarah means to give something on rent. The term IJARAH is analogous to the English term leasing. Firstly the Bank will purchase the Assets as required by the Customer and subsequently the assets will be leased to the Customer on the terms and conditions as agreed with him. Ijarah Facility will be offered for the following assets:

Vehicles (both Commercial and Private) Office Equipment Plant and Machinery

6.5 Other Facilities

In addition to Shariah acceptable standard general banking services, following services are also being offered at the Islamic Banking Branch:
National Bank of Pakistan


Letter of Credit Facility Handling of Remittances Issuance of Bank Drafts and Pay Orders. Collection of Export Bills. Collection of Local Bills. Government Collections Utility Bills Collection



48 National Bank of Pakistan

National Bank of Pakistan

Balance Sheet September 30, 2008

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National Bank of Pakistan

Cash Flow Statement September 30, 2008

50 National Bank of Pakistan

National Bank of Pakistan

Profit and Loss Account September 30, 2008

National Bank of Pakistan



52 National Bank of Pakistan


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


At the completion of the business internship I draw the following: It appears a lengthy process of sanctioning advance. It looks the staff member are not properly trained It seems the promotions are not given in the due time. It appears that large amounts paid on administration cost. It shows that there is lack of recovery system 53

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6. 7. 8.

It seems that there is no net working. It seems that there shall be a great the rush days for the customers as well as for the staff members If the No of counter are limited or very few It might not be possible for every borrower to repay the money in due time.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


On the basis of conclusion I draw the following suggestions It is suggestion that the process should be short in order in save time money energy and stationary etc. It is proposed that proper training be provided to the staff members that will ultimately increase the performance of Bank over all. It is advised that promotion be given in due time because of interest to work satisfactory. It is consulted that bank should reduce its large expenses in order to increase the value of bank. It is suggested that reasonable steps should be taken to recover all absolute advances. The NBL should introduce the use of computers in order to confront with the hectic business activities. It will also help to reduce the extra load of manual work. Extra counters should be brought in order to facilitate during the rush days the difficulties faced by the bank staff as well as the customers. The period of repayment of the loans should be extended.

Business Dictionary Edition 1995 Page No.10 by Greener Michael the Penguine. 2. Beg Money and Banking 2nd Edition 1993 Page No.55 by Muhammad Rauf 3. Introduction to Money and Banking 1st Edition 1995 Page No.60 by Mukhtiar Ahmed 4. Banking Law and Practice by Israr-ul-Haq 5. Banking 1st Edition Page No.02 by Dr. Syed Anwar Ali 6. Annual Report of NBP 2006

54 National Bank of Pakistan

7. Quarterly Report of NBP September 2008. 8. Interview with Mr. Mazhar Abbassi Mr. Shakeel Ahmed Mr. Waheed Buksh Daudpoto Mr. Naseer Ahmed Khaskheli Mr. Sattar Bhutto Mr. Irshad Ahmed Zardari Mr. Shahnawaz Shah Mr. Raza Mr. Umer Daio Mr. Shafique Ahmed Mr. Tirath Lohana.

National Bank of Pakistan


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