Geological Maps
Geological Maps
Geological Maps
Is a map that contains about the discovery of the location of the rock.
These map provide information about rock properties and its structure.
-Outcrop map
Is a map that give information about formation which has been revealed, As
well as the location of the extrapolation of formation is still covered by a
layer of Holocene. This map is usually have scale from 1:100.000 or
smaller than that.
-Overview Geological Map
Is a map which the appearance of the depth lines to explain certain layer
under the surface. This kind of map has a medium to large scale.
-Structure Map
is a map that contains geological data based on topography map.
-Schematic Geological Map
Is a map that contains geological information about natural resources and
potential energy in certain location.
-Thematic Geological Map
Is a map showing the height of a region in the form of contour height
measured against the average sea level.
-Topography Map
is a map which represent lines that connect a formation or a layer with the
same thickness without structural needed. This map generally has a
medium to large scale.
-Isopach Map
is a map creates based on the result of aerial photographs that adapted to
the actual condition on field.
-Photogeological Map
Is used to measure the strike and dip from a rocks and geological structure.