Wasteland Manual
Wasteland Manual
Wasteland Manual
Brian Fargo Todd J. Camasta CREATING CHARAC
TESTING: Attributes and I
Alan Pavlish Items
Bruce Schlickbernd Skills
Ken St. Andre Chris Wilson Hand-To-Hand <
Brian Fargo Missile Weapon
Alan Pavlish ART DIRECTOR: Selective Fire......
Michael A. Stackpole Nancy Fong Explosives
Ken St. Andre Barry Jackson Medium Range
Bruce Balfour Short Range W<
Chris Christensen James C. Blair TIME AND DISTANC
Elizabeth T. Danforth SPECIAL PLACES
Bill Dugan SCREEN PHOTOGRAPHY: Little Old Quart
Nishan Hossepian Frank Wing Xenophobic Nee
Stance Nixon Lovely Vegas
Alan Pavlish Deadly Deserts..
Michael A. Stackpole
G: Attributes and Personal Statistics 4
bert Items 5
:hlickbernd Skills 6
ailey COMBAT 14
rilson Hand-To-Hand Combat 16
Missile Weapon Combat 16
RECTOR: Selective Fire 16
bng Explosives 17
COVER ART: Long Range Weapons 17
:kson Medium Range Weapons 18
Short Range Weapons 18
PHOTOGRAPHY: Little Old Quartz 20
fing Xenophobic Needles 20
Lovely Vegas 20
Deadly Deserts 21
The following is an
Rangers. The Early \
During the two years of its development, Wasteland, and Tensions grew wil
the system used to create Wasteland, went through many Starstation was slated to 1
changes. We spent lots of hours tweaking and redesigning the the space station was mere
of non-aligned nations. Th
original concept. We also put a lot of thought into the game to Americas, many of them st
make it more fun and easier for you to play. pledged their support to th
We sacrificed some features, like animated icons and members, also declared th
intra-party combat, so we could add ones that would make the remaining neutral powi
playing less frustrating and more enjoyable. Some of these Switzerland, Sweden, anc
features include a save command you can use anytime and nations.
anywhere, a disband command that lets you split up your party, Two weeks befoi
and a combat system that's strategic, but easy enough for a transmitted a distress sign;
beginner to use. the satellites orbiting the
There's a lot for you to see and do throughout the game, great powers blind. In mi
but you don't have to follow any single path for success. There's arsenals skyward. Althoi
complete. Pockets of civilh
plenty of room to goof off in this game. So don't sweat it if you exchange.
don't know what something is used for you might not even
need it to win. But don't make too many judgement errors too On the same day
many times, or victory will slip farther and farther away. We extinguish each other, a
can't make it too easy to win, after all. southwestern deserts buik
After you finish Wasteland the first time (for which we worked deep in the inhos
survivalist communities. 1
congratulate you), you can go back and check out all the places was a newly-constructed
you didn't get to fully explore the first time through. Play it criminals condemned t<
again; try things a different way. It's not over when it's over. manufacturing facilities.
Toward this end, the Desert Rangers, in the great tradition of the Texas CREATING CHARAC
and Arizona Rangers a century before, were born. Follow these steps to create
Dexterity (DEX): Ability to master fine movements like picking locks or aiming Items
weapons. Dexterity is very important in combat, and extremely useful in The second screen lists wh
mastering the "thiefly" arts. items that you find or bu
items that seem useless,
Charisma (CHR): This attribute lets you know how likeable or persuasive a greater, more powerful itei
character is. Although it may seem like a trivial trait, it might well make the
difference between life and death as you try to convince someone that you're A precaution about pickin;
trustworthy. Charisma also affects how an NPC will react to you when you keep it or drop it. If you
want to hire him or trade equipment. never to be seen again. If;
(maybe because you're al
Skill Points (SKP): When you first create a character, this value is identical to want to drop anything) yc
IQ. The more skill points you have, the more skills you can learn. You can back for it later (and you b
acquire more skill points during the game (see "Skills" for more details). hidden beneath the item.)
Rank: Each character starts out as a private. As you acquire experience points,
you can radio back to Ranger Center for a field promotion. Each time you're
and other miscellaneous promoted, your rank changes, your maximum constitution goes up by two points,
and you get an additional two points to invest in any attribute. Rank does not
affect how orders are given or taken since your characters are equal members of
a team. A high rank, however could impress civilians enough so you can get into
r to lift, move, and break
places where regular folks can't go.
in physical tasks such as
Maximum Constitution (MAXCON): The higher this is, the more of a beating
you can take before you die. This value is the same as MAX on the onscreen
solves problems. This is statistics.
etermines which and how
can only be mastered by $: The total cash this character is carrying.
haracters start with skill
me, you'll definitely want Sex: Sex only affects what bathroom he or she has access to.
Nationality: Choose from U.S., Russian, Mexican, Indian, or Chinese.
s and avoid more damage
and-to-hand combat. P)ool: Press P to command all the party members to pool their cash and give it
to this character.
escape tight situations.
D)iv cash: Press D to have this character evenly distribute his cash among all
enhances your acrobatic
ump on tables. The higher the party members. If you have disbanded into several groups, only those in the
same group as the character who is dividing his cash will share in the wealth.
ke picking locks or aiming Items
and extremely useful in The second screen lists what items your character owns. You can carry up to 30
items that you find or buy during your travels. Don't immediately toss away
items that seem useless. It can actually be an important fragment from a
likeable or persuasive a greater, more powerful item. Many items can be sold for cash at various stores.
it, it might well make the
ince someone that you're A precaution about picking up items: once you pick something up, you have to
ll react to you when you keep it or drop it. If you drop it, it will vanish into the depths of Wasteland,
never to be seen again. If you have no intention of picking up an item to keep
(maybe because you're already carrying the maximum amount and you don't
r, this value is identical to want to drop anything) you should leave it where it is. That way, you can come
s you can learn. You can back for it later (and you better remember to, or you may miss out on some loot
" for more details). hidden beneath the item.)
To give or show something to someone who is not a party member, use the item back, too weak to use thei
on the space that you're on by pressing the spacebar. the safer the party is.
Press the number that represents the item you'd like to use, and you'll get the Since you must have a mir
the following choices: your IQ, the more skills yo
technical skills if you're no
Reload: If you select an ammo clip that fits your currently-equipped weapon,
you're asked if you want to Reload. LVL: The level of your sk
You can invest skill points
Unjam: If you choose a jammed weapon, you'll be asked if you want to unjam it. invest in a skill, the skill ]
If you successfully unjam the weapon, you'll lose the clip that was in it, leaving Since the cost of each sui
you with an unloaded weapon. Don't forget to reload before you're ambushed by skill by using it is a cheap
a bunch of bikers.
NOTE: When creating a <
Drop: Drop removes something from your list forever. You'll probably only use total available skill points
this command if you're carrying a full load, and need to drop something in order the same as your initial Ii
to pick up another item. You can also use this command to drop something thaf s make an error, you ca
broken (but keep in mind that broken items can be repaired or sold). <CONTROL>-R. Press <I
Trade: Trade lets you give items to another character. Enter the number of the IQ: The minimum IQ you r
intended recipient and the trade will be made. NPCs have a mind of their own
and may not always want to give their items away. PTS: How many skill poii
select a skill more than 01
unEquip: To equip an item so it's ready to use, press E. If you use this while advance in levels) at this s
you're already equipped, the chosen item will replace the previously-equipped each successive skill level t
item. You can only have one type of armor and one type of weapon equipped at
any given time. The weapon you equip shows up in the onscreen statistics below Don't be stingy with you]
WEAPON. When a piece of armor is properly equipped, your armor class You'll have the chance to a
reflects the change. (see "Getting Promoted" f
You can save a few, if you
Skills of the Ranger Center whe
The third screen shows this character's skills and skill levels. The skills you picking skills at the Range
possess weigh heavily in your success. Each character should have a slightly come back to pick more.
different repertoire, so the whole party benefits from a greater variety of
skills. One character could specialize in gambling, lockpicking, and forgery, Below are descriptions of
while another could excel in demolition, brawling, and climbing. requirement. After each s
number of skill points r
Medical skills are something that more than one character should possess. All successive level doubles in i
the skills in the world don't amount to anything if a character's flat on his
arty member, use the item back, too weak to use them. The more characters who possess medical savvy,
the safer the party is.
to use, and you'll get the Since you must have a minimum IQ to be able to learn certain skills, the higher
your IQ, the more skills you get to choose from. You simply can't learn the more
technical skills if you're not smart enough.
rrently-equipped weapon,
LVL: The level of your skill. The higher this is, the better you are at this skill.
You can invest skill points in any skill as many times as you like; each time you
ed if you want to unjam it. invest in a skill, the skill level goes up. Skills also improve as you use them.
dip that was in it, leaving Since the cost of each successive skill level rises dramatically, improving a
efore you're ambushed by skill by using it is a cheap and effective method of gaining skill levels.
NOTE: When creating a character or when visiting a library, you'll see the
r. You'll probably only use total available skill points at the top of the screen. (Your skill point value is
to drop something in order the same as your initial IQ value.) To select a skill, enter its number. If you
d to drop something thaf s make an error, you can start your selecting over again by pressing
aired or sold). <CONTROL>-R. Press <ESC> to exit this character profile entirely.
r. Enter the number of the IQ: The minimum IQ you must have to use this skill.
have a mind of their own
PTS: How many skill points it will cost to acquire this skill. Initially, you can
select a skill more than once; in fact, this is how you become more adept (or
ss E. If you use this while advance in levels) at this skill. Once you select a skill, the point cost doubles as
e the previously-equipped each successive skill level becomes more costly.
pe of weapon equipped at
e onscreen statistics below Don't be stingy with your skill points when you're creating your characters.
uipped, your armor class You'll have the chance to acquire more skill points as you move up in the ranks
(see "Getting Promoted" for details on how you can accumulate skill points).
You can save a few, if you'd like, since there are several special places outside
of the Ranger Center where you can learn more skills. But keep in mind that
kill levels. The skills you picking skills at the Ranger Center is a one-shot deal; once you leave, you can't
ter should have a slightly come back to pick more.
from a greater variety of
lockpicking, and forgery, Below are descriptions of the skills grouped according to their minimum IQ
d climbing. requirement. After each skill name is a number in parentheses; this is the
number of skill points needed to buy the first level for that skill. Each
racter should possess. All successive level doubles in cost.
if a character's flat on his
Brawling (1): Any fighter who can wander through a full-fledged bar fight AT Weapon (1): Helps y<
without getting much more than a scratch is either very lucky or highly skilled rockets. A handy skill to ha
in brawling. The higher your skill in brawling, the more attacks you get per your Ranger instructors eve
round in hand-to-hand combat.
SMG (1): Lets a character c
Climb (1): Gives you the ability to climb over fences, up sheer cliff faces, and May make a big difference
out of pits. who've decided that they i
Clip Pistol (1): A must-have skill since your initial weapon issue will be either IQ10
the M1911A1 .45 caliber or a VP91Z 9mm automatic clip pistol. Without this Acrobat (1): This skill for i
skill, you won't be very accurate with the weapon or have much luck fixing it if leaping off of bar counters i
it breaks.
Gamble (1): The skill thai
Knife Fighting (1): When fighting with knives, this gives an advantage to a and you'll also be able to sj
skilled fighter over an unskilled one.
Picklock (1): This can ge
others don't want you to go
Pugilism (1): One of the oldest forms of fighting, it teaches you how to dish out
punches as well as avoid them. Handy for those close-up battles where the
Silent Movement (1): This
fists start flying.
it tough for enemies to catc
Rifle (1): A good basic skill to have since many of the weapons sold by raiders IQ11
are serviceable M19 rifles. You'll rue the day you didn't pick up this skill as
Confidence (1): For an alri
you look helplessly at the rifle you can't shoot accurately.
one to talk a miser out
information from people w'
Swim (1): The desert sands don't blanket the entire earth. This will come in
handy in those spots where you have to swim.
Sleight of Hand (1): A t
Knife Throwing (1): A tricky skill that comes in handy when fighting gets tricks perfect when you
heavy, you use up all your ammo, and you need to resort to throwing knives.
Perception (1): Helps the character find concealed items and notice when things Demolition (1): Teaches y
are out of the ordinary. No one should be without it. without blowing yourself t
Bureaucracy (1): Even though most of civilization ended with the bomb, an Maximum Constitution
inordinate number of petty bureaucrats managed to survive. This helps you deal character can have (see "(
with them so you can get what you want. same as MAXCON. If thi
picked up a life-threaten
IQ15 won't go away with the pi
Bomb Disarm (2): Allows you to defuse most explosive devices. soon as you can.
Medic (2): A vital skill that lets a character stabilize a badly-wounded Constitution (CON): This
comrade so he or she has a chance to recover. this value to MAX to del
this value is to MAX, the
Safecrack (2): An experienced practitioner of this art can open safes sealed even drops below 1, the characfe
before the holocaust. becomes SERious, consituti
he gets medical assistance:
Cryptology (2): Gives you the talent to encode and decode messages. Useful in Weapon: This shows the i
helping you determine what a password might be. FIST means the character ii
Metallurgy (2): Increases your ability to spot, identify, and work with some You're awarded experieno
basic metals. win a difficult battle. Whe
points to warrant a promoi
To reorder your skills, view them and press <CONTROL>-R. Enter the number your instructors review yoi
of the skill that you want at the top of the list, the skill that you want second, to radio in, you can do it a:
and so on until you've selected all the skills. The new list won't appear until only your instructors know
you've selected all the skills.
As a promotion reward, tv
In addition to the information that you can call up by entering the character's that you can add to any
number, the following character statistics are always displayed on the party attribute or put one point
roster: maximum constitution to b
Armor class (AC): The level of protection a character has against weapons, If you wish to use these tw
physical attack, and other forms of damage. The higher the armor class, the to IQ. Remember, IQ point:
better. skill points via IQ points, y
Ammunition (AMM): The amount of ammunition you have left in your equipped
le alarms. If you want to get weapon. When it's down to zero, it's time to reload. Reloading takes a full
ill to have. combat round, so establish a healthy habit of reloading after each battle.
ended with the bomb, an Maximum Constitution (MAX): The maximum "health" points that your
urvive. This helps you deal character can have (see "Constitution", below, for more details). This is the
same as MAXCON. If this number is highlighted, then your character has
picked up a life-threatening illness, like radiation poisoning. This illness
won't go away with the passing of time, so get this character medical help as
e devices. soon as you can.
abilize a badly-wounded Constitution (CON): This shows the character's current condition. Compare
this value to MAX to determine your character's relative health. The closer
this value is to MAX, the closer your character is to full strength. When CON
can open safes sealed even drops below 1, the character becomes UNConscious. If the character's condition
becomes SERious, consitution continues to drop and the character will die unless
he gets medical assistance soon.
ecode messages. Useful in Weapon: This shows the weapon that your character is currently armed with.
FIST means the character is unarmed.
tify, and work with some You're awarded experience points each time you accomplish a difficult task or
win a difficult battle. When you think you've accumulated enough experience
points to warrant a promotion, you should radio back to Ranger Center to have
OL>-R. Enter the number your instructors review your accomplishments. Since it doesn't cost you anything
kill that you want second, to radio in, you can do it as often as you like. If you've progressed enough (and
ew list won't appear until only your instructors know when this is), you're given a field promotion.
As a promotion reward, two points are automatically added to your maximum
constitution (MAX, MAXCON). You're also awarded an additional two points
by entering the character's that you can add to any attribute you choose. Put both points on the same
ys displayed on the party attribute or put one point on two separate attributes. If you'd like, add them to
maximum constitution to boost that value even higher.
cter has against weapons, If you wish to use these two points to acquire a new skill, you must apply them
igher the armor class, the to IQ. Remember, IQ points translate into skill points. If you don't increase your
skill points via IQ points, you won't be able to add new skills.
Wasteland is populated with people who have, like you, survived the nuclear Order: This changes the m
holocaust. From time to time you'll run into non-player characters (NPCs) you'll want to change the o
whom you can hire. You may wish to enlist their services to add skill, strength, if you're travelling throi
or intelligence to your party. Refer to the Encounter command below on how to perception or silent movem
hire an NPC. situation, a character carryi
in the lead.
NPCs are not robots who obey your every command. They don't always do as
told in combat. They don't always trade something when you ask them to. When you select Order, yo
While you may not like their autonomy, and think that they're more trouble number of the character yo
than they're worth, remember that they may be able to get you things that you until the whole party has tx
can't get for yourself or get you into places where you can't normally go. does not shield a character i
To dismiss an NPC, use the Disband command. Disband: Disband lets you
to four). This enables each
COMMANDS The parties can be spread <
During normal play, a menu of commands are listed across the bottom of the tactical advantages in coml
Disband has a number of ir
Use: This lets a character use an Item, Skill, or Attribute to accomplish a task. disband to bury them. You <
Enter a character number and select an Item, Skill or Attribute. Then, enter a person could split off to di:
direction in which the character will use the Item, Skill, or Attribute (press through by one character <
the spacebar if you want to use something right where you're standing). Certain their own party.
skills offer additional prompts. For example, when you use a medical skill, you
will be asked which character you want to heal. CAUTION: Before you ca
permanently dismissed. If
After you use something, you may get the message "That doesn't seem to work." you'll never, ever see thei
This suggests that this particular item or method doesn't work, but that dismissed answer "no."
another might. Also, if you use a skill or attribute and it doesn't seem to work
but you're really sure it should keep trying. Sometimes persistence pays off. When you select Disband,
split off from the main p
Enc: Encounter calls up the same commands that are available to the party direction that the disbani
during combat. You may want to use Encounter to attract someone's attention, so between parties.
you can get information or try to hire them.
To reunite separate parties
You can also use this command as a short cut to perform certain actions on and they will automaticall;
several characters. For instance, you could have a couple characters reload,
while another uses an item. In this case, using Encounter would be faster than View: View lets you shift i
calling up each character individually. parties, and you're not in c
you, survived the nuclear Order: This changes the marching order of your party. There are times when
player characters (NPCs) you'll want to change the order to maximize your party's talents. For instance,
ices to add skill, strength, if you're travelling through a dangerous area, a character with high
ommand below on how to perception or silent movement would make an excellent point man. In another
situation, a character carrying an item that could forestall an attack should be
in the lead.
. They don't always do as
g when you ask them to. When you select Order, you're shown the current marching order. Select the
that they're more trouble number of the character you want in front, then second, then third, and so on
to get you things that you until the whole party has been reordered. Being placed in the back of the ranks
an't normally go. does not shield a character from combat.
Disband: Disband lets you break your party into separate, smaller parties (up
to four). This enables each party to travel independently of the other parties.
The parties can be spread apart as far as you'd like. Disband also offers many
across the bottom of the tactical advantages in combat.
Disband has a number of important uses. If you have dead party members, use
bute to accomplish a task. disband to bury them. You could also use disband when you're under attack; one
r Attribute. Then, enter a person could split off to distract the attackers. Some places can only be passed
Skill, or Attribute (press through by one character at a time, so each person will have to split off into
you're standing). Certain their own party.
u use a medical skill, you
CAUTION: Before you can disband NPCs, you're asked if you want them
permanently dismissed. If you answer "yes," then they are gone forever
hat doesn't seem to work." you'll never, ever see them again. If you want them disbanded and not
doesn't work, but that dismissed answer "no."
it doesn't seem to work
imes persistence pays off. When you select Disband, enter the numbers for those characters who wish to
split off from the main party, and press <RETURN>. Next, indicate the
re available to the party direction that the disbanded party will move. Use View to shift control
act someone's attention, so between parties.
To reunite separate parties into a single band, move them onto the same spot
erform certain actions on and they will automatically regroup.
couple characters reload,
nter would be faster than View: View lets you shift control between parties. If you have more than two
parties, and you're not in control of the party you want, keep entering V until
you reach the right one. If the party is on another map, you're asked to confirm
if you want to shift to them. Since shifting to another map requires the Use: This lets a character u
computer to save the current map and you to swap disks, you're given a chance to Depending on which you d
change your mind. direction in which the Item
Save: Saves the game. Before it's saved, you must confirm your choice. You're Hire: Not everybody you mi
prompted to insert one or more disk sides. Be sure to insert all the disks are quite pleasant, and ma
requested or you'll lose valuable data! NPC that you would like to
Use this command anytime you find something you don't want to lose. Even Evade: This makes you mui
before the great nuclear war, computers were known to shut down at inopportune your comrades initiate a fi
moments. See the Command Summary Card for more important details on the when you're injured and wi
Save command.
Attack: In the battle-ridde
Radio: Contacts your instructors at Ranger Center so they can evaluate your When you select it, you're
performance. If you've done well, you're given a field promotion. When you automatic weapon capable
select Radio, you're asked to confirm your choice. If you choose to continue, all Single, Burst or Autofire. If
your characters are evaluated at the same time and are apprised of any no missile weapons, you're
changes in rank. Because a Ranger once slept through his promotion, the there's only one group of a
instructors now require that all characters be conscious for this procedure;
consequently, any injured, unconscious Rangers will be passed over. Promoted Weapon: Lets you ready a i
characters get a chance to modify attributes at this point (see "Getting the heat of the battle and
Promoted" for more details). current battle situation, you
If a character is lightly wounded, they've taken a few hits, but are still awake
and functional. A few points have been knocked off his constitution.
Remember that time waits for no one. Disbanding one character and sending
him off across the desert to find a doctor will not freeze time for a seriously-
wounded character. When that character finally returns with a doctor, they
may be back in time to bury the body. (This is why your party should contain
somebody - preferably two - with medical skills.) Should the worst happen,
you can bury a dead character by using the Disband command.
Because of the difference in scale of the maps, time passes differently on them.
Though a single keystroke on the computer will move you one space north in
;t ,,. r
both the desert and in a building, the amount of time that each move takes is Deadly Deserts
The desert is just as formid;
the lack of water and the fi<
If you want time to pass without moving, press <ESC>.
have melted the flesh off i
human element left-over
SPECIAL PLACES zealots all sorts of mutanl
You begin your adventure in the desert along the California-Arizona border. that travelling in the desert
The area you'll cover extends from the Ranger Center in the south up to the suicidal.
Grand Canyon in the north. The towns of Quartz, Needles and Las Vegas are
three places you'll surely want to visit. Acknowledgements
Alan Pavlish wishes to ackn
Little Old Quartz
Quartz is a small town that suffered extensive damage from the nuclear Brian Fargo for the original
attacks, yet managed to survive. Although located far from the large military Michael A. Stackpole for bei
targets, this tiny community was affected by earthquakes and low-level spent; Ken St. Andre for his
nuclear fallout. But in its feisty, small town way, Quartz quickly resumed Camasta for being such a g:
normal life. About the only trouble Quartz has these days is with bandits. design of maps; Bill "Weez" 1
me some great ideas; Nishar
Xenophobic Needles Stance Nixon for even long
Needles is bigger than Quartz. Aside from the flood that resulted when Hoover Schlickbernd for helping re
Dam was hit, life has not changed much in Needles. Needles is big enough to finding every bug; Dave Al
defend itself from roving bandits. However, it has become home to a couple of the game over and over am
odd cults. The folks in Needles don't really like strangers that much, but Miles, and Michael Quarles
they've welcomed Desert Rangers in the past and are always willing to trade space; and Manisha Patel foi
goods with them.
Without any of you, Wasteki
Lovely Vegas
Vegas is the city of Las Vegas. No one is quite sure how the Soviet missiles
managed to miss the city, but most folks figure it was because the "house" was
betting against a missile landing and no one wins against the house. There
was an international rumor about some Russian general's markers being torn up
after the attack, but that has yet to be confirmed.
Undaunted by its brush with perdition, Vegas is still open for business and does
very well for itself. The city is large enough to avoid conquest, and many
elements of the desert rabble have even found gainful employment as enforcers
or casino employees. Despite the relative success of the city, however, there
are dark rumors about horrors descending from the north to taking up residence
in the city sewers. All may not be extremely well in the Jewel of the Desert.
ime that each move takes is Deadly Deserts
The desert is just as formidable as it was before the holocaust. In addition to
the lack of water and the fierce heat, there are reports of radiation zones that
have melted the flesh off of unwary travellers. Along with the irradiated
human element left-over biker gangs, rabid survivalists, crazed religious
zealots all sorts of mutant animals make their home in the desert. Some say
California-Arizona border, that travelling in the desert nowadays without an experienced guide is plain
nter in the south up to the suicidal.
Needles and Las Vegas are
Alan Pavlish wishes to acknowledge:
damage from the nuclear Brian Fargo for the original concept and letting us take the time to do it right;
far from the large military Michael A. Stackpole for being such a great designer and for the many hours
earthquakes and low-level spent; Ken St. Andre for his design work and the name "Wasteland"; Todd J.
y, Quartz quickly resumed Camasta for being such a great artist; Elizabeth T. Danforth for her excellent
e days is with bandits. design of maps; Bill "Weez" Dugan for pointing out stupid stuff I did and giving
me some great ideas; Nishan Hossepian for the long hours spent coding maps;
Stance Nixon for even longer hours spent coding maps; Bruce "Redbeard"
d that resulted when Hoover Schlickbernd for helping redesign crucial parts of the game and hopefully
es. Needles is big enough to finding every bug; Dave Albert, James Bailey, and Chris Wilson for playing
become home to a couple of the game over and over and over and over...; Bill "Burger" Heineman, Troy
e strangers that much, but Miles, and Michael Quarles for helping me cram in so much code in so little
are always willing to trade space; and Manisha Patel for her graphic assistance.
Without any of you, Wasteland just wouldn't be the same. Thanks.
ure how the Soviet missiles
ras because the "house" was
ins against the house. There
eral's markers being torn up
ill open for business and does
avoid conquest, and many
iful employment as enforcers
s of the city, however, there
e north to taking up residence
n the Jewel of the Desert.