Star Wars I Jensaarai by Rodney Thompson
Star Wars I Jensaarai by Rodney Thompson
Star Wars I Jensaarai by Rodney Thompson
I, Jensaarai
By Rodney Moridin Thompson
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Nikkos Tyris
Nikkos Tyris is a member of the long-lived Anzati species who was strong in the Force and studied the ways of the Jedi over the course
of hundreds of years. One of the oldest Jedi besides Master Yoda, Tyris was often deeply wrapped up in the history of the Order,
particularly their ancient wars with the Sith thousands of years before his time. It was during one of his long expeditions into the depths
of the library in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant that Tyris found what he thought to be an amazing discovery. Documents unearthed in a
long-forgotten corner of the temple led him to study the Sith further and, eventually, brought him to the conclusion that the Jedi had
stolen their basic techniques from the Sith, not the other way around. The validity of his discovery is obviously questionable, but the
more he studied ancient Sith tomes, the more drawn into their dark side philosophies he became.
When the Clone Wars broke out, Tyris and several other Jedi faked their own deaths and relocated themselves to the
backwater planet of Susevfi to start their own tradition of Force users. They gathered many apprentices and began forming a thriving
organization known as the Jensaarai. Eventually, their band of rogue Jedi and half-trained Apprentices was discovered by a trio of Jedi
who sought to redeem the fallen ones and bring them back to the Jedi Order or, failing that, ensure that they were not allowed to
continue the spread of their dark side teachings. Eventually, Tyris and two of his other comrades entered into a duel to the death with
Nejaa Halcyon, Ylenic Itkla, and a third unidentified Jedi Knight, during which Tyris was slain and the Jensaarai organization was
thought to be destroyed. However, one of the apprentices wife was left to continue on this new tradition, and Tyris legacy lived on in a
drastically different form than originally intended.
Nikkos Tyris: Male Anzati Jedi Consular 13/Sith Acolyte 2; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Bonus); Def 22 (+1 Dex, +11 Class); Spd 10m; VP/WP
79/11; Atk +11/+6 melee (1d3+1, punch), +13/+8 melee * (4d8+1, crit 19-20, Lightsaber), +11/+6 ranged; SQ Healing, Jedi Master,
Level Drain; SV Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +13; SZ M; FP: 4; DSP: 6; Rep: +9; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Equipment: All-temperature cloak, lightsaber
* Nikkos Tyris has constructed his own lightsaber.
Skills: Bluff +5, Computer Use +5, Gather Information +7, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (Jedi Lore) +10, Knowledge (Sith Lore)
+8, Search +6, Spot +6
Force Skills: Affect Mind +7, Battlemind +6, Drain Energy +5, Empathy +6, Enhance Ability +5, Enhance Senses +8,
Farseeing +6, Fear +8, Force Defense +5, Force Grip +5, Force Push +7, Force Stealth +6, Heal Self +6, Illusion +6, Move Object +8,
See Force +8, Telepathy +8
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Force-Sensitive, Improved Initiative, Stealthy, Track, Weapon Focus
(Lightsaber), Weapons Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, simple weapons)
Force Feats: Alter, Burst of Speed, Control, Dissipate Energy, Drain Force, Sense, Sith Sorcery
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Additionally, the Jensaarai tell stories of the
betrayal of the Jedi Knights, and such propaganda
is used as a warning to the Jensaarai that those
who claim to be noble followers of the Force can
also fall to the dark side.
One major difference between Jensaarai
Apprentices and the Padawans of the Jedi Order
is that Apprentices construct their lightsabers at a
much earlier point in their training. With the Jedi,
construction of a lightsaber is a major step
towards Knighthood, however with the Jensaarai it
is only one half of the way towards moving fully
into the organization. Additionally, the lightsaber
itself is not of as much importance to the
Jensaarai as it was to the Jedi, and as a result
they are more reckless with their weapons than
the Jedi were.
Most Apprentices use the Jedi Guardian
class, as it most appropriately represents the
training and Apprentice receives. However, upon
reaching 7 level, the Apprentices almost always
take levels in the Jensaarai Defender prestige
class rather than continuing on with the Jedi
Guardian class. Additionally, many Apprentices
begin with a level or two in the Fringer class, to
represent their late start in training. Susevfi, also
known as Susevfi, is suitably far enough out-ofthe-way for the Fringer class to be appropriate, but
Apprentices with early levels in any other class are
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unwanted attention of outsiders. In fact, only a rare
few citizens of Susevfi have ever had contact with
the Defenders and lived to tell about it, though the
Jensaarai are something of a common myth told
by the citizens they defend.
In addition to the common variety of
Defenders, there is a special subset of Defenders
that specialize in protecting the planet from space.
These unique Jensaarai call themselves the Ring
Defenders, and function as a system patrol and
security group on behalf of the Jensaarai. Their
training heavily involves learning about starfighters
and space transports, astrogation and other
general piloting skills. In addition to warding off
pirates and mercenaries, and helping chase down
criminals before they can leave the planet, the
Ring Defenders help protect the secrets of the
Jensaarai by ensuring that those who discover
even the smallest bit of information are unable to
flee into the rest of the galaxy. Many a Ring
Defender has been called upon to capture a
fleeing spacecraft by the Saarai-kaar, and a very
few have ventured out beyond the Suarbi system
on a similar mission.
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Saarai-kaar: Female Human Jedi Guardian
6/Jensaarai Defender 9; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Def 17
(+1 Dex, +6 Armor); Spd 10m; VP/WP 57/14; Atk
+16/+11/+6 ranged, +17/+12/+7 melee (1d3+2,
punch), +19/+14/+9 melee (6d8+2, crit 19-20,
Lightsaber); SQ Block Force Sense, Force Cloak,
Ballistakinesis; SV Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +8; SZ
M; FP: 6; DSP: 2; Rep: 6; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14,
Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 11.
Equipment: Comlink, Jensaarai Armor,
Skills: Craft (Jensaarai Armor) +4, Craft
(Lightsaber) +4, Demolitions +2, Hide +3,
Intimidate +2, Knowledge (Jensaarai Lore) +9,
Move Silently +4, Read/Write Basic, Search +1,
Speak Basic, Spot +4
Force Skills: Battlemind +10, Enhance
Ability +7, Enhance Senses +4, Farseeing +3,
Force Defense +5, Force Grip +2, Force Push +4,
Force Stealth +8, Heal Self +4, Illusion +5, Move
Object +8, See Force +3, Telepathy +4
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Cleave,
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), ForceSensitive, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Weapon
Focus (Lightsaber), Weapons Group Proficiency
(blaster pistols, simple weapons)
Force Feats: Alter, Burst of Speed,
Control, Deflect Blasters, Force Mind, Lightsaber
Defense, Link Power, Sense
*The Saarai-kaar
A Jensaarais Armor
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others from the limited Sith influence on their
Jensaarai Defenders are dedicated to
preserving the peace and justice of life on their
homeworld, a dedication they feel the Jedi
abandoned long before their own organization was
founded. They prefer to work in secret rather than
functioning as active guardians of the people, and
are unwavering in their resolve to obey the Saaraikaar and protect their families and the people of
Susevfi. In addition to this, they serve as field
agents to further the order and identify potential
candidates for the organization.
Base Attack Bonus 6+
Feats: Alter, Control, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (lightsaber), Force-Sensitive, Sense
Skill Ranks: Knowledge (Jensaarai Lore)
+4, Battlemind 6+, Force Stealth 6+
Special: Jedi Level 6+, Jensaarai
Defenders must have constructed their own
lightsabers and a personal suit of Jensaarai
Class Skills
The Jensaarai Defenders class skills (and the key
ability for each skill) are Battlemind (Con), Bluff
(Cha), Craft (Int), Empathy (Wis), Enhance Ability
(Con), Enhance Senses (Wis), Farseeing (Wis),
Fear (Wis), Force Defense (Con), Force Grip (Int),
Force Stealth (Con), Friendship (Cha), Gather
Information (Cha), Heal Another (Wis), Heal Self
(Con), Hide (Int), Illusion (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge (Int), Move Object (Int), Move Silently
(Dex), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language
(None), See Force (Wis), Speak Language
(None), Spot (Wis), and Telepathy (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6+
Int Modifier
Class Features
Vitality: 1d10 per level
Weapon Proficiency: The Jensaarai
Defender has the feats Weapon Group Proficiency
(simple weapons) and Weapon Group Proficiency
(blaster pistols).
Armor Proficiency: Jensaarai Defenders
gain the feat Armor Proficiency (light) for use with
their specialized armor.
Block Force Sense: At 3
Defenders gain the ability to block off certain areas
with the Force such that no Sense powers can
penetrate that barrier. By spending 4 VP per
round, a character may create a spherical barrier
with a diameter equal to the characters
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Weapon and
Block Force
Link Power
Force Cloak
Sith Secrets
Link Power
Link Power [Force Feat]
You can use your inner strength to augment another Force
users abilities and powers.
Prerequisites: Alter, Force-sensitive, Force Level 7+
Benefit: This feat may be used to augment another
characters use of a Force Skill or Force Feat for a single
round. When a character uses the Link Power feat on a single
target, that target gains a +2 bonus to any Force Skill rolls,
and the range and area of effect of any powers are increased
by one range increment (for example, a power of range 10
meters increases to 20 meters). Use of this feat is a full-round
Special: Multiple characters with this feat may use
it on a single target, and the effects stack. For example, a
character targeted by three Force users with this feat gains a
+6 bonus on Force Skill rolls this round, and the range of a
power with base range of 10 meters now has a range of 40
VP Cost: 3 per round
Jensaarai in Campaigns
Jensaarai characters, both as heroes and
as Gamemaster-controlled characters, offer many
interesting options and intriguing opportunities for
Force users. Though the Jensaarais activities are
limited to Susevfi during the Rise of the Empire
and Rebellion Eras, there are ways to integrate
them into your campaign without having to break
continuity by using a few simple and plausible
For player characters, a Jensaarai
character may seem like a tempting alternative for
anyone wishing to play a Jedi-like character after
the Jedi Purge. Individual heroes might find
themselves on a mission from the Saarai-kaar to
explore the galaxy and report the state of affairs to
her. Also, Ring Defenders are sometimes forced to
leave the system and venture out into the galaxy
at large in pursuit of
a person who could
possibly reveal the
Jensaarai or their
secrets; a PC might
be one such Ring
Defender, given a
target and forced to
act as a bounty
down his target and
anyone who might
have come into
contact with that
being. Even in the
there are many
threats the Jensaarai can respond to, defending their
homeworld and engaging potential threats; pirate raids,
Black Sun activity, and even conflict between the Empire
and the Rebels can be great sources of adventure hooks
on the Jensaarai homeworld.
The fact that the Jensaarai have been so isolated
is one of the biggest difficulties, and the greatest
roleplaying opportunities, for a player to deal with.
Whenever such a character leaves Susevfi, they are
essentially entering into a completely unknown galaxy.
Though space traffic is not rare in their system, Jensaarai
seldom have contact with more than just a handful of
nonhuman species, and are likely to be unused to the
wide variety of beings found in most common spaceports.
Jensaarai heroes will typically be considered uncultured
by galactic standards, and may find themselves wideeyed or even taken aback by some of the customs and
traditions of the galaxy.
If there is one thing that the Jensaarai have in
common with most other citizens of the galaxy it is an
extreme distaste for the Empire. Imperial forces stationed
on Susevfi allowed the Jensaarai plenty of time to
develop a thorough and deep-seated dislike for the
Empire and its policies. In fact, it was this hatred for the
Empire that led them into the service of Leonia Tavira;
when she arrived at their homeworld and executed the
Imperial Governor, the Jensaarai thought they had been
saved from tyranny. When they revealed themselves to
her, however, she betrayed them just like the Empire
had, and threatened to harm their people if they did not
serve her. As a result, the Jensaarai are likely to react
violently, if not recklessly, to an encounter with Imperial
agents. Most pirate crews and outlaws who have
threatened their people will incur the same wrath from a
Jensaarai, and players are encouraged to display this
nearly blind desire for justice against Imperials.
Equally loathed by the Jensaarai are the "evil"
Jedi Knights, who, in their eyes, strayed from the true
ways of the light side of the Force long ago. Their
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philosophies are taught vehemently from a young
age, so all Jensaarai, from Apprentices all the way
up to the Saarai-kaar herself will react with disgust
and possibly even violence when encountering
anyone related to the Jedi or their teachings. A
young Force user who has studied and begun his
training may not quite upset a Jensaarai warrior
outright; instead, the Jensaarai might attempt to
convert this young, misguided soul to the "true"
ways of the Force, the Jensaarai way. Jensaarai
Defenders may take on a Force sensitive
character as an Apprentice following the same
guidelines for training that pertains to Jedi
Above all, the Jensaarai are dedicated to
serving the people of Susevfi, and their own order.
An Apprentice or Defender will act in the best
interests of his planet and his people; this could
mean fearless loyalty to any party members who
have earned his trust, or abandonment of the party
when their goals contradict those of the Jensaarai.
They seek the truth, justice, and the light side of
the Force, and nothing will stop a Jensaarai from
performing such a sacred duty.
For the Gamemaster, introducing a
Jensaarai NPC is a great opportunity to show the
depth and uniqueness of the galaxy. As villains,
they present interesting opportunities for PC Jedi.
A sworn enemy who is not a dark side user
presents an interesting moral dilemma, as well as
someone whose skills and talent in the Force are
a match for him. Also, the idea of a Fallen
Jensaarai could be used for a recurring villain; just
as the Jedi lose Padawans and Knights to the dark
side, so too do the Jensaarai lose fellow members
to the quick and easy path, often times in their
zeal to be rid of the Jedi. There are many ways to
use the Jensaarai as an opponent, both as a
physical villain and as a deep, zealous enemy
whose difference in philosophy ruins what could
otherwise be a common link between the party
and the Jensaarai. Another option is to introduce
the Jensaarai as an NPC, working with the party in
some way. This would also be a good place to
have the Jensaarai undercover, or even as a
zealot trying to convert a PC.
It is also possible to run an all-Jensaarai
campaign, though this is a bit more tricky. For
one, the Defenders rarely stray far from their
homes, and never in the numbers of a typical
party. But should a GM decide to run such a
campaign, there are many options for opponents.
During the Jedi Purge, Lord Vader sent his
extermination squads after the Jensaarai, which
would make the whole Galaxy a hostile
environment for the party. After that, the Empire
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