10 Codes

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The document outlines various ten codes, phonetic alphabets, and nine codes that are commonly used in radio communications by law enforcement and emergency services to clearly and concisely communicate different situations.

Ten codes are 2-digit codes that represent common communications between dispatchers and officers/emergency responders. The document lists over 100 ten codes and their meanings, such as '10-4' for acknowledgement and '10-33' for an emergency.

Phonetic alphabets assign code words to letters of the alphabet for clear radio communication, such as 'Alpha' for A and 'Bravo' for B. Alphanumeric codes do the same for numbers. They help ensure accurate communication when spelling out words or numbers.



10-0 Caution siren

10-1 Unable to copy, Poor reception of signal 10-40 On duty, Roving, Silent tour of duty
10-2 Loud & clear, Clear signal 10-41 Operatives, Members
10-3 Slow down, Slowly, Not too fast 10-42 Off duty/Ending tour of duty
10-4 Acknowledgement, Roger, Positive, 10-43 Info, News, Status
Affirmative 10-44 Regards, Greetings
10-5 Advice, Notify, Relay Message 10-45 Car unit, Vehicle, Mobile
10-6 Busy, Stand by unless urgent 10-46 Assist motorist
10-7 Out of service 10-47 Emergency, Electric crew needed
10-8 In service, Operational, Serviceable 10-48 Detour, Road under repair, Road need
10-9 Repeat message repair
10-10 Over & out 10-49 Traffic situation
10-11 Inquire, Query 10-50 Accident
10-12 Monitoring, Standby 10-51 Wrecker needed
10-13 Road & weather condition 10-52 Ambulance needed
10-14 To pick up, Get, Take 10-53 Heavy traffic, Road block
10-15 Response, Reply, Feedback 10-54 Investigator needed
10-16 Problem, Trouble 10-55 Electric power failure
10-17 Request 10-56 Intoxicated person
10-18 Record, Log 10-57 Hit & run
10-19 Return to 10-58 Direct traffic
10-20 Location 10-59 Companion, Buddy, Convoy, Escort
10-21 Telephone, Call by phone 10-60 Hospital
10-22 Cancel, Disregard 10-61 Doctor, Medical team
10-23 Arrived at scene 10-62 Medicines
10-24 Follow up 10-63 Assignment complete
10-25 Meeting, Meet a person, Eyeball, Report 10-64 Message
in person 10-65 Assignment
10-26 Victim, Subject 10-66 Needed, Necessary
10-27 Switch frequency, Driver's license 10-67 Male character
10-28 Plate number, Reg. number 10-68 Dispatch, Delivery, Give
10-29 Verify, Check 10-69 Message received
10-30 Water supply 10-70 Fire alarm
10-31 Approval, Result 10-71 Advice situation of fire
10-32 Person w/ firearm 10-72 Rally, Illegal assembly
10-33 Emergency, Urgent 10-73 Add fire apparatus, Engine, Additional
10-34 Crime in progress, Riot firetruck
10-35 Crime alert, Red alert, Major crime 10-74 Negative
10-36 Correct time 10-75 Permission to contact
10-37 Re-fill, Reload, Food 10-76 Proceeding en route
10-38 Local police 10-77 Exact time of arrival (ETA)
10-39 Double time, Rush, Urgent, Use light or 10-78 Need assistance
10-79 Notify, Dead Person 10-91 Unnecessary use of radio
10-80 Kidnapping 19-92 Anti narcotics case, Drugs
10-81 Stolen vehicle 10-93 Address
10-82 Prepare, Reservation, Spare 10-94 Reckless driver, Drag racing
10-83 Found vehicle 10-95 Operations
10-84 Exact time of departure (ETD) 10-96 Jammer, Visitor
10-85 Will be late 10-97 Signal check, Test signal
10-86 Missing person 10-98 Advice call sign identification
10-87 Female character 10-99 Base, Home
10-88 Telephone number 10-100 Office
10-89 Found person 10-X Thanks
10-90 Robbery, Bank alarm


A - Alpha J - Juliet S - Sierra

B - Bravo K - Kilo T - Tango
C - Charlie L - Lima U - Uniform
D - Delta M - Mike V - Victor
E - Echo N - November W - Whiskey
F - Foxtrot O - Oscar X - X-ray
G - Golf P - Papa Y - Yankee
H - Hotel Q - Quebec Z - Zulu
I - India R - Romeo


901 - Traffic Accident, Unknown if Injuries 922 - Solicitation Activity

901T - Traffic Accident, Injuries 924R - Report Writing
902T - Traffic Accident, No Injuries 925 - Suspicious Person
902M - Medical Aid 903 - Plane crash 926 - Tow Truck Needed
903L - Low flying plane 904 - Fire 927 - Unknown Trouble
904T - Trash Fire 910 - Can Handle Call 927H - 911 Hang Up
912 - Are We Clear To/For _______ 930 - See The Man
913 - You Are Clear To/For _______ 931 - See The Woman
914 - Suicide 914A - Attempted Suicide 932 - Open Door
914C - Coroner Needed 933 - Open Window
917A - Abandon Vehicle 982 - Bomb Threat
918 - Mental Case (W&I code 5150) 983 - Explosion At ________
919 - Keep the Peace 984 - Hazardous materials present / spill
920A - Missing Adult 995 - Riot or major disturbance
920C - Missing Child 997 - Officer Needs Assistance
920F - Found Child 998 - Officer In Gun Battle
920J - Missing Juvenile 999 - Officer Needs Assistance, Emergency
921 - Prowler

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