Description of task, Pre-qualifying criteria, e-tender submission format and procedure is available
on RECPDCL website (, REC website (, Central Publication
Portal (
Online registration shall be done on e-tendering website i.e. &
in general, activation of registration may takes 24 hours subject to the submission of all
requisite documents required in the process.
(S.C. Garg)
Addl. C.E.O.
[This document is meant for the exclusive purpose of Agencies participating against this bid and shall
not be transferred, reproduced or otherwise used for purposes other than that for which it is
specifically issued]
REC Power Distribution Company Limited
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Name of the assignment:
Rate Contract for Supply, Implementation and Maintenance of Smart Meters and AMI
Communication System (AMI) for Smart Grid Pilot Project at Chandigarh Electricity
Department (CED) as per NSGM Guidelines
Important information
Si. No. Event Information to the agencies
1 Date of Release of NIT 10.03.2017
Last date for queries / seeking
2 20.03.2017 at 1800 Hours
3 Pre Bid Meeting 21.03.2017 at 1500 Hours
4 Last date of submission of Tender 27.03.2017 upto 1500 Hours
5 Date of Opening of Technical bid 27.03.2017 at 1600 Hours
6 Date of Opening of Financial bid To be intimated later
REC Power Distribution Company Limited, A10, 4th Floor,
7 Pre- Bid Meeting Address
Kribhco Bhawan, Sector-1, Noida - 201301
The details can be downloaded free of cost from the
websites (or)
8 Tender Document (or) (or)
9 EMD # Rs 6,93,800/-
Shri. Subhash Chandra Garg,
Addl. Chief Executive Officer,
10 Address for Bid submission
A10, 4th Floor, Kribhco Bhawan, Sector-1, Noida 201301
Shri. Sunil Bisht ,
Deputy Manager (Technical)
11 Contact Person REC Power Distribution Company Limited (RECPDCL)
Phone:0120-4383759, 4383773
# The EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) is to be submitted by all the participating bidders in the
form of demand draft of an amount of Rs 6,93,800/- (Rupees Six Lakhs Ninety Three
Thousand and Eight Hundred Only) of any schedule Indian bank in favor of REC Power
Distribution Company Limited, Payable at New Delhi .The EMD of unsuccessful bidder will
be returned within 180 days from the contract and EMD of successful bidder will also be
returned after acceptance of work order and submission of PBG (Performance Bank
Guarantee) i.e. 10% of the Contract Value.
The bid shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the last date of bid opening.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Chandigarh Electricity Department (CED) has recently awarded Smart Grid Pilot Project Works under
National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM) to M/s REC Power Distribution Company Limited (RECPDCL)
with Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited as its Technology Partner.
Chandigarh is a union territory in the northern part of India that serves as the capital of the states of
Punjab and Haryana. The Local Distribution of electricity in Chandigarh was taken over by the
Chandigarh Administration from the PSEB on 2nd May, 1967. Chandigarh Electricity Department is
responsible for Transmission and Distribution of power supply up to consumers door-step for making
quality and continuous power supply available to each and every resident.
Distribution system at Chandigarh has AT&C losses of 14.63%. There are areas which can be improved
using Smart Grid technologies:
The Scope of Services includes implementation of reliable, secure and economically viable Smart Grid
technologies which broadly categorized as mentioned below.
Smart Grid technologies, which would facilitate efficient, accurate & effective online recording &
monitoring of the energy exchanges in distribution system to reduce operational errors viz. reading
error, bias error, typographical errors etc. caused by involvement of human element.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Smart Meters and AMI communication systems shall be installed for 29,433 consumers scalable to
approx. 2,00,000 consumers, which will include 100 nos. of Smart Meters with net-metering feature. IT
infrastructure consisting of Servers, MDAS, MDAM and SCADA software etc. shall be installed in
control Centre for monitoring, collection of data, storage and analysis.
This RFP is being floated on behalf of CED to appoint System Implementation Agency (SIA) for
Supply, Implementation & Maintenance of Communication system or AMI for Smart Grid Pilot
Project at Chandigarh Electricity Department (CED). The activities for BA are described in the
detailed scope of work.
Profile of UT Chandigarh
1. Demographic Stats
2. Chandigarh Electricity Department (CED) has decided to implement a pilot smart grid project in
operation subdivision no. 5 comprising of Sector 29,31,47,48. Industrial Area Phase I and
Phase II, Ram Darbar Phase I & Phase II, Vill. Halomajra, Behlana, Raipur, Bairmajra, Faidan,
Makhanmajra, BRD Airforce station which is named as project area. Map of the proposed
project area is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
1. The peak demand of Chandigarh Electricity Department is around 282 MW which is being met
from different Central/State Generating stations.
2. UT Chandigarh has no generating capacity of its own.
3. At present, the City is receiving 47% of its power through Mohali (PSEB), about 3% through
Dhulkote (BBMB) and remaining 50% through Nalagarh.
4. The city has a transmission network which comprises of one no. 220 kV Sub Station at
Kishangarh Manimajra, 11 nos. 66 kV Sub Stations and 6 nos. 33 kV Sub Stations.
5. At present the city has 2,00,000 consumers which includes 1,72,653 domestic consumers,
21,428 commercial consumers and about 2,300 industrial consumers.
6. The average power requirement is around 32.49 lac units per day.
7. UT has an allocation of 166 - 236 MW of power from different Central/State Generating Stations
during different hours of the day.
8. Per capita consumption is 1168 units per person per annum.
9. Besides this, Chandigarh administration is maintaining 19437 numbers of street light points
within sectors roads.
1. The peak demand (met) of project area is around 65 MW which is being met from different
Central/State Generating stations.
2. Peak demand timings of the project area in summer season is from 1500 to 1600 hrs. and from
2200 to 2300 hrs.
3. Identified project area for Smart Grid implementation in UT Chandigarh has 17,490 nos. of
single phase, 11037 nos. of three phase and 906 nos. of CT operated three phase consumers.
4. The average energy requirement in project area is around 400 MU annually.
5. There are six (06) nos. substations in the project area which include one (01) no. 66/33/11 kV
substation, one (01) no. 33/11 kV substation and four (04) on. 66/11 kV substations.
6. Total number of DTs in the project area is 402 with 1,06,500 KVA transformation capacity.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
(Note: To participate in the e-Bid submission, it is mandatory for agency to have user ID &
Password. For this purpose, the agency has to register them self with REC PDCL through
tender Wizard Website given below. Please also note that the agency has to obtain digital
signature token for applying in the Bid. In this connection vendor may also obtain the same
from tender Wizard.)
C. The Agency qualifying the criteria mention in section VI should upload Bid
document with duly signed scanned soft copy of the documents given below for
the prequalifying response:
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Financial Bid
1. Form-III---------Financial Proposal (to be submitted through online mode only)
Financial bid to be submitted in the specific format designed same may be downloaded from
website and after filling the form it is to be uploaded through
digital signature.
Addl. Chief Executive Officer REC Power Distribution Company Ltd., A10, 4th Floor,
Kribhco Bhawan, Sector-1, Noida - 201301
(Note: All papers that comprise the Bid document of the concerned Bid must be numbered.
An index of each page should also be provided)
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
2. Protect Revenue: reduced revenue loss due to the theft of power directly from
the distribution grid and tampering with the meters, as well as revenue leakage
in some customer processes.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
response, micro-grids, and future applications. Smart Meter Interface is a key, but
not sole, enabler of these advanced applications.
B. Definitions
Since the technology and naming conventions may vary between different bidders of Smart
Meters, AMI & RF Mesh systems, it is important to highlight the terminology that is used in
this document. However, the bidder is free to use their own conventions as long as it is
properly defined in the technical proposal with reference to the definitions below.
NODE: This is essentially the end-point device of AMI and other Field applications. This
device will offer wireless connectivity upstream to Collectors/Extender Bridges and/or
Gateways. For example, in AMI application, the smart meters with embedded RF modules
are Nodes themselves and will form a Mesh amongst themselves.
REPEATER / ROUTER: A Repeater/Router will be an intermediate aggregation point which
will wirelessly connect downstream to the Nodes in its vicinity and to Gateways upstream.
The Repeaters will form a Mesh amongst themselves to reach the Gateway either directly or
via hops in the Mesh.
DCU/GATEWAY: A Gateway is the device that will connect Smart meters to CHANDIGARH
ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT (CED)s Head end system/MDAS through GPRS. It will have
wireless connectivity upstream to the HES and wireless connectivity to Nodes and Repeaters
either directly or via hops in the Mesh.
SINGLE & THREE PHASE METER: Smart meter as per IS 16444 for LTCT and Whole
current meters. (As per latest version of applicable IS).
NET METERS: HT Net meters as per latest Net Metering regulations issued by Govt of India.
MDMS: Meter Data Management System
From now onwards CED will be used as an abbreviation for CHANDIGARH ELECTRICITY
DEPARTMENT at various places.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
C. Scope of work
For the deployment of smart metering throughout its territory, CED is in the process of
building a RF canopy communication network covering approx. 30,000 Smart meters across
32 Sq. Km of its service area sub division 5 proposed for pilot. The scope of work includes:
1. Design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and FMS of Smart Meters, AMI
system & RF Mesh with a network platform that can support multiple applications like
AMI, Net metering over a single communications platform.
2. Selected bidder will propose & establish the solution initially for approx. 30,000
consumers but it should be horizontally & vertically scalable to cover the entire utility
consumers i.e. approx. 2.0 Lakhs.
3. Site survey for identification of network design (equipment locations etc.) and detailing
out comprehensive bill of material.
4. Development of communication interface module for other field equipments including
Smart meter data flows from meter to MDMS as per frequency defined in SLA.
5. Supply, installation and commissioning of MDMS suitable for CED and its integration
with existing IT system.
6. Installation, commission and integration of RF Network, Meters and MDMS for smooth
functioning of AMI.
7. Training to CED staff and associated documentation for all deployed systems to ensure
a smooth transition from deployment to post-deployment operations and maintenance
of the system. Scope also includes training to CEDs staff and associated
documentation for all hardware / software updates as and when required.
8. CEDs goal is to deploy its chosen system across its entire service territory for 2.0 Lakh
meter/end points.
9. The purpose of this RFP is to find a suitable technology solution to meet CEDs
requirements that provide for some level of future proofing, while at the same time
dealing with the companys specific issues relating to revenue protection and last mile
10. The bidder shall provide comprehensive deliverable details for successful execution of
the project such as H/w, s/w, tools etc. as desired by CED in this document.
11. The bidder must also specify the degree of redundancy kept while designing the
system for self-healing features to be effectively working and the performance
parameters those that capture this commitment consistently. 99% of Communication
NIC cards in the network should be accessible from HES at any point of time. Bidder
should design the system accordingly.
12. The bidder shall confirm that, the HES has sufficient logic driven smoothening built
in features, for example: reliably determining current status of a meter once an
outage alert is received from the meter, as well as, ability to suppress or filter false
positives from outage and restoration notifications. There should be provision for
deploying more such user defined logics.
13. The bidder shall confirm that, the bandwidth made available by the Ministry of
communications for this purpose, shall not in any way limit or hamper the
performance of both the AMI & other applications running concurrently on the same
communication canopy as well as supporting other Smart grid applications.
14. Bidder to submit its after sale service support plan and escalation matrix in order to
meet contractual obligations and performance guidelines. Preferably, bidder should
have service office in Chandigarh, once PO is awarded. The bidder should have
minimum 5 technical persons on roll of the company having relevant experience.
CV of employees to be submitted along with the bid.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
15. It would be the responsibility of the bidder to integrate their NIC module with various
meter OEMs in India working with CED (like Genus, Secure, L+G, L&T, Elster).
Bidder should have either integrated their offered solution with any 3 of these meter
OEMs or should have signed an agreement to integrate their meter with the offered
solution. In future, it would be bidders responsibility to integrate new meter or any
other application/equipment as decided by CED, in RF canopy network.
16. Bidder to also indicate timeframe for developing solution with meter and other
application equipments / OEMs. As per CED, the desired timeline shall not exceed
4 months.
17. The bidder shall confirm that offered RF canopy solution and associated network
elements including NIC should be tuneable over a frequency range from kHz to
GHz so that in future if allocated bandwidth is increased or if new frequency band is
allocated to Power Utilities by statutory authorities, then the offered communication
hardware which will be installed at site or inside the Smart meter in the form of a
NIC, would not become obsolete and shall be capable to interoperate with any new
18. The bidder shall also ensure that there is adequate provision for communicating
with In Home Display Units (IHD) as per IS16444 & subsequent standards.
19. Interoperability for AMI shall be achieved through incorporation of the
communication modules (NICs) of the technology service provider inside the Smart
meters of various makes of Smart meters, short listed for this purpose as of now &
in future also for next 15 years.
20. The bidder shall ensure the possibility of up-gradation of the Firmware / software in
the communication modules/devices from remote from time to time to meet the
increasing demand of the system in operation / overcoming system limitations /
bugs. The bidder shall also ensure incorporation of new hardware (communication
devices, meter, NIC etc.), if required, in future. The bidder therefore shall ensure
that all such upgrades shall seamlessly fit into the existing end to end system in
operation and shall be backwardly compatible to the earlier generation devices /
software / Firmware in operation to guard against obsolescence at no cost to CED.
21. The bidder shall spell out the time duration required and associated success rate in
case of OTA firm-ware up-gradation on number of meters/communication devices
simultaneously, well in advance, from the design stage and shall also ensure that
all these Access points & Nodes to be used in the system shall have more than
adequate memory capacity for the Firmware upgrades to happen smoothly, and
securely, meeting the possible changing enhanced expectations of the next 15
years, as well as, avoiding overwriting operations during the Firmware upgrades,
thus avoiding obsolescence of the hardware installed at site in quick time.
22. The network canopy shall be designed in such a way that it can accept
improvements based on the experience / performance / new expectations/need
from time to time.
23. Bidder to commit that the communication media is transparent and shall be
exclusively used for data transfer of CED and that capacity can be allocated such
that it will not be used for any other purpose without any consent from CED. Bidder
shall submit corporate principal certificate for adherence of this clause.
24. The bidder shall guarantee for providing service & expansion support in the
aforesaid area (at least for backward compatibility) for at least 15 years.
25. Bidder must submit a certificate on company letterhead, stating that the bidder hasnt
been blacklisted by any institution/ organization/ society/ company of the Central / State
Government ministry/department, or its public sector organizations during the last five
years, with company stamp and signed by authorized signatory.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
26. The offered solution including (H/w, s/w, OS, licenses & others) shall have life cycle of
7 years from post go Live.
27. Specifications of hardware shall be provided along with bid and Manufactures
authorization for warranty & guarantee shall be in Name of CED.
28. RF network shall provide unified level of signal strength without discrimination of
Network topologies in licensed area.
29. Bidder shall provide 3rd party security audit certification after go live.
30. Bidder shall replace upgrade or replace third party equipment free of cost in case the
support on said equipment is withdrawn by respective OEM during this period i.e.
declared as End of support by OEM.
31. Vendors to submit its experience / credentials for integrating its solutions with multiple
applications used in power distribution utility nationally / internationally for solution
scalability, ease of integration point of view.
32. For product Maturity, Vendor to submit performance certificates from customers (power
distribution utility national / international) along with their contact details for their
experience on the solution implemented in their utility CED should be free to get in
touch with them for clarifications, if needed.
33. Offered solution to comply with the existing IS standards for applications as mentioned
in RFP & its Feasibility to change / modify the offered solution based on changes
happened in standards in future.
34. Proven solution/reference Worldwide Bidder to submit supporting documents
reference where bidder equipment is installed, commissioned and running successfully,
CED reserves the right to visit the site to ascertain bidders capabilities. Bidder shall
facilitate such visits at the client site. Travelling and lodging, boarding cost will be borne
by CED however all local travel expenses, relevant permissions shall be arranged by
the bidder. An undertaking to the same along with proposed client sites for visit needs
to be submitted in this regard.
35. CED reserve the right to review integration mechanism along with prices of NIC card
with Smart meters after every 2 years.
36. The NIC card /communication module ceiling price shall be revised downwards after
every 2 years period subject to market price.
37. The NIC card /communication module price will be mutually decided between meter
OEM and bidder subject to ceiling price offered to CED by the bidder.
38. Submission of Documents
In addition to the document as required in QR section following additional documents
are to be submitted along with the offer by the bidder(s):
Network design report of proposed solution for entire geographical area of CED
with tentative placement of offered network elements
Detailed specification & Guaranteed Technical Particulars of devices / hardware to
be used
All necessary test Certificates & licenses wherever applicable
Point by point clarification of the RFP
GTP & deviation sheet
39. Total devices required for roll out after complete RF Engineering
The Written Undertaking document
The Technical deliverable document
Declaration by the bidder as per this document
The detailed Commercial offer in tabular form encompassing various options,
covering all possible items (in a separate sealed envelope)
Suggested SLA documents
Security write-up
All Type Test certificates & clearances from Legal/Regulatory bodies
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
a. The system and all individual equipment must comply with all relevant statutory
requirements and regulations that are set by government authorities, such as the
Wireless Planning & Coordination (WPC) Wing of the Ministry of Communications
and Information Technology. Wireless technologies need to comply with the
Indian statutory bodies that govern communication related aspects such as WPC
(Wireless Planning Co-ordination wing) which oversees licensing and
management of all wireless spectrums in India. Equipment Type Approval (ETA)
is to be obtained for communication modules as per Department of Telecom,
Government of India requirements. Radio emission characteristics for the chosen
band shall comply with latest NFAP and the G.S.R (General Statutory Rules)
notifications from Department of Telecom, Government of India.
b. All documents demonstrating compliance, approval and usability must be
submitted by the bidder along with the technical proposal. Failure to do so may
result in bid disqualification. Any statutory clearances related to installation will be
in CEDs scope but has to be facilitated by the bidder.
c. The RF Mesh Communication Devices shall comply to the following standards:
IEEE 802.15.4 IEEE standard for Information Technology
Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems Local and
Metropolitan Area Networks Specific Requirements Part 15.4: Wireless Medium
Access Control (MAC) and Physical layer (PHY); IEEE 802.15.4g IEEE
Standard for Smart Utility Networks or any other equivalent standard /alliance.
d. The bidder to submit relevant certification in order to validate the conformance
and interoperability of their IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.4g or equivalent
e. If the proposed solution operates in licensed frequency band, bidder to attain the
required license on behalf of CED for entire geographical area of CED for 15
years. Cost of procuring license and license fee for next 15 years will be in the
scope of bidder.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
CED intends to set up a communication canopy over any of the unlicensed frequencies in
India (865-867 MHz/2.4 GHz /5.8 GHz etc.) or licensed wireless band, spread across its total
pilot project area of 32 sq. km, for AMI applications. RF canopy network should be designed
to cater data requirements of 2,00,000 Smart meters. RF canopy should be designed to
operate at minimum 50 % of designed capacity (peak data requirement with guaranteed
performance) for full scale deployment and balance capacity shall cater to performance
expectations during difficult & challenging times and also for meeting future applications.
CED envisions that the last mile communication infrastructure thus created shall be scalable
over the air for supporting more end-point deployments and other applications in future. The
system shall remain fully operational in the next 1.5 years and shall consequently not be
affected by obsolescence.
Pictorial representation of proposed connectivity between end point devices and Control
Centers is as shown below Figure 2
Figure 2
The RF canopy thus established, using wireless technology, shall be in the form of a RF
mesh with field devices like nodes, routers/repeaters, collectors/gateways etc. and Meters
forming the mesh & operating in a licensed / unlicensed frequency band. For solution on
licensed band, frequency license should be approved by Ministry of IT & Communications,
Govt. of India for use in Power Utility. These devices shall facilitate a network infrastructure
which can be distributed over a large span of distance covering the entire licensed area of
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
It should be fault tolerant & sleepy in nature to optimize on resources. Suitable network
management system (NMS) shall also to be provide to monitor the performance of the
communication canopy round the clock from the Control Centre of CED. The NMS shall
provide view of all the networking elements deployed at site and enable configuration,
parameterization of the networking devices and the nodes over the air. The communication
network may also have to support other communication technologies (Ethernet/cellular/PLC)
for specific need based isolated deployment and if so, this shall have to be integrated into the
same HES for ease of operation. Bidder to share capability of the offered solution and
components including future product roadmap (support for Ethernet and cellular).
Functional Specification
Functional specification outlines the requirement & expectation of CED w.r.t. the
establishment of an integrated end to end last mile multi-application communication canopy
suitable for seamless data transfer between Smart Meters/ end point devices of different
makes and respective Control Centers of Advanced Metering Infrastructure.
The scope of the RFP also includes RF engineering study of the pilot project area (Sub
Division-5) of CED by the bidder. A report to be submitted to CED along with the bid clearly
specifying the quantity and type of the communication devices required for erecting the multi-
application communication canopy over the entire area both for DA/ AMI & other applications,
keeping in mind that the deployment shall be done phase wise, need based and in highly
scattered nature. Submitted report will be evaluated and shall be considered in evaluation
CED will provide the necessary latitude & longitude of all the relevant substations/ assets,
CED establishments and other information as decided to facilitate bidder. However, it will be
the responsibility of bidder to make necessary site visits & ensure that proposed solution will
work as per SLA terms mentioned above.
For any further details regarding location of end points, bidder may do site visits under
intimation to CED office.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Please describe RF communications canopy architecture for the proposed
applications mentioned in the scope of RFP, starting from the head end system
1 and ending with the different endpoint. If licensed frequencies are used, please
include details for the acquisition of these frequencies and any support provided.
Please include standards used in this communication architecture.
Please provide information on the RF and EMF emissions and the impact of the
AMI technology on the public. Has your company participated in any studies or
conducted studies related to this impact? How have customer issues been
resolved? Include any whitepapers or studies as an attachment.
Please provide communications deployment guidelines for the proposed system
3 based on specific system restrictions, requirements, and limitations. Also provide
guidelines for number and location of collector and/or repeater devices.
If the proposed AMI communications is an RF mesh technology, please describe
the overall mesh recommended operating parameters including any limitations on
4 the number of hops for network efficiency. If other RF technology, please
describe the limitations and recommendations to obtain optimum network
coverage and capacity.
If the system is deployed according to recommendations for collector locations,
optimum hops, optimum poll rates, etc., what is the expected data throughput of
the deployed network? Throughput claimed should be demonstrated at field
5 /FAT. What is the impact of changes in the network topology on the data
throughput? NOTE: Data throughput is the amount of data that can be
transmitted through the network accounting for collisions, overhead and data
Please describe the expected operational capabilities and limitations that would
exist a single / multiple network element becomes non-operational for any
6 extended period of time. What data collection limitations would exist? What are
the capabilities and limitations to recover data from the meters associated with
such failure?
Bidder has to study the requirement for RF mesh, design, supply, erection &
commissioning of all the equipments & auxiliaries for deployment of RF mesh.
Describe how the utility ensures that the number and location of the network
equipment is sufficient to meet the performance and coverage requirements and
additional equipment will not be required to achieve the required level of
All ongoing support & maintenance activities required for the communication
8 infrastructure equipment such as batteries, comm card, etc. will be covered in
The timing required to complete a disconnect or reconnect operation for the
proposed applications mentioned in the scope of RFP should be as per SLA.
9 Does this include a confirmation of successful disconnect or reconnect? Is a
separate request to the end point required to validate successful disconnect and
If the system is deployed according to recommendations (network elements
installed according to network plan) and the system is collecting daily data
10 according to recommended poll rates, how much of the total bandwidth is
available for other operations? At what bandwidth utilization does the network
cease to be functional?
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Are there any alternative tools for communication with the end points and
network elements (other than through the installed RF canopy)? Is there a tool for
collecting information from one or end points & network elements, for scenarios
where the network is unavailable or non-operational? Please describe
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Bidder to supply following type of Smart Meters as per mentioned BoQ.
Type of Meters
1. Single phase whole current Smart Meter
2. Three Phase whole current Smart Meter
3. Three Phase whole current Smart Meter (Net-
4. Three phase CT operated Smart Meter
5. Three phase CT operated Smart Meter (for DT)
6. Feeder Meter
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Table 3
Max. Ambient Temperature 500C
Max. Daily average ambient temp. 400C
Min Ambient Temp 00C
Maximum Humidity 95%
Minimum Humidity 10%
Average No. of thunderstorm days per 50
Maximum Annual Rainfall 750mm
Average No. of rainy days per annum 60
Rainy months June to October
Altitude above MSL not exceeding 300 Meters
Wind Pressure 126 kg/sq m up to an elevation at 10
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
The meter shall have the facility of disconnecting and re-connecting the load of the
meter from the remote and by authenticated command through Laptop/HHU at site by
means of a built-in contactor. This operation shall be conducted with the help of a
third party software which is owned by CED and in addition to the manufacturer's own
software, both in RF / RF Mesh with fall back provision on Cellular (GPRS/ 3G / 4G /
LTE) which can be given through optical port using external modem by utility.
Each operation of the switches shall be logged by the meter as an event with date
and time stamp and reading parameters. This operation should be in line with clause
11 of IS 16444 PART-1, however over current tripping should be disabled by default.
The cumulative no. of such operations shall also be made available.
The make of the load switch should be of reputed make like Grooner (German) or
equivalent and same shall be confirmed by the bidder during tendering. Switch shall
be in compliance to IS 15884.
The brief technical particulars of this Disconnector / load switch are furnished below: -
Table 4 - Disconnector Specification
S.No. DESCRIPTION Requirement
1 Operating Voltage range 130 V to 470 V
2 Operating Current range 20 mA to 72 A
3 Maximum switching power 22 kVA per phase/ per IS 15884
Annex G
4 No. of poles 2 nos ( one in phase and one in
5 Operation of switches Simultaneous
6 Utilization Categories UC2 or better
7 Min. number of operation 3000 (close, open each)
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
f) Bidder should also provide software for changing firmware of meters in mass
and should support integration of this software with HES. Bidder should also
provide base computer software (BCS) for viewing the data downloaded
through HES/CMRI/laptop/HHU in separate PC/laptop. Android based or
windows based HHU shall be preferred. API required for converting raw file to
XML. (DLMS/OBIS) should also be provided if applicable.
g) For purpose of exercising control, like outage management, the meter should
send abnormalities at the consumers' end like Power failure (Last Gasp),
Power Restoration (First Breath). Additional exceptional events should also be
communicated to HES by meter immediately after the occurrence through RF /
RF Mesh. It should also indicate the restoration of the same event. List of
events to be reported should be configurable over the air(OTA). The meter
should have "Last Gasp" and First Breath feature to facilitate sending alerts
to the HES during fully powered off / On condition.
h) Two way communications between:
a. Base Station (HES) and Data Concentrator Unit (DCU) shall be
through RF/ Fiber / Ethernet or any other suitable media, depending
upon suitability and choice of CED.
b. Meter and Intermediated Communication Network Elements (if Exists)
and/or Data Concentrator Unit through RF/ Hybrid (combination of RF)
c. Intermediated Communication Network Elements (if Exists) and Data
Concentrator Unit (if different & if applicable) through RF/ Hybrid
(combination of RF.
i) Last mile mesh network must support auto-registration and self-healing feature
to continue operation using easiest possible available route in case of failure
of any communication device in the mesh.
j) Meter Serial no will be used for tagging of all data of the meters in all database
(at HES / MDM/ DCU level etc.). However, it will be the responsibility of the
Bidder to establish the complete communication solution involving all the
meters in the system. Also, the Bidder must ensure that, the mode of
communication used for RF shall be consistent with the Government of India
k) Integration of meter softwares with HES / MDMS for seamless transfer of data
will be in scope of bidder till the expiry of warranty of the meters. It is desired
firmware up gradation/selection should be available over the air.
l) Bidder has to ensure that meter supplied by him will be compatible with RF
solution and MDMS supplied by him.
m) Communication of the meter at optical port /OTA (NAN/WAN) should be as per
IS 15959 (Part-2):2016.
n) There should not be any reservation of bidder on a particular frequency band
to be used for communication.
o) Communication network should be immune with any external Magnetic
field/ESD/Jammer/HV voltage influence such that it shall not affect the normal
overall functionality.
p) Meter once powered up with NIC card should be self-detected by RF network
and its basic name plate details & current readings should be transferred to
HES. Immunity against external influencing signals
a) Magnetic Field:
i. Meter shall record accurate energy in case of any external influencing signals
in line with IS 13779:1999 Cl.11.2 and variation in limits of error (unto 100%
Imax) shall be as per the table 17 of IS 13779. Meter shall be immune to
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magnetic field such that it shall not affect the normal overall functionality
However, in case of abnormal magnetic field as defined below meter shall
perform as per the following features:
ii. Meter shall log the event in its memory as Magnet with date and time stamp
threshold values as per Table 5 - Tamper Event Details for Single Phase
Smart Meters.
d) Single Wire tamper: When neutral is disconnected from both load side and
supply side, the meter should record energy as per rated parameters (Vref) & log
the event. Event logging & registering of energy shall be as per Table 5 - Tamper
Event Details for Single Phase Smart Meters.
e) Low voltage check- Meter should log low voltage event as per threshold in Table
5 - Tamper Event Details for Single Phase Smart Meters
f) Current mismatch - Meter should log CM event as per thresholds in Table 5 -
Tamper Event Details for Single Phase Smart Meters. Priority of logging this
event in memory of meter is higher than earth tamper and earth LED shall glow as
per its own logic Irrespective of this logic.
g) Tamper Icon in LCD shall glow for presence of meter top cover open case.
h) The following tampers shall also be considered:
i. Diode: Immune up to 6A,1000V and if > 6A, 1000V Logging in events with
snap shot of voltage, Phase current, Neutral current, Energy KWh, KVAh,
instant PF and shall show tamper in Meter Display.
ii. Resistance: Immune up to 1K, If> 1K Logging in events with snap shot of
voltage, Phase current, Neutral current, Energy KWh, KVAh, instant PF
and shall show tamper in Meter Display.
iii. Capacitor: immune up to 4.7Mf and if > 4.7Mf 1K Logging in events with
snap shot of voltage, Phase current, Neutral current, Energy KWh, KVAh,
instant PF and shall show tamper in Meter Display.
Note- If the meter senses or records the event above defined threshold then meter
shall not be tested in higher values in our lab for particular tamper.
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Voltage 000.000V
Phase Current 00.000A
Neutral Current 00.00A
Power factor 0.000
Instantaneous Frequency 00.000Hz
Instantaneous Load Active
Present Cumulative Energy Active
Cumulative Power Off 00000
Cumulative Power ON 00000
Cumulative Tamper count 00000
Cumulative Tamper duration 00000
Cumulative Billing Count 00000
Billing date dd:mm:yy
No of Power failure 00000
Vector/phasor diagram
No. of Disconnector 00000
a. MD Reset Count
b. Billing count
e) Main Energy (Reading date & all History, time zone register wise; Minimum 6
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a. Period
b. Total active
f) Consumption (Reading date & all History, time zone register wise; Minimum 6
a. Period
b. Total active
c. Power factor
d. CMD
g) Mode of operation of dis-connector switch
Last ten modes with date & time of switching with energy parameters (kwh, TOD1
kwh, TOD2 kwh, TOD3 kwh)
2.1.12. Transactions
All the changes in software of meter to be logged along with date & time stamp and
readings. Meter should do billing if any transaction is done.
2.1.13. Tamper Events
All the events should be logged as per Table 5 - Tamper Event Details for Single
Phase Smart Meters.
2.1.14. Display Units
The display unit shall be Pin type built-in liquid crystal display (Permanently backlit
type LCD). The LCD shall be of STN (Super Twisted Nematic) construction suitable
for maximum temperature withstands 650C and minimum temperature withstands 00C
during normal operating condition. The LCD display shall have a wide viewing angle
of 120 degrees. When the meter is not energized the electronic display need not be
visible. The display shall not be affected by electrical, magnetic disturbances and
ESD. The display should be readable in direct sunlight. Phase Indication should be
Green LED only.
2.1.15. Auto Scroll mode
Persistence time for each parameter shall be 10 second. Values followed by header
shall be avoided. (i.e. if MD1 is displayed in Auto scroll mode, Header (MD1) and
value (say 5.23 KW) shall be shown simultaneously; it shall not be shown in
successive displays. Off time shall not be available in auto scroll mode between each
cycle. Auto scroll mode is restored after 10 secs, if push button is not operated.
Display should not be stuck for any tamper events.
Following shall be continuously displayed in auto scroll and push button mode in the
given order.
Table 8
Sr. No. Auto Scroll Display
2 Meter Sr. No. (Serial no. display with sequence 2 + 6 digits at a
time, completer no. in single shot is preferred)
3 d- dd:mm:yy
4 t- hh:mm:ss
5 C 000000 KWh
6 000.000 Pr MD KW ( Current month MD)
7 (Last month reading) 000000 KWh
8 (Last month MD) 000.000 MD KW
9 Ph 00.000 A
10 N 00.000A
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11 000.000 V
12 Status of load switch(Connect or disconnect)
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However, the following shall be printed in bar code on the meter nameplate. (Shall be
printed on name plate instead on sticker).
(a) Manufacturers code No. (given by CED)
(b) Meter Sr. No.
(c) CED Property
(d) Month/Year of manufacture.
2.1.20. TESTS
All routine, acceptance & type tests shall be carried out on the meter and meter body
separately in accordance with the relevant IS/IEC. All routine/acceptance tests shall be
witnessed by the purchaser/his authorized representative. All the components shall also
be type tested as per the relevant standards. Following tests shall be necessarily
conducted in addition to the tests specified in IS/IEC. Type Test
(a) All tests as defined in IS 16444 Part-1: 2015 /IS 13779:1999 / IS15959 Part-2:
(b) Test against abnormal magnetic influence as per CBIP TR 325.
(c) DC immunity test (injection both on phase and neutral terminal) Test for Material
used for Terminal Block and meter body as per relevant standards.
(d) IP test
Table 10
120% I I max Ib(10A) 0.5 Ib (5A) 0.1Ib (1A)
max(72A) (60A) b
UPF, 0.8 lead UPF, 0.8 UPF, 0.8 UPF, 0.8 UPF, 0.8 UPF
and 0.5 lag lead and lead and lead and Lead and
0.5 lag 0.5 lag 0.5 lag 0.5 lag
(k) Test for Immunity against Tamper conditions as per the Purchaser
(l) Error measurements with 38 abnormal condition as per Annexure -1
(m) Test to Influence of Harmonics
(n) Supply voltage and frequency variation test
(o) Testing of self-diagnostic features and tamper count increment and logging
with date and time.
(p) All tests as defined in IS15959(Part-2): 2016
Bidder shall stand guarantee towards design, materials, workmanship & quality of
process / manufacturing of items under this contract for due and intended performance of
the same, as an integrated product delivered under this contract. In the event any defect
is found by the purchaser up to a period of at least 12 months from the date of
commissioning made under the contract whichever is earlier, Bidder shall be liable to
undertake to replace/rectify such defects at its own costs, within mutually agreed time
frame, and to the entire satisfaction of the Company, failing which the purchaser will be at
liberty to get it replaced/rectified at bidders risks and costs and recover all such expenses
plus the Companys own charges (@ 20% of expenses incurred), from the bidder or from
the Security cum Performance Deposit as the case may be.
Bidder shall further be responsible for free replacement at site for another period of
THREE years from the end of the guarantee period for any Latent Defects if noticed and
reported by the purchaser.
2.1.25. PACKING
(a) Bidder shall ensure that all material covered under this specification shall be
prepared for rail/road transport (local equipment) and be packed in such a manner
as to protect it from damage in transit. The material used for packing shall be
environmentally friendly. Packing and transportation shall be as per IS 15707:206
clauses 9.1 and 9.2.
(b) Individual meter should be packed in separate box. Routine test report of the
individual meter shall be kept inside each card board carton of the meter.
(c) On back side of RTC the bidder shall print a picture of the meter with its small details
like for consumer to know about meter.
The CED's engineer or its nominated representative shall have free access to the
bidders/manufacturers works to carry out inspections.
Indian standards/CED specification. The bidder shall have duly calibrated Reference
Standard meter of Class 0.1 or better accuracy or better.
The successful bidder will have to submit the bar chart for various manufacturing
activities clearly elaborating each stage, with quantity. This bar chart shall be in line with
the Quality assurance plan submitted with the offer. This bar chart will have to be
submitted within 15 days from the release of the order.
Not Applicable
Following drawings & Documents shall be prepared based on CED specifications and
statutory requirements and shall be submitted with the bid:
(a) Completely filled-in Technical Parameters.
(b) General arrangement drawing of the meter
(c) Terminal Block dimensional drawing
(d) Mounting arrangement drawings
(e) General description of the equipment and all components with makes and technical
(f) Type Test Certificates
(g) Experience List
(h) Manufacturing schedule and test schedule
After the award of the contract, four (4) copies of following drawings, drawn to scale,
describing the equipment in detail shall be forwarded for approval:
Table 11
S. Description For For Final
No. Approva Review Submissio
l Informatio n
1 Technical Parameters
2 General Arrangement drawings
3 Terminal block Dimensional drawings
4 Mounting arrangement drawing
5 Manual/Catalogues
6 Transport/ Shipping dimension
7 QA &QC Plan
8 Routine, Acceptance and Type Test
Bidder shall subsequently provide Four (4) complete sets of final drawings, one of which
shall be auto positive suitable for reproduction, before the dispatch of the equipment. Soft
copy (Compact Disk CD) of all the drawing, GTP, Test certificates shall be submitted after
the final approval of the same to CED.
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Instruction Manuals: Bidder shall furnish two softcopies (CD) and four (4) hard copies of
nicely bound manuals (In English language) covering erection and maintenance
instructions and all relevant information and drawings pertaining to the main equipment
as well as auxiliary devices.
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24 Terminal block
a)Depth of the Terminal holes mm
b)Internal diameter of terminal holes mm
c) Clearance between adjacent terminals mm
25 Communication capabilities as per clause
26 Immunity against abnormal Magnetic influence, as
defined in Clause
27 Immunity against ESD as defined in clause
28 DC Immunity as defined in clause
29 Abnormal and tamper Conditions as per Yes/No
Table 5 - Tamper Event Details for Single Phase
Smart Meters
30 Grade of material for
a) Meter base
b) Meter cover
c) Terminal block
d) Terminal cover
31 Tamper counts
32 Recording forward energy in all conditions as per Yes/No
Annexure - 1 (including current/potential reversal)
33 Makes of all components used in the meter as per Yes/No
clause Error! Reference source not found. to be
34 Non Volatile memory (Retention period)
35 Measuring elements used in the meter
36 Power supply to circuit in case of supply failure
37 Display of measured values (As per specification Yes/No
clause Error! Reference source not found.)
38 LCD display ( Type and viewing angle)
39 Pulse rate Imp/ kWh,
40 Name plate marking Yes/No
41 Routine test certificates Yes/No
42 Acceptance test certificates Yes/No
43 Type test certificates Yes/No
44 Guarantee certificates Yes/No
45 Output Device (LEDs) As per clause 2.1.11 Yes/No
46 Make of Disconnector switch
47 Disconnector Technical particular as per Yes/No
Specification clause! Reference
source not found.
48 Terminal Screw dia.
49 Allen Screw head size (Terminal Screw)
50 Fire retardant category of the material
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a. Meter body
b. Terminal block
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Table 14
Max. Ambient Temperature 500C
Max. Daily average ambient temp. 400C
Min Ambient Temp 00C
Maximum Humidity 95%
Minimum Humidity 10%
Average No. of thunderstorm days per 50
Maximum Annual Rainfall 750mm
Average No. of rainy days per annum 60
Rainy months June to October
Altitude above MSL not exceeding 300 Meters
Wind Pressure 126 /sq m up to an
elevation at 10 m
Temperature rise at any point of the external surface of the meter shall not exceed by
more than 20K with an ambient temperature at 500 C. Rated Impulse Withstand voltage
6KV (shall be applied ten times with one polarity and then repeated with the other
polarity.) AC withstand Voltage
4 KV for 1 Minute Minimum Minimum Insulation resistance
Minimum Insulation resistance at test voltage 500+/- 50 V dc
(a) Between frame & current, voltage circuits as well as auxiliary circuits
connected together: 5 M Ohm
(b) Between each current (or voltage circuit) & each and every other circuit.: 50 M
Ohm Mechanical requirements
Meter shall be in compliance with clause 12.3 of IS 13779 Resistance to heat and fire
The terminal block and Meter case shall ensure safety against the spread of fire.
These should not get ignited by thermal overload of live parts in contact with them as
per clause 6.8 of IS 13779. Fire retardant material shall be used. Protection against penetration of dust and water
Degree of protection: IP 51 as per IS 12063, but without suction in the meter. Meter
shall comply with clause 6.9 and 12.5 of IS 13779 Resistance against Climatic influence
Meter shall be in compliance with clause 12.6 of IS 13779. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Meter shall be in compliance with clause 4.5 and 5.5 of IS 15884 Accuracy requirements
Meter shall be in compliance with clause 11 of IS 13779. Power factor range
Zero lag to Zero lead. & meter shall be programed at default lag only configuration i.e.
Lead to be treated as unity for kVA calculations Energy measurement
Fundamental energy +Energy due to Harmonics (Forward Metering for Import mode
and Import / Export for Net configuration) Connection Diagram
The connection diagram for the system shall be provided on terminal cover. Self-Diagnostic feature
The meter shall have indications for unsatisfactory /non-functioning of
(a) Real Time Clock
b) RTC battery
c) Non Volatile Memory
d) NIC card Initial start-up of meter
Meter shall be fully functional within 5 secs after reference voltage is applied to the
meter terminals. Alternate mode of supply to the meters
In case of meter damage, reading/data should be retrieved with the help of battery or
other power source. (Bidder to be provide free of cost 04 nos of jig for retrieving data
from memory of meter. Jig should be such that NVM can be push fit on this jig and
data can be retrieve from this NVM).
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a. Base Station (HES) and Data Concentrator Unit (DCU) shall be through RF /
Fiber / Ethernet or any other suitable media, depending upon suitability and
choice of CED.
b. Meter and Intermediated Communication Network Elements (if Exists) and/or
Data Concentrator Unit through RF/ Hybrid (combination of RF).
c. Intermediated Communication Network Elements (if Exists) and Data
Concentrator Unit (if different & if applicable) through RF/ Hybrid (combination
of RF.
(i) Last mile mesh network must support auto-registration and self-healing
feature to continue operation using easiest possible available route in case of
failure of any communication device in the mesh.
(j) Meter Serial no will be used for tagging of all data of the meters in all database (at
HES / MDM/ DCU level etc.). However, it will be the responsibility of the Bidder to
establish the complete communication solution involving all the meters in the
system. Also, the Bidder must ensure that, the mode of communication used for
RF shall be consistent with the Government of India stipulations.
(k) Integration of meter softwares with HES / MDMS for seamless transfer of data
will be in scope of bidder till the expiry of warranty of the meters. It is desired
firmware up-gradation / selection should be available over the air.
(l) Bidder has to ensure that meter supplied by him will be compatible with RF
solution and MDMS supplied by him.
(m) Communication of the meter at optical port /OTA (NAN/WAN) should be as per IS
15959 (Part-2):2016.
(n) There should not be any reservation of bidder on a particular frequency band to
be used for communication.
(o) Communication network should be immune with any external Magnetic
field/ESD/Jammer/HV voltage influence such that it shall not affect the normal
overall functionality.
(p) Meter once powered up with NIC card should be self-detected by RF network and
its basic name plate details & current readings should be transferred to HES.
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iv. In all above conditions the Recording to shift on I max and logging in
events. The thresh hold values as mentioned in Table 16 - Tamper event
details for 3 phase meters
b) Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
Meter shall be immune up to 8 kV and shall record accurate energy as per IS-
13779:1999/CBIP-325. Meter shall log the event into memory as ESD with date
& time stamp for any ESD greater than 8 kV with snap shot of Voltage, Phase
current, Neutral current, Energy KWh, KVAh and Instant PF. However, in case of
ESD application, the meter shall perform as per the following features:
a. Meter shall log the event in its memory as ESD with date and time stamp
threshold values as per Table 16 - Tamper event details for 3 phase
b. The shielding around the meter shall be such that it does not get affected by
high Voltage and high energy or low energy impulse when comes in contact
with meter from any side. Meter should immune to jammer.
c. Meter shall latch & store all the tampers events which have occurred/stored in
memory of meter from the date of energization till life of meter. Total tamper
storage should be as per Table 16 - Tamper event details for 3 phase
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direction (reversal of all CT terminals) meter shall register energy separately in export
mode i.e. in case of CT reversal, meter shall record scalar (not vector sum) sum of
The meter shall register correctly if supply neutral is not available at the meter neutral
terminal. The meter shall work in absence of any phase. It shall keep recording
correctly in case of unbalance system voltage also as defined above.
The meter shall keep working accurately irrespective of the phase sequence of the
supply. The meter shall be functional even if somehow change in the phase sequence
takes place. Meter shall sufficiently record this feature as reverse sequence.
Table 16 - Tamper event details for 3 phase meters
Persistenc Persistence Threshold Value for Threshold Compartm
e Time for Time for Occurrence of Value for ent Size
Occurrenc Restoration Events Restoration of
es Events
ESD/JAMM ESD/JAMMER Immunity up to 8 KV Removal of 25
ER = 0 Hr = 0 Hr 02 Min 0 with NIC and logging ESD signal
02 Min 0 sec (ESD) of value from 1 KV to
sec (ESD) 50 KV
Magnet = 0 Magnet = 0 Hr > 50 mT (permanent < 50 mT 25
Hr 10 Min 0 10 Min 0 sec magnet) OR DC (permanent
sec (MAG) (MAG) magnetic induction > magnet) OR
200 mT OR AC DC magnetic
magnetic induction > induction < 50
50 mT mT or AC
induction <50
Meter Top Meter Top If meter top cover is NA 05
Cover Open Cover Open opened (Stay put
(TC Open) (TC Open) Type)
Potential Potential Voltage < 70% of Vref Voltage > 80% 25
Missing = 0 Missing = 0 Hr AND current > 2% of Vref AND
Hr 10 Min 0 10 Min 0 sec Ibasic current > 2%
sec (PM) Ibasic
Voltage Voltage 20% or more between Shall be less 25
Unbalance Unbalance = 0 the phases than 10 %
= 0 Hr 10 Hr 10 Min 0 sec and current > 2% between the
Min 0 sec Ibasic phases and
(VU) current > 2%
CT Open CT Open Ir + Iy + Ib + In 10 % Ir + Iy + Ib + In 25
(phase (phase wise) = of Ibasic (vector Sum) < 5 % of
wise) = 0 Hr 0 Hr 10 Min 0 AND Phase current < Ibasic. (vector
10 Min 0 sec 1% of Ibasic with All Sum) AND
sec current positive Phase current
> 10% of
Ibasic with All
current positive
CT CT Reversal = Active current negative Active current 25
Reversal = 0 Hr 10 Min 0 positive AND >
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Meter shall be capable of recording daily Energy and Demand 00:00 to 24:00 Hrs
KWh/KVAh, KW/KVA in BCS for 45 days. Midnight energy value of KWh/KVAh and
KW/KVA should be available in meter memory for last 45 days.
Table 18
Meter Sr.No.
Meter Type
Meter date & Time DD MM YYYY HH MM SS
Dump date & Time DD MM YYYY HH MM SS
Voltage -R 000.000V
Voltage -Y 000.000V
Voltage -B 000.000V
Line Current -R 00.000A
Line Current -Y 00.000A
Line Current -B 00.000A
Neutral Current 00.00A
Active Current -R 00.000A
Active Current -Y 00.000A
Active Current -B 00.000A
Reactive Current-R 00.000A
Reactive Current-Y 00.000A
Reactive Current-B 00.000A
Power factor-R 0.000
Power factor-Y 0.000
Power factor-B 0.000
Average Power factor 0.000
Instantaneous Frequency 00.000Hz
Instantaneous Load Active ,Reactive Lag/Lead, Apparent
Present Cumulative Energy Active ,Reactive Lag/Lead, Apparent
Cumulative Power Off Duration 00000
Cumulative Power ON Duration 00000
Cumulative Tamper count 00000
Cumulative Tamper duration 00000
Cumulative Billing Count 00000
Last Billing date dd:mm:yy
No of Power failure 00000
Temperature(Deg C)
Vector/phasor diagram (also showing
neutral current)
No. of Disconnector operation 00000
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Meter Class
Meter Constant
Meter Voltage Rating
Meter Current Rating
TOD profile Billing Parameters
(a) Maximum Demand (Reset date & all History, time zone register wise)
i. MD - Abs Active Load/ kW
ii. MD - Abs Apparent/ kvA
iii. MD Abs Active Load KW Export (For Net configuration)
iv. MD - Abs Apparent/ kvA Export (For Net configuration)
In addition, Reactive MDIs under different combinations will be required.
(b) Billing Dates (06 History)
(c) Flags Description
i. NVM
ii. RTC
iii. Battery
(d) Counters
Billing count
(e) Main Energy (Reading date & all History, time zone register wise;
Minimum 6 Histories)
i. Period
ii. Total active
iii. Total reactive Lag Import
iv. Total Reactive Lead Import
v. Total Apparent Import
vi. Total active Export (For Net Configuration)
vii. Total reactive Lag Export (For Net Configuration)
viii. Total Reactive Lead Export (For Net Configuration)
ix. Total Apparent Export (For Net Configuration)
x. Net Active (For Net configuration)
(f) Consumption (Reading date & all History, time zone register wise;
Minimum 6 Histories)
i. Period
ii. Total active
iii. Reactive Lag Import
iv. Reactive Lead Import
v. Apparent Import
vi. Active Export (For Net Configuration)
vii. Reactive Lag Export (For Net Configuration)
viii. Reactive Lead Export (For Net Configuration)
ix. Apparent Export (For Net Configuration)
x. Net Active (For Net configuration)
xi. Power factor
xii. CMD
(g) Mode of operation of dis-connector switch
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Last ten modes with date & time of switching with energy parameters
(kwh, KVAh, TOD1 Kwh, TOD2 Kwh, TOD3 Kwh, TOD1 KVAh, TOD2
2.2.17. Transactions
All the changes in software of meter to be logged along with date & time stamp and
readings. Meter should do billing if any transaction is done.
2.2.18. Tamper Events
All the events should be logged as per Table 16 - Tamper event details for 3 phase
2.2.19. Display Units
The display unit shall be Pin type built-in liquid crystal display (Permanently backlit
type LCD). The LCD shall be of STN (Super Twisted Nematic) construction suitable
for maximum temperature withstands 65 C degree and minimum temperature
withstands 0degree C during normal operating condition. The LCD display shall have
a wide viewing angle of 120 degrees. When the meter is not energized the electronic
display need not be visible. The display shall not be affected by electrical, magnetic
disturbances and ESD. The display should be readable in direct sunlight.
The KWh & KVAh register shall have minimum 8 digits LCD display and size of the
digits shall be minimum 10mmx5mm. Cumulative energy (KWh & KVAh) shall be
displayed without decimal in auto scroll mode. (However decimal shall be available in
push button mode for high resolution display for testing).
2.2.20. Auto Scroll mode (For Import Configuration)
Persistence time for each parameter shall be 10 second. Values followed by header
shall be avoided. (i.e. if MD1 is displayed in Auto scroll mode, Header (MD1) and
value (say 5.23 KW) shall be shown simultaneously; it shall not be shown in
successive displays. Off time shall not be available in auto scroll mode between each
cycle. Auto scroll mode is restored after 10 secs, if push button is not operated.
Display should not be stuck for any tamper events.
Following shall be continuously displayed in auto scroll and push button mode in the
given order.
Table 19
Sr. Auto Scroll Display
2 Meter Sr. No.* > Complete Meter Serial no. should be there in
single shot.
3 d- dd:mm:yy
4 t- hh:mm:ss
5 b 1 KWh KWh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
6 b 1 KVAh KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
7 b 1 1MD KW MD in KW on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
8 b 1 2MD KVA MD in KVA on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
9 b 1 PF Average power factor of entire month on 1st of last
month at 00.00 hrs.
10 C KWh Current Cumulative KWh
11 C KVAh Current Cumulative KVAh
12 C KVARh lag Current Cumulative KVARh(lag).
13 C KVARh lead Current Cumulative KVARh(lead).
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14 Pr 1 MD KW Current MD KW
15 Pr 1 MD KVA Current MD - KVA
16 rc MD MD reset count
17 U1 V R Phase Voltage (Instantaneous value).
18 U2 V Y Phase Voltage (Instantaneous value).
19 U3 V B Phase Voltage (Instantaneous value).
20 A1 A R Phase Current (Instantaneous value).
21 A2 A Y Phase Current (Instantaneous value).
22 A3 A B Phase Current (Instantaneous value).
23 Pr PF Instantaneous power factor
24 Pr KW Instantaneous load in KW
25 Pr KVA Instantaneous load in KVA
26 Status of load switch(Connect or disconnect)
Fail to be log in memory in the following conditions only in BCS not in display
a. RTC fail
b. NVM memory fail
c. Battery fail
d. NIC card fail
Table 21
Sr. Auto Scroll Display ( Net Meter Configuration)
2 Meter Sr. No.* > Complete Meter Serial no. should be there in
single shot.
3 d- dd:mm:yy
4 t- hh:mm:ss
5 b 1 KWh Import KWh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
6 b 1 KVAh Import KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
7 b 1 KVArh Lag Import KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00
8 b 1 KVArh Lead Import KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00
9 b 1 MD KW import MD in KW on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
10 b 1 MD KVA import MD in KVA on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
11 b 1 KVArh Lag Import KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
12 b 1 KVArh Lead Import KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
13 b 1 KWh Export KWh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
14 b 1 KVAh Export KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
15 b 1 KVArh Lag Export KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
16 b 1 KVArh Lead Export KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
17 b 1 MD KW Export MD in KW on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
18 b 1 MD KVA Export MD in KVA on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
19 b 1 KVArh Lag Export KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
20 b 1 KVArh Lead Export KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
21 b 1 PF Average power factor of entire month on 1st of last
month at 00.00 hrs.
22 C KWh import Current Cumulative KWh
23 C KVAh Import Current Cumulative KVAh
24 C KVARh lag Import Current Cumulative KVARh(lag).
25 C KVARh lead Import Current Cumulative KVARh(lead).
26 C KWh Export Current Cumulative KWh
27 C KVAh Export Current Cumulative KVAh
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Note: These Display parameters should have provision for inserting 24 additional parameters
in display for future requirement.
4. Serial number (Meter serial number shall be laser printed on name plate
instead on sticker).
5. Month and Year of manufacture
6. Unit of measurement
7. Reference voltage, frequency
8. Ref. temperature if different from 27 deg. C
9. Rated basic and maximum Current
10. Meter constant (imp/kWh)
11. BIS Mark
12. Class index of meter
13. "Property of CED
14. Purchase Order No. & date
15. Guarantee period
16. Rated frequency
17. Sign of double square
18. Country of manufacture
19. Symbol of load switch
20. Communication Tech for WAN and NAN (with carrier frequency)
21. Communication Technology is IHD supported (with carrier frequency)
22. Firmware version for meter
23. Category
However, the following shall be printed in bar code on the meter nameplate. (Shall be
printed on name plate instead on sticker).
1. Manufacturers code No. (given by CED)
2. Meter Sr. No.
3. CED Property
4. Month/Year of manufacture.
2.2.26. TESTS
All routine, acceptance & type tests shall be carried out on the meter and meter body
separately in accordance with the relevant IS/IEC. All routine/acceptance tests shall be
witnessed by the purchaser/his authorized representative. All the components shall also
be type tested as per the relevant standards. Following tests shall be necessarily
conducted in addition to the tests specified in IS/IEC. Type Test
(e) All tests as defined in IS 16444 Part-1: 2015 /IS 13779:1999 / IS15959 Part-2:
(f) Test against abnormal magnetic influence as per CBIP TR 325.
(g) DC immunity test (injection both on phase and neutral terminal) Test for Material
used for Terminal Block and meter body as per relevant standards.
(h) IP test
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Table 23
120% I I max Ib(20A 0.5 Ib
0.1Ib (2A) 0.05Ib (1A)
max(120A) (100A) ) (10A)
UPF, 0.8 lead UPF, 0.8 UPF, UPF, 0.8 UPF, 0.8 UPF
and 0.5 lag lead and 0.5 0.8 lead lead and Lead and
lag and 0.5 0.5 lag 0.5 lag
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Bidder shall stand guarantee towards design, materials, workmanship & quality of
process / manufacturing of items under this contract for due and intended performance of
the same, as an integrated product delivered under this contract. In the event any defect
is found by the purchaser up to a period of at least 60 months from the date of
commissioning or 66 months from the date of last supplies made under the contract
whichever is earlier, Bidder shall be liable to undertake to replace/rectify such defects at
its own costs, within mutually agreed time frame, and to the entire satisfaction of the
Company, failing which the purchaser will be at liberty to get it replaced/rectified at
bidders risks and costs and recover all such expenses plus the Companys own charges
(@ 20% of expenses incurred), from the bidder or from the Security cum Performance
Deposit as the case may be.
Bidder shall further be responsible for free replacement at site for another period of
THREE years from the end of the guarantee period for any Latent Defects if noticed and
reported by the purchaser.
2.2.31. PACKING
(a) Bidder shall ensure that all material covered under this specification shall be
prepared for rail/road transport (local equipment) and be packed in such a manner
as to protect it from damage in transit. The material used for packing shall be
environmentally friendly. Packing and transportation shall be as per IS 15707:206
clauses 9.1 and 9.2.
(b) Individual meter should be packed in separate box. Routine test report of the
individual meter shall be kept inside each card board carton of the meter.
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(c) On back side of RTC the bidder shall print a picture of the meter with its small details
like for consumer to know about meter.
The CED's engineer or its nominated representative shall have free access to the
bidders/manufacturers works to carry out inspections.
After the award of the contract, four (4) copies of following drawings, drawn to scale,
describing the equipment in detail shall be forwarded for approval:
Table 24
For For Review Final
S. No. Description
Approval Information Submission
1 Technical Parameters
General Arrangement
Terminal block
Dimensional drawings
Mounting arrangement
5 Manual/Catalogues
Transport/ Shipping
dimension drawing
7 QA &QC Plan
Routine, Acceptance and
Type Test Certificates
Bidder shall subsequently provide Four (4) complete sets of final drawings, one of which
shall be auto positive suitable for reproduction, before the dispatch of the equipment. Soft
copy (Compact Disk CD) of all the drawing, GTP, Test certificates shall be submitted after
the final approval of the same to CED.
Instruction Manuals: Bidder shall furnish two softcopies (CD) and four (4) hard copies of
nicely bound manuals (In English language) covering erection and maintenance
instructions and all relevant information and drawings pertaining to the main equipment
as well as auxiliary devices.
5 Operating Frequency Hz
6 Power Consumption and Burden
7 Starting Current mA
8 Short time over current A
9 Influence of heating
10 Rated impulse withstand voltage KV
11 AC withstand Voltage for 1 min KV
Insulation resistance
c) Between frame &Current, voltage circuits
12 connected together: M ohm
d) Between each current (or voltage circuit) &
each and every other circuit.
13 Mechanical requirement as per IS 13779
14 Resistance to heat and fire (As per specification)
15 Degree of protection
Resistance against climatic influence (as per IS
17 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
18 Accuracy requirements (As per IS 13779
19 Power factor range
20 Energy measurement
21 Connection Diagram for system on terminal cover Yes/No
22 Self-diagnostic feature
Initial startup of meter (meter shall be fully
23 functional within 5 sec after reference voltage is
applied to the meter terminals)
Terminal block
a)Depth of the Terminal holes mm
b)Internal diameter of terminal holes mm
c) Clearance between adjacent terminals mm
Communication capabilities as per clause Error!
Reference source not found.
Immunity against abnormal Magnetic influence, as
26 defined in Clause Error! Reference source not
Immunity against ESD as defined in
Clause Error! Reference source not found.
DC Immunity as defined in Clause Error!
Reference source not found.
Abnormal and tamper Conditions as per
29 Table 16 - Tamper event details for 3 phase Yes/No
30 Grade of material for
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e) Meter base
f) Meter cover
g) Terminal block
h) Terminal cover
31 Tamper counts
32 Recording forward energy in all conditions Yes/No
Makes of all components used in the meter as per
33 clause Error! Reference source not found. to be Yes/No
34 Non Volatile memory (Retention period)
35 Measuring elements used in the meter
36 Power supply to circuit in case of supply failure
Display of measured values (As per specification
37 Yes/No
clause Error! Reference source not found.)
38 LCD display ( Type and viewing angle)
39 Pulse rate Imp/KVAR
40 Name plate marking Yes/No
41 Routine test certificates Yes/No
42 Acceptance test certificates Yes/No
43 Type test certificates Yes/No
44 Guarantee certificates Yes/No
Output Device (LEDs) As per Clause Error!
45 Yes/No
Reference source not found.
46 Make of Disconnector switch
Disconnector Technical particular as per
47 Specification Clause Error! Reference source Yes/No
not found.
48 Terminal Screw dia.
49 Allen Screw head size (Terminal Screw)
Fire retardant category of the material
50 (b) Meter body
(c) Terminal block
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It is not the intent to specify completely herein all the details of tech design and
construction of material. However, the material shall conform in all respects to
high standards of engineering, design and workmanship and shall be capable of
performing in continuous commercial operation in manner acceptable to the
purchaser, who will interpret the meanings of drawings and specification and shall
have the power to reject any work or material which, in his judgment is not in
accordance therewith.
The offered material shall be complete with all components necessary for their
effective and trouble free operation. Such components shall be deemed to be
within the scope of Bidder's supply irrespective of whether those are specifically
brought out in this specification and/or the commercial order or not.
Table 26
a IS 14697(1999) A.C. static transformer operated watt hour and
Var-hour meters, class 0.2s,0.5s
b IS 16444(2015) Only communication part
c IS 9000 Basic Environmental testing procedure for
electrical and electronic items
d IS 12346 (1999) Specification for testing equipment for A.C.
Electrical energy meter
e IS11000 (1984) Fire hazard testing
f IEC 62053-11 Electricity metering equipment (a.c.)-
(2003) Particulars requirements-part
11:Electromechanical meter for active energy(
classed 0.5,1.0 and 2)
g IEC 62053-22 Electricity metering equipment (a.c.)-
(2003) Particulars
h IS 15707 (2006) Testing Evaluation installation and maintenance
of AC Electricity.
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Table 27
Max. Ambient Temperature 500C
Max. Daily average ambient temp. 400C
Min Ambient Temp 00C
Maximum Humidity 95-100%
Minimum Humidity 10%
Average No. of thunderstorm days per 50
Maximum Annual Rainfall 750mm
Average No. of rainy days per annum 60
Rainy months June to October
Altitude above MSL not exceeding 300 Meters
Wind Pressure 126 kg/sq. m up to an elevation at
10 m
The atmosphere is generally laden with mild acid and dust in suspension during the
dry months and is subjected to fog in cold months. The design of equipment and
accessories shall be suitable to withstand seismic forces corresponding to an
acceleration of 0.3 g.
Table 28
4.1 Type of the meter Three phase four wire, CT operated static
smart meter. It consisting of measuring
elements(s), time of use of register(s), display,
and plug in type bi-directional communication
module all integral with the meter housing.
4.2 Accuracy Class of the 0.5s
4.3 Basic Current (Ib) & Ib= 5A; Imax= 10Amps
Rated Maximum current
4.4 Reference Conditions for Vref = 230 V 1 %
Testing the performance of Frequency = 50hz 0.3%
the meter Temperature= 27 C 2 0C
(if the tests are made at the temperature other
than reference temperature the results shall be
corrected by applying Mean Temperature
Coefficient 0.05 )
4.5 Operating Voltage Meter shall be operational with required
accuracy from 0.6 Vref to 1.2 Vref.
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4.22 Connection Diagram The connection diagram for the system shall be
provided on terminal cover.
4.23 Self-Diagnostic feature The meter shall have indications for un
satisfactory / non-functioning of,
i) Real Time Clock
ii) RTC battery
iii) Non Volatile Memory
iv) NIC card
4.24 Initial startup of meter Meter shall be fully functional within 5 sec after
reference voltage is applied to the meter
4.25 Internal diameter of the 5.5mm (minimum)
terminal holes and Depth of
terminal hole. 25 mm
4.26 Clearance between 10 mm (minimum)
adjacent Terminals.
4.27 Alternate mode of supply to In case of meter damage, reading/data should be
the meters retrieved with the help of battery
4.28 Sleep Mode Meter shall not go in sleep mode
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited The meter shall have facilities for data transfer locally through CMRI (Using
optical port/NIC card) and remotely by RF / RF Mesh with proper security via
Plug in type NIC or an optically isolated communication port using serial
communication. (NIC card will be universal for all make and variants of
meters). It should be the responsibility of the bidder to ensure integration of meter into
HES (Supplied by RF communication provider) of existing RF-mesh network
system of CED. (RF service provider will also support this activity). For cellular fall back, the modem / Module should have backward
compatibility. It should be possible to reconfigure the meters for RTC, TOD Tariff, DIP
(Demand Integration period), billing date, display parameters etc. through
proper authentication process locally through CMRI and remotely over the air
(OTA). Optical Communication port shall be available for communication via CMRI
(conventional), Modem(GSM/GPRS). HES/NIC side integration with meter will be taken care of by RF supplier and
meter side integration with HES/NIC will be taken care of by meter supplier.
So it will be joint responsibility of meter & RF supplier to ensure integration of
meter with head end for data transfer as mentioned in specification. Bidder
has to sign an MOU with RF service provider for integration of meter with NIC
for sending data up to HES in desired mode. CED expected time for integration of meter with RF module is 04 months
maximum. Meter should be supplied to CED along with integrated NIC card
(bidder to purchase NIC card from CED approved RF supplier). NIC card
should be plug in type with proper sealing arrangement. The bidder shall supply software required for local (CMRI) & remote (AMI)
connectivity including required training to use the software free of cost.
Bidder shall provide the communication protocol / APIs for communication
with meter through local (CMRI) / remote (AMI) as and when required by
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CED. The bidder should provide DLMS compliance for Communication with
the meter at Optical port and at HES. Bidder should also provide software for changing firmware of meters in mass
and should support integration of this software with HES. Bidder should also
provide base computer software(BCS) for viewing the data downloaded
through HES/CMRI/laptop/HHU in separate PC/laptop. API required for converting raw file to XML. (DLMS/OBIS) should also be
Provided. For purpose of exercising control, like outage management, the meter
should send abnormalities like Power failure (Last Gasp), Power Restoration
(First Breath), CT secondary current is >90% and unbalancing of CT
secondary current among three phases CTs is > 50%. This values should be
configurable through remote in single/broadcast mode. Additional exceptional
events should also be communicated to HES by meter immediately after the
occurrence through RF / RF Mesh. It should also indicate the restoration of
the same event. List of events to be reported should be configurable over
the air(OTA). The meter should have Last Gasp and First Breath feature
to facilitate sending alerts to the HES during fully powered off / On condition. Two way communications between: Base Station (HES) and Data Concentrator Unit (DCU) shall be through
Cellular (GPRS/ 3G / 4G / LTE) / Fibre/ Ethernet or any other suitable media
preferably on RF , depending upon suitability and choice of CED. Meter and Intermediated Communication Network Elements (if Exists) and/or
Data Concentrator Unit through RF/ Hybrid (combination of RF).
Intermediated Communication Network Elements (if Exists) and Data
Concentrator Unit (if different & if applicable) through RF/ Hybrid
(combination of RF). Meter and IHD through RF. If there are 2 requests given for communication one from HES and other from
local device, request from local device should supersede. Last mile mesh network must support auto-registration and self-healing
feature to continue operation using easiest possible available route in case
of failure of any communication device in the mesh. Meter Serial no will be
used for tagging of all data of the meters in all database (at HES / MDM/ DCU
level etc.). However, it will be the responsibility of the Bidder to establish
the complete communication solution involving all the meters in the system.
Also, the Bidder must ensure that, the mode of communication used for RF
shall be consistent with the Government of India stipulations. Bidder should
come out with their requirements for integration of meter with HES and MDMS
clearly during tender submission. The Bidder's supplied meter with third party communication module should
have suitable hand-shaking features to allow a third-party MDMS to
configure, command, read and control smart meters installed at site. The
Bidder shall extend all necessary assistance in developing the adaptor
software through a third-party for facilitating the above. Integration of meter softwares with HES / MDMS for seamless transfer of
data will also be in scope of bidder till useful life of the meters. It is desired
firmware up gradation/selection should be available over the air. Integration
of HES with MDMS will not be in scope of bidder, however if any support is
required then same should be provided. Bidder should make necessary arrangements for CED approval of
dimensions / Specifications of the NIC card module which need to be used in
meter for integration.
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Note: Necessary TOD registers for energy and demand shall have to be incorporated
while designing the meter under this specification, since in future the same meter may
have to be modified, through the downloading of relevant software on to the meter, to
convert the meter into an import-export (four quadrant) meter, if required.
2.3.6. ABNORMAL AND TAMPER CONDITIONS The meter shall record forward energy under all abnormal tampering conditions.
The meter shall be capable of recording occurrence and restoration of abnormal
events listed below along with date & time and snap shots of individual voltages,
currents, power factors, active energy and apparent energy at the time of
occurrence of abnormal event and restoration of normal supply. During abnormal
and Tamper conditions, the current shall be recorded as active current and line
current. Each such event shall be provided with minimum 25 Nos of counts to
avoid missing of data amidst usual events (like power failure) due to the limitation
of FIFO. Persistence time for occurrence and restoration for the events along with
their threshold values shall be as per table given below.
Meter should count & duration of all cumulative events of all registers.
Table 29
Persistence Persistence time Threshold value Threshold value for
time for for restoration for Occurrence restoration event.
occurrences event.
PT Missing=0 PT Missing=0 Hr Voltage <70% of Voltage >80% of
Hr 5 Min 0 sec 5 Min 0 sec Vref: and current Vref: and current
> 2% Ib. > 2% Ib.
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CT Bypass=0 CT Bypass=0 Hr Ir + Iy + Ib + In Ir + Iy + Ib + In
Hr 5 Min 0 sec 5 Min 0 sec 10 % of Ibasic <5 % of Ibasic.
(vector Sum). (vector Sum)
Phase current Phase current >
>10% of Ibasic 10% of Ibasic
with All current with All current
+ve. +ve.
Note: Meter shall have neutral CT for tamper identification and analysis. The meter shall record in export registers in case of reversal of CT terminals
(either 1, 2 or 3) . The meters are to be used for registration of energy consumed
by the consumer, as such the meters shall be programmed for import mode and in
case of reversal of energy direction (reversal of either 1,2 or 3 CT terminals) meter
shall register energy separately in export mode i.e. in case of CT reversal, meter
shall record scalar (not vector sum) sum of energy. The meter shall register correctly if supply neutral is not available at the meter
neutral terminal. The meter shall work in absence of any phase. It shall keep
recording correctly in case of unbalance system voltage also as defined above. The meter shall keep working accurately irrespective of the phase sequence of
the supply. The meter shall be functional even if somehow change in the phase
sequence takes place. Meter shall sufficiently record this feature. The meter shall be reprogrammable at site through CMRI or remotely with
adequate security level of DT meter. General
The Meter shall be designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid
introducing any danger in normal use and under normal conditions, so as to
ensure especially personal safety against electric shock, safety against effect of
excessive temperature, protection against spread of fire, protection against
penetration of solid objects, dust and water.
All parts, which are subject to corrosion under normal working conditions, shall be
protected effectively. Any protective coating shall not be liable to damage by
ordinary handling or damage due to exposure to air, under normal working
The meters shall be designed and manufactured using SMT (Surface Mount
Technology) components.
All the material and electronic power components used in the manufacture of the
meter shall be of highest quality and reputed make to ensure higher reliability,
longer life and sustained accuracy as given below or any other equivalent make
with the strict approval of CED:
Table 30
S Component Requirement To be
No Function furnished by
1. Measurement/ The Measurement/ computing chips used in
computing chips the meter should be with the Surface mount
type along with the ASICs
2. Memory chips The memory chips should not be affected by
the external parameters like sparking, high
Voltage spikes or electrostatic discharges.
3. Display modules The display modules should be well
protected from the external UV radiations.
The display visibility should be sufficient to
read the meter mounted between height of
0.5m and 2m. The construction of the
modules should be such that the displayed
quantity should not disturbed with the life of
display. ( Pin Type) It should be
trans-reflective STN type industrial grade
with extended temperature range.
4. Optical port Optical port should be used to transfer the
meter data to meter reading instrument.
The mechanical construction of the port
should be such to facilitate the data transfer
5 P.C.B. Glass Epoxy, fire resistance grade FR4,
with minimum thickness 1.6 mm
6. Electronic The active & passive components should be
components of the surface mount type & are to be
handled & soldered by the state of
art assembly processes.
7. Battery Lithium with guaranteed life of 15 years
8. RTC / The accuracy of RTC shall be as per
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited Meter body shall be made of unbreakable, high grade, fire retardant reinforced
Insulating material (protective Class II) with FVo Fire Retardant, self -
extinguishing, UV stabilize, recyclable and Anti oxidation properties. The minimum
thickness of the meter enclosure shall be 2mm. Meter base shall be opaque of
Green color with polycarbonate LEXAN 500R or equivalent on prior approval from
the CED. Meter cover shall be transparent with polycarbonate LEXAN 143R/943A
or equivalent on prior approval from the CED. Meter cover & base shall be
provided with continuous and seamless Ultrasonic welding such that it is not
opened without breaking the enclosure. Front cover & base shall be such that it is
not possible to cut & open the meter without certainly damaging the meter body
and by no means shall an attempt to reassemble would not leave physical
evidence. The meter body shall be sealed in such a way that opening of meter
base and cover is possible only after breaking the seal(s). Unidirectional screws to
be used on meter covers where ever required. Meter PCB chamber should be hermetically sealed and pins for connecting NIC
card should come out from this hermetically sealed compartment in an adjoining
slot where NIC card can be push fit and sealed using CED sealing arrangement. Terminals may be grouped in terminal block having adequate insulating properties
and mechanical strength. In order to satisfy such requirements when choosing
insulating materials for the terminal block adequate testing of materials shall be
taken into account. Terminal block and terminal cover shall be of a material which
complies with the requirements of IS11731 (part 1) method FH1. The material of
which the terminal block is made shall be capable of passing the test given in ISO
75 for temperature of 135C and pressure of 1.8 M Pa. The terminal block shall be
of opaque with polycarbonate LEXAN500R. The terminals and connections shall be suitable to carry up to 120 % of Imax
continuously. The terminal block, the terminal cover and the meter case shall ensure reasonable
safety against the spread of fire. They shall not be ignited by thermal overload of
live parts in contact with them. The manner of fixing the conductors to the terminals shall ensure adequate and
durable contact such that there is no risk of loosening or undue heating. Internal diameter of the terminal holes shall be minimum 5.5 mm; minimum
clearance between adjacent terminals shall be 10 mm. Depth of the terminal holes
shall be of 25 mm. Terminal block shall be such that the risk of corrosion resulting from contact with
any other metal part is minimized. Electrical connections shall be so designed that
contact pressure is not transmitted through insulating material.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited One sealing provision shall be provided at meter terminal cover; such that
terminal shall not be accessible without breaking the seals. All the seals shall be
provided on front side only and as per CED specification. Rear side sealing
arrangement shall not be accepted. Bidder shall provide seals be as per CEA
regulation (2006). Plug in type NIC card should have proper sealing arrangement.
The MD integration period shall be 30 minutes (integration period- programmable
by CMRI at site and also through remote with adequate security level. The MD
resetting shall be automatic at the 1st of the month i.e 00:00 hours of 1st of the
month. Manual MD reset button shall not be available. Last six MD values shall be
stored in memory and four to be displayed in auto scroll mode. MD shall be
recorded and displayed with minimum two digits after decimal points. MD
integration shall be of sliding method, not in time block.
Table 31
Sr. Auto Scroll Display
2 Meter Sr. No.* > Complete Meter Serial no. should be there in
single shot.
3 d- dd:mm:yy
4 t- hh:mm:ss
5 b 1 KWh KWh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
6 b 2 KWh KWh reading on 1 st of second last month at 00.00 hrs
7 b 1 KVAh KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs
8 b 2 KVAh KVAh reading on 1st of second last month at 00.00
9 d 1 1MD KW MD in KW on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
10 d 2 1MD KW MD in KW on 1st of second last month at 00.00 hrs
11 d 1 2MD KVA MD in KVA on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs
12 d 2 2MD KVA MD in KVA on 1st of second last month at 00.00 hrs.
13 b 1 PF Average power factor of entire month on 1st of last
month at 00.00 hrs
14 b 2 PF Average power factor of entire month on 1st of second
last month at 00.00 hrs
15 C KWh Current Cumulative KWh
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Table 32
Sr. Push Button Display
2 Meter Sr. No.* > Complete Meter Serial no. should be there in
single shot.
3 d- dd:mm:yy
4 t- hh:mm:ss
5 b 1 KWh KWh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
6 b 2 KWh KWh reading on 1 st of second last month at 00.00 hrs
7 b 1 KVAh KVAh reading on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs
8 b 2 KVAh KVAh reading on 1st of second last month at 00.00 hrs.
9 d 1 1MD KW MD in KW on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs.
10 d 2 1MD KW MD in KW on 1st of second last month at 00.00 hrs
11 d 1 2MD KVA MD in KVA on 1st of last month at 00.00 hrs
12 d 2 2MD KVA MD in KVA on 1st of second last month at 00.00 hrs.
13 b 1 PF Average power factor of entire month on 1st of last
month at 00.00 hrs
14 b 2 PF Average power factor of entire month on 1st of second
last month at 00.00 hrs
15 C KWh Current Cumulative KWh
16 C KVAh Current Cumulative KVAh
17 C KVARh lag Current Cumulative KVARh(lag).
18 C KVARh lead Current Cumulative KVARh(lead).
19 r 1 MD KW Current MD - KW
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i. Manufacturer's name
ii. Type designation
iii. Number of phases and wires
iv. Serial number
v. Month and Year of manufacture
vi. Unit of measurement
vii. Reference voltage, frequency
viii. Ref. temperature if different from 27 deg. C
ix. Rated basic and maximum Current
x. Meter constant (imp/kWh)
xi. BIS Mark
xii. Class index of meter
xiii. "Property of CED
xiv. Purchase Order No. & date
xv. Guarantee period.
xvi. Rated frequency
xvii. Sign of double square
xviii. Country of manufacture
xix. Communication Tech for WAN and NAN (with carrier frequency)
xx. Communication Technology is IHD supported (with carrier frequency)
However, the following shall be printed in bar code on the meter nameplate.
i. Manufacturers code No. (given by CED)
ii. Meter Sr. No
iii. CED Property
iv. Month/Year of manufacture.
2.3.19. TEST
All routine, acceptance & type tests shall be carried out on the meter and meter
body separately in accordance with the relevant IS/IEC. All routine/acceptance
tests shall be witnessed by the purchaser/his authorized representative. All the
components shall also be type tested as per the relevant standards. Following
tests shall be necessarily conducted in addition to the tests specified in IS/IEC.
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120% I max (12A) I max(10A) Ib(5A) 0.5Ib(2.5A) 0.1 Ib(0.5A) 0.05 Ib(0.25A)
UPF,0.8 lead & UPF,0.8 UPF,0.8 UPF,0.8 lead UPF,0.8 lead UPF
0.5 lag lead & 0.5 lead & 0.5 & 0.5 lag & 0.5 lag
lag lag
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a) Test reports
b) MDCC issued by CED
c) Invoice in duplicate
d) Packing list
e) Drawings & catalogue
f) Guarantee / Warrantee card
g) Delivery Challan
h) Other Documents (as applicable)
i) One no. leaflet with each meter
Bidder shall stand guarantee towards design, materials, workmanship & quality of
process / manufacturing of items under this contract for due and intended
performance of the same, as an integrated product delivered under this contract.
In the event any defect is found by the purchaser up to a period of at least 60
months from the date of commissioning or 66 months from the date of last
supplies made under the contract whichever is earlier. Bidder shall be liable to
undertake to replace/rectify such defects at its own costs, within mutually agreed
time frame, and to the entire satisfaction of the company, failing which the
purchaser will be at liberty to get it replaced/rectified at bidders risks and costs
and recover all such expenses plus the companys own charges (@ 20% of
expenses incurred), from the bidder or from the security cum performance
deposit as the case may be.
Bidder shall further be responsible for free replacement at site for another period
of three years from the end of the guarantee period for any latent defects if
noticed and reported by the purchaser
2.3.24. PACKING
Bidder shall ensure that all material covered under this specification shall be
prepared for rail/road transport (local equipment) and be packed in such a manner
as to protect it from damage in transit. The material used for packing shall be
environmentally friendly.
Packing and transportation shall be as per IS 15707:206 clauses 9.1 and 9.2.
Routine test report of the individual meter shall be kept inside each card board
carton of the meter. Each meter should be packed in separate cardboard box and
these meters can then be furthered packed into bigger boxes which will contain 10
meters arranged in
Leaflet: -The Vendor shall supply 1 no. leaflet with each meter. The leaflet shall be
coloured and shall contain General features and specifications as per CED
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requirement. A picture of the meter shall be printed on the leaflet. Prior to delivery,
the vendor need to submit the same for approval.
The Purchaser's engineer or its nominated representative shall have free access
to the bidders/manufacturers works to carry out inspections.
2.3.29. DRAWINGS
Following drawings & Documents shall be prepared based on CED specifications
and statutory requirements and shall be submitted with the bid:
g. Experience List
h. Manufacturing schedule and test schedule
Table 33
S. Description For For Final Final
No. Approv Review Submissi Submissio
al Informati on n
1 Technical Parameters
2 General Arrangement
3 Terminal block
Dimensional drawings
4 Mounting arrangement
5 Manual/Catalogues
6 Transport/ Shipping
dimension drawing
7 QA &QC Plan
8 Routine, Acceptance
and Type Test
Table 34
S.N Description Units As Specified by CED As
o Furnishe
d by
1 Operating Voltage V Meter shall be operational with
required accuracy from 0.6 Vref
to 1.2 Vref.
2 Operating Hz 50 5%.
3 Ib=5A, Imax-10 Amps
Ib & Imax A
4 Power VA As per Cl.4.7
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3.1. AMI module: This module shall support automatic meter reading, revenue
management, remote connect/disconnect, load control, peak pricing, demand side
management, Secure management for all types of signals/alerts to endpoint
devices/from the end points, data gap reconciliation (i.e., gap detection, gap
collection and gap retry), street lighting management & reporting.
3.3. Security module: This is an additional module, attached to the HES, for secure
storage & to process security keys & certificates.
3.4. Firmware Upgrader: This shall enable the utility to upgrade Firmware in the
communication devices/meters over the air (OTA) in batch mode in bulk.
3.5. Network Management Module (NMM): The HES shall indicate mesh network
topology status, summary status by service type/ device type and events type, with
the following features:
Advanced configuration & visualization
Real time & historical information
Support external interfaces
Auto registration & self-healing
Dynamic network discovery
Backhaul flexibility & redundancy
Network provisioning
Performance monitoring
RF connectivity analysis
Trouble shooting
Security management
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3.7.1. Bidder to provide the sizing of necessary hardware and software required to
implement AMI for 30,000 meters scalable to 2,00,000 meters. Front end
devices should be sized for 30,000 meters which is scalable to 2,00,000 meters
and backend IT systems should be sized to 2,00,000 meters so that in future no
additional cost to be incurred for backend IT Infra.
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3.9. Interfaces
Bidder to provide supporting documentation (OEM / product with version number/
customer reference) of questionnaire on integration of HES with Other systems as
per below for interfaces.
Table 35
1 Does the Bidder implemented an integration with the MDM System?
2 Is this integration real-time, batch, or a combination of real-time and batch?
3 Does the integration support the delivery of different type of meter data and
alerts to the MDMS?
4 Does the integration support on-request register reads?
5 Does the integration support the delivery of any interval data to the MDMS?
6 Does the integration support the delivery of power quality data (voltage, outage,
sag, swell, etc.)?
7 Does the integration support the remote operation of a meter like connect /
disconnect/ load control?
8 Does the integration support the remote reconfiguration of the meters, including
change of interval length, change of number of channels, change of tariff
(including TOU calendars), and change of alerts without manual interaction or
9 Does the integration support resetting (both scheduled and adhoc) of demand
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10 Is the MDM integration framework based on web services version 2 on SOA
framework? Does it also support any other interoperability standards (e.g. IEC
61968, Multi-Speak and CIM)?
11 List a utility currently in operation with your AMI solution which is using the
integration to the any enterprise level MDM system.
12 Does the integration support the management, message initiation, and control of
load control devices?
13 Does the integration support the provisioning of AMI meters? Provisioning is the
automated process of identifying newly installed AMI meters, or removed AMI
meters and the interaction with the AMI head end to ensure that the meter and
system are correctly configured to deliver the required data on the required
schedule. Describe your system's automated processes, flexibility and exception
management in support of this activity. Include one reference (for each of the
indicated MDM) where this automated provisioning process is in production.
14 Does the integration support the receipt of event logs and alarms? Are all alarms
and events supported in the integration?
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This RFP will include supply of all above mentioned modules along with technical
specification of required hardware capable to run the supplied software for 50,000 (Pilot
Phase) and scalable to 2,00,000 endpoints with a data storage of 2 years for maximum of 16
channels 15/30 Minute of interval data along with other type of all meter data.
This RFP also include installation, commission and testing of the MDMS along with
integration of MDMS with other application of CED as asked for in this RFP.
Bidder to complete 100% installation and integration of MDMS within one year from date of
PO. Bidder has to provide perpetual license along with warranty from the date of project
acceptance to 12 months after Go-Live (CED Acceptance). On expiry of Warranty bidder to
provide FMS for 36 months.
Bidder should also provide all the updates free of cost during warranty and FMS period.
Bidder should also provide the required training to the users for operating, developing system
and administrative training to selective persons for running system after support period free of
Bidder should also specify FMS cost for year to year basis for 36 months after completion of
warranty period this will include all updates free of cost.
Bidder has to provide all the supporting 3rd party software which it recommends for operation
of the system free of cost till the FMS period.
Any software updates, upgrades, patches released till the completion of warranty
period shall be supplied, installed and commissioned under scope of agreement / PO
/ RC. Training to CED employees on software from the OEM or OEMs certified
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training partner shall be arranged by the bidder. Bidder shall maintain the software on
24X7 basis during and after warranty period as per agreed SLA.
The Software licenses will be in the name of CED and will be perpetual in nature.
System will operate in English (British / US) language.
System should have a reporting system in GUI form which can plot any report using
different parameters if meter for user analysis purpose.
4.2.1. The MDMS system shall support multiple Head-End-System (HES) / AMI
System integration.
4.2.2. MDMS features and functionalities shall comply to IEC-61968-9, latest edition,
for interfacing with other upstream and downstream systems a framework to
achieve interoperability between those systems. It will be responsibility of the
bidder to integrate MDMS with other systems deployed in CED as specified in
this document.
4.2.3. The MDMS shall have passed EPRI IEC 61968-9 interoperability tests.
4.2.4. The MDMS shall provide storage for all IEC CIM 61968-9 units of measure.
4.2.5. The MDMS shall identify irregular alerts, consumption, alarms, and other
abnormal activity and should proactively generates the necessary reports,
service orders, or any user defined actions, resulting in operational
4.2.6. The MDMS shall perform complex interval data calculations supporting:
addition, subtraction, negative values and multiplication by a different constant
based on magnitude.
4.2.7. The MDMS shall have the ability to automatically route validation errors to
different electronic work queues based on at least the following data elements:
Validation Error, Account Type, Meter Type, or any combination of the above
4.2.8. The MDMS shall have the ability to select which validations apply to accounts
based on the following at a minimum: rate category, billing class, customer
category, meter type, walking sequence, variable or zero use code, Contract
Account, Installation, and Meter ID and Manufacturer.
4.2.9. The MDMS shall have the ability to apply different estimation algorithm based
on different missing data conditions (e.g. missing interval in a one-hour gap,
missing interval with known scalar reads, missing intervals of an entire billing
span, etc.)
4.2.10. MDMS shall re-estimate the Gaps readings if, intermediate any actual reading
made available by HES, when it is made available and without waiting until the
billing cycle is due.
4.2.11. The MDMS shall suspend processing of the current read and flag any cut off
meter data when it encounters some configurable criteria which cause a
validation failure.
4.2.12. The MDMS shall revalidate any data if user edits or manually estimates.
4.2.13. The MDMS shall detect multiple flags during any technical validation
performed during meter data import including Meter hardware/firmware
failures, Communication errors, - Mismatches between the meter configuration
and the MDMS meter reference data (e.g., meter program, unit of measure,
multiplier or load factor, etc.), Meter replacement, Gaps in data, Alarms/ phase
errors reported by the meter (e.g. tamper, outage, phase failure, pulse
overflow, CRC error, time tolerance, and theft flags/tampers).
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4.2.14. The MDMS shall detect the following during business validation for scalar/time
of use/interval data performed during meter data import for Meter rollovers,
High/low consumption limits, Negative consumption, High/low checks against
a customer profile, Usage on an inactive meter etc. The MDMS shall have the
ability to merge and split intervals from different meters or channels into the
same account and automatically combine different cuts of data. (Use case
Interval Data and RTP) CED would configure the legacy rules based on their
business requirement.
4.2.15. The MDMS shall account for information derived from AMI alerts and alarms
and from external systems (e.g., outage management systems, etc.) when
performing VEE.
4.2.16. The MDMS shall have the ability to perform VEE functions on-request in
addition to scheduled VEE process.
4.2.17. The MDMS shall support version tracking of meter read data including the
reading source in the event that multiple iterations of the interval values are
available as a result of VEE contingency reads, on-request reads, or any other
event that may create additional versions of meter read data.
4.2.18. The MDMS shall have the ability to process the meter register read data /
Interval data for calculating the billing determinant within one hour of receiving
the data from HES. Same should be uploaded in Billing Engine with in this one
4.2.19. We will create Reading Quality Checks which system should follow while
uploading reading in Billing Engine and should generate exception log.
Reports which authorised user can check and process on case to case and
bulk basis.
4.2.20. MDMS should have capability to retain data of 2 million endpoints for last 2
years (All type meter data).
4.2.21. The MDMS shall have the ability to compare summarized interval reads with
scalar reads and when estimating, ensure estimates are balanced to the scalar
4.2.22. The MDMS shall have the ability for any given meter, to select different
versions of reads based on priority of the reading source, and if necessary,
combine sources, to satisfy a billing request for reads.
4.2.23. The MDMS shall support the integration of prepayment systems if supplied by
third party.
4.2.24. The MDMS shall provide a mechanism to receive disconnect and reconnect
commands and transmit them down to the appropriate Head End Systems for
activation and should receive the feedback and update in existing Billing /
consumer Information System (If Exists) for same.
4.2.25. Disconnected meters reading should be continued till the meter is de-
commissioned and if any reading increment is noticed, an alert should be
4.2.26. The MDMS shall provide a daily summary report of validation errors that occur
as part of VEE (VEE Summary Report). The VEE Summary Report shall
include the following information at a minimum: Date of Report, Number of
Meters that Failed Validation, Number of Validation Errors Sent to the
Electronic Work Queue, and Number of Validation Errors Broken Down by
Validation Error Type (e.g. high/low check).
4.2.27. The MDMS shall generate a report listing meters that were estimated and the
reason for estimation. (Completed VEE) and for which the system could not
create billing determinants in a configurable period of time. (Failed VEE).
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4.2.28. The MDMS shall provide an estimation report by meter which provides details
of all estimations, flags them, as well as identifies gaps where automatic
estimation could not occur.
4.2.29. The MDMS shall have configurable capability to prioritize readings that have
been manually captured and imported over readings captured remotely and
version them as such for the same request for a given billing period.
4.2.30. The MDMS shall have the ability to request specific, current or historical data
from the meter.
4.2.31. The MDMS shall have the ability to define groups of meters that will apply unit
modifications, e.g. if a meter is read in MWh / MVARh/ MVAh and Billing
Engine requires kWh/KVARh/KVAh, to allow Billing engine to process the
data, and facilitate the translation.
4.2.32. The MDMS should enable users to define best read logic for using multiple
and overlapping readings within the same request window. If valid readings
cannot be obtained within the reading window, the MDMS can derive an
acceptable reading or initiate a new read request using a variety of standard /
configurable / newly created business rules.
4.2.33. MDM can be configured to calculate an estimated read, include an invalid
reading flagged with an invalid indicator, or invoke an automated gap fill
process to re-request readings from the appropriate collection engine.
4.2.34. The MDMS shall associate billing calculations with specific versions of data. It
shall also be able to support the versioning and restoration of billing
determinants and algorithms to support audits.
4.2.35. The MDMS shall be able to calculate estimated billing based on interval data
for dynamic rate structures such as but not limited to Time of Use, Real Time
Pricing, Peak Time Rebate, and Critical Peak Pricing.
4.2.36. MDMS should have the capability to create coincident peak from Interval data
for all the measured and subsequently virtual meters as per requirement.
4.2.37. The MDMS shall have the ability to perform VEE functions as part of the bill
determinant generation process on a meter, or multiple meters, possibly
across multiple service points containing more than one meter, for which there
may be multiple reading types (i.e. interval, time of use, scalar, etc.) (Use
case: Multi Meter)
4.2.38. There shall be an indicator / flag marking the version (actual / estimated) of
data that was used for billing.
4.2.39. The MDMS shall send billing determinants for all end point meters regardless
of whether or not a customer is active. A report of exception should be
4.2.40. The MDMS shall have the ability to notify users that no actual or missing
billing determinants exists if the requested date range for a rebill includes any
day with no actual data.
4.2.41. The MDMS shall create work items if data is unable to be estimated during the
generate bill determinant process. The system should check for existing work
items and update if available.
4.2.42. The MDMS shall update billed versions based on rebill notification (e.g.
previous date range version now is "cancelled" and new date range is billed
4.2.43. The MDMS shall support an enterprise Red Hat Linux operating system of
enterprise version.
4.2.44. The MDMS shall be capable of running under a virtualized environment.
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4.2.45. The vendor shall accommodate the changes recommended by third party
security penetration testing performed on the MDMS party just after go live.
4.2.46. The MDMS shall align to Indian Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security.
4.2.47. The MDMS shall support end-Users and Administrator security, including:
Individual, named accounts for each end-user and administrator
Role-based security
Administration privileges provided only through specific authorization
Configurable, fine-grained access by service delivery point
LDAP v3 compliant integration
SSL secured communications
4.2.48. The MDMS shall support system integration security, including:
Web-services/ SOAP protocol and JMS integration require
username/password authentication
Keystore used to manage certificates and access credentials
Support for Mutual or 2-Way authentication
SSL secured communications
4.2.49. The MDMSs underlying data shall support the following security mechanisms:
Role-based security for database and application administration,
application operations and execution, ad-hoc read-only privileges
AES-256-bit encryption for persisting sensitive data at rest
Keystore to manage certificates and access credentials
SSL secured communications
4.2.50. The MDMS shall provide a customer portal offering which provides the
following functions:
Produce interactive charts & heat maps that toggle between interval,
hourly, daily and monthly usage
Compare monthly usage with nearby consumers, i.e. neighbourhoods
or with the entire utility population
View graphical representation of monthly usage totals and bills for past
2 years
Set energy markers to note efficiency upgrades
Set energy saving goals
View PDF of a paper bill along with dynamic web-based bill inserts.
Send automated notifications and alerts to keep customers aware of
real time energy use and outages, and alert them to relevant rebates
and other programs that can help lower their bill.
Provide tools for customer segmentation and insights based on building
square footage property use types age of HVAC and water heating
appliances. Details of appliance can be captured.
Enable custom list development for utility messaging to customers
based on property profiles and integrates with existing marketing
automation platforms.
4.3. Additional feature: Prepaid Functionality - The prepaid functionality can either
be availed at smart meter level or through MDM. In case of MDM, following shall
4.3.1. The MDM should support pre-payment metering and capability to interface
(Web and Mobile App) with pre-payment application.
4.3.2. The Mobile application should support presently available different OS
platform like Android, iOS, Windows etc.
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4.3.3. The prepayment should support the system that payment and connection
parameters are stored centrally and the details are being updated to consumer
portal/ app.
4.3.4. The system should periodically monitor the energy consumption of prepaid
consumer and decrease the available credit based on consumption.
4.3.5. The system should send connect/disconnect command on the basis of
available credit as per notified rules & regulations.
4.3.6. The system should send low-credit notifications to the consumer when their
balance approaches a threshold.
4.3.7. User Interface (Web and Mobile App) for Utility: User interface for utility to
update the credit amount of prepaid consumers to MDM. Such type of user
interface before login shall require password & login i.d. for authentication.
User interface after getting information like consumer i.d., mobile number &
recharge amount etc. shall update the same to MDM. The details of payment
information shall also update to consumer through SMS, email etc.
4.3.8. User Interface (Web and Mobile App) for Consumer: Consumers can view
recharge history & present balance. Prepaid consumers shall be provided
facility to recharge their account by logging on user interface. User interface
shall require consumer id., mobile number & password for secure login. This
user interface shall be integrated with the present online payment gateway of
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A. Network Performance
Table 36
Network Performance
S.No. Requirement Explanation Individual Group of Meters
Meters (1,000 Meters)
90% 99.9%
1. Remote Load Control Maximum time to 5 sec 5 10 1
command (peak control any load sec minute
2. Meter loss of supply Maximum time to 30 5 30
notification (Last Gasp) Distribution seconds minutes minutes
3. Individual meter reading, On demand read 30 - -
Disconnect/ Reconnect requirement seconds
command and Event Log maximum
reporting allowable time
4. Command receipt So that 30
acknowledgement with performance can seconds
time stamp of reception be monitored
5. Respond with notice of So that NOC has 5 minutes
command completion up to date record
with timestamp of network status
6. Remote (batch) reading Minimum - 24 72
of whole network scheduled hours hours
7. Automated meter For customer
reporting of kWh power billing purposes
8. Field devices 3 sec
9 Ping response 3 secs 5 10 1
sec minute
10 Troubleshooting &
restoration of
<10 minutes for 85% of
max 2000 per
collector /
Unscheduled Data - Outage Alarm Msg. On highest priority
Prerequisite: Last gasp available in comms module and Battery
backup available Routers.
<30 seconds with 85% of
Single endpoint
endpoints reporting
<60 seconds with more than
up to 100
85% of endpoints reporting.
<60 seconds with more than
up to 1000
80% of endpoints reporting.
< 120 seconds with more than
up to 10,000
80% of population reporting.
(assume max
2400 per
< 120 seconds with more than
collector /
80% of population reporting.
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(assume max <300 seconds with 80% of
2400 per endpoints reporting
collector /
Firmware Upgrade of meter / device
<300 seconds with 85% of
Single endpoint
endpoints reporting
<300 seconds with 85% of
up to 1000
endpoints reporting
< 10 minutes with 80% of
up to 10,000
endpoints reporting
(assume max
< 10 minutes with 80% of
2400 per
endpoints reporting
collector /
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The nature of maintenance support required for the different type of systems and
components are described in the Table 38 Maintenance support and Availability
requirements below:
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The system availability shall be measured for entire System. Similarly, the
availability of various systems of AMI elements Hardware and Software, Field
devices, Communication & Networking Systems shall be considered separately
control Centers wise. Individual device availability shall be at least 98%.
For all third party equipment (Hardware & Software) and services (communications)
Contractor shall have back to back support along with supply of spare and service
level agreement with appropriate response time from OEM/OEM Authorized
representatives. Contractor shall be responsible for coordination with the OEM for all
matter related to that equipment. But the Contractor shall be responsible for meeting
the overall response times and availability requirements specified below.
The maintenance of the System shall be comprehensive and shall comprise of the
following category of works which is further elaborated for each of the different
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Emergency Support for Severity 1 issues are to be provided 24 hours a day, seven
days a week. The on-call support team shall include all key technical
competencies so that any aspect of a system failure can be attended. The team
shall comprise of experienced technical staff that are skilled in troubleshooting of
the various systems covered under FMS. Severity 1 problems shall be reported by
telephone for rapid response; target response times are defined in this section. For
severity 1 problems, the key objective is to restore the system to an operational
state as quickly as possible, including by a temporary workaround. Resolution of
the defect may be completed during standard hours.
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2.9. Monitoring
The operation and performance of the various systems under FMS shall be
monitored on a bi-weekly basis; the contractor shall review the following, analyze
the results, and submit report to Owner. The contractor shall conduct at least
the following monitoring, for the all Control Centres.
2.9.1. Log Monitoring
System logs for a selected day
System history log
Aggregate data collection
Events Collection
During monitoring if any defect/ abnormality is found, the contractor shall undertake
corrective maintenance for the same.
The SI shall submit the procedures details to meet the above along
with the offer.
2.9.3. Cyber security System monitoring
The Contractor shall also be responsible for monitoring of the cyber security
system, if provided. The logs of the system shall be analyzed for exceptions and
the possible incident of intrusion/trespass shall be informed to the Employer/Utility.
The monitoring shall encompass the various cyber security devices installed at
Control Centre such as firewalls, Intrusion prevention system (both network based
and host based), routers. The Centralized Monitoring Console (CMC) shall monitor
and continuously collect the above logs. The Cyber security system shall also be
subjected to Annual Security Audit from CERT-In listed auditors at the cost of the
Contractor. Contractor shall implement the recommendations/remedial actions suggested
by the Auditor after audit.
The contractor shall also be responsible for providing updates/patches for the
software products supplied under the project. All other patches of third party product
like Operating System and Anti-virus shall be tested by the Contractor prior to
installing in the Employer/Utilitys network. Other products like IPS, Network IPS,
Host based IPS, Firewalls shall also be provided with secure patch management. A
secure patch management and deployment system is to be established which
shall be provided with single point of Internet connectivity. All the patches shall be
downloaded through this single point of connection. Internet connection shall also
be provided and shall be shown in System Architecture diagram submitted during
Bid submission.
Software updates and patches shall be applied while the system is in operation and shall
not require a reboot (e.g. applied to one processor in a dual processor configuration). A
secure (e.g. https) remote method of initiating a rollback to the software prior to the update
or patch shall be provided.
SI to describe the method proposed to securely apply software updates and patches. SI to
also specify the method proposed to use to securely initiate a rollback to the software state
prior to an update or patch.
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Table 39
S No. Item Description Unit Qty.
A Servers Lot 1*
B Work Station Lot 1*
C Routers & Switches Lot 1*
D Communication Equip. Lot 1*
E Field Devices Lot 1*
F Meters DCU and other Field Devices Lot 1*
* Note: One of each Type Supplied as part of system. Wherever one configuration can
replace multiple type of elements supplied only 5% (Minimum one) such equipment
shall be taken as spare
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2. Severity-2
Degradation of services or critical functions such as to negatively impact system
operation. Failure of one Data Server, stoppage of data collections for archiving, at
the respective Central system, and outage of other applications not covered under
severity-1 are included in this category.
Failure of one UPS system, Failure of Battery System and failure of any other
system of Auxiliary
Power supply not covered under Severity-1 are included in
this category.
Coverage under this severity would be outages that do not immediately cause on
line data loss but subsequently could result into Severity-1 category outage, loss
of an important subsystem that may affect the day-to-day works and loss of
archived data.
Failure of any redundant system component affecting the critical redundancy would
also be included in this category.
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The non-availability hours for availability calculation shall be counted from the
end of the allowed Action Resolution time. A standardized register shall be
maintained at each site containing full details of each outages, actions taken by
Owner to correct the problem, applicable Severity level, time of reporting to the
contractor support engineer/support center pursuant to the appropriate methods in
the Agreement, allowed Response time as per the Response times defined in
above section, actual Resolution time, and signature of Engineer-in-charge as well
as the contractors support engineer of the site.
Duration of outages over and above the Action Resolution time in each of the
Severity levels shall be counted for the non- availability computation and shall be
clearly brought out in the register. The resolution may be accomplished by a work
around, and such solution shall mark the end of non-availability.
In the event of multiple failures at a site, due to a common cause, the first FPR
(Field Problem, Report) logged shall be used for the purpose of availability
Availability computation shall be done on per quarter per site basis. The formula to
be used for availability computation shall be as under:
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For Software:
>99.5% NIL
Less than 99.5% Deduction of 2% of the apportioned quarterly FMS charges for
0.5% or part there of decrease in availability under 99.5%.
For Hardware:
>98% NIL
Less than 98% Deduction of 2% of the apportioned quarterly FMS charges for
The contractor will submit FSR (Field Service Report) and the steps taken to solve
the problem, along with details of code changes.
(b) Employer/Utility shall ensure that the System is kept and operated in a proper
and prudent manner as described in the system documentation provided by the
Contractor and only trained Employer/Utility representatives (or persons under
their supervision) are allowed to operate the system.
(c) Employer/Utility shall provide access to the sites of installation for purposes
of providing Support Services.
(d) Employer/Utility shall provide the contractor with Space for Office for their
maintenance staff and storage for spares.
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16. Insurance of all equipment from manufacturers site till installation, commissioning,
handing over and user acceptance will be borne by the bidder.
17. Maintain the mandatory and recommended (a minimum of 5%) spares during
warranty and FMS period and provide the list of the same.
18. Install the equipment, obtain CED acceptance and submit a copy of the same to
designated authority of RECPDCL.
19. Post completion of installation and commissioning works, the selected bidder shall
provide a complete and final location table and spreadsheet indicating all locations
including all the relevant following information.
20. The proposed solution must efficiently enable all required interfaces and integration,
including integration with the existing software as detailed in existing IT infrastructure.
21. Provide ongoing product information and documentation such as User manuals,
System administrator manuals, Technical manuals, Installation guides etc. as
22. The Bidder shall be responsible for providing all material, equipment and services
specified or otherwise, which are required to fulfil the intent of ensuring operability,
maintainability and the reliability of the complete work covered under this
23. It is not the intent to specify all aspects of design and installation of associated
systems mentioned herein. The systems, sub-systems and equipment/devices shall
conform in all respect to high standards of engineering, design and workmanship, and
shall be capable of performing continuous commercial operation.
24. The bidder shall make his own necessary arrangements for the following and for those
not listed anywhere else:
Office and store.
Boarding & lodging arrangement for their personnel.
25. The supplier shall submit the data sheets for each of the equipment model
detailing the specifications of the equipment.
26. The equipment models shall be supported by the OEM for a minimum period of next
five years.
27. Technical Specifications of various type AMI equipment, Hardware & Softwares shall
have full compliance with NSGM guidelines and its amendment, which is available on
website However, any higher specifications are acceptable in case
of any technical specification has become obsolete.
28. Software Solution:
Software should provide following unique features:
i The Bidder shall be responsible for detailed design and engineering of overall
system, subsystems, elements, system facilities, equipment, services, including
systems application software etc.
ii It shall include proper definition and execution of all interfaces with systems,
equipment, material and services of Owner for proper and correct design,
performance and operation of the project.
iii Bidder shall provide complete engineering data, drawings, reports, manuals and
services offered etc. for Owners review, approval and records
i The bidders proposal shall include the list of special tools, testing equipments and
accessories required during development stage, for day to day operation and
maintenance of the system.
ii The bidders proposal shall include the list of special tools, testing equipment and
accessories required for day to day operation and maintenance of the system. All
such tools shall be supplied by the bidder. The bidder should clearly bring out the
list of such tools in their technical proposal. However, the prices of these special
tools shall be included in the related equipment price in the price template given in
this RFP.
i The bidder shall be responsible for installation of all identified hardware and
associated equipments at Data Centre, DR centre, Control Centre, Substations,
DT locations, HT and selected LT Consumers and Communication network
covered under the specification.
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ii The bidder shall be responsible for provisioning of all required manpower and
tools/kits for safe, reliable, proper and correct installation and providing support
services for IT infrastructure created for a period of five years.
iii The successful bidder shall be responsible for installation and configuration of
software, hardware and other equipment supplied to the satisfaction of the owner.
This shall include but not be limited to:
Installation of the software at Data Centre, DR Centre and various other locations,
Installation of AMI equipment at Sub stations, DTs, HT and Select LT consumers.
iv Post Go-Live, the software vendor shall provide support to fix any bug related to
implementation. The entire system would be considered as successfully installed
when the software will run with actual live data at site for 3 months without any
bugs (Bug is lacunae in the system that prevents/ delays an operation or performs
a function within the system at suboptimal level/ at performance level lesser than
that specified in this specification or provides incorrect operational data or
provides incorrect results in any data format in the reports generated by the
v Demonstration of all the features of latest version of software; Acceptance testing
of the system thus implemented to the owners satisfaction.
The scope includes testing and commissioning & implementation of all equipment,
sub-systems and systems of the project and putting them into successful technical
& commercial operation. The scope shall include but not limited to the
requirements given elsewhere in the specification. The bidder shall be responsible
to provide all necessary testing and commissioning personnel, tools/kits, test
equipment etc.
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The Selected Bidder should prepare test scenario for each business scenario. A test
scenario when executed should fulfill a business requirement as per the scope of
business functionality. Test scenarios include following:
a) Test Specification - During the test specification phase, the test cases are
specified. It consists of description of the input, process to be executed and a
prediction of output results.
b) Test Environment - Component developer does unit testing and integration
testing. Integration testing can be delegated to a specialized testing group.
Each of the members in the testing group is provided with testing environment
according to his/her role and responsibilities.
c) Test Data - Test data is prepared for testing at each stage. The test data
should be prepared in such a way that it covers basic path and every alternate
path of the code. The basic path and alternate paths are prioritized to capture
relevant data. Tools can also be used to generate test data.
The following testing steps are usually employed in the project lifecycle. The Implementation
Agency is expected to follow these steps:
a) Unit Testing - In unit testing, each piece of code has to be rigorously tested. At this
stage testing is done according to the priority of path of code. All the test results are
logged in the defect logging tools. After the completion of testing, code is corrected for
defect logs. This process is iterative till criteria for successful testing is reached.
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b) Integration Testing - Upon completion of unit testing, integration testing begins. The
purpose is to ensure distinct components of the application still work in accordance to
customer requirements. Test sets will be developed with the express purpose of
exercising the interfaces between the components. This activity is to be carried out by
the Test Team. Integration test will be termed complete when actual results and
expected results are either in line or differences are explainable/acceptable based on
client input.
c) Incremental Integration Testing - Continuous testing of an application as new
functionality is added.
d) System Testing - System testing is performed when all the components are delivered
to central repository prior to the release of the software. The testing is done on priority
basis of business processes. All the defects are logged and assigned to respective
component owners. The component and unit testing is performed after the correction
of code. However, it may depend on size and type of individual test specifications.
Impact analysis is useful to narrow done testing efforts by identifying critical test cases
affected due to code change.
e) Pre-Production Testing Pre-Production testing is done simulating the production
load. Test data is either prepared or generated from the tools. This testing is used to
evaluate performance, load capacity and concurrency. Load testing tools can also be
used for this purpose.
Following special types of testing are done during Pre-Production Testing Phase:
iii. Load Testing - Testing an application under heavy loads, such as the testing of a
web site under a range of loads to determine at what point the systems response
time degrades or fails.
vi. Recovery/Error Testing - Testing how well a system recovers from crashes,
hardware failures, or other catastrophic problems.
f) Acceptance Testing During the test scenarios definition, for each of the business
scenario, an acceptance criterion is defined. Acceptance criteria include expected
behaviour of the s/w component and the expected results (data). Expected results
form a part of the Exit Criteria. In addition to expected result and behaviours, some
conditions are also specified in the exit criteria. They can be:
Number of bugs to be discovered for a functional module. This depends on
size of the functionality and is an indicator of amount of testing done.
If any medium or low-priority errors are outstanding - the implementation
risk must be signed off as acceptable by Utility and Implementation Partner
along with consortium partners
All High Priority errors from System Test must be fixed and tested
Implementation Agency needs to get the acceptance criteria approved from Utility for
all the functional components of the system. The Acceptance Criteria for each release
into production environment will be agreed upon by Implementation Agency in
consultation with Utility prior to release from Testing to production environment. After
installation, if any bug is reported or there is non-compliance to requirements then a
proper procedure should be followed. End-user should report (Change Request) to
his/her supervisor about the bug that will in turn get forwarded to Project Manager
(PM). PM will forward the List of change request to Implementation Partner along with
consortium partners. After the bug is fixed, it should be reflected in the production
copy after testing it.
g) Performance Testing - The bidder has to test and demonstrate the operational
performance requirement as defined in the clause 9 of the specification after
completion of entire scope.
This will be part of acceptance testing. The system will be taken over by owner only after
successful operational performance testing. The bidder has to arrange necessary hardware /
software to demonstrate the performance testing.
Bidder should note that RECPDCL/CED can appoint a third party agency for conducting any
part of above testing procedures (in addition to the testing carried out by the bidder).
All required external systems shall be integrated on a continuous basis using an integration
middleware layer. The integration is expected to be on on-line real time basis or batch mode
where appropriate and shall operate in an automated fashion without manual intervention.
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The scope of external integration will be, but not limited to:
o Integration with other Smart Grid Applications, which are being implemented.
o The integration may use a continuous integration middleware layer as specified by the
vendor. This integration middleware layer could then be used to undertake any future
integration between applications. The integration middleware shall be based on
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and shall use publish / subscribe mechanism.
Purchaser does not want to build and maintain point to point integration.
o The integration middleware shall be open architecture based.
o Data to be integrated must be validated by the developed interfaces.
o The data to be integrated will be mapped, transformed (if required) and reconciled
o All interfaces are to be self-checking so that any exceptions or data validation errors
are reported by the system. In addition, integration logs should be maintained that
confirm the success or otherwise of the interface, complete with control totals.
o The mapping should be manageable through a GUI based administrative interface
The vendor shall be required to organize following training for the owners personnel.
The bidder shall provide training to various user groups nominated by CED. The bidder shall
provide the Training Approach in the response. The training modules shall include but not
limited to
AMI Administration & Configuration
AMI/AMI Installation and Trouble-Shooting
Application Management
Application Data Analysis
Training arrangements All trainings must be of minimum 1 day or bidder can propose more
no. of days training along with batch size as per requirement. A training calendar with
contents and sessions will be also agreed upon between bidder and RECPDCL/CED. The
selected bidder shall be required to organize following training for the CED/RECPDCL
personnel: -
Professional Training - This is the training for the core Group of implementation team of the
CED and RECPDCL/CED. This team will comprise of members from all the Business
Functions and IT sections.
Each member would be trained in the relevant function / module. This Training would be
required to be given to approximately 20-25 personnel. It is the responsibility of
implementation agency to deliver this training. Standard curriculum, designed and agreed by
the owner for hardware, software and network preferably from the OEM partner or OEMs
certified training partner shall be arranged for each group. The vendor is required to quote on
per person basis for this training. The Purchaser will prefer if a portion of the training is
conducted on-site.
End User Training - The bidder will provide training to the owners team on a "Train the
Trainer" basis. The Owners team so trained will then train all of the owners end users. It is
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estimated that this training will require around 8 groups, with each group comprising of
around 12 to 15 persons. These training sessions will be required to be conducted at any of
the sites.
The recommended training material can be in paper / electronic media with courses on BPA
software fundamentals, business process overview, job activity training, and delivery options
being on-line, CBTs, instructor led class rooms, etc.
During the course of the implementation, the bidder is expected to complete / be involved in
the following activities in terms of skill transfer:
Testing scripts should be prepared to test the business processes and scenarios of
the new system.
The project team members will further develop these testing scripts into training
Training material will be organized by functional process that will serve as the training
documentation for a particular functional area.
Assist the Owners team members in creating procedure documents for use in
conjunction with the other training material. A procedure document will list all of the
transactions necessary to complete a business scenario whereas a training document
lists the steps to execute a transaction. Each step will be a transaction referenced in a
training document.
Procedures will be listed for all the online steps needed to complete a scenario.
In addition to functional training document binders and procedures, the project team
members will create training courses and exercises. The training courses will contain
all the training documents and necessary to train an end-user in his / her role. The
training exercises will list common business scenarios and input data that the user will
enter to practice with the newly developed BPA software.
Vendor will assist in administering training to project team members and / or power
users, to train the trainers.
Vendor should assist in administering training to the rest of the users / peers in
functional areas based on the course documentation developed by the project team
and vendor.
The training will consist of a curriculum of courses to address the issues of system operation,
business-wide application, changed business processes and general use of the new system.
Representatives from the successful vendor, Purchasers implementation project and change
management teams will be involved throughout in the development of training strategy,
training material design and development, standards and training delivery to ensure that
change management issues are incorporated, and that training strategies and materials are
aligned to the requirements of the project and as business-specific as possible.
The roll out of the training program will be coordinated with the overall project implementation
The successful bidder shall supply two copies of media of AMI applications and its related
softwares solution against the specifications.
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The following documents (one set each) will be required for smooth functioning of the system.
The successful vendor will provide ongoing product information for referential purposes and
facilitating self-education by CED/RECPDCL personnel. Key aspects shall include:
User Manuals
System Administrator Manuals
Technical Manuals
Installation Guides
Business Process Guides
Program Flow Descriptions
Sample Reports
Screen Formats
Toolkit Guides
Troubleshooting Guides
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Guides
The clarity, comprehensiveness and accuracy of the documentation (an example document
should be made available):
The media upon which documentation is made available.
The frequency of documentation updates and distribution mechanism of the updates.
The ability for documentation to be customized for or by RECPDCL/CED
Hard copy and soft copy of user manuals are expected to be provided by the successful
vendor. These should include information on the application concepts in addition to
transaction and field level documentation. Additionally, the Technical Users Information
manual provides information on the BPA softwares table structures.
Selected Bidder will be expected to assist in developing operational procedure manuals. If
the user manuals are provided in Word format, the client should have the ability to customize
their own manual to include specific business processes or operational procedures.
Selected Bidder can also be required to provide context sensitive on-line help, which includes
all materials provided in the hard copy manuals. Where possible, users should be able to add
their own on-line help documentation.
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The bidder shall be responsible for providing the support after go live of the system for
next 3 years*. The scope shall include the following but not limited to the following
a. Warranty of software which include bug fixing, patches, upgrade etc. and same
shall be provided.
b. Trouble shooting of applications
c. Maintenance of system and application response time.
d. System and database administration
e. Existing Application maintenance, correction, enhancement, new development,
bug fixing etc.
f. Maintenance, modification, enhancement and new integrated business processes.
g. Post implementation support and management shall be governed by performance
parameters as mentioned in this NIT.
h. Post implementation shall also cover the new requirement of tools, application,
reports etc. of utility.
i. The bidder shall provide the off-site support of experts also to resolve the issues in
shortest time.
Initially the FMS will be for 3 years after 1 year warranty period, however FMS may be extended further for 2-
3 years on same terms and conditions on mutual agreement between Utility & Vendor.
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The bidder is expected to complete the Enterprise Wide - implementation of AMI system on
all connections within 6 months from the date of award of contract by the RECPDCL.
Bidder shall submit a detail Gantt chart along with the following implementation schedule.
Bidders shall drill down these activities into sub/sub-sub activity in the chart. The chart shall
also detail out time and resource effort required to execute each activity. The detailed bar
charts for all the work activity shall however, be discussed and agreed to by the successful
Bidder with the owner before start of the execution of work.
Start Date
End Date
Activity Name
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The payment terms for AMI system establishment and related services milestones in
sequence are given below:
Payment procedure:
Method of payment: All invoices/claims shall be raised by the bidder in the name of
Chandigarh Electricity Department (CED), Chandigarh (owner) C/O RECPDCL. All the
payment shall be released directly to the bidder by RECPDCL within 30 days of submission of
invoices on receipt of funds from CED. Further tax will be deducted as per applicable law by
RECPDCL from the payment made on behalf of CED.
Initially the FMS will be for 3 years after 1 year warranty period, however FMS may be extended further for 2-
3 years on same terms and conditions on mutual agreement between Utility & Vendor.
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The completion time of the project shall be monitored as per milestones mentioned above.
Any delay in compliance to the milestone timelines shall lead to Penalty, and shall be
deducted from the payments due under the Contract or by invoking the Contract Performance
Bank Guarantee and/or otherwise, as per the following Penalty table
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1. The bidder must fulfil the above eligibility criteria/pre-qualifying conditions for evaluation of
their bids. Bids of bidders fulfilling the above eligibility/pre-qualifying conditions will only
be evaluated by the duly constituted evaluation committee. Bids of the bidders not
fulfilling the eligibility/pre-qualifying conditions given above may be summarily rejected.
Undertaking for subsequent submission of any of the above documents will not be
entertained under any circumstances.
2. RECPDCL reserves the right to conduct the reverse auction (if required) for the products/
services being asked in the tender. The terms and conditions for such reverse auction
event shall be as per the Acceptance Form attached as Annexure - B of this document.
The bidders shall mandatorily submit a duly signed copy of the Acceptance Form along
with the tender document as a token of acceptance.
3. RECPDCL reserve the right to verify/confirm all original documentary evidence submitted
by the bidder in support of above mentioned clauses of eligibility criteria, failure to
produce the same within the period as and when required and notified in writing by
RECPDCL shall result in summarily rejection of the bid.
4. Engagement with RECPDCL does not confer any right to the agencies to be invited for
participating in any bids, tender etc. floated by RECPDCL. RECPDCL reserves the right
to call bids/assign work/associate the agency/agencies in any area as may be deemed fit
by RECPDCL depending upon the profile provided by the agencies and requirement of
5. RECPDCL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all requests for engagement
without assigning any reason or to accept in parts and engage more than one agencies at
its sole discretion.
6. Acceptance of the application(s) constitutes no form of commitment on the part of
RECPDCL. Furthermore, this acceptance of the application confers neither the right nor
an expectation on any application to participate in the proposed project.
7. RECPDCL reserve the right to waive off any shortfalls; accept the whole, accept part of or
reject any or all responses to the Tender.
8. RECPDCL reserve the right to call for fresh tenders at any stage and /or time as per the
present and /or envisaged RECPDCL requirements even if the tender is in evaluation
9. RECPDCL reserve the right to modify, expand, restrict, scrap, and re-float the tender
without assigning any reason for the same.
10. The responder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its
response, and RECPDCL will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs,
regardless of the conduct or the outcome of the tender process.
11. Consortium and joint venture responses will be acceptable.
12. RECPDCL reserves the right to increase or decrease the RC quantity (on same rate and
terms and conditions) by another 20% if required.
13. For all equipment, the bidder shall provide warranty for a period of 12 months from the
date of commissioning. After the completion of warranty period, the bidder shall provide 3
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years Facility Management Services (FMS) support for all supplied, installed and
commissioned equipment.
14. Performance Security: The agency need to deposit within fifteen (15) working days from
the date of acceptance of work order, a Performance Security in the form of Bank
Guarantee or Demand Draft (DD), for an amount of 10% (Ten per cent) of the Tender
value for the due performance and fulfilment of the contract by your firm which is valid for
60 months in the format placed at Annexure A.
c Failing to comply with the above requirement, or failure to enter into contract
within 30 days or within such other extended period, as may be decided by the
CEO, RECPDCL shall constitute sufficient grounds, among others, if any, for the
annulment of the award of the tender.
d In the event the firm being unable to provide the services, during the engagement
period as per the contract for whatever reason, the Performance Bank Guarantee
would be invoked by RECPDCL.
e No Bank Charges/ interest shall be payable for the Performance Bank Guarantee.
f Bidders should quote item-wise rates/ prices including all taxes and duties as
mentioned in Form-III by explicitly mentioning the breakup of basic prices and
applicable taxes.
h Price quoted shall be firm and any variation in rates, prices or terms during validity
of the offer shall lead to forfeiture of the EMD of said bidder.
i The quoted prices shall be for delivery and installation at Chandigarh. The prices
shall be FOR destination and shall include all charges, levies and duties for
delivery and installation at the specified locations in Chandigarh UT. The exact
details of location address etc. shall be provided along with the release order.
16. In case of default in services or denial of services, RECPDCL, at its sole discretion, will
be free to avail services of other service providers at your "Risk & Cost".
17. All other terms and conditions of the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT shall be
18. Bidders are advised to refrain from taking any deviations on this TENDER. Still in case of
any deviations, all such deviations from this tender document shall be set out by the
Initially the FMS will be for 3 years after 1 year warranty period, however FMS may be extended further for 2-
3 years on same terms and conditions on mutual agreement between Utility & Vendor.
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Bidders, Clause by Clause in the format as mentioned in Form IV and submit the same as
a part of the Technical Bid. Please note that in case of deviations to the tender terms,
bids may be liable for rejection.
19. All the licenses shall be procured in the name of Chandigarh Electricity Department
20. The source code of the customized part of the application software will remain the
exclusive property of the CED, even after the termination or expiry of the contract. The
ownership shall also remain with the CED in case the selected vendor fails to execute
tasks to the satisfaction of the CED.
21. The proposed solution should have the provision for integration with near future systems
like Customer care and Billing System, SCADA, OMS, DMS, GIS etc. Bidder would be
sole responsible for providing the necessary touch points in required technology for
integrating future solutions with proposed systems during the complete contract period.
22. Bidder to provide sizing of servers, storage and network bandwidth in the technical
proposal. Although, supply of servers, storage and network is not part of bidder scope of
23. The bidder shall provide enterprise wide license without constraint of number of CPU /
Core / Number of Users / Number of Consumers for AMI Software. However, licensing
requirement is indicative only for computation of immediate requirement but not limiting
the requirement of Enterprise Wide License in any way.
24. The RECPDCL/CED shall be at liberty to deploy the solution anywhere within the
Chandigarh UT and at any other location (Outside Chandigarh).
25. All Post implementation support period shall start from the date of sign off of Go Live of
complete project area.
26. Sub-contracting of the work is not permitted. In case of minor or field work, sub-
contracting shall be permitted subject to RECPDCL prior approval.
27. INTEGRITY PACT (Form-VIII):-The bidders have to submit integrity pact as per
prescribed format on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- in 2 copies duly signed by the
person signing the bid. The bidder shall not change the contents of Integrity Pact.
28. In a tender either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principle /OEM or Principle / OEM
itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product.
29. If an agent submits bid on behalf of the principal /OEM, the same agent shall not submit a
bid on behalf of another principal /OEM in the same tender for the same item/product.
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S No Particulars QR/Definitions
1 Definition of - Bidder
Bidder(s) The bidder can be an individual organization or a consortium of
maximum three (3) organizations meeting the QR.
- Lead Bidder
One of the consortium members responsible for performing key
components of the contract shall be designated Lead Bidder.
Evidence of this authorization shall be provided by submitting a
power of attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all
consortium members along with the bid.
When the solution provider is not the lead bidder and is another
consortium member, they along with the lead bidder shall be
responsible for implementation of that module. In such cases,
the solution provider of each module should qualify
independently (i.e. QR for AMI, QR for NBSP etc.).
Bidder must meet the following requirements individually and in case of a consortium,
collectively by the members of Consortium, except where specifically mentioned.
A. QR for Bidder:
Sr. Evaluation/Documents
Description Qualification Criteria
No. Required
The bidder shall be a
Certificate of Incorporation
Company private/public Company
1 and Registration needs to be
Registration registered under Companies
submitted along with the bid.
Act 1956
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Solution Specifications (Certificate/ Available / Not
Document/ Self- Available
A.1 The solution shall be designed with Self-Certify
Service Oriented Architecture.
The solution shall be designed
based on Component-based
approach. It shall be highly granular
and loosely coupled to ensure that
the failure of one component does
not cascade to others.
A.2 The solution shall be designed on Self-Certify
web based architecture.
A.3 The solution shall be horizontally Self-Certify
and vertically scalable and also
have virtualization capability.
A.4 The solution shall be designed with Self-Certify
Open Industry Standards and not
with Suppliers proprietary protocol.
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Solution Specifications (Certificate/ Available / Not
Document/ Self- Available
access to the users. Also, the
system shall have the capability to
integrate with various standard SSO
(Single Sign-On) or IDM (Identity
Management) applications.
A.9 The solution shall use an integration Self-Certify
middleware layer so that all
required external systems shall be
integrated on a continuous basis.
A.10 The solution shall provide the Self-Certify
functionality to encrypt the data
stored or transmitted data.
A.11 The solution shall provide the Self-Certify
functionality to maintain the audit
trail of all critical transactions.
A.12 The solution shall be able to Self-Certify
interoperate with:
standard RDBMS platforms like
Oracle, MS SQL, MY SQL, DB2,
Informix, Sybase or any other
RDBMS confirming to ANSI/ISO
SQL-200n standards
Operating systems like
Windows, UNIX, and Solaris etc.
web browsers like Internet
explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera
A.13 The solution shall be installed with Self-Certify
the latest security updates provided
by software Supplier.
A.14 The software version shall be Self-Certify
supported by the software vendor
for a minimum period of next five
A1 Module: AMI
A1.1 The AMI Solution shall be capable Self-Certify
of collecting and analyzing data on
a common data structure/ format
from system/ consumer meters of
various makes and models.
The solution shall be compatible
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Solution Specifications (Certificate/ Available / Not
Document/ Self- Available
with present Modbus compliant
meters installed in utilities as well
as future meters likely to be
introduced in Indian market
complying with MODBUS/DLMS
12.19/IEEE P-1377 Standards.
A1.2 The regional hierarchy and network Self-Certify
topology shall be specific to the
Indian context and flexible enough
to account for different voltage
levels in Indian sub-transmission
and distribution networks e.g.
66/33/22/11/ 0.4 KV.
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The Bidder or his authorized representative may be present at the time of opening of bid
on the specified date, but a letter in the form annexed at (Form I) hereto must be
forwarded to this office along with bid and a copy of this letter must be produced in the
office by the person attending the opening of bid. Unless this letter is presented by him, he
may not be allowed to attend the opening of bid.
In case of unscheduled holiday on the closing/opening day of bid, the next working day will
be treated as scheduled prescribed day of closing/opening of bid; the time notified
remaining the same.
Evaluation and comparison of bids will be done as per provisions of Pre-Qualifying
Criteria supporting documents as proof of pre-qualifying criteria at section VI.
RECPDCL reserves the right to verify the site of operation for above activity and list of
persons provided as per qualifying criteria and accordingly decide upon meeting the
The RECPDCL will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any
computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished,
whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are generally in
order qualifying to which bids shall be summarily rejected.
The purchaser will award the contract to the successful bidder whose bid has been
determined to be in full conformity to the bid documents and has been determined as the
lowest evaluated bid.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Letter for Submission of Tender
Addl. Chief Executive Officer
REC Power Distribution Company Ltd.
A10, 4th Floor, Kribhco Bhawan,
Sector-1, Noida 201301
Sub.: Engagement of Service Agency
1. With reference to your Tender No. --------------- dated ------------ for Rate Contract
for Supply, Implementation and Maintenance of Smart Meters and AMI
Communication System (AMI) for Smart Grid Pilot Project at Chandigarh
Electricity Department (CED) as per NSGM Guidelines, I wish to apply for
engagement with RECPDCL as service provider for Rate Contract for Supply,
Implementation and Maintenance of Smart Meters and AMI Communication
System (AMI) for Smart Grid Pilot Project at Chandigarh Electricity
Department (CED) as per NSGM Guidelines
I have read the provisions of the all clauses and confirm that notwithstanding
anything stated elsewhere to the contrary, the stipulation of all clauses of Tender
are acceptable to me and I have not taken any deviation to any clause.
2. I further confirm that any deviation to any clause of Tender found anywhere in my
Bid, shall stand unconditionally withdrawn, without any cost implication whatsoever
to the REC PDCL.
3. Our bid shall remain valid for period of 90 days from the last date of bid
Date: Signature
Place: Full Name ...
Designation ...
144 | Page
REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Rate Contract for Supply, Implementation and Maintenance of Smart Meters and AMI
Communication System (AMI) for Smart Grid Pilot Project at Chandigarh Electricity
Department (CED) as per NSGM Guidelines
2. Name
Regd. Address
a) Address of Office at Delhi/NCR
b) Contact Persons
ii) Address
iv) Email ID
4. PAN
Full Name
Address ..
145 | Page
REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Financial Bid (To be submitted through online mode only)
Rate Contract for Supply, Implementation and Maintenance of Smart Meters and AMI
Communication System (AMI) for Smart Grid Pilot Project at Chandigarh Electricity
Department (CED) as per NSGM Guidelines
Bidder Name:
Sub Total 4
- -
- -
Form: 2 Softwares
Per taxes Total Total Cost FMS Cost
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity Unit & Unit (Incl. taxes for 01
Cost duties Cost & duties) year
Meter Data
1.1 Software Lot 1
- - - - -
(MDAS)/Head End
System (HES)
Meter data
(MDM) capable of
processing raw
data, building of
desired analytics
like giving demand
response signal,
taking control /
1.2 Lot 1
programming - - - - -
actions based on
preset logic,
interface with billing
software being used
by utility (50,000
Nos. of consumers
and scalable up to
100% expansion)
Sub Total 1
- -
Data Archiving
Data Archiving and
2.1 SAN management Lot 1
- - - - -
Sub Total 2
- -
3 Management
Centralized network
software along with
3.1 Lot 1
patch management - - - - -
& identity
Antivirus software
3.2 for all machines in Lot 1
- - - - -
control centre
Sub Total 3
- -
Installation &
Cost of SITC* &
4.1 Integration with Lumpsum 1
- - - - -
Existing System
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Sub Total 4
- -
5 Other Requirement
Any other product, if
5.1 required, along with Lumpsum 1
- - - - -
Sub Total 5
- -
- -
Form: 3 Hardwares
Per taxes Total FMS
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity Unit & Unit Cost for
Cost duties Cost 01 year
1 Hardware for application
Application Server suitable
1.1 for MDAS/HES, MDM along Set 2
- - - - -
with operating system
Application server with
minimum 4 GB RAM for
1.2 Set 1
development, quality and - - - - -
1.3 Web Server for access Set 2
- - - - -
Sub Total 1
- -
2 Hardware for storage
SAN based storage for
storing Smart Meter data
(50,000 nos.), data from
2.1 No. 1
MDM, SCADA, DTMU for - - - - -
2 years with 100%
expansion capacity
2.2 Data Archiving Server Nos. 2
- - - - -
Sub Total 2
- -
Hardware for network
Network Management
3.1 server with patch & identity Set 1
- - - - -
Centralized management
3.2 Set 1
console with single monitor - - - - -
Sub Total 3
- -
4 Workstation Consoles
Workstation consoles with
4.1 dual 24" monitor along with Set 2
- - - - -
Operating System & license
Sub Total 4
- -
5 Network Hardware
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Form: 4 FMS
S.No. Equipment FMS Cost
1 FMS charges for meters (Form 1) for 01 year -
2 FMS charges for Softwares (Form 2) for 01 year -
Grand Total -
Form: 5 Total
Duration for 3
Years + 2
Total Cost for 3
S.No. Equipment years
years after
1 Total Cost for Meters (Form 1) -
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
2 Total Cost for Softwares (Form 2) -
3 Total Cost for Hardwares (Form 3) -
4 FMS charges for Meters (Form 1) for 3 years 3
5 FMS charges for Softwares (Form 2) for 3 years 3
6 FMS charges for Hardwares (Form 3) for 3 years 3
FMS charges for Meters (Form 1) for additional 2 years
7 2
(Optional)# -
FMS charges for Softwares (Form 2) for additional 2 years
8 2
(Optional)# -
FMS charges for Hardwares (Form 3) for additional 2 years
9 2
(Optional)# -
Grand Total
# - Initially the FMS will be for 3 years after 1 year warranty period, however FMS may be extended further for
2-3 years on same terms and conditions on mutual agreement between Utility & Vendor.
editable field
Software Licensing Fees with 3 years warranty post go live (detail the pricing regime
which could include initial price and upgrade pricing)
Note: - Schedule of Integration with different systems provided in RFP.
All license are perpetual (All software required to run the system may it be direct
vendor supply or 3rd party should be a bundled offer) and on the name of CED.
The rates are invited for entering into an RC valid for 1 year from the date of issue of
contract. Prices are to be quoted accordingly. The quantities mentioned above are for
evaluation purposes only. Actual Quantities may vary as per site requirement and
Release Orders against this Rate Contract (RC) shall be placed accordingly.
The quoted rates must be inclusive of all taxes as applicable at the time of bidding.
Bidders are to quote their rates strictly as per above format.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Unless specifically mentioned in this schedule, the tender shall be deemed to confirm
the RECPDCLs specifications:
S. No. Clause No. Details of deviation with justifications
By signing this document, we hereby withdraw all the deviations whatsoever taken
anywhere in this bid document and comply to all the terms and conditions, technical
specifications, scope of work etc. as mentioned in the standard document except
those as mentioned above.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
The Nodal Officer (Smart Grid Pilot Project)
Electricity OP Division No. 2,
Opp. Transport Area, New Power House
Industrial Area Phase 1, UT Chandigarh
WHEREAS M/s. [name of OEM], who are official manufacturers of having factories
at [address of OEM] do hereby authorize M/s [name of bidder] to submit a Bid in relation to
the Invitation for Bids indicated above, the purpose of which is to provide the following
Goods, manufactured by us
and to subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract.
We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty in accordance with Clause 26 of the
General Conditions of Contract or as mentioned elsewhere in the Tender Document, with
respect to the Goods offered by the above firm in reply to this Invitation for Bids.
We hereby confirm that in case, the channel partner fails to provide the necessary services
as per the Tender Document referred above, M/s [name of OEM] shall provide standard
warranty on the machines supplied against the contract. The warranty period and inclusion /
exclusion of parts in the warranty shall remain same as defined in the contract issued to their
channel partner against this tender enquiry.
Yours Sincerely,
For ..
Authorized Signatory
Note: In absence of above declaration/certification, the Bid is liable to be rejected and
shall not be taken into account for evaluation.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Format of Curriculum Vitae
4 DATE OF BIRTH: Nationality:
13 Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV
correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that
any wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal,
if engaged.
Signature of authorised representative of
the staff
153 | Page
REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Dear Sir/s,
I/We, the undersigned, have examined the details given in your NIT dated [Insert Date] for
Engagement of bidder for implementation of Primary and Secondary MPLS Connectivity
Links at various Sub-Stations at Goa Electricity Department. We accept all the terms &
conditions of the bid document without any deviation and submit the Bid. We hereby certify
that M/s ________________________________________________________ or its group
companies have not been awarded any work for Engagement of bidder for implementation
of Primary and Secondary MPLS Connectivity Links at various Sub-Stations at Goa
Electricity Department & shall not be a competitor to RECPDCL within the Goa Electricity
Department during contract period in case the contract is awarded.
Also, M/s ___________________________________________________or its group
companies is not executing or providing any type of services either directly or as a sub-
contractor for the particular work for which Bid is submitted.
It is confirmed that M/s. __________________________________________________ is not
banned or blacklisted by any Govt./Pvt. Institutions in India.
Name of Firm:
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
(To be executed on non-judicial paper)
REC Power Distribution Company Limited (REC PDCL) hereinafter referred to as The Principal",
..hereinafter referred to as "agency for carrying out interior work"
The Principal intends to award, under laid down organization procedures, contract/s for
..The Principal values full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and the
principles of economic use of resources, and of fairness and transparency in its relations with its
Bidder/s, agency/s.
In order to achieve these goals, the Principal cooperates with the renowned international Non-
Governmental Organisation "Transparency International" (TI). Following TI's national and
international experience, the Principal will appoint an Independent External Monitor who will
monitor the tender process and the execution of the contract for compliance with the principles
mentioned above.
Section 1 Commitments of the Principal
(1) The Principal commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to
observe the following principles:
a) No employee of the Principal, personally or through family members, will in
connection with the tender, or the execution of the contract, demand, take a
promise for or accept, for himself/herself or third person, any material or
immaterial benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to.
b) The Principal will, during the tender process, treat all Bidders with equity and
reason. The Principal will, in particular, before and during the tender process,
provide to all Bidders the same information and will not provide to any Bidder
confidential / additional information through which the Bidder could obtain an
advantage in relation to the tender process or the contract execution.
c) The Principal will exclude from the process all known prejudiced persons.
(2) If the Principal obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a
criminal offence under the relevant Anti-Corruption Laws of India, or if there be a
substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal will inform its Vigilance Office and in
addition can initiate disciplinary actions.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
(1) The Bidder / agency commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption.
He commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation in the
tender process and during the contract execution.
a) The Bidder /agency will not, directly or through any other person or firm, offer,
promise or give to any of the Principal's employees involved in the tender process
or the execution of the contract or to any third person, any material or immaterial
benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange, any
advantage of any kind whatsoever during the tender process or during the
execution of the contract.
b) The Bidder / agency will not enter with other Bidders into any undisclosed
agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular
to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-
submission of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to introduce
cartelisation in the bidding process.
c) The Bidder / agency will not commit any offence under the relevant Anti-
Corruption Laws of India; further the Bidder / agency will not use improperly, for
purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information or
document provided by the Principal as part of the business relationship, regarding
plans, technical proposals and business details, including information contained or
transmitted electronically.
d) The Bidder / agency will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments
he has made, is committed to, or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other
intermediaries in connection with the award of the contract.
(2) The Bidder / agency will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined above
or be an accessory to such offences.
Section 3 Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future contracts
If the Agency, before contract award, has committed a transgression through a violation of
Section 2 or in any other form such as to put his reliability or credibility as Bidder into question,
the Principal is entitled to disqualify the Bidder from the tender process or to terminate the
contract, if already signed, for such reason.
(1) If the agency has committed a transgression through a violation of Section 2 such as to
put his reliability or credibility into question, the Principal is also entitled to exclude the
agency from future contract award processes. The imposition and duration of the exclusion
will be determined by the severity of the transgression. The severity will be determined by
the circumstances of the case, in particular the number of transgressions, the position of the
transgressors within the company hierarchy of the Bidder and the amount of the damage. The
exclusion will be imposed for a minimum of 6 months and maximum of 3 years.
(2) A transgression is considered to have occurred if the Principal after due consideration of
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
(1) If the Principal has disqualified the Bidder from the tender process prior to the award
according to Section 3, the Principal is entitled to demand and recover from the Bidder
liquidated damages equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security.
(2) If the Principal has terminated the contract according to Section 3, or if the Principal is
entitled to terminate the contract according to Section 3, the Principal shall be entitled to
demand and recover from the Consulting agency/Architect/Supplier liquidated damages
equivalent to Security Deposit / Performance Bank Guarantee.
(3) The Bidder agrees and undertakes to pay the said amounts without protest or demur
subject only to condition that if the agency can prove and establish that the exclusion of the
Bidder from the tender process or the termination of the contract after the contract award has
caused no damage or less damage than the amount of the liquidated damages, the agency
shall compensate the Principal only to the extent of the damage in the amount proved.
(1) The Bidder declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last 3 years with any
other Company in any country conforming to the TI approach or with any other Public
Sector Enterprise in India that could justify his exclusion from the tender process.
(2) If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the
tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for such reason.
(1) The agency undertakes to demand from all sub-consulting agency a commitment in
conformity with this Integrity Pact, and to submit it to the Principal before contract signing.
(2) The Principal will enter into agreements with identical conditions as this one with all
agency and Sub-consulting agency.
(3) The Principal will disqualify from the tender process all Bidders who do not sign this
Pact or violate its provisions.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
(4) The Principal will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings
among the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact on the
contractual relations between the Principal and the agency. The parties offer to the Monitor
the option to participate in such meetings.
(5) As soon as the Monitor notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this agreement, he
will so inform the Management of the Principal and request the Management to discontinue
or heal the violation, or to take other relevant action. The Monitor can in this regard submit
non- binding recommendation. Beyond this, the Monitor has no right to demand from the
parties that they act in a specific manner, refrain from action or tolerate action. However, the
Independent External Monitor shall give an opportunity to the agency to present its case
before making its recommendations to the Principal.
(6) The Monitor will submit a written report to the Chairperson of the Board of the Principal
within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by the 'Principal' and,
should the occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations.
(7) If the Monitor has reported to the Chairperson of the Board a substantiated suspicion of
an offence under relevant Anti-Corruption Laws of India, and the Chairperson has not,
within reasonable time, taken visible action to proceed against such offence or reported it to
the Vigilance Office, the Monitor may also transmit this information directly to the Central
Vigilance Commissioner, Government of India.
(8) The word 'Monitor' would include both singular and plural.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
(1) This agreement is subject to Indian Law. Place of performance and jurisdiction is the
Registered Office of the Principal, i.e. Mumbai. The Arbitration clause provided in the main
tender document / contract shall not be applicable for any issue / dispute arising under
Integrity Pact.
(2) Changes and supplements as well as termination notices need to be made in writing.
Side agreements have not been made.
(3) If the Bidder/Consulting agency/Architect/Supplier is a partnership or a consortium, this
agreement must be signed by all partners or consortium members.
(4) Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder
of this agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement
to their original intentions.
.. ...
For the Principal For the Bidder/Consulting agency/Architect/Supplier
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
In consideration of REC Power Distribution Company Ltd. having its office at A10, 4th
Floor, Kribhco Bhawan, Sector-1, Noida 201301 (hereinafter referred to as RECPDCL
which expression shall unless repugnant to the content or meaning there of include all its
successors, administrators and executors) and having entered into an agreement dated
____________/issued Work Order No.__________ dated
________________with/on as_______________________ (hereinafter referred to as The
service which expression unless repugnant to the content or meaning thereof, shall
include all the successors, Administrators and executors).
WHEREAS the Agency having unequivocally accepted to supply the materials as per terms
and conditions given in the Agreement accepted to providing service as per terms and
conditions given in the Agreement dated ________ /Work Order No.
_______________________ dated _______________ and RECPDCL having agreed that
the Agency shall furnish to RECPDCL a Performance Guarantee for the faithful
performance of the entire contract, to the extent of 10% (ten percent) (or the percentage as
per the individual case) of the value of the Work Order i.e. for _______________.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Authorized Signature
Chief Manager/Manger
Seal of Bank
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Annexure B
(To be signed and stamped by the bidder)
In a bid to make our entire procurement process more fair and transparent, RECPDCL
intends to use the reverse auctions as an integral part of the entire tendering process. All the
bidders who are found as technically qualified based on the tender requirements shall be
eligible to participate in the reverse auction event.
The following terms and conditions are accepted by the bidder on participation in the
bid event:
1. RECPDCL shall provide the user id and password to the authorized representative of the
bidder. (Authorization Letter in lieu of the same shall be submitted along with the signed
and stamped Acceptance Form).
2. RECPDCL decision to award the work would be final and binding on the supplier.
3. The bidder agrees to non-disclosure of trade information regarding the purchase, identity
of RECPDCL, bid process, bid technology, bid documentation and bid details to any
other party.
4. The bidder is advised to fully make aware themselves of auto bid process and ensure
their participation in the event of reverse auction and failing to which RECPDCL will not
be liable in any way.
5. In case of bidding through Internet medium, bidders are further advised to ensure
availability of the infrastructure as required at their end to participate in the auction event.
Inability to bid due to telephone line glitch, internet response issues, software or
hardware hangs, power failure or any other reason shall not be the responsibility of
6. In case of intranet medium, RECPDCL shall provide the infrastructure to bidders.
Further, RECPDCL has sole discretion to extend or restart the auction event in case of
any glitches in infrastructure observed which has restricted the bidders to submit the bids
to ensure fair & transparent competitive bidding. In case an auction event is restarted,
the best bid as already available in the system shall become the basis for determining
start price of the new auction.
7. In case the bidder fails to participate in the auction event due any reason whatsoever, it
shall be presumed that the bidder has no further discounts to offer and the initial bid as
submitted by the bidder as a part of the tender shall be considered as the bidders final
no regret offer. Any offline price bids received from a bidder in lieu of non-participation in
the auction event shall be out rightly rejected by RECPDCL.
8. The bidder shall be prepared with competitive price quotes on the day of the bidding
9. The prices as quoted by the bidder during the auction event shall be inclusive of all the
applicable taxes, duties and levies and shall be FOR at site.
10. The prices submitted by a bidder during the auction event shall be binding on the bidder.
11. No requests for time extension of the auction event shall be considered by RECPDCL.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
12. The original price bids of the bidders shall be reduced on pro-rata basis against each line
item based on the final all-inclusive prices offered during conclusion of the auction event
for arriving at Contract amount.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp act)
WHEREAS RECPDCL has invited tender vide their Tender Notice No.
______________________________________ Dated _________________ to be opened
(Name of Tenderer)
having its office at
___________________________________________________________ (hereinafter
called the Tenderer), has/have in response to aforesaid tender notice offered to supply/ do
the job ___________________________ as contained in the tender.
AND WHEREAS the Tender is required to furnish to RECPDCL a Bank Guarantee for a sum
of Rs. __________________
_______________Only) as Earnest Money for participation in the Tender aforesaid.
(Name of Bank) have at the request of the tenderer agree to give RECPDCL this as
hereinafter contained.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
01. That RECPDCL may without affecting this guarantee extend the period of validity
of the said Tender or grant other indulgence to or negotiate further with the
Tenderer in regard to the conditions contained in the said tender or thereby
modify these conditions or add thereto any further conditions as may be mutually
agreed to in between RECPDCL and the Tender AND the said Bank shall not be
released from its liability under these presents by an exercise by RECPDCL of its
liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to
the Tenderer or any other forbearance, act or omission on the part of the
RECPDCL or any indulgence by RECPDCL to the said Tenderer or any other
matter or thing whatsoever.
02. The Bank hereby waive all rights at any time in consistent with the terms of this
Guarantee and the obligations of the Bank in terms thereof shall not be otherwise
affected or suspended by reason of any dispute or dispute having been raised by
the Tenderer (whether or not pending before any arbitrator, tribunal or court) or
any denial of liability by the Tenderer stopping or preventing or purporting to stop
or prevent any payment by the Bank to RECPDCL in terms thereof.
03. We the said Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its
currency except with the previous consent of RECPDCL in writhing and agree
that any charges in the constitution, winding up, dissolution or insolvency of the
Tenderer, the said Bank shall not be discharged from their liability.
NOTWITHSTADING anything contained above, the liability of the Bank in respect of this
Guarantee is restricted to the said sum of Rs. ________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ only)
and this Guarantee shall remain in force till ____________ unless a claim under this
guarantee is filed with the bank within 30 (thirty) days from this date or the extended date, as
the case may be i.e. upto ___________________________________ all rights under
Guarantee shall lapse and the Bank be discharged from all liabilities hereunder.
In witness whereof the Bank has subscribed and set its name and seal here under.
Note: - The date shall be thirty (30) days after the last date for which the bid is valid.
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
Annexure 1
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
AB Switch Air Break Switch
AC Alternating Current
ACDB Alternating Current Distribution Board
ACL Access Control List
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
ALG Application Layer Gateway
AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
AT&C Aggregate Technical & Commercial
BCS Base Computer Software
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
BIOS Basic Input / Output System
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
BOQ Bill of Quantities
CBIP Central Board of Irrigation & Power
CCC Customer Care Centre
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CED Chandigarh Electricity Department
CERT-In Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
CGRF Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum
CIM Customer Interaction Meeting
CIM Common Information Model
CIPET Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology
CMC Centralized Monitoring Console
COSEM Companion Specification for Energy Metering
CPP Critical Peak Pricing
CPRI Central Power Research Institute
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRM Customer Relationship Manager
CT Current Transformer
CUM Cumulative
DAS Distribution Automation Scheme
dB Decibel
DCU Data Concentrator Unit
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
DC Direct Current
DG Diesel Generator
DES Data Encryption Standard
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DLMS Device Language Message Specification
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
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REC Power Distribution Company Limited
OS Operating System
OSF Open Software Foundation
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
PAT Port Address Translation
PC Personal Computer
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique
PF Power Factor
PLC Power Line Communication
PLM Peak Load Management
POP3 Post Office Protocol 3
PPPoE Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
PSTN Public Switch Telephone Network
PT Potential Transformer
PTH Plated Through Hole
PV Photo Voltaic
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
QAP Quality Assurance Plan
QR Qualifying Requirement
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAM Read Access Memory
R-APDRP Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Program
RF Radio Frequency
RMU Ring Main Unit
RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substance
RPC Remote Procedure Call
RPO Renewable Power Obligation
RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
RTC Real Time Clock
RTP Real Time Pricing
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SAE Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice
SAN Storage Area Network
SAT Site Acceptance Test
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCCP Skinny Client Control Protocol
SGAs Smart Grid Applications
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SIP Session Initiation Protocol
SITC Supply, Installation , Testing and Commissioning
SMC Sheet Moldings Compounds
SMPS Switching Mode Power Supply
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