Sri Vídia Supersíntese
Sri Vídia Supersíntese
Sri Vídia Supersíntese
Swami Nadananda Sri Cakra, primeiro volume trata de rituais (saparaya), seguindo as
experincias surreais do Hrilleka mantra (325 figuras)
A bijodhara e yantrodhara.
Mother Goddess - Lalitha, who is the unified form of Siva and Sakti the male and female
The deity is Sri Lalitha. The holy text is Sri Lalitha Sahasranama. The path of attainment is Sri
Vidya meditation and the way of life is selfless service.
For this purpose we teach various meditative techniques like omkar meditation, mantra
meditation, meru meditation, srichakra meditation, light meditation and universal
meditation. In this book let us study the nuances of omkar meditation, which is the first part
of Sri Vidya meditation. In the second part we will deal with Sri Vidya Kundalini techniques.
But my lord, I am highly ignorant about the Omkar and its twelve thousand meanings and
therefore kindly seek your help to educate Him about the eternal substance DHIRGA PRANAVA
or the basic rhythm of all lives!
Siva wondered at the intelligence of His son, so taught Omkar in one hundred and twenty
thousand ways.
The Child God who resides at the mountains revealed the significance of OM in one hundred
and twenty million forms. Later, Skanda was identified as the Child God who taught the mantra
to his father. Siva was very much pleased and blessed the child to reincarnate on Earth as
Thirugnanasambanda at Tamilnadu to teach the meanings of DHIRGA PRANAVAto all beings
upon earth. How great is the symbolism of Omkar!
OM is a single syllable Sanskrit mantra. It is DHIRGA PRANAVA. It is Brahma, the mighty one. It
is made up of the concepts of BRAHMA, VISHNU, RUDRA and sounds eternally with no end or
beginning. Patanjali Yoga Suthra (aphorisms) mentions it as, TASYA VACHAKA PRANAVA:
which means that Pranava is the name of Eswara.
OM is the basic sound from which all alphabets; all languages and all thoughts emerge. It is the
mantra, which explains the holy characters of MAHASAKTHI, the great energy of the universe
Pranava means the meaningful sound, which is everlastingly new. Pranava is nothing but
MAHASAKTHI which is ever new. It is the meaning of all mantras, found and explained by SIVA
in the form of the universe itself.
Pranava designado como a balsa que usada para atravesse o mar da vida. Significa que o
barco atravessa o aborrecido mar do nosso ser. PRARAPTHAKARMA destinado para cada e
todo ser que depois de completar cada um de seus karma se retira para dar luz novamente
atravs do cu, ar, chuva, semente e esperma para este mundo e refaz seu karma. Tem que
refazer a sua karma repetidas vezes e, finalmente, deve cair no Ncleo omnipotente, perde sua
identidade e se mistura com o ncleo como um e o mesmo!
Omkar cannot be controlled by present, past or future. It does not have time or space. The
Panchabuthas or five sources of energy are bound to it. One who controls all five senses and
concentrates on Omkar will attain Moksha EMANCIPATION
He/she will not be controlled by either present, past or future or by time and space. That is the
reason why any yagna or practice of mantra is always preceded by chanting Om. The Gayatri
mantra also naturally begins with the DHIRGA PRANAVA, Om.
Brahman is described as Om, Tat, Sat. It was understood that Vedas, yagna (the fire ritual of the
Hindus) and people who do yagna were born from Om. The meaning for Om Tat Sat is: Om is
truth. Om is sound (noise) and from that the world is born
The A in the beginning of the Omkar refers to Brahm A and creation. The U in the middle of
Omkar refers to Vishnu U and protection. The M rightly refers to M (Rudhra or Maheswara)
and destruction.
There is no creation without destruction and there is no destruction without creation. There is
no creation or destruction without protection.
The Siddha cult mentions the six Chakras in our body as Adhara energy centers. They are:
Mooladhara, Swathishtana, Manipuraka, Anahada, Vishudhi and Agna. The ONE is called as
Paramathman and the TWO (two) is called as Jeevathman. The ONE (one) is Siva and the
TWO (two) is Shakthi. Shakthi the Kundalini, is the one, which resides in our body in the form
of a snake. The raising of that snake to make it operate through the Adhara chakras and to make
it unite with Siva is called Kundalini, which is also known as the unification of Sivasakthi. This is
well known as the great happiness or Paramananda that is, becoming one. Now we can
understand that in all forms of life duality exists. That is the reason for our unhappiness and
happiness. The practice of Omkar leads us to (be) the ONE.
is classified into Bindhu and Nadha. One is Sukshama the microcosm and the other is Brahmanda
or the macrocosm.
Panchabuthas are born from Omkar. The Bija mantras or the seed letters are accumulated from
There are several powerful mantras found in the sky. Great seers have obtained a few of them
to this world. They can see and hear them. Swami Vivekananda says he has seen Sri Chakra. The
people who worship Devi consider Sri Chakra very important. Adi Parasakthi Sri Lalithambiga
resides in it in the form of Siva-Sakthi. The Gayatri mantra is also the one; widespread in the
visual form of Omkar is SRI CHAKRA.
The DHIRGA PRANAVA is made up of five features: Akara, Ukara, Makara, Bindhu and Nada.
Which mantra?
Gayatri mantra is the mother of all mantras. It is the sole force to get rid of our sins and purify
our souls.
mantra is made up of Uma the form of energy, Lakshmi the form of riches and Saraswathi
the form of wisdom, the mantra will render energy, riches and wisdom
The Gayatri Mantra, which is also known as the Guru Mantra, is the most important mantra in
the Hindu Scriptures. Its recitation and meditation ends all sufferings and miseries and brings
success and beatitude. If a person only recited this one mantra all day and night, he need not
resort to any other form of mantra, and for those people who desire knowledge, understanding
and an intellect that is inspired, reciting this Mantra, 1,000 times daily brings miraculous results.
One who chants Om when they wake up and again before going to sleep, their whole day will
be protected by it. It is the fortress around them. There may be results of headaches and other
physical strains while practicing it. If so, it would be better for them to have the advice of a
master. The headaches hint that we have to progress more in holiness. The vibrations found at
the backbone are also not worthy of fear. If it is found one should seek the advice of a mster
and escalate kundalini sadhana.
This is made up of three parts: Inhale Puraka, breath intact Kumbaka and exhale Reshaka.
When it takes place at the left hemisphere it is Idakala and at the right it is Pingala. The function
at the right, on behalf of the heat is called Suryakala and the left because it is cold, is known
as chandrakala.
It is the stage where the mind should settle at the identity with great energy. When we practice
this breath exercise both the mind and physical instincts can be controlled. SOHAM is the term
used for inhaling the breath and HAMSA for exhaling which respectively means God within,
and also we are with God.
When we begin to chant Omkar, all of these functions of Puraka, Kumbaka and Reshaka start
The Atharva Veda describes that the Lord Indira won demons just by way of chanting Omkar.
note of warning
Mantras are of four kinds. Sidha, suchida, satya and ari; the classification rightly falls on the basis
of their result giving nature. Sidha is the one, which gives a result after chanting it for a certain
time. A few mantras will yield a result after one has chanted it for one thousand and eight times,
a few mantras will yield a result after a hundred thousand and eight times, and a few will give
results after five hundred thousand times, etc.
Suichida is the one, which gives an immediate result; and only a master should properly initiate
it. Satya is the one to be chanted endlessly until it gives a result. A few mantras will give negative
results if they are pronounced wrongly.
These are called Ari. This way of the art of learning about mantras, their
suitability at responding to individuals is known as Siddharikoshta.
Masters researching on the basis of this method initiate mantras, and
the right decision is made on individual disciples to teach the respective
Omkar is the abstract voice of all the voices we get in concrete form. Just like the Universal voice
of Omkar, the abstract voice emerges from our Muladhara and is widely known as Para. The
sound, which emerges from our heart, is Paisanthi and when it mixes with awareness it is
Madyama when this sound leaps through our mouth it is vaikari. This is the function of
energy, which starts as a concrete sound and results into abstract. It is for this reason that to
explain sound the Lord Siva is shown to have a tun-tun in his hand and is dancing. Also in many
temples in India we can find many people who dance in ecstasy through listening to the sound
of tun-tun or tomtom.
All sounds would be classified as Ahada and Anahada. Ahada is the one when something hits
another one. It is the sound of the friction between two objects. When the sound is
independent, it is known as Anahada.
"Yogasandhya" descreve, que o yogi deve Oua o som de Anahada para fechar tanto o seu
ouvidos, usando as mos. Aquele abstrato Omkar abstrato Mantra.
'Nada', o ritmo eterno o som primrio de todos os sons. Mahashakthi reside alm desse nvel.
Que O som entendido como "som indito". Embora tenhamos ouvido vrios sons, na
realidade, poderia ser possvel para ns ouvir o som da Omkar? Requer prtica e maturidade
para ouvir o som do Eterno.
O Universo composto por trinta e seis eternos caractersticas entre Nada e Bindu. Nada o
O ritmo eo Bindu so o tomo eterno. Essas caractersticas que criam, protegem e destroem o
Universo so aqueles que so encontrados entre '... .O ...' e '... M ... ..'. Nada som e Bindu leve.
A criao participa entre Estes dois acontecem, fique e voc destrudo.
How does one practice Omkar meditation? One has to choose a place where constant worship
is done, get up by four O Clock in the morning, complete ones routine, and after having taken a
bath should sit in the lotus position to practice.
There are four various forms of Omkar: Krusva, Dirgha, Plutah and Apyayana, from which
Plutah, the third is explained: Inhale and chant Omkar while it has to linger like taking a gulp
of water or swallowing it.
Hence, the breath can mix with the natural energy existing in and around us and the mind will
settle in peace.
Ns iremos para o sucesso se praticarmos isso sem falhar todos os dias. preciso praticar Omkar
para vinte e sete vezes, diariamente. Ento, o nmero de vezes que ns recitar deve aumentar
de 108 para 1008 gradualmente.
Quando Ns praticamos isso por pelo menos 108 vezes ao dia, vrias mudanas se manifestar
em ns. Se completarmos cantando Om por noventa milhes de vezes podemos atingir uma das
When the first cycle is complete - earth, can be won. In the second -
water can be tamed. In the consequent cycles other energies, fire, air
and sky can be won. When practiced at least 1008 times daily, desires,
anger and pride will vanish and purity and peace will settle within us.
Esse o cncer de 'OM' na mente. difcil prtica e difcil de seguir porque tudo muito ruidoso
ao nosso redor, mas pode ser alcanado depois de praticado por um muito tempo. O segundo
mtodo chamado 'Upamsu', que cantando ao nvel da audio prpria. Este um mtodo
simples e dinmico. Tambm nos ajuda a elevar nossa poder de concentrao. O terceiro
'Vachaka, que o soando de "OM" em voz alta, para que os outros tambm possam ouvi-lo.
Dentro de tudo isso, Manasa considerado muito eminente. Mas a melhor maneira de praticar
a Omkar
Omkar! Seus vrios significados! A grande energia de Omkar, Meditao, Mantra, Gayathri,
Pranayama e Japa, um pensamento sadio, que une todos esses vrios conceitos sob um
mesmo teto - Omkar. Quem tem a misso para auto-realizao avana para o objetivo final da
As soon as you awaken in the morning you can chant Omkar 21 times and while you are going
to sleep you can chant the same.
If you practice the above spiritual meditation regularly in the early morning for 27 days there
will be immense benefits. You will be blessed with good health, well-being, intellect, character,
wealth, social status, spiritual bliss and universal peace. The eight-fold benefits of meditation
can be attained. Let us discuss these one by one.
Then only we can feel the brightness of our life. Secondly, many evil vibrations created by others
contaminate our thoughts. We are unable to realize the real light of our life due to this
disturbance. Thirdly, we meet with many miseries in our life as the out come of our selfish deeds.
This can be achieved only through the cleansing of the Manipuragha Chakra, which is explained
in the following paragraphs.
There are Nine stages of existence: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Sky, Conscious mind, Sub-Conscious
mind, Superconscious mind and the Supreme Being of Universal existence. These stages are
there in the human (body) as (energy) centres.
Kundalini means energy in the form of a coiled snake in three and a half turns. Kunda means
coiled. Kundalini is also called or known as Bhujangini Serpent power.
The three coils represent the three-root characters: Sattva Truth, purity and equilibrium the
non-moving nature of the Universe. Rajas The Kinetic power of the universe - the moving
nature of the Universe, and Tamas The power of Inertia, the lower of the three gunas, the
constituents of Prakrithi, or material nature- the neutral nature of the Universe. Half a turn
represents the beginning status of vikritis the modification of Prakrithi or material nature
(Pineal gland)
This is at the centre of the head. The sub-conscious mind is the guiding principle for our life. It is
the great knowledge, which knows all past, present and future. It helps us to take the right
decision at the right time.
This is above the sub-conscious mind centre; it is the stage for super conscious mind.
It is the stage where the hands reach to join above the head. We will feel and receive the
boundless love of the abundance, and be bestowed with love, wisdom and strength. The
realization of spiritual mind power is a simple ecstatic experience.
2. Close both the nostrils and retain the air for 30 seconds.
the nostrils.
6. Open the left nostril and breathe out.
8. Close both the nostrils and retain the air for 30 seconds.
A cycle of the above nine steps is considered as one unit. You should repeat this cycle three