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The document discusses the design and use of MV current-limiting fuses. It provides technical details on their characteristics and specifications.

The 'Cahiers Techniques' collection is intended to provide in-depth technical information for engineers and technicians to complement product catalogues. The documents also help with training.

The authors are Olivier Bouilliez and Juan Carlos Perez Quesada. Olivier Bouilliez has a background in engineering and worked on fuse development. Juan Carlos Perez Quesada has a background in industrial engineering and works in fuse research and development.

Technical collection

no. 128
Design and use of MV
current-limiting fuses
O. Bouilliez
J.C. Perez Quesada
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no. 128
Design and use of MV
current-limiting fuses


Having graduated from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 1976 with a

degree in engineering, Olivier joined Merlin Gerin in 1977.
He has held several management positions in the engineering
department of the Switchgear Division, most notably as a research
engineer before moving on to become Group Manager and finally
head of New Product Development. His career has taken him from
participating in to managing the development of Fusarc, Merlin
Gerin's range of medium voltage fuses.
He is currently working as Marketing Director in Schneider Electrics
Building and Infrastructures Division (France). Prior to this
appointment, he was in charge of vacuum switching technology, then
Strategic Business Director for Medium Voltage and head of the
Equipment Division.


Having graduated from the Ecole Universitaire dIngnierie Technique

Industrielle in 1993, Juan Carlos joined the Research and
Development Division of MESA (Manufacturas Elctricas, S.A.), the
Spanish subsidiary of Schneider Electric, in 1994.
He has been involved in several product development and research
projects in the area of medium voltage fuses and is now R&D
Technical Manager for this department of Schneider Electric.

ECT128e updated January 2003


I1 Maximum breaking capacity

I2 Current providing the maximum arc energy
I3 Minimum breaking current
IN Rated current
Ip Limited cut-off current
Irms rms value of prospective current
Uline Line voltage
UN Operating voltage between phases
Up Breaking voltage

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.2

Design and use of MV current-limiting

MV current-limiting fuses are primarily used to protect transformers, motors

and other loads.
There is no need to list all the advantages which make this device so
successful. Its low cost and its limiting characteristics, which significantly
reduce current amplitude and the energy released in the event of a short-
circuit, are among its most lauded features. There is currently no other
device on the market to rival or even come close to the performance of the
fuse in medium voltage (3.6 to 36 kV) applications.
However, this device does have limits which should not be exceeded. The
reluctance of some users to use fuses is often due to previous bad
experiences caused by a failure to follow certain basic rules of construction
or use resulting in faults during operation. It is then only after carefully
considering the design requirements of a fuse link that users become
aware of any rules of use, which, if observed, will ensure the fuses
optimum faultless operation.

Table of contents
1 Basic characteristics 1.1 Reminder p. 4
1.2 UN rated voltage p. 4
1.3 IN rated current p. 5
1.4 I3 minimum breaking current p. 5
1.5 I2 current providing the conditions affecting maximum
arc energy p. 5
1.6 I1 or maximum breaking capacity p. 6
1.7 Time/current characteristic p. 6
1.8 Limited cut-off current p. 7
1.9 Energy dissipated p. 8
1.10 Power dissipated p. 8
2 The elements of a fuse link 2.1 End caps p. 9
2.2 The tubular case p. 10
2.3 Core p. 11
2.4 Fuse element p. 11
2.5 Extinguishing agent p. 13
2.6 Striker p. 13
3 Application 3.1 General p. 14
3.2 Protecting transformers p. 14
3.3 Motor protection p. 16
3.4 Protecting capacitor banks p. 18
3.5 Summary p. 21
4 Appendices 4.1 Appendix 1: Cold resistance of FusarcCF fuses p. 23
4.2 Appendix 2: Time/current characteristics in the FusarcCF
range of fuses (Merlin Gerin) p. 24
4.3 Appendix 3: Using fuses in parallel p. 26

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.3

1 Basic characteristics

1.1 Reminder
Standard IEC 60282-1 defines three current- less than approximately four times the rated
limiting fuse categories based on the type of current of the fuse).
application in which the fuse is to be used:
Integral cut-out fuse
Associated fuse Recommended in particular for applications in
For applications in which the improbability of low which overcurrents may be as low as the
fault current values can be proven, either by minimum fusing current and when the fuse must
means of calculation or on the basis of past be derated in order to be used in a case.
experience. However, it must be ensured that
the minimum rated breaking current of the fuse This Cahier Technique is concerned primarily
link is less than the minimum short-circuit current with associated fuses, but also discusses
that may appear upstream of the low-voltage concepts that are applicable to all fuse
safety device. categories.
The basic definitions below can form the basis of
General purpose fuse a fuse dictionary that will facilitate discussions on
If experience or calculation indicates that there the subject between fuse manufacturers,
may be very low overcurrents on the line (i.e. installation designers and users.

1.2 UN rated voltage

This is the maximum operating voltage between (but nobody else) to ensure the fault-free
phases (expressed in kV) of the line on which operation of the fuse.
the fuse is to be installed. For example, on a system with a Uline of 10 kV, a
fuse with a voltage rating of UN = 12 kV should
Standardization bodies have defined a list of
be selected.
preferred values for rated currents. Standardized
tests ensure the correct operation of a fuse with If a fuse from the Fusarc-CF range is used, it is
entirely possible, perhaps determined by
a rated voltage UN on a line voltage Uline if the
reasons relating to standardization, to install a
value of UN, selected from this list (see fig. 1 ), is
fuse with a voltage rating of UN = 17.5 kV or
greater than Uline.
even 24 kV.

Single-phase operation
Most fuses are designed for use on a three-
UN = 3.6 - 7.2 - 12 - 17.5 - 24 - 36 phase system. In this case, the recovery voltage
applied to them following a short-circuit is equal
Fig. 1: list of preferential values (kV) defined by Uline
standardization bodies. x 1.5
The coefficient 1.5 is due to the phase-shifting of
For reasons relating to breaking, it is not the current zero points. In a three-phase system,
possible to use a fuse with a voltage rating UN this causes the neutral point to slip when the first
on a line where Uline is greater than UN. fuse blows.
Inevitably, the reverse is sometimes possible up In single-phase operation (see fig. 2 ), a fuse
to values of UN greater than that of the line. This with a rated voltage of UN is therefore tested at:
is possible thanks to certain special design
features that limit the level of the breaking UN x = 0.87 UN
overvoltage Up and enable the manufacturer 3

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.4

In single-phase operation with a line voltage
Uline, a fuse with the following rating should be
UN u


Fig. 2: voltage at the fuse assembly terminals in the event

of a three-phase fault on an isolated neutral system.

1.3 IN rated current

The rated current, selected from a list of It should also be noted that this purely thermal
preferred values, is the current which, when it consideration changes as soon as the way in
flows through the fuse link installed on a given which the fuse link is installed changes. This
fuse base, causes temperature rises that do not affects fuses installed in cases and, to a lesser
exceed standardized values (these vary according extent, fuse links installed on a fuse base other
to the type of material, approximately 65 K for than the one used for the test.
contacts). The fuse assembly must also be able A corrective coefficient appropriate for the type
to tolerate this current permanently without of installation and the fuse link must be assigned
sustaining any damage. In most cases, this to the rated current as soon as the ambient
second condition is less restrictive than the first. temperature exceeds 40 C.

1.4 I3 minimum breaking current

Current I3 is a limit value that must not be break the current: the arc remains present until
exceeded in order to ensure that a fuse will trip the current is broken by means of external
an electrical circuit. intervention. Therefore, under no circumstances
should a fuse assembly be used in the zone
Contrary to popular opinion, in the event of an
between IN and I3. The values of I3 are
MV short-circuit, the simple action of a fuse
generally between 2 and 6 IN.
blowing will not cut off the current. For values of
current less than I3, the fuse blows, but cannot

1.5 I2 current providing the conditions affecting maximum arc energy

This value of current, which is determined on the Depending on the design of the fuse elements,
basis of the fusing characteristics of the fuse, the value of I2 will be between 50 and 100 IN
results in a pre-arc time of approximately 5 ms. It (approximately).
enables testers and manufacturers to ensure
that the current will be broken within the current
range I3 to I1.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.5

1.6 I1 or maximum breaking capacity
c This is the maximum prospective fault current
that the fuse is capable of breaking. This value is U
the maximum value at which the fuse link has L
been tested. I
It is therefore essential to ensure that the line G
short-circuit current is at least equal to current I1
of the selected fuse. The value of current I1 is
very high: between 20 kA and 50 kA and in some
cases even higher.
c In the event of a short-circuit current, the fuse
link will blow within several milliseconds. A peak
arc voltage will appear immediately which,
opposing the generator voltage and greater than
it, will reduce the current value. The fuse acts
like a variable resistance, which, having been u
almost equal to zero before the fuse blew, will
increase until it reaches the current zero point,
simultaneously modifying the value of the current
and that of the lag between this value and the Up
generator voltage (see fig. 3 ).
Two notions ensue from this process:
v The maximum arc voltage Up or voltage
breaking capacity, which must be minimized. Ip
v The current Ip, which is the instantaneous
value of the short-circuit current that actually Fig. 3: diagrams showing disconnection at I1.
flows through the fuse assembly.
The value of Ip, which is referred to as the
limited cut-off current, is often less than that of MV fuse design expertise is indicated by the
I1, which is referred to as the prospective current ability of fuses to support both a low Ip (limiting
as it is never evident downstream of the fuse. stresses downstream of fuses) and a low Up
Up and Ip are two linked parameters, as a low Ip (guaranteeing operation at a low Uline voltage
can be obtained easily with a high Up. before UN).

1.7 Time/current characteristic

For each type of fuse link, there is a fusing or
pre-arc duration that corresponds to an rms t (s)
current value.
The duration of the pre-arc for each current
value can be determined by plotting a curve on a
standardized logarithmic scale (see fig. 4 ). 100
This curve relates only to the pre-arc. Add the
arc time (typically 5 to 50 ms) to obtain the total 10
operating time. Mention can also be made at this
point to the pre-arc durations for values of
current less than I3. In this case, the curve is 1
plotted as a dotted line. It is also possible to
determine the value of I3 (solid line limit) on this
This curve, which extends until it reaches a pre-
arc duration of 600 s, is given with a tolerance of 0.01
10 % with respect to the current. 102 103 104 I (A)
Conventionally, this curve represents a virtual Fig. 4: pre-arc duration as a function of the rms current
pre-arc duration, which is the result of dividing value.
the value of the integral of the energy by the

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.6

square of the rms value of the prospective
current Irms.
I t1 2
I dt
S =
t0 i (t) dt
tv = 2 = tv Irms prospective2
I rms prospective
This duration is close to the duration of the pre- i2 (t)
arc that would be obtained with a direct current Irms prospective2
with a value of lrms (see fig. 5 ). Prospective
Ip current
Caution should be exercised when applying i (t)
these charts for an alternating current. In a zone
between 0 and 0.1 s, for a given current, the pre-
arc durations may vary by a ratio of 1 to 3
depending on the frequency, the power factor of t0 t1
the circuit and the instant at which the short-
Fig. 5: chart indicating the virtual duration of the pre-
circuit occurred.
By way of example, figure 6 illustrates the
actual (a) and virtual (b) pre-arc durations of a
Fusarc-CF 25 A on a circuit with power factor = t (ms)
0.1 for various angles of the initiation of a short-
circuit of 500 A. 10


0 1 2 3
= make angle

Fig. 6: actual (a) and virtual (b) pre-arc durations on a

Fusarc-CF 25 A (Merlin Gerin).

1.8 Limited cut-off current

This current, which is an essential additional to be determined as a function of the prospective
parameter for the time/current characteristic, current for current values in the region of I1 where
enables the value of the limited cut-off current Ip the short-circuit current is limited (see fig. 7 ).

40 250 A
30 B 200 A
Prospective wave 160 A
I 20
(Irms = A) 15 125 A
100 A
B 10
Limited wave 8
Cut-off current 6
(peak value) 4
2 A
t 1 2 4 6 10 20 40 60 Isc
Fig. 7: value Ip of the limited cut-off current as a function of the prospective current.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.7

1.9 Energy dissipated
In the event of a short-circuit, the amplitude of the dissipated in the downstream circuit to be
limited current will depend on the construction determined as well as the calculation of its
characteristics of the short-circuit and the value of magnitude.
the integral of I2 dt will enable the energy

1.10 Power dissipated

A fuse link will dissipate a certain amount of By way of example, the power dissipated by
power when carrying its rated current. Fusarc-CF fuses in standardized conditions (fuse
This data is often useful for dimensioning cases link installed vertically upright) is in the region of
designed to house switchgear. Unfortunately, it is 1.7 x R x IN2 where:
very dependent on the case itself, as well as on R = cold resistance (see appendix 1).
how the case is ventilated. In effect, the power 1.7 = associated cooling coefficient. This can
dissipated by the fuse is determined by the rise to 2 or 3 and sometimes higher for a fuse
resistance of the fuse links, which is in turn installed in a sealed case.
determined by their temperature, which depends
on the cooling conditions in the case.
As well as its rated current IN, the power
dissipated by a fuse assembly is given for a
specific thermal configuration.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.8

2 The elements of a fuse link

Based on the example of a Fusarc-CF, an these elements are subject enables us to identify
examination of the various composite elements the possible choices available to the
(see fig. 8 ) and the types of stress to which manufacturer.

1. contacts 2
2. case 3
3. core
4. fuse elements 4
5. extinguishing agent
6. striker 5

6 5 4

3 2 1

Fig. 8: sectional view of a fuse link.

2.1 End caps

End caps perform two functions: Contact
c they act as blanking plates, The end caps also ensure that the current - be it
c they provide the electrical contact with the the rated current in continuous operation or the
base. fault current - can flow between the fuse link and
its fuse base.
Blanking plate
When connected to the case, the end caps form Traditionally, in the manufacture of electrical
an assembly housing the fuse elements of the products, the surface coatings applied to current-
fuse assembly before, during and after the carrying components such as caps have been
break. selected with a view to minimizing contact
resistances, which are the primary source of
This provides mechanical protection for the case,
the caps and the seal between them as well as overheating.
ensuring ingress protection: This explains the widespread use of tin and
c mechanical protection in the event of breaks at silver. Nickel is also used although it has been
I1 and I2, where the significant amount of abandoned by many manufacturers due to its
energy developed by the arc creates contact resistance.
overpressures that may run into tens of bars, The fuse assembly is a specific exception in this
c ingress protection, given the importance of the field. In effect, overheating is generated not by
purity of the sand and the absence of humidity. the contact but by the fuse element itself.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.9

The family of curves in figure 9 illustrates the
contribution of the two contact resistances to the
total resistance. It is clear that, for low ratings,
the contribution of these resistances is extremely 2r
small. This contribution may double or even R + 2r
increase tenfold without affecting the thermal k(%) r R r
characteristics of the assembly. 3
UN = 12 kV 17.5 kV
In this case, it would seem sensible to coat the
caps with nickel in order to benefit from the
remarkable characteristics of this metal (anti- 2 24 kV
corrosion chemical stability) without being
subject to electrical interference.
For higher ratings such as those that have to be 1
used on more complex installations that are 36 kV
better protected against external influences,
silver coating remains an excellent compromise.
IN (A)

Fig. 9: contact resistances.

2.2 The tubular case

In addition to the pressure and ingress protection c shocks to which its case may be exposed
restrictions already mentioned, the tubular case during transport and handling.
must be able to withstand three specific types of
Currently, two types of case are used by
stress: thermal, dielectric and mechanical.
manufacturers: porcelain cases and, more
Thermal stress recently, glass-fiber-reinforced cases.
In addition to the stress in continuous operation c Porcelain offers excellent thermal and
at IN, the case must be able to withstand very dielectric resistance. This explains why it was the
initial choice of all manufacturers. Problems
rapid temperature rises in the event of a break at
linked with the sensitivity of the material to shock
I2 and very slow temperature rises in the event
and its fragmentation in the event of prolonged
of a blow at I3.
I3 fusing durations have forced some
Dielectric stress manufacturers to consider other materials.
Once the fuse has blown, the case must be able c Glass-fiber-reinforced resin is another example
to withstand the recovery voltage. This stress, of a compromise dictated by various types of
which is less severe due to the dimensions of the stress. Thanks to its elastic properties, its
fuses and the lapse of time (a maximum of resistance to shock as well as to pressure waves
several hours in all but the most extreme cases) is remarkable. Its thermal characteristics, which
during which the voltage is applied, can be differ from those of porcelain, can also be
tolerated easily by all materials used. exploited and optimized. Its dielectric strength is
more than sufficient,
This time lapse, which is generally very short v at IN, its relative lack of depth and its thermal
and lasts only some tens of milliseconds when conductivity enable the fuse to be cooled more
the opening of a breaking device is initiated by effectively, thereby ensuring that the fuse
the fuse striker, exceeds several hours only in elements can operate at a relatively low
certain configurations. An example of such a temperature, which in turn ensures long service
case would be a fuse that is installed on a public life,
supply system but is not connected to a breaking
v above IN, subjecting the fuse assembly to
device, meaning that external intervention is excessive stress will cause its body to darken
required to interrupt the power supply to the two due to the superficial oxidation of the resin
phases remaining in service. caused by contact with air.
Mechanical stress This phenomenon, which has no effect at all on
A fuse link must offer mechanical resistance to: the mechanical or electrical characteristics of the
body, is to be viewed as a positive feature. In
c sudden internal pressure caused by gases effect, it indicates potential faults in the
released in the event of a break at I2, installation (transformer overloaded or incorrectly
c slow pressure rise caused when the sand adapted fuse assembly rating), in some cases
expands in the event of a break at I3, enabling serious consequences to be avoided.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.10

The criticism most frequently leveled at this type performance both when exposed to heated
of case is its flammability. Although this was a elements at temperatures of up to 960 C and
relatively fair criticism of early versions of this during flame tests (IEC 60695 and ASTM
material, tests have since proved its excellent D 635-68).

2.3 Core
Serving as a spindle around which the fuse
element is coiled, the core simply supports the
fuse. Some types of fuse do not have a core.
Made of ceramic or similar material, the nature of
the core must be as similar as possible to the
extinguishing agent. It is usually cylindrical in
shape and ribbed (see fig. 10 ).
Often installed at its center, the striker, with its
control wire, is also isolated from the fuse

Fig. 10: typical sectional view of a core.

2.4 Fuse element

The fuse element is the heart of the fuse In fact, they are currently only used in very
assembly. poor quality products (none of which are able
Fuse elements can comprise wires or notched to meet the requirements of international
strips installed in parallel or even a single standards).
wide notched strip. c To resolve the overvoltage problem, it has
c Wires, which were used originally, have two been necessary to divide fuse elements into
drawbacks: sections, thereby causing them to blow
v they cause extremely high Up breaking gradually. In technical terms, this is achieved by
overvoltages, punching notches into a smooth strip.
v their minimum breaking currents (I3) are Two I(t) characteristics shown in figure 11
very high. illustrate the effect of the position and depth of

t (s) t (s)
P = 10
100 100

P = 20
10 10
1 1 e = 0.9
e = 0.7
0.1 0,1

e = 0.5
0.01 0.01
102 103 4
10 I (A) 102
103 104 I (A)
Effect of p (e = 0.7) Effect of e (p = 10)

e p

Fig. 11: effects of notching on a fuse element.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.11

the notching. This characteristic can be
predetermined by making a calculation based on
the characteristics of the strip and the notching. a
Some manufacturers also use wires with
sections at varying intervals (see fig. 12 ). This
solution is now considered equivalent to a b
notched strip owing to the great similarity of the
phenomena governing their operation.
This is also true of wide strips (see fig. 12c ),
which can be compared to several narrow strips
that have been joined together in parallel.

Material Fig. 12: fuse elements with sections of varying sizes.

Silver is the preferred material for these a. wire
elements. b. narrow strip
c. wide strip.
c For a number of reasons relating to physical
chemistry, silver ensures the cleanest break.
c Its low resistance, due to its relative chemical
stability, makes it the ideal material for carrying a
an increased current without the risk of aging
(operating temperature of a strip: 180 to 250 C).
Numerous studies have been undertaken to find
a less expensive alternative to silver. Few of
these have proved suitable for industrial
applications and it is difficult to imagine
foregoing silver entirely.
Notches are of vital importance for the Fig. 13: different types of notching.
characteristics of a fuse. Assuming the section a. regular
and length of the selected strip: b. progressive
c UN will depend on the number of notches and c. mixed.
their depth; the more and deeper the notches,
the higher the value of UN, up to a certain limit; Observing this basic principle will therefore
c for IN, the effect is absolutely inverted as the enable the UN values of fuse assemblies to be
resistance increases; increased (36, even 72 kV) while maintaining a
c at I1 and I2, the depth and spacing of the low I3 value.
notches has various effects: v A central zone with a considerably higher
v Deeper notches will speed up fusing, leading number of notches than the rest of the element
to a more pronounced limitation effect. As a localizes the fusing and the length (i.e. the
consequence, the pressure the case will have to voltage) of the arc increases gradually until the
withstand is reduced. circuit breaks.
If the duration of the arc becomes too long, the
v Decreasing the spacing of the notches, which
increase in the peak arc voltage due to the
enables UN to be increased, will also increase elongation of the arc is compensated by the
the breaking overvoltage Us. However, this decrease in the arc voltage in the middle of the
tends to reduce the duration of the arc. strip (zone where the arc has developed to its
c at I3, different types of notching can be applied full potential) and by the magnification of the arc
(see fig. 13 ): channel. At this point, this disconnection method
v Notches at regular intervals enable all notches reaches its limit.
to be fused simultaneously and speed up the By applying this principle, a very low I3 can be
break. In this case, if a total length L of the achieved easily for UN values of 3.6 and 7.2 kV,
notched strip is sufficient to disconnect a current but this increases significantly once UN exceeds
I3 at a voltage U, a total length 2L of this same 12 kV, and the maximum value of UN in this type
strip will be able to fuse twice as many notches of range never exceeds 24 kV.
simultaneously (doubling the peak arc voltage) v A mixed system by means of which certain
and will enable the same current I3 to be manufacturers have been able to achieve
disconnected on 2U. optimum results.
A range in which only the length of the strip Schneider Electric has retained the notched strip
differentiates fuse links with the same IN and technique, as its cooling characteristics, which
different UN will therefore have an identical I3 are better than those of a wire, enable the value
current for all fuses. of the minimum breaking current I3 to be reduced.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.12

2.5 Extinguishing agent
This is usually sand (quartzite), which, by the diffusion of the fuse metal between the
vitrifying, absorbs the high levels of energy grains of sand, makes the gradual elongation
developed by the arc and combines with the and subsequent extinction of the arc difficult;
silver to form an insulating compound known as c fine granularity facilitates breaks at I1 and I2
"fulgurite". Its purity is essential to ensure but also favors overvoltages;
reliable breaking in all areas, as is the absence
of metallic compounds and humidity. c coarse granularity enables I3 to be reduced.
Modifying the granularity also enables the time/
Furthermore, its initial bulk ensures that the
current characteristic in the zone 10 ms, 500 ms
pressure (and therefore the voltage) of the arc
channel is maintained. to be made more concave.
Its granularity is selected according to the
following data, which has been drawn from
c too fine a granularity (< 20 ) is very
detrimental as its high density, which slows down

2.6 Striker
This is a mechanical component that indicates tripping but must ensure tripping without
that the fuse assembly has blown and is able to interfering with the breaking process.
supply a certain amount of energy stored in a Striker types are classified in several
spring in order to activate a breaking device. standardized categories (low, medium and high)
Fuses with strikers are therefore designed for according to the energy they are capable of
fuse combination units. supplying.
The striker actuator is always a resistive wire Dangerous temperatures (> 100C on the
(tungsten, Ni-Cr, etc.) installed in parallel to the contacts) for a breaking device combined with
fuse elements. At IN, an extremely low current fuses and/or fuses themselves can be invoked
flows through it. However, as soon as an by prolonged overcurrents. To suppress this risk,
overcurrent flows through the fuse assembly, this recent developments have enabled a thermal trip
current increases significantly until it melts the to be incorporated into a traditional (spring-loaded
wire and releases the spring-loaded striker. - medium type) striker system (see fig. 14 ).
Extreme care should be taken when designing This trip also acts on the striker, which invokes
the wires, as they must not cause premature the opening of the device.


Fig. 14: example of a thermal trip unit incorporated into the striker system of all Merlin Gerin brand fuses.
A. striker released
B. striker in normal untripped position
C. spring
D. thermal trip for striker
E. electrical trip for striker
F. main fuse element.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.13

3 Application

This section discusses the regulations motors and capacitors. In these assemblies, the
determining the selection of the rating of the fuse fuse and the connecting device must be
link for a fuse used in good ventilation matched and, in addition to the ventilation
conditions. These rules can be used to draw up conditions, manufacturer recommendations for
usage tables for fuse ranges. the combined or associated unit must be taken
When connected to or combined with a into account when selecting the rating of the
connecting device, the fuse can also be used to fuse link.
protect various loads, in particular transformers,

3.1 General
The regulations to be observed for UN and I1 must also be observed. These are addressed in
were discussed in the first section. These subsequent sub-sections, in which the
characteristics, which are specific to the fuse, regulations are given for fuses with standard
must be greater than or equal to the line voltage ventilation. If the fuses are housed inside cases
Uline and its short-circuit current Isc. These basic with very poor ventilation, in addition to the
considerations determine the characteristics of regulations below, it must also be ensured that
the installation and in some cases exclude the any temperature rises during continuous
use of certain types of fuse. operation do not exceed standardized values. If
However, other regulations associated with the necessary, the fuse links should be derated.
specific characteristics of the protected load

3.2 Protecting transformers

Standard IEC 60787 deals specifically with fuses In order to select the fuse assembly, you must
designed for this type of application. This type of know the rms value of the inrush current and its
load imposes three major restrictions on the fuse duration.
link: The rms value of the transient state current is
c it must be able to withstand the voltage peak calculated using the following equation:
that occurs when the load is switched on without
blowing inappropriately,
2 2 a
c it must be able to withstand the continuous I rms = 0.125 I C (1 e )
operation current and any overloads, t
c it must be able to cut off fault currents at the
transformer output terminals. IC = maximum peak current
a = time constant for current damping in
Energization peak seconds (time at the end of which the current will
When a transformer is powered up, the degree have fallen to 37 % of its initial value).
of instability will depend on the instant at which t = time (in seconds) at the end of which it is
the voltage is applied and the remanent estimated that the current will have reached its
induction of the magnetic circuit. normal operating value
The asymmetry and the current are maximized if Usually, t = 3 a.
the transformer is switched on at a voltage zero The table in figure 16 contains standard values
point and if the remanent induction on the same for IC/IN and a depending on the power rating of
phase is at maximum. the transformers for devices meeting the
Figure 15 illustrates the progress of the steady requirements of standards UTE C 52-100,
state current. C 52-112 and C 52-113.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.14


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.1 t (s)

Fig. 15: maximum inrush or peak current of a 1 000 kVA transformer.

P IC / IN a A rating of this nature is worthwhile in normal

(kVA) (s) temperature conditions as defined by IEC
50 15 0.1 recommendations, i.e. an ambient air
temperature not exceeding + 40 C and a
100 14 0.15
measured average over a period of 24 hours at
160 12 0.20 + 35 C maximum.
400 12 0.25 If the transformer has been designed to operate
630 11 0.30 with permanent overload, this must be taken into
800 10 0.30 account when selecting the rating of the fuse
assembly. The following rule should be applied:
1 000 10 0.35
1.4 Ioverload i rating of fuse assembly.
1 250 9 0.35
1 600 9 0.40 Fault current at the transformer output
2 000 8 0.45
In all cases, it must be ensured that the current
to be broken is greater than or equal to I3, the
Fig. 16: ratio of the maximum peak current to the rated minimum breaking current of the fuse. If a
current of the transformer and values of a. protection relay has not been provided on the
MV side for detecting short-circuits at the output
(LV side) of the transformer being protected, this
A simple technique that has been proven in function must be performed by the fuse.
practice and takes into account these stresses The value of the secondary short-circuit current
while preventing the fuse from aging due to the in relation to the primary current will be:
reappearance of such stresses is to always
Transformer IN / Usc %,
check that the current that causes the fuse to
blow in 0.1 s is always greater than or equal to where Usc % = short-circuit voltage (in %)
12 times the current IN of the transformer. The rule is:
IN / Usc % u I3
Steady state and overload mode The following three rules:
In order to avoid premature aging of the fuse c I fuse (0.1 s) > 12 times the transformer IN,
elements and taking into account in-cell
installation (increased ambient air temperature), c 1.4 Ioverload < fuse assembly rating,
the minimum rating of the fuse must be greater c IN / Usc % > I3,
than or equal to 1.4 times the IN of the can be used to define the range of IN values a
transformer. given fuse is able to protect.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.15

The table in figure 17 clearly shows that there is the rated current can be ignored and the fuse
no direct relationship between the rated current link can be characterized simply by its IA and IB
and the operating current. Many users, to whom threshold values, provided that the user is aware
neither the fuse nor the rated current are known, that the IA limit may be exceeded if a suitable
are unaware of this phenomenon. In practice, protection relay is used.

Rating Imin fuse (A) IN max. IN max. I3 IN min Transformer IN

(A) 0.1 s = Imin(0.1) / 12 = IN fuse / 1.4 = I3 x 5% must be between
IA and IB
4 14.3 1.1 2.8 20 1 1 1.1
6.3 29.9 2.4 4.5 36 1.8 1.8 2.4
10 59.2 4.9 7.1 34 1.7 1.7 4.9
16 84.7 7 11.4 46 2.3 2.3 7
20 103.8 8.6 14.2 55 2.7 2.7 8.6
25 155.5 12.9 17.8 79 3.9 3.9 12.9
31.5 207.5 17.2 22.5 101 5 5 17.2
40 278.5 23.2 28.5 135 6.7 6.7 23.2
50 401.7 33.4 35.7 180 9 9 33.4
50 (36 kV) 385 32 35.7 200 10 10 32
63 499.8 41.6 45 215 10.7 10.7 41.6
63 (36 kV) 489.6 40.8 45 250 12.5 12.5 40.8
80 (7.2-12 kV) 680 56.6 57.1 280 14 14 56.6
80 (17.5-24 kV) 694.6 57.8 57.1 330 16.5 16.5 57.1
100 (7.2-12 kV) 862 71.8 71.4 380 19 19 71.4
100 (17.5-24 kV) 862 71.8 71.4 450 22.5 22.5 71.4
125 1 666.1 138.8 89.2 650 32.5 32.5 89.2
160 2 453.4 204.4 114.2 1 000 50 50 114.8
200 3 256.3 271.3 142.8 1 400 70 70 142.8
250 (3.6 kV) 4 942.4 411.8 178.5 2 000 100 100 178.5
250 (7.2 kV) 4 942.4 411.8 178.5 2 200 110 110 178.5

Fig. 17: table summarizing the possibilities of the Fusarc-CF (Merlin Gerin) range, with a short-circuit voltage of 5 %.

3.3 Motor protection

The fuse can be combined with a contactor to
create a safety device that is particularly
effective for an MV motor. t (s)

The specific types of stress that fuses for

protecting motors must be able to withstand are
imposed by the motor itself or by the specific 100
features of the system on which the motor has
been installed. A specification for this type of use
(IEC 60644) has been developed in addition to 10
the generic standard for MV current-limiting 5
fuses (IEC 602821).
Motor-induced stress
c During startup 0.1
The load characteristic for an MV motor is
illustrated in figure 18. This characteristic shows
that, when a motor is being powered up and
10 40 100 200 103 I (A)
throughout the starting phase, its impedance is
such that it draws a current IS that is clearly Fig. 18: load diagram for an MV motor.
greater than the rated load current IN.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.16

This current, IS, which is known as the starting c Limited cut-off current
current or the locked rotor current, is quantified MV motors usually operate on high-performance
by the ratio IS/IN, which is typically equal to 6 in industrial systems. The short-circuit current is
the case of direct on-line starting. therefore also very high (50 kA for example).
The starting time, tS, which lasts for In addition, the motors are frequently supplied
approximately ten seconds, depends on the type with power by very long cables.
of load being driven by the motor.
Their size is determined not only by the rated
In addition to the permanent rated current of the current but also by the short-circuit current that
motor, which is relatively high, the fuse must be
may flow through them.
able to withstand this current peak repeatedly
Increased limitation (low Ip) is therefore
without blowing inappropriately. The possibility of
advisable and should be given careful
several successive starts must also be taken into
c Overload Configuring the fuse link
A motor is always protected by an interlock Here also, the fuse to be selected is determined
circuit, which, in the event of an excessive on the basis of the time/current characteristic.
overload, will send an opening instruction to the The use of charts enables the most appropriate
relevant breaking device. This means that the fuse link to be selected directly.
fuse is never required to disconnect low currents
and the value of its current (I3) is of little importance. c Using charts
The chart in figure 19, used for the direct
Line-induced stress selection of a Fusarc-CF element, has three
c Rated voltage families of curves.
The maximum rated voltage of MV motors does v Family I shows the rated current of the motor
not usually exceed 11 kV. Therefore, only fuses as a function both of its power in kW
with ratings of UN i 12 kV are affected. (1 CV =0.7 kW) and of its rated voltage.

Is (A)
10 100 1000 10000
100 100
2 x 250 A
2 x 200 A
250 A
Ts (s)

Ts (s)
200 A

10 D 10
50 A
160 A
63 A
125 A
P (kW) 1650 kW 80 A
3 100 A
100 1000 10000
1 2 1000

10 10
11 kV x 12
10 kV x 10

6.6 kV
I II x8
In (A)

In (A)

6 kV x6
5.5 kV
100 x4 100
4.16 kV 167 A
3.3 kV
3 kV

1000 1000
100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000
P (kW) Is (A)

Fig. 19: chart illustrating the time/current characteristics of fuses in the Fusarc-CF (source Merlin-Gerin) range.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.17

The efficiency and the power factor when the v for p consecutive starts, if p u 2: multiply tS by
motor is started up are assumed to be in the p / 2;
region of: v for n non-consecutive starts (where n u 6) and
x cos = 0.86. p consecutive starts (where p u 2): multiply tS by
n / 6 and by p / 2.
Once the exact values are known, IN can be
determined by the following formula: If the motor is not started directly on-line, the
rating calculated using the charts may be less
P (kW)
IN = than the full load current of the motor. If this is
UN (kV ) x 3 x x cos the case, a rating greater than this current must
v Family II shows the starting current based on be selected.
the rated current and according to the ratio In every case, the fuse link must be taken into
IS / IN . account and derated depending on the
In the absence of other information, use ventilation in the cell (example: use a coefficient
IS / IN = 6. of 1.2 for a link with standard ventilation).
v Family III enables the rating of the fuse link to Using these charts correctly will ensure
be determined directly based on the duration of conformance to aging tests for fuses according
the motor startup phase (tS) and the starting to standard IEC 60644.
current (IS) for 6 starts within one hour or c Without chart
2 consecutive starts. The appropriateness of a fuse for a motor can
In the absence of other information, use tS = 10 s. still be verified even without a chart. To do this,
c Practical example (see fig. 19) simply calculate the starting current and time
A motor with a rating of 1650 kW, 16.6 kV values of the motor. A point (tS, K IS) can be
(point A) has an IN of 167 A (point B). identified by applying a multiplication factor K,
If IS / IN = 6, the value of IS will be 1000 A which will vary between 1.8 and 2 depending on
(point C). the manufacturer. This point, when recorded on
If tS = 10 s, the result (point D) lies between the the time/current characteristic, must be located
curves for ratings 200 A and 250 A. The fuse link to the left of the curve for the fuse link to be
must therefore have a rating of 250 A. selected.
The startup time must be calculated for the Factor K compensates for a number of types of
following three cases: stress, among them multiple starts including
v for n starts within one hour, if n u 6: multiply tS starts with fuses that are still warm from the
by n / 6; previous cycle.

3.4 Protecting capacitor banks

Stress specific to the protection of capacitor Inrush current peak
banks by fuses, which is addressed in IEC c Single capacitor bank
60549, can be divided into two types:
This type of circuit can be illustrated as shown in
c stress during bank energization: the inrush
the diagram in figure 20, in which:
current, which is very high, can cause the fuses
to age or blow, L = generator inductance
c stress during operation: the presence of R1 = fuse resistance (see appendix 1)
harmonics may lead to excessive temperature R2 = resistance of the upstream circuit,
rises. calculated based on UN, Isc and cos .
The types of stress also vary depending on the When starter D closes, the transient current IT of
type of configuration: single bank or multiple step the load C is applied, where R = R1 + R2,
bank. according to the equation:
Temperature rise R
V t 1 R2
If capacitors are used, because of the IT = e 2L x sin t
harmonics, which cause additional temperature R2 LC 4L2
rise, a common rule for all equipment is to derate L
LC 4L2
the rated current by a factor of 30 to 40 %.
This rule applies equally to fuses, which, when
combined with the derating required to take into V is the voltage in A on closing.
account their installation, results in a coefficient The orders of magnitude of L, R and C mean
of 1.7 to be applied to the capacitive current in
order to determine the appropriate fuse link R2
that the following terms can be ignored:
rating. 4L2

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.18

on the basis of which: If this restriction is not imposed, the higher rating
must be used and IT and T must be recalculated
C t in order to repeat the verification process.
IT = V x e 2L x sin
L L c Practical example for a single capacitor bank
UN = 10 kV
This transient current is superimposed onto the IN bank = 35 A
50 Hz wave, which results in the current wave Isc = 40 kA (cos = 0.1)
form illustrated in figure 21. C = 19.3 x 10-6 F
The current is at maximum value when V By means of the calculation:
reaches the voltage peak, i.e.: L = 0.46 x 10-3 H
R2 = 14.5 x 10-3 .
V = U x The rating calculated on the basis of the thermal
3 criteria is:
As with transformers, the fuse selection can be 35 x 1.7 = 60 A
validated by checking the relationships between This results in the selection of the following
the peak current and the rated current IT / IN as standard rating:
well as the rise time constant. IN fuse = 63 A.
Therefore, if: In appendix 1,
U x C , R1 = 13 x 10-3 for a fuse rated at 63 A/12 kV
UN = or R = 27.5 x 10-3
3 on the basis of which IT = 1670 A and
the IT / IN ratio can be expressed as: T = 33.5 x 10-3 s.
2C 3 1 2 A comparison with the time/current
I T / IN = U x x = characteristics (appendix 2, point A) shows that
a rating of 125 A must be selected.
2L Therefore, R1 = 5 x 10-3 and R = 19.5 x 10-3 ,
and T = on the basis of which IT = 1670 A and
T = 47.2 x 10-3 s.
Experience has shown that it is absolutely vital
When recorded on the curves for point (B), this
that the fuse does not blow for a current IT point confirms that a rating of 125 A is indeed
during time tT. correct.
c Multiple step capacitor bank (diagram in
figure 22 ).
When the bank in position n is switched on,
supposing that the (n-1) other banks have
L already been switched on, the oscillatory load
will be identical. However, in this case, the other



Fig. 20: diagram of a single capacitor bank.

L1 L2 L3 Ln

R1 R2 R3 Rn

C1 C2 C3 Cn

Fig. 21: transient current wave on starting a capacitor

bank. Fig. 22: diagram of a multiple step capacitor bank.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.19

banks connected in parallel will act as additional When the third step closes:
sources of very low internal impedance. This Ci = 19.3 x 10-6 F and Ls = 1 H
internal impedance (inductance Li in fig. 22) Ri = 5 x 10-3 and Rs = 2.5 x 10-3
comprises stray inductances from busbars and
cables (order of magnitude 0.4 H/meter) and On the basis of which:
may also comprise an interference suppressor CE = 12.9 F
choke designed to limit the inrush current. In LE = 3 x 10-6 H
effect, this current not only poses a danger to the RE = 7.5 x 10-3
fuse elements, it also compromises the electrical IT = 16900 A
endurance of the switchgear and may even
compromise the service life of the capacitors
T = 0.8 x 10-3 s.
themselves. The time/current characteristics do not provide
specific data for pre-arc durations of less than a
As the inrush current flowing via L may be
millisecond. A value of I2 x t constant can be
negligible, the inrush current is calculated by
estimated in this zone. If the minimum value of
applying the following formula:
the fuse assembly is assumed to be 125 A
(defined in the previous example), this results in

RE t the following values:
2 C t
I = U x E x e 2LE x sin IN fuse I2 t fusing
3 LE CE x LE
125 A 64 x 103 A2 s
where 160 A 76 x 103 A2 s
Cn Cs n 1 200 A 140 x 103 A2 s
CE = where Cs = Ci The stress applied to the fuse assembly rated at
Cn + Cs i=1
125 A is:
1 0.8 x 10-3 x (16900)2 = 228 x 103 A2 s
LE = Ln + Ls where Ls = n 1 and even 200 A is unsuitable.
This type of bank cannot be protected in this way
i=1 Li
using Fusarc-CF fuses.
1 In some impossible cases, there is a solution
RE = R + Rs where Rs = n 1 that consists of protecting all three banks with a
single common fuse (see fig. 23 ).
i=1 Ri
With this type of diagram, two cases should be
Although appearing to be similar to the considered:
calculation for the single bank, this calculation is v the three banks cannot be powered up
in fact slightly more complicated. simultaneously.
You must: In this case, each time a bank is powered up, the
v select a fuse link according to the thermal fuse interprets this as the activation of a single

2 C
v calculate IT = U x E
3 LE

v calculate T = 2 x
v record the point (IT, T) on the time/current R
v if necessary, select a different rating, calculate
a new RE value and start the verification process
If the steps are identical, a single calculation will
suffice. However, if they are not, you must
investigate several scenarios according to the L1 L2 L3
operating mode of the bank.
c Practical example for a multiple step capacitor
3 banks: C1 C2 C3
UN = 10 kV
IN bank = 35 A
Fig. 23: diagram of a bank with three capacitor steps
Isc = 40 kA (cos = 0.1) protected by a single fuse.
Cables = 5 rn or Li = 2 H

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.20

bank. A fuse with a rating of 125 A can withstand IT = 2 900 A
the inrush current (see the example above). Assuming a fuse with a rating of 200 A,
The main type of stress is thermal stress, which (R1 = 2.5 x 10-3 ) where R2 = 14.5 x 10-3
imposes a rated current of (see above) T = 54 x 10-3 s
3 x 35 x 1.7 = 179 A or IN fuse = 200 A.
Point C, appendix 2, shows that 200 A is suitable
v all three banks can be powered up
in the majority of cases.
The system becomes equivalent to a single bank Paradoxically, in this case, it is possible to
with triple power, i.e.: protect all three banks globally using one fuse
L = 0.46 x 10-3 H despite the fact that protecting each individually
C = 57.9 x 10-6 F is impossible.

3.5 Summary
The table in figure 24 contains a summary of the This diagram clearly shows the contradictory
requirements of the different types of fuse requirements of each type of load protected. It
according to the type of load. also clearly illustrates the relative insignificance
These specifications can be used to plot the of the IN value of a fuse when it is taken alone as
ideal time/current characteristic for a fuse a selection criterion (as is unfortunately too often
according to its use (see fig. 25 ). the case).

Type of load Transformer Motor Capacitors

Single bank Multiple step banks
Order of magnitude 4 to 100 A 100 to 250 A 100 to 250 A
of fuse rating
Selection rules IA < IN transf.< IB Fixed by Ip and tD IN bank x 1.7 < IN fuse
IN motor x 1.2 Insc fixed by , t
Ip No specification Low High
1 ms
I fusing 0.1 s High No specification High ( 0.1 s) No specification
I fusing 10 s Low for close-up High Low for close-up protection
I3 No specification
UN 0 to 36 kV 0 to 12 kV 0 to 36 kV

Fig. 24: types of fuse according to the loads to be protected.

t (s) t (s) t (s)

a b c

100 100 IN 100

I3 low 100 to 250 A
high-speed fusing I3 low
10 10 I 10 s 10 high-speed fusing

1 IN 0 to 100 A 1 1

0.1 I 0.1 s 0,1 0.1

= 1 ms/0.1 s peak
IP low
0.01 0.01 0.01
102 103 104 I (A) 102 103 104 I (A) 102 103 104 I (A)

Fig. 25: ideal time/current characteristics for protecting:

a/ a transformer,
b/ a motor,
c/ a capacitor.

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.21

c For transformers geometry and fuse characteristics have to be
It is likely that developments in standards taken into account. It is very difficult to be sure of
designed to standardize time/current the appropriateness of a selection in technical
characteristics will in the future enable users to terms without knowing the resistance of the fuse.
forego selection rules for transformers and
consider only the rated current of the transformer In conclusion
when making their selections. The use of MV current-limiting fuses
Until then, a step in the right direction would be presupposes extensive product knowledge. This
for every manufacturer to provide the operating is why users must refer to the necessary
limits IA and IB for the fuse links they produce. information provided by manufacturers such as
Schneider Electric.
c For motors
Unfortunately, this is an entirely different case, Equally, when designing a range of fuses,
as the rating of the load is not the only manufacturers must consider the types of stress
characteristic required in order to select an to which each different fuse link will be subject.
appropriate fuse link. This is an exercise that was undertaken for
Although standards set out criteria to be example when the different products in the
observed and require precise indications from Fusarc-CF range were being developed: ratings
manufacturers (K factor, time/current were assigned to groups according to the types
characteristic), users still have to select fuses of stress illustrated in figure 25. Fuses up to
themselves on the basis of the motor to be 125 A are "transformer" or "capacitor" type fuses
protected, with the assistance of aids (charts, and fuses with higher ratings are more suitable
tables) provided by fuse manufacturers. for protecting motors. Thus, a single range is
able to meet almost all requirements and provide
c For capacitors optimized protection for loads.
It has been shown that it is even more difficult to
select fuses for capacitors as the system

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.22

4 Appendices

4.1 Appendix 1: Cold resistance of FusarcCF fuses

Rating 3.6 kV 7.2 kV 12 kV 17.5 kV 24 kV 36 kV

4A 762 1 143 1 436 1 436 2 109
6.3 A 205 319 402 485 750
10 A 102 158 203 248 380
16 A 68.5 106 132 158 252
20 A 53.5 82 103 123 197
25 A 36.4 56 71 85 133
31.5 A 26 40 51 61 103
40 A 18 28 35 42 70
50 A 11.7 17.4 22 31.5 47
63 A 8.4 13.8 19.4 23.6 35
80 A 6.4 10 13.5 18
100 A 5.5 8 11 13.5
125 A 3.4 5.3
160 A 2.2 3.5
200 A 1.8 2.7
250 A 0.6 0.9

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.23

4.2 Appendix 2: Time/current characteristics in the FusarcCF range of fuses (Merlin Gerin)

t (s)
10 000

31.5 A

6363A A

100 A
125 A

160 A
200 A

250 A
1 000
6.3 A

10 A
16 A
20 A
25 A

40 A
50 A
80 A





6 C
5 B

10 2 3 4 5 6 8 102 2 3 4 5 6 8 103 2 3 4 5 6 8 104 I (A)

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.24

t (s)


50 A
63 A
80 A





10 2 3 4 5 6 8 102 2 3 4 5 6 8 103 2 3 4 5 6 8 104 I (A)

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.25

4.3 Appendix 3: Using fuses in parallel
c The problem assembly comprising two parallel links rated at
In some extreme cases, two or three fuse links 200 A will have an IN of: 2 x 200 x 0.8 = 320 A.
have to be installed in parallel. v I1: although in theory installing n links in
It is therefore essential to ensure as ideal a parallel should enable the I1 of the assembly to
symmetry as possible in order to prevent be multiplied by n (each element only being
secondary effects compromising the equal traversed by IN / n), in reality, this type of
distribution of the current between the two links. calculation is extremely dangerous as the
slightest fault on one link will jeopardize the
If possible, in order to avoid disparities between operation of the assembly.
links, it is advisable to install a source of Therefore, for safety reasons, the I1 of the
impedance (a cable for example) between each component links of the assembly must be
link, with a rated value that is greater than that of maintained.
the fuse assembly.
v I3: for fusing durations corresponding to I3, it
Another technique is to use two current is virtually impossible for all links to fuse
transformers (precision is relatively unimportant simultaneously. Each link will fuse in turn.
as they are not used for the purposes of This seems to suggest that the I3 of the
measurement) whose outputs should be assembly is that of the individual links. In this
connected in series according to the diagram in case, do not forget that the pre-arc durations are
figure 26. much longer than those of the individual links.
Current balancing is also ensured at IN. The thermal conditions at the start of the arc are
However, it cannot be ensured at higher current clearly different. Tests must be carried out in
values due to transformer saturation. order to ensure that the break will continue to be
In all cases, this type of installation is only effective.
possible with fuse links of equal ratings and is c In practice
subject to manufacturer approval.
In summary, the I3 of an assembly comprising n
c Electrical characteristics of an assembly elements installed in parallel with an individual
comprising n identical fuse links installed in link I3 of I30, may have the value I30.
parallel. In the absence of tests or manufacturer
v UN: the rated voltage UN of the assembly is the specifications, assume a value of n I30.
voltage of each of the component links. v Time/current characteristics: If a link blows in
v IN: in theory, the rated current IN of the 1 second for a current I, n links will blow in
assembly is the rated current of the component 1 second for current n I. The time/current
links multiplied by n. In practice, taking account characteristic for the assembly will therefore be
of the proximity of the links and imperfections in parallel to that for the basic links, offset by a
current distribution, the rated current of the multiplication factor on the current scale.
assembly is derated by 20 %. For example, an The tolerance in relation to I of the characteristic
I(t) of a fuse is 10 %. In the case of parallel
installation, any lack of symmetry is likely to
reduce the duration of the pre-arc in relation to
the theoretical curve.
In effect, none of the links are traversed exactly
IN / 2 IN / 2 by I/n, but the one that is traversed by I / n +
will blow more quickly. This will then cause the
K x IN / 2 other fuse links to blow very soon afterwards.
It is therefore advisable to apply a tolerance
K x IN / 2 factor (+ 10 %, - 20 %) to the time/current
characteristic of this type of assembly.
v Limited cut-off current amplitude
(see fig. 27 ).
The fact that Isc / n will flow through each link
must be taken into account.
Therefore, if one link has a limit of Ipo, the
assembly will have a limit of n Ipo.
c Example
IN Take 2 links rated at 200 A, with a short-circuit
current Isc of 50 kA
Fig. 26: balancing using current transformers. Ipo = I breaking if Isc = 25 kA or 22 kA peak
(point A).

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.26

Ipeak (kA) Ia = 1.8 Ik r Is = Ik r

6 2x250A
5 B 2x200A
4 250A

3 200A
A 160A
22 125A



6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 Isc kA rms
1 10

Fig. 27: current limitation curves according to rating (Fusarc-CF, Merlin Gerin brand).

The assembly is therefore limited to Please also note:

2 x 22 = 44 kA (point B). v do not forget to derate IN by 20 %.
c Use v do not use the assembly excessively at its
The usage regulations are the same as those for upper limits, particularly if the symmetry is not
the individual fuse assemblies, based on the perfect (observe the tolerance limit - 20 % in
time/current characteristics. relation to the time/current characteristics).

Cahier Technique Schneider Electric no. 128 / p.27

2003 Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric Direction Scientifique et Technique, DTP: HeadLines - Meylan

Service Communication Technique Edition: Schneider Electric
F-38050 Grenoble cedex 9 Printing:
Tlcopie : 33 (0)4 76 57 98 60 - 20 -


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