Physical Fitness Certificate

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(To be issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner)

1. Name ..............................................................................................
2. Parent/ Guardians Name......................................................................
3. Age ...............................Years .................................... Months
4. Sex............................
5. Identification Mark on the Body, if any .......................................................................
(This can be a mole, scar or birthmark)
6. Major illness/ surgery, if any .............................................................
(Specify nature of illness/ surgery)

(The following are to be filled by the Medical Officer conducting the medical examination)

1. Height 2. Weight ............. kg

3. Past History 4. Chest
a) Mental Disease ..................... a) Inspiration
b) Epileptic Fit ......... b) Expiration
5. Blood Group ............................. 6. Hearing...................
7. Vision with or without glasses
a) Right Eye.................................. b) Left Eye..................
c) Colour Blindness ........................ d) Uniocular Vision .........
8. Respiratory system ..................... 9. Nervous system .........
10. Heart 11. Abdomen
a) Sounds............................... a) Liver....................
b) Murmur .................. b) Spleen .................
12. a) Hernia ............................
b) Hydrocele ........................
13. Any other defects................................................................................

Certified that................................................................................................
Son/daughter of ..........................................................................................
is in sound physical health to pursue his/her higher studies.

Signature of the Medical Officer Signature of the Candidate

Full Name....................................
Medical/Registration No. and Official Seal ............

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