Virtual Lun Migration
Virtual Lun Migration
Virtual Lun Migration
Virtual LUN technology for disk group provisioned (DP) devices offers two types of data movement:
migration to configured space and migration to unconfigured space.
Virtual LUN VP migration migrates thin devices from one thin storage pool to another. In this way, data can
be moved between storage pools configured on different drive technologies and with different RAID
protection types.
The diagram shows the migration process of an R2 device, which has one remote mirror. When a migration
is initiated, the target device occupies the third mirror position during the course of the migration. The RAID
Virtual Architecture (RVA) will allow a maximum of two RAID groups attached as a mirror at the same time.
However, this is a transitional state to support operations such as migrations and Optimizer swaps. The
array operations associated with the RAID groups will be handled independently for both attached groups.
The attached RAID groups may be in different disk groups containing different capacities and speeds.
The SYMCLI command symmigrate can be used to perform and monitor migrations. When performing a
migration you must designate the source, which is the device the data will be migrated from. The device can
be selected from Unisphere for VMAX GUI or on the command line by device group, an auto provisioning
storage group, or by a device file that contains a single column listing only the desired source devices.
Next, you will need to identify the target, which is the volume the data will be migrated to. The criteria and
syntax for designating the target will vary based on whether the target is unconfigured or configured. A
symcli device group cannot be designated as a target.
When working with configured space you can control which source volumes are migrated to which target
volumes by creating a device file with two columns. The first column containing the source device numbers,
and the second column containing the desired target device numbers.
Migrations are submitted and managed as sessions, so you can use a session name using the name option.
Note that the control host for the migration must be locally connected to the Symmetrix VMAX array on
which the migration is being performed. Note that the source or target volumes can reside on eDisks that
were created on an external array.
The symmigrate command has three control actions and three monitor actions. The control actions
include validate which tests the user input to see if it will run, establish which creates the migration
session and start the synchronization process, and terminate which removes a session by name. The
terminate action can only be performed when all volumes in the session are in the Migrated state.
The monitor actions include query which provides status about a specified session, list which shows all
sessions for a given Symmetrix array or all local Symmetrix arrays, and verify which determines if the
specified session is in a specified state.
V-LUN migration is made possible by the creation and movement of RAID groups. Initially the target RAID
group is added as a secondary mirror. Once the migration completes, the target RAID group is made the
primary mirror.
If migrating to unconfigured space, the target RAID group, i.e. the original source device is deleted.
If migrating to configured space the target device, i.e. the original source device is iVTOCd after the
migration is completed.
V-LUN Migration can be controlled either from the command line using the symmigrate command,
or from the Unisphere for VMAX GUI.
V-LUN Migration can be controlled either from the command line using the symmigrate command, or from
the Unisphere for VMAX GUI.
VLUN migration to a configured space
In the first example we will demonstrate a Virtual LUN Migration which transfers two volumes non-
disruptively from RAID-1 to RAID-6 protection.
The symmigrate validate command checks the Symmetrix for suitable migration candidates.
In our example the validation step identifies devices 1A3 and 1A4 as suitable targets for migration.
The RAID-1 volumes are part of disk group 3 and the RAID-6 volumes are in disk group 1. When the LUN
migration starts the RAID-6 volume temporarily takes up a mirror position while the two volumes are
synchronized. Once the migration is complete the original target device assumes the identity of the source
and the original source assumes the identity of the target. Data on the target LUN, i.e. the original source is
destroyed through IVTOC.
Migration to configured space
symdisk list -dskgrp_summary -sid <xx> ============>Listing the diskgroup of symmetrix array.
The symdisk list dskgrp_summary command lists the disk groups present in the
Symmetrix. A disk group generally contains disks of a certain technology and RPM. Drives of
different technologies (such as FC, SATA or Flash) are placed in different disk groups whereas drives
of similar technologies are placed in the same disk group.
Here disk group 3 contains 15K RPM FC drives, disk group 2 contains 10K RPM FC drives and disk group 1
contains 7200 RPM SATA drives.
The Migration source will be a storage group(sg) called appsg with 2 devices B1 and B2.
symsg show Appsg -sid <xx>=============>lISTING DEVICES OF A STORAGE GROUP
The device in the storage group belong todisk group 3.i.e they reside on 15k RPM FC drives.
symdev list -disk_group 3 devs B1|B2 =========>Listing specific devices from dskgroup
The validate command queries the Symmetrix to find if there are devices that suit the criteria that we asked
for, namely, RAID-6 devices with 6+2 protection. The tgt_config option specifies that the migration should
be undertaken to configured space. If valid targets exist the device pairing should be written out to a file.
This file can later be used as input to the symmigrate command.
Symmigrate validate -nop -outfile devlist -sg appsg -tgt_raid6 -tgt_prot 6+2 -name migdemo1 -tgt_config
-tgt_dsk_grp 1 ========>looking for target devices with raid 6 and 6+2 protection with configured space on a
disk group 1.
Here we take a look at the two devices suggested by the output of the validate command.
The interrogation marks in the SA column in the symdev list output mean the devices are
unmapped. If there had been asterisks it would had meant that the devices were mapped to more
than one front end port.
There happen to be two RAID-6 devices in this Symmetrix that are not mapped to any director as evidenced
by the interrogation marks in the SA column. The devices in the output are connected to backend directors
8A:D0 and 8D:C0. These devices are in disk group 1.
Start migration using the file devlist created during the validation session. Since the file devlist
contains the pairings of the devices, it is clear that we are migrating to configured space. We also no
longer need to specify the target disk group and RAID protection. Below syntax of
symmigrate command.
Symmigrate -sid <xx> establish -file devlist -nop -name migdemo1
Symmigrate list cmd shows info on all migration sessions in a symmetrix.
The Migrated status shows this as a migration to configured space.
The C in the flags column shows this as a migration to configured space.
A listing of the storage group shows that devices B1 and B2 are now RAID-6 protected. They used to be
RAID-1 protected.
The output shows that 1A3 and 1A4 have swapped places with B1 and B2. This includes the RAID protection
and the disk groups. During the migration process devices B1 and B2 continued to stay host accessible.
Lets review the migration process we observed in the previous demonstration. After specifying
configured space and the target protection (or disk type), the establish action instructs the array to
perform the following steps:
1.An available target Symmetrix LUN is determined with a RAID group of the protection and disk
type specified.
2.The RAID group is disassociated from the target Symmetrix LUN and is associated to the
Symmetrix LUN being migrated as the secondary mirror.
3.The secondary mirror is synchronized with the primary mirror.
4.The primary and secondary indicators are swapped between the two mirrors.
5.The secondary mirror, which is now pointing to the original RAID group, is disassociated from the
Symmetrix LUN being migrated and associated as the primary mirror to the target Symmetrix LUN.
6.The target Symmetrix LUN is then iVTOCd to clear the data from it.
This time well perform a migration from the same device group to unconfigured space.
The unconfigured space to which the data is being moved is designated on the command line with
the option tgt_unconfigured. When migrating to unconfigured space we must designate the
desired target configuration and protection on the command line, in this case we are designating
RAID 1 which will be built automatically and placed in the next available mirror position.
Once we issue the command, the migration session is established and the source is synchronized with the
target, while also servicing production I/O from the host. After synchronization completes, the target
assumes the identity of the source. The source is then deallocated and the storage capacity is freed up in
the original disk group. From the hosts point-of-view this operation is completely transparent. Keep in mind
that migrating to unconfigured space is a slightly longer operation as the target configuration is created
before the migration begins.
This time we will use a device file called devs to move devices B1 and B2 back to disk group 3 with RAID-1
protection. We first validate if this will work and execute the migration.
Validate the devs file and start the migrations as below.
symmigrate validate -f devs -tgt_raid1 -tgt_dsk_grp 3 -tgt_unconfig -name Migdemo2 -sid <xx>
symmigrate establish -f devs -tgt_raid1 -tgt_dsk_grp 3 -tgt_unconfig -name Migdemo2 -sid <xx>
The query confirms that the migration is complete. Also, it is a migration to unconfigured space as the
legend U in the second last column indicates.
Symmigrate sid 77 query name migdemo2
The query confirms that the migration is complete. Also, it is a migration to unconfigured space as the
legend U in the second last column indicates.
After specifying un-configured space and the target protection (or disk type), the establish action
instructs the array to perform the following steps:
1.A new RAID group of the specified protection type is created on the specified disk type.
2.The newly created RAID group is associated to the Symmetrix LUN being migrated as the
secondary mirror.
3.The secondary mirror is synchronized to the primary mirror.
4.The primary and secondary indicators are swapped.
5.The secondary mirror, which is now pointing to the original RAID group, is deleted.
VLUN VP Features
Non-disruptive move of thin devices and thin meta devices between storage tiers.
Supported with replication technologies.
SRDF,Timefinder/Snap,Timefinder/Clone,Open replicator
Active replication on symmetix devices being migrated stays intact.
Incremental relationships maintained for migrated devices.
Migration facilated by moving thin device track groups to unallocated space in target pool
Only allocated track groups are relocated
Track groups allocated but not written to are moved but no data is copied
Moved track groups are deallocated in source pool
During migration,new hist generated allocations come from target pool.
Migration complete when all allocated track groups have been moved.
The migration of VP volumes, or thin devices, is achieved by rebinding the device to a new thin pool,
and then relocating all the allocated extents, belonging to the device, to that pool.
As thin pools can be of varying RAID types, VLUN VP allows the migration of data from one
protection scheme to another, or from one drive technology to another, or both. This data
movement is performed without interruption to the host application accessing data on the thin
Virtual LUN VP can be used to migrate Symmetrix thin devices, and thin metadevices, configured as
FBA in open systems environments.
Migrations can be performed between thin pools configured on all drive types including high-performance
Flash drives, Fibre Channel drives, and large capacity SATA drives. This feature can also be a strong
complement to automated tiering, as it enables administrators to override the FAST VP algorithm and
manually re-tier thin volumes based on new or unexpected performance requirements.
Data is migrated to unallocated space in the target thin pool. There must be sufficient unallocated space to
accommodate thin device extents. As they are relocated, they are de-allocated from the source pool,
leaving additional unallocated space in that pool.
Migration Considerations
Compressed tracks can only be migrated as compressed tracks to a pool with compression
Uncompressed tracks can be migrated as uncompressed tracks regardless of whether
compression is enabled on the target pool.
Refer to the module on VP for more detail.
This example was created on Solutions Enabler 7.4 before VP compression was introduced. Thin devices
1A1 and 1A2 are bound to pool P1. Both devices are fully allocated.
Pool DG1R6SATA_Pl is free of Thin devices and all of its space is available for use. The validate action
confirms that the pool can accept the allocated tracks from thin devices F1 and F2.
Traditional systems often have a range of hot and cold data activity where some LUNs are more
active than others. Placing these different workloads on a single tier can lead to active data being
underserviced, limiting performance. Meanwhile, less active data is being over serviced, increasing
storage costs. With FAST, it is possible to tier within the array which enables the use of Enterprise
Flash Drives (EFD) for heavily utilized LUNs and low cost SATA for less frequently used LUNs.
There are three main elements related to the use of FAST DP. These are:
Symmetrix Tier: A shared resource with common technologies
FAST Policy: A policy that manages data placement and movement across
Symmetrix tiers to achieve service levels and for one or more storage groups
Storage Group: A logical grouping of devices for common management
Storage Groups
Storage groups logically group together devices for common management
Used for FAST,FAST VP and Auto-provisioning and manged with the symsg and/or
symaccess commands(symaccess mainly used for autoprovisioning)
Devices may only belong to one storage group managed FAST.
Devices may belong to other storage groups used for Auto-provisioning.
Parent storage groups cannot be managed by FAST.
FAST does not support the following device types.
CKD EAV,CKD EAV phase 3 and CKD concatenated metadevices
Diskless devices
Private devices(SFS,Vault,DRV)
VDEV(can be added to a storage group but will e ignored for FAST
Metadevice members
A storage group is a logical collection of Symmetrix devices that are to be managed together.
Storage group definitions are shared between FAST and Auto-provisioning Groups. However, a
Symmetrix device may only belong to one storage group that is under FAST control.
Storage groups are associated with a FAST policy, thereby defining the maximum percentage of
devices in the storage group that can exist in a particular tier.
Some devices are not supported by FAST as shown. Details can be found in the Array Control Guide.
A Symmetrix VMAX storage array will support up to 8192 storage groups associated with FAST policies.
Storage groups may contain up to 4096 devices.