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ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics

Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

June 2nd - 4th, 2014

Business Model Innovations

Jn Koturiak

1 Introduction
Fast information explosion and its global business application leads to the higher
specialization and fragmentation of the research fields. Many new knowledge,
technologies, materials and innovations are coming to he market in shorter time
cycles and the engineers have to solve more complex products and processes under
the higher time pressure (Fig.1.)

Fig.1 - Time pressure and complexity increase
In the framework of the Research Project Performance of Enterprises, Public Sector
Institutions, Clusters and Regions (Reg. Number : CZ.1.07/2.3.00/ 20.0147) On the
Thomas Bata University were analysed the main theoretical trend and practical issues
in the area of business models and their innovations (Fig.2.)
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

Fig. 2. Research methods

The growing number of publications about business models start between 1998 and
2001, but the first use of this term documented Osterwalder,A., et al (2005) in 1957.
The business model theory and practice develops in parallel with the entrepreneurs
knowledge and organizational structures for creating value by exploiting external
opportunities and internal resources (e.g. Johnson, M.W. et al, 2008, Amit and Zott,
2001; Garnsey et al., 2008; Morris et al., 2005; Osterwalder, A, Pigneur,Y, 2010,
Maurya, A, 2012.
Many definitions of business models have been proposed (Hamel 2000; Rappa 2006;
Weill and Vitale 2001, Chesbrough and Rosenbloom 2000; Osterwalder et al. 2002;
Mahadevan 2000).
Shafer, S. M., et al. 2005 have found 12 relevant definitions in established
publications and 42 different business model components: unique building blocks or
elements. Zott, Ch., Amit, R., Massa,L. (2010) reviewed 1177 papers focused on
business models and identified different definitions and applications areas of business
models. The authors deeply analysed 103 most relevant publications where they
identified the common fundament of the business models:
1. The business model as a new unit of analysis
2. a holistic perspective on how forms do business
3. an emphasis on activities
Chesbrough,H. (2010) explored the barriers to business model innovation, including
conflicts with existing assets and business models, as well as cognition in
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

understanding these barriers. He described leadership of change and processes of
experimentation to overcome these barriers.
Johnson, M. W., Christensen, C., C., Kagermann, H. (2008) defined four element of
the successful business model and advise these steps to determine whether your firm
should alter its business model:
1. Articulate what makes your existing model successful. For example, what customer
problem does it solve? How does it make money for your firm?
2. Watch for signals that your model needs changing, such as tough new competitors
on the horizon.
3. Decide whether reinventing your model is worth the effort. The answers yes only
if the new model changes the industry or market.
Mark Johnson (2010) describes in his book Seizing the White Space (2010) the
application of this concept to fulfill unmet customer jobs in your current market, to
serve entirely new customers in new markets, or to respond to tectonic shifts in
market demand, government policy, and technological capabilities that transform
entire industries.
D.J. Teece (2010) writes, that designing good business models is in part an art. The
chances of good design are greater if entrepreneurs and managers have a deep
understanding of user needs, consider multiple alternatives, analyze the value chain
thoroughly so as to understand just how to deliver what the customer wants in a cost-
effective and timely fashion, adopt a neutrality or relative efficiency perspective to
outsourcing decisions, and are good listeners and fast learners.
Demil, B., Lecocq, X (2014) analysed how business models and their innovations
may disrupt competition and create competitive advantage and presented the rise and
fail of an open business models.
Tab.1 - Summary of the literature review

Source Business Model Business Model Purpose and Basic Ideas

Johnson, M. A business model Main opportunities and needs for business

W., consists of four model change
Christensen, interlocking elements - address needs of large groups who find
C., C., that, taken together, existing solutions too expensive or
Kagermann, create and deliver complicated,
H. (2008) value Customer
Reinventing Value Proposition - capitalize on new technology, or leverage
your business (CVP), Profit formula, existing technologies in new markets,
model. key resources and key - Bring a job-to-be-done focus where it
Harvard processes. doesnt exist.
Review, 86, - Fend off low-end disruptors
pp. 50- 59. - Respond to shifts in competition.
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

Chesbrough,H. Business model A business model fulfils the following
(2010): enables companies functions:1
Business commercialize new - Articulates the value proposition
Model ideas and technologies
Innovation: - Identifies a market segment and specify
Opportunities the revenue generation mechanism
and Barriers. - Defines the structure of the value chain
Long Range required to create and distribute the
Planning 43, offering and complementary assets needed
pp. 354 363. to support position in the chain;
- Details the revenue mechanism(s) by
which the firm will be paid for the
- Estimates the cost structure and profit
- Describes the position of the firm within
the value network linking suppliers and
- Formulates the competitive strategy by
which the innovating firm will gain and
hold advantage over rivals.

Scott-Kemmis, A business model is A business model defines the who, what

D.: how a firm creates and how of the business architecture:
Responding to value for customers, - Who are the targeted customers?
change and partners and itself. It
pursuing is the firms answer to - What is the value proposition offered to
growth: the questions: what to the target customers?
exploring the produce, for whom - How is the offering generated and
potential of and how to make provided and how does the firm capture
business money doing so. value from the business?
innovation in Opportunities for business model
Australia. innovation emerge from changing
Australian consumer preferences, new regulations,
Business new technologies and new potential
Foundation, partners. Growing competition, including
2012 from firms with new business models, is
driving the need to become more focused
and more responsive to new trends and to
customer demands.
Business Model Innovation need to
become more focused and more responsive
to new trends and to customer demands.
Complexity and the pace of change
increase the incentive for firms to
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

collaborate. The web helps to lower the
barriers to collaboration.

Shafer, S. M., Business model as a Business models enable an organization

Smith, H. J., representation of a create and capture value and provide a
Linder, J. C. firms underlying core powerful way for executives to analyze
(2005) The logic and strategic and communicate their strategic choices.
power of choices for creating Four problems of business models
business and capturing value 1. Flawed assumptions underlying the core
models. within a value logic. 2. Limitations in the strategic
Business network. choices considered. 3. Misunderstandings
Horizons, 48, about value creation and
pp. 199 207.
value capture.
4. Flawed assumptions about the value

Zott, Ch., The business model Business models have been mainly
Amit, R., despicts the content, employed in three areas:
Massa,L. structure, and 1. e-business and the use of information
(2010): The governance of technology in organizations
Business transactions designed
model: so as to create value 2. Strategic issues, such as value creation,
Theoretical through the competitive advantage, and firm
roots, recent exploitation of performance
developments, business 3. Innovation and technology management.
and future opportunities
research. IESE

Teece, D. J. A business model - Business models as competitive

(2010): articulates the logic advantage
Business and provides data and - Business models as strategy deployment
Models, other evidence that
Business demonstrates how a - Capturing value from technological
Strategy and business creates and innovation
Innovation. delivers value to - Business models as innovation
Long Range customers.
Planning 43,
pp. 172 194 To be a source of competitive advantage, a
business model must be something more
than just a good logical way of doing
business. A model must be honed to meet
particular customer needs.
Great technological achievements fail
commercially because little, if any,
attention has been given to de- signing a
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

business model to take them to market

Osterwalder, A Business Model 9 building blocks that constitute the

A., Pigneur, Y. describes the rationale business model:
(2010): of how an 1. The value proposition of what is offered
Business organization creates, to the market;
model delivers and captures 2. The segment(s) of clients that are
generation. A value." addressed by the value proposition;
handbook for 3. The communication and distribution
visionaries, channels to reach clients and offer them
game the value proposition;
changers, and 4. The relationships established with
challengers, clients;
Hoboken 5. The key resources needed to make the
business model possible;
6. The key activities necessary to
implement the business model;
7. The key partners and their motivations
to participate in the business model;
8. The revenue streams generated by the
business model (constituting the
revenue model);
9. The cost structure resulting from the
business model.

Zelen,M.: Through the The minimum organization (not structure)

Human innovation cycle of a corporation is self-producing
Systems UDIO, the business (autopoietic), cyclical, organizationally
Management. explicitly uses its closed (autonomous) and structurally open
World Understanding of (coupled with its environment). It provides
Scientific customer needs and a foundation of the biocycle of business.
Publishing how to use resources Each business has to coordinate at least
2005 to create a Design four basic processes: Customer (C),
which is then Innovation (I), Processes (P), and Money
developed and (M).
Implemented entering
the Operate phase.

Linde,H., WOIS Business Strategic business model innovation in

G.Herr, model consists 5 three phases:
A.Rehklau: elements value 1. Current business model analysis
WOIS - creation,
Contradiction market/customers, 2. Future business model definition
Oriented product/service, 3. Defining and overcoming the
Innovation organization/processes contradictions and barriers between current
Strategy, Wois and resources. state and future state
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

Coburg 2005

Maurya,A.: Lean CANVAS Lean Canvas for startups:

Running Lean. business model is a 1. Customer segments
OReilly, 2012 focused on
entrepreneurs and 2. Unfair advantage
navigation of their 3. Channels
way from ideation to
building a successful 4. Value proposition
startup 5. Solution
6. Key metrics
7. Problem
8. Cost structure
9. Revenue streams

Basic conclusions from the research:

- Many companies are focused on the traditional cost saving strategies, increasing
process productivity or product innovations, but they have problems in balancing
of all the elements of the business model and network optimisation between the
individual corporate business models (Fig.3.).
- Corporate business models are managed as the static, mechanical and linear
processes and they waste time, money, and effort building the wrong product
without receiving real feedback from the customers.
- Strong standardization and process organisation, bureaucracy, many audits and
inspections, fear of taking the risk in innovations limit flexibility and fast
responsiveness on external market opportunities. Corporate managers often try to
optimize the visible structure of the company and dont realy understand its
invisible real organisation (Fig.5.)
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

Fig.3 - Dynamic Balancing of the Business Model Networks

Fig.4. Traditional linear, mechanical product innovation process versus iterative
living innovation organisation

ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

- In the last 5 years the companies are increasing their focus on the development of
human potential in the corporation. They invest more attention into development
of knowledge and talents, improving four human potentials (physical, intelectual,
emotional and moral) and motivation factors as freedom and autonomy, mastery
and purpose.

Fig.5 - Visible and invisible part of each company
All systems contain contradictions - something gets worse as something gets better
(e.g. strength versus weight). Traditional approach usually accepts a compromise or a
trade-off, but this is often not necessary. Powerful, breakthrough solutions are the
ones that dont accept the trade-offs. Such solutions are actively focused on
contradictions and they are looking for ways of eliminating the compromise.

ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

Fig.6.: Overcoming tradeoffs through contradictions (Linde)

2 Traditional performance improvement methods current and

future state
Many industrial areas, as well as management paradigms, have been changed in the
last, recent 30 years. Mass customization, global value stream networks, accelerated
innovation and product development cycles, new business models, new competitive
factors. What are the influences of this development on the traditional discipline
Industrial Engineering? What are the new requirements on Industrial Engineers in
a flat world? Where are the new challenges and paradigms for Industrial Engineering?
The definition of Industrial Engineering says: Industrial engineers design and
improve work systems. These systems include people, equipment, materials,
information, energy, and money.
Industrial Engineering was developed in the 20th. century in USA, Europe and Japan
with some regional differences (Fig.7.). For the European school of Industrial
Engineering, a strong technical background of mechanical engineering is typical,
production engineering as well as a detailed focus on time measurement, cost and
capacity calculation. For the implementation of IE methods in many European
companies the acceptance of the trade unions is necessary (e.g. REFA is well-
accepted by trade unions in Germany).
The typical REFA Industrial Engineer has the following qualification:
1. Basics of organisation development Management practice and leadership
pyschology, project management, personnel and work management (economy)
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

2. Costs and performance calculation, productivity controlling, business process
development, total corporate management
3. Practical skills project and engineering practice
The American school of Industrial Engineering has strong roots in statistical methods
in quality, mathematics and optimisation methods of operation research, simulation
but also the methods for work analysis and facilities layout planning. The base of the
methods of the Japanese school of Industrial Engineering is the Toyota Production
System oriented on waste elimination in the entire value stream. But also Japanese
universities and companies incorporated simulation, mathematics and operation
research programmes into the traditional common sense Industrial Engineering
methods. Toyotas former President Katsuaki Watanabe emphasizes the importance
of combining continuous improvement (Kaizen) with radical innovations (Kakushin).
The globalisation wave in previous decades also influences Industrial Engineering.
The American, European and Japanese schools of Industrial Engineering are
integrated. The traditional focus of Industrial Engineering is on process analysis and
improvement. The new orientation of this discipline has to accent more on customer
orientation (not only waste elimination but more systematic customer value creation -
innovation) and also the human aspect as the most important factor of flexibility,
productivity and creativity.
The trend in industrial engineering is towards interdisciplinary courses where cross-
speciality thinking is practised. Information technology is being increasingly
integrated into IE courses and alongside the basic subjects that deal with hard facts,
there are more and more classes looking at issues of teamwork, people motivation,
communication skills, emotional intelligence and ethics.
Tab. 2 - Development of Industrial Engineering in Different Countries
USA Europe Japan
Focus of Systems Optimization, Complex process Waste Elimination,
Industrial Statistical Process Control, optimization, CIM, Simplification,
Engineering Simulation, Bottleneck CAD/CAM, Flexible Visualization, Low
Management, Project Automation, Systems Cost Automation,
Management Engineering, Digital Common Sense, Lean,
Factory TPS, Kaizen
Typical Role Systems Integrator, Optimizer, Production Process Lean Manager,
of the Process Improvement and re- Optimization, Teacher, Trainer,
Industrial engineering
Who are the Industrial Engineering Department of Work Hancho Supervisor
Industrial Department, Operation and Process on Shop Floor, Every
Engineers? Management Organization, Employee from CEO to
Production Planning the Worker on the Line
Department has some IE Skills
Typical Operation Research, Work Measurement, Lean Thinking
Concepts and Simulation, Six Sigma, TOC Capacity Calculation,
Methods in Layout Planning,
Industrial Process Management
Leading Institute of Industrial REFA, MTM, Toyota, Nissan, Omron
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

Influence Engineers, Maynards, Lean Fraunhofer
Institute, MIT, Purdue
University, Goldratt Institute
Some IE Babbage Towne, Hasley, Fayol, Mitrofanov, Toyoda, Suzaki, Imai,
Leaders Gantt, Taylor, Gillbreth, Altschuller, Takeda, Shingo,
Ford, Deming, Shewhart, Schumpeter, T.Baa, Ishikawa, Taguchi,
Pritsker, White, Malcom J.Baa, Warnecke Ohno, Monden

Tab. 3 - New paradigms influencing further development of Industrial Engineering in

recent years
Yesterday Tomorrow
Corporate strategy Productivity, FMS, Lean Six Continuous Customer
focus Sigma, TQM, TOC Value Creation, Innovation,
Learning Company
Corporate processes Improvement and Improvement and
Standardization Innovation
Change Best practices, benchmarking, New Practices Blue
management focus imitation of the world class Ocean, create new or
strategies, increase of customer different customer value
Employees Focus on the empolyees Focus on the employees
muscles (peformance heart (self motivation,
physical intelligence) and emotional intelligence)
brains (kaizen mental and soul (moral and ethics
intelligence) soul intelligence)
Competitive factors Hardware, software, Peopleware, Brainware, co-
technology ware, knowledge
Corporate culture No mistake and error culture Culture of trials and
Intercorporate Competition, fight Co-operation, partnership
Management Trade Off Thinking - High Breakthrough Thinking,
philosophy Quality OR Low Cost, High Quality AND Low
Affordable OR Customized Cost, Affordable AND
Management focus Quality, Productivity, Innovation and Knowledge
Flexibility Management
Improvement Lean Manufacturing, Six Systematic Innovation,
Concepts Sigma, TOC Lean Product Development
Innovation focus Product and Process innovation Business System and
Thinking Innovation
Management Management by objectives, Management by
principles process and project opportunities, company as
management a living organism
The difference between an excellent and a good company is not in the machines, the
software or the organisational structure. The difference is in the co-ware co-
operation, creation and dissemination of knowledge through the company.
What is the new roles of industrial engineering in a new world?
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

1. The industrial engineer will still focus on value stream improvement, but not
only in manufacturing. Administrative, product development, customer service
and logistical processes offer huge improvement potential.
2. The integration of traditional concepts for process improvement like Lean, Six
Sigma and TOC. These concepts for waste elimination, reduction of process
variation and throughput increase will be combined with concepts for
customer value creation.
3. Today, the typical job position of industrial engineers is in the production and
logistics departments. In the future, the industrial engineers will penetrate into
the departments for product and process development and innovation
management, where the higher opportunities to reduce costs, eliminate waste
and improve quality rather than production are.
4. Industrial engineers have to increase their orientation on the people. Not only
in the traditional sense ergonomics, but also in the areas of emotional
intelligence, co-operation, knowledge management, coaching, training,
leadership, communication, etc. The companies should be able to solve the
following important questions regarding knowledge management: How to
reach and keep the best talents and individuals? How to share, communicate
and develop the best corporate practices in the organisation? How to transfer
knowledge between employees on the projects and actions in the company?
How to increase and measure knowledge? How to change knowledge into
innovation as fast as possible?
5. The design and development of teamwork in the entire company this is the
crucial competence of industrial engineers for the future. Not only the classical
autonomous teams in production or logistics oriented on performance and
productivity, but also the creative teams of strong individuals, focused on
innovation ability, will be important. The other important task is to build
multi-cultural teams in the global production networks.
6. Work analysis and measurement is the traditional competence of industrial
engineers. New opportunities for this discipline are in logistics, distribution,
office, and product and process development.
7. Industrial engineers will penetrate from production departments to other
company areas. There are many new application fields for traditional IE
methods e.g. 5S in information systems, simulation and value stream
management of supply chain networks, simplification and streamlining of
management processes waste in meetings, reporting, etc.

3 New approach for corporate performance improvement

After many years of streamlining of the business and manufacturing processes many
managers are now asking how to increase the competitiveness of their companies.
Many cost reduction strategies led in many cases only to a temporary success. The
previous problems are back and the improvement potential is decreasing. Like the Yo-
Yo effect in a slimming programme. New buzzwords, medical cures, healers and
medicines are coming. BPR, BSC, Lean, Six Sigma, TOC, and other new miraculous
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

methods are applied. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not. A new wave is coming
in recent years innovations and knowledge management.

Fig. 7 - Mass Customization the engine of business development in the recent years
Many companies are oriented on low cost strategies. But some cost attack
programmes and transfer production facilities to the low cost countries showed that it
is not the right and strategic solution. In the recent years many West European od US
manufacturing firms have moved their production plants to the low cost countries.
Over time, they recognized that they had lost some competitive advantages because
some departments were physically separated (e.g. product design, production
engineering , production, logistics) and the communication and co-operation between
them was limited. Also many cultural differences reduced the effects of the low cost
location. Not even massive implementation of lean management, Six Sigma or other
world class concepts bring sometimes any radical improvement. Company success is
not only in optimization of current processes (doing right things right) but first of all
in innovation (looking for new but as fast as possible). The productivity world will
be replaced by the world of creativity, the world of the perfect planning will be
replaced by the world of the experiments and generating new ideas and opportunities.
Not perfect planning of the change but fast realization of the change is the way
towards success.
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

Fig. 8 - Changing of markets and competitive factors
The fathers world of the business has been changed radically in the recent years. The
old world of compromises (e.g. quality OR price, customization OR delivery time)
has been replaced by the new world where the tradeoffs are not accepted. When you
have two options take both! This is the new rule of success on the market.
Customer value distinguishes the innovation from the simple change. But the
innovation is not to be only a breakthrough technical solution. Generation of technical
changes on the product or technological advantage in the production process have not
necessarily led to success. Many companies have a perfect product, produced by an
excellent technology. They have the only limitation the customers dont buy them,
because they dont see any reason to buy them. They did not find the customer value.
Innovation must generate something new for the customer life simplification, risk
elimination, convenience, better price, fun, image and emotions, style or
environmental friendliness.

ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

D.Mann defines two ways of thinking regarding innovations:

Trade-Off Thinking Breakthrough Thinking
High Quality OR Low Cost High Quality AND Low Cost
Affordable OR Customized Affordable AND Customized
First Cost OR Life Cycle Cost First Cost AND Life Cycle Cost
Flexible OR Rigid Flexible AND Rigid
Big OR Small Big AND Small
Adaptor OR Innovator Adaptor AND Innovator
The WOIS approach developed by H.Linde has been successfully used in
breakthrough product, process and business innovations in many companies (e.g.
BMW, Braun, Hilti, Viking, etc.).
The main elements of the WOIS innovation methodology are:
1. Definition of the strategic orientation
2. Definition of contradictions. Answers to the questions -What and Why?
3. Solution of contradiction (46 innovation principles, technical and physical
contradiction, solution maps, laws of evolution, bionics). Answers on the
questions How?
4. Concurrent innovations in product, processes, organization, resources and
5. Implementation and evaluation
The basic conditions and principles of successful innovation using WOIS are:
- The innovation project starts with deep analyses - market analysis, product
trends, analysis of technological trends, process analysis, analysis of
production and assembly trends, trends in sales and service systems, analysis
of the product as a system and its environment, analysis of system functions,
analysis of existing solutions (patents, competitive solutions, solutions of other
areas, generation of solution maps, benchmarking), analysis of system
generations and evolution.
- Integrated, team based design and development process marketing
concept, product and process are designed by the same multifunctional
team (marketing, design, process planning, production, logistics,
controlling, customer).
- Use of the knowledge of the system evolution and system generations
strong orientation on the past and future development trends. Not only a
new products or processes are created, but also the knowledge and strong
learning effect is generated through the innovation process.
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

- Culture of creativity, acceptance of failures, space for experiments,
prototypes, testing new ideas.

Fig. 9 - Contradiction based innovation strategy WOIS (Linde)

4 Knowledge Management and Corporate Potentials

Innovation adds value through knowledge. The knowledge management is a set of
processes, policies, and tools that link knowledge of employees to new sources of
value (products, services, processes) in order to create innovative solutions.
Some stakeholders and managers are focused only on the results, not on the analysis
and systematic measurement and improvement of the corporate potentials. The
biggest competitive advantage is not saved in the manufacturing or information
technologies, but in the ability to manage the company potentials in four areas:
1. Mental corporate strategy
2. Physical processes and resources
3. Emotional people development and knowledge management
4. Spiritual corporate culture
Each company has two basic functions:
1. Production and development products and services this is the prerequisity
for earning money, making profit and growing company.
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

2. Self reproduction - creating knowledge and development of people this is
the prerequisity for long term mastering of the function 1.

Fig. 10 - Two functions and four potentials in a company

The difference between an excellent and a good company is not in the machines, the
software or the organisational structure. The difference is in the co-ware co-
operation, creation and dissemination of knowledge through the company (Fig.13.).
The companies should be able to solve the following important questions regarding
the knowledge management:
1. How to reach and keep the best talents and individuals?
2. How to share, communicate and develop the best corporate practices in the
3. How to transfer knowledge between employees on the projects and actions in
the company?
4. How to increase and measure knowledge?
5. How to change knowledge into innovation as fast as possible?

ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

Fig. 11 - New competitive factors in an innovation age (Linde)

5 Conclusion
There are some new paradigms on the beginning of the new world of business.
Companies which will be able to use these opportunities will have a higher chance to

Yesterday Tomorrow
Corporate strategy Productivity Innovation
Corporate processes Standardization Improvement
Change Best practices, benchmarking, New Practices Blue
management focus increase customer value Ocean, create new
customer value
Employees Focus on the empolyees Focus on the employees
muscles (peformance heart (self motivation,
physical intelligence) and emotional intelligence)
brains (kaizen mental and soul (moral and ethics
intelligence) soul intelligence)
Competitive factors Hardware, software Brainware, co-ware
Corporate culture No mistake and error culture Culture of trials and
Intercorporate Competition, fight Co-operation, partnership
ICFE 2014 - The International Conference on Finance and Economics
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
June 2nd - 4th, 2014

Improvement Lean Manufacturing, Six Systematic Innovation,
concepts Sigma, TOC Lean Product Development
Innovation focus Product and Process innovation Business and Thinking
Management focus Quality, Productivity, Innovation and Knowledge
Flexibility Management
Management Management by objectives, Management by
principles process and project opportunities, company as
management a living organism

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