Bible Jesus Outwits The Pharisees Unit 4 Lesson 3

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ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Plan

Teacher: Kristina Wicks

Date: 11/7
Subject/Topic/ Theme: Bible/Jesus Outwits the Pharisees/ Narrative of Jesus from Triumphal Entry through Passover

I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
The main focus of this lesson is students to become aware of two stories where the Pharisees tries to trick Jesus into saying
something wrong. The Pharisees are significant because they make trouble for Jesus before his death on the cross.
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan?
This unit plan focuses on the narratives of Jesus before his death on the cross. This lesson particularly focuses on how the
Pharisees continue to make trouble for Jesus.
Objectives: Standards: Assessments
Students will: Christian Schools International: Formative:
1. Explain Biblical values, such as, defending
1. Identify what is on a coin and why. 1. Students will discuss facts from the
your faith.
2. Listen to each paraphrased story. 2. Recount a process of Christian decision story in small groups and as a whole
3. Discuss questions about facts from making. class.
story. 2. Students will choose thumbs up or
4. Choose whether statements about down to show which statements
the stories are true or false. from the stories are true or false.

II. Before you start

After hearing each story, students will talk with small group about a question. This will give
students the opportunity to hear and talk about the question before we talk through it as a
class. This means that I should be able to call on anyone to share in the whole group
discussion because they could say what other people in their group shared.
Print 8 questions
Print 1 copy of each Bible story (The Message version)
Materials-what materials (books, 26 pennies
handouts, etc) do you need for Whiteboard
this lesson and do you have them? Marker
Computer (to project prompt)
26 writing journals
Do you need to set up your Students meet back at Number Corner on the floor.
classroom in any special way for
this lesson? If so, describe it.

III. The Plan

Time Parts Teacher Activities
5-7 Introduction/ Students will gather around Number Corner.
min Motivation
Give penny to each student.
- What pictures, words, numbers, or symbols are on your coin?
- What do the pictures, words, numbers, or symbols mean?
- Why does the coin say the country? This penny says that United States on it. That means that is
can be used to buy something in the United States. You would not be able to use this to buy
something in another country.

Retrieve coins from each student by passing around a cup.

The Romans used a coins called denarius to buy things. Remember we talked about denariuss when
Mary spent almost a years wage on the perfume she washed Jesuss feet with.

One way the Pharisees tried to get Jesus into trouble was by asking him about paying taxes (denarius) to
the Romans. Today we will hear about two times where the Pharisees try to get Jesus into trouble. The
first time they try to get him into trouble by asking him about something else; the second time they try to
get him into trouble by talking about taxes.
Development Story 1:
10 Teacher will paraphrase Matthew 21:23-27
Split kids into four groups of 6-7 students. Each group will get one question to discuss. After a couple
minutes, students will share their answers with the rest of the class.

What do the Pharisees ask Jesus?

The Pharisees are asking Jesus to prove who has given him authority (which means permission) to teach
in the temple.
How does Jesus answer the Pharisees?
Jesus responds by asking them a question. He asks them who gave authority (which means permission)
for John the Baptist to be baptized. He asks them whether humans or God gave permission for John the
Baptist to be baptized.
How do the Pharisees respond?
The Pharisees realize that if they say God gave permission for John the Baptist to be baptized, that is
what Jesus wants to hear, because God has given him permission to teach in the temple. However, if they
say humans then the people at the temple will be angry because they think that John the Baptist was a
prophet (not just a human). So both answers will make the Pharisees look bad. They decide not to respond
instead. This probably made them still look bad because they were unable to answer Jesuss question.
Who did give Jesus the authority to teach at the temple?
God gave Jesus the authority to teach at the temple.

The Pharisees try to trap Jesus again. This time they try to trap him by talking to him about taxes.

10 Story 2:
mins Teacher will paraphrase Matthew 2215-22

Students will huddle in their small groups to answer a second question. Teacher will call students back to
attention and discuss the answers to these questions.

What do the Pharisees ask Jesus?

The Pharisees ask Jesus what should be given to Caesar and what should be given to God.
How does Jesus answer the Pharisees?
If he would have said yes, then the people would have been mad at him because they did not want to pay
taxes to Caesar. If he would have said no, dont pay taxes, then he would have gotten in trouble with the
government. Instead he says to give Caesar what is Caesars and God what is Gods.
Is Jesus saying that they should pay their taxes?
Yes, Jesus thinks that paying taxes is part of a citizens duty.
What does Jesus mean by saying give to God what is Gods?
Everything is Gods. Even though you may be giving money to Caesar, you can/should give your life to

The Pharisees were trying to get Jesus into trouble with the government or with the people who listened
to his teachings. But every time that Jesus is asked a difficult question, he is able to stay out of trouble.
The Pharisees were trying to ask Jesus questions that would make him stop trusting in God. They were
trying to get him to stop having faith in God. Sometimes people will ask you difficult questions, where is
may be easier to just give up and not stand up for your faith. However, God calls us to stand up for our
faith even when it tough.

Teacher will ask students to return to desks, open journals, and respond to question/prompt on the board.
5-7 Students will respond to the following questions with a thumbs up (True) or thumbs down (False):
min 1. The Pharisees only wanted to get Jesus in trouble with the government. False.
Closure 2. Jesus asked the Pharisees to say whether John the Baptist got permission to be baptized from
humans or God. True.
3. The Pharisees try to trap Jesus by asking him about taxes. True.
4. Jesus says the people should not pay taxes to Caesar.
1. What do the Pharisees ask Jesus?

2. How does Jesus answer the Pharisees?

3. How do the Pharisees respond?

4. Who did give Jesus the authority to teach at the temple?

1. What do the Pharisees ask Jesus?

2. How does Jesus answer the Pharisees?

3. Is Jesus saying that they should pay their taxes?

4. What does Jesus mean by saying give to God what is


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