Being Thankful Men and Women Overseas
Being Thankful Men and Women Overseas
Being Thankful Men and Women Overseas
for giving me a mind that can know and a Dear Lord, thank you so much for another Dear Merciful Father, I pray that you would
heart that can love. Help me to keep learning day of life on Earth. Thank you for another keep your hand on our men and women
every day of my life-- no matter what the beautiful sunrise to enjoy. Thank you for the defending our country so that we can be
subject may be. Let me be convinced that all wonderful sounds of nature, from the cool free. Be with our soldiers as they go onto
knowledge leads to you and let me know how breeze brushing through the trees to the their assignments. Bring them back to base
to find you and love you in all the things you birds singing melodies. You are a wonderful safely. I praise you for our brave men and
have made. Encourage me when the studies God, full of grace and mercy. I praise you women! I thank you for our brave men and
are difficult and when I am tempted to give for allowing me another day to spend with women! I also pray that you give them the
up. Enlighten me when my brain is slow and my family. I love you Father! Amen. skills that they need in every moment, so
help me to grasp the truth held out to me. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of that they can come back home safely to their
Grant me the grace to put my knowledge to singing has come, families.Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who
use in building the kingdom of God on earth and the voice of the turtledove is heard in trains my hands for war, and my fingers for
so that I may enter the kingdom of God in our land. Song of Solomon 2:12 battle.Psalm 144:1
heaven. Amen.
Strength Opportunities
PRAYER FOR PREPARATION TO STUDY Dear Lord, I pray that you would give me Dear Lord, I pray today that I will yield my
Lord, I know you are with me and love me. strength to be strong for You in the world spirit completely to You, that You may use
Give me peace of mind as I prepare for this today. Lord, you know the struggles that I me as You please. I pray that You will
time of study. Help me to focus on my books will face today. Be with me as I go through provide me opportunities to show people how
and notes, keep me from all distractions so them. Carry me if I am too weak to move. much You mean to me. Give me discretion
that I will make the best use of this time that If I stumble in them, forgive me Father. to know what to say and how to say it. Make
is available to me. Give me insight that I When I succeed in them, I will praise You! me bold enough, that I may proclaim
might understand what I am studying and You are worthy of all praise and honor. salvation cheerfully and joyfully. I pray that
help me to remember it when the time Amen.My flesh and my heart may fail, the seeds You allow me to plant will grow
comes. Above all, I thank you for the ability but God is the strength of my heart and my and mature. I pray that You, Father, will
to be able to study and for the many gifts portion forever.Psalm 73:26 water the seeds that You allow me to plant
and talents you have given me. Help me today. I am forever grateful for the cross;
always to use them in such a way Career may I proclaim it in a contagious way today.
that they honour you and do justice to Dear God, I thank you for my job. You have Amen.Do not be anxious about how you
myself. Amen provided me with a steady income and I should defend yourselfor what you shoul say,
thank you. I pray that you watch over me for the Holy Spirit will teach you
PRAYER BEFORE AN EXAMINATION today at work and I pray that there are no in that very hour what you ought to say.
Dear Lord, as I take this exam, I thank you accidents, so that everyone can go back to Luke 12:11b-12
that my value Is not based on my their homes. I thank you that my job has
performance, but on your great love for me. provided an income to support me and my Contentment
Come into my heart so that we can walk family. I thank you for the provisions that Dear Glorious Father, I pray that I will stay
through this time together. Help me, not only you have given to me, my house, car and focused on you today. I pray that You will
with this test, but the many tests of life that food. I pray for safe travels to and from constantly remind me to be content in all of
are sure to come my way. As I take this work and I pray that you will use me as you my circumstances. I pray that You will fill me
exam, bring back to my mind everything I see fit today for Your Glory. Amen. up that I may be joyful all day, even if stress
studied and be gracious with what I have Commit your work to the Lord, creeps in. I know that through my
overlooked.Help me to remain focussed and and your plans will be established. contentment, You will be glorified. I want to
clam, confident in the facts and in my ability, Proverbs 16:3 honor You, Father, in all that I do. I praise
and firm in the knowledge that no matter Your Holy Name! Amen
what happens today you are there with me.