Exam Prayers Website

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Prayer for those

preparing for exams

Dear Lord,
as I take this exam,
I thank you
that my value
is not based on my performance,
but on your great love for me.
Come into my heart
so that we can walk through this time together.
Help me, not only with this test,
but the many tests of life
that are sure to come my way.
As I take this exam,
bring back to my mind
everything I studied and
be gracious with what I have overlooked.
Help me to remain focused and calm,
confident in the facts and in my ability,
and firm in the knowledge
that no matter what happens today,
you are there with me. Amen.
Prayer before Exams
Loving God,
be with me now as I prepare for my exams.
Thank you for the many talents & gifts you have
given me and for the opportunity of education.
Calm my nerves & anxiety,
help me to remember all that I have studied,
to express it clearly and to answer the questions to
the very best that I can.
Holy Spirit, sit with me in my exam – and always.

A Students Prayer
Father, please clear my mind and
give me the understanding and knowledge
that comes only from you.
Bless me as I take this exam and
bring the information that I’ve studied
to mind when it is needed in this exam.
Grant me favour as I begin this test.
I ask this in Jesus name.
A Prayer at Exam Time

Lord, as I face into examination time,

I turn once more to you,
asking for your blessing and assistance.
I ask you to give me peace of mind
with a strong sense of work at this time.
May I give myself space and time
to revise and prepare to sit my examinations.
Help me to keep focused on this task and
not get too distracted by other aspects of my life.
Keep me from getting into a panic and help me
to do justice to all my work and preparations.
On the days of my examinations,
keep me calm, help me to think clearly and
understand what I’m being asked,
and so to recall the study and work
that I have put in this past year.
Above all, Lord, I ask
that you will allow my efforts to bring about
the life you have planned for me.
May I be open to your vision
of what you wish for me and may I accomplish this
now and in my future life. Amen.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
for those doing exams

Spirit of God,
in a special way, be with all who are doing exams;
Spirit of Wisdom,
enlighten students
to choose the correct questions;
Focus their minds so that they will be able
to answer each question clearly & concisely;
Spirit of God,
grant them peace of mind & calmness of soul;
Holy Spirit of Peace & Wisdom,
come help us
during exams & always.

Father, be with me as I take this exam.

Keep my mind alert & my memory sharp.
Calm my nerves &
help me to concentrate.
I know that you walk with me,
guiding my path & inspiring my heart.
I pray that I would feel you with me & that your
friendship would soften the pressure I feel.
I thank you for your peace & love in my life.
An Exam Prayer

Lord, I know you are with me and love me.

Give me peace of mind
as I prepare for this time of study.
Help me to focus on my books and notes.
Keep me from all distractions
so that I will make the best use of this time
that is available to me.
Give me insight
that I might understand what I am studying and
help me to remember it when the time comes.
Above all, I thank you for the ability
to be able to study and
for the many gifts and talents
you have given me.
Help me always to use them
in such a way that they honour you and
do justice to myself.
Prayer to Saint Joseph of Cupertino
for help in exams
O Great Saint Joseph of Cupertino,
who, by your prayers,
obtained from God
that you should be asked at the examination
the only proposition you knew.
Obtain for me that I may succeed like you
in the examination for which I am preparing.
I promise in return to make you known &
cause you to be invoked. Amen.
Prayer for Examination Time

God of Wisdom:
Guide me
as I choose questions and
in the way I answer them.

God of Peace:
Keep me calm so that
I will do the best that I can.

God of Understanding:
Help me put
all of this into perspective.

I ask these prayers

in the name of Jesus,
friend of students,
A Prayer for Students taking Exams

God love them and

sustain them;
Renew and support them with your strength;
Pour out your spirit of wisdom on them;
Help them to remain calm and
to attend carefully to the questions asked;
Help them to think clearly, to remember accurately
and to express themselves well.
May they reflect
the best of the work they have done and
the best of the teaching they have received.
May your love be upon them O Lord
as they place all their trust in you.
May the power of your love enable them
to accomplish what is right and good.

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