Symmetrix SRDF Product Guide
Symmetrix SRDF Product Guide
Symmetrix SRDF Product Guide
P/N 300-001-165
EMC Corporation
Corporate Headquarters:
Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103
Copyright © 2001-2007 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is
subject to change without notice.
Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable
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For the most up-to-date listing of EMC product names, see EMC Corporation Trademarks on
All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.
Preface............................................................................................................................ 11
configuration .............................................................................. 68
Read operations................................................................................. 69
Primary volume read operations............................................. 69
Secondary volume read operations......................................... 69
Recovery operations ......................................................................... 71
Failover to the secondary Symmetrix system ........................ 71
Failback to the primary Symmetrix system ........................... 71
Recovery for a large number of invalid tracks ...................... 72
Business continuance using SRDF.................................................. 73
Business continuance using SRDF and TimeFinder..................... 75
Using TimeFinder/Mirror BCVs with primary devices....... 75
Using a BCV as a primary (source) device ............................. 75
Using TimeFinder BCVs with secondary devices ................. 76
Using a BCV as a secondary (target) device........................... 76
SRDF remote command support ............................................. 77
SRDF Multi-Hop ........................................................................ 77
R1/R2 swap ....................................................................................... 79
R1/R2 swap procedure history................................................ 79
Dynamic R1/R2 swap ...................................................................... 80
Migrating data from R1 to a larger R2 device............................... 81
Inactive state............................................................................... 95
Active state ................................................................................. 96
SRDF/A single session mode delta set switching ....................... 97
SRDF/A single session mode state transitions .......................... 102
Switching to SRDF/A mode .................................................. 102
Transition from synchronous to asynchronous................... 102
Transition from adaptive copy write-pending mode to
asynchronous ........................................................................... 103
Transition from adaptive copy disk mode to SRDF/A...... 103
Switching to SRDF/S mode from SRDF/A single session
mode.......................................................................................... 104
Coming out of the SRDF/A active state .............................. 104
Dropping SRDF/A single session mode.............................. 105
Pend-dropping SRDF/A single session mode .................... 105
Deactivating SRDF/A single session mode......................... 106
SRDF/A single session cleanup process ..................................... 107
SRDF/A single session mode recovery scenarios...................... 108
Temporary link loss................................................................. 108
Permanent link loss ................................................................. 108
Primary Symmetrix global memory full condition ............ 109
Failback from secondary symmetrix devices ...................... 110
SRDF/A multi-session consistency (MSC) mode ....................... 111
SRDF/A MSC mode dependent-write consistency................... 112
Entering SRDF/A multi-session consistency ...................... 113
Performing a SRDF/A MSC consistent cycle switch ......... 114
SRDF/A MSC mode delta set switching..................................... 116
SRDF/A MSC session cleanup process ....................................... 122
Title Page
Title Page
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Your Comments Your suggestions will help us continue to improve the accuracy,
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Introducing SRDF
Introducing SRDF 15
Introducing SRDF
Base SRDF family The SRDF family consists of three base solutions:
products ◆ SRDF/Synchronous (SRDF/S, formerly SRDF) —
High-performance, host-independent, real-time synchronous
remote replication from one Symmetrix to one or more
Symmetrix systems.
◆ SRDF/Asynchronous (SRDF/A ) — High-performance extended
distance asynchronous replication using a Delta Set architecture
for optimal bandwidth utilization and minimal host performance
◆ SRDF/Data Mobility (SRDF/DM ) — Rapid transfer of data from
source volumes to remote volumes anywhere in the world,
permitting information to be shared and content to be distributed,
or information consolidated for parallel processing activities.
SRDF family options There are a number of additional options and features that can be
added to the base solutions to solve specific service level
requirements. These options include:
◆ SRDF/Automated Replication (SRDF/AR) solutions for meeting
very specific, remote replication service-level requirements
◆ SRDF/Star for advanced multisite failover with continuous
◆ SRDF/Consistency Groups (SRDF/CG) for data consistency
◆ SRDF/Cluster Enabler (SRDF/CE) for integration with
host-based clustering products such as Microsoft Cluster Server
(MSCS) and VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS).
Note: For simplicity, this document uses the term SRDF to represent all EMC
SRDF related products, including: SRDF/A, SRDF/AR (multi-hop and
single-hop), SRDF/DM, and SRFD/CG. Most of the document focuses on
SRDF/S, but generally it applies to any of the variations.
Note: The SRDF family of products can also be used with the EMC
TimeFinder® family of products, which includes TimeFinder/Mirror,
TimeFinder/Clone, and TimeFinder/Snap. For simplicity, this document
uses the term TimeFinder to represent all EMC TimeFinder related products.
Cabinet description Symmetrix 3xxx/5xxx series Symmetrix 8000 series Symmetrix DMX series
2 Bay DMX2000
SRDF/Asynchronous Beginning with Enginuity™ level 5670, the Symmetrix DMX system
supports the asynchronous replication product named
SRDF/Asynchronous (SRDF/A). SRDF/A is another mode of remote
replication that allows customers to asynchronously replicate data
while maintaining a dependent write consistent copy of the data on
the secondary (R2) device at all times. The dependant write
consistent point-in time copy of the data at the remote side is
typically only seconds behind the primary (R1) side. SRDF/A session
data is transferred to the secondary Symmetrix system in predefined
timed cycles or delta sets, eliminating the redundancy of multiple
same track changes being transferred over the link, potentially
reducing the required bandwidth.
SRDF/AR provide remote restart with a short restart time and low
data loss.
SRDF/AR offers data protection with dependent write consistency
across a distance. This protection is accomplished by using
geographically separated replicas with hardware and software
products from EMC Corporation. The SRDF/AR process can be
implemented with TimeFinder/Mirror in a mainframe z/OS
environment, or through UNIX and Windows environments using
Solutions Enabler’s symreplicate command line interface.
Site A Site B
(Production) (Recovery)
Local Remote
Host Host
Symmetrix Symmetrix
SRDF Links
R1 R2
Mirroring (RAID 1) Provides the highest level of performance and availability for all mission-critical and
business-critical applications by maintaining a duplicate copy of a volume on two disk devices.
Symmetrix RAID 1/0 Provides a combination of RAID 1 and RAID 0 for open systems environments. Data is striped
across mirrored pairs.
Symmetrix RAID 10 Provides a combination of RAID 1 and RAID 0 used for mainframe environments.
RAID 5 Provides:
• High performance with automatic striping across hypervolumes
• High availability - lost hypervolumes regenerated from remaining members
RAID 5 is configured in (3+1) and (7+1) groups. RAID 5 technology stripes data and distributes
parity blocks across all the disk drives in the RAID group.
Permanent Member Sparing Replaces a faulty drive automatically from a list of available spares residing in the Symmetrix
system without CE involvement on site. Release 5771 only.
Dynamic Sparing Increases data availability by copying the data on a failing volume to a spare volume until the
original device is replaced. Dynamic Sparing is used as additional protection for mirrored Parity
RAID and SRDF volumes.
a. When configuring multiple data protection options, consult your EMC Sales Representative for configuration rules. Not all data protection options
are available on all Symmetrix systems or Enginuity levels.
Monitoring and An EMC representative installs and initially configures SRDF at your
controlling SRDF site using the Symmetrix service processor.
After SDRF is up and running, you can monitor and control its
operation by purchasing the appropriate EMC ControlCenter®
software, Solutions Enabler for UNIX and Windows environments, or
the SRDF Host Component for z/OS. For more information on SRDF
related software, consult the EMC Powerlink website at:
or contact your EMC Sales Representative.
Note: Some restrictions apply in mixed environments with iSeries and other
host types. For more information, consult EMC Customer Support.
EMC recommends that the Symmetrix system has at least two
director boards for SRDF protection; one processor on each board
for SRDF to provide redundant links in case a communications
link fails or in the unlikely event a director fails. Having two
director boards for SRDF avoids a potential single point of failure,
if one processor on the director is used for SRDF and the other
processor(s) is/are used to connect to a host.
SRDF director The SRDF director/adapter board sets described above provide the
functions link connections, fiber-optic protocol support, and communications
control between two Symmetrix systems in an SRDF configuration.
GigE remote directors (RE) or Fibre Channel remote directors (RF)
maintain a peer-to-peer relationship at the transport layer of
The ESCON remote director (RA) board set that normally sends data
across an SRDF link is known as an RA-1. An RA-1 functions like a
host channel interface. The ESCON RA board set that normally
receives data sent across an SRDF link is known as an RA-2. An RA-2
functions like a storage director interface. An RA-1 and its
corresponding RA-2 are known as an RA pair.
◆ With Symmetrix 3xxx or 5xxx models, there can be multiple RA
pairs in an SRDF configuration, up to a maximum of 16 pairs.
◆ With Symmetrix 8xxx models, an optional four-processor ESCON
board can be used for SRDF.
◆ With Symmetrix DMX1000, DMX2000, and DMX3000 models, an
optional four-processor ESCON board can be used for SRDF.
SRDF configurations
This section provides examples of typical SRDF configurations.
In Figure 2 on page 27, two production sites (A and C with
Symmetrix DMX-3 system bay) send data across SRDF links to one
recovery site (B Symmetrix DMX).
Site A Site C
(Production) (Production)
Active Host Host Active Host
Path Path
Symmetrix B
R2 R2
SRDF configurations 27
Introducing SRDF
In Figure 3 on page 28, one recovery site (G) provides a data vaulting
solution for six production sites (A through F).
Symmetrix D
Symmetrix E Symmetrix C
R2 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2
R1 R1 R2 R1
Symmetrix F Symmetrix B
R1 = Primary Volumes
R2 R1
R2 = Secondary Volumes
Symmetrix G Symmetrix A
SRDF configurations 29
Introducing SRDF
R1 R2
SRDF fully switched Enginuity 5x67 and later supports fully switched open SRDF (fibre)
fabric connectivity connections. Switched SRDF allows all RFs in the Symmetrix systems
connected to the fabric to communicate with each other, providing
greater connectivity and configuration flexibility. Switched SRDF
involves non blocking switching devices that interconnect two or
more nodes. Switched SRDF also enables fewer RFs to be present on
the fabric, depending on system performance and redundancy
Symmetrix A Symmetrix B
DMX, 5669 Point-to-Point 3XXX/5XXX, 5267
R2 Volumes Switch
R1 Volumes RF RF R1 Volumes
R2 Volumes Symmetrix C
8000, 5568
Point-to- R2 Volumes
R1 Volumes
SRDF configurations 31
Introducing SRDF
Symmetrix A Symmetrix B
DMX, 5669 3XXX/5XXX, 5267
Symmetrix Devices Switch
00-0F R1 Volumes R1 Volumes RF RF R2 Volumes
Symmetrix Devices 00-1F
R2 Volumes (second remote copy of all
Symmetrix D
3XXX/5XXX or 8000, 5x67 SRDF devices in Symmetrix A)
With Enginuity level 5567 and the Symmetrix 8000 systems, the same
local primary volume can be remotely mirrored in two different
locations. This functionality is called Concurrent SRDF. The
Symmetrix 3xxx/5xxx systems can be configured with a secondary
volume that is one of two remote copies from a Symmetrix 8000
primary volume; however, the Symmetrix 3xxx/5xxx systems cannot
be configured to provide two remote copies of the same primary
SRDF with native Native IP support for any SRDF based product on Symmetrix
GigE systems is based on GigE technology that enables direct Symmetrix
system-to-IP-network attachment. This increases the options for
Symmetrix system to Symmetrix system connectivity, and allows a
Symmetrix system to connect to existing Ethernet infrastructure and
directly access high-speed data transmission conduits via IP.
Symmetrix DMX series systems provide native IP support through
the Multiprotocol Channel Director (MPCD). Symmetrix 8000 series
systems provide native IP support through the GigE remote director.
The MPCD and GigE remote directors provide comparable
functionality, with the exception of data compression, which is a
feature of the MPCD only. Unless otherwise specified, the following
information applies to both Symmetrix 8000 series and Symmetrix
DMX GigE remote director configurations.
SRDF configurations 33
Introducing SRDF
Note: The EMC Network Storage Topology Guide and the EMC SRDF
Connectivity Guide contain further information.
Symmetrix A Symmetrix B
GigE GigE
Switch/Router Switch/Router
IP Network
SRDF and FarPoint FarPoint is an SRDF feature used only with ESCON extended distance
solutions (and certain ESCON campus solutions) to optimize the
performance of the SRDF links. This feature works by allowing each
RA to transmit multiple I/Os, in series, over each SRDF link.
Standard SRDF without The standard ESCON SRDF protocol (without SRDF FarPoint) allows
FarPoint only one write I/O to occupy a communication link at a time. The
next write I/O occurs only after the remote Symmetrix system has
acknowledged receipt of the previous I/O from the local Symmetrix
system and an ending status is presented to the local Symmetrix
system as shown in the top half of Figure 9 on page 35.
SRDF with FarPoint With SRDF FarPoint, a single remote adapter can serially transmit
more than one write I/O over the SRDF link. This method (referred to
as pipelining) enables the SRDF communication link to be more fully
utilized, depending on the distribution of application I/O write
activity across multiple logical volumes. The number of write I/Os
that can be placed on the link at one time is determined by the
capacity of the type of SRDF link being used. With Enginuity level
5x67 or later, multiple copy tasks can be placed on the SRDF link for a
single logical volume.
Preserving From the point of view of the host, FarPoint does not change the
synchronization SRDF protocol. In synchronous mode, the Symmetrix system returns
a completion status to the host only after the write operation is
performed on the remote Symmetrix system. Without FarPoint, the
Symmetrix system waits for one write operation to complete before
sending the next one. With FarPoint, the Symmetrix system, while
waiting for the status of the first write operation, uses the free link
bandwidth to send another write operation from a different primary
SRDF configurations 35
Introducing SRDF
Servicing remote Remote read operations (mainly used for recovery purposes), as well
reads as other special I/Os, are serviced using the standard SRDF protocol
(without FarPoint). In this situation, the write pipeline is cleared
before any read operations are performed.
Primary (source) Primary (source) volumes contain production data that is mirrored in
volumes a different Symmetrix system. Primary volumes are also referred to as
R1 volumes. Updates to a primary volume are automatically
mirrored to a secondary (target) volume in the other Symmetrix
Primary volumes can be locally protected by:
◆ A dynamic spare “Dynamic Sparing with remotely mirrored pairs
(SRDF)” on page 44 provides more information)
◆ Permanent member sparing, supported on Enginuity level 5771
◆ RAID 1, conventional mirroring, (the primary volume is then
referred to as a mirrored pair)
◆ RAID 10, (the primary volume is a striped mirrored device)
◆ RAID 1/0, provides a combination of RAID 1 and RAID 0 for
open systems. Data is striped across mirrored pairs
◆ Symmetrix Parity RAID (3+1) and Parity RAID (7+1) protection
(the primary volume is a Parity RAID data volume)
◆ RAID 5 (3+1) and RAID 5 (7+1) protection (the primary volume is
a RAID 5 data volume)
Additionally, a primary volume can be paired with a Business
Continuance Volume (BCV) to provide an additional working copy of
the data at the same location.
Secondary (target) Secondary (target) volumes contain a mirrored copy of data from a
volumes primary volume. Secondary volumes are also referred to as R2
volumes. As with primary volumes, secondary volumes can be
locally protected by:
◆ A dynamic spare provides “Dynamic Sparing with remotely
mirrored pairs (SRDF)” on page 44 more information)
◆ Permanent member sparing, supported on Enginuity level 5771
◆ RAID 1, conventional mirroring (the primary volume is then
referred to as a mirrored pair)
◆ RAID 10, (the primary volume is a striped mirrored device)
◆ RAID 1/0, provides a combination of RAID 1 and RAID 0 for
open systems. Data is striped across mirrored pairs
◆ Symmetrix Parity RAID (3+1) and Parity RAID (7+1) protection
(the primary volume is a Parity RAID data volume)
◆ RAID 5 (3+1) and RAID 5 (7+1) protection (the primary volume is
a RAID 5 data volume)
A secondary volume also can be paired with a BCV to provide an
additional working copy of the data at the same location.
Local volumes Local volumes can reside on an SRDF enabled Symmetrix system, but
they do not participate in SRDF activity. Local volumes are typically
protected either by RAID 1, RAID 10, Parity RAID (3+1), Parity RAID
(7+1), RAID 5 (3+1), RAID 5 (7+1), or a dynamic permanent member
Dynamic SRDF Since Enginuity level 5567, devices can be configured to be Dynamic
devices SRDF capable devices. The only Dynamic SRDF functionality
delivered in Enginuity level 5567 is R1/R2 personality swap where
primary and secondary volume pair roles can be reversed. Further,
this capability is only allowed in non-FarPoint configurations. The
Dynamic SRDF functionality, delivered in Enginuity level 5568,
enables you to create, delete, and swap SRDF pairs, using EMC
host-based SRDF control software, while the Symmetrix system is in
operation. With Dynamic SRDF, you can create SRDF device pairs
from non-SRDF devices, and then synchronize and manage them in
the same way as configured SRDF pairs. Figure 10 on page 40 shows
Dynamic SRDF connections in a switched fabric environment.
#1 Switch
API/ R1 Symmetrix
CLI/ Possibility
ECC/etc. #2 Switch
Note: The above functionality is not available for devices protected by Parity
RAID. Further, the personality swap function is unavailable for ESCON
Farpoint configuration.
EMC Compatible Enginuity level 5568 (or higher) enables the Symmetrix system to
Peer support native IBM Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy (PPRC) commands
through a Symmetrix feature called EMC Compatible Peer.
Compatible Peer mode requires Dynamic SRDF capable devices. A
Dynamic SRDF device becomes a PPRC mode device upon receipt of
a PPRC CESTPAIR command. From the time that the device enters
PPRC mode, no host-based EMC SRDF control software can operate
on the device; it is truly a PPRC device and can only be controlled by
PPRC commands received from the host.
SRDF groups
SRDF groups define relationships between Symmetrix systems. An
SRDF group is a set of SRDF director port connections configured to
communicate with another set of SRDF director ports in another
Symmetrix system. Logical volumes (devices) are assigned to SRDF
An SRDF group configured through Symmetrix configuration is
called a static SRDF group. With Enginuity levels up to and including
5x68, each Symmetrix system supported up to 16 static SRDF groups.
Prior to Enginuity level 5568, static SRDF groups were required to
have at least one static SRDF device assigned to the groups. Further
device assignments could be made via static (configurations changes)
or dynamic SRDF.
Enginuity level 5669 increases the maximum number of definable
SRDF groups from 16 to 64. This enhancement allows more flexibility
when working with the following SRDF features:
◆ EMC Compatible Peer
◆ Switched SRDF
◆ Concurrent SRDF
◆ Dynamic SRDF
Dynamic SRDF At Enginuity level 5669 or above, a user can dynamically create
groups empty SRDF groups and dynamically associate the groups with Fibre
Channel or GigE SRDF directors. Removing dynamic SRDF groups is
also possible. Both of these operations are accomplished using EMC
host-based SRDF control software. Dynamic SRDF groups created
through this method are persistent through Symmetrix power on or
Note: EMC Compatible Peer groups require static SRDF groups. Dynamic
groups are not supported for PPRC.
This feature, when combined with dynamic SRDF devices, allows the
user complete control over their SRDF configuration. Using EMC
host-based software, the user can create or remove RA directors,
SRDF groups, and SRDF devices. Consult the appropriate host-based
software product guide for specific instructions on how to create or
remove RAs.
SRDF groups 43
SRDF Technical Concepts
Dynamic Sparing Typically, when a disk drive fails, it does not fail suddenly; it fails
with remotely over a period of time during which it gives clues that it is failing. The
mirrored pairs Symmetrix system monitors the operation of all its disk drives and
(SRDF) can detect when a disk is beginning to fail.
A Symmetrix system can be configured with physical disk devices
known as dynamic spares, or hot spares. As the name suggests, the
purpose of a dynamic spare is to take the place of a failed or failing
disk device. If a disk drive begins to fail, the Symmetrix system
automatically invokes the dynamic spare.
When the Dynamic Sparing option is invoked for a remotely
mirrored SRDF pair, the Symmetrix system automatically activates an
available spare in the Symmetrix system containing the failing device
and copies data from the failing device to the spare. The system
continues processing I/O requests with the spare functioning as one
volume of a mirrored pair while the failing device and its remote
mirror all operate without interruption. If the Symmetrix system
cannot copy all data from the failing device to the spare, it will
retrieve the unavailable data from the good member of the remote
Open systems When users have open systems hosts attached to Symmetrix systems,
metavolumes they can create a logical device that spans multiple Symmetrix logical
volumes. This logical device is a metavolume.
A metavolume is a logical volume set created from individual
Symmetrix logical volumes that can comprise one-to-multiple
physical disks. Metavolumes are functionally the same as logical
volume sets implemented with host volume manager software. Some
metavolumes are created to define volumes larger than the current
Symmetrix maximum hypervolume size of approximately 32 GB.
PPRC command Enginuity level 5568 or higher enables the Symmetrix system to
support support native IBM Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy (PPRC) commands
through a Symmetrix feature called Compatible Peer. PPRC is the
remote copying solution available with IBM storage systems as
shown in Figure 11 on page 46.
Enginuity level 5568 supports PPRC version 1, architecture level 2
(CGROUP FREEZE/RUN functionality. Enginuity level 5771 adds
support for PPRC version 1, architectural levels 3 and 4 Hyper-Swap
support, including failover/failback functionality). As a result,
Symmetrix systems will support these capabilities in IBM’s
Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (GDPS) solution.
Compatible Peer is available on Symmetrix systems with connections
to ESCON and/or FICON hosts.
Note: Contact your local EMC representative for specific details regarding
your Symmetrix system's support for Compatible Peer.
Automated site
Automated failover
site via via
compiled REXX“Scripts”
compiledREXX Scripts
Symmetrix Fully
Symmetrix Fully PPRC
Command Compliant
Command Compliant
PPRC commands PPRCcommands
PPRC commands
converted to SRDF
to SRDF converted toSRDF
converted to SRDF
SRDF unidirectional If all primary (source, R1) volumes reside in one Symmetrix system
link configuration and all secondary (target, R2) volumes reside in another Symmetrix
system, write operations move in one direction, from primary to
secondary. This is a unidirectional configuration, in which data moves
in the same direction over every link in the SRDF group.
SRDF bidirectional If an SRDF group contains both primary and secondary volumes,
link configuration write operations move data in both directions over the SRDF links for
that group. This is called an SRDF bidirectional configuration.
Note: For information about how write operations occur using an ESCON
SRDF bidirectional link configuration, go to “Write operations” on page 68.
SRDF link states SRDF links can be in two possible states: online or offline. The SRDF
link is online when the following occurs:
◆ The remote adapter is operational and enabled on both sides of
the SRDF configuration.
◆ The Symmetrix systems are configured properly on both sides of
the SRDF configuration.
◆ The external link infrastructure components are operational.
The SRDF link is offline if one or more of the following occurs:
◆ The remote adapter is offline — link disabled.
◆ The remote adapter is online but the link is offline (damaged or
disconnected cable or other damaged hardware) — link disabled.
Configuration If all SRDF links fail, the Symmetrix system retains the last known
settings affecting logical state for the affected devices. This behavior is a pure ready state.
device ready and In other words, if a device is in a ready state before a link failure, it is
link states restored to a ready state. If a device is in a not-ready state before a
link failure, it is restored in a not-ready state after the link is again
made ready. However, all devices in the group remain not ready on
the SRDF link after all links fail if the prevent automatic recovery
after all links fail setting is set to Yes in the Symmetrix configuration.
The configuration setting, Force RAs offline after power up, prevents
SRDF links from coming online following a Symmetrix power cycle.
Prior to Enginuity level 5669, both configuration settings described
above were applied at the Symmetrix system level. At Enginuity level
5669 and later, these configuration settings are applied at the SRDF
group level.
Note: The device level pure ready state behavior does not apply to SRDF/A
mode of operation. Consult Chapter 4, ”SRDF/Asynchronous Operations,”
for information on how SRDF/A works.
Logical volume This section describes the three device states that an SRDF logical
states volume (primary, source R1 or secondary, target R2) reflects to the
host connected to the Symmetrix unit on which the volumes are
The device states can be:
◆ Not Ready
◆ Read Only
◆ Write Enabled
Understanding the device states of an SRDF logical volume is
fundamental to SRDF operation. Ensure you fully comprehend this
section before attempting any SRDF operations.
SRDF volume states This section lists the substates a primary (R1) or secondary (R2)
(Symmetrix view) volume can have for SRDF operations.
Primary (R1) volume A primary (R1) volume can have the following states listed for SRDF
states operations:
◆ Ready and Read/Write — In this state, the primary (R1) volume
is available for read/write operations. This is the default primary
(R1) volume state.
◆ Host Not Ready — In this state, the secondary (R2) volume
responds not ready to the host for all read and write operations to
that volume.
◆ Not Ready — SRDF volumes can be not ready locally or not ready
remotely on the SRDF link:
• Locally Not Ready — If the local (R1) volume fails, the host
continues to recognize that volume as available for read/write
operations as all reads and/or writes continue uninterrupted
with the secondary (R2) volume in that remotely mirrored
• Remotely Not Ready — If R1 volumes are remotely not ready,
write updates will not propagate to the secondary volumes.
Changes to the R1 volumes are marked invalid as owed to the
secondary volumes R2.
Secondary (R2) A secondary (R2) volume can have one of the three states listed for
volume states SRDF operations:
◆ Not Ready — In this state, the secondary (R2) volume responds
not ready to the host for all read and write operations to that
◆ Read Only — In this state, the secondary (R2) volume is available
for read-only operations. This is the default secondary (R2)
volume state.
This section lists the states a primary (R1) or secondary (R2) volume
has for host operations. This represents the volume state as seen by
the host interface.
Primary (R1) volume A primary (R1) volume can have one of the following states. This
states state is seen by the host connected to the Symmetrix unit in which
that volume resides:
◆ Write Enabled — In this state, the primary (R1) volume is
available for read/write operations. This is the default primary
(R1) volume state.
◆ Read Only — In this state, the primary (R1) volume responds
device write protected to the host for all write operations to that
◆ SRDF Not Ready — In this state, the primary (R1) volume
responds not ready to the host for all host accesses to that volume.
Secondary (R2) A secondary (R2) volume can have one of the following states. This
volume states state is seen by the host connected to the Symmetrix unit in which
that volume resides:
◆ Write Enabled — In this state, the secondary (R2) volume is
available for read/write operations.
◆ Read Only — In this state, the secondary (R2) volume responds
device write protected to the host for all write operations to that
volume. This is the default secondary (R2) volume state.
◆ Not Ready — In this state, the secondary (R2) volume responds
not ready to the host for all host accesses to that volume.
Host accessibility The tables in this section describe the accessibility state of the
primary (R1) and secondary (R2) volumes to the host connected to
the Symmetrix system containing the primary (R1) volumes. The
accessibility of the host to a particular Symmetrix volume depends on
its state from both the host and SRDF view. Table 3 on page 52 lists
the accessibility for a primary (R1) volume. Table 4 on page 52 lists
Synchronous mode Available with the SRDF/S product offering, synchronous mode
maintains a realtime mirror image of data between the primary and
secondary volumes. Data must be successfully stored in both the local
and remote Symmetrix systems before an acknowledgement is sent to
the primary site host.
Synchronous mode provides realtime mirroring of data between the
local Symmetrix system and the remote Symmetrix systems. Data is
written to global memory of both systems before the application I/O
is completed to the host, ensuring the highest possible data
availability. Synchronous mode processing is described in the
following steps and illustrated in Figure 13 on page 54.
1. The local Symmetrix system containing the primary (source)
volume receives a write operation from the host.
2. The write I/O operation is propagated to the remote Symmetrix
system (containing the secondary or target volume); the local
Symmetrix system does not accept additional write operations to
the primary volume.
3. The remote Symmetrix system sends an acknowledgement to the
local Symmetrix system.
4. The local Symmetrix system sends an I/O complete message to
the local host; the local Symmetrix system now accepts additional
host write operations to the primary volume.
Host A Host B
1 4
Global Memory Director Global Memory Director
Note: Because the I/O is completed before synchronizing data with the
remote system, the semi-synchronous mode provides an added performance
Adaptive copy Adaptive copy modes facilitate data sharing and migration. These
modes modes allow the primary and secondary volumes to be more than
one I/O out of synchronization. The maximum number of I/Os that
can be out of synchronization is known as the maximum skew value.
The default value is equal to the entire logical volume. The maximum
skew value for a volume can be set using the SRDF monitoring and
control software.
There are two adaptive copying modes: adaptive copy write-pending
(AW) mode and adaptive copy disk (AD) mode. Both modes allow
write tasks to accumulate on the local system before being sent to the
remote system.
Adaptive copy With adaptive copy write-pending mode, write tasks accumulate in
write-pending mode global memory. A background process moves, or destages, the
write-pending tasks to the primary volume and its corresponding
secondary volume on the other side of the SRDF link. When the
maximum skew value is reached, the primary volume reverts to its
primary mode of operation, either synchronous or semi-synchronous,
whichever is currently specified. The device remains in the primary
mode until the number of tracks to remotely copy becomes less than
the maximum skew value.
The advantage to this mode is that it is faster to read data from global
memory than from disk, thus improving overall system performance.
An additional advantage is that the unit of transfer across the SRDF
link is the updated blocks rather than an entire track, resulting in
more efficient use of SRDF link bandwidth.
The disadvantage is that global memory is temporarily consumed by
the data until it is transferred across the link.
Consequently, adaptive copy write pending mode should only be
used where detailed information about the host write workload is
fully understood.
Adaptive copy disk Adaptive copy disk mode is similar to adaptive copy write-pending
mode mode, except that write tasks accumulate on the primary volume
rather than in global memory. A background process destages the
write tasks to the corresponding secondary volume. When the skew
value is reached, the primary volume reverts to its primary mode of
operation, either synchronous or semi-synchronous, whichever is
currently specified.
The advantages and disadvantages of this mode are opposite from
those of the adaptive copy write-pending mode; that is, while less
global memory is consumed it is typically slower to read data from
disk than from global memory, additionally, more bandwidth is used
because the unit of transfer is the entire track. In addition, because it
is slower to read data from disk than global memory, device
resynchronization time will increase.
Adaptive copy disk mode should not be used if the primary
volumes are not protected by RAID 1, RAID 10, Parity RAID (3+1),
Parity RAID (7+1), RAID 5(3+1), or RAID 5 (7+1).
Domino modes Domino modes effectively stop all write operations to both primary
and secondary volumes if all mirrors of a primary or secondary
device fail, or if all SRDF links in a link group become unavailable.
While such a shutdown temporarily halts production processing,
domino modes can prevent data integrity exposure caused by rolling
There are two types of domino modes:
◆ Device domino mode
◆ Link domino mode
Device domino mode You can set device domino mode at the device level on primary
volumes. If this mode is set to Yes on a primary volume, and the
secondary volume becomes unavailable to its primary volume for
any reason, the primary volume becomes unavailable to its host.
Link domino mode You can set link domino mode at the SRDF group level at either side
of the SRDF links. If this mode is set to Yes for an SRDF group, and
the last remaining link in the SRDF group fails, all primary (source)
volumes in the SRDF group become unavailable (not ready) to their
Once the not ready condition is set, you must re-enable the volumes
using EMC host-based software.
With either domino mode, the appropriate primary volumes are
made not ready and all related applications stop. This is an extreme
measure. A more moderate measure (if you are using SRDF in a
mainframe environment, or an open systems environment with
EMC PowerPath® software) is to implement consistency groups (go
to “SRDF/Consistency Groups (SRDF/CG)” on page 62 for more
Invalid tracks The invalid tracks attribute can only be set on secondary SRDF
attribute volumes. When the invalid tracks attribute is enabled, SRDF makes
the device not ready to the host if you attempt to access data from
that secondary volume when it is not synchronized with its primary
The purpose of the invalid tracks attribute is to inform the user that
the data on the secondary devices may not be suitable for use in
disaster recovery situations. It is a user decision to proceed using data
from devices that were made not ready by the invalid tracks attribute.
In such cases another form of data recovery may be more
appropriate. If a user decides to use the existing data on the
secondary volume, and the not-ready condition has been set by this
attribute, the not-ready condition can be reset by host-based SRDF
control software.
Concurrent SRDF
Enginuity level 5567 and later supports the ability for a single
primary volume to be remotely mirrored to two secondary volumes
concurrently. This feature is called Concurrent SRDF and is supported
in ESCON, Fibre Channel, and Gigabit Ethernet SRDF configurations.
Concurrent SRDF requires that each remote mirror operate in the
same primary mode, either both synchronous or both
semi-synchronous, but allows either (or both) volumes to be placed
into one of the adaptive copy modes.
Figure 15 on page 60 shows a concurrent SRDF configuration in
which the primary volume is communicating with one secondary
volume in synchronous mode. Concurrently, the same primary
volume is communicating with its other secondary volume in one of
the adaptive copy modes (adaptive copy write-pending mode or
adaptive copy disk mode). Any combination of
synchronous/semi-synchronous and adaptive copy is allowed with
the exception of one volume operating in synchronous mode and the
other operating in semi-synchronous mode.
Symmetrix DMX
Symmetrix DMX
Symmetrix 8000
Adaptive Copy
Concurrent SRDF 61
SRDF Technical Concepts
How a consistency Assume that you have an SRDF configuration in which three
group works Symmetrix systems contain primary (source) devices, and two
additional Symmetrix systems contain secondary (target) devices.
The units with primary devices send data to the units with secondary
devices as shown in Figure 16 on page 62.
Secondary 1 Secondary 2
Next, assume that the links between Primary 2 and Secondary 1 fail.
Without a consistency group, Primaries 1 and 3 continue to write data
to the Secondaries 1 and 2 while Primary 2 does not as shown in
Figure 17 on page 63.
Secondary 1 Secondary 2
The result is that the copy of the data spread across Secondaries 1
and 2 becomes inconsistent.
However, if Primaries 1, 2, and 3, belong to a consistency group, as
shown in Figure 18 on page 64, and the link between Primary 2 and
Secondary 1 fails, the consistency group automatically stops
Primaries 1 and 3 from sending data to Secondaries 1 and 2, as shown
in Figure 19 on page 64.
Thus, the dependent-write consistency of the data (spanning
Secondaries 1 and 2) remains intact.
Consistency Group
Secondary 1 Secondary 2
Consistency Group
Secondary 1 Secondary 2
Continuous I/O to the primary devices in the consistency group can still occur
processing even when the devices are not ready on the SRDF links. Such updates
are not immediately sent to the remote side. However, they are
propagated after the affected links are again operational, and data
transfer from the primary devices to the secondary devices resumes.
Technical For more information about consistency groups and the consistency
considerations group utility, go to:
◆ EMC Consistency Group for z/OS Product Guide
◆ EMC SRDF Family Product Guide
SRDF Operations
SRDF Operations 67
SRDF Operations
Write operations
The write task is the most common SRDF/S operation. This section
describes the write operations for unidirectional, dual-directional,
and bidirectional configurations.
Write operations in a This process applies to write operations over links that use a
unidirectional or unidirectional or dual-directional protocol, in which data moves in
dual-directional only one direction over a given link.
configuration In synchronous or semi-synchronous mode, the local host sends a
write I/O. The I/O then moves across the SRDF links to the remote
Symmetrix system. When it receives the I/O, the remote Symmetrix
system returns an acknowledgement to the local Symmetrix system.
Write operations in In a bidirectional protocol, data flows in two directions over the same
an ESCON SRDF link. When an RA-2, normally the receiving end of the SRDF
bidirectional link, must send write data to its corresponding RA-1, normally the
configuration sending end of the SRDF link, the RA-2 cannot simply transmit the
data over the SRDF link to the RA-1. This is due to the nature of
ESCON protocol and the channel-to-control unit architecture of
ESCON-based SRDF. Instead, the RA-2 must ask the RA-1 to read the
data from a primary volume serviced by the RA-2. When the RA-1
reads the data from the RA-2 volume, the write operation from RA-2
to RA-1 is effectively accomplished.
Read operations
Primary volume Read operations from a primary volume behave as normal read
read operations operations and are not impacted in any way by SRDF.
Read operations from Read operations, in which the primary host reads data from a
the primary host secondary volume in the remote Symmetrix system, are performed
only to recover from a local data availability problem. Several events
can cause such a read operation to take place:
◆ If data is not in global memory and all of the primary (source)
devices are in a not-ready state.
◆ If a primary device is in a ready state but the requested track is
invalid on the local device.
◆ If a disk adapter has a problem accessing a primary device as in
the case of a drive timeout or cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
error. In these cases, the local Symmetrix system requests the data
from the remote Symmetrix system.
◆ If a track on a primary device is currently available only from a
RAID rebuild, the local Symmetrix system requests the track data
from the remote Symmetrix system. This method is faster than
accessing the data from the RAID rebuild. The Symmetrix system
always performs a full-track read for count-key-data (CKD) and
at least a contiguous-block read for fixed block architecture (FBA)
In a read operation, the remote Symmetrix system reads data from
the secondary device and sends the data across the link to the local
Symmetrix system.
Read operations 69
SRDF Operations
Read operations from SRDF secondary volumes can optionally be made read-only while
the secondary host SRDF is in operation. A host attached to the secondary Symmetrix
system may read data from the secondary devices provided the
operating system has support for reading data from devices that are
hardware write-protected. Such support varies by operating system
type. Consult your server operating-system vendor.
Note: If the secondary host has read-only access to the secondary device, it
does not interfere with SRDF operations. SRDF ensures that the most current
image of data is made available to the secondary host.
Recovery operations
This section explains recovery in the context of hardware failure.
For adequate protection against logical data corruption, EMC
recommends that you regularly back up your data.
If the local host or local Symmetrix system fails, and the primary
volumes are operating in synchronous mode, the remote Symmetrix
system can be ready for operations in minutes. When the failure
occurs, the primary and secondary volumes are synchronized within
one I/O and there are no tracks owed to either the primary or
secondary side.
Failback to the After the primary host and the Symmetrix system containing the
primary Symmetrix primary volumes are again operational, production processing can
system resume on the primary host. The following steps are required to
transfer processing from the secondary host back to the primary host:
1. Halt processing on the secondary host and change the state of the
secondary devices to read-only or Host Not Ready.
2. If a power on or IML is required of the primary Symmetrix
system, make sure that the SRDF links are physically disabled to
prevent movement of invalid track metadata across the SRDF
Recovery operations 71
SRDF Operations
Note: You can use EMC software products such as EMC ControlCenter,
Solutions Enabler, or the Stored Procedure Executive (SPE) of SRDF Host
Component for z/OS to automate or semi-automate this process.
Recovery for a large If the recovery site (the secondary host and the Symmetrix system
number of invalid containing the secondary volumes) has handled production
tracks processing for a long period of time, there might be a large number of
invalid tracks (for example, 500 GB) owed to the primary volumes. In
this case, you can resynchronize the primary and secondary volumes
while the secondary host continues production processing. Then,
when there is a relatively small number of invalid tracks on the
primary volumes (for example, 50 GB), you can shut down the
secondary host and restart the primary host.
Note: This capability is enabled by using the Solutions Enabler or the SRDF
Host Component.
Symmetrix 1 Symmetrix 2
Host SRDF LInk
R1 R2 Host
Concurrent You can temporarily suspend the SRDF links so that you can read and
operations write data on both the primary and secondary volumes concurrently.
This enables you, for example, to run backups on the secondary
volumes while production processing continues on the primary
volumes (a business continuance practice).
You can then resume the links and copy data from the primary
volumes to the secondary volumes.
This last operation propagates any updates made to the primary
volumes while the links were suspended and overwrites any
changed data on the secondary volumes, bringing both volumes into
a synchronized state (Figure 21 on page 74).
After completion of concurrent operations, the
links between primary and secondary are reestablished,
Updates and updates are propagated from the primary volumes
to the secondary volumes.
Using a BCV as a A BCV device may also function as an SRDF primary device. Such a
primary (source) device is called a BCV R1 device. A BCV R1 device may optionally be
device locally mirrored.
When a BCV R1 is attached to a standard device, the corresponding
secondary device is suspended. When the BCV is split, the default
behavior is to propagate the changed data to the secondary device.
Optionally, data transmission can be suppressed and the BCV R1
device will mark the changed data as invalid (owed) to the secondary
device, pending the resumption of the BCV R1 to R2 device
relationship (Figure 23 on page 76).
Concurrent SRDF is not supported for BCV R1 devices because a BCV
R1 device is not allowed to have two remote mirrors.
Using TimeFinder TimeFinder operations (establish, split, restore) are allowed between
BCVs with a BCV and a secondary device. By default, restore operations will not
secondary devices result in data propagating back to the primary device. Changed data
will be marked as invalid (owed) to the primary device following a
restore operation. If data propagation back to the primary device is
desired, TimeFinder software options are available to enable this
X Link
2 3
R1 R2
Symmetrix Symmetrix
Site A Site B
Using a BCV as a A BCV device may also function as an SRDF secondary device. Such
secondary (target) a device is called a BCV R2 device. A BCV R2 device may optionally
device be locally mirrored.
When a BCV R2 is attached to a standard device, the corresponding
primary device is suspended. When the BCV R2 is split, it is again
available for SRDF operations.
SRDF remote You can issue SRDF and BCV control commands from a host or server
command support connected to the local Symmetrix system and have those commands
transmitted across the SRDF link. A host or server does not have to be
located at the secondary location, allowing you for example, to create
a dependant write consistent point-in time copy of your data at the
remote site without needing a host computer or server at the remote
SRDF Multi-Hop SRDF’s multi-hop capability creates the ability to provide disaster
recovery protection at great distances without any data loss. A middle
or bunker site transitions the synchronous replication solution by
using TimeFinder in conjunction with SRDF.
SRDF multi-hop uses a BCV R1 on the secondary side of an SRDF
synchronous configuration to perform an incremental
synchronization with a secondary volume on a third Symmetrix
system. When split, the BCV R1 copies only changed tracks to the
secondary volume located in the third Symmetrix system. This
process provides two benefits. It eliminates the additional
performance impact on synchronous operations across great
distances. In addition, the differential resynchronization dramatically
reduces bandwidth requirements.
R1/R2 swap
Dynamic SRDF provides the capability of swapping the R1/R2
personality of an SRDF device pair. During a personality swap,
primary R1 devices become secondary R2 devices. The secondary R2
devices become primary R1 devices. Swapping personalities allows
the R2 side to take over operations while retaining a remote mirror on
the R1 side. Swapping is especially useful after failing over an
application from the R1 side to the R2 side.
Before performing an R1/R2 swap, the SRDF pair must be in a
suspended state.
After the swap operation is complete, the SRDF device pair remains
in the suspended state. Incremental or full resynchronization
capability is maintained and controlled through EMC SRDF host
based control software. For specific procedures for controlling the
R1/R2 swap operation, go to the SRDF Host Component for z/OS
Product Guide or the Solutions Enabler SRDF CLI Product Guide.
R1/R2 swap When introduced in Enginuity 5x65 and 5x66, the R1/R2 swap
procedure history feature used an online configuration change procedure to affect the
personality swap of the primary (source, R1) and secondary (target,
R2) devices. This process was often lengthy, taking several minutes to
complete. Beginning with Enginuity 5567, a new capability called
Dynamic SRDF was introduced, which dramatically improved the
performance of R1/R2 personality swaps (Figure 25 on page 79).
R1 R2 R2 R1
R1 R2 R1 R2
R1/R2 swap 79
SRDF Operations
SRDF/Asynchronous Operations 83
SRDF/Asynchronous Operations
SRDF/A overview
SRDF/A provides a long distance disaster restart solution with
minimal impact on performance. This solution is intended for
customers requiring the ability to preserve dependent-write
consistency within and across the database and application
environment at an extended distance secondary site with minimal
host application impact. Data is transferred to the secondary
Symmetrix system in cycles, using delta sets.
This chapter explains how the dependent-write consistency is
maintained during the SRDF/A single session mode and SRDF/A
Multi Session Consistency (MSC) mode cycle switches.
SRDF/A benefits
SRDF/A provides the following features and benefits:
◆ Supports extended data replication with database and application
◆ Promotes efficient link utilization resulting in lower link
bandwidth requirements
◆ Maintains a dependent-write consistent point in time image on
the secondary (R2) devices
◆ Supports all current SRDF topologies (ESCON, FarPoint,
point-to-point and switched fabric Fibre Channel, and GigE)
◆ Requires no additional hardware, such as switches or routers
◆ Supports hosts listed in the EMC Support Matrix for CKD and
FBA data emulation types
SRDF/A benefits 85
SRDF/Asynchronous Operations
Note: For more information on specific restrictions, consult the EMC Solutions
Enabler Symmetrix SRDF CLI Product Guide and the Symmetrix SRDF Host
Component Product Guide.
SRDF/A history
The following sections describe the highlights of SRDF/A
development and their availability.
Enginuity 5670 Enginuity 5670 supported single session mode SRDF/A. This
SRDF/A single configuration allows a single SRDF group to participate in
session asynchronous mode within a single Symmetrix. This SRDF/A group
can not use Dynamic SRDF or participate in Concurrent SRDF
Enginuity 5671 SRDF/A Multi-Session Consistency, MSC, for mainframe and Open
SRDF/A Systems supports multiple Symmetrix with no restrictions to the
Multi-Session number of SRDF/A groups per Symmetrix operating in SRDF/A
Consistency, MSC MSC mode. This feature includes the addition of open systems
support and eases the existing restrictions implemented in Enginuity
5670.50 and higher for mainframe SRDF/A.
SRDF/A history 87
SRDF/Asynchronous Operations
Enginuity 5671 The feature provides the ability to replicate a group of devices in
Concurrent SRDF Synchronous mode to one secondary site and in Asynchronous mode
support to another secondary extended distance site. The same primary
device can be replicated synchronously using SRDF/S mode through
one SRDF link and asynchronously using SRDF/A mode through
another link. Performance is equivalent to a conventional Concurrent
SRDF/S configuration; the addition of the SRDF/A leg does not
impose additional performance restrictions.
This feature enables limited multisite protection capability. In the
event of a primary site failure, there would be no data loss since it is
synchronously replicated to a local/regional secondary site. The
limitation to the solution is that in the event of a loss of the primary
site, establishing remote replication between the remaining sites
would mean configuration changes and a full synchronization
process. To avoid the limitation, EMC has developed SRDF/Star (go
to the next section, SRDF/Star).
In the event of a regional disruption that affects the primary site and
the synchronous site, there would be controlled data loss. The data
has been simultaneously replicated asynchronously to a secondary
site much further away. The environment is still dependent-write
consistent and restartable but there may be some data loss. The data
loss is at most two times the SRDF/A cycle time.
Enginuity 5671 This feature allows adding and removing Dynamic SRDF groups that
Dynamic SRDF participate in SRDF/A, as well as adding and removing devices from
support SRDF/A groups. A concurrent mirror may be added dynamically to
a device that is in an SRDF/A group subject to the normal restrictions
for dynamic concurrent SRDF. However, only one concurrent mirror
per device is allowed to be in an SRDF/A group.
Adding or removing a device from an SRDF/A group requires the
use of the SRDF/A tolerance mode feature before actually adding
and/or removing the mirror, otherwise SRDF/A drops.
To remove a Dynamic SRDF/A group, the group must be empty of
devices and the SRDF/A session must be inactive and drained. To
remove a dynamic mirror from an SRDF/A session, the mirror must
be made not ready and all outstanding I/Os in that session for that
device must be drained or discarded.
Enginuity 5671 This host software configurable feature allows the individual
Tunable Cache SRDF/A processes, single session or MSC, to set the cache usage limit
utilization to a percentage of the system write pending limit. Previously,
SRDF/A cycles could grow until they reach the Symmetrix system
write pending limit, at which point you could choose to throttle the
host for a given amount of time or to drop SRDF/A immediately.
Without this feature, if system write pending limits are being
exceeded, performance suffers across the entire Symmetrix, not just
the SRDF/A application.
This feature also adds the ability for a user to define, if cache
resources are being stressed, which SRDF/A sessions to drop first. In
so doing, the user can effectively assign a priority to sessions keeping
SRDF/A active upon for as long as cache resources allows.
SRDF/A history 89
SRDF/Asynchronous Operations
Tolerance mode
Tolerance mode allows certain conditions to occur that would
normally drop SRDF/A. These conditions could include making the
secondary Symmetrix R2 devices Read/Write. When tolerance mode
is set to on, the dependent-write consistency is NOT guaranteed.
SRDF/A MSC still allows tolerance mode to be turned on, but note
that if it is set on for any SRDF/A group within the MSC
configuration, the result could be inconsistencies for the entire MSC
The host software to implement tolerance mode is different for
mainframe and Open Systems. The mainframe software exports the
use of tolerance mode directly, where the Open Systems software
externalizes it through consistency enabling/disabling.
Locality of reference
Locality of reference in SRDF/A environments improves the
efficiency of the SRDF network links. Even if there are multiple data
updates, (i.e. repeated writes) in the same cycle, the systems send the
data across the SRDF links only once.
This is a major advantage over competitive asynchronous replication
solutions. In competitive solutions of this type, every write is sent
across the link and the locality of reference is not utilized at all. These
asynchronous solutions consume as much bandwidth as an
synchronous solution, which must (by definition) send every I/O
across the links.
The advantage gained from the locality of reference on the SRDF link
is not necessarily the same as the advantage gained in cache memory.
The main difference has to do with the fact that I/Os sent on the link
are usually the same size as the host I/Os. The logic is similar to
SRDF Adaptive Copy Write Pending mode, as opposed to SRDF
Adaptive Copy Disk mode where the system always sends full
tracks. In such a case, the gain in bandwidth efficiency from the
locality of reference is mainly from rewriting to the same block and
not rewriting to the same track.
The rules for combining a number of small blocks to one larger I/O
are complex, and not discussed here. However, there are many cases
where the system combines the original I/Os and sends them as one
large I/O across the link. Even if this operation does not necessarily
decrease the bandwidth, it does decrease the number of IO/s the RA
handles, and thus reduces the processing overhead per host I/O.
Figure 26 on page 91 shows both the locality of reference and the
concatenation of small blocks to one larger I/O for transmission.
Locality of reference 91
SRDF/Asynchronous Operations
R1 Apply R2
N N-2
Transmit Receive
N-1 N-1
R1 R2
NR Host commands Remote consistent or
(All devices are Not
or Enginuity inconsistent
Ready on the links)
(synchronous, semi-
synchronous, or
adaptive copy)
Not Ready (NR) When the SRDF environment is configured, and the SRDF links come
state (system up, all SRDF volumes are in a not ready (NR) state by default. This
startup) means that all the remote devices on the primary Symmetrix are
not-ready on the SRDF link. These devices can be made ready on the
link by issuing the commands from the host software. By doing so,
the state would transition to the inactive SRDF/A state.
Inactive state In inactive state the devices are ready on the link, SRDF/A is inactive,
and all devices work in their assigned modes (synchronous,
semi-synchronous, or Adaptive Copy Write Pending/Disk Mode).
Various commands can transition SRDF/A from an active state to an
inactive state. Most of these commands maintain a dependent-write
consistent copy on the secondary Symmetrix and one of them
(deactivate) does not.
Active state The active state is the normal running state of SRDF/A. The
secondary Symmetrix is either consistent or inconsistent. The
consistent active state always represents a dependent-write
consistent image of the data. The inconsistent active state represents
previously owed tracks that have not yet been transferred to the
secondary Symmetrix. Dependent-write consistency is not
maintained for these owed tracks.
SRDF/A declares the secondary Symmetrix consistent once all of the
previously owed tracks from the primary Symmetrix have been
transferred to the secondary Symmetrix devices. Specifically, the last
cycle containing this data is fully copied to global memory and in the
N-2 cycle (apply delta set) on the secondary Symmetrix.
R1 R2
N Capture Apply N-2 1. Capture delta set (DS) collects
N N-2
application write I/O
Transmit Receive
N-1 N-1
R1 R2
N N-2
Figure 29 Single session capture delta set collects application write I/O
R1 R2
N Capture Apply N-2 1. Capture delta set (DS) collects
N N-2
application write I/O
Transmit Receive 2. Primary waits for the minimum cycle
N-1 time, and for the Transmit DS to empty
R1 2 R2
N a) Primary tells Secondary to commit the Receive
N-2 DS (begins Secondary step 3 in unison)
R1 R2
N Capture Apply N-2 1. Capture delta set (DS) collects
N N-2
application write I/O
Transmit Receive 2. Primary waits for the minimum cycle
2b N-1 time, and for the Transmit DS to empty
R1 2 R2
N a) Primary tells Secondary to commit the Receive
N-2 DS (begins Secondary step 3 in unison)
b) SRDF transfer halted
Primary Symmetrix Secondary Symmetrix SYM-001267
Figure 31 SRDF/A single session SRDF transfer is halted prior to Primary Symmetrix
cycle switch
1. Capture delta set (DS) collects
R1 R2 application write I/O
N Capture Apply N-2 2. Primary waits for the minimum cycle
N N-2
2c time, and for the Transmit DS to empty
Receive a) Primary tells Secondary to commit the Receive
N 2b N-1 DS (begins Secondary step 3 in unison)
R1 2 R2
N b) SRDF transfer halted
N-2 c) Primary cycle switch occurs – Capture DS
becomes the Transmit DS
Primary Symmetrix Secondary Symmetrix
The new capture delta set is available to continue receiving new Host
I/O as seen in Figure 33 on page 99.
1. Capture delta set (DS) collects
application write I/O
R1 R2
N Capture 2. Primary waits for the minimum cycle
N time, and for the Transmit DS to empty
2d 2c
a) Primary tells Secondary to commit the Receive
N-1 2b N-2 DS (begins Secondary step 3 in unison)
R1 2 b) SRDF transfer halted
N R2
c) Primary cycle switch occurs – Capture DS
2d becomes the Transmit DS
Primary Symmetrix Secondary Symmetrix d) New Capture DS available for Host I/O
Figure 33 SRDF/A single session new capture delta available for host I/O
1 3a
1. Capture delta set (DS) collects
application write I/O
R1 R2
N Capture 2. Primary waits for the minimum cycle
N time, and for the Transmit DS to empty
2d 2c
a) Primary tells Secondary to commit the Receive
N-1 2b N-2 DS (begins Secondary step 3 in unison)
R1 2 b) SRDF transfer halted
N R2
c) Primary cycle switch occurs – Capture DS
2d becomes the Transmit DS
Primary Symmetrix Secondary Symmetrix d) New Capture DS available for Host I/O
3. Secondary receives commit from Primary
a) Check if the data in Apply DS is restored (data
marked write pending to the R2 devices)
The next step is a delta set cycle switch on the secondary Symmetrix
between the receive (inactive) and apply (active) delta sets as shown
in Figure 35 on page 100. This preserves the dependent-write
consistent copy at the secondary Symmetrix prior to receiving the
next dependent-write consistent copy.
1 3a
1. Capture delta set (DS) collects
application write I/O
R1 R2
N Capture Apply 2. Primary waits for the minimum cycle
N N-2 time, and for the Transmit DS to empty
2d 2c 3b
a) Primary tells Secondary to commit the Receive
N-1 2b N-2 DS (begins Secondary step 3 in unison)
R1 2 b) SRDF transfer halted
N R2
c) Primary cycle switch occurs – Capture DS
2d becomes the Transmit DS
Primary Symmetrix Secondary Symmetrix d) New Capture DS available for Host I/O
3. Secondary receives commit from Primary
a) Check if the data in Apply DS is restored (data
marked write pending to the R2 devices)
b) Secondary cycle switch –
Receive DS becomes Apply DS
Figure 36 on page 100 shows a new receive delta set is available for
the SRDF transfer.
1 3a
1. Capture delta set (DS) collects
application write I/O
R1 R2
N Capture Apply 2. Primary waits for the minimum cycle
N N-2 time, and for the Transmit DS to empty
2d 2c 3b a) Primary tells Secondary to commit the Receive
Transmit Receive
N-1 2b DS (begins Secondary step 3 in unison)
R1 2 3c b) SRDF transfer halted
N R2
c) Primary cycle switch occurs – Capture DS
2d becomes the Transmit DS
Primary Symmetrix Secondary Symmetrix d) New Capture DS available for Host I/O
3. Secondary receives commit from Primary
a) Check if the data in Apply DS is restored (data
marked write pending to the R2 devices)
b) Secondary cycle switch –
Receive DS becomes Apply DS
c) New Receive DS available for SRDF transfer
1 3a
1. Capture delta set (DS) collects
3e application write I/O
R1 R2
N Capture Apply 2. Primary waits for the minimum cycle
N N-2 time, and for the Transmit DS to empty
2d 2c 3b a) Primary tells Secondary to commit the Receive
Transmit Receive
N-1 2b DS (begins Secondary step 3 in unison)
R1 2 3c b) SRDF transfer halted
N R2
N-2 c) Primary cycle switch occurs – Capture DS
2d becomes the Transmit DS
Primary Symmetrix Secondary Symmetrix d) New Capture DS available for Host I/O
3. Secondary receives commit from Primary
a) Check if the data in Apply DS is restored (data
marked write pending to the R2 devices)
b) Secondary cycle switch –
Receive DS becomes Apply DS
c) New Receive DS available for SRDF transfer
d) Secondary sends Primary
e) Begin restore of Apply DS SYM-001273
1 3a
1. Capture delta set (DS) collects
3e application write I/O
R1 R2
N Capture Apply 2. Primary waits for the minimum cycle
N N-2 time, and for the Transmit DS to empty
2d 2c 3b
a) Primary tells Secondary to commit the Receive
N-1 2b, 4a N-1 DS (begins Secondary step 3 in unison)
R1 2 3c b) SRDF transfer halted
N R2
N-2 c) Primary cycle switch occurs – Capture DS
2d becomes the Transmit DS
Primary Symmetrix Secondary Symmetrix d) New Capture DS available for Host I/O
3. Secondary receives commit from Primary
a) Check if the data in Apply DS is restored (data
marked write pending to the R2 devices)
b) Secondary cycle switch –
Receive DS becomes Apply DS
c) New Receive DS available for SRDF transfer
d) Secondary sends Primary
e) Begin restore of Apply DS
4. Primary receives acknowledgement of Secondary
cycle switch
a) SRDF transfer begins SYM-001274
Synchronous SRDF-A
Adaptive copy
Adaptive copy
Adaptive copy
pend off
and SRDF-A
Switching to SRDF/A The host software can be used to switch to asynchronous mode.
Note: SRDF/A is an SRDF group-level feature, meaning that all devices
assigned to an SRDF group that is configured to operate in asynchronous
mode operate in asynchronous mode when the SRDF/A state is active.
SRDF verifies that all the devices are ready, and then moves the
system to active state (both primary and secondary Symmetrix). As a
result, the delta sets are established on the primary and secondary
Symmetrix and the SRDF/A mechanism is enabled.
This chapter assumes that tolerance mode is set to off.
Transition from When switching from SRDF synchronous mode, where all of the
synchronous to devices are in sync, the secondary Symmetrix shows a consistent state
asynchronous and the data is dependent-write consistent.
If there were previously owed tracks to be copied, there is no
dependent-write consistency at the secondary Symmetrix until the
last owed track has been sent to the secondary Symmetrix and is in
the N-2 cycle (apply delta set). This happens when the DA director
places the track owed to the secondary Symmetrix in the capture
delta set (s) and SRDF/A cycle switching occurs until that track is in
the apply delta set. Once this occurs, SRDF/A indicates the state is
consistent, which means the data is dependent-write consistent.
Transition from When the mode is set to SRDF/A from adaptive copy write pending
adaptive copy mode all devices are moved into the adaptive copy pending off
write-pending mode. With SRDF/A active, when the DA scans a device in the
mode to pending off mode, rather than creating a separate SRDF queue
asynchronous record, it adds the slot to the active cycle (capture delta set). If there
are not any slots left write pending to the SRDF mirror that are not in
the SRDF/A cycle, the device can transition out of the pending off
mode. Once all devices transition out of pending off mode, two cycle
switches are required for the secondary Symmetrix to report a
consistent state and have the data be dependent-write consistent.
Transition from Transition into SRDF/A mode from adaptive copy disk mode is
adaptive copy disk immediate. Tracks owed to the secondary Symmetrix as a result of
mode to SRDF/A adaptive copy disk skew are scheduled as resynchronization
operations. These are copy I/Os scheduled by the disk adapter to be
serviced by SRDF/A. Each cycle switch (new capture delta set) limits
the copy I/Os to 30,000 tracks to avoid using all of the cache in the
primary Symmetrix. Host I/Os continue to be serviced in the current
SRDF/A cycles (capture delta set). The length of time to send the
tracks owed with asynchronous mode depends on the number of
outstanding tracks owed prior to switching to asynchronous mode.
For example, 90,000 tracks owed take a minimum of three SRDF/A
cycle switches to transmit the data. There are another two cycle
switches required to ensure the data is in the apply delta set, or the
N-2 copy of data. SRDF/A produces a consistent state on the
secondary Symmetrix and a dependent-write consistent copy of data
after all resync operations are complete and the two additional cycle
switches have occurred.
Coming out of the This section refers to the SRDF/A active state that is consistent,
SRDF/A active state meaning the data is in a dependent-write consistent state. This means
tolerance mode is off.
SRDF/A supports several methods of dropping out of the active state
into the Not Ready state. In order to maintain a dependent-write
consistent copy two options are discussed; DROP and PEND-DROP.
The third option is simply remove SRDF/A from the active state and
transition the SRDF mode to another state without preserving the
dependent-write consistency at the secondary Symmetrix. This is not
a recommended option.
Dropping SRDF/A This option puts the devices in a Not Ready state immediately and
single session mode the current cycle does not complete. This results in tracks being
converted to tracks owed on both the primary and secondary
Symmetrix systems of the SRDF relationship. Resuming SRDF would
then require resolving the tracks in the normal way. Dropping out of
asynchronous mode does not compromise the dependent-write
consistency of the data at the secondary Symmetrix.
Enginuity initiated Enginuity may also drop an SRDF/A single session mode for a
drop number of reasons:
◆ Primary Symmetrix system write pending limit reached
• Bandwidth not sized properly
• Global memory not sized properly
• Workload allocation for the specific implementation
• Secondary Symmetrix device write pending limit reached –
unbalanced configuration
• Any combination of the above
◆ Secondary Symmetrix devices made NR on the link
• By host command
• Due to excessive device or link errors
◆ All links lost
• Manually
• External network or network equipment issues
• Excessive link errors
These all result in a dependent-write consistent image being
preserved on the secondary Symmetrix.
Pend-dropping PEND-DROP puts the devices in a Not Ready state only at the end of
SRDF/A single the current in-process cycle. Write-pending tracks in the active cycle
session mode are converted to tracks owed on the primary Symmetrix only. By
dropping SRDF/A on the cycle boundary, PEND-DROP, there is not a
need to resolve owed tracks upon resuming SRDF/A.
Deactivating SRDF/A mode offers the option of moving out of the active state
SRDF/A single immediately while leaving the SRDF devices ready on the link.
session mode Because the devices are left ready on the SRDF link, data continues to
flow and the dependent-write consistency of the data at the
secondary Symmetrix is compromised. The capture and transmit
delta sets data are marked as owed tracks to the secondary
Symmetrix similar to a resync operation. These tracks owed are not
dependent-write consistent.
Temporary link loss If SRDF/A suffers a temporary loss (<10 seconds by default) on all of
the SRDF links, the SRDF/A state remains active and data continues
to accumulate in global memory. This may result in an elongated
cycle, but the secondary Symmetrix dependent-write consistency is
not compromised and the primary and secondary Symmetrix device
relationship are not suspended. The amount of time SRDF waits until
it declares a link loss permanent is configurable.
Customers switching to SRDF/S mode with the link loss amount
configured for more than 10 seconds could experience an
application, database, or host failure if SRDF is restarted in
Synchronous or Semi-Synchronous mode.
Permanent link loss If SRDF/A experiences a permanent link loss, it drops all of the
devices on the link to not ready state. This results in all data in the
active and inactive primary Symmetrix cycles (capture and transmit
delta sets) being changed from write pending for the remote mirror to
owed to the remote mirror. In addition, any new write I/Os on the
primary Symmetrix system result in tracks being marked owed to the
remote mirror. All of these tracks are owed to the secondary
Symmetrix once the links are restored.
The secondary Symmetrix inactive cycle (receive delta set) data is
marked owed to the remote mirror. These are owed to the primary
Symmetrix. The active cycle (apply delta set) data completes its
commit to the secondary Symmetrix devices.
When the links are restored, normal SRDF recovery procedures are
followed. The track tables are compared and merged based on
normal host recovery procedures used by EMC host software. The
data is then resynchronized by sending the owed tracks as part of the
SRDF/A cycles.
Primary Symmetrix It is possible that an imbalance may occur with SRDF/A between the
global memory full incoming write I/O workload and the outgoing SRDF/A bandwidth,
condition or the inability to de-stage data quickly enough at the secondary
Symmetrix, such that the global memory in the primary Symmetrix
becomes full. The inactive and active cycles (capture and transmit
delta sets) on the primary Symmetrix consume all the available write
memory in the Symmetrix system.
In this situation, SRDF/A behaves based on customer-configurable
◆ The primary Symmetrix system can throttle the host at the speed
of the links, and keep SRDF/A running. In this case the host
performance is equivalent to synchronous mode.
◆ The primary Symmetrix system throttles the host for a
customer-defined specified period of time, and if the condition
has not resolved itself at the expiration of this time, then SRDF/A
is dropped. The default behavior is to drop SRDF/A immediately
when this condition occurs
Failback from In the event that a disaster occurs on the primary Symmetrix, the data
secondary on the secondary Symmetrix devices represents a dependent-write
symmetrix devices consistent image of data that can be used to restart an environment
with minimal data loss. Once the primary Symmetrix has been
repaired, the process for returning to the primary Symmetrix uses
exactly the same methods as are used for synchronous SRDF failback
Once the workload has been transferred back to the primary
Symmetrix hosts, SRDF/A can be activated and normal
asynchronous mode protection can be resumed.
In the event of an extended failover event, the SRDF/A configuration
can be reversed using either Dynamic SRDF or a configuration
change. SRDF/A can continue to process until a planned reversal of
direction can be performed again in order to restore the original
SRDF/A primary/secondary relationship.
R1 Apply R2
N N-2
Transmit Receive
N-1 N-1
R1 R2
Capture Apply
N N-2
R1 R2
Transmit Receive
N-1 N-1
Capture Apply
N N-2
R1 R2
Transmit Receive
N-1 N-1
Entering SRDF/A For the host to control the cycle switch process, the Symmetrix
multi-session systems must be aware that they are running in multi-session
consistency consistency mode. This is done via the SRDF control software
running on the host.
The host software:
◆ Coordinates the cycle switching for all SRDF/A sessions
comprising the SRDF/A MSC configuration
◆ Monitors for a failure to propagate data to the secondary
Symmetrix devices and drops all SRDF/A sessions together to
maintain dependent-write consistency
◆ Performs MSC cleanup if able
Remote site consistent
Host command or inconsistent
or Enginuity Host command
Host command
Not ready (NR) Host command Remote site consistent
All devices are Not
or Enginuity or
Ready on the links
Synchronous or
adaptive copy modes
switch and open command has been processed. At this point the host
software issues a close command for each SRDF/A group under MSC
control. As a result, dependent-write consistency across the SRDF/A
MSC group is created.
As part of this switch and open operation, the host software assigns a
cycle tag value to the active cycle (capture delta set). (This cycle tag
value is separate from the cycle number assigned internally by
SRDF/A.) This cycle tag is carried by the SRDF/A process to the
secondary Symmetrix and is used by the host software at the
recovery site to ensure that only data from the same host cycle is
applied to the secondary Symmetrix devices in each SRDF group and
Symmetrix system in the event of a disaster.
During this window, read I/Os complete normally to any devices
that have not received a write. The SRDF/A window is an attribute of
the SRDF/A group and is checked at the start of each I/O, at no
additional overhead, because the host adapter is already obtaining
the cycle number from global memory as part of SRDF/As existing
R1 R2
N Capture Apply N-2 1. Capture delta set (DS) collects
N N-2
application write I/O
Transmit Receive
N-1 N-1
R1 R2
N N-2
Capture Apply
R1 N N-2 R2
N N-2
Transmit Receive
N-1 N-1
Capture Apply
N N-2
R1 R2
N Transmit Receive N-2
N-1 N-1
Figure 42 SRDF/A MSC capture delta set collects application write I/O
Figure 43 on page 117 shows that SRDF transfer between the primary
Symmetrix transmit delta set and the secondary Symmetrix receive
delta set is complete.
Capture Apply
R1 N N-2 R2
N N-2
Transmit Receive
Capture Apply
N N-2
R1 R2
N Receive N-2
Primary Symmetrix Secondary Symmetrix SYM-001256
The primary Symmetrix halts the SRDF transfer and sends a ‘transmit
complete’ message to the secondary Symmetrix as shown in
Figure 44 on page 117. The secondary Symmetrix stores the
information, which is used during cleanup (if SRDF/A drops), and
sends an acknowledgement back to the primary Symmetrix.
1 3
The primary Symmetrix releases the deferred I/O and a new capture
delta set accepts the host I/O as shown in Figure 47 on page 119. The
transmit delta set contains the N-1 copy of dependent-write
consistent data.
The secondary Symmetrix now has a new receive delta set available
as shown in Figure 49 on page 120.
The secondary Symmetrix systems also begin the apply delta set
restore process and the process begins again as shown in Figure 51 on
page 121.
secondary Symmetrix devices via the apply delta set. The data that
was in the discarded receive delta sets are marked as tracks owed to
the primary Symmetrix devices.
The third case occurs where there are different cycle tags within the
apply and receive delta sets. In this case, the secondary Symmetrix
can be divided into two groups. The first group has Symmetrix
systems with apply delta set cycle tags that match the receive delta
set cycle tags of the Symmetrix systems from the second group. In
other words, Symmetrix systems from the first group have received
the commit message for a certain host cycle, while the Symmetrix
systems from the second group have not. In this case, the receive
cycles of the Symmetrix systems from the second group are
necessarily complete and the host software must force their restore.
At the same time, host software must discard the receive delta sets of
the Symmetrix systems from the first group regardless of their
SRDF/Star Operations
SRDF/Star overview
Available at Enginuity level 5x71 for mainframe and open systems
environments, SRDF/Star is a solution that operates in a concurrent
SRDF configuration (A-to-B and A-to-C) where one remote mirror
operates in SRDF/S mode (A-to-B) and the other remote mirror
operates in SRDF/A mode (A-to-C).
SRDF/Star provides for rapid reestablishment of cross-site protection
in the event of primary site (A) failure. Rather than a full
resynchronization between sites B and C, SRDF/Star provides a
differential B to C synchronization, dramatically reducing the time it
takes to remotely protect the new production site. SRDF/Star also
provides a mechanism to determine which site (B or C) has the most
current data in the event of a rolling disaster that affects site A. In all
cases, you maintain the ability to choose both which site to operate
from and which site’s data to use when recovering from a primary
site failure. Figure 52 on page 127 shows a SRDF/Star configuration.
It is strongly recommended that all SRDF devices be locally protected
and that there is capacity allocated for one replica (BCV, Snap, or
clone) at both of the remote sites in the configuration.
R1 R2
Known Known requirements and limitations for this release of SRDF/A are
requirements and as follows:
limitations at this ◆ All SRDF/Star SRDF device pairs must be the same geometry and
release size.
◆ Only Fibre or GigE SRDF links are supported.
◆ All SRDF Groups (even inactive groups) must be defined prior to
entering SRDF/Star mode.
◆ SRDF/Star is defined by the host software. Refer to the
appropriate host platform software documentation.
SRDF/Star control for Normal operation of SRDF/Star is controlled by the host based
mainframe Multi-Session Consistency (MSC) task at the R1 site. MSC performs
the session management at the SRDF/S R2 site and when necessary
at the SRDF/A site C. MSC session management maintains the
information needed to perform differential synchronization between
site B and site C. Other host software including SRDF Host
Component, Consistency Groups, support utilities, automation
utilities, and documented procedures are used to accomplish
resynchronization and manage the reconfigurations. Automation for
some basic procedure operations is provided with SRDF/Star and is
supported by EMC if unaltered.
Mainframe customers wishing to script additional suggested
procedures and/or extend them could use any number of automation
products including native REXX or EMCSPE.
SRDF/Star control for Solutions Enabler Software along with the SRDF daemon control
Open Systems operations of SRDF/Star at the R1 site with the use of a user created
composite group. This will include the required session management
at the SRDF/S R2 site and when necessary at the SRDF/A R2 site.
The host software and Enginuity maintain the information needed to
perform the differential synchronization between the synchronous
and asynchronous secondary sites. The symstar command was
created to control, manage, and automate the SRDF/star processes in
an Open System environment.
Site A Site B
H1 H2
Sym1 L1(Sync) Sym2
H1 - Host 1
H2 - Host 2
H3 - Host 3
2 A
P1 - Host to Sym path 1
P2 - Host to Sym path 2
P3 - Host to Sym path 3 Site C
Sym1 - Symmetrix 1
Sym2 - Symmetrix 2
Sym3 - Symmetrix 3
Each Synchronous R2 has 2 SDDF sessions H3
Each Asynchronous R2 has 1 SDDF session
SRDF/Star EMC provides host-based automation, via the symstar command, for
automation for normal, transient fault, unplanned switch, and planned switch
open systems operations in the Open Systems environments. This automation is
delivered in Solutions Enabler with the SRDF/Star license. Detailed
descriptions and implementation guidelines can be found in EMC
Solutions Enabler Symmetrix SRDF Family CLI Product Guide. Other
licenses are also required to maintain the dependent-write
A data vaulting 28
adaptive copy database management systems 20
disk mode 18, 57 DBMS 21
write-pending mode 18, 56 dependent write operations 21
adaptive copy mode 32, 33, 56 device states 49
ATM links 47 domino mode 58
attributes, system-level 59 device domino mode 58
link domino mode 58
dual-directional configuration 47
B dual-directional link protocol 47
backups without a remote host 77 dynamic spare 38, 39
BCV 39 Dynamic Sparing 24, 44
as a primary (source) device 75, 76 Dynamic Sparing with mirrored pairs 44
concurrent operations 73 Dynamic Sparing with SRDF 44
performing remote backups 77 Dynamic SRDF 39, 40, 42, 80
SRDF multi-hop 77 dynamic SRDF devices 43
business continuance dynamic SRDF groups 43
operations 73 to 77
business continuance volumes (BCVs) 38, 75
E1, E3, T1, T3, and ATM links 47
C EMC compatible peer 42
channel interface states 51 EMC ControlCenter software 24
Concurrent SRDF 32, 33, 42, 60 EMC SRDF/Consistency Groups 20
configurations Enginuity 30, 32, 33, 39, 43, 48, 60
SRDF 27 to 36 ESCON 34, 40, 46, 47, 60
connectivity ESCON remote adapter (RA) 25
point-to-multipoint 31 ESCON remote director (RA) 26
point-to-point 31, 32 Ethernet infrastructure 33
data protection options 24 fabric connectivity 30
data recovery 44 fully switched 30
unidirectional link protocol 47
volume types 38 to 45
WAN 33
Windows 24
write operations 68
write-enabled state 51
z/OS 24