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The document provides an encyclopedia-style overview of concepts in the philosophy of mind.

The document contains an introduction, definitions of various philosophy of mind concepts across multiple pages, and a bibliography section listing relevant references.

The bibliography section lists references related to various topics in the philosophy of mind discussed throughout the document, such as consciousness, perception, mind-body problem, and more.

Philosophy of Mind AZ

Marina Rakova
Volumes available in the Philosophy AZ Series
Christian Philosophy AZ, Daniel J. Hill and
Randal D. Rauser
Epistemology AZ, Martijn Blaauw and Duncan Pritchard
Ethics AZ, Jonathan A. Jacobs
Indian Philosophy AZ, Christopher Bartley
Jewish Philosophy AZ, Aaron W. Hughes
Philosophy of Religion AZ, Patrick Quinn

Forthcoming volumes
Aesthetics AZ, Fran Guter
Chinese Philosophy AZ, Bo Mou
Feminist Philosophy AZ, Nancy McHugh
Islamic Philosophy AZ, Peter Groff
Philosophical Logic AZ, J. C. Beall
Philosophy of Language AZ, Alessandra Tanesini
Philosophy of Science AZ, Stathis Psillos
Political Philosophy AZ, Jon Pike
Philosophy of Mind AZ

Marina Rakova

Edinburgh University Press

In memory of Galina Alexeevna Makashova,
teacher and friend

C Marina Rakova, 2006

Edinburgh University Press Ltd

22 George Square, Edinburgh

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available from the British Library

ISBN-10 0 7486 2215 2 (hardback)

ISBN-13 978 0 7486 2215 3 (hardback)
ISBN-10 0 7486 2095 8 (paperback)
ISBN-13 978 0 7486 2095 1 (paperback)

The right of Marina Rakova

to be identified as author of this work
has been asserted in accordance with
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Series Editors Preface vi

Introduction viii
Acknowledgements xi

Philosophy of Mind AZ 1
Bibliography 195
Series Editors Preface

The philosophy of mind is one of those areas of philosophy

that has a close connection with science. The precise nature
of that connection is unclear, though, and we tend to think
that abstract issues in philosophy are independent of scien-
tific developments and discoveries. Yet the progress that takes
place in the understanding of the nature of the mind on a
scientific level clearly has an impact on the philosophical dis-
cussion, not in the sense of coming down on one rather than on
another side of an argument, but because science continues to
frame the arguments in different ways. The familiar problems
such as how the body and the mind are connected, and what
is meant by consciousness, for example, are often now artic-
ulated in terms of contemporary scientific understandings of
the mind and action. The very modern issue of how far we can
talk of machines thinking is a good example of how the nature
of the mind and what it means to be a thinking thing resonates
through the centuries to become particularly acute in an age
that is familiar with artificial intelligence. Almost all the major
philosophers had something, usually a great deal, to say on the
philosophy of mind, and their positions have been briefly but
accurately outlined in this book. Philosophy of mind has to-
day become one of the most difficult areas of philosophy with
a technical vocabulary of its own, perhaps due to its links with

the science of the mind, and Marina Rakova has done us all
a service in providing a clear and comprehensive guide to the

Oliver Leaman

In one form or another, philosophy of mind has always been a

major area of philosophical inquiry, although it is only in the
last century, when the so-called mindbody problem began to
be tackled head on, that it achieved the spectacular promi-
nence it continues to enjoy today. This special placement of
philosophy of mind in our intellectual endeavours is not sur-
prising: there invariably comes a point when understanding
the nature of the outer reality requires turning an inquiring
eye to the nature of the mind. One could argue that this trend
marks all the major periods in the history of philosophy, but
it will be sufficient to note how much it has resurfaced in re-
cent years. Other disciplines within philosophy, such as epis-
temology, metaphysics or ethics, are becoming more and more
closely concerned with mental properties, and scientific pub-
lications no longer shun the problem of consciousness or that
of the evolution of mentality as of merely speculative interest.
This makes it all the more difficult to outline the exact
province of the philosophy of mind and select only those en-
tries for inclusion in a dictionary that properly belong to it. My
approach was to reflect in as much detail as possible the main
issues occupying today the community of mind and cognition
researchers and provide the historical background essential for
understanding them (like the unwaning influence of Descartes
on modern thought or the present relevance of the medieval
problem of universals). However, I also judged it necessary
to go beyond what may be seen as properly philosophical

problem areas and include in this dictionary some crucial em-

pirical terms and issues of which anyone interested in the phi-
losophy of mind should be aware (such as the landmarks of
vision research, scientific explanations of consciousness or dis-
cussions surrounding the neuron doctrine).
Overall, what I wanted to produce was the kind of dic-
tionary that I would myself have enjoyed having at my side
when first making inroads into the philosophy of mind. Thus
I have included here some high-currency phrases which one
invariably comes across in the literature but which are often
left unexplained to the puzzlement of readers new to the area
(for example, Cartesian theatre or exaptation). However, I
thought it would be wrong to merely provide their definitions
without placing them into the broad contexts where they make
their appearance, which is why entries for such terms refer the
reader for their explanation to other articles (for the examples
given these are, respectively, self, the and evolution).
I also placed special emphasis on explaining the ambiguity
present in some important and frequent terms (for example,
representationalism, property dualism or even functional-
ism). There is an opinion that such ambiguity is endemic to
philosophy. Be that as it may, it is certainly baffling to someone
who is new to the philosophy of mind. All such considerations
added up to form the main principle behind the choice of en-
tries for this dictionary: to help the student or any interested
layperson to get a quick grasp of some unfamiliar territory and
become unbaffled. Finally, as regards the structuring of the
entries themselves, I made a special point of not only provid-
ing their precise definitions and answering the question what
it is but of also answering the question why it matters, which
is one of the first questions an inquisitive person asks when
confronted with a new problem area.
I realise only too well that some readers are bound to ques-
tion my choice of entries, either doubting the appropriate-
ness of some of them in a philosophy of mind dictionary or

lamenting the absence of their favourite thinkers. Making the

final decision on what potential entries can be omitted, given
the space limitations, was in itself a task of soul-tearing pro-
portions, but that decision had to be made. I have stated here
some of the criteria that determined the ultimate selection of
entries for this dictionary and I hope that the reader will find
this volume helpful and easy to use.

I most sincerely wish to thank:

The Series Editor, Oliver Leaman, for getting me involved in

this complicated but ultimately rewarding project. He came
up with the brilliant idea of producing these very timely and
handy philosophy guides, and I hope he will be pleased with
what he is going to get.

The two anonymous reviewers for Edinburgh University Press

whose comments were most useful in making me recall that
philosophy of mind is not confined to those particular areas
of it that I am interested in myself. Unfortunately it proved
impossible to squeeze all their suggestions into this slim book.

Members of psyche-D e-mail discussion list (especially

Andrew Brook, Steven Lehar, Eric Dietrich and Mitch
Gunzler) for their clarifications and debates which migrated
into this volume in disguise. Michael Beaney, Elena Sviridova
and Natalia Dobreytina also helped me with various bits and

Andrew Brook, Timothy Williamson and James R. Hurford

for kindly reading some of my entries for me and letting me
know whenever something struck them as strange, imprecise
or downright wrong. And, of course, their comments in them-
selves were a pleasure to read.

Everyone else whose ideas I might have stolen without ex-

plicitly acknowledging the fact. I would certainly have done
so if I had had another ten thousand words of elbow room
to manoeuvre in. As a model of a reader-friendly dictionary I
used Simon Blackburns The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy
(Oxford University Press, 1996).

All the students I have ever taught and who have taught me
that things have to be both clear and informative, and that
this is the only way.

Andrew M. Tune for reducing my teaching load a little while

I was writing this.

Carol Macdonald from Edinburgh University Press for deli-

cately taking control over my poor time management skills
and getting this volume into production, and Peter Williams
for kindly attending to my last minute whims and making sure
they find their way into the final version of the text.

My father Boris Rakov and my brother Dmitry Rakov for

their emotional and technical support.

My partner Denis Gladkov, my dearest and strictest critic, who

never failed to let me know if something was unclear to him. If
he had not been around for me to lean on his shoulder, which
he patiently bore, I would never have completed this book.
Now that it is over, I hope he will be able to get some life.

And of course we both thank our cat Kosha for providing

me with inspiration. Cats are very philosophical animals. It
is a pity, though, that they do not think much of our, that is
humans, kind of minds.

Marina Rakova
Philosophy of Mind AZ
Abduction: the notion introduced by Peirce to classify syllo-
gisms of the type: (1) As are Bs; (2) Cs are Bs; (3) therefore,
Cs are As. Although this form of reasoning is formally
fallacious, Peirce viewed it as pertaining to scientific dis-
covery. Abductive reasoning is also characteristic of our
everyday reasoning as inference to the best explanation
on the basis of limited evidence. Being non-algorithmic,
which is not easily formalisable through the application
of a set of rules, sensitive to context and ones overall
knowledge, it presents problems for the computational
theory of mind.

Ability Hypothesis see Knowledge-how

Absent Qualia: an argument against functionalism originated

by Ned Block. If there can be a system identical to humans
in functional organisation but lacking subjective experi-
ence, then the nature of qualia is not functional. The
China-body system (Chinese nation, Chinese gym),
where a billion people send radio commands to each other
and an artificial body realising your functional organisa-
tion, is one such example. A possible response is that

it is logically impossible for a state without phenomenal

character to be functionally identical to a state possessing
such character (they will differ with respect to phenome-
nal beliefs they give rise to).

Access Consciousness (a-consciousness): a kind of conscious-

ness distinguished by Ned Block from phenomenal
consciousness (p-consciousness) or experience. A repre-
sentation is a-conscious if it is available for free use in
reasoning and rational control of behaviour (including
verbal reports). The distinction is motivated by the need
to accommodate consciousness within the computational
theory of mind. Thus, a-consciousness is a functional
or information-processing correlate of p-consciousness
(which requires a biological solution). To show that they
are distinct kinds Block considers cases where they come
apart. P-consciousness without a-consciousness is present
when, for example, involved in a conversation you keep
raising your voice without realising that you do so be-
cause of some loud noise outside: you are p-conscious,
but not a-conscious of the noise. And an example of
a-consciousness without p-consciousness would be ob-
tained if blindsight subjects could prompt themselves to
identify objects presented to them. A-consciousness with-
out p-consciousness is characteristic of zombies, and to
avoid their possibility Block admits that a-consciousness
must be parasitic on p-consciousness. Blocks approach,
shared by several philosophers, is called the bifurcated
view: it considers phenomenal states as functional but
also defends realism about qualia.
Further reading: Block (1995a)

Accidental Property (contingent property): a property which

an individual or kind could have failed to have without

ceasing to be what it essentially is (for example, being a


Acquaintance see Russell, Bertrand

Action: that which an agent does rather than a mere physical

rearrangement of ones body parts. Actions are carried
out with certain intentions, and this links the notions of
action and agency to those of rationality and intentional-
ity. According to the causal theory of action, associated
with Hume but already found in Aristotle, intentional ac-
tion needs desire to provide goals and belief as a means
of potentially achieving them. However, there arises the
problem of mental causation (reasons and causes): it
seems that as we act for reasons, action must be explained
in terms of reasons, which is not a kind of causal expla-
nation. This approach, characteristic of Wittgensteinean
theories of action such as Anscombes, was questioned
by Davidson who argued that reasons must have physi-
cal bases, and thus be efficacious in causing action (for
otherwise one should not think of them as reasons at
all). But if one holds that an action must be explained
in terms of its immediate cause, one may miss important
generalisations. This is the idea of basic action: although
one phones ones parents by dialling their number and
does that by hitting buttons on the telephone and so on,
all the subsequent descriptions seem inadequate to ex-
plain ones action (the problem of action individuation).
A similar point was made by Christopher Peacocke and
Timothy Williamson against those versions of internalism
which view actions as bodily movements caused by inter-
nal states individuated without reference to the agents en-
vironment. Intentional states guiding even such simple ac-
tions as crossing a road cannot be factorised into internal

and external components because many actions involve

deliberation (are not instantaneous) and require constant
feedback from the environment. The notion of action was
also recently employed to question the classical notion of
mental representation (see embedded cognition).
Further reading: Davidson (1980); Mele (1997)

Adaptation: a characteristic of an organism which arose

through evolution by natural selection.

Adaptationism (Neo-Darwinism): the view that natural se-

lection is the main driving force of evolution. However,
the term is often reserved for the controversial view that
most characteristics of organisms are adaptations that en-
hance organisms survival and can be explained in terms
of genes tendency to proliferation. For this reason, adap-
tationist explanations are sometimes pejoratively labelled
just so stories and the Panglossian paradigm, evok-
ing, respectively, Rudyard Kiplings childrens stories and
Voltaires Dr Pangloss (Candide) who believed that ours
is the best of all possible worlds. Adaptationism is par-
ticularly controversial as an explanation of the evolution
of human cognition in that it commits the teleological
fallacy of holding that every psychological feature is an
optimal solution to some design problem posed by an
organisms environment, and tends to assume step-by-
step continuity between features of increasing complex-
ity (evolutionary psychology). The teleological theory of
content explores the role of natural selection in establish-
ing representational content of intentional states (beliefs,
desires). Dennett, who holds that the intentional stance
applies to organisms only when they reach a certain level
of complexity, argues that all intentionality can be derived
from the intentionality of natural selection (the notion of
selection for). But this view is problematic because it

imbues natural selection with sensitivity to intensional

distinctions and the capacity to be directed toward non-
existent entities, which cannot be properties of natural
selection understood as a purely physical phenomenon.
Further reading: Dennett (1995)

Adverbialism: a theory of perception (primarily vision) which

appeared in the mid-1940s as a reaction against the sense-
datum theory. It holds that there are only modifications
of our experience which, to avoid the error of reification
(positing sense-data), should be described with the help of
adverbial modifiers, saying, for example, that one is ap-
peared to green-squarely instead of saying that one sees
a green square. However, such descriptions are problem-
atic for more complex visual scenes, and the nature of
modified states cannot be understood without reference
to objects of experience. Today, adverbialism is popular
among proponents of subjectivism about colour because
it allows one to say that mental colours are identical with
or supervenient on neural states while avoiding commit-
ment to mental objects. Adverbial analyses are also ap-
plied to propositional attitudes to avoid commitment to
propositions as peculiar objects in ones ontology.
Further reading: Chisholm (1957); Tye (1989)

Affordance see Direct Perception

Agency: being in control of or responsible for ones actions.

Analytic Functionalism (conceptual, common-sense, causal

role functionalism): the variety of functionalism which
stems from Lewiss analysis of psychological terms. Un-
like machine functionalism, analytic functionalism sup-
ports type physicalism holding that a mental state can be
analysed into a role state (its role in the explanation of

behaviour) and a realiser state (the underlying physical

state which accounts for its causal properties). Analytic
functionalists also accept Lewiss approach to mental rep-
resentation inspired by Ramseys view of beliefs as maps
by which we steer. It opposes the language of thought hy-
pothesis by holding that mental representation is like rep-
resentation in geographical maps: structured, systematic,
containing a finite amount of information, but continu-
ous. This follows from the holism of the mental: because
beliefs and desires are attributed to subjects en masse on
the basis of their behavioural dispositions and consider-
ations of rationality, the whole system of beliefs is the
fundamental unit of content, and the content of individ-
ual beliefs can be stated only approximately. However, it
is not clear whether representation in maps is non-discrete
and whether the approach can meet the compositional-
ity constraint. Besides, it needs to address the problems
of content holism, indeterminacy and belief under entail-
Further reading: Braddon-Mitchell and Jackson (1996)

Ancient Philosophy (approximately 600 bc ad 400): emer-

ging as an inquiry about the natural world, pre-Socratic
philosophy tied the question of what distinguishes ap-
pearance from reality (ontology) to that of the nature
of knowledge. Thus Parmenides of Elea (c.510451 bc)
held that true Being is unchanging and can be grasped
only by reason, concluding that sensible appearances do
not exist. In Athens, Anaxagoras (c.500428 bc) resolved
Parmenides puzzle about the impossibility of change by
viewing matter as a flow of qualities rather than some ex-
tended stuff supporting them and originated the concep-
tion of cosmic Nous (reason, intellect) which sets matter
in motion and of which humans have the largest share
(arguably the first version of dualism). Democritus of
Abdera (c.460370 bc) first raised the question about the

relationship between sense-perception and reason, con-

cluding that only reason can deliver knowledge of the
essence of reality. He was also the first defender of ma-
terialism, holding that, like everything else, human psy-
che is made of atom combinations (psyche, translated as
soul, did not mean the conscious self but rather life-
principle, necessary but not sufficient for consciousness
and thought). Plato and Aristotle then defined the sub-
sequent development of much Western philosophy. Of
interest are also the three schools that appeared after
Aristotles death: Stoicism with its theory of phantasia
kataleptike (apprehensive perception delivering knowl-
edge of reality) and the first cognitive theory of emotions
(Chrysippus, c.280207 bc), Epicureanism with its com-
bination of atomism and subjectivism about secondary
qualities like colour, and Scepticism.
Further reading: Annas (1992)

Animal Cognition: the way non-human animals process in-

formation about their natural environments studied by
cognitive ethology. Interest in animal cognition has al-
ways been marked by the dichotomy of continuity and
discontinuity in cognitive capacities of human and non-
human animals and the search for distinguishing human
characteristics (such as possession of reason according to
Aristotle or Kant). Many recent discussions were marked
by differing stands on the Cartesian view of animals as
automata to whom the ascription of minds or conscious-
ness is unnecessary. Because animals exhibit no flexibil-
ity in response to novel situations, voluntary action or
creative use of language, Descartes thought that their be-
haviour can be given a purely mechanistic explanation.
This view is especially pronounced in a common equa-
tion of thought with language possession which provoked
many investigations aiming to prove that linguistic capac-
ities of non-human animals are continuous with those of

humans. Such studies often explicitly opposed Chomskys

views on the uniqueness of the human faculty of language
(FL), but more recently, in collaboration with cognitive
ethologists, Chomsky proposed that FL characterised by
recursive syntax has a predecessor in the faculty of lan-
guage in the broad sense which includes a conceptual-
intentional system and the computational mechanisms of
recursion evolved for dealing with navigation and social
relations. Recognising our continuity with non-human
animals provides new perspectives on the problems of
representation (their capacity to correct perceptual er-
rors), orders of intentionality (theory of mind), phenom-
enal consciousness in its relation with intentionality (thus
multimodal integration is present in mammals but is ab-
sent in the reptilian line) and self-consciousness.
Further reading: Savage-Rumbaugh et al. (1998);
Hauser et al. (2002)

Animalism see Personal identity

Anomalous Monism: the position advocated by Davidson

that although all events are physical events (hence mon-
ism), mental properties cannot be identified with physical
properties. To allow for mental causation Davidson ac-
cepts the identity of mental events with physical events
(causal relations exist only between events that enter
into causal laws) and the dependence (supervenience) of
the mental on the physical. However, he holds that there
are no strict laws to connect mental and physical events.
The ascription of mental states to a person is holistic (a
whole bunch of mental states must be ascribed to some-
one in order to explain a piece of their behaviour) and
guided by considerations of normativity and rationality.
And although an event may have a physical and a men-
tal description, because of the radically different natures
of our mental and physical predicates (holistic versus

discrete) it is a priori impossible to formulate laws con-

necting them. Mental concepts are unsuited to laws, and
only ontological but not conceptual reduction is possible.
Davidson was charged with epiphenomenalism because
having a mental description does not seem to affect the
causal powers of an event. His reply was that for causal
powers, unlike for laws, the nature of descriptions is ir-
relevant, but it remains unclear whether this explains the
causal efficacy of the mental qua mental.
Further reading: Davidson (1970)

Anscombe, G. Elizabeth M. (19192001): British philoso-

pher, an authority on Wittgenstein. Anscombe anticipated
many current ideas about action, intentionality and per-
ception. She also criticised the Cartesian way of think-
ing about the first-person pronoun as referring to the im-
mutable self.
Further reading: Anscombe (1957)

Apperception see Self-consciousness

Aquinas, St Thomas (122574): Dominican theologian and

philosopher. Aquinas sought to reconcile faith and reason
through Aristotles solution to the problem of universals.
From him Brentano got the notion of intentionality as in-
existence: a cloud you saw a few minutes ago may not
exist any more, but you can have it in your mind because
you have the concept (intentio) of cloud. Aquinas also
developed Aristotles views on the soul, holding that be-
ing a person requires the unity of the soul with the body,
because otherwise the images on which personal mem-
ory depends would be lost. He defended genuine human
agency against Augustinianism and occasionalism, and
denied privileged access holding that knowledge of our
own mental states is the result of abstraction.
Further reading: Aquinas (2001)

Aristotle (the Philosopher, 384322 bc): Ancient Greek

philosopher, the creator of logic and most scientific divi-
sions. Aristotle rejected Platos forms (universals) as exist-
ing outside things by adopting Platos own argument that
if one takes a set of two particulars sharing the form, one
then gets a set consisting of the two particulars and the
form, and must find a further form unifying them, which
leads to infinite regress (the third man argument). He
proposed instead that universals exist in things, which
accords with his analysis of substance as that which per-
sists through change in its accidents (accidental proper-
ties). However, for Aristotle, a substance is both matter
and form: thus, a wax stamp is only that when matter is
given a particular form. Similarly, a human being cannot
be divided into the soul and the body, because the soul
is the bodys form. As for Aristotle knowledge requires
some similarity between the knower and the knowable,
corporeal beings must begin with sense perception. But
the highest part of the soul, the intellect, is immortal
and immaterial because otherwise it could not contem-
plate all the forms abstracted from perception. This fits
well with Aristotles four-dimensional analysis of causal-
ity (and hence, an individuals or kinds identity) into ma-
terial, formal, efficient (the agency effecting the result)
and final (the telos or purpose for which something ex-
ists) causes, which is the first formulation of functionalism
and teleological explanation. Aristotles practical syllo-
gism (the rule for acting on the basis of beliefs and desires)
similarly anticipates the representational theory of mind.
Further reading: Aristotle (1984)

Armstrong, David M. (b.1926): Australian philosopher, one

of the originators of the causal theory of mind. Extend-
ing Places identity theory to beliefs and desires, he called
his theory Central State Materialism because science finds

causes of behaviour in the states of central nervous sys-

tems. He defended scientific realism about universals and
direct realism about perception, and developed a higher-
order theory of consciousness. His sympathies are still
with reductive physicalism and he believes it a matter of
scientific investigation to explain the deducibility of men-
tal properties from physical properties.
Further reading: Armstrong (1968)

Artificial Intelligence (AI): the branch of computer science

concerned with designing machines that could perform
tasks which require intelligence from humans and that
could accomplish them in less time and with greater re-
liability. Stemming from Turings insights, the field was
shaped by John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell
and Herbert Simon. Following Searle one can distinguish
between strong and weak AI. Strong AI holds that the
right sort of computer program can literally do what
human minds do, whereas weak AI only aims to develop
computational models simulating human cognitive abil-
ities. The status of strong AI remains controversial, but
recent interest in consciousness and embodiment led to
the extension of AIs traditional concerns towards aware-
ness, emotions and imagination. The term AI (GOFAI) is
sometimes used more narrowly to refer to the computa-
tional theory of mind as opposed to connectionism.

Aspectual Shape see Searle, John R.

Associationism (associationist psychology): the first empirical

psychological theory anticipated by Aristotle and devel-
oped by Locke, Hume, David Hartley (170557), both
Mills and Alexander Bain (18181903). Associationism
aimed to discover general principles of thought in laws of
association between ideas, which were identified as the

laws of contiguity, similarity and contrast. Thus sensory

impressions occurring together or in immediate succes-
sion (like the furriness, four-leggedness and barking of
dogs) get associated and, because the mind operates by
summing or subtracting images, thinking of furry crea-
tures causes one to think of them as four-legged. Associ-
ation laws were also studied by introspective psychology
and, though not as laws of thought, by methodological
behaviourism which supplanted associationism. Viewing
cognitive processes in terms of causal interactions be-
tween ideas, associationism anticipated the computa-
tional theory of mind. Its analysis of ideas in terms of
feature combinations is still central to the prototype the-
ory of concepts. Its tenet that thinking reduces to gener-
alisation from experience was resurrected by connection-
ism (after the discovery of the nerve cell in the 1890s,
neural networks were contemplated by James and Freud
as a biological vindication of associationism). However,
as Kant and, later, Chomsky emphasised, thinking can-
not be merely putting ideas into sequences but requires
organising principles sensitive to hierarchical constituent
See also: Pinker (2002)

Asymmetric Dependence: a version of the informational the-

ory of content proposed by Fodor which tackles the
disjunction problem without appeal to special types of
situations. Asymmetric dependence is a metaphysically
basic content-constituting condition formulated in terms
of law-governed relations among properties. Thus cat
means cat and not cat or dog because the law connecting
the property of being a dog and the property of being
a cause of cat tokenings asymmetrically depends on the
law connecting the property of being a cat and the prop-
erty of being a cause of cat tokenings, so that if the law

cat cause of cat did not hold, the law dog cause
of cat would not hold either, but if the law dog cause
of cat did not hold, the law cat cause of cat would
hold anyway. To deal with Twin-Earth cases, the third
condition states that some tokenings of a mental repre-
sentation R must be actually caused by Rs.
Further reading: Fodor (1987)

Atomism: the view that the content of a concept does not

depend on its relations with other concepts (see informa-
tional atomism).

Austin, John L. (191160): British linguistic philosopher, the

originator of speech act theory. Austins attack on the
argument from illusion, whose soundness he questioned
arguing that there are phenomenal differences between
genuine perception and hallucination, made Place reject
the sense-datum theory.
Further reading: Austin (1962)

Autism: a psychological disorder characterised by social with-

drawal and severe communication difficulties; possibly
an impairment of the theory of mind module (at the neu-
ral level it involves reduced cerebral flow and decreased
metabolism of the prefrontal region).

Autonomy of Psychology see Special Sciences

Background, The: the notion introduced by Searle to des-
ignate a set of abilities, skills, dispositions and presup-
positions which, being non-intentional, are necessary to

ground intentional states. It is not enough to analyse a

belief together with other beliefs as does functionalism,
because this analysis has to stop somewhere. For Searle,
it stops at the simple ability to act in the world.
Further reading: Searle (1983)

Behaviourism: the view that possession of mental states

should be identified with observable behaviour or be-
havioural dispositions: to be in a mental state (for ex-
ample, to think that there is a tree in front of one) is to
be disposed to behave in a certain way. The central thesis
of methodological and logical behaviourism is the denial
of internal representational states mediating behaviour.

Belief Box see Language of Thought

Belief-Desire Psychology see Folk Psychology

Berkeley, George (16851753): Irish philosopher, the origi-

nator of subjective idealism. If one separates the mind
from matter (as does Cartesian substance dualism), then
it becomes difficult to understand how the mind could ac-
quire knowledge of the material world through percep-
tion. Representationalism confuses rather than clarifies
matters: if what one knows is only an idea, one can never
be sure that there is anything in the world corresponding
to it, for the only way one could try to find that out is by
forming another idea. Thus representationalism leads to
scepticism, which Berkeley rejected. Instead, entertaining
the possibility of total illusion and reintroducing the con-
tact between mind and body through a direct perception
thesis (we directly perceive what really exists), he con-
cluded that everything exists in the mind only, that there
is no material substance. To be is to be perceived (esse
est percipi). This was established by Berkeleys master

argument: one cannot conceive of a tree which is uncon-

ceived, what is conceived is in the mind, therefore there is
nothing existing outside the mind. The world given to us
in experience is the world of connections between partic-
ular ideas in their relation to their archetypes in the mind
of God who created the world of ordinary objects inside
the mental realm. (Note that Berkeleys brand of empiri-
cism denies the existence of general ideas other than mere
commonalities in naming.) Although subsequent philoso-
phers were not convinced by Berkeleys argument feeling
that it is a verbal trick, he raised important issues about
the extent to which one can trust common sense.
Further reading: Berkeley (1975)

Binding Problem: the problem of explaining how informa-

tion processed by different subsystems is integrated into
unified perceptual representations within the same and
across different sensory modalities. Thus representations
of colour, shape, motion, etc. produced in different areas
of visual cortex are integrated to give rise to visual expe-
riences of distinct objects simultaneously having all such
properties (temporal binding).

Biological Naturalism see Searle, John R.

Blindsight: the condition (cortical blindness resulting from

the destruction of primary visual cortex) in which sub-
jects have no experience of an object presented to their
blind field (scotoma) and are incapable of identifying it. In
Blocks terms, they lack both phenomenal and access con-
sciousness. However, they retain the ability to locate un-
seen objects and discriminate between them if prompted
to guess from a small number of alternatives. Affective
blindsight is the term for subjects ability to discriminate

emotional facial expressions presented to their blind fields

in the absence of phenomenal visual awareness.

Brain: the part of the central nervous system contained in the

skull. Many philosophy of mind issues involve reference
to the brains organisation and cognitive functioning, but
the most pressing one is the mindbody problem. The
belief that the mind and the brain are intimately con-
nected gives rise to the locution the mind/ brain (pop-
ularised by Chomsky). But the locution itself can be un-
derstood in several ways is the mind that which the
brain does? is the mind realised by the brain? is the mind
the same as the brain? Another issue concerns the general
debate in cognitive science surrounding the notions of
representation and computation and, by extension, their
application to the brains functioning. In neuroscience,
this is the issue surrounding the generally accepted neu-
ron doctrine, the view that neurons are the brains main
computational-representational units. Some researchers
argue that it ignores the importance of structures in-
ternal to the cell body (the cytoskeleton; simple but ar-
guably cognitive functions can be performed by single-cell
paramecia), the existence of extensive intra-dendritic in-
formation processing and non-synaptic dendro-dendritic
communication, and the involvement of larger brain units
in cognitive functions.
Further reading: Bear et al. (2001)

Brains in Vats (brain-in-a-bottle): a thought experiment in

favour of internalism (and also indirect representational-
ism) intended to show that a brain put in a vat and elec-
trically stimulated (or, in more recent versions, existing in
virtual reality) will have a full mental life of thoughts and
experiences while not receiving any input from the envi-
ronment. The scepticism engendered by the experiment

exploits our intuitions about the contingent character of

mindworld relations.
Further reading: Putnam (1981)

Brentano, Franz (18381917): German philosopher who laid

the foundations of contemporary philosophy of mind by
reintroducing the notion of intentionality or the minds
direction toward an object. Today, any theory of in-
tentionality must address Brentanos problem: how can
mental states be about things? (Brentanos thesis is the
view that intentional states are not reducible to physical
states.) Brentanos own notion of intentionality, however,
was importantly different from ours: for him, it was a
property of phenomenally conscious mental acts which,
apart from being directed to objects, are always directed
to themselves as secondary objects.
Further reading: Brentano [1874] (1973)

Bridge Laws see Nagelian Reduction

Broad, C. D. see Emergentism

Broad Content (wide content): that content of intentional

states (beliefs, desires, etc.) which constitutively depends
on the external environment in which individuals hav-
ing these states are embedded. Broadness is a property of
many non-psychological states: whether a mark on the
skin is a mosquito bite depends on there being a causal-
historical connection between it and some mosquito (and
not an evil person inflicting mosquito-bite imitations on
people). In his Twin-Earth argument Putnam showed that
thoughts about natural kinds have broad content (natural
kind externalism). Tyler Burge extended Putnams essen-
tialism to all kinds of thoughts that depend on individ-
uals social environment (social externalism). In Burges

thought experiment, a person, say Alf, suffers from arthri-

tis and has several correct thoughts about his ailment (that
he has suffered from arthritis for years, that certain aches
are characteristic of arthritis, and so on). One day he de-
cides that he also has arthritis in his thigh, but later learns
from his doctor that he was mistaken because arthritis is
an inflammation of joints. However, in a different pos-
sible world where doctors use the word arthritis differ-
ently, Alf would have been right. Burge concludes that
the content of Alfs concept arthritis depends on the
linguistic practice of his community (it is a deferential
concept for him). Proponents of internalism object that
this interpretation unjustly ascribes to Alf (at least be-
fore he saw the doctor) two contradictory thoughts that
arthritis is and is not an inflammation of joints. Thus
his concept cannot be the same as the experts, and to
make sense of Alfs beliefs we need to know their narrow
Further reading: Burge (1979)

Bundle Theory see Self, The

C Fibres see Pain

Carnap, Rudolf (18911970): German philosopher of logi-

cal positivism. Beginning with phenomenalism, Carnap
later questioned the priority of experience and worked
on the unity of science. Aiming towards philosophical
clarification of scientific language, he distinguished be-
tween material and formal modes of speech and, in later
work, between questions internal and external to certain

linguistic frameworks. (Note the difference between ask-

ing whether someone is experiencing a blue after-image
and asking whether there are sense-data.) He anticipated
the identity theory (suggesting it as a linguistic recommen-
dation) and the language of thought hypothesis (though
he viewed propositional attitudes as relations to natural
language sentences). He also anticipated atomism, sug-
gesting that conceptual relations can be analysed in terms
of meaning postulates: x is a bachelor x is not married.
Whereas for Carnap this was an analysis of analyticity
in terms of consequences arising from linguistic conven-
tions, it shows how concepts can be related in thought
without being contained in one another.
Further reading: Carnap (1947)

Cartesian: relating to Descartes philosophy.

Cartesian Theatre see Self, The

Cartesianism see Rationalism

Categorisation: the way organisms arrange stimuli into cat-

egories. Cognitive psychology uses two main tasks in
the study of categorisation: category identification (when
subjects are asked to identify the category to which an
object belongs, for example say whether penguins are
birds) and category production (when subjects are asked
to name the attributes of some object or decide whether
an object has a certain attribute).

Category Mistake: the mistake one makes in thinking that

facts from different logical categories belong to the same
category. Such a mistake would be made by someone
who, after being shown all colleges, libraries, playing
fields, scientific departments and administrative offices of

Oxford University, would insist that they have not seen

the university. Ryle argues that Cartesian substance dual-
ism makes the same mistake of positing a spurious extra

Causal Closure of the Physical: the principle, adhered to in sci-

entific explanation, that every event has a physical cause,
that the physical world is closed under causation.

Causal Exclusion Principle: the principle, formulated by Kim

and evidently supported by scientific practice, that no
event can have two independent causes.

Causal Inheritance Principle: the principle, formulated by

Kim, that a higher-order property has no causal pow-
ers other than those of its physical realiser on any given

Causal Laws: although the correct understanding of causa-

tion is open to debate, one generally accepted principle is
causal uniformity, the view that nature remains uniform
through its past, present and future states and that its
laws are causal laws: unfailingly obtainable regularities
between similar events and their effects. Fodor argues
that a proper understanding of causal laws favours
non-reductive physicalism. Basic sciences operate with
strict laws: when p q (read as if p, then q) is a strict
law, the satisfaction of its antecedent necessitates the
satisfaction of its consequent. Laws of special sciences,
including psychological or intentional laws, are not
strict: they obtain only when certain ceteris paribus
clauses are satisfied as well (they have the form if p, then
q all else being equal). This may lead to the view (present
in anomalous monism and counterfactual causation
theories) that mental events must be subsumed by basic

physical laws. However, Fodor argues, science can also

operate with ceteris paribus laws, uncovering natures
regularities at higher levels of description. And if one
can formulate (non-strict) causal laws about individuals
in virtue of their possessing some property, this property
must be seen as causally responsible for bringing about
certain outcomes. Falling under the laws of folk psychol-
ogy, intentional mental properties can be true causes of
behaviour. Non-strict laws differ from strict ones not
because they have exceptions, but because they require
mechanisms of implementation at a more basic level. For
Fodor, intentional laws have computational mechanisms
of implementation, which is another reason to doubt their
reducibility and the existence of psychophysical laws.
Further reading: Fodor (1989)

Causal Theory of Content see Informational Theory of


Causal Theory of Mind (causal role materialism): a species of

the identity theory developed independently in the 1960s
by David Armstrong, Brian Medlin and David Lewis. It
stresses the role of the notion of causality in the expla-
nation of mental states: a mental state is a state that is
caused by certain external stimuli or other mental states
and that, together with other mental states, causes be-
haviour. The causal role played by mental states allows
for their identification with brain states, and the exact na-
ture of identities must be established by empirical science.

Causal Theory of Reference (meaning): the view originated by

Kripke that (at least some) words refer directly to objects
in virtue of a causal relation that holds between them.
Opposing Freges distinction between sense and refer-
ence and Russells theory of definite descriptions, Kripke

argued that the meaning of a proper name is its refer-

ence (anticipated by J. S. Mill). If one considers modal
contexts, one can see that proper names and coreferen-
tial with them definite descriptions do not have the same
meaning: although in our world Aristotle was the teacher
of Alexander the Great, in a different historical scenario
he might not have taught Alexander, but he would have
remained the same individual (the modal argument). Be-
sides, we learn that Aristotle was the teacher of Alexander
from studying history, but this knowledge would have
to be a priori if the name and the description had the
same meaning (the epistemological argument), and peo-
ple manage to refer to the same individuals even if they
know little about them or associate with them different
descriptions (the transcendental or semantic argument).
Distinguishing between contingent or accidental proper-
ties of individuals and their essential properties, Kripke
argued that names are rigid designators (they pick out the
same individuals in all possible worlds). A name becomes
attached to an individual in an act of linguistic baptism
and knowledge of its reference spreads among speakers
down a causal chain. The view was extended by Kripke
and Putnam (Twin Earth, essentialism) to natural kind
terms, leading to the emergence of externalism and the
informational theory of content.
Further reading: Kripke (1980)

Central State Materialism see Armstrong, David M.

Ceteris Paribus Laws see Causal Laws

Character see Personality

Chauvinism: any approach to the mind which entails that

only humans have certain mental features may be accused

of chauvinism. But its opposite, liberalism, may be ac-

cused of assigning mental characteristics too freely.

Cheater Detection Module see Wason Selection Task

Chinese Room: John Searles argument against strong arti-

ficial intelligence, functionalism and the computational
theory of mind. Taking as an example Roger Schanks
program which simulated human understanding of sto-
ries by producing correct answers to questions within
a given scenario (for example, concluding that a man
who was served a burned hamburger in a restaurant and
left without paying had not eaten it), Searle argues that
thinking cannot be computation because computer pro-
grams are not capable of understanding. Programs have
only syntactic properties (they manipulate formal sym-
bols), whereas minds also have content or semantics.
Thus Searle imagines himself locked in a room with a
lot of Chinese symbols and instructions in English which
tell him what strings of symbols to hand back in response
to what other strings of symbols that he is given through
a window. He further imagines that he performs the task
so well that he passes the Turing test for understanding
Chinese, even though he has no knowledge of the lan-
guage. In this thought-experiment Searle implements a
program for understanding Chinese, but there is no un-
derstanding on his part. Hence, syntax is not sufficient for
semantics. Critics reply that: (1) understanding is pro-
duced by a larger physical or virtual system of which
Searle is only a part (situated at the level of the imple-
menter, but not the implemented); (2) adding a robotic
body with sensorimotor capacities or a detailed simula-
tion of brain operations would endow the system with
genuine understanding; (3) Searle confuses manipulating
formal (unintepreted) symbols with performing formal

operations on symbols (the issue of syntax is separate

from that of semantics); (4) Searle speculates on our in-
tuitions because we do not know how to define under-
standing in the case of systems different from ourselves
in size and speed of processing.
Further reading: Searle (1980); Preston and Bishop

Chomsky, Noam A. (b.1928): American linguist, the initiator

of the cognitive revolution. Chomskys poverty of stim-
ulus argument and considerations regarding the produc-
tivity of language use led him to argue for the existence of
the language faculty, a system of universal recursive rules
of grammar innate in the human brain (universal gram-
mar). Although Chomskys syntactic theory has seen sev-
eral changes since the 1960s (his recent minimalism pos-
tulates minimal representations and views the language
acquisition device (LAD) as constrained by articulatory-
perceptual and conceptual-intentional systems), his argu-
mentation had a major impact on the resurrection of
rationalism about cognitive capacities which can be
viewed as part of our genetically determined biological
endowment. Chomskys views on linguistic competence
as a body of innate domain-specific knowledge inaccessi-
ble to consciousness led to the development of psycholog-
ical theories of tacit knowledge and gave rise to the notion
of Chomskian modularity (Chomskian modules are not
computational modules). But Chomsky is also sceptical of
many problems in philosophy of mind: thus he thinks that
intentionality cannot be part of a naturalistic inquiry into
language and that the notion of broad content is mean-
ingless because it plays no role in experimental theory
construction. As he puts it, there are problems that can
be solved by science and mysteries that cannot.
Further reading: Chomsky (2000)

Classical Theory of Concepts see Definitional Theory

Cognition: the way organisms acquire, store and use knowl-

edge or information. Cognition encompasses perception,
attention, object and pattern recognition, memory, learn-
ing, language processing, thinking, reasoning, planning,
problem-solving and decision-making. The cognitive rev-
olution of the mid-twentieth century was characterised
by the increasing understanding that in their everyday
behaviour organisms do not simply attend to immediate
needs but try to find out about the world, to obtain infor-
mation that may be relevant to future behaviour. Because
organisms can only act out of what they represent and
because the best known explanation of intelligent knowl-
edge manipulation is computational, the notions of repre-
sentation and computation are central to understanding
the cognitive mind. However, the emphasis of classical
cognitive science on the representational-computational
explanation is questioned by those researchers who hold
that it ignores our embodiment, our interaction with our
physical and social environments (embedded cognition),
the appetitive (bodily desires) and affective (emotions)
sides of our mental life, and, finally, consciousness.

Cognitive: relating to cognition.

Cognitive Architecture: the minds/brains computational arc-

hitecture, that is its internal organisation specified in
terms of how it encodes and stores information, the op-
erations it can carry out and the constraints (like limited
memory) that govern its use of available resources. To
explain how the mind works is to explain the relation
between its architecture and the information it makes use
of. That is, one must address the question of whether
an observed regularity or behavioural pattern is due to

the minds internal organisation or to what is known by

the organism. The two main accounts of cognitive archi-
tecture are the computational theory of mind and con-
nectionism (sometimes dynamical systems theory is also
added to them). The cognitive architecture debate is in-
tertwined with debates about innateness versus learning
(rationalism versus empiricism) and modularity versus
domain-generality, but the issues involved are conceptu-
ally distinct and should not be confused.

Cognitive Closure: Colin McGinns term for the view that

there are problems which we (although, possibly, not be-
ings with a radically different type of mind) will never
be able to solve because we lack the ability to form
adequate concepts. Thus a physicalistic explanation of
(phenomenal) consciousness is cognitively closed for us
because the scientific concepts we are capable of forming
are inherently spatial in nature but our concepts of con-
sciousness, formed via introspection, are not.
Further reading: McGinn (1989)

Cognitive Dissonance: absence of consistency in ones belief

system. According to Leon Festinger who introduced the
term (1957, Theory of Cognitive Dissonance) people tend
to reduce dissonance by making suitable adjustments to
their beliefs. Thus a person may rationalise their drink-
driving by doubting the evidence about the disruptive ef-
fects of alcohol.

Cognitive Ethology: the study of animal cognition and be-

haviour originated by Donald Griffin who united cogni-
tive science and ethology. Ethology was founded in the
mid-1930s by Konrad Lorenz and Nico Tinbergen as an
approach to animal behaviour which emphasised the need
to study species-specific behaviour in natural settings.
Lorenz introduced the notions of imprinting (the process

by which chicks of some bird species become socially at-

tached to their mothers) and critical period. He also ar-
gued that organisms capacity for learning increases with
the increase in the number of innate structures and char-
acterised innate traits as products of genetic information.
In the 1970s Griffin argued that the notions of intention-
ality and consciousness can be productively employed in
animal research and his arguments were later taken up by
a number of researchers. Although some theorists oppose
the ascription of mental states to animals, such opposition
often has an a priori character or is motivated by general
mistrust of mental concepts. (Dennett is a major critic of
cognitive ethology.) For philosophers who accept mental
realism empirical data collected by cognitive ethologists
can be used towards developing new approaches to prob-
lems in philosophy of mind.
Further reading: Allen and Bekoff (1997)

Cognitive Meaning see Frege, Gottlob

Cognitive Psychology: a branch of psychology studying cog-

nition in controlled laboratory experiments. In the 1960s
cognitive psychology replaced methodological behaviou-
rism by requiring psychological explanation to be given
in terms of internal structures and processes.

Cognitive Science: an interdisciplinary study of mind and cog-

nition which emerged in the 1970s conjoining cogni-
tive psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, philos-
ophy and logic. Cognitive science is sometimes contrasted
with neuroscience as a study of mind in abstraction from
its realisation in the brain. But a better characterisation
of their relationship is found in the three-level (trilevel)
hypothesis, originated by Marr, according to which
complex information-processing systems can be descri-
bed at three different levels giving rise to distinct

generalisations: the level of what the system does (its

computational task, the knowledge or semantic level),
the level of algorithms or procedures the system uses (the
symbolic or syntactic level), and the level of physical or
biological implementation of these procedures. The first
two levels require the notions of representation and com-
putation. Classical cognitive science thus combines the
representational and computational theory of mind, but
is challenged by other theories of cognitive architecture.
Further reading: Smith and Osherson (1995); Bechtel
and Graham (1998)

Colour: the most discussed secondary quality. We automati-

cally attribute colours to objects in visual perception, but
what is their nature, how do we perceive them and what is
the nature of mental colours, the qualitative properties of
our colour experiences (qualia)? Subjectivism holds that
colours are mental properties and do not exist in the phys-
ical world. It is motivated by the view that similarity rela-
tions between colours are their essential properties (Paul
Boghossian and David Velleman). Subjectivism charac-
terises the sense-datum theory, adverbialism and projec-
tivism (the view that in perception mental colours are
projected onto mind-independent objects, which has the
consequence that colour experience is massively illusory).
An influential approach was proposed by C. L. Hardin
who identifies colours with neural events in the visual
system (on the basis of such evidence as genetic abnor-
malities in colour vision). Dispositionalism, resisting a
lack of contribution from the world, holds that colours
are dispositions of physical objects to produce certain
perceptual states. These have ineliminable colour qualia
because the what-its-like character of colours constitutes
their essential property (John McDowell, Christopher
Peacocke). Physicalism or colour realism, rejected by

seventeenth-century science and resurrected by the iden-

tity theory, holds that colours are properties of physical
objects, namely surface reflectances (Armstrong, Smart).
David Hilbert shows that the constancy of perceived
colours correlates with surface reflectance, which suggests
that colour visions biological function is the detection of
physical objects by surface reflectances. A complication
arises because of metamers, physical objects with differ-
ent surface reflectances perceived as the same colour. This
requires relativising to the visual system which is done dif-
ferently by representationalism about consciousness and
the ecological theory of Evan Thompson. Some physical-
ists also accept the existence of mental colours (David
Lewis, Sydney Shoemaker).
Further reading: Hardin (1993); Thompson (1995)

Common-sense Functionalism see Analytic Functionalism

Compositionality: the property of thought in virtue of which

the meaning or content of a complex representation is
determined by the meanings of its constituents and the
rules of their combination. Thus the meaning of green
triangle is determined by the meanings of green and
triangle, and triangle makes the same semantic contri-
bution to green triangle and red triangle. Arguably,
thought is productive and systematic because of its com-
positional structure, and compositionality is thus a major
constraint on theories of concepts. As natural languages
are not sufficiently compositional (they contain expres-
sions like topless bar or kick the bucket), one needs
to posit a language of thought where compositionality is
not violated.

Computation: rule-governed or algorithmic transition

between states of a system which has the function of

organising and manipulating information available to the

system. In this sense, speaking of mind as a computer is
not metaphorical. In fact, the word computer was used
by Turing (and well before him) to designate a person
doing calculation. One of the reasons for using the notion
of computation as given by the computational theory
of mind is that one needs a level of explanation where
thought processes can be depicted as content-sensitive
and truth-preserving. And it is not clear if one can explain
these properties of thought at the neural level, especially
if one accepts the multiple realisability thesis (viewing
the mind as the software of the brain). However, it
is also possible to speak of computation in the brain,
and a model exploiting this possibility is proposed by
connectionism. Yet the notion of computation itself was
criticised by Searle as unscientific because, unlike intrin-
sic features of the world studied by fundamental sciences,
computation is observer-relative: state transitions are
computations only if somebody interprets them as such.
Thus nothing can be a computer by itself (syntax is
not intrinsic to physics) and the question whether the
mind/brain is one lacks sense. This criticism is, however,
invalidated if one concedes that computations are state
transitions governed by counterfactual supporting,
hence interpretation-independent, rules. The notion of
computation as inside-the-skull process is questioned
by dynamical systems and extended mind theories
(sometimes called post-computational approaches).

Computational Theory of Mind (CTM, classical CTM, sym-

bolicism): the view that the mind is an information-
processing system and that cognitive mental processes
(thinking, perceiving) can be understood in terms of
computation. CTM became prominent in the 1980s con-
solidating the insights of Turing, von Neumann, Put-
nam and Fodor. It holds that mental processes are

computational-inferential operations carried on syntacti-

cally structured mental representations. Being symbols in
the language of thought, representations have both con-
tent and material (formal, syntactic) properties to which
computational mechanisms are sensitive. The notion of
syntactic encoding explains how a physical system can
have semantic properties and how mental processes can
be causal physical processes. The similarity between our
cognitive architecture and the architecture of the digital
computer consists in symbolic code manipulation: men-
tal symbols are discrete content-bearing entities which are
manipulated in accordance with structure-sensitive rules
hard-wired into the mind/brain. However, CTM faces
several challenges and objections. One challenge came
from recognising that many intentional states (beliefs,
desires) have broad content which does not seem rele-
vant to scientific psychology. Reactions to this still much-
discussed issue include viewing the mind as a syntactic en-
gine, isolating narrow content (internalism) and arguing
for the relevance of broad content (externalism). Objec-
tions to CTM include its formal character and the seeming
disregard of content (Chinese room, symbol grounding
problem), its insensitivity to biological details and statisti-
cal factors (connectionism), and its inability to explain the
global character of thought processes (abduction, frame
Further reading: Pylyshyn (1984); Block (1995b)

Conceivability Arguments: arguments like that from zombies

which build on the intuition that if something is conceiv-
able, it is metaphysically possible.

Concept Acquisition see Learning

Concepts: constituents of thought expressed by individ-

ual words (more precisely, morphemes) and phrases.

Someone who can think that cats eat fish must have
the concepts cat, eat and fish. Small capital letters are
the accepted notation used to distinguish concepts from
words and discussions centre on (1) concepts expressed
by predicates (is a cat), (2) lexical concepts expressed
by simple morphemes and corresponding to a languages
lexicalised vocabulary. Many issues about concepts are
part of the larger issue of content and intentionality,
but the problem is also addressed in cognitive psychol-
ogy and the questions of what concepts are and what it
is to possess a concept are answered differently by the
older image theory and definitional theory and the more
recent functional role semantics, prototype theory, ex-
emplar theory, theory theory and informational atom-
ism. Arguably, a theory of concepts must explain con-
cept robustness (stability of content), compositionality
and shareability (in order to communicate different peo-
ple must have the same concepts). However, according
to Fodor, only informational atomism meets these con-
straints. Thus most theories connect having concepts with
having knowledge or epistemic capacities: someone who
has the concept cat knows how to tell cats from non-
cats, what judgements are true of cats, what typical cats
look like and what other features they have. Psycholo-
gists sometimes talk about conceptual change which is
characteristic of childrens acquisition of adult-like con-
cepts (conceptions) and adults scientific development.
But what knowledge or beliefs are constitutive of con-
cept possession? If this view leads to holism, the connec-
tion between psychology and epistemology may seem less
Further reading: Margolis and Laurence (1999);
Murphy (2002)

Conceptual Role Semantics see Functional Role Semantics


Connectionism: a computational approach to the mind/brain

which opposes the classical computational theory of mind
on the issues of cognitive architecture and mental repre-
sentation. Connectionist models are artificial neural net-
works (nets) consisting of layers of interconnected units
resembling neurons. For modelling such tasks as face
recognition the modeller specifes what microfeatures are
detected by sensory input units assigned different acti-
vation values. Input units activate internal processing
hidden units, which then activate output units. All units
are linked via excitatory or inhibitory connections as-
signed different weights, and the activation values of
non-sensory units depend on the activation values of
units inputing to them and connection weights (reflecting
statistical regularities of feature correlation in the envi-
ronment). Except in localist models, individual internal
processing units do not have determinate semantic prop-
erties. That is, because networks have no internal struc-
ture, there are no discrete representations of properties
(no symbols like nose) and no separately stored represen-
tations of transformational rules, but all representations
are distributed over multiple units and stored implicitly
in connection patterns. All contents, represented as acti-
vation vectors in a multidimensional space, belong to the
systems global state and all transformational processes
occur in parallel (hence parallel distributed processing
or PDP). The system learns to process inputs correctly
through backpropagation (small adjustments of connec-
tion weights by the modeller). First developed in the
1950s, connectionist models (run on digital computers)
became prominent in the 1980s. But although PDP can ac-
count for statistically sensitive learning, it cannot explain
structure-sensitive thought and language processing be-
cause it has no resources to model their systematicity (see
associationism). This led some researchers to hold that

the mind contains different kinds of representations or ex-

plore connectionisms potential for modelling the imple-
mentation of classical architecture in the brain, whereas
other attempt to overthrow the systematicity argument.
Further reading: Rumelhart and McClelland (1986)

Consciousness: that aspect of mind which necessarily involves

reference to how things are for the subject; subjective
awareness or experience. This, however, admits of differ-
ent readings and explains the multiplicity of notions cur-
rent in the literature. Philosophers are mostly interested
in phenomenal consciousness, the qualitative character of
experience (qualia, what-its-like). It is possible to distin-
guish from it access consciousness and, further, reflexive
or monitoring consciousness, which is consciousness of
being in a certain mental state. The awareness of one-
self as the subject of experience is self-consciousness, and
ones overall conscious state is referred to as the unity
of consciousness. Another two important distinctions are
(1) that between creature consciousness and state con-
sciousness (should one define conscious creatures in terms
of conscious states or the other way round?) and (2) that
between the transitive (consciousness of ) and intransitive
notions of consciousness. The crucial questions are: why
does the relevant sort of consciousness exist? how does
it change, if at all, the mental lives of creatures who have
it? what sort of creatures have it? what difference does it
make to mental states and processes?
Further reading: Rosenthal (1986); Smith and Jokic

Consciousness, Scientific Explanations of: can be subdivided

into cognitive and neurological. Cognitive theories try
to give a functional characterisation of consciousness.
Thus in Bernard Baars Global Workspace theory, the
brain contains many specialised modules which process

information at a subconscious level, but when it is useful

for several modules to have access to some information
it becomes broadcast across the cognitive system in the
form of conscious mental states so that their content can
be used in more flexible ways. Neurological theories aim
to differentiate between kinds or states of consciousness
(like minimal consciousness) and establish their neural
correlates (NCCs). To date, the best electrophysiologi-
cal correlate of phenomenal consciousness is the coherent
40 Hz gamma oscillation generated by the brain. Accord-
ing to Francis Crick and Christof Koch, it is produced by
synchronous firing of thalamo-cortical neurons represent-
ing different bits of sensory information, which also sug-
gests a solution to the binding problem. This view is ques-
tioned by some researchers who argue that the synchrony
cannot be maintained by synaptic mechanisms (quantum
theories of consciousness). Questions for philosophical
reflection include: (1) since correlation is not identity, can
NCCs explain the hard problem and close the explana-
tory gap? and (2) given that much research concerns the
correlates of phenomenal awareness in different sensory
modalities (particularly vision), can one speak of (phe-
nomenal) consciousness as a single property constituting
a natural kind?
Further reading: Baars (1988); Koch (2004)

Consciousness, Theories of: few philosophers today endorse

substance dualism about the self (but see person), and
many contemporary approaches may be labelled cog-
nitivism: they attempt to understand consciousness as
a cognitive phenomenon, in terms of intentionality and
representation (higher-order theories, Dennett, Paul and
Patricia Churchland). The main principle behind this
research, anticipated by Hume, can be stated as no
consciousness without content. Representationalism
about consciousness and the phenomenal concepts

approach use it to explain phenomenal consciousness.

This trend is opposed by philosophers who argue for
dualism about qualia and the what-its-like character of
experience (early Jackson, David Chalmers and Thomas
Nagel, who used to think that physicalism about con-
sciousness is possible if one develops concepts that make
the first- and third-person perspectives logically insep-
arable). It is also opposed by philosophers who think
that the phenomenal character of mental states cannot be
explained by their representational content (Ned Block,
Christopher Peacocke), that there is close connection be-
tween consciousness and intentionality, that the phenom-
enal intentionality of experience has explanatory pri-
ority (Colin McGinn, Charles Siewert, Terence Horgan
and John Tienson), and that intentionality must itself
be explained in terms of consciousness (phenomenology,
Searle, Galen Strawson).
Further reading: McGinn (1991); Siewert (1998);
Horgan and Tienson (2002)

Constructivism: the view that reality is socially or culturally

constructed. Constructivism about colour holds that col-
our is a culturally constructed property so that to be red is
to satisfy cultural criteria for the application of the predi-
cate red (J. Van Brakel). Constructivism about emotions
understands them as learnt behaviours reflecting social
norms (Rom Harre).

Content: that which a mental representation (concept, tho-

ught, subpersonal state) represents or is about. Thus the
content of the state of believing that it is cold is the propo-
sition that it is cold (at the place where the person having
this belief is). One problem in the discussion of intention-
ality is the ascription of contentful intentional states. But
even if one agrees with folk psychology that states with

determinate contents can be ascribed to individuals, there

are more problems to solve. Do representations have con-
tents in virtue of their causal connections with the world
(informational theory of content), their functional role
within an organism (teleological theory of content) or
their role in reasoning (functional role semantics)? Do in-
dividuals concepts and thoughts essentially depend on
their environment (externalism) and have broad content
(intentional or referential content; Russellian content, if
one thinks, after early Russell, that contentful states in-
volve real-world objects and properties)? Or do they only
depend on how things appear to individuals (internalism)
and have narrow content (Fregean or cognitive content
for it involves Freges senses or modes of presentation)?
Or is their content broad but Fregean? And what can
one say about perception (phenomenal states generally)?
Perceptual experience allows us to form beliefs about the
world, but is its representational content conceptual or
propositional like that of belief? We probably see more
than we can conceptualise: does it follow that percep-
tion involves non-conceptual content or only a species of
demonstrative content?

Contingent Property see Accidental Property

Counterfactual Causation: an approach to mental causation

developed by Ernest Lepore and Barry Loewer to argue
for non-reductive physicalism. It holds that although an
events causal powers are completely determined by its
physical properties, mental properties qua mental are
nonetheless causally relevant to the production of be-
haviour. Causality is understood here not in terms of
causal laws, but in terms of counterfactuals (If John had
not thought there was beer in the fridge, he would not
have gone to the kitchen) as analysed in Lewiss possible

worlds approach. Consider a mental event m which has

both a physical property P and a mental propertyM and
which causes a behavioural outcome b. It seems that P is
necessary for the causation of b. But on the other hand,
due to multiple realisability of mental properties, P as
such is not necessary for the causation of b, because the
counterfactual Pm&Mm b is true: m would have
caused b even if it did not have the physical property
P but had instead the physical property P . Kim objects
that this still leaves mental causation epiphenomenal, and
to counteract this charge Loewer questions the notion of
causation as production.
Further reading: Lepore and Loewer (1989)

Covariance Approaches to Content see Informational Theory

of Content

Creativity: psychological capacity involving productivity,

imagination, inventiveness, originality, impredictability
and a sense of aesthetic quality. Because outcome of com-
puters seems to be predictable, creativity poses a major
challenge to artificial intelligence research (why do most
people decline to consider short stories composed by com-
puters as products of creative processes?).
Further reading: Boden (2003)

Davidson, Donald (19172003): American philosopher, the
originator of anomalous monism. In his philosophy of
language, Davidson employs the notion of truth definition
developed by Alfred Tarski (190183) for analysing truth
in formalised languages (for example, Snow is white is
true iff snow is white; convention T). But whereas Tarskis
analysis is neutral on the issue of mental representation,

Davidson, in his defence of radical interpretation, takes

the notion of truth rather than that of translation for
granted. Observing what sentences speakers of a language
judge as true, the interpreter can come up with a theory
of meaning for that language. For Davidson, meaning
is reference, and in assigning referents to words the
interpreter relies on the principle of charity maximising
speakers rationality. Davidson also holds that thought
emerges together with natural language. Language
learners learn to associate sentences with situations, and
the context of learning itself favours externalism. They
also learn to use words correctly, which makes meaning
depend on the causal history of judgements (causal the-
ory of meaning). However, Davidson opposes the causal
theory of reference (understanding reference in causal
terms) because of the dependence of reference on truth,
the indeterminacy of translation and the inscrutability
of reference. His view that intentional states are not real
entities but rather modifications of persons makes him a
proponent of interpretivism and adverbialism.
Further reading: Davidson (1984)

de dicto see de re versus de dicto

de re versus de dicto: the distinction between two different

ways of interpreting sentences made clear by Russells
(On Denoting) example about a touchy yacht owner to
whom a guest remarked I thought your yacht was larger
than it is, and who replied No, my yacht is not larger
than it is. The owners reply is de re, about a particular
thing, whereas the guests remark is de dicto, about the
idea he had formed of the yacht.

de se : de se thoughts are thoughts about oneself (thoughts

with egocentric content) expressed with the help of the
indexical I. According to John Perry and David Kaplan,

to entertain self-conscious thoughts is to have mastered

the use of the first-person pronoun, and the cognitive role
of I is its character (the thinker of the thought). The
difficulty with de se reports is that they cannot be anal-
ysed as de re or de dicto, because people may be unaware
of themselves under some particular name or description
(like people with amnesia, severe memory loss). Gareth
Evans argued that self-consciousness is at the heart of the
problem and thinking of oneself as oneself does not de-
pend on being able to exploit public linguistic devices.
Gabriel Segal further notes that people with autism, inca-
pable of representing themselves as thinkers, do not lack
the capacity to think of themselves. Because many of our
thoughts are de se (all indexical and tensed thoughts like
Its raining seem to presuppose self-perspectivalness),
Lewis holds that this counts in favour of internalism.
Further reading: Evans (1982)

Deference see Broad Content

Definitional theory (classical theory): identifies concepts with

individually necessary and jointly sufficient conditions of
their satisfaction known to competent users of them. The
theory was outlined by Plato and later became associ-
ated with Russells and Moores conceptual analysis (de-
termination of the logical structure of concepts), reaching
its peak in logical positivism. The theory proved unten-
able because definitions cannot exhaustively give the con-
tent of most concepts, and people do not know the def-
initions of such common concepts as snow, beautiful
or game. Problems arise even for a bachelor is an un-
married man because one would not think of a catholic
priest as a bachelor. The theorys failure had to do with
its attempt to analyse concepts in terms of their ultimate
constituents (empiricism) and identify concept possession

with knowledge of definitions (verificationism). However,

it contains an important idea that there must be some con-
ditions which account for the content of concepts, and its
impact is felt in subsequent approaches and lexical se-
mantics (the Neoclassical theory).

Deflationism: to be a deflationist about X is to downplay

(allegedly) its significance by analysing it in terms of
something else. Deflationism about (phenomenal) con-
sciousness is the view that it can be a priori analysed in
non-phenomenal terms of function or representation thus
allowing for its reduction (the opposite of deflationism is

Delusions: persistent false beliefs characteristic of schizophre-


Demonstrative Content: thought content specifiable with the

help of pure (this, that) or complex demonstratives
(this book, that man). Because such thoughts are
object-dependent, they pose a problem for internalism (al-
though they may also have narrow content because one
can use demonstratives to pick out different objects or
even fail to pick out anything as in the case of hallucina-
tion). Demonstrative thought plays an especially promi-
nent role in the strong externalism of Gareth Evans and
John McDowell which holds that demonstrative modes
of presentation constitutively depend on the objects they
pick out so that your thought about a pen you see in front
of you would be different in content were it an identical-
looking but a different pen. (This position is thus different
from mild externalism in that it accepts Freges senses,
even though it views them as de re senses.) McDowell
also argues that perceptual content involves irreducible
demonstrative concepts rather than non-conceptual

Dennett, Daniel C. (b.1942): American philosopher, a critic of

the problems of intentionality and consciousness. Dennett
holds that intentionality is not an intrinsic property
of mental states but a construct arising from the inten-
tional stance towards systems behaviour. While this may
be seen as mild realism, his views on consciousness are
closer to eliminativism. He discards the Cartesian the-
atre model of consciousness where experiences as raw
givens pass before the internal observer, the conscious
self. Instead he offers the Multiple Drafts Model where
consciousness emerges from interacting cognitive capac-
ities. Like health, consciousness is not a simple prop-
erty of organisms. (Dennetts homuncular functionalism
draws similar conclusions about intentionality.) There is
no threshold separating the preconscious from conscious-
ness, no special place where it all comes together, but
at various times different contents acquire prominence
in the cognitive system (cerebral celebrity) and become
manifest in verbal reports. However, Dennett does not
dismiss introspection as completely misleading, holding
that introspective reports are just another form of evi-
dence that has no privileged status over psychophysical
or neurological evidence (hence heterophenomenology
phenomenology from anothers point of view). Our il-
lusion of being conscious selves arises from the crucial
role of internalised natural language in our kind of con-
sciousness, where the narrative constructed by different
subsystems helps control cognitive resources (language
also creates for us the illusion of intentionality).
Further reading: Dennett (1991, 2005)

Depth Problem: an objection to the causal theory of reference

and causal or informational accounts of content that one
cannot say whether a type of mental representation rep-
resents distal objects (cats) rather than proximal stimuli
(a certain type of retinal excitation). The best response

is that proximal projections of a kind of object are so

variable that a mechanism of perception which depended
on them only would not succeed in detecting this kind of
object at all.

Descartes, Rene Cartesius (15961650): French mathemati-

cian, the founder of modern philosophy. Given Descartes
prominent role in the emerging science, his philosophy is
best understood from his aspiration towards a unified
science resting on secure foundations of knowledge and
his geometric conception of matter. The starting point
is the method of doubt (Cartesian doubt or Cartesian
scepticism, although the latter term is misleading as to
Descartes project) which urges one to reject any propo-
sition whose truth may be doubted. The evil demon
(le malin genie) can deceive one about the physical world,
but knowledge of ones current thoughts or experience is
not so susceptible. Cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore
I am) is that foundation which underlies our capacity to
form clear and distinct ideas of things that contain no con-
tradiction and give the reason access to truth. Arguably,
Descartes dualism, rationalism and representationalism
all follow from this. And as it is possible to conceive of
ones mind existing without ones body and surviving the
annihilation of the physical world, the two must be dis-
tinct and independent entities: the mental substance (res
cogitans), the mind or the conscious self whose essential
property is thinking, and the extended substance (res ex-
tensa) which encompasses the spatial world.
Further reading: Descartes (198485)

Design Stance see Intentional Stance

Determinism: the view that every event has a determinate

cause in the previously existing state of affairs. This, how-
ever, does not imply that the whole evolution of the world

is predetermined or that nothing can be unpredictable in


Direct Perception: the thesis, developed in opposition to rep-

resentationalism, that perception (particularly vision) is
not mediated by inferential processes operating on com-
plex, hierarchically structured internal representations.
Its most prominent modern version is found in James
J. Gibsons (190479) ecological approach. Emphasising
that vision must be understood in terms of organisms
active exploration of the world, Gibson argued that per-
ception is a direct pickup of information afforded to or-
ganisms by the environment. Instead of understanding
visual processing in computational terms, one can com-
pare the mind to the resonator: sense organs are tuned
to respond to certain types of physical energy called in-
variants. Higher-order invariants, or stable combinations
of visually detected properties, constitute environmental
affordances relevant to the abilities of kinds of organ-
isms: containing information about possibilities for ac-
tion (like locating food sources or avoiding obstacles),
they guide the behaviour of organisms directly without
the need for internal computation. Similar ideas were de-
veloped more recently by Kevin ORegan and Alva Noe in
their sensorimotor theory of vision, according to which
seeing is a way of acting, of probing the environment
which serves as its own representation. When an organ-
ism masters the relevant sensorimotor contingencies (a
kind of knowledge-how or implicit knowledge of corre-
lations between actions and resulting perceptions), it ac-
quires the experience of seeing (thus, seeing a bottle is
knowing implicitly how its appearance changes as one
moves in relation to it; in this respect, seeing is similar to
touching). Because there are no internal representations,
the problem of qualia does not emerge (for example, the
experience of seeing red arises from sampling portions

of the environment). However, the approach meets the

same difficulties as behaviourism and cannot accommo-
date evidence from lesion studies such as the existence of
visual agnosia (visual integration failure).
Further reading: Gibson (1979); ORegan and Noe

Direct Realism: the view that we directly perceive external

world objects. This may be understood in three ways: (1)
as naive realism, the view that the external world is the
way it is presented to us in experience; (2) as a direct per-
ception thesis; (3) as the view that our awareness of the
world is direct in the sense of not being consciously infer-
ential. Whereas naive realism runs up against the possi-
bility of illusion and the problem of secondary qualities,
direct realism avoids these difficulties for it denies only
that we are first aware of our sense-data or internal rep-
resentations and then infer on their basis the existence of
physical reality (as in the case of seeing things on a closed-
circuit television screen). Evidently, we can become aware
of the quality of our experiences themselves, but rather
than refute direct realism, this raises the issue of how our
direct awareness of the world is mediated by complex
neurophysiological processes and representational states.

Direct Reference see Causal Theory of Reference

Direction of Fit see Intentional States

Disjunction Problem: arises for naturalised semantics ap-

proaches. A mental representation of type R (cow) may
be caused by various sorts of things (cows or horses
on a dark night). The problem is to explain why its
content is something less than the disjunction of its possi-
ble causes, especially as disjunctive content would result

in the maximal correlation between the representation

and the environment where it functions.

Disjunctivism: a theory of perception which opposes repre-

sentationalism, holding that it cannot account for the
minds openness to the world and emphasising that
genuine perceiving is a relational state which has mind-
independent objects or object involving Freges senses
as its constituents (J. M. Hinton, Paul Snowdon, John
McDowell, M. G. F. Martin). Arguing that dependence
on physical objects is essential to the nature of percep-
tion, its proponents deny that genuine perception and
illusion/hallucination belong to the same psychological
kind (the common kind assumption). Even though they
may feel subjectively the same, a perceptual experience is
either a genuine perception or a hallucination. However,
while accepting the direct perception thesis for genuine
experiences, disjunctivists are forced to adopt represen-
tationalism for non-veridical experiences to account for
their intentional content. This raises doubts about the
psychological distinctness of veridical and non-veridical
perception, given that both can serve as the basis for be-
lief and action because of their content.
Further reading: McDowell (1994); Martin (2004)

Dispositional: (1) a mental state is dispositional if it is not

occurrent; (2) an analysis is dispositional if it is done in
terms of dispositions.

Dispositions: capacities of things to manifest certain be-

haviour in specified conditions. Thus fragility and sol-
ubility can be viewed as dispositional properties: a sub-
stance is soluble if it dissolves when placed in water. The
causal status of dispositions is subject to debate: although
they are functional properties and scientific terms are

functionally determined, dispositions must be grounded

in things intrinsic properties. (This is the problem of vir-
tus dormitiva satirised by Moliere: to say that opium puts
people to sleep because of its it dormitive virtue is not to
give a causal explanation.) The notion of dispositions was
also employed in logical behaviourism, beginning with
Ryles analysis of knowledge-how. According to Ryle, as-
criptions of beliefs or emotional states are hypothetical
statements about a persons behaviour under certain con-
ditions. However, this analysis is problematic: peoples
dispositions to behaviour themselves depend on what psy-
chological states they are in. Thus people who know how
to play chess may not always have the disposition to move
chess pieces in the way that is thought to be constitutive
of their competence: their dispostions are different if they
are playing with a child to whom they wish to lose a game.
However, the dispositional analysis of beliefs still appears
attractive to philosophers who think that beliefs cannot
be stored in the brain. If beliefs are individuated by their
truth-conditions, then saying that they are represented
seems to commit one to the view that people are logically
omniscient, which they are not (entailment, KK-thesis).
Further reading: Armstrong et al. (1996)

Distributed Representation see Representation

Doxastic: relating to belief. To represent a content doxasti-

cally is to represent it in belief.

Dreaming: the state of having experiences similar to percep-

tions which occurs during rapid eye movement (REM)
sleep to most people. Closely emulating our wakeful ex-
perience (rich visual phenomenology, the egocentric per-
spective, felt emotions, formation of beliefs about what
is happening), it raises questions about the nature of

perception, imagery and (phenomenal) consciousness (the

existence of qualia).

Dretske, Fred (b.1932): American philosopher, one of the

originators of the informational theory of content, exter-
nalism and representationalism about consciousness. In
his later work, Dretske distinguishes between indication
and representation. Indication has to do with informa-
tion-carrying, is widespread and sufficient for minimal
intentionality. Representation, however, requires the no-
tion of function (paper clips can carry information about
temperature, but they cannot misrepresent it, because that
is not their job). Thus the informational approach must
be combined with the teleological theory of content to
give mental states their functions. Natural selection gives
content to perceptual or phenomenal states, and learning
to conceptual states (states, like beliefs, for being in which
one needs to have concepts). Dretskes solution to the dis-
junction problem, however, appeals not to teleology, but
to the theses that information is relative to circumstances
and that truly mental representation can arise only in sys-
tems capable of the right kind of learning.
Further reading: Dretske (1981, 2000)

Dual-Aspect Semantics see Two-Factor Theories

Dual-Aspect Theory see Dualism

Dualism: the view that the mental and the physical consti-
tute two different realms of reality. Substance dualism is
the view, associated with Descartes, that minds and bod-
ies belong to completely distinct kinds the immaterial
thinking substance and the material extended substance
which, nonetheless, can enter into causal interactions
(Cartesian interactionism). Attribute dualism (double- or
dual-aspect theory) is the view, associated with Spinoza,

that whereas there is only one substance, the mental and

the physical are different, independent kinds of proper-
ties: although they can be instantiated in the same ob-
jects, mental properties cannot be identified with physical
properties. Attribute dualism is sometimes called prop-
erty dualism, but one must be careful with the latter term
because it is sometimes applied to non-reductive physical-
ism which also holds that mental and physical properties
are distinct kinds of properties but, unlike dual-aspect
theories, accepts the dependence of the mental on the
physical. A prominent contemporary double-aspect the-
ory is found in David Chalmers theory of phenomenal
consciousness which views conscious properties as basic
constituents of reality on a par with fundamental physi-
cal properties. According to it, information is embodied
both in the physical-functional and the phenomenal in-
formation spaces, which stand in direct isomorphism to
one another. There is only one abstract information space
but it has two distinct aspects. The ubiquitousness of in-
formation brings this theory close to panpsychism and
Chalmers himself refers to it as panprotopsychism.
Further reading: Chalmers (1996)

Dynamical Systems (dynamicism): an approach to cognition

which views cognitive agents as dynamical systems. Dy-
namical systems theory is mathematical modelling of the
behaviour of complex systems (like the meteorological
system of our planet) using non-linear differential equa-
tions. Dynamical systems are open: variables and parame-
ters determining the systems development in time are not
wholly internal to it (thus in modelling the meteorological
system one must keep track of the Suns energy arriving
at different locations). They are open-ended: their devel-
opment from an initial point can follow distinct trajecto-
ries. They are continuously changing, deterministic, and
involve no internal information use by their components.

Several researchers (Timothy van Gelder, Robert Port,

Rodney Brooks, Esther Thelen, Linda B. Smith) argue
today that dynamicism can supplant the computational
theory of mind and connectionism (which also employs
the notions of computation and representation). Its main
ideas are embedded cognition and intelligence without
representation: organisms and their environments are
parts of the same dynamical system; changes in the system
are not mediated by discrete information-carrying states
internal to organisms; cognitive agents are constituted by
many interacting dynamical systems (horizontal instead
of vertical modularity); cognition emerges from cycles
of perceptionactionperception. Dynamical systems ap-
proach was used to model locomotion (Scott Kelso) and
insect navigation (Brooks; situated robotics). However,
despite common disclaimers, dynamical systems mod-
elling does not eliminate computation (all simulations are
run on digital computers) and representation (variables
are assigned discrete quantities, and state-transitions are
rule-governed). Rather, what dynamisists about cognition
deny is that rules and contents are explicitly represented in
the minds of agents. However, although this may be true
of some processes, it poses the same question that baffled
behaviourism: what kind of behaviour is thinking?
Further reading: Brooks (1991); van Gelder (1998)

Ecological Perception see Direct Perception

Egocentric Content see de se

Eliminative Materialism: the view that our common-sense un-

derstanding of peoples behaviour in terms of their men-
tal states and the corresponding mental concepts should

be eliminated from scientific psychology. Eliminative ma-

terialism arose in the 1970s from dissatisfaction with
Nagelian reduction and acceptance of Quines views on
the impossibility of intentional science (Paul Feyerabend,
Richard Rorty and Paul Churchland). In his attack on
folk psychology Churchland argued that it has all the
features of a false scientific theory, that the entities it pos-
tulates are similar in nature to phlogiston or alchemi-
cal essences and will have to be discarded by future sci-
ence. Replacing folk psychology, neuroscience will show
that there is nothing like beliefs and desires in the brain.
The same fate awaits folk ideas of consciousness, qualia
and the self, and this aspect of eliminativism was espe-
cially welcomed by Dennett. However, it is not obvi-
ous that mental concepts are theoretical constructs rather
than part of our psychological make-up (theory of mind).
More recent developments of eliminative materialism
moved away from the issue of the scientific status of folk
psychology and continue to exist under the name of neu-
Further reading: Churchland (1981); Churchland and
Churchland (1998)

Eliminativism: to be an eliminativist about X is to hold that X

is merely a word of everyday language for which there is
no corresponding reality and it thus has to be eliminated
from scientific explanation (see eliminative materialism).

Embedded Cognition: the term for theories that oppose the

computational and representational theory of mind by
emphasising that it ignores the fact that cognition is em-
bedded in the brain (connectionism) and in the body
(embodiment), and is situated in the world (dynamical
systems, extended mind, direct perception), being es-
sentially enactive (action). Instead of detached, input
output, centrally mediated processes, they propose that

spatially situated bodyenvironment interactions are con-

stitutive of intelligence, and that rationality consists in
adaptive responses.

Embodiment: the fact that we are not pure minds but minds
embedded in bodies. The thesis that organisms cognition
is shaped by their gross bodily form allows for readings
of different strength. Thus Dana Ballard argued that ori-
enting movements may constrain the way information
about objects is processed at a less abstract level than
that of symbolic reasoning (local problem-solving mech-
anisms). The more radical views are that concepts emerge
from embodied schemas (George Lakoff, Mark Johnson)
or that intelligent action does not require representation
(dynamical systems, extended mind, direct perception,
Further reading: Ballard et al. (1997)

Emergentism: the view that properties of complex systems

are emergent from the properties of their constituents,
being unpredictable from and irreducible to their com-
binations. Emergentism was espoused by several British
philosophers and scientists in the early twentieth century
(C. Lloyd Morgan, Samuel Alexander, C. D. Broad) as a
position concerning the status of chemical and biological
properties. (The idea that products of chemical reactions
are emergent properties traces to J. S. Mill, although it
was abandoned in the twentieth century with the avail-
ability of the quantum mechanical explanation of chemi-
cal bonding, leading to the demise of emergentism.) Mind
or consciousness (the terms were used interchangeably)
was similarly understood as an emergent property of the
brain. Central to emergentism is the many-layers view
of reality: each level of increasing complexity (the biolog-
ical level above the chemical level, the conscious mental

level above the biological level) has its own novel causal
properties irreducible to those of a certain constellation
of lower-level properties. Note that emergentism viewed
reduction as an explanatory rather than ontological is-
sue: consciousness is emergent and irreducible because we
cannot explain why a certain level of complexity of physi-
ological organisation should possess it. This distinguishes
emergentism from many versions of contemporary non-
reductive physicalism, although both approaches face the
problem of accounting for the irreducibility of the mental
without violating the causal closure of the physical.
Further reading: Broad [1925] (1976)

Emotions: such phenomenal states as admiration, anger, an-

noyance, anxiety, awe, benevolence, compassion, contri-
tion, disgust, distress, embarrassment, empathy, ennui,
envy, euphoria, fear, grief, gratitude, guilt, happiness,
hate, hope, humility, indignation, jealousy, joy, love, nos-
talgia, pride, rage, regret, remorse, resentment, sadness,
shame, sorrow, sympathy, surprise, worry, wrath. Only
six emotions are considered as basic and accompanied
by universally recognisable facial expressions: happiness,
surprise, sadness, anger, disgust and fear, and they may
constitute natural kinds. But is emotion a natural kind
term? What is the relation between emotions and bod-
ily feelings (sensations) and disturbances (blushing, per-
spiring)? The accepted view today is that emotions are
object-directed (emotional intentionality), which distin-
guishes them from moods, but some emotions, like sad-
ness, may be an exception to that. The relation between
emotions (passions) and rationality is also an important
issue. Emotions are involuntary in character they simply
happen to us but we also think of them as inappropri-
ate or inadequate to the behaviour of a rational agent
in particular situations. Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio

argues that emotions are crucial to decision-making, serv-

ing as somatic markers in the brains function of moni-
toring the organisms past and future responses (damage
to prefrontal and somatosensory areas leads to dimin-
ished emotion and impaired practical intelligence). Emo-
tions also seem involved in maintaining adequate belief
formation (schizophrenia) and regulating social relations
(moral emotions or emotions of self-consciousness).
Further reading: Damasio (1999)

Emotions, Theories of: the first psychological theory of emo-

tions, the James-Lange theory, was proposed by William
James (1884) and Dutch psychologist Carl G. Lange
(1885). The theory identifies emotions with bodily feel-
ings (sensations) and physiological disturbances: we feel
sadness because we cry and fear because we tremble. In
the late 1920s it was replaced by the Cannon-Bard the-
ory (Walter Cannon, Philip Bard) which views emotions
as independent of physiological change detection: identi-
cal physiological changes accompany different emotions
(fear and anger) and non-emotional states (fever). Since
the 1960s the leading philosophical theory of emotions
has been the cognitive theory which identifies emotions
with evaluative judgements and analyses them in terms of
intentional states like beliefs and desires. Thus fear of a
snake is constituted by the belief that it might bite and the
desire not to be bitten. According to its strong versions
(Robert Solomon, Richard Lazarus), emotions are just ra-
tional appraisals, not irrational drives. According to the
mild versions or hybrid theories (William Lycan, Martha
Nussbaum) they also have crucial affective components.
But the cognitive theory apparently cannot explain the di-
vergence between emotion and belief (believing that flying
is safe does not eliminate the fear), emotions phenome-
nal feel and the fact that propositional contents associated

with emotions can occur without them. Alternative ap-

proaches are offered by the affect program theory (Paul
Ekman, Paul Griffiths, Craig DeLancey; pioneered by
Charles Darwin) which views emotions as complex adap-
tive responses and addresses only the basic emotions, and
evolutionary psychology which explores the idea of the
modularity of other emotions as well.
Further reading: Lewis and Haviland-Jones (2000)

Empirical Functionalism see Machine Functionalism

Empiricism: the view that all knowledge is based on sensory

experience, that there is nothing in the mind that was
not first in the senses (nihil in intellectu nisi prius in
sensu). British empiricists Locke and Hume held that at
birth the mind is a blank slate (tabula rasa), that ideas
are copies from sensory states or combinations of such
copies (image theory), and that thoughts are associa-
tions of ideas (associationism). In response Leibniz and
Kant argued that the mind must contain innate categories
with which to organise sensory experience. Concept
empiricism was recently revived by researchers who think
that general learning mechanisms can accomplish the
structuring task (connectionism, neural constructivism)
and that alternative views commit one to radical concept
nativism (see innateness). Other arguments include those
from evolution and the overlap in brain areas subserving
perceptual discrimination and conceptual thought. How-
ever, empiricism runs against the problem, first noticed by
Berkeley, of abstracting general ideas: how does the mind,
on the sole basis of experience, arrive at forming ideas
that apply to more than one instance of a category? (For
Berkeley, Lockes abstractionist thesis was all the more
unacceptable as it entailed the conceivability of such im-
possible entities as triangles whose sides are neither long

nor short.) The same difficulty later arose for logical pos-
itivism (see definitional theory). In order to explain con-
ceptual content one must recognise a set of innate primi-
tive (non-decomposable) concepts whose identity remains
constant across experiences. For Locke and Hume these
were sensory concepts (concepts of colour, taste, shape,
etc.), but the difficulty they had with deriving from them
the supposedly complex concepts (like those of whole and
part) still remains in force.
Further reading: Barsalou (1999); Cowie (1998)

Entailment: logical relation between propositions posing

problems for theories of rationality and the map-theory
of analytic functionalism. If someone believes that P and
that Q, and (P&Q) entail R, they must believe R (closure
principle), but people sometimes fail to do so: one may
believe that radios are electric devices and that electric de-
vices must not be immersed in water and yet try to clean
a radio by placing it in water. If beliefs represented like
maps, people would be able to know the consequences of
their beliefs (the problem of belief under entailment).

Epiphenomenal: having no causal powers.

Epiphenomenalism: the view that mentality is a causally in-

ert by-product or epiphenomenon of brain processes. Al-
though mental phenomena are caused by brain processes,
they cannot themselves be causes of anything. Epiphe-
nomenalism arose in the late nineteenth century when the
acceptance of the causal closure of the physical made it
difficult to find room for the conscious mind of Cartesian
substance dualism in the scientific picture of the world. It
was defended by Shadworth Hodgson, William Kingdon
Clifford, Henry Maudsley and Thomas H. Huxley who
compared consciousness to the steam-whistle produced

by the working of a locomotive engine but having no ef-

fect on its machinery. Epiphenomenalism is counterintu-
itive: it implies that pain does not make us wince, that no
intentional action is possible and that mental events can-
not become objects of memory and knowledge. Besides,
as James noted, it seems incompatible with the theory
of evolution: why should conscious mental states have
evolved at all? Classical epiphenomenalism does not fall
within the province of physicalism, for it does not iden-
tify even mental events with brain events. In the 1980s,
the term, however, began to be used somewhat differently
in discussions of anomalous monism and non-reductive
physicalism generally, when the causal efficacy of mental
properties was put at stake. Today, epiphenomenalism is
much at issue in debates about conscious free will and
phenomenal consciousness.
Further reading: Huxley (2001)

Epistemology: the study of the nature and possibility of


Error, Problem of see Misrepresentation, Problem of

Essential Property: a property which an individual or kind

could not have failed to have, which it has in every pos-
sible world and without which it would cease to exist.
Thus having no electric charge is an essential property of

Essentialism: the view that things have essential properties

that make them be what they are. Metaphysical essen-
tialism is the term for Kripkes and Putnams extension
of the causal theory of reference to natural kind terms
like gold or tiger whose reference is fixed by the ap-
plication of a term to a sample of stuff or an animal.

Observational accidental properties are usually involved

in reference-fixing (sparkles or is orange with stripes),
but the mechanisms of reference are such that they pre-
suppose that certain kinds of things have hidden essences
to be discovered one day. Although we think of cats as
animals, it may turn out that they are really robots from
Mars. But we will continue to refer to them as cats in-
stead of concluding that cats do not exist (we will simply
stop thinking of them as animals). There exists a divi-
sion of linguistic labour: you may not be able to tell a
beech from an elm, but because there are experts in your
linguistic community, you know that beech and elm
have different reference and, if necessary, you may defer
to them on that matter. Psychological essentialism is the
view that peoples understanding of natural kind terms in-
deed involves belief in hidden essences. Thus both adults
and older children agree that a racoon made to look and
smell like a skunk will not become one, although similar
conceptual transformations of artefacts are believed to
involve identity changes. Essentialistic thinking may be a
universal feature of our tacit knowledge of the world.

Evolution: genetic modification of populations over time

resulting from small genetic mutations and organisms
interaction with the environment. Migrations place pop-
ulations into different environmental conditions, and nat-
ural selection operating on them results in the spread of
genetic material from individuals with the highest repro-
ductive success rates. Todays evolutionary theory differs
from that of Charles Darwin (180982) who originated
it, and a recent renewal of Darwinism (adaptationism)
continues to provoke controversy. Its critics do not deny
that there are adaptations, but emphasise the possibility
of saltational change. Saltations are single genetic muta-
tions producing large effects on an organisms phenotype

(its physical and physiological features defined by the

expression of its genotype in a specific environment),
and creating, in Richard Goldschmidts phrase,hopeful
monsters. They are due to mutations of homeotic genes
regulating early development. These ideas were devel-
oped by Stephen Jay Gould (19412002) who noted
lack of evidence for intermediate species in the fossil
record. Together with Richard Lewontin he coined the
term spandrels for those features of organisms that, like
the spandrels of San Marco Cathedral in Venice which
are necessary to support the dome but also bear magnifi-
cent mosaics, are by-products of architectural constraints
(the body plan, Bauplan). Together with Elizabeth Vrba
he coined the term exaptation for features that evolve for
one purpose and are then co-opted for a different purpose
(bird feathers evolved for thermoregulation and were co-
opted for flight).
Further reading: Gould and Lewontin (1979)

Evolutionary Psychology: a movement in psychology origi-

nated by Leda Cosmides and John Tooby. It opposes the
Standard Social Science Model according to which indi-
vidual minds contain no domain-specific representations
at birth (empiricism) and are moulded by society through
learning (sometimes it even holds that intelligence or per-
sonality have no biological determination). Evolution-
ary psychologists argue that human cognitive architecture
must be understood in light of its evolutionary history and
advocate for (1) the computational theory of mind, (2) in-
nateness, (3) massive modularity and (4) adaptationism.
The mind is composed mostly of innate domain-specific
computational mechanisms (modules) that were shaped
by natural selection to deal with recurrent information-
processing problems encountered by humans when they
lived in hunter-gatherer societies (the Pleistocene adaptive

environment). Although evolutionary psychology down-

plays the environments contribution to individual de-
velopment, suggests that each kind of problem requires
a computational mechanism of its own, diminishes the
role of general reasoning abilities and views every men-
tal feature as an adaptive trait contributing to individu-
als reproductive success, understood more broadly as a
study of stable cognitive and behavioural patterns from
the point of view of their evolution, it is a viable strategy
in animal cognition and cognitive psychology research.
Further reading: Cosmides and Tooby (1992)

Exaptation see Evolution

Exemplar Theory: a psychological theory of concepts accord-

ing to which concepts are sets of exemplars of a category.
But although peoples memories store representations of
particular instances, the theory does not explain their cat-

Explanatory Gap: Joseph Levines term for the view that noth-
ing known about the physical world can explain phenom-
enal consciousness. Some philosophers believe that the
gap cannot be closed because the existence of qualia can-
not be deduced from any physical facts.
Further reading: Levine (1983)

Extended Mind: the view that ones environment is consti-

tutive of ones cognitive processes (Andy Clark, Michael
Wheeler, John Haugeland). As is the case with other em-
bedded cognition theories, its proponents lay stress on
embodiment, the role of perception as providing possibil-
ities for action, and the understanding of intelligence in
terms of real-time success of action. It also holds that arte-
facts are literally constitutive of peoples mental states:

your mobile phone forms part of your memory for tele-

phone numbers, and its contents constitute in part your
beliefs involving these numbers. Minds extend into the en-
vironment and cognition does not all happen in the head
(active externalism). Human cognition evolved with the
development of tools and technologies, of which lan-
guage is the most important. Extended mind theorists
mostly accept connectionism as their theory of cogni-
tive architecture and pragmatism about concepts. The
problem, though, is how to understand their thesis non-
metaphorically (for example, what are the boundaries
of the extended mind?). Extended mind/dynamical sys-
tems theories were also proposed for consciousness. Thus
Susan Hurley argues that action is essential to the unity
of consciousness and that consciousness is neither in the
brain nor in subjective awareness.
Further reading: Clark (1997); Hurley (1998)

Extension: the set of all things that a predicate or concept is

true of. Thus the extension of cat are all and only cats.
Two predicates or concepts with the same extension are

Externalism: the view that intentional states (beliefs, desires,

etc.) have broad content, that is content that constitu-
tively depends on ones environment. Externalism stems
from Putnams Twin-Earth argument which many found
convincing. But the relational nature of intentional states
as understood by folk psychology seems to make them
ill-suited for scientific psychology and the computational
theory of mind because only those states that are intrin-
sic to individuals (supervene on their neurophysiology)
can enter into causal interactions with each other and
be causes of behaviour (the local character of causation).
This makes many philosophers accept internalism, while

others argue that psychological explanation can accom-

modate broad content because (1) special sciences include
relational properties in their causal explanations (Tyler
Burge, Lynn Rudder Baker); (2) even basic sciences for-
mulate laws with reference to background conditions; (3)
information carried by organisms psychological states is
a function from their environments (informational the-
ory of content); (4) the content of psychological states
is determined by their evolutionary history (teleological
theory of content); (5) rational explanation of action re-
quires that the content of intentional states depend in
part on their relations to the outside world (Christopher
Peacocke, Timothy Williamson). However, as most ex-
ternalists accept the representational theory of mind (but
see demonstrative content), this allows internalists to ar-
gue that, although relevant to causal explanation, broad
content is not involved in particular instances of mental
Further reading: Burge (1986)

Factive see Propositional Attitudes

Faculty Psychology: the view that the mind is divided into sep-
arate faculties or capacities (perception, memory, imag-
ination, judgement) developed by Franz Joseph Gall
(17591828) into phrenology the theory that different
faculties have discrete brain localisation and their promi-
nence correlates with cranial prominence (bumps on the

Feelings see Sensations


Fictionalism: the strong version of instrumentalism according

to which there are no such things as beliefs and desires,
that they are merely fictions for predicting behaviour, con-
venient in everyday life but unacceptable in science.

First-Person Authority: the idea, deriving from Descartes, that

ones thoughts or experience can be known only from the
first-person but not the third-person perspective.

Fodor, Jerry A. (b.1935): American philosopher, the author

of the language of thought hypothesis. Fodor is thus one
of the main defenders of realism about folk psychology,
and to show how beliefs and desires can be genuine causes
of behaviour, that is have irreducible causal powers, he
developed an influential version of non-reductive physi-
calism (special sciences argument). He is a proponent of
representational nativism (see innateness) and the origi-
nator of informational atomism. His work on the modu-
larity of mind inspired numerous investigations, although
he is an ardent critic of massive modularity, the extent of
the computational theory of mind and connectionism.
Further reading: Fodor (2000)

Folk Psychology (belief-desire, intentional, propositional atti-

tude psychology): the common-sense explanation of peo-
ples behaviour out of their beliefs and desires (and other
intentional states). The central tenet of folk psychology is
that intentional states have causal and semantic proper-
ties: they cause behaviour in virtue of their content (Why
did John come to the lecture theatre on Friday? Because
he wanted to listen to Professor N and believed that the
lecture would be given there). Folk psychology thus has
impressive predictive and explanatory power. The view
that it is largely true is captured in the representational
theory of mind but is denied by eliminative materialism.

Whether in understanding other peoples behaviour we

indeed employ a folk psychological theory is the issue
addressed by theory of mind debates.

Frame Problem: a major problem for artificial intelligence and

the computational theory of mind. In doing science and
in our everyday life we constantly come across situations
when we need to update our beliefs upon receiving new in-
formation and make decisions about all sorts of problems.
Even when one decides whether to take an umbrella or
not, knowing that it will rain, all sorts of reasons can bear
on the final decision (its colour clashes with ones outfit).
Similarly, what modifications one makes to ones beliefs
upon learning, say, about the discovery of mirror neu-
rons depends on numerous factors. Our reasoning is af-
fected by global considerations of relevance and context-
sensitivity (there is nothing in an individual belief itself
to show when it may become relevant). Given the algo-
rithmic nature of computational processes, the problem
is how to frame the relevant sets of beliefs or limit search
spaces. The problem becomes especially acute when one
considers the relation between the computational theory
of mind and modularity. To describe a domain computa-
tionally one must specify a clear computational task to be
carried out. For this the domain must be restricted with
respect to the input it can process (it must be information-
ally encapsulated). This realisation ensures the success of
Marrs theory of vision (although it poses the binding
problem). However, general reasoning cannot be so re-
stricted. This, arguably, does not show that thinking is
not computation, but all current approaches (heuristics,
connectionism, quantum computation) are problematic.
Some researchers now believe that emotions may be
natures solution to the frame problem.
Further reading: Minsky (forthcoming)

Frege, Gottlob (18481925): German mathematician, the

founder of modern logic. His philosophy of language is
of central importance to discussions of intentionality and
mental content. Frege noticed a peculiar asymmetry be-
tween such identity statements as Hesperus is Hesperus
and Hesperus is Phosphorus (Hesperus is also called the
evening star, and Phosphorus the morning star). Al-
though they are about the same object, the planet Venus,
they differ in their informational content or cognitive
meaning. It is possible for someone to believe rationally
that Hesperus is bright without believing that Phosporus
is bright. And in ascribing beliefs we can truthfully say
Theo believes that Hesperus is bright but not Theo be-
lieves that Phosphorus is bright (opacity of belief ascrip-
tion). How can identity statements be both true and in-
formative and how can one have distinct beliefs about
the same object? This is known as the Frege problem
and in Uber Sinn und Bedeutung (1892) Frege offered a
solution to it by distinguishing between sense (Sinn) and
reference (Bedeutung). The reference of an expression is
the object it denotes, and its sense is the mode of pre-
sentation of the reference. Hesperus is bright and Phos-
phorus is bright express different propositions because
they have different senses. In belief ascription contexts
like Theo believes that Hesperus is bright the reference
of the expression (Hesperus) shifts so that it does not
have its ordinary reference (the planet Venus) but refers
instead to its ordinary sense (or mode of presentation of
the object referred to by the expression ordinarily).
Further reading: Frege (1960)

Freud, Sigmund (18561939): Austrian psychologist, the

founder of psychoanalysis. On the basis of his study
of psychological disorders Freud postulated a tripar-
tite structure of the mind: the conscious mind, the

preconscious (the part of the mind whose contents can

become available to consciousness) and the unconscious
(the part containing repressed thoughts and memories
that people cannot bring to conscious awareness). Later
Freud introduced the parallel categories of the id (the part
of the mind driven by instinctual needs and contradictory
impulses), the ego (the part responsible for representing
the external world and unifying mental processes) and
the phylogenetically recent superego (the source of norms
of behaviour). The ego, torn by the ids passions, the
external world and the superego, may break into anxi-
ety, and psychoanalysis must strengthen it by making it
take over the unconscious. Psychoanalysis involves the
analyst suggesting topics to a patient for free associa-
tion, which the analyst then interprets trying to uncover
ideas dominating the patients unconscious. The method
and the overemphasis on suppressed sexual desires were
largely discredited, but Freuds impact on philosophy of
mind should not be underestimated. Freud questioned the
assumption that consciousness alone is mental, thus in-
fluencing logical behaviourism, but he also anticipated
the ideas of modularity and the intentional character of
non-conscious processes like dreaming. Although his no-
tion of the unconscious is controversial, some data sup-
port the idea of memory repression by executive control
Further reading: Freud (1962)

Functional Role Semantics (FRS, conceptual, inferential, com-

putational role semantics): a theory of content according
to which the content of a mental representation (belief,
concept) is constituted by its role in reasoning, its infer-
ential or causal relations to other representations. FRS is
a consequence of extending functionalism about mental
states to the explanation of how intentional states like

beliefs and desires acquire their content. It is the most

commonly held theory of content whose proponents in-
clude Gilbert Harman, Ned Block, Michael Devitt, Brian
Loar and William Lycan (although their views differ as to
whether it is the language of thought or an internalised
public language that is the representational medium).
Other motivations for FRS include: Wittgensteins and
Sellars philosophy of language; Freges consideration
that reference alone is insufficient to explain the cogni-
tive roles of beliefs (Christopher Peacocke); the consider-
ation that the meaning of logical connectives (and, or)
is constituted by the inferences they warrant; and the in-
tuition that the content of many abstract concepts like
infinity is fixed only by their roles in reasoning. Objec-
tions include the problem of holism (interdependency of
all concepts), the lack of an explanation of representa-
tions informational content, and Twin-Earth examples
which suggest that functional identity does not entail the
identity of contentful states. This led to the development
of molecularism and two-factor theories.

Functionalism: the view that mental states are constituted by

the totality of their functional or causal relations with
other mental states, sensory inputs and behavioural out-
puts. Thus being in pain is constituted by detecting a nox-
ious stimulus, feeling anxious, thinking that something
is wrong with ones health, saying ouch, etc. Function-
alism is the most widely held view on the mindbody
problem, but functional understanding of mental states
allows for two different positions in their relation to phys-
icalism: machine functionalism and analytic functional-
ism. However, both positions have to deal with the prob-
lem of qualia (absent qualia, inverted spectrum) which
suggests that functional identity does not entail qualita-
tive identity. Other approaches include homuncular and

teleological functionalism. The term functionalism is

also used for functional role semantics.
Further reading: Block (1978); Lycan (1987)

Gestalt: perceived configuration arising from a spatial ar-
rangement able to give rise to different interpretations. If
you look at an arrangement of lines and see a human face,
this representation has a gestalt quality (due to the brains
tendency to compensate for degenerate stimuli). Gestalt
or figure-ground switching, as in the famous duck-rabbit
switch, poses questions about the nature of visual con-
sciousness and the minds structuring of perceptual ex-
perience. The school of Gestalt psychology, founded by
Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Kohler in
1910, rejected associationism and held that psychological
structures generally are more than sums of their parts. Al-
though their view that gestalts exist in the world proved
erroneous, their study of visual illusion was an important
contribution to perception research.

Gettier Cases: counterexamples to the view that knowledge

is justified true belief presented by Edmund Gettier. Thus
you may justifiably believe that someone likes dogs from
seeing him give a dog a piece of meat and your belief may
turn out to be true, but on this particular occasion the
person gave the dog the meat with a soporific inside so
as to burgle its owners house. You have a justified true
belief but not knowledge.
Further reading: Gettier (1963)

Ghost in the Machine see Ryle, Gilbert


Gibsonianism see Direct Perception

GOFAI: Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence.

Grandmother Cells see Neurons

Grice, H. Paul (191388): British philosopher, the author of

intention-based semantics and theory of conversational
implicature. Proponents of the informational theory of
content make use of his notion of natural meaning. The
word mean has different senses and the sense of nat-
ural meaning (indicator-meaning) can be detected in
such ordinary sentences as These spots mean measles or
Smoke means fire. Non-natural meaning is conventional
Further reading: Grice (1957)

Hallucination: the experience of having a perception of a
real-world object when no such object is being perceived
(Macbeth seeing a bloody dagger in front of him).

Hebb, Donald O. (190485): Canadian psychologist who ar-

gued that to understand how the brain subserves psycho-
logical functions is to understand how it represents ex-
ternal events (learning and memory). He suggested that
brain representations are groups of simultaneously active
interconnected neurons (cell assemblies). If the activation
of an assembly is sufficiently long, connections between
its neurons become strengthened (neurons that fire to-
gether wire together). He also suggested that such rep-
resentations are distributed among cell connections and

that the same cells participate in subserving perception

and memory storage.
Further reading: Hebb (1949)

Heterophenomenology see Dennett, Daniel C.

Heuristic: a method of solving problems for which there are

no algorithms or which can be solved more quickly if one
bypasses exhaustive serial search. Heuristics underlying
realistic decision-making (like the recognition heuristic)
are studied by theories of bounded rationality. Some
researchers in artificial intelligence believe that heuristic
problem-solving may provide a general theory of human
cognition. But there is a question whether heuristics can
circumvent the frame problem: if a number of heuristics
can be applied to the same problem, then the decision
which heuristic to apply is itself sensitive to a systems
global properties.
Further reading: Gigerenzer et al. (1999)

Higher-Order Theories: representational theories of con-

sciousness which identify it with reflexive or monitoring
consciousness. We often speak of conscious mental states
as states that we are aware of being in. According to the
higher-order thought (HOT) theory (David Rosenthal,
Peter Carruthers), ones mental state M is conscious if it
is accompanied by a thought that one is in M, arrived at
non-inferentially. Thus being in pain is a conscious state
for you if you have the thought that you are in pain and
did not infer that thought from other thoughts or ob-
servation of your behaviour. But this account appears
to deny consciousness to infants and animals because
they cannot have higher-order thoughts. Thus the higher-
order perception (HOP) theory which understands the ac-
companying representation as internal scanning similar

to perception may seem preferable (Locke, Armstrong,

William Lycan). But that raises the question of what this
inner sense is. Besides, both theories must solve the ubiq-
uity problem (if such representations were sufficient for
consciousness, computers would be conscious too).
Further reading: Lycan (1996); Carruthers (2000)

Hobbes, Thomas (15881679): English philosopher, a de-

fender of materialism. Hobbes held that mental pro-
cesses can be explained in mechanical terms of adding
and subtracting quantities in the brain (anticipating the
computational theory of mind).
Further reading: Hobbes [1651] (1957)

Holism: the view that the whole has priority over its parts.
Confirmation holism formulated by French physicist
Pierre Duhem (18611916) and Willard van Orman
Quine is the thesis that scientific theories stand the tri-
bunal of evidence as whole systems of beliefs. But holism
about belief confirmation must be distinguished from se-
mantic holism, the thesis that the content of a concept
depends on the concepts place within the whole system
of beliefs. Semantic holism is motivated by the view in
philosophy of language that the meaning of a sentence,
hence a word, depends on its role in a language (often
the combination of confirmation holism with verifica-
tionism about meaning), and the view that mental states
are individuated by their functional roles (functionalism).
Holism of the mental seems highly plausible: if some-
one has the belief that there is milk for the coffee in the
fridge, they must have a whole lot of beliefs about fridges,
coffee, milk and relations between them. But if this en-
tails semantic holism, something seems to be wrong, for
it follows that no two people, nor the same individual at
different times, share concepts. This conclusion appears

counterintuitive: people can debate, for example, whether

humans are animals or not, but if their concept human
depended on their whole systems of beliefs, they would
not be even talking about the same thing. Semantic holism
thus leads to scepticism about folk-psychological gener-
alisation (interpretivism, eliminativism), and to avoid it
one might consider atomism and molecularism.
Further reading: Fodor and Lepore (1992)

Holistic: sensitive to the global properties of a system as a


Homuncular Functionalism: William Lycans term for

Dennetts view that the intentionality of complex systems
can be explained functionally by decomposing them into
hierarchically organised subsystems (homunculi).

Homunculus Argument see Ryles Regress

Hume, David (171176): Scottish philosopher, a major pro-

ponent of naturalism. Hume was the first to propose
the use of empirical methods in studying the mind, by
which he understood discovering general truths about
the way humans think, feel and act (empiricism, rep-
resentationalism). Hume distinguished between sensory
impressions (perceptual representations under which he
also included sensations and emotions) and ideas deriving
from them. Operating on individual impressions imagi-
nation abstracts general ideas of things, combines simple
ideas into complex ones and forms associations between
them (associationism). However, there are no grounds for
thinking that reason can be trusted to reveal the nature
of things, and all ideas reflecting matters of fact must
be traceable to impressions. This scepticism underlies
Humes projectivism about colour, causality and the self.

As we get no impressions of causal connections, causation

is the notion the mind projects onto loose and separate
events as a matter of habit. And as there is no necessary
connection between events, we cannot know that future
patterns will follow past patterns and believe justifiably
in causal laws of nature (Humes problem of induction).
Humes scepticism also extends to his views on passions
and the will. The term Humean supervenience, coined
by Lewis, refers to the view that everything supervenes on
the spatio-temporal arrangement of local intrinsic prop-
Further reading: Hume [1748] (1994)

Husserl, Edmund (18591938): German philosopher, the

founder of phenomenology. Husserl held that the aim
of phenomenology is to discover the preconditions of
experience and reason through a first-person descriptive
study of consciousness. Intentionality, or consciousness
of, the creation of senses in mental acts which tran-
scends experiential givenness can be studied in abstrac-
tion from the actual existence of things (both veridical
perception and hallucination exhibit intentionality). In
Ideas, his major work, he describes phenomenology as
a pure science of essences (an eidetic science), which
relates to empirical psychology as geometry to natural
sciences. He denounces naturalism and the naive natural
attitude which unreflectingly posits material objects. The
phenomenological attitude, in contrast, involves the ex-
ercise of epoche, the systematic bracketing of all assump-
tions about the external reality, so that phenomenological
reduction could reveal the essences of pure mental pro-
cesses. Husserl maintains that every intentional process
comprises immanent to it hyle (uninterpreted sense-data)
and noesis, an act of sense-bestowal, the structuring of
hyletic moments by noetic components. Parallel to noesis

is noema, which is not inherent to mental processes. The

full noema of an intentional process includes a content
or matter (the noematic what) and its mode of given-
ness or quality (given in perception, liking, judgement,
certainty). In the case of tree-perception, its noema is the
perceived tree as perceived. As the phenomenological re-
sidium discovered by transcendental reduction, noemata
are abstract entities or senses determining objects of pos-
sible experiences. This transcendental idealism was re-
jected by other phenomenologists, and in his later work
Husserl emphasised the role of intersubjectivity in consti-
tuting objects of our life-world (Lebenswelt).
Further reading: Husserl [1913] (1982)

Idealism: the view that everything existing is mental in nature.
Idealism is traced to Platos theory of universals as pre-
ceding things, the view later developed by Leibniz, Kant,
Frege and Husserl. But this is transcendental idealism
which does not deny the existence of the physical world
and must be distinguished from the subjective idealism of
Berkeley (usually referred to as idealism), according to
which things exist only inside the mind. It is further dis-
tinguished from the absolute idealism of Hegel and other
nineteenth-century idealists.

Ideas: elements of thought, concepts. The notion exhibits a

duality between ideas as ideal abstract entities which can
be apprehended by the mind (transcendental idealism)
and ideas as entities within the mind. Early modern repre-
sentationalism, modelling thinking on perception, viewed
ideas as objects present to the mind or mental images
(seeing in the minds eye).

Identity, Numeric versus Qualitative: two things are qualita-

tively identical when they share all their properties. They
are numerically identical when they are one thing rather
than two.

Identity Theory (typetype or mindbody identity theory): a

species of physicalism, the view that every mental prop-
erty is identical with some physical (brain) property. First
suggested by E. G. Boring in 1933, it was developed in
the 1950s by U. T. Place and J. J. C. Smart in Australia,
and Herbert Feigl in the USA, supplanting dualism and
behaviourism. Later the identity thesis was elaborated
in the causal theory of mind. Prior to its appearance, it
was commonly thought that identity statements express
necessary a priori truths. Influenced by scientific devel-
opments, identity theorists argued that statements with
psychological terms (consciousness is a brain process,
pain is C-fibres firing) are no different from statements
like lightning is electrical discharge and similarly ex-
press contingent a posteriori identities to be established
by empirical investigation. Other arguments included
considerations of simplicity, parsimony, unity of science
(see Nagelian reduction) and avoidance of nomological
danglers. The theory lost some of its appeal in the 1970s
due to Kripkes analysis of identity, arguments from
qualia, the anomalousness of the mental and multiple re-
alisability. This led many philosophers to functionalism,
whereas others turned to eliminative materialism. Still,
the identity theory is a powerful view, and it was recently
resurrected in the phenomenal concepts approach which
became known as new wave materialism or a posteriori

Illusion: the instance when the perceived object appears other

than it really is (you thought your shirt had spots on

it, but they really were patches of light). The argument

from illusion (generally, all kind of perceptual error in-
cluding hallucination and perceptual relativity, when an
object appears different from different perspectives) was
already used in ancient philosophy as an argument for
scepticism, but is usually traced to Berkeley. The pos-
sibility of illusion and the subjective indistinguishability
of illusory and veridical experiences leads indirect repre-
sentationalism and the sense-datum theory to posit inter-
mediary mental entities which constitute the immediate
objects of perception. This conclusion may be avoided
if one treats illusion as an instance of misrepresentation
parasitic on veridical perception. There is also an issue of
persistent illusions like the Muller-Lyer illusion (two lines
of equal length but with outward or inward directed ar-
rows at their ends appear unequal) where no amount of
knowledge can make the illusory experience disappear.
They pose questions about the interaction between ex-
ternal world input and internal processing constraints in
producing perceptual experience (gestalt perception, per-
ceptual completion phenomena).
Further reading: Wade (2004)

Image Theory: the view that ideas (concepts) are mental

images. Already found in Aristotle, it is particularly
associated with Hume. Despite its intuitive attractiveness
(if someone asks you to think of a cat, you are likely to ex-
perience a cat-image), the theory does not work. Images
are like pictures and lack constituent structure to sup-
port the systematicity of thought: pictures can be cut into
pieces any way one likes, but these pieces are not their
interpretable parts, because there is no principled way of
putting them together to form new pictures. Besides, there
are no images for many concepts (negative concepts like
not-a-cat or disjunctive concepts like a-cat-or-a-dog),

and images themselves require interpretation (the famous

duck-rabbit example, discussed by Wittgenstein). A more
sophisticated modern version of the theory is found in the
idea of Karl Pribram that representation in the brain is
holographic in the same way as the content that is con-
tributed by individual points comprising a hologram is
not fixed but varies depending on its place within the
whole. This proposal, however, meets with the same ob-
jection from systematicity.

Imagery: the capacity to experience images, have quasi-

perceptual experiences. Images can be experienced in all
sensory modalities, but discussions usually concentrate
on visual images experienced as internal pictures that
can be scanned, rotated, zoomed, etc. Imagery is closely
connected with perception: imagining involves the acti-
vation of the visual cortex, although images are usually
less determinate in content than actual perceptions. It
plays an important role in memory (spatial recall) and
action planning (simulating possible experiences off-line).
Many discussions concern the issue of whether imagery
is based on symbolic representation or whether there is a
separate kind of imagistic representation. It arose due to
Stephen Kosslyn who discovered a timing consistency in
mental scanning and rotation experiments: the amount of
time that people take to manipulate an image (for exam-
ple, walk between locations) is directly proportionate
to the amount of time similar behaviour would require in
actual situations. He concluded that images themselves
have spatial properties isomorphic to those of the repre-
sented situation and that imagery is not subserved by the
symbolic code (in the representation london is further
from glasgow than edinburgh, the distances between
symbols are not themselves physically bigger or smaller).
This conclusion was questioned by Zenon Pylyshyn who

showed that with a different experimental design where

subjects are asked to switch quickly between locations the
distance effect disappears and may thus be due not to a
specific representational medium but to the way subjects
gear their imaginings to various tasks.
Further reading: Pylyshyn (2003)

Imagination: historically, the faculty of the mind responsi-

ble for thinking and concept formation (image theory).
The notion was prominent in theories of perception and
epistemology up to Kant, but later it became tied with
questions of creativity. Today, the imagination is usually
understood as a species of thought (thinking of possibil-
ities) which may or may not be accompanied by mental

Indeterminacy: the property characterising those states of af-

fairs that are neither A nor B. Arguments from our in-
ability to determine what a state is (epistemology) to the
inherent indeterminacy of that state (ontology) are com-
mon practice in philosophy. Thus, drawing on the inde-
terminacy of translation, Daniel Dennett argues that the
problem of functional indeterminacy does not arise for
the teleological theory of content because there is no fact
of the matter which could decide the correct ascription of
content to sublinguistic representations. Although Den-
nett in right in pointing out the problem that inscrutabil-
ity of reference poses for naturalised semantics, it does
not follow that content itself is indeterminate because
computations can be carried out only on binary states.
The same problem arises for analytic functionalism which
holds that the content of intentional states is indetermi-
nate but that they nonetheless participate in the causa-
tion of behaviour (with this view analytic functionalism
comes close to interpretivism). Appeals to indeterminacy

are also found in arguments in favour of non-reductive

physicalism and free will where they are tied with the
indeterminacy of the quantum world and the existence
of probabilistic causal laws. However, the same reason-
ing should also lead one to conclude the indeterminacy
of higher levels of reality. Consider a simple experiment
from thermodynamics where a single molecule travels be-
tween two communicating vessels. When one closes the
passage between them, one cannot say in which of the
vessels the molecule is. Does it follow that its position is
ontologically indeterminate?

Indeterminacy of Translation: the most famous expression

of the idea of indeterminacy associated with Quine
and Davidson. The thesis says that the totality of peo-
ples linguistic and non-linguistic behaviour leaves it
indeterminate what the correct translation of their ut-
terances is. One reason for the indeterminacy of transla-
tion is inscrutability of reference. Another reason is that
rational interpretation of peoples behaviour, because of
the holism of the mental, leaves it open what particular
beliefs should be ascribed to them, if any.

Indexical: an expression whose meaning cannot be specified

outside a particular context (I, here, now, today,

Individualism see Internalism

Individuation: establishing what tokens belong to the same

type. The problem of individuation is the problem of de-
termining the criteria of identity for things of the same

Information: the interpretable quantity of data transmitted

from a source to a receiver along a communication chan-
nel. The notions of information theory can be employed
for thinking about content and mental representation. In
formulating the informational theory of content, Fred
Dretske modified Claude Shannons definition of infor-
mation to account for the informational content of rep-
resentational states in terms of conditional probabilities.
The idea is that a representational state R carries infor-
mation about something having property P if R is reli-
ably caused by or covaries with the presence of P (the
probability that P given R is 1 on the scale from 0 to 1).
Since such correlations are found throughout nature (the
number of rings on a tree carries information about that
trees age), this notion of information is naturalistic and
non-intentional. Electrocommunications also provide an
analogy for understanding the distinction between con-
tents and vehicles of representations: in an electrical de-
vice the carrier of a signal is the vehicle, the signal it carries
is the content and the information carried correlates with
changes in the physical state of the carrier.

Informational Atomism: a theory of concepts proposed by

Fodor. It holds that concepts are symbols in the language
of thought which receive their content only from
the minds causal connections with the environment
(informational theory of content, atomism). It contrasts
with other theories by viewing lexical concepts as prim-
itive or having no internal structure. (As these theories
stem from Freges distinction between sense and refer-
ence, it denies that concepts have senses but admits non-
Fregean modes of presentation.) Its opponents object
that it cannot explain connections between concepts in
thought (but it can employ Carnaps meaning postulates)
or their cognitive content (the Fido-Fido fallacy: saying

that Fido means Fido does not explain how people rep-
resent Fido in thought), that it allows for the existence of
punctuate minds (minds with only one belief; the prob-
lem of the holism of the mental) and that it assumes
radical concept innateness.

Informational Encapsulation see Modularity

Informational Theory of Content (informational seman-

tics): uses the notion of information to explain naturalis-
tically how intentional states can have content. Roughly,
one can say that a mental representation R has F as its
content if it carries information about Fs. That is, con-
tents of representations are determined by their causes:
for example, the representation cat is about cats because
cats cause it. However, something else may cause cat
to be tokened (the problem of misrepresentation). For
this reason Dretske first restricted content-fixation to co-
variance during the learning period when systematic to-
kenings of cat occur in the presence of cats and errors
are corrected. However, it is possible that during this pe-
riod dogs, had there been any around, would also have
caused cat and that cat means cat or dog (the disjunc-
tion problem). A different approach ties content-fixation
to epistemically optimal or ideal conditions (originated by
Dennis Stampe in his causal theory of content, defended
by Robert Stalnaker and, briefly, by Jerry Fodor). Thus
the representation cat is about cats if it systematically
covaries with the presence of cats under epistemically
optimal conditions (good illumination, suitable distance).
This allows for misrepresentation because tokenings that
occur in suboptimal conditions do not count. However,
different representations require different optimal condi-
tions to fix their content in a determinate way (cats are
best seen in good lighting, but fireflies are not). This makes

the solution depend on the content of representations and

sheds doubt on its being sufficiently naturalistic. These
approaches are known as type 1 theories, because they
tie content-fixation to special types of situations. Other
approaches include Fodors asymmetric dependence the-
ory and Dretskes informational-teleological theory.

Innate: not learned.

Innateness: the property in virtue of which certain traits in-

variably but following a specific course appear in develop-
ment, not being fully determined by the input from the en-
vironment. To understand the idea of innateness one can
consider the notions of maturation (one would not say
that the emergence of stereopsis at around four months
of age is learned from the environment) and critical pe-
riod (as Torsten Wiesel and David Hubel showed, the
central visual pathway of the monkey brain is wired up
and ready to function at birth but following early visual
deprivation within a short period of time the connections
will be lost or modified; see also cognitive ethology). The
resurrection of rationalism about cognition is largely due
to Chomsky whose ideas were later confirmed by studies
showing dissociation between syntactic knowledge and
general intelligence (the Williams syndrome) and Derek
Bickertons research on creole languages (see also tacit
knowledge). Yet the view that there are innate represen-
tations in the brain continues to remain controversial,
especially when it comes to concept innateness: how can
computer and soap be innate? But one should remem-
ber that nativists acknowledge the need for environmen-
tal impact, and the real question is whether differences
in the conceptual repertoires of different creatures can be
explained by differences in their general learning abilities

without presupposing the existence of innate constraints

on representations that are potentially available to them.
Further reading: Carruthers et al. (2005)

Input Problem (the chauvinismliberalism dilemma): arises

for machine functionalism with respect to characterising
the relevant subset of sensory inputs that an organism
must receive in order to have the right functional organi-
sation (for example, to count as a pain-feeling organism).
If inputs are themselves characterised functionally, then
any mindless structure could satisfy the criteria for men-
tality (see absent qualia). However, if inputs are charac-
terised relative to human physiology, this leads to chau-
vinism by excluding simple organisms and hypothetical
beings from having the relevant mental states. It is thus
unclear how a mental state could be given an adequate
functional characterisation.
Further reading: Block (1978)

Inscrutability of Reference: the thesis developed by Quine

and Davidson (see radical interpretation) that no em-
pirical evidence available to the radical interpreter can
uniquely determine the reference of words used by speak-
ers of a language. Quine considers the case of an in-
terpreter working with a tribe who hears his informant
utter gavagai when a rabbit runs past. He cannot know
whether his informant refers to the rabbit, an undetached
rabbit part or a rabbit time-slice because all these inter-
pretations are compatible with the same assignment of
truth-values to the informants utterances, leaving refer-
ence underdetermined. The thesis thus depends on the
presupposition that the nature of thought is linguistic,
and in his later work Quine explicitly endorses onto-
logical relativity holding that reference is relative to a

language. Intrigued by this issue, developmental psychol-

ogists began the study of constraints regulating lexical
Further reading: Quine (1969)

Instrumentalism: the view of the mind according to which

questions about the intrinsic nature of intentional states
(beliefs, desires) do not make sense and one should be
concerned only with establishing criteria for their cor-
rect attribution as theoretical entities. It is associated with
Dennetts conception of the intentional stance.

Intelligence: a general ability required for complex cogni-

tive tasks like language processing, analogical reasoning,
mathematical and logical reasoning, creative reasoning
(musical and artistic), theoretical and practical problem-
solving, playing chess, etc. Although the term began to be
used only in the early twentieth century with the develop-
ment of mental testing, it shares with its historical prede-
cessors, intellect and reason, the features of rationality,
effectiveness and flexibility. Recently psychologists ques-
tioned the assumption of one ability, suggesting that intel-
ligence is multiple and modularised, which would explain
the existence of idiots savants, people talented in one area
like mathematics but otherwise mentally retarded.

Intension: the principle by which things fall under concepts,

by which concepts that apply to the same things (have
the same extension) are distinguished (often understood
as the function from possible worlds to extensions). Thus
creature with a heart and creature with a kidney
have the same extension, but their intensions are different.

Intensional: (1) sensitive to intensions; (2) represented as

being a certain way, under some aspect. Creatures

sensitive to intensional distinctions would distinguish be-

tween equilateral triangle and equiangular trian-
gle even though all equilateral triangles are necessarily

Intensionality: sensitivity to intensions. Intensionality(-with-

an-s) is considered to be the criterion of intentionality(-
with-a-t) because only those creatures can be said to have
concepts or genuine intentional states if they can repre-
sent, for example, cats qua cats rather than merely re-
spond selectively to cats. The problem of intensional-
ity (the fine-grainedness problem, the problem of grain)
arises for naturalised semantics because causation, co-
variation and biological function are too coarse-grained
to take care of intensional distinctions. That is, the prob-
lem is to explain how a mental representation R can rep-
resent something as F without representing it as G when
the properties F and G are equivalent (nomically, meta-
physically or logically).

Intention: a mental plan to perform some action. Intentions

are what makes pieces of behaviour actions of rational
thinking agents, and the capacity to form intentions is
central to our practical reasoning and rationality. As in-
tentional states, intentions have satisfaction conditions
(they are satisfied if they cause the projected actions).
But the simple view of intentional action as an action
that the agent had an intention to perform poses prob-
lems. Thus one may intend to perform an action (increase
the companys profits) which, as one knows, will have
certain side effects (it will squeeze a lot of small compa-
nies out of business) but those are not intended by the
agent for he has no desire to cause them. Is causing side
effects an instance of intentional action? Another prob-
lem is that of deviant causal chains: an assassin has an

intention to kill a businessman but on his way to the job

he drops a banana skin on which the businessman, tak-
ing the same path later, slips, breaks his neck and dies.
The killer has brought about the killing, but was it an
intentional action? Many people feel that the intention
must be connected to the action in the right way to make
it intentional action but this connection is hard to spell
out. This difficulty is discussed by Searle in terms of prior
intention (preceding action) and intention-in-action, the
mental part of ones bodily movement (close to volition).
Further reading: Lepore and Van Gulick (1991)

Intentional: (1) exhibiting intentionality, representational; (2)

carried out with a certain intention.

Intentional Laws see Causal Laws

Intentional Object: that which is represented in thought. It

does not have to be a really existing object but neither is
it an entity in the head. Brentanos view of intentionality
as a quasi-relation was quite similar to the current view,
but some of his followers, most notably Austrian philoso-
pher Alexius von Meinong (18531920), thought of non-
existent intentional objects as in some sense real because
thought can be directed towards them.

Intentional Psychology see Folk Psychology

Intentional Realism see Realism

Intentional Stance: a strategy that, according to Dennett, we

use in explaining and predicting the behaviour of com-
plex systems by attributing to them intentional states
like beliefs. Dennett rejects the distinction between orig-
inal and derived intentionality: all attributions of beliefs

and desires are instruments for predicting behaviour

(instrumentalism). The intentional stance is contrasted
with the physical stance used to explain systems be-
haviour in terms of physical laws and the design stance
used to explain how designed systems (artefacts, body
organs) work. Any complex systems behaviour can be
explained with the help of the lower stances but, given
our cognitive limitations, the intentional stance max-
imises our predictive power. Thus not only ourselves but
computers too can be treated as intentional systems (the
behaviour of a normally functioning chess-playing com-
puter is more easily predicted when you think of it as
wanting to checkmate your king), and Dennett rejects
the Chinese room argument saying that the system in
question is too slow to count as an intelligent thinker.
However, Dennett says that his view is not fictionalism:
beliefs and desires are idealised real patterns discernible
through the interpretation provided by the intentional
stance (interpretivism). This position becomes clearer in
his later work where he endorses adaptationism to ground
the intentionality of complex systems (their optimal de-
sign) in the operation of natural selection.
Further reading: Dennett (1987)

Intentional States: those mental states that possess intention-

ality, that are directed at the world (beliefs, thoughts,
judgements, opinions, desires, wishes, fears, etc.). Beliefs
are paradigmatic intentional states: they have content
(are about things), their content can be stated in a sen-
tence expressing a proposition, they have satisfaction
conditions (can be true or false) and they involve a cer-
tain psychological attitude. Thus prototypical intentional
states are propositional attitudes. A central question is
whether there really are such mental entities as beliefs
and desires which explain peoples behaviour in virtue of

their content. The positive answer is intentional realism

(folk psychology, functionalism). Anti-realism includes
behaviourism, instrumentalism, fictionalism, eliminative
materialism and epiphenomenalism, while interpretivism
is partly realism and partly anti-realism. Searle distin-
guishes between directions of fit and directions of cau-
sation for intentional states. Thus beliefs and perceptions
have the mind-to-world direction of fit but the world-
to-mind direction of causation, whereas desires and
intentions have the world-to-mind direction of fit but the
mind-to-world direction of causation (intentions cause
actions, but the world must conform to intention to
make it feasible). For Searle, however, intentionality is
secondary to consciousness, which is an unusual view to-
day because beliefs can obviously be non-conscious, and
one can view non-conscious (unconscious, subdoxastic)
states as intentional or representational. This understand-
ing of intentional states raises important issues about the
relation between intentional and phenomenal properties
of perceptual experiences, sensations and emotions.

Intentionalism: see Representationalism about consciousness

Intentionality: minds directedness at objects and states of af-

fairs, the property of some mental states (thoughts, be-
liefs, desires) to be about something, their aboutness.
Originating in medieval philosophy, the term was res-
urrected by Brentano who viewed the intentional inexis-
tence of an object as one of the marks of the mental. This
means that intentional states always have something as
their object (intentional object). But this poses the ques-
tion of the ontological status of intentional objects, for the
mind can be directed at non-existent things (you can think
about the Golden Mountain without there being any in
the world). This makes intentionality a peculiar kind of

relation (one that does not require the existence of both

relata) and the issue was differently addressed by Husserl,
Frege and Russell. The relational character of intention-
ality was then explored in the causal theory of reference,
and the next step was Roderick Chisholms view that in-
tensionality(-with-an-s) or format-sensitivity is central
to intentionality(-with-a-t). Many contemporary theories
of intentionality distinguish between original intentional-
ity exhibited by human minds and derived intentionality
that characterises sentences of natural languages. Under-
standing intentionality in terms of mental representation,
some philosophers try to find a place for it in the natu-
ral world (naturalised semantics) whereas others make it
dependent on consciousness (see consciousness, theories
Further reading: Chisholm (1957)

Interaction Problem: a problem for interactionism, which

must explain how the mental, being different in kind from
the physical, can nonetheless effect changes in the physi-
cal world.

Interactionism (Cartesian interactionist dualism): the doc-

trine originated by Descartes that the mental and ma-
terial substances interact in a certain brain location (for
Descartes, the pineal gland) through which the mind re-
ceives sensations and initiates voluntary action. With the
growing realisation that science requires causal closure of
the physical, interactionism, which was a very widespread
view before that time, almost completely disappeared in
the twentieth century.

Internalism (individualism): the view that the content of in-

tentional states (beliefs, desires) relevant to the explana-
tion of behaviour is fully determined by factors internal to

an individual. Internalism was originated by Fodor (later

converted to externalism) under the name of methodolog-
ical solipsism as the principle that cognitive psychology
(and the computational theory of mind) should concern
itself exclusively with what goes on inside peoples heads
and disregard their external environment because only
internal states can be causes of behaviour and other men-
tal states. To resolve the conflict between the relevance
of content to behaviour (the representational theory of
mind) and the Twin-Earth argument which shows that
intentional states have environmentally dependent broad
content, one must isolate a special kind of non-relational
narrow content which wholly depends (supervenes) on
an individuals internal states. As a principle of expla-
nation in cognitive science, internalism finds support in
the brains in vats argument and such non-psychological
analogies as that to find cure for a burn one does not
need to know what caused it but only the local effects it
has on the damaged area. A different argument in favour
of internalism was offered by Lewis and other propo-
nents of analytic functionalism. They argue that because
our beliefs are largely de se, beliefs with narrow content
are more fundamental psychologically, and beliefs with
broad content can be understood in terms of beliefs with
narrow content plus the history of ones causal connec-
tions to the world (deflationism about broad content).
Still another defence of internalism is to question the va-
lidity of Twin-Earth and arthritis thought experiments.
Further reading: Fodor (1980)

Interpretivism (interpretationism): the view that possession of

intentional states (beliefs, desires) is constituted by the
fact that a suitably placed and fully informed interpreter
would ascribe them to subjects in order to interpret their
behaviour. It opposes the idea of first-person authority

and is associated with Quines and Davidsons theory of

radical interpretation, and Dennetts conception of the
intentional stance.

Introspection: observation of ones own mental states and

processes, looking inwards. Though introspection is of-
ten unreliable, and many states and processes are not in-
trospectively accessible (sentence parsing), it remains im-
portant in studying cognition (protocol analyses) and,
especially so, phenomenal consciousness.

Introspective Psychology: the first school of experimental psy-

chology founded by Wilhelm Wundt in Germany in the
1860s and developed in the USA by his student Edward
B. Titchener who, as some argue, simplified Wundt. By
the 1920s it had been superseded by behaviourism.

Intertheoretic Reduction: establishment of relations between

elements of two theories so that those of the higher-level
theory would be explained through those of the lower-
level theory. Is called nomological reduction when it
is held that theory construction is inseparable from
formulating causal laws. Nagelian reduction is often
taken as its prototype, but this view is challenged by new
wave reductionism.

Inverted Earth: Ned Blocks argument against functionalism

and representationalism about consciousness, a modifi-
cation of inverted spectrum, pertaining to show that ex-
periences with the same phenomenal character may have
different functional roles and representational contents.
Inverted Earth is different from Earth in two respects:
(1) all colours are complementary to those on Earth (grass
is red, the sky is yellow); (2) its inhabitants use inverted
colour words (red means green). A person from Earth

is unknowingly transferred to Inverted Earth and colour

inverters are inserted into her eyes. Upon awakening she
wont know anything has changed. But as time passes
and she gets used to the language and physical environ-
ment of that planet, the representational contents of her
mental states will become just like those of the other in-
habitants (she will start thinking that the sky is yellow).
Thus although her qualia remain the same, she becomes
functionally and representationally inverted relative to
her earlier self.
Further reading: Block (1990); Lycan (1996)

Inverted Spectrum (inverted qualia): an argument in favour of

colour subjectivism and against functionalism. It is con-
ceivable that two individuals can be functionally identi-
cal, even though one of them sees red things as green and
green things as red. Thus functionalism cannot explain
the phenomenal character of experience. However, one
may object that there will be functional differences as the
two individuals will have different beliefs about colour
and their colour words will have different meanings.

Jackson, Frank (b.1943): Australian philosopher, the author

of the knowledge argument and a proponent of analytic
functionalism. Until recently he defended the sense-datum
theory of perception and dualism about qualia. Jackson
still holds that knowledge argument must be interpreted
ontologically rather than epistemically but thinks that his
earlier thesis of non-deducibility is wrong. If physicalism
is the most scientifically respectable approach to the mind,
and a priori entailment the only conceptually sound way

of grounding reduction, then a priori physicalism must

be true and qualia must be deducible from physical facts
(as liquidity is deducible from molecular structure). The
grounds for such reduction are provided by representa-
tionalism about consciousness.
Further reading: Jackson (2004)

James, William (18421910): American philosopher, the

founder of American psychology. Jamess first work was
on the theory of emotions and criticism of epiphenome-
nalism. In The Principles of Psychology (1890) the theme
of consciousness comes even more to the foreground,
and James isolates the permanent flow of experience, the
stream of consciousness (opposed to Wundts succession
of ideas) as the most concrete fact of which we are aware.
He argues that the unity of consciousness cannot result
from the interaction of many components of a system and
concludes that consciousness cannot be distributed over
matter (combination problem), but he also contemplates
the possibility of consciousness in individual neurons.
Later this led him to neutral monism (Russells term for
Jamess radical empiricism), although some researchers
argue that sometimes he comes closer to panpsychism.
James also defended pragmatism as the view that beliefs
(including religious beliefs) are true if they work.
Further reading: James [1890] (1981); [1912] (1976)

Kant, Immanuel (17241804): German philosopher, the
founder of critical philosophy. In his later writings, Kant
distinguished four types of knowledge along the dimen-
sions of a priori, a posteriori, analytic and synthetic.

Analytic a priori judgements, where predicates are con-

tained in their subjects (father is the male parent) are not
informative. It is the synthetic a priori that sets the pre-
conditions and limits of naturalistic inquiry. We have
knowledge of things existing in space and time because
these two categories and those of object, causation and
the experiencing self are part of the schema imposed
by reason on experience. The sensory manifold (phys-
ical energies bombarding our senses) is an incoherent
flux which becomes experience only when imagination
(Einbildungskraft) synthesises it into representations that
fall under concepts. Because of the transcendental nature
of the manifold and the categories reason can only de-
liver knowledge of things as they appear to us (phenom-
ena) but not as they are in themselves (noumena). On the
other hand, without sensory experience no object would
be given to us. Thus reason cannot legitimately claim to
have any knowledge of those things which have no basis
in experience, including reason itself.
Further reading: Kant [1781] (1997)

Kim, Jaegwon (b.1934): American philosopher, initially a ma-

jor figure in the formulation of the idea of superve-
nience and supervenient causation, then a proponent of
reductive physicalism. He argues for the reduction of
intentional mental properties, but accepts partial irre-
ducibility of qualia and qualia epiphenomenalism. (dif-
ferences between qualia, like those between the green
quale and the red quale are functionalisable, but their
subjective character, like the greenness of green, are not
and in that respect they are irreducible).
Further reading: Kim (2005)

KK-Thesis: the thesis that if the subject S knows that P, then

S knows that S knows that P.

Knowledge: justified true belief, according to the common

view traced back to Plato. This view was shattered
by Gettier cases and recently attacked by Timothy
Williamson who argues that no decompositional analysis
of knowledge would be correct because of general prob-
lems with definitions and the distinct causal connection
between knowledge and behaviour. You may have a justi-
fied true belief that you need to be at some place at some
time (you were provisionally told so and are expected),
but without knowing that you may well decide not to go.
Williamson also holds that knowledge (like other factive
propositional attitudes) is best understood as a mental
state with broad content. It is a prime state that cannot
be factorised into external (contributed by the world) and
internal (confined to an individuals mind/brain) compo-
nents because it does not allow for any recombination of
the two components other than the existing one, which
favours externalism. Critics object to this analysis of the
factorising strategy and point out that, as in the case
of disjunctivism, the account runs against the problem
of introducing radically different explanations for sub-
jectively indistinguishable states of knowledge and not-
Further reading: Williamson (2000)

Knowledge Argument: an argument advanced by Jackson to

show that physicalism must be false because knowledge
of all relevant physical facts throws no light on the qual-
itative character of experience (qualia). Imagine a super-
scientist Mary who knows all the physical facts about the
brain and colour vision but has never left her black-and-
white room (she has been painted black and white, too).
One day she leaves that room and sees the world in its full
colour. Does she learn anything new about colour? The
answer seems to be yes for she discovers what its like to

see red or green. But physicalism cannot allow that Mary

acquire any new knowledge. Reactions to the argument
include: (1) saying that Mary acquires new knowledge-
how, but not knowledge-that; (2) saying that she acquires
new phenomenal concepts which constitute new knowl-
edge but pick out the same properties as her old scientific
concepts; (3) seeing the problem as misconceived because
physicalism is correct for reasons of the causal closure of
the physical (but Jackson accepted qualia epiphenome-
nalism); (4) viewing it as an epistemological, not an on-
tological problem.
Further reading: Jackson (1982); Ludlow et al. (2004)

Knowledge under Entailment see Entailment

Knowledge, Declarative: in psychology, knowledge of facts

and events stored in declarative memory and expressed
with the help of declarative sentences.

Knowledge, Procedural: in psychology, knowledge of how

to execute procedures underlying acquired motor skills,
habits and behaviours. It is stored in procedural memory.

Knowledge, Propositional see Knowledge-that

Knowledge, Tacit see Tacit Knowledge

Knowledge-How: the kind of knowledge that seems to un-

derlie many of our physical activities and can be stated
with the help of a how-clause (Mary knows how to tie her
shoes). Arguing that much intelligent human behaviour
does not require knowledge-that to guide it, Ryle postu-
lated knowledge-how, an ability or complex of disposi-
tions. Although the dispositional analysis was rejected,
some philosophers find the distinction useful and view

knowledge-how as extending beyond procedural knowl-

edge to include linguistic competence or mathematical
proof which is then viewed as a kind of action not me-
diated by internal representations. Knowledge-how was
also used by Lawrence Nemirow and David Lewis as
a response to the knowledge argument: upon release
Mary acquires not some new propositional knowledge,
but an ability to recognise, imagine and remember dif-
ferent colours (the ability hypothesis). One problem with
knowledge-how is that it cannot be identified with ability
because one may know how to do something while hav-
ing lost the ability to do it (Carl Ginet). Besides, the anal-
ysis of embedded questions reveals no important differ-
ence between knowledge-how and knowledge-that. Jason
Stanley and Timothy Williamson argue that knowledge-
how is a species of knowledge-that involving demonstra-
tive content (to know how to do something is to know
that w is the way to do it). Thus, if Marys ability to imag-
ine involves knowledge-how, she must have acquired new
Further reading: Lewis (1988); Stanley and Williamson

Knowledge-that: propositional knowledge statable with the

help of a declarative sentence expressing a proposition
(Mary knows that snow is white). The fact that some
knowledge is an instance of knowledge-that requires
neither that the subject contemplate a proposition prior
to initiating an action (it may be automatic) nor that they
be capable of consciously representing or linguistically
expressing the whole sequence of elements constituting
such a proposition.

Kripke, Saul A. (b.1940): American philosopher, the author

of an important critique of the identity theory (Kripke
problem, Kripkes modal argument). Extending his

causal theory of reference to natural kind terms (essen-

tialism) and viewing them as rigid designators picking out
the same objects in all possible worlds, Kripke introduced
into philosophy the notion of a posteriori necessity. Be-
cause theoretical identity statements like light is a stream
of photons involve rigid designators, they are a posteri-
ori and necessary (they are necessarily true if shown to
be true by empirical investigation). Identity theorists ar-
gued that the identifications of mental states with brain
states are similar to the identifications of physical science.
Kripke objects. The reference of light is fixed by lights
accidental property that which helps us see, but light
is a stream of photons captures lights essential property.
Even if we could not see, or if alien creatures received
their visual impressions from sound waves, the reference
of our word light would not change. However, things are
different with mindbrain identity statements like pain
is C-fibres firing. The reference of pain is fixed by pains
essential property because to be pain is to feel like pain.
And it is logically possible that C-fibres firing could have
existed without feeling like pain or that pain could have
existed in the absence of C-fibres firing. But if this were a
genuine theoretical identity, it would be necessary. Simi-
lar views are developed today by David Chalmers in his
theory of phenomenal consciousness.
Further reading: Kripke (1980)

La Mettrie, Julien Offroy de (170951): French doctor and
philosopher, a defender of materialism. In LHomme ma-
chine (1748, Man a Machine) he argued that irritation
of the nerves can explain both reflexive and intelligent
behaviour, in animals and humans.

Language and Thought see Thought and Language

Language of Thought (LOT, Mentalese): a hypothesis about

the form of mental representation advanced by Fodor.
Noting the sensitivity of propositional attitudes (beliefs,
desires) to combinatorial structure unaccounted for by
machine functionalism, Fodor proposed to view them as
relations between subjects and mental representations.
Thus Mary may believe that she saw a tiger or desire to
see one but both these states are about the same thing. The
metaphor of belief and desire boxes captures this aspect
of the hypothesis. LOT is the medium of thought which
shares important properties with natural language: it con-
tains symbols or representational atoms (words) which,
following recursive rules, can be put together to form
complex representations (sentences). LOT is not identi-
cal to any natural language but is innate and prior to nat-
ural language (there must be a representational medium
in which one could construct logical forms of such am-
biguous sentences as the chicken is ready to eat in order
to understand their intended interpretations). A common
objection is that LOT cannot explain representation in
non-linguistic animals and infra-linguistic infants or low-
level perceptual processing because these do not have the
form of natural language sentences (hence, sententialism).
However, the objection is misguided because LOT is not
about sentences in the brain, but about predication, the
assignment of properties to objects, which characterises
all kinds of representation.
Further reading: Fodor (1975)

Learning: the process by which organisms acquire new

knowledge. There are lots of things we learn and this
capacity is essential to our operation in the world. But
the debated question is whether the mind contains almost

no unlearned representations (empiricism). Behaviourism

and interpretivism hold that associative learning can ex-
plain meaning acquisition. However, Paul Bloom showed
that acquisition of word meaning by association is charac-
teristic of children with autism (if an adults drops a ham-
mer and utters a swear word, they will learn it as mean-
ing hammer) but not of normally developing children.
The difficulty of understanding concept acquisition as
learning was emphasised by Fodor (anticipated by Plato):
in concept learning experiments subjects must acquire a
non-existent concept by deciding whether instances pre-
sented by the experimenter fall under it. With input from
the experimenter they soon begin categorising instances
correctly. Thus it may turn out that flurg means red cir-
cle. However, to understand that they had to formulate
and confirm hypotheses about the meaning of flurg that
could only be done if they already had red and circle.
Thus it seems that one can acquire simple concepts only if
one already has them. With the emergence of connection-
ism theories of learning received a new domain-general
mechanism that could account for the acquisition of com-
petences, including syntactic knowledge. Besides, connec-
tionism realises principles of learning in neural systems
postulated by Hebb (Hebbian learning) and confirmed at
the molecular level (long-term potentiation and depres-
sion). But as some research suggests, learning by back
propagation is neurally unrealistic because it implies that
the brain implements God-like algorithms, is global and
slow (whereas organisms can learn from one instance).
Further reading: Elman et al. (1996)

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (16461716): German philoso-

pher and mathematician. Leibniz developed Descartes
theory of ideas, the notion of substance (denying the
existence of the infinitely divisible extended material

substance) and the topological conception of reality

(proposing the relational understanding of space and an-
ticipating the informational theory of causation). As the
creative power actualising possibilities, God cannot allow
indeterminate entities, and all real individual things are
divisible into further individual things for which there is
a complete idea in Gods mind such that all properties of
a thing can be deduced from it. Because God acts by the
principle of sufficient reason, the actual world is the best
of all possible worlds (and all apparently contingent facts
are in reality necessary). It is constituted by monads: sim-
ple, individual, mental, self-sufficient unities (substances)
whose modifications are determined by their intrinsic na-
tures and are independent of other things. There is no
causal interaction in the world: just as two clocks set
a minute apart may appear to be causally interacting
when in fact they are not, everything in the world was
set in motion by God (the doctrine of pre-established har-
mony, Leibnizs version of parallelism). Individual human
minds are also monads, but ones inherently characterised
by perceptual unity and (self)consciousness which belong
to simple, not complex substances: we can imagine con-
structing a feeling and thinking machine the size of a mill,
but walking through it and observing its mechanical oper-
ations we would not find anything to explain conscious-
ness (Leibnizs Mill). Leibniz was also the inventor of ra-
tional calculus (characteristica universalis) and a critic of
empiricism, adding to the nihil in intellectu dictum the
words nisi intellectus ipse: there is nothing in the intellect
unless first in the senses except the intellect itself.
Further reading: Leibniz [1714] (1989)

Leibnizs Law (identity of indiscernibles): the principle that if

x is identical with y, then x and y must have all the same

Lewis, David K. (19412001): American philosopher, one of

the originators of the causal theory of mind. Viewing
folk psychology as a term-introducing scientific theory
which explains behaviour in terms of causal roles played
by different mental states, Lewis argued that rewriting
it in a Ramsey sentence and adding the requirement of
unique realisation for causal roles vindicates the identity
theory (causal roles corresponding to mental terms can
only be occupied by states causally related to behaviour,
that is brain states). Acknowledging later the possibility
that a mental state like pain may neither play its typ-
ical causal role (mad pain which does not cause one
to wince) nor have its typical physical realisation due to
multiple realisability (physically different Martian pain)
and, contra Kripke, embracing the non-rigidity of mental
terms, Lewis introduced the notion of domain-specific or
restricted identities. A mental state must be identified with
a physical state which realises the appropriate causal role
in a limited population. This explains Martian pain, while
mad pain can be treated as an exceptional case in mem-
bers of a population, and mad Martian pain must be eval-
uated relative to the Martian population. Lewiss analysis
originated analytic functionalism, though for Lewis the
identity thesis was always more important than function-
Further reading: Lewis (1972, 1980, 1994)

Locke, John (16321704): English philosopher, the founder

of empiricism. Lockes rejection of innate ideas came from
his views about the inadequacy of our ideas in moral and
legal spheres, but also ideas of secondary qualities like
colour. His empiricism is thus inseparable from his dis-
tinction between primary and secondary qualities, rep-
resentationalism and belief in real essences. Locke ar-
gued that the systematic and involuntary character of

perceptual experience shows that it must represent an in-

dependent world of material objects. The causal relation
between the world and the mind in perception ensures the
adequacy of our ideas of primary qualities, but our ideas
of secondary qualities are inadequate because they do not
capture the real essences of things (still, his position was
close to colour realism, for he viewed secondary qualities
as objective intrinsic powers of objects to produce ideas
in the minds of perceivers). Locke also originated the cur-
rently most widely held view of personal identity.
Further reading: Locke [1689] (1975)

Logic: a formal science of correct reasoning by drawing in-

ferences. Reasoning can be divided into deduction (in-
ferring a conclusion from a set of premises by following
rules), induction (coming to a general conclusion on the
basis of instances) and abduction. The origins of logic
may be traced to Aristotle, but modern logic is credited
to Frege who invented the first propositional calculus
(the study of relations among propositions) and predi-
cate calculus (the study of relations among statements in
which properties are predicated of objects). The calculi,
subsequently elaborated by Russell and philosophers of
logical positivism, are employed in philosophy of mind
in discussions of intentionality and representation (the
problems of belief under entailment and intensionality).
Logic also underlies the computational theory of mind: in
drawing deductive inferences people often manage to ar-
rive at true conclusions when starting from true premises.
This property of truth-preservation belongs to the form
of propositions and inference may thus be implemented
in machines. Modal logic, which uses the notion of pos-
sible worlds to study necessity and possibility (invented
by Kripke and Stig Kanger), is invoked in discussions of
the mindbody problem. But logic is a prescriptive, not a

descriptive science: it tells one nothing about the extent to

which human reasoning follows content-insensitive for-
mal rules. This issue is raised in recent theories of ra-
tionality as psychological evidence suggests that human
reasoning is not formally logical.

Logical Behaviourism (analytic behaviourism): the philo-

sophical variety of behaviourism influenced by logical
positivisms distrust of unobservables. Among its pro-
ponents were Ryle, Hempel, Quine and Wittgenstein.
It was weakened by the same factors as methodologi-
cal behaviourism, but also its inability to provide be-
havioural necessary and sufficient conditions for being
in some mental state, the insufficiency of behaviour for
mentality (a brainless puppet controlled from Mars may
exhibit behaviour indistinguishable from ours), the ir-
reducibility of mental states to behavioural dispositions
(one can feel pain without showing it in verbal or non-
verbal behaviour), its denial of first-person authority over
ones internal states (one can know how one is feeling
upon waking up when one has not moved around for
ones behaviour to feedback this knowledge) and the
untenability of the view that introspective reports are not
reports of internal states of consciousness (the point made
by the identity theory). In the 1960s behaviourism was
supplanted by functionalism, but its influence is felt in
functionalisms thesis that tendencies to behave are con-
stitutive of mental states. It is also felt in any position that
denies representations or rejects realism about intentional
states by coming close to supervenient behaviourism, the
view that mental facts supervene on behavioural disposi-
tions: that two persons with identical behavioural dispo-
sitions are identical psychologically.
Further reading: Putnam (1968)

Logical Positivism (logical empiricism): philosophy of science

developed in the 192030s by members of the Berlin
Society for Scientific Philosophy and the Vienna Circle.
The latter included Moritz Schlick (the founder), Rudolf
Carnap, Otto Neurath, Kurt Godel and Herbert Feigl
who were in regular contact with Carl Hempel, Alfred
Tarski, Alfred Julius Ayer, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Karl
Popper. Striving to free science from metaphysics, they en-
dorsed radical empiricism concluding that the only mean-
ingful scientific statements are either analytic (logically
true or false) or testable by observation (synthetic a poste-
riori). This resulted in verificationism about meaning, al-
though the group was split between phenomenalism and
realism about material objects. The logical positivist pro-
gramme was abandoned with the realisation that scien-
tific hypothesis confirmation is holistic and that science
proceeds by postulating entities which are not immedi-
ately observable. However, logical positivism had enor-
mous influence on the development of logic and concep-
tual analysis, and its ideal of the unity of science remains
relevant to current discussions of physicalism.
Further reading: Ayer (1959)

Machine Functionalism: (inputoutput, empirical functional-
ism or psychofunctionalism): the variety of function-
alism which identifies mental states with higher-order
computational or functional states of a system. Putnam
proposed to view the mind as a probabilistic Turing ma-
chine where transitions between states occur with various
probabilities rather than being deterministic. Putnam saw

the functional description of the mind in terms of inputs,

outputs and mediating internal states as an empirical hy-
pothesis fixing the extensions of psychological terms. If
the same predicates (is in pain, is hungry) may, on the
basis of behaviour, be applied to creatures with differ-
ent physical-chemical organisation, then having a mind
is identical with having a certain functional organisation.
This is the multiple realisability thesis crucial to machine
functionalisms idea of species-independent psychological
laws. But this view poses the input problem, which is why
although functionalism is often identified with machine
functionalism, its present form is closer to a combination
of the computational theory of mind and non-reductive
physicalism (see also silicon chip replacement for the
position known as causal functionalism). Early function-
alism, focusing on sensory states which probably are un-
structured or monadic, also had difficulty with propo-
sitional attitudes which require combinatorial structure
(believes-that-snow-is-white and believes-that-snow-is-
wet cannot be unrelated states) and had to be supple-
mented with a theory of convent (see functional role
Further reading: Putnam (1967)

Machine Table: a table giving a full description of pos-

sible states of a finite state machine (a deterministic
automaton) specifying what next state it moves to and
what output it produces given some input and its cur-
rent state (think of a coke-vending machine). Any given
state of such a machine is exhaustively characterised in
functional terms.

Malebranche, Nicolas (16381715): French philosopher, a

major proponent of occasionalism. This metaphysical po-
sition was consistent with his acceptance of Descartes

rationalism that he developed into the view that ideas are

objects in the mind of God.
Further reading: Malebranche [16745](1997)

Manifest Image see Sellars, Wilfrid

Manifold see Kant, Immanuel

Marr, David (194580): British psychologist, the author of

the leading computational theory of vision and three-level
analysis of information-processing adhered to in cogni-
tive science. Marr proposed that the minds structuring
effects on visual experience identified by Gestalt psychol-
ogists can be accounted for computationally. The visual
systems computational task is to create representations
of 3-D(imensional) objects from 2-D images on the retina
as its input. Retinal stimulations are representations of
light and intensity values (dark and bright patches) in a
2-D coordinate system. On their basis the visual system
computes a primal sketch of surface reflectance changes
which then serves as input to the construction of a 2.5-D
sketch representing surface depth and contours from the
viewing perspective. From this, it constructs a 3-D sketch,
which is what we see being aware of the way objects
surfaces are out of view. Discussions of Marrs theory
concern the question of how it bears on the explanation
of visual consciousness and the debate between external-
ism and internalism.
Further reading: Marr (1982)

Massive Modularity: the view, central to evolutionary psy-

chology, that the mind largely consists of domain-specific
computational modules. It thus reconsiders Fodors no-
tion of modularity which distinguishes modular input
systems from non-modular central reasoning processes.

The clearest candidate for a central module is the cheater-

detection module postulated to explain the results of the
Wason selection task (the theory of mind module is an-
other). However, according to Fodor, a cheater-detection
computational module is impossible because there are
no perceptual cues for automatic detection of social ex-
changes. Steven Pinker objects to this, citing evidence that
people tend to interpret movement of dots on a screen in
terms of human relations. But there are also general is-
sues regarding the allocation of inputs to non-peripheral
modules and the interaction between modules, for the
possibility of central modules depends on whether com-
putational modules may not be informationally encapsu-
lated (frame problem). The idea of massive modularity
was partly motivated by the view that general reasoning
mechanisms would be overloaded with information and
be incapable of processing it. However, this may involve
a misconstrual of the relation between innate structures
and the capacity for learning and inferencing (consider
the capacity of humans and possibly other higher ani-
mals to understand that some perceptual experiences are
illusions). For this reason it may be preferable to view
the massive modularity thesis as requiring Chomskys
Further reading: Samuels (2000)

Materialism: the view that everything existing is material.

Historically, that was understood as being matter, the ex-
tended substance. As contemporary physics admits of en-
tities that are not material in this sense (like gravitational
forces), the term physicalism is often preferred today.

Medieval Philosophy (approximately 6001400): the first

merger between ancient philosophy and Christianity via
Neoplatonism was accomplished by St Augustine of

Hippo (354430). Neoplatonism (founded by Plotinus,

c.205270) reinterpreted Platos ideas as existing in the
mind of the One whose emanation creates the realms of
the intellect and the soul; ideas can be grasped by the in-
tellect whereby the immortal soul achieves reunion with
the One. Later, Manlius Severinus Boethius (480524)
resurrected the problem of universals. But a more philo-
sophically important period began with the establishment
of universities in the twelfth century and the spread of
Aristotles philosophy coming from Arabic and Greek
sources. A major Arabic influence was Abu Ali Al-Husayn
Avicenna (Ibn Sina, 9801037) whose Neoplatonic
Aristotelianism and views on the soul were consonant
with the Christian doctrine. The second major influence
was Averroes (Ibn Rushd, 112698) who opposed Avi-
cennas interpretation of Aristotle, holding that only in-
dividuals have primary existence and that essences are the
product of the intellect. He also believed in the eternity
of the world, thought that the intellect was a separate
entity from the soul rather than its faculty and thus de-
nied personal immortality. His view became known as
the doctrine of double truth (different for faith and rea-
son) and was condemned in 1277. The thirteenth century
was the heyday of scholastic philosophy which produced
St Albert the Great, St Thomas Aquinas, Roger Bacon
and St Bonaventure, but the fourteenth century brought
with it John Duns Scotus and William of Ockham whose
work is equally important for understanding the problem
of universals in its connection with the problem of inten-
Further reading: Pasnau (1997)

Memory: the minds capacity to think about past occur-

rences, to retain learned information. Several types of
memory are distinguished: declarative or propositional

memory (memory for facts and events) is contrasted

with nondeclarative memory which includes memory
for conditioned associations, emotional responses, and
procedural or behavioural memory (memory for skills
and behaviours). Long-term memory (items stored in it
can be recalled months and years after they were reg-
istered) is contrasted with short-term memory (where
items are placed for temporary storage; George Miller
showed that short-term memory can simultaneously re-
tain about seven items the magical number seven).
Explicit memory (memories that can be acknowledged
by subjects) is contrasted with implicit memory (memo-
ries of which subjects have no awareness but whose ex-
istence can be inferred from their improved performance
on various tasks). Working memory is the storage which
contains information relevant to the control of ongoing
behaviour. Some researchers hold that higher forms of
self-consciousness depend on conscious autobiographical
memory which may require language. Other philosophi-
cal issues about memory concern its role in our personal
identity and limited rationality; the problem of cognitive
architecture and memory storage; the causal theory of
memory and the problem of deviant causal chains; and the
problem of false memories (relevant to the externalism
internalism debate).

Mental Causation: the cornerstone of the mindbody prob-

lem. Mental states are caused by physical happenings in
the world (perception, upward causation), cause other
mental states (thinking, same-level causation) and phys-
ical events (downward or topdown causation, action).
Mental-to-physical causation is particularly problematic
for proponents of non-reductive physicalism who hold
that mental properties have real irreducible causal pow-
ers (for example, that it is wanting a glass of juice together

with believing that there is juice in the fridge that makes

one go to the kitchen). The problem of downward causa-
tion (the supervenience or exclusion argument) was for-
mulated by Kim. Consider the case when a mental event
M causes another mental event M . Non-reductive phys-
icalists accept the physical realisation principle or the su-
pervenience thesis. Thus M must be physically realised.
So why is M instantiated? They must say: because one
of its physical realisers, P , is. P alone is sufficient for
the instantiation of M . Then what is the role of M in
causing M ? M can be instantiated only if P is. They
must now say that M causes P . This is an instance of
downward causation. However, M must also be physi-
cally realised. Thus: M is realised by P, P causes P and
M is realised by P . But where is the causation of M by
M as such? It appears that mental states qua mental do
no causing, and one is forced to chose between reductive
physicalism and epiphenomenalism (or else find a differ-
ent non-reductivist solution).
Further reading: Heil and Mele (1993); Walter and
Heckmann (2003)

Mental Concepts: the concepts of perceiving, sensing, feeling,

believing, hoping, desiring, etc. that form part of our folk
psychology. The implicit reference they contain to the
holism and rationality of thought processes is what makes
the mindbody problem and explanations of their content
so difficult. But their existence poses even more serious
problems for eliminative materialism: if mental concepts
do not pick out anything real (there is nothing at the level
of brain activity that, say, corresponds to the belief that
it is raining), then what do they pick out and why do we
have them? Searle notes that even if the entities posited
by folk psychology are unsuited for doing science, it does
not follow that they do not exist, for otherwise one would

also have to deny existence to tennis rackets or golf clubs.

Similarly, Stephen Stich observes that given the causal
theory of reference even a false theory can refer to existing
entities: if members of a community believe that stars are
gods, it only follows that they are mistaken about stars,
not that they fail to refer to stars.
Further reading: Stich (1996)

Mental Content see Content

Mental Events: particular happenings in the mind.

Mental Object: an entity existing in the mind, a thing in the


Mental Properties: mental kinds or types such as being in pain

or believing that it is raining that can be instantiated by
different individuals on different occasions. Like mental
states they can be divided into phenomenal and inten-

Mental Representation see Representation

Mental States: psychological states like perceiving, remember-

ing, believing, desiring, hoping, intending, feeling, expe-
riencing, etc. that individuals can be in. The main distinc-
tion is between intentional and phenomenal states. Other
distinctions include: occurrent and dispositional, percep-
tual and conceptual, doxastic and subdoxastic, conscious
and unconscious states.

Mentalese see Language of Thought

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (190861): French philosopher in

whose phenomenology central place is given to the idea of

embodiment. Merleau-Ponty opposed objectivism un-

able to give explanations of many disorders of perception
and action in mechanistic causal terms (like phantom limb
phenomena). And although he radicalised Husserls view
of science (calling it naive and hypocritical in its ignorance
of consciousness), he also opposed Husserls reduction of
the natural attitude and Sartres sovereign pour-soi. Na-
ture and consciousness are not opposed to each other,
and subjects constitute their environments as essentially
embodied beings. The proper body (le corps propre) with
its motor intentionality, not the Cartesian ego, gives sig-
nifications to the world. Action and perception are in-
separable, and perception is effected by the body not as a
mechanical thing but as consciousness of place intimately
connected with its capacity for goal-directed movement.
In Merleau-Pontys later work (ontology of the flesh)
this emphasis on our embodied inherence in being leads
him to reject even the notion of intentionality which pre-
supposes a distinction between the subject and the object.
Further reading: Merleau-Ponty [1945] (1962)

Methodological Behaviourism (psychological, empirical be-

haviourism): The psychological theory of behaviourism
originated in 1913 from American psychologist John
Broadus Watson (18781958) and actively advocated by
his student Burrhus Frederic Skinner (190490). React-
ing against the subjectivity of introspective psychology
and impressed by the work of Russian physiologist Ivan
Pavlov (18491936) on classical conditioning and asso-
ciative learning in animals, they argued for scientific psy-
chology as the experimental study of observable and mea-
surable behavioural responses to external stimuli. They
made laboratory experimentation the main psychologi-
cal method and resisted dualism by closing the gap be-
tween humans and brutes. They extended the notion

of conditioning to operant conditioning whereby an an-

imal learns to do something to achieve some result, and
argued that prediction and control of behaviour can be
achieved through the discovery of stimuliresponse as-
sociation laws without postulating any changes in ani-
mals knowledge or expectations. Watson later defended
eliminativism about introspectible states calling the belief
in consciousness a superstition, whereas Skinner argued
for radical behaviourism which views all private events
as forms of behaviour (perception and introspection be-
come, respectively, learned responses to environmental
reinforcements and ones own observed behaviour). Skin-
ner also extended the paradigm of learning and rein-
forcement to human language learning. In the 1960s be-
haviourism began to wane due to Chomskys poverty of
stimulus argument and the emerging computational the-
ory of mind which made it clear that similar observable
behaviour can be generated by systems with different in-
ternal structures. Cognitive ethology recently became the
leading approach to animal cognition but behaviourist
methodology is preserved in behaviour analysis which
sees advantages in approaching the mind as if it were a
black box.
Further reading: Watson (1925)

Methodological Solipsism see Internalism

Mill, James (17731836): Scottish philosopher, father of

John Stuart Mill. He was a major proponent of associa-
tionism, and the idea that people can learn to associate
personal pleasures with the benefit of others was con-
nected with his moral and political utilitarianism.

Mill, John Stuart (180673): British philosopher, a major

proponent of naturalism in epistemology. Mill introduced

the notion of natural kind and countered Humes scepti-

cism by formulating principles of induction (Mills meth-
ods) pertaining to the discovery of causal laws. He also
developed early versions of phenomenalism and emergen-
tism. Distinguishing between denotation (reference) and
connotation (sense), between general and singular terms,
Mill influenced Frege (who rejected his empiricism) and,
holding that proper names have denotation but no con-
notation, anticipated the causal theory of reference.
Further reading: Mill [1843] (2000)

Millikan, Ruth Garrett (b.1933): American philosopher, one

of the originators of the teleological theory of content.
Millikan introduced the notion of direct proper func-
tion for biological items, which refers to the function
items of a certain type have because its performance by or-
ganisms ancestors contributed to their survival. With re-
spect to the functional indeterminacy problem, she argues
that one should consider not only mechanisms producing
representations, but also the consumers of representa-
tions, because the purpose of representing is to have an
effect on those devices that can put representations to use
(a benefit-based theory).
Further reading: Millikan (1984, 2000)

Mind: that which encompasses the full range of mental phe-

nomena: awareness, perception, thought, memory, atten-
tion, volition, emotions and feelings. In modern philos-
ophy it became identified with consciousness, our soul
or self, the seat of reason and free will. In the twen-
tieth century, due to Freuds influence and the decline
of Cartesian substance dualism, the connection between
mind and consciousness was weakened, becoming sev-
ered in functionalism. More recently, as a reaction against
the emphasis on the cognitive mind, the problem of

consciousness became prominent in analytical philoso-

phy of mind.

MindBody Problem: the problem of explaining the place

of the mind in the physical world, its relationship with
the body/brain, and the possibility of their interaction
or mental causation. Solutions to it are provided by:
substance and attribute dualism (including interaction-
ism, occasionalism and parallelism), materialism (physi-
calism), idealism, panpsychism, neutral monism, epiphe-
nomenalism, emergentism, behaviourism, functionalism
and eliminative materialism.

Mirror Neurons: a group of neurons in the premotor cortex

which become activated both when one is performing a
certain task and when one is watching somebody else
perform the same task.

Misrepresentation, Problem of (the problem of error): any

representing system must be capable of misrepresenta-
tion. Your thought of a cat may be caused by some-
thing other than a cat (a small dog on a dark night). But
your representation cat applies only to cats. The problem
for naturalised semantics is to explain in non-intentional
terms how this is possible.

Modal Argument against Physicalism see Kripke, Saul A.

Modern Philosophy: began with the rise of modern science

in the seventeenth century and continues to set issues for
contemporary philosophy of mind. Modern philosophy
begins with realising that qualities of sense experience
are not necessarily qualities of the external world and
thus puts epistemology at the centre of its psychologi-
cal concerns, all initiated by Descartes. The first issue is

the mindbody problem stemming from Descartes sub-

stance dualism. (Aristotles view of substances as univer-
sals transformed by medieval philosophys view of God as
the only substance results in modern philosophys view of
substance as the essence of a kinds existence.) Descartes
interactionism puzzled subsequent philosophers who ar-
gued that it is impossible for two independent substances
to enter into causal interactions (the interaction problem).
The search for new solutions led to occasionalism, par-
allelism, panpsychism, idealism and infrequent material-
ism (Hobbes, La Mettrie). The second problem concerns
the relation between ideas with which the mind operates
in thought and that which they are ideas of (representa-
tionalism), and the origins of the structure of experience
and knowledge (rationalism and empiricism). The third
problem concerns the relationship between reason and
passions and the role of the will. The end of early modern
philosophy came with Kant who gave a new expression
to these concerns.

Modes of Presentation (MOPs): different ways of conceiving

of the same thing. The notion was introduced by Frege to
account for differences in informational content between
statements containing coreferential expressions (know-
ing that my native city is St Petersburg, you may not
know that so is Leningrad). For Frege, MOPs are abstract
entities that can be grasped by the mind, but proponents
of externalism and Russellian content can view them as
psychologically possible ways of thinking about or rep-
resenting real-world objects and properties.

Modularity: the thesis advanced by Fodor that the mind con-

tains a number of specialised information-processing sub-
systems or computational mechanisms (modules) which
encompass the sensory modalities and the language parser

(the periphery input systems). The modules are charac-

terised by (1) domain specificity (the detection of the
melodic structure of acoustic arrays is specific to hearing
but not vision); (2) mandatory operation (people auto-
matically understand utterances in their native language
and do not know what their language sounds like to
foreigners); (3) limited central access to representations
computed by them (having processed an utterance peo-
ple usually cannot recall the details of syntax, for exam-
ple whether it was in the active or the passive voice); (4)
fast operation; (5) informational encapsulation (a mod-
ule can access only a limited amount of information, that
is why some illusions persist even when we know that
they are illusions); (6) shallow outputs; (7) fixed neural
architecture; (8) specific breakdown patterns; (9) charac-
teristic developmental course. In contrast to the modules,
the central systems of reasoning which serve philosoph-
ical, scientific and much everyday thinking are global,
domain-general, holistic (or Quineian) and isotropic
(anything can become relevant to belief formation and
revision, which is especially clear in our use of analo-
gies). The thesis proved very influential, but it remains
debated whether the modules are mutually impenetrable
(some experiments show that auditory information may
alter visual perception) and cognitively impenetrable (is
what one sees or hears completely unaffected by what one
believes?). Thus, Paul Churchland argues for the theory-
ladenness (plasticity) of perception, the view that ones
theoretical knowledge affects ones perception (think of
looking into a microscope). Fodors notion of modularity
can also be distinguished from Chomskys modularity
and there is a question whether all of the above char-
acteristics are necessary for modularity (see also frame
problem, massive modularity).
Further reading: Fodor (1983)

Molecularism: the view that the content of a concept is de-

termined by its inferential relations with some other
concepts. It is particularly associated with Christopher
Peacockes version of functional role semantics. Peacocke
holds that content-constitutive inferences are primitively
compelling (someone who has the concept of triangle
finds the judgement that triangles have sides primitively
compelling). However, spelling this out requires the dis-
credited analyticsynthetic distinction.
Further reading: Peacocke (1992)

Molyneux Problem: was formulated by the Irish surgeon

William Molyneux in a letter to Locke: would an indi-
vidual born blind and familiar through touch with the
feel of a cube and a sphere made from the same ma-
terial be able to distinguish which was which visually,
without first touching them, if suddenly given sight as an
adult? Lockes and Berkeleys answer was no because they
believed that vision was phenomenally two-dimensional
and one learnt about the third dimension through touch.
Today, the question does not make sense without further
qualification, although most newly sighted individuals ei-
ther immediately have three-dimensional vision or do not
improve with time.
Further reading: Smith (2000)

Monism: the view that there is only one kind of thing under-
lying all reality. It encompasses materialism and idealism
and is opposed to dualism.

Moods: background phenomenal states like feeling cheerful,

sad, depressed or euphoric which form part of our nor-
mal conscious experience (unity of consciousness). There
is some uncertainty as to whether certain states should
be viewed as moods or emotions, but the tendency is to

distinguish moods by their longer duration and the lack

of directedness at specific objects.

Multiple Personalities: the apparent existence of two or more

different persons or personalities in people with multiple
personality/dissociative identity disorder. Its main symp-
tom is the lack of personal memories extending be-
yond ordinary forgetfulness. Such people have difficulty
forming a stable self-conception, but their unity of con-
sciousness is intact relative to each personality. If real,
which is questioned by some researchers, the disorder
poses questions about synchronic personal identity.

Multiple Realisability: the thesis that a higher-order func-

tional property may be realised in a variety of distinct
physical systems. Thus the property of being an ashtray
is independent of the materials ashtrays may be made of.
Similarly, any mental property (for instance, pain) may
be realised in physical systems different from our brains.
This idea was used by Putnam in the formulation of ma-
chine functionalism opposing the identity theory which
seems to deny mental properties to non-humans (do mol-
luscs feel pain? non-human primates? future robots?).
It was taken up by Ned Block and Jerry Fodor who
noted additional problems posed by neural plasticity and
convergent evolution (though later multiple realisability
was turned against functionalism in absent qualia and
Chinese room arguments). It was then elaborated in
Fodors special sciences argument, which distinguished
between multiple mental realisability in different kinds
of organisms and multiple mental realisability within an
individual at different times due to neural plasticity. How-
ever, proponents of reductive physicalism may argue that
multiple realisability is not as radical as it may seem. The
extent of neural plasticity is not well understood, and

if one leaves aside extraterrestrial creatures and future

robots, one has to make sense of some empirical findings.
Thus, although the eye evolved several times in unrelated
species, its expression was linked to the same genes. Simi-
larly, the same molecular mechanisms (calcium ions) may
subserve cognitive functions across species. Proponents
of non-reductive physicalism may respond that multiple
realisability is true in so far as the individuation of rel-
evant lower-level properties depends on recognising the
reality of higher-order mental properties.
Further reading: Block and Fodor (1980)

Myth of the Given: Wilfrid Sellars term for the view that
sense experience gives us secure foundations for knowl-
edge (foundationalism). Sellars rejected it arguing that
experience gets conceptualised by reason and these con-
ceptualisations may be mistaken.

Nagelian Reduction: the first formulation of intertheoretic re-
duction proposed within the framework of logical pos-
itivism by Ernest Nagel (190185). According to it, a
higher-level theory (HT) can be reduced to a lower-level
theory (LT) if the laws of the former can be logically de-
rived from the laws of the latter via so-called bridge laws
(bridging principles) which establish empirical type-type
biconditional correlations between elements of the two
theories (FHT GLT ). The idea influenced many pro-
ponents of the identity theory (though not its originators),
but later lost its appeal because of multiple realisability
arguments and the fear (prompting eliminative materi-
alism) that it implies not only that mental phenomena

have physical properties but also that physical processes

have mental properties. However, some philosophers ar-
gue that it requires only one-way conditionals formulat-
ing sufficient conditions at the lower level. Alternatively,
its symmetry may be understood as preserving the dis-
tinctiveness of higher-level phenomena (bridge laws may
be understood as establishing not identities but nomic co-
extensiveness of distinct properties).
Further reading: Nagel (1961)

Naive Realism see Direct Realism

Narrow Content (cognitive or Fregean epistemic content):

the content that intentional states (beliefs, desires, etc.)
have intrinsically, independently of an individuals ex-
ternal environment. It is the kind of content that is ap-
parently shared by Oscar and Twin-Oscar in Putnams
Twin-Earth scenario. Proponents of internalism hold that
it is more psychologically fundamental than broad con-
tent because it determines individuals reasoning and su-
pervenes on their neurophysiology. Many internalists ac-
cepted Putnams argument that only broad contents are
truth-conditional and proposed different ways of isolat-
ing narrow contents, viewing them as functions from
contexts to broad contents (early Fodor), conceptual
roles (functional role semantics), diagonal propositions
(Stalnaker, Lewis), or sets of maximal epistemic possibil-
ities or scenarios that an intentional state is compatible
with (Chalmers). However, while these approaches may
succeed in saying what narrow content must be, they are
arguably unable to specify narrow contents of particu-
lar thoughts in any other way than making them inef-
fable or identifying them with descriptive contents (but
the inadequacy of descriptions motivated the causal the-
ory of reference underlying externalism in the first place).

Fodor later concluded that narrow content is unneces-

sary because Twin cases are an exception to psychological
generalisations, and in standard cases it must be nomo-
logically possible for individuals to distinguish between
two properties of which they may have thoughts. In con-
trast, Gabriel Segal argues that cognitive science requires
only narrow content which is itself truth-conditional (rad-
ical internalism). Segal admits that many concepts (like
water) are innately determined and triggered by the right
causal connections to the environment, but argues that
their content changes in the course of ones lifetime as
their place in ones reasoning changes. The acceptance of
Segals theory, however, depends on how one views the re-
lationship between concepts and knowledge and the idea
of conceptual change.
Further reading: Segal (2000)

Nativism see Rationalism

Natural Kind: a group of entities which belong together be-

cause such is the arrangement of things in nature. Natu-
ral kinds are thus scientific or nomic kinds which group
causally homogeneous (uniform) instances and in terms
of which one may formulate causal laws and explana-
tions. To decide whether a term designates a natural kind
(is a natural kind predicate), one can check whether it
passes the projectibility test. To be projectible, a predi-
cate must provide grounds for induction to allow one to
predict the essential properties of future instances on the
basis of past instances. Thus jade had been thought to be
a natural kind until it was discovered that it is really two
minerals with different molecular structures jadeite and
nephrite. So because of its disjunctive nature, jade cannot
be a natural kind. The notion of natural kind is impor-
tant to metaphysical essentialism and the debate between

non-reductive and reductive physicalism. The difficulty

with understanding biological species in terms of hidden
internal structure led some philosophers of biology to re-
ject essentialism or view species as individuals, whereas
others argue that science should include historical kinds
(those whose essence depends on having a certain causal
history), the view that supports externalism.

Naturalism: the view that the mental forms part of the nat-
ural order and that its explanation must be continuous
with explanations in natural sciences (be compatible with
Further reading: Papineau (1993)

Naturalised Semantics: the approach to explaining intention-

ality and mental content in naturalistic terms, without ap-
peal to semantic notions like believe, mean, refer, be
about, be true. Because intentional properties cannot
be the fundamental features of reality, it must be shown
how physical systems can have intentional states. It in-
cludes the informational and teleological theory of con-
tent. Philosophers sceptical of the naturalising project ar-
gue that the intentional idiom is irreducible (because of
the normativity, rationality and holism of the mental) or
believe that such understanding is cognitively closed to us.

Neo-Darwinism see Adaptationism

Neural Constructivism: the view, supportive of connection-

ism (the PDP version), that neural mechanisms of cogni-
tive development are those of constructive learning: the
representational complexity of the cortex, initially free
of domain-specific structure, is built by the environment
operating on it. The view, however, ignores the fact that
cortical development is inseparable from the development

of subcortical input systems (a mole raised in the same en-

vironment as a rat will not develop cortical structures for
visual processing) and it is not clear how sensory input it-
self could generate an increase in representational power.
Further reading: Quartz and Sejnowsky (1997)

Neural Darwinism (selectionism): the view that the main neu-

ral mechanism of cognitive development is the execution
of a genetically coded maturational programme. That is,
the establishment of specialised neural circuits (for ex-
ample, for processing visual information) is itself inde-
pendent of the environmental input, and the impact of
the environment consists in the selective elimination or
pruning of such specialised circuits whose numbers are
initially redundant. It is supported by the fact that in
early development exuberant dendritic growth (arborisa-
tion) is followed by a sharp decrease in synaptic density
within a short period of time. The view, however, posits
innate connectivity patterns, not innate representational
Further reading: Edelman (1987)

Neural Networks see Connectionism

Neurons: cells in the nervous system subserving its informa-

tion-processing functions (more numerous glial cells are
thought to have supporting functions). Neurons consist
of the cell body (soma), the output fibre (axon) and in-
put fibres (dendrites). The point at which the axon ter-
minal contacts other neurons dendrites and somata is
the synapse. Information between neurons is communi-
cated by means of synaptic transmission: a neuron be-
comes active (fires) and sends its electrochemical signal
to other neurons with which it is connected. These details
are captured in connectionism, but the action potential is

all-or-none, and information-coding is realised by neu-

rons differential spatiotemporal firing patterns (spikes,
the amplitude and frequency of generated impulses, and
variation in time intervals between them) followed by
neurotransmitter release at the synapse. After the work of
Hebb and others, it is believed that the brains representa-
tions of properties are stored in the connectivity patterns
of distributed neuronal groups. It is also possible that spe-
cialised neuronal groups selectively code for specific fea-
tures. Following Torsten Wiesel and David Hubels dis-
covery of orientation-selective neurons in striate visual
cortex (edge-detection cells), several investigations sug-
gested the existence of specialised neurons processing in-
formation about faces (grandmother cells). But selective
cells were also shown to respond to a range of features
and individual neurons may participate in coding for sev-
eral properties. The problem is to understand how rep-
resentation of determinate properties can be maintained
by units with multiple-property sensitivity (the question
of the brains topology). The issue of specialised neuronal
representation is central to debates about neural plasticity
and neural mechanisms of cognitive development (neural
constructivism versus neural Darwinism).
Further reading: Bear et al. (2001)

Neurophilosophy: an approach to the mind/brain defended

by Paul and Patricia Churchland. According to it, facts
discovered by neuroscience are immediately relevant to
philosophy of mind. This, however, takes the form of a
continued attack on folk psychology, initiated by elimi-
native materialism, combined with a philosophical apol-
ogy of connectionism (the PDP version). Connectionism
is said to capture principles of representation in biologi-
cal systems (activity vectors) that are incompatible with

discrete representational states of the language of thought

(LOT) and the logico-semantic inferences of the compu-
tational theory of mind. The main argument in favour
of connectionist representation in the brain is graceful
degradation of cognitive functions. While damage to a
symbolic system (removal of a symbol or rule) often re-
sults in a sharp decline in its performance, distributed
representations exhibit greater plasticity so that represen-
tations become blurred rather than disappear completely
and partial retrieval remains possible. This pattern is in-
deed characteristic of some cognitive deficits, but other
deficits arguably follow the pattern of representational
disruption in symbolic systems (the Williams syndrome,
severe category-specific semantic impairments: selective
loss of concepts for animals, tools or numbers). Besides,
given neurophilosophers view that todays science may
not be the science of the future, an a priori conclusion
that the brain cannot support the language of thought
seems unwarranted.
Further reading: Churchland (1986), Churchland

Neuroscience: the study of the nervous system, especially

the brain, by invasive (destruction of brain areas, gene
knockout in non-human animals, electrode recording
of neuronal firing) and non-invasive scanning methods
like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and
positron emission tomography (PET). Neuroscience is of-
ten contrasted with cognitive science because it does not
separate mind and brain, but many neuroscientific in-
vestigations (for example, lesion studies) require the use
of mental concepts (neuropsychology, cognitive neuro-
Further reading: Bear et al. (2001)

Neutral Monism: the view that the primal stuff of reality is

neither mental nor physical. It was held by Ernest Mach,
James and Russell (briefly). The primal stuff (identified
with the stream of sensible qualities or Jamess pure ex-
perience) is mental only when taken in some arrange-
ments or contexts of associated qualities (thus, neutral
monism makes consciousness non-substantial). The view
may be hard to distinguish from panpsychism or attribute

New Wave Materialism see Identity Theory

New Wave Reductionism: the approach identifying mental

states with brain states developed by John Bickle. Bickle
rejects Nagelian reduction which retains all properties of
the reduced theory and elaborates on Clifford Hookers
view that intertheoretic reduction involves a contin-
uum of smooth, revisionary and bumpy reductions
(Thomas Kuhns idea of discontinuous scientific develop-
ment). Bickle proposes the following scheme: for the the-
ory to be reduced (TR, folk psychology) one constructs
its image model (TR ) which uses only those terms that
are available in the base theory (TB, neuroscience). TR
(psychology formulated in neuroscientific terms) derived
from TB (neuroscience) will be only partly isomorphic
with TR (folk psychology). The idea is thus that the func-
tional organisation of cognition and the notion of rep-
resentation will be preserved, but specific mental states
postulated by folk psychology (and language of thought)
will be eliminated. Following Robert McCauley one may
object that Bickle conflates intralevel and interlevel re-
duction: whereas the former involves elimination (like the
elimination of phlogiston from chemistry), the latter does
not (quantum mechanics eliminated neither macrophys-
ical objects nor their physics). The approach thus runs

against the problem of mental concepts that arises for

eliminative materialism.
Further reading: Bickle (1998)

Nomic: (1) capable of being subsumed under causal laws; (2)


Nomological: relating to the laws of nature. Nomological

possibility is consistency with causal laws of the actual

Nomological Danglers: Herbert Feigls term for the irre-

ducible mental properties of dualism which dangle from
the nomological net of physical sciences, being unneces-
sary and implausible.
Further reading: Feigl (1958)

Non-conceptual Content: the content of mental states not

represented with the help of concepts (the notion was
introduced by Evans to explain the possibility of demon-
strative content). Perceptual experience obviously has
propositional content (it represents the world as being
a certain way), but perceptual representation seems dis-
tinct from representation in belief: (1) it is information-
ally rich: as the subject cannot deploy concepts for every
object and property represented in perception, one may
perceive something without forming concepts (Dretske);
(2) it is analogue: unlike belief it carries with it ex-
tra information and is continuously variable (we per-
ceive something as varying in brightness without de-
tecting discrete states earlier Dretske; but note that
analogue representation can be reproduced digitally, so
this may be a question of availability to conscious-
ness); (3) it is more finely grained because we perceive
more than we have concepts for (like various colours

and shapes Christopher Peacocke). Peacocke devel-

oped an account of non-conceptual scenario content to
explain how organisms represent in experience spatial
properties of their environments relative to themselves
(to the left) without having the corresponding concepts.
(In Peacockes molecularism and Bermudezs theory of
non-conceptual self-consciousness concepts are linguistic,
judgement-dependent, entities.) Most proponents of rep-
resentationalism about consciousness also argue for the
non-conceptual content of experience as that which alone
distinguishes perceptual representation from belief. The
exact understanding of the notion, however, depends on
how one understands concepts and the relation between
perceptual discrimination and merely sensory experience.
Further reading: Gunther (2003)

Non-reductive Physicalism: the view that mental properties

are irreducible to physical properties, that the mental qua
mental matters in causing behaviour (that it is your belief
that it is raining together with your desire not to get wet
that makes you take an umbrella with you). The essen-
tial point is commitment to multiple realisability or the
supervenience thesis: physical indistinguishability implies
mental indistinguishability, but mental indistinguishabil-
ity does not imply physical indistinguishability. How-
ever, there arises the problem of mental causation: how
can mental properties qua mental cause behaviour? Re-
sponses to the problem include: (1) overdetermination;
(2) counterfactual causation; (3) pragmatic theories; (4)
the layered view of the world (see also emergentism).
Pragmatic theories distinguish between causal efficacy
and causal relevance or suitability for causal explanations
given our cognitive limitations. But the solution is prob-
lematic because, arguably, acceptable explanation must
address the issue of causation. According to the many
layers view, reality itself has many levels of organisation,

and mental properties are genuine causal properties (men-

tal realism found, for instance, in Fodors argument from
causal laws). However, this raises the question of how
higher-order properties could have causal powers beyond
those of their physical realisers and the issue of their mind-
dependence: in what sense do special sciences entities
exist for creatures incapable of representing them? The
mindbody problem thus becomes related to the prob-
lem of intentionality.
Further reading: Heil and Mele (1993)

Normativity: sensitivity to norms, to what is acceptable and

what is not. In our everyday explanation of behaviour
(folk psychology) we implicitly presuppose norms gov-
erning reasoning and action of rational beings. The nor-
mativity of our mental concepts poses problems for re-
ductive and eliminative explanations of mentality because
science is descriptive, not prescriptive, and one cannot
derive ought from is (this is questioned today by tele-
ological approaches).

Occasionalism: the view that all sequences of events conceiv-
able of as cause and effect are occasioned by God, to
whom alone causal powers must be ascribed. Occasional-
ism arose in Islamic thought in the ninth century, becom-
ing especially prominent in the philosophy of Abu Hamid
Muhammad Al-Ghazali (10591111). In modern philos-
ophy it was held by Johannes Clauberg, Arnold Geulinex,
Louis de la Forge and Nicolas Malebranche. Occasional-
ism may be best understood in the context of the theory
of ideas which views causal laws (including general laws
of the union of soul and body) as propositions in the

mind of God whose efficacy depends on being constantly

entertained by Him (the doctrine of continuous creation).

Occurrent: occurrent mental states are those that: (1) occur

within a cognitive system at some specific moment of
time; (2) subjects are aware of being in.

Ockhams Razor see Universals

Ontology: (1) a complete collection of entities which really

exist; (2) the study of what exists.

Other Minds: the problem of knowing that other people have

minds and avoiding solipsism that arises for the Cartesian
view according to which we have privileged access to our
own mental states and infallible self-knowledge, but only
indirect knowledge of others minds. The standard re-
sponse is that having mental states is the best explanation
we have of our behaviour, and we conclude that others
have minds by noticing their similarity to us and observ-
ing their behaviour (the argument from analogy asso-
ciated with J. S. Mill). Behaviourism and interpretivism
oppose the Cartesian view holding that knowledge of our
own minds depends on our being members of our linguis-
tic communities. Sartre also opposed this view arguing
that we have immediate awareness of others minds, and
Searle questions functionalism on the grounds that our
knowledge of ourselves involves knowing that we have
the right physiology. Today the issue is debated by theory
theory and simulation theory.
Further reading: Avramides (2001)

Overdetermination: the view that an event can have two in-

dependent causes (two bullets causing the same death)
intended to explain the possibility of downward mental

causation. However, it violates the causal closure of the


Pain: an unpleasant sensation normally arising from the ap-
plication of noxious stimuli to a group of sensory neurons
with peripheral terminals (primary afferent nociceptors,
types A and C). Pain has been the most discussed ex-
ample in the context of the mindbody problem since
behaviourism. Kripkes argument that pain and C-fibres
firing are related only contingently questioned the iden-
tity theory. Because damage to the pain pathway (spinal
cord, thalamus, cortex) will prevent cortically based pain
experience, this is true, but pain researchers do not agree
that pain cannot be identified with any physical property.
The reductivenon-reductive physicalism debate posed
other important questions: is there such a thing as pain
in general? do all pain-feeling organisms experience the
same pain and how can one determine what organisms
are capable of feeling pain? Viewing pain as a single
property prevents its reduction (for example, different
molecular mechanisms are implicated in different kinds
of headaches). However, there is also a strong intuition
that our mental concept of pain picks out a single prop-
erty. Functionalism captures this intuition, but cannot
explain pains phenomenal feel (pain does not disturb
frontal lobotomy patients; phantom limb pains are ap-
parently non-functional). Finally, whereas epiphenome-
nalism about pain is probably true (pain does not cause
withdrawal; but not if quantum information travels back
in time, as holds Stuart Hameroff), there is also an issue
of mental causation and placebo effects (how do beliefs
that some stuff will work cause pain to go away?).

Panpsychism: the view that all constituents of reality have

some mental properties. Different versions of panpsy-
chism have been entertained throughout the history of
philosophy and are found in Spinoza, Leibniz (on some
interpretations), Schelling, Schopenhauer, Wundt, James,
Peirce and Whitehead. Panpsychism, including its re-
cent versions, is motivated by the idea that otherwise it
would be impossible to explain why complex entities have
(phenomenal) consciousness (the problem of establishing
when, where and how consciousness emerges).
Further reading: Rosenberg (2004)

Parallel Distributed Processing see Connectionism

Parallelism (psychophysical parallelism): the view that mental

and physical phenomena have parallel existence with no
causal interaction between them. Developed by Spinoza
and Leibniz in response to the interaction problem, it was
often held in conjunction with panpsychism.

Passions: an umbrella term for emotions and desires viewed

as passive, irrational and having to be controlled by the
will. This view is often associated with modern philoso-
phy before Hume. However, Descartes held that passions,
disciplined by reason, contribute to our practical and the-
oretical rationality, that wonder is necessary to motivate
the soul toward the search of truth, that mental content-
ment may serve as evidence that a truth has been attained.

Peirce, Charles Sanders (18391914): American philosopher,

the founder of pragmatism. Peirce introduced the notion
of abduction and the distinction between signs (icons) and
symbols used in the discussion of the evolution of animal
communication and human language (but Peirce viewed
symbols as artificial signs). He defended panpsychism,

holding that the materialist view of the mind as a mech-

anism capable of feeling is not a clear hypothesis.
Further reading: Peirce (1992)

Perception: the process by which features of external reality

are detected in the modalities of vision, audition, touch
(haptic modality), olfaction (smell) and gustation (taste),
encoded in the brain, integrated into representations of
objects and properties and, frequently, presented to indi-
vidual awareness in conscious experience. Perception is
distinguished from both sensation and cognition, and the
issues it raises lie on the intersection of epistemology and
the problem of consciousness. In having perceptual expe-
riences (seeing a ginger cat, hearing a door bang) we seem
to be immediately aware of a mind-independent reality
with its spatial structure and discrete material objects. But
our perceptual experiences are not always veridical (ac-
curate), so illusion, hallucination and dreaming pose the
question of whether the immediate objects of perception
are outside or inside the mind. There are also issues con-
cerning the relation between perception and knowledge
of the world, the content and the phenomenal character
(qualia) of perceptual experience. Representationalism,
the leading theory of perception, is contrasted with the
sense-datum theory, adverbialism, idealism, phenomenal-
ism, direct perception theories and disjunctivism. The is-
sue of modularity versus theory-ladenness of perception
and the relation between perception and categorisation
are also subject to debates.
Further reading: Smith (2002); Gendler Szabo and
Hawthorne (2006)

Person: being a person is usually identified with having

continuous identity with oneself which requires certain
mental features like consciousness, conscious memory,

self-consciousness, capacity for rationality, free agency,

morality and meaningful life. Traditionally, being a per-
son was understood as having an immutable immaterial
soul maintaining its identity over a persons life and per-
haps thereafter. This view is preserved in todays infre-
quent substance dualism originating in Descartes notion
of the self. Its proponents (Roderick Chisholm, Geoffrey
Mandell, Richard Swinburne, John Foster) hold that,
whereas we can speak of partial identity for material
things, the notions of partial identity and survival for
minds or souls are conceptually incoherent because a
persons conscious states either belong to them or not
and one cannot analyse personhood in terms of body and
brain parts (we can imagine ourselves acquiring new bod-
ies). But dualism is unconvincing to most philosophers,
and new principles of individuation for persons must be
found, as the notion has implications for assigning moral
responsibility and making correct decisions about people
in a persistent vegetative state, animals and embryos. This
may require the notion of degrees of personhood.
Further reading: Foster (1996); Perring (1997)

Personal Identity: we have an intuition of being the same per-

son over the course of our lives. The problem of personal
identity is to find the necessary and sufficient conditions
for someone X to survive changes or remain the same
entity at different times (what makes one be the same
thing at age 5, 25, 35, etc.?) This is the issue of ones per-
sistence in time (diachronic identity) which presupposes
absolute numeric identity for persons. The discussion was
spurred by research on split-brains and involves consider-
ing the implications of brain transplantation (when your
brain is transplanted into a different body, do you go
with the brain or stay with the old body?) and fission
(when your cerebral hemispheres are transplanted into

different bodies, where do you go?) thought experiments.

The most widespread approach, associated with Locke,
views personal identity in terms of psychological continu-
ity in conscious memory and causal dependence between
ones mental features (Thomas Nagel, Harold Noonan,
Derek Parfit, Sydney Shoemaker). But as it seems to deny
our continuity with embryos and possible future people
in a vegetative state, it implies that we are not human
animals. It also must admit for fission cases that one could
be mentally continuous with two future people. Parfit ar-
gues that it is not identity that matters but whether there
will be someone mentally continuous with one in the fu-
ture (he defends partial continuity and argues that the
further fact view of dualism about persons rests on a
conceptual mistake). Contrasted with the psychological
approach is animalism (the somatic approach) which sees
personal identity as a matter of brute physical continuity
(David Wiggins, Paul Snowdon, Eric Olson), but trans-
plantation cases pose a problem for it.
Further reading: Parfit (1984); Olson (1997)

Personality (character): the sum of an individuals stable

psychological traits analysed along five dimensions:
introvertedextroverted, neuroticstable, incuriousopen
to experience, agreeableantagonistic, conscientious
undirected. Philosophical questions include: the relation
between being a person and having a unique personality;
qualitative personal identity over time; the determination
of ones actions by ones personality; and the interaction
between genes, experience and social factors in shaping

Phenomenal: appearing to an individual in a certain way. Phe-

nomenal states are mental states with qualia (confusingly,
they are sometimes distinguished from phenomenally

conscious states or states available to subjective aware-

ness but without associated feels, for example, beliefs).

Phenomenal Concepts: concepts we have of our sensory

states (feeling pain, experiencing a colour sensation).
Several philosophers (Brian Loar, Brian McLaughlin,
Christopher Hill, David Papineau, Michael Tye) hold
that understanding their nature gives the identity the-
ory an argument against Kripkes problem, zombies and
the knowledge argument. The idea is that the identity of
mental states with brain states, though necessary a poste-
riori, appears to be contingent because of the special na-
ture of phenomenal concepts, importantly different from
physical-functional or theoretical concepts. Phenomenal
concepts are direct recognitional concepts whose posses-
sion is linked with having the right kind of experience
and the capacity to reidentify its instances in introspection
and imagination. The existence of different concepts does
not imply the existence of different properties. Phenom-
enal concepts refer directly to the same properties that
are referred to by the corresponding physical-functional
concepts, and the appearance of contingency is due to
their distinctive role in our cognitive life. David Chalmers
objects that this strategy assumes rather than explains
identity and leaves unanswered the question of why two
distinct concepts should pick out the same property (it
explains why zombies are conceivable, but does not ex-
plain why, despite that, they are impossible).
Further reading: Loar (1997); Chalmers (1999);
Papineau (2002)

Phenomenal Consciousness: experience with its particular

subjective feel. Phenomenal states possess qualitative fea-
tures (qualia), and if there is something that an experience

feels like to you, then you are phenomenally conscious of

it. Phenomenal consciousness poses problems for both
physicalism and functionalism because it is hard to un-
derstand how and why brain states or functional states
should give rise to qualia, to the what-its-like char-
acter of subjective experience (David Chalmers called
this the Hard Problem of Consciousness). Why should
colour experiences or emotions feel a certain way to us?
Why could there not be beings just like us but having
no phenomenal consciousness (zombies)? Is phenomenal
consciousness epiphenomenal? Consciousness is known
to us only through introspection. This creates a clash
between the first-person and the third-person (scientific)
perspectives and suggests that in trying to explain con-
sciousness we may be faced with the explanatory gap. In
a broader sense, as understood in phenomenology, phe-
nomenal consciousness is not limited to the qualitative
character of experience but encompasses its organisation
as a whole.
Further reading: Chalmers (1996)

Phenomenal Realism see Realism

Phenomenalism: an epistemological theory of perception held

by J. S. Mill, Russell and some philosophers of logical
positivism (Ayer, Carnap). It views objects of perception
as sense-data providing the foundation of all knowledge,
and material objects as permanent possibilities of sensa-
tion (Mill). For Russell, physical objects were logical con-
structions out of sensations (sensibilia) immediately given
in perceptual experience (logical atomism). In logical pos-
itivism it turned into a programme of translating empir-
ical statements into statements about the phenomenal.
The project was not completed as it proved impossible to

explain orderly occurrences of phenomenal properties in

experience without reference to public objects.
Further reading: Russell (1956)

Phenomenological Fallacy: the fallacy of inferring from ap-

pearance to existence. Place used the expression for the
mistake of supposing that when people describe their
experiences (that something looks green to them), they
describe properties of some internal mental objects (of
something green existing in the mind).

Phenomenology: (1) the phenomenal character of experience

(qualia); (2) the tradition of philosophy of mind devel-
oped by Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul
Sartre and Maurice Merleau-Ponty as the study of con-
sciousness from the first-person perspective intended to
uncover in experience those components that account for
its intentionality.

Philosophy of Mind: studies the nature of mental phenomena

(thought, belief, desire, sensation, perception, volition,
emotion, etc.). Its main issues are the mindbody prob-
lem and intentionality (content). The problem of inten-
tionality marked the divergence between analytical and
continental traditions (phenomenology). Phenomenology
holds that the essence of mind is consciousness and em-
phasises the first-person perspective. Analytical tradition,
shaped by Frege and Russell, emphasises the importance
of conceptual analysis of mental terms and aims to make
mentality amenable to scientific (third-person) investiga-
tion. With the recent resurgence of interest in the problem
of consciousness, the relation between intentionality and
consciousness and their evolutionary emergence are be-
coming the central issue of todays philosophy of mind.

Physical Realisation Principle: the principle, accepted by pro-

ponents of non-reductive physicalism, that if any x has
a mental property M, there is a physical property P such
that x has P and, necessarily, anything that has P has M
(and P realises M).

Physical Stance see Intentional Stance

Physicalism (Materialism): the view that everything in the uni-

verse is physical or not requiring for its existence anything
over and above entities and processes recognised by the
physical sciences (physics, but also chemistry and biol-
ogy). It is useful to distinguish between (1) token and
type physicalism, (2) reductive and non-reductive physi-
calism and (3) a priori and a posteriori physicalism. Token
physicalism holds that every mental event (like having
a pain) is identical with some physical event, whereas
type physicalism holds that every type of mental event,
or every mental property, is identical with some phys-
ical property (being in a neural state of certain type).
Token physicalism is compatible with attribute dualism
and must be augmented with the idea of supervenience
or the physical realisation principle, as physicalism is
opposed to dualism. This gives us supervenience phys-
icalism. Supervenience physicalism (first formulated as
anomalous monism) is a species of non-reductive physi-
calism, whereas type physicalism (first formulated as the
identity theory) is a species of reductive physicalism. A
priori physicalism and a posteriori physicalism are forms
of reductive physicalism urging either an a priori (con-
ceptual; Lewiss contingent, Jacksons necessary) or an a
posteriori (empirical; the identity theory) identification of
mental states with physical states. Finally, note that phys-
icalism encompasses eliminative materialism and func-
tionalism, and although it is sometimes contrasted with

functionalism, in such cases it should be understood as re-

ductive physicalism, since functionalism accepts the core
physicalist commitment.
Further reading: Gillett and Loewer (2001)

Place, Ullin T. (19242000): British-Australian philosopher,

originator of the identity theory. Place argued for the con-
stitution of consciousness by brain processes as a scientific
hypothesis. However, he never extended the theory to be-
liefs and desires, insisting that they, as we do not sense
them, should be given a dispositional analysis. In later
work he developed the idea of two parallel processing
systems, the unconscious system (zombie-within) and
consciousness, whose function is to deal with problem-
atic inputs.
Further reading: Place (1956)

Plasticity (equipotentiality): the capacity of distinct neural

structures to subserve identical psychological functions
and take on new functions as a result of learning or
brain damage. Proponents of connectionism, neurophi-
losophy and neural constructivism argue against innate
domain-specific representational structures in the brain,
quoting instances of cortical remapping and tissue re-
location, foetal cortical tissue transplantation, rewiring
of primary sensory areas (as in Mriganka Surs experi-
ments when young ferrets auditory cortex was rewired
to process visual information), and resumption of cogni-
tive functions in young children following brain lesions
(left hemisphere removal). However, other data show that
the brain is not totally plastic (early damage to prefrontal
areas leads to irrepairable cognitive deficits) and remap-
ping is subject to structural constraints (the primary audi-
tory cortex of rewired ferrets retains connections to other
brain areas for hearing and has low resolution visual

representation). The existence of neural plasticity and its

support of multiple realisability raise important issues for
empirical research: to what extent are neurons represen-
tational properties determined by their functional roles in
contrast to their intrinsic properties? what factors (neu-
roanatomical, neurofunctional, neurophysiological) de-
termine when two distinct neural states belong to the
same kind (the problem of individuation)?

Plato (c. 427347 bc): ancient Greek philosopher, the ma-

jor source of philosophical inspiration which brought
him the title of princeps totius philosophiae, the best of
philosophers. From the early dialogues, where Plato in-
troduces the questioning figure of Socrates, particularly
interesting is Meno with its formulation of the learning
paradox: one cannot learn something of which one has
no prior understanding. In the middle dialogues (Phaedo,
The Republic) the Socratic method and the search for
essences of what is expressed by our concepts of justice,
virtue or love are replaced with the positive theory of
Forms or Ideas: changeless, independent of things, ab-
stract entities from which things with the same form re-
ceive their nature, and of which the highest is that of
the Good. The forms can be apprehended by noesis, the
highest type of knowledge, which is the recollection of
the acquaintance with the forms that the impersonal, im-
mortal, rational soul (nous) contemplated before becom-
ing imprisoned in the body (the theory of anamnesis).
Platos eidetic theory (eidos, form) is the first account of
the worlds intelligibility opposing the scepticism engen-
dered by the changeability of perceptual experience. It
it is also the first formulation of the symbolic charac-
ter of thought (representational theory of mind) and the
problem of universals. From the late middle dialogues,
Parmenides presents a critique of the theory of forms later

adopted by Aristotle, and Theaetetus develops the con-

ception of knowledge as justified true belief (albeit this
reading of Plato may be questioned).
Further reading: Plato (1989)

Possible Worlds: a technical device for clarifying intuitions

about modality (possibility and necessity) and analysing
counterfactual thought and language (if x had happened,
y would have happened). Possible worlds are complete
states of affairs which differ from the actual (our) world
in some details. They may be understood as alterna-
tive scenarios of how things might have been in the
actual world (Kripke), as elements of the conceptual space
(Robert Stalnaker), or as existing just as this world does
(Lewiss modal realism). In Kripkes modal logic proposi-
tions must be evaluated as true or false at possible worlds,
and a proposition is necessary if it is true at all possible
worlds (Leibnizs view). Kripkes notion of necessity is
important for discussions of the mindbody problem and
the issue of whether, apart from nomological necessity,
one should recognise both metaphysical and conceptual
necessity or whether these are the same thing (the zom-
bies argument is based on the latter view). Stalnakers
deflationism about possible worlds shows how the in-
formational theory of content and the view of proposi-
tional attitudes as relations to propositions (semantically
evaluable abstract objects) are made compatible through
an analysis of propositions as sets of possible worlds (to
have a conception of the world is to locate it in a space
of possibilities). Stalnakers and Lewiss notion of simi-
larity between possible worlds, which allows one to eval-
uate counterfactual statements as true if they are true at
all worlds most similar to ours, is relevant to the idea of
counterfactual causation and the externalisminternalism

Poverty of Stimulus: the argument given by Chomsky in his

1959 review of Skinners Verbal Behaviour (1956). Be-
cause children receive highly impoverished stimuli from
adults (they are not explicitly taught to speak and are
seldom corrected) no general learning mechanism (imi-
tation, association, reinforcement) can explain how chil-
dren master linguistic competence at the rates at which
they actually master it.

Pragmatism: (1) the view associated with James, Peirce and

John Dewey that the meaning of a doctrine and its truth
must be understood in terms of its practical effects on
ones action in the world; (2) Fodors recent term for
theories of concepts which identify possessing a concept
X with being able to sort things into Xs and non-Xs
(Dewey, behaviourism, some theories of categorisation).
This idea underlies the notion of recognitional (obser-
vational) concepts like red or apple which are thought
to be based on discriminatory capacities. But pragma-
tism is also characteristic of functional role semantics
which holds that having inferential capacities is constitu-
tive of concept possession. (Pragmatism was anticipated
by Thomas Reid who rejected the existence of ideas as
mental entities but accepted them as acts of thought; see
also Putnam.) The problem with pragmatism is that such
capacities are themselves parasitic on representation (one
must represent apples to oneself before being able to pile
them separately from pears), and that it violates the com-
positionality constraint.
Further reading: Fodor (2003)

Pre-established Harmony see Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

Preconscious see Freud, Sigmund


Primary and Secondary Qualities: the distinction drawn by

Locke (still relevant to theories of perception) between
qualities like size, shape and motion which are objec-
tive properties of things or primary qualities (he some-
times adds solidity and texture) and qualities like colour,
sound, taste and smell which are things dispositions to
change sensory states of perceivers and in a sense exist
only in individuals minds (secondary or immediate sen-
sory qualities). The main criterion for the distinction is
not being tied to one particular sense modality.

Principle of Charity: the principle formulated by Davidson

that in interpreting other peoples behaviour we ascribe
to them beliefs and desires they should rationally have in
their situation. Because the interpreter must thus presup-
pose that peoples beliefs are mostly true, the principle
supports externalism and provides an argument against

Principle of Humanity: the principle that in interpreting other

peoples behaviour we do not try to maximise the ratio-
nality and truth of their beliefs as required by the princi-
ple of charity, but rather invoke considerations of what is
sufficiently reasonable for them to believe. The principle
is compatible with internalism.

Privacy: that feature of the mind in virtue of which a subjects

thoughts and experiences are accessible only to them-
selves (privileged access).

Private Language Argument see Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Privileged Access: the idea, deriving from Descartes, that a

person has immediate epistemic access to their mental

states. Although this view leads to the problem of other

minds, what sort of privileged access we enjoy remains
an important issue in discussions of consciousness and

Productivity: the property of thought and language whereby

an infinite number of thoughts and sentences can be
formed on the basis of a finite set of primitive elements
and recursive syntactic rules.

Proper Function see Millikan, Ruth Garrett

Propositional Attitudes: psychological relations of persons to

propositions. Propositional attitudes are individuated by
their psychological type like thinking, believing, desiring,
knowing, doubting, hoping, fearing, etc. (expressed lin-
guistically by a corresponding psychological or proposi-
tional attitude verb) and the proposition that forms their
content (expressed linguistically by a that-clause). Fears
that it will rain, hopes that it will rain, believes that
Edinburgh is in Scotland and believes that Edinburgh
is not in Scotland are different propositional attitudes,
the most discussed kind of intentional states. One inter-
esting feature of psychological verbs is that they create
intensional or referentially opaque contexts. In exten-
sional or referentially transparent contexts one can sub-
stitute co-referring expressions for one another without
affecting the truth-value of a sentence: Mark Twain was
a writer and Samuel Clemens was a writer are both
true (intersubstitutivity salva veritate). But Ann believes
that Mark Twain was a writer and Ann believes that
Samuel Clemens was a writer may have different truth-
values, for Ann may not know that Samuel Clemens was
Mark Twains real name. This phenomenon, identified

by Frege and Russell, is known as the failure of substi-

tutivity of co-referential expressions in contexts created
by psychological verbs, and the problem it creates is the
co-reference problem. Another interesting feature of psy-
chological verbs is that whereas Mary hates George en-
tails that George exists, Mary wants to find the Fountain
of Youth does not entail that the Fountain of Youth ex-
ists. This is the failure of existential generalisation in in-
tensional contexts. However, knowledge, perception and
remembering (knows, perceives, remembers that p) con-
stitute an exception because they do entail the existence of
objects they are directed at and are called for this reason
factive attitudes.

Prototype Theory: the most popular theory of concepts in

cognitive psychology according to which concepts are
sets of typical features. Prototype theory, motivated by
problems with the definitional theory and Wittgensteins
notion of family resemblances, was proposed by Eleanor
Rosch who noticed striking prototypicality effects in peo-
ples judgements of category membership. Thus people
more readily judge that robins are birds than that pen-
guins are birds and the number of categorisation mis-
takes is related to the typicality of instances (typical
birds fly, have feathers, sing, are small, etc.). Rosch also
introduced the notion of the basic level of categorisa-
tion, concepts from which (dog) are richer in their in-
formational potential, have closer links with perception
and are acquired before concepts from the subordinate
(poodle) and superordinate (animal) levels. Roschs
ideas were later developed into a formal theory which
views concepts as structured mental representations cod-
ing for typical properties of objects that these concepts
refer to (Edward Smith, James Hampton). Like the defini-
tional theory, it endows concepts with internal structure,

but posits statistical instead of logical structure. Thus con-

nectionism is seen as complementing it. But prototype
theory faces the problem of concept shareability (even if
peoples concepts are not identical but merely similar, one
must distinguish in them a common core, which requires
viewing some features as identical), compositionality (the
content of pet fish is not composed from the prototypes
of pet and fish), and the fact that peoples knowledge
of objects is not identical with the concepts they have of
them (people do judge penguins to be birds).

Psychoanalysis see Freud, Sigmund

Psychofunctionalism see Machine Functionalism

Psychological Laws see Causal Laws

Psychophysical Laws: laws correlating brain properties and

mental properties. Their existence is debated by different
versions of physicalism.

Putnam, Hilary (b. 1926): American philosopher, the orig-

inator of machine functionalism and externalism. Al-
though scientific realism, realism about the mental and
contemporary functionalism are all indebted to Putnam
(he coined the term functionalism), in the 1980s he be-
came sceptical about the functionalist characterisation of
mental states thinking that multiple realisability applies
not only to physical but also to computational states. The
problem with functionalism, arising from the holism of
the mental, lies in its approach to the individuation of
intentional states (saying when an organism has a belief
with a certain content like it is snowing). To hold that
the aim of psychological explanation is to produce a com-
plete functional description of psychological states of an

arbitrary organism is a utopia. There is an infinite num-

ber of possible interpretations of what an organism be-
lieves given a piece of its linguistic and non-linguistic be-
haviour. And one cannot individuate beliefs by specifying
the totality of an organisms functional states because of
Godels incompleteness theorem: the mind cannot survey
its own limits. Thus intentionality is irreducible and sci-
entific realism (the view that there is one true description
of reality) is a myth. This made Putnam a critic of func-
tional role semantics and informational theory of con-
tent. He also rejects representationalism about percep-
tion (in favour of direct perception), and sees cognitive
science as the Cartesian theatre plus materialism (but he
is also sceptical of neuroscience). Concurrently, his pos-
itive position was internal realism, which was becoming
closer and closer to pragmatism and epistemological
Further reading: Putnam (1988, 2000)

qua problem: arises for the causal theory of reference and the
informational theory of content. The problem is to ex-
plain how we manage to refer to or represent a certain
kind of things, say, tigers qua tigers rather than qua ani-
mals as the same individual that serves to fix the reference
of tiger is both a tiger and an animal.
Further reading: Sterelny (1983)

qualia (singular: quale): qualitative or phenomenal proper-

ties of experience. Seeing red, feeling pain or tasting a
lemon feel to us a certain way, there is something that
it is like for us to have these experiences. It means that

these mental states have qualia. Most philosophers agree

that mental states with qualia include experiences of per-
ception (hearing a loud noise), bodily sensations (feel-
ing an itch), felt emotions (fear) and moods (depression).
Galen Strawson argues that thoughts also have qualia, but
this is not the accepted view. Understood as intrinsic fea-
tures of experience or raw feels, qualia present problems
for physicalism and functionalism because they seem to
be irreducible and non-physical (knowledge argument).
Recently, proponents of representationalism about con-
sciousness suggested a different understanding of what
qualia are and a possible route for their reduction.

Quantum Theories of Consciousness: locate (phenomenal)

consciousness at the level of quantum phenomena (the
best known proposal belongs to physicist Roger Penrose
and anaesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff). Its motivations
include the non-algorithmic character of human thought
(which must rely on a non-algorithmic physical process),
the difficulty with explaining consciousness within the
present theoretical framework and avoidance of epiphe-
nomenalism. The suggested physical process is the col-
lapse of the quantum mechanical wave function (the tran-
sition of a quantum system from a superposition of wave
functions to a single definite state). Quantum self-collapse
(collapse not initiated by an act of measurement), the
physical correlate of consciousness, occurs in the micro-
tubules of neurons cell bodies or dendrites which form
coherent structures across the brain via gap junctions
(bypassing synaptic transmission). Critics doubt the con-
nection between consciousness and quantum mechan-
ics which skips a few levels of description and leads to
Further reading: Penrose (1994)

Quine, Willard Van Orman (19082000): American philoso-

pher and logician associated with logical behaviourism.
Always concerned with how scientific theories make
ontological commitments to the existence of certain enti-
ties, Quine questioned logical positivisms view that a true
theory must be a collection of analytic statements where
the predicate is contained in the definition of the subject.
He argued for verification holism: no hypothesis can be
tested in isolation from other theoretical statements, in-
cluding statements about observable phenomena, which
are themselves theoretic. Changes introduced by accom-
modating new data ramify through the whole theory, and
the notion of synonymy underlying analyticity cannot be
formulated clearly. All theoretical statements are contin-
gent and based on our deeply entrenched beliefs about the
world. Quines behaviourism is the view that meaning is
exhausted by observable behaviour and should not be ex-
plained in terms of internal mental entities. Children as-
sociate sentences they hear from adults with different sit-
uations and learn to apply terms of a natural language to
their internal states (stimulus generalisation constrained
by subjective similarity spaces), hence the ideas of rad-
ical interpretation, indeterminacy of translation and in-
scrutability of reference. The observer-relative nature of
psychological language prevents its incorporation into
natural science. One must either accept its indispensabil-
ity and reject physicalism or accept physicalism and reject
the possibility of intentional science (that is intensional or
sensitive to particular descriptions). Proponents of elimi-
native materialism opted for the second horn of Quines
dilemma, but Quines own views were closer to the iden-
tity theory, and in his late work he embraced anomalous
monism (conceptual dualism).
Further reading: Quine (1953, 1960)

Radical Interpretation: the thesis developed by Quine and
Davidson that the ascription of meanings to individual
words of a language is derivative from the ascription of
meanings to all words of that language. Because the as-
cription of mental states is similarly holistic, mental states
would be exhaustively ascribed to individuals by a radical
interpreter having at his disposal complete behavioural
linguistic evidence (interpretivism). As interpretation is
thought to be radical (from zero) and taking place within
a different linguistic medium, the indeterminacy of trans-
lation follows.

Ramsey Sentence: a technical device for non-circular analy-

sis of theoretical terms invented by British mathemati-
cian Frank P. Ramsey (190330). In a Ramsey sentence
a term of a scientific theory is replaced with a variable
and all statements containing the replaced term are ex-
istentially quantified. Thus, instead of saying that elec-
trons attract protons and so on, one says that there is
something that attracts protons (and has certain other
properties). In the Ramsey sentence of a whole theory all
its specific terms are replaced with their functional defi-
nitions or specifications of their causal roles within that
theory (Ramsification). This allows for their identifica-
tion with the occupiers of the corresponding causal roles,
if any.

Rationalism (nativism, Cartesianism): the view that much of

our knowledge is innate. Rationalism involves psycho-
logical and epistemological theses; both were originated
in modern philosophy by Descartes and radicalised by

Malebranche, Spinoza and Leibniz. Descartes argued that

pure sense experience cannot by itself represent exter-
nal objects and requires structuring by innate ideas dis-
tinguished by what they represent (Brentano mentions
Descartes as a major source for thinking about inten-
tionality). But he also held that true knowledge has an
a priori character in that it can be built on the foundation
of clear and distinct ideas in the manner of mathemat-
ical deduction. In the twentieth century, after a period
of behaviourisms dominance, the psychological thesis
was revived in Chomskys theory of universal grammar
and Fodors language of thought hypothesis. The episte-
mological thesis, shattered by Quine, was reinstated by
Kripke and other philosophers emphasising the impor-
tance of a priori analysis.

Rationality: coherence in ones system of beliefs (theoretical

rationality); consistency of ones actions with ones be-
liefs (practical rationality). Rationality as the capacity for
drawing justified inferences was always seen as definitive
of human intelligence (its connection with logic was al-
ready stated by Aristotle). More recently, several philoso-
phers stressed that the attribution of intentional states to
other people in explaining their behaviour requires see-
ing them as rational as is possible in the circumstances.
Even though people often behave irrationally, they can be
intelligible to others only if a certain degree of coherence
is presupposed in their belief systems (holism). Rational-
ity is thus linked to normativity, and for Davidson it be-
comes a Kantian synthetic a priori that cannot be analysed
in physical terms and explains the irreducibility of men-
tal concepts. However, other philosophers disagree that
there can be no codified theory of rationality, especially if
one considers that, not being ideally rational, humans re-
main believers and decision-makers. This realisation led

to the development of theories of bounded rationality and

dual-process theories of reasoning. Although people do
not have perfect logical ability, drawing invalid inferences
(affirming the consequent: if P then Q, Q, therefore P)
and failing deductive (Wason selection task) and proba-
bilistic (stereotyping) reasoning tasks, they often manage
to believe and behave rationally for the circumstances.
But finite agents with limited memory and a lack of in-
formation, time or cognitive resources to engage in com-
plex calculations cannot always use infallible algorithms
and must rely on mental models, biases and heuristics.
Still, this does not eliminate the need to explain the irra-
tionality of delusion, wishful thinking, self-deception and
weakness of will.
Further reading: Mele and Rawling (2004)

Raw Feels see qualia

Realism: to be a realist about X is to hold that X is something

real in the sense that its existence does not depend on its
being our mental or social construct. As such, it may defy
reduction and should be admitted into scientific explana-
tion. In intentional realism, X = intentional mental states
(beliefs, desires). In phenomenal realism, X = qualia.

Reasons and Causes see Action

Recognitional Concepts see Pragmatism

Recursive: allowing one to form an infinite range of expres-

sions from a finite set of elements by recurrent application
of structure-sensitive rules. The recursive character of hu-
man thought and language can be seen in our ability to
form and process strings like The man that chased the
dog that chased the cat that chased the mouse tripped

and fell by assigning to them correct subject-predicate

relations (it was the man who fell, not the mouse).

Reduction: identification of a higher-order property with a

lower-order property (for example, temperature in gases
is mean molecular kinetic energy). One may distinguish
between ontological reduction (saying that X is Y in the
worlds ontology), conceptual or a priori reduction (say-
ing that concept X picks out the same property as concept
Y ) and intertheoretic reduction.

Reductionism (reductivism): to be a reductionist about X is

to hold that X is nothing other than some different kind
of thing. The term is often reserved for reductive physi-
calism, although behaviourism, functionalism, functional
role semantics and naturalised semantics can all be con-
sidered as reductive approaches (about mental properties
and content respectively).

Reductive Physicalism: the view that mental properties are

physical properties. Its main versions are the identity the-
ory and the functional reduction of Armstrong and Lewis.
Kim argues that only reductive physicalism can make
sense of mental causation. He accepts Lewiss restricted
identities and shows how the argument from multiple re-
alisability and special sciences can be turned against itself.
The argument says that a mental property (like pain) can
be realised in physically different systems, and thus can-
not be identified with a disjunction of realising its physical
properties because disjunctions do not constitute natural
kinds. But if one accepts that physically different systems
are systems where diverse causal principles are in oper-
ation, that mental properties have the causal powers of
their realisers (causal inheritance principle) and that nat-
ural kinds are individuated by their causal powers, the

implication is that mental properties do not constitute

natural kinds either. It follows that there is no psychol-
ogy as a general science, that scientific psychology is only
possible for individual species or organism types. What
then is the status of mental properties? Kim concludes
that there are no mental properties (no such thing as
pain in general) but only mental concepts, thus coming
close to eliminativism. However, this raises questions: if
there are no mental properties, what are our mental con-
cepts concepts of? how can we explain the continuity be-
tween species and the validity of comparative psychol-
ogy? The task for a reductionist thus becomes to reduce
mental properties without eliminating them. This might
be achieved by: (1) accepting realism about higher-order
properties (Lewis, Jackson); (2) holding that there must
be a single property underlying the disjunction (once con-
templated by Kim); (3) weakening the connection be-
tween natural kinds and complete causal homogeneity
(Ned Block).
Further reading: Block (1997); Kim (2002)

Reference see Sense and Reference

Referential Opacity see Propositional Attitudes

Reification: consideration of something for which there is a

noun in the language as if at were a real entity (res thing)
whereas it may in fact be a process, a nonentity, a mental

Relativism: the view that the way people perceive and think
about the world is determined by the language they speak
(linguistic relativism) or the practices of their community
(cultural or conceptual relativism), and that knowledge

and truth are relative to the perspective of ones culture

(epistemological relativism).

Representation: that which stands for something else within

a different medium. A photograph can be a representa-
tion of a building, not being a building itself. Similarly,
mental states can represent the external worlds objects,
properties and relations while being entities internal to
the mind. Representation is central to understanding in-
tentionality in a naturalistic way. Instead of thinking that
the mind is directed towards some abstract entities like
propositions, one can understand propositional attitudes
(beliefs, desires) as mental phenomena and extend the
class of intentional states. However, one must be careful
to distinguish between the contents and the vehicles of
representations. Whereas the vehicle of a representation is
a certain brain state, its content is that which the represen-
tation is about. Understanding representations as internal
information-carrying states mediating between psycho-
logical processes in virtue of their contents is central to
cognitive science. But there is also the problem of form:
how do minds/brains represent? The language of thought
(LOT) hypothesis says that mental representation is sym-
bolic. It is thus discrete or digital because each symbol has
specific content. But in analogue or continuous represen-
tation specific contents cannot be assigned to individual
parts (this understanding differs from the original notion
introduced to explain non-conceptual content). Oppo-
nents of LOT argue for the continuous nature of men-
tal representation holding that minds represent the way
pictures or holograms do (image theory, imagery) and the
way maps do (analytic functionalism); that representation
is distributed over subsymbolic units (connectionism) or
systems larger than an organism (dynamical systems, ex-
tended mind).
Further reading: Dietrich and Markman (2003)

Representational Theory of Mind (RTM): the view that inten-

tional states (thoughts, beliefs, etc.) represent the world
(actual or possible) and are semantically evaluable (may
be true or false). Anticipated by Plato, Aristotle, Ockham
and early modern representationalism, RTM, which is the
main thesis of classical cognitive science, is the view that
a language of thought is the medium of mental represen-
Further reading: Sterelny (1990)

Representationalism: the theory of perception (particularly

vision) which holds that perceptual processes are
computational-inferential processes that deliver represen-
tations of distal objects and properties on the basis of
proximal (retinal) stimulations. Historically, the view that
the mind operates on representations the precursor
of the representational theory of mind is found in
Descartes, Malebranche, Locke and Hume. According to
it perception is the process whereby the mind receives
its sensations or particular ideas of things. These were
thought to be picture-like mental copies of external ob-
jects, which rendered perception indirect: access to the
world was access to ones representations of it. The view
was attacked by Arnauld, Foucher, Berkeley and Reid,
who rejected mental representations and argued that it
created the veil of perception, leaving the mind out of
touch with reality. Today representationalism is the lead-
ing approach to perception, though the issue of imme-
diate objects of perceptual experience separates its two
varieties. Direct representationalism holds that we per-
ceive the external world through our representations of
it. Its proponents escape the veil by accepting direct real-
ism (as does, for example, Andrew Brook), and it is often
combined with representationalism about consciousness.
In contrast, indirect representationalism emphasises the
similarity between veridical and non-veridical perception

with respect to internal processes (the argument from

illusion) and holds that we perceive brain-generated
picture-like representations, the end products of causal
processes beginning at the retina (direct brain stimula-
tion can result in visual experience). It thus bears a cer-
tain resemblance to the sense-datum theory, and it is not
surprising that Descartes and Locke are often mentioned
as the precursers of the latter as well.

Representationalism about Consciousness (intentionalism):

although the phrase is also used to include higher-order
theories of consciousness, more commonly it designates
the view that phenomenal states are representational
or intentional states wholly determined by what they
represent, by their content (Dretske, Michael Tye, Gilbert
Harman, Jackson). It reconsiders the nature of qualia,
viewing them not as intrinsic properties of experience but
as properties of external objects that experience repre-
sents these objects as having: every phenomenal difference
implies representational difference. It views sensory expe-
rience as transparent or diaphanous, giving us access to
the world via our representations of it and allowing us to
form beliefs about it. Connecting phenomenal conscious-
ness with intentionality, representationalism gives the for-
mer a clear biological function and is in a position to rec-
oncile it with physicalism. However, some philosophers
doubt that it can be extended to other phenomenal states
like sensations or emotions (orgasm, anxiety, pain) and
give counterexamples to its account of perceptual states
(inverted Earth). In order to account for differences be-
tween conscious and non-conscious representation, rep-
resentation in perception and belief and representation in
different sensory modalities, one may need to distinguish
between pure representationalism which identifies any
phenomenal property with the property of representing

a certain content and more commonly held (implicitly or

explicitly) impure representationalism which in addition
includes intentional modes or manners of representa-
tion such as representing a content visually perceptu-
ally. David Chalmers argues that because drawing these
finer distinctions seems to require the notion of phenom-
enal representation, representationalism cannot accom-
plish the reduction of the phenomenal. Chalmers and
other philosophers also object to representationalisms
commitment to externalism, holding that the the phenom-
enal character of experience must be fixed internally.
Further reading: Dretske (1995); Tye (1995); Chalmers

Rigid Designator see Causal Theory of Reference

Russell, Bertrand (18721970): English philosopher and lo-

gician, one of the founders of analytical philosophy. In
On denoting (1905) Russell formulated three puzzles
about denotation (hence intentionality), observing that
denoting phrases (indefinite and definite descriptions) do
not always denote existing entities. But how can one truly
believe of a non-existent individual (like the present King
of France) that it does not exist if using a denoting phrase
presupposes its existence (the puzzle of true negative ex-
istential beliefs)? A related puzzle concerns the violation
of the law of identity in contexts created by propositional
attitudes. To eliminate the view that something is always
denoted by such phrases, Russell proposed to analyse
statements of the form the F is G as statements whose
logical form is: there is an x such that Fx, and for any y,
if Fy then y = x, and Gx. He also proposed that some
names are abbreviated definite descriptions (thus Apollo
abbreviates the sun-god) and in Principia Mathematica
extended this analysis (theory of definite descriptions) to

all proper names. This was motivated by his distinction

between knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by
description, and the view that genuine singular thoughts
involve direct acquaintance with individuals, hence that
the only logically proper names (names referring directly
to objects) are words for the immediately experienced
sense-data (this, that) and universals. These consider-
ations later led him to phenomenalism, and then neutral
Further reading: Russell (1956)

Ryle, Gilbert (190076): English philosopher, the founder of

logical behaviourism. Ryle launched an attack against
Cartesian substance dualism which views the mind as a
special kind of existence to which we have privileged
access. But this view was undermined by Freud, and Ryle
calls it the dogma of the ghost in the machine. It com-
mits a category mistake by claiming that internal pro-
cesses stand behind a persons behaviour. In contrast Ryle
argues that having a mind is having behavioural dispo-
sitions or knowledge-how, and illustrates this with the
example of intelligence: are there any criteria of intelli-
gence other than intelligent behaviour?
Further reading: Ryle (1949)

Ryles Regress (homunculus argument): a problem for repre-

sentationalism, and by extension the computational and
representational theory of mind, inspired by Ryles argu-
ments. If the mind operates on representations, then there
must be someone who interprets them, and so one has to
postulate a homunculus (a tiny person) inside the head for
the result of every causal representation-transformational
process, thus resulting in an infinite regress. The prob-
lem has several aspects: (1) the difficulty one has with
understanding how physical entities can carry and read

off information (but consider DNA); (2) the fear that it

will lead one to postulate the Cartesian self; and (3) the
suspicion that positing internal representations does not
really explain perceptual experience like seeing.

Sartre, Jean-Paul (190580): French philosopher who devel-
oped an existentialist version of phenomenology. Con-
cerned with the issues of intentionality and conscious-
ness, Sartre began with studying imagination where the
relation of consciousness to the non-existent is the most
evident. He opposed Husserl, whom he interpreted as
holding that reality is immanent to consciousness, and
later introduced the categories of the in-itself (en-soi), the
transphenomenal being of things extending beyond ap-
pearances, and the for-itself (pour-soi) or consciousness
constantly reconstituting the phenomenal being includ-
ing itself. With the pour-soi nothingness comes into be-
ing because it is the nihilation (neantisation) of the en-soi:
looking for someone who is not there we introduce noth-
ingness into the otherwise complete being. Sartres under-
standing of consciousness as non-substantial (one is not
a self but a presence-to-self) underlies his views on abso-
lute human freedom: at every moment one has to choose
oneself and is the true author of ones actions. Thinking
that ones actions are determined by ones external situ-
ation or ones internal nature is a kind of self-deception,
bad faith (mauvaise foi) which leads to anguish.
Further reading: Sartre [1943] (1953)

Scepticism: to be a sceptic about X is to deny that it exists

because knowledge of its existence is impossible. Scep-
ticism was a school of thought in ancient philosophy

(founded by Pyrrho of Elis, c.361270 bc, developed by

Aenesidemus of Cnossos and Sextus Empiricus) which
criticised any attempt (particularly that of the Stoics) to
go beyond appearances. Another school, Academic scep-
ticism (founded by Arcesilaus in the 200s bc) was less
radical in its outlook and concentrated on uncovering
difficulties in various philosophical positions.

Schizophrenia: mental disorder characterised by abnormal

thought, perception, mood, emotional experience and
behaviour. Delusions are characteristic of paranoid
schizophrenia. Thus people suffering from Capgras delu-
sion fail to recognise their acquaintances, believing that
they have been replaced by impostors, and those suf-
fering from the thought insertion delusion believe that
their thoughts are not their own. Its other symptoms
include auditory hallucinations (hearing voices), social
withdrawal (impaired theory of mind) and difficulty with
forming a stable self-conception. It is unclear whether dif-
ferent forms of schizophrenia constitute a single disorder,
but there seems to be a progressive worsening in the unity
of consciousness to the stage where patients appear un-
aware of temporal and spacial unity between objects or
are even unable to represent unified objects. Reproduc-
ing the original insight of Eugen Bleuler who described
schizophrenia as a splitting of the psychic functions
(1911), some researchers suggest today that schizophre-
nia results from the disrupted integrity of neural circuits.

Searle, John R. (b.1932): American philosopher of language

and mind, for whom the central notion is that of con-
sciousness. Searle rejects the mindbody problem formu-
lated in terms of whether mental phenomena are phys-
ical or non-physical, and advocates biological natural-
ism, according to which conscious mental phenomena

are higher-level features of the brain, both caused by neu-

robiological processes and irreducibly subjective (close
to emergentism). This view underlies his understanding
of intentionality. By Searles connection principle inten-
tional states can be unconscious only if they are in prin-
ciple available to subjective awareness. Thus only (po-
tentially) conscious states possess intrinsic, as opposed to
interpreter-relative, intentionality. Intentional states are
distinguished by their aspectual shape (intensionality),
they represent things under an aspect (desire for wa-
ter is different from desire for H2 O), but the determi-
nation of aspectual shape is only possible for conscious
states. Because Searle recognises only two types of pro-
cesses in the mind/brain intentional or subjective and
brutally neurophysiological he is also a major critic of
functionalism (the Background), the computational the-
ory of mind (Chinese room), and later, the very notion of
Further reading: Searle (1992)

Secondary Qualities see Primary and Secondary Qualities

Self, The: that to which each of us presumably refers when

saying I, which ensures our unity of consciousness and
personal identity, which possibly survives the destruction
of the body, the soul. Conceiving of the mind as surviving
the annihilation of the physical world, Descartes made
the self, a simple indivisible thinking substance (Carte-
sian ego), a major topic in modern philosophy. Similar
views existed long before Descartes in many religious tra-
ditions, and his cogito argument was anticipated by Avi-
cennas flying man suddenly coming into existence with
full awareness of his self but no sensation coming from
the external world as he is suspended in an empty space.
But as Descartes also originated representationalism, the

conception of the conscious self as the bearer of sensations

and ideas (labelled by Dennett the Cartesian theatre view
of consciousness) proved extremely persistent. Holding
that the self cannot be given in perception and we can
form no idea of it, Berkeley, however, admitted it into
his philosophy as the notion we have of our awareness of
ideas, necessary for understanding the human person but
not given to us with clarity. And, although Hume denied
the existence of a single unified self, noting that he can
never catch himself without a perception and concluding
that there is nothing to the mind beyond a bundle of indi-
vidual states (bundle theory of the self), the idea of the self
being a product of imagination, he remained dissatisfied
with his solution. Kant, who shared Humes scepticism
about the empirical ego, acknowledged that the pure ego
(I think) must accompany all conscious experience as
a transcendental principle. Today, when substance dual-
ism no longer seems acceptable in the scientific picture
of the world, the problem becomes to understand self-
consciousness without postulating the enduring self.

Self-Consciousness: awareness of oneself. In modern philos-

ophy through Brentano to phenomenology this often im-
plied being aware of ones self as the subject of expe-
riences and the author of thoughts and actions. While
this classical view sees reflexive awareness of ones men-
tal states or apperception (Leibnizs term) as inseparable
from and necessary for genuine consciousness, analytical
philosophy mostly concentrated on the semantic problem
of de se beliefs and the question of self-knowledge. Re-
cently higher-order theories returned to the issue of what
makes mental states conscious, while other researchers
addressed the nature of our self-concept. These two prob-
lems were also shaped by Descartes: (1) we can think of

our bodies, but not our minds, as aggregates of parts,

for taking anything away from our minds seems incon-
ceivable; and (2) inner awareness of ones thought and
existence is so innate . . . that . . . we cannot fail to have it.
To escape substance dualism, the best strategy might be to
argue for eliminativism about the self (Dennett): nothing
real corresponds to our self-concept which emerges from
the chaining together of various contents by cognitive
subsystems as an ongoing narrative. But one should be
careful not to eliminate with it our sense of the self whose
disruption may underlie autism, schizophrenia and mul-
tiple personality disorders. Besides, a bundle of contents
cannot itself create self-perspectivalness which is a basic
psychological property of experiencing organisms, and
understanding self-consciousness through the mastery of
the first-person pronoun is misleading (Susan Hurley, Jose
Luis Bermudez). Organisms capacity to navigate and ex-
plore their environments already requires that they rep-
resent objects and locations relative to themselves, the
experiencing subjects (the ecological self).
Further reading: Bermudez (1998); Metzinger (2003)

Self-Deception: failure to acknowledge to oneself a truth be-

cause of the interference of ones other interests (for exam-
ple, refusing to admit that one is being deceived by a dear
person despite all the evidence pointing to it). The para-
dox of self-deception results when one considers that or-
dinary deception requires two agents, only one of whom
knows the truth: how can the same agent both know and
not know a truth? One solution is to partition the self fol-
lowing Freud. Another is to hold that such people do not
have contradictory beliefs but fail to arrive at the correct
Further reading: Mele (2001)

Self-Knowledge: knowledge of ones own mental states. Fol-

lowing Descartes is was often held that our knowl-
edge of our conscious mind is epistemically privileged in
comparison with other kinds of knowledge (privileged
access). It appears direct, unmediated, non-inferential
and thus certain, secure and even infallible. We obtain
it via introspection and are the ultimate judges of the
content of our conscious states (first-person authority).
For Descartes, such was our knowledge of the persist-
ing self. This view was criticised by Kant who argued
that we can know only how we represent ourselves to
be, not how we really are. It was further attacked by
Freud, James, Ryle, Wittgenstein and Sellars. But they
showed that our minds are not completely transparent
to us, which leaves it open whether some conscious
states may have a special status. We can be mistaken
about our internal states: people often have false be-
liefs about their desires and motivations, they misiden-
tify their emotions and rationalise their reasoning and
choice. But there is a different twist to the idea that be-
ing in a mental state we know that we are in it. Sydney
Shoemaker noted that one cannot fail to refer to oneself
or be mistaken about oneself (I) being in some mental
state (I am having such and such experience). This im-
munity to error through misidentification relative to the
first-person pronoun suggests important connections be-
tween self-consciousness and rationality. Self-knowledge
is also addressed in the externalisminternalism debate
with internalists arguing that externalism is incompati-
ble with self-knowledge because our knowledge of our
thoughts seems unaffected by the environment we are
Further reading: Shoemaker (1994); Ludlow and
Martin (1998)

Sellars, Wilfrid (191289): American philosopher, the first

proponent of functional role semantics (about language).
His interest was in the discrepancy between the scien-
tific image of man and the manifest image that we have
of ourselves as perceivers of a three-dimensional coloured
world, thinkers and agents, and that is found in the peren-
nial philosophy which takes elements of the manifest im-
age for real features of the world. This underlined his ear-
lier rejection of the myth of the given, and his view that
awareness (sapience or reflexive consciousness as distinct
from mere sentience or sensation) and thought are lin-
guistic affairs.
Further reading: Sellars (1963)

Semantics: (1) the study of relations between mental represen-

tations and their meaning or content (psychosemantics);
(2) possession of content by mental representations.

Sensations: (1) bodily states (called feelings in discussions of

emotions) like pains, itches, tickles, pangs, throbs, tingles,
burnings, hunger, thirst, nausea, experience of warmth
and cold, etc. caused by physiological changes. One much
debated issue is whether in addition to their phenomenal
feels (qualia) sensations also have representational con-
tent (consider proprioception, the sensation of body po-
sition and movement); (2) as used in earlier discussions of
perception, that which is delivered by sense experience.

Sense and Reference: two components of meaning isolated

by Frege. Reference is the relation between an expres-
sion and that object or property that it picks out in the
world, whereas sense is the manner in which it does so.
For Frege, sense determines reference, because senses are
had by propositions rather than their constituents. The

causal theory of reference challenges Freges view. This

distinction is paralleled by those between intension and
extension, connotation and denotation, and cognitive
and intentional mental content.

Sense-Data: sensible qualities, quite literally data, presented

by the senses to consciousness. In later versions of the
sense-datum theory they are taken to be mental objects
or private entities given to the mind.

Sense-Datum Theory: the theory of perception (primarily vi-

sion) which holds that the immediate objects of ones
awareness in perceptual experience are sense-data rather
than ordinary physical objects. Appearing in early mod-
ern philosophy, it became prominent in the early twenti-
eth century in the work of G. E. Moore and C. D. Broad
and was dominant until recently, counting among its ad-
vocates Frank Jackson and presently Howard Robinson.
The theory builds on the following premises: (1) that of
which a person is aware in perceptual experience is the
object of experience; and (2) veridical and non-veridical
perceptual experiences feel subjectively the same (the ar-
gument from illusion). Because we cannot be sure that
objects and properties that experience presents us with
really exist (secondary qualities), it concludes that there
must be certain private non-physical entities which consti-
tute the immediate object of ones perceptual experiences,
have the experienced qualities (qualia) and are revealed
in introspection. It opposes direct representationalism in
emphasising the phenomenal nature of experience. How-
ever, the theory, whose critics include Austin and Place,
is problematic because the nature of sense-data and their
relation to physical objects and perceivers neural states is
obscure, it leads to (attribute) dualism, it creates the veil
of perception, it commits the phenomenological fallacy

and it disrupts the connection between perception and

knowledge of the external world.
Further reading: Jackson (1977)

Sententialism see Language of Thought

Silicon Chip Replacement: a thought experiment devised by

Zenon Pylyshyn to argue against Searles view that the
brains biological properties are essential for mentality.
For any mental state (like pain) one can imagine that the
participating neurons are replaced one by one with silicon
chip prostheses so that the causal properties of the total
integrated circuit are preserved. After all the neurons have
been replaced, the mental state will not change its identity,
which suggests that it is causal, not biological, properties
that underlie the workings of the mind.
Further reading: Pylyshyn (1984)

Simulation Theory: the view, opposed to the theory theory,

that our understanding of other minds is not mediated by
a theory of mind, but involves imaginative simulation of
others mental processes that we would have in similar
situations (Jane Heal, Robert Gordon, Alvin Goldman).
However, it has to explain how we manage to master
mental concepts and know our own mental states. Some
researchers hold that it complements the theory theory
rather than opposes it, and others find support for it in
the discovery of mirror neurons (but more recent evidence
suggests that empathy and theory of mind are subserved
by different, although overlapping, brain systems).
Further reading: Carruthers and Smith (1996)

Singular: about a concrete particular.

Situated Cognition see Embedded Cognition


Smart, John J. C. (b.1920): English-born Australian philoso-

pher, one of the originators of the identity theory. Initially
a proponent of logical behaviourism, he was converted by
Place, made prominent the notion of identity in the for-
mulation of the theory and generalised it to propositional
attitudes (beliefs, desires). He proposed to analyse sensa-
tion reports in topic-neutral terms (there is something
going on which is like what is going on when . . . ) to ex-
plain how introspectable sensations can be identical with
brain processes, thus paving the way for the causal theory
of mind.
Further reading: Smart (1959)

Solipsism: the belief that only ones own mind and immediate
experience really exist.

Soul see Person

Spandrel see Evolution

Special Sciences: elaboration of the multiple realisability ar-

gument by Fodor. Reductionism is too strong a con-
straint on the unity of science if it requires that accept-
able theories in the special sciences (geology, economics,
psychology) be ultimately reducible to physics (as im-
plies Nagelian reduction). Special sciences employ pred-
icates which are unique to them and allow them to for-
mulate counterfactual-supporting generalisations about
events whose physical realisations may have nothing in
common (one can make generalisations about monetary
exchanges irrespective of the physical nature of the stuff
that functions as money in different communities). Special
sciences are autonomous and irreducible because higher-
order properties they deal with are multiply realisable at
lower physical levels, such that none of them (like the

property of being a mountain) may be identified with a

single physical property. But identifying a higher-order
property with a (potentially open-ended) disjunction of
physical properties realising it is also an unacceptable so-
lution because disjunctions cannot form natural kinds.
Thus, if psychological properties are multiply realisable
(across species and, due to neural plasticity, within the
same species or the same individual), psychology is au-
tonomous from and irreducible to neurology.
Further reading: Fodor (1974)

Spinoza, Baruch (Benedict) (163277): Dutch Jewish philoso-

pher, the originator of attribute dualism. Spinoza ques-
tioned Descartes premise that a substance must have only
one defining attribute, and argued that there can be only
one substance or self-subsistent being, which is God, for
everything owes its existence to Him. But God is not dis-
tinct from nature, and every individual existent is a mode
or state (affectio) of this only substance, God or nature
(deus sive natura). It presents itself to reason under the
attributes of thought and extension, as mind and matter,
which are different aspects or parallel expressions of the
same reality (parallelism). This truth can be grasped by
reason when, analysing the order and relation of ideas
identical to those of things, it arrives at the complete idea
of God (rationalism). Desires and emotions (bodily af-
fects or modifications, corporis affectiones) prevent one
from realising the true causes of things and the necessary
character of all events. But by understanding their mo-
tivations, people can begin to control and modify their
emotions (Spinozas psychological psychiatry).
Further reading: Spinoza (1994)

Split Brains: the existence of two dissociable centres of con-

sciousness in patients after brain bisection operations or

commisurotomy (surgical severance of the corpus callo-

sum, the great commissure consisting of axons connecting
the cortex of the two hemispheres, practised in the 1960s
to prevent epileptic activity spreading from one hemi-
sphere to the other). The dissociation appears in carefully
controlled conditions when visual stimuli are presented
to only one hemisphere. Because the left hemisphere con-
trols speech in most people, such patients become unable
to describe anything to the left of their visual fixation
points (they say they see nothing or deny that there is any-
thing in their left hand) without appearing disturbed by
it. These studies, showing two independent brains con-
trolling different halves of the body, questioned the exis-
tence of the unifying self and provoked much discussion
about personal identity: are there two persons in one
body? one person split between two bodies? or is there
a one and a half persons? Outside the laboratory, how-
ever, split-brains people usually show no disturbance of
the unity of consciousness, retaining awareness of them-
selves as subjects.
Further reading: Nagel (1971)

Strawson, Peter F. (19192006): English philosopher who de-

fended the ordinary view of the world against scepticism
and the revisionary metaphysics of philosophers like Sell-
ars. (This term of Strawsons is now commonly applied to
eliminative materialism.) Philosophical reflection should
begin with taking for granted the background framework
of our thought: distinguishing persons from bodies and
viewing the concept of person as primitive, admitting
that in perception we are immediately aware of mind-
external things, or noticing that being self-conscious re-
quires recognising the self-consciousness of others.
Further reading: Strawson (1959)

Strong AI see Artificial Intelligence

Subdoxastic: that of which a person cannot be aware in belief

(doxa). Subdoxastic states are subpersonal states charac-
terising low-level information processing.

Subliminal: below the threshold of conscious perception.

Substance Dualism see Dualism

Supervenience: a relation of dependence between two (sets

of) properties: B supervenes on A iff whenever A is in-
stantiated, B is instantiated too. The notion is employed
in externalisminternalism debates and discussions of
the mindbody problem where it was introduced by
Davidson (anomalous monism) to capture the idea of de-
pendence without reducibility. To say that the mental su-
pervenes on the physical is to say that the physical nature
of a thing or event wholly determines its mental proper-
ties, that there is no mental difference without physical
difference. This can be elaborated in several ways. Thus
weak supervenience is the claim that, for every possi-
ble world, if two entities are physically indistinguishable,
they are also mentally indistinguishable. But this notion
is too weak for physicalism, because, applying to only
one world, it permits worlds, physically like ours, where
amoebae have mentality but humans havent. Thus one
needs strong supervenience the claim that for any indi-
viduals x and y and worlds w1 and w2 if these individuals
in their respective worlds are physically indistinguishable,
they are also mentally indistinguishable. This idea and the
notion of supervenience base were used by proponents
of non-reductive physicalism to argue for the reality of
mental causation as supervenient causation. But because

of the problem of mental causation, one may argue for

global supervenience the claim that any two worlds
that are physically indistinguishable are mentally indis-
tinguishable (though Kim holds that it does not avoid the
problem). Finally, supervenience physicalism is the thesis
that physicalism is true if, and only if, every world that is
a minimal (nothing added) physical duplicate of the ac-
tual world is its duplicate simpliciter (Jackson).
Further reading: Kim (1993); Jackson (1993)

Supervenience Argument see Mental Causation

Supervenience base (subvenient physical base:) a (open-

ended) series of physical properties the instantiation of
each of which is sufficient for the instantiation of a given
mental property.

Supervenient Behaviourism see Logical Behaviourism

Swampman: a creature invented by Davidson to test his the-

ory of meaning, but often used to argue against external-
ism, teleological functionalism and the teleological the-
ory of content. Swampman comes into existence after
lightning hits a tree and is an exact physical replica of
Davidson so nobody can tell one from the other. Histor-
ical theories must deny him intentional states because he
does not have any evolutionary or developmental history,
and many people find this conclusion counterintuitive.
Further reading: Davidson (1987)

Symbol Grounding Problem: the problem for the computa-

tional theory of mind formulated by Steven Harnad. Even
if the mind is a symbol-manipulating device, one must ex-
plain how meaning or content attaches to symbols. For

Harnad, the meaning of symbols must be grounded in sen-

sorimotor capacities (robotic functions) and the phenom-
enal character of experience, which may be the brains
solution to the problem, but the CTM has no resources
to capture that.
Further reading: Harnad (1990)

Synaesthesia: a condition in which the perception of a certain

kind of stimuli is systematically accompanied by normally
unrelated perceptual experiences from the same or a dif-
ferent sensory modality (letters or musical notes are per-
ceived as having their own colours). Its existence supports
the privileged status of phenomenal self-knowledge and
may pose problems for representationalism about con-

Syntactic Engine: according to some philosophers, the mind

understood from the perspective of scientific psychology.
Stephen Stich argued that if the computational theory of
mind is right and if intentional states (beliefs, desires)
have broad content, then content is irrelevant to psycho-
logical explanation. Scientific psychology must provide a
causal explanation of what happens inside the mind/brain
but broad contents fail to supervene on physiology. Thus
folk psychologys appeal to the content of mental states
in explaining behaviour (John stretched his hand towards
the bottle because he wanted to drink and thought that
there was water in the bottle) is unscientific, and cog-
nitive psychology should not individuate mental states
by their semantic properties. Besides, such individuation
is impossible because of the holism and pragmatic sensi-
tivity of content attribution (when we say that someone
wants or believes something we invoke a similarity judge-
ment which is vague and context-dependent). Thus even

narrow content cannot help the representational theory

of mind, and viewing the mind as a semantic engine is
mistaken. Stich called this the principle of psychologi-
cal autonomy; it is also known as the syntactic theory of
the mind, and is nothing other than eliminativism about
content. The approach was adopted by proponents of
eliminative materialism and later modified through their
acceptance of connectionism (but Stich always accepted
the autonomy of psychology and later criticised elimina-
tivism about mental concepts).
Further reading: Stich (1983)

Systematicity: the property of thought and language in virtue

of which if one can think that Mary loves John one
can also think that John loves Mary. The systematicity
of thought may require that representation in the mind/
brain have the form of a language of thought.
Further reading: Fodor and Pylyshyn (1988)

Tacit Knowledge: a set of internally represented innate know-
ledge structures that explain our folk non-scientific com-
petence in various domains of experience. Inspired by
Chomskys idea of universal grammar, developmental
psychologists proposed theories of folk physics (from in-
fancy peoples interaction with objects is guided by the
principles of continuity and solidity Elizabeth Spelke),
folk biology (essentialism Frank Keil) and folk psychol-
ogy (theory of mind).
Further reading: Keil (1989); Spelke (1990)

Teleological: involving a purpose, end or goal.


Teleological Functionalism (teleofunctionalism): the variety

of functionalism which avoids the too liberal assignment
of mental states by holding that the functional organi-
sation of beings with genuine mentality must be char-
acterised teleologically in terms of functions their states
acquired in the course of evolution.

Teleological Theory of Content (teleosemantics): uses the no-

tion of biological function to explain how mental repre-
sentations can have content. Parts of biological organ-
isms are ascribed functions because their performance
contributed to the fitness and survival of these organ-
isms ancestors. These functions were selected for in the
course of evolution. Thats why the function of the heart
is to pump blood and not to make thumping noises. The
biological notion of function is teleological and norma-
tive: it refers to what parts of organisms are supposed to
do and permits the possibility of malfunctioning. Thus
mechanisms producing mental representations similarly
have the production of certain true representations as
their teleofunctions. To use the classical example: before
the frog snaps its tongue at a fly, its visual system goes
into the representational state that corresponds to the
presence of a fly (that is its teleofunction). In this way,
contents of representational states derive from functions
of the mechanisms that produce them. This may seem
to solve the problem of misrepresentation, but it was ar-
gued by Dretske and Fodor that because it is indetermi-
nate how one should describe the functions of biologi-
cal mechanisms, no determinate contents can be assigned
to representations produced by them. (What is it exactly
that the frogs visual system represents: flies? flies-or-bee-
bees? small black moving things?) This is the problem of
functional indeterminacy similar to the disjunction prob-
lem. Solutions to it were proposed by Fred Dretske, Ruth

Millikan, David Papineau and Karen Neander. Other

problems include Swampman and the need to account for
concepts that have no immediate impact on organisms

Theory of Mind (TOM): an implicit theory we employ in ex-

plaining other peoples behaviour by attributing to them
internal states like beliefs and desires (folk psychology).
Its existence is defended by the theory theory and de-
nied by the simulation theory. Within the theory the-
ory researchers are divided between viewing it as a re-
sult of our domain-general theory-forming capacity (Josef
Perner, Henry Wellman, Alison Gopnik) and viewing it as
constituting tacit knowledge or even falling under com-
putational modularity (Simon Baron-Cohen, Alan Leslie,
Gabriel Segal). Discussion centres on false-belief tasks
which show that children acquire an understanding of
false beliefs only at the age of four or five (three-year-
olds do not understand that someone can have a false
belief, for example, about where something is). Accord-
ing to Perner, the designer of the task, between the ages
of three and four children develop new concepts and un-
dergo a major conceptual change similar to conceptual
change in science. However, this view is problematic as
the same pattern is exhibited by all normally developing
children regardless of differences in general intelligence
and learning ability. The existence of such correlation is
also contradicted by data on Williams syndrome.
Further reading: Carruthers and Smith (1996)

Theory Theory: (1) the view that our understanding of other

minds is mediated by an implicit theory, the theory of
mind, which, as Lewis noted, resembles a scientific theory
in using a number of interconnected theory-specific terms;

(2) a psychological theory of concepts according to which

concepts are sets of beliefs or mini-theories of categories
that they represent in thought (Susan Carey, Frank Keil).
However, as a version of semantic holism, the theory fails
to meet the publicity constraint.

Thought and Language: the view that thought is linguis-

tic, that natural language is necessary for (propositional)
thought, as its consequence or condition, is quite wide-
spread. However, this cognitive conception of language
is relatively new, becoming prominent in the twentieth
century and replacing the image theory. This view origi-
nates with Freges analysis of the intentionality of thought
through the logical structure of language and his linguis-
tic holism (words have meaning only in the context of a
sentence). Thus Michael Dummett holds that language
must be primary to thought in the order of explana-
tion because the ascription of thoughts is a matter of in-
terpretation, that only verbalised thought is sufficiently
uniform for that purpose, and that verbal formulations
cannot adequately represent the content of mental pro-
cesses of languageless creatures who do not possess the
requisite concepts. But if one ties concept possession to
natural language and accepts a public theory of linguis-
tic meaning, one receives a stronger conception which
denies languageless thought and even views thought it-
self as subvocal saying (behaviourism, Sellars, Davidson,
Dennett). Contrasted with this conception is the commu-
nicative conception of language according to which lin-
guistic expressions inherit their semantic properties from
thoughts they conventionally express and language must
be analysed in terms of speakers communicative inten-
tions. This view, which finds significant empirical sup-
port, is particularly associated with Grice, but also with

Russell, Lewis, Searle, Fodor and other proponents of the

representational theory of mind.
Further reading: Carruthers and Boucher (1998)

Thought Experiment: an experiment done mentally, only

with the help of imagination. While thought experiments
predicting a certain course of events were also employed
in hard sciences, particularly physics, some people feel
that many thought experiments in philosophy of mind
are unreliable intuition pumps. Although they often help
clarify conceptual issues, some of them are too unspecific
in detail, for example, to be run as a computer simulation.

Transcendent: beyond the limits of possible experience, un-

available in experience.

Transcendental: (1) constituting a necessary precondition of

any experience; (2) concerning transcendent matters.

Transcendental Naturalism: the view that certain philosoph-

ical problems cannot be solved because of the natural
limitations on human cognitive abilities.

Turing, Alan M. (191254): English mathematician, one of

the originators of artificial intelligence and the computa-
tional theory of mind. Working on computable numbers
he described the universal computing machine known as
the Turing machine (Alonzo Churchs term), the fore-
bearer of the modern digital computer, and later formu-
lated the Turing test to evaluate machine intelligence.

Turing Machine: a device imagined by Turing in developing

the notion of computation. A Turing machine consists
of an infinitely long tape divided into squares with sym-
bols from a finite alphabet printed in some of them and a

reading-writing device which moves along the tape scan-

ning the symbols. The device executes a set of instructions
specified in its machine table so that upon encountering
a certain symbol it can replace it with a different symbol
and then move left or right by one square. This way, de-
spite its seeming simplicity, the machine is able to trans-
form any input into any output if the two are related
through a computable function.

Turing Test: a behavioural test (imitation game) devised by

Turing to determine whether an artificial system possesses
intelligence. Considering the ability to maintain conver-
sation as a mark of intelligence, Turing proposes that if
after interrogating by teletype a human and a machine
for a period of time, a human judge cannot tell which is
which, the machine should be considered intelligent.
Further reading: Turing (1950)

Twin-Earth: a planet invented by Putnam to argue that sense

does not determine reference. The argument was initially
formulated for linguistic meaning (meanings just aint
in the head), but Putnam later accepted its extension to
psychological states (externalism). Twin-Earth is like our
Earth in all respects except one: the stuff indistinguishable
from water in all its observational properties is not H2 O
but a totally different chemical substance XYZ (twin-
water). Imagine that Oscar from Earth has an exact inter-
nal duplicate on Twin-Earth, Twin-Oscar. Knowing noth-
ing about waters and twin-waters microstructure (the
thought experiment is set in 1750), they both may think
about the substances on their planets under the same de-
scription colourless, odourless substance found in rivers,
lakes and seas, falling from the sky as rain and used by
people for drinking. But Oscars and Twin-Oscars seem-
ingly identical beliefs which they both express using the

word water (Water quenches thirst) cannot have the

same content because the reference of their water words
and their respective psychological states were formed
in different physical environments. Because intentional
states (thoughts, beliefs, desires) are individuated by their
truth conditions (and concepts by their extensions),
it follows that thoughts involving natural kind concepts
must have environmentally determined broad content. In
terms of supervenience: content does not supervene on
neurophysiology because two intrinsically identical indi-
viduals may have thoughts with different content. (Al-
though this particular example is unfortunate as human
bodies are 60 per cent water, other examples like topaz-
citrine avoid this problem.)
Further reading: Putnam (1975); Pessin et al. (1996)

Two-Factor Theories: theories which hold that there are

two determinants of content of mental representations
(Hartry Field, Ned Block, Brian Loar, Colin McGinn,
William Lycan): the external determinant (specifiable by
their causal connections with the environment) and the
internal component (their conceptual roles or narrow
content). The external factor accounts for the possibil-
ity of translation and communication, but the internal
factor serves the purpose of psychological explanation.
The problem, however, is how to make the two factors
Further reading: Block (1986)

Type/Token Distinction: the distinction between a kind and

its individual instances (tokens). Thus the word advan-
tage contains three tokens of the same letter type a.

Unconscious: a state or process is unconscious if it belongs to
a low level of information processing and is in principle
unavailable to subjective awareness or if it is not expe-
rienced but could have been had attention been focused
on it. A person is considered unconscious if there is no
information processing at all and they are non-responsive
to themselves or the environment. Without further qual-
ification the term seldom has today the meaning given to
it by Freud.

Unity of Consciousness: integrated representation of the

world and oneself which involves simultaneous phenom-
enal awareness of discrete objects with their properties,
often detectable through different sensory modalities (see-
ing a ginger cat and hearing him mewing), their related ex-
istence in space and time, ones bodily sensations, overall
emotional or mood state and a flow of conscious thou-
ghts. All these experiences appear unified into a single
state of consciousness existing against the background of
ones self-awareness as their subject. This seems to re-
quire the existence of the self unifying all the different
contents of experience, but the tenability of this view was
questioned after the discovery of split brains and multiple
personalities phenomena.
Further reading: Cleeremans (2003)

Unity of Science: the view associated with logical positivism

that all sciences can be unified into a single science via the
reduction of sciences of different levels of reality to the
next lower level (psychologybiologychemistryphysics)
so that the laws of microphysics would become the basic

laws of all sciences. It was questioned by the special sci-

ences argument, but the issue of the extent to which lower-
level laws determine higher-level laws remains open.

Universals: properties expressed by general concepts and in-

stantiated by different particular things, particulars (every
cat instantiates catness or the property of being a cat).
Asking whether genera and species exist in themselves
or only in thought, Porphyry (c.232305) formulated
the problem of universals for medieval philosophy. But
its still contemporary significance transpires only in the
contrast between Aquinas realism and Ockhams nomi-
nalism. Like Aristotle, Aquinas held that knowledge be-
gins with perception. Because perception delivers univer-
sals, philosophical analysis must go back to particulars
separating properties of things known through general
concepts. By abstraction the immaterial intellect arrives
at the knowledge of the forms. In contrast, William of
Ockham (c.12851349) held that universals exist only in
thought. However, his view arguably does not stem from
Ockhams razor, the principle that plurality is not to be
posited without necessity. For Ockham, intuitive cogni-
tion begins with the direct apprehension of particulars.
Noticing similarity between them, abstractive cognition
forms general concepts which represent real objects in our
mental language (language of thought). But no particular
is necessary because God could have created things in any
other non-contradictory way (possible worlds). Leaving
aside the theology, one can see how intentionality (and the
contingency of our perception of similarity) poses diffi-
culties for non-reductive physicalism and may motivate a
priori physicalism.
Further reading: Ockham (1990); Armstrong (1989)

Veil of Perception ( experience, appearance): the prob-
lem for theories of indirect perception from which it fol-
lows that there is something like a thin film of mental
entities separating perceivers from access to the external

Veridical see Perception

Verificationism: the view, associated with logical positivism,

that the meaning of a statement expressing a proposition
is its conditions of verification.

Vision: sense modality which produces the experience of see-

ing. Because we receive most information about the world
through vision (colour vision in particular), it is central to
debates in philosophy of perception, where one must al-
ways keep in mind the ambiguity in the verb see: register-
ing visual information versus having conscious perception
of it; being directed at mind-independent objects versus
having visual experience; having versus not having con-
ceptual knowledge of what one sees (Dretskes distinction
between epistemic and non-epistemic seeing). Landmarks
of vision research include the discovery of orientation-
sensitive neurons, Marrs computational theory, and the
discovery of two visual processing systems, the dorsal
and ventral streams (M. Ungerleider and L. Mishkin,
M. A. Goodale and A. D. Milner). The dorsal stream
(the striate-posterior parietal pathway) codes visuomo-
tor information about objects spatial properties (shape,
size, orientation, location), whereas the ventral stream
(the occipital-temporal pathway) processes recognitional

information about objects which allows for their iden-

tification. Perceptual control of action can be achieved
by the dorsal stream in the absence of conscious aware-
ness, which suggests that visual phenomenal conscious-
ness requires the activation of the ventral stream (and
probably intact parietal and frontal pathways subserv-
ing attention). Another phenomenon which may throw
light on mechanisms of visual consciousness is binocular
rivalry, when different stimuli presented to the two eyes
are experienced as alternating percepts.
Further reading: Noe and Thompson (2002); Goodale
and Milner (2005)

Volition: activity of the will manifested in individual acts,


von Neumann, John (190357): American mathematician,

the designer of the first computers (NORC, MANIAC),
the forebearers of the modern digital computer (stored
program consecutive execution computing device) known
as the von Neumann machine.

Wason Selection Task: a psychological tool for testing condi-
tional reasoning (evaluating conditional rules of the form
if P then Q) designed by Peter Wason in the 1960s. The
subject is presented with four cards, for example D, F,
3 and 7, and is asked to determine whether the rule if
D is on one side, then 3 is on the other side holds. The
subject is allowed to turn over only two cards. The right
cards are D and 7, but about 90 per cent of subjects

fail the task (usually selecting D and 3). Curiously,

peoples performance improves radically if problems with
parallel structure have concrete content like If a person
is drinking beer in a bar, then the person should be over
18. The cards are, correspondingly, Is drinking beer,
Is drinking lemonade, Is over 18 and Is under 18,
and most people give the right answer. One explanation
for this content effect is that peoples practical reasoning
skills are sounder than their theoretical skills. But pro-
ponents of evolutionary psychology argue that the effect
is due to our cognitive architecture, namely the evolved
domain-specific algorithms pertaining to reasoning about
social contracts and reducing risk in hazardous situations.
Humans are social animals and must maintain group sta-
bility by making sure that it contains no free riders, that
someone who received a benefit paid a cost. The pressure
to keep track of social contracts led to the evolution of
the cheater-detection module whose operation is mani-
fested in the content effects. This conclusion is question
by proponents of the relevance theory who hold that the
effect is due to the operation of more general pragmatic
comprehension mechanisms.

What-Its-Like: Thomas Nagels characterisation of con-

sciousness as that inherently subjective aspect of mind
which cannot be captured by reductive theories (physi-
calism). A creature is conscious if there is something that
it is like to be that creature which cannot be understood
from the objective standpoint. In his knowledge argu-
ment, Jackson modified this criterion applying it to men-
tal states rather than whole organisms.
Further reading: Nagel (1974)

Wide Content see Broad Content


Will, The: in modern philosophy, the faculty of mind respon-

sible for decision, choice and action initiation. Individual
volitions were thought to be causes of movements of both
the body and the soul. This created two problems (antic-
ipated in ancient and medieval philosophy). The will as
a force directing passions to the service of intellect posed
the problem of understanding why people sometimes fail
to act out of their best judgements (akrasia or weakness
of the will). And causal determinism posed the problem of
free will. Humes sceptical view of reason as the slave of
passions received a metaphysical expression in the volun-
tarism of Arthur Schopenhauer (17881860) who identi-
fied the will with the basic force operating throughout na-
ture (man can do what he wills, but he cannot will what
he wills). With the rejection of Cartesian dualism with
its notions of the self and the conscious will there arises
the problem of epiphenomenalism about consciousness.
Benjamin Libets timing studies show that neural events
identified with the initiation of an action (moving ones
wrist or making a forced choice) precede conscious
awareness of the corresponding intention or thought by
about 350 milliseconds. This makes conscious voluntary
action unconsciously initiated: does it make conscious-
ness epiphenomenal? is consciousness causally relevant
only after the event, training the unconscious mind? is
free conscious will manifested in our ability to veto the
unconsciously initiated actions (Libets view)? why and
how do we have the subjective feeling of agency in our
Further reading: Libet (2004); Wegner (2002)

Williams Syndrome: a genetic disorder marked by significant

mental retardation. People with Williams syndrome have
impaired arithmetic, visuo-spatial, problem-solving and
theoretical reasoning abilities. However, they retain high

linguistic (perfect syntax) and theory of mind abilities

(routinely passing false-belief tests).

Wittgenstein, Ludwig (18891951): Austrian philosopher, a

major proponent of logical behaviourism. In his late phi-
losophy, noticing the heterogeneity in our use of words
(the language games we play), he questioned the power
of words to correspond to anything, especially private
sensations. Saying that they are in pain, a person can-
not be reporting a purely private state because they use a
word of a public language. But if they privately decided
to give their sensation a name P using an ostensive def-
inition this is P, they would not introduce a word of
their private language because they would fail to spec-
ify a rule for using the word correctly on later occasions
(private language argument). Reports of mental states are
not real reports capable of truth or falsity, but avowals,
pieces of linguistic behaviour that people are disposed
to manifest in various situations. Kripke emphasises that
Wittgensteins argument raises general scepticism about
rule-following: if the meaning of a word is something that
determines its correct application in novel situations, then
by defining a words meaning on the basis of its past uses
one will come up with different prescriptions for its fu-
ture use. Thus there are no internal criteria determining
the meaning of a word (or the content of a concept). These
considerations underlie Wittgensteins view that meaning
is use, that the application of a word like game to differ-
ent realities is guided by unspecific family resemblances
rather than a single common property, and that linguistic
behaviour is nothing other than a form of life.
Further reading: Wittgenstein (1953); Kripke (1982)

Wundt, Wilhelm (18321920): German philosopher, the

founder of introspective psychology and the first

psychological laboratory (Leipzig, 1875). Wundt en-

dorsed parallelism and panpsychism, but he also be-
lieved that psychological phenomena can be experimen-
tally studied by controlled introspection (observation of
ones mental experiences in response to the application of
variable sensory stimuli).

Zombies: beings physically identical to humans but lacking
phenomenal consciousness. If we can imagine them with-
out any contradiction, they are conceivable and thus pos-
sible. David Chalmers recently resurrected the zombie
idea as an argument against physicalism intended to show
that the identity of mental states with brain states cannot
be necessary because there is no a priori entailment from
physical to phenomenal facts. Critics question the move
from conceivability to possibility or address the special
nature of phenomenal concepts.

Useful collections

Block, N. (ed.) (1980), Readings in the Philosophy of Psychology,

2 volumes, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Chalmers, D. J. (ed.) (2002), Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Con-
temporary Readings, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cummins, R. and D. D. Cummins (eds) (2000), Minds, Brains and
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Oxford: Blackwell.
Heil, J. (2004), Philosophy of Mind: A Guide and An Anthology,
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lycan, W. (ed.) (1990), Mind and Cognition: A Reader, Oxford:
Lycan, W. (ed.) (1999), Mind and Cognition: An Anthology, Oxford:
OConnor, T. (2003), Philosophy of Mind: Contemporary Readings,
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Rosenthal, D. M. (ed.) (1991), The Nature of Mind, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.

Some useful companions and textbooks

Botterill, G. and P. Carruthers (1999), Philosophy of Psychology,

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Braddon-Mitchell, D. and F. Jackson (1996), Philosophy of Mind and
Cognition, Oxford: Blackwell.
Heil, J. (2004), Philosophy of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction,
2nd edn, London: Routledge.
Guttenplan, S. (ed.) (1994), A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind,
Oxford: Blackwell.
Kim, J. (2005), Philosophy of Mind, 2nd edn, Boulder, CO: Westview

Rey, G. (1997), Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: A Contentiously

Classical Approach, New York: Blackwell.
Stich, S. and T. Warfield (eds) (2003), Blackwell Guide to Philosophy
of Mind, Oxford: Blackwell.

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