Don Bosco Splendid Home 2 Terminal Examination-2017 Class-VIII English - I
Don Bosco Splendid Home 2 Terminal Examination-2017 Class-VIII English - I
Don Bosco Splendid Home 2 Terminal Examination-2017 Class-VIII English - I
2) Why does the author say that Florence was a rather serious girl? What
was Florence Nightingale asked to do? 3+3
4) Describe the thoughts as they charged for the guns of the enemy. [ The
charge of the light brigais] 6
5) How did men get the idea of paper working? What materials did men use
in other lands for writing purposes? 3+3
6) Why are Spain, North America and Canada important in the paper
making industry? How is wood pulp made? 4+2
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9) How is a roll of finished paper obtained from the machine? What process
is used for getting the pulp ready for the paper making machine? 3+3
10) What preparations did Hillary and Tenzing make for the last climb? Why
was the ridge leading to the summit so dangerous? 3+3
13) Make sentences from the following words given below:- ( any four)
Necessities, mission, entertain, horrify, perceived.
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