Don Bosco Splendid Home 2 Terminal Examination-2017 Class-VIII English - I

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2nd Terminal Examination-2017

Class- VIII
Time: - 2hr 15min F.M: 80

1) Give an summary of the poem Leisure OR The Vegabond. 10

2) Why does the author say that Florence was a rather serious girl? What
was Florence Nightingale asked to do? 3+3

3) What difficulties did Florence Nightingale meet with in the hospitals at

Scutari? How the wounded were treated in these hospitals. 3+3

4) Describe the thoughts as they charged for the guns of the enemy. [ The
charge of the light brigais] 6
5) How did men get the idea of paper working? What materials did men use
in other lands for writing purposes? 3+3

6) Why are Spain, North America and Canada important in the paper
making industry? How is wood pulp made? 4+2

7) What peculiar traits in the character of Nelson are shown in the

following remarks after he was mortally wounded?
i) For , said he ( to the surgeon), you can do nothing for me.
ii) Being informed , he replied, God bless you . Hardy !
iii) He said to the chaplain Doctor I have not been a great sinner 2X3

8) Describe the method of making by hand why is it an advantage to have a

paper mill near a stream?

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9) How is a roll of finished paper obtained from the machine? What process
is used for getting the pulp ready for the paper making machine? 3+3

10) What preparations did Hillary and Tenzing make for the last climb? Why
was the ridge leading to the summit so dangerous? 3+3

11) Complete the List:- 6 X 1=6

Noun Verb
a) Relief
b) Know
c) Suffering
d) Train
e) Pleasure
f) arrange

12) Show the difference between mountaineering and ordinary expedition

to the mountains? Why are the Himalayas more dangerous than Alps for
the mountaineer? 3+3

13) Make sentences from the following words given below:- ( any four)
Necessities, mission, entertain, horrify, perceived.

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