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PCGG V Dumayas

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49.) PCGG v. Hon. DUMAYAS such Commission.

Consequently, the present action should have been properly

authorized by all members of the Commission..
FACTS: (OTHER MATTERS) They contended that the SUBJECT MATTER raised in the
BACKROUND OF THE CASE STEMS FROM COCOFED v. REPUBLIC declaratory relief was their investments in the companies and not the Coco Levy
The PCGG issued and implemented numerous sequestrations, freeze orders and provisional Fund itself, hence the RTC has jurisdiction and they are not estopped.
takeovers of allegedly ill-gotten companies, assets and properties, real or personal. Among the THE SUPREME COURT - On February 26, 2014 in G.R. No. 210901, we (SC)
properties sequestered by the Commission were shares of stock in the United Coconut issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) immediately enjoining the respondent
Planters Bank (UCPB) registered in the names of the alleged one million coconut farmers, judge, the RTC of Makati City, Branch 59, their representatives, agents or other
the so-called Coconut Industry Investment Fund companies (CIIF companies) and Private persons acting on their behalf, from proceeding with the hearing of the petitions for
Respondent Eduardo Cojuangco Jr. In connection with the sequestration of the said UCPB declaratory relief in Civil Case Nos. 12-1251 and 12-1252. Likewise, a TRO was
shares, the PCGG, on July 31, 1987, instituted an action for reconveyance, reversion, issued in G.R. No. 209447 enjoining the respondent judge from further hearing the
accounting, restitution and damages docketed as Case No. 0033 in the Sandiganbayan. said petitions for declaratory relief.
On November 15, 1990, upon Motion of Private Respondent COCOFED, the Sandiganbayan
issued a Resolution lifting the sequestration of the subject UCPB shares on the ground that ISSUES:
herein private respondents in particular, COCOFED and the so-called CIIF companies RELATED TO TOPIC 1) Non-compliance with the rule on Verification and Certification of
had not been impleaded by the PCGG as parties-defendants in its July 31, 1987 Complaint for Non-Forum Shopping which was signed by only one PCGG Commissioner;
reconveyance, reversion, accounting, restitution and damages.
This Sandiganbayan Resolution was challenged by the PCGG in a Petition for Certiorari OTHER MATTERS
docketed as GR No. 96073 in this Court. Meanwhile, upon motion of Cojuangco, the anti-graft 2) Lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter of Civil Case Nos. 12-1251 and 12-1252;
court ordered the holding of elections for the Board of Directors of UCPB. However, the 3) Non-compliance with the requisites of a petition for declaratory relief complied with; and
PCGG applied for and was granted by this Court a Restraining Order enjoining the holding of 4) Application of res judicata and/or laches as bar to the suits for declaratory relief filed by
the election. Subsequently, the Court lifted the Restraining Order and ordered the UCPB to UCPB and COCOLIFE.
proceed with the election of its board of directors. Furthermore, it allowed the sequestered
shares to be voted by their registered owners. HELD:
On February 23, 2001, COCOFED, et al. and Ballares, et al. filed the Class Action FORUM SHOPPING:
Omnibus Motion referred to earlier in Sandiganbayan Civil Case Nos. 0033-A, 0033-B and Under Rule 46, Section 3, paragraph 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended,
0033-F, asking the court a quo: petitions for certiorari must be verified and accompanied by a sworn certification of non-
1. To enjoin the PCGG from voting the UCPB shares of stock registered in the respective forum shopping. A pleading is verified by an affidavit that the affiant has read the pleading
names of the more than one million coconut farmers; and and that the allegations therein are true and correct of his personal knowledge or based on
2. To enjoin the PCGG from voting the SMC shares registered in the names of the 14 CIIF authentic records. The party need not sign the verification. A partys representative, lawyer
holding companies including those registered in the name of the PCGG. or any person who personally knows the truth of the facts alleged in the pleading may sign the
Issue: Who may vote the sequestered UCPB shares while the main case for their reversion to verification.
the State is pending in the Sandiganbayan?
Ruling: This Court holds that the government should be allowed to continue voting those On the other hand, a certification of non-forum shopping is a certification under oath by the
shares inasmuch as they were purchased with coconut levy funds funds that are prima facie plaintiff or principal party in the complaint or other initiatory pleading asserting a claim for
public in character or, at the very least, are clearly affected with public interest. relief or in a sworn certification annexed thereto and simultaneously filed therewith, (a) that he
has not theretofore commenced any action or filed any claim involving the same issues in any
NOW THE CURRENT CASE: court, tribunal or quasi-judicial agency and, to the best of his knowledge, no such other action
Both UCPB and COCOLIFE assert their rights in separate civil actions over their or claim is pending therein; (b) if there is such other pending action or claim, a complete
alleged shares in 14 CIIF companies and CIIF San Miguel Corp Block shares statement of the present status thereof; and (c) if he should thereafter learn that the same or
(BOTH WORTH BILLIONS OF PESOS). They filed for DECLARATORY similar action or claim has been filed or is pending, he shall report that fact within five (5)
RELIEF with RTC seeking from the court the to declare their rights over the shares. days therefrom to the court wherein his aforesaid complaint or initiatory pleading has been
PCGG contended this saying that they were already estopped and the RTC has no filed.
jurisdiction, since the case was already decided in numerous SC decisions already
and such action for declaratory relief was said to actually modify or alter the final It is obligatory that the one signing the verification and certification against forum shopping
and executor decision in COCOFED v. REPUBLIC. on behalf of the principal party or the other petitioners has the authority to do the same. We
(RELATED TO THE TOPIC) UCPB et al question the authority of Commissioner hold that the signature of only one Commissioner of petitioner PCGG in the verification and
Vicente L. Gengos, Jr. in filing the present petitions before the Court and signing the certification against forum shopping is not a fatal defect.
Verification and Certification Against Forum Shopping. They point out that the
PCGG is a collegial body created by virtue of EO 1, and it may function only as It has been consistently held that the verification of a pleading is only a formal, not a
jurisdictional, requirement. The purpose of requiring a verification is to secure an assurance
that the allegations in the petition are true and correct, not merely speculative. This
requirement is simply a condition affecting the form of pleadings, and noncompliance and directly resolved in a former suit cannot again be raised in any future case between the
therewith does not necessarily render the pleading fatally defective. same parties involving a different cause of action.

As to the certification of non-forum shopping, a rigid application of the rules should not defeat We hold that res judicata under the second aspect (conclusiveness of judgment) is applicable
the PCGGs mandate under EO 1, EO 2, EO 14 and EO 14-A to prosecute cases for the in this case. The issue of ownership of the sequestered CIIF companies and CIIF SMC Block
recovery of ill-gotten wealth, and to conserve sequestered assets and corporations, which are of Shares was directly and actually resolved by the Sandiganbayan and affirmed by this Court
in custodia legis, under its administration. Indeed, relaxation of the rules is warranted in this in COCOFED v. Republic. More important, in the said decision, we categorically affirmed the
case involving coconut levy funds previously declared by this Court as affected with public resolutions issued by the Sandiganbayan in Civil Case Nos. 0033-A and 0033-F
interest and judicially determined as public funds. Relevantly, after the promulgation of the THAT THERE IS NO MORE NECESSITY OF FURTHER TRIAL WITH RESPECT TO
decision of this Court in COCOFED v. Republic, EO 180 was issued on March 18, 2015 THE ISSUE OF OWNERSHIP OF (1) THE SEQUESTERED UCPB SHARES, (2) THE CIIF
reiterating the Governments policy to ensure that all coco levy funds and coco levy assets be BLOCK OF SMC SHARES, AND (3) THE CIIF COMPANIES, AS THEY HAVE
utilized solely and exclusively for the benefit of all the coconut farmers and for the FINALLY BEEN ADJUDICATED IN THE AFOREMENTIONED PARTIAL SUMMARY
development of the coconut industry. In line with such policy, Section 3 thereof provides: JUDGMENTS DATED JULY 11, 2003 AND MAY 7, 2004. Among the admitted facts set
forth in the Order dated February 23, 2004 is the acquisition by UCPB of the controlling
Section 3. Actions to Preserve, Protect and Recover Coco Levy Assets. The Office of the interests in the six CIIF oil mills. The Partial Summary Judgment further quoted from the
Solicitor General (OSG), the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG), and any Answer to Third Amended Complaint (Subdivided) with Compulsory Counterclaims dated
other concerned government agency shall, under the general supervision of the Secretary of January 7, 2000 filed by the CIIF oil mills and 14 holding companies, in which they also
Justice, file the proper pleadings or institute and maintain the necessary legal actions alleged that pursuant to the authority granted to it by P.D. 961 and P.D. 1568, UCPB
to preserve, protect, or recover the Governments rights and interests in the Coco Levy acquired controlling interests in the six CIIF oil mills.[46]
Assets and to prevent any dissipation or reduction in their value. (Emphasis and
underscoring supplied) In the same decision we specifically upheld the Sandiganbayans findings and conclusion on
the issue of ownership of the CIIF OMG, the 14 holding companies and the CIIF SMC Block
Apropos PCGG v. Cojuangco, Jr., involving the issue of who has the right to vote the of Shares.
sequestered SMC shares, we gave due course to the petition for certiorari and mandamus
despite the lack of signature of the Solicitor General; but it was signed by two special counsels In G.R. No. 180705, separately decided by this Court on November 27, 2012, we also affirmed
and the verification was signed by Commissioner Herminio Mendoza. We noted the the Sandiganbayans decision nullifying the shares of stock transfer to Eduardo M. Cojuangco,
extraordinary circumstances in the filing of the petition by the said government officials that Jr. We held that as the coconut levy funds partake of the nature of taxes and can only be used
justified a liberal interpretation of the rules. for public purpose, and importantly, for the purpose for which it was exacted, i.e., the
development, rehabilitation and stabilization of the coconut industry, they cannot be used to
ON JURISDICTION: benefitwhether directly or indirectlyprivate individuals, be it by way of a commission, or
The RTC has no jurisdiction over the matter, for it is the SANDIGANBAYAN, hence the as the PCA-Cojuangco Agreement words it, compensation. Accordingly, the UCPB shares of
petition for declaratory relief must also fail. As provided by the Supreme Court, citing a stock representing the 7.22% fully paid shares subject of the petition, with all dividends
number of their decisions. Clearly what is being discussed in this case is the COCO LEVY declared, paid or issued thereon, as well as any increments thereto arising from, but not limited
FUNDS which are ill-gotten wealth thus the proper jurisdiction is with the Sandiganbayan. to, the exercise of pre-emptive rights, were ordered reconveyed to the Government of the
Republic of the Philippines, which shall be used only for the benefit of all coconut farmers
ON RES JUDICATA: and for the development of the coconut industry.
The doctrine of res judicata provides that a final judgment on the merits rendered by a court of
competent jurisdiction is conclusive as to the rights of the parties and their privies and Having resolved that subject matter jurisdiction pertains to the Sandiganbayan and not the
constitutes an absolute bar to subsequent actions involving the same claim, demand, or cause RTC, and that the petitions for declaratory relief are barred by our January 24, 2012 Decision
of action.The following requisites must obtain for the application of the doctrine: (1) the which settled with finality the issue of ownership of the CIIF oil mills, the 14 holding
former judgment or order must be final; (2) it must be a judgment or order on the merits, that companies and CIIF SMC Block of Shares, we deem it unnecessary to address the other issues
is, it was rendered after a consideration of the evidence or stipulations submitted by the parties presented.
at the trial of the case; (3) it must have been rendered by a court having jurisdiction over the
subject matter and the parties; and (4) there must be, between the first and second actions, WHEREFORE, the petitions are GRANTED. The Orders dated April 29, 2013 and June 28,
identity of parties, of subject matter and of cause of action. This requisite is satisfied if the two 2013 in Civil Case No. 12-1251; and Omnibus Order dated May 15, 2013 (Branch 138) and
actions are substantially between the same parties. Order dated December 4, 2013 in Civil Case Nos. 12-1251 and 12-1252 (consolidated
petitions) of the Regional Trial Court of Makati City, Branch 59, are
The doctrine of res judicata has two aspects. The first, known as bar by prior judgment, or hereby ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. The petitions in Civil Case Nos. 12-1251 and 12-
estoppel by verdict, is the effect of a judgment as a bar to the prosecution of a second action 1252 filed by UCPB and COCOLIFE, respectively, are DISMISSED.
upon the same claim, demand or cause of action. The second, known as conclusiveness of
judgment, otherwise known as the rule of auter action pendent, ordains that issues actually

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