Grays News Week 4 17
Grays News Week 4 17
Grays News Week 4 17
3rd Grade Newsletter
Week of September 25-29, 2017
memory verse spelling words
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I 1. icy 8. equal 15. beyond
send? And who will go for us? 2. only 9. valley 16. monkey
3. keys 10. honey 17. believes
Isaiah 6:8
4. yield 11. sleepy 18. brownie
student of the week for kindness
5. busy 12. pieces 19. against
6. grief 13. snowy 20. favorite
of the month 7. chief 14. secret
This Week in Class:
The First Four Disciples
Math: Multiplication and division. 0-5, 9, and 10,
Reading Test: We will have a Reading test on Goodbye, 382 Shin Dang
quiz on Thursday
Dong on Thursday this week.
Reading: authors point of view, making Multiplication Timed Tests: This week I am emailing home the letter
compare and contrast,
describing the procedures that we will use for timed tests. The tests will
Reading Test on Thursday not begin until the week of Oct. 2 with the 0's-2's. We have been learning
many different strategies for figuring out answers to multiplication and
Language: Verbs and Past and Present Verb
division problems, but students need to have their facts memorized to be
able to do their math work quickly. This is a process and we will be
Soc. Studies: California Regions and grid maps working on the timed tests all year long. At the end of March, everyone
Unit 1 Test Lessons 3-4 on Friday covering who has mastered up through their 11s will get to post a sign in their yard
26-39, Boom Cards deck for studying
pgs. to celebrate.
Writing: California Regions Paragraph and iPad apps: Splash Math, ABC Ya, ABC cursive, counting money, Jungle
create a Regions digital book in Book Creator Coins, Grammar Jammers, Grammaropolis, Sushi Monster and Fast Facts
X are some helpful apps to help our students. I have also added some
Vocabulary: foreign, monsoon, assure, pastel, multiplication Boom Cards to also help them practice
glum, enthusiastic, peculiar, translation,
insisted, possessions
Parent Helpers are 4th week Mon-Thursday.
Check out Boom Cards for decks to study If you are interested in helping another day, please email
vocabulary and spelling words. me to let me know your availability.
Sticky Note Sticky Note Sticky note Spelling pre-test SIGNED Turn in multiplication menu,
Connections Connections Connections Sticky note Connections sticky notes, and signed
Math pg. 76 Math pg. 78 Read Shin Dang Dong Study for Soc. Stud. pretest!
for review for our Test pgs. 26-39 with
test tomorrow Boom Cards
Math pg. 80