Grays News Week 7 17
Grays News Week 7 17
Grays News Week 7 17
3rd Grade Newsletter
Week of October 16 October 20
memory verse spelling words
no one can lay any foundation other than the 1. suit 7. usual 13. fewer
already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 2. clue 8. loose 14. foolish
I Corinthians 3:11
3. fruit 9. crew 15. choose
4. root 10. knew 16. truthful
student of the week for generosity
5. tube 11. useful 17. uniform
Sielaff 6. huge 12. cruise 18. overdue
This Week in Class:
Building on the Rock
Math: Multiplication and division, multiplication
Accelerated Reader (AR) The end of the first quarter is sneaking
timed test 3-4 up on us. Please make sure your child is reading and taking tests for their
books. They will be receiving a grade in the grade book under Reading
Reading: Make Way for Ducklings, inference, based on the percentage of their goal. It is difficult for the students to
predictions, reality vs. fantasy locate the books to test on if they do not know the title or AR book
Language: Verbs and contractions test on number. I am handing out a Book Log to keep in their homework folder.
Tuesday; adjectives Please take the time to record the book title and quiz number so that
your student can easily find the test on the iPad or Chromebook. Click
Science: Ecosystem research, Spark Video this link to be directed to AR Book Find to locate the quiz number.
project; food chain Reading Test: We will have a Reading Comprehension test on Friday.
Writing: Friendship Theme paragraph and Having your child read the story to you is great for comprehension and
Ecosystem research helps with their fluency and accuracy. Use BOOM cards to practice your
Vocabulary: strange, enormous, delighted,
Multiplication Timed Tests If your student received at least a 90%
horrid, responsibility, bringing up, satisfied,
opposite, beckoned on Fridays test then they will have passed their 2-3s. If they did not
receive 90% then they can retake it until they pass. Each week they pass
Parent Helpers 3rd week for everyone a test, they get to move to the next multiplication timed test. Keep
practicing J
dont forget to turn in signed Spelling test on Friday J
Verbs Test on Tuesday. Use the BOOM decks to practice linking verbs,
helping verbs, subject verb agreement for has and have, and irregular
your library book Verbs Test Great Shake Out Spelling Test
Reading Test
3-4s Timed Test
Sticky Note Inferences Sticky Note Inferences Sticky note Inferences Spelling pre-test SIGNED Turn in signed pretest and
Math pg. 98 Math pg. 102 Math pg. 106 Sticky note Inferences multiplication menu
Study Boom Cards Read Make Way for Turn in Sticky Note Inferences
for Verbs test Ducklings in SRA book
Math page 108