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What Happened to Pontius Pilate?

Saint Mary Magdalene in Rome

! In The Great Synaxaristes (in Greek)1 we learn that, at great personal risk but
with exceeding love, Mary went to Rome. When she took ship from Antioch, there was
an elderly gentleman on board. When the ship put in at Syracuse, then the chief port of
Sicily, he met with his wife. The aged couple, having been moved by God to help Mary,
did not wish to leave her unescorted and unassisted in the empire's bustling capital. The
gray-haired elder, named Onesimos, together with his Hebrew wife, Galatia, acted as
protectors and guides. They brought her to the Forum in Rome. Despite the trouble that
lay ahead, Mary was not disheartened. She had already spoken to Onesimos on the
ship about her mission and about Jesus' teachings, for which he came to believe in Him
as true God. He, too, therefore, received holy Baptism and preached the Gospel. Both
his wife and granddaughter Lucy would also become Christians. Since they offered
hospitality to Mary, the occasion came when Onesimos and Galatia brought her to the
Palatine Hill, the site of fabulous palaces as well as notorious prisons.2

! On another occasion, when Mary Magdalene and Galatia were alone, Galatia
pointed out the Senate. At that moment, Mary's mind flew to Sion. She then prophesied
to Galatia how Rome would come to embrace Christ. Galatia then asked Mary if it were
true that her husband understood correctly that Jesus healed lepers in Palestine. Mary
affirmed this as an eyewitness. Galatia, needing to rest and sit down, then showed Mary
her swollen and blackened legs with protruding veins that were hidden under her long
tunic. Mary made the sign of the Cross over the afflicted limbs, saying, "In the name of
our Lord and God and Savior, my Jesus Christ, be healed." Following this utterance,
Galatia rose up energetically. She found that her disease was completely taken away.
As they walked to the marble palace, Galatia asked the equal-to-the apostles her opin-
ion about the idols, for the statue of Diana (Artemis) was before them. Mary said the im-
ages are deaf and senseless. Galatia blushed at this answer, and saw her error in giv-
ing them any consequence. She then confessed to Mary, "I left my home in Jericho,
some forty years ago when marrying Onesimos. I have been so long away from home
and living among idolaters that I sometimes do not remember God and the law of

! By this time, they arrived outside the gate of the palace. The centurion, a dusky
man of barbaric Roman stock, cast a fierce eye at the women. "What is your business
here?" he bellowed. Galatia said boldly, "To see Caesar. It is Caesar whom we wish. "
The centurion then changed his stance. He smiled and chuckled at the women, saying,
"What say you? You wish to see Caesar?" Galatia, flattering him, said, "Yes, excellency,
it is Caesar whom we would see. It is necessary that this foreign lady converse with
him. She has to inform him upon a very important and serious matter. If his Majesty

1 The Great S.ynaxaristes (in Greek), Vol. VII, 5' ed., s.v. "July 22
2The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene (in Greek), Mother Magdalene, ed., Ch. 9, pp. 43-49; The Great S-
Vnayaristes (in Greek), VII:429.

condescends to hear her, then I promise you, my young man, that Caesar shall receive
a great boon to his flagging health which I have heard circulating it not very good. Trust
me, excellency, this lady here is able to benefit Caesar and the souls of this empire by
her salutary petitions on behalf of all. " The centurion then raised his war-club that was
shod with metal, saying, "Do you see this? I am going to bring it down upon your heads.
" Galatia, feeling a shiver down her spine, pulled at Mary's tunic and said in Hebrew:
"Let us move back. These Romans are as senseless as beasts. This fellow in no wise is
going to let us pass. But let me try again in another way. " Galatia then spoke sweetly to
the guard, saying, "My son, pardon me if I distressed thee. Thou seemest to be a fine
and valiant officer, one in whom, I am sure, thy mother is quite proud. May thou thrivest,
0 centurion, and become a commander of a thousand (chiliarch). If thou wilt admit this
foreign lady into the presence of Caesar, thou shalt not be without a reward from me.
My husband, Onesimos, only yesterday, returned from the mercantile center. I promise
that he will give thee whatsoever thou wilt ask and even extra, as long as thou wilt act
as a go-between and let this lady through to see Caesar." The centurion, the former lion,
now became a fox. He stooped and whispered into Galatia's ear, "If thou wilt provide me
with what I ask, I shall present her to Caesar. I have a brother, the eminent Fulvius, the
second officer in rank of the Senate. Unless he provides his signature, no one indeed,
not even General Postumus, can gaze upon the countenance of the autocrat. In order
for my brother to lend his signature, thou must He then broke off speaking and
spread wide his one hand, with the palm up. He then pointed to it with his other hand, in
a gesture telling Galatia to start counting the coins. Galatia took out a purse with money
valued at five thousand gold coins. Galatia then turned to Mary and said in Hebrew,
"Here, milady, in this country, only by means of money or wine does one get what he
wants. " The amount was formidable, a medium-sized fortune. He wished to take advan-
tage of the two women. He asked for more or threatened to crush their heads into
pieces with his mace. Before the women could respond to his extortion, a booming male
voice was heard behind them. They, startled, turned and beheld a man of probity and
command who spoke in a stern tone: "I heard everything."

! In the midst of the burgeoning and luxuriant ivy by the gate, there stood an im-
posing man. The guard now turned pale as a lemon. The unknown man walked toward
the gate. He approached the gate, removing his keys. In the Greek dialect, he ad-
dressed the ladies with an ease of manner commenting upon the nice weather they
were having. He was urbane but not arrogant. He then said to them courteously, "You
wish to speak to Caesar?" Mary answered quickly, "Yes, sit, we shall be much obliged to
thee if thou wilt help us gain an audience with him." The man asked, "Art thou a Greek
woman?" She answered, "Nay, I am a Jewess." The man appeared surprised and said,
"A Jewess? But thy physiognomy gives thee the appearance of a Greek woman. In any
event, how didst thou come here? For what issue dost thou wish to bring before his
Majesty, the Caesar? Perhaps thou canst make manifest to me the nature of thy mat-
ter? I am in a position to help thee. Moreover, I love very much the land of Judea, the air
of which I breathed ten whole years. " Mary felt a cool and dewy breeze in her soul,
which impelled her to answer with ease and readiness, "I thank thee, sir. I thank thee.
May God recompense thy soul with everlasting joy! If thou shouldest like it, sit, I shall
recount to thine honorable self the cause and purpose that I have taken up this toil and

labor of coming from the east to the west. " He interrupted her, appearing very ready
and saying, "I should like to hear thee." She began by saying, "Well then, very briefly,
sit, I am known as Magdalene. I am a disciple of a great Teacher, Whose teachings sur-
pass all those of the Greek philosophers: whether those writings of Socrates, or Plato,
or Aristotle, or any of the others. Their words are vain and of the earth. The message of
my Teacher contains all the words of life, perfection, eternity, and virtue. " The imperial
dignitary then interposed, "Virtue? Not very long ago I authored a book, entitled Con-
cerning Virtue. I wrote it during my tour of duty in Palestine. It was by reason of that
work that I received an epistle from Caesar to return to Rome, that I might give a read-
ing of my book before the Senate. Not to make a labor of it, it was on this account that I
received this lofty office in the palace. For this reason I am in a position to assist thee.
But do tell me the name of thy teacher. Speak to me of his teaching. Has he, perhaps,
ever been to Rome and all-renowned Athens, where undoubtedly he received wisdom?"
Mary replied, "My Teacher, sir, never wrote a book. He has traveled neither to Rome nor
to all renowned Athens. In fact, He never left Palestine. It was there that the divine
Teacher taught, wrought miracles, died, and resurrected. " The imperial dignitary's eyes
widened at this description. He then said, "Perhaps thy Teacher was the so-called Mes-
siah, the Christ, Jesus the Nazaraean? " Hearing him speak the Master's name, moved
Mary Magdalene. With much restraint, she said sweetly, "Perhaps, sir, thou once knew-
est my Teacher, the Son of the Virgin?" He answered, "Personally, no. But I had heard
of Him. I have written about the man in such a way that if thou wert to hear those words
thou wouldest think that the speaker was Peter of Bethsaida or Nathanael of Cana of
the Galilee. " Tears welled in Mary's eyes as she heard him speak thus. She continued,
"Then, thou art acquainted with the chief of the apostles, Peter, and his fellow disciple,

! The dignitary, suddenly aware that the other lady spoke not a word, then cast a
quick glance at Galatia and asked, "Does this lady here understand Greek?" Mary an-
swered that she did not. She explained that Galatia was a Hebrew with Roman citizen-
ship. He said, "0 well, come with me. Thou wilt explain everything to her after thou
hearest my story." The dignitary then looked directly at Mary and said, "Are thou Mary of
Magdala? Art thou the one who went to the tomb in Gethsemane?" Astounded that he
should have heard of her, she thought inwardly, "My God, Thou hast heard my prayer
and those of thy holy Mother that I might succeed in my much-desired goal! " She then
said to the dignitary, "Sir, since thou knowest my name, do not hesitate to inform me of
thy name. Shouldest thou wish to remain unknown to me, it does not matter. It suffices
me that my God has enlisted thee as a patron in this sacred matter. Thou wilt have a
great reward both now and in the future age. " She paused and then said, "I have, sir,
here with me, a message with which I wish to address Caesar in regard to the murder-
ers of my Teacher, Jesus Christ. He was unjustly slain by the unjust. The murderers in-
cluded chief priests, scribes, Pharisees, and teachers of the Law-many of whom did not
know that the Messiah would come forth from Bethlehem. The chief offenders in this af-
fair were the High Priests Annas and Caiaphas, as well as the Roman governor at Ju-
daea, Pilate. He is more guilty than the executioners. I myself heard him say to the mob,
'Ye take Him and crucify Him, for I find no cause for accusation in Him.' Therefore, sir,
unless those who willingly participated repent, they shall not find pardon in the day of

retribution. As for those who unwittingly took part, they too can find mercy." Hearing her
speak these last words, the dignitary suddenly turned pale. He hung his head low, with
his eyes bent on his sandals. He then uttered, "Lady, I was one of those unjust judges.
What I did, I did in ignorance. But on this point it will be as well to be silent. But shall I, O
lady, have pardon?" With this last question, his lips trembled. Mary, hearing his admis-
sion, turned white but the presence of her mind never varied. She responded: "We, sir,
have the redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of offenses, according to the
riches of His grace.3 As others who were pricked in their heart for crucifying Jesus, Pe-
ter advised them to repent, and to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for remission
of sins, for which they shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.4 With his heart full at the
hearing of these unequivocal statements, he invited her inside and said, "I have tired
thee sufficiently. Come inside and I shall better describe my extreme ignorance at the
time. " He then escorted both Mary Magdalene and Galatia to the large hall in the

! The three entered a beautifully appointed chamber, fitted out actually as a dining-
room with three couches (triclinium). There were large windows overlooking the pros-
pect of the park about the palace. It was evident that the dignitary was most enthusiastic
about meeting the two Hebrew ladies. He confessed that he was one of the evil public
advocates in the case against Mary's Teacher. He also informed them that after the
death by crucifixion, he issued an epistle to the autocrat Tiberius-which the latter had
requested in order to learn the facts. The dignitary disclosed his sentiments with regard
to the coming of the Messiah, hopes which remained ever sanguine. He made the
women aware that he developed these anticipations of the coming of the Messiah when
he was governor at Judaea, a post to which Pontius Pilate had succeeded. Pilate, in
fact, was his immediate successor.6 The dignitary also affirmed that Pilate had much
pressure placed upon him by the chief priests of the synagogue. Despite this, the digni-
tary confessed that after those events that he immediately had a change of heart. He
divulged how he himself wept when lie learned that the Teacher was consigned to
mount the Cross, but that Jesus also had uttered, "Father, forgive them, for they know
not what they do [Lk. 23:34]. " When those final words of Jesus were reported to him, he
said in sober sadness that it gave him some relief. He added that he heard accounts
that the man Jesus had risen from the grave. "Naturally," he said, "I did not believe it.
But then I summoned the soldiers who kept the watch, who testified that it was so. Well,
how can I describe to thee the pain I felt in my soul? More than a month after the cruci-
fixion, testimony was bruited about from all different kinds of people praising this Jesus
as God. Some touted Him as a prophet or wonder-worker, while others declared that He
was the long-awaited Messiah. Reports flowed in that He was seen by the Sea of Tiber-
ius. Are these accounts true or false? I have no idea. I only know that Caesar desired to

3 Eph. 1: 7.
4 Acts 2:36-38.
5 The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene, Ch. 10, pp. 50-60; 7he Great Synaxaristes (in Greek), VII:430.
6 The rule of Pontius Pilate, fifth procurator of Judaea, began in 26 and ended in 36.

learn of the events in Palestine. The epistle I wrote to Tiberius was in the Greek-as he is
quite fluent in Greek and even composes poetry. As for me, I am Greek on my mother's
side. My father was a Roman. My name is Puplius Lentoulos.7 As I mentioned earlier, I
was governor at Judaea. Now I serve as prefect of the Praetorium of the Roman Em-
pire. My mother hailed from Alexandria. She now lives in Pella of Macedonia."

! He then paused a moment, as if in deep reverie, and then said, "But there is
something else I remember. When I was in Judaea, some fellow Greek countrymen
came to visit me. They were coming from Edessa. They were excited about having just
met with Christ. They marveled at His perfection and wisdom." Mary, after short consid-
eration, asserted, "Yes, I remember the occasion well. Certain Greeks from among
those going to do reverence at the feast had come to Philip, expressing to him their de-
sire to see Jesus. Philip went and told Andrew, who related it to Jesus. My Teacher an-
swered them and said: 'The hour hath come that the Son of Man should be glorified [Jn.
12:23].' Those Greeks appeared to be men of understanding, solemnity, good breeding,
and education." Her recollection of the visitation gave Puplius pleasure to hear it re-

! Puplius then removed a papyrus. He said it was his letter regarding Christ, in his
capacity as former governor at Judea, addressed to Tiberius Caesar, autocrat of the
Romans. It was signed and dated in Jerusalem, indiction 7, Moon 11. He then began to
read it to Mary: "I have been informed, O Caesar, that thou desirest to learn in writing
the matter concerning a certain virtuous man named Jesus the Christ. He is deemed by
many of the people to be a prophet. His disciples believe that he is a god or a son of the
one God. They state that this Jesus fashioned the heaven and earth and all that is
within. The truth be told, there are some astonishing things concerning this Christ. Mira-
cles abound: He raises the dead and heals the sick with but a word. He is a man of av-
erage height, handsome of countenance with an air of majesty. Those that encounter
him are enjoined either to love him or fear him. His hair is the color of walnut, which ex-
tends to his shoulders and glistens. He belongs to the group known as Nazarenes. His
forehead is smooth and calm. His face is without wrinkles or blemishes. His nose and
lips are regular. His beard is dense and the same color as his hair. It is not long, but it
separates in two at the middle. He has a serious look that can excite fear. He possesses
power like a ray of the sun. On the one hand when he rebukes, one is moved to fear
and weep. On the other hand, there is also a grace and lovableness about his gravity. It
is said that no one has ever seen him laugh. But he has been seen to weep on a num-
ber of occasions. He has well fashioned hands and arms. His manner of address is
pleasing. His mother is also a beautiful woman, the most beautiful I might add, so that
some say she looks like a goddess. If thou dost wish to question the man for thyself, in-
form me and I shall forthwith dispatch him to thee. All of those in Jerusalem marvel at

7According to Josephus [Antiq. xviii. 6. 5], Valerius Gratus was Roman Prefect or procurator of Judaea
under Tiberius (A. D. 15-26). He succeeded Annius Rufus and was replaced by Pontius Pilate. The gov-
ernment of Gratus is conspicuously known for his remarkable frequency in changing the appointee of the
high-priesthood. He had appointed Caiaphas as high priest. The system of Roman names was unique
and distinctive in the ancient world. They often had several names. When a foreigner became a Roman
citizen, he took a new Roman name as a mark of citizenship. This is possibly the case with Puplius.

him, especially his wisdom, though he has never studied at the customary schools. He
often walks barefooted and without a head covering. Some laugh at him, while others
tremble in his presence from their astonishment. He never preaches anything to pro-
mote himself in this world. But again some of the Jews here believe that he is the one
God come in the flesh. Others, O Caesar, allege that he is an enemy of Your Majesty.
Ofttimes, these tiresome Jews trouble me. But this Christ has never urged anyone to do
anything displeasing, but rather he exhorts the people to perform good deeds. All those
who have come into contact with him claim that they have received nothing but benefit
from him. However, Your Majesty, I am ready to obey the imperial command. Whatso-
ever, Caesar, thou wilt order, I will carry out. "

! By this time Mary was weeping streams of tears. She asked him, "Tell me, O pre-
fect, did Caesar receive this epistle? " Puplius answered, "Certainly, he did. He also
preserved it in the imperial archive, for the name of Jesus was circulating around the
palace at that time. I am able to say that even the Caesar respected Jesus. " Mary then
said, "I note, sir, the questioning manner in which thou didst characterize my Teacher as
Son of God. Indeed, sir, He is the Son of God! He is! He was born of a virgin by the en-
ergy of the Holy Spirit. He wrought miracles by granting sight to the blind and raising the
dead. He blessed only five loaves of bread with which He filled a hungry crowd of five
thousand. I was present when they counted the twelve baskets filled with leftovers.8
Nevertheless, that which surpassed every mind was the infinite forbearance and long-
suffering which He possessed even when they crucified Him upon the Cross." Puplius
crimsoned at this point, when he managed to say, "Do not remind me, milady, of my old
sin. I promise from henceforth to assist thee in every way possible to bring the guilty of-
fenders to justice, that is, those who abide unrepentant. This very night I shall implore
the Caesar to issue a summons, calling back to Rome these three: Pilate, Annas, and
Caiaphas. I swear by. He hesitated for a moment and continued, "I was going to say
'by the gods,' but I have recanted. I, therefore, swear by my Greek lineage that I shall
labor even to death that they might be punished. Moreover, milady, there is one in par-
ticular upon whom I should like to see vengeance taken: Judas. For he of his own will
murdered thy Teacher. I shall let the whole world know of his traitorous deed. But I thank
thee for giving me a patient hearing." Mary said, "May God reward thy kindness and ac-
count thee worthy of eternal salvation! "

! Prefect Puplius then made ready to return the papyrus with his epistle to the im-
perial archive. He then bid farewell to Mary and Galatia, adding, "I shall no longer weary
you. For the moment, you may go. Give me two months to have recalled those who are
liable to be tried. Once the trireme has conveyed the three of them, and they are
brought to trial, I shall maintain sanguine hopes that Caesar shall render a just and
good decision. But do allow me to escort you to the gate." Upon arriving at the silver
bars of the door, Mary Magdalene again thanked him for his courtesy. The prefect
wished the two ladies well. He then flashed a stern look at the centurion, the one who

8 Mt. 14:17.

previously barred the way of the two women. The centurion lowered his head, trembling
at the thought of the reprimand he would receive.9

! From the time that Mary Magdalene had the interview with the Praetoriuin Prefect
Puplius Lentoulos, three months had passed. Finally the warship from Palestine arrived
in the harbor of Ostia.10 Pilate, Annas, and Caiaphas were to be kept in state custody.
During this period of time, Magdalene was vibrant with apostolic activity, helping to build
and establish the first Christian house-church. There was nearly every night, in the
home of Onesimos and Galatia, a sacred gathering. The believers kept vigil, prayed,
and heard discourses. Three hundred souls were nourished on the unadulterated milk
of the Faith, until the coming of the Apostle Peter that he might ordain clergy. In the
meantime, rumors were buzzing abroad in all the neighborhoods, as well as inside the
schools, marketplaces, shops, and hippodrome. On the 3rd day of the month of Janu-
ary, Caesar was scheduled to examine one of the biggest cases before the Roman judi-
cial system. The summoned defendants were supposed to be two chief priests of the
Jews, Annas and Caiaphas, and the Roman Governor Pilate. It was also heard that
Caesar was incensed with them because they killed a man, but not just a simple man,
but one wonderful and believed by the people to be as a god. Others said that Caesar
was going to bring to trial a Hebrew woman, who had come from Jerusalem; for she had
upset the entire Roman populace. It was rumored that she was proclaiming some new
religion in which the adherents relinquished the joys of this world, family life, and the

! Such was the talk from mouth to mouth, so that all were anxious to see and hear
the Hebrew woman and the three liable to judicial action. The 3 d of January finally ar-
rived. The case was to be heard in the great hall of the court. The dignitaries and func-
tionaries among the Romans took their seats, including all the members of the Senate
and the priests of the idols. There appeared the greatest to the least of those with titles
among the Roman nobility. The autocrat, Tiberius Caesar, sat on a lofty platform. Pre-
fect Puplius was present, occupied with reading the penal codices before him. He was
visibly uneasy and in deep thought. The court was called into session. Everyone pre-
sent came to a profound hush. All then made way for a woman who advanced. Mary
appeared marvelous as she walked in the midst of the court toward the autocrat. She
was clad in a brown tunic, with a leather belt. She wore a long orange-colored veil. The
inner kerchief was a deep orange. Her whole appearance created a marvellous impres-
sion. All eyes were upon her. She glanced at Prefect Puplius. He bowed to her and then
whispered something in the ear of Caesar. Puplius then made the following announce-
ment: "0 most noble lady, his Majesty, Caesar of east and west, grants thee audience.

9 The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene, Ch. 11, pp. 61-67.

10Ostia is modern Ostia Antica. The ancient Roman town, originally, was situated at the mouth of the Ti-
ber River. It is now about 4 miles (6 kilometers) upstream. It was a naval station and grain port of republi-
can Rome and a commercial center under the empire (after 27 B.C.). It was a thriving community with
baths, temples, and warehouses. In the early 2 nd C., after Christ, the population was approximately

He is ready to hear thy petition in the matter of Jesus. Caesar considers this case a
matter for his review."

! Orthodox tradition and iconography also maintain that when Saint Mary appeared
before Tiberius Caesar Augustus, she presented him with an egg dyed red, greeting him
with the words: "Christ is risen!"11 The simplicity of her gift did not offend the emperor.
He was cognizant of the ancient eastern custom to present a token of respect with
some special or symbolic meaning. It was not unusual for poorer people to present a
fruit basket from their region or the eggs of birds. The red egg and the exclamation,
however, stirred his curiosity. Mary, the equal-to-the-apostles then unfurled a papyrus
that she was holding in her hand. Silently, she invoked the help of God. Then she boldly
and courageously read the following: "Pilate, who was appointed as governor at Jerusa-
lem, dispensed a wrongful judgment against Jesus the son of Mariam. Jesus performed
great signs and prodigies among the people. He granted the blind the recovery of sight,
He raised the dead, He cleansed lepers, He expelled demons with a word. Simply put,
He cured every disease. The chief priests, Annas and Caiaphas, out of jealousy and
malice, delivered Him up to Pilate. The governor made many inquiries. Though Pilate
found nothing worthy of death, he still crucified Him. It was then that creation shook at
the injustice. The sun was darkened, the rays having failed, and the moon was changed
to darkness.12 The earth shook. The rocks were rent, the veil of the temple was torn into
two from top to bottom,13 and the sepulchers were opened, and many of the dead arose
and entered into the city.14

! Now after she completed reading her opening speech, she submitted the papy-
rus to Caesar. All eyes followed her every movement. Caesar, hearing this testimony,
specifically that the sun failed that same hour of the crucifixion, which occurred not only
over Jerusalem but the entire earth, had recorded the time of its occurrence. He keenly
remembered the darkness of that day, thinking for a moment that he had gone blind,
and so he perceived she was speaking the truth. He said to her, "I hear what thou art
saying, young woman, and I believe it to be entirely the truth. I recorded the year, the
day, and even the hour that the sun was darkened. I also have not forgotten the violent
rumblings in the earth, so that the trees in the garden in which I was walking were up-
rooted during that mighty earthquake. Although I have already heard of the miracles
made by Jesus, I should like clearer information. Tell me, what was the teaching of this
Jesus and what wonders had he wrought?"

11The custom inaugurated by Saint Mary Magdalene spread among Christians throughout the world. In
one ancient Greek parchment, extant in the monastery library of Saint Athanasios near Thessalonike,
there is a prayer read on the day of holy Pascha for the blessing of eggs and cheese. As the hegumen
presents each with a blessed egg, he repeats, "Thus have we received from the holy fathers, who pre-
served this custom from the very time of the holy apostles; therefore the holy Equal-to-the-aposties Mary
Magdalene first showed believers the example of this joyful offering.
12 Mt. 27:45; Mk. 15:33; Lk. 23:44.
13 Mt. 27:51; Lk. 23:45.
14 Mt. 27:52, 53. The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene, Ch. 12, pp. 69-72.

! The holy Mary Magdalene then spoke of Jesus' most holy manner of life, as He is
the Son and Logos of the living God. She spoke of how He took flesh and became man
of the most holy Virgin Mariam who conceived by the Holy Spirit. Magdalene declared
her Teacher to be the Messiah, the Christ, the One Who fashioned the heaven, the
earth, the sea, and all that is living. He also made Paradise. She said that there shall be
a judgment, after which the righteous would rejoice forever while sinners would suffer
everlasting punishment. She informed all present the importance of loving God and
one's neighbor. Wealth and riches should be shared with the less fortunate, lest attach-
ment to possessions should prevent one from entering the kingdom of the heavens. If
Caesar wished to see Jesus, this was possible. Christ comes to those who possess
faith, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, help the sick, and assist
the stranger. She described some of the miracles that involved those suffering from
blindness, paralysis, and leprosy. She mentioned the four-day dead Lazarus and how
he was summoned forth from the grave still in the burial cloths. She recounted the mira-
cle of the multiplication of the loaves. "In brief," said she, "Jesus is the fountain of good-
ness, wisdom, and perfection. For as I said earlier, He is not a mere man. He is the God
of heaven and of the earth. The envy of the chief priests among the Jews, especially
provoked by Annas and Caiaphas, was not found among the people who hastened like
thirsty harts after Jesus. It was they, chiefly, who falsely accused Jesus to Pilate, thy
governor in Judaea. "

! Mary then explained briefly how Pilate conducted the trial. She also told Caesar
how Pilate had Jesus scourged mercilessly, so that from the furrows in His skin, His
blood spilled onto the marble pavement. She described how Pilate presented the crowd
with amnesty for either Jesus or Barabbas. Caesar, hearing her narrate what took place,
bit into his lip as his soul was boiling over. He then asked her, "Why, young woman,
didst thou not appear earlier and appeal directly to me for my intervention? I could have
prevented this lawlessness. Unfortunately, this travesty of justice will weigh upon the
Roman soul forever. I understand what thou art saying: that an innocent man was
judged unjustly. But I am still in a position to prevent further injustices from being perpe-
trated. Those who are guilty will be punished accordingly, whether one is a political ap-
pointee or one of your high priests. Why then was I not consulted earlier?"

! Mary responded, "0 excellent Caesar, time did not allow for us to appeal to Cae-
sar. These events transpired inside of three days. On a Thursday was Jesus judged by
Pilate. The following day, Friday, Jesus was put to death. He arose from the dead which
is attested to by many witnesses. Pilate moved with indecent haste through the ques-
tioning, without summoning even one witness for the defense. But as to the false testi-
mony of the chief priests, he listened to that readily. At thisjuncture, Mary's eyes were
welling with tears. Caesar then drew a
deep breath, and gestured to Prefect Puplius to draw nigh. Tiberius said
to him, "Prefect, bid the Consul Claudius to attend us." Once the consul appeared be-
fore him, Caesar said, "Consul Claudius: that which was committed by Pilate in Judaea
was it a miscarriage of justice, yea or nay? Does Roman law acquit what took

place?" The consul answered, "Nay, O divine Caesar. Pilate had the supervision and
administration of Judaea. He acted not only in an irregular manner but even unlawfully
by condemning to death this man whom he found no reason in our penal code that de-
served death. Our laws, based and supported on the loftiest ethics of the ancient
Greeks, are at the foundation of Roman justice, which Pilate was careless to observe."
Caesar then turned to Mary Magdalene and asked, "Noble lady, dost thou wish to add
anything to thy testimony?" She answered, "Yes, sire, I wish to testify briefly to the man-
ner of torture afflicted upon my Teacher by His unjust judges. Have I permission to pro-
ceed?" Caesar gave his affirmation willingly.

! She began: "When they arrested my Teacher in the garden on the Mount of Ol-
ives, they brought him bound to Annas, and then to Caiaphas, the father-in-law of the
high priest. They thrashed Jesus pitilessly and inhumanely throughout His holy body.
They brought him to the Praetorium, to the Roman Governor Pilate. It is true that at the
beginning Pilate showed some understanding and sympathy. The governor had ac-
knowledged and announced openly that he did not find the least guilt in my Teacher. All
along those who incited the people were the chief priests and the Pharisees. Pilate then
washed his hands with water, saying, 'I am innocent of the blood of this just One; ye
shall see to it.' Pilate then commanded that my Teacher's tender and thin body be sub-
jected to flogging. The instruments of torture, O Caesar, that they used to scourge my
Teacher were a bullwhip, rods with knots, and ropes with iron stars and hooks posi-
tioned at a short distance from each other. These lacerated His flesh to the bones. Sixty
soldiers struck Him in turn, two by two, so that the same wounds were struck again and
again. The virginal and noble flesh of the God-Man was shred to pieces.

! "O Caesar, the callous hearts of those God-slayers must be of stone when they
saw His bones and blood running like a river from His veins. Instead, they were rejoicing
and laughing among themselves with inexpressible satisfaction. The Mother of Jesus
and I were standing in a corner of the courtyard, lamenting inconsolably. 0 mighty Cae-
sar, the executioners were as dogs, and bulls, and tigers, and wild animals. I beseech
thee to avenge the wrong for the sake of justice. Do thou judge those unjust murderers
of One innocent, of One Who is the Savior of the cosmos, of One Who as Judge will
come a second time upon the earth-not as a humble man but as the almighty God-and
judge the living and the dead. Even upon the Cross, He suffered mocking, blows, a
crown of thorns, and a lance to His immaculate side. " Thus she spoke, uttering other
things as well, until the torrent of her tears quelled her voice. Suddenly, the crowd
shouted aloud like a violent wind that rocked the building of the courthouse with one re-
sounding cry: "Death! Death to the God-slayers! Death!15

! Tiberius became overheated and agitated. His countenance, for a moment,

flushed to a deep red. He motioned to Puplius Lentoulos to approach. The prefect was
also visibly moved by the tremendous deposition given by Magdalene, for which he held
her in admiration. He rose up from his seat and went before Caesar, bowing first and
waiting to receive his orders. Caesar said to him, "Call to the court the Judge Logodote.

15 The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene, Ch. 12, pp. 73-78.

Have him bring here the two high priests, Annas and Caiaphas. " Not much time passed
before the Logodote appeared before the throne of Caesar with only one of the high
priests who was blindfolded. Before the whole assembly, Logodote introduced him and
said, "0 divine Caesar, this is High Priest Annas. " Caesar asked, "Where is the other
dog to be found?" Logodote answered, "Joseph Caiaphas died, O Caesar, inside the
ship, as we arrived just outside of Crete. He suddenly felt a sharp pang in his abdomen,
and then his bowels split open on the deck. Before his soul left him, he groaned like a
wild pig. His tongue jutted out of his mouth the length of a span. After he expired, we
cast his body to the waves. "

! Caesar then asked, "So what didst thou say? That this fellow is Annas? " Logo-
dote answered, "Annas, indeed, O sovereign." Caesar, glaring at the high priest with ha-
tred, shouted, "Dog!" Caesar quietly observed him with a critical eye. Annas was so
obese that his belly appeared as though he had a massive tumor. Annas' eyes were
also covered tightly with a leather belt that he might not see. This was done lest Annas
lift up his eyes and meet those of Caesar, since the Romans had a prevailing custom
that a condemned man could escape death if his eyes met those of Caesar. Caesar
raised his voice again, saying, "Dog! " Caesar then deftly swung about his throne and
abruptly gave this order: "Write down, O Prefect Puplius, what I am about to say. " The
prefect quickly dipped his pen in the ink as the autocrat began dictating the following: " I,
Tiberius Augustus, Caesar of the Roman world power, condemn to death Annas the
high priest of the synagogue of the Jews, on account of his participation in the unjust
murder of Jesus, son of Mariam. In accordance with my pleasure, the hide of an ante-
lope is to be skinned. The freshly excoriated skin is to be wrapped around Annas, after
which he is to be set out in the sun. He is to remain in that painful position until he casts
off his miserable and merciless soul. Prior to executing this, he is to receive one thou-
sand and one hundred lashes. " The executioners came forward and immediately es-
corted away Annas, as his entire body was shaking with tremors, to the place of pun-
ishment. The prescribed treatment took place as Caesar commanded. Annas was
bound fast inside, being gradually straitened and squeezed until he surrendered his piti-
ful soul.16

Pontius Pilate, Governor of Judaea, Before Tiberius Caesar in Rome

! Caesar then ordered Puplius to bring forward Pontius Pilate. Undoubtedly, Cae-
sar was enraged with Pilate whom he thought to be a terrible and fierce man. Caesar
was most anxious to question Pilate's part in the wrongful death of the Maker of such
wonders and signs among the people in Palestine. Tiberius was certain that if his eyes
met those of Pilate, he would in no wise set him free but sentence him accordingly.
Therefore, Caesar dispensed with setting a leather belt about Pilate's eyes. Caesar re-
marked, "I want to see the fear and trembling in Pilate's eyes. Even if our eyes should
meet, he will receive neither a release nor a favor from me. "

! Pontius Pilate was escorted by a chiliarch into the presence of Caesar. When
Caesar beheld Pilate, he suddenly felt the urge to lay aside all his anger. He found it

16 The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene, Ch. 13, pp. 79, 80; The Great Synaxaristes (in Greek), VII:429, 430.

impossible to speak harshly or roughly to Pilate, finding Pilate somehow mild and his
whole bodily presence bright with a sweet light. Caesar, somewhat trembling, saluted
him. He even rose up from his throne, showing esteem at the appearance of Pilate in
his court. Caesar then spoke in a low tone into the ear of Puplius, remarking, " Puplius, I
am afraid." He then stuttered, but continued and said, "I shall not condemn Pilate, be-
cause I see something. Caesar could not finish the thought. In his confused state, he
involuntarily fell back on his throne nearly in a faint.

! Mary Magdalene, who was present, with a soft and steady glance, addressed the
prefect and said, "Milord prefect, may I speak to the Caesar?" Now Puplius, who was
also strangely effected by the appearance of Pilate, without asking the autocrat's per-
mission first, just nodded at her to proceed. She spoke openly and with a raised voice to
elicit the attention of the swooning emperor, saying, "0 milord Caesar, cease being as-
tonished at the executionerI mean Pilateof my Teacher. Thou shouldest know that
the governor is clad in the garment of that righteous One Who was unjustly crucified by
him. This excellent skill displayed in the weave is the work from the very hands of the
Virgin, Mariam. The sacred garment, full of grace, is what stuns thine eyes. It is for this
reason solely that Pilate is enjoying such deference from thee. " (Indeed, what she
meant here is that Caesar ought to condemn Pilate standing upright in the presence of
the Master Christ's garment.)

! In fact, Pilate had purchased the raiment of Jesus, which was seamless and of a
superior weave. Pilate, having admired the garment, bought it from the soldiers. After
they crucified Jesus, the soldiers "took His garments and made four parts, to each sol-
dier a part, and also the tunic; but the tunic was seamless, woven from the top through-
out. They said therefore to one another, 'Let us not tear it, but let us obtain it by lot for
whom it shall be,' that the Scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, 'They parted My gar-
ments among themselves, and upon My clothing they cast a lot [Ps. 21(22):18].' These
things therefore the soldiers did [Jn. 19:23, 24]."17 It was this seamless tunic that Pilate
obtained. He clad himself in it, under his outer garment as a kind of phylactery and help.
Mary Magdalene recognized the garment straightway, making its presence known unto
Caesar. Caesar was then roused from his fear. He opened his eyes wide, fixing his gaze
on Pilate. He then ordered the chiliarch who was standing by, saying, "Strip him of that
garment, and bring it to me that I might examine it."

! The Lord's tunic was removed from Pilate. Caesar with much curiosity felt the
fabric. On close inspection, he noticed the thick red linen thread. He then looked up at
Magdalene and asked, "It this the garment?" He then descended the two steps of his
throne. The garment was now in Mary Magdalene's trembling hands. With eyes full of
tears, she answered in the affirmative. Caesar returned to his throne and looked down
upon Pilate.

! Pilate now donned his own clothing, leaving him bereft of his former honor. He
was standing between two chiliarchs with his hands fettered. He now appeared dark,

17 Cf. Mt. 27:35, 36.

loathsome, and revolting. He also emitted a stench, so that those present removed their
handkerchiefs and put them to their nostrils. Caesar then bid the prefect to take Jesus'
raiment. Caesar, thereafter, commenced questioning him: "Why hast thou abused the
authority bestowed upon thee by Roman justice? Why didst thou not follow the pre-
scribed order given in the constitution? Our just laws are tempered with mercy. Did Je-
sus violate the laws of the Romans, yea or nay? Tell me, quickly, before this whole
company of senators and all the world that shall judge thee from generation to genera-
tion. "

! Pilate then answered Caesar, saying, "O god of the gods, O divine Caesar, re-
nowned and wonderful autocrat of Rome: my life is in thy hands. Judge me in kindness
as I give my defense." Caesar immediately interposed, "Hast thou any witnesses?" Pi-
late answered, "The chief priests of the synagogue. " Caesar remarked, "Thou dost lie.
The stench from thy mouth is a frightful bother to me." He then told the guards to lock
Pilate in prison that he might be eaten by the mice. Pilate, seeing how hopeless his
case had become, cast caution to the wind and blurted out, "Caesar, thou shouldest
know that the chief priests and the scribes of the Jews delivered Him up to me. They
were saying and crying aloud that He did not observe the sabbath, that He transgressed
the law of Moses, that He withheld the custom duty and tax of thee, O Caesar, and that
He incited the crowd. When I heard such accusations, I many times besought them,
saying, 'Take Him yourselves and judge Him according to your law [Jn. 18:31].' But they
cried out vehemently, 'Put Him to death, because this fellow is worthy of death. We have
a law, and according to our law He ought to die, because He made Himself Son of God
[Jn. 19:7].' I attempted to seek His release, but the Jews were shouting, 'If thou
shouldest release this One, thou art not a friend of the Caesar. Everyone who maketh
himself a king speaketh against the Caesar [Jn. 19:12].' Even when hearing these utter-
ances and the like concerning thy dominion and thine authority, I knew that by reason of
envy they delivered up Jesus to me.18 I still strived to have Him released. But when I
saw that nothing was to be of use, but rather that an uproar was taking place in the
crowd,19 I judged it expedient to hand over Jesus to death. I did these things out of my
fear of thee, sire. " Such was the sop that Pilate thought would be swallowed by the gul-
lible. Then Pilate, with ill-timed flippancy, added, "Besides, what was the man? He was
some poor Nazarite. No one seemed to protest His death." So spoke Pilate, though the
Evangelist Mark reports that "Pilate, willing to do that which was satisfactory to the
crowd, released Barabbas to them; and he delivered up Jesus, after he scourged Him,
in order that He might be crucified [Mk. 15:15]. "

! Caesar responded in this manner to Pilate: "No one, sayest thou, protested?" Pi-
late returned with emphasis, "No one. " Caesar then invited the noble Magdalene to
counter his allegation. The comely equal-to-the-apostles elegantly drew near and asked
Pilate: "Knowest thou me, O executioner of Jesus?" Pilate stood there speechless, try-
ing to evade her piercing glance. She continued, "Why dost thou not give answer? I re-

18 Mt. 27:18.
19 Mt. 27:24.

peat the question. Dost thou not recollect that I entreated thee not to remand the case
of my Teacher to the jurisdiction of Herod the tetrarch20 of Galilee? Did I not say that
Herod is not just, but rather he is an unjust king who disposes judgment according to his
own views on the Messiah? Thou wast not moved by either my supplications nor my
tears. On the contrary, thou wast bent on slaying an innocent Man. Indeed, Pilate, thou
didst inquire whether Jesus was a Galilaean. When it was discovered that Jesus was
from the jurisdiction of Herod, thou didst send Jesus to Herod, who himself also was in
Jerusalem during those days. And Herod, having seen Jesus, was gladdened exceed-
ingly; for he was wishing for a considerable time to see Jesus, because he had heard
many things concerning Him, and he was hoping to see some sign done by Him. So
Herod kept on questioning Jesus with many words, but my Teacher answered nothing.
Meanwhile, the chief priests and the scribes were standing by, vigorously accusing Je-
sus. Herod with his troops, also treated Jesus with contempt. After they mocked Him,
they threw around Him bright raiment, and sent Him back to thee, O Pilate. Indeed, on
that same day Herod and thee became friends with one another; for, before, you were
at enmity between yourselves. Thou didst then call together the chief priests and the
rulers and the people, saying to them, 'Ye brought to me this Man, as one who turneth
away the people. And behold, having examined Him before your face, I did not find even
one charge in this Man of which ye bring as an accusation against Him. No, not even
did Herod, for I sent you up to him; and behold, nothing worthy of death hath been done
by Him. Therefore, after I chastise Him, I will release Him.21
! ! !
! Magdalene continued, asking embarrassing questions that exposed Pilate's du-
plicity and deficiency. "So Pilate, even when Herod supported Jesus' innocency, didst
thou treat my Teacher any better? I doubt if Caesar knows of thy secret crimes. I re-
member the time that the Jews were invited to the hippodrome by thee in order to air
their grievances. What didst thou do? Thou didst order thy soldiers to pummel and
cudgel hundreds for the sake of thine ironic amusement. Many died that day. But the
greatest murder was that committed against the God-Man Christ. This took place at the
time of a feast when thou wast wont to release one prisoner. Instead of releasing my
Teacher, Whom thou knewest to be innocent, thou didst release Barabbas, accused
with fellow insurrectionists who had committed murder in the sedition against Caesar.22
Didst thou serve Caesar by releasing Barabbas? Hast thou considered the evil thou
hast wrought by slaying One Who was meek, peaceful, humble, and a benefactor of Ju-
daea? Instead of releasing Him, thou didst consign Him to death on the Cross. He, in-
deed, is risen from the dead. But again, thou didst at first labor to stifle the truth of that
event. So I ask of thee, nay I demand of thee, 0 Pilate, an answer before the autocrat,
the Senate, and this crowded audience. Speak then. Dost thou or dost thou not recog-
nize the innocence of Jesus? Wast thou or wast thou not notified by the guards detailed
to watch the tomb that my Teacher had risen?"

20 Lk. 3: 1.
21 Lk. 23:7-16
22 Mk. 15:6, 7.

! Pilate, showing his obvious discomfort, twisted his lip, as she exposed his hypoc-
risy and absurdity. Caesar then intervened with a voice that boomed like thunder, asking
Pilate: "Give an answer to the lady and to me. Didst thou acknowledge the innocence of
Jesus? Didst thou receive reports from the guards that Jesus had risen from the grave?"
Pilate, trembling, responded, "Yes, 0 divine Caesar! I acknowledge that I did find Jesus
innocent and that I did receive such reports from the guard on duty at the tomb. As for
hushing up the resurrection of Jesus, I was strictly charged to do so by the chief priests
who did not want it bruited about." Caesar then asked forcefully, "Perhaps tliou didst re-
ceive some remuneration from them?" Pilate hesitated and said slowly with a stifled
voice, "Yes. " Caesar yelled, "0 miserable and wretched man! Since thou didst possess
authority to release Jesus, on what account didst thou not set Him free? Thou art an
unconscionable dog! Didst thou not consider that one day I would find out all these deal-
ings? Did it ever occur to thee that thine appointment was to govern justly all subjects
and not to trample them underfoot? How didst thou dare to execute the unjust murder of
Jesus? Didst thou not hear of the marvels, all wondrous and glorious, He performed
throughout Jerusalem and the borders thereof? Didst thou not know that in thine own
jurisdiction that the blind were given sight, the lepers were cleansed, the four-day-dead
Lazarus was raised, and other portents and prodigies were being wrought that surpass
the hearing? Are these the kind of charges thou didst find against Him that brought thee
to transgress justice and the law?"

! Caesar then turned to Puplius Lentoulos, and said, "Write down what I shall now
dictate. 'I, Tiberius Caesar, Augustus of the Romans, condemn to death the remorseless
and relentless man-slayer, the legate of Judaea of Palestine, Pontius Pilate. "' Puplius
happily and speedily wrote the decision of Caesar on the papyrus, which received the
imperial bulla. The prefect then rose up and said to Caesar, "0 most glorious one, in
what manner has Your Majesty decided to putto death Governor Pilate?" Caesar, deep
in thought, put his hand to his forehead. He then gave this directive: "For the present,
Pilate is to be detained in the prison on the Hill, until I can give the matter more thought.
In the meantime, have this noble lady escorted by six chiliarchs to her dwelling place. "
Caesar then closed the session and descended from his throne, while the crowd cried
out at the top of their voices: "Long live Caesar! Long live the empire! Long live Roman

The Imprisonment and Death of Pilate

! Consequently, Pilate was to be put into prison, until Caesar could think of what
fitting manner of bitter death should be administered. Caesar wished to have Pilate exe-
cuted on account of the injustice of the case against Jesus, Whom Caesar deemed to
be righteous and without sin. The officers of Caesar took hold of Pilate and led him to
the outer prison. Indeed, Pilate was left to languish in that doleful and dank dungeon.
Two years passed. Mary Magdalene tarried in Rome until the execution of Caesar's
command in regard to Pilate was carried out. In the meantime, she drew thousands of
souls to the Christian Faith.

23The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene (in Greek), Ch. 13, pp. 79-89-, The Great Synaxaristes (in Greek),
VII:430, 431.

! During the protracted time that Pilate was in prison, his acquaintances and loyal
friends diligently attempted to secure his deliverance from that rayless and gloomy cell.
None of Pilate's friends or connections, however, dared to approach Caesar directly
concerning the matter. One sympathizer, nevertheless, gained access into the prison by
bribing the guards with a considerable amount. When he was allowed entry into Pilate's
cell for a limited time, Pilate asked, "Who art thou? How didst thou manage to enter this
death chamber?" The man answered, "I am an uncle of thy wife Prokla.24 I have two
things to relate to thee: one displeasing and one pleasing. " Pilate, with a hoarse voice
and bulging eyes, answered, "I am listening." The uncle said, "The unhappy tidings deal
with Prokla; for she has abandoned thee, her husband. She now goes about from city to
city in Judaea. She proclaims Jesus, the very fellow that thou didst crucify, as God." Pi-
late answered, "0 my misery! Has my wife given any thought that I am confined to a
dreary and dark cell, persecuted by the whole world?" The uncle replied, "No, she does
not think of thee. Quite the opposite, she denounces thee as the greatest criminal of the
inhabited world." Pilate sighed, "Very well. I suppose then that I shall not meet with her.
It has not been the same between us from the time that Jesus was delivered bound be-
fore me. Even as I sat on the tribunal, she sent word to me not to have anything to do
with Jesus. She believed Him to have been a just man; for she had suffered many
things that day in a dream because of Him.25 Her conduct now, therefore, cannot take
me by surprise. " Then in a fit of impotent anger, he said, "I should crucify her even as I
crucified that wanderer, on Whose account I now spit up blood in this clammy cell. But
tell me quickly, what are the good tidings? " The man answered, "The good tidings in-
volve a plan to have thee released by Caesar. " The man then divulged that a royal
hunting party was being organized outside of Rome but nearby the prison holding Pi-
late. As the hunting party was to include Caesar, Pilate's connections bade him to stoop
by the outer prison door and watch for Caesar. Whensoever Caesar should pass by,
they urged Pilate to beg and supplicate for mercy. Pilate was told to use his most pitiful
voice when imploring mercy, which they were confident would mellow Caesar. The uncle
assured Pilate that the guard was handsomely paid, who would leave open his cell door.
Pilate answered, "I thank thee and the others. May the gods grant health and youth to
you! I shall blindly follow all that thou hast suggested. " The uncle then left. The unre-
pentant Pilate believed all would go well. He then uttered, "Wrath on thee, O wretched
Prokla! Shall I not meet thee again? Indeed, I shall not meet either thee or the treacher-
ous Hebrew woman who accused me to Caesar. But I shall again see the light of the
sun. Just you wait till then!26

! The hunt commenced. The animals were rounded up in the vicinity by the prison.
There were rabbits, deers, and other species indigenous to that plain. Now there was

24 Prokla Claudia, after the Passion, came to believe in Jesus Christ and lived a holy life. After suffering
greatly for the Lord's sake, she reposed peacefully. She is commemorated by the holy Church on the 27"
of October.
25 Mt. 27:19.
26 The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene (in Greek), Ch. 14, pp. 90-92.

one deer, more beautiful than the others, that appeared in the midst of the animals that
were ensnared. With all her might, she took flight and escaped out of the hands of her
captors. She came to the walls of the prison and halted with her young. Caesar, atop his
red horse, observed from afar her movements. He decided to pursue her, leaving be-
hind his ten mounted retainers. One of them shouted after Caesar, expressing his well
wishes and saying, "The great goddess Diana will not disappoint thee." Caesar quickly
pursued the deer and sought with all his might to lay hold of her. Meanwhile, Pilate was
stooping by the door that he might entreat Caesar as he passed by. That very same
moment that Caesar approached the deer, ready to shoot his arrow, he took aim. The
arrow fell to the ground. That strange doe made eye contact with Caesar and seemed to
whistle through her teeth. Caesar readied a second arrow, watching the mother and
child leap down a path. Impatient, he dismounted and gave chase on foot. He thought
that even if his one arrow did not bring her down, he would wound her. His ten retainers
followed closely on horseback. At one point, the doe drew nigh to the window of the
prison. Pilate was waiting behind the bars. Caesar, meanwhile, fixed his bow, took aim,
and shot. Mother and child suddenly leaped out of the way. The arrow hit its mark. It
smote the heart of the God-slayer Pilate. Hence, Pilate ended his days by a bitter death.

Church History of Eusebius

! Eusebius, in his Church History,28 comments upon how Tiberius was affected
when informed by Pilate concerning Christ. "And when both the wonderful resurrection
and ascension of our Savior were already noised abroad, in accordance with an ancient
custom which prevailed among the rulers of the provinces, of reporting to the emperor
the novel occurrences which took place in them, in order that nothing might escape him,
Pontius Pilate eventually informed Tiberius29 of the reports which were noised abroad
through all Palestine concerning the resurrection of our Savior Jesus from the dead.

! He gave an account also of other wonders which he had learned of Him, and
how, after His death, having risen from the dead, He was now believed by many to be

27The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene (in Greek), Ch. 15, pp. 93-95; The Great Synaxaristes (in Greek),
28 The Church History of Eusehius, Bk. 11, Ch. 11, Nicene, 2 d Ser., 1: 105, 106.
29 That Pilate made an official report to Tiberius is stated also by Tertullian [Apol. 21] Justin Martyr [Apol.
1. 35] mentions certain Acts of Pilate as well known in his day, but the so-called Acts of Pilate which are
still extant in various forms are spurious, and belong to a much later period. The most important of these
Acts is that which is commonly known under the title of the Gospel of Nikodemos. There are also extant
numerous spurious epistles of Pilate addressed to Herod, to Tiberius, to Claudius, and others. The extant
Acts and Epistles are collected in Tischendorf's Evang. Apoc., and most of them are translated by Cowper
in his Apocryphal Gospels. See also the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Am. ed., VIII. p. 416 sqq., Roberts, Alexan-
der and Donaldson, James, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2 nd Ser., Vol. I (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos
Research Systems, Inc., 1997).

God.30 They say that Tiberius referred the matter to the Senate, but that they rejected it,
ostensibly because they had not first examined into the matter (for an ancient law pre-
vailed that no one should be made a god by the Romans except by a vote and decree
of the Senate). But verily, the rejection occurred because the saving teaching of the di-
vine Gospel did not need the confirmation and recommendation of men. But although
the Senate of the Romans rejected the proposition made in regard to our Savior, Tiber-
ius still retained the opinion which he had held at first, and contrived no hostile meas-
ures against Christ.31

! "These things are recorded by Tertullian,32 a man well versed in the laws of the
Romans, and in other respects of high repute, and one of those especially distinguished
in Rome. In his apology for the Christians, which was written by him in the Latin lan-
guage, and has been translated into Greek, he writes as follows: 'But in order that we
may give an account of these laws from their origin, it was an ancient decree 33 that no
one should be consecrated a god by the emperor until the Senate had expressed its
approval. Marcus Aurelius did thus concerning a certain idol, Alburnus. And this is a
point in favor of our doctrine, that among you divine dignity is conferred by human de-
cree. If a god does not please a man he is not made a god. Thus, according to this cus-
tom, it is necessary for man to be gracious to god.34

! "'Tiberius, therefore, under whom the name of Christ made its entry into the
world, when this doctrine was reported to him from Palestine, where it first began,
communicated with the Senate, making it clear to them that he was pleased with the
doctrine. As we said earlier, despite the fact that the Senate rejected the proposal,
Tiberius maintained his own opinion, and even threatened death to the accusers of the
Christians.' Heavenly providence had wisely instilled this into his mind in order that the
doctrine of the Gospel, unhindered at its beginning, might spread in all directions
throughout the world. "

Other Sources Regarding the Demise of Pilate

30The existing Report of Pilate (translated in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VIII, pp. p. 460, 461) answers
well to Eusebius' description, containing as it does a detailed account of Christ's miracles and of His res-
urrection. According to Tischendorf, however, it is in its present form of a much later date.
31 That Tiberius did not persecute the Christians is a fact.
32 Tertullian was born in Carthage about the middle of the 2" C., probably ca. 160, but some scholars push
this year back ten and even twenty years. Tertullian's father was a Roman centurion, and he himself be-
came a lawyer and rhetorician in Rome. He was converted to Christianity probably between 180 and 190.
According to Saint Jerome [de vir. ill. 53], he became a presbyter and continued as such until middle life.
He spent the later years of his life, while he was a Montanist heretic, in Carthage. He wrote a great num-
ber of works-apologetic, polemic, and practical-a few in Greek, but most of them in Latin-and many of the
Latin ones are still extant. An English translation of his works is given in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vols.
111. and IV.
33 Cicero's De Legibus.
34 Tertullian's Apology, Ch. 5.

! Saint Nikodemos the Hagiorite (b. 1749-1809), in his Synaxaristes, notes the fol-
lowing under the day for Saint Mary Magdalene: "This was written by George Kedre-
nos35 concerning Mary of Magdala: that she went to Rome, which resulted in the sum-
moning of Pilate before Tiberius. Kedrenos goes on to say that Tiberius had Pilate
placed inside the skin of a live animal, that is to say, skin stripped off, together with a
viper, an ape, and a bird. I say (writes Nikodemos) that this account is not generally
accepted. Zonaras, in his Chronology,36 says that Pilate was called to Rome by Tiberius.
Zonaras, however, notes that Pilate did not find Tiberius (14-37) alive. Instead, he found
his successor, Caligula (March of 37-41). Zonaras (continues Nikodemos) banished Pi-
late to Vienne of Gaul. Vienne is also mentioned by Adon in his Chronicle, age vii, to be
where Pilate suicided; that he took his own life is also recorded by Eusebius. "

! In his Church History,37 Eusebius writes: "It is worthy of note that Pilate himself,
who was governor in the time of our Savior, is reported to have fallen into such misfor-
tunes under Gaius (Caligula), whose times we are recording, that he was forced to be-
come his own murderer and executioner; and thus divine vengeance, as it seems, was
not long in overtaking him. This is stated by those Greek historians who have recorded
the Olympiads, together with the respective events which have taken place in each pe-
riod. "

! Legends abound regarding the demise of Pontius Pilate. When Pilate learned
that Caesar was going to condemn him to a most disgraceful death, Pilate, hearing this,
slew himself with his own knife. When Caesar learned of the suicide, he remarked,
"Truly he has died by a most disgraceful death, whom his own hand has not spared."
Pilate was then bound to a great mass, and sunk into the river Tiber. But malignant spir-
its created thunder and lightning and tempests and hailstorms, so that all men were kept
in horrible fear. Therefore the Romans, drawing Pilate's remains out of the Tiber, in deri-
sion conveyed the corpse to Vienne,38 where it was again committed to the waters but
in the river Rhone. For Vienne is called, as it were, Via Gehennae, the way of Gehenna,
because it was then a place of cursing. Evil spirits pervaded that place as well, so that
the same adverse weather conditions occurred. The corpse was again removed and
sunk in the lake at Lausanne. There are many other legends about Pilate in the folklore
of Germany, but none of them have the slightest authority.

35George Kedrenos, a 12"-C. historian penned a chronicle known as Synopsis Historion, which encom-
passes history from the creation of the world to the year 1057 after Christ. See also Georgius Cedrenus,
ed. 1. Bekker, 2 vols. (Bonn, 18381839).
36 Bk. VI.
37 Eusebius, Church History, Bk. 11, Ch. VII, Nicene, 2 d Ser., 1: 110.
38Vienne is situated on the confluence of the rivers Rhone and Gere. It was founded by the Gallic tribe of
the Allobrogians but conquered by the Romans. In 61 B.C., the natives expelled the Romans who
founded Lyon. A couple of years later Julius Caesar decided to pacify the area for good, which action
eventually led to the conquest of all of Gaul. Vienne remained an important town and its territory stretched
toward Geneva.

! Presently, according to a local story in Vienne, the monument "la pyramide, " was
the site of the tomb of Pontius Pilate. This is but a legend, but the confusion is under-
standable: the Emperor Augustus ordered Herod Archelaus, the ruler of Judaea about a
generation before Pilate, to settle in Vienne.39

Source: The Great Synaxaristes of the Orthodox Church, July, pp 945 - 970.Translated
from the Greek by Holy Apostles Convent and the Dormition Skete, Buena Vista CO.

39In conjunction with Saint Mary's complaint, other reasons for Pilate's appearance in Rome are also
given in other sources. A leader of the Samaritans had promised to disclose the sacred treasures which
Moses was reported to have concealed upon Mount Gerizim, and the Samaritans came together in great
numbers from all quarters. Pilate, supposing the gathering to be with rebellious purpose, sent troops
against them and defeated them with great slaughter. The Samaritans complained to Vitellius, governor of
Syria, who sent Pilate to Rome in A.D. 36, to answer the charges brought against him. Upon reaching
Rome he found Tiberius dead and Gains Caligula upon the throne. He was unsuccessful in his attempt to
defend himself, and, according to tradition, was banished to Vienne in Gaul, where a monument is still
shown as Pilate's tomb. According to another tradition he committed suicide upon the mountain near Lake
Lucerne, which bears his name. Text taken from the explanatory note I of Philip Schaff and Henry Wace in
Eusebius' Church History, Bk. 11, Ch. VII, of the Nicene and PostNicene Fathers, 2 nd Ser., 1: 110.

! See also December Synaxaristes (in English), s. v. "December 25", " the Feast of the Nativity of
our Lord, under the section entitled "Augustus Taxes All the Roman Empire," which discusses the reckon-
ing of years by the Romans before the establishment of Christianity. An error occurred in the calculation of
Dionysios the Younger (A.D. 526), who introduced the present method of dating. He made the birth of
Christ coincide with the Roman year 754. However, further studies since have ascertained that Christ was
actually born in 747 or 748 according to the Roman era, that is, six or seven years earlier than Dionysios
has supposed. Furthermore, according to all historical accounts, Herod the Great, the slayer of the chil-
dren of Bethlehem, died in 4 B. C. Thus it is evident that the Christ Child could not have been born after 4


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