D6032 Rock Quality Designation PDF
D6032 Rock Quality Designation PDF
D6032 Rock Quality Designation PDF
D 6032
5.3 Retrieval, preservation, transportation, storage, and NOTE 1Centerline measurements ensure that the RQD value resulting
cataloging of the rock core should be done in accordance with from the measurements is not dependent on the core diameter. Centerline
Practices D 5079. The RQD should be logged on site when the measurements also avoid unduly penalizing resulting RQD values for
cases where fractures parallel the core axis (that is, vertical fractures).
core is retrieved because some rocks can disintegrate, due to
slaking, desiccation, stress relief, or swelling, with time. For 5.6 Only those pieces of rock formed by natural fractures
these rocks it is recommended that the RQD be measured again (that is, joints, shear zones, bedding planes, or cleavage planes
after 24 h to assist in determining durability. that result in surfaces of separation) shall be considered for
5.4 Close visual examination of core pieces is required for RQD purposes. The core pieces on either side of core breaks
assessing the type of fracture (that is, natural or drill break). caused by the drilling process shall be fitted together and
Pieces of core that are moderately or intensely weathered, counted as one piece. Drilling breaks are usually evident by
contain numerous pores, or are friable, or combination thereof, rough fresh surfaces. In some cases it may be difficult to
should not be included in the summation of pieces greater than differentiate between natural fractures and drilling breaks.
100 mm (4 in.) for the determination of the RQD. Any rejected When in doubt, count a fracture as a natural fracture. If for
piece of core is still included as part of the total length of core some reason there is not 100 % core recovery for a drill run, the
run and should be noted in the report. length of core left in the borehole should be taken into account
5.5 Measure all core piece lengths that are intact and greater by adding it to the run in which it was cored rather than the run
than 100 mm (4 in.) to the nearest 1 mm (0.04 in.) and record in which it was retrieved.
on a RQD data sheet (Fig. 2). Measure such pieces along the 5.7 Record the top and bottom depths of each core run.
centerline of the core as illustrated in Fig. 15 5.8 Sketch core features such as natural fractures, drilling
breaks, lost core, highly weathered pieces, and so forth.
5.9 Include remarks concerning judgement decisions such
Deere, D. U., and Deere, D. W., The Rock Quality Designation (RQD) Index
as whether a break in a core is a natural fracture or a drilling
in Practice, Rock Classification Systems for Engineering Purposes, ASTM STP 984, break or why a piece of core longer than 100 mm (4 in.) was
1988, pp. 91101. not considered to be intact.
D 6032
5.10 Record the sum of intact core pieces longer than 100 6. Calculation
mm (4 in.) long, and calculate the RQD value for the core run
6.1 Calculate as a percentage, the RQD of a core run as
5.11 Indicate the rock quality description for the core run
using the rock quality table in Fig. 1.
D 6032
@(length of intact core pieces . 100 mm ~4 in.!#3 100 % TABLE 1 RQD Index of Cores of Sedimentary Rock
RQD 5 total core run length Mean RQD, Repeatability, Reproducibility,
(1) Material (Rock Type)
x, % r, % A R, % A
Anhydrite/calcite 86 28 28
7. Precision and Bias
Calcareous shale 60 32 40
7.1 PrecisionA round-robin study of the RQD index of Limestone 92 14 14
Anhydrite 86 20 20
cores of four selected types of sedimentary rock (anhydrite/
The numbers in the r and R columns are not to be taken as percentages of the
calcite, calcareous shale, limestone, and anhydrite) with four means, but are applied as plus or minus terms to the respective means.
replications per rock type was conducted in accordance with
Practice E 691 by eight experienced participants.6 The repeat- r 5 2~=2!sr (2)
ability and reproducibility statistics reported in Table 1 refer to where sr 5 repeatability standard deviation, and
within-participant and between-participant precision, respec-
tively. The probability is approximately 95 % that two results R 5 2~=2!sR (3)
obtained by the same participant on the same material will not where sR 5 reproducibility standard deviation.
differ by more than the repeatability limit r. Likewise, the
NOTE 2Some combinations of the means and r and K can result in
probability is approximately 95 % that two results obtained by KQD limits that exceed 100 % because the RQD values have been
different participants on the same material will not differ by assumed to be normally distributed which may not reflect the actual
more than the reproducibility limit R. The precision statistics underlying distribution of the RQD values.
are calculated from the following equation: 7.2 BiasThere is no accepted reference value for this test
method; therefore, bias cannot be determined.
Pincus, H. J., and Clift, S. J., Interlaboratory Testing Program for Rock 8. Keywords
Properties: Repeatability and Reproducibility of RQD Values for Selected Sedimen-
tary Rocks, PCN: 33-000011-38, ASTM Institute of Standards Research, 1994. 8.1 classification; index; logging; quality; rock; rock core
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