Airpak v3.0 Tutorialguide PDF
Airpak v3.0 Tutorialguide PDF
Airpak v3.0 Tutorialguide PDF
0 Tutorial Guide
May 2007
c 2007 by Fluent Inc.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or otherwise used in
any form without express written permission from Fluent Inc.
Airpak, FIDAP, FLUENT, FLUENT for CATIA V5, FloWizard, GAMBIT, Icemax, Icepak,
Icepro, Icewave, Icechip, MixSim, and POLYFLOW are registered trademarks of Fluent
Inc. All other products or name brands are trademarks of their respective holders.
Fluent Inc.
Centerra Resource Park
10 Cavendish Court
Lebanon, NH 03766
Using This Manual
Different type styles are used to indicate graphical user interface menu items and
text inputs that you enter (e.g., New project panel, enter the name /jobname).
Instructions for performing each step in a tutorial will appear in standard type.
Additional information about a step in a tutorial appears in italicized type.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007 UTM-1
Using This Manual
A mini flow chart is used to indicate the menu selections that lead you to a specific
panel. For example,
ViewSummary (HTML)
indicates that the Summary option can be selected from the View menu at the top
of the Airpak main window.
The arrow points from a specific menu toward the item you should select from that
AIRPAK ROOT/tutorials/
where you must replace AIRPAK ROOT by the full pathname of the directory where
Airpak is installed on your computer system.
It is recommended that you copy the desired job directory (and its contents) to your local
directory. Once you have copied the job directory (e.g., office) to your local directory,
you can read the job into Airpak using the New project panel. See Section 6.2.2 of the
Users Guide for details about reading a job into Airpak.
Since a solution dataset is included in each job, you can look at the results of the tutorial
immediately, without waiting for the calculation to finish. You can read in the associ-
ated job (which includes the solution data) before following the tutorial instructions for
examining the results.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
Using This Manual
Read the section(s) of the manual containing information on the options you are
trying to use.
Recall the exact steps you were following that led up to and caused the problem.
For particularly difficult problems, package up the job in which the problem oc-
curred (see the Users Guide for instructions) and send it to your support engineer.
This is the best source that we can use to reproduce the problem and thereby help
to identify the cause.
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Using This Manual
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4 Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry 4-1
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Tutorial 1. Office Ventilation
Introduction: This tutorial demonstrates how to model an office shared by two people
working at computers, using Airpak.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
Open a new job
Include effects of relative humidity distribution in the simulation
Create blocks, openings, vents, partitions and walls
Model the effects of radiation
Change the number of solver iterations
Calculate a solution
Examine contours and vectors on object faces and cross-sections of the model
Trace particle streams from air inlets
Examine the comfort level in the room by calculating the predicted mean vote
(PMV) and predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD)
Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes that you have little experience with Airpak, but
that you are generally familiar with the interface. If you are not, please review the
sample session in Chapter 1 of the Users Guide.
Problem Description: The office is partitioned into two sections, each containing one
person working at a computer, as shown in Figure 1.1. The office also includes six
fluorescent lights, a baseboard heater, an inlet diffuser, a ventilation return, and
a window. Surface temperatures and air velocity profiles are sought in order to
determine the overall comfort of the room for its occupants.
Table 1.0.1: Geometrical, Thermal, and Flow Boundary Conditions for the Diffuser and
Size Temperature Velocity
Inlet Diffuser 0.2 m 0.3 m 13.5 C 0.85 m/s
Window 3.65 m 1.16 m 30.9 C
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
3. Modify the overall problem definition to include the effects of chemical species
mixing and turn on the ideal gas las.
Problem setup Basic parameters
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Office Ventilation
(a) In the Basic parameters panel, select On next to Species and click Edit.
Airpak will open the Species definitions panel.
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Office Ventilation
(c) Keep the default settings for all other parameters in the Basic parameters panel.
(d) Click Accept to save the new settings.
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
Note: There is a Person object in Airpak; however, for this simulation, the repre-
sentation of the people will be simplified, i.e., the people will be represented by
hollow blocks that are energy sources. Tutorials 2 and 3 will make use of the
Person object.
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
(d) In the Properties tab, set the Total power under Thermal Specification to be
1500 W.
(e) In the Info tab, enter the name baseboard-heater in the Name field.
(f) Click Done to update the block and close the panel.
8. Copy the first lamp (lamp) to create the second and third lamps (lamp.1 and lamp.2),
each offset by 1.3 m in the x direction.
(a) In the Model manager window, select lamp.
(b) Right mouse click to display the context menu.
(c) Click copy.
The Copy block lamp panel will open.
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
i. Select lamp in the Model manager window, hold down the <Ctrl> key and
click on lamp.1 and lamp.2 to select or highlight all three lamps.
ii. Right mouse click to display the context menu and select Create group.
iii. In the Query panel, enter lamp as the name for the new group.
iv. Click Done.
lamp, lamp.1 and lamp.2 will be added as a group under the Groups node in the
Model manager window.
(b) Make a copy of this group.
i. Select the Groups node in the Model manager window and expand the
Groups tab.
ii. Select the lamp group and right mouse click to display the context menu.
iii. Select Copy group to display the Copy group lamp panel.
iv. Enter 1 as the Number of copies.
v. Turn on the Translate option.
vi. Set the X offset and Y offset to 0, set the Z offset to -1.8.
vii. Click Apply
The display will be updated to show all six lamps.
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
(e) In the Info tab, enter the name vent-return in the Name field.
(f) Click Done to update the vent and close the Vents panel.
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Office Ventilation
xS 2.87 xE ---
yS 0 yE 3.0
zS -2.0 zE -4.0
(d) In the Info tab, enter the name partition in the Name field.
(e) Click Update in the Partitions panel to modify the partition.
13. Create the first office table.
(a) Click the icon in the object toolbar.
(b) Double click partition.1 in the Model manager window to display the Partitions
edit panel.
(c) In the Geometry tab, change the plane to X-Z and enter the following coordi-
xS 3.0 xE 5.0
yS 0.6 yE ---
zS -3.524 zE -4.0
(d) In the Info tab, enter the name table in the Name field.
(e) Click Done to update the table and close the Partitions panel.
14. Copy the first table to create the second (table.1).
The second table will be offset from the first table by 3 m in the x direction and
3.524 m in the z direction.
(a) In the Model manager window, select table.
(b) Right mouse click to display the context menu.
(c) Click copy.
The Copy partition table panel will open.
(d) Turn on the Translate option and specify an X offset of -3 m and a Z offset of
3.524 m.
(e) Click Apply to copy the table and close the panel.
15. Create the office window.
(a) Click the icon in the object toolbar.
Airpak will create a wall in the center of the room. You will need to change
the size and orientation of the wall and specify the temperature and radiation
(b) Double click wall.1 in the Model manager window to display the Walls edit
(c) In the Geometry tab, change the plane to Y-Z and enter the following coordi-
nates for the window:
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Office Ventilation
xS 0 xE ---
yS 1.671 yE 2.831
zS -0.203 zE -3.853
(d) In the Properties tab, select Outside temp and enter a value of 30.9 C.
(e) In the Info tab, enter the name window in the Name field.
(f) Click Done to update the window and close the Walls panel.
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Office Ventilation
xS 0 xE ---
yS 0 yE 3.0
zS 0 zE -4.0
(d) In the Info tab, enter the name wall-back in the Name field.
(e) Click Done to update the window and close the Walls panel.
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
22. Check the model to be sure that there are no problems (e.g., objects that are too
close together to allow for proper mesh generation).
ModelCheck model
Airpak should report in the Message window that 0 problems were found and all
tolerances are acceptable.
23. Check the definition of the modeling objects to ensure that you specified them
Airpak will list the specifications for all modeling objects in a web browser which
can be launched from selecting the View menu and clicking Summary(HTML) . You
can check them here and if you notice any incorrect specifications, you can change
them in the objects edit panel.
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Office Ventilation
(a) Under the Radiation enabled list, click All to select all of the objects in the
(b) At the bottom of the panel, select 1 from the menu to the right of the Ref
The smaller the Ref level value, the faster Airpak will compute the view factors.
(c) Click Compute.
Airpak will compute the form factors for the selected objects. See the Users
Guide for details about modeling radiation.
Note: It will take several minutes for Airpak to complete the radiation calcu-
lations. The Message window will report when it is Done computing form
(d) Click Close.
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
Airpak will begin to calculate a solution for the model, and a separate window
will open where the solver will print the numerical values of the residuals.
Airpak will also open the Monitor graphics display and control window, where
it will display the convergence history for the calculation.
If you do not want to wait for the calculation to finish, you can save time by
reading in the results provided in the tutorials directory and then following
the instructions (in the next step of this tutorial) for examining the results.
See the preface (Using This Manual) for details.
Upon completion of the calculation, your residual plot will look similar to
Figure 1.9. Note that the actual values of the residuals may differ slightly on
different machines, so your plot may not look exactly the same as Figure 1.9. In
the window where the residual values are printed, the calculation will continue
after the residual plot stops, as the equations for radiation and mean age of
air are solved.
To get a more accurate solution, it may be necessary to continue the calcula-
tion until all residual plots level off. You can do this by reducing the conver-
gence criteria for the flow and energy equations in the Solver setup panel and
restarting the calculation. See the Users Guide for details about restarting
the calculation from an existing solution.
4. When the solution is completed, as in Figure 1.9, close the Monitor window by
clicking Done.
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
(a) In the Info tab, enter the name velocity-vectors in the Name field.
(b) Keep the default selection of Point and normal for the plane specification.
(c) Specify the point (PX,PY,PZ) as (0,2.55,-2), and the normal (NX,NY,NZ)
as (0,1,0).
This defines a cross-section in the x-z plane, passing through the point (0,2.55,-
(d) Select Show vectors.
(e) Click Create.
(f) Click on the Orient menu and select Positive Y.
This will orient the model as shown in Figure 1.11. You can see the flow
distribution of low-velocity ventilation air throughout the office on this plane.
You can use the slider bar under Set plane in the Plane cut panel to move the
vector plane through the model.
(g) In the Plane cut panel, turn off the Active option and click Update.
This will temporarily remove the velocity vector display from the graphics win-
dow, so that you can more easily view the next postprocessing object.
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Office Ventilation
Hint: If the Plane cut panel is not visible on your screen, select velocity-vectors
in the Post objects list in the postprocessing Edit panel to bring the Plane
cut panel to the foreground.
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Office Ventilation
(g) Click Done to update the graphics display and close the panel.
(h) Click on the Orient menu and select Isometric view.
The graphics display will be updated to show the mean age of air contour plot,
as shown in Figure 1.13.
(i) In the Plane cut panel, turn off the Active option and click Done.
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Office Ventilation
(j) In the Object face panel, turn off the Active option and click Update.
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Office Ventilation
4. Display particle traces of the air that is blown in through the inlet diffuser.
(a) Click on the Orient menu and select Positive Y.
(b) Click New in the Object face panel.
(c) In the Info tab, enter the name particle-trace in the Name field.
(d) In the Object drop-down list, select air-inlet.
(e) Click Accept.
(f) Keep the default Object sides.
(g) Select Show particle traces and click Parameters.
The Object face particles panel will open.
(h) Change the Start time and End time to 0 and 1200 respectively.
This specifies display of the path of air particles for the first 20 minutes they
are in the room.
(i) In the Display Options section, enter 15 in the Uniform text field.
This will set the number of particle traces that will be displayed.
(j) In the Animation section, enter 1200 in the End text field and 120 in the Steps
(k) For Particle color, select Mean age of air from the Variable drop-down list.
(l) Click Done to close the panel and update the graphics display.
Figure 1.16 shows the path of air particles entering the office through the open-
ing at the top of the wall opposite the office window.
(m) In the Object face panel, turn off the Active option and click Done.
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
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Office Ventilation
Summary: In this tutorial, you created a simple model of an office and were able to
determine the flow patterns of the air in the room, the temperature distribution
in the room, the freshness of the air, and the expected comfort levels that the
ventilation system will provide the intended occupants.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
Office Ventilation
1. Srebric, J., Chen, Q., and Glicksman, L.R., Validation of a zero-equation tur-
bulence model for complex indoor airflow simulation, ASHRAE Transactions
105(2), 1999.
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Office Ventilation
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Tutorial 2. Laboratory Exhaust
Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the menu structure in
Airpak and that you have solved or read Tutorial 1. Some steps in the setup and
solution procedure will not be shown explicitly.
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
(e) Keep the default settings for all other parameters in the Basic parameters panel.
(f) Click Accept to save the new settings.
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
(c) In the Info tab, enter the name table-leg in the Name field.
(d) Click Done to update the block and close the Blocks panel.
4. Copy the first leg of the table (table-leg) to create the second leg (table-leg.1).
(a) Select table-leg in the Model manager window. list.
(b) Click Copy.
Airpak will open the Copy block table-leg panel.
(c) Turn on the Translate option and specify an X offset of 0.92.
(d) Click Apply.
Airpak will create a copy of the original leg that is offset 0.92 m in the x
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
12. Copy the side of the backstop (backstop-end) to create the other side (backstop-
(a) Select backstop-end in the Model manager window.
(b) Click Copy object.
Airpak will open the Copy partition backstop-end panel.
(c) Set the X offset to 0, the Y offset to 0, and the Z offset to 1.02.
(d) Click Apply to generate the second side and close the panel.
Airpak will create a second side panel that is identical to the first and offset
1.02 m in the z direction.
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
17. Copy the last opening you created (opening.4) to create two more openings on
the ceiling of the lab.
(a) Select opening.4 in the Model manager window.
(b) Click Copy object.
Airpak will open the Copy opening opening.4 panel.
(c) Enter 2 as the Number of copies.
(d) Keep the Translate option turned on.
(e) Set the X offset to 0.35, the Y offset to 0, and the Z offset to 0.
(f) Click Apply to generate the new openings and close the panel.
Airpak will create two additional openings that are identical to the first and
offset by 0.35 m in the x direction.
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Laboratory Exhaust
19. Check the model to be sure that there are no problems (e.g., objects that are too
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Laboratory Exhaust
20. Check the definition of the modeling objects to ensure that you specified them
ViewSummary (HTML)
Airpak will list the specifications for all modeling objects in a web browser which
can be launched from selecting the View menu and clicking Summary (HTML). You
can check them here and if you notice any incorrect specifications, you can change
them in the objects edit panel.
Note: The problem described here is symmetric, and you could have reduced the
size of the computational domain by creating a hollow block and a symmetry
plane to effectively block out half of the domain. However, anticipating that
additional objects may be introduced into the model or that swirling flows may
be considered at a later time, the current analysis will be carried out without
taking advantage of the symmetry present.
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
vi. Click the Generate mesh button in the Mesh control panel to generate the
finer mesh.
(g) Examine the new mesh.
The graphics display will be updated automatically to show the new mesh (Fig-
ure 2.4). You can use the two square boxes in the Display section of the Mesh
control panel to advance the plane cut and view the mesh throughout the model.
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
(i) In the Plane cut panel, turn off the Active option.
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Laboratory Exhaust
3. Display an animated particle trace of the air that is blown in from the top of the
PostObject face
(a) To provide a more realistic view, change the graphics window so that the
hidden lines and the outline of the room are not displayed.
i. Click on the View menu and select Shading and Hidden line from the View
drop-down list.
ii. Click on Visible in the View menu and deselect Room in the Visible drop-
down list.
(b) In the Object face panel, enter the name particle-trace in the Name field.
(c) In the Object drop-down list, select opening.3 and click Accept.
(d) Under Display options, select Show particle traces and click Parameters.
The Object face particles panel will open.
(e) Change the Start time and End time to 0 and 30, respectively.
This specifies display of the path of air particles for the first 30 seconds they
are in the room.
(f) Under Display Options, enter 100 in the Uniform text field.
This will set the number of particle traces that will be displayed.
(g) For Particle color, select Mean age of air from the Variable drop-down list.
(h) In the Animation section, enter 30 in the End text field.
(i) Click the Animation button.
Airpak will display the path of the air particles entering the lab through the top
of the hood, as shown in Figure 2.7
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Laboratory Exhaust
Summary: In this tutorial, you created a simple model of a laboratory and determined
the flow patterns in the room and the mean age of the air. You created and viewed
an animation of the airflow through the lab and created an animated GIF file of
the airflow for use in an external multimedia program.
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Laboratory Exhaust
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Tutorial 3. Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
Introduction: This tutorial demonstrates how to model fluid exhaust streams emitted
from an office copy machine.
In this tutorial you will learn how to:
Create a polygonal block
Create a person object
Model the dispersion of gaseous species throughout a room
Change the legend precision for postprocessing results in the graphics window
Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the menu structure in
Airpak and that you have solved or read Tutorial 1. Some steps in the setup and
solution procedure will not be shown explicitly.
Problem Description: The room, shown in Figure 3.1, contains a copier with rear
sources that emit waste gases. Other objects in the room include a person, a trash
can, a file cabinet, closets, and exhaust vents. The goal of the simulation is to
report on the concentration of total volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs,
which normally are gaseous hydrocarbons, are criteria pollutants that can be found
in all non-industrial environments. These chemicals are produced by a wide range
of sources, and are of particular interest in addressing indoor air quality (IAQ)
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007 3-1
Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
3. Modify the overall problem definition to include the effects of species mixing and
to use a different default surface material.
Problem setup Basic parameters
(a) In the Basic parameters panel, select On next to Species and click Edit.
Airpak will open the Species definition panel.
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
i. Click the arrow button next to h2o to open the materials drop-down list.
ii. Under Gases, select Benzene.
iii. Set the Initial concentration of Benzene to 0.
iv. Click Accept.
(b) In the Default values tab (within the Basic parameters panel), select Plastics-
infrared Opaque from the drop-down list next to Default surface.
(c) Keep the default settings for all other parameters in the Basic parameters panel.
(d) Click Accept to save the new settings.
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
11. Create the first of a set of three vents for the room.
(a) Click in the object toolbar.
Airpak will create a vent object in the center of the room. You will need to
change the orientation and parameters of the vent.
(b) In the Geometry tab, change the Plane to X-Z.
(c) Enter the following coordinates:
xS 0.4 xE 0.7
yS 2.3 yE
zS 0.4 zE 0.9
(d) For the Velocity loss coefficient, select Device.
(e) Select Species.
The default values for the mass fractions of the species are correct, so you do
not need to make any changes to the species concentrations.
(f) Click Done to update the vent and close the Vents panel.
12. Copy the first vent (vent.1) to create two more vents on the ceiling of the room.
(a) In the vents edit panel, select vent.1.
(b) Click Copy.
Airpak will open the Copy vent vent.1 panel.
(c) Enter 2 as the Number of copies.
(d) Select Translate and enter 1.35 next to Z offset.
(e) Retain the default X offset and Y offset of 0.
(f) Click Apply to generate the new vents and close the panel.
Two additional vents now appear in the graphics display that are identical to
the first and offset by 1.35 m in the z direction.
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
(f) In the Info tab, enter the name benz2 in the Name field of the Openings panel.
(g) Click Done to update the opening.
15. Create the third benzene emission source.
(a) Click in the object toolbar.
(b) Enter the following coordinates for the opening:
xS 2.346 xE 2.393
yS 0.455 yE 0.503
zS 0.15 zE
(c) Select Temperature and enter a value of 100 F.
! Remember to change the unit for Temperature from C to F.
(d) Select Z Velocity and enter a value of -0.833 m/s.
(e) Select Species and click Edit.
Airpak will open the Species concentrations panel.
i. Under Concentration, enter a value of 1 for Benzene.
ii. Click Done.
(f) In the Info tab, enter the name benz3 in the Name field of the Openings panel.
(g) Click Done to update the opening.
16. Create the doorway into the room.
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
(c) Enter (2.42, 0, 1.07) as the (X, Y, Z) coordinates for the Location of the
(d) Click Done to update the person and close the panel.
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
(g) Click Done to update the door and close the Partitions panel.
The completed model will look like Figure 3.7.
20. Check the model to be sure that there are no problems (e.g., objects that are too
close together to allow for proper mesh generation).
ModelCheck model
Airpak should report in the Message window that 0 problems were found and all
tolerances are acceptable.
21. Check the definition of the modeling objects to ensure that you specified them
ViewSummary (HTML)
Airpak will list the specifications for all modeling objects in a web browser which
can be launched from selecting the View menu and clicking Summary (HTML). You
can check them here and if you notice any incorrect specifications, you can change
them in the object edit panel.
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
(a) Under the Enabled list, click All to select all of the objects in the room.
(b) Click Compute.
Airpak will compute the form factors for the selected objects. See the Users
Guide for details about modeling radiation.
Note: It will take several minutes for Airpak to complete the radiation calcu-
lations. The Message window will report when it is Done computing form
(c) Click Close in the Form factors panel.
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007 3-25
Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
(h) In the Plane cut panel, turn off the Active option and click Done.
This will temporarily remove the velocity vector display from the graphics win-
dow, so that you can more easily view the next postprocessing object.
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Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007 3-27
Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
(h) In the Object face panel, turn off the Active option and click Update.
3. Display particle traces of the air and benzene throughout the room.
(a) Click New in the Object face panel.
(b) In the Name field, enter the name particle-trace.
(c) In the Object drop-down list, select all opening objects.
Hint: To select all openings, hold down the <Ctrl> or <Shift> key while
selecting objects.
(d) Select Show particle traces and click Parameters.
The Object face particles panel will open.
(e) Change the Start time and End time to 0 and 300, respectively.
This specifies display of the path of air particles for the first 5 minutes they
are in the room.
(f) For Particle color, select Air (mass) from the Variable drop-down list.
This variable is chosen because we are interested in seeing how, or if, the VOCs
produced by the copier are dispersed through the room. Air (mass) is the mass
fraction of air at a certain point in the room. A value less than 1 indicates
the presence of a contaminant, which in this case is benzene.
(g) In the Animation section, enter 300 in the End text field.
(h) Click Animate to update the graphics display.
Figure 3.14 shows the path of air particles entering the room through all of the
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
Summary: In this tutorial, you created a model of an office copier room and determined
the flow patterns in the room, as well as the mass fraction distributions of the
various species involved.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007 3-29
Copy Machine Emitting Volatile Gases
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
Tutorial 4. Room and Office Space Created from Imported
IGES Geometry
Introduction: This tutorial demonstrates how to import geometry created using a com-
mercial CAD program into Airpak. Airpak provides the capability to import an Ini-
tial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) file, as well as utilities to simplify the
CAD geometry representation and allow the geometry to be represented as Airpak
objects. In this tutorial you will import an IGES file into Airpak. You will then
convert the imported CAD geometry into Airpak objects. Finally, you will obtain
a solution for the Airpak model.
In this tutorial you will learn how to:
Change the system of units
Import an IGES file into Airpak
Convert IGES geometry into Airpak objects
Delete unwanted CAD geometry
Edit a group of objects
Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the menu structure in
Airpak and that you have solved or read Tutorial 1. Some steps in the setup and
solution procedure will not be shown explicitly.
Problem Description: The model consists of a circular room containing an office cu-
bicle. Other objects in the room include a person, computer, table, cabinet, inlet
fan, and exhaust vent, as shown in the figure below. Air enters the cubicle through
the inlet fan at a mass flow rate of 75 ft3 /min.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
1. Copy the file
AIRPAK ROOT/tutorials/room/room.igs
to your working directory. You must replace AIRPAK ROOT by the full path name
of the directory where Airpak is installed on your computer system.
3. Specify Imperial (English) units as the default units for the model.
(a) In the Preferences panel, click the Units node.
Airpak will display the units editor panel.
(b) Click Set all to Imperial.
(c) Click This project in the Preferences panel to apply the unit settings to this
project only and close the panel.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
5. Click the Orient menu and select Isometric from the drop-down list.
An Isometric view of the imported geometry is shown in Figure 4.3.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
(b) In the CAD data panel, select the shape that you want Airpak to try to fit to
the CAD geometry.
i. Under Shapes to try, deselect Circular, Cylindrical, Inclined, Polygonal, and
This will ensure that the person is created as a rectangular prism block.
(c) Create the person block.
i. Under Create object, select the Blocks object.
ii. Using the left mouse button, click on three of the six surfaces that comprise
the person (shown in Figure 4.4) in the graphics window.
Hint: If you select the wrong CAD geometry, click the right mouse button
in the graphics window to undo your selection.
iii. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window to complete the
creation of the block.
An Airpak block object will be displayed in the graphics window.
(d) Specify a name for the block.
i. Select FACE in the Model manager window to display the edit panel.
ii. In the Info tab, enter the name person in the Name field.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
(b) Select the shape that you want Airpak to try to fit to the CAD geometry.
ModelCAD data
i. Under Try shapes in the CAD import options panel, deselect Hexagonal and
select Cylindrical.
This will ensure that the table leg is created as a cylindrical block.
(c) Create the table leg block.
i. Under Create object, select the Blocks object.
ii. Using the left mouse button, click on the top, the bottom, and the side
of the table leg (shown in Figure 4.5) in the graphics window.
Hint: If you select the wrong CAD geometry, click the right mouse button
in the graphics window to undo your selection.
iii. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window to complete the
creation of the block.
After a few moments, an Airpak block object will be displayed in the graph-
ics window.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
iv. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window again to exit the
Selected > objects mode.
(d) Specify a name for the block.
i. Select FACE in the blocks edit panel.
ii. In the Info tab, enter the name table-leg in the Name field.
iii. Click Update.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
After a few moments, an Airpak block object will be displayed in the graph-
ics window.
iv. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window again to exit the
Selected > objects mode.
(c) Specify a name for the block.
i. Select FACE in the blocks edit panel.
ii. In the Info tab, enter the name fluid-room in the Name field.
iii. Click Update.
(b) Select the shape that you want Airpak to try to fit to the CAD geometry.
i. Under Shapes to try in the CAD data panel, deselect Cylindrical and select
This will ensure that the fan is created as a circle.
(c) Create the inlet fan.
i. Under Create object, select the Fans object.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
ii. Using the left mouse button, click on the circle that comprises the inlet
fan (shown in Figure 4.7) in the graphics window.
Hint: If you select the wrong CAD geometry, click the right mouse button
in the graphics window to undo your selection.
iii. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window to complete the
creation of the fan.
An Airpak fan object will be displayed in the graphics window.
iv. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window again to exit the
Selected > objects mode.
(d) Specify a name for the fan.
i. Select FACE in the fans edit panel.
ii. In the Info tab, enter the name floor-diffuser in the Name field.
iii. Click Update.
(b) Select the shape that you want Airpak to try to fit to the CAD geometry.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
i. Under Shapes to try in the CAD data panel, deselect Circular and select
This will ensure that the vent is created as a rectangle.
(c) Create the exhaust vent.
i. Under Create object, select the Vents object.
ii. Using the left mouse button, click on the rectangle that comprises the
exhaust vent (shown in Figure 4.8) in the graphics window.
iii. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window to complete the
creation of the vent.
An Airpak vent object will be displayed in the graphics window.
iv. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window again to exit the
Selected > objects mode.
(d) Specify a name for the vent.
i. Select FACE in the vents edit panel.
ii. In the Info tab, enter the name exhaust-vent in the Name field.
iii. Click Update.
8. Create a doorway.
(a) Use the right mouse button to zoom into the CAD geometry representing the
doorway and the middle button to translate the view, as shown in Figure 4.9.
(b) Create the doorway.
i. Under Create object, select the Openings object.
ii. Using the left mouse button, click on the rectangle that comprises the
doorway (shown in Figure 4.9) in the graphics window.
iii. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window to complete the
creation of the opening.
An Airpak opening object will be displayed in the graphics window.
iv. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window again to exit the
Selected > objects mode.
(c) Specify a name for the opening.
i. Select FACE in the openings edit panel.
ii. In the Info tab, enter the name doorway in the Name field.
iii. Click Update.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
(a) Use the right mouse button to zoom out of the CAD geometry representing
the walls and the middle button to translate the view, as shown in Figure 4.10.
(b) Create the first wall.
i. Under Create objects, select the Walls object.
ii. Using the left mouse button, click on the rectangle that comprises the
first wall in the graphics window, identified as wall-1 in Figure 4.10.
iii. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window to complete the
creation of the wall.
An Airpak wall object will be displayed in the graphics window.
(c) Specify a name for the wall.
i. Select FACE in the walls edit panel.
ii. In the Info tab, enter the name wall-1 in the Name field.
iii. Click Update.
(d) Repeat steps (c) and (d) for the second wall (wall-2).
(e) Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window to exit the Selected >
objects mode
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
(a) Use the right mouse button to zoom into the CAD geometry representing the
partitions and the middle button to translate the view, as shown in Figure 4.11.
(b) Create the low partition.
i. Under Create object, select the Partitions object.
ii. Using the left mouse button, click on the rectangle that comprises the low
partition in the graphics window, identified as low-partition in Figure 4.11.
iii. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window to complete the
creation of the partition.
An Airpak partition object will be displayed in the graphics window.
(c) Specify a name for the partition.
i. Select FACE in the partitions edit panel.
ii. In the Info tab, enter the name low-partition in the Name field.
iii. Click Update.
(d) Repeat steps (c) and (d) for the remaining three partitions (hi-partition-1,
hi-partition-2, and hi-partition-3).
(e) Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window to exit the Selected >
objects mode.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
(a) Click the Orient menu and select Negative Y from the drop-down list.
(b) Use the right mouse button to zoom into the CAD geometry representing the
partitions and the middle button to translate the view, as shown in Figure 4.12.
(c) Create two rectangular tabletops.
For simplicity, in this step you will split a single L-shaped CAD surface into
two Airpak partition objects.
i. Under Creation mode in the CAD data panel, select Region.
ii. Using the left mouse button, click on the L-shaped object that comprises
the tabletop (shown in Figure 4.12) in the graphics window.
iii. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window to accept the
selection of the tabletops.
iv. Position the mouse pointer (which is now a +) on the line just beneath
the block representing the person and press the h key on the keyboard to
draw a horizontal line.
v. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window to accept the
division of the region.
Airpak will open the Multiple regions panel.
vi. Click Split to split the region into two partitions.
Two Airpak partition objects will be displayed in the graphics window.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
vii. Click the middle mouse button in the graphics window again to exit the
Regions > objects mode.
(d) Specify names for the partitions.
i. Select FACE in the partitions edit panel.
ii. In the Info tab, enter the name tabletop-1 in the Name field.
iii. Click Update.
iv. Repeat steps iiii for FACE.1 (tabletop-2).
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
13. Remove all of the remaining CAD geometry from your Airpak model.
ModelCAD dataClear
(a) Select the Model menu and click CAD data to display the CAD data panel.
(b) Click Clear to remove all existing unused cad data.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
2. Create the first of four dead blocks to occupy the corners of the rectangular room
3. Copy dead-block-1 to create a second dead block on the opposite side of the room.
(a) Select dead-block-1 in the Model manager window.
(b) Right mouse click to display the context menu.
(c) Click Copy object.
Airpak will open the Copy block dead-block-1 panel.
(d) Select Translate and enter 23 next to X offset.
(e) Retain the default Y offset and Z offset of 0.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
(f) Click Apply to generate the new block and close the panel.
An additional block will now appear in the graphics display that is identical to
the first and offset by 23 ft in the x direction.
4. Create the third of four dead blocks to mask the corners of the rectangular room
5. Copy dead-block-2 to create the fourth dead block on the opposite side of the room.
(a) Select dead-block-2 in the Model manager window.
You will need to use the scroll bar to access this object.
(b) Click Copy object in the context menu.
Airpak will open the Copy block dead-block-2 panel.
(c) Under Translate, set X offset and Y offset to 0.
(d) Set Z offset to 23.
(e) Click Apply to generate the new block and close the panel.
An additional block will now appear in the graphics display that is identical to
the first and offset by 23 ft in the z direction.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
1. Modify the overall problem description to include the effects of the ideal gas law,
radiation, and species mixing.
Problem setup Basic parameters
(a) Next to Species, select On and click Edit.
Airpak will open the Species definitions panel.
i. Set the Initial concentration of h2o to 50.
ii. Select RH from the menu to the right of the Initial concentration field for
RH is the relative humidity of the air in the room specified as a percentage.
iii. Click Accept.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
(b) In the General setup tab, in the Basic parameters panel, turn on the Discrete
ordinates radiation model.
The discrete ordinates radiation model is used instead of the surface-to-surface
radiation model because the model objects are nearly all contained within the
fluid-room block object and the view factor calculation method is not able to
see objects that are inside other objects.
(c) Click the Advanced tab.
i. Turn on the Ideal gas law and the Oper. density and keep the default values
for operating pressure and density.
(d) Under Ambient values in the Default values tab, set the Temperature to 80 F.
(e) Under Initial conditions, set the Temperature to ambient.
(f) Click Accept to close the Basic parameters panel.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
Figure 4.19: Model of Room with Office, Fan, Vent, Walls, and Doorway
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
8. Check the model to be sure that there are no problems (e.g., objects that are too
close together to allow for proper mesh generation).
ModelCheck model
Airpak should report in the Message window that 0 problems were found and that
all tolerances are acceptable.
9. Check the definition of the modeling objects to ensure that you specified them
ViewSummary (HTML)
Airpak will list the specifications for all modeling objects in a web browser which
can be launched from selecting the View menu and clicking Summary (HTML). You
can check them here and if you notice any incorrect specifications, you can change
them in the objects edit panel.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
1. Change the meshing priority of the dead blocks and the room block.
Objects in the model that are contained within another object (e.g., person is inside
of fluid-room) must have a higher meshing priority than the surrounding object so
that they will be included in the mesh. You will need to change the order in which
the objects in the room are meshed so that all objects contained within fluid-room
will be seen by the meshing tool.
ModelEdit priorities
(a) In the Object priority panel, enter a value of 0 for dead-block-1, dead-block-1.1,
dead-block-2, and dead-block-2.1.
You may need to use the scroll bar to access these objects.
(b) Enter a value of 1 for fluid-room.
(c) Enter a value of 100 for dblock.
(d) Click Accept to modify the priorities and close the panel.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
3. Click the Generate mesh button in the Mesh control panel to generate a mesh.
Note: Airpak may recommend more small adjustments to the position of objects
in the room so that a better-quality mesh will be generated. If any Small gaps
panels appear, click Accept in each one.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
Retain the defaults for Temperature, Viscosity, Body forces, and h2o.
(b) Click Accept to store the settings and close the Advanced solver setup panel.
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
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Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007 4-37
Room and Office Space Created from Imported IGES Geometry
Summary: In this tutorial, you imported an IGES file into Airpak and converted the
CAD geometry into Airpak objects. After solving the problem, you examined tem-
perature contours and the flow of air through the room.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
Tutorial 5. High Density Datacenter Cooling
Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the menu structure in
Airpak and that you have solved or read Tutorial 5. Some steps in the setup and
solution procedure will not be shown explicitly.
Problem Description: The tutorial considers a 1200 sq. ft. datacenter with a slab
to slab height of 12 ft as shown in Figure 5.1. The datacenter consists of a 1.5
ft under floor plenum and a 2 ft ceiling plenum. The CRACs discharge cold air
into the underfloor plenum. The cold air enter the main datacenter space mainly
through the perforated floor tiles and returns back to the air conditioning units as
shown in Figure 5.2. The cooling load, as summarized in Table 5.0.1 corresponds
to the heat output from the server cabinets and the PDUs.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007 5-1
High Density Datacenter Cooling
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
High Density Datacenter Cooling
4. Click Create.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
6. Turn off Decoration for all object types and update line Width to 2 for blocks, fans,
vents, openings, partitions, and resistances.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
12. Keep the default settings for all other parameters in the Basic parameters panel.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007 5-19
High Density Datacenter Cooling
(q) Click Done to update the fan and close the panel.
(r) Set the object-specific meshing parameters for the fans crac1-sup and crac1-ret.
i. Open the Mesh Control panel using the Model menu and clicking on Gen-
erate Mesh.
ii. Check the Object params option and click Edit to open the Per-object
meshing parameters panel.
iii. Select the fan crac1-ret from the list and check the Use per-object pa-
rameters option.
iv. Specify 4 for x count and Z count under Requested.
v. Similarly, specify 4 for x count and Z count under Requested for the fan
crac1-sup as well.
(s) Click Done to close the Per-object meshing parameters panel.
(t) Click Close to close the Mesh control panel.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
(l) Click Done to update the opening and close the panel.
Note: The volumetric flow rate input for the recirculation opening is con-
verted by Airpak to a mass flow rate input to the computational stage of
the analysis. For this conversion, Airpak uses the density specified for Air
in the materials panel shown below. It is important to appropriately up-
date this density field to correctly account for the effect of altitude on air
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007 5-27
High Density Datacenter Cooling
(h) Switch the visibility of the object names to the Selected option.
ViewDisplayObject namesSelected
(i) Save the project using FileSave Project.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
Figure 5.20: Second Row of Server Racks in the Graphics Display Window
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
(l) Click Done to update the opening and close the panel.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
Figure 5.22: 11 High Density Server Racks in the Graphics Display Window
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
(f) Click Done to update the vent and close the panel.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
Figure 5.25: Second Row of 11 Perforated Floor Tiles in the Graphics Display Window
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
(f) Click Done to update the resistance and close the panel.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
(g) Set the object-specific meshing parameters for the resistance tile-vol.
i. Open the Mesh Control panel using the Model menu and clicking on Gen-
erate Mesh.
ii. Check the Object params option and click Edit to open the Per-object
meshing parameters panel.
iii. Select the resistance tile-vol from the list and check the Use per-object
parameters option.
iv. Specify 4 for X count and Z count and 3 for the Y count under Requested.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
High Density Datacenter Cooling
(g) Right click the vent ceiling-return-crac1 from the Model manager window to
open the context menu and select Copy object to open the Copy vent ceiling-
return-crac1 panel.
(h) Set the Number of copies to 1.
(i) Check the Group name option and enter CEILING-RETURN in the Group name
(j) Check the Translate option and set the Z offset to 10 ft.
(k) Click Apply. The display will be uploaded to show the 8th ceiling return vent.
(l) Rename ceiling-return-crac1.1 to ceiling-return-crac2.
(m) Click Done to close the panel.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
(n) Set the object-specific meshing parameters for the ceiling return grilles.
i. Open the Mesh Control panel using the Model menu and clicking on Gen-
erate Mesh.
ii. Check the Object params option and click Edit to open the Per-object
meshing parameters panel.
iii. Hold down the <Ctrl> key and select the ceiling return grilles from the list
as shown in Figure 5.35 and check the Use per-object parameters option.
iv. Specify 4 for X count and Z count under Requested.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
(p) In the Properties tab, change the Vent type to Internal and enter 0.25 for the
Free area ratio.
(q) Click Done to update the opening and close the panel.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
High Density Datacenter Cooling
(r) Set the object-specific meshing parameters for pdu-bottom and pdu-top.
Open the Mesh Control panel using the Model menu and clicking on Gen-
erate Mesh.
Check the Object params option and click Edit to open the Per-object
meshing parameters panel.
Hold down the <Ctrl> key and select the pdu-top and pdu-bottom from
the list and check the Use per-object parameters option.
Specify 4 for X count and Z count under Requested.
Click Done to close the Per-object meshing parameters panel.
Click Close to close the Mesh control panel.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
(f) Right click on the group CABLETRAYS to display the context menu.
(g) Select Copy group to display the Copy group CABLETRAYS panel.
(h) Set the Number of copies to 1.
(i) Check the Group name option and enter CABLETRAYS in the Group name field.
(j) Check the Translate option and set the X offset to 6 ft.
(k) Click Apply. The display will be updated to show the second cabletray.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
(e) Click Display Mesh and use the Cut Plane option to review the mesh in all
three coordinate planes.
i There is no mesh for the Min Y and Max Y sides of the pdu block because
the pdu-top opening and the pdu-bottom vent take precedence over the
block sides for meshing.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
High Density Datacenter Cooling
(f) Click Quality and access the quality of the mesh by reviewing the face align-
ment, quality and volume quality metrics.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
High Density Datacenter Cooling
3. Click icon from the Orient toolbar to show an isometric view of the room
scaled to fit the graphics window.
(c) Check the Show contours option and click Create on the Object face panel. The
display will be updated to show the contours of temperature on the CRAC
units, Racks and the PDUs as shown in Figure 5.41.
(d) Click Done on the Object face panel to update and close the panel.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
High Density Datacenter Cooling
(e) Modify the color legend precision to 2 using the float option as shown in the
figure below.
(f) Click on This project to confirm this change for the existing project only and
close the Preferences panel.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
High Density Datacenter Cooling
(e) Check the Loop mode option and click Animate to traverse the plane-temp-contours
from the min Z extent of the datacenter to the max Z extent of the datacenter.
(f) Click Interrupt on the progress bar to return to the Plane cut panel.
(g) Repeat the above procedure for plane cuts in the YZ plane and the XZ plane
by changing the Set position to X plane through center and Y plane through
center respectively.
(h) Click Done on the Object face panel to update and close the panel.
(i) Save the project using FileSave project.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
(f) The display will be updated to show the isosusrface of 90 degrees F in the
datacenter space.
(g) Enter 95 in the Start field, 85 in the End field and 10 in the Steps field under
Animate on the Isosurface panel.
(h) Check the Loop mode option.
(i) Click Animate to visualize the isosurfaces of temperature within the range of
95 F to 85 F.
(j) Click Interrupt on the progress bar to return to the Isosurface panel.
(k) Click Done to update and close the panel.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
High Density Datacenter Cooling
(f) Check the Show particles option and click Parameters to open the Object face
particles panel.
(g) Set the Display options to Mesh points.
(h) Set the End time under Particle options to 5.
(i) Check the Loop mode option under Animation and set the number of steps to
(j) Click Apply to display the airflow patterns in datacenter.
Note: Airpak will take a few minutes to generate the airflow patterns.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007
High Density Datacenter Cooling
(k) Click Animate to visualize the airflow patterns in the datacenter in a transient
(l) Change the orientation to the isometric view using OrientIsometric
(m) Click Animate to visualize the airflow patterns in the datacenter ina transient
(n) Change the orientation to the plane view using OrientOrient Negative Y
(o) Click Animate to visualize the airflow patterns in the datacenter in a transient
(p) Click Done to update and close the Object face properties panel.
(q) Click Done to update and close the Object face panel.
(r) Right click airflow under Post-processing in the Model manager window and
make the particle traces inactive by unchecking Active from the list.
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High Density Datacenter Cooling
(c) Select the group TILE-PLANAR under Objects and click Accept.
(d) Select Volume Flow under Value and deselect the Comb option.
c Fluent Inc. May 16, 2007