Chapter 18 ACCA F1
Chapter 18 ACCA F1
Chapter 18 ACCA F1
Most modern laws are legislation or statute, where they are written and passed by
European or domestic parliaments.
Case law can come from the very ancient common law or equity, and often depends on
the idea of precedent. Precedent means that if the case has been decided in a higher
court then in the future lower courts must follow the precedent for example set by the
higher court.
7. Employment protection
Termination of employment:
Dismissal- there are three ways in which an employee can be dismissed:
(termination of contract, non-renewal- end of a fixed term contract,
constructive dismissal-occurs when the employer breaches the contract
of employment to such as extent that the employee is allowed to assume
that he or she has been dismissed.)
8. Fair/unfair dismissal
Fair dismissal
Legal impediment - For example, if to work in a particular organization
you have to be of a certain nationality and its discovered you are not, then
you can be dismissed.
Non-capability- Provided you were given adequate chance of
improvement and training, and you still cant do the job then you can be
dismissed for non-capability
Misconduct- Provided a suitable series of warnings have been issued to
give you a chance to improve you can be dismissed if the behavior
Other substantial reason- For example, if you are married to a
competitor your employer doesnt have to run the risk that commercial
secrets are going to be transferred.
Unfair dismissal
Wrongful dismissal
Deals purely with a breach of the contract of employment.