Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Children
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Children
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Children
Keywords: Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is a common complication in mechanically ventilated children
Mechanical Ventilation
and adults. There remains much controversy in the literature over the denition, treatment and
Ventilator Induced Lung Injury
prevention of VAP. The incidence of VAP is variable, depending on the denition used and can effect up to
Infection Control
Paediatric Intensive Care 12% of ventilated children. For the prevention and reduction of the incidence of VAP, ventilation care
bundles are suggested, which include vigorous hand hygiene, head elevation and use of non-invasive
ventilation strategies. Diagnosis is mainly based on the clinical presentation with a lung infection
occurring after 48 hours of mechanical ventilation requiring a change in ventilator settings (mainly
increased oxygen requirement, a positive culture of a specimen taken preferentially using a sterile
sampling technique either using a bronchoscope or a blind lavage of the airways). A new inltrate on a
chest X ray supports the diagnosis of VAP. For the treatment of VAP, initial broad-spectrum antibiotics
should be used followed by a specic antibiotic therapy with a narrow target once the bacterium is
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Table 1
Numerous studies have demonstrated a signicant degree of variability in sensitivity, specicity, and positive and negative predictive values when it comes to bronchoscopic
diagnostic method. These are presented in the table below:
Turton (2008) [16]) Reviewed 23 studies evaluating the accuracy of Sensitivity ranged from 42 to 93% with a mean of 73%. Clinical
bronchoscopic BAL in diagnosing VAP. (n= 957 patients). implication is that BAL cultures are not diagnostic for pneumonia in
almost one fourth of cases.
Specicity ranged from 45 to 100% with a mean of 82%. This means
that the diagnosis is incorrect in about 20% of cases.
Chastre & Fagon (2002) [10] Reviewed 18 studies that evaluated the bronchoscopically Sensitivity 89%
directed PSB technique for diagnosing VAP. A total of Specicity 94%
795 critically ill patients were included in the analysis.
Chastre et al., (1995) [10] Compared PSB and BAL to the gold standard of histologic PSB had a sensitivity of 82%, specicity of 77%, positive predictive
ndings and quantitative tissue cultures from the same value of 74%, and negative predictive value of 85%.
areas of the lungs of patients in their terminal phase of their BAL had a sensitivity of 91%, specicity of 78%, positive predictive
illness (who had not developed pneumonia before the value of 83%, and negative predictive value of 87%.
terminal phase of their illness). 20 ventilated patients were Quantitative tissue cultures: the presence of 5% intracellular
included in this study. organisms had a sensitivity of 91%, specicity of 89%, positive
Antibiotics had not been added or changed in the 3 days predictive value of 91%, and negative predictive value of 89%.
prior to sampling.
Gauvin et al., (2003) [58] Expert panel was used as the reference standard. They were Intracellular bacteria and gram stain from BAL were specic (95%
given clinical, radiographic and microbiologic data but were and 81% respectively) but not sensitive (30% and 50% respectively)
blinded to the BAL results. Of 30 patients, 10 were for the diagnosis of paediatric VAP.
diagnosed with VAP and 9 were diagnosed with ventilator- Clinical criteria and endotracheal cultures were sensitive (100%
associated tracheitis by an expert panel. and 90% respectively) but not specic (15% and 40% respectively).
A bacterial index of > 5 had the highest correlation with the
reference standard. A sensitivity of 78%, specicity of 86%, a positive
predictive value of 70% and a negative predictive value of 90%. This
is the most reliable method for diagnosing VAP in mechanically
ventilated children.
Labenne et la., (1999) [59] Investigated the sensitivity and specicity of PSB and BAL in The sensitivity and specicity for BAL uid culture were 72% and
PICU patients with suspected VAP. The gold standards used 88% respectively.
by those investigators were a positive pleural uid culture, The intracellular bacteria and BAL combined had sensitivity and
computed tomography scan with pulmonary abscesses, specicity of 79% and 88% respectively.
histopathological evidence, positive lung biopsy (> 104 Use of PSB culture results in combination with intracellular
CFU/gram), the same bacteria isolated in blood and bacteria and BAL further increased the sensitivity and specicity to
endotracheal aspirate without another source, or clinical 90% and 88% respectively.
diagnosis using CDC guidelines established independently Their conclusion was a combined diagnostic approach was
by two investigators blinded to PSB/BAL culture results. Of superior to either one alone.
103 patients, 29 were diagnosed with VAP.
mechanical ventilation) than other variables [7]. Similarly, Koff CUFFED ENDOTRACHEAL TUBES AND CUFF PRESSURE CHECKS
et al. instituted a novel multimodal system designed to improve
hand hygiene by ICU providers [24]. They found an increased The use of cuffed ETTs could potentially decrease risk of
compliance to hand hygiene resulted in a signicant reduction of aspiration, reduce the need to change ill-tting tracheal tubes,
VAP incidence. There is no doubt that hand hygiene compliance is alter fresh gas ow consumption resulting from excessive leak and
imperative, but the compliance rate amongst attending healthcare lower the usage of over-sized uncuffed tubes, the main cause of
professionals remains low. Therefore, strict hand hygiene guide- subglottic stenosis [27]. In another study comparing cuffed to
lines need to be reinforced in the clinical setting. uncuffed ETTs, a total of 2246 children from birth to 5 years who
weighed at least 3 kg from 24 European paediatric anaesthesia
ROUTE OF ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION centres were studied [28]. It was found that post extubation stridor
rates were similar in both groups [28]. Tracheal tube exchange rate
In a retrospective chart review, the occurrence of sinusitis in a was considerably lower in the cuffed tube group with only 2.1%
paediatric population was recently investigated [25]. Out of a total compared to 30.8% in the uncuffed groups. Considering micro-
of 596 ventilated children having computer tomography (CT) aspiration of contaminated oral secretions is one of the mechanisms
imaging of the head, 44.3% had radiological evidence of sinusitis leading to VAP, the use of cuffed ETTs may be benecial in VAP
without clinical sinus disease. However, no signicant difference prevention as the superior tracheal seal may decrease the incidence
was found in the frequency of sinusitis when comparing oral and of micro-aspiration. A larger randomised trial is desirable to conrm
nasal tubes. In addition, Amantea et al. (2004) performed a study this nding. In the interim it would seem reasonable to use a cuffed
on 50 spontaneously breathing, mechanically ventilated, supine ETT with regular cuff pressure monitoring.
children with uncuffed endotracheal tubes (ETT) [26]. Potential
aspiration was assessed by instilling 1 ml of Evans blue dye FREQUENCY OF VENTILATOR CIRCUIT CHANGES
into the oropharynx and then evaluating the ETT secretions.
They found that children with orotracheal tubes had a higher Several RCTs were conducted to investigate the frequency of
prevalence of aspiration compared with nasotracheally intubated changes to humidied circuitry. This included 2-day versus 7-day
children (37.1% vs. 6.7%) and recommended the use of the intervals [29], 3 day versus 7 day intervals [30]), 7-day versus no
nasotracheal route for intubation. This recommendation however change [31] and a prospective study of 2 day versus 7-day and
is in contrast with a previous prevention strategy suggested by 30 day intervals [32]. All these studies supported the hypothesis
Muscedere et al. [21,22]. that there was no increased incidence of VAP when the frequency
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I. Chang, A. Schibler / Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 20 (2016) 1016 13
Table 2
What key interventions have been used for paediatric VAP bundle?
Brierley, et al. (2012) [60] Head up tilt (target 458, but achieved 20-308) Pre- bundle VAP is 5.6/1000 ventilator days.
Mouth care with oral antiseptic every 4 hourly OR 12 hourly toothbrush Post bundle VAP is 0/1000 ventilator days over
Clean suctioning practice 12 month period.
Gastric ulcer prophylaxis: Ranitidine
Chest X-Ray interpretation (Physio to complete)
Documentation to be completed 4 hourly
Indication of VAP compliance to be documented each shift
Bigham, et al. (2009) [61] Prevention of bacterial colonisation of oropharynx, stomach & sinuses The VAP rate was reduced from 5.6 to
Change ventilator circuits and in-line suction catheters only when visibly 0.3 infections per 1000 ventilator days after
soiled bundle implementation
Drain condensate from ventilator circuit at least every 2-4 hours (use heated
wire circuits to reduce rainout)
Store oral suction devices (when not in use) in non-sealed plastic bag at the
bedside; rinse after use
Hand hygiene before and after contact with ventilator circuit
When soiling from respiratory secretions is anticipated, wear gown before
providing care to patient
Follow unit mouth care policy every 2-4 hours
of ventilator circuit changes was reduced. Cost considerations The use of normal saline instillation (NSI) prior to endotracheal
clearly favour less frequent changes. suctioning has been practised widely in intensive care units to
assist with eliciting cough, and the dilution and removal of thick
SUCTIONING TECHNIQUES AND EQUIPMENT secretions. It has been argued that NSI could increase the incidence
of VAP because it dislodges more viable bacterial colonies from the
Maintenance of aseptic techniques when performing endotra- endotracheal tube to the lower respiratory tract than the insertion
cheal suctioning is essential to prevent contamination of the of a suctioning catheter without saline instillation. Interestingly,
airways [33]. There are very few studies that have addressed Caruso et al. (2009) found a decrease in the incidence of culture
suctioning techniques and the prevention of infection. A system- proven VAP with the instillation of isotonic saline before tracheal
atic review of suctioning in adults with an articial airway suctioning in their randomised clinical trial of 262 patients
recommended an aseptic technique be maintained throughout the utilising a closed suctioning system [38].
whole procedure [34]. The importance of an aseptic technique is
further highlighted by a study performed by Sole et al. (2002) to SEMI-RECUMBENT POSITIONING
evaluate the proportion of suctioning devices colonised with
pathogenic bacteria and to correlate the bacteria found on Positioning of intubated patients is believed to be a signicant
respiratory equipment with those found in patients mouth and element in VAP prevention. The 30-458 semi-recumbent or head of
sputum [35]. Those investigators found that within 24 hours of bed elevation has been widely recommended in the literature [39]
changing to new suctioning equipment, 94% of tonsil suction and endorsed by the US Centres for Disease and Prevention (CDC)
tubing, 83% of in-line suction tubing and 61% of distal suction as one of the most simple and effective strategy in VAP prevention
connectors were colonised with pathogenic bacteria similar to [11]. A clinical randomised cross over trial demonstrated greater
those found in the patients oropharynx and sputum. aspiration of gastric contents to the airways when patients were
Several studies have been conducted comparing open versus kept in the supine position despite ination of the endotracheal tube
closed suction systems and VAP incidence. A closed suction system cuff [40]. Additionally, the length of time spent in this position was
was introduced to address some of the complications associated proportionate to an increased aspirated content. The semi-recum-
with the traditional open system suctioning procedure, including bent position of patients has been effective in preventing aspiration
environmental contamination, cross infection, hypoxia and alveo- of the gastric contents [41]. A few years later, another randomised
lar de-recruitment. Multiple trials have found no difference in VAP trial demonstrated that semi-recumbent position is more effective
incidence utilising either suctioning system [36,37]. in reducing VAP incidence than the supine position [42].
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14 I. Chang, A. Schibler / Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 20 (2016) 1016
However, recently some investigators have questioned whether Oral decontamination with chlorhexidine (CHX) has also been
this position is optimal for VAP prevention [43]. Panigada et al. suggested to decrease the incidence of VAP in studies [55]. CHX
argued that in the semi-recumbent position, gravitational forces has the ability to maintain oral health by suppressing overgrowth
will facilitate contaminated subglottic secretions travelling across of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as yeast,
the tracheal cuff, entering the lower respiratory tract especially without causing increased resistance of oral bacteria. Subse-
during suctioning because of the pressure drop within the quently, it is often used to reduce dental plaque as well as
respiratory system [44]. At the same time, lower respiratory tract preventing gum disease such as gingivitis. Hence, the risks of
secretions cannot be cleared out of the trachea, except during exposing the lungs to pathogenic bacteria can be reduced when
suctioning. This claim was supported by an animal study which micro-aspiration of oral secretions occur around the endotra-
showed that gravitational forces inuenced tracheal mucus cheal tube.
clearance following tracheal intubation [45]. When the trachea
is oriented above horizontal (as in the semi-recumbent position in
the human), a ow of mucus from the proximal trachea toward the
lungs is highly associated with bacterial colonisation of the lungs
Recommendations to reduce the risk of VAP:
and pneumonia. Whereas, when the trachea is oriented even
slightly below horizontal, mucus always moved toward the glottis
and lungs remained free from bacterial colonisation [43]. In Strict hand hygiene guideline is to be employed in the
another study, comparing patients placed in the lateral horizontal clinical setting.
position compared to patients in semi-recumbent position, it was Orotracheal vs. nasotracheal intubation route in paediat-
demonstrated that the incidence of aspiration of gastric contents ric population requires further study before recommen-
was similar in both positions [46]. In addition, the lateral position dation can be made in respect to VAP prevention.
did not cause any adverse events. Currently, a multinational trial is Ventilator circuit change is only warranted if the circuit
undergoing to corroborate the benet of lateral Trendelenburg become visibly soiled or malfunctions.
versus semi recumbent body position in intubated patients with Adopt aseptic technique when performing endotracheal
relation to the incidence of VAP.
tube suctioning. Suctioning equipment may benet from
changing every 24 hour. Rinse out Yankeur sucker and
suction tubing with water after each use.
Poor oral hygiene has been identied as having a strong Comprehensive oral hygiene program incorporating
association with VAP [47,48]. Bacterial plaque can build on teeth chlorhexidine use, tooth brushing and sterile water are
within 72 hours after cessation of an adequate oral hygiene regime. to be adopted for all mechanically intubated children.
In addition, the formation of an oral biolm on the non-shedding
surfaces of teeth serves as a susceptible medium for colonization
by respiratory pathogens [47,49]. Many of these pathogenic
bacteria can migrate into the lung directly via the open route TREATMENT
provided by the presence of an endotracheal tube (ETT) which
increases the risk of VAP. Once VAP has been diagnosed, timely antibiotic treatment
A comprehensive oral hygiene program in acute care settings is should be initiated. A number of studies have demonstrated
essential to prevent VAP and has been recommended by the CDC that delays in the administration of effective treatment are
[11]. In a systematic review of oral assessment instruments, out of associated with increased morbidity, costs of care and mortality
fty-four different instruments only four were identied for use in [56]. There are commonly multiple organisms involved in VAP
children and young people [50]. The review identied the Oral and during early onset VAP; bacteria such as Staphylococcus
Assessment Guide [OAG] developed by Eilers et al. (1998) for use in Aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus inuenzae are
the care of children and young people with cancer to be the most frequently cultured [23]. Enteric gram-negative bacilli are
appropriate and clinically useful instrument for optimising oral occasionally observed. In late onset VAP more nosocomial
hygiene in the intensive care setting [51]. Excellent inter-rater bacteria are found that are often multi-resistant to antibiotics.
agreement between clinical nurses was demonstrated and it was These include Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinobacter sp, Stenotro-
preferred over other instruments. The OAG was also found to be phomonas maltophilia and enteric gram-negative bacilli
clinically useful for assessment, documentation and communica- including Enterobacter sp., Klebsiella sp. and Citrobacter sp. Each
tion on oral changes, effective in detecting changes in oral status hospital and paediatric intensive care unit needs collaboration
and useful in guiding nursing interventions. with infection control (IC) guidelines in the treatment of VAP to
Traditionally, foam swabs dipped in tap water or mouthwash contain the spread of multi-resistant bacteria. The duration of
had been used extensively in critical care settings to provide oral antibiotic treatment remains controversial but it seems that a
care for those who are receiving mechanical ventilation [52]. There shorter duration of administration is sufcient [57]. A short and
has been substantial research dedicated to comparing the efcacy pragmatic approach is given in Figure 1.
of foam swabs with a toothbrush in their ability to remove dental
plaque and debris to maintain oral health. Foam swabs were less
effective in comparison to tooth brushing in plaque removal SUMMARY
[53]. The use of a small, soft toothbrush is the recommended tool in
most literature for providing oral hygiene for mechanically There is no gold standard for diagnosing VAP, in either the adult
ventilated patients [47]. Tap water is used in many critical care or paediatric intensive care setting, but it is accepted that VAP
units for providing oral care. Researchers had noted that contributes to a signicant increase in health care costs. The
potentially pathogenic bacteria were present in the water supply emphasis in each individual unit should be to prevent VAP using
of health care facilities and stated that tap water should not be simple measures as high hand hygiene standards. Early antibiotic
used as a mouth rinse for critically ill patients since it can be a treatment seems to be the key for successful treatment and
source of nosocomial infections [54]. reduction of associated co-morbidities.
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